What you need for a trip to the sanatorium. Documents required for check-in. What documents are needed for a sanatorium for children?

Dear parents! The information below will be updated for 2020 at a later date. The above list meets the requirements for the 2019 summer health campaign.

Memo for parents sending their children to a health camp

Dear parents, to ensure the safety of children's holidays, we conduct a mandatory medical examination before departure.

For a child to travel on vacation, the following documents are required:

1. ORIGINAL identification document of the child (under 14 years old - birth certificate, over 14 years old - passport).

2. COPY of health insurance policy.

3. A medical certificate from the clinic with the stamp of the medical organization or on its official letterhead, filled out by a doctor indicating his last name, first name, patronymic, the date of issue of the certificate, certified by his personal signature and the seal of the medical organization.

4.Vaccination certificate ( form 156/у-93) or a vaccination card ( form 063/у), if information about preventive vaccinations performed is not indicated in the certificate of form 079/u.

Let us remind you that some vaccinations are given to schoolchildren during their education. Vaccination information is kept in the school's medical office. Get more information about vaccinations in advance!

Children who have a medical exemption from preventive vaccinations for health reasons, or whose parents (other legal representatives) have formalized a refusal to vaccinate their child, provide, respectively:

  • certificate of medical disqualification indicating the reason for the medical disqualification (issued in any form with the stamp of the medical organization
  • or on its official letterhead, issued by a medical worker indicating his last name, first name, patronymic, date of issue of the certificate, certified by his personal signature and the seal of the medical organization)
  • or issued by a medical organization indicating the surname, name, patronymic of the medical worker, certified by his personal signature, seal of the medical organization.

5. Information about tuberculin diagnostics.

Results of the Mantoux test, Diaskintest (indicated in the certificate 079/у or at 156/у-93, 063/у ) valid for one year from the moment the sample was taken/tested (for example, if children arrive at a health camp on June 1, 2018, then the result must be received no later than June 2, 2017!). For children not vaccinated against tuberculosis, suffering from chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, respiratory system, receiving immunosuppressive therapy, Mantoux/Diaskintest results valid for 6 months from the moment the sample was taken/tested.

Children who have not undergone tuberculin testing (Mantoux test, Diaskintest) are admitted to the children's organization if they have a conclusion from a TB doctor confirming the absence of tuberculosis.

In relation to a person under 15 years of age, informed voluntary consent to medical intervention is given by one of the parents or another legal representative; a minor over 15 years of age gives informed voluntary consent to medical intervention independently.

In the absence of these certificates, during a medical examination, the child will be denied admission to an organized group of children before boarding a transport to go to a recreation and recreation organization!

1. Help for obtaining a voucher form No. 070/у

The certificate contains information about the recommended season and the profile of the sanatorium. Certificate form 070/у (certificate for obtaining a voucher) is of a preliminary informational nature and is issued to the patient for presentation at the place where the voucher for sanatorium or outpatient resort treatment is issued. In the case of a sanatorium voucher being allocated, a certificate of form 070/u remains with the organization that issued the sanatorium voucher as a medical basis for its issuance.

The choice of place for sanitary-resort treatment is carried out on the basis not only of the main disease, but also takes into account the contrast of climatic and geographical conditions, the presence of auxiliary diseases, travel conditions to the resort, the characteristics of natural, therapeutic factors and other conditions recommended by the resorts. Taking into account all the factors, the attending physician indicates the medical indications and gives recommendations regarding the spa treatment; if necessary, contraindications are also described.

2. Sanatorium-resort card ( form No. 072/у- for adults, form No. 076/у- for children)

The card contains information about the patient’s previous treatments (inpatient, outpatient), the results of X-ray, functional, laboratory tests and other studies, and also contains possible contraindications for spa treatment.

The presence of such information makes the treatment process as effective as possible when using climatic treatment factors in sanatoriums. At the end of the treatment carried out in the sanatorium, a return coupon for the sanatorium-resort card is issued, which describes the course of treatment carried out in the sanatorium and makes medical recommendations.

You can apply for a health resort card in advance, as it is valid for 2 months.

Please note that a health resort card can be issued directly at some health resorts for an additional fee. However, while the sanatorium-resort card is being issued, treatment for the underlying disease will not be provided by the sanatorium. We recommend that questions regarding the issuance of a sanatorium-resort card be coordinated in advance with our managers.

3. Civil passport (for children - birth certificate)

4. Compulsory medical insurance policy


6. Copies of main documents

  • passport
  • birth certificate
  • medical insurance

Documents for registering children to a sanatorium

1. Certificate of sanitary and epidemiological conditions

The certificate is valid for 3 days, is taken at the place of residence from the local pediatrician and confirms the fact that the child has not been in contact with infectious patients. This certificate is issued for all children who enter the sanatorium, regardless of whether they receive treatment or not.

2. Certificate of vaccinations

If you refuse vaccinations and medical withdrawal, you need a supporting document.

3. Power of attorney or permission from parents to accompany the child

In order to comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, when grandparents and other family members represent the legitimate interests of children, grandchildren (persons under 18 years of age), including when arriving together for a sanatorium-resort treatment and recreational holiday, it is necessary to have a notarized consent parents, adoptive parents, guardians.

We kindly ask you to bring all of the above documents with you in order to avoid misunderstandings when entering the sanatorium!

*** In order to avoid misunderstandings during check-in, we ask you to carefully read the provided rules of reception and accommodation and comply with them.

Rules for admission to sanatorium-resort treatment at the State Budgetary Institution of Healthcare of the Moscow Region DS "Rest".

2. Sanatorium-resort medical care is provided to the persons specified in clause 1 of this Appendix, according to the profile of the Sanatorium: respiratory diseases, diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue (allergic dermatoses), diseases of the endocrine system, nutritional disorders and metabolic disorders, gastroenterology.

3. Sanatorium-resort services are provided to patients who provide the following documents upon admission to the Sanatorium:

Document name

Child Accompanying

Travel package

Indicating the full name of the child and accompanying person, their dates of birth, length of stay and conditions of accommodation

Birth certificate

original and copy


Original and copy if available

Original and copy

Compulsory health insurance policy

original and copy

original and copy

Sanatorium-resort card

If the accompanying person plans to receive paid medical services, it is necessary to issue a sanatorium-resort card for the accompanying person in accordance with Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated November 22, 2004 No. 256 (form 072/U)indicating the results of a general blood test, a general urinalysis, data from a chest x-ray (fluorography) for the last year, as well as the conclusion of a dermatovenerologist and gynecologist (for women) (it is possible to provide separate forms of test results and conclusions of narrow specialists, certified by signature and personal seal doctor, as well as the stamp and seal of a medical organization)


About the child’s absence of contact with infectious patients within 21 days before the date of arrival, received no earlier than 3 days before the date of arrival

Certificate from a therapist stating that there are no contraindications to staying in a sanatorium

Power of attorney (consent, statement)

A notarized document confirming the authority of the accompanying person (if the accompanying person is not the parent (guardian) of the child)

Informed voluntary consent with the general examination and treatment plan
Information consent about the rules of therapeutic nutrition
Informed voluntary consent to medical intervention
Sample of notarized consent of parents (guardians)

(download and fill out, bring with you to check-in)

4. The Sanatorium does not accept patients (both children and accompanying persons) on vouchers if:

  • Any of the documents specified in clause 3 of this Appendix is ​​missing or improperly executed;
  • Patients (child and/or accompanying person) are contraindicated for sanatorium-resort treatment according to orders of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation No. 256 dated November 4, 2004 “On the procedure for medical selection and referral of patients for sanatorium-resort treatment” and No. 99/227 dated December 22, 1999 “Medical indications and contraindications for spa treatment of adults and adolescents”;
  • One of the patients (child and/or accompanying person) who arrived for sanatorium-resort treatment is not indicated on the voucher and its replacement has not been agreed in advance in writing with the Sanatorium;
  • The patient voluntarily changed the duration of his stay at the Sanatorium and/or other unauthorized changes were made to the voucher.

5. Registration for sanatorium-resort treatment is carried out on the day of arrival indicated in the voucher, from 8.00 to 20.00 Moscow time.

6. The sanatorium has the right, by decision of the Sanatorium and Resort Commission, to prematurely terminate the provision of sanatorium and resort services to patients (child and accompanying person) in the following cases:

  • violations by patients of the Rules of stay in the Sanatorium and the sanatorium-resort regime;
  • identifying deviations in the health status of the child’s legal representative, including an exacerbation of a chronic disease that does not allow him to perform the duties of an accompanying person.

7. Days of lateness and early departures are not transferred and are not compensated .

8. Replacement of an accompanying person during the period of sanatorium treatment is not possible. .

9. Patients are required to comply with the Rules of stay in the Sanatorium, incl. sanatorium-resort regime and daily routine, throughout the entire period of provision of sanatorium-resort services.

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When visiting the sanatorium you must have the following documents:

  • Identity card - passport or international passport.
  • A trip to the sanatorium.

Documents for a sanatorium for a child

To visit sanatoriums with a child, you must have the following documents:

  • Child's birth certificate.
  • A trip to a sanatorium for a child.
  • Compulsory health insurance policy (CHI).
  • Children's health resort card if the child will undergo treatment.
  • Certificate of vaccinations (GP's statement of vaccinations).
  • Certificate from a therapist about the epidemiological environment.

Some sanatoriums may require an enterobiasis test and a certificate from a dermatologist. That the child does not have infectious skin diseases.

A certificate of vaccinations is obtained from the clinic at the place of residence or an extract from kindergarten. You can also take your vaccination card with you. Which is given to parents in the maternity hospital about their first vaccinations. Certificates about the epidemiological environment are issued by the local pediatrician at the clinic.

Important: The certificate must be dated no more than 3 days before arrival at the sanatorium.

Tests for enterobiasis are taken in the laboratory at the child’s place of registration or in any other laboratory.

Up to what age is a vaccination certificate required?

Many sanatoriums require a certificate of the epidemiological environment for children under 14 years of age. Please check the rules for registering at the sanatorium and the list of documents with the sanatorium administration.

What documents do I receive from Astrum Travel?

  • A voucher to a sanatorium (paper or electronic version have the same value).
  • Agreement.

If you pay for your trip in cash, you will receive a receipt. When ordering trips abroad, we issue vouchers from local tour operators and an insurance policy.