What does the name Elvira mean for a girl: complete description. Name meaning: Elvira

Meaning of the name Elya: This name for a girl means "ruler of the world."

Origin of the name Elya: Muslim.

Diminutive form of name: Elichka, Elyushka, Elochka, Elyusha, Elyusya, Elchik.

What does the name Elya mean? It is known that Elya is often a shortened form of the names Elmira, Elvira. However, today it is also used independently. It is widespread in Europe, despite the fact that it has Muslim roots.

Eli's Angel Day: is not celebrated because the name Elya is of Muslim (Arab) origin and is not included in the list of church holidays (Catholic and Orthodox).


  • Zodiac - Gemini, Virgo
  • Element – ​​Fire
  • Colors – Purple blue, Garnet
  • Metal – Lithium
  • Tree – Elm
  • Planet – Mercury
  • Constellation - Grid
  • Number – Five
  • Food – Meat
  • Animals – Bear
  • Stones – Jasper

The influence of the season

Interestingly, the meaning of the name Elya may differ depending on the time of year of her birth.

  • A representative of the winter type can be active and decisive. A girl named Elya knows how to cook deliciously and always strives to ensure that her home is clean and tidy.
  • “Autumn” Elya has practicality and developed intuition, and also knows how to combine these two opposing qualities. Her personal life is not going very well, although Elya herself is distinguished by her thriftiness and diligence.
  • “Summer” Elya has an obstinate character and often cannot get along with her mother. He also behaves unfriendly with his spouse and is generally quite stingy with affection, having difficulty showing emotions. At the first opportunity, he will give up building a career and devote himself to his children.

Characteristics of the name Elya

Negative features: In childhood she is very sickly, timid, shy and quiet. That is why Elya has difficulty getting along with her classmates and cannot boast of many friends.

Positive features: At the same time, she is diligent in her studies, and receives not only good grades, but also knowledge that will later help Ela achieve stunning success in her career.

Characteristics of the name Elya: El's character often inherits from his mother, but in appearance, on the contrary, he resembles his father. The name Elya loves reading and often attends a music school or dance studio. Seeks to communicate with adults, trying to learn something new from them.

Having matured, a girl named Elya becomes very contradictory in character. She often cannot find harmony in life, and circumstances influence her. Elya tries not to listen to those around her when it comes to making an important decision, but tries to focus exclusively on her own intuition, which she trusts unconditionally. However, she tries, in turn, to help those around her with advice if asked. In general, the name Elya is an easygoing and not obstinate person. Although it can be strict. Moreover, she makes such an impression, since even as an adult she remains withdrawn and quiet. True, she tries to behave friendly and be friendly.

Elya and her personal life

Love and marriage: Her stubbornness may seem unfounded. What a woman named Elya cannot tolerate is indifference and inattention; she is an excellent hostess, amazing with her hospitality and ability to create a cozy, friendly atmosphere. Her passion for adventure promises her beloved man unforgettable sex at any time and anywhere, she can be very bitchy when she is in a bad mood, fortunately she rarely has one.

Capable of teaching children independence, openness, strength and justice, she will never tell the secret entrusted to her. A woman named Elya loves sex, but is an absolute supporter of monogamy - belonging to only one partner. They are called fatal, dangerous, making a man fall in love with him, even if he is married, he is ready to leave his family. Women named Elya do not often go to crowded places. He chooses the role of the weaker half next to a strong man, believes that any man can turn the world upside down.

If your friends don't like her, don't worry, she only shows her feelings to people close to her. Women named Elya, without hesitation, take on any task, even the most difficult ones. Do not try to interfere with her plans, but rather help in their implementation.

Talents, business, career

Choice of profession: As for professional fulfillment, the name Elya often becomes an engineer, teacher, nurse, doctor, fashion designer, salesman, architect. He achieves noticeable success in his career thanks to his perseverance and diligence. She is able to enter the conservatory and connect her life with music.

Elya prefers to work where there is a clear daily routine. She is an efficient and diligent employee. It is worth noting Eli’s desire to improve working conditions without demanding anything from his superiors. She will certainly find several options to make her work easier, which will greatly surprise employees much more experienced than herself.

Health and energy

Health and talents: Unfortunately, Eli’s health is often poor. She gets sick noticeably more than other children, but as she gets older, this situation changes a little. Most often, her problems are related to the respiratory system.

Eli's fate in history

What does the name Elya mean for a woman’s destiny?

  1. Elya Chavez - born 1984, Russian singer, sings in Russian, Japanese and English, also starred in some films.
  2. Elana Gaigalaite - (1933-2015) Soviet and Lithuanian actress.
  3. Elya Kagan - (1909-1944) Jewish writer from the USSR.
  4. Ela of Salisbury - (1187-1261) English aristocrat, countess.

Elvira's birthday

Elviras celebrate their name days on July 16 and August 21. The patron saints of women with the name Elvira are: Saint Elvira, Holy Martyr Elvira.

What does it mean

Elvira means “bright”, “ruddy” (translation from Latin).


It makes sense to start the analysis with its origin. According to one version, the story of the name Elvira has ancient Germanic roots and consists of two words: “al” - “everything, all” and “wer” - “truth”. There is also a version that the name Elvira comes from the name of the German-Scandinavian spirits of the Alvs (Alvas, Elves, Elvars), who were revered as a symbol of fertility. There is another version that believes that the name comes from the Latin word meaning “light, ruddy.”

What does the name Elvira mean according to P. Rouge

In accordance with the interpretation according to P. Rouge, the main features of women with this name are will, activity, intelligence and receptivity.

Type: the character of the name Elvira can be called extroverted. Thanks to the ability to control himself, he has the ability to get out of difficult situations. Sometimes she can be very aggressive.

Psyche: Elvira, as a rule, easily adapts to her environment. It can be objective and subjective at the same time. She believes that she should devote her life to some cause, be it caring for loved ones, social activities or religion.

Excitability: quite strong, but never turns into nervousness.

Reaction speed: you can convince Elvira only with the right arguments, but not with force.

Intuition: sees all the hidden secrets of others. It is almost impossible to hide anything from Elvira.

Intelligence: Elvira has an excellent memory and a great interest in life around her. She has good intellectual abilities. Knows how to be a diplomat.

Receptivity: With her faith and love she can move mountains, but disappointment can break her.

Sociability: Elvira is proud and her friendships often become tyrannical, but she remains faithful to true friends all her life.

Characteristics according to B. Higir

According to the description of the name Elvira according to Boris Khigir, a woman with this name at first glance seems to be a rather calm and balanced person. However, such an impression is often deceptive. Elvira may also have stubbornness, cunning, and the ability to adapt to circumstances. She is always dissatisfied with everything.

Elvira is very hardworking, she cannot stand slow and indecisive people. Largely because of this, she more often chooses men than women as her friends. In the eyes of others, she looks strong and courageous.

With all this, Elvira becomes a good housewife and caring mother. The first marriage is often short-lived. But in her second marriage, Elvira becomes truly happy.


Options: Ella, Vira.

Diminutives: Elya, Elyusha, Elyunya, Elvirochka, Elvirushka, Elusya.

In different languages

  • in English: Elvira (Elvira).
  • in German: Elvira (Elvira).
  • in French: Elvire (Elvir).

Famous Elviras:

  • Elvira Nabiullina is a Russian economist, statesman, and Minister of Economic Development of Russia.
  • Elvira Avakyan is a Soviet animator and animation film director.
  • Elvira Danilina is a Russian theater and film actress, Honored Artist of Russia.
  • Elvira Khasyanova is a Russian athlete, performs in synchronized swimming, Olympic champion, multiple world and European champion, winner of the World and European Cup.
  • Elvira Todua is the goalkeeper of the Russian women's national football team.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: "All-truthful" (from the ancient Germanic roots al, "all", and wer, "truth")

Energy of the name and character: The name Elvira is distinguished by assertiveness, determination, and in its Russian sound, in addition to everything, it also acquires a touch of aristocracy. Thus, there is every reason to believe that Elvira’s character will be dominated by authority, self-confidence and ambition. This is all the more likely because parents who give their child such a rare and expressive name will most likely raise their daughter from precisely this position, but even if this is not the case, the groovy energy of the name can still give Elvira a powerful impetus to leadership.

Usually, from childhood, Elvira has the ability not only to stand up for herself, but also to be quite demanding of others. In other words, she can grow up to be a rather conflicted girl, and it is very likely that her discontent will often border on rage. Of course, it is not easy to live with such a character, but among women conflicts rarely take on a hand-to-hand nature, which means that Elvira’s stormy temperament does not pose too much of a danger to her. It is possible that she will have few friends, but from this, dissatisfaction with society begins to strengthen even more and, as a result, a feeling of superiority. This is a very significant point, and in order to avoid many difficulties in life, it would be very desirable if this quality of Elvira is smoothed out by nurturing her sense of humor and respectful attitude towards people. Otherwise, her whole life may pass under the motto: “And we (and at the same time her loved ones) can only dream of eternal battle and peace...”

Most likely, Elvira's ambition will be reflected in her choice of career. The role of a housewife is not for her, she sees herself in some significant leadership position, it’s just a pity that normal leadership of people requires not so much a tough and decisive character as diplomacy and the ability to resolve conflicts. Moreover, the energy of the name, alas, does not incline towards a dizzying career, and if Elvira really wants to succeed in business, she still needs to work on her character herself.

Secrets of communication: When faced with Elvira's violent discontent, it is best to let her vent her anger to the end. As a rule, this happens quite quickly, and when the charge of her emotions runs out, you can try to calmly and consistently state your position. She should be more careful, since pride often makes Elvira susceptible to flattery, which is often used by not very clean people.

The name's trace in history:

Elvira Fitzherbert

The love story of Marie-Anne-Elvira Fitzherbert is unusual, if only because it is connected with the name of a royal person - the Prince of Wales, the future English king George IV (1762 - 1830). Captivated by the girl’s beauty, intelligence and cheerful disposition, the prince, in a fit of passion, hastened to propose to her. Elvira agreed, and in 1875 the lovers secretly got married.

It is not difficult to guess that this marriage strongly contradicted the interests of the state: not only was it unequal and, thus, undermined the authority of the royal family, but, in addition, all the king’s hopes of marrying his son to a rich girl with a good dowry were gone. In addition, Elvira was a Catholic - and this made the marriage completely unacceptable.

Minister Fox had to put in a lot of time and effort to prove to the amorous prince that his marriage was illegal, but in the end he succeeded, and therefore, when the question of this scandalous marriage was raised in Parliament, George IV hypocritically denied its existence, assuring that he was never married. In 1895, he remarried Caroline of Brunswick, thus finding himself in the position of a bigamist. True, he practically did not live with his official wife, preferring to settle the same Elvira in the palace. And only after ten years of marriage the couple finally quarreled. Elvira began to live separately, receiving a pension for the rest of her days, either because she was once the wife of the king, or because, in his interests, she agreed to hide it all her life.

According to Mendelev

A big, good, “round” name. Elvira's main feature is sincerity, and in her youth, even enthusiasm. By the way, the “rounded” attribute is interpreted as a variation of the “feminine” attribute, emphasizing physical, external attractiveness.

Elvira is very sociable and approachable, does not seek to imitate anyone, although she is not without flexibility and resourcefulness. The combination of the signs “strong” and “cold” helps her not to get into unpleasant situations and act in accordance only with common sense. She has enough courage, but perhaps not vanity.

In any relationship, rudeness and vulgarity on her part are excluded; she instantly recognizes these qualities in her interlocutor and pronounces a final verdict on him.

Elvira is characterized by a fairly high intelligence combined with a strong and agile nervous system. Increased sensitivity does not prevent her from making informed decisions. For her, the most important thing is to remain true to herself, and the profession can be anything. In her work, she is characterized by conscientiousness, but thoroughness and pedantry are often absent.

Her requirements for men are quite high, but if she meets a man who thinks outside the box, he can well count on success.

Elya is brighter, more prominent, resourceful and kinder. In addition, she is more active, relaxed and even, perhaps, more willing to take risks. Still in development and formation. Then it will become simpler and more beautiful.

The name is rare, but notable.

The color of the name is greenish-blue.

According to Higir

Elvira, at first glance, is a calm, balanced person. But this is a quiet pool in which, as you know, there are devils. It was precisely they who made up a complex cocktail of her character, in which there was a lot of stubbornness, cunning, and the ability to adapt to circumstances, and to be dissatisfied with everything. Hardworking, everything burns and argues in her hands, she can’t stand slow, indecisive people, so she is more friendly with men than with women. Those around her consider her strong and courageous, but those who know her well do not let her close to their secrets - Elvira does not know how to keep secrets. She is a good housewife, but she is not very lucky in life - her first marriage, as a rule, is short-lived, and only after marrying again is she happy. Elvira's have no special taste. Most often they have sons.

“Winter” Elviras are athletic, they make good sports coaches, and they are persistent in achieving their goals. Selfish and quick-tempered, but easy-going. They can take on any job and will certainly see it through to completion. They love traveling and business trips - they are easy-going. Somewhat distrustful.

It is better for them not to occupy leadership positions (and Elviras often work as store directors, teachers and school directors, and leading engineers), since conflict situations are almost certainly inevitable. Elviras can turn people against each other.

Compatible with Sergei, Victor, Boris, Evgeniy, Alexander and incompatible with Semyon, Peter, Oleg, Pavel, Samuil, Eduard.

1. Personality: women who understand the souls of people and things

2.Color: yellow

3. Main features: will - activity - intelligence - receptivity

4. Totem plant: gorse (shrub with yellow or white flowers)

5. Totem animal: termite

6. Sign: lion.

7. Type. They know how to control themselves, which allows them to get out of difficult situations. In certain circumstances they become aggressive. It is very difficult to raise such girls, as they are not easy to lead.

8. Psyche. Extroverts easily adapt to the life around them. Simultaneously objective and subjective. They feel a great need to devote themselves entirely to some cause, be it caring for the welfare of their relatives, social activities or religion.

9. Will. Made of iron, or rather steel. Don't let them get on your neck!

10. Excitability. Very strong, but never becomes nervous.

11. Reaction speed. Born revolutionaries. If it is necessary to dissuade them from any project, then this can only be done by persuasion, but not by force.

12. Field of activity. It seems that they are born into the world with a ready-made life plan. Everything around them should move at their own pace. This is that rare type of woman for whom all doors are always open, but if they lose faith in their strengths and their destiny, they can suffer defeat.

13. Intuition. They easily understand the deeply hidden secrets of others, they cannot be deduced, whether it concerns your thoughts or your heart.

14. Intelligence. Significant. Subtle diplomats use this quality in all situations. They have an excellent memory and a great interest in life and the world.

15. Receptivity. The main driver of their life. If they believe and love, they can move mountains, but if they are disappointed, then they turn everything into ruins. Parents do not have authority in the eyes of these girls.

16. Morality. It consists of strictness and concessions. The actions of specific people are assessed very strictly, but if we are talking about events or entire nations, deviations from harsh norms are allowed.

17. Health. They are tenacious, like salamanders, but still must take care of their health, in particular their stomach.

18. Sexuality. Sex is all or nothing for them. They are able to devote themselves to serving the ideal - even their intimate life. But anything can happen... Let's take into account the fact that there are many masculine traits in their character...

19. Activity. They can be compared to heroes. Perhaps, to live with them, you also need to be a hero?

20. Sociability. Is it possible to talk about the friendship of these Don Quixotes in female guise, waging an endless struggle with windmills? They are proud, their friendship is despotic, but they are loyal to true friends.

21. Conclusion. Give them the opportunity to conduct and order, and if they give you a battle cry... take advantage of the rare moments of their goodwill!

A person’s name, as noted in ancient times, largely determines his character. What features will the name Elvira give to its owner? To answer this question, a multifaceted analysis of the name will be required.

Origin of the name

Scientists still disagree about where the name Elvira came from. Most are inclined to the theory that this name was formed from the Scandinavian “alv” (“alv”) - “elf”. In other words, Elvira is “the child of the alves (elves),” “elven child,” which indicated the charm and strangeness of this girl. The ancient Scandinavian peoples revered the Alves and treated them with respect, so such a name was a blessing.

In Old Scandinavian mythology, the Alves were called a wonderful race, which was credited with magical properties and inhuman beauty.

Other theories point to Spanish. According to this assumption, the name Elvira means “white”, “pure”. Theories that refer to the Visigoths suggest that Elvira means "reliable", "vigilant", "trustworthy".

Name forms

The name Elvira is abbreviated as follows:

  • Vira;
  • Lyra;

Elvira can be affectionately called like this:

  • Elvirochka;
  • Elechka;
  • Evochka;
  • Virochka;
  • Ellochka.

Table: analogues of the name in other languages

Church name

The name Elvira is not in the Orthodox or Catholic calendars, so at baptism the girl will receive a different name. As a rule, at baptism, a consonant or related name is chosen. For Elvira, the closest sounding Orthodox name is Elena. Elvira celebrates her name day on June 14, July 16, August 21.

Related names

For Elvira, the closest related name is Eleanor. It is consonant with it, and has similar abbreviated forms (Elya, Elli), and according to some theories it belongs to the same language group.

Matching middle names

The following middle names combine beautifully with the name Elvira:

  • Leonidovna;
  • Eduardovna;
  • Viktorovna;
  • Alexandrovna;
  • Lvovna.

According to the rules of transliteration, the name Elvira is written as ELVIRA. Such a record will be required when applying for a foreign passport, signing an application for the issuance of a personal bank card, and in some other cases.

Transliteration rules (writing words in Latin letters) are regulated internationally and allow people speaking different languages ​​to interact with each other.

Name and character

Today scientists are trying to unravel all the mysteries. Of course, they could not ignore such an interesting phenomenon as the influence of a name on a person’s character. Since ancient times, people have known that the name of a person or the name of a city, settlement, or country in one way or another influences his fate, so the choice of name has always been given such importance.

The science of onomastics deals with the study of proper names, and anthroponymy with the names of people. These branches of linguistics put forward theories that would explain such a strong influence of a name on a person.

People have long noticed the connection between name and personality, and scientists are now trying to unravel its reason

Most linguists agree that the sound of a name evokes certain associations that form an idea of ​​a person’s personality both among those around him and the bearer of the name himself. This happens as follows - we unconsciously transfer some of the characteristics of a familiar object to an unfamiliar one, relying on the fact that they are somewhat similar.

For example, the name Elvira may sound like the word “lyre,” a musical instrument. In this case, a person who is not familiar with Elvira can, based on her name alone, unconsciously assume that she is a girl with a penchant for music and a keen ear.

Don't forget about social theory. Scientists suggest that by looking at a person’s name we can make more or less accurate conclusions about his social status, race and nationality. Thus, the name Elvira is most common among the peoples of the Middle East, and is also found in wealthy Russian families.

Elvira in childhood

The main feature that distinguishes little Elvira from other children is the desire for independence. From a very young age, Elvira tries to do everything herself, does not like to ask for help from elders, and even prefers to get acquainted with unfamiliar things and phenomena from her own experience.

At school, Elvira shows inquisitiveness and curiosity. She likes to gain new knowledge, so she enjoys going to lessons and communicates with interest with teachers. Elvira gets along with her classmates, but few really get close to anyone. She has many friends, but few friends.

Elvira feels comfortable at school

It is important for Elvira to pay attention to the next years of her life - 5, 13, 22.

Talents and professions

Elvira often shows an aptitude for professional sports. She, being quite ambitious, is ready to train hard for the sake of awards and fame, which has a positive effect on her results.

Elvira has a penchant for athletic sports

If in childhood and adolescence Elvira did not develop her sports skills, then she has a good chance of becoming an outstanding bank employee or a good accountant. She loves money and knows how to count it, so she is able to keep reports, calculate assets and loan payments. Elvira does not have outstanding mathematical abilities, but she can quickly add and multiply in her head, so such office positions are perfect for her.

Elvira easily and quickly calculates both the company’s profits and losses


Elvira rarely has health problems. From an early age she is distinguished by her mobility, she has good immunity and a healthy appetite, so she rarely suffers from flu, colds, and also diseases of the musculoskeletal system. On the other hand, with insufficient mobility, Elvira may become overweight, which, if the girl is negligent, can develop into obesity. For Elvira, it is extremely important to maintain her love for sports over the years. As a child, she often runs around the yard with friends, playing team games, but at an older age she should take up a hobby - going to the gym, jogging or cycling.

Without proper physical activity, Elvira may become obese.

Love and relationships

Elvira’s active lifestyle and her sociability attract people to her, so she usually has no shortage of fans. Elvira is always surrounded by several young people trying to win her affection, but she herself rarely experiences romantic sympathy for people. She is not amorous, but she likes to accept advances, so she often gives her gentlemen false hopes, not wanting to let them go.

I'm still sitting on the bench with a guitar in my hands,

And this song is sung, Elvira, for you,

Just so you know: there are autumn leaves,

That you hurt my heart forever.

Musaev Hasan - Elvira


Elvira marries early, but usually unsuccessfully. She may agree to marry not for love, but for the sake of experience; she's simply wondering what it's like to be a wife. Disappointed in family life, she will quickly and without thinking get divorced. It will not be possible to tie Elvira into a shared life, common loans or other obligations - if she wanted to leave, she will leave without looking back.

Table: compatibility with other names

Name horoscope

The zodiac sign has a significant impact on a person’s personality and destiny

Like names, zodiac signs partly shape a person's character. Their properties can overlap with the properties that the name bestows, and either interrupt them or strengthen them.

Traits of Elvira-Aries - stubbornness and arrogance

Elvira-Aries is a stubborn person who sometimes goes too far. Once she has set a goal, it is almost impossible to force her to retreat. She often does not notice that the goal is unattainable or unworthy of her efforts, and therefore wastes a lot of energy and effort. Elvira, born under the sign of Aries, needs to learn to retreat.

Elvira under the sign of Taurus needs encouragement

Elvira under the sign of Taurus is a faithful friend and devoted life partner. She cannot imagine her existence without other people. It is vital for her to be needed, and therefore she strives to help other people. What pleases her most in the world is the phrase “I couldn’t have done it without you.”

Elvira-Gemini can be frivolous

Elvira, born under the sign of Gemini, has been sociable since childhood. She feels good in large companies, loves noisy parties and has been the leader of the group since school. She has an excellent sense of humor and a sharp tongue, she is always surrounded by a crowd of friends, but she can be frivolous and fickle.

Elvira-Cancer is dreamy

Elvira-Cancer is one of those people about whom they say “not of this world.” She often has her head in the clouds, talks about impossible things just for fun, and often abruptly changes the topic of conversation. She is extravagant and unusual, so most people around her remember her well.

Elvira Leo can be too arrogant

Elvira under the sign of Leo is a proud and narcissistic girl. She often suffers from excessive ambition. However, these qualities force her to improve herself - Elvira-Leo evaluates herself and her abilities quite objectively, and she is ready to work hard to satisfy her own ambition.

Elvira under the sign of Virgo relies too much on plans

Elvira-Virgo strives to follow the schedule in everything. She loves to create schedules and routines. If something does not happen according to plan, Elvira-Virgo begins to get nervous, or even panic. Her main problem is her inability to live in the moment. She always looks far into the future, and therefore often misses what is under her nose.

Elvira-Libra strives for a calm and measured life

Elvira, born under the sign of Libra, is distinguished by her modesty and love of solitude. She is calm and does not like noisy companies. It is important for her to find one true friend, but she rarely communicates with others, so this is a rather difficult task. Elvira-Libra spends a lot of time immersed in herself; One of the main goals of her life is self-knowledge.

Elvira-Scorpio can hurt and not notice

Elvira-Scorpio is quite sociable, loves to be the center of attention, but can sometimes be cruel. She is ready to do a lot for the sake of the favor of others, but sometimes she goes too far in her pranks - Elvira-Scorpio can inadvertently offend her friend or acquaintance. Unfortunately, she doesn’t know how to apologize, so she easily loses friends because of such bad jokes.

Elvira-Sagittarius's behavior strongly depends on the environment

Elvira, born under the sign of Sagittarius, can withdraw into herself for a long time and not pay any attention to others. She is sociable, but sometimes needs a few hours to herself. In company she behaves quite noisily and actively, but among close friends she can be thoughtful, silent and uncommunicative, which often causes dissonance among the people around her.

Elvira-Capricorn is vulnerable, but tries to hide it

Elvira-Capricorn tries to look calm and balanced, but in reality every little thing makes her angry. She needs to let off steam at least sometimes, otherwise she will have problems with her nerves - too much suppressed aggression and discontent.

Elvira-Aquarius strives for peace and harmony

Elvira under the sign of Aquarius may seem lost and with her head in the clouds, but in fact she is quite sociable and open to others. She enjoys being in large groups, but does not like to be the center of attention. Most of all, she likes to observe other people’s interactions and draw conclusions about their characters and inner world. Elvira-Aquarius has good intuition.

Elvira-Pisces often loses touch with reality

Elvira, born under the sign of Pisces, pays a lot of attention to romance. She dreams a lot and loves to read women's novels, which, as we know, have little to do with reality. She is often surrounded by a large number of suitors, who, however, do not meet her high criteria. Due to high expectations, she is often left alone.


Summer Elvira can't sit still

Elvira, born in the summer, is characterized by her mobility and activity. Since childhood, she has loved team games, and this hobby often remains at an older age. Adult Elvira is eager to go on hikes; she loves to travel and discover new places. Summer Elvira hates staying home on a nice day.

Autumn Elvira loves to train her skills

Elvira, born in the fall, often sets a very high bar for herself - and achieves it thanks to her own perseverance. She evaluates herself by the development of her abilities, so she spends a lot of time training or exercising. Even in childhood or adolescence, she chooses one or two hobbies in which she regularly practices. As a rule, these are some kind of sports, but she can also be interested in drawing, music, and needlework. It doesn’t matter what type of activity Elvira has chosen, she will not rest until she reaches the maximum of her abilities in this area.

Winter Elvira loves to be the center of attention

Elvira, born in winter, prefers to be paid attention to. To do this, she strives to maintain her image, always look impeccable and often shocks the public with her unusual antics. She is a creative person, but she lacks the perseverance to master any type of art.

Spring Elvira often suffers from lack of concentration

Elvira, born in the spring months, is not known for her perseverance - she rarely manages to concentrate her attention on one subject for more than half an hour. Because of this, she has problems at school and college. Her thoughts often hover somewhere else, and she herself may, in her thoughts, forget what she has been doing for the last half hour.

Table: esoteric name correspondences

Letter-by-letter analysis of a name

A semantic-phonetic analysis of names was proposed by the Russian astrologer Felix Kazimirovich Velichko. According to his theory, names receive their energy not only from their solid form, but also from the letters that make them up.

  • E - excellent command of language, ability to persuade, good intuition;
  • L - outstanding artistic taste, subtle sense of beauty;
  • b - ability to notice details and catalog information;
  • B - sociability, sociability, ability to find a common language;
  • And - love for beauty, aesthetics;
  • P - passion, the ability to realize the true state of things;
  • A - definition of one’s own desire, sincere desire and energy for its implementation.

Based on a letter-by-letter analysis, we can conclude that Elvira is a girl gifted with outstanding intuition and able to pay attention to small details that would not attract the attention of another person. She easily establishes contact with other people and inspires their trust. Elvira has a penchant for the arts, and also knows how to distinguish between her own and those imposed from outside.

Photo gallery: famous bearers of the name

Elvira Agurbash - first vice-president of the Mortadel company Elvira Nabiullina - head of the Central Bank of Russia, Honored Economic Figure Elvira Brashchenkova - singer, participant of the "Star Factory" Elvira Trafova - singer, jazz musician, Honored Artist of Russia

Elvira is an extraordinary person who gets along well with others and boldly goes through life. This girl will easily achieve success if she identifies her strengths and weaknesses and learns to control them.

What does the name Elvira mean?
This name is most often translated as “all-truthful” or “patriot”.

Origin of the name Elvira:
The origin of this name cannot be known for certain. Perhaps it comes from such ancient Germanic words as “al” (this is everything, all) and such as “wer” (meaning truth). There is also some assumption that this name has German-Scandinavian roots and, first of all, comes from the name of certain spirits of the Elvars, who for some time were considered a symbol of fertility. In addition to the first two, there is also a version that this name comes from an Arabic name like Ilfira (meaning patriot).

Character conveyed by the name Elvira:
Elvira is an unusually powerful, extremely ambitious and always self-confident lady; she is often characterized by determination, incredible assertiveness, sometimes even stubbornness and cunning. All these traits were mixed in her in very different proportions, moreover, forming the rather complex and contradictory character of Elvira. So she can almost always confidently stand up for herself, but Elvira is, as a rule, very demanding of the people around her, and quite often this can give rise to serious conflicts.

Outwardly, Elvira always looks as if her incredible angelic calm cannot be shaken, but in fact, even little things can irritate her, she is almost always dissatisfied with something and can be quite hot-tempered. Her almost “steel” will is often capable of subjugating even the strongest people. And, of course, often this quality can help her take certain leadership positions, both in the society around her and at work. She often becomes a leader, but her stern temper often gives rise to serious and numerous conflicts with her subordinates. In addition, the set of traits of her strong character clearly lacks some diplomacy, perhaps gentleness, or the ability to smooth out conflicts, and this is probably why she, unfortunately, will not achieve really high career growth at all.
It must be said that Elvira is a “meteor”, almost everything she does is accomplished, as they say, with “mad” speed, but slowness or indecisiveness are precisely those traits that, as a rule, irritate her most in other people. And, of course, in her close circle, as a rule, there are no such people at all. She is really scrupulous in choosing her closest friends, and most often she can develop excellent friendly relationships with representatives of the stronger sex, but she has very few close friends. And quite often among her friends, Elvira can be considered an unusually strong and even courageous woman, but for some reason, rarely anyone dares to be frank with her, she simply does not know how, as they say, “to keep her mouth shut” and can often simply blab out absolutely all the secrets entrusted to her and secrets.

And Elvira’s family life is often ambiguous; quite often she has to enter into marriage several times, all in order to be able to find her happiness. We must admit that Elvira is a good housewife who always looks after the house, raises her children correctly, and most often she can give birth to boys.