What happens if a cat is bitten by a bee. What to do if a cat is bitten by a wasp... When a doctor's help is needed


Typically, the consequences of an attack by stinging insects are limited to a local reaction. If the bite did not occur in front of the owner, you can understand that the pet was stung by the following signs:

  • hot red localized swelling in a specific location;
  • the cat shakes its head or paw;
  • copious;
  • restless behavior, attempts to scratch the stung area.

In the event of a bite or attack from multiple wasps at once, the following may occur:

  • shortness of breath, difficulty breathing;
  • tachycardia (fast heartbeat);
  • impaired coordination of movements and consciousness;
  • state of shock.

Although a wasp or bee can bite a cat even in a city apartment, this situation usually occurs during the summer season, outside the city. The owner must independently help the pet if it is not possible to quickly get to a veterinary clinic.

First aid

Treatment of the bite site

When you detect a bite, you must first make sure that the sting is not stuck in the skin. If it is quickly removed, it will reduce inflammation and the resulting dose of poison.

  • The pet must be firmly secured, since any manipulation in the area of ​​edema will be painful.
  • It is impossible to reach the sting with your fingers; tweezers are used for this.
  • The bite site can be wiped with a soda solution or treated with hydrogen peroxide.

Medication assistance

Bee stings can be very painful and, depending on the location, cause a lot of inconvenience to the animal:

  • If a cat is stung on the paw, severe lameness will persist for several days.
  • Bites in the nose and mouth make it difficult to eat normally.

In such cases, it is advisable to use corticosteroids. Usually, hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed by a doctor, but experienced owners themselves sometimes resort to such therapy.

For cats, Prednisolone is most often used at a dose of 0.5-1 mg/kg, less often Dexamethasone. Prednisolone can be given either in tablet form or by intramuscular injection:

  • For a cat weighing 3-4 kg, half a 5 mg tablet will be enough. If your pet is acting aggressively or is drooling profusely, it may not be easy to give the pill.
  • The injection is also preferable because the drug begins to act faster.

Therefore, it is recommended to keep an ampoule of Prednisolone and insulin syringes in the “dacha” veterinary office. If a wasp sting causes severe swelling and pain, it is necessary to inject the drug into the thigh muscles at a dose of 0.1 ml/kg. Prednisolone is repeated every 12 hours, reducing the dose over 3-5 days until the drugs are completely discontinued.

Contacting the clinic

In the vast majority of cases, an insect bite is not a reason to visit a veterinarian. However, in some cases hospitalization is necessary:

  1. Signs of angioedema, a systemic allergic reaction.
  2. Multiple bites, which can cause poisoning.
  3. Age up to 5-6 months (kittens are more sensitive to poison).

Adult cats can tolerate bee or wasp stings without consequences. However, if the pet's (usually purebred) immune system is not in order, bee venom can cause anaphylactic shock and death.

After discovering a bite, you need to observe your pet for some time to see if the appetite has disappeared, if there are any signs of lethargy or apathy. In fluffy cats, you need to especially carefully check the submandibular space to see if there is any swelling in the neck area.

What not to do:

  • use local irritants based on menthol and essential oils or ointments intended for people (Fenistil);
  • Give your cat antihistamines (Suprastin, Tavegil, Zyrtec) as they will not be effective.


If the reaction to the bite is minor, the veterinarian will send the patient home, reassuring the owners. And the doctor will act completely differently when faced with manifestations of anaphylactic shock. This reaction occurs suddenly, shortly after the bite. A cat can die within an hour if you don't give it help.

Signs of anaphylaxis:

  • weakness, unnatural behavior: the animal is lethargic or overly excited;
  • mucous membranes are pale or bluish;
  • breathing is difficult, wheezing is heard;
  • the pulse quickens and becomes weak;
  • cramps, involuntary urination.

The veterinarian will restore the airway. Usually this does not require a tracheotomy, just inserting an endotracheal tube. Humidified oxygen is supplied through it.

  • They urgently give 0.1% adrenaline (Epinephrine), while some specialists prefer to inject it into the bite area, first diluting it with saline.
  • Adrenaline can be injected again in a different place every 15 minutes until the attack is stopped.
  • If necessary, it is administered intravenously, very slowly, at a dose of up to 0.01 ml/kg.

An intravenous catheter is installed into which Prednisolone 4-10 mg/kg is injected. To eliminate spasm of the respiratory tract, use 2.4% Euphyllin 5-7 mg/kg.

To restore normal blood circulation, pressure and renal blood flow, colloid and crystalloid solutions (dropper) are used.

Even if the attack was effectively and timely eliminated, the cat is left in the hospital under observation for at least a day. It is important to control adequate urination and begin treatment for acute vomiting, which can occur against the background of a shock drop in pressure, hypoxia and intoxication.


It is impossible to protect four-legged pets from stinging insects with a 100% guarantee. But if your pet spends the summer at the dacha, you should take care to reduce the likelihood of a bite to a minimum. Reasonable measures would be:

  1. Premises protection (mosquito nets).
  2. Treatment of the territory (destruction of wasp nests).
  3. Do not place bowls of water or food outside or on the veranda.
  4. Treating animals with repellents.


Although most cats survive stings from bees, wasps and even hornets without serious health consequences, the owner should be prepared to help the pet in the event of an allergic reaction to the sting. Anaphylactic shock occurs in one animal in a thousand, but it can cause death. The good news is that if bees have stung your cat before and no allergies have been observed, he will most likely tolerate them just as well in the future.


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A big purring hello to everyone!

Summer, oh summer!!! Summer drives me crazy! There are all sorts of insects flying around, buzzing in your ear, and you really want to catch them and taste them.

It's a pity that they still have wings (((

Did you know that cats can have an allergic reaction to insect bites? A?

Do you know what to do? If yours bit the cat, for example, bee?

Find out about it soon!

Sorry that I immediately scared you with allergies, but what to do? We need to fully understand the issue of bites.

For most cats, bites from ants, bees, hornets, wasps and spiders cause only an external reaction, i.e. swelling or blister.

But on some cats, such bites can make such an “indelible impression” that they can fall into a state of shock and begin to behave quite strangely: rushing around the house, yelling or hissing. Wait a couple of minutes: if the cat does not calm down, you should immediately consult a doctor, especially if, in addition to excitement, any of the following symptoms appear:

Loss of strength;

Excessive salivation;

Pupil dilation;

Rapid pulse.

If you wait a long time for the doctor, then you yourself will need to provide first aid to your tailed and mustachioed pet (pet). Give your cat a tablet of Tavegil, Suprastin, or another anti-allergic drug.

If the cat has become lethargic, then pour lukewarm strong black tea into his or her mouth (as much as possible) and go to the doctor.

If a cat is bitten by a bee, wasp, or bumblebee, then first you will need to remove the remaining sting from the wound. To do this, use tweezers, a thin knife, or a scalpel pre-treated with an alcohol-containing liquid.

Take your time, be careful!

Then treat the affected area with hydrogen peroxide (if you don’t have it on the farm, use highly diluted vinegar).

An excellent anti-inflammatory effect is achieved by applying Gamabiol ointment.

A bag with several pieces of ice (frozen meat/vegetables) tied to the wound, or a “compress” made from a tea bag soaked in warm water, can also help relieve itching on the skin from a bite.

Yes, and don’t forget about the anti-allergen tablet again.

And now you will be very surprised, my dear friends, when you find out that a mosquito bite can sometimes cause the formation of ulcers on a cat’s skin.

It turns out that mosquito saliva is full of allergens (who would have thought that these little vampires even have saliva). Mosquitoes love to bite cats on their cute faces, ears, between their toes and pads. So, do not leave cats outside among mosquitoes for long periods of time.

If the kitty was at the dacha for the first time or was on a walk for the first time, then be sure to examine her after that for the presence of swelling and blisters.

As I already said, in particularly sensitive cats, mosquito bites can cause ulcers on the skin.

An injection with a drug such as dexafort in a dosage of 0.2 ml helps quite quickly against this.

Now you know everything about what to do, If yours the cat was bitten by a bee or some other harmful insect.

I wish you, your family, your beloved cats and cats to come across only the right bees, and that there are as few blood-sucking insects in your life as possible!

Your black happy cat Jose Carreras, with love at la-murmur.ru.

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Cats are curious creatures with a well-developed hunting instinct. No cat would miss an opportunity to catch a buzzing insect, but a bee sting can be very dangerous.

Symptoms of bites

As a rule, if a cat is bitten by a bee, the symptoms are localized at the site of the bite and manifest locally. In the case when a bee stings and the animal owner does not notice it, you need to know the clinical signs:

  • The bite site swells greatly (can double in size) and becomes hot;
  • The cat is restless, shaking its paw or head;
  • Drooling may occur.

The local reaction is not life-threatening for the animal. But allergic reactions, although rare, pose a real danger to the pet’s life. Symptoms of an allergic reaction in a pet:

  • Heartbeat disturbance;
  • Very strong drooling;
  • Shortness of breath, hoarse breathing;
  • State of shock;
  • Quincke's edema;
  • Depression of consciousness, unsteady gait.

First aid

Every owner must know what to do if a cat is bitten by a bee. First of all, you need to provide first aid to the animal before taking the pet to the veterinarian.

  1. When a bee stings, it leaves a sting in the wound. First aid is to remove the sting. The tiny bee sting is almost impossible to reach with your hands; you need to use tweezers and carefully remove it without crushing it. Before you begin to remove the sting from the wound, the cat needs to be well secured - any manipulation at the site of the bite will be very painful.
  2. After the sting is removed, the bite site should be washed with soap and treated with a solution of vinegar (1:1 with water) or chlorhexidine.
  3. Apply cold to the bite site - ice or any frozen product, be sure to first wrap it in cloth.

Treatment of the bite site

The bite site can be treated with hydrogen peroxide, but the most effective way is to rinse with a vinegar solution.

Soap will also help relieve some of the pain at the site of the bite; you should wash the wound regularly with a soapy solution.

If the bite occurs in the eye area, under no circumstances should you wash it with vinegar or peroxide. A chamomile solution is used to wash the eyes.

A cold compress will help reduce the effects of the bite and lower the animal's body temperature, because During the spread of bee venom, body temperature rises.

Treatment with drugs

A bee sting is always painful and can lead to serious complications. If bitten in the paw area, the animal will not be able to move normally for several days. And bites to the head, larynx, mouth, eyes or genitals can be fatal for your pet.

To treat bites on the paws or body of an animal, local treatment is sufficient; no medical intervention is required. If a bee stings in the head or genital area, it is necessary to carry out medical treatment and strictly under the guidance of a veterinarian. Any medications and dosage must be prescribed by a doctor, even if it is impossible to deliver the animal to the clinic (consultations by telephone).

Treatment consists of stopping the spread of poison and absorption into the blood. Be sure to administer prednisolone to reduce the manifestation of allergic reactions. Prednisolone can be given as tablets or intramuscularly. Injections are more effective, the medicine begins to act much faster than tablets, and it is not always possible to give the cat a tablet. The dosage of the drug must be calculated by a veterinarian, but if it is impossible to obtain advice, the dose of the drug is 0.1 ml per 1 kg of animal. Prednisolone can be administered every 12 hours.

Instead of prednisolone, you can give dexamethasone at a dosage of 0.2 ml per 1 kg of animal weight. It is not advisable to give Suprastin to animals, because often causes adverse reactions in cats.

Contacting a veterinarian

If a cat shows signs of an allergic reaction, the animal must be taken to a veterinarian - in this case, minutes can count. If a severe allergy occurs - for example, swelling of the larynx, respiratory arrest, only a doctor can restore breathing by installing an oxygen tube.

In addition, in case of swelling or shock, it is necessary to inject adrenaline - including intravenous drips. Adrenaline should be administered carefully and slowly; the dosage and frequency of administration can only be calculated by a qualified veterinarian.

But even if the animal does not experience an acute reaction, and the bite occurs in the area of ​​the head, mouth, eyes or genitals, it is necessary to show the pet to a veterinarian. Swelling of the larynx or mouth can, if left unchecked, severely impair respiratory function. A bite to the eye area can lead to blindness or inflammation. And swelling in the genital area can slow down or completely stop urination - in this case, a catheter must be installed.

It is imperative to take kittens to the doctor, especially blind ones; small kittens have weak immunity and the dosage of poison significantly exceeds the dose of an adult animal.

Some breeds of cats are more prone to allergic reactions - for example, Angora, Persian, British cats - these animals must be shown to a doctor, because the allergic reaction may be delayed.


Prevention of bee stings can only be done by protecting your home - mosquito nets on windows, nets on doors. Animal bowls should not be placed outside.

And, of course, pets must be closely monitored and treated with repellents.

Most often, a bee sting does not pose a danger to a cat; the symptoms go away within a few days, but the location of the poison causes great suffering to the pet. If the animal has been bitten by bees before and has not had any allergic reactions, then the cat will tolerate another bite well.

29.12.2016 1

Risk group

Despite the fact that such a nuisance can happen at the most unexpected moment, and no one is immune from an insect attack, there are certain preconditions when attacks can be predicted.

When the risk increases:

  1. The onset of the spring thaw and the first flights. During this period, insects may “not understand the situation” and attack even for no apparent reason. Pets are also more likely to seek adventure with the onset of spring warmth, so a flying object will become doubly interesting and tempting.
  2. During a summer holiday in nature. Many cats become acquainted with “wild” nature only during summer trips to the country. For an inquisitive pet, this is a whole new world, and exploring it can lead to unexpected discoveries.
  3. Teenage animals are very curious and do not yet understand the difference between safe and dangerous “toys.” Such a kitten or puppy will easily become a victim of a biting insect; cases of an unsuccessful attempt to eat a flying beetle are especially common. In this case, the bite can land on the larynx and oral cavity, which makes the situation doubly unsafe.

Of course, it is very difficult to predict the situation, because a furry pet may well encounter a bee or wasp even on the balcony of an apartment building. The main condition for everything to be as successful as possible and for the bite not to bring serious consequences is the speed of the owner’s response. What to do in situations where a cat or dog has been bitten by a bee, as well as in what cases urgent veterinary help is needed, is described further in our article.

What to do if you are bitten?

It is quite easy to notice such an injury, because the response to bee venom is manifested by swelling and severe pain. Depending on the location of the bite, this can even pose a threat to life, so the main thing in such a situation is not to get confused and take the necessary measures in time.

How to provide the necessary assistance:

  • examine the bite site and pull out the sting if necessary;
  • lightly squeeze the wound with two fingers to remove at least part of the poison;
  • treat the injured area with any disinfectant that is at hand;
  • A compress of baking soda with boiled water helps relieve swelling;
  • Apply ice or a cold compress to the inflamed area;
  • give your pet an antihistamine;
  • if severe swelling develops, it is also advisable to give a diuretic;
  • local anesthetic will work well;
  • provide the animal with peace and try to calm it down.

The bee leaves its sting at the site of the bite, which must be removed, if possible, trying not to damage the “bag” of poison. This, of course, is not always possible, because the four-legged pet will in any case try to get rid of it on its own.

If no foreign objects are visible in the wound, perhaps the pet was dealing with other striped “relatives” - a wasp or a bumblebee. The algorithm of actions in this case will be the same.

Be sure to keep an eye on your pet in the future. If the bite occurs on a limb, as a rule, it is quite easily tolerated by the victim. It was another matter when an animal tried to swallow a buzzing “scout”. In this case, anaphylactic shock and severe swelling may occur, making it difficult to breathe. If such symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

An important condition for quality assistance will also be the moral support of the owner. Do not leave your cat/dog unattended, much less let it go outside. Your affection and kind words will become one of the medicines for the injured pet. Of course, he will not always learn the right lesson from the current situation, but even if he repeatedly hunts striped “predators”, the animal will still be happy to feel your love and support.

In what cases is it necessary to contact a veterinarian?

Animals, like humans, can have an allergic reaction to bee venom. In this case, we are talking about saving lives, so it is necessary to act immediately. To understand in more detail the situations in which you cannot do without qualified help, we bring to your attention the following reminder.

See a doctor immediately if:

  1. If the bite hits the throat and the animal begins to choke.
  2. Several bites were observed.
  3. The swelling has exceeded acceptable limits.
  4. The animal is too small, anaphylactic shock can develop instantly.
  5. Vomiting, dry cough and signs of suffocation are observed.
  6. Salivation increased.
  7. The sting gets stuck in hard-to-reach places, for example, on mucous membranes.
  8. The pet's body temperature has increased significantly.
  9. The cat behaves atypically, and even more so during convulsions and loss of consciousness.

Usually, with timely contact with a veterinarian, such situations are resolved safely. The pet will be examined, given the necessary anti-allergic injection, the wound will be treated and further recommendations for care will be given.

In some countries, for example, South America, owners often encounter attacks on their pets by aggressive breeds of African bees. In this case, the forecasts are very disappointing, because the venom of these killer bees is much stronger and more concentrated, and they sting in almost the entire swarm. In our regions, fortunately, there is no need to talk about this, so a cat or dog can get away with a “mild fright” and learn (or not) a memorable lesson for the future.

Video: a cat was bitten by a bee or a wasp, what to do?


It is, of course, very difficult to talk about possible preventive methods. Even people cannot insure themselves against insect bites, let alone inquisitive pets. In this case, you can only try to relieve pain and allergic shock as quickly as possible, and also prepare in advance for possible troubles.

Basic methods of prevention:

  • When going out into nature or to the countryside, be sure to equip a travel first aid kit with everything you need. It is very important to find your bearings in time and give the animal not only the optimal drug, but also the correct dosage.
  • If honey pumping work is being carried out nearby or just a routine inspection of the apiary, it is necessary to limit the access of animals in the immediate vicinity of the bees. Usually, normal neighbors also warn about a possible threat from striped workers, so take care not only of your own safety.
  • A trip to the country with a pet may not end in the most favorable way, so take the time to find out the address and appointment schedule of the nearest veterinarian. This is guaranteed to save your pet from unnecessary injuries, and you from worries and hassle.

If your cat was bitten by a wasp, bee or bumblebee, you need to know exactly what to do in this case. The life of a small pet may be in danger if the bite is in the throat or the eyelid, mouth or abdomen are severely damaged.

Many owners (especially those who like to take their furry pet to the country) sooner or later face the question: what to do if a cat is bitten by a wasp? In most cases, no special procedures are required: if the bite occurs on the paw or body, the pain and itching after it will go away quite quickly on their own - the owners may not even realize what happened.

Even when a cat has been bitten by a wasp, and as a result the animal has a large blister on its paw, making it difficult to step on it, everything can be left as it is - the pain will go away on its own within a few days, and the animal will return to normal life.

However, there are a number of cases when the owner definitely needs to show more attention to the condition of the pet in case of such bites. This includes the following situations:

  1. If the bite occurs on the animal's head, face, mouth, nose or throat. In this situation, swelling can spread to the respiratory tract and lead to suffocation of the animal.
  2. If a wasp has bitten a cat on the eye. Such bites are fraught with severe inflammation, suppuration and other serious complications.
  3. A wasp bit a little kitten. Several portions of the venom of this insect can lead to serious intoxication of the baby and even his death.
  4. If your cat is highly sensitive to insect poisons.

In such situations, the first thing the pet owner should do is take it to the veterinarian. However, sometimes complications after wasp bites can appear very quickly, so the owner needs to have time to take measures to preserve the health of the cat before visiting a specialist.

“When I saw this nightmare, I thought I would faint. Leia's head was twice as large as usual, her eyes were completely closed, and her tongue was hanging out. She's shaking all over, wheezing, you can hear that she's barely breathing. Horror! Well, I have a veterinarian friend, I called her right in the middle of the night, explained all this through snot, she advised me to immediately inject the cat with Prednisolone and take it to the veterinarian. She gave me the address of the clinic where they accept animals around the clock. Probably, only this Prednisolone saved me. At least Leia stopped trembling after it. So I carried her in a jacket in the front seat. The next day after work, she arrived at the clinic - as if she had nothing. So, a small tumor remains, but it is not particularly visible in her fur. That's not all: the day after the wasp stung the cat, another one stung the child. The infection flew onto the balcony.”

Irina, Ivanovo

How can a wasp sting be dangerous for a cat?

In general, the symptoms of wasp bites in cats are very similar to those in humans. The main ones are:

  • severe pain, further accompanied by itching;
  • swelling or - sometimes - extensive swelling in the place where the wasp stung.

Pain and itching, no matter how severe they are, pose virtually no danger to the life of the cat - the owner does not need to do anything additional. Mild swelling will also go away on its own in most cases. The exception is severe swelling that can lead to blockage of the respiratory or urinary tract - such situations can be fatal for the animal.

Severe consequences are observed in cases where a wasp has bitten a cat that is hypersensitive to insect poisons. As a rule, after being stung, such animals begin to develop a systemic allergic reaction to one degree or another, which may be accompanied by symptoms such as:

  • chills;
  • vomit;
  • severe shortness of breath;
  • movement coordination disorders;
  • shock (in especially severe cases).

Having such a special animal in his home, the owner must clearly understand what needs to be done if the pet’s condition worsens after a wasp sting: if any signs of an incipient allergy appear, the cat should be taken to the hospital as soon as possible.

In this case, you should not rely on your own treatment experience and trust the advice of numerous articles - only a qualified specialist should prescribe medications to a cat, since all animals react differently to medications that seem harmless to humans.

First aid for a bite

To help owners, veterinarians have developed a guide telling them what to do immediately after a wasp stings a cat. So, to avoid serious consequences (but not harm the animal) you need to:

  • dilute 9% table vinegar in water in a ratio of 1:1 and thoroughly wipe the bite area with it;
  • wash the bite with soap and water;
  • Wrap pieces of ice or any frozen food in a thin plastic bag and apply the resulting ice compress to the bite site.

If a wasp has bitten a cat, for example, on the paw or another place that is not “strategically important” for the health of the animal, these actions will be quite enough to prevent the swelling from growing too much. There is no point in doing anything else for the pet owner.

Medicines that can be used to relieve symptoms and combat allergies

As mentioned above, the first thing the owner needs to do if a cat shows initial signs of general intoxication and allergies is to take the animal to a veterinary hospital without hesitation. Before visiting the clinic, medications to eliminate symptoms and alleviate the pet’s condition are allowed to be used only after consultation with a doctor, at least by phone - otherwise the cat can be seriously harmed.

As a rule, veterinarians most often advise in such cases:

  1. Prednisolone, which inhibits the development of an allergic reaction, is given as an intramuscular injection (dosage – 0.5 ml), or half a tablet.
  2. Dexamethasone - in the form of an injection of 0.2 ml.
  3. Benadryl is a fairly universal remedy, suitable even for teenage kittens.
  4. Diazolin – half a tablet at a time.
  5. Suprastin is less common, since this drug is less universal and can itself cause an immune response in some cats.

It would not be amiss to emphasize once again that these drugs should not be used independently, without consulting a veterinarian, since if used incorrectly they can suppress the animal’s immunity and lead to the addition of a secondary viral, fungal or bacterial infection.

Those who have repeatedly contacted the veterinarian after a cat was bitten by a wasp know that the clinic can inject the animal with adrenaline, but doing this on your own is prohibited - the risk of further harming the pet is too great.


Cats of long-haired breeds are most prone to allergies: Persians, British, Angoras. In addition, their bite is not immediately noticeable.

If a cat is stung by a wasp, and the insect's venom begins to provoke the development of an allergy, one of its symptoms may be an increase in the animal's body temperature. In this case, you should also not lower the temperature with medications yourself - if its values ​​are critical, only the veterinarian should make a decision on how to relieve this symptom (however, it is quite possible to use a wet, cool towel).

Folk remedies to help animals

Unlike medications, some folk remedies for wasp bites in cats can be used with virtually no restrictions. Of course, they are not as effective as specialized pharmaceuticals, but, nevertheless, they can also help the animal.

For example, to quickly relieve swelling you can use:

  • natural acids and acid-containing products that are used to treat the bite site immediately after a wasp attack (for example, citric acid, apple, orange);
  • a tampon with chamomile infusion, which should be applied to the bite site for 30-40 minutes;
  • turmeric.

In addition, the site of a wasp bite on a cat can be wiped with soapy water (only this should be done regularly) - with these actions you will reduce the severity of the itching in the animal.

“My cat was bitten on the paw by a wasp. This was the number. The paw became larger than my hand. He couldn’t step on it for four days, but walked on it for three. But at the same time, he took the wasp itself immediately after the bite and just ate it.”

Georgy Melnichuk, Zhmerynka

When an animal needs to be taken to the vet urgently

If a cat has been bitten by a wasp, it is important for the owner not to miss the moment when the pet needs to be urgently taken to the clinic, even if he is not allergic to insect venom. Otherwise, even half an hour of delay can be fatal for the animal.

Clear indications for a trip to the clinic are:

  1. Bite to the eye, tongue or groin area. If a wasp bites a cat in the eye, without treatment the animal may go blind, and if a wasp bites in the groin, urination may be difficult (in this case, a catheter will be required).
  2. Kitten wasp sting. If a wasp has bitten a baby who has just opened his eyes, he should be taken to a hospital immediately, without observing the symptoms, since the likelihood of death is quite high.
  3. A sharp change in the animal’s behavior, apathy, refusal to eat.
  4. Signs of intoxication: trembling, foaming at the mouth, loss of coordination, vomiting.

In all of the above cases, a call to the veterinarian before going to the clinic is mandatory. In order to have enough time for the trip itself, you must describe the cat’s condition to the specialist in as much detail as possible and be prepared for any of his instructions. For example, if a wasp has bitten a cat on the tongue, it may be necessary to insert a thin tube down the animal's throat to allow breathing.

“I didn’t even have time to figure out what to do. The kitten was stung by a wasp while the cat was eating from a bowl. He's a baby, literally a few days old. You couldn't even hear him squeak. Only the cat heard it. I immediately went to him, began to lick him, to calm him down, but his swelling very quickly spread throughout his body. What are we going to do? We tried using baking soda, but to no avail. Within a couple of hours he was as if he were lifeless. The next day he died.”

Galina, Kamyshevatoe

Take care of your animals, be attentive to them and their condition, and in case of danger, do not leave things to chance and immediately contact specialists. Remember: we are responsible for those we have tamed.

Video: after a wasp sting, the cat's paw is very swollen