What does an ax mean in a dream? What does an ax foreshadow in a dream for the dreamer - correct decoding. Ancient French dream book

A sharpened axe. The most universal instrument in Rus'. They cut down churches and houses without a single nail. And with an ax they could cut off the head of the enemy who came to Rus'.

Cities were built with an ax and crimes were committed. A man dreamed of an ax, sentenced to the chopping block. And even now people often dream about it.

Axe. What does it mean in a dream?

Dreams in which people dream of an ax have many meanings. A combat type of ax was the poleaxe. Let's look together at the meaning of a dream in which a person dreams of an ax.

To see in the wrong hands, in the hands of a man

There are several very ambiguous interpretations of this dream:

If you dream of a woman with an ax, you have an interesting fan. She has one drawback - she is not rich.

Dreaming man with an ax - symbol having loyal and selfless friends.

A dream for a married woman means the appearance of a suitor and a tense relationship with her husband.

Man with an ax

An ax in the hands of a man in a dream is a symbol of the fact that you have completely fallen under the influence of your partners.

A man with an ax in his hands - to express himself in a purely masculine, military matter.

It can also be a symbol of an active, eventful holiday in the company of old friends.

In your dream of a dwarf with an ax - in reality there are some unfinished things you have forgotten.

A symbol that your new development in production will be “cut down” at the very beginning of work.

A very likely interpretation is that you are trying to solve your affairs in an inappropriate way and will not be able to change anything.

While you are stabbing, your ax falls off - to the emergence of unforeseen obstacles.

The dream can also be interpreted in this way - you will help your loved ones, perhaps at a loss for yourself.

Swing, threaten

A dream in which you threaten with an ax - symbol that you are afraid of filling out the documents incorrectly. Remember the Russian proverb and carefully watch what you sign.

Can be interpreted as a sign of danger threatening you. Be careful about the rumors you hear. They can damage your business reputation.

Sharpen in a dream

In a dream you are sharpening an ax in a barn.

The dream indicates that you are not afraid of housework, but sharpening it in the kitchen is a sign of an imminent holiday in the family.

You'll have to prepare a lot of treats.

This dream also has another meaning - get ready for some responsible, but very risky business.

Giving someone a sharply sharpened ax means giving precise advice to someone who was given the instrument in a dream.


Found ax in a dream- a hint of the failure of your endeavors. But, the dream book advises you not to give up, but to take on the elimination of sudden obstacles in your path. Don't give up. There is an opportunity to fix everything.

Finding or buying an ax in a dream is a promise of a huge amount of work. But in the end you will achieve the desired result.


An ax that breaks in a dream is a warning about a sharp deterioration in all matters in which you are busy. Family matters are among them.

The ax itself has fallen from the ax handle - the work you started will remain unfinished through no fault of yours. Humble yourself. It is not in your power to change anything.

New ax in a dream

See in a dream a new ax- to a new acquaintance that will become unpleasant and threatening for you. You can avoid this if you don't meet anyone in the near future.

This same dream has a different interpretation. You will receive many pleasant gifts from life if you make efforts to achieve your desired goal.

A woman’s dream about a new ax means meeting a new worthy, but not rich, admirer.

In the blood

A bloody ax in your dream is a symbol of victory in a struggle that came at a great price.

On the ax and your clothes - to increase your well-being, and dripping from the ax into the water - to obstacles on your life path.

They saw a butcher holding bloody ax- to a long, dangerous illness.


A dull ax in a dream, or with an extremely uncomfortable ax handle, is a symbol of difficulties on your life path. You can overcome them only with the help of relatives.

A rusty, dull ax means a breakdown in family relationships due to difficulties that have arisen and a lack of understanding of further actions.

Chopping someone with an ax - your way of achieving a result causes suffering to those around you.

The dream can have such an interpretation. You cut through the problems that arise on your way, remove all obstacles.

In a dream - a sign that you are cutting off something unnecessary to you, something that has become obsolete in your life.

Ax in the back

Dreamed in a dream the ax is in your back- a warning that your opponents are ready to strike. If you don’t feel pain in your sleep, then everything will go relatively calmly. If you feel pain, the blow inflicted by your opponents will have a very sensitive effect on your financial affairs. There may be a sharp deterioration in your well-being.

In my head

Seeing a severed head in a dream means losing support from your patron. A complete loss of qualified tips, which will lead to chaos in your affairs for some time.

If you cut off someone’s head in a dream, you are trying to impose your will on your partners in joint affairs. Most likely, a reflection of the contradictions that have arisen in different points of view on how to solve the problems that have arisen.

Ax in a dream

The destruction of a building with an ax in your dream is a symbol of divine powers interceding for you.

The dream may indicate your resourcefulness and cunning in matters related to military operations. Outwit the enemy to gain an advantage for your comrades.

In real life, use a intact and serviceable ax for work. What will you do in life after reading interpretation of the dream book, depends only on you. Take into account all the nuances of the dream and make the right decision, in your opinion.

Vanga's Dream Book

The dream has the following meanings:

  • Loss of faith in the best, collapse of hopes, despair and mental pain;
  • Some person in a dream with an ax is a harbinger of grief caused to you by a stranger;
  • Hold an ax in your hands in a dream - despair from realizing the futility of your actions;
  • Chopping someone with an ax is mental pain resulting as a result of your actions.

Freud's Dream Book

The dream has the following interpretations:

  • Ax – designation;
  • Chopping wood - having sex, sexual intercourse;
  • Cutting something for yourself is a hidden tendency towards same-sex love or fear of upcoming sexual intercourse;
  • An ax covered with rust - to a dysfunction or disease of the genital organs;
  • Impotence means broken ax.

Find out from the online dream book what the Ax is meant for in dreams by reading the answer below as interpreted by the interpretive authors.

Why do you see an ax in a dream?

Dream book of the 21st century

Why do you dream about the Ax and what does it mean:

Ax - Chopping something with an ax in a dream means that you will do something shoulder-to-shoulder, recklessly, without thinking much about it.

Miller's Dream Book

Why do you dream about an Ax in a dream?

Ax - This dream suggests that your unbridled extravagance will expose you to the evil intentions of your rivals. A rusty or broken ax means that you will be upset by the behavior of wayward people.

Dreaming about an ax also means that your happiness will depend on your own efforts and the amount of energy you put in. Seeing a person chopping something with an ax foreshadows energetic and active friends who will make your stay with them a complete pleasure.

For a girl, a dream in which she sees a man with an ax promises a worthy, but not very wealthy lover.

Azar's Dream Book

Why did you dream about Axes according to spiritual sources?

An ax is an unpleasant job.

Maly Velesov dream book

Why do you dream about an ax?

Ax - Quarrel, debts, hard work; chopping with an ax - fight, anxiety.

Ukrainian dream book Dmitrienko

Why do you dream about Axes?

Ax - loss of property or debts; chopping something with an ax is a hassle, anxiety.

Ancient French dream book

Seeing an ax in a dream

Ax - If you saw an ax in a dream, be careful: you are in serious danger.

Miss Hasse's Dream Interpretation

Dream interpretation:

Ax - Seeing is misfortune; working for them means a good salary; cutting down a tree with an ax means disagreement.

Dream Book of the Wanderer (Terenty Smirnov)

Interpretation of Axes from your dream

Ax – Own (or someone else’s) destructive energy of evil. Cutting down a tree is dangerous; end any activity. See add. Chop.

Assyrian dream book

What does ax mean to the dreamer?

Ax, ax - if a person in a dream holds an ax in his hands and destroys a house, temple, sanctuary, etc. with it. this dream foreshadows intercession for him from above.

Esoteric dream book

Mystery of sleep:

Ax - For a woman - the appearance of a “real man” in your life, especially if you put the ax to work. For men, it is an opportunity to prove themselves in a purely male profession, in the military field.

Universal dream book for the whole family

Interpretation of Axes

An ax seen in a dream is a symbol of a tool of labor, but also a clear threat. Sharpening an ax in a dream means preparing for a risky step in reality. You are chopping, and the ax flies off the ax handle; unexpected interference will arise that will greatly affect the outcome of the matter. Chopping meat or bones with an ax in a dream means you are acting too rudely and straightforwardly, and this can greatly harm your business.

Dream Interpretation of the White Magician Yuri Longo

If the dreamer dreamed of an Ax

Ax - If you dreamed of an ax, it means that you are in danger in life, which you can avoid if you do not arrange any meetings that day. If in a dream you saw an ax without an axe, it means that the machinations of your enemies will be thwarted, and they will not be able to harm you. Chopping with an ax in a dream means that in reality you are solving the current problem using unsuitable methods, so nothing changes significantly.

Big dream book of Natalia Stepanova

Why does a woman dream about an Ax?

A poleaxe or ax in a dream means that you will receive pleasure and joy from life thanks to your efforts and energy. Seeing others with an ax foretells energetic and cheerful friends, life with whom will give you complete pleasure. For a young woman, such a dream promises a suitor who is not rich, but very worthy in terms of his human qualities. A broken or rusty ax foreshadows illness, loss of money or some property.

Intimate dream book

If you had a dream about an Ax

Seeing an ax in your hands in a dream signifies the consciousness of absolute power over your partner, the complete subordination of his interests and desires to your own whims. A similar role of leader and initiator in bed awaits you in the future. If in a dream an ax is swung at you or you see it in the hands of another person, this is a sign of danger looming over you. Perhaps ill-wishers are weaving networks of intrigue and gossip around you, which will cause significant damage to your reputation. Be careful.

Aesop's Dream Book

Allegories about Axes

Ax - A dream symbol such as an ax may be associated in your mind with the expression: “What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an axe,” in which case your subconscious signals to you that you are worried about whether you did the right thing when working with documents, or you regret writing a letter, telegram, note.

An ax can symbolize the cunning and resourcefulness of a person who is capable of making at least something out of nothing, as in the fairy tale about porridge cooked from an ax. They say: “He floats like an axe,” and if your subconscious associates this image with this particular statement, then this means that you are dissatisfied with the way someone from your environment performs the tasks assigned to him.

Sharpening an ax - in reality, prepare for some risky step related to papers; be careful, it may turn out that your partners will support you only in words, but in reality they will let you down. If, while you are chopping something, the ax flies off the handle, it means that you will experience interference in your work, which will not only ruin your mood, but will also affect your income.

Chopping something with an ax means achieving what you want using cunning and resourcefulness. If you cut meat or bones with an ax in a dream, this means that by acting directly, without precautions, you will cause mental pain to someone around you, so think before you act. A dream in which someone threatens you with an ax predicts danger from papers, so be careful when signing documents.

Interpreter of dreams of the Siberian healer N. Stepanova

For those born in January, February, March, April

Ax - To the threat.

For those born in May, June, July and August

Ax - A complete break with the one you love will follow.

For those born in September, October, November, December

Ax - To violence.

Both feminine and masculine traits.

If a man injured himself with an ax- he is prone to same-sex love

If a woman injures herself with an ax- she is afraid of the upcoming sexual contact.

Rusty or jagged ax- symbolizes diseases of the genital organs or disorders in the sexual sphere.

Broken ax- symbolizes impotence.

Aesop's Dream Book

A dream symbol like an ax- may be associated in your mind with the expression: “What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe,” in this case, your subconscious signals to you that you are worried about whether you did the right thing when working with documents, or whether you regret the letter you wrote, telegram, note.

The ax can symbolize- the cunning, resourcefulness of a person who is capable of making at least something out of nothing, as in the fairy tale about porridge cooked from an ax. They say: “He floats like an axe,” and if your subconscious associates this image with this particular statement, then this means that you are dissatisfied with the way someone from your environment performs the tasks assigned to him.

Sharpen the ax- in reality, prepare for some risky step related to papers; be careful, it may turn out that your partners will support you only in words, but in reality they will let you down.

If, while you are chopping something, the ax flies off the handle- this means that you will experience interference in your work, which will not only spoil your mood, but will also affect your income.

Chopping something with an ax- achieve what you want using cunning and resourcefulness.

If you chop meat or bones with an ax in a dream- this means that by acting directly, without precautions, you will cause mental pain to someone around you, so think before you act.

A dream in which someone threatens you with an ax- predicts danger from papers, so be careful when signing documents.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Ax in a dream- symbolizes reckless determination.

If you had a bad dream:

Don't be upset - it's just a dream. Thanks to him for the warning.

When you wake up, look out the window. Say out the open window: “Where night goes, sleep comes.” All the good things stay, all the bad things go.”

Open the tap and dream about flowing running water.

Wash your face three times with the words “Where water flows, sleep goes.”

Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water and say: “As this salt melts, my sleep will go away and will not bring harm.”

Turn your bed linen inside out.

Don't tell anyone about your bad dream before lunch.

Write it down on paper and burn this sheet.

A dream symbol such as an ax may be associated in your mind with the expression: “What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an axe,” in this case, your subconscious signals to you that you are worried about whether you did the right thing when working with documents, or you regret writing a letter, telegram, note.

An ax can symbolize the cunning and resourcefulness of a person who is capable of making at least something out of nothing, as in the fairy tale about porridge cooked from an ax.

They say: “He floats like an axe,” and if your subconscious associates this image with this particular statement, then this means that you are dissatisfied with the way someone from your environment performs the tasks assigned to him.

Sharpening an ax - in reality, prepare for some risky step related to papers; be careful, it may turn out that your partners will support you only in words, but in reality they will let you down.

If, while you are chopping something, the ax flies off the ax handle, it means that you will experience interference in your work, which will not only ruin your mood, but will also affect your income.

Chopping something with an ax means achieving what you want using cunning and resourcefulness.

If you cut meat or bones with an ax in a dream, this means that by acting directly, without precautions, you will cause mental pain to someone around you, so think before you act.

A dream in which someone threatens you with an ax predicts danger from papers, so be careful when signing documents.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Ax

If you dreamed of an ax, it means that you are in danger in life, which you can avoid if you do not arrange any meetings on this day.

If you saw an ax without an axe, it means that the machinations of your enemies will be thwarted and they will not be able to harm you.

Chop with an ax: in reality, you are solving the current problem using unsuitable methods, so nothing changes significantly.

Interpretation of dreams from

If you see an ax in a dream, know that your success depends entirely on your efforts and energy.

If you dreamed of someone else holding an ax in their hands, then you will have wonderful friends with whom it will be a great pleasure for you to communicate.

A young woman's dream of an ax foreshadows the appearance of a worthy, albeit poor, admirer.

A broken or rusty ax dreams of illness and loss of money.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological Dream Book

What does the dream Ax mean?

If you dreamed of an ax, it means that you are in danger in life, which you can avoid if you do not arrange any meetings on this day.

If you saw an ax without an axe, it means that the machinations of your enemies will be thwarted and they will not be able to harm you.

Chop with an ax: in reality, you are solving the current problem using unsuitable methods, so nothing changes significantly.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

What does Ax mean in a dream?

A dream symbol such as an ax may be associated in your mind with the expression: “What is written with a pen cannot be cut out with an axe,” in this case, your subconscious signals to you that you are worried about whether you did the right thing when working with documents, or you regret writing a letter, telegram, note.

An ax can symbolize the cunning and resourcefulness of a person who is capable of making at least something out of nothing, as in the fairy tale about porridge cooked from an ax.

They say: “He floats like an axe,” and if your subconscious associates this image with this particular statement, then this means that you are dissatisfied with the way someone from your environment performs the tasks assigned to him.

Sharpening an ax - in reality, prepare for some risky step related to papers; be careful, it may turn out that your partners will support you only in words, but in reality they will let you down.

If, while you are chopping something, the ax flies off the ax handle, it means that you will experience interference in your work, which will not only ruin your mood, but will also affect your income.

Chopping something with an ax means achieving what you want using cunning and resourcefulness.

If you cut meat or bones with an ax in a dream, this means that by acting directly, without precautions, you will cause mental pain to someone around you, so think before you act.

A dream in which someone threatens you with an ax predicts danger from papers, so be careful when signing documents.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ancient Dream Book

Dream meaning Ax

Seeing an ax in a dream means that you will have to break off some relationship or stop some business. Sometimes it is implied that this can happen regardless of your will. Often a dream about an ax foreshadows material losses. Working with an ax in a dream is a harbinger of great life difficulties, needs and failures. But if in a dream you see others working with an axe, then someone will invite you to participate in some business that will turn out to be futile. Making something wonderful with an ax means that you will be able to accomplish something that everyone thought was hopeless.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

The meaning of the dream Ax

Symbol of strength and power.

Isn't it time to take control of the situation into your own hands? An ax can be: a sign of fear and loss.

Could it happen that your work will be “cut down”? Are you afraid of losing something important? Take steps to prevent this from happening or prepare for the possibility.

An ax can be used to chop off something you no longer need: is there anything in your life that needs to be chopped down? Sometimes an ax: can mean an instrument of execution, a powerful symbol of justice.

Do you feel guilty or worried about something?

Interpretation of dreams from the American Dream Book

Interpretation of the dream Ax

If you chop something with an ax in a dream, you have enough energy for any accomplishment. Feel free to get down to business!

Imagine how skillfully you wield an axe. You can cut down any tree, make any thing.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of Simeon Prozorov

What does the Ax predict in a dream?

If you inflict a wound on yourself with a knife or an ax - to great happiness, good luck, and benefit.

If you receive a knife or an ax from a person, you will soon be appointed to a position.

Interpretation of dreams from the Chinese dream book

Interpretation of sleep Ax

To wield an ax - others respect you, though more for your position than for your abilities.

You are a respected person, however, only while you hold a certain position.

Interpretation of dreams from the Gypsy dream book

The meaning of the dream Ax

Seeing an ax means death, misfortune for the whole family / a great misfortune from sensual attraction to a woman.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

Seeing an Ax in a dream

Seeing an ax - the pleasure and joy that you receive depends on your efforts and energy;
seeing others with an ax means energetic and cheerful friends, life next to them will be a pleasure;
for a young woman - this dream means you will have a very worthy, although not rich, admirer;
a broken or rusty ax means illness, loss of money and property.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Book

Dream prediction Ax

Symbolizes reckless determination.

Dexterously work with an ax: a sign that by acting quickly, decisively and accurately, you can achieve significant success.

Chopping wood: means that in the near future you will have to work hard to deal with the accumulated problems and troubles. Often such dreams warn of an impending conflict.

Any troubles that are in any way connected with an ax in your dream are a warning. The dream suggests that your peremptory nature and unwillingness to compromise may result in big problems for you. On such days, it is better for you to give in than to go into open confrontation.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Book of the 20th century

Seeing an Ax in a dream

Seeing an ax in your hands in a dream signifies the consciousness of absolute power over your partner, the complete subordination of his interests and desires to your own whims. A similar role of leader and initiator in bed awaits you in the future.

If in a dream an ax is swung at you or you see it in the hands of another person, this is a sign of danger looming over you. Perhaps ill-wishers are weaving networks of intrigue and gossip around you, which will cause significant damage to your reputation. Be careful.

Interpretation of dreams from the Intimate Dream Book

What do Ax dreams mean?

Seeing an ax in a dream is a misfortune for the whole family, an illness.

Horrible dream! This is probably the poplar dream from the previous story, and you looked into it by mistake.

Interpretation of dreams from