What to do if the screw in the crown comes out. Problems with dental implants The abutment fell out of the implant causes

A former is a device used for implantation. By type of product resembles a cylinder or short screw with a thread and a head.

Made from non-oxidizing and high-strength materials such as titanium, zirconium, ceramics.

This is an orthodontic product helps soft tissue healing, formation of the correct gum contour and is responsible for the stability of the implant.

Formation of gums after dental implantation

Installation of the former - implantation stage. The condition for installing an implant is elastic and correct gum contour, which with the help of this orthodontic device acquires the correct shape, and the soft tissues subsequently fit more tightly to the crown, which increases the stability of the implant.

Important! Do not confuse the former and the abutment. Shaper - temporary structure and is removed from the oral cavity when it performs its role. The purpose of the abutment is to hold the parts of the implant together.

Standard method with implant opening

The product is fixed in a special socket on an artificial tooth root 3-6 months after implantation into the jaw bone. More often, orthodontists resort to a standard method, which consists of several stages:

  1. Soft tissue dissection to gain access to part of the implant in the jawbone.
  2. Platform preparation to place the product: the visible surface of the implant is cleaned and the plug is unscrewed from it.
  3. Attaching over an artificial root.
  4. Stitching edges of the wound.

Procedure not painful, since it is performed under local anesthetic and takes one hour.

When installed correctly, the patient does not experience discomfort, pain or allergic reactions when wearing the structure.

Attention! The size of the former is selected by the doctor individually for each patient. If the size is chosen correctly, then after fastening the product will protrude beyond the boundaries of the gums. In the future, this helps to avoid correction when using temporary prostheses.

One-step installation method

With one-step installation method fixation in a special socket is carried out immediately after implantation. In this case, excision of soft tissue is not required.

Important! The standard method is considered more reliable, since the “plug” is fixed to an already established artificial tooth. The advantage of the one-step method is time saving. This method is suitable for young patients with strong jawbone.

Gum former: how long does it take to heal?

Shaper - temporary structure, which must be removed immediately after the wound has healed. Healing takes 2-3 weeks, swelling goes away within a week. During this time, the gums acquire the shape necessary for further work.

Photo 1. Photograph of the oral cavity with the formers installed in place of the missing teeth.

A month later, if the structure did not unwind and the patient did not experience any complications, the product is removed by a doctor. After removal, an abutment and crown are installed.

What to do if it falls out of the implant?

There are often cases when the patient has difficulty wearing this orthodontic device. This indicates incorrect work by the doctor or the patient’s failure to comply with medical instructions for oral care after installation of the product.

It becomes so difficult swaying and unscrewing the “screw” or falling out e. The wobbling appears due to a loose connection to the artificial root.

If the “screw” falls out, the patient you should consult a doctor immediately, which will return the screw to its place, otherwise the hole will quickly close and you will have to cut the gum again.

Useful video

The video shows the process of installing an implant after tooth extraction using two-stage implantation.

An implant is an artificial tooth root. It provides functionality in the act of chewing and distributes an even load on the jaw row.

But at the same time, it represents a foreign body, and in some cases the structure falls out.


The weakening of the stability of the dental structure, and its subsequent loss, can be provoked by various factors, among which the main ones are:

  1. Low quality material. This reason often arises in small clinics that purchase dental products through intermediaries, and not directly from the manufacturer.

    In addition, there are cases when the pursuit of cheap products is accompanied by the purchase of designs from unknown brands.

    A distinctive feature of high-quality products is their high cost, since large companies make most of their money by investing in innovative developments.

  2. If the patient has an abnormal bite, or other bone defects of the jaw.
  3. Traumatic injuries(impacts, bruises or fractures) causing displacement of orthopedic products.
  4. Negligence on the part of the patient. In this situation, the main role is played by failure to comply with medical instructions and recommendations during the rehabilitation period and after it.

The mistakes of patients that provoke loss of the intraosseous part of the implant include the following factors:

  • the patient allows hypothermia or overheating of the body (visits baths, uses a contrast shower with a large temperature difference);
  • does not use medications that need to be taken in order to speed up the healing process;
  • if the patient begins to drink any types of alcoholic beverages during the recovery period.

Medical errors

Insufficient medical qualifications and lack of skills in installing dental structures can cause rejection of the artificial root.

In this case, characteristic signs of non-engraftment of the system appear almost immediately, during the rehabilitation period. They arise due to the development of the following situations:

  1. Incorrect design selection. This becomes possible when, for some reason, a titanium rod of the wrong size (diameter or length) is implanted.
  2. Violation of hygiene standards. If sterilization of dental instruments occurs in violation of technology.
  3. Poorly conducted preparatory stage for the operation. Incomplete sanitation of the oral cavity, leaving carious cavities without treatment will contribute to the constant presence of infectious pathogens, which creates the preconditions for the development of the inflammatory process.
  4. Overheating of bone tissue. If, when drilling a hole for the implant, there was no cooling with saline solution, then overheating of the jaw bone is possible. This greatly increases the likelihood that the structure will subsequently be rejected by the body.
  5. Insufficient examination of the anamnesis. Lack of information about contraindications and diseases of the patient causes a violation of the technology for installing an orthopedic product.
  6. Incorrect installation of products due to violation of the rules of correct positioning.

It should be borne in mind that placing the titanium rod too deeply or choosing the wrong size may cause the healing abutment to become twisted.

Watch the video to see what mistakes an implantologist can make.

Features of the body

A number of diseases and pathological conditions can weaken the stability of the structure, which subsequently causes it to fall out. In this case, the lack of information about the patient’s health causes the system to fail.

This can occur with the following diseases:

  • HIV infection or AIDS;
  • tuberculosis damage to various organs and systems;
  • in severe forms of insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (type 1);
  • oncological processes occurring in a latent form;
  • decreased immune status of the body;
  • allergic reactions.

Failure to comply with hygiene rules for oral care

Lack of proper care, which involves thorough cleansing with hygienic paste twice a day and rinsing the mouth with dental elixir (after each meal), causes increased proliferation of pathogenic microflora.

This causes the development of inflammation, which ultimately negatively affects metabolic processes in the tissues of the oral cavity. This situation becomes a trigger for product rejection.

Poor implantation and subsequent loss of the implant can occur due to the following reasons:

  1. During the recovery period, the patient constantly overloads the implant without following food intake recommendations. Prepared meals should not contain solids. All food consumed must be finely chopped and undergo all stages of heat treatment.
  2. Smoking habit disrupts metabolic processes in the oral cavity, which weakens the stability of the artificial root in the jaw row.
  3. Refusal to visit the dentist for periodic examination. In some cases, there is a need for professional cleaning of the oral cavity. This is due to the fact that hard plaque cannot be removed at home with a regular toothbrush.

Alarming symptoms

After inserting a titanium rod into the jaw bone tissue, the patient notes a number of uncomfortable sensations, but they are temporary and pass within a specified period of time (usually within a week).

Prolonged manifestation of unpleasant sensations indicates the presence of an inflammation process, which is a reason for immediate contact with a medical facility.

Symptoms and signs that should not be ignored.

Serial number Symptoms Brief description
1 Pain at rest and when pressed Normally, it is relieved by taking non-narcotic analgesics and goes away on its own after 1 or 2 weeks.

Sometimes there is a false feeling that the implant has “grown”, and when you press on its surface, acute pain occurs (a dangerous sign).

2 Swelling of tissues and hyperemia of the gums Even in complicated cases, swelling and redness disappear when 3 to 4 days pass after surgery.

The prolonged appearance of this symptom indicates the beginning of the rejection process.

3 Bleeding or sanguineous discharge If this symptom does not go away within seven days, then it becomes necessary to consult a doctor.
4 Department of purulent secretion Purulent discharge can come out of the gingival surface through the resulting fistulous tract, or directly from under the implant.

This is a dangerous sign that indicates severe inflammation. It is accompanied by an unpleasant odor from the mouth.

5 Temperature indicator An increase in temperature above subfebrile levels (37 degrees) indicates a clear inflammatory process.

However, it is not eliminated by taking antipyretics.


In rare cases, the artificial rod may fall out without causing any symptoms. But most often this is preceded by a number of signs, the presence of which requires contacting a dental clinic.

To confirm the possibility of rejection of a dental structure, the dentist performs the following diagnostic measures:

  1. Initially, a survey is carried out and complaints from the patient are heard. After examining the oral cavity, it is possible to assume that the implant is becoming mobile using the probing method. In this case, its penetration into dental pockets can be more than 6 mm.
  2. The purpose of an x-ray and computed tomography are two informative methods that allow you to assess the condition of the bone tissue and the location of the artificial root in it.
  3. To determine the type of pathogenic microflora, biological material is taken.
  4. Tests are prescribed for the presence of allergens.

You need to know that during the diagnostic process, the dentist must exclude the presence of complications such as cystic compaction, inflammatory reimplantitis, periostitis and mucositis.

Implant failure occurs in rare cases. To protect yourself from the development of such a situation, you need to carefully approach the issue of choosing a dental clinic and a specialist in this field.

In addition, after the operation, the key to successful engraftment will be only if all medical prescriptions and recommendations are followed.


In case of inflammation during peri-implantitis, it will not be possible to save the device, since the tissues around the implanted unit tend to become re-infected. Therefore, the artificial root is removed, followed by antibacterial therapy and the use of antiseptic solutions.

The situation is different if the inflammation is accompanied by symptoms of mucositis (the appearance of inflammatory ulcers and erosion on the mucous membrane). In this case, it is possible to save the structure, if it is motionless and the bone tissue has not lost its volume.

If it is possible to preserve the system, then first of all the exposed area of ​​the implant is cleaned of granulations, bacterial plaque and formed plaques. This procedure is performed using laser, ultrasound or the Air Flow system.

Antibiotics are prescribed taking into account sensitivity to pathogenic microflora. Antiseptics are used in all cases for the procedure of rinsing the mouth.

Repeated reimplantation becomes possible after 1 to 2 months. But at the same time, one should take into account the fact that during this time bone tissue atrophy occurs, so there is a need for osteoplasty (sinus lift or the method of installing special membranes). In this case, the prosthetic process is extended by 3-6 months.

A common problem that can happen with dental implants is failure. A very common question is how do dental implants take root? Statistics assure that on average 85-96% of implants survive, in severe cases up to 80%. The use of modern technologies, such as basal implantation, allows us to increase this figure to 97% for complex cases and more than 99% for simple cases.

The survival rate of dental implants largely depends on the patient’s lifestyle. For example, with active smoking, the percentage of rejections is significantly higher, which is associated with poor circulation in the gums. Dental implants do not take root in people suffering from insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, and difficulties arise in taking root in hypertensive patients. If you violate the doctor’s recommendations and immediately chew hard food on the operated tooth, there will be problems.

Also, the survival rate of an implant largely depends on its type. Most manufacturers claim that their products can last up to 20-50 years, and some for the rest of their lives. Titanium, from which implants are made today, is a completely inert material and does not cause rejection.

When should I expect a dental implant to fail?

If the implant does not take root, then its rejection must be expected within the first few months (usually it takes up to six months for it to take root). It happens that the implant is rejected after 2-3 years, but such cases are rare and can be expressed, among other things, in the form of tissue inflammation. Usually the cause of implant failure at this stage is injury or some kind of disease. Finally, sometimes implants fall out after 5-6 years, which often indicates poor quality work.

The main signs of implant rejection:

  • bleeding from a wound that does not stop for 2-4 days (other reasons: decreased blood clotting, taking medications that “thin” the blood)
  • redness and swelling of the gums
  • acute pain that cannot be relieved by painkillers (mild aching pain in the jaw, which is easily eliminated by painkillers, is considered normal, provided that it stops within 2-4 days)
  • purulent discharge from the implant site (rare).

Rejection of a dental implant can occur as a result of exacerbation of the disease, injury (and displacement or damage to the implant), insufficient oral hygiene, the patient ignoring the doctor’s recommendations and non-compliance with medication. Regardless of the signs and causes of rejection that appear, consult a doctor immediately. He will be able to help.

What to do if a dental implant falls out?

Go to the doctor immediately. However, when they say that a dental implant has fallen out, they usually mean that the crown (prosthesis) has fallen off. The implant itself does not fall out - it is implanted into the bone and its loss is, in principle, impossible. An implant and a pin are also often confused - they are different things. The prosthesis can fall out in several cases: work done incorrectly (this is a warranty case), non-compliance with the doctor’s recommendations.

We do not allow this to happen in our work. People don’t come to us for re-installation of implants, pins and crowns, but sometimes we come across cases when patients come to us with implants already installed: specialists will help correct poor-quality work.

Other problems

Is it possible to do an MRI with implants in the mouth? Of course, only unfixed metal objects are contraindications, while the implant is firmly fixed. In other words, dental implants are not a hindrance to MRI.


Symptoms of dental implant rejection: what are the signs to recognize the problem?

  • What symptoms usually accompany implant rejection and when exactly problems can begin;
  • How long do implants take to take root and why do they sometimes fail?
  • Which sensations are considered normal after just a surgery, and which are signs of dangerous inflammation in the implant area;
  • What to do if inflammation begins and is re-implantation possible after rejection of the implanted structure?

... And also some other interesting and important from a practical point of view nuances regarding the problem of implant rejection.

It should be understood that dental implantation is a rather complex and, to a certain extent, traumatic procedure, the tissue healing process after which does not always proceed smoothly: swelling, bleeding, and pain are possible due to injury to the gums and jawbone. However, all these are normal consequences of surgical intervention, which go away on their own after a few days.

But there are also complications that require surgical intervention by a doctor. And, perhaps, the most unpleasant of them is the rejection of a dental implant. The first symptoms of this problem are, as a rule, acute pain, mobility of the structure, the appearance of an unpleasant odor, as well as redness and swelling of the mucous membrane near the outer part of the implant (abutment, plug).

Generally speaking, implant failure is quite rare today, and patients do not need to prepare themselves in advance for an unfavorable outcome of the operation. However, it is imperative to know the characteristic signs of incipient rejection, to understand what can cause inflammation under the implant - it is always useful to be prepared for possible complications in theory in order to prevent their occurrence in practice.

How long do implants usually take to take root and when can they fail?

The average healing time for implants is about 2-4 months in the lower jaw and about six months in the upper jaw. This difference is explained by the fact that the bones of the lower jaw are better supplied with blood, they are generally larger and stronger, and they bear a higher chewing load. In addition, the nasal sinus is located above the bone tissue of the upper jaw, the proximity of which often brings additional difficulties when installing implants.

Osseointegration (this is the medical term for the process of fusion of metal roots with the jaw bone) begins immediately after the installation of structures. The healing time largely depends on the initial state of the jaw bone, as well as on the quality of manufacture and model of the implant itself.

In this case, the method by which the implants were installed in the jaw does not play a special role. Regardless of whether the implants are loaded immediately (for example, during basal implantation), or only after complete fusion with the bone, in both cases the healing time is not very different.

According to statistics, if implant rejection does occur, in most cases it is observed in the first days after their installation. In other words, if something goes wrong, the first symptoms of complications, as a rule, do not take long to appear.

However, the patient should not lose vigilance even after the successful engraftment of the structure - inflammation after dental implantation with subsequent rejection of the implant can occur even after several years of its active use.

The photo below shows a corresponding example (inflammation began 10 years after the implant was installed):

Below we will look at what can be done to avoid this unfavorable outcome. However, before that, let’s talk about which sensations are considered normal after dental implantation, and which should be perceived as symptoms of peri-implantitis that threaten to develop into implant rejection.


Peri-implantitis is inflammation of the tissues adjacent to the implant - this can be either soft tissue or bone tissue. If the inflammatory process is not prevented in time, these tissues will gradually begin to deteriorate, and the implant will become mobile - in fact, it will be rejected.

Signs of Dental Implant Rejection

After the implantation procedure, you will have to visit your doctor quite often: the first appointment will take place already 2-3 days after implantation. Such examinations are very important for the timely identification of possible problems (it was already mentioned above that in the event of rejection of the implanted structure, this process often occurs in the first days after the operation, so at this stage monitoring should be especially careful).

The dentist will evaluate the stability of the implant and the condition of the tissues around it. Upon examination, it will become clear how well the structure fuses with the bone, whether there are signs of dangerous inflammation, and whether additional intervention is required to prevent unwanted complications.

Let's first look at what unpleasant symptoms are considered normal after implantation. Since the implantation of implants is associated with tissue trauma (even in the case of basal implantation using the puncture method), after the operation there are always more or less pronounced discomfort and corresponding external signs:

  • swelling of the gums (sometimes the entire cheek swells);
  • redness of the gums;
  • jaw pain in the area of ​​the installed implant.


These consequences of surgical intervention normally disappear quite quickly, after 3-4 days (maximum - after a week). If you feel severe pain all week, and it does not go away or even gets worse, this is a sure sign that healing is not going fast enough. By the way, whether it comes to rejection of the implant, or whether everything will be fine - this often depends not only on the doctor, but also on the actions of the patient himself (more on this below).

However, in some cases, for example, with simultaneous bone grafting, as well as in the presence of acute inflammatory processes in the socket, the rehabilitation process can take up to a couple of weeks.

Now let’s look at what symptoms indicate a deviation from the course of normal rehabilitation after the installation of implants.

Generally speaking, some symptoms of dental implant failure (or peri-implantitis - inflammation of the tissue around the implant) are in many ways similar to common post-operative consequences. However, they are usually more pronounced and persist for a long time:

  • acute pain that does not go away within 1-2 weeks after implantation;
  • swelling and redness of the gums that persist for more than 4 days after surgery. Even in the most difficult cases, swelling subsides within 3-4 days, so if it persists longer, this is an alarming sign;
  • prolonged bleeding from the wound, as well as prolonged release of the so-called exudate (ichor). If such discharge lasts more than 7 days, this is not very good;
  • mobility of dental implants – here in many cases you can immediately predict that the structure is unlikely to take root in the future;
  • if there is an unpleasant odor under the plugs installed on the implants;
  • pus from the gums - the abscess can be located next to the implant and communicate with the source of inflammation through the formation of a fistula, or pus can come directly from under the implant (sometimes this results in the appearance of bad breath);
  • pain when pressing on the implant is a very characteristic sign that there are serious problems with the integration of the structure. In such cases, it is better not to wait for everything to go away and “resolve” by itself;
  • increase in body temperature.

All of these signs may indicate possible implant rejection; their appearance at any stage of treatment requires immediate consultation with a specialist.

“Inflammation of the implant” of the tooth (or more precisely, the tissues surrounding it) can occur without symptoms, especially several years after the implantation of the structure into the bone. The patient may not pay attention to minor soreness and redness of the gums - a pronounced reaction to implant rejection may be absent, and inflammation, meanwhile, will lead to the destruction of bone tissue and, as a result, an increase in the mobility of the implant.

This situation is further complicated by the fact that additional surgery will subsequently be required to restore the jawbone before re-implantation.

This is interesting:

On average, implants are rejected in no more than 3-5% of all cases, and the rates vary greatly depending on the brand of the design. For example, implants made in Germany or Switzerland successfully take root in 97-98% of cases, and more affordable products made in Israel or Russia – in about 95%.

The photo below shows an example of tissue inflammation in the area of ​​the installed implant:

Why do dental implants sometimes fail?

In general, there are not many reasons for dental implant failure. In most cases, the problem occurs due to a doctor’s mistake during the procedure. Much less often - when choosing a low-quality or even fake implant (again, this can also be considered a medical error).

But the patient should not relax either - due to the characteristics of the health condition or if certain rules of behavior are not followed during the rehabilitation period, rejection of dental implants can also occur. The symptoms of the onset of rejection will be the same in almost all cases, regardless of the reasons that caused them.

Let's take a closer look at the possible causes of problems.

The first reason: unprofessionalism or doctor error

A characteristic feature in this case is that the implants begin to be rejected immediately, that is, during the engraftment period.

Unfortunately, dental implants are most often rejected precisely because of medical errors - this could be a lack of experience, especially when dealing with complex clinical cases, unprofessionalism, or simply simple carelessness.

Here, for example, are the mistakes an implantologist can make while working:

  • incorrectly selected implant design - for this reason, the implant may not be able to attach normally to the bone (for example, it may be noticeably longer or thicker than the bone tissue);
  • lack of sterility of the working instrument or working area in the oral cavity (foci of acute inflammation were not eliminated) - as a result, an infection is initially present in the wound;
  • overheating of tissues when drilling a hole for an implant;
  • incorrect positioning of the implant in the jaw;
  • lack of sufficient information about the patient’s health status – possible contraindications cannot be excluded.

A particular difficulty for the doctor is the lack of sufficient bone tissue to secure the implant (for example, due to its atrophy) and acute inflammatory processes.

The problem of bone atrophy can be solved by replanting it or choosing a basal implantation method, in which specially designed implants are used that are fixed in the deepest basal parts of the bone tissue. However, rejection of basal implants can also occur at any stage of engraftment. According to statistics, they have to be removed no less often than classic implants.


Implantation for periodontitis and periodontal disease, that is, against the background of acute inflammation of the gums associated with the destruction of bone tissue, is quite possible today. But not all implantologists will decide to install implants in the presence of such inflammatory processes. Basically, such a procedure is carried out simultaneously with the removal of a diseased tooth, and after implantation, drug therapy is prescribed while simultaneously enhancing oral hygiene.

If implants are rejected due to acute inflammation of the jaw tissue, re-implantation is not always possible due to severe bone destruction.

The second reason for possible rejection: poor-quality implant

Large dentists work with dealer networks that supply implants directly from the manufacturer, which eliminates the possibility of receiving counterfeits. In small clinics the situation with this is more complicated.

The photo below shows an example of corrosion of a low-quality implant:

The quality of the implant itself also plays an important role: the more expensive the system, the more advanced materials and technologies are used in the manufacture of the structure, as a rule. Large companies producing implants spend large budgets on improving products and developing innovative technologies.

This is interesting:

The quality of engraftment, and therefore the risk of possible rejection, largely depends on the material from which the implant is made (it must be titanium that is biocompatible with our body), as well as on the characteristics of its surface. Today, many manufacturers prefer a porous coating - growing cells of the jaw bone penetrate into it, which ensures strong fusion of the bone and the implant.

Third reason: violations on the part of the patient

In this case, symptoms of implant rejection may appear both during the healing period and after several years of using new teeth.

It should be borne in mind that even if the doctor does all his work to install the implant perfectly, incorrect subsequent actions by the patient can negate even the best treatment result. What you need to pay attention to first of all:


Practice shows that dental implants are rejected in smokers much more often than in non-smokers. According to statistics, approximately 30% of smoking patients experience symptoms of rejection within the first five years after surgery. As a result, the implants have to be replaced with new ones.

Toxic resins and nicotine lead to disruption of the nutrition of mucosal cells, which has a very negative effect on the condition of the tissues around the implant. Ultimately, the structure loses its stability, becomes mobile, and is rejected by the body.

The question arises: what should smokers do? The choice is not very big - either refuse implantation, or reconsider your lifestyle - stop smoking (or at least smoke less often).

The fourth reason leading to dental implant failure: poor health

This reason leads to implant rejection mainly a few years after their installation.

If the implants did not fail in the first two years, then we can safely say that the treatment was successful. But the problem can arise many years after the installation of the structures. This occurs extremely rarely and is mainly due to either mechanical injury or exacerbation or development of certain diseases: cardiovascular, diabetes, immune (AIDS), tuberculosis or cancer.

What to do if inflammation begins under the implant?

If alarming symptoms of incipient inflammation appear in the area of ​​the installed implant (there is a smell coming from under the implant, pain appears, redness of the gums, swelling, etc.), the only correct solution is to immediately consult a doctor. The implantologist will conduct a visual inspection of the condition of the installed implant, perform an X-ray examination, and, if necessary, open the gum and help cleanse the wound of pus.

If problems began during the period of implantation of the structure, then sometimes the cause of the unpleasant sensations (for example, a putrid odor from the implant) is easily solved by temporarily unscrewing the implant plug and cleaning its outer surfaces.

But if there are obvious signs of peri-implantitis, in most cases removal of the installed implant is indicated, and this must be done as soon as possible. Otherwise, advanced inflammation can lead to the spread of infection throughout the body, which is fraught with very serious consequences, even threatening the patient’s life.

In addition, the longer the inflammation in the implant area is observed, the more the bone tissue around it is destroyed, and the more problems there may be in case of re-implantation.

Is it possible to re-implant after implant failure?

Re-implantation is possible in most cases. It should be taken into account that no more than 1-2 months should pass after the removal of the rejected implant - otherwise the bone tissue, not receiving the proper load, will gradually atrophy.

If necessary, bone grafting can be performed and drug therapy can be prescribed to suppress infection at the site of inflammation. After restoration of damaged tissue, re-implantation is performed.


According to the law, there is no guarantee for surgical work, so the patient will have to rely on the conscientiousness of the clinic administration or doctor, who will fulfill their own established warranty obligations. The long-term or perpetual warranty on implants, which is established by manufacturers of structures, is just the service life of artificial teeth. But whether they will last for the stated years depends on both the patient and the doctor.

How can you protect yourself in advance from possible problems associated with implant rejection?

In conclusion, it is worth giving some useful tips that will help minimize possible problems associated with rejection of installed implants.

So here are these tips:

  • you should realize in advance that responsibility for the result of treatment lies not only on the shoulders of the doctor, but also on you (an undisciplined patient who does not follow the doctor’s instructions can ruin the results of even the most exquisite work);
  • choose a clinic with a “name” - as a rule, large centers invest in modern equipment and staff training;
  • choose a professional doctor with experience and positive recommendations and reviews (while choosing a doctor is a more important point than choosing a clinic);
  • give preference to high-quality implants - not lower than the average price segment (you should choose well-known brands that have been on the market for at least 5-7 years);
  • comply with all doctor’s requirements after surgery and monitor oral hygiene;
  • and, of course, do not forget to regularly undergo preventive examinations of the oral cavity, promptly treat diseases of the teeth and gums and care for them daily.

In general, the risk of becoming one of the patients whose implants are rejected is minimal. It is much more likely that they will serve you faithfully for many decades, or even a lifetime.

Interesting video about complications that can arise during dental implantation

What should you choose: implantation or crowns?


A tooth implant fell out: what to do?

Rejection of artificial roots is a fairly rare, but very unpleasant problem that occurs after implantation. Its probability directly depends on a person’s lifestyle. If the patient is an active smoker, the probability percentage will be significantly higher, because blood circulation in the gums is impaired. Poor survival rates are also observed in hypertensive patients and insulin-dependent diabetics. To prevent a dental implant from falling out, you must follow all instructions. You should not eat solid foods immediately after surgery. Failure to follow your doctor's recommendations can lead to big problems.

Also, the adaptability of an artificial root largely depends on the material from which it is made. Today, titanium is the most durable. It is completely inert and does not cause rejection. Many manufacturers claim that such products will last you 50 years or more.

According to statistics, up to 98 percent of artificial roots can be engrafted. However, the following symptoms should alert patients and prompt them to go to the clinic.

Main signs of rejection:

  • ichor from a wound that continues for more than 4 days;
  • redness and swelling of the gums;
  • acute pain that is not controlled by painkillers. (slight aching jaw pain, easily relieved with painkillers, is normal if it stops within 2-3 days);
  • discharged pus at the implant site (rare).

What actions should I take?

There is only one solution - go to the doctor immediately. When people say that an implant has fallen out, they usually mean that the crown has separated. The screw itself cannot fall out because it is embedded in the bone. A prosthesis can fall out if the dentist’s work is done incorrectly and if his recommendations are not followed.

Typically, the doctor observes the installed structure for two years. It is at this time that all sorts of complications can arise. In this case, the doctor will immediately prescribe the necessary treatment and help avoid many problems. In order not to worry about whether rejection will occur, the patient should make a responsible choice of a clinic and a competent doctor, making sure of his qualifications.

What to do to avoid implant loss?

The most important thing in this case is to strictly follow all the recommendations that the doctor gave you. After implantation, you will be prescribed antibiotics and painkillers. They must be taken in the dosages and at the frequency indicated by the doctor. You should follow the prescribed diet. A gentle diet involves minimal mechanical impact on installed artificial teeth and mucous membranes. Soft and pureed food is recommended.

It is worth remembering about oral hygiene. A soft toothbrush is suitable for caring for temporary structures. Be careful when cleaning and try not to touch the seams. You should clean your dentures 2-3 times a day, using an antiseptic rinse solution at the same time. During cleaning, special attention should be paid to the so-called superstructures: these are the parts of the implant protruding above the gum. In addition, thoroughly clean the part of the structure adjacent to the gum. These hygiene principles will prevent the accumulation of pathogens and further rejection.


Main signs and causes of dental implant rejection

With modern materials and technologies, the risks of dental implant rejection are quite low. But in order to recognize it in time, you need to know about the symptoms, signs and causes of this phenomenon. And if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations and preventive measures, you can easily avoid this.

The implantation procedure is considered safe for the body in most cases, but there are certain moments when the body does not accept a foreign body. If you notice this in time and seek help from specialists, they will fix the problem and try to choose a different material for the pin or a different method of prosthetics.

How long does it take for a dental implant to take root?

Let's try to figure out how long it takes for an implanted titanium rod to begin functioning as a natural tooth root and not cause discomfort. In this case, there is a direct dependence on which jaw the operation was performed on:

  1. On the lower level, the normal healing time is limited to 2-4 months, since there is usually a good blood supply to the tissues and sufficient volumes of the jaw bone. As a result, a foreign object rarely causes rejection and does not create a negative effect on surrounding tissue. During implantation, the integrity of the jaw is not compromised, and wounds heal faster.
  2. At the top, the process can take up to six months, which is the norm according to medical indications. After all, its structure is much more complex, and near the location of the new implant there are other organs that are sensitive to foreign materials - the maxillary and nasal sinuses, facial bones, etc. The upper jaw is more fragile, thin and has less blood supply. Due to this, complications after dental and surgical interventions occur much more often, and implants take longer to take root.
But the entire rehabilitation process also depends on other factors, for example, the patient’s health status, the individual characteristics of the body, the quality of the specialist’s work, etc.

Reasons for dental implant failure

Why do artificial roots take root easily in some people even when several rods are installed at once, while in others problems arise immediately after the first surgical intervention?

We will try to describe in more detail the main factors that provoke this phenomenon. They can mainly be divided into those that depend on the quality of the dentist’s work and reasons related to the health or improper actions of the patient.

They appear in different time frames:

  • short-term - unpleasant symptoms are observed from the first days of pin installation, even when the crown - the upper part of the artificial tooth - has not yet been fixed;
  • medium-term – rejection occurs in the first two years after surgery;
  • long-term – problems happen much later.

Poor quality work of a specialist during the implantation procedure

One of the most important factors influencing the duration of use of the implant and the likelihood of its rejection is the professionalism of the doctor. The following main errors are identified:

  • use of outdated tools, low-quality equipment;
  • poor antiseptic surface treatment;
  • carrying out the operation by different specialists at certain stages of implantation, when the second doctor does not know all the nuances of the patient’s condition and the manipulations performed;
  • violations of the procedure protocol, unjustified changes in the sequence of actions;
  • omission of individual information about a person’s health and well-being, frivolous attitude towards contraindications.
To avoid such problems, you should carefully choose the clinic you will contact. Moreover, today patient reviews are available, and doctors have certificates indicating their level of qualifications. By approaching this issue with special attention, many risks can be prevented.

Low quality products

When trying to save money, you can also make mistakes. When choosing cheap analogues, patients do not always pay attention to the composition of the metal alloy from which the implant is made. And this is largely reflected in the likelihood of engraftment of the product and the duration of its use.

For such a procedure, it is very important to choose a truly high-quality rod that will not cause an adverse reaction in the body and will not have a toxic effect in the future.

Allergic reaction

Some people are predisposed to metal rejection. And although today in dentistry only medical titanium or zirconium dioxide, which are maximally compatible with human tissues, are chosen for such products, it is still better to initially make special tests to eliminate risks.

Various internal diseases

If there are disturbances in the functioning of body systems, it is necessary to weigh the dangers and benefits of each procedure. So, with bronchial asthma, lupus erythematosus, lichen and other similar pathologies, surgical intervention can be dangerous.

In addition, there are other problems. With constant use of hormonal or other medications, bone tissue metabolism sometimes decreases, regeneration processes worsen, which will also lead to implant rejection.

Therefore, you should always warn your doctor about existing chronic diseases so that he can make a more rational decision in each specific case.

Frivolous behavior of the patient

You should not think that if you have artificial teeth, you can neglect their cleaning and normal oral hygiene. Implants require the same quality care as natural tissue.

Doctors draw patients' attention to the fact that smoking and alcohol significantly worsen the condition of soft and hard tissues. Therefore, if you do not follow their recommendation to quit smoking in the postoperative period, then such an addiction will sooner or later lead to rejection of the artificial material.

It is important to follow other usual rules. Daily cleaning should be supplemented by periodic professional treatments. And the mouth should be cleaned from food debris and bacteria several times a day. Such prevention will not only help avoid rejection, but also help preserve healthy teeth and gums.


Since unpleasant consequences can occur either immediately after surgery or much later, you need to be able to recognize the signs of dental implant rejection in the early stages. Important among them are:

  • swelling of the mucous membrane that does not subside for more than five days after the intervention;
  • bleeding - at first it is the result of implantation of the structure and an open wound, but after 1-2 days it should normally stop; if this does not happen, then it is considered a sign of inflammatory processes or vascular damage;
  • pain – when it does not go away even a week after the operation, this also indicates internal problems;
  • high temperature - on the first day it is considered a normal reaction of the body to the intervention, but if it continues to rise three days after that, it threatens with different consequences;
  • an unpleasant odor or purulent discharge from the wound is the most obvious sign of tissue infection;
  • mobility of the implant that appears immediately or even several years after installation indicates the onset of rejection and portends its imminent loss.

In each of these cases, even if there is only one unpleasant symptom, you need to consult a doctor. He will identify the main problem and the reason that caused the non-standard reaction, and eliminate it in a timely manner.

Knowing how rejection occurs, you can immediately get an appointment with a specialist. He will open the problem area of ​​the gum, remove the implant itself, clean the affected tissue from infection and restore the bone if necessary. If possible, the product will be reinstalled after some time, taking precautions.

Video: when does a dental implant fail?

How to avoid rejection?

Today in medicine, high-quality biocompatible and hypoallergenic materials are used to create implants, which in very rare cases cause rejection. European and American manufacturers indicate such risks only in 1-3% of cases, and even Asian analogues are produced with a 95% quality guarantee.

And yet, in order to prevent possible troubles, you need to pay attention to certain points:

  1. When choosing a procedure and suitable products, you need to take into account, first of all, the characteristics of your body and your state of health.
  2. If the doctor has determined that you have certain contraindications to implantation, then there is no need to insist on it. It is better to give preference to other methods of prosthetics.
  3. When choosing a dental clinic and a specialist who will perform the procedure, pay attention to the availability of certificates, licenses and positive reviews from regular clients.
  4. The quality of the equipment used during the doctor’s work is also important. It is worth noting that large private centers usually monitor the timely updating of equipment and try to purchase the latest tools and high-quality materials.

Actors who win an Oscar usually thank God and their parents. People who, with the help of implantation, regain their teeth and a comfortable lifestyle, should remember the Swedish professor Per-Ingvar Brånemark with a kind word. Quite by accident, he revolutionized dentistry.

In 1965, Brånemark conducted research with a group of scientists. The professor implanted a titanium capsule into the rabbit and was very surprised when he could not remove it. So a happy accident helped to establish that titanium fuses with bone. Brånemark decided to use the discovery in dental prosthetics.

The first lucky person with titanium implants is Gust Larsson. A simple carpenter, like Professor Branemark, went down in the history of implantology. Larsson, 34, had a completely toothless mouth. Not life, but torment: eating, talking, smiling - everything is difficult. The man himself found Branemark, having accidentally learned about his experiments.

The first experiment was successful, but the patient Brånemark was in no hurry to declare a revolution in dentistry. The scientist spoke publicly about his discovery 20 years later. The message caused a sensation! An accidental discovery turned the world of prosthetics upside down and returned a comfortable lifestyle to toothless patients.

Dental implantation is the implantation of an artificial root into the upper or lower jaw. The implant is titanium, therefore it is completely biocompatible. This reliable crown support consists of:

  • titanium screw (implanted into the jaw during surgery);
  • abutment (attaches to the implant, resembles a ground tooth).

The answer to the question of whether to undergo dental implantation is clear: of course, yes. Today this is the most progressive method of prosthetics.

Surgery in the lateral part of the chewing teeth.

Installation of an implant in the area of ​​the front teeth.

The photo of dental implantation shows a clinical case where the patient has complete edentia in the upper jaw and is missing several teeth in the lower jaw.

A variety of dental implantation methods allow you to choose the ideal option for each patient.


For those who do not want to wait a long time and who have no contraindications, dentists offer one-stage implantation with immediate loading. The peculiarity of the method is that the temporary prosthesis and implant are fixed in one step. Only a small incision is made in the gum. The temporary crown is replaced with a permanent one after 3 to 5 months. During this time, the dental implant finally takes root.


Two-stage implantation is time-tested. The operation takes longer, but the risk of complications is minimal - the doctor clearly sees what he is operating on by making an incision in the gum and folding back the flap. The abutment is installed six months after the implant has been implanted, the crown – a week after the abutment. This is a classic dental implantation, proposed by Professor Branemark.


Single-stage - implantation takes place simultaneously with tooth extraction. This is an ideal option for front teeth, when the aesthetic result comes to the fore. This technique is rarely used for chewing teeth.

    Before implantation. Dental implantation, like any other operation, requires careful preparation. The result depends on this. The doctor must plan the implantation procedure as accurately as possible and identify all possible contraindications. At the first appointment, the implantologist asks general questions about your health. Referrals for tests and consultations with other specialists are provided if necessary. The oral cavity must be healthy - without caries and inflammation of soft tissues. A few days before surgery, you need to make an appointment for a cleaning.

    Anesthesia. As a rule, local anesthesia is used for implantation. Modern drugs completely relieve the patient of pain and discomfort. If necessary, sedation or anesthesia is used.

  1. Implant installation. If the dental implantation process proceeds without surprises, according to a pre-drawn plan, the operation will take 20 – 40 minutes. First, the doctor will install the implant, then check the degree of primary stabilization, and then decide whether to load it with a crown or not.
  2. Fixation of the crown. A temporary crown is fixed if the dental implant is firmly anchored in the bone. In case of problems with the primary stabilization of the implant, only a gum former will be installed. A permanent crown can be placed after the artificial root has completely engrafted, after 3 to 5 months. An abutment will be fixed to the implant, and a permanent crown will be placed on it.

Pereimplantitis is an inflammatory process in the bone and soft tissues adjacent to the implant. If this process is not stopped in a timely manner, gradual destruction of tissue will occur and mobility of the structure will appear.

The success of implantation is largely determined by the patient’s lifestyle. Smokers, for example, cause poor circulation in the gums, which increases the risk of rejection.

Problems may arise in insulin-dependent people and hypertensive people.

An implant that has not taken root is most often rejected during the first months. Engraftment time usually takes up to six months. In rare cases, rejection can occur 2 or 3 years after implantation, but this is caused by tissue inflammation due to disease or injury.

Signs of rejection

  • Long-term (up to four days) bleeding (poor clotting may also be the cause of bleeding).
  • Swelling of the gums, redness.
  • Acute pain that does not respond to painkillers.
  • Discharge of pus from the problem area

Dental implant failure can result from:

  • injuries when it becomes damaged or dislodged;
  • lack of proper hygienic care for the oral cavity.

It is important to consult a doctor at the first sign of rejection.

Implant failure sometimes refers to crown loss. The implant itself does not fall out, since it is implanted into the bone. Its loss is practically impossible. The denture can fall out only if the dentist’s recommendations are ignored.

How to recognize the problem?

The first symptoms are:

  • mobility of the structure;
  • acute pain;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • redness of the mucous membrane in the problem area.

Currently, such symptoms are quite rare, but knowing the problem will help you prepare in advance to prevent it from appearing in practice.

  • The method of implant installation practically does not matter. This can be classic or basal implantation.
  • Practice shows that rejection most often occurs soon after implantation - if there is a problem, it will be noticeable at first.
  • Even after successful engraftment, patients should not let down their vigilance, since rejection can occur after months or years of active use.

How to prevent rejection

It is necessary to visit a doctor regularly. Such monitoring is especially important for identifying problems at a very early stage.


  • Assess the condition of the tissues and the stability of the implant;
  • Draw a conclusion about how well the fusion with bone tissue occurs;
  • Determines whether there are signs of inflammation and whether additional measures are required to prevent negative consequences.
  • Will refer you for an x-ray;
  • If necessary, clean the wound.

Inflammation of the tissue around the artificial root may be asymptomatic, when there is no pronounced reaction of the body to rejection, and destruction of bone tissue develops. The consequence of this process will inevitably be the mobility of the implant. This situation is complicated by the need to restore the jaw bone before re-implantation, and this is also an operation.

The risk of rejection may be increased due to the material used in the construction. The surface structure is also important. Microporous coating of the implant is currently popular, ensuring particularly strong fusion of the rod with the bone. If a putrid odor occurs during the healing period, the doctor will temporarily unscrew the implant plugs and clean the outer surfaces.

If signs of reimplantation are clearly visible, the installed implant will be removed, otherwise the infection may spread throughout the body, threatening the patient’s life. The longer the period of inflammation, the more bone tissue is destroyed, causing additional problems during re-implantation.

In most cases, re-implantation is possible. It is advisable that it take place no later than 1-2 months after the unsuccessful experience, otherwise the bone tissue, not receiving load, will atrophy.

How to protect yourself from adverse consequences

The patient must realize that the responsibility for the success of the operation lies with him, since the lack of a disciplined approach can ruin the most precise work of the implantologist. You should choose a clinic with a proven reputation, equipped with modern equipment and using advanced technologies. The doctor must have experience and positive feedback from patients. You should choose high-quality implants from well-known brands with a good reputation, and do not forget to undergo regular preventive examinations.