Cleansing blood and blood vessels, increasing blood circulation. Gymnastics to improve blood circulation in the genitals Medical blood circulation enhancer for women

1. How does the Palwick-Fit device work?
Using special sensors, the device RECORDS microsignals from working muscles (electromyogram, EMG), measures muscle effort, displays it on the monitor screen and controls the progress of the training.

2. Is it possible to increase the strength of the pelvic floor muscles in another way?
Increasing muscle strength and tone cannot be achieved by any other means other than training. Look at the athletes. Do they sit in comfortable chairs with electrical muscle stimulators? No, they constantly run, lift weights, that is, they train to make their muscles strong and voluminous. “Pelwick-Fit” allows patients to do the same: “pump up” the pelvic floor muscles and restore their nervous regulation.

3. Is it possible to train the pelvic floor muscles without the Palwick-Fit device?
The pelvic floor muscles, unlike other muscles in our body, are not subject to conscious control (tension through willpower). These muscles are involved in reflex reactions of urination, defecation, and sexual reflexes. We do not feel the work of these muscles. Therefore, in order to learn how to intensively strain the pelvic floor muscles, visual control of their work is necessary. This is exactly what Palwick-Fit does. The sensor registers microsignals from the muscles and they, in an understandable form, are displayed on the computer screen. This is the only way to effectively train the pelvic floor muscles.

4. What are the differences between the effects when using the Palwick-Fit device and drugs such as Viagra for sexual dysfunction in men?
Drugs of the sildenafil group (Viagra, etc.) effectively, but for a limited time, increase blood flow to the penis and, thereby, enhance erection for the duration of the drug's effect. But for many men, the outflow of blood from the cavernous bodies is too large, so the erection is incomplete and cannot be compensated pharmacologically, in principle. "Pelvik-Fit" strengthens the work of the muscles that control the outflow of blood from the cavernous bodies. These muscles restore the ability to compress the efferent veins, thereby solving the problem of erection in the long term. In addition, Palwick-Fit restores the nervous regulation of the ejaculation reflex, which has not yet been effectively treated pharmacologically. "Pelvik-Fit" has no contraindications and can significantly enhance the effect of drugs such as Viagra.

5. Does Pelvic-Fit help with prostate diseases?
Yes, it helps. Prostatitis and prostate adenoma are treated pharmacologically. However, this treatment is significantly hampered by venous congestion and lymphostasis. "Pelvik-Fit" solves this problem much more effectively than any other means and methods. The device repeatedly increases blood flow in the prostate area, which is the main factor in increasing the effectiveness of drug therapy. At the same time, Palwick-Fit solves the problem of restoring sexual functions impaired by pathological processes in the prostate gland.

Gymnastics to improve blood circulation in the genitals

Male, 72 years old, widower for 4 years.

My friend is doing some exercises for male strength. I tried to explain it to me, but apart from the parade step, which we both know very well from our youth in the army, I didn’t understand anything. What kind of charger is this?

Western doctors, unlike Eastern ones, view potency as a purely physical concept that can be trained, like any strength and skill. Recently they offered a complex of gymnastics designed to increase male potency.

Every man, speaking about potency, believes that the most important thing in potency is exactly what he personally lacks. For some, this is weak erection, for others, accelerated ejaculation, for others, the inability to satisfy a given woman, and for others, even difficulties with choosing a partner. Although it is clear that the last two complaints are most likely not related to potency at all, but to the characteristics of a woman or a man’s character.

Therefore, the proposed complex is not able to solve all the problems of a man and his partner. At the same time, improving blood circulation, strengthening erections, focusing internal attention on one’s own genitals - all this has a positive effect on sexuality in normal conditions and in disorders. And it will even somewhat reduce the psychological problems of the man himself.


It has been proven that among male athletes who practice strength sports (especially weightlifters and shot throwers), prostate problems are 6 times more common than among track and field athletes, as well as among those involved in other active sports. This is associated both with the training system and with the main physical activity - dynamic or static - during classes and competitions.

The complex includes only six simple exercises, which, according to the authors of gymnastics, can replace Viagra, increasing potency literally within a few days.

Indications for use are as simple as the exercises themselves, when objective indicators of normal blood supply to the genital organs and (or) the condition of the genital nerves deteriorate:

1. Decrease in sexual interests against the background of complete physical and mental well-being (that is, there are no illnesses, no stress, no conflicts with a partner).

2. Rare morning erection or its complete absence (normally, after 40 years of age, a healthy man has a morning erection about every other day).

3. Incomplete erection of the penis even during frictions (if it was weakened throughout the entire foreplay and did not improve during frictions).

4. Manifestation of either physical or psychological problems - weakening of erection during the period of friction and the inability to continue sexual intercourse because of this.

The visible effect will be noticeable after 5–7 days of classes.

The set of exercises has no contraindications – neither for age nor for health reasons.

1 "front step"

Basic position: standing straight, hands at your sides.

Movement: walk in place, raising your knees high, as if pressing them to your stomach.

2 "holding the stone"

Basic position: standing straight, hands on your waist, knees slightly bent.

Movement: bend your knees a little more and, holding yourself in this position, rhythmically and strongly tense and relax your buttocks, as if holding a stone sandwiched between them.

3 "skipping"

Basic position: standing straight, knees slightly bent, arms down along the body.

Movement: shifting from foot to foot, lift your heels off the floor as much as possible and keep your toes on the floor. The movements are as fast as possible, only the knees are involved in them. In the first 1-2 days, do the exercise for no more than one minute!

4 "bridge"

Basic position: lying on your back, knees bent, shins standing vertically. Hands lie along the body.

Movement: rhythmically raise the pelvis as high as possible and, in the same rhythm, lower it (do not throw it!) to the floor. Perform 6-8 movements in one minute.

5 “potency muscles”

Basic position: lying on your back, legs slightly apart, relaxed, toes slightly to the sides.

Movement: maximum tension of the “potency muscles”, which are located between the scrotum and anus, in the place where the extension of the penis and the urethra can be felt under the skin. As you move, imagine that you are trying to bring the anus and scrotum closer together (much like when holding back urination). Attention: the buttocks must be kept relaxed! Perform from 2 to 6 movements per minute. The main task when performing an exercise is MAXIMUM tension, and not the number of repetitions.

Exercise 6: “vacuum cleaner”

Basic position: sitting on a chair, slightly leaning forward, shoulders straightened.

Movement: rhythmic retraction of the anus. Imagine that cereal is poured on the seat, which you need to suck into the area between the scrotum and anus. The buttocks are completely relaxed. Perform 3–8 movements per minute.

This text is an introductory fragment.

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  • expand the lumen of blood vessels;
  • restore impaired functions by enriching the blood with oxygen;
  • facilitate blood flow by thinning the blood;
  • restore neck joints.

Attention! The following groups of drugs and their examples are provided for informational purposes only and in no way constitute a call to take or purchase them.

The following are usually used to improve cerebral circulation in cervical osteochondrosis:

  1. Drugs that improve cerebral circulation. Taking them will dilate blood vessels, improve blood flow, blood rheology, and the removal of venous blood. They also prevent the aggregation of blood cellular elements. These are Cavinton, Tanakan, Vinpocetine.
  2. A group of antioxidant drugs reduces fat peroxidation and damage to the integrity of the cell membranes of nerve cells - and vitamin E.
  3. Nootropic drugs. They help improve metabolic processes in brain tissue and are able to restore thinking, memory, and speech if they are impaired. This group of medications also helps to increase the resistance of neurons to the negative effects of ischemia and hypoxia - Phezam, Cerebrolysin, Piracetam, Ceraxon, Citicoline.
  4. Venotonics. Their use leads to improved outflow of venous blood and helps restore microcirculation. They also have an angioprotective effect. These include Diosmin, Phlebodia, Detralex.
  5. The prescription of diuretics and osmodiuretics is necessary only when signs of acute development of a complication of this disease—cerebral edema—appear. These include Furosemide and Mannitol.
  6. The administration of histaminergic drugs, which are artificial analogues of the histamine mediator, is necessary to activate histamine receptors, which are located in the inner ear. This leads to a decrease in the severity of symptoms of vestibular disorders (frequent dizziness and unsteadiness of gait). They also improve the conduction of impulses along nerve endings. These include Betaserc, Betagistin, Vestibo.
  7. Vitamin preparations are necessary to improve metabolic processes in neurons and restore cognitive functions - Milgamma, Cytoflavin, Neurobeks.
  8. Chondroprotectors are necessary for the restoration of articular surfaces that are affected by a destructive pathological process. Theraflex, Artron and Chondroitin are used.

Attention! Do not under any circumstances buy or prescribe the listed medications yourself, except for vitamins. Approach this issue wisely and do not go to the pharmacy as you would for bread. Any drug is a chemical substance, so only a knowledgeable specialist can advise you on the necessary pharmacological therapy.

Surgical treatment

How to improve cerebral circulation in cervical osteochondrosis when identifying a prolapsed intervertebral disc or its rupture? For this, surgical treatment is used. After eliminating the cause, blood flow improves and the clinical manifestations of the pathology are eliminated.

Doctors use radical surgical methods for:

  • determining the acute course of blood flow disorders in the brain,
  • severe pain,
  • signs of paralysis of the upper limbs and cerebral edema.

This type of treatment involves complete removal of the causative intervertebral disc. The operation is called laminectomy.

To restore impaired blood circulation, if necessary, angioplasty of the arteries is performed, which leads to a rapid improvement and restoration of cerebral circulation in case of osteochondrosis of the neck.

Non-drug therapy

Non-drug treatment methods for the most part relate to general prophylaxis and are recommended for patients with this pathology only during a period of stable remission.

Such treatment requires compliance with the following requirements:

  • Gradual transition to a healthy lifestyle. First you need to completely give up any alcoholic beverages and nicotine addiction. As for the rest, the attending physician’s recommendations on nutrition and physical activity will depend on existing concomitant diseases: arterial hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, obesity.
  • Performing, which contains a specific list of exercises selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient’s body and the course of the pathology.
  • Walking is recommended for patients. You can do yoga, swimming or...
  • It is useful to visit a massage therapist for spinal treatment.

It is important to prevent the disease; at the first symptoms, contact a specialist; he will be able to prescribe effective therapy in a timely manner and give the necessary recommendations that will help stop the development of the disease and prevent complications.


The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or for therapeutic purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

Cerebral circulation disorders can be caused by various functional and organic lesions of blood vessels, which are caused by injuries or systemic diseases of the body. Blood clots, intoxication, past infectious diseases, stress, vascular spasms and mechanical compression - all these disorders can significantly destabilize the blood supply to the brain and cause a disruption in its normal functioning, which regulates all human life processes.

The pharmaceutical industry offers a wide selection of drugs to improve cerebral circulation. How can you avoid getting confused and know what type of medicine your doctor prescribed for you? This is what this article is about.

Main types of drugs

Prevention and treatment of cerebral circulatory disorders should not be delayed when the first symptoms appear, since the progression of such pathologies can lead to serious consequences (, etc.) and even death. A wide range of drugs are used for these purposes:

  • anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents;
  • vasodilators;

Drawing up a regimen for the treatment and prevention of cerebrovascular accidents is possible after a detailed examination of the patient and can only be carried out by a doctor. Self-medication in such situations is unacceptable and can lead to various serious consequences. In our article we will only introduce you to the most popular means for normalizing cerebral circulation and systematize them.

Drugs for vasodilation

The action of vasodilators is aimed at increasing blood flow to brain cells and improving its blood supply. This pharmacological action helps prevent oxygen starvation and nutritional deficiencies. Also, these drugs help improve energy metabolism in brain cells and normalize its functions.

Calcium antagonists

Drugs of this group have long been used to improve cerebral circulation, and the modern pharmacological industry is already developing the third generation of these drugs. Calcium antagonists promote dilation of the arteries (by relaxing their muscle wall) and do not affect the tone of the venous vessels. Once their effects begin, cerebral blood flow increases and sufficient oxygen and nutrients are delivered to the brain.

These drugs can have a systemic effect on the body and should be taken only after an examination to determine the advisability of their use. Their dosage and duration of administration are strictly individual and can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Preparations based on nicotinic acid:

  • Enduratin;
  • Nikoshpan;
  • Nicotinic acid;
  • Nicofuranose;
  • Acipimox.

Taking such drugs is carried out in courses of injections, which are performed under medical supervision, since self-medication with nicotinic acid derivatives is unacceptable and can lead to serious complications. Next, the patient can be prescribed tablet forms of nicotinic acid.

Preparations for strengthening the walls of blood vessels

The purpose of prescribing such medications and dietary supplements to improve cerebral circulation is to maintain the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels.

Preparations based on vitamins and some minerals can have this effect:

  • vitamin P – Ascorutin, Blueberry Forte, etc.;
  • selenium, potassium, silicon - various vitamin and mineral complexes and dietary supplements (Greenvit, Lecithin formula for blood vessels, Nootropic, Microhydrin);
  • dihydroquercetin – Flavit, Flaol, Flukol, Dihydroquercetin NTG, etc.

Vitamins and minerals can be used not only to treat cerebrovascular accidents, but also to prevent their occurrence. These medications and dietary supplements can be taken without a doctor’s prescription, but taking into account all the recommendations specified in the instructions.

Nootropic drugs

These medications help stimulate metabolism in nervous tissue, increase the brain's resistance to oxygen deficiency, and improve intellectual abilities and memory. Some of them are made from animal brain tissue and contain natural amino acids.

Nootropics include the following drugs:

  • Cerebrolysin;
  • Pantogam;
  • Microhydrin;
  • Glutamic acid;
  • Glycine;
  • Piracetam;
  • Cortexin;
  • Phenotropil;
  • Actovegin et al.

These drugs can be used to treat many conditions accompanied by impaired cerebral blood flow: vascular dementia, comatose states, chronic cerebral ischemia, asthenic syndromes, acute cerebrovascular accidents, mental retardation, etc. Nootropics can only be prescribed by a doctor after a detailed examination of the patient.

Anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents

The main purpose of prescribing anticoagulants and antiplatelet agents is to reduce blood viscosity and improve its fluidity. This effect achieves normalization of cerebral circulation.

These drugs are prescribed in the presence of risk and transient cerebrovascular accidents. Antiplatelet agents prevent the formation of blood clots and the development of thromboembolism.

For such purposes, the patient may be prescribed the following drugs:

  • Aspirin, Ecotrin, Aspilat, ThromboASS, Akuprin, Aspo, etc.;
  • Ticlopidine;
  • Curantyl (Dipyridamole);
  • Clopidogrel (Plavix);
  • Pentoxifylline (Trental).

Antiplatelet agents can only be prescribed by a doctor after studying laboratory data and identifying possible contraindications to their use. The duration of their administration will be determined individually.

The prescription of anticoagulants is aimed at reducing blood clotting and improving microcirculation in the capillaries. Depending on the indications, the following drugs can be used:

  • Warfarin;
  • Clexane;
  • Unfractionated heparin;
  • Fraxiparine;
  • Fragmin.

When taking drugs from these groups, in order to avoid the development of complications, the patient is recommended to periodically undergo a biochemical blood test and hemocoagulogram. If increased bleeding, bruising, vomiting with blood or black stool occurs, the patient should immediately seek medical help.

Homeopathic remedies

Golden iodine (1 g of granules contains Aurum iodatum C6, Barium carbonicum C6), is recommended at the first signs of cerebrovascular insufficiency (tinnitus, headaches, unsteady gait, memory loss, etc.).

Insufficient blood supply to internal organs leads to the development of serious diseases; to treat this pathology, tablets are used to improve blood circulation in the pelvis, special exercises and diet.

In men, impaired microcirculation in the pelvis can lead to urethritis, impotence, and prostatitis. In women, this phenomenon is dangerous for the development of inflammatory processes and infertility. That is why it is so important to pay attention to the first symptoms of poor circulation in time and undergo a consultation and examination with your doctor.

Congestion in the pelvic organs is a fairly common phenomenon. This is primarily due to a sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work and poor diet.

The first signs of poor circulation in the pelvic organs are a feeling of heaviness and discomfort in the lower abdomen. As the process progresses, aching pain is added to the feeling of heaviness. If treatment is not started in time, then with the further development of the disease, women may experience prolapse of the pelvic organs, and in men, a decrease in potency and inflammation of the prostate.

Focal symptoms may be supplemented by general malaise, a constant feeling of weakness, and chronic fatigue. Women experience frequent dizziness and numbness of the lower extremities, and increased sensitivity to cold.

If the above symptoms occur, it is recommended to consult a doctor as soon as possible. After collecting an anamnesis, the specialist prescribes additional diagnostics, including a clinical blood test (coagulogram), showing the degree of thickening and fluid properties.

Color duplex scanning of the veins and arteries of the pelvis and ultrasound diagnostics are also performed.

Based on all the data obtained, the doctor draws conclusions about the final diagnosis and the necessary treatment tactics.

Impaired blood flow in the pelvis in women is fraught with more serious consequences than in men. There are quite a few ways to improve blood microcirculation. The most common of these is drug treatment.

Most often, the following drugs are prescribed to improve blood circulation in the pelvis for women:
  1. Venza.
  2. Phlebodia 600.
  3. Troxerutin.

Aescusan - drops consisting of two components - horse chestnut extract and thiamine. They have venotonic, antiaggregation, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory properties. Regular use of this drug strengthens capillaries, improves metabolism and prevents the formation of blood clots.

Venza is a drug that improves venous outflow, helping to reduce congestion in the veins and lymphatic vessels. This is a homeopathic remedy that activates blood circulation in the pelvic organs, improves the supply of tissue cells with oxygen and ensures rapid healing trophic ulcers. Venza has also found widespread use in the treatment of venous and lymphovenous insufficiency.

Ascorutin. This is a complex multivitamin preparation, the main significance of which is to strengthen the vascular wall. It reduces capillary fragility and improves blood circulation in the smallest vessels of internal organs.

Phlebodia 600 not only normalizes blood microcirculation and increases the tone of the veins, but also normalizes the functioning of the lymphatic system. With regular use of this drug, blood vessels become less permeable, which helps increase their resistance to external factors.

Troxerutin. A drug that increases the elasticity of blood vessels. It not only reduces their fragility and permeability, but also improves tissue nutrition. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect and improves metabolic processes in the body.

Treatment of circulatory failure includes not only drug therapy.

A healthy lifestyle and following all doctor’s prescriptions are of great importance, which may include the following recommendations:
  1. Therapeutic exercise. The most common method of treating this pathology. Includes a specially designed set of exercises that help accelerate blood flow and metabolic processes in organs. Regular exercise therapy not only increases vascular tone and improves blood circulation, but also reduces the risk of vascular thrombosis.
  2. Diet. Stagnation of blood in the pelvis often leads to intestinal dysfunction. To solve this problem, it is necessary to reduce the consumption of fatty foods, flour and sweet foods. The diet should include a large amount of vegetables containing fiber. The concept of proper nutrition also includes drinking regime. The optimal volume of clean water consumption is 1.5-2 liters per day. This helps reduce blood viscosity, which improves its passage through the vessels.
  3. Phytotherapy. Herbs based on hawthorn, string and thyme have a good venotonic effect. Such preparations can be purchased at a pharmacy or made independently.

Attentive attitude to your health, a healthy lifestyle, and giving up bad habits is a good prevention of the appearance of congestion in the pelvis.

If suspicious symptoms appear, it is highly recommended not to self-medicate. It is necessary to consult a specialist to find out the cause of the disturbance in blood microcirculation and obtain the correct therapy.