What does the name Asel mean in Islam? History of origin and interpretation of the name Asel. Name Asel in English

Probably, the big names of elite fashion houses exist, among other things, to expand your vocabulary. You should always look “comme il faut”, this is your evidence of belonging to a certain circle, confirmation of your weight and status. This is the only way you feel “at ease”, and then you can show good nature, friendliness, and easily make any contact.

Compatibility of the name Asel, manifestation in love

Asel, self-sufficiency makes you a person for whom love is not a “life necessity.” You are extremely picky in any connections, be it friendship or closer relationships. In both cases, the partner must meet your ideal criteria absolutely, otherwise you can easily do without him. But if you still find a person who fits the “bar” you set, then you surrender to the feeling completely, selflessly and recklessly, which can be a pleasant surprise for your partner, misled by your external closeness and aloofness.


You are a “closed” person. All aspirations and desires are focused on one’s own personality. Therefore, when making any decision, you tend to choose what will most contribute to your growth and improvement. And each such choice increases the distance between you and the world around you.

Over time, this “shell” becomes thicker, and the possibility of “coming out” becomes more and more unrealistic. But even the strongest shell may one day fail to withstand external pressure and burst. And then, despite all your outstanding abilities, you will find yourself defenseless, like a newly hatched chick.

Neither intelligence nor theoretical knowledge, no matter how significant, can replace the ability to communicate with people, the skill of “interpenetration”, without which life is impossible.

Try to learn to view your individual qualities not as a product that can be “sold”, but as a tool for working in a team. Self-respect, of course, is “worth a lot,” but the affection of others is not a trifle.

The name Asel is most common in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. There are several translation options, the most popular of which are “honey” and “sweet”. There is also a version according to which the name Asel is translated as “tender, tremulous.” In addition, it is assumed that this is a transformed Turkic word for “evening, twilight.”

Despite the fact that the name Asel is of Arabic origin, it is not unconditionally Muslim; some imams consider it undesirable (although not prohibited) for a girl professing Islam.

The name Asel is similar to the fictitious name of the heroine of Alexander Green’s novel “Scarlet Sails,” whose name was Assol, which adds an additional romantic flair to it.

By calling their daughter this, parents assume that she will be endowed with an attractive appearance, make friends easily, and be liked by people.

The meaning and characteristics of the name Asel

At first glance, Asel makes a pleasant impression; she willingly makes contact, thanks to which she easily gets along with new people and loves to travel. Little Asel is everyone's favorite and the subject of admiration; she does not enter into conflicts and is rarely the object of aggression. Despite his intelligence and good memory, Asel does not always do well in school, as he is easily distracted and does not want to spend a lot of time cramming. She lacks persistence in achieving goals; she prefers to dream about a wonderful future, but does little to ensure that it actually comes.

Asel is a dreamer and visionary, but if she has real problems, she is able to concentrate and take action. True, often she simply finds another savior, whom she gladly allows to take on the pleasant burden of accumulated troubles.

At work, Asel is efficient, but not very proactive; she prefers not to change her field of activity, but she achieves high professionalism in her chosen field. She likes to understand the details, find connections and do a detailed analysis of the work done. She is not afraid of complex reporting, she is not afraid of checks - a good memory allows her to indicate exactly when and what was done, and meticulousness will not allow her to make accidental mistakes.

Asel's romantic nature sometimes leads her to fall recklessly in love at first sight, and when she looks a second time at the object of her passion, she is somewhat disappointed. She is unpretentious in everyday life, knows how to instantly create comfort in any home, her appearance in company enlivens the conversation and lifts the mood of those present.

Asel is a caring mother, but it can be difficult for her with older children due to her own immaturity. Asel’s family life may be hampered by too warm relationships with former lovers, since Asel never completely breaks off ties on his own initiative.

In sports, she needs a good mentor who will lead the future star to victory with a firm hand. She is ready to train and devote all her strength to work for the result, but it is difficult for her to plan classes on her own.

This female name is rarely found among Slavic peoples, but in Asian countries it is quite common. Usually, this is what loving mothers who have long dreamed of having a child call their daughters. Beauty, coupled with modesty, gives wonderful characteristics to the meaning of the name Asel.

Despite some shyness, little Asel is admired by adults, and the meaning of the name Asel for a girl implies excellent artistic and creative abilities, but she shows them very rarely in childhood, only in the right mood. It is at such moments that the baby becomes a little star, giving joy and fun.

On the other hand, the girl is very sensitive; any injustice can cause a storm of emotions in her. If the wrong action applies to her personally, then she will defend her point of view with all her might. And if her friend was subjected to injustice, then she will be able to act as a peacemaker.

The main meaning of the name Asel for a child is the inability to perceive negativity from others. She subtly feels negative emotions, and they have a very strong impact on the child’s fragile psyche. Everything is aggravated by the fact that the interpretation of the name implies the ability to withdraw, not to show your experiences even to your loved ones.

During her school years, a girl takes up her studies in earnest and tries to cover absolutely all areas of knowledge, which often results in her becoming overtired and making the wrong choice of profession. She is characterized by a broad outlook and deep intelligence, and she will definitely achieve success - she attaches great importance to her independent life.


Asel’s life is completely and completely controlled by love in all its manifestations, and this “means” that if a worthy person appears nearby, the meaning of whose words the girl trusts, then he will receive the most devoted partner in her person. She always supports her soulmate, partly due to the fact that finding a man who fits her ideals is not easy.

For her, harmony and beauty in everything are of particular importance, especially in sexual relationships this feature is manifested: the girl does not strive for experiments, regularity, affection, and confidence that she will not be humiliated are important to her. Not all men like modest behavior in bed, but a loving heart can put up with such a shortcoming.


Family life for Asel “means” absolutely everything. For the sake of creating harmony and comfort in the family nest, she will even give up her favorite job without regrets. Her husband becomes her support and protection; her developed intuition allows her to fall in love with just such a person, with whom she feels protected.

Her children grow up under the strict care of their mother. Often, Asel does not want to send them to kindergarten, or even to send them to relatives. She herself leads them all the way to school and helps them in everything. Letting her children leave the parental home becomes real torture for her, so even her amiable nature sometimes does not help her become a good mother-in-law or mother-in-law.

Business and career

Thanks to her excellent innate intellectual abilities, a girl will be able to achieve success in many fields of science. Creative professions are not alien to her, but activities that do not show off the girl, but “mean” are more suitable: writing, drawing, applied arts.

She will be lucky in all her endeavors, she will achieve a significant promotion in any job, but at the same time she cannot be called ambitious - she will achieve a position in society with the help of honesty and hard work. Her moral principles are of particular importance to her; she puts them first.

Origin of the name Asel

The origin of the name Asel has ancient Turkic roots; its etymology can be correlated with the word “honey” in the ancient dialect. In the area where this name comes from, this is what they call beautiful, desirable babies that parents have dreamed of for so long. Many ancient legends are associated with the name Asel.

Khan Alyan lived in Bashkiria in ancient times, and this is the story that happened to him. He was married to two women, but he fell in love with the young beauty Asel, whose name he repeated in mad passion day and night. Alyan abandoned his wives, and although he did not reveal the secret of his beloved’s name, his wives found out about her and decided to brutally deal with the girl.

Khan, having lost his beloved Asel, punished his women: he imprisoned them in a cave on Mount Alyanka. They say that their spirits are alive to this day - they instill fear in random passers-by, and in their lamentations the name of their rival can sometimes be clearly heard.

Characteristics of the name Asel

The girl always strives to idealize everything and everyone, and this is perhaps the main characteristic of the name Asel. She notices beauty in people; complete harmony of the inner world is of great importance to her. She can notice the surprising even in the simplest phenomena; her enthusiastic gaze can cause delight in those around her.

Most often, a girl can still adapt to the imperfection of the world, but no one will expect complaints and lamentations from her. The ability to ignore difficulties and keep her experiences to herself helps her live calmly and develop herself.

But such a character, mixed with unquestioning idealism, has its pros and cons. If by a more mature age a woman does not learn to separate the ideal from the real, then it will be very difficult for her to adapt to a cruel world; she simply does not want to perceive the dark sides, and therefore often encounters misunderstandings from loved ones.

Another not very pleasant trait is suspiciousness and obsession. She gives out advice left and right, and is in a hurry to intervene in any conflict situation in order to create peace. Many people do not like such an invasion of personal space, but the girl does not attach much importance to this; it is important for her that harmony reigns around.

The mystery of the name

  • Stone – Chrysoprase.
  • Name day - no.
  • The horoscope or zodiac sign of the name is Taurus.

Famous people

  • Asel Sagatova is a Kazakh model and actress.
  • Asel Isabaeva – Miss Kazakhstan 1999.

In different languages

This name has ancient Turkic roots, and the translation of the name Asel in Eastern countries has virtually no differences in pronunciation and spelling. But for European countries it is very rare, and therefore how the word is translated into other languages ​​can only be discussed in the sense of a transcriptional translation. For example, in Latin it is written as Asel, and it is pronounced somewhat rougher, without softening at the end of the word.

In Chinese it will sound quite strange - Aksieli, and is written using hieroglyphs as 阿謝里. In Japanese, the sound is closer to the original: Aseri, which is written in two ways: in katakana - アセリ, or in Japanese characters - 新利.

Name forms

  • Full name: Asel.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Aselya, Aselka, Aselenka, Aselushka, Asya, Assa, Asenka.
  • Declension of the name – not declined.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is not.

The female name Asel is classified as rare, so it is possible to meet it in Russia, but not often. This name has become widespread in Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.

What does the name Asel mean?

Translated from Arabic, the name Asel means “oriental sweetness”, “sweet”, “like honey”. This quite accurately characterizes the representative of the name. Its significance becomes a source of pride for her. Already in childhood it leaves its mark. The girl will never pass by an upset person, she will always feed a hungry puppy or kitten. In her studies, she becomes one of the first students. Thanks to her lively mind and perseverance, any science is easy for her. At the same time, Asel shows indifference to martial arts and team sports. But he will be happy to do gymnastics, aerobics and folk dancing.

Characteristics of the name Asel

Asel is able to adapt to almost any conditions and gets what she needs from life. The role of a peacemaker suits her, as she has the gift of patience and understanding. She helps those in conflict understand the dispute and push them to compromise. Asel is characterized as kind, efficient, and energetic. High energy provides an outlet for active recreation. She likes hiking in the mountains, trips to the sea with tents. As a rule, a girl always has many friends who are attracted by her friendliness and optimism.
A woman is always active, hardworking and diligent, therefore she becomes a valuable employee in the company for any company. She subtly senses the mood and has innate tact. This helps Asel conduct complex negotiations successfully. Most of all, she is attracted to professions that require communication with people - a psychologist or a teacher. Asel is ready to listen, give advice and help.
The life of the representative of the name is controlled by love. Its purpose is to surround loved ones with love, based on a sense of justice. Her loved ones will always find help and words of encouragement from Asel. She is ready to be there in difficult times. In her home she needs harmony, beauty and peace. Family and home are a woman's main concern. In marriage, she becomes leisurely and consistent. Before marriage, she dates a man for a long time and takes a closer look at him. For this reason, girls with this name rarely experience divorce. Asel herself is tactful and wise, she always knows how to inspire her husband to heroic deeds and support him.