What can pregnant women do for insomnia? Sleep disturbance during pregnancy. Insomnia in the third trimester. Insomnia as a common occurrence in the last stages of pregnancy

If sleep difficulties did not previously exist, you should not be surprised if they appear during pregnancy. On average, pregnant women sleep less than usual at night, and as labor approaches, more than half say they sleep very poorly.

Manifestation of insomnia at different stages of pregnancy

First trimester

Insomnia in early pregnancy is a common phenomenon, which can only be explained by hormonal changes in the entire body.

Usually a woman feels very tired, and the culprit is a huge amount of the hormone progesterone.

Feeling incredibly tired, the expectant mother can sleep anywhere and anytime during the day. And such a disruption in the daily routine leads to disruption of night sleep. So it turns out that, having slept during the day, a woman no longer wants to sleep at night.

It should be noted that insomnia is very often one of the first signs of pregnancy.

There are several other reasons that contribute to the occurrence of insomnia. The expectant mother very often experiences emotional instability and irritability. She may show signs of depression, the woman may fear for the health of the unborn baby, or be afraid of premature birth or miscarriage.

Depressive symptoms may occur due to an unplanned pregnancy or financial problems.

As a result of the growth of the uterus, there is pressure on the bladder, which leads to another significant sleep problem - frequent urination. Gradually, the problem will go away on its own when the uterus rises in the second trimester, but will return by the end of the third - before childbirth.

Second trimester

For most expectant mothers, 4-6 months of pregnancy are the golden time when the body gradually adapts to its position. This also applies to sleep, which gradually returns to normal.

Third trimester

Insomnia returns in the third trimester, usually at 32, 36-39 weeks of pregnancy.

The woman gets tired faster, shortness of breath appears and she sleeps worse. The belly grows and the problem with sleep grows in direct proportion to it.

The growing uterus puts pressure not only on the lungs, but also on the bladder. You have to get up to go to the toilet more often, and as soon as you have difficulty falling asleep, you have to get up again.

Heartburn can also interfere with restful sleep, and the whole reason is a large belly that puts pressure on the organs surrounding it.

The habit of many is to sleep on their stomach. During pregnancy, of course, you will have to give it up. The expectant mother has to get used to sleeping on her back and side. The side sleeping position is the best option.

You can sleep on your back in the first months, but towards the end of the second and third trimesters it is not recommended. The growing uterus, while sleeping on the stomach, puts pressure on the vena cava, which adversely affects the unborn child. And the mother herself may feel dizzy and lack of air while lying on her back.

Types of insomnia

During pregnancy, insomnia is divided into 3 types:

  • Initial insomnia is when it is difficult to fall asleep, tossing and turning for hours and analyzing the past day. A person thinks about upcoming matters and has difficulty falling asleep.
  • The second type is that there is no way to maintain sleep during the night. Constantly waking up at night, a woman cannot sleep for long until the morning, so she does not feel rested.
  • The third type is when, having woken up very early in the morning, you can’t fall asleep again.

At night:

If all the methods of preparing for bed have been completed and the expectant mother is already in bed, what to do if insomnia does not go away?

  • The bedroom should be cool and well ventilated.
  • Nightwear should be made from natural knitted materials.
  • The bed, including the mattress, should be comfortable for sleeping.
  • In the later stages, you should stock up on a large number of pillows, orthopedic or regular. They can be placed under the stomach or under the legs, depending on the need. Placing a pillow under your head can help relieve heartburn. After the baby is born, they can be used during feeding.
  • You should look for a position that is comfortable for sleeping. You won't be able to sleep on your stomach for a long time. During pregnancy, the stomach will interfere, and after childbirth, the breasts will cause you to give up your favorite position (only in case of breastfeeding).
  • It is also not recommended to sleep on your back, as the blood supply deteriorates - as a result of compression of the inferior vena cava, the pregnant woman may lose consciousness, and the child will suffer from a lack of oxygen. But sleeping on the left side is the most optimal for the mother and her unborn child, as it helps to increase blood flow in the uterus.
  • Calm and even breathing helps you fall asleep faster.
  • Aromatherapy is another way to improve your night's sleep. For example, lavender oil can be useful not only in the bath, but also in bed.
  • Reading a book, watching your favorite magazine, knitting - all this accompanied by calm music will help you fall asleep faster. When you feel sleep approaching, you should immediately move to bed.


During pregnancy, like any medicine, it is better not to take sleeping pills. Doctors especially do not recommend taking sleeping pills at the beginning of pregnancy, when the baby is forming and growing. And in the future, without serious reasons, they will not be recommended to the expectant mother either.

Under no circumstances should you resort to using sleeping pills on your own, without the knowledge of your doctor. Even if before pregnancy it helped a lot. Only a doctor has the right to prescribe such a remedy and no one else.

Folk remedies for insomnia for pregnant women

Traditional recipes will also help get rid of insomnia, but using them without consulting your doctor is strictly prohibited, as well as getting too carried away with them.

It should be remembered that any substances that enter the mother’s body inevitably reach the baby through the umbilical cord.

Traditional medicine offers the following recipes to combat insomnia:

  • mix 1 tbsp. spoon of honey in a glass of warm water and take half before going to bed.
  • if you mix honey with cranberries 1:1 and drink the mixture 1 tbsp. spoon half an hour before meals, you can calm down and fall asleep faster;
  • a mixture of herbs: oregano and valerian in a 2:1 ratio, pour 1/3 cup of boiling water and cook over low heat, then leave for 1 hour and drink before bed.

Insomnia during pregnancy is a kind of training before giving birth and caring for a newborn baby. Don’t despair, everything will pass soon and your sleep will return to normal.

There is no need to say that healthy, full-fledged health is of utmost importance in the life of every person. It is clear that during pregnancy it is doubly necessary: ​​without sleep and rest during the night, a woman feels irritable and tired during the day, and this has never been considered useful. But, in addition to the fact that the mother’s body is exhausted and wears out during insomnia, the fetus experiences the same emotions and experiences the same sensations as the mother. This condition can be dangerous for both of you, so insomnia during pregnancy it is necessary to fight.

Why can't a pregnant woman sleep?

Statistics say that 78% of pregnant women experience difficulty sleeping during pregnancy and at least 97% of women suffer from insomnia in the third trimester of pregnancy. And there can be many reasons for this: both physiological and psychological. Many people experience sleep disturbances from the first weeks of pregnancy. Some experts consider this, like the appearance of drowsiness, to be one of them and explain it by hormonal changes. But still, in most cases, insomnia begins to bother pregnant women in the third trimester. It is becoming more and more difficult to fit comfortably in bed, some people experience shortness of breath or pain, many suffer from pain in their sides, the skin is terribly itchy due to stretching, the baby is too active and has a lot of fun for a long time, and on top of that, he endlessly wants to go to the toilet. The situation is aggravated by chronic fatigue, fear of impending childbirth and other situational factors. In the last stages, women often dream of the maternity hospital, obstetricians, the process of childbirth and the like, or waves, a raging ocean, a whirlpool, which symbolizes pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. Many people wake up in a sweat from dreams in which they lost their baby. Experts say that one should not attach any importance to such nightmares, since they are completely justified - the psychological state of a woman in the third trimester changes under the weight of the upcoming birth and the responsibility of parenthood. But if the dream does not go away, discuss it with a loved one, and then you yourself will understand that nothing terrible happened.

What is this?!

The condition of insomnia is divided into three different types. When you cannot fall asleep for a long time in the evening, tossing and turning from side to side for hours, we are talking about the so-called starting insomnia. As a rule, a person in this case analyzes the events experienced during the day and reflects on upcoming matters. Inability to maintain a state of sleep is the second type of insomnia. You fall asleep, but are unable to stay asleep until the morning, which is why you constantly wake up during the night and feel absolutely not rested the next morning. And the third type is insomnia of the final phase - when, having woken up in the morning, you just can’t go back to sleep.

During pregnancy, it is the initial insomnia that most often occurs - falling asleep with a large, heavy belly in which life is “seething”, and even with all the “side effects” of pregnancy becomes more and more difficult. But no matter when a pregnant woman cannot sleep, she must learn to cope with insomnia and provide herself with rest. After all, it is during sleep that the body replenishes the energy reserves spent during the day, so it is absolutely necessary for us. Experts say that a person’s daily need for sleep is 10 hours, and in order to avoid problems, regular lack of sleep must be constantly compensated. Although, of course, each person has his own individual needs, including recreation. Sleep is a biological state in which many important processes for the human body occur. And to maintain physical and psychological health, this chain cannot be broken.

To learn how to control sleep, you must roughly understand its nature. Like any other biological process, sleep has a cyclical nature, and all phases are repeated at intervals of 90-120 minutes. REM and NREM sleep alternate each other 4-6 times per night. The REM sleep phase lasts about 10 minutes. It is at this time that the brain becomes active, as if in a waking state, and the person dreams. If he is woken up in REM sleep, he will feel tired and sleep deprived all day. And what's interesting is that these phases alternate every night at the same time, even if you are not sleeping. The strongest desire to sleep occurs just during the REM sleep phase. Therefore, if you wake up in the middle of the night and cannot fall asleep, know that within a maximum of 120 minutes, sleep will return to you. So by then you can read some “sleeping pills” book, tie up or listen to a calm book. It has been verified that trying no matter what to fall asleep, knowing that you definitely need to get up in the morning, is a 100% way to finally wake up. So react calmly to insomnia and learn to deal with it.

How to deal with insomnia during pregnancy?

The most important thing is not to treat. No matter who advises you on an excellent cure for insomnia, no matter how much this or that drug has helped you before, do not take any sleeping pills without a doctor’s prescription. Only a doctor can prescribe medicine for you and only in case of urgent need. But you can try to calm your nervous system with herbal remedies: motherwort, chamomile, valerian.

Pay attention to what and when you eat and drink. You should not overload your stomach at night; dinner should be light and not very late. Some nutritionists are confident that protein foods in the evening help cope with insomnia due to the content of L-tryptophan, which reduces the time it takes to fall asleep. Others believe that carbohydrates promote sleep better because they are quickly digested without causing strong intestinal motility or stimulation of the nervous system. Everyone should check this for themselves. Garden lettuce, asparagus, and melon can also reduce nervous excitability and improve sleep. Feeling weak, lightheaded, and with a racing heart before bed may be a sign of low blood sugar. Be sure to tell your doctor about this, and in the meantime, treat yourself to sweet tea.

It’s good to drink a glass of milk with honey before bed or herbal tea: orange, lavender, lemon balm, licorice or savory, thyme and mint, chamomile. It is not advisable to use hops in decoctions. It is also recommended to take turnip, radish or beet juice with honey. To prepare it, you need to make a hole in the root vegetable, into which you put 1 teaspoon of honey. After a few hours, juice is formed - it is consumed before bed. An infusion of celery herb is also effective: 20 g of chopped herb is poured into 1 cup of boiling water and left for 30 minutes. Then the infusion should be filtered and taken 1/3 cup 3 times a day. Natural blackcurrant fruits or a decoction of dried berries (2 teaspoons per glass of water) are also used in folk medicine as a sedative. But tonic drinks (regular tea or coffee) at night are absolutely useless. Like a lot of fluid in principle: frequent urination already bothers mom, so try to prevent endless nighttime trips to the toilet by reducing fluid intake in the evening and at night.

Try to rid yourself of overexertion, stress, scandals, showdowns and other emotional stress, especially at night. But daily physical exercise will only improve blood circulation and have a good effect on the nervous system. If you are used to sleeping during the day, try giving up daytime sleep in favor of nighttime sleep, or at least reduce its duration. The same applies to loungers: learn to go to bed only to sleep, and not to watch TV or chat on the phone.

In order to have a sound and restful sleep, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for this. The room should be a little cool. It is ideal to sleep with the window open, but you can also sleep in a well-ventilated area. Just avoid hypothermia: keep your feet warm (you can even wear socks). Pajamas should be comfortable and made of natural fabric, not tight or restrictive anywhere. To make it easier to take a comfortable position, surround yourself with pillows. One of them can additionally be placed under the head (to raise the upper body in relation to the lower), one - between the knees, and also under the back to relieve the load from the spine. Closer to childbirth, it is not recommended to sleep on your back, because the uterus puts pressure on the inferior vena cava, which reduces blood flow to the heart and brain, and this can even cause fainting in the mother and. If your baby begins to thrash violently or becomes more active, try changing your body position. You may have cut off his oxygen supply. In general, experts recommend sleeping on your left side, which also prevents shortness of breath, but this is individual. Or maybe the baby’s movements are due to the fact that he decided to play - and this happens. Then you'll have to wait until he calms down.

Evening exercises before bedtime in the fresh air have a beneficial effect on falling asleep. A light relaxing one on the back, lower back and legs helps a lot. When cramps appear in the calf muscles, you need to pull your big toe towards you and massage your leg, and to prevent cramps, you need to get sufficient amounts of microelements, in particular magnesium.

A shower will help relieve fatigue. Try resorting to - arrange a relaxing incense in the bathroom or bedroom or place a pillow filled with relaxing herbs at the head of the bed: buckwheat husks or thyme, bay laurel leaves or hazel (hazel), immortelle flowers, pine needles, hop cones, geranium grass, rose petals . Pregnancy lotion will help relieve or prevent itching of the skin of the abdomen. And for many people it helps to speed up the arrival of Morpheus (of course, if you have no contraindications to this). When you feel sleep approaching, try to breathe slowly and deeply.

Of course, you don’t have to do everything at once. Choose one or two effective methods for yourself and learn to sleep peacefully. Both you and the baby definitely need this. After all, very soon you will have to work hard. And for this you need to stock up on strength and energy.
Sleep soundly and have the sweetest dreams!

Carrying a child is a difficult and truly important period in the life of an expectant mother. At this time, the woman’s body is being rebuilt: the work of internal organs is enhanced, hormonal levels change and a malfunction in the nervous system is possible. The latter leads to a condition such as insomnia during pregnancy - a common problem that manifests itself differently in all women. In medicine, insomnia is designated by a special term - insomnia.

In ordinary life, insomnia is caused by an irregular daily routine, severe fatigue and stress. In pregnant women, these reasons are accompanied by increased anxiety. They worry about the health and safety of the unborn child, which only aggravates the situation. In this article we will talk about the main causes of insomnia and help you cope with this difficult condition.

At first glance, insomnia is a pathology that manifests itself only in endless attempts to fall asleep and is not divided into different types. However, if you dig deeper, you will see that this is a serious disorder that can have a number of manifestations and causes.

Doctors identify 10 types of insomnia (insomnia).

  1. Adaptive. This type of insomnia is an acute (temporary) disorder and is caused by stressful situations. Adaptation insomnia lasts for 3-5 nights, less often - a week or more. The main reason is the presence of noticeable stress. This could be a change in time zones or place of residence, an exam, or an acute illness that lasts for a short time. Other factors: uncomfortable sleeping place, uncomfortable temperature, excessive room illumination (for example, during the polar night in northern cities).
  2. Paradoxical. This is a rare form of insomnia that occurs in 5% of patients. The patient complains of difficulty falling asleep, but in fact the duration of sleep exceeds the norm by up to 8 hours. This distortion of perception is observed in mental illness.
  3. Idiopathic. It is common in children, but can worsen in adulthood. Associated with a disorder of the nervous system, which does not work enough or too intensely.
  4. Insomnia associated with mental disorder. In this case, many factors lead to insomnia. The most common are anxiety, schizophrenia, and depression.
  5. Insomnia due to poor sleep hygiene. This type of insomnia is caused by a number of reasons: lack of routine, frequent falling asleep during the day, drinking alcohol, nicotine or caffeine shortly before bedtime, and overexertion in the evening.
  6. Organic. In this case, sleep problems are caused by poor health or serious pathology, leading to structural disorders of internal organs and systems.
  7. Behavioral. It is observed in children who do not observe sleep hygiene (for example, when they go to bed late and fall asleep during the day). Does not occur in adults.
  8. Inorganic. In this case, mental illness, poor sleep hygiene and psychological factors lead to sleep disturbances.
  9. Psychophysiological. Associated with increased anxiety and focus on unresolved problems.
  10. Insomnia associated with taking medications. Some medications can give a peculiar side effect - increasing the tone of the body. Tea, coffee and energy drinks have a similar effect.

What type of insomnia occurs during pregnancy in a particular woman? This must be determined by a specialist after conducting the necessary examination and a series of diagnostic measures.

Causes of poor sleep at different times

In the first trimester

In the early stages of bearing a child, insomnia during pregnancy is not considered a deviation. A large amount of a hormone is released in the body of the expectant mother, which is involved in the regulation of the menstrual cycle and the development of the embryo. This leads to severe fatigue, which is why a pregnant woman can fall asleep anywhere and in almost any position. This often happens during the daytime, causing the routine to be disrupted.

Doctors note that insomnia is one of the first signs of an “interesting situation”, which helps to identify pregnancy in the early stages of its development.

Another cause of insomnia is hormonal changes, which directly affect a woman’s mood. Emotional instability is accompanied by irritability, restlessness and frequent anxiety.

Frequent urination is the reason why a pregnant woman is forced to go to the toilet at night. The uterus grows, descends and puts pressure on the bladder, which leads to increased urination. In the second trimester, the problem resolves on its own, as the uterus rises and the pressure on the bladder becomes noticeably less.

The second trimester is considered the most prosperous time, when a woman’s body adapts, and insomnia in pregnant women gradually goes away. However, each person’s body is individual, so insomnia can still manifest itself. The causes of this condition most often lie in reasons not related to pregnancy:

  • wrong lifestyle. We are talking about “sleep hygiene” - a daily routine, a balanced diet, drinking coffee and tea only in the first half of the day. It is not recommended to practice daytime sleep - in this case, the regime will be disrupted and falling asleep at night will be several times more difficult than usual;
  • anemia. This is a condition in which the concentration of red blood cells decreases and hemoglobin decreases. Anemia (another name for anemia) is associated with the active growth of the baby and is accompanied by chronic fatigue);
  • external conditions that create physical discomfort. The room may be hot, excess light or cold may enter the room. Perhaps the surface of the bed is uncomfortable for your body, and the pillow is causing neck fatigue.

In most cases, normalizing sleep in the second trimester is not difficult. If you meet all the conditions and your insomnia does not go away, contact your doctor.

In the third trimester

The third trimester of bearing a child is as important as the first. When the belly reaches an impressive size, insomnia returns. This usually occurs at 32, 36 or 39 weeks of pregnancy. A growing belly puts pressure on internal organs, which is why a woman has difficulty sleeping.

It is becoming increasingly difficult for the expectant mother to settle into bed. Habitual positions are either prohibited or do not allow you to sleep with complete comfort. In addition, a woman may be distracted by natural urges or cramping sensations or cramps. The child begins to push, which also makes it difficult to fall asleep. This explains insomnia during pregnancy in the third trimester.

During pregnancy, a woman’s body is rebuilt and works in “emergency” mode. This leads to exhaustion and a noticeable decrease in immunity. The latter can lead to the emergence of infectious diseases, which will only aggravate the already difficult situation of a woman.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with a selection of methods that will help alleviate insomnia and normalize the functioning of the body.


The exercises have a low level of complexity - you can perform them even in bed, without risking harm to your health or causing premature birth:

  • alternate shallow and intermittent breathing. It is also recommended to breathe with a delay of 20 seconds. Such exercises are best performed under the supervision of a specialist. You can fully master them in specialized courses for pregnant women;
  • Lie comfortably on your back, stretch your arms along your body, and lift your legs slightly. Start performing movements that imitate normal walking. Thanks to moderate physical fatigue, you will be distracted from your problems and will not even notice how you fall asleep;
  • If sleep doesn't come for more than half an hour, try turning your attention to something else. Get out of bed, go into another room and start doing something monotonous. Start reading a difficult book or knitting. Return to bed as soon as you feel sleepy again.

Try to normalize your breathing and calm down: inhale the air slowly and deeply. Combine the exercises listed above with silent counting. Over time, you will get tired of monotonous actions and fall asleep without noticing it.


The purpose of relaxation is to relieve emotional stress. The following ways will help the expectant mother to rest and relax:

  • listening to calm instrumental music;
  • aromatherapy (in the absence of intolerance to aromatic oils);
  • light massage of the legs and lower back;
  • walks in the fresh air;
  • sex (in the absence of contraindications).

It is not necessary to complete all the items listed in one day. It is enough to choose what is right for you and use it in the future to combat insomnia.

One way to relax is to take a hot water bath. However, during pregnancy, this method can be quite dangerous, as it leads to overheating of internal organs and can cause developmental abnormalities in the developing fetus.

During the period of bearing a baby, it is strictly not recommended to take most medications. Sleeping pills can penetrate the placental barrier and cause developmental disorders in the unborn child. As an alternative, you can use sedative medications:

  • motherwort (from 70 rub.);
  • valerian (from 55 rub.);
  • Glycine (from 50 rub.);
  • Persen (from 400 rub.);
  • Magne B6 Forte (from 700 rub.);
  • Nervochel (from 400 rub.).

Do not forget that every woman’s body is individual, and medications can only be taken after prior consultation with a doctor.

Folk remedies

The advantage of products prepared according to folk recipes is their availability and safety. They have almost no contraindications, so they are allowed even in the presence of concomitant diseases. The only point that needs to be taken into account first is that tinctures should only be made with water. Products containing alcohol are strictly contraindicated for pregnant women.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the following recipes:

  • take a teaspoon of honey and put it in warm water. Take before bedtime;
  • mix honey and cranberries in a 1:1 ratio. Fill with warm water. Take as a sedative 3 times a day;
  • take oregano and valerian in a ratio of 2:1. Place in a container with hot water and simmer for about half an hour. Leave for 1-2 hours, then take immediately before bed.

Choosing the optimal sleeping position

Another important point that will make the life of a pregnant woman easier is choosing the optimal sleeping position. It is not recommended to sleep on your stomach or back during this period due to the fact that the veins and internal organs are pinched.

Doctors believe that the most optimal sleeping position during this period is on the left side, as this increases blood flow to the uterus. Another position recommended by experts is the fetal position. This position improves blood flow and helps relax all muscles.

What are the dangers of insomnia during pregnancy?

Some argue that a bad one is a natural phenomenon that seems to help a woman prepare for the first years of caring for a baby. However, in practice, insomnia is quite dangerous and can lead to unpleasant consequences:

  • exhaustion of the body and decreased immunity;
  • mental health disorders;
  • pathologically low weight in a newborn child.

Against the background of weakened immunity, old diseases can worsen. The synthesis of cytokines - proteins responsible for the interaction of cells with each other - will increase. This can lead to miscarriage, premature birth, and death of the child and mother.

Prevention of insomnia during pregnancy

To prevent insomnia, it is enough to follow a number of simple recommendations.

  1. Maintain a daily routine. Try not to sleep during the day or use your bed as a place to work or relax. This forms the wrong associations, causing you to have difficulty falling asleep.
  2. Reduce the amount of fluid you drink in the afternoon. During pregnancy, the urge to urinate becomes more frequent and may bother you even at night. To prevent this from happening, drink water and various drinks in the first half of the day. In the evening, the volume of fluid consumed should be reduced.
  3. Create comfortable conditions. Ventilate the room regularly, eliminate extraneous sources of light or noise.

Do not forget about an in-person consultation with a specialist. The doctor will help you cope with this problem, if necessary, prescribe approved medications and give the necessary recommendations.

Insomnia during pregnancy. It would seem that such a simple question, you don’t even need any medications... probably. I called my friend, obstetrician-gynecologist Irina. And she says: with such questions it is better not to contact a doctor, but to sleep experts. So I set myself the task of finding a sleep expert. But I didn’t give up on the idea of ​​getting a comment from a doctor.

Armed with a notebook, I came to the specialists with the following questions:

Can insomnia during early or late pregnancy have negative consequences for the baby?

How to deal with poor sleep early/late?

What to do about long-term insomnia?

They helped fight insomnia obstetrician-gynecologist at the Maternity Hospital on the street. Truth Merkulova Maria Dmitrievna, project manager for children's sleep consultations Sleep Expert Olga Dobrovolskaya and pregnancy and maternity coach, author and director of the “Mother of the World” project Katya Matveeva.

Why does insomnia occur during different periods of pregnancy and how to deal with it?

“Expectant mothers often complain of insomnia, especially at the beginning and end of pregnancy. And this is primarily due to powerful hormonal changes in a woman’s body. After all, he devotes the first trimester, figuratively speaking, to restructuring his own functions and learning to live in a new way. And in the third, the body is already systematically preparing for childbirth,” says Katya Matveeva. – Both of these complex processes in the life of the mother’s body are quite long and complex. And insomnia can be tiring and cause additional anxiety.

Here it must be said that sleep disturbances are often provoked by increased anxiety, which especially accompanies the 1st and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy. It’s no secret that when learning that she will become a mother, a woman is one way or another forced to think about a thousand moments related to the upcoming motherhood, from the baby’s health to “will I be able to cope?” In the middle of pregnancy, everything “settles down” a little, but in the third trimester, as labor approaches, anxiety and fears increase again.

At the same time, you should not resort to pharmacological drugs, or get carried away with herbs. This rule applies to any health problems of a pregnant woman, which is well known.”

“Everyone knows that healthy and adequate sleep is of great importance in a person’s life. Naturally, during pregnancy it is doubly necessary, because with insomnia the nervous system is depleted and wears out. And your future baby will experience absolutely the same emotions and experience the same discomfort! This condition will have a negative impact on health, so it is necessary to fight insomnia,” Maria Dmitrievna Merkulova shared with me.

“Try it,” she continues. – Change your daily routine and avoid overexertion and stress. Include walks in the fresh air into your schedule, especially in the evening before bed. A warm shower or bath will help you relax, after which you can drink a glass of warm milk or chamomile tea. Don’t forget that comfort should surround you everywhere: there should be fresh air in the bedroom, pajamas should be comfortable and made from natural materials. If you are bothered by nagging pain in your legs, a light massage will help - it will relax tense muscles and help reduce and relieve swelling. By the way, you can add a drop of essential oil, such as orange.

If, despite your efforts, the problem with insomnia remains, contact a specialist. After all, the causes of insomnia and methods for correcting it can be different, and in your case everything also depends on the duration of pregnancy. Therefore, your personal doctor is the best assistant and ally in solving such problems.”

So why is insomnia during pregnancy dangerous?

“A mother’s sleep pattern during pregnancy affects the baby’s sleep pattern when he is born. So the mother has quite a lot of time to teach the baby that night is night and you need to go to bed early, and not after midnight,” answers Katya Matveeva.
In addition, the baby in the tummy experiences the same emotions as the mother. Your stress is your baby's stress.

Insomnia in the first weeks of pregnancy

physiological (normal) loads. Insomnia is a common complaint of the expectant mother from an early stage. Sleep disturbances in the first trimester are of an emotional nature. If we talk about physiology, it just assumes increased drowsiness: actively secreted progesterone protects pregnancy, forcing a woman to rest more often,” says Olga Dobrovolskaya. – If already in the first weeks of pregnancy a woman complains of worsening sleep, she should assess her emotional background and level of sleep hygiene. If it is sometimes difficult to cope with emotions, then it is not difficult to follow the general rules of sleep:

1. Go to bed and (be sure to) get up at the same time.

2. Be sure to have a bedtime ritual: a shower, changing into pajamas, a paper book, meditation or writing in a diary - whatever brings pleasure and helps you relax.

3. Watch your caffeine intake. If you have not yet stopped using it after learning about your pregnancy (in small doses it is acceptable - 1-2 cups a day), then in case of problems with sleep you will have to do so.

4. Stop using gadgets and watching TV before bed - the bright light of modern screens stimulates our brain to stay awake.

5. Learn relaxing breathing techniques. Try the 3-6-9 technique (inhale for 3 counts, pause for 6 counts, exhale for 9 counts).

6. If frequent trips to the toilet, characteristic of your stage of pregnancy, become a factor in poor sleep, limit liquids before bed, try not to turn on bright lights when visiting the toilet, so as not to destroy the sleep hormone melatonin - this will make it easier to fall asleep again.”

Insomnia in the second trimester of pregnancy

“The second trimester is the most favorable time of pregnancy, and for sleep this is no exception,” says Olga Dobrovolskaya. – Difficulties here are caused by an emotional background or certain medications. Tell your doctor about these side effects so that he can choose another medicine for you.”

Insomnia in the third trimester of pregnancy

“The third semester increases the load on the body,” says Olga Dobrovolskaya. – A growing baby puts pressure on all organs of the abdominal cavity, reduces the volume of the lungs and, in some situations, impairs the blood supply to the extremities. Recommendations for general sleep hygiene remain objective at this time, but now it is worth taking additional care of physiological comfort.

1. Sleep on your left side. This will help to fully supply nutrition and oxygen to both the baby and your organs, and will also reduce the release of acid from the stomach.

2. Try not to eat 2-3 hours before bedtime, so that a full stomach does not release additional acid when lying down - this will alleviate possible heartburn.

3. If your legs hurt, be sure to place a pillow under them - a slight elevation will help the outflow of venous blood and reduce swelling.

4. Don’t be shy about asking your spouse to vacate the bed for you alone. Habitual snoring that you haven't noticed before can cause you to stay awake for many hours at night.

5. Take care of the darkness in the early morning - the first rays of the sun wake up the human body, and if you have been lying around half the night without sleep, you will want to sleep in the morning.

6. Abdominal pain can be a reflection of lower back pain - try placing a pillow under your stomach or lower back. If additional support does not provide relief, consult a doctor!”

And two more important rules that will save you from insomnia during pregnancy:

Katya Matveeva shares:

1. “The first and most important thing for every pregnant woman to understand is that physical rest is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women. Especially considering the fact that blood volume, body weight, and, accordingly, the load on muscles and ligaments increase, which most often leads to pain in the legs and lower abdomen. And this suggests that the best prevention and treatment of sleep disorders associated with pain in the legs and lower abdomen is physical education!”

2.As the uterus grows, you should try not to fall asleep on your back. The growing uterus compresses the inferior vena cava, which disrupts the circulation of venous blood in the legs and pelvic organs, and therefore in the uterus. This causes hypoxia of the uterus, placenta and baby, which is really bad for both mother and baby and, of course, can provoke insomnia, pain and ailments at night.”

Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep or insufficient duration or quality of sleep over a long period of time. Many pregnant women experience sleep disturbances right from the first weeks of pregnancy, which is associated with hormonal shock in the body. Those women who have never encountered this problem before are especially sensitive to insomnia. The situation is complicated by the fact that in this situation the expectant mother needs to get enough sleep and it is undesirable to overwork, so during pregnancy it is necessary to fight insomnia. Knowing the causes of insomnia and studying the processes that occur in the body over the course of 9 months will help you get rid of sleep disorders.

Types of insomnia

Sleep disorders that have common symptoms, namely the inability to sleep for a long time, are called insomnia (or asomnia).

Asomnia (a + lat. somnus - sleep). Insomnia, sleep disturbance. It manifests itself as difficulty falling asleep, interrupted sleep with frequent awakenings at night, shallow sleep or premature awakening with the inability to fall back to sleep.

There are three types of asomnia: transient, short-term and chronic.

  1. Transient. Transient or situational insomnia during pregnancy is mostly associated with episodes caused by a surge of experiences of a joyful or sad nature. The sleepless state continues until the emotions subside and life goes on as usual. In this case, the saying is good: the less you know, the better you sleep. The expectant mother needs to protect herself from sources of unpleasant information, and those around her need to take care of her social circle and the positive attitude that reigns in the family. Such insomnia lasts no more than a week and does not require special treatment.
  2. Short-term. Short-term insomnia is associated with more significant causes - physiological processes occurring in the body during pregnancy, stress, taking medications, and heart disease. This type of insomnia can last about a month, and during this period the pregnant woman’s body can suffer significantly. If sleep disturbances have been bothering you for more than a week, you should immediately contact a specialist. You cannot get rid of the problem on your own, since only a doctor can recognize the true cause.
  3. Chronic. Chronic asomnia is the most complex form of insomnia, which does not arise out of nowhere. People suffer from it for months, and both mental and physical illnesses can cause this condition. It occurs much less frequently than the previous ones, however, in any case, this is a reason to consult a doctor. If a chronic disease has bothered a pregnant woman before, then the methods of dealing with it will have to be adjusted, since previous medications can harm the baby.

Why is insomnia dangerous for pregnant women?

According to statistics, approximately 80% of pregnant women face the problem of lack of sleep. Many experts consider this condition as one of the signs of pregnancy in its early stages, as well as a state of drowsiness.

Why is insomnia so dangerous during pregnancy? Of course, a woman gets tired quickly during the day, because everyday things are no longer done as easily as before. The position of the expectant mother obliges her to protect not only herself, but also the baby from sudden movements, frequent bending and heavy lifting.

Any action requires concentration, and insomnia reduces it and causes additional stress. In her position, a pregnant woman can very easily get injured, even performing the simplest movements, be it taking a shower or a leisurely walk. Against the backdrop of an unstable hormonal balance, irritability appears, which arises even because of trifles.

Main causes of sleep disturbances during pregnancy

As the duration of pregnancy increases, the physiological causes of insomnia also increase. It has been noticed that at later stages it appears many times more often and is much more powerful. The most common causes of insomnia are:

  • problems in choosing a comfortable position, because the stomach has grown and the weight has increased ();
  • nagging pain in the lumbar and back areas;
  • active fetal movement;
  • leg cramps;
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • pronounced due to skin stretch marks;
  • dyspnea.

Psychological reasons are also prerequisites for sleepless nights during pregnancy. Among them are:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • nervous tension;
  • stressful situations;
  • concern for the child's health;
  • fear of childbirth;
  • nightmares.

The nature of insomnia is varied, but it is absolutely necessary to combat it. Poor physical condition and psychological problems should be prevented, and, if insomnia has already appeared, learn to resist it.

Hormones and insomnia

First trimester. As pregnancy progresses, the causes of insomnia increase. Most often, this situation is associated with a restructuring of the body’s hormonal system. At the beginning of pregnancy, estrogens (hormones of the first phase of the menstrual cycle) give way to progesterone, the hormone of the second phase. Otherwise, he is called the guardian of pregnancy. An increase in progesterone levels brings the body into a state of full readiness, aiming it exclusively at bearing the fetus. Accordingly, even at night, this hormone does not allow the expectant mother’s body to relax and rest, so proper sleep is impossible.

Second trimester. When the second trimester of pregnancy begins, the overall picture partially changes, and night sleep improves. By this time, the woman’s body is already adapting to the hormonal surge: relative stability of the nervous system sets in, the pelvic organs, including the bladder, intestines and liver, have learned to adapt to the growing uterus. The functioning of all organs is normalized, and the stomach has not yet increased so much as to interfere with restful sleep.

Third trimester. The third trimester in pregnant women is again accompanied by insomnia, and it becomes increasingly difficult to find a comfortable position for rest. Women who have the habit of sleeping on their stomach or back have a very difficult time adapting to a different position. During this period, physiological discomfort is observed: the expectant mother develops heartburn, which is aggravated in a lying position, back and lower back pain occurs, and even at rest, shortness of breath appears. By this time, the stomach reaches such a size that it is difficult to find a comfortable position for sleeping.

The situation becomes more alarming closer to childbirth due to regular lack of sleep and emotional unrest, often turning into nightmares. Because of this, sleep becomes more restless and shorter. The woman restlessly listens to her well-being, expecting contractions, feels every movement of the fetus, which does not allow her to relax and fall asleep. The third trimester of pregnancy is accompanied by another hormonal surge: progesterone levels drop sharply before childbirth. Poor sleep and difficulty falling asleep can be caused by training contractions of the uterus that occur a few days before childbirth.

How to overcome insomnia

You can combat insomnia in situational ways. There are factors that will help you get a good and stable night's sleep:

  1. We avoid tension - accumulated fatigue does not always lead to long-awaited sleep, sometimes a woman simply cannot relax.
  2. We give up the habit of sleeping during the day - perhaps night sleep can be restored.
  3. We share nightmares with a close and understanding person - psychologists believe that a dream spoken out loud helps to understand that there is no danger nearby.
  4. We avoid emotional stress in the evening - we refuse to sort things out, unpleasant conversations and do not watch action movies at night.
  5. We do not drink large quantities of liquid at night - the need to frequently empty the bladder will disappear, and as a result, the need to get out of bed at night.
  6. We use homeopathic remedies if recommended by a specialist.
  7. We have sex - if there are no contraindications, but there is a desire, then why not try this method?
  8. We choose comfortable clothes for sleeping - preferably, pajamas made from natural materials that do not restrict movement.
  9. We don’t get nervous and think only about good things.

And most importantly, if nothing helps and you want to resort to drug treatment, you must immediately inform your doctor. No amount of advice from friends and close relatives can replace the experience of a specialist. Only he can choose the right and safe medicine for a pregnant woman without harming her unborn child.

How to help yourself

The causes of insomnia during pregnancy differ at different stages, therefore, the ways to combat it are also different. Manipulations that help maintain a certain daily routine and nutrition are suitable for the first trimester:

  • Create a habit of going to bed at the same time, preferably before 11 p.m.;
  • The last meal should be postponed three hours before going to bed so that the stomach has time to empty itself of food during this time;
  • You will have to give up your usual coffee and tea, replacing them with a glass of warm milk, which has a slight calming and sedative effect;
  • You can use herbal infusions of chamomile and mint without fear, but with the rest you need to be careful - you should consult your doctor about their compatibility with pregnancy;
  • The nature of water procedures should be reconsidered - abandon relaxing hot baths and contrast showers, which increase vascular tone and increase blood circulation, in favor of dousing with warm water;
  • Walking for an hour before bed will relax you and help you fall asleep, and airing the room has a similar effect.

The third trimester of pregnancy is characterized by several types of insomnia: initial, with sleep disturbance when falling asleep; inability to maintain a sleep state, with constant awakenings and insufficient immersion in sleep; insomnia of the final phase with early awakening and inability to fall asleep again before getting up.

  • For initial insomnia, it is recommended to take a position lying on the left side (), which improves the blood supply to the baby, the functioning of the kidneys and intestines of the expectant mother;
  • You can put pillows between your legs and under your stomach, and raise your head with the help of;
  • To prevent cramps, you can massage the calf muscles, back and lower back, feet and ankle joints;
  • An orthopedic mattress will help prevent frequent awakenings during sleep, helping to ensure the correct position of the spine, relaxing muscles, and relieving vascular spasms;
  • For itching in the abdominal area, you can use moisturizing creams, and to prevent it you should try not to gain weight suddenly;
  • Wearing a bandage during the day partially reduces nighttime discomfort.

Video: how to sleep properly during pregnancy

Pregnant women who pay attention to fitness for expectant mothers are much less likely to complain of insomnia and pain in the limbs. Of course, marathon distances are not suitable in this situation, but yoga, Pilates, swimming and stretching are within the capabilities of any healthy woman. Good results are also shown by mastering relaxation techniques, which are taught in courses for pregnant women in preparation for childbirth. Of course, not every woman has the opportunity to attend such courses, but if desired, relaxation techniques can be found on the Internet.

It happens that all methods have been tried, but sleep does not come. You should not fall into despair, nor should you lose your temper. After waiting half an hour, you need to get up and do some monotonous things that do not cause a surge of emotions. Calm music, knitting, doing crossword puzzles, reading a book, talking to yourself, playing solitaire will help you get into a calm and peaceful mood. For some, peeling potatoes finally helps. Creative activities that captivate and excite are best postponed until the morning.

In borderline cases, when the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness has become disrupted to such an extent that the time of night rest is no more than 4-6 hours, and this condition has been observed for more than a week, you should immediately contact a specialist. The gynecologist will determine whether there are physiological reasons for insomnia, the therapist will examine the general state of health, and the psychologist will advise how to get rid of the psychological disorder. Preparing for the birth of a child is work that requires considerable strength, which should be regularly restored.

Can't sleep? Is the baby pushing? Can't find a suitable sleeping position? The cause of insomnia is not always a growing belly. How to deal with hormonal changes and what can a pregnant woman afford to combat lack of sleep, besides milk and honey? Ekatrina Ishchenko, in an attempt to fall asleep, looked for the correct position for sleeping under the supervision of the head of Women's Consultation No. 25, Elena Farafonova:

Pregnant women write on forums

I feel like I'm going to end up in a mental hospital soon! Dear girls, please give me some advice! I'm already desperate! I’m 7 months pregnant, but for several months now I’ve been falling asleep at 3 am, despite the fact that I go to bed at 23, I’m lying there, thinking, all sorts of stupid things are popping into my head, while I can scratch my face (pick at pimples that have just appeared) and bite my nails (there are only stumps left) I understand that this is all disgusting, but I can’t cope with it, then I fall asleep at 3-4 o’clock, and in the morning I get up and hate myself for what I’ve done (((I went to the doctor, I recommended valerian, doesn’t help (I drink mint, milk with honey at night, it doesn’t help either (What should I do??? I’ve just turned into such a mess with anomalies on my face and bitten nails ((my husband also doesn’t sleep because of me, but he has to work I get up at 6 and give a massage to help me relax, but it doesn’t help (Has anyone had anything similar?

>>glitsyn, at night, I took 1-2 tablets, it has no contraindications, you can drink it for a week, then take a break...or every other day, if you’re afraid, 1 tablet. And keep yourself busy, I was reading in the kitchen, since you can’t sleep, watch TV, don’t force yourself. Sleep during the day if you can’t fall asleep at night. This happens to many people, but it will pass later.

I tried calming teas and Persenchik, but strictly at 3.00 my eyes opened and I was awake until 5. And the little one in his tummy was also fuming at such times. I saved myself by reading, listening to soothing music - dolphin songs, the sound of the sea, etc. This was during the first pregnancy...
And now... The eldest is so exhausting that I fall asleep before him and can barely get up in the morning. Maybe I’ll go on maternity leave, rest more, and then insomnia will overtake me. In general, this is normal - you’re worried about the future, the baby is pushing and doesn’t let you sleep, the body is preparing to wake up at any time of the night

I take a shower before bed and take a couple of valerian tablets.... I also don’t sleep at night... and after valerian after a while I start to feel sleepy)))

I had such a period, I didn’t sleep at all at night, then during the day I walked like a zombie... the doctor said that this happens, it’s connected with hormones

There is a very good way to overcome insomnia)) Choose the task that you don’t like to do around the house the most (you really don’t like it, absolutely for nothing) and when you can’t sleep, do that specific thing, after a while sleep will come)))

don’t suffer))) read books, do something around the house, just relax))) I also sat at night with insomnia

I suffered and cried (even when I had to go to work), then I realized that this time should be used usefully: reading, cleaning, washing: gy:
I tried (sometimes it worked) like this: sit on the bed in the dark, stare at one point, covered with a blanket and sip hot tea with milk, with a bite of honey (it was +25 outside)))). And sometimes, on the contrary, she went to another room and lay on the sofa without covering herself, so as to freeze))), supposedly they fall asleep from the cold (although, again, in the summer, in this wild heat, it was difficult to freeze)))). It happened like this a couple of times.

walk more. At night you can have warm milk with honey. As soon as I remember, I’ll shudder, as they say. In the summer it’s so hot, the belly is huge, and... insomnia all night. Beauty!