What happens if you pull it out? Causes and treatment of vomiting in an adult without fever. In what cases is urgent medical attention needed?

Nausea and vomiting

Nausea is a feeling of deep aversion to food. It leads to belching or vomiting.

Nausea and vomiting are reactions to signals from the brain. This signal causes the abdominal muscles to contract and the ring of muscle between the stomach and esophagus, called the esophageal sphincter, to open. As a result, stomach contents that would normally be sent down the digestive tract are pushed up and out of the mouth by back contractions of the esophagus.

Reasons :

Pregnancy, stomach ulcer, - inflammation of the liver (hepatitis),- inflammation of the appendix (appendicitis),- acute inflammation of the gastric mucosa (gastritis),- gallbladder disease,- infection of the digestive tract,- disorders of the central nervous system,- food poisoning,- anxiety, - pain, - overeating, - alcohol poisoning,- surgical intervention,- migraine, - radiation therapy.


Nausea and vomiting are often accompanied by:

Increased salivation- sweating, - increased heart rate,- pale skin,- rapid breathing.

What should you do if your child is vomiting?

In children, vomiting is a common symptom of stomach upset. For the most part, this is not a serious condition, but sometimes requires immediate medical attention.

1) Call a doctor immediately if the baby’s vomit is pushed out with such force that it is scattered over a distance of up to a meter. This may indicate partial or complete intestinal obstruction. Also, call a doctor immediately if there is blood in the vomit, vomiting begins several hours after a fall or head injury, or vomiting is accompanied by a headache and stomach pain.

2) Prolonged vomiting, especially accompanied by diarrhea, is a good reason to consult a doctor. It leads to dehydration, a life-threatening condition.

3) If vomiting is not accompanied by alarming symptoms, make the child more comfortable. When vomiting, support his forehead. Then you should rinse your mouth and wipe your face with water.

4) Give your child a teaspoon of water, tea, juice (not orange) every 10-20 minutes until he can hold it in his stomach, or let him suck on a lollipop. Gradually increase the amount of liquid you drink at one time.

5) If the child has not vomited for more than four hours, give him a piece of dry bread or unsweetened cookies. Then feed him simple, light food. When the disorder stops, gradually transition the child to a regular diet.

What to do when vomiting in adults

1) Call your doctor immediately if you are vomiting blood, have severe abdominal pain, or have had a recent head injury. If a small child is vomiting severely, you should immediately call a doctor.

Urgent medical attention is needed for those who feel very sick, vomit frequently, or if vomiting continues for more than 24 hours.

If the patient is unconscious and vomiting, place him on his side with his neck extended (unless there is reason to fear injury to the head, neck or back). This will prevent you from choking on vomit. For head injuries, roll the victim to a side position. This will ensure the outflow of vomit and access to air. When rolling, you must ensure that your neck is motionless.

If nausea (without vomiting) does not go away after a day or two, you should consult a doctor.

2) For normal nausea and vomiting accompanied by indigestion, make the patient more comfortable. When vomiting stops, replace fluid loss. Give the patient a teaspoon of clean water every 15 minutes until he can hold it in his stomach. Then let him drink liquid at room temperature in small sips every 15 minutes. While recovering from an attack of nausea and vomiting, a person may consume gradually increasing amounts of food and drink. For example, after 4 hours you can drink a large sip of clean liquid and eat one cracker or cookie. If this food does not make you worse, move on to simple light food such as soft-boiled eggs, boiled chicken, clear broth. After 24 hours, if everything is fine, you can eat regular food, avoiding spicy foods and overeating.

3) Forget about stomach medications. Stomach medications are not intended to stop vomiting. Take them only if vomiting is due to excess stomach acid. For example, if you have a stomach ulcer or have eaten something that causes irritation. They can then neutralize excess acid or soothe irritation. Otherwise, forget about them.

4) Replace important food ingredients. Minerals are also released through vomiting. Take clear soups or apple and cranberry juices. Water is better than nothing, but ideally you should add a pinch of salt and sugar to it for each glass.

5) Use a color test. If your urine is dark yellow, it means you are not drinking enough. The paler it becomes, the better you are at preventing dehydration.

6) Drink warm drinks better. It is not advisable to drink cold drinks, which act as a shock on a sensitive stomach. It is best to drink drinks at room temperature or warm.

7) Let the bubbles come out. When you're vomiting, you don't need those little bubbles. Before drinking, let your favorite sparkling mineral water sit until the bubbles release.

Remedies for nausea :

1) If you want to eat, first rinse your stomach with liquids - tea or juices. Liquids should be warm or room temperature, but not cold, to avoid further shock to the stomach. Drink no more than 30-60 grams at a time.

2) Drink non-carbonated drinks. If you want to drink sparkling water, open the cap and wait for them to dissipate and the water to come to room temperature.

3) Use acupressure. Apply pressure to the webbing between the thumb and index finger of each hand. Use deep, firm pressure and quick massaging movements for several minutes. Using the same massage and pressure, rub your thumb or thumbnail between the tendons of your second and third toes.

4) Eat carbs first. If you need to eat something and don't feel too nauseous, eat small amounts of light carbohydrates, such as toast or crackers. Once the nausea subsides, try a light protein like chicken breast or fish. Fatty foods are the last thing to add to your diet.

5) Stop taking medications. Stomach soothing agents are used for problems with stomach function caused by diseases, and not for a tendency to nausea. However, if your nausea is caused by inflammation or irritation, and if it is not very severe, it is prudent to start with them, although they are not nearly as transparent as doctors prefer.

6) Try ginger treatment. It is recommended to take ginger root in an amount depending on how sick you feel. You'll know you've taken enough when you burp and taste ginger. Take it in capsule form. Most people need to eat too much fresh ginger to get the same effect as using the powder. If your symptoms are very mild, ginger ale or ginger cookies may help.

7) Get it over with. One of the most effective ways to stop nausea is to allow yourself to vomit. The nausea will go away immediately, and maybe just one good release will do the trick. And, at the very least, you will have a temporary respite from this disgusting feeling. However, doctors do not recommend inducing vomiting; do it only as a last resort.

Medical sections: diseases of the digestive system

Medicinal plants: calamus, oblong quince, silver birch, trefoil watch, urban gravilat, garden marjoram, peppermint, sweet celery

Get well!


An unpleasant companion to many painful conditions is a feeling of nausea and subsequent vomiting, caused by various reasons. It is possible and necessary to cope with these symptoms at home. Today, there are many known antiemetics and methods that help stop debilitating manifestations with the help of medications or traditional medicine.

What is vomiting

The involuntary, unconscious ejection of food leftovers or other stomach contents through the mouth is called vomiting. It is accompanied by a characteristic sound and is the result of a sharp contraction of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. This reflex in itself is not dangerous, but it is extremely unpleasant, it is difficult for the body to tolerate, and the condition requires first aid at home.

What to do if you are vomiting

If you experience nausea, you should immediately seek medical help to find out what is causing the condition. Nausea may be a protective reaction of the body, a symptom of a hidden disease, or the result of a pathology of the nervous system, so the manifestation of vomiting requires an immediate response. Hypertension can cause vomiting. You need to check this by measuring your blood pressure. If vomiting is the result of a sharp increase in temperature, it should be brought down with the help of an antipyretic. If you suspect an injury, call a doctor immediately.

First aid

The most important thing when vomiting occurs is not to panic (during hysteria, spasms are less controllable) and call an ambulance. Gagging can be stopped with medication or simple home remedies. It is necessary to try to accurately establish the cause of vomiting as soon as possible, since further actions directly depend on what caused it. The reasons may be as follows:

  • Food poisoning - spoiled foods often cause nausea. Such gagging does not need to be stopped immediately, because the body gets rid of the source of intoxication. It is better if the entire volume of low-quality food is removed from the food tract. If the possibility of perforation of the digestive organs is excluded, the procedure of gastric lavage with water and salt or potassium permanganate will be effective. After stopping the vomiting, the patient should be given frequent warm drinks. Strong sweet tea or rosehip infusion from chamomile and lemon balm flowers is good.
  • Drug overdose - medications taken in excessive quantities can quickly lead to serious consequences. Such cases require an urgent call to the ambulance and immediately taken measures to rid the body of the swallowed medicine. Drinking plenty of fluids and gastric lavage are the first steps that need to be taken to avoid the substance entering the bloodstream. If the victim still has the packaging of the drug, it should be shown to a doctor for a quick diagnosis and treatment. If the patients are a pregnant woman, an elderly person or a person in a weakened condition, intensive gastric lavage before the arrival of emergency doctors is dangerous. It can cause dehydration due to loss of large volumes of fluid. In such a combination of circumstances, it is better for the patient to only offer small portions of drink before being examined by a doctor.
  • Intestinal infection - pathogenic flora that causes an infectious disease of the stomach is removed from the body through the protective mechanism of vomiting. In between attacks, the patient is asked to drink small volumes of a solution of the drug Regidron. It restores the deficiency of essential substances removed from the body along with the liquid. If the vomiting does not stop, you can drink Cerucal or Motilium.
  • Intoxication with toxic vapors - inhalation of toxic substances (poisoning with gas or chemical vapors) can lead to the development of nausea and vomiting. The victim should be taken out into fresh air as soon as possible to ensure oxygen enters the lungs. Sweet, weak tea or coffee will help stop the urge to vomit. The victim should not be left unattended so that in case of sudden loss of consciousness he does not choke on vomit.
  • Motion sickness - a weak vestibular apparatus often causes nausea and vomiting in transport. Children are especially susceptible to this problem. To prevent such a development of events, you should try to provide yourself and your loved ones with a comfortable position on the road (preferably reclining), avoid overfeeding your children on the eve of the trip, and take with you a few simple remedies that can alleviate the onset of nausea:
  1. mint flavored caramel for sucking;
  2. a slice of lemon with peel (hold behind your cheek);
  3. sweet and sour lollipop (can be offered to children for vomiting);
  4. Validol tablet (keep under the tongue);
  5. ammonia.

Medication methods

Today, pharmacies offer a wide selection of antiemetics that have different effects on the body. Each of the drugs has its own scope of action. Depending on the pharmacological group, the following types of drugs that help stop nausea are distinguished:

  • M-cholinergic receptor blockers - medications act on the peripheral nervous system, reducing its activity. Drugs in this group include Meterazine - effective tablets for motion sickness. The active ingredient of the drug is prochlorperazine. Take the product after meals with water. Safe dosage is limited to 4 tablets per day. The list of side effects of the drug is headed by drowsiness and dizziness. It is not recommended for persons with impaired liver function, heart disease, or vascular disease.
  • Centrally acting anti-nausea medications directly relieve the vomiting center of the brain. These include the antihistamine Diprazine. The active substance promethazine reduces stimulation of vestibular receptors and has a sedative effect. Take the medicine once an hour before the trip, children - 10-20 mg, adults - 25-50 mg. The drug is not prescribed to pregnant women, people with allergies to components, or people with heart, liver, bone marrow or brain diseases.
  • Antiemetics of mixed action, blocking central and peripheral receptors, reduce the activity of the gastric outlet, stopping the reverse reflux of intestinal contents. This group includes Metoclopramide, an effective and cheap drug suitable for stopping vomiting in children. It is not effective in treating nausea of ​​vestibular origin. Available in the form of tablets and solution for injections. Dosage for adults - three times a day, 0.01 g.
  • Histamine H1 receptor inhibitors are drugs that reduce the amount of histamines in the blood that cause irritation of the vestibular apparatus. Pipolfen is widely used by travelers to help with motion sickness. The active substance of the drug, promethazine hydrochloride, is classified as fast-acting - it stops nausea within 5-10 minutes after administration and lasts for 4-12 hours.

Adults take 1 tablet before traveling, drinking 1 tablet every 4-6 hours if necessary. Side effects of the drug include drowsiness, apathy, loss of energy and decreased blood pressure. It is not prescribed to chronic hypotensive patients, persons suffering from bradycardia, impaired transmission of nerve impulses, pregnant women, and children under 6 years of age.

  • Sorbents (substances that remove toxins from the body) are used for vomiting caused by too much food, medicine or other drugs entering the stomach. The most famous drug in this group is activated carbon. In case of poisoning, gastric lavage is prescribed with a solution of 1-2 tablets per glass of water. After this, charcoal is taken at the rate of 4-8 tablets three times a day, treatment lasts several days. Long-term use of charcoal can lead to hypovitaminosis; it is contraindicated for internal bleeding and peptic ulcers.

Antiemetic at home

If the cause of vomiting does not require treatment in a hospital, then you can take effective measures to stop it at home. For a mild intestinal infection, the doctor will recommend taking nitrofuran drugs or an antibiotic for 5 to 7 days. To stop gagging, it is better to drink solutions of Regidron or Gidrovit. During the first hour you need to take at least 10 ml per kg of body weight. For an adult weighing 70 kg, take 700 ml of solution in small sips. Then the dosage is reduced to 5 ml per kg.

What to give your child when vomiting

First aid for vomiting in a child is urgent measures to restore the water-salt balance of the body; children are very sensitive to fluid loss. If the cause of vomiting is heatstroke, try to lower the temperature. Regidron in combination with a 5% glucose solution is suitable for feeding children. Diluted drugs should be mixed in a 2:1 ratio. The solution should be prepared based on the norm of 25 - 60 ml per kg of body weight. This volume is drunk in 10 hours. Afterwards the dosage is reduced to 10 ml per kg of weight.

If you don’t have the necessary medications to stop your child’s vomiting, you can drink it with Essentuki or Borjomi mineral water. The gas must first be removed from it. Sweet, weak tea will also work. It is better to drink liquid in fractional portions, since babies can burp for some time after the spasms have stopped. A gentle diet is recommended (feeding cereals, vegetable and fruit purees, dried fruits).


After determining the cause of vomiting, the child is prescribed medications used in pediatrics. They can be classified into one of the following groups:

  • Intestinal septic tanks are medications that act against pathogenic microbes in the intestines, destroying pathogenic bacteria. The drug Enterofuril belongs to this group. Release form - capsules or suspension, active substance - nifuroxazide. The medicine is prescribed to babies from 1 month (2.5 ml of suspension 2-3 times a day). Children over 7 years old can take 1 capsule 4 times a day. Side effects of the drug include allergic reactions, therefore, if you are individually sensitive to the components, it is not prescribed.
  • Antibiotics are antimicrobial drugs that stop the development of intestinal infections. For children, the cephalosporin Ciprofloxacin or the macrolide Azithromycin is recommended.
  • Sorbents are substances that absorb toxins and remove them from the body. For children, doctors recommend activated carbon, Smecta, Atoxil. From the first year of life, you can give your child Enterosgel. Polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate in its composition is responsible for the absorption and evacuation of toxins. The cleansing gel is diluted with a small volume of water or milk and offered to children. To stop vomiting, infants under one year old are given 0.5 teaspoon of gel 6 times a day, older ones - a dessert spoon three times a day. The medicine is not used for liver or kidney failure.
  • Enzyme preparations that restore the functioning of the digestive tract (Motorix, Pancreatin) are given to a child if he is over 5 years old. Doctors often recommend the affordable remedy Mezim. The enzymes lipase, protease and amelase in its composition help with vomiting caused by intestinal infections, inflammatory processes, and dysbiosis. Children under 7 years old are given 1 tablet 2 times a day, after 7 years old you can take 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day. Rare side effects include an allergic reaction. Mezim is contraindicated for intestinal obstruction and acute pancreatitis.
  • Antiemetic drugs - stop nausea by blocking receptors. Motilium is effective. Its active substance domperidone is a dopamine antagonist. A child under 12 years of age is prescribed a suspension of 0.25-0.5 ml per kg of weight up to 4 times a day. The drug is contraindicated in patients suffering from gastric bleeding, pituitary tumors, renal or liver failure. Rare side effects are observed in the form of allergies, drowsiness, and stomach cramps.

How to stop vomiting during toxicosis in pregnant women

It is better to prevent the appearance of vomiting in pregnant women using routine measures. Requires non-tiring walks, a diet excluding foods rich in fat, avoidance of unhealthy fried foods and fast food. A simple method that helps many is brushing your teeth with mint paste. The doctor can prescribe Aeron, Bonin, Cerucal or Etaperazine, which is approved for pregnant women:

  • Aeron - tablets that stop nausea in transport. The active substances (scopolamine camphorate and hyoscyamine) have a sedative effect and reduce the muscle tone of the digestive organs. The drug is not recommended for glaucoma. An hour before the trip, you need to take 2 tablets on an empty stomach, and then 1 tablet 2 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 4 tablets.
  • Cerucal is a popular anti-nausea medicine that stops vomiting within 30 minutes. The active substance is metoclopramide. The effect of the drug lasts 12 hours. Take 1 tablet half an hour before meals 3 times a day. The maximum dose is 6 tablets per day (2 times a day, 2 tablets). The medicine is prescribed with caution for kidney and liver dysfunction.
  • Bonin is a mildly acting drug. The recommended dose is 1 tablet 60 minutes before the start of the trip, and then 1 tablet per day if the need to stop nausea remains urgent. Reported side effects are fatigue, drowsiness, dry mouth, visual disturbances.
  • A healing drink made from dried ginger, brewed with 250 ml of water, infused for a long time, drink a teaspoon before meals three times a day.
  • Dill water (brew a teaspoon of seeds with boiling water and leave for 2 hours), taken 5 ml during the day, will help stop vomiting in a child at home.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials in the article do not encourage self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give treatment recommendations based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

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How to stop vomiting in children and adults

When you lie down, stomach acid can rise up your esophagus, increasing feelings of nausea and discomfort. Because of this, it is not recommended to lie down immediately after eating, especially if you suffer from acid reflux. Also, try not to squeeze your abdominal muscles to avoid squeezing your stomach. If you feel nauseous, sit down and move as little as possible.

2. Open a window or sit in front of a fan

This way you will remove unpleasant odors from yourself and be distracted. Fresh air relieves nausea. That is why those who are trying to lean out of the window.

3. Apply a cold compress

Nausea may cause a fever. Place a cold compress on the back of your neck for a few minutes. This will help reduce the temperature and calm nausea.

4. Breathe deeply

This is especially helpful if nausea is caused by stress or anxiety. Take a deep breath through your nose, hold your breath for three seconds and exhale slowly. Repeat several times.

5. Take a break

The more you think about nausea, the worse you feel. Try distracting yourself with a book or movie. If you're at work, take a few deep breaths and then do something you've been putting off for a long time, like writing a report.

6. Drink more fluids

Nausea can be a symptom of dehydration, but drinking a lot of fluid at once will only make the discomfort worse. Drink in small sips throughout the day. If you don't want to drink plain water, drink water with pieces of fruit or decaffeinated tea.

7. Drink chamomile tea

Chamomile is a well-known folk remedy for nausea. In addition, it calms and helps you sleep. Pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of chamomile flowers, let it brew for five minutes and drink.

8. Smell the lemon

Lemons contain citric acid, which is beneficial for digestion. If nausea is caused by constipation, warm water with lemon juice will help stimulate the bowels. Just don't overdo it - too much citric acid can increase nausea.

Even the smell of lemons helps relieve nausea The Effect of Lemon Inhalation Aromatherapy on Nausea and Vomiting of Pregnancy.. Smell the essential oil or just a fresh cut lemon.

9. Eat a piece of ginger

Ginger has antiemetic properties Ginger in the Prevention of Nausea and Vomiting: A Review.. If you feel nauseous, eat a small piece of fresh or candied ginger or drink tea with it.

10. Brew mint

Take mint capsules or drink mint tea. The scent of essential oil or fresh mint leaves can also help relieve nausea. Examination of the Effectiveness of Peppermint Aromatherapy on Nausea in Women Post C-Section..

11. Don't drink carbonated drinks

Gases in such drinks can also cause sour belching. And the abundance of sugar in them will only increase nausea. If there is nothing other than a carbonated drink, wait until the gases come out of it and only then drink.

12. Don't eat junk food

Usually, to recover from nausea, it is recommended to eat bananas, rice, and applesauce. You can also eat some pasta without sauce, mashed potatoes, and boiled eggs. Avoid fried foods, dairy, meat, and fiber-rich foods until the nausea subsides.

If nausea accompanies other symptoms, consult your doctor. For example, nausea and chest pain may be a sign of a heart attack. And nausea and severe headache or dizziness may indicate problems with the nervous system.

Be sure to consult a doctor if nausea does not go away within a month or if it is accompanied by unknown weight loss.

Vomiting is a reflexive protective reaction of the body aimed at emptying the stomach of its contents. This occurs due to contraction of the abdominal muscles, mainly by the diaphragm. The process is regulated by the vomiting center in the brain. The causes of vomiting are varied. To determine them, the nature of the vomit is analyzed. They come in different colors and contain impurities of undigested foods, mucus, blood, and bile.

Causes of vomiting associated with pathology of the digestive system

These are the most common reasons for vomiting. It usually develops after eating and is associated with inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane.


Every person has experienced indigestion. It is caused by eating heavy or poor-quality food, and also occurs when overeating. Vomiting in this condition is one-time. After it there is always noticeable relief. General condition is satisfactory. A person can easily return to their normal lifestyle and daily routine within 1-2 hours. Vomit contains small amounts of food pieces and mucus.

First aid is to refrain from eating any foods for 2-3 hours to give the stomach a break to recover, and to refrain from physical activity for the rest of the day. If this happened at the workplace, and the activity involves physical activity, if possible, take short breaks (5-7 minutes) every hour.

Acute intestinal infections (AI)

OKI or gastroenteritis is a common and dangerous cause. One of the main symptoms is frequent vomiting, which occurs as a result of damage to the mucous organs of the gastrointestinal tract by pathogenic microorganisms. The most common pathogens that lead to this condition are E. coli, staphylococcus, dysentery, cholera, typhoid fever, and botulism.

With gastroenteritis, vomiting occurs repeatedly, is difficult for a person to tolerate, worsens general health, and severely dehydrates the body. Associated symptoms are diarrhea (sometimes up to 15 times a day), high fever, intoxication. Stool and vomit may contain large amounts of mucus, undigested food, and in severe cases, blood and pus.

The main task in providing assistance to the victim is to prevent critical dehydration of the body. To do this, the patient must drink at least 4 liters of water per day. Rapid loss of fluid will lead to a high concentration of toxins in the blood and, as a result, brain poisoning and kidney failure.

The cause may be enzymatic insufficiency of the pancreas. Lack of enzymes - proteases, amylase, lipase, steapsin, nucleases. This leads to the fact that the incoming food is not fully digested, is not broken down into proteins, fats, carbohydrates and, as a result, is not absorbed in the intestines.

Vomiting occurs after a person has eaten fatty, fried, smoked food. After 1-2 hours, characteristic symptoms develop - nausea, constant vomiting (every hour), single loose stools. At first, food is evacuated from the stomach, then vomiting of gastric juice appears. This condition occurs with acute pancreatitis or exacerbation of the chronic form of the disease.

Another functional disorder is a violation of the production of bile, difficulty in outflow, and its reflux into the stomach. It happens with inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis) or the presence of stones, obstruction of the bile ducts (dyskinesia), inflammation of the liver (hepatitis).

Providing assistance:

  1. Organize the patient to fast for the first 24 hours after the attack.
  2. Within a week, prescribe a fasting diet to relieve inflammation.
  3. In order to unload the pancreas, take enzymes daily during meals - pancreatin, Creon, mezim, festal.
  4. No-spa for vomiting bile in children and adults is indicated when there is severe pain in the right hypochondrium. It will relieve spasm of smooth muscles and alleviate the condition.

Chemical or drug poisoning

The causes of vomiting are the penetration of toxic substances into the body. Contributing factors are neglect of safety precautions when working with toxic substances, accident, poisoning with household chemicals.

When toxic chemical compounds enter the gastrointestinal tract, they affect the mucous membrane, change its structure and impair functionality. The degree of damage depends on the concentration and volume of the substance that has penetrated inside. The esophagus and stomach are the first to be affected; they are destroyed more than other organs. A chemical burn can cause:

  • hyperemia (redness), inflammation;
  • erosions, ulcers;
  • thinning of the organ;
  • necrosis (death);
  • perforation (rupture) of the walls.

Defense mechanisms are activated in the victim’s body and vomiting occurs. If toxic substances enter the respiratory tract, the person will feel sick. If you are vomiting, this is a sign of brain damage.

In case of chemical poisoning, you should not wash your stomach yourself. This will increase the degree and area of ​​the burn.

Constant nausea and vomiting occur from systematic drug overdose. The reason is non-compliance with the treatment regimen, independent increase in the dose taken. This is especially true for patients who take antipsychotics - narcotic drugs for insomnia, migraines, and mental disorders. These drugs can cause withdrawal syndrome - dependence, which requires increasing the dosage.

Causes of vomiting associated with damage to the nervous system and other internal organs

The reason why a person experiences constant vomiting may be irritation of the vomiting center, which is located in the medulla oblongata.

Once in the body, alcohol is quickly absorbed through the walls of the gastrointestinal tract into the blood and rushes to the brain. When the permissible limits of consumed alcoholic beverages are exceeded, intoxication develops. The resulting vomiting is not due to ethanol entering the stomach, but to poisoning of the brain. Depending on the degree of intoxication, it can be single or multiple.

Vomiting indicates severe poisoning. Alcohol destroys blood and brain cells, leading to oxygen starvation. In this case, vomiting is a harbinger of respiratory and cardiac dysfunction, up to their stop.

Diseases and injuries of the nervous system

Lesions of the central nervous system that cause vomiting:

  1. Infectious diseases – meningococcal infection. When it enters the body, the pathogen multiplies quickly. When it dies, endotoxins are released, which quickly destroy blood vessels and mucous membranes, often causing the development of infectious-toxic shock. Symptoms: sharp pain in the head and eyeballs, vomiting, high tactile sensitivity, irritation to light and sound.
  2. Concussion occurs due to bruises, blows, collisions. Factors – domestic, sports and industrial injuries, criminal incidents. As a result, the functionality of neurons is impaired. Symptoms are one-time vomiting, shallow and rapid breathing, slow heartbeat, memory impairment.
  3. Compression of the brain occurs as a result of filling the cranial space with blood and intracerebral fluid. Brain damage is a life-threatening condition. It develops as a result of mechanical trauma. Symptoms: repeated vomiting, severe headache, psychomotor agitation, high blood pressure, epileptic convulsions.

Nausea, vomiting, pain in the occipital region are signs of a sharp increase in blood pressure to critical levels. Instability of circulation in the brain, increased tension in the blood vessels affects the vomiting center. With systolic blood pressure over 200 mm Hg. Art. The patient may experience severe repeated vomiting. Accompanying symptoms are chills, headache, swelling of the face and limbs, sudden loss of strength, and fainting.

The appearance of a hypertensive crisis is promoted by stress, nervous shock, meteorological conditions, and physical activity.

Causes of vomiting in children

In children, the causes of vomiting depend on age. Infants experience frequent regurgitation due to overfeeding. Or as an adaptive reaction to new living conditions of the body. In infants, vomiting for no reason is common.

Factors for the development of vomiting in children:

  • Congenital anomalies of the development of internal organs of the digestive system.
  • Immature vestibular apparatus – motion sickness in motor vehicles.
  • Dyspeptic disorders - food inappropriate for age, inappropriate baby food, improper introduction of complementary foods.
  • Vomiting as a reaction to taking pharmacological drugs.
  • Allergic reactions to products.
  • Foreign body in the throat, esophagus or stomach.

Identifying the causes of vomiting allows you to determine what to do in a particular case, what measures to take to eliminate and prevent the symptom.

Usually, nausea occurs as a result of discomfort in the throat, dizziness or sudden paleness of the skin. Very often, severe nausea, which leads to vomiting, is accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen, attacks of severe pain in the left abdomen, pain in the right abdomen, near the navel or above, below the navel. The causes of vomiting after severe nausea are varied; sometimes it is very difficult to determine the cause of vomiting by the nature of abdominal pain and other painful symptoms.

With nausea, vomiting occurs; along with the vomit, the stomach is emptied of everything previously eaten. There are many reasons as a result of which a person develops a condition such as severe nausea and an attack of vomiting following it: chemical substances that have entered the body, poor quality or expired food products, pathological processes occurring in the body, infections, damage to the nervous system, toxicosis during gestation, diseases of the digestive tract and much more. At the same time, not everyone knows what to do in such a situation; people do not always know what to do if they are vomiting a lot, what to do if they feel sick and vomiting occurs.

Basic rules for vomiting and severe nausea:

1 If vomiting and nausea only get worse, or if the vomiting does not stop, you should call emergency medical help. If vomiting is accompanied by high body temperature, if a person is vomiting and has chills, then you should definitely seek help from a doctor.

2 Vomiting should not be stopped or antiemetics taken because vomiting is a way of cleansing the body of waste and toxins.

3 After vomiting, it is best not to take any food for the next 8 hours. The patient needs to drink as much as possible to quickly remove toxins from the body. Activated carbon or Smecta are one of the most common post-vomiting remedies that not only relieve nausea, reduce vomiting, but also effectively remove toxins from the body.

4 Antiemetics should only be used to stop vomiting if recommended by a doctor.

It is also important to remember the color of the vomit and its consistency in order to later convey this information to the doctor. The color of vomit can often determine the probable causes of painful symptoms such as severe nausea that led to vomiting. You can read more about this issue in the article: vomiting.

How to cope with nausea?

If you notice slight, mild nausea, but there is no urge to vomit yet, then you can try to relieve the condition with cool water. You need to drink a small amount of liquid, which will help speed up the removal of toxins and waste from the human body. But this method will not bring results if nausea occurs against the background of fatigue, severe fatigue or anxiety. If after drinking water a person does not feel better, then you can take a validol tablet or drink a mint infusion; having ammonia on hand will also solve your problem.

If nausea bothers you in transport, you can use a regular lollipop, slowly dissolving it. If you feel nauseous, you may feel better after vomiting. To induce vomiting yourself, just press on the base of the tongue; this can be done with your finger or any other object.

Actions for vomiting – what should I do if I vomit?

First of all, it should be noted that if vomiting occurs, you should drink more water, weak tea or mineral water without gas. The reason for this phenomenon lies in a number of factors:

1 When drinking water, vomiting becomes more frequent, which causes the elimination of microorganisms and toxins that provoked this phenomenon. Soon a person will be able to observe a visible improvement in general well-being;

2 If there is a frequent urge to vomit, dehydration of the body as a whole is observed, this phenomenon can become dangerous for a person. This is why it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids.

You should not try to stop vomiting, because it is with its help that the body removes all unnecessary and harmful substances, thereby cleansing itself. If, even after a certain time, there is no general improvement in the condition, then immediately consult a doctor; perhaps the cause is more serious than it might seem at first glance.

In the event that the body is poisoned, the proven “Activated Carbon” can be used as an effective means for cleaning it. Determining the dosage of the drug is very simple; you need to take one tablet for every 10 kilograms of your weight. Of course, there are many medications aimed at alleviating the condition of poisoning, but their use should only be prescribed by a doctor; on your own you can only worsen the condition.

If for some reason you do not want to resort to medications, then you can use equally effective folk remedies. If the poisoning is not serious, then you can use different tinctures; to do this, just brew peppermint, lemon balm or dill. By adding grated ginger when preparing various dishes, you can achieve an excellent preventative result for frequent motion sickness in transport.

Causes of vomiting, why does it vomit?

The main causes of vomiting, an intense feeling of nausea that gradually leads to vomiting, are a few of the most common problems. The main causes of nausea and vomiting are poisoning, sunstroke, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the central nervous system.

Poisoning - as a cause of vomiting, what to do in case of poisoning?

Vomiting after poisoning of the body usually occurs some time after a person has eaten a spoiled product. A person usually vomits so that the body can get rid of a substance that is poisoning it. Vomiting is a natural process that allows the body to get rid of waste and toxins. When vomiting from poisoning, a person needs to drink a lot, and assistance to the body such as gastric lavage is also mandatory. Activated carbon during vomiting, after gastric lavage, will help deal with the problem more effectively. In case of poisoning, it is very important to cleanse the stomach, and not everyone knows how to properly cleanse the stomach of toxins and harmful substances that poison it, which came with spoiled food.

The cause of vomiting is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (organs of the gastrointestinal tract)

One of the reasons for vomiting may be diseases of the stomach and other organs of the digestive system. If you don’t know what to do if you are vomiting and have stomach pain, if there is severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, all these are symptoms of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, then you should seek help from a specialist, a gastroenterologist. Because in case of simple poisoning, vomiting goes away after cleansing the body of toxins, and in case of diseases of the stomach and other gastrointestinal organs, vomiting and nausea are only a symptom of a serious problem. Here, in order to find out how to get rid of vomiting and nausea, how to reduce nausea and vomiting attacks, you need to find out the cause, the disease, the symptoms of which are nausea and vomiting. With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in addition to nausea and vomiting, a person is often bothered by abdominal pain; you can read more about this problem in the article: abdominal pain, pain in the lower abdomen, upper, left or right abdomen, which can provoke the appearance of abdominal pain.

The cause of vomiting and nausea is central nervous system disease

For problems with the central nervous system, its diseases that cause nausea and vomiting, severe bouts of vomiting, conventional antiemetics and anti-nausea pills can only give a short-term effect. To get rid of nausea and severe vomiting due to diseases of the central nervous system, it is necessary to consult a specialist doctor. In this case, self-medication of vomiting and nausea can not only be useless, but also harm the patient’s health. With such problems, a person is often haunted by a feeling of mild nausea, and a feeling of nausea often appears. You can read more about this problem in the article: what diseases.

The cause of vomiting and severe nausea is sunstroke

One of the causes of severe vomiting and nausea is heat or sunstroke. If a person loses consciousness after vomiting from sunstroke, then emergency medical help must be called. If, after vomiting from sunstroke, malaise and a feeling of nausea or nausea appear, in this case it is recommended to place the patient in a calm and cool place and apply a cool compress. To relieve nausea and stop vomiting from heat stroke, it is best to seek help from a doctor, and if the symptoms of nausea and vomiting begin to subside, you can give the patient water, which will be acidified with lemon juice.

If you feel sick during pregnancy?

It is not surprising that during the early stages of pregnancy, a woman may experience bouts of nausea. By the third month, if the pregnancy proceeds without complications, no trace remains of toxicosis, the woman can again enjoy life, enjoying bearing the baby. But even in the first months, nausea and vomiting can cause a lot of discomfort and trouble.

It should be borne in mind that at this time you should not take any medications, because this can harm the development of the fetus, causing complications. There are several recommendations that can help you feel better during pregnancy:

1 Meals should be frequent, but portions should be small. There should not be long breaks between meals;

2 You should not have a hearty breakfast in the morning; it is better to choose light foods;

3 Attacks of nausea can occur as a result of strong odors and other external irritants, so try to avoid them in the first three months.

If vomiting and nausea have become frequent “guests” for you and there are no visible reasons for this phenomenon, then most likely this is a serious, hidden illness. It is imperative to see a doctor, because only he can conduct an examination and make an accurate diagnosis. If you constantly feel sick, then the possible causes of such a painful symptom can be found in the article: constant nausea.