What to do if anti-Mullerian hormone is low. Probability of spontaneous pregnancy with low amg Amg 0.5 is pregnancy possible?

Anti-Mullerian hormone is low, is it possible to get pregnant and how to do it? When it comes to infertility and unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant, hormones such as estrogen and progesterone are usually remembered, but the anti-Mullerian hormone plays the most important role in reproductive function.

Few people know what anti-Mullerian hormone is; to clarify the situation, it is necessary to clarify that it is a hormone responsible for reproductive function in the human body. It is present in people of both sexes. In the body of men in adolescence, it allows you to control the puberty of a teenager. It is produced until the end of this process, after which it begins to gradually dissolve. If elements of the hormone still remain in the blood, this can provoke forms of hermaphroditism and hernia in the groin area.

In the female body, this hormone gives an idea of ​​the state of the ovaries and the development of follicles in them. It is produced from birth until menopause. I would like to note that the female body contains less of the above hormone than male adolescents. Based on the amount of hormone, the doctor can accurately determine how well a woman is ready to bear a child.

How is the test done?

A woman usually takes an analysis for the amount of the hormone on days 3 or 5 of the cycle. Men are allowed to do this at any time, the main thing is to completely stop smoking an hour before the test and follow the instructions of medical staff.

Blood is taken from a vein for analysis using a special sterile system. It is not recommended to drink a lot of fluids before the procedure, and not to be exposed to emotional stress or heavy physical activity the day before the procedure. If you find significant differences with the norm, do not rush to panic, remember that there is a human factor and something could have been confused or overlooked in the laboratory. Perhaps you prepared incorrectly for the tests and influenced the results with your experiences. You can take the test again next month. To obtain a referral, you must consult an endocrinologist. As a rule, these tests are prescribed to women for the following purposes:

  • cancer control and detection;
  • identification of developmental pathologies;
  • sexual function activity;
  • failure of artificial insemination and possible reasons for this;
  • Diagnosis of infertility and causes.

To save yourself from unnecessary treatment, which is not uncommon in infertility, all women planning a child are recommended to undergo this examination.

Doctors also prescribe an anti-Mullerian hormone test before surgery, the result of which may affect the woman’s reproductive function in the future. To protect themselves and prevent possible consequences, women should freeze several full eggs, which can be used for artificial insemination.


The doctor refers women planning a pregnancy for testing to make an accurate diagnosis. The procedure for testing the level of anti-Mullerian hormone takes place in 3 stages:

  • sampling for FSH and anti-Mullerian hormone;
  • counting complete eggs in a given cycle;
  • determination of the exact volume of the ovaries.

The analysis is carried out over 5 days, the cost directly depends on the speed of obtaining results. Modern medicine allows you to find out the answer within 1 day, but the price of the procedure will be several times higher. Based on the information received, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment.

Reasons for deviations from the norm

The normal level of anti-Mullerian hormone in women is 1-2.5 ng/ml; if its amount is reduced, this indicates that there are disturbances in the functioning of the ovaries. In the case of an increase in the amount of hormone in the blood, there is a suspicion of tumors and polycystic ovaries. Anti-Mullerian hormone is elevated, usually in overweight and obese people.

Many women wonder if anti-Mullerian hormone is low, whether it is possible to get pregnant naturally. The fact is that Anti-Mullerian hormone significantly affects a woman’s reproductive function, and its insufficient amount may indicate infertility. Even with long-term treatment, if the amount of the hormone cannot be increased, the woman will not be able to get pregnant, since her body is not able to independently produce a normal egg.

If it is observed that anti-Mullerian hormone, the norm for women should be 1-2.5 ng/ml, is present in greater or lesser quantities, then diseases of the reproductive system occur. Common diseases include:

  • infertility;
  • inflammation of the appendages;
  • cysts;
  • malignant tumors;
  • early menopause;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • obesity;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • developmental pathologies.

Emotional shocks and stressful situations can provoke an increase in the hormone. Constant physical stress, chronic inflammatory diseases. I would like to mention that the production of anti-Mullerian hormone is not affected by other hormones. When the norm differs from your indicators, you need to look for tumors in the ovaries or polycystic disease.


As for the case when anti-Mullerian hormone decreases, this indicates the following:

  • the beginning of menopause;
  • reduced number of eggs;
  • early puberty;
  • ovarian dysfunction.

If the hormone level in women is below the level in the table of 0.2 ng/ml (Table 1), then this is a critical point, and in most cases the treatment will be long-term and may not produce results.

It is almost impossible to increase the amount of the hormone. Even if you raise it artificially and engage in active stimulation of the ovaries, there will be few full-fledged eggs ready for fertilization and the likelihood of getting pregnant will remain very low. Women who are faced with the problem of low levels of the hormone are recommended to use a fertilized egg transplant from a female donor. Low anti-Mullerian hormone is by no means a reason to panic. Don't stop trying and striving to become a happy mother. A critical case is only when, in combination with a low amount of anti-Mullerian hormone, the level of follicle-stimulating hormone also decreases.

Modern science has made great progress in the treatment of infertility, which is associated precisely with insufficient amounts of the hormone, but, as a rule, all methods involve artificial insemination.

It is impossible to increase the number of eggs ready for fertilization in a natural way. The reserve of the latter is laid down during the period of intrauterine growth, when the genitals are formed. Each new menstrual cycle involves the release of one follicle with an egg ready for fertilization, the remaining ones die off on their own, and accordingly, the number of eggs decreases every month.


The dying and maturation of new follicles, even when a woman is pregnant and breastfeeding, does not stop. While a newborn girl has 2 million eggs in her ovary, by the time she reaches puberty their number is 300 thousand. It is for this reason that it is much more difficult for women over 30 to get pregnant. When the number of eggs is critical, menopause occurs and the woman will no longer be able to conceive a child. The largest amount of the hormone is observed in women of reproductive age from 20 to 30 years. During menopause, the amount of anti-Mullerian hormone is zero. Medicine does not yet know how to control its level. The only thing that can be advised to women is not to delay motherhood and get pregnant at the age of 20-25.

To summarize, I would like to note that every year more and more young women seek artificial insemination, and all because the amount of anti-Mullerian hormone in the blood is reduced. As a rule, the most common cause of this is surgery on the ovaries and their chronic inflammation. That is why doctors strongly recommend not to neglect your health and take care of it from a young age in order to bear a healthy child. Those who are faced with a similar problem can only wish not to give up and believe in the best. There are cases where the amount of anti-Mullerian hormone increased for no apparent reason. Such situations have not yet been studied in detail, but leading family planning institutions are actively working on this issue.

Anti-Mullerian hormone is one of the most important participants in human reproductive function. This substance is present in both male and female bodies. By monitoring the AMH content in a woman’s body, a specialist can draw conclusions about the patient’s readiness for procreation and the overall state of her reproductive system. The substance has a serious effect on ovarian function, controlling the processes of growth and maturation of follicles.

Women with low levels of anti-Mullerian hormone in the blood are often diagnosed with insufficient ovarian activity, which can become an obstacle to not only natural fertilization, but even IVF using their own eggs. With an increased level of AMH, various types of tumors can develop, which can also lead to infertility.

Next, you are invited to familiarize yourself with basic information about AMH and its role in the human body, the procedure for taking an analysis for this hormone, information about normal values ​​and deviations from the established norm, as well as information about the possibility of pregnancy if a reduced concentration of anti-Mullerian hormone is detected.

Basic information about AMG

As noted, anti-Mullerian hormone is present in the body of representatives of both sexes: in men, this substance is responsible for the formation of the genital organs and the peak of its production is observed before the completion of puberty; in women, the hormone is produced in the ovaries from the very birth of a girl until the body enters menopause .

A notable feature of AMH is that it is not controlled by gonadotropins and the menstrual cycle. The concentration of the hormone in a woman’s blood determines her readiness for motherhood. It has been established that the content of anti-Mullerian hormone does not depend on lifestyle, diet and other external factors. Even age does not have a special effect on its concentration (with the exception of age-related menopause). For example, 40-year-old women often have a much higher follicular reserve compared to 20-year-old young girls.

In foreign practice, hormone concentrations begin to be monitored when a girl reaches the age of 12-14 years. It is during this period that the AMH content becomes high enough for its laboratory diagnosis.

Surveys are carried out regularly. After establishing the fact of a decrease in the AMH content in the body, the woman is offered to undergo the procedure of freezing her eggs. For this purpose, cryopreservation methods are used.
Also, such procedures are often carried out before various types of operations affecting the genitourinary system, chemotherapy and other types of treatment in which there is a possibility of suppression of a woman’s reproductive function. With the help of frozen eggs, the patient will be able to become a mother in the future, if desired, by undergoing an artificial insemination procedure, usually IVF.

In accordance with AMH indicators, the number of follicles in the female body is determined, which is an important stage of examination in the process of pregnancy planning. Based on the results of the analysis, it is determined how many of the patient’s eggs are ready for fertilization.

In adult representatives of the fair sex, hormone concentrations of 1-2.5 ng/ml are considered normal. However, often, due to various circumstances, the content of the substance in the female body decreases or increases; for example, some ailments are even diagnosed in accordance with the level of AMH.

As a rule, blood is donated for this hormone on the 5th day of the cycle. If the test results exceed the normal value, this may indicate the presence of tumors in the ovaries, delayed sexual development, etc. However, in some situations, an adequate increase in the level of anti-Mullerian hormone only benefits the patient, increasing her chances of successful implantation of the embryo in the case of artificial insemination.

In general, you can see the list of pathologies that may be present in the female body when the AMH level deviates from the norm in both directions in the following table.

Table. AMH deviations from the norm and associated pathologies

An AMH test is mandatory for women preparing to become mothers through in vitro fertilization. Experts also recommend that all patients planning pregnancy undergo such a study.

Based on real AMH indicators, a specialist can determine the ovarian reserve of the female body, i.e. roughly calculate the number of mature and healthy eggs. In accordance with the last value, the fertilization program is selected. Also, based on the results mentioned above, the doctor determines the possibility of using the patient’s own eggs for fertilization or the need to use donor cells.

If the AMH content is too low, the quality of the eggs obtained from the patient is often not normal. At high rates, stimulation of ovulation (one of the stages of in vitro fertilization) can lead to the appearance of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, which poses a fairly significant danger to the woman’s body.

Patients who are planning to take an anti-Mullerian hormone test should avoid excessive physical activity and avoid stressful situations 3-4 days before going to the laboratory. On the eve of donating blood, you should refrain from eating, drinking and smoking (at least 1 hour before). Patients who have suffered any kind of acute illness or are taking any medications at the time of the test should definitely notify their doctor. Venous blood is given for testing. On average, it takes 2 days to complete an AMH test.

Important! If the test results deviate from the norm, do not panic until you meet with your doctor. First of all, the data obtained should be examined by the specialist who issued the referral for analysis. In addition, there is often a need for examination by highly specialized specialists - a reproductive specialist and an endocrinologist. You need to understand that only an experienced specialist can make an accurate diagnosis of a specific patient after conducting a thorough examination.

Unfortunately, a low concentration of AMH in the vast majority of cases indicates the presence of varying degrees of severity of pathologies of the female reproductive system - from obesity and puberty disorders to menopause, tumors, etc.

Diagnosis of infertility includes many studies, but one of the main ones is an analysis of a woman’s hormones. The levels of endocrine hormones that regulate the functioning of the reproductive system are routinely determined. If such a study does not produce results, an additional test for anti-Mullerian hormone is prescribed.

Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) is present in the body of both sexes. The hormone is produced by the gonads from birth, but only during puberty does it reach its maximum.

In men, AMH levels are high during periods of growth and puberty, as the hormone is involved in the development of the genital organs. With a critical decrease in AMH levels, a man may be unable to conceive a child. After puberty, the level decreases, but the hormone continues to be produced until the end of life.

The importance of the hormone for women is different. The concentration of AMH remains in the blood from birth to menopause. In the female body, anti-Mullerian hormone is produced by the granulosa tissue of the ovaries. Accordingly, the more cells are involved in the process, the higher the hormone level will be. At the onset of menopause.

How is the number of eggs determined?

Experts call anti-Mullerian hormone an “egg counter,” because its level reflects the number of viable eggs. The number of germ cells capable of fertilization is established in a girl’s body at the stage of intrauterine development.

During puberty, there are up to 300 thousand of them, if the girl does not have serious pathologies. This number of cells is called the ovarian reserve. Each menstrual cycle in a healthy woman is marked by the maturation of germ cells, from which the most capable and high-quality ones are released.

The process of maturation of germ cells in the body of a sexually mature woman does not stop during pregnancy and the use of contraceptives. Anti-Mullerian hormone itself does not play an important role in the process of fertilization, but its diagnostic potential is enormous.

The concentration of AMH in a woman’s blood can be determined and her ovarian reserve can be assessed during the extended Efort test. When is the Efort test prescribed:

  • absence of pregnancy while maintaining a normal sex life without using contraception;
  • infertility for unknown reasons;
  • history of unsuccessful IVF;
  • late puberty;
  • determining the results of antiandrogen treatment;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • suspected ovarian tumor;
  • increased levels of follicle-stimulating hormone.

Modern medicine makes it possible to predict the premature depletion of egg reserves and plan pregnancy in such a way as to be on time. To conduct the study, it is necessary to collect anamnesis and determine the indicators of FSH, LH and AMH.

The number of follicles is counted using ultrasound. Additionally, candidate genes for premature ovarian failure are being investigated. Young girls who are at risk of early ovarian failure should implement reproductive plans and family planning in a timely manner.

There is an additional measure of protection: social and biological preservation of fertility, that is, cryopreservation of oocytes. This method is recommended for those women who are postponing having children due to temporary medical contraindications.

However, in women with increased FSH, decreased AMH, ovarian volume up to 3 ml and the number of antral follicles up to one, it is not always possible to obtain oocytes for storage. Such patients are recommended to use donor material.

Preparing for analysis

In order for the test results to be informative and accurate, it is necessary to follow all instructions for preparing for the study. Venous blood is needed to determine AMH levels. The Efort test is carried out strictly on the third or fifth day of the cycle.

A few days before the test, it is necessary to minimize physical and psycho-emotional stress. One hour before the test you should not eat or smoke. Blood donation is postponed if shortly before the woman suffered an acute infection or other serious illness.

Normal level of anti-Mullerian hormone

Only a doctor can correctly interpret the results of any analysis, since many different factors can affect the data obtained. The hormone level is almost independent of external factors such as nutrition and lifestyle. Age also does not play a role. Some women over 40 have significantly higher AMH levels than girls of reproductive age.

AMG standards:

  • for women: 1-2.5 ng/ml;
  • for men: 0.49-5.98 ng/ml.

When the level deviates from the norm in a woman of reproductive age, it is important to first check the reproductive system for pathologies and disorders. Anti-Mullerian hormone reflects the functionality of the ovaries, so the condition of other organs and the concentration of other hormones, as a rule, do not affect the results of the study. When identifying deviations from the norm, it is necessary to look for violations in the ovaries and the processes that regulate their work.

Reduced anti-Mullerian hormone

An indicator of less than 1 ng/ml in women of reproductive age is considered low. Before puberty and after menopause, low AMH levels are considered normal, since at this age there is no activity of the primary follicles.

A low concentration of AMH in a woman of reproductive age indicates a small number of primary follicles ready for fertilization, as well as ovarian depletion. Both of these reasons lead to the same result - difficulties in conceiving naturally and minimal response to drug stimulation.

Athymullerian hormone influences the process of tissue growth and differentiation. Differentiation is the formation of a cell genotype. In a woman with normal hormonal levels, differentiation, maturation and release of one egg occurs in one cycle. If there are disturbances, anovulatory, irregular and other disruptions in the menstrual cycle appear.

The AMH indicator is only an indicator of the number of viable eggs, but the reasons for their reduction are completely different. When AMH levels decrease, it is necessary to find and treat the cause, not the effect. This is the only way to correct consequences such as infertility and early climate change.

Reasons for decreased AMH:

  • menopause;
  • gonadal dysgenesis (incomplete development of glands);
  • early puberty;
  • obesity and other metabolic disorders;
  • hypogonadotropic hypogonadism.

A decrease in AMH levels after age 30 may be a signal of early menopause. The decrease is determined by various factors, so a woman will need to consult not only a gynecologist, but also an endocrinologist and a reproductive specialist. Typically, changes in AMH concentration are detected precisely during preparation for fertilization or when determining the reasons why conception fails.

Natural conception with low AMH

The issue of natural conception with low AMH remains controversial. An indicator of less than 0.2 ng/ml is considered critical, and low - up to 1 ng/ml. With a very low AMH level, the chances of spontaneous conception are minimal.

If the hormone concentration is low, it is necessary to additionally take an FSH test. If the level of follicle-stimulating hormone is within the normal range, the chances of natural conception remain.

A serious problem is the combination of low AMH and high FSH. A decrease in AMH levels in women over 40 years of age indicates that the reserve of eggs is running out, and there is no way to force the body to produce additional ones.

If the reason for the decrease in AMH is menopause, but the woman still wants to get pregnant, hormone replacement therapy may be required. This will help delay menopause and increase the chances of natural conception.

The ability to conceive depends on the number of oocytes, the number of genetic and chromosomal mutations, the degree of sensitivity of the endometrium of the uterus, the presence of gynecological and other pathologies.

In vitro fertilization with low AMH

Low AMH determines the chances of getting pregnant naturally. If this indicator is not combined with other alarming signals, IVF allows you to achieve egg maturation and successful conception even with minimal stimulation. Therefore, a reduced AMH level does not become a contraindication to in vitro fertilization.

On the contrary, IVF will be the most likely method of conception if the level of anti-Mullerian hormone is low. The Japanese IVF protocol is recommended for a combination of low AMH and high FSH (from 15 IU/l). Minimal stimulation is separated by breaks to obtain 1-2 viable eggs in each cycle. The resulting cells are frozen and transferred to the uterus at a favorable time.

The IVF duct in a natural cycle is used in cases where a woman’s ovarian reserve is depleted for one reason or another. Ovulation stimulation is carried out minimally or not at all. Over the course of several cycles, doctors try to obtain at least one egg, which is fertilized and transferred to the uterine cavity.

A short IVF protocol with ovarian stimulation is indicated for a slight decrease in AMH, which does not accurately indicate egg deficiency. It is necessary to take into account the level of FSH, the age of the patient, the results of previous protocols and stimulations. If all these indicators are normal, the chances of conception are high, so a short protocol is carried out.

Preparation for IVF with low AMH levels may include the use of transdermal testosterone, androgens, estrogens, DHEF, hCG, LH, L-arginine, corticosteroids, aromatose. Herbal medicine and hirudotherapy are recommended.

When to use donor eggs

A third of women of advanced reproductive age cannot become pregnant even through IVF. Requires the use of donor eggs. Artificial ovarian stimulation is most often ineffective in cases of low AMH in combination with other disorders. On the contrary, additional stimulation may further deplete egg reserves.

Indications for oocyte donation:

  • increased FSH;
  • decreased anti-Mullerian hormone;
  • insufficient ovarian volume (less than 3 ml);
  • absence of antral follicles or presence of only one.

If a woman does not want to use donor material, the most promising IVF protocol is used, although stimulation in such patients is most often ineffective. In this case, the best option would be to listen to the recommendations of your fertility specialist.

Increased AMH levels

A woman's AMH level is considered elevated when it exceeds 2.5 ng/ml. It must be taken into account that when preparing for IVF, this figure should be slightly exceeded. An increase will indicate that stimulation is working and the chances of successful fertilization are high. Reasons for increased AMH levels:

  • tumor;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • delayed sexual development;
  • defects in luteinizing hormone receptors.

All reasons for increased AMH levels can be divided into two groups. The first includes conditions in which the follicles mature normally, but the eggs do not leave the glands. This can be observed in polycystic ovary syndrome, when the follicle grows and develops, but is not able to overcome the cystic surface.

The second group includes an increase in AMH concentration against the background of proliferation of ovarian granulosa tissue. The most obvious reason is tumor transformation of the gonads. If elevated AMH is detected, an ovarian ultrasound is first prescribed. After detection of tumors or polycystic disease, it is necessary to undergo long-term treatment and re-test. Most likely, the results will improve significantly.

Therapy for elevated AMH

Treatment of the causes of increased AMH is carried out taking into account the woman’s age and the goals that need to be achieved in this way. Therapy for polycystic ovary syndrome includes normalization of body weight, nutritional correction, adequate physical activity, rest and work regimen.

A woman should normalize her hormonal levels and carbohydrate metabolism. After this, it is possible to stimulate ovulation or surgically ensure the release of the egg outside the ovaries. Treatment tactics for hyperplastic processes in the ovaries are agreed upon with an oncologist. If malignant neoplasms are detected, the issue of conception is postponed until complete recovery.

How to increase AMH

An increase in AMH levels does not lead to an increase in the chances of natural conception. Stimulating hormone production with drugs does not change the number of viable eggs, and therefore does not solve the problem of infertility. In this case, treatment consists of identifying and eliminating the causes of the decrease in hormones.

Often artificial stimulation is ineffective, since a decrease in AMH indicates premature menopause. Such patients are recommended to pay attention to assisted reproductive technologies. Even if the results of the AMH test deviate from the norm, you should not panic ahead of time.

Reduced or increased anti-Mullerian hormone is not an indicator of absolute infertility and the inability to conceive a child on your own. It is necessary to take into account many other factors and only then make a decision about artificial stimulation and in vitro fertilization.

Anti-Mullerian hormone is a marker of a woman's ovarian reserve, in other words, the remaining number of eggs that can still be fertilized.

It itself does not affect the ability to conceive or bear a child. But its level in the body accurately predicts the chances of getting pregnant on your own and with the help of IVF. AMH is a unique indicator of health and fertility.

Every woman is born with a fixed number of eggs. This indicator is established in the 3rd month of intrauterine development. Before the start of a girl's first menstruation, the immature follicles are dormant..

With the first menstruation, the first follicle matures, releasing an egg ready for fertilization. Each cycle, the number of such eggs will decrease, and what remains will be the woman’s ovarian reserve.

Anti-Mullerian hormone shows this dynamics. To date AMH is the most accurate analysis that can be used to determine a woman’s ability to conceive, and also predict the onset of menopause.

In IVF, the AMH test makes it possible to assess the likelihood of egg fertilization after ovarian stimulation.

We invite you to watch a video about what AMG is:

The effect of AMH on fertility

Anti-Mullerian hormone is produced by the gonads. In the female body, it is responsible for the production of follicles, and, consequently, the ability to mature eggs.

If the chain is broken at the very beginning and follicles are not produced, then fertilization is impossible and the woman is not able to conceive naturally, as well as through IVF and using her own eggs.

We invite you to watch a video about the importance of AMH for conception:

When should you get tested?

An AMH test is prescribed in the following cases:

  • infertility;
  • increased levels of follicle-stimulating hormone;
  • failed IVF attempt;
  • control of antiandrogen therapy.

A gynecologist can also send a woman for analysis if there is a long absence of pregnancy for no apparent reason.

AMH plays a major role in the preparation for IVF. Based on its results, a reproductive specialist can predict the response of the ovaries after stimulation.

The norm for women to conceive

The level of anti-Mullerian hormone for successful conception of a child depends on the age and individual characteristics of the woman. It often happens that a woman in her fourth decade has a higher AGM than a twenty-year-old girl.

Normally, a woman of reproductive age has an anti-Mullerian hormone level ranging from 1 to 2.5 ng/ml. Analysis data may vary slightly in different laboratories..

The lower the level of anti-Mullerian hormone, the lower the chance of getting pregnant.

At what AMH level is pregnancy possible?

Indicators above or below normal indicate improper functioning of the ovaries and require the attention of a doctor. In rare cases, deviations in the parameters indicate an incorrect sample or test, so the woman may be sent for a retake.

If lowered

A decrease in hormone levels indicates ovarian depletion. Deviations can be detected using laboratory analysis. We can talk about low AMH content when levels range from 0.2 to 1 ng/ml. This may indicate the following diseases:

  • obesity;
  • infertility;
  • early puberty;
  • the onset of menopause;
  • decreased ovarian reserve;
  • menstrual irregularities.

Let's consider whether pregnancy is possible with low levels of anti-Mullerian hormone. The lower the AMH content in a woman’s body, the less chance of conception. A reading below 0.2 ng/ml is considered critical, at which a doctor can diagnose infertility.

The sooner it is possible to identify the disease that led to a decrease in the hormone, the greater the chance of regaining the ability to reproduce. If anti-Mullerian hormone is low for a long time, then the question of how to get pregnant becomes relevant, and it will be more difficult to cure infertility.

If elevated

Elevated AMH also indicates certain ovarian dysfunctions. If it exceeds the norm by more than twice, this may be a symptom of the following diseases:

It should be noted that high levels of anti-Mullerian hormone can be a symptom of cancer.

Is it possible to influence the level?

Anti-Mullerian hormone is an indicator indicating the remaining supply of eggs. Increasing its level will not lead to an early onset of conception, therefore, during the treatment process, attention should be paid to the reasons that led to the reduced concentration of AMH.

If, after an examination, a diagnosis of infertility has been made, doctors use various methods of influencing the ovaries. Their task is not to increase the level of anti-Mullerian hormone, but to ensure the formation of healthy cells for fertilization.

Studies have shown positive dynamics in patients after taking vitamin D3 and the dietary supplement DHEA.

An increase in hormone levels is observed in women in the summer due to the additional synthesis of vitamin D3.

Among adherents of traditional medicine there is an opinion that Royal jelly and propolis have a beneficial effect on the possibility of conception. These products have a positive effect on the body, however, a specialist should select treatment and prescribe medications.

A level of anti-Mullerian hormone that is outside the normal range indicates that the reproductive system is not functioning properly. A woman who receives disappointing test results should not fall into despair - modern IVF techniques help to get pregnant even with low AMH levels. You should not self-medicate. The faster a qualified specialist makes a correct diagnosis and prescribes therapy, the greater the chance of giving birth to a healthy baby.

The article talks about Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), what it is and how important its function is in a woman’s body.

Anti-Mullerian hormone: hormonal norm for the female body and the likelihood of pregnancy

In the human body there are a huge number of cells that are individually responsible for the correct operation of various functions.

Negative fluctuations in hormonal levels cause many diseases. Let's look at the characteristics of the Anti-Muller hormone, its functional features, hormonal norms and the rules for taking a blood test.

What is Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH)?

AMH is a special hormone associated with reproductive functions. In the female body, thanks to it, processes of growth of the structural components of the ovaries - follicles - and an increase in the number of eggs that have reached the final point of maturation occur. This substance plays an important role in biological processes in women from birth.

Until adolescence, the hormone level remains at a minimum level. AMH is normalized upon the onset of reproductive processes, and is kept within specific limits during the menstrual cycle.

Indications for testing

The content of the inhibitor in the blood cells of women indicates the number of follicles that are at rest. This indicator is called the PCM, and it characterizes the likelihood of conception and how quickly menopause can occur.

Inhibitory analysis is prescribed for:

  1. Serious ovarian disorders;
  2. Slowing down the processes of puberty;
  3. Premature attack;
  4. Weak or zero effectiveness of IVF.

This test reveals the causes of infertility or malignant tumor

What result is normal?

These values ​​are typical for a healthy female who is capable of conceiving and bearing a fetus.

For a Muller inhibitor, the normal level is 1-2.5 or 0.5-12.6 ng/ml (values ​​may vary depending on the testing methods). The laboratory must write down those values ​​that are accepted as the norm for them.

Increased rate

If the hormone level exceeds the norm, this may be associated with the following manifestations:

  1. Slow puberty;
  2. The appearance of tumor formations in the ovarian area;
  3. The appearance of signs of polycystic disease.

These are the most common causes of increased levels of the substance in the blood.

Low level: reasons

Low hormonal levels may indicate the following pathological manifestations:

  1. Changes before menopause;
  2. Obesity;
  3. Decrease in PCM due to age-related factors.

Is it possible to get pregnant with low levels?

Pregnancy due to low inhibitor levels is possible, however, only in very rare circumstances. In such a situation, the egg is not always able to mature to its full potential.

To determine the possibility of successful conception, you should undergo proper tests and undergo an ultrasound procedure.

The final results are largely influenced by the patient's age and follitropin level.

Pregnancy with high AMH levels

A high hormonal concentration is always indicated by a value exceeding the established norm of 1-2.5. With minimal deviations in the value, when a girl is preparing to undergo the artificial insemination procedure, exceeding the indicators will not in any way prevent a positive pregnancy. A high percentage of AMH signals the presence of tumor formations and other disorders that can interfere with an adequate biological process.

Anti-Mullerian hormone: the norm for conception in women

In order for conception to occur, a healthy hormonal background is needed. Despite the fact that this hormone does not directly affect the conception of a child, it shows how the female reproductive system works.

Indicators may vary slightly from person to person - this is normal.


Hormone levels are assessed according to the table below.

Decoding indicators

You can conceive and carry to term at any level of the hormone, except very low ones. When diagnosing a very low level, oocyte maturation will be required, and this may also be necessary if the level is low.

High levels of the hormone may indicate diseases of the reproductive system, for example, polycystic disease, or be a consequence of stimulation.


If tests show a low presence of an inhibitory substance, it is necessary to artificially stimulate the functioning of the ovaries so that they begin to produce eggs. There are also drugs on sale (for example, DHEA) that can temporarily increase the percentage of the component, but this will not be enough to solve the problem of infertility, since for a positive result it is necessary to prevent the pathology.