Purebred British kittens. British shorthair cat. History of the British Shorthair

This breed of cats is one of the most ancient, because they learned about it back in the 19th century in England. There is a lot of speculation and talk about how this breed appeared, but there are still no reliable sources.

It is very interesting that the British Shorthair was recognized as the best cat breed.

Since then, it has enjoyed enormous popularity all over the world. Many people confuse this breed with the Scottish Fold, but this should not be the case as they are two completely different registered breeds.

Every year the price of British kittens increases, but it never exceeds a thousand dollars.

Cats of this breed are very beautiful and cute, in appearance they resemble toy teddy bears, and every person, when they see such a kitten, just wants to cuddle and stroke it.

  • British cats have a relatively small body, but with a powerful chest and beautiful posture, they look great.

    And thanks to their short limbs and at the same time massive paws, cats of this breed have an iron grip and their enemy will be in trouble.

  • The head of these animals is round and voluminous, the muzzle is wide, and the cheeks are plump. The ears are medium-sized and set wide apart, slightly pointed at the tips. The eyes of British cats are very large and slightly protruding. In small kittens, they are muddy in color, then gray, and, in the end, acquire a very beautiful and rich color - bright yellow.
  • The fur of animals of this amazing breed is simply incredible - it is very short and feels like plush - just as soft and velvety.

    British shorthair cat: care features

    Previously, all British Shorthair cats were of the same color - blue, but over time, there were more and more colors and now kittens can be born with absolutely any coat color.


British Shorthair cats are very affectionate and freedom-loving.

They are incredibly attached to their home, but despite this, the British cat will not pay any attention to the long absence of the owner. He will do his favorite things or sleep peacefully. Cats of this breed are very playful and before purchasing a kitten, you need to take care of your pet’s leisure time.

In pet stores you can buy a large number of toys specifically for British cats. Photos of toys can be viewed on the Internet.

The British are real fidgets, they are interested in absolutely everything that is going on around them: a book has fallen, a cat runs to see what happened there, the doorbell rings - the Briton, knocking down everything in his path, rushes to the front door.

However, despite this, they are very clean and smart, and easily learn to use the toilet and scratching post.

Care and nutrition

Before you buy a British kitten, you must first arrange a place where he will sleep and relax. Otherwise, the pet will choose its own sleeping place and this will not always work out successfully.

Cats of this breed do not need special care and standard procedures must be carried out: trimming claws, taking care of the animal’s ears and eyes, bathing and combing on time.

In the spring, cats of the British breed begin to shed and it is necessary to comb their hair daily, otherwise the whole house will be covered in fine cat hair.

When the kitten is still small, the owner should decide on the food for it and choose either natural or food-based food.

Both cats of the British breed cannot be fed, otherwise they will have health problems. Also, to avoid complex diseases, your pet’s diet should include vitamins.

British Shorthair cats make great friends and tend to be everyone's favorites.

Return to the list of cat breeds with names and photographs

British cat - description of the breed

This beautiful, dignified cat makes an ideal pet.

The breed is the real pride of the English nation, and cats of the British breed are gaining more and more popularity around the world.

Brief description of the appearance of a British cat

Description of the British cat breed traditionally begins with a description of its appearance. This is a fairly large cat with a well-developed muscular body.

The build is dense, the legs are of medium length. Such cats have a round head with pronounced cheeks and small erect ears. The tail is of medium length, rather thick. Cats of this breed are slightly larger than cats.

Britons can come in a variety of colors, but the most popular is the traditional smoky gray color. There are short-haired and long-haired representatives of the breed.

British Shorthairs have a very dense, dense coat that does not require much grooming. The description of the British Longhair cat breed is practically no different from the description of the shorthaired representatives, except for the difference in the length of the coat. In longhaired dogs it is silky and thick, sometimes a little curly. Long-haired cats often have tufts on their ears and between their toes. Their tail is very fluffy.

British cat character

From the description of the breed and character of the British cat, we can conclude that this is an ideal cat for a city dweller.

It’s not for nothing that it has the name “businessman’s cat.” Representatives of this breed are quite independent and can easily remain alone in an apartment for a long time. They will always find something to do. Up to the age of one year, British kittens are playful and can spend a long time playing with an object that interests them.

Older cats lose a little activity, spend more time sleeping and hygienic procedures, but until old age they retain a playful disposition and are sometimes ready to have fun with a piece of paper or a bow attached to a thread. Despite their independence, such cats become attached to their owners. They always meet them at the door, often following on their heels.

Get along well with small children.

British shorthair cat

Although they do not play with them, they are ready to patiently endure their pestering without showing aggression. British cats are very clean, quickly learn to use the toilet and devote a lot of time to licking their own fur.

Such cats can easily get along in the same apartment with other animals, including other cats.

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British cats are aristocratic creatures. The breed was bred in England, which could not but leave an imprint on their character: stiffness, arrogance, intelligence, innate good manners and tact, restraint in communication - this is the true face of a real Briton. It is difficult to predict what the behavior of a particular pet will be, because each animal is unique in its own way, but no amount of upbringing can eradicate the habits established by genetics.

Relationships with household members

Despite their outward arrogance, British cats are friendly and loyal to their owners, but they are wary of guests.

They get along with children, but prefer to stay away from them: they do not like to be squeezed and caressed.

British cat. About the cat breed: description of the British cat breed, prices, photos, care

The animal cannot be called intrusive; most of the time it prefers to deal with its person in splendid isolation. If there is a desire for tactile contact or close communication, the cat will not communicate this: it will begin to rub against the legs or caress the owner when he lies down to rest.

Sitting on your knees and purring peacefully is not the British thing.

You will have to make a lot of effort to hold your pet in your arms - another manifestation of independence.

By the way, the self-sufficiency of these cats is a positive character trait for busy people who spend little time at home. The Briton is not afraid of loneliness; he can stay at home for quite a long time without worrying too much about it.

But it is always a joy to meet the owner after a long separation, showing unexpected tenderness and affection.

Basic character traits

The British Shorthair cat is distinguished by its patience - it stoically endures all grooming procedures, without turning into familiarity that can humiliate it.

Aggression is not about them.

There is no more good-natured animal in the cat world. Although you shouldn’t piss them off either: they won’t attack, but they will harbor a hidden grudge for a long time.

This breed is a leader. They will calmly accept the appearance of another animal in the house, be it a dog or a cat, but at the same time they will show dominance and primacy with their entire appearance.

The cat will not need any special training. She is too intelligent to go to the wrong place to relieve herself. From the first days of life in a new home, the pet knows where to sharpen its nails, where to eat, and where to sleep.

She cannot be called a couch potato, but after a hearty lunch she always needs rest. Lack of daytime sleep will not only ruin your mood, but will also worsen your general condition, which will manifest itself as a lack of appetite, apathy and slight nervousness. Cleanliness is manifested by excessive licking: they can engage in hygiene procedures endlessly.

By the way, this process is also necessary to achieve a sense of peace during times of stress. For example, after visiting a veterinarian or a long trip, you may notice how diligently your pet licks its fur.

Behavioral factors of British cats

In infancy they love to frolic, running headlong from room to room, hunting for an imaginary victim.

The British are great inventors: anything can be the object of a prank. Cats of this breed can hardly be classified as hyperactive. With age, the craving for games subsides altogether, but this does not mean that the cat should be allowed to spend all day on the sofa.

It is very useful to provoke an adult animal to play.

Movement is life, and active exercise will keep your pussy healthy and keep your muscles toned.

An interesting observation is that they love to hide, and at the same time they cleverly involve a person in the fun.

Owner reviews:

When planning to have a puppy, many potential owners seek advice from experienced breeders. In the process of preparing this article, we talked with experienced cat owners and asked them to describe their pets in a few words.

Nina Mikhailovna about Ninel (10 years old):

A surprisingly capricious cat, but that’s what’s captivating.

She caresses only when she is hungry and begs for a treat. Sometimes he may rub against his legs in a moment of excessive tenderness. You can only hold it while walking. He likes to watch other people's activities: he will sit in a chair and move his eyes from side to side, watching your actions. Excellent quality - never bites or scratches. If small children suddenly pester her, she runs away. This is an absolutely non-vindictive animal: in ten years of keeping it, it has never harmed anyone.

She understands intonation perfectly: if you shout at her for pampering, she will only snort with displeasure, but stop the pranks, irritably walking away.

(in the photo - Nina Mikhailovna’s niece with Ninel in 2011)

Lena about her cat Kesha (5 years old):

Flexible character, calm and balanced.

When necessary, he always goes to the litter box, and sharpens his claws in a strictly defined place. It is impossible to cuddle: as soon as you take it in your arms, it immediately begins to squirm, as if in a frying pan, breaks out of your hands, runs away and defiantly turns away, showing dissatisfaction.

Occasionally allows you to pet him during an afternoon nap.

Of course, every cat is an individual, and during the time they live in the house, they develop their own behavior and habits. Only one thing can be said with confidence: once you understand the character of a “plush” cat, you will feel sincere love for it as a friendly and flexible member of the family.

Video about the Briton

Finally, we highly recommend watching a video compilation from the life of a British cat, which very reliably conveys the dynamics of the breed’s character:

Cat breeds > British Shorthair

The British Shorthair cat is a squat, strong animal with a wide chest and has dense, short and very thick hair. Representatives of the breed are unpretentious in care and easily get along with people.


The breed is compact, with short or medium limbs.

The front legs are straight, the paws are dense and round. The head is large, round in shape with wide-set rounded ears, round cheeks, large wide-open eyes and a medium-length nose. The tail is straight, short, thick at the base and slightly rounded at the tip.

A characteristic feature of the British is a fold of skin around a massive head on a thick short neck. There are individuals of medium and large sizes - cats are usually smaller than males.

Possible colors: solid bluish-gray, black, lilac, smoky, chocolate, tortoiseshell, tabby, bicolor, colorpoint.

Character and life expectancy

The British are calm, unobtrusive, self-sufficient animals that respond well to affection and attention, but do not like to be “squeezed.” Aggression is not typical, they are not vindictive, they react well to children.

A late-developing breed, the animal reaches full maturity at the age of 3 to 5 years.

British shorthair cats have strong immunity, but are sensitive to cold, do not tolerate drafts and overheating, and can catch colds.

The average life expectancy is from 10 to 15 years.

Features of maintenance and care

They are trainable, adapt well to living conditions, and do not require walks in the fresh air. Care is simple, includes brushing once a week, bathing only as needed.

Characteristics of British cats - height, weight, size

The appetite is good, the normal weight for a cat is from 3.5 to 7 kg, for a cat from 2.5 to 5 kg. If you are prone to constipation, it is recommended to add a few milliliters of petroleum jelly per day to your food. Clean drinking water should always be available.

Mating British cats younger than one year old is dangerous for the young body.

In general, mating and birth are easy.

Who should start one?

The pet does not require constant attention, is particularly independent from other breeds, and can be left alone for a long time, so it is suitable for people who spend a lot of time at work or outside the home. If required, they can become excellent mouse and rat catchers.

The animal is quiet, meows quietly and rarely, but is quite playful - it shows interest in outdoor games until a late age.

Stubbornness is characteristic and must be cultivated from a very early age.

How to choose the right one

When purchasing, you should pay attention to the pedigree of the British kitten and its state of health: the coat should be thick, not dull, eyes free of discharge, scissor bite, fangs correctly positioned.

The nose should be without a hump - visually it should look short, and feel smooth to the touch from nose to forehead.

The norm is a slight stripe in a kitten of a single color, especially on the tail - it will disappear over time. Kittens at the age of 4 months go through their first molt, their eye color begins to change - the process will be completed by the year.

It is optimal to buy a pet from 2 months of age, and a future breeding animal from 6 months of age.

British cats weight

1. Our Briton is 2 years old, weighs 6 kg, and how much should he weigh at this age?

Answer: The normal weight of a British cat should be 5-8 kg.

Maximum weight is reached by 4 years of age. Cats usually weigh less.

2. And how much should a kitten weigh at 6 months?

Answer: The normal weight of a cat at the age of 6 months is 2.5-3 kg.

3. We bought a kitten, he is 3 months old, but he is kind of small. What size should British babies be at three months?

Answer: at three months, on average, a British kitten weighs 1.5 kg-2 kg.

However, weight depends on gender - cats are smaller than cats, on heredity - how large his parents are, on nutrition, diseases, etc. Find out what the kitten was fed in the nursery. Sometimes, with proper nutrition, you can correct the mistakes made in growing, and your kitten will gain the required weight.

4. I now have an excellent British kitten, 3 months old.

Tell me how much should it weigh? And how can I find some suitable table for further weight control and development?

Answer: British cats can vary in weight by almost two times.

In addition, cats weigh more than cats. Here are the average data: 1 month – 0.5-0.7 kg 2 months. – 1.2-1.5 kg, 4 months. – 2 kg, 6 months. – 3 kg, 9 months. – 4 kg, 12 months. – 5 kg, 2 years – 6 kg.

My cat will soon be 3 months old, but he is very thin, about 1.2 kg, we gave him deworming liquid yesterday, tell me, how soon will he start gaining weight and how much should he weigh at 3 months?

Answer: If your cat has a normal appetite, then there is nothing to worry about.

Character of a British cat - description of the breed

At 3 months, kittens weigh about 1.5 kg. The most important thing is to establish proper balanced nutrition and daily routine. Be sure to keep an eye on your stool. If everything is in order, then the weight will return to normal.

6. Is 3800 a normal weight for a British kitten of five months?

Answer: if the kitten is a cat, then it’s fine.

It will be a big cat. If it's a cat, then it's too much. Perhaps you are overfeeding her?

7. Please help, I have a British cat, she is 7 months old and thin. ....we give Royal Canin food, water and vitamins, but she is not gaining weight... help, what should I do???

We also give deworming tablets, now she weighs 2.3 kg.

Answer: First of all, remove Royal Canin and vitamins.

No vitamins should be given with ready-made food! Hypervitaminosis is much more dangerous than hypovitaminosis.

8. How much should a British dog weigh at 2.5 years old and how can he be fattened?

Answer: a Briton should reach his optimal weight at 2.5 years old. Depending on the specific specimen, the weight can vary from 5 to 9 kg.

If the cat is small by nature, then no matter how you feed it, it will only accumulate fat, which is not healthy. If the cat is thin and suffers from lack of appetite, then it is necessary to find out the reason.

Maybe it’s time to get rid of the worms, maybe it’s the wrong diet. If you cannot determine for yourself how exhausted the cat is, then it is better to contact a veterinarian.

9. The British cat was neutered at 7 months, weighed 4 kg, now he is 9 months old, still weighs the same 4 kg. They looked through it, it seemed cheerful, and was playing.

He eats a little meat, but mostly dry food. Maybe the food doesn't suit him?

Answer: perhaps it’s the food. Dry food can be given once a day in one feeding, only super premium class for castrates.

The rest of the diet should be made up of natural products: meat, poultry, offal (raw, scalded with boiling water), fermented milk products, cottage cheese,

10. Hello, I have a Scottish Straight kitten, he is 5 months old, he is very thin and weighs about 2.5 kg.

Tell me how to fatten him? We feed him Hills dry food and canned Whiskas. Maybe this is due to the fact that boys flutter more slowly; only by the age of one year will he take his shape and gain sufficient weight.

Answer: Scottish Straights are naturally smaller than British Straights. However, excessive thinness indicates poor nutrition. We recommend initially feeding kittens with natural products for at least six months.

But if you do not have such an opportunity, and the kitten has only received dry food and canned food since childhood, then you can hardly expect it to become large and well-fed.

11. The cat is 7 months old, weight – 3 kg. We feed dry hills - is this correct?

Answer: Adult cats can weigh 4 kg, 5 kg, 6 kg, etc.

If now she weighs 3 kg, then by the year she may weigh 4.5 kg - and this is normal. I believe that if possible, it is better not to give dry food until the child is a year old. And after a year - 1 time per day. Recently, there have been signals from breeders that after hills, blood appears in the feces of cats. I switched my cats to yams and they are fine.

12. British kitten (girl) 1.5 months old, weight 600 grams. This is fine?

Answer: not enough, of course, but it happens. Girls weigh less. We need to feed better.

13. I have a British smooth-haired cat, 4 months old, weight 2.8 kg. Is your weight normal for this age, too little or too much? If you have any links to something like a cat calculator, I would greatly appreciate it.

Answer: for a cat of four months, this is not a small weight. It is difficult to say whether it is more than the norm and by how much, since adult cats are large and small.

Their normal weight can vary from 5 kg to 9 kg. We don’t know how your cat will grow up. This depends not only on feeding, but also on heredity.

14. My Fold is 5.5 months old. Tell me, how much should he weigh at this age?

Answer: a cat can weigh 3-4 kg at six months.

There may be deviations corresponding to a given specimen, taking into account heredity, living conditions, the number of kittens in the litter, etc.

It is worth considering all the arguments for having a British cat, because there are practically no arguments against, unless dogs are closer to your heart.

The origins of the British breed are in Ancient Rome

Of course, everyone chooses an animal for themselves in accordance with their temperament and aesthetic preferences, which is why British cats are also good because they have a wide range of colors and shades not only of fur, but also of eyes. This makes it possible to choose exactly the color scheme that will constantly evoke only positive emotions in you.

Some people think little about what role color plays in our lives, but every person at the subconscious level has a firm belief about which colors he likes and which he doesn’t. Considering the dim industrial landscapes that surround you, it would be nice to imagine yourself looking at the sunlight every day, carried in your eyes by a bright fiery ginger cat or a calico cat with golden shining eyes. For lovers of fog and gloom, British Shorthairs will be able to offer a gray or black version of a plush cat, whose eyes will resemble coals in a fireplace late in the evening.

British Shorthair cats: history of origin

The origins of the British breed are in ancient Rome, where there once lived a domestic cat, from which the modern British descended. It appeared in Great Britain during the Roman Empire, and today it is one of the least changed oldest English breeds.

The British Shorthair is famous for its excellent health, strong muscular hunting body, thick short hair and calm character, which it continues to maintain since ancient times. It is precisely the fact that the breed has changed little over the millennia that can explain the lack of health problems among its representatives.

The character and behavior of the British

The British Shorthair has a gentle, calm disposition and is very attached to its home. She represses the expression of her emotions to such an extent that she may seem cold, but her true feelings are simply not shown clearly. In fact, her attachment to her owner or mistress is so deep that a British cat can become a person’s best friend and show this quality precisely at the moment when people most need support.

The British cat is independent, proud, cold and aristocratic, with a developed innate sense of self-esteem - the inherent qualities of this royal cat.

Natural aristocracy does not allow the animal to behave unworthily: scratch furniture, tear wallpaper or stain upholstery. But he needs others to behave accordingly: no familiarity, no need to try to squeeze, lisp, shout or try to in any way infringe on his dignity.

The English king among his subjects is as sweet, polite and tolerant of others when they are sweet, polite and loyal to him, as British cats are to their surroundings.

British Shorthair cat: description of the breed

Each breed has its own standards that breeders use when breeding cats, and judges, thanks to existing requirements, can evaluate the quality of purebred animals in the rings during exhibitions. The British Shorthair is no exception and is subject to evaluation according to the following criteria:

The head should be round, with a wide skull and regular shape. A separate requirement is the presence of jowls - wide, full cheeks. A strong and even chin, a straight small nose, a thick short neck complete the overall picture.

The ears should be small, with rounded ends, wide at the base and low set, and the eyes should be large, round, widely set, orange in color, but green, or turquoise, and blue eye colors are allowed in some colors.

The body should be dense and well developed, from medium to large in size, with a voluminous and broad chest, the legs should be very muscular, short and strong, with good proportions, and the paws should be large, strong and rounded, the color of the pads on the paws should match the color wool

The tail must be thick, of medium length, tapering towards the end, and the coat must be short, thick, firm and elastic. All colors and patterns are allowed, the classic striped pattern of different colors with silver stripes, various spots and markings is very common. Breeders define more than 30 types of colors of British cats. The most popular colors among solid or solid colors are blue, black, white, lilac, cream and red.

How do the British differ from the Scots (video)

Gallery: British cat (25 photos)

British vs Scots

The British plush kitten should in no case be confused with the Scottish one. Britons are massive, large animals with short legs and a thick tail. The Scottish kitten will grow up to be thinner-legged, its tail will be longer, and its cheeks will be much smaller. The British Shorthair is a purebred, naturally healthy, moderately aggressive cat breed that has retained all its hunting skills, and the shorthaired plush Scots are the product of the genetic efforts of lovers of a soft and fluffy bundle of warmth in their arms.

The short-haired plush Scottish cat is completely devoid of aggression at the genetic level, she does not know how to hunt and is unlikely to survive if she gets lost on the streets of the city. Scottish cats are distinguished by their affectionateness, sociability, even tenderness; they get along with everyone equally well and are simply ideal for a family with noisy and loud children, where a true Briton would not be very comfortable. Therefore, there is no need to take him into such a family.

Place in the cat's horoscope

The fiery red, smooth-haired Briton is a handsome, smart, aristocrat, whose noble origin does not raise any doubts in anyone - he is the king and ruler of all the other cats in the house and the people around him.

Experts attribute the British breed to the astrological sign of the zodiac Leo. This is confirmed by the extraordinary charisma that British cats possess, as well as the fact that they are much larger than other felines and fearlessly rush into battle at the slightest suspicion of an insult to their greatness, although they are magnanimous and noble by nature.

You cannot say about such a cat that he is fat and lazy, because he is regal and majestic, and illuminates your home, honoring it with his presence. All the more valuable and touching are the manifestations of love and friendship a charismatic animal can bestow on a person.

Even small red British kittens are already complete rulers in the house where they live, and when they grow up, they consider every cat they meet as their own, and every other cat as a subject.

Is it worth getting a British cat? (video)

Purchasing a kitten

It is best to purchase a kitten not at the poultry market, although this option seems at first glance the simplest, but at a professional nursery, where the breeder deliberately plans the mating in order to obtain the desired result in the form of healthy, beautiful and full-fledged cats. And you need to take the baby into your home no earlier than he is 2.5, or better yet 3 months, when he is already vaccinated, eats well and is trained to the tray.

By the way, a healthy animal does not have problems with the tray, nor do they have health problems. The British are even called a breed for businessmen. Not only because they easily survive the absence of their owner in the house, and not only because they decorate it like no other, but also because their care is minimal and comes down to feeding with high-quality food, rare brushing of their magnificent coat and cheerful games with their a redheaded Brit when you have the time.

Love your cat, respect his independence, and he will respond to you with loyalty and love, protect your home and become a healer not only of physical ailments, but also of mental wounds.

Attention, TODAY only!


Origin: United Kingdom

Class: British shorthair domestic cat

Usage: for exhibitions and home life

Color: British cats have different colors: solid gray/white/blue/beige/cream/black and others, bi-colors, color-points, spotted (tortoiseshell) or with tabi markings

Dimensions: British Shorthair cat weight - 4-8 kg

Lifespan: from 12 to 16 years old

“Teddy bears”, which delight the eye and give owners peace from their mere presence, are cats of the British breed.

The British cat's head is round in shape with wide-set ears, and his face is distinguished by thick cheeks, a medium-sized nose and huge cat-like eyes.

A strong, medium-sized, muscular animal has wide legs and a thick tail with a slightly rounded tip.

The character of British cats can be called ideal for the home. Like , they are calm, unpretentious and get along well with people.

A list of breeds with a similar character can be found in the article

History of the breed

The British Shorthair cat became known back in 1898, but was finally approved as a breed only 84 years later.

Such a long recognition was due to the fact that there were many complaints about the cat’s standards.

To perfect it, breeders worked a lot, crossing the best and most beautiful English domestic cats with (then, after the war, with Carthusian cats).

The first cat (progenitor of the British breed) is considered to be Harrison Fair.

The story of the appearance of these cats in Britain has two versions. Some claim that they were brought by legionnaires from Rome.

Others insist that the British were brought by French sailors who kept cats as excellent rat catchers.

Character and psychology

The British Shorthair cat has an excellent character: he is easy-going, calm, very smart and clean.

Speaking about these charming plushies, I would like to note the characteristics of their breed.

  • Energy. While the British are small, they are, as expected, very nimble and energetic. But now an adult British blue cat (and other colors) becomes more reserved and even lazy, just like a cat or. Be sure to chase him around the apartment, including in outdoor games, so as not to gain weight (these breeds are prone to obesity).
  • Friendliness. Their friendliness and dedication make the British truly part of the family. They adore their owners and are patient with babies, but they do not like excessive care, preferring to periodically retire to a place secluded from human eyes.
  • Pet compatible. The British quickly find a language with other pets, but they like to show their superiority and some importance. Their familiar attitude towards people and animals is determined by genes from the Persians.
  • Patience (restraint) and its facets. Appearances can be deceiving, and this is also the case with the British breed. Despite their plush toy appearance, they do not like baby talk, although they can tolerate it for a long time - until the actions of the person playing with them seem to them unworthy of their person (degrading). The degree of their patience depends on personal qualities that will become known to their owners over time. In order to avoid extended claws directed towards the person playing with him, do not exceed the limits of what is permitted and remember that you need to “tease the cubs” in moderation.
  • Training. British cat kittens are difficult to train, but this is not particularly necessary. Their genes endowed cats with intelligence, aristocracy and good manners. Therefore, you don’t have to worry that their claws will scratch your furniture and carpets, and your bedside rug will become a toilet.


Black British cat, red, white or any other color - this bundle of warmth and happiness will become a favorite in your home.

How to choose a kitten

If you want to purchase a purebred real British dog, then you should pay attention to the characteristics of the breed (the standards of which were approved back in 1982).

These standards include:

  • strong muscular body;
  • powerful legs, like those of;
  • massive round head on a short powerful neck;
  • straight, wide and slightly shortened nose, without a stop, but pronounced towards the forehead;
  • round muzzle without indentations (pinch is not allowed), well-developed chin, round, wide-set eyes;
  • rounded, wide-set ears (the height of which should not exceed their width);
  • straight (medium in length, but wide) tail with a rounded tip;
  • short, dense wool with a plush-like texture;
  • fold of skin around the head.

In addition to the characteristics of the breed, you should definitely pay attention to the documents and living conditions of the kittens.

If the breeders do not treat the animals properly (the place is not clean, has a characteristic unpleasant smell, the animal is given cheap food, it is kept in a cage), turn around and go to another place.

It is worth paying attention to the kittens’ parents (you will be able to understand what your “plush” will be like). Look at the color, weight and other features.

If your Briton belongs to the family, then his offspring will be the same.

Please also pay attention to the fact that kittens should not be purchased before 12 weeks of age, as they still need maternal care.

Features of care

As we said above, the British are unpretentious cats. They do not require special care either in eating or grooming.


The plush fur of the British is a pleasure to care for.

Cats need to be brushed infrequently, twice a week is enough.

They love their privacy, preferring not to be disturbed during their alone time.

Equip several “climbing areas” with a perch for them, think about having a house and dense boxes in secluded places - believe me, your “plush animals” will appreciate it.

The British are excellent hunters, they are happy to walk on the grass and chase something alive.

Take them for walks in the fresh air, and don’t forget to wear them.

Otherwise, the maintenance of the British is no different from the standards: take care of the claws (take care of them), look after the ears and eyes, feed properly, not forgetting to drink cleanly, and give love.


The question of what to feed a British cat cannot be answered unequivocally, since it all depends on your choice ().

It is important not to overfeed the cat, because no matter how much you give them, they will eat everything, because by nature they are real gluttons.

Meals should be regular and balanced. When it comes to dry food, give preference to more expensive options, taking into account the characteristics of your pet.

Speaking about natural nutrition, I would like to note that we are not talking about human food.

It is important to understand that the animal has its own characteristics of the digestive system, and it should not be given sweet, salty, fried or spicy foods.

Improper nutrition entails various disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and other organs of the animal.

Natural food for a British cat is: lean meat (boiled or scalded) and offal, cereals, vegetables, eggs, low-fat fermented milk products and water (fresh, clean).

The British cat needs to be fed 2-3 times a day.


Considering the efforts of the breeders, the British were in good health.

These cats are prone to obesity and tearfulness, but otherwise are susceptible to the same diseases as cats of other breeds.

Characteristic diseases

If you do not properly care for your pet: feed it poorly, do not provide proper care and do not take care of its mental state, then it may develop one of the following diseases:

  • KSD, cystitis, nephrosis and other diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • Bronchitis, rhinitis and other respiratory diseases;
  • inflammation of the spinal cord and neuroses;
  • stomatitis, pharyngitis, ulcer
  • and many other diseases.

British cat helps prepare for Easter

All manipulations must be noted in the passport. When buying a kitten, you need to check them


Mixing breeds is not allowed. It is advisable to breed animals with the same eye color; color does not matter.

British cats: plush softness and royal nobility

Shorthair British cats have an excellent character: they are easy-going, calm, very smart and clean. Speaking about these charming plushies, I would like to note the characteristics of their breed.

The army of fans of this medium-sized pet is growing every year. In this article we will introduce you to the features of the appearance and behavior of British cats, and also tell you what kind of care they need throughout their lives. These cute creatures thrive in both apartments and houses of any size.

British cats - description of the breed

Despite the fact that the coat of British women is most often blue, you should know that there are other types of colors.

British shorthair

Representatives of the British Shorthair cat breed are considered bear-type animals, since their fur is amazingly delicate and dense.

This smooth-haired cat always has the same length of fur all over its body. The average length of one hair of a British Shorthair is 2.4 mm.

A disadvantage of the British Shorthair cat can be the irregular texture of the coat - it should only have a fine ivy-like texture.

British Shorthair

Longhaired British

British Longhairs

The peculiarity of the British Longhair is its straight, fluffy coat of medium length, which gradually increases from head to tail.

A long-haired chinchilla cat always has a good undercoat with dry guard hairs, as well as a developed “collar” and “pants”.

British cat size

A characteristic feature of the British cat breed is the late full development of the body. These pets grow up to 3 years of age, but the final formation of the appearance of an adult Briton ends only at 6 years of age.

WCF Breed Standards

  • Body: medium to large size with a broad chest, muscular
  • Head: large, rounded, with smooth contours
  • Ears: medium size with rounded tips, widely spaced
  • Tail: medium length, slightly tapering towards the tip
  • Wool: short, dense, not close to the body
  • Eyes: large, round, wide-set

The current British breed standard WCF suggests that a cat can receive the most points for correctly formed facial features (30 points).

Disadvantages and disqualification

In order for a Briton to be able to participate in exhibitions, he must have good physical condition and a balanced character.

The main external disadvantages and reasons for the refusal of the British cat breed to participate in exhibitions include:

  • long body;
  • insufficiently clear chin features;
  • any evidence of an irregular jaw;
  • insufficient number of teeth;
  • green rim of the irises;
  • too fluffy and long hair;
  • color with extraneous inclusions of color;
  • the presence of chocolate, lavender or Himalayan color in color;
  • body surgeries or birth defects.

Breeding British kittens is not only a pleasant activity for lovers of the breed, but also quite profitable. However, so that all efforts are not in vain, first of all you should understand basic principles of breeding:

  1. The pedigree of the cat is of great importance in breeding. At least 4 generations of ancestors must be British with a certain coat color. It’s even better if his “relatives” have awards and titles behind them (as confirmation of the breed).
  2. You should learn. Despite the fact that the breeds are quite similar in appearance, most clubs do not register their offspring. This is explained by the fact that the straight-eared Scot almost always carries the gene for lop-earedness, therefore, as a result of crossing such animals, you can get lop-eared kittens, even with unclear characteristics. For the British cat breed, this is considered a marriage.

How to buy

To avoid purchasing a mongrel instead of a purebred pet, it is better to buy a British kitten from a breeder. The cost of a real Briton is quite high - 10-18 thousand rubles. However, this price is worth it to get a healthy and properly raised pet.


When purchasing a British breed kitten, the breeder is required to issue the following documents:

  1. Veterinary passport.
  2. Pedigree.
  3. Document of purchase and sale.

Only with these documents will you be able to breed kittens and take part in exhibitions.

British health

British cats are a naturally bred breed that nature has blessed with good health and endurance.

The only physiological feature of British kittens is tearing of the eyes, which disappears only by 5-6 months.

Typical diseases of British women

Despite the fact that British cats are usually healthy, they can have their own genetic diseases:

You can maintain the immunity of a British kitten only with the help of vaccinations, which must begin no later than 2.5 months.

Essential vitamins

In their daily diet, it is recommended to give British cats vitamins that contain biotin, calcium and trace elements. The manufacturer's vitamins "Gimpet" and "8 in 1" have proven themselves especially well, helping the British to form a muscular body and maintain the beauty of their coat.


The first heat in a British cat usually begins between 6-9 months. However, it does not happen as often in British cats as in other purebred cats. On average, the duration of estrus lasts 6-10 days.


A cat of the British breed can be castrated or sterilized at the age of 8-10 months, when the body is formed to the required degree. In addition, it is better to carry out the procedure before the first mating. Otherwise, the consequences may be such that the pet will still want to “walk”.


Mating of cats and cats of the British breed should occur after 1 year. The first mating before this age can lead to difficult childbirth, and males can become weak by the age of 2 years.

It is very important to get the British right:

  • Carefully select a cat to play the role of father. This can be either a straight-eared British breed or any other breed.
  • The most favorable days for crossing British cats are considered to be the 2nd or 3rd day of estrus.
  • The cat must become comfortable in the cat's territory. Give her time to feel calm.
  • Remember that reproduction may not occur on the first mating. Just wait for the next heat and try again.


The gestation period of British cats lasts on average 62-70 days.

The main signs of a pregnant British woman:

  1. enlarged nipples of bright pink color;
  2. The cat walks calmly and rests often.


Typically, a British cat gives birth without complications. Most often, they give birth on their own, but if a cat feels a problematic pregnancy, and especially not for the first time, she can call the owner to give birth. A British woman can have up to 6 kittens in one litter.

Education and training of the British

To prevent a British cat from developing bad habits, it must be trained from an early age. This breed is fairly easy and quick to train, so there shouldn’t be any problems.

When you catch a kitten at the crime scene, try to tell him command words in a firm voice. Moreover, it is better if these are pre-prepared, short and sonorous phrases that you will repeat every time if the situation repeats. Simultaneously with the words, show the kitten the action that he needs to perform. Thus, raising a Briton will be brilliant by the age of 2!

Keeping and caring for a British cat

Simple enough. Take a few minutes a day to care for your coat and eyes. Trim your cat's claws 2-3 times a month and remove dirt from the ears.

To make the new family member feel comfortable in the house, it is recommended to purchase all the necessary accessories and toys in advance.


  • Tray. The British toilet can be either open or closed. It is recommended to purchase a spacious tray with filler.
  • Bowl for food. For British cats, any bowl with a wide bottom is suitable.
  • Water bowl. The drinking bowl should be large. A dog bowl works great.
  • Comb. A metal brush with sparse and rounded teeth will be just right for a Briton.
  • Sleeping place. A cat house is perfect for a British kitten, where he can play, sleep and even sharpen his claws.


The plush fur coat of the British Shorthair, combined with its elegant appearance, is distinguished by its unpretentiousness.

You should wash your pet only if it is very dirty - such cats take excellent care of themselves.

During the shedding period, it is enough to remove excess fur with a damp rubber mitten.

But a British cat needs to be brushed at least 2 times a week. If possible, spray the fur with an antistatic agent before combing, and then thoroughly massage along the back and sides. As a rule, British women really like the procedure itself.

The nutrition of British breed cats should only be balanced. Foods such as sausage and frankfurters can cause serious stomach problems in your pet. From natural products, British cats can consume any fermented milk products, except milk, chicken or lean beef, and boiled vegetables. British people can be given a soft-boiled chicken egg and liver 1-2 times a week.

British diet

You can also feed your Briton with ready-made professional food that does not require additional vitamin supplements. The product must be premium and will not harm your pet’s health.

British cats - reviews from owners

Most often, owners of the British cat breed claim that “teddy bears” not only please the eye, but also give peace just from their presence in the house. Some owners also leave negative reviews, calling the British animals not affectionate enough. However, do not forget that any cat will gladly allow a person to approach it if he treats it well. Only love and attention to a British kitten will arouse mutual affection between the animal.

The British evoke affection even in the most callous people, so if you want to have a real bundle of joy in your home, you should choose this breed.

You may also be interested in:

The British are the aristocrats of the cat world. Looking at them brings incredible aesthetic pleasure. If you desperately want a cat that will add comfort and warmth to your home, but are afraid that you won’t have enough time for a pet, the British is the right breed.

British cream cat

Beautiful, or better yet, luxurious, independent and charming animals with a calm disposition. What's the catch? It would be a lie to say that there is none. Before purchasing a plush kitten, it is better to learn in more detail some points about the character of the British. Then, if you decide that such a pet is ideal for your temperament, do some research on hereditary diseases in Britons.

The British cat breed is exactly the option when the miser pays twice. Advertising sites are full of inexpensive kittens. On the other hand, the price for a kitten from a nursery can reach 15-50 thousand rubles. Where does such a range of prices come from and is there any point in overpaying? You need to figure this out on your own. After all, breeders of any price category have their own selfish interest - to sell kittens, so all their words and statements must be considered from a critical point of view.


The cutest cats in the world: the appearance of the British

The British cat is the embodiment of “blue blood”. When a person says “I have a purebred cat,” then most often we imagine an imposing British cat. Their appearance has become the ideal of feline beauty for millions of people: the breed is second in popularity only to the Scottish Fold.

Britons are quite large animals. Males weigh 5-8 kg, females about 4 kg. Pedigree characteristics are most clearly manifested in cats. Their silhouette looks squat (short, strong legs), and all shapes are soft and rounded. The tail is thick and short, with a rounded tip. Cats look very harmonious and proportional.

British silver chinchilla cat

A separate song can be dedicated to the head of British cats. Those cheeks! The head looks round no matter which way you look at it. A wide skull, a pronounced massive chin - the British cat personifies strength and solidity. Round, dense cheeks give the impression that the cat is constantly smiling into its whiskers.

The British have a recognizable head shape

The large round eyes of the British have a breed feature: a bright copper color. Exceptions are allowed for certain colors: silver cats will have green eyes, while pure white cats may have blue, yellow or different colored eyes. Cats of the so-called “Siamese color” (colorpoint) always have blue eyes.

British blue cat: bright copper eyes are magnificent

British cats of a certain color have an unusual phenomenon - eyes of different colors.

British bicolor cat with heterochromia

The fur coat of British cats is the pride of the breed, their signature feature. The short and dense coat looks plush and soft and is gentle to the touch. The secret is that the guard hair and undercoat of the British are the same length, no more than 2.4 cm, and the coat is very thick.

British color point cat

A British cat can have almost any color; to list all the color combinations would require a separate rather large article. In Russia, the most famous are the blue color, and after the advertisement of the famous cat food - the silver tabby, which is called the “Whiskas” color.

Next to a blue cat is a teenager of Whiskas color

What breeds were involved in the creation of British cats

British cats are considered by some to be an aboriginal breed - one that formed on its own, without active human intervention. In many ways this is true. Cats were brought to the islands of Great Britain by Roman legionnaires many years ago. On an island isolated from the mainland, the cat population developed “in itself”, without the infusion of fresh blood, but with strict natural selection. After all, cats did not live in houses, but on farms, fields, grain barns and factories. As a result, large cats with heavy bones and dense, thick short hair roamed the streets of England.

British cream color

At the end of the 19th century, targeted selection of British cats began, and for some time the breed was called the “British Blue”. At first, blue was the only acceptable color, then it was the most common, but now the variety of colors of the British is amazing.

"Classic" blue color of British cats

The breed's numbers declined twice in the 20th century - after the First and Second World Wars. In order not to lose the British, they were crossed with ordinary outbred shorthair cats. And in order to return the desired rounded appearance of the head, they began to involve in the breeding of Persians.

It was not possible to obtain stable offspring, and the British began to be mated with Russian blue cats, as well as Chartreuse cats. Then they returned to the infusion of Persian blood, weeding out kittens that were too snub-nosed or had long hair. It was the Persians who “gave” British cats more than 200 variations of coat color.

In 1982, the two breeds were finally separated: British and European Shorthair. At the same time, the British breed standard was written.

Plush on the outside, tough on the inside. The character of the British.

When you look at the cheeky little plush, round on all sides, you have an uncontrollable desire to squeeze the Briton endlessly. And here you will be greatly disappointed - British cats do not tolerate familiarity! Although kittens may willingly play with their owner and cuddle, adult cats behave more than independently.

Silver tabby kitten plays with a teaser fishing rod

They rarely or never come to sit on your hands. If you start stroking a pet that is sleeping or minding its own business, the cat will most likely leave, or prove that sharp claws are hidden in its soft paws. All that remains is to humble yourself and caress the Briton only with your eyes.

The owners of these luxurious cats admit that sometimes they do not feel like their owners. Sometimes it seems that everything is the other way around: Mister Cat lives in the apartment, the rest are service personnel.

“I am the queen, and you are the two-legged food giver.”

This does not mean that British cats do not need love and care. They seek attention from people just like other cat breeds - but only on their own terms. A curious animal may simply follow you from room to room, carefully observing what its person is doing.

The manners of the British are inherently respectable; they rarely rush around the apartment or jump on cupboards. If you get used to the scratching post in a timely manner, you won’t have to worry about the furniture. They are not mischievous or annoying.

British cats only vocalize on special occasions. If we are not talking about sexual heat or severe stress (a trip in the car, a visit to the veterinarian), some owners do not hear their pet meowing for months. Meowing while begging for food is beneath the dignity of these aristocrats. Rather, you will be haunted by the gaze of large round eyes, reproachful.

In general, the breed is considered quite phlegmatic: the British have a calm and even character. To prevent your pet from completely turning into a sofa cushion, excess weight should not be allowed to appear.

Too thick

British cats are not a suitable breed for families with children. Rarely does a Briton favor children: they are too noisy, too clingy and lacking in delicacy. No, a cat is unlikely to scratch a child, even if he pulls his tail. But the life of a Briton will turn into constant stress and the search for a reliable refuge, where no one will disturb him to take a peaceful nap. These cats are not ready to play for too long, and even more so, they do not like to be persistently petted. Explaining to a child that this teddy bear is inviolable will not be easy.

Get your little hands off me, little man!

Is it difficult to keep a British cat?

You have to pay for everything - and in the case of the British, you have to pay for the cat’s incredibly beautiful fur coat with fur all over the apartment. In addition to seasonal molting, the undercoat is renewed all year round. Therefore, it is recommended to brush British cats regularly: in addition to regular brushes, you will need a furminator.

The pet is given products that facilitate the passage of fur through the digestive tract, otherwise the cat will suffer from trichobezoars (periodic vomiting, gastritis, constipation). This could be malt paste or special food. Brushing largely eliminates this problem, but grooming must be regular. Many owners also prefer to trim their pet's claws 2-3 times a month.

There are no other special features of caring for British cats - and this is one of the secrets of their worldwide popularity. The British easily learn to go to the litter box and use a scratching post, and learn other rules of behavior established in the house.

Among the disadvantages of the breed: they have difficulty getting along with other animals, especially if they begin to bother them. The British will not tolerate such arrogance. These cats are more likely to agree to be the only ones in the house, and are not at all bored when alone.

White Briton: let me sleep peacefully!

Hereditary diseases: what you need to know about British health

The incredible popularity of the breed led to sad consequences. People simply bred their British cats with anyone, knowing that there would still be a queue for the kittens. It’s easy to sell such “British” dogs without documents, but 5 times cheaper than from the breeder. And buyers are happy - after all, they don’t want a cat for exhibition, but for the soul.

British kitten, silver tabby color

As a result, the British were bred with the Scots, animals with obvious defects such as too flat a nose were allowed to breed, and producers who brought kittens with congenital diseases were not culled. All this has led to the fact that the once healthy cat breed is considered one of the most problematic among veterinarians. “What did you want, yours is British,” this phrase can easily be heard in a veterinary clinic. Before you run for a kitten “from an advertisement” or look for a mate for your “sort of British” cat, you need to study information about these diseases:

  1. Blood type incompatibility.

Like humans, cats have different blood types: A, B and AB (the latter is very rare). The blood type greatly depends on the breed of the pet. For example, all Siamese have blood type A. British cats have a problem: part of the population has blood type A, but 30-60% have blood type B. If animals with different blood types are bred, serious problems can arise in the kittens.

British cats are caring mothers

If the blood type of the mother and fetus do not match, pregnancy and childbirth proceed absolutely normally. But then the kittens suddenly die without showing any symptoms of illness. Sometimes they can survive for several days, their urine will be brown in color. The reason is that through their mother's milk they receive antibodies that destroy their blood cells. Anemia and kidney failure lead to the death of kittens.

Preventing the problem is simple: if a cat has blood type A, it is bred with cats that have blood type A. If a cat has blood type B, it is necessary to select a partner with blood type B.

Do careless breeders think about this? Hardly. In professional nurseries? Yes.

  1. Polycystic kidney disease.

Persian cats, who actively participated in the development of the British breed, gave it a terrible hereditary disease - polycystic kidney disease. If a cat was given a defective gene at birth, then regardless of the living conditions, it develops kidney failure. Such animals live from 3 to 10 years and require constant treatment.

There are genetic tests that must be carried out for breeding animals. Cysts can be detected on ultrasound from 3 months of age and later. The older the cat, the more obvious the changes in the kidneys become.

British tortoiseshell

  1. Heart defect.

The real killer of British and Scottish cats is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). With a hereditary defect, the wall of the heart thickens and the chamber becomes smaller, and the heart cannot pump blood properly. With HCM, a seemingly healthy cat can die suddenly at a young age.

All Britons need to have a heart ultrasound scan called echocardiography. Usually, owners find out about this before castration of the pet or other surgical operation: anesthesia provokes the manifestation of the disease. But British cats involved in breeding need to be examined before the first mating, even if there are no signs of disease. Usually an ECHO is done upon reaching 1 year of age.

Young British silver tabby (Whiskas)

  1. Atresia of the lacrimal punctum.

Normally, the tear that washes the eye goes into the nasal cavity through a special channel. In the absence of the lacrimal punctum or its occlusion, constant lacrimation is observed. Animals with this problem can be easily identified by the brown trails that extend from their eyes. Lacrimal punctal atresia is a problem that runs in families, so British cats with this defect should never be bred. Treatment is only surgical.

This problem is more common in British cats of the “extreme type”, with an excessively shortened muzzle, like the Persian.

Classic British: the muzzle should not be flat and the nose should not be depressed

If you buy a British dog that is free from all genetic defects, then you can hope that the pet will delight you with excellent health for many years. Cats of this breed are somewhat prone to obesity due to their calm temperament, but this problem can be easily solved with proper feeding.

Reviews from British cat owners

“My Churchill behaves like a true aristocrat; one can envy his restraint. He tolerates nail trimming and brushing, never meows over trifles, but purrs and purrs so that you can hear him from everywhere. We joke that this is the ringtone of our house. Although he is an independent man, he always meets and accompanies him to work. When he wants to be pampered, he has to put everything aside and scratch and stroke. Smart as a person. Always looks straight into the eyes. Adored beyond belief!”

“Sir Tyson is the most beloved member of the family. But he can’t be picked up, he can’t lie on his lap, he can’t sleep on the floor - only on his personal chair. He eats the same brand of food and has never stolen from the table. Talking to us. When he is being petted before bed, we pay attention to him while he is in the mood.”

“When you return from work, the cat appears slowly, almost piecemeal, like the Cheshire cat. He sits down and looks - they say, where they were hanging around and how long to stay with us. Slowly washes off. He may freeze with his paw raised - he is thinking about something. He never asks for food. At most he can sit by the bowl, doesn’t look at you, just a living reproach. If you catch him eating something from the table, he doesn’t run away, doesn’t scream - sorry, it’s not me, the devil has confused him. Oh no! He simply looks reproachfully at where the equipment is and why he is forced to eat in such poor conditions. Mars sheds constantly, tolerates a dacha, but is not enthusiastic about fresh air.”

“They allow themselves to be loved - these words say it all. And you will be happy that you were allowed to live with these celestials."

“Zero attention to pussy-kiss-kiss, he won’t even turn an ear. It’s worth calling by name - immediately interrogative Mr-r-r-r, no matter where she is at that moment.”

“I had a British guy. I still remember with irritation how contempt for bipeds was imbued with his every glance. The self-esteem is simply exorbitant. I described the entire apartment, the stench could not be removed by any means.”


To summarize: who is a Briton suitable for?

A British cat may feel uncomfortable in your home if your lifestyle involves noisy gatherings and a lot of people. The British have a hard time putting up with children precisely because they scream, rattle and try to cuddle His Majesty the cat.

British chocolate cat

For business people, the British cat breed is an ideal option. If you spend a lot of time at work, but at home you want to enjoy the peace, comfort and company of your furry pet, then this is a suitable companion. And how respectable this cat looks! A true partner for a businessman.

British cats are loved by older people. Cats of this breed do not tire them with excessive activity and intrusiveness, while at the same time responding with warm reciprocity to care and affection. One look at the cheeky muzzle lifts your spirits.

Evaluate all the features of the British, and it will immediately become clear to you whether this is your option, or whether it is better to pay attention to another breed. You can fall in love with these cats for life, or you can suffer for 15 years, irritably pouring food into a bowl. There are no bad or good breeds, only unsuitable ones.

Does your Briton match the breed description? Share your pet's features in the comments!