What does green stool mean in children? Green stool in a baby. Should you see a doctor?

When is this color change normal, and when should your child be taken to the doctor?

Possible reasons

In infants and newborns

The color of a child’s stool is influenced by various factors - the type of feeding, the mother’s diet (if the child receives breast milk), the replacement of formula, and the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract of small children. The body of a small child is not yet completely ready to digest food - it does not have the required amount of bacteria, and also does not secrete the required amount of enzymes.

A newborn's first stool is green (dark green in color) and is called meconium. This type of stool is very thick and is normal for the first days of a baby’s life. A green tint to the stool of a breastfed baby is also normal.

During the period when the baby is teething, the feces may also turn green, as the baby pulls toys into his mouth and chews on them. Bacteria that enter the intestines can cause microflora disruption.

The reasons for the green color of feces of newborns and infants can also be:

  • Excess sugar in the diet.
  • Indigestion (both in the baby and in the nursing mother).
  • Changes in the mother's diet (if the baby receives breast milk) For example, insufficient amounts of dairy products in the diet, consumption of green foods, as well as foods with artificial additives.
  • Large dosage of iron in the mixture (if the baby is bottle-fed).
  • The baby sucks out only foremilk.
  • Start of introduction of complementary foods.

Read more in the following articles:

In older children

The color of an older child's stool may change due to the consumption of certain foods, indigestion, or excess sugar in food.

Other reasons for the appearance of green stool in older children are:

  • Infectious diseases with intestinal damage.
  • Worm infestations.
  • Lactase deficiency.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Enterocolitis.
  • Congenital gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Taking vitamins, iodine, iron, chlorophyll and other dietary supplements.

Foods that can cause dark green stool are green vegetables (onions, dill, cabbage, spinach, lettuce, broccoli), licorice, red beans, candy with dyes, fruit juices, red meat, muesli, cereals, seafood fish. After eating these foods, your stool may turn green within five days.

Due to the consumption of dyes, the stool may turn bright green.

Additional symptoms to worry about

You should be wary of the following changes that accompany the acquisition of green stool:

  • Child's lethargy, capriciousness.
  • Poor appetite.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • The child complains of abdominal pain.
  • The appearance of foul-smelling stool.
  • The appearance of blood impurities in the stool.
  • Presence of mucus.
  • Very frequent loose greenish stools.
  • Drowsiness, weakness.
  • Nausea, as well as bouts of vomiting.
  • Appearance of a rash.
  • Bad breath.
  • Bloating.
  • Reduced body weight in infants.

Such signs should prompt a visit to the clinic with your child. The presence of blood and mucus in the stool may indicate an inflammatory process in the intestines. Elevated temperature in combination with copious and frequent greenish stools is characteristic of infectious lesions of the gastrointestinal tract. If you do not pay attention to such symptoms in time, there is a risk of dehydration of the child’s body and the spread of infection.

What to do?

First, you need to figure out what are the possible reasons for changes in the color of your child’s stool. In this case, it is more important to pay attention not to the color of the stool, but to the well-being of the child. If his appetite, sleep and general condition are normal, and you are only concerned about the green color of his stool, you should not worry.

If the reason for the green color of the stool is a new formula, it is recommended to replace it with another food that the baby will digest better. In cases where the cause of the change in stool color is food, dietary supplements and food coloring, nothing needs to be done. Provided that, apart from the unusual color of the stool, there are no other alarming symptoms.


Preventive measures against green stool in young children are:

  • Compliance with the diet of a nursing mother.
  • Careful selection of artificial mixture.
  • Timely introduction of complementary foods.
  • Maintaining a healthy diet and preventing overeating.
  • Careful introduction of allergenic foods into the diet.
  • Regular visits to the pediatrician.

Why does my baby have green stool?

Green stool in a child is something that often worries parents. There are many reasons for such changes in stool: both ordinary physiological and pathological. Newborn babies are a separate issue; their bowel movements can be very surprising to unprepared parents, so it is necessary to understand everything in order to keep the situation under control.

Why does my baby have green stool?

Green feces in newborns

In babies, all the gastrointestinal organs finish forming in the womb. Until children are born, they swallow amniotic fluid, their own secretions, and particles of their own desquamated skin. All this, entering their body, is processed, and as a result, original feces - meconium - are formed in the intestines.

Meconium in newborns

As soon as the baby is born, in the first day and the next few days, feces come out; it has a marsh-green color and can be pasty or mushy in consistency. This is the absolute norm.

When a child receives his first food, and most often this is breast milk, a portion of bacteria enters his stomach, and they already begin to establish the digestion process. The stool gradually changes color to yellow, and then, after a while, when nutrition is improved, to brown.

Normal stool in a baby

Causes of green stool in children under 1.5 - 2 years old

Since the gastrointestinal tract is initially immature and does not have enough enzymes to process food, some malfunctions are possible, which will be accompanied by green feces.

Green stool

The following factors can affect the green coloration of stools:

  • changing the diet of a nursing mother (if breastfeeding is natural);
  • replacing the mixture with another;
  • excess sugar in the mixture;
  • excess iron in the mixture;
  • indigestion in a baby;
  • introducing the first solid food into the baby’s diet;
  • teething, when a child pulls various objects into his mouth and thus introduces bacteria into the stomach.

Green stool may be due to incorrect mixture selection

It is better to postpone the introduction of complementary foods if the baby’s stool has changed its color to green.

If after such changes the stool still remains green, consultation with a specialist is necessary, because perhaps the reason lies deeper.

For reference! If a breastfed baby is not properly applied to the breast and sucks out only the liquid front milk, but not the richer rear milk, then his stool may be more liquid and have a green color. Therefore, it is so important that the baby drinks the rear nutritious portion of mother’s milk.

Change in stool color in children over 2 years of age

Older children no longer feed on formula or breast milk; their diet contains a lot of foods. Stool may turn green when eating foods such as:

  • green vegetables and fruits;
  • red beans;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • red meat;
  • juices, chewing gum and sweets with dyes.

Green fruits and vegetables

Sweets with a lot of dyes

However, foods are not always the source of green stool; the reason may lie in:

  • helminthic infestation;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • allergic reaction to certain food groups;
  • enterocolitis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • infectious disease;
  • taking specific medications and vitamins;
  • congenital pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.

The child may have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, dysbacteriosis

If the stool is green, but the child is cheerful, cheerful and there are no additional changes, most likely there is no cause for concern. You should be alert if you experience the following symptoms:

  • increase in temperature;
  • chills, cold sweat;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • poor appetite;
  • child's lethargy and moodiness;
  • abdominal pain;
  • the presence of impurities of blood, mucus, pus in the stool;
  • the appearance of a rash;
  • bloating.

You need to be wary if your child has a stomach ache and a fever.

Abnormal stool color combined with blood and mucus in it indicates inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. Fever, vomiting and diarrhea indicate either acute poisoning or an infectious disease.

Vomiting and diarrhea may be signs of infection

Therefore, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor, since the child’s body in this case begins to dehydrate, and the infection and toxins spread further.

Intestinal infections: classification

Pediatrician about the causes of green stool in babies

Mothers of infants are often very worried and worried about the fact that it is not always clear what the child wants to tell them right now with his crying or changes in behavior. To understand what problem is bothering the child, you need to carefully perceive all the signals from the baby’s body. This signal is also a change in the color and consistency of children's stool. Parents are especially frightened by the green stool of their baby.

During the first year of life, children's stool color normally changes several times. How not to miss disturbing moments in the functioning of the baby’s digestive tract? What is considered normal and what is not? What are the causes of green stool in infants on different types of feeding? You will learn all this by reading this article.

Green stool in a breastfed baby

During the newborn period, babies pass first-born stool (meconium). It has a dark olive color and a very viscous consistency. Approximately 3-4 days after birth, the baby experiences transitional stool, which is yellow-green in color and has a thinner consistency than meconium. And that's absolutely normal.

With prolonged physiological jaundice, the baby may have green stools, since the body excretes excess bilirubin in feces, which receives this color due to the excess of this pigment.

A nursing mother should also monitor her own diet. If a woman eats green vegetables and herbs (zucchini, broccoli, asparagus, dill), the color of the baby's stool will also be green.

When a nursing mother takes certain medications (iron supplements), this also changes the color of the baby's stool towards green shades.

During the introduction of complementary foods, the color of the stool will directly depend on the foods your baby ate. And after eating green vegetables, the stool will also have a hint of green.

In infants, there is also a situation where fresh stool is the usual yellow-brown color, but after some time it oxidizes in the air and turns green. Parents who once decided to change a diaper belatedly, and not immediately after “dirty deeds,” may be frightened by the color of the baby’s stool. But there is no need to panic. You just need to look in the diaper next time right after your baby poops. If the fresh stool is of normal color, then there is no cause for concern.

Another reason for the appearance of green stool in a baby is the situation when the baby predominantly drinks only foremilk from the breast. The fact is that the composition of the foremilk, which is released immediately when the baby is applied to the breast, differs from the composition of the so-called hind milk.

Foremilk is less fatty and contains easily digestible carbohydrates, so it is easily digested. And hind milk, that is, from the deeper parts of the mammary gland, is fattier and more nutritious. As a rule, children quench their thirst with fore milk, and hind milk can satisfy the baby's hunger.

The peculiarities of the digestion of foremilk determine the greenish color of the stool when feeding primarily with foremilk.

Most often, this situation occurs in weakened or premature babies who have enough strength to suck only foremilk, which is more liquid. And when the time comes to work hard and suck on thicker and fattier milk, they begin to be capricious or even refuse to continue the meal.

A compassionate mother can offer the baby another breast, where he will again eat only foremilk. Soon this behavior becomes habitual for the child. These babies have leaner, greener stools and poor weight gain.

The normal yellow-mustard color of the stool is caused by bile pigments, which enter the intestines with bile to digest fats in food. Since foremilk contains practically no fat, the color of the stool becomes not yellow, but greenish.

In what case is green stool in an artificial diet considered normal?

When using some breast milk substitutes, for example, hypoallergenic formulas, the baby will normally have gray-green stools. Since these mixtures come with partial (hypoallergenic - HA) or complete (for example, Alfare) hydrolysis (splitting) of cow's milk protein, during the digestion of such a product, the baby's feces become dirty green.

The technology of partial hydrolysis of cow's milk protein is used in the production of formulas for the prevention of allergic diseases in children of the first year of life. Therapeutic mixtures for children with allergies to cow protein are produced on the basis of complete hydrolysis of milk protein.

Also, when introducing complementary foods to a bottle-fed baby, the digestive tract may react in such a way that the baby’s stool becomes a completely different color than it was before. The color may also change to green.

If nothing bothers the child (no temperature, no impurities in the stool - mucus, blood, no change in the baby’s well-being), then there is no reason to worry. Some time after the introduction of new foods, the baby’s digestion will improve.

Iron-fortified formulas also change the color of the stool to a greenish color. The reason for this is the interaction of iron with oxygen contained in the air, that is, its oxidation.

Mixed-fed babies eat both mother's milk and formula. For this reason, they may have green stools even more often, since all the problems described above may be relevant for them.

When should green stool alert parents?

When parents discover green stool in their baby, they should carefully monitor the general condition of the baby.

If they find any of the following symptoms in your baby, then this is a reason to definitely consult a doctor and carry out the necessary examination and treatment.

  • green, watery, foamy stools;
  • stool more than once a day;
  • mixed with mucus and streaked with blood;
  • with a foul, sour or putrid odor;
  • you notice severe irritation on the skin of the baby’s bottom after contact with such a stool;
  • the baby is worried about bloating and intestinal colic;
  • there is moodiness or lethargy;
  • you notice a decrease in your baby’s appetite;
  • there is insufficient weight gain or even weight loss.

Pathological conditions of the baby, accompanied by green stools

Let's look in more detail at when green stool is a consequence of the baby's illness.

Despite the fact that dysbiosis is not considered a disease in our country and throughout the world, it brings a lot of concern to children and their parents.

Dysbacteriosis is a violation of the quantitative ratio (balance) of normal and pathogenic intestinal microflora. This condition is considered not as a disease, but as a set of symptoms that are a consequence of some pathology.

Intestinal dysbiosis is often diagnosed in infants, since the child’s intestines are populated with microflora only after birth, and before that it was absolutely sterile.

Thus, it is very important during this postpartum stage to provide all the conditions for populating the baby’s intestines with beneficial microflora. This is facilitated, for example, by early breastfeeding, natural breastfeeding, and avoiding the use of antibacterial drugs.

And if at this stage, according to certain indications, it is impossible to meet the necessary conditions, then the process of colonization of the intestines with normal microflora is disrupted. Even already populated beneficial microflora may die, and the growth of more resistant pathogenic flora increases. For example, if a nursing mother is forced to treat a bacterial process with antibiotics, then they will have a detrimental effect on the beneficial intestinal microflora of both the child and the mother.

An imbalanced intestinal microflora leads to disruption of digestion, intestinal peristalsis (motor function), and disruption of the synthesis of vitamins and amino acids. The child’s immunity also decreases, since normal microflora is involved in the synthesis of immune cells.

Impaired digestion leads to changes in the qualitative and quantitative composition of feces. With dysbacteriosis, the color of the stool changes (more often the color becomes green), consistency, mucus impurities appear, and the frequency of bowel movements changes (constipation or diarrhea).

Intestinal infection in the acute period is manifested by weakness, lethargy of the child, loss of appetite, fever, vomiting, bloating, stool with greens, mucus, possibly blood (with salmonellosis) and a pungent odor. The causative agents of intestinal infections can be viruses, bacteria, fungal infections, or a combination of them.

Due to the immaturity of their immune system, infants are susceptible to various infectious diseases. Common childhood infections such as rotavirus and enterovirus can affect both the upper respiratory tract and the intestines.

All intestinal infections for infants are dangerous, first of all, due to rapid dehydration of the body. Therefore, if you notice your child has a fever, excessive regurgitation or vomiting, frequent loose stools, decreased appetite, or rumbling in the stomach, it is important to immediately seek medical help and not stop giving your baby plenty of fluids.

Lactase deficiency manifests itself as foamy, copious green stools with a sour odor that irritates the skin around the anus. The reason for such changes in the baby's stool is a lack of the enzyme (lactase) that breaks down milk sugar (lactose). This can be either a genetically determined pathology or acquired with age.

There is also such a thing as secondary lactase deficiency. Its manifestations do not differ from those described above. Secondary lactase deficiency occurs more often after an intestinal infection, when the formation of enzymes is disrupted after an inflammatory process in the intestines. The restoration of the enzyme-forming function occurs gradually and for quite a long time - over several months.

Celiac disease is a chronic disease characterized by intolerance to the cereal protein gluten. With this disease, the cells of the intestinal wall are affected, and the absorption process in the intestine is disrupted.

Clear symptoms of this disease can only be seen with the introduction of grain-based complementary foods to an infant (cereal porridge, bread, flour products). Celiac disease manifests itself as a dull pain in the abdomen, foul-smelling, profuse yellow-gray or gray-green feces with a sheen, which is caused by the high fat content in the stool. Feces are difficult to wash off clothes and wash off the walls of the pot.

Also, such children are characterized by growth retardation, underweight, a sharp increase in abdominal size, capricious behavior and irritability. There is also a delay in teething and various manifestations of deficiency of vitamins and microelements due to impaired absorption (rickets, stomatitis, seizures in the corners of the mouth, anemia).

Possible examination in a clinic setting

If changes in stool are not one-time in nature, but the child’s condition does not suffer, the parents are simply concerned about these changes, the doctor may prescribe a scatological examination - a qualitative analysis of stool. This method allows you to evaluate the functioning of the baby’s digestive tract.

If the baby has indications for stool examination for dysbacteriosis, it can also be done in a clinic. Identified disturbances in the balance of microflora can be quite easily corrected with probiotics, which are selected by the doctor taking into account the results of the analysis and the age of the patient.

More serious studies (bacteriological analysis of stool, culture of stool for flora) are prescribed by a doctor according to indications, that is, if a bacterial process of inflammation in the intestines is suspected.

Thus, infants may have stools of different consistency and color, and poop with different frequencies. And if the baby’s stool changes, and its general condition does not raise questions or complaints, then there is no reason to worry.

If alarming symptoms are detected in a child, parents should consult a doctor to examine the baby and find out the reasons for the change in his stool. Early seeking medical help makes it possible to nip the disease in the bud and prevent it from progressing. This means that it will be easier and faster for the baby to undergo all the necessary therapy.

Should I be concerned if my baby produces green stool?

The nature of bowel movements depends on diet and the state of the gastrointestinal tract. The health of the liver and gallbladder is especially important. Improper functioning of the organs is the main factor that changes the consistency and color of feces. In most cases, green feces in a child are released due to the inflammatory process occurring in the digestive system. Such defecation products are not the norm.

Why does stool turn green?

If the child’s diet is dominated by cucumbers, cabbage, parsley, dill and other green vegetation, then food is the provoking factor. By adjusting the diet, parents will notice that the stool has returned to normal. This is the most harmless condition that affects the color of stool.

More dangerous reasons for passing strange feces are:

  1. Dysbacteriosis. The disease develops as a result of enzymatic deficiency, taking antibiotics and decreased immunity. The child may complain of abdominal pain, increased gas production and green loose stools. When an older child or teenager defecates dark green, almost black stool, it is possible that he or she has eaten too much greens, consumed foods with artificial colors, or taken Activated Charcoal tablets.
  2. Liver disease. Hepatitis affects the color of feces. The inflammatory process is indicated by pain in the right hypochondrium, yellowness of the skin and mucous membranes, nausea, and problematic bowel movements. Cirrhosis produces green stools, morning bitterness in the mouth, discomfort in the right side, and swelling. Too dark stool may signal the disintegration of a malignant neoplasm that has formed in the liver.
  3. Pathologies of the pancreas. When inflammatory processes occur in a small organ, the child suffers from enzyme deficiency, and his parents notice altered stools. Other symptoms of pancreatitis include severe abdominal pain, poor appetite and nausea. The color of stool changes depending on diet.
  4. Intestinal infections and poisoning are another answer to the question of why a child poops greens. Infections that cause disruption of the tract enter the body with low-quality food or due to non-compliance with hygiene rules. Acute disorders manifest themselves very rapidly: the child’s well-being deteriorates, he feels sick, vomits and has a fever, the stool changes in color and density. Feces can be green or yellow in color and their consistency is usually liquid. Vomiting and frequent urge to defecate are dangerous due to dehydration.

Reason to see a doctor

If the child is in good health, parents do not have to worry about the stool suddenly turning green. In the summer, a baby at a summer cottage could easily taste natural gifts, and in any quantity. In this case, his feces may be slightly slimy and contain green lumps of vegetables, fruits, and berries that have not been completely digested.

An increased amount of mucus, green or bloody impurities should alert parents. Against the background of foamy, liquid or foul-smelling stool, their appearance means a state of dysbiosis. As additional signs, the baby may experience frequent colic and skin rashes.

Green stool in a small child sometimes indicates lactase deficiency. Only a doctor who has examined the patient’s tests can confirm the diagnosis.

Thus, before contacting the clinic, parents should carefully analyze the situation. Consider whether the child has taken antibiotics or foods that can change the color of feces. If this is true, the color of bowel movements will stabilize on its own in 2 to 3 days.

When should you see a doctor? A specialist arrives immediately when parents excitedly report the following points by phone:

  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • hyperthermia;
  • unbearable colic;
  • spasmodic pain in the abdomen;
  • greenish feces are excreted for more than 5 days.

How to help a child?

Before the doctor arrives, treat the intestines yourself. To improve the microflora of the tract, give your child probiotics:

In case of diarrhea and vomiting, to prevent dehydration, give the patient Regidron solution. If you have food poisoning, try getting rid of green poop with a slurry of Activated Charcoal tablets. Dissolve the drug in a small amount of water at the rate of 1 tablet for every 10 kg of body weight.

  1. Do not ignore such a symptom as green stool in a child. In the absence of a connection with nutrition, it can signal helminthic infestations, inflammation of the small intestine, GERD, thyrotoxicosis, and impaired intestinal innervation in a patient with diabetes. Some children void greens after their ileum is removed.
  2. While the baby is teething, he tries to eliminate the discomfort by putting anything in his mouth. Through objects, bacteria penetrate the intestines and upset the balance of flora. Buy silicone rings for your child and pour boiling water over them every time they are on the floor.

Monitor your child's diet and do not allow him to overuse leafy vegetables and garden herbs. Otherwise, green food will constantly provoke a change in the nature of the stool.

Causes of green stool in a child: in what cases is this normal, and when is treatment required?

Most often, green stool occurs in newborns and infants. The older the baby gets, the less likely it is for green stool to appear. The green color of a child's stool is not a cause for alarm: a change in color can be both a symptom of a disease and a consequence of the child's diet.

When green is the norm

During the first week of the child's life. After birth, there is a lot of meconium in the baby’s intestines (this is a mixture of amniotic fluid, iron secretion and intestinal cells).

In the first week, non-standard stool color (black, green or dark green), loose stools are normal. Over time, the feces change to transitional.

What are the reasons

  • Air, acting on the stool, oxidizes it, which gives it a green or dark green color.
  • Mom eats too much sugar. Sugar causes green spots to appear in baby's stool.
  • Some medicines rich in iron make stools green. Also, taking antibiotics can change the color of the stool (antibiotics often upset the balance of microflora in the child’s intestines).
  • The newborn's intestines are still developing. It is not fully adapted. From time to time, the baby may have difficulties digesting food, since the intestinal microflora has not yet “settled” and is unstable.
  • Incorrectly selected food mixture (if we are talking about artificial feeding). Not all mixtures are equally useful. Sometimes a child just needs to change his diet.
  • Abundance of “green” products.” And in older age (2-3 years), the color of food can affect the color of the stool. Broccoli, greens, and eggplants can change color especially strongly. Important: it is advisable not to radically change the baby’s diet in the first 5 months of his life.
  • Dysbacteriosis. Due to unformed intestinal microflora, children often suffer from dysbiosis, one of the symptoms of which is discolored stool.

A typical normal stool for a breastfed baby is liquid, light brown in color, sometimes with white inclusions and particles of mucus.

In some cases, green stool is a symptom of the disease.


The following diseases may be accompanied by green stool in a child:

  • infection (“fungi”, rotavirus infection);
  • if the child gets sick with diarrhea;
  • there may be congenital pathological changes in the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract);
  • stressful experiences of the child;
  • lactose intolerance in a child - the baby does not have enough “fat” milk;
  • allergies (especially food allergies);
  • enterocolitis (simultaneous inflammatory process in the small and large intestines).

The final diagnosis can only be established by a doctor after conducting a comprehensive diagnostic examination - examination, questioning and testing.

Green stool at 2-3 months

If the baby is on artificial nutrition, then, most likely, the green tint to the stool is given by an incorrectly selected mixture. Also at this age there is a high probability of dysbiosis.

What if the baby is breastfed? As you already know, light brown loose stools with small white spots in a baby are normal when breastfeeding. Why is it different? Normal stool is formed due to the infant's consumption of so-called “fat” milk.

In order for the baby to get enough of this milk, he often needs to be fed longer than usual. As an option, the mother can try to feed the baby for a longer time than usual.

Green stool at 8 months

By this age, not all children have normalized intestinal microflora; this is a common occurrence. Perhaps the baby should gradually diversify his diet. Contact a specialist if, in addition to green stool, the child has other symptoms (fever, rash).

Green stool at 1 year

At this age, the cause of green stool will be dysbiosis or intestinal infection. Of course, it may also be due to the abundance of “green” products, but it’s still worth getting tested.

Green stool at 11 years old

As a rule, at this age the intestinal microflora should already be formed.

The older a person gets, the more likely it is that changes in stool color will be accompanied by other symptoms and complaints.

Otherwise, the reasons for the appearance of green stool are the same as those listed above (infections, consequences of taking medications), but each individual case requires a doctor’s examination and thorough diagnosis.

When to go to the doctor

You should carefully monitor the baby's condition. Before contacting a specialist, try to answer the following questions:

  • Has your child started sleeping differently? Has his routine changed for no apparent reason?
  • Has his appetite changed? Has the appetite become more pronounced, or, conversely, has the baby begun to eat less?
  • Has your child become anxious or anxious more often? Have you started crying more often?
  • Has he developed a rash?
  • Has your baby started burping more often?
  • Does the stool have a putrid odor? Is there more mucus in your stool?

The last three points, together with green stool in a child, are a reason to immediately contact a pediatrician.

How you can help your child at home

If the mother is taking medications, or they were prescribed to the baby, and the stool has turned green, but the child has no other symptoms, then monitor the color of the stool after finishing the course of taking the medications.

Sometimes changing your diet can help. Try to eat less cucumbers, greens, broccoli and zucchini - these are often responsible for green stool. This applies to both infants (the diet should be changed by the nursing mother) and older children.

In case of lactose deficiency, in addition to increasing the feeding time, the mother can also alternate breasts every 2 hours (but not more often).

If your baby is bottle-fed, switching to a new formula may help you out.


Now you know that the green color of a child’s stool in itself is not an alarming symptom; more often than not, it’s all about nutrition.

We recommend that you closely monitor your baby’s appearance and changes in mood, maintain a balanced diet - it is not advisable for “green” foods to take first place in the diet. We remind you that the putrid smell of feces is a reason to immediately contact your pediatrician.

Green feces in a child: what does it mean and why is it dangerous?

Green feces in a child can be either a sign of gastrointestinal diseases or infections, or a consequence of feeding certain foods. There are some symptoms that should alert parents. If they appear, you must immediately consult a doctor to avoid serious consequences, which may include dehydration, poisoning, multiple organ failure, cardiac arrest and even death.

Green stool can be either a symptom of a gastrointestinal tract disorder or a consequence of changes in the child’s diet.

  1. 1. Intestinal infection - salmonellosis, yersiniosis, hepatitis, norovirus, rotavirus, giardiasis, helminthic infestation.
  2. 2. Disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas, liver, gall bladder, dysbacteriosis, decreased acidity of gastric juice.
  3. 3. Enzyme deficiency - lactase, maltase, etc.
  4. 4. Mastitis (inflammation of the mammary gland) in a nursing mother, infection from the maternity hospital, respiratory tract at home.
  5. 5. Allergy to milk formula, intolerance to gluten, casein, and other substances in food.
  6. 6. The child’s consumption of greens and colored foods.

The first five reasons can be manifested by the baby's restlessness, crying, in addition to changes in the color of the stool.

A small intestinal infection is one of the most likely causes of dark green stool. Salmonella, E. coli of various types (enterotoxigenic, adhesive, hemorrhagic, pathogenic), Yersinia are bacteria that cause digestive disorders. These microorganisms are factors that provoke inflammation of the intestinal wall.

Due to damage to the small intestine, the absorption of bile acids, which cause the green color of stool, is affected. This leads to their discharge into the large intestine, irritation of the mucous membrane, burning and liquid, foamy stool. The processes of digestion and absorption are disrupted. The child experiences pain in the abdomen. There may be blood in the excrement.

Rotavirus, norovirus, and infectious hepatitis can cause digestive upset. Botkin's disease (hepatitis A) sometimes manifests itself in the form of gastrointestinal disorders. The development of infectious processes in the gastrointestinal tract is facilitated by problems with the production of digestive juices and protective factors - antibodies (secretory immunoglobulin A). Immunodeficiency is one of the causes of chronic giardiasis.

Liver problems - insufficient bile secretion, hepatitis - phenomena typical for children under 5-8 years of age. In this case, digestion is disrupted, namely the emulsification of fats, which leads to osmotic diarrhea - water diarrhea with accelerated intestinal function. Fatty stools of various colors, including green, are characteristic if dysbiosis with the participation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other pathogenic or opportunistic microorganisms is associated.

Enzymatic insufficiency of the pancreas or spasm of the sphincter of Oddi negatively affects digestion - a deficiency of enzymes (proteases, amylase, lipase) that break down food leads to stool disorders. The feces have a putrid odor due to the breakdown of protein substances and are green in color due to secondary malabsorption. This is often accompanied by a disturbance in the microbial composition of the intestine.

The stomach is important in digesting food, especially those containing proteins. With a lack of hydrochloric acid, the child suffers from diarrhea, hypovitaminosis, and allergic rash.

Not only the pancreas, but also the intestinal mucosa is involved in digestion and the secretion of enzymes. It secretes various enzymes - lactase, maltase, isomaltase for digesting carbohydrates.

With infections, inflammation and congenital fermentopathy, the small intestine stops secreting enzymes that digest lactose and other sugars. At the same time, a baby on breastfeeding at the age of one, two, or three years begins to develop green feces, regurgitation, and diarrhea. Intolerance to breast milk and formulas containing lactose may also occur.

Inflammation of the mammary gland and the presence of pus in it leads to infection of the milk by pathogenic microorganisms, leading to dysbacteriosis. The main dangerous bacteria are Klebsiella, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus.

The infection penetrates from the mucous membranes of the mother and people in the same room with the baby (in the maternity hospital).

Some infant formulas contain casein, lactose, and soy protein, which sometimes cause allergic reactions and intolerance in children. This replacement of breast milk disrupts digestion, is difficult to digest, and causes hypovitaminosis, urticaria, and diathesis in addition to changes in stool.

The greens that the baby eats can color the stool the appropriate color. Food dyes affect the appearance of intestinal contents.

Children aged 1, 2, 3 years experience restlessness, crying, screaming due to pain caused by colic, and the discharge of liquid green stool. With food intolerance, regurgitation is possible.

At 4 years, 5-7 years and older, the baby complains of abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and bloating. With chronic dysbacteriosis, the baby develops diathesis, signs of vitamin deficiency - sticking in the corners of the mouth, “geographic tongue”.

If the color of your stool changes, you should consult a doctor for help as soon as possible. It is recommended to take a stool test for intestinal infections and dysbacteriosis.

If there is excessive diarrhea or vomiting, the baby should be given more fluids to avoid dehydration.

And a little about secrets.

If you have ever tried to cure PANCREATITIS, if so, you have probably encountered the following difficulties:

Now answer the question: Are you satisfied with this? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? Don't waste your money on useless treatment and waste your time? That is why we decided to publish THIS LINK to the blog of one of our readers, where she describes in detail how she cured pancreatitis without pills, because it has been scientifically proven that pills cannot cure it. Here's a proven method.

2 year old child has green stool

Green feces in an adult, in a child - causes, treatment

If an adult or child’s stool is light brown, yellowish or dark brown in color, then this is considered normal (the person is healthy and has no problems with the gastrointestinal tract). By the color of stool you can determine whether a person is healthy, whether he has gastrointestinal diseases, and how the patient eats. A change in the color of stool is the first sign of ill health.

I'm healthy and my stool is green

In a healthy body, green feces can be a consequence of poor nutrition, in particular foods that contain green dyes or green pigment. Basically, green feces are formed in a healthy person in the summer, when the diet is based on a large amount of vegetables and fruits.

The causes of green stool can be:

  • Current antibiotic treatment;
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.

Green feces and a rotten smell in a person indicate that leukocytes in the body die, are not removed from the intestines, but accumulate in it and provoke inflammatory processes in the body.

When a patient is diagnosed with dysbiosis, the gastrointestinal tract does not function properly and does not fully digest food. As a result, the foods that have been eaten are not processed in the stomach, but begin to gradually rot, then ferment and negatively affect the entire body and the color of stool in particular.

Stool becomes green due to dysbacteriosis.

Intestinal infections are another disease that causes stool to change its color to green. An infectious disease manifests itself as:

  • Vomiting;
  • Nausea;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Weaknesses in the body;
  • Severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Changes in stool color to green.

Poor nutrition

Poor nutrition is the answer to the question of why stool may be green. If you eat a lot of foods rich in iron, it is not surprising that your stool will be green. But, again, this condition cannot be called pathological. As soon as you change your diet, your health will improve and your stool will return to its normal light brown color.

And an unhealthy diet, containing artificial dyes in large quantities, leads to a change in the color of stool.

Green feces appear when consuming foods such as beans, fruit and vegetable juices, cereals, herbs, dill, onions, lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, spinach, muesli, any confectionery products containing dyes (in simple words, unnatural sweets ), red fish, meat.

If you have green stool, then reconsider your diet.

Green feces in children

For a baby in the first month of life, green feces are the norm - there is no need to panic or worry about this under any circumstances. A change in the color of stool in a small child can occur at the time of transition from breast milk to artificial feeding (formula) or during the introduction of complementary foods.

An infection in a child may cause green stool. In this case, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • Loss of appetite;
  • Weakness, lethargy;
  • Moodiness, irritability;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Green feces

In all these cases (if such symptoms are present), it is imperative, urgently, to consult a pediatrician and gastroenterologist.

By the way, green feces in babies under one year of age are common when the baby is teething. Children in this state produce copious amounts of saliva, which has a direct effect on the color of the stool.

Green stool in a teething baby may be a response to increased salivation. In this case, bile is released with increased intensity. As a result, parents are faced not only with green feces in their child, but also with painful colic.

Another reason for the green stool of a small child may be dysbacteriosis.

Dysbacteriosis is a pathological condition in which there are much fewer beneficial bacteria in the intestines than beneficial ones. Consequently, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted.

If you have intestinal dysbiosis, you need to contact a pediatrician to prescribe appropriate treatment (drugs containing beneficial bacteria, for example, Linex).

So, green feces in a small child may be associated with:

  • Lactose intolerance (breast milk);
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Switching from breast milk to artificial formula or introducing complementary foods;
  • With teething;
  • With an infectious lesion of the body.

If parents become concerned about the green color of the baby's stool, then they need to show the child to the doctor. Because In some cases, the green color of feces in a baby or infant may indicate intestinal dysbiosis. Green feces in infants may be associated with individual intolerance to milk protein.


Green feces can appear with the following pathologies:

If a child or an adult has bleeding in the stomach, then the pressure decreases, the heartbeat quickens, weakness appears in the body, the skin turns pale, and shortness of breath begins.

Green feces are a symptom of blood pathologies and liver diseases.

About treatment

It is impossible, without knowing the cause of green stool, to prescribe some kind of treatment for yourself. Already on the first day of deterioration in your health and the appearance of green stool in you/your child, you should consult a doctor, take a blood test, as well as a test to determine existing infections.

Patients with chronic diseases of internal organs and digestive organs should tell their doctor about this during examination. It is advisable to exclude foods that can impart a green color or reduce its intake.

Depending on whether the patient has constipation or diarrhea, prescribing or laxatives are prescribed, for example, Enterosgel, activated carbon. Antibacterial therapy in this case will also be appropriate.

If there is any internal bleeding, you should consult a doctor. If you do not receive qualified medical care in a timely manner, this can lead to serious consequences, including death.

The reasons for the appearance of green feces can be very different. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to this problem in a timely manner. First you need to undergo an examination and tests and only then begin treatment, if necessary.

The color of stool is greatly influenced by diet and the condition of the human digestive system, primarily the liver and gallbladder. Violation of the functions of these organs entails a change in the consistency and color of stool.

Sometimes the stool is colored green. There are many reasons for this condition, in most cases they are associated with the presence of inflammatory processes in the digestive tract and are accompanied by various manifestations from the body. For example, a sharp deterioration in health. In any case, the green color of the stool is not the norm, and therefore requires contacting a specialist.

Why is stool green?

Pancreatic diseases. Inflammatory processes contribute to a decrease in pancreatic function, in particular the production of enzymes involved in the digestion of protein and carbohydrate foods. Therefore, patients with pancreatitis often experience changes in stool. If you have this disease, consuming large amounts of fatty foods leads to a deterioration in your health: nausea, loss of appetite, as well as changes in the consistency and color of stool. Stools with pancreatitis can be dark brown, light or green, depending on your diet. Chronic pancreatitis occurs without pronounced symptoms; exacerbations may be caused by poor diet, stress, alcohol consumption, or smoking.

Liver diseases. Inflammatory liver diseases () also affect the composition and color of stool. Hepatitis is almost asymptomatic. The presence of an inflammatory process may be indicated by periodic aching, nausea, stool disturbances, and yellow discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes. The greatest danger to human health and life is cirrhosis of the liver, a disease that often occurs against the background of hepatitis and is characterized by a gradual complete loss of organ function. The first manifestations of cirrhosis are: bitterness in the mouth in the morning, nausea, discomfort and heaviness in the right side, upset stool (yellow, green stool), . Dark green stool may also be a sign of liver tumor disintegration, not accompanied by other characteristic symptoms.


Scarlet fever

Intestinal dysbiosis. The cause of disruption of the intestinal microflora is a decrease in immunity, the use of antibacterial drugs, and a lack of certain enzymes due to dysfunction of the digestive system. Dysbacteriosis affects the condition of the entire organism as a whole. Initially, the skin condition worsens. Regular loose stools, abdominal pain, flatulence are signs by which imbalances in the intestinal microflora can be identified. Black-green feces due to dysbiosis can be caused by diet and medications. For example, this effect is achieved by consuming activated carbon, large amounts of greens, and food products containing artificial colors.

Intestinal infections and poisoning. Infections accompanied by intestinal upset are caused by bacteria that enter the body mainly through food. This is facilitated by non-compliance with hygiene rules, disruption of food production, and improper preparation of food. Acute intestinal disorders manifest themselves violently, beginning with a sharp deterioration in health, twisting pain in the abdomen, vomiting, increased body temperature, fever, chills, and upset stool. Intestinal poisoning is the most common cause of changes in the color and consistency of stool. When poisoned, feces become green or yellow and have a liquid consistency. Frequent urge to go to the toilet and vomiting during poisoning quickly lead to dehydration.

Very often the intestines are the first to react, for example, the stool becomes greenish in color.

Causes of changes in stool color in adults

Green stool is not always a symptom of a disease

Normally, the color of a person's stool should be brown. But by coincidence, under the influence of certain factors, it can change its color. The most harmless reasons for changing the color of stool include eating large amounts of dyes. Dyes are added everywhere, but most often people who love candies, lemonades (tarragon, etc.) are faced with the problem of green feces. Also, taking dietary supplements can also lead to a change in the color of stool to green.

And if these reasons can be classified as relatively harmless, then there are a number of other reasons when green stool can indicate a developing disease that requires immediate treatment:

  • Dysbacteriosis. One of the most common problems for many people is dysbiosis. This is a violation of the intestinal microflora, and one where there are practically no beneficial bacteria. And because of this, the body reacts in a unique way and begins to behave differently. Namely, the feces become green in color, with an unpleasant odor and the presence of mucus. This disease is provoked by taking antibiotics, which completely kill the intestinal microflora, and to help populate it with beneficial bacteria, it is necessary to take special medications, which almost everyone forgets about. To accurately confirm the presence of dysbiosis, it is necessary to undergo a detailed stool test to determine the presence of beneficial and harmful bacteria in it.
  • Intestinal inflammation. With this disease, the stool not only becomes green, but also contains mucus and pus. In this case, due to the breakdown of leukocytes, such staining is obtained. With acute inflammation of the intestines, a person suffers from pain, and in order to somehow relieve them, it is necessary to abstain from eating for some time, since the foods eaten will irritate them even more. And to replenish the alkaline balance you need to drink Regidron. To remove toxins, it is better to use Smecta, it is an excellent absorbent
  • Bleeding in the intestines. Sometimes, when bleeding occurs in the intestines, the color of the stool takes on a greenish tint. This occurs due to iron oxidation
  • Exacerbation of stomach or duodenal ulcers
  • An intestinal infection that will manifest itself not only as green stool, but also vomiting, fever, and diarrhea. Moreover, the feces will be mixed with mucus, pus, and often blood
  • Food poisoning. Adults often do not look at the expiration dates of products and consume them. And sometimes, because it’s simply a pity to throw away soup that has been sitting in the refrigerator for a long time, they take it and finish it. And as a result, they get food poisoning, which in terms of symptoms is very similar to an intestinal infection, with the exception of one point: with food poisoning, the body temperature rises very rarely
  • Liver problems, especially if they are associated with excessive breakdown of red blood cells and the production of large amounts of bilirubin

If the stool does not change color for several days and remains green, then it is best to consult a doctor for advice.

Green feces in children

If an unpleasant odor is associated with the green color, then you should be wary

Parents are always worried when their child's stool changes color. In the first few weeks after birth, the color of your baby's stool may change constantly, ranging from yellow to green. This is considered quite normal, as the intestines gradually adapt to the new environment. Sometimes children have greenish stool when teething. Doctors attribute this to the fact that at the moment when teeth are being cut, more saliva is produced, and this in turn provokes the production of more bile, which turns the stool a different color and causes colic.

When complementary foods are introduced, the color of the baby's stool may also change and become green, especially when vegetable purees (broccoli, cauliflower, etc.) are introduced. In these cases, you should not panic and run immediately to the pediatrician or call an ambulance. But if green stool in a child is accompanied by fever, abdominal pain, and vomiting, then you should immediately call an ambulance, as this could be an intestinal infection, which is very dangerous. With an intestinal infection, green stool will contain mucus and bloody streaks.

In any case, you cannot ignore the change in color of your baby’s stool. It’s just that if he behaves the same way as always and nothing bothers him, then you should just watch him. It is quite possible that this is a reaction to a new product.

What to do if stool color changes

If the child behaves in a normal way, then green feces may simply be a “temporary phenomenon.”

If an adult’s stool has acquired a greenish tint, but is not bothered by abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, etc., then you can observe the condition for a couple of days. And most likely everything will return to normal. If the stool has changed color and also become liquid, then it is best to drink Smecta or Loperamide in order, firstly, to stop the diarrhea, and secondly, to remove toxins from the body. But if fever and vomiting are added to all this, then it is best to call an ambulance, as this could be an intestinal infection.

Greenish-colored stool can be either a symptom of an incipient disease or a temporary phenomenon. The main thing is to establish the exact cause of such a change, and, if necessary, begin to take measures to restore it.

You can learn more about green stool from the thematic video material:

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Green feces in a child: what does it mean and why is it dangerous?

Green feces in a child can be either a sign of gastrointestinal diseases or infections, or a consequence of feeding certain foods. There are some symptoms that should alert parents. If they appear, you must immediately consult a doctor to avoid serious consequences, which may include dehydration, poisoning, multiple organ failure, cardiac arrest and even death.

Green stool can be either a symptom of a gastrointestinal tract disorder or a consequence of changes in the child’s diet.

  1. 1. Intestinal infection - salmonellosis, yersiniosis, hepatitis, norovirus, rotavirus, giardiasis, helminthic infestation.
  2. 2. Disturbances in the functioning of the pancreas, liver, gall bladder, dysbacteriosis, decreased acidity of gastric juice.
  3. 3. Enzyme deficiency - lactase, maltase, etc.
  4. 4. Mastitis (inflammation of the mammary gland) in a nursing mother, infection from the maternity hospital, respiratory tract at home.
  5. 5. Allergy to milk formula, intolerance to gluten, casein, and other substances in food.
  6. 6. The child’s consumption of greens and colored foods.

The first five reasons can be manifested by the baby's restlessness, crying, in addition to changes in the color of the stool.

A small intestinal infection is one of the most likely causes of dark green stool. Salmonella, E. coli of various types (enterotoxigenic, adhesive, hemorrhagic, pathogenic), Yersinia are bacteria that cause digestive disorders. These microorganisms are factors that provoke inflammation of the intestinal wall.

Due to damage to the small intestine, the absorption of bile acids, which cause the green color of stool, is affected. This leads to their discharge into the large intestine, irritation of the mucous membrane, burning and liquid, foamy stool. The processes of digestion and absorption are disrupted. The child experiences pain in the abdomen. There may be blood in the excrement.

Rotavirus, norovirus, and infectious hepatitis can cause digestive upset. Botkin's disease (hepatitis A) sometimes manifests itself in the form of gastrointestinal disorders. The development of infectious processes in the gastrointestinal tract is facilitated by problems with the production of digestive juices and protective factors - antibodies (secretory immunoglobulin A). Immunodeficiency is one of the causes of chronic giardiasis.

Liver problems - insufficient bile secretion, hepatitis - phenomena typical for children under 5-8 years of age. In this case, digestion is disrupted, namely the emulsification of fats, which leads to osmotic diarrhea - water diarrhea with accelerated intestinal function. Fatty stools of various colors, including green, are characteristic if dysbiosis with the participation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other pathogenic or opportunistic microorganisms is associated.

Enzymatic insufficiency of the pancreas or spasm of the sphincter of Oddi negatively affects digestion - a deficiency of enzymes (proteases, amylase, lipase) that break down food leads to stool disorders. The feces have a putrid odor due to the breakdown of protein substances and are green in color due to secondary malabsorption. This is often accompanied by a disturbance in the microbial composition of the intestine.

The stomach is important in digesting food, especially those containing proteins. With a lack of hydrochloric acid, the child suffers from diarrhea, hypovitaminosis, and allergic rash.

Not only the pancreas, but also the intestinal mucosa is involved in digestion and the secretion of enzymes. It secretes various enzymes - lactase, maltase, isomaltase for digesting carbohydrates.

With infections, inflammation and congenital fermentopathy, the small intestine stops secreting enzymes that digest lactose and other sugars. At the same time, a baby on breastfeeding at the age of one, two, or three years begins to develop green feces, regurgitation, and diarrhea. Intolerance to breast milk and formulas containing lactose may also occur.

Inflammation of the mammary gland and the presence of pus in it leads to infection of the milk by pathogenic microorganisms, leading to dysbacteriosis. The main dangerous bacteria are Klebsiella, Proteus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Staphylococcus.

The infection penetrates from the mucous membranes of the mother and people in the same room with the baby (in the maternity hospital).

Some infant formulas contain casein, lactose, and soy protein, which sometimes cause allergic reactions and intolerance in children. This replacement of breast milk disrupts digestion, is difficult to digest, and causes hypovitaminosis, urticaria, and diathesis in addition to changes in stool.

The greens that the baby eats can color the stool the appropriate color. Food dyes affect the appearance of intestinal contents.

Children aged 1, 2, 3 years experience restlessness, crying, screaming due to pain caused by colic, and the discharge of liquid green stool. With food intolerance, regurgitation is possible.

At 4 years, 5-7 years and older, the baby complains of abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and bloating. With chronic dysbacteriosis, the baby develops diathesis, signs of vitamin deficiency - sticking in the corners of the mouth, “geographic tongue”.

If the color of your stool changes, you should consult a doctor for help as soon as possible. It is recommended to take a stool test for intestinal infections and dysbacteriosis.

If there is excessive diarrhea or vomiting, the baby should be given more fluids to avoid dehydration.

And a little about secrets.

If you have ever tried to cure PANCREATITIS, if so, you have probably encountered the following difficulties:

  • drug treatments prescribed by doctors simply do not work;
  • replacement therapy drugs that enter the body from the outside help only for the duration of use;

Now answer the question: Are you satisfied with this? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? Don't waste your money on useless treatment and waste your time? That is why we decided to publish THIS LINK to the blog of one of our readers, where she describes in detail how she cured pancreatitis without pills, because it has been scientifically proven that pills cannot cure it. Here's a proven method.

Green feces

The color of stool is greatly influenced by diet and the condition of the human digestive system, primarily the liver and gallbladder. Violation of the functions of these organs entails a change in the consistency and color of stool.

Sometimes the stool is colored green. There are many reasons for this condition, in most cases they are associated with the presence of inflammatory processes in the digestive tract and are accompanied by various manifestations from the body. For example, a sharp deterioration in health. In any case, the green color of the stool is not the norm, and therefore requires contacting a specialist.

Why is stool green?

Diseases of the pancreas. Inflammatory processes contribute to a decrease in pancreatic function, in particular the production of enzymes involved in the digestion of protein and carbohydrate foods. Therefore, patients with pancreatitis often experience changes in stool. If you have this disease, consuming large amounts of fatty foods leads to a deterioration in your health: nausea, loss of appetite, severe abdominal pain, as well as changes in the consistency and color of stool. Stools with pancreatitis can be dark brown, light or green, depending on your diet. Chronic pancreatitis occurs without pronounced symptoms; exacerbations may be caused by poor diet, stress, alcohol consumption, or smoking.

Liver diseases. Inflammatory liver diseases (hepatitis) also affect the composition and color of stool. Hepatitis is almost asymptomatic. The presence of an inflammatory process may be indicated by periodic aching pain in the right hypochondrium, nausea, abnormal stool, yellow discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes. The greatest danger to human health and life is cirrhosis of the liver, a disease that often occurs against the background of hepatitis and is characterized by a gradual complete loss of organ function. The first manifestations of cirrhosis are: bitterness in the mouth in the morning, nausea, discomfort and heaviness in the right side, upset stool (yellow, green stool), itching of the skin, swelling of the lower extremities. Dark green stool may also be a sign of liver tumor disintegration, not accompanied by other characteristic symptoms.

Intestinal dysbiosis. The cause of disruption of the intestinal microflora is a decrease in immunity, the use of antibacterial drugs, and a lack of certain enzymes due to dysfunction of the digestive system. Dysbacteriosis affects the condition of the entire organism as a whole. Initially, the skin condition worsens. Regular loose stools, abdominal pain, flatulence are signs by which imbalances in the intestinal microflora can be identified. Black-green feces due to dysbiosis can be caused by diet and medications. For example, this effect is achieved by consuming activated carbon, large amounts of greens, and food products containing artificial colors.

Intestinal infections and poisoning. Infections accompanied by intestinal upset are caused by bacteria that enter the body mainly through food. This is facilitated by non-compliance with hygiene rules, disruption of food production, and improper preparation of food. Acute intestinal disorders manifest themselves violently, beginning with a sharp deterioration in health, twisting pain in the abdomen, vomiting, increased body temperature, fever, chills, and upset stool. Intestinal poisoning is the most common cause of changes in the color and consistency of stool. When poisoned, feces become green or yellow and have a liquid consistency. Frequent urge to go to the toilet and vomiting during poisoning quickly lead to dehydration.

Green feces in a child

  • Indigestion. The cause of indigestion and, as a consequence, stool disorders in young children is nutritional errors. If a child is breastfed, a change in the mother's diet, the occurrence of diseases of the digestive tract, or poisoning will immediately affect the condition of his body. Green feces in a newborn provoke dysbacteriosis or a disorder of the intestinal microflora. The frequent development of the disease is due to the infant’s fragile immunity and the weakness of his digestive system. Early introduction of complementary foods and nutrition that is inappropriate for the child’s age can also cause digestive disorders. If there are problems with the intestines, children become capricious and refuse to eat. They experience increased bowel movements (up to 20 times a day) and increased salivation.
  • Infections. Bacteria that provoke intestinal upset can enter the child’s body due to insufficient hygiene of utensils or the use of low-quality products for cooking. Children are more susceptible to intestinal disorders. Their body is more susceptible to various pathogens. Suspicion of an infection should arise when a child develops a set of symptoms, including vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. In such diseases, stool is unstable, liquid, very frequent, accompanied by twisting pain in the abdomen and nausea.

Treatment of green stool

The restoration of intestinal microflora is facilitated by the intake of probiotics and prebiotics - Lactobacterin, Bifidumbacterin, Bifikol. Such drugs are available in the form of tablets, capsules, rectal suppositories and powder.

If the change in the color of stool to green is due to poisoning, the victim first of all needs to take an adsorbent (activated carbon) with plenty of water; in case of severe vomiting and diarrhea - Regidron.

Emergency medical attention is necessary in cases where a change in stool color is accompanied by pronounced symptoms of an intestinal disorder. In the absence of such symptoms, it is recommended to visit a specialist if green stool is observed for several days in a row with a normal diet.

Why does my baby have green stool?

Green stool in a child is something that often worries parents. There are many reasons for such changes in stool: both ordinary physiological and pathological. Newborn babies are a separate issue; their bowel movements can be very surprising to unprepared parents, so it is necessary to understand everything in order to keep the situation under control.

Why does my baby have green stool?

Green feces in newborns

In babies, all the gastrointestinal organs finish forming in the womb. Until children are born, they swallow amniotic fluid, their own secretions, and particles of their own desquamated skin. All this, entering their body, is processed, and as a result, original feces - meconium - are formed in the intestines.

Meconium in newborns

As soon as the baby is born, in the first day and the next few days, feces come out; it has a marsh-green color and can be pasty or mushy in consistency. This is the absolute norm.

When a child receives his first food, and most often this is breast milk, a portion of bacteria enters his stomach, and they already begin to establish the digestion process. The stool gradually changes color to yellow, and then, after a while, when nutrition is improved, to brown.

Normal stool in a baby

Causes of green stool in children under 1.5 - 2 years old

Since the gastrointestinal tract is initially immature and does not have enough enzymes to process food, some malfunctions are possible, which will be accompanied by green feces.

Green stool

The following factors can affect the green coloration of stools:

  • changing the diet of a nursing mother (if breastfeeding is natural);
  • replacing the mixture with another;
  • excess sugar in the mixture;
  • excess iron in the mixture;
  • indigestion in a baby;
  • introducing the first solid food into the baby’s diet;
  • teething, when a child pulls various objects into his mouth and thus introduces bacteria into the stomach.

Green stool may be due to incorrect mixture selection

Here you have the opportunity to track the child’s reaction and eliminate some of the reasons yourself, for example, choose a suitable formula, adjust your diet, or postpone the introduction of complementary foods.

It is better to postpone the introduction of complementary foods if the baby’s stool has changed its color to green.

If after such changes the stool still remains green, consultation with a specialist is necessary, because perhaps the reason lies deeper.

For reference! If a breastfed baby is not properly applied to the breast and sucks out only the liquid front milk, but not the richer rear milk, then his stool may be more liquid and have a green color. Therefore, it is so important that the baby drinks the rear nutritious portion of mother’s milk.

Change in stool color in children over 2 years of age

Older children no longer feed on formula or breast milk; their diet contains a lot of foods. Stool may turn green when eating foods such as:

  • green vegetables and fruits;
  • red beans;
  • sea ​​fish;
  • red meat;
  • juices, chewing gum and sweets with dyes.

Green fruits and vegetables

Sweets with a lot of dyes

However, foods are not always the source of green stool; the reason may lie in:

  • helminthic infestation;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • allergic reaction to certain food groups;
  • enterocolitis;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • infectious disease;
  • taking specific medications and vitamins;
  • congenital pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.

The child may have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, dysbacteriosis

If the stool is green, but the child is cheerful, cheerful and there are no additional changes, most likely there is no cause for concern. You should be alert if you experience the following symptoms:

  • increase in temperature;
  • chills, cold sweat;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • diarrhea;
  • poor appetite;
  • child's lethargy and moodiness;
  • abdominal pain;
  • the presence of impurities of blood, mucus, pus in the stool;
  • the appearance of a rash;
  • bloating.

You need to be wary if your child has a stomach ache and a fever.

Abnormal stool color combined with blood and mucus in it indicates inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. Fever, vomiting and diarrhea indicate either acute poisoning or an infectious disease.

Vomiting and diarrhea may be signs of infection

Therefore, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor, since the child’s body in this case begins to dehydrate, and the infection and toxins spread further.

Intestinal infections: classification

Green feces in an adult, in a child - causes, treatment

If an adult or child’s stool is light brown, yellowish or dark brown in color, then this is considered normal (the person is healthy and has no problems with the gastrointestinal tract). By the color of stool you can determine whether a person is healthy, whether he has gastrointestinal diseases, and how the patient eats. A change in the color of stool is the first sign of ill health.

I'm healthy and my stool is green

In a healthy body, green feces can be a consequence of poor nutrition, in particular foods that contain green dyes or green pigment. Basically, green feces are formed in a healthy person in the summer, when the diet is based on a large amount of vegetables and fruits.

The causes of green stool can be:

  • Current antibiotic treatment;
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Gastrointestinal diseases.

Green feces and a rotten smell in a person indicate that leukocytes in the body die, are not removed from the intestines, but accumulate in it and provoke inflammatory processes in the body.

When a patient is diagnosed with dysbiosis, the gastrointestinal tract does not function properly and does not fully digest food. As a result, the foods that have been eaten are not processed in the stomach, but begin to gradually rot, then ferment and negatively affect the entire body and the color of stool in particular.

Stool becomes green due to dysbacteriosis.

Intestinal infections are another disease that causes stool to change its color to green. An infectious disease manifests itself as:

  • Vomiting;
  • Nausea;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Weaknesses in the body;
  • Severe pain in the lower abdomen;
  • Changes in stool color to green.

Poor nutrition

Poor nutrition is the answer to the question of why stool may be green. If you eat a lot of foods rich in iron, it is not surprising that your stool will be green. But, again, this condition cannot be called pathological. As soon as you change your diet, your health will improve and your stool will return to its normal light brown color.

And an unhealthy diet, containing artificial dyes in large quantities, leads to a change in the color of stool.

Green feces appear when consuming foods such as beans, fruit and vegetable juices, cereals, herbs, dill, onions, lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, spinach, muesli, any confectionery products containing dyes (in simple words, unnatural sweets ), red fish, meat.

If you have green stool, then reconsider your diet.

Green feces in children

For a baby in the first month of life, green feces are the norm - there is no need to panic or worry about this under any circumstances. A change in the color of stool in a small child can occur at the time of transition from breast milk to artificial feeding (formula) or during the introduction of complementary foods.

An infection in a child may cause green stool. In this case, the symptoms will be as follows:

  • Loss of appetite;
  • Weakness, lethargy;
  • Moodiness, irritability;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Green feces

In all these cases (if such symptoms are present), it is imperative, urgently, to consult a pediatrician and gastroenterologist.

By the way, green feces in babies under one year of age are common when the baby is teething. Children in this state produce copious amounts of saliva, which has a direct effect on the color of the stool.

Green stool in a teething baby may be a response to increased salivation. In this case, bile is released with increased intensity. As a result, parents are faced not only with green feces in their child, but also with painful colic.

Another reason for the green stool of a small child may be dysbacteriosis.

Dysbacteriosis is a pathological condition in which there are much fewer beneficial bacteria in the intestines than beneficial ones. Consequently, the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract is disrupted.

If you have intestinal dysbiosis, you need to contact a pediatrician to prescribe appropriate treatment (drugs containing beneficial bacteria, for example, Linex).

So, green stool in a young child may be associated with:

  • Lactose intolerance (breast milk);
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • Switching from breast milk to artificial formula or introducing complementary foods;
  • With teething;
  • With an infectious lesion of the body.

If parents become concerned about the green color of the baby's stool, then they need to show the child to the doctor. Because In some cases, the green color of feces in a baby or infant may indicate intestinal dysbiosis. Green feces in infants may be associated with individual intolerance to milk protein.


Green feces can appear with the following pathologies:

If a child or an adult has bleeding in the stomach, then the pressure decreases, the heartbeat quickens, weakness appears in the body, the skin turns pale, and shortness of breath begins.

Green feces are a symptom of blood pathologies and liver diseases.

About treatment

It is impossible, without knowing the cause of green stool, to prescribe some kind of treatment for yourself. Already on the first day of deterioration in your health and the appearance of green stool in you/your child, you should consult a doctor, take a blood test, as well as a test to determine existing infections.

Patients with chronic diseases of internal organs and digestive organs should tell their doctor about this during examination. It is advisable to exclude foods that can impart a green color or reduce its intake.

Depending on whether the patient has constipation or diarrhea, prescribing or laxatives are prescribed, for example, Enterosgel, activated carbon. Antibacterial therapy in this case will also be appropriate.

If there is any internal bleeding, you should consult a doctor. If you do not receive qualified medical care in a timely manner, this can lead to serious consequences, including death.

The reasons for the appearance of green feces can be very different. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to this problem in a timely manner. First you need to undergo an examination and tests and only then begin treatment, if necessary.

Let's study the diaper. What will a baby's stool tell you?

Newborn stool. Constipation in infants. The color and consistency of the child's stool.

With the birth of a child, a mother has a lot of fears related to the baby’s health and proper care for him. These fears are not difficult to allay.

Young parents look at the contents of a baby diaper with interest and trepidation. Is this a familiar picture? The stool often causes anxiety in the mother and can really tell about the health and unhealthiness of the baby - you just need to be able to “read between the lines,” that is, understand the signs of the body.

Let's get to know the norm

While the baby lives and develops in the mother's womb, meconium accumulates in his intestines. It is a homogeneous tar-like mass of dark olive, almost black color, practically odorless. It consists of condensed cells of the intestinal mucosa, amniotic fluid swallowed by the baby, etc. Normally, meconium begins to be released from the baby’s intestines after birth and therefore is also called original feces (sometimes meconium is released in utero: in case of unfavorable course of labor or at the very end of pregnancy, oxygen starvation the fetus causes premature bowel movement, in which case meconium enters the amniotic fluid and turns it green). The baby's stool is usually represented by meconium in the first two or three days, that is, until the mother produces a large amount of milk. Sometimes it happens that after the bulk of the meconium has passed, say, during the first day, until the mother’s milk arrives, the baby may not have any stool at all. This is due to the fact that the colostrum, which the baby eats in the first few days, is absorbed by the body almost completely, so that no toxins remain in the intestines - therefore, there is simply nothing to be excreted.

After the mother has established active lactation, the baby’s stool gradually becomes mature, usually passing through a transitional stage. Transitional stool is a stool that combines the features of original stool and mature stool; it has a mushy consistency, a yellow-green color and a sour odor. Mature stool is distinguished by a pure yellow color, a homogeneous mushy consistency (it is often compared to thin sour cream), and the smell of sour milk. Its frequency is higher, the younger the child: in the first weeks after birth, bowel movements can occur almost after every feeding, that is, reach 5-8, and sometimes 10 times per day.

Gradually, stool is reduced to approximately 1-3 times a day, but there is a rare variant of the norm when mother’s milk is so completely absorbed by the baby’s body that almost no undigested residue accumulates in his intestines. In this case, bowel movements can occur once every few days, sometimes even once a week. This is due to the fact that only sufficient filling of the large intestine with waste (undigested food debris) is a signal for contractions of the intestinal walls, leading to emptying. That is why the intestines must first “accumulate” the remains in order to then throw them out. As a rule, this feature of the absorption of mother's milk becomes obvious in babies no earlier than 1.5-3 months. Let's make a reservation: the frequency of stool once every few days can be considered normal only if three conditions are met: with completely natural feeding (that is, the baby does not receive anything other than mother's milk), at least 1.5 months of age and the absence of any signs of ill health - pain and bloating in the abdomen, discomfort and difficulty during bowel movements - that is, when the baby eats well, gains weight correctly and nothing bothers him.

Stool during formula or mixed feeding may be no different from normal mature stool during breastfeeding, or it may have a more “adult”, putrid smell, a thicker consistency and a darker, brownish color. Bowel movements during mixed or artificial feeding should occur at least once a day; anything else is considered constipation.

Now that we have become familiar with the “ideal” process, it is necessary to become familiar with possible deviations from this.

Greens in the chair

It often happens that the “correct” type of stool is not established for a long time, and even against the background of active lactation in the mother, the stool for a long time retains the features of a transitional one, that is, it has a clear greenish tint, sometimes mucus is also found in it. There are several reasons for this.

  • Malnutrition (so-called “hungry” stool). This often occurs due to a lack of milk from the mother. Factors that make it more difficult for a baby to “extract” milk from the breast can also be flat and inverted nipples and tight breasts, especially after the first birth.
  • The predominance of fruits and vegetables in the diet of a nursing woman in comparison with other products.

What to do? If there is greenery in the stool, the first thing to do is to rule out malnutrition in the baby. Of course, in addition to stool disorders, other symptoms will be noted: the baby may show dissatisfaction at the breast, if milk is poorly released from the nipple, he does not fall asleep after feeding and / or never stands more than 1-1.5 hours between feedings, he has the rate of weight gain and growth is reduced. With severe malnutrition, the number of urinations may decrease in a child (normally it is at least 6-8 per day), urine may be more concentrated (normally it is almost colorless and has only a slight odor). Next, you should act according to the situation: if lactation is insufficient - switch to feeding “on demand” or “at the first cry”, put the baby to the breast more often, allow him to stay at the breast as much as he wants, give both breasts at one feeding, be sure to feed breastfeeding overnight, take medications that stimulate lactation. If the cause of malnutrition lies in the irregular shape of the nipples, it may be worth using special nipple shields during feeding. In any case, if you suspect your baby is malnourished, it is better to contact your pediatrician, as well as a lactation consultant.

Next, you should carefully check your mother’s diet. All products containing synthetic additives are subject to unconditional exclusion. We should not forget that often the cause of intestinal inflammation in a baby can be synthetic vitamin preparations taken by the mother (including for pregnant and lactating women), so it is necessary to exclude their intake. You should also make sure that the amount of fruits and vegetables in the diet does not prevail over other products (these “gifts of the earth” contain a large amount of acids, an excess of which in breast milk can cause inflammation of the mucous membrane in the baby’s intestines).

Now that we have created all possible prerequisites for proper nutrition of the baby, we should be guided by his well-being. If the baby is gaining good height and weight, he is not bothered by abdominal pain and allergic reactions, he is generally healthy and cheerful, and is interested in the world around him according to his age, then the only symptom - the green color of the stool - can be ignored: most likely he will reflect the consequences of hypoxia or the presence of intestinal dysbiosis in the baby. In the human body, especially one that has recently been born, everything proceeds according to its own laws and at an individual speed. Colonization of the intestines with the “right” microbes is not a process of one day or even one week, so even in completely healthy children, transitional stool can persist for up to a month or even more. If this does not interfere with the baby’s normal development, you can not interfere with this process. Still, no drug has yet been created for dysbiosis better than breast milk. The only thing that doesn’t hurt to do if there are lingering signs of dysbacteriosis is to submit the mother’s milk for culture to make sure that it does not contain pathogenic microbes (if any are detected, their sensitivity to antibacterial drugs must be determined, then the mother is treated with the most effective antibiotics for this case - During this period, breastfeeding is usually stopped).

If not everything is fine in the baby’s well-being (for example, he is tormented by intestinal colic, or skin allergic reactions are noted, or he is not gaining enough weight and height), then you should take some tests - a coprogram and a stool flora analysis (or, as they say , for dysbacteriosis). The coprogram will show how digestion processes are progressing in the intestines and can confirm the presence of inflammation of the mucous membrane (this will be indicated by an increase in the number of leukocytes in the stool, a sharply acidic reaction, and the presence of hidden blood). In a flora analysis, the main attention should be paid to the presence and/or quantity of pathogenic microorganisms - those that should not normally be found in the intestines or the number of which should not exceed certain limits. The number of “friendly” microbes may be completely indicative if the stool is analyzed later than two hours after collection. Since this is exactly what happens in the vast majority of cases, you don’t need to pay much attention to the number of normal microbes in this analysis. The detection of pathogenic (disease-causing) microbes (provided that the mother's milk has been analyzed and the mother has been treated, if necessary) is the reason for prescribing special medications to the baby. As a rule, treatment is carried out with phages - special viruses that destroy a certain type of pathogenic microbes and do not affect the flora as a whole. In some cases, antibacterial drugs may be prescribed, taking into account the sensitivity of pathogenic bacteria to them. Treatment is completed with drugs that help restore normal microflora.

White lumps in baby's stool

Sometimes you can see white lumps in the baby’s stool, as if someone had mixed coarse cottage cheese into it. If this symptom is observed against the background of the child’s normal physical development (gains weight well and grows), then it is evidence of some overeating: the body receives more nutrients than it needs to satisfy real needs (when the breast is offered not only to satisfy hunger, but also any reassurance). There is absolutely nothing wrong with this, since the baby’s body is perfectly adapted to such “overkill”: it simply throws out the excess in the form of such undigested white lumps. Nowadays, when the policy of feeding “at first cry” has been taken, most healthy children at least from time to time have this feature of their stool. If this symptom is accompanied by a lack of weight or height, especially if this lag worsens, most likely there is an enzymatic deficiency of the digestive glands, which does not allow the incoming nutrients to be properly digested. In this case, a pediatrician or gastroenterologist may prescribe enzyme replacement therapy.

Lactase deficiency

Quite often, parents may encounter that the baby’s stool is liquefied, watery, sometimes foams, has a sharper sour smell, and in some cases a changed color - mustard or greenish. On a cotton diaper, such feces leave a water zone around it. Often, stool is passed in small portions even when gas is passed. The acidic reaction of feces often causes persistent diaper rash. This picture is observed when the digestion of lactose - milk sugar is impaired, when for some reason the amount of lactose entering the intestines with mother's milk exceeds the amount of the lactase enzyme necessary for its digestion. This can either be due to an excess of lactose in milk (hereditary predisposition of the mother , an excess of fresh milk and dairy products in her diet), or with reduced production of lactase by the baby’s digestive glands. Undigested carbohydrates “pull” a large amount of water into the intestinal lumen, which is why stool has a liquefied, watery character.

Often, lactase deficiency is accompanied by intestinal dysbiosis: the acidic reaction of intestinal contents prevents the colonization of the intestines with the correct flora, and the lack of the required amount of beneficial microorganisms, in turn, reduces the ability to digest carbohydrates. If this does not interfere with the baby’s development (as we have already said, its signs are normal growth and weight gain, the absence of intestinal colic and persistent diaper rash), this condition can be left without treatment. In the vast majority of cases, lactase deficiency is a transient problem and disappears without a trace with age (by about 9-12 months, the activity of the digestive glands increases so much that the baby’s body can easily cope not only with fermented milk products, but also with fresh milk). Severe and lifelong disorders of lactase production are almost always genetically determined: I should think about this type of hereditary disease if close relatives in the family suffer from lactase deficiency in adulthood. To confirm the diagnosis, in addition to a scatological examination, a stool test for carbohydrates is carried out. If lactase deficiency is confirmed, the mother should first adjust her diet: exclude fresh milk; if this step is ineffective, significantly reduce the amount of fermented milk products (the exception is cheese, which contains virtually no milk sugar). If all of these measures fail, your doctor may prescribe lactase replacement therapy.

Constipation in infants

Constipation is considered to be the absence of independent stool for more than a day (of course, except in cases of complete digestion of milk), as well as cases when bowel movements are difficult and accompanied by significant discomfort.

Constipation is quite rare during breastfeeding, and there are two main reasons for it: poor nutrition of the mother and impaired intestinal motility, including spasm of the anal sphincter.

Improper nutrition of the mother is expressed by a tendency towards foods rich in proteins and easily digestible carbohydrates, a lack of dietary fiber. Therefore, if constipation occurs in the baby, the mother should first normalize her diet: give preference to cereals (especially buckwheat, brown rice, oatmeal), whole grains bread, include boiled vegetables in your diet. Some products (peaches, apricots, prunes, dried apricots, figs, boiled beets, fresh kefir) have pronounced laxative properties. In many cases, they will normalize not only your own stool, but also the baby’s stool.

If such measures do not lead to anything, most likely there is a violation of intestinal motility (hypotension or, on the contrary, spasm) and/or spasm of the anal sphincter. When the sphincter spasms, the passage of gases from the intestines is also difficult, so constipation is often accompanied by severe intestinal colic. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to combat these conditions with home methods, since they are associated with a violation of the nervous regulation of smooth muscle tone and are consequences of birth trauma or an unfavorable course of pregnancy. If they are accompanied by other symptoms that force you to consult a neurologist (excitability or, conversely, lethargy of the baby, sleep disturbances, weather dependence, muscle tone disorders, etc.), then the treatment prescribed by him for problems with the central nervous system often helps to improve the situation with constipation. If, in the absence of stool, the baby is bothered by pain and/or bloating in the abdomen, you can try installing a gas outlet tube, which will gently stimulate the anus. With artificial feeding, constipation, unfortunately, is much more common, since the digestion of infant formula is a great difficulty for the baby's digestive system. In many cases, the situation can be normalized by replacing half of the baby’s daily diet with fermented milk formula (sour milk formula can be gradually introduced after 3 weeks of life). After 4-6 months of life, you can introduce decoction and puree of prunes into your baby’s diet, which help cope with constipation in most cases.

If the above measures do not help normalize the situation (both with natural and artificial feeding), the pediatrician may also prescribe some medications: suppositories with glycerin (in the first 6 months of life, a single dose is ¼-½ suppositories), Duphalac, microenemas "Microlax".

Here are the main “secrets” that your baby’s diaper may hide. We tried to teach you to recognize some signals of the infant body, but we want to remind you once again: any diagnosis, and especially the prescription of treatment, should only be carried out by a doctor.

A 5 year old child has green stools

Why is stool green?

Poor diet can lead to green stool for several reasons. Among them, it is worth highlighting as a separate group the consumption of greens, foods rich in iron and artificial colors. Green feces in children and adults can appear as a result of eating:

  • green leafy crops - lettuce, dill, onions, broccoli, spinach, savoy cabbage;
  • black licorice;
  • vegetable puree as part of baby food;
  • fruit juices;
  • caramels with dyes;
  • cereals and muesli;
  • red meat and sea fish;
  • red beans.

The dark green color of the stool may persist for up to five days after consuming the above foods. Additives or artificial colors may cause stools to appear bright green.

Causes of green stool in children

In infants, green stool can persist throughout the first month of life. This is due to the adaptation period and breastfeeding. If the feces acquire an unpleasant, pungent odor, and the baby’s body temperature rises and loss of appetite, then an infectious disease should be suspected and medical help should be sought.

Green feces in infants are not a rare occurrence during teething. In this case, the formation of the shade is affected by excess saliva secretion. In response to this, a fairly large amount of bile is released, which can cause colic in the abdomen and green feces.

In newborns, green feces may be residual effects of the passage of original feces. But with prolonged jaundice, additional studies of the function of the liver and gallbladder should be carried out. Sometimes in infancy, intestinal dysbiosis and milk protein intolerance appear.

What causes green stool in an adult?

In the vast majority of cases, the green color of an adult's stool is given by numerous nutritional supplements, which we like to take without prior consultation with our doctor. Many of them can be harmful to health. But most dietary supplements simply cause various side effects. Green stool may appear if you take:

  • iron supplements;
  • herbal laxatives;
  • seaweed and chlorophyll;
  • vitamins and minerals;
  • iodine preparations;
  • sorbitol and fructose.

Pathological causes of green stool in children and adults

If we exclude the nutritional factor, then there are a number of other reasons for the appearance of green stools. These factors may be associated with disorders of the intestines and other related organs and systems.

It is worth knowing that in its natural form, in which bile is secreted from the cavity of the gallbladder, it has a rich green color. As it passes through the intestines, it gradually changes its color, becoming dark brown. If bile passes too quickly, it retains its original color and turns the stool green.

This may be facilitated by;

  1. food poisoning;
  2. Giardia;
  3. salmonellosis;
  4. rotavirus infection;
  5. food allergies;
  6. lactose and fructose intolerance;
  7. malabsorption syndrome;
  8. celiac disease;
  9. Crohn's disease;
  10. nonspecific ulcerative colitis;
  11. gastroesophageal reflux disease;
  12. thyrotoxicosis - increased levels of the hormone thyroxine in the blood, usually due to an autoimmune disease of the thyroid gland;
  13. disruption of intestinal innervation in diabetes mellitus;
  14. disruption of the absorption of bile acids in the small intestine;
  15. inflammation of the small intestine, mainly due to Crohn's disease;
  16. surgical removal of the ileum.

You should consult a doctor if your green stool is accompanied by severe pain along the large and small intestines. If your body temperature rises and vomiting occurs. If the stool is green in color for more than five days.

You should be tested for dysbacteriosis, carriage of Shigella and E. coli.

What to do if you have green stool?

Green bowel movements due to food eaten or medications and supplements taken are normal and do not require any action. In all other cases, especially if symptoms such as fever, diarrhea, constipation, weight loss or general malaise are present, you should consult a doctor because you may have a serious illness.

Green stool in a newborn - is there any cause for alarm?

New mothers are constantly overcome by anxiety due to any change in the body of a newborn baby. And this is no wonder - the maternal instinct takes its toll, and we begin to zealously protect our offspring from any dangers and adversities that could harm them. Green stool in a child can seriously frighten even experienced parents, especially if they are faced with such a phenomenon for the first time in their lives.

In fact, the color, consistency, and even the smell of children's feces directly depend on the quality, quantity and nature of the food they consume. The baby’s digestive system is not yet ready to function at full, “adult” strength, and therefore has its own characteristics and characteristic features.

Green and foamy stool in a baby is a fairly common phenomenon, but at the same time, far from the norm. This symptom does not indicate a serious pathology, so you can safely breathe a sigh of relief.

However, it definitely won’t hurt to show the baby to the pediatrician. In addition, you will have to adjust your own menu while you are in the process of lactation.

Remember - everything you consume while breastfeeding can not only satiate your baby, but also cause specific harm to the development of its organs and systems. Therefore, you must understand that now you are responsible not only for your own health, but also for the life of your child.

The color of the stool may become greenish for several main reasons:

  • Incorrect feeding. If you feed your baby on demand and allow your breasts to completely empty until satiated, problems such as green stool in your baby should be familiar to you only theoretically. If you feed frequently, briefly and sparingly, your baby does not receive the fatty milk that is released at the end of feeding. From this he receives a lot of lactose (a natural sugar concentrated in mother's milk). Since the fragile body is not yet able to cope with the fermentation of this product, similar phenomena occur. And although they are not a pathology, it is important to review the feeding schedule and duration in order to protect the baby from further problems and complications;
  • Lactase deficiency. It can be congenital or acquired. The disorder is due to immaturity or defects in the lactase enzyme, which breaks down milk sugar. In this case, an alarming symptom may occur even with a competent approach to lactation. Take your child to the doctor and write down in detail all the changes that have occurred in the color of his stool. The pediatrician will evaluate the case individually and give you personal recommendations on further actions;
  • Intestinal infection. A more serious problem that can “color” a baby’s stool green is an intestinal infection. You must understand that this phenomenon is a priori pathological, and therefore requires immediate medical intervention;
  • Indigestion. This can also cause this process, and also requires the intervention of qualified specialists. In this case, the newborn’s stool is abnormally liquid, with a heterogeneous structure and mucous inclusions. The green color of the stool is not the only change that can alarm you in this case;
  • Maternal food poisoning. If the day before you were poisoned by any product, the toxins and carcinogens that were the culprits of this unpleasant event immediately entered your breast milk. And with it - into your child’s body. Therefore, the “greening” of his stool in this case is a completely appropriate phenomenon. Consult a doctor to promptly stop the harmful effects of toxic substances on your baby’s fragile body.

Despite the fact that in the vast majority of cases, green stool is not a sign of illness, it can occur as a result of ignoring this process. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you show your baby to the observing pediatrician and honestly tell all the possible reasons for this deviation.

Feces may acquire a greenish color for the following reasons:

  • Bilirubin secreted in the child's body;
  • Disturbance of microflora in the baby’s intestines;
  • Rapid oxidation of feces;
  • Hormonal fluctuations in the mother's body;
  • Introduction of complementary foods (especially those containing leafy and green vegetables);
  • Dysbacteriosis (can occur against the background of teething, when a child chews foreign objects to relieve unbearable itching in the gums);
  • Increased iron content in formulas for artificial feeding.

Whatever the true reason, to answer the question “why does a newborn have predominantly green stool?” you can't do it on your own. Unless you are sure of specific “mistakes” you made the day before. And even in this case, a consultation with a pediatrician will not be superfluous. If your child has dark green, foamy and heterogeneous stool, show it to the doctor immediately!

Green stool with a liquid consistency in infants is common and is considered relatively normal. Therefore, it is important to monitor related manifestations in order to understand whether to sound the alarm. If your baby's stool has a strange consistency or a foul odor, most likely this disorder is not associated with physiological factors, and the real reason lies much deeper.

If your baby is formula-fed and you switch to a different formula, your baby's dark green stool may be normal. It is important to monitor further developments in order to truly understand whether a particular product is suitable for the baby. Another reason to be wary should be the child’s anxiety associated with persistent pain in his tummy.

Why does a child have green stool if his digestive tract is already formed? This question is often asked by parents of older children - from 2 to 4 years old. The reasons for this are similar to the reasons for green stool in infants. Banal indigestion or stomach upset can be the first catalysts for such a disorder.

There is no need to worry if, as complementary foods or complete feeding, you introduce “coloring” foods into your baby’s diet - leafy and green vegetables, fruits, legumes. Especially often, a greenish tint to stool is given by salad mix, parsley, cilantro, dill, spinach, broccoli and pear.

Be careful - as in infants, the cause of green stool in older children can be an increased concentration of sugar in the body. But in this case, the culprit of what is happening is no longer lactose, but glucose, and its increase in the blood can lead to harmful consequences for the child.

You should not focus your attention only on the color, volume and consistency of stool. If your child feels great and cheerful, and does not show any related complaints, there is no reason for specific concern. If the baby has become capricious and restless, often cries, sleeps poorly at night, talks and grinds his teeth in his sleep, be sure to voice all these phenomena to your doctor.

Carefully monitor your child's reaction to a new introduced product (if you are in the process of lactation). Pay attention to how the baby behaves after changing the usual formula (if he is bottle-fed).

When contacting a doctor, cover the child’s medical history in detail. Do not hide from your pediatrician the fact that you fed your baby certain foods, changed the formula, or fed him stale foods. If your baby is breastfed, be sure to mention if you ate anything new the day before. Do not hide other symptoms from your pediatrician - anxiety, abdominal pain, sleep disorders and routine.

You should sound the alarm in cases where a child exhibits the following symptoms:

  • Fetid, putrid odor of feces;
  • Bloody, foamy, or thick mucous in stool;
  • A sharp change in the consistency of stool, the presence of granular grains and other unclear inclusions in it;
  • Frequent diarrhea and constipation in a child;
  • Intestinal colic;
  • Constant regurgitation after feeding;
  • Presence of rash and redness on the body;
  • Restless behavior, sleep disturbance, loss of appetite;
  • High stable temperature.

The pediatrician will find out the specific cause of the disorder through differential diagnosis. After this, appropriate therapy will be selected and the mother’s diet will be adjusted, if necessary. Let your baby be healthy and happy!

Why is my baby's stool green?

One of the first indicators of human health is the condition of stool - its color, consistency and smell. It is by the child’s stool that one can judge the functioning of his intestines and general well-being. Normally, children's stool should be yellow to brown. But sometimes parents notice a change in its color, for example, green feces appear in the child. And then the question arises, why is the child’s stool green, what caused such changes? Let's look at the most likely causes of green stool in children.

Newborn baby's first stool

On the first day of his life, a newborn baby excretes meconium, the so-called original feces. On days 3-5 he begins to have transitional stool. And only after the fifth day do children form permanent stools.

Meconium is thick, viscous, dark green stool in a child's first days of life. Sometimes its color is close to black and has no odor. This stool consistency is a physiological norm and should not frighten the mother.

Usually on the third day of a newborn’s life, he has transitional stool, which also has a greenish tint. You can often see small lumps of curdled milk in it.

And only on the fifth day of the baby’s life does he form a permanent stool. Moreover, in the first 5-10 days it most often has a greenish-brown tint, which is within normal limits.

Green color of stool in a child of the first year of life

As you know, children in the first year of life can be breastfed or bottle-fed. The question of why a baby's stool is green worries many mothers who are breastfeeding. Experts point to the following reasons for the appearance of this stool color:

  • Natural functioning of the intestines. In the first months of a child’s life, the intestinal microflora is just beginning to form. This completely natural process is often accompanied by various changes in the color and consistency of stool.
  • Nutrition for a nursing mother. Many mother's foods that contain iron or green pigment can give a green tint to the baby's stool.
  • Medicines. If a nursing mother takes medications containing iron or antibacterial drugs, the baby's stool may turn green.
  • An allergic reaction of the child’s body to certain foods that the mother ate the day before.

Green stool in an infant, which has a foamy character and mucous inclusions, but without a strong odor, may indicate an imbalance between the use of “front” liquid and “back” thick milk. Hind breast milk is more nutritious and contains large amounts of fat and lactose. But since it is much harder for a child to reach him, he often drinks the first breast and then demands the second. As a result, the baby’s body does not receive all the necessary nutrients, and his intestines, which are designed to absorb thick “hind” milk, do not function as they should. Liquid milk moves through the intestines faster, and the stool becomes green in color and has a foamy consistency.

Green color of feces in a child can be observed if he has lactase deficiency. Milk contains a beneficial substance - milk sugar, or lactose. For its good absorption by the body, the enzyme lactase is needed, which can break down lactose. Often, a child’s body lacks it, which disrupts the absorption of milk sugar and causes poor tolerance to foods that contain it. Thus, lactase deficiency appears. It can manifest itself as intolerance not only to breast milk, but also to cow's milk and infant formula. One of its symptoms is green stool with a foamy structure, often containing mucus and undigested lumps of food. At the same time, there are signs of anxiety in the baby, a bloated tummy, he is gaining weight poorly or even losing it.

A newborn baby's stool often takes on a greenish tint after oxidation as a result of being exposed to air for a long time.

The stool of bottle-fed babies is thicker, yellowish in color and has the characteristic smell of adult stool. A formula-fed baby may have dark green stool when feeding it formula containing iron. To check this, you need to change his baby food and check the color of his stool. If the color of the stool returns to normal, then there is no reason to worry. If the stool remains green, you need to pay attention to the baby’s condition. Such changes in stool are often one of the symptoms of certain diseases of an infectious or inflammatory nature. They may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature, a general deterioration in the child’s condition, weakness, nausea and vomiting. Therefore, if all these manifestations occur, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Some mothers observe dark green stool in their baby after introducing complementary foods such as green apples, pears or broccoli into their diet. Also, green spots in unevenly colored stool may indicate too much sugar in the baby’s menu.

Green stool in an older child

The green color of stool in a child after a year may be associated with some of the reasons already listed, such as lactase deficiency, infectious or inflammatory diseases, allergic reactions of the body to the food eaten. However, most often green stool appears after eating certain foods. These foods primarily include green vegetables (broccoli, lettuce, spinach), green apples and foods rich in iron.

Children may also have green stools after taking antibacterial agents, medications containing iron, and some other medications. Usually the doctor warns parents about such side effects of the drug therapy.

Why does my 5 month old baby have green stool?

Due to the fact that a child from 0 to 1 year is in the period of development of all organs and systems, digestion is also far from ideal. Parents may notice a change in the consistency and color of their baby's stool, which is cause for concern. Green stool is not the norm, but you shouldn’t panic about this until you find out the reasons for this phenomenon in the child’s life.

Why does my baby have green stool?

The main reasons affecting stool color

The color of a child’s stool is affected by several reasons listed below, some of them are harmless and do not harm health, while others indicate the need for treatment in a short amount of time.

  • Excessive sugar content in the diet of a child, including a newborn (evidence of excessive sugar consumption by the mother and, as a result, transmission through breast milk to the baby). In feces, as a rule, lump-shaped inclusions of green color are clearly visible.
  • Early childhood from 0 to 3 months (as a result of the absence in the intestinal tract of the required amount of bacteria that play a role in the digestion of food)
  • In the case of breastfeeding, the baby's green stool is a reaction to the food consumed by the mother, including food products that color the stool in this color, such products include:
  1. sour green apples
  2. any greens (dill, parsley, basil, etc.)
  • If the mother experiences food poisoning while breastfeeding (if the symptoms of a nursing woman are not clearly identified, harmful substances still penetrate into breast milk and provoke problems in the baby)
  • Consumption by a nursing woman of excessively small amounts of dairy and fermented milk products such as:
  1. Milk
  2. Kefir
  3. Cottage cheese
  4. Ryazhenka and others
  • In the case of artificial feeding (using specialized baby formulas), green stools are a consequence of consuming a formula with a high iron content. Iron can stain stool. If this happens to your baby, you should think about changing the formula, having first consulted with your pediatrician for complementary feeding in order to avoid making mistakes.
  • In children aged 4 months to 1.5 years, green stool is observed as a reaction to new foods when they are introduced into the diet according to the nutrition plan.
  • During teething, children may also experience changes in the consistency and color of their stool.
Changes in stool due to a viral disease: symptoms and treatment

If a baby catches a cold or catches the flu, the whole body reacts to the presence of a virus. The gastrointestinal tract, in turn, experiences discomfort due to which the color and consistency change to green. It is noted that in this case, significant dilution of the feces is characteristic, along with a change in color to green.

Pediatricians, as a rule, due to the presence of symptoms such as a child’s elevated body temperature and general malaise, can make an erroneous diagnosis and state the presence of a severe infection, for which hospitalization in an infectious diseases hospital is indicated. An objective answer to the question that has arisen will help to give an urgent stool test, which will reveal the cause of the disorder and make a competent decision on the treatment of the little patient.

Treatment of green stool due to a cold or flu is carried out with medication, strictly following the pediatrician’s instructions.

As a rule, if such problems arise and in order to maintain water balance, after consultation with a pediatrician, the child can be offered tea with fennel to strengthen the stool and change its color.

Why does my baby have green stool?

Before we talk about why a child may develop green stool at one age or another, let’s remember that a child has been in this world quite recently and his body is just beginning to become acquainted with such conditions when he needs to eat and defecate on his own. The child’s digestive tract and other organs are just beginning to adapt: ​​the liver is not yet fully operational, the bacteria in the intestines have not yet populated in the quantity in which they will process food properly.

Green stool in a child does not necessarily indicate serious disorders, such as dysbiosis. The color of a child’s stool after the 5th day of birth can change due to many factors: from the food taken by the nursing mother, from the introduced complementary foods, from the mother’s hormones that fluctuate, and so on.

If a child has green stool after 5 days of life to 3 months

First, let's explain why after five days of life. The fact is that in the first days after birth, the baby passes meconium, and after that the transitional stool is olive-colored. It usually occurs on the fifth day of the baby’s life.

  • And if a month-old baby has green stool, but the child is absolutely calm, in good mood, nothing bothers him, does not cry for no reason and sleeps peacefully, then this may be due to the food that the mother took. If she ate something green, then the baby's stool will be green. In general, a nursing mother must strictly monitor her diet, because the baby’s intestines are not yet accustomed to fully processing any substances that come with milk. Therefore, the color may change due to the fact that you ate something unusual for the baby. In addition to food, the color is also affected by the secreted bilirubin, which contributes to the green color of stool.
  • Another reason for green stool may be the quality of the milk: full-fat milk gives a mustard-brown color to the baby’s stool, and liquid low-fat milk gives the child liquid green stool without a strong odor. By the way, a smell is a sign of unfavorability only if it is strong.
  • It is necessary to say separately about bottle-fed babies, because often the feces turn green even in those cases when they just start introducing an artificial formula or when they change it. If your child has had green stools for more than a day, then change his formula, perhaps the problem will disappear.
  • You must be prepared for the fact that you will have to change the mixture more than once. Green stool may also appear at the time of transition from breastfeeding to artificial feeding. The tummy may even ache, and colic will be tormented. It is worth stocking up on dill water or syrup against gases and colic.
  • Among other things, the iron contained in the mixture may not be fully absorbed by the baby’s intestines and therefore is excreted in the stool, turning it green. This specifically applies to those who are concerned that the child has dark green stools.

When green stool indicates health problems

Let's say a child is 2 months old, green stool is accompanied by general anxiety, noticeably poor health, perhaps a fever. There is no need to panic too much, as this may be associated with diseases other than the digestive system, but, for example, simply be signs of a cold. Of course, this doesn’t mean anything good, but it’s still better than dysbiosis.

To fully verify the child’s health, it is necessary to undergo tests, which are fundamental when a diagnosis is made. Only green stool does not indicate any disease. The general condition of the child is very important: how he eats, what mood he is in, how he sleeps, is he restless, is there anxiety, etc. If your baby eats normally, sleeps, is awake without unusual crying, smiles and is calm, then everything is fine.

I note that the same applies to children who have been introduced to complementary foods. Green stool in such children can be observed during the process of introducing complementary foods, as well as depending on the food taken.

It is definitely worth worrying if, along with green stools, the child develops anxiety, loss of appetite, poor sleep, perhaps a rash will appear, etc. In this case, call or visit the pediatrician yourself and follow all recommendations. Get tested.

Healthy children, don’t get sick!

Common problem of green stool in babies

The question “why does the child have green stool” worries many parents at one time or another. Most often, the type and consistency of poop depends on the food: artificial or breastfeeding, whether complementary foods are consumed and what kind.

Green stool in children under about one year of age is very common, but not completely normal. The digestive system is not yet ready to function at full capacity, and, as a result, stool has its own characteristic signs and characteristics.

Why does a newborn have “greens” in his diapers?

As mentioned above, it’s not just food that affects the color of baby poop. There are other reasons:

1. As a rule, around the fifth day of life, greens appear in diapers for all babies. Medicine explains this by the adaptation of a small organism to the environment.

2. Greens in a month-old baby are due to the fact that his body has not yet produced the required amount of bacteria important for the proper functioning of digestion.

3. Viral diseases (colds, flu, etc.) can also affect the color of the poop. In this case, you should take all the necessary tests as quickly as possible.

4. Dysbacteriosis: the baby may develop loose stools. It will be of an unpleasant color with a sour, putrid smell. This symptom can be combined with a rash on the body, colic, and frequent regurgitation.

5. Teething. At this time, the child puts everything he sees into his mouth, and, naturally, the incoming bacteria can affect the color of the contents of the diaper: the intestinal microflora is disrupted.

What food causes the contents of a diaper to turn green:

1) Excessive amounts of sugar in the baby’s diet: stool is unevenly green and contains the same lumps.

2) Indigestion: green poop, often with pieces of mucus.

3) Incorrect diet of the mother: a small amount of dairy products, artificial additives and carcinogens, as well as simply green foods (greens, broccoli, etc.).

4) Food poisoning of a nursing woman. Toxins and carcinogens immediately enter the milk. And with it - into the baby’s body. Accordingly, the mother’s poisoning is reflected in the color of the baby’s poop.

5) High iron content in the nutritional mixture (with artificial feeding).

6) Introducing complementary foods into the baby’s diet.

7) The baby cannot get enough of the fatty milk and sucks only foremilk, liquid milk.

Newborn's first stool

In the first days of life, only meconium is excreted in the baby's body. Then the baby has transitional stool, and only after the fifth day can you at least somehow try to evaluate the newborn’s feces.

After birth, the first two days the baby poops original feces - meconium. It is a thick viscous mass of dark green color (close to black), odorless. There is nothing to worry about: this color and consistency are the norm.

On the third day, transitional stool begins, which also has a greenish color. You can often notice small lumps of curdled milk.

And finally, on the fifth day of life, the newborn’s stool becomes permanent. Even before the tenth day, the contents of the diaper remain greenish-brown. But this is within normal limits.

Greenish tint to baby's stool

To a greater extent, it depends on the baby’s diet. Newborns can be divided into two groups according to the type of feeding:

  • Breast-feeding
  • Artificial feeding

With natural feeding, greens in an infant are normal. There are several reasons for this color:

A) Bilirubin, which is constantly released, is to blame.

B) Hormones found in breast milk may also be responsible for the color change. Their presence and fluctuations do not depend on you and your child.

C) The baby’s intestines do not have enough beneficial bacteria, and the newborn’s liver does not produce enough digestive enzymes.

D) After oxidation, the baby’s feces also acquire a greenish impurity.

D) Only full-fat milk gives baby stool a light brownish tint, otherwise the stool will be greenish.

An infant's feces can have several shades: from yellow to brownish and green.

With artificial feeding, the reasons for greenness are almost the same, with the exception of the last one. If you recently changed your formula, this may be the reason. A green impurity in feces can be caused by iron, if there is an excess amount of it in the mixture. Try replacing it and observe the reaction.

Problems for older children

All the reasons can be applied to older children as well. In them, just like in newborns, the color of stool may change due to stomach upsets. In addition, as children begin to receive complementary foods and eat more “adult” foods, some foods can also produce a greenish color: parsley, dill, spinach, broccoli, pear.

In addition, green stool in older children may, just like in newborns, indicate a large amount of sugar in the child's diet.

So, before you start worrying about greenery in the toilet, you should carefully analyze all the possible reasons. Watch his stool just as you would if your child grinds his teeth during the day or talks at night. All this is important.

However, in any case, first of all, pay attention to the baby’s well-being, and not to the color of his discharge. And if your child is calm, his sleep and appetite are not disturbed, and nothing else bothers you except the color of the stool, then do not focus your attention on this too much.

The human body is designed in such a way that with any change in condition, even if it is a slight change in the composition of enzymes, it will give a sign. Very often the first reaction is, for example, the stool becomes greenish in color.

Green stool is not always a symptom of a disease

Normally, the color of a person's stool should be brown. But by coincidence, under the influence of certain factors, it can change its color. The most harmless reasons for changing the color of stool include eating large amounts of dyes. Dyes are added everywhere, but most often people who love candies, lemonades (tarragon, etc.) are faced with the problem of green feces. Also, it can also lead to a change in the color of stool to green.

And if these reasons can be classified as relatively harmless, then there are a number of other reasons when green stool can indicate a developing disease that requires immediate treatment:

Greenish-colored stool can be either a symptom of an incipient disease or a temporary phenomenon. The main thing is to establish the exact cause of such a change, and, if necessary, begin to take measures to restore it.

You can learn more about green stool from the thematic video material:

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Read along with this article:

  • Dark green stool is a sign of malfunction...

The nature of bowel movements depends on diet and the state of the gastrointestinal tract. The health of the liver and gallbladder is especially important. Improper functioning of the organs is the main factor that changes the consistency and color of feces. In most cases, green feces in a child are released due to the inflammatory process occurring in the digestive system. Such defecation products are not the norm.

Why does stool turn green?

If the child’s diet is dominated by cucumbers, cabbage, parsley, dill and other green vegetation, then food is the provoking factor. By adjusting the diet, parents will notice that the stool has returned to normal. This is the most harmless condition that affects the color of stool.

More dangerous reasons for passing strange feces are:

  1. Dysbacteriosis. The disease develops as a result of enzymatic deficiency, taking antibiotics and decreased immunity. The child may complain of abdominal pain, increased gas production and green loose stools. When an older child or teenager defecates dark green, almost black stool, it is possible that he or she has eaten too much greens, consumed foods with artificial colors, or taken Activated Charcoal tablets.
  2. Liver disease. Hepatitis affects the color of feces. The inflammatory process is indicated by pain in the right hypochondrium, yellowness of the skin and mucous membranes, nausea, and problematic bowel movements. Cirrhosis produces green stools, morning bitterness in the mouth, discomfort in the right side, and swelling. Too dark stool may signal the disintegration of a malignant neoplasm that has formed in the liver.
  3. Pathologies of the pancreas. When inflammatory processes occur in a small organ, the child suffers from enzyme deficiency, and his parents notice altered stools. Other symptoms of pancreatitis include severe abdominal pain, poor appetite and nausea. The color of stool changes depending on diet.
  4. Intestinal infections and poisoning- another answer to the question why a child poops greens. Infections that cause disruption of the tract enter the body with low-quality food or due to non-compliance with hygiene rules. Acute disorders manifest themselves very rapidly: the child’s well-being deteriorates, he feels sick, vomits and has a fever, the stool changes in color and density. Feces can be green or yellow in color and their consistency is usually liquid. Vomiting and frequent urge to defecate are dangerous due to dehydration.

Reason to see a doctor

If the child is in good health, parents do not have to worry about the stool suddenly turning green. In the summer, a baby at a summer cottage could easily taste natural gifts, and in any quantity. In this case, his feces may be slightly slimy and contain green lumps of vegetables, fruits, and berries that have not been completely digested.

An increased amount of mucus, green or bloody impurities should alert parents. Against the background of foamy, liquid or foul-smelling stool, their appearance means a state of dysbiosis. As additional signs, the baby may experience frequent colic and skin rashes.

Green stool in a small child sometimes indicates lactase deficiency. Only a doctor who has examined the patient’s tests can confirm the diagnosis.

Thus, before contacting the clinic, parents should carefully analyze the situation. Consider whether the child has taken antibiotics or foods that can change the color of feces. If this is true, the color of bowel movements will stabilize on its own in 2 to 3 days.

When should you see a doctor? A specialist arrives immediately when parents excitedly report the following points by phone:

  • vomit;
  • diarrhea;
  • hyperthermia;
  • unbearable colic;
  • spasmodic pain in the abdomen;
  • greenish feces are excreted for more than 5 days.

How to help a child?

Before the doctor arrives, treat the intestines yourself. To improve the microflora of the tract, give your child probiotics:

  • Bificol;
  • Lactobacterin;
  • Bifidumbacterin.

In case of diarrhea and vomiting, to prevent dehydration, give the patient Regidron solution. If you have food poisoning, try getting rid of green poop with a slurry of Activated Charcoal tablets. Dissolve the drug in a small amount of water at the rate of 1 tablet for every 10 kg of body weight.