What is better to wear glasses or contacts? What is better - glasses or contact lenses? Contraindications for lenses

When choosing the most comfortable method of vision correction, many people ask themselves: what is better for the eyes – glasses or contact lenses? Only an ophthalmologist can give the correct answer to this. A detailed study of the structural features of the eye and understanding the specifics of a particular disease allows you to accurately determine the most suitable correction method for each person.

However, if there are no special disturbances in the form of astigmatism or other atypical deviations, then you can safely begin choosing between glasses and contact lenses, based only on your own preferences. It is better if both means of correction are available, because each of them has its own advantages.

Pros and cons of glasses

The undoubted advantage of glasses is their wide range of prices. In any specialized retail outlet you can choose both an expensive fashion accessory and a completely budget one.

This is the main reason why most people prefer them for daily wear.

The second reason is to create your own style. Carefully selected frames help hide imperfections and, conversely, focus on the advantages of your face shape.

A stylish accessory can be bright - this is what young people prefer to attract attention. Strict frames are chosen by older people, usually those who try to emphasize the business style of clothing and a serious approach to work.

In addition, glasses can always be equipped with modern sunglasses. They perfectly protect against harmful ultraviolet radiation and help create your own original image. Also, many glasses have an anti-reflective coating, which prevents blindness in the evening from bright car headlights or during the day during strong solar activity.

And finally, they are easier and cheaper to care for. To keep them clean, you do not need to buy special care products. It is enough to wipe them periodically to remove dust and dirt. Storing it in a case protects the accessory from damage and protects the glass from scratches.

Another important difference is that the glasses do not have direct contact with the eye. Consequently, they cannot cause irritation of the mucous membrane and serve as a source of infection.

Disadvantages associated with glasses:

  • fogging of windows due to sudden changes in temperature;
  • reflection of light in the dark may cause momentary blinding;
  • image distortion caused by the shape of the glass;
  • limited lateral visibility;
  • rub the bridge of the nose and the area where the temples touch the ears;
  • they can get lost at any time and are sometimes difficult to find;
  • the fragile structure often breaks and glass breaks;

Also, in addition to all of the above, they are not recommended for those whose vision difference between the eyes is more than two diopters.

Advantages of contact lenses and their disadvantages

Lenses are valuable, first of all, because they return to people the ability to see with their own eyes. Without a complex design to wear on the face, they return full vision for a period of time. Almost invisible films do not affect the overall appearance of a person. Therefore, they are an ideal option for those who experience feelings of inferiority associated with wearing glasses.

The lenses do not distort the picture, making the resulting image perfect. Objects and their sizes and distances remain unchanged, which is completely impossible when wearing glasses on the nose. After all, the lenses move along with the pupils, correcting vision as naturally as possible. They are light, practically imperceptible and, when positioned correctly, do not cause any negative sensations. Contact lenses do not fog up when temperatures change and do not limit lateral vision.

Another undoubted advantage is individual selection for each eye. That is, even if the difference in diopters exceeds two units, correction is possible. People with this problem are prohibited from using glasses and the only option for them, other than surgery, is the use of lenses.

Disadvantages associated with lenses:

  • Regular replacement is necessary to avoid infections and irritation of the mucous membrane;
  • the high price of the product itself, solutions, drops and care items;
  • direct contact with the cornea can cause discomfort and even pain;
  • any speck that gets into the eye requires immediate removal and washing of the lens, which is not always convenient;
  • requires careful care after each wear and before each use;

In addition, everyone who wears lenses must regularly visit an ophthalmologist. After all, their direct contact with the surface of the eye can damage the cornea. They slightly dull the sensitivity of the eyes and therefore the destructive consequences of improper use of lenses and the onset of the disease can go unnoticed.

So which is better – glasses or contacts?

The main thing is not to forget that your eyes need rest. Therefore, any doctor will tell you that constantly wearing lenses can lead to even greater vision loss. Therefore, they need to be given not only rest, but also special health-improving exercises every day.

At home, if you don’t need to watch TV, read or work at the computer, it’s better to do without them altogether. At this time, the eyes will not only rest, but also due to the need for the muscles of the eyeball to work and, therefore, function fully.

The best solution is to have both available. Contact lenses can be worn outdoors, to work, and when meeting other people. It is better to always have glasses on hand as a backup option. Also, at home, it is better to use glasses for short-term tasks - reading, writing, watching movies and TV shows.

Do not forget that poor vision can be cured or at least prevented from worsening. Therefore, change correction products more often and regularly engage in wellness procedures.

The materials posted on this page are informational in nature and intended for educational purposes. Site visitors should not use them as medical advice. Determining the diagnosis and choosing a treatment method remains the exclusive prerogative of your attending physician.

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Thanks to vision, a person receives 90% of all information about the world that surrounds us. Not everyone has it perfect. Some have problems with it since childhood. Also because it usually gets worse. Some are myopic, some are farsighted. For correction, your doctor may prescribe prescription glasses or contact lenses. What is better - glasses or contact lenses, we will consider further.

When are glasses prescribed?

Glasses consist of a frame and spectacle lenses. They should be selected by an ophthalmologist. This accessory is necessary to improve and correct vision.

What are the indications for wearing glasses?

  • Astigmatism. With this disease, objects appear double in the eyes and sometimes appear distorted. Clarity is lost, and the eyes quickly get tired while working. Headaches from overwork may occur. With this pathology, the shape of the cornea or lens is disrupted.
  • Myopia, or nearsightedness. A person does not see distant objects clearly, but close ones well. Focusing occurs in front of the retina.
  • Hyperopia, or farsightedness. The gaze focuses behind the retina, so a person sees well in the distance, but near objects are blurred.
  • Aniseikonia. It is very difficult to read and perceive the relationships of objects. Since the same image has different values ​​on the retina of the right and left eyes. Accompanied by increased visual fatigue.
  • Heterophoria, or the eyeballs deviate from parallel axes.
  • Presbyopia. Age-related or senile farsightedness.

Indications for use of lenses

Contact lenses are used:

  • For astigmatism.
  • Myopia.
  • Farsightedness.
  • The disease keratoconus is a disorder of the shape of the cornea.
  • Lack of lens.
  • Anisometropia.

Lenses are also used:

  • Those who cannot use glasses due to their profession, for example, actors, athletes.
  • For the treatment of eye diseases.
  • For the administration of long-acting drugs after microsurgical operations.
  • To conduct diagnostic studies.
  • To disguise cosmetic eye defects.

Contraindications for lenses

Several reasons that prevent you from wearing glasses:

  • Infancy.
  • Intolerance to glasses.
  • Some mental illnesses.

Reasons not to use lenses:

  • Conjunctivitis.
  • Glaucoma.
  • Strabismus, if the angle is more than 15 degrees.
  • Some diseases such as AIDS, tuberculosis.
  • Increased sensitivity of the cornea.
  • Tendency to allergic diseases of the eyelids.
  • Inflammatory eye diseases.

  • Colds.
  • Use of certain medications.
  • Age up to 12 years.

Benefits of glasses

Let's list the advantages of wearing glasses:

  • Practical to use. Can be taken off or put on at any time.
  • There is no close contact with the eyes, which eliminates the possibility of developing eye diseases.
  • Improves and allows for increased clarity of vision.
  • They protect the eyes from dust and debris.
  • The glasses are easy to care for.

  • The service life of glasses depends on how carefully the user handles them.
  • You can change your style with glasses.
  • As a rule, they are inexpensive and accessible to most people.
  • If you want to cry, cry, glasses will not interfere with this.

A comparison of glasses and lenses cannot fail to highlight the merits of the latter.

Advantages of wearing lenses

Let's name the advantages of lenses:

Despite all the advantages, lenses have disadvantages. More about them below.

Disadvantages of wearing lenses

Before purchasing lenses, you should consult your doctor. They may not be suitable for you. Disadvantages of using lenses:

  • People with sensitive eyes should not wear lenses. You can get corneal erosion.
  • It must be put on every morning and taken off at night.
  • Putting on lenses is not an easy process. It is necessary to wash your hands and rinse the lenses in a special solution. At first it takes a lot of time in the morning.
  • Putting on and taking off lenses is not a very pleasant procedure.
  • If there is discomfort in the eye after the lens is put on, you will have to remove it again; perhaps you did not rinse it well or did something incorrectly.
  • The lens is easy to lose and may also break.
  • You should always have lens solution with you.
  • Requires careful care.
  • If you have a cold or some medication causes dry eyes, you will feel discomfort wearing the lenses.
  • If worn for a long time or incorrectly positioned, the lenses may get trapped under the eyelid. In this case, you will need someone's help to remove it.
  • If you do not remove your lenses at night, you will feel discomfort in the morning. There will be a feeling of dryness and film on the eyes.
  • It is possible to develop allergic reactions to the lens material or solution.
  • If the lens is damaged or after its expiration date, it can cause redness and inflammation. Therefore, doctors recommend having medicinal eye drops in your medicine cabinet.
  • If you want to cry in your lenses, know that your vision will lose clarity and everything around will become foggy. The lenses will need to be removed and washed.
  • You cannot shower or bathe in them.
  • There is not enough oxygen reaching the eye.
  • The cost of lenses is much higher than the price of glasses.

Some of the problems described above can be easily solved if you use disposable lenses. They are very practical.

To find out which is better - glasses or contacts, let's look at the disadvantages of glasses.

Negative aspects of glasses

Let's highlight a few disadvantages:

  • They fog up when the temperature changes.
  • With glasses, vision is limited and distorted.
  • If selected incorrectly, dizziness, fainting and other conditions associated with malaise may occur.
  • In the dark, glasses reflect light.
  • Peripheral vision is limited.
  • You cannot lead an active lifestyle or play sports while wearing glasses.
  • For the summer you need to stock up on sunglasses with diopters.
  • This vision correction device can be broken or lost at the moment when it is needed.

It should be noted when comparing contact lenses and glasses: there is a difference in their selection. More on this later.

How to choose glasses

The selection of glasses and contact lenses can only be carried out by an ophthalmologist. They must correct vision.

What is important when choosing glasses:

1. Choose the right lenses. They may be:

  • Single vision. The optical power is the same over the entire surface.
  • Multifocal. On the surface there are several zones with different dioptres, which transform into one another.

2. First of all, lenses must regulate visual acuity.

3. The doctor examines each eye separately.

4. Measurements must be taken correctly. This will help avoid additional strain on the eyes.

5. It is important to clarify for what purpose you need glasses:

  • For working with a computer.
  • Readings.
  • Motor transport management.

6. The recipe must indicate the following parameters:

  • Lens optical power.
  • Interpupillary distance.
  • Purpose of glasses.

Glasses are made individually according to your prescription.

The next step is choosing a frame. It can be made from the following materials:

  • Plastics or polymers.
  • Metal alloys or metal, including gold, silver.
  • Combinations of metal and plastic.

A large number of frames allows you to choose the right option to suit your style.

You should be very responsible when choosing glasses, and they will last you a long time.

It should be noted that the doctor must write a different prescription for lenses. More on this later.

Selecting lenses

Only an ophthalmologist can give a prescription for glasses and contact lenses, since you will not be able to determine the main selection parameters at home. These lenses are:

  • Curvature of the cornea.
  • Number of diopters.
  • Intraocular pressure.
  • The work of the eye muscles.
  • Peripheral vision.

It is important to consider contraindications.

Lenses are made:

  • Made from hydrogel.
  • Hydrogel with silicone.

The hydrogel perfectly transmits oxygen to the cornea. But such lenses are usually designed for one day. The next time you need to use a new pair.

Hydrogel lenses with silicone are durable. They can be used from one week to six months.

OASYS are very popular. They have a number of advantages:

  • Comfort and ease of wearing.
  • Provide good air access, reducing the risk of redness.
  • They have a level of protection against ultraviolet radiation.
  • The latest technologies are used in the manufacture of the ACUVUE OASYS lens . Allows you to maintain a sufficient level of moisture on the surface of the eye throughout the day.

A few more requirements when choosing lenses:

  • The number of diopters for lenses and glasses differs markedly, so a prescription from a doctor is required.
  • Lenses can be soft or hard. Hard ones are used for severe visual impairment.
  • They differ in the duration of use.
  • Lenses have different purposes: for the treatment of eye diseases; multifocal and bifocal; imitation of the pupil and iris.

It is known that lenses are used not only to correct vision, but also to change eye color. If a person sees well, the optical power should be zero.

Rules of care

In order for glasses and vision lenses to last longer, you need to properly care for them. It doesn't matter if they are part of your style or necessary for vision correction.

  • Do not leave glasses in direct sunlight.
  • Do not allow hot steam particles to come into contact with the lenses.
  • You should remove glasses with both hands. This way you will save the attachments and temples.
  • In bad weather, use special lens cleaners.
  • Use a case to store and protect your glasses.
  • Do not use household chemicals to clean lenses.
  • Plastic lenses must be handled even more carefully.

Lens care rules

Caring for lenses involves carefully cleaning and storing them:

  • Before you handle your lenses, you should wash your hands with soap and water.
  • You can clean your lenses using mechanical cleaning or enzyme tablets.
  • After rinsing with the solution, the lenses are placed in a special container for at least 4 hours. In it they are saturated with moisture.

  • The solution in the container should be changed at least once a week.

You can find out which care products are right for you from your doctor.

Which is better - glasses or contacts?

When making a choice, you must consider all the pros and cons.

Having considered the pros and cons of glasses and lenses, we can draw a conclusion. It is very important that both suit your indications. It is very convenient to have both glasses and contacts. For relaxation and work at the computer, choose glasses. Use lenses for driving and sports.

The question is often asked: is it possible to wear lenses and glasses at the same time? Yes, there are situations in which this is acceptable:

  • To protect eyes from ultraviolet radiation. An excellent option for low vision. Use prescription lenses and sunglasses together as UV protection.
  • When working at a computer. Lenses correct vision, and glasses eliminate glare, increase contrast, and filter harmful radiation. This combination is very useful.
  • When driving, chameleon glasses are used in conjunction with corrective lenses. They darken depending on the amount of light, which creates additional safety.

A comparison of glasses and lenses led us to the conclusion that vision correction is necessary, but how to do it correctly with lenses or glasses is up to you, and only an ophthalmologist can help with this

Hello again, dear readers! People with poor vision have to resort to various correction methods in order to be able to see the world around them normally. For this purpose, corrective glasses and contact optical glasses - lenses are used. Today, there are many models of such optics, which are selected depending on the degree of visual impairment and individual characteristics.

To answer which is better – glasses or contact lenses, you first need to learn about the features, advantages and disadvantages of these types of correction. This is exactly what we will do with you now.

Devices with glass have long lost their former popularity and are no longer considered an effective method. Today, few people want to be known as a “bespectacled person,” especially since instead of bulky and uncomfortable frames, you can choose compact and practical lenses for your eyes.

Despite this, eyepieces have their advantages, which are expressed in:

  1. Low cost. Of course, custom-made products cost a lot, but there are many models of vision glasses at an affordable price.
  2. Practicality. It only takes a couple of seconds to put on and take off the eyepieces.
  3. Possibility of complementing the image. By successfully choosing a frame that will harmoniously match your face shape, you can add some zest to your image.
  4. Long service life. The service life of glasses depends solely on how careful the owner is. This could be either a year or 5 years.

As for the disadvantages of spectacle correction, these include:

  1. Physical limitations. Wearing an eyepiece excludes any other physical activity that involves making sudden movements. This is especially true for glass optics.
  2. Some people who use this accessory cannot get used to a foreign object on the bridge of their nose, so they constantly feel discomfort.
  3. In winter, glasses fog up, which causes a lot of inconvenience. In addition, wiping them takes a certain amount of time.

Advantages and disadvantages of contact lenses

Compared to glasses, contact lenses have more advantages:

  1. They do not limit peripheral vision, allowing you to fully enjoy the surrounding space.
  2. Enhance image clarity.
  3. You can play sports in them.
  4. The lenses do not fog up and do not need to be wiped.
  5. They are invisible, which is especially important for children aged 12-18 years, who are worried about their appearance and often have complexes about wearing eyepieces.
  6. They practically do not cause any discomfort if chosen correctly.

Ophthalmologists remind that the lens must sit movably and freely so that a liquid space is formed between it and the cornea and the access to tear fluid is not blocked. Today, soft optical glasses are a priority.

Contact lenses also have disadvantages, which include:

  1. Hard to get used to.
  2. Risk of infection in the eyes when putting on and taking off optical glasses.
  3. The need for systematic replacement, which entails additional costs.
  4. Irritation and dryness in the eyes if not removed.
  5. The occurrence of an allergic reaction that leads to inflammation of the eyes. This condition is quite often observed with colds.

Soft and hard lenses: indications

Contact lenses are made from soft and hard materials. Both of them contribute to the restoration of visual acuity without distortions and errors, unlike the eyepiece.

With the help of soft and hard optical glasses, many eye diseases are successfully corrected. They are prescribed for myopia and for the purpose of achieving maximum visual acuity.

Indications for the use of contact lenses are also:

  • individual intolerance to glasses;
  • lack of positive dynamics in the process of correcting vision with eyepieces;
  • significant difference (more than 2.5 D) in visual acuity of the visual organs;
  • lack of a natural lens;
  • injury to the visual organs;
  • congenital anomalies of eye development;
  • "lazy eye" syndrome.

How to choose the right glasses for farsightedness? read!

Contact lenses or glasses - what to choose for a teenager with poor eyesight?

As a teenager, you want to wear lenses, because they are much more convenient and smaller than an eyepiece, but both ophthalmologists and parents prefer spectacle correction.

According to many qualified ophthalmologists, vision correction in children under 13 years of age is best done with glasses, since this method is considered safer. However, there is another opinion on this matter.

It is very important for a teenager to feel self-confident, which is not always possible due to wearing an eyepiece. At least that's what psychologists say. They strongly recommend that parents give their child the right to choose - he himself must choose what is more acceptable for him - glasses or contacts.

Very often, myopia develops in childhood, which can lead to significant deterioration of vision in adolescence. This occurs as a result of visual stress at school, passion for video games, poor nutrition, hormonal changes, etc. As children grow older, their attitude towards themselves and the world around them changes.

When choosing the right method for vision correction, the doctor’s advice must be taken into account. It is clear that in aesthetic terms, modern contact lenses are superior to glass devices in all respects, but sometimes patients have no choice.

Properly selected lenses allow a person with vision problems to feel free and comfortable.

For example, with astigmatism, a high degree of myopia and hypermetropia, a difference in refraction in 2 eye meridians of more than 2-3 D, preference should be given to contact optical glasses.

Numerous patient reviews indicate that they are more convenient and comfortable. This is due to the high quality of polymer materials, which contain a lot of water.

Video: Live healthy! Glasses or contacts?

Elena Malysheva, with a company of experienced specialists, provides a reasoned comparative analysis of lenses and glasses. Watch the video and the choice will be easier!


As you can see, both glasses and lenses have advantages and disadvantages. When choosing the most appropriate option, you should be guided by your doctor's recommendations and your own priorities. Remember to consult an ophthalmologist before making a final decision. Be healthy, friends!

Do you think glasses can really ruin your image? Or is health more valuable? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!

Many people who have vision problems and are forced to wear glasses are wondering whether to exchange glasses for contact lenses? And what's better?

Of course, some advantages of contact lenses are obvious:

  • they do not fog up when temperature changes;
  • do not distort facial features;
  • do not limit lateral vision;
  • invisible.

However, you need to remember that contact lenses are in direct contact with the cornea of ​​the eye and if suddenly a speck gets into the eye, the sensation will be very unpleasant. It will be necessary to immediately remove the lens and carefully remove the “foreign body”.

Before buying contact lenses, you need to consult with a specialist and undergo all the necessary examinations. After all, some people are contraindicated in wearing contact lenses.

If the doctor “encouraged the purchase of lenses,” you need to read the instructions that come with the contact lenses. Ask the medical staff in detail how to properly put on and remove lenses (many people do not succeed the first time, so you need to be patient).

Each pair of contact lenses has its own wear life (the expiration date is indicated on the packaging). It is strictly forbidden to wear lenses longer than indicated on the packaging. You need to buy new ones, and first visit an ophthalmologist.

Also, those who are planning to exchange glasses for contact lenses need to know that it is worth visiting an ophthalmologist as often as possible (at least once a month) to make sure that the lenses are “suitable” and to prevent various infections that may arise if Wearing lenses incorrectly and not cleaning lenses properly. Glasses, of course, are much easier to wear in this regard. So before you decide to buy contact lenses, you need to think about whether it’s worth it?


And so, the main problems that you will have to face when choosing lenses instead of glasses.

Cons of contact lenses:

using contact lenses is much more expensive (especially daily ones);

you will have to spend time caring for your lenses;

the likelihood of infection increases greatly, and sometimes damage to the cornea of ​​the eye;

Sooner or later you will have to face a problem such as dry eye syndrome. After which, for a very long time, lenses will be generally contraindicated.

Pros of contact lenses:

  • invisible;
  • you can engage in some sports that glasses cannot allow;
  • other ( beginning of the article).

In general, the ideal option would be to use contact lenses only in certain cases, but in general it is better to use glasses. Also, at a young age you can do it, the result of which will last until approximately 45 years. At the current level of development, it is no safer than wearing contact lenses. Its main disadvantage is its high cost.

People with vision problems inevitably face the need to make a choice in favor of glasses or contact lenses. As you know, it is not recommended to use them simultaneously. Ophthalmologists recommend choosing one thing.

How to make the right choice? What's better, glasses or contacts? Much depends on individual characteristics, such as:

  • lifestyle;
  • age;
  • presence or absence of complexes;
  • eye sensitivity;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • features of optics operation;
  • level of wealth;
  • own unique style, etc.

Pros and cons of wearing glasses

A person who chooses glasses should know the following:

  1. You should only purchase them from a reliable place. It is best to go to a specialized optical store with a good reputation. If you have any questions, you can get additional advice from a specialist in such a store.
  2. You need to buy glasses after a preliminary visit to an ophthalmologist and according to the prescription he has written out. Glasses purchased at a spontaneous market or from a random seller may not meet the standards and cause irreparable damage to vision.

Separately, a few words need to be said about the pros and cons of wearing glasses. In the modern world, a lot of time is spent working at the computer. As you know, this is quite harmful to the organs of vision. To reduce the impact on the eyes, there are glasses with a special anti-reflective coating. Their use makes it possible to reduce the negative impact of office equipment.

The relatively low price of glasses also speaks in their favor. They do not require regular replacement, sterility and constant costs, unlike contact lenses. The glasses are quite comfortable and easy to use. It is enough to purchase a case for storing them and a special napkin for processing glass. Glasses are also used as an original accessory. A beautiful frame of glasses that is correctly selected for your face type will help you create your own unique image.

For people leading an active lifestyle, glasses are not entirely comfortable. There is always a risk of them falling and the glass falling out of the frame. They can break at the most inopportune moment, and glass shards can get into the eye and damage it.

In the winter season, wearing glasses can cause discomfort because when the temperature changes sharply, the glasses fog up and visibility deteriorates significantly. There is a need to constantly wipe the glass, and this is not very convenient.

Contact lenses and their features

Today there are lenses with different effects. In addition to the usual ones with diopters, you can see colored lenses on sale, the so-called Colors, which change or emphasize the color of the eyes. In such lenses, the eyes become brighter and more expressive.

Crazy lenses, “crazy” ones, are painted with stars, crescents, and sparkles. They can imitate the eyes of wild animals. These lenses are not intended for vision correction; they do not have diopters. There are lenses that are disposable and designed for longer wear. The assortment is quite large.

Many people who have worn both glasses and contact lenses talk about the superiority of the latter over glasses. The effect that occurs when wearing lenses is comparable to full vision. Peripheral visibility opens, which is something that glasses owners are deprived of. It would seem that everything is fine, but there are some nuances here too.

Owners of contact lenses say that when the smallest particle or speck of dust gets into the eye, stinging, tearing and pain appear. This happens quite often. In addition, lenses tend to fall out and get lost. This can happen if you rub your eye carelessly. They also require daily care and sterility; before going to bed, they must be removed and placed in a container with a special liquid. High-quality lenses and their care cost their owner a significant amount. During a crisis, not everyone can afford such pleasure.

To make your decision as to which is better than glasses or contact lenses, you can ask the opinions of people who have experience wearing both. By comparing all the advantages and disadvantages, as well as your financial capabilities, it will be easier to decide on the choice of optics. Some people prefer ease of use and choose glasses, but for others, lenses become a complete discovery and give joy and comfort.

Bye everyone.
Best regards, Vyacheslav.