What will next year bring us? Meet the Yellow Earth Dog! Whose year will it be according to the Chinese calendar?

Based on ancient Chinese traditions, which are more than one thousand years old and have evolved over many years, it is customary to celebrate the New Year in this eastern country with subtle traditions twice. First, in China they celebrate the New Year with the whole world on January 1, and then according to their own Chinese calendar, the date of which changes every year.

Let us immediately remind you that according to the Chinese calendar (eastern horoscope), next year is the Yellow (Earth) Dog, it is she who will manage this period, help us or hinder us, who deserves what... remember that the Dog loves honest, hard-working and responsible people, and does not like liars, lazy people and those who like to make money at the expense of others...

The Chinese will celebrate their New Year in 2018 according to the Chinese calendar, namely on a winter day in February, the 16th. The future 2018, according to the same Chinese calendar, will end not on December 31, like the calendar year all over the world, but only on February 4, 2019, with the transfer of the rights of government from the Yellow (Earth) Dog to a very decent animal of the same eastern horoscope, Yellow (Earth) ) Pig/Boar.

Why is this happening, you may ask, by the way, the Chinese celebrate their New Year whenever they want, the answer is simple - in China, the New Year begins on the first full moon, which can be in January or February, and it is for this reason that there is no fixed date for the New Year, every year it is different.

Below we will look at some of the features of preparing for the upcoming, very soon new year 2018 according to the Chinese calendar and taking into account the traditions of this eastern country, its requirements and the preferences of the Chinese themselves...

When is New Year 2018 according to the Chinese calendar?

February 16 in China - Chinese New Year 2018 begins!

Let us remind you that every year in the Chinese calendar has its own representative, mostly these are real animals, except for one, this is a representative of mythology - the Dragon. All of them are full-fledged rulers of the period that they are entrusted with managing, leading it at their own discretion, making adjustments or radically changing it.

It is also worth noting that in China they are confident that the animal controlled by the year, to one degree or another, influences the actions taking place during this period, as well as people, brings order or, conversely, vanity and disorder. website

We ourselves can easily verify this, for example, look at events that have already occurred in the recent past and compare them with the character and habits of the current animal, under whose control this or that time period was, how this representative of the Chinese calendar influenced the development of events, the course of history or on you personally, etc.

You should also know and remember that for each year and animal there is a certain color and element, which are important to one degree or another, because they influence the representative of the Chinese calendar in their own way, soften his character or, on the contrary, make him tougher, more specific in his reign.

How do they celebrate the New Year in the east?

Proper celebration of Chinese New Year 2018...

In China, New Year's holidays are celebrated completely differently than in Europe or North America. The New Year's celebration to welcome the new year 2018 will last at least fifteen days.

So, next year, the meeting of the new year 2018 will start in China on a winter day on February 16, and will end in the spring, or more precisely, on March 3.

Of course, not all of these fifteen holidays are considered official holidays in China. However, this will not in any way prevent the Chinese, following ancient traditions, from celebrating the arrival of the new year every day, carrying out the necessary oriental rituals and festive ceremonies.

The coming of the new year 2018 according to the Chinese calendar (Oriental style) into our lives is a great way to join the traditions of the East, a great opportunity to get acquainted with China and its rules of celebration, as well as a convenient opportunity to please your loved ones with gifts and congratulations, and to gather on this occasion at the ceremonial table.

Moreover, if we take into account the fact that the mistress of next year, the Yellow Dog, honors traditions and respects those who adhere to them, for example, to be the keeper of the family hearth, here, as they say, God himself commanded! website

By the way, the Yellow (Earth) Dog of 2018 belongs to the element of Earth, what this means is that next year should be rich in harvest, you can also count on some luck for those. who is ready to work tirelessly. Do not forget that the element of Earth is always the key to fertility, success in life and rebirth.

The most correct option for meeting 2018 according to the Chinese calendar is to meet it at home, in the home circle, with your loved ones and family.

If the traditional New Year's Eve on the night of December 31 to January 1 involves a grand celebration among friends, neighbors or work colleagues, then try to hold the New Year's Eve according to the Chinese calendar in the family circle, this will be the most correct option.

You should remember the immutable fact that the Chinese themselves consider the New Year to be a purely family holiday, which is identified with the unity of all relatives, as well as the reunion of a family.

Therefore, try to adhere to the rules established many centuries ago for celebrating the New Year (according to the Chinese calendar), first of all, so that the year turns out to be the most fortunate for you. It is for this reason that he should be met as expected, in compliance with the traditions described above.

Those who adhere to traditions and behave as the Yellow Dog demands, they are practically guaranteed its protection and patronage. The dog will try to protect you from troubles, protect you from unnecessary problems, and make sure that all your undertakings in the new year receive not only approval, but also progress.

How to prepare for Chinese New Year 2018

The Chinese begin to prepare for the New Year in advance, almost a few days in advance. First of all, they restore absolute order, and then decorate all the premises, from their home to their offices.

Also at this time, it is customary to get rid of old things that are simply thrown away as unnecessary. To get rid of the negative energy accumulated over a whole year, the Chinese literally wash the entire house, starting from the porch and ending with the attic. They believe that in this way they make room for new, positive energy.

After that, they go to the market or to the store to choose a New Year tree, which is not a traditional spruce in our understanding, and for this they use a Light tree. Having purchased a New Year tree, the first thing the Chinese do is decorate their homes with garlands and streamers.

Not only are garlands hung in all rooms, but also figurines and figurines of the animal that will be the ruler of the next period are installed; we remind you that 2018 is the Year of the Yellow (Earth) Dog.

Also a prerequisite are five multi-colored ribbons that hang on the front door of the house or some other room. These five ribbons symbolize as many main areas of life, namely the sphere of health, family, business, love and financial.

On the day of the New Year according to the Chinese calendar, in the late afternoon, every Chinese family sets a table corresponding to the holiday, with all kinds of dishes that meet the tastes and preferences of the future owner or hostess of the year.

The rest of the festive table is traditional; there will certainly be rice and national dumplings, as well as many sweets. Rice and dumplings for the Chinese are the personification of abundance, wealth and prosperity.

Sweets for the representatives of the Celestial Empire, first of all, a wish for a sweet life in the coming year, so that every member of the family lives a sweet life, in a word, this is a wish for good luck and success.

The table is set by the Chinese, taking into account the places of their relatives who, for one reason or another, will not be able to attend the gala evening celebrating the New Year.

For such relatives, plates and cutlery are placed on the table, as well as glasses with drinks filled in them, and napkins are immediately laid out. Celebrating the New Year in the family circle is an obligatory ritual among the Chinese; in rare cases it is violated.

After the festive dinner, when the New Year was celebrated in the family circle, some disperse to their friends and acquaintances in order to continue to cheerfully celebrate this unique evening.

To conclude the theme of the Chinese New Year and the traditions of its celebration by the Chinese themselves, let’s say a few words about people who were lucky enough to be born under the sign of the Dog, the future mistress of 2018...

Those who happen to be born in the year of the Dog grow up to be an honest and decent person, he is fair and responsible, you can always rely on him and such a person can be trusted. He does not like liars and deceivers, hypocrites and those who seek to profit at the expense of others.

To some extent, these are restless people, sometimes they are quick-tempered, but in general they are good people with a heightened sense of duty and responsibility. They will always come to the rescue and will never offend the weak. They are caring, but not entirely picky about people, for which they sometimes suffer in life.

The Year of the Fire Rooster has just begun, and many are already wondering: what animal is the year of 2018? Nowadays astrology is extremely popular, Russians are trying to find out in advance how the patron beast will affect the entire next year. Now we know that in 2017 the loud and bright, but homely Rooster, who loves order and worship in everything, rules. What will the next year 2018 bring us? What animal symbolizes it according to the eastern calendar? What color will the New Year be? How to prepare for the upcoming holiday?

Symbol of next year

If you don’t yet know what the symbol of 2018 will be, then let us remind you that this is the patronage of the Yellow Earth Dog. Let us please the Russians, the entire period will be characterized by stability, wisdom, balanced decisions, and people born this year are endowed with a calm character, have worldly wisdom, devotion to friends and loved ones. True, the symbol of the year does not like new things and has difficulty accepting radical updates. But dog people are often slow, they have a hard time making decisions on which a lot depends, they like to delegate the taking of tough measures to someone else, they are often secretive and withdrawn, and sometimes they blindly trust their loved ones.

Everyone born under this sign is always faithful and honest, they will become the most devoted friends and life partners. They approach matters extremely responsibly; you can always rely on them and trust them with any information without fear of its disclosure. The only thing is that before human dogs are given any task, they need to clearly explain the sequence of actions and visually describe the purpose of the work.

A person born according to the horoscope in the year of the Dog accepts his family and friends as they are, with all their problems and shortcomings, he will never condemn them for their actions, but, on the contrary, will look for a logical justification for them.

True, people whose year falls in 2018 react sharply to lies and betrayal; they speak out openly if they feel that they are being deceived.

Now you know what animal there will be next year. But how does this symbol converge with representatives of other signs? The Dog is a friend of almost all symbols according to the eastern calendar; sometimes conflicts with people born in the year of the Goat are possible.

If we talk about the personal life of dog people, they are always devoted spouses, they sincerely believe in their other halves, but, as mentioned above, they do not tolerate lies and betrayal. By betraying him once, you can lose his love forever. Strong marriage alliances can be built with people born in the year of the Horse, but strained relationships will be with the Tiger and Dragon.

People whose year will be under the auspices of the Dog usually choose various professions; they can be excellent leaders and teachers.

Now you know the year 2018 of which animal will be patronized by the Yellow Earth Dog, which will bring us stability and tranquility. But how to prepare for the future holiday, what to wear to celebrate it, what to prepare to appease the patron of the year?

Current colors and shades of clothing for the New Year 2018

The symbol of the year 2018 is the Yellow Dog, so if you don’t yet know what to wear for the next holiday, then, of course, the mistress of next year loves “fiery” colors. A bright red dress would be ideal. The patron will definitely notice the rich coral, purple or scarlet color. However, the choice of clothes for the New Year's holiday is not limited solely to the color red and its shades; clothes in bright yellow, orange, blue and green are perfect. The main thing is the richness and richness of the shades. Many people believe that if you celebrate the holiday correctly, then 2018 will be accompanied in everything, all your dreams and hopes will definitely come true. Therefore, choose your New Year's outfit carefully!

New Year's table

What to cook for the New Year's holiday? Now we know who it will be in 2018, and, of course, the Dog prefers meat dishes, the menu must be satisfying, this beast does not like to go hungry. An abundance of delicious hot and cold meat dishes is welcomed on the table, it can be jellied meat, shish kebab, aspic, cutlets, chops, steaks, baked meat, baskets with meat pate. But there may not be fish on the New Year’s table!

Potatoes and rice are also not held in high esteem by the symbol of 2018; it is better to avoid them. The dog loves hearty desserts: creamy ice cream, cakes and pastries, cottage cheese and sour cream dishes.

You can decorate the festive table with bright fruits, making it a real summer in the middle of winter, because next year’s hostess will like rich colors.

Now let’s find out which of the other signs will be pleased with 2018 and which will be disappointed. Which symbols should be wary of making fateful decisions next year? Which animal will be protected in 2018?

Prediction by zodiac signs

2018 according to the Chinese calendar is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, what is the forecast for other signs, will other animals be able to “make friends” with the mistress of next year?

  • For the Rat, the year may be unsuccessful, because the Rat is a selfish nature, and the Dog, on the contrary, is devoted and selfless. For the year to bring good things, the Rat will have to give in in many ways.
  • The Ox will definitely be lucky, especially in his personal and family life.
  • The characters of the Tiger and the Dog are a little similar, so next year the Tiger will have many new adventures, pleasant acquaintances and achievements.
  • Rabbits will have a calm, measured year, without any changes.
  • But the Dragon must wait for a trick at work; one of his colleagues can seriously set him up in front of his superiors.
  • Everything will be stable for the Snakes, too, although you shouldn’t expect changes in your personal life.
  • Next year the horse will definitely meet a new love, and perhaps a strong marriage will develop with her.
  • The Goat will have a successful career in 2018.
  • The Monkey can expect serious problems at work.
  • The Rooster should not waste his time on trifles.
  • For Dogs, the next year will be very successful, although you should expect troubles in personal relationships.
  • The pigs will finally solve their financial problems.

Now we know which animal is the patron of 2018 according to the eastern horoscope. The dog is a faithful and devoted friend, so next year everything will definitely work out.

On February 16, 2018, we will celebrate the Chinese New Year in the eastern calendar and it will be held under the auspices of the Yellow Earth Dog. This is a peace-loving animal, so, fortunately, no natural or man-made disasters are expected. Joy, light and a lot of things await us. But there will be no loneliness, melancholy and other elements of a dog’s life this year!

The two fiery years are being replaced by the Year of the Dog, so the world will become more restrained and calm. This will affect everything: politics, economics, finances, personal life and even nature.

For you, the period will be positive in everything related to personal and spiritual growth; you will feel that your path is correct. Creative potential will be high, you can do whatever you like, and not look back at anyone.

Love and relationships

A dog is a family creature who loves coziness and comfort. However, she cannot sit at home: she is very active and loves to communicate. Therefore, it will not be difficult for outgoing people to find new acquaintances, establish connections and make friends in 2018. Shy people should put all doubts aside and finally learn to interact with the world. Those who are planning to live 2018 in captivity in their own apartment without friends and acquaintances will be disappointed: the Dog will disrupt your dull plans. It will be easy and simple to find friends, and smart people will definitely take advantage of this. In addition to expanding your circle of business and professional communication, you can increase your chances of personal happiness. Yes! For many, there is a huge chance of meeting their soul mate in 2018. Even if it doesn’t come to a wedding, the relationship that arose during this period will be strong and lasting for many, many years.

This year, married couples are advised to very carefully choose those who will enter their home. It is possible that new friends, workers, and service personnel may encroach on peace near the family hearth. The Yellow Earth Dog is not as simple as it seems: it will repeatedly test your strength and endurance, and pit you against unusual characters. Its task is to teach you to distinguish good from evil in a mask. Your task is to pass the test with honor.


Children will be given to all those who are thirsty and waiting in 2018. Rejoice! The long-awaited pregnancy and successful birth are just around the corner. Healthy, beautiful children, one might say, are already rushing to you! Babies born this year will be unusually talented, thoughtful, diligent, persistent and kind. Among them are engineers, doctors, scientists, teachers, real creators.

Adult children will not upset their parents. Answer them in kind: devote all your free time to your children, even if they have already acquired their own offspring.

Help and support them in all their ideas and endeavors!


The dog is in good health. And all because he leads an active lifestyle and is often outdoors. Those who want to radically improve their well-being in 2018 should adhere to the same lifestyle. Get out into nature on weekends and communicate more with friends outside the home. For those who are young and strong, the Dog highly recommends trying themselves in long-distance running - even marathon running.

In addition to traditional medicine, use alternative and oriental medicine. They will help you get the best results in disease prevention, healing, and maintain your health at the proper level.

Lastly about food. Or rather, about safety at the table. The dog cannot tolerate sweets, alcohol, and, oddly enough, fatty foods. These products may cause serious problems. You shouldn’t be afraid of the huge number of rules and requirements of the 2018 totem. The main trait of the Earth Dog is tolerance.

Business, work, career

This year you have a rare situation when you have a chance to conquer any career heights, and at the same time increase your status in society, become more influential, significant, and authoritative for others. Do not be afraid to take on more responsibility, because now your professional destiny is being decided in the most literal sense of the word. You can discover your true calling and confidently follow your heart. Moreover, you don’t even need to be particularly active, the main thing is not to interfere with circumstances, catch the wave that will come right to your doorstep, and boldly surrender to the flow of events.

From January to April, you will understand what you want to change in your work, and you will be ready for it. Next, it is useful to expand the area of ​​​​professional (and other!) knowledge. The best period for self-realization in your career will begin in August, you are simply doomed to success, it is only important to recognize your chance in time. It could also be an interview that you get into completely by chance. And the opportunity to suddenly start your own business, to become the one and only expert in your field. Moreover, you are not very inclined to obey now, which means that you should be prepared for a new position as a leader. Financial affairs will go well all year, and in November and December you will feel the results of your professional actions.

Each eastern patron of the year has a dominant force, with the help of which he controls the aspects of the life of each of the inhabitants of our planet that are subject to him. By the way, only human free will, with the help of which people influence their destiny, is not subject to them.

The most effective influence on your destiny, according to the eastern horoscope, occurs at the moment of comparing your own capabilities with the opportunities given by higher powers. In other words, the best way to influence your destiny is by observing the laws that our ancestors noticed and brought into the body of human knowledge, of which the eastern calendar is a part.

Who's year 2018 according to the eastern calendar

Next According to the eastern horoscope, 2018 will pass under the sign of the yellow earth Dog. How will this sign influence people, what power does it have and how, knowing all this, can you influence your life in the best possible way?

Characteristics of the yellow earthen dog

Dogs are loyal friends, this is a well-known fact. But not every seemingly kind person should be accepted into your environment - any representative of this eastern sign will tell you. Dogs do not tolerate betrayal and bare their teeth at the first mistake, so much so that they can erase a person from their lives without the slightest regret. Trust for them is an important currency, which symbol of 2018- does not change. Yellow color adds wisdom to Dogs. In 2018, you will often want to be alone and think about the eternal. The element of earth, according to the eastern horoscope, will provide the Dog with material stability.

What awaits us in 2018 Dogs

Like anyone else eastern zodiac sign, the Earth Dog has certain abilities. For example, the hostess of 2018 is very sociable and easily gets close to people. This means that she will strongly welcome similar traits in others. If you have communication problems, then the best time to solve them is now.

This period is also perfect for realizing your material needs. Let’s not prevaricate and admit that for a comfortable and quiet life you need money. For everyone, their number is determined individually, but without money in the modern world it is impossible, therefore in 2018 you can and should think about increasing your income. And the symbol of the year will only contribute to your success - such is its character.

Prospects and plans for 2018

Pull yourself together and build a plan to increase your money, moderate consumer needs, learn to communicate easily with others, become a faithful and devoted companion for a special person - this is the best action plan for 2018.

Also see: year and what color.

Time is fleeting... Even before nature has completely cleared itself of the bright autumn colors of the trees, it will soon be decorated with white snowdrifts with red accents in the form of clusters of rowan trees. This means that soon our houses will be decorated with elegant Christmas trees, and New Year’s Eve needs to be celebrated fully armed, and it’s time to think about what color to wear for the New Year 2020 and what to wear to celebrate this beloved holiday.

We’ll tell you which colors of dresses are best to choose, what to wear to celebrate the New Year 2020 according to your zodiac sign, and we’ve also collected all the popular New Year’s looks for girls with photos, lots of ideas for any figure. We hope you enjoy it. By the way, you might be interested in watching, and.

Year of the Rat 2020 - what color should the dress be?

The symbol of 2020 is the White Metal Rat. White color symbolizes purity, freshness, flawlessness and perfection. But, on the other hand, white is a blank sheet on which a person can draw whatever he wants with the help of his desires and actions.

Metal enhances the desire for the best and provides powerful support. Therefore, when choosing a New Year's outfit, it is advisable to include the shine of white metal in its image. This can be silver fabrics of various textures, sequins, sparkles, embroidery using gold and silver threads. The little animal will also be pleased with the fur in its clothes, similar to its white soft fur. But it is strictly forbidden to use products made from natural fur.

In addition to white, dresses in gray, silver, milky, and cream colors are perfect. But you shouldn’t focus on the colors of the hostess of the year. This smart and understanding little animal is waiting for a hint - what you want to receive in the coming year. You can help her understand this with the help of the color of the outfit.

Astrologers also made adjustments to the range of colors and shades. They highlighted the colors of dresses for the New Year 2020 of the rat, which are suitable for New Year's outfits for girls of different zodiac signs.

Fashionable looks for the New Year 2020 for girls

What dress models will help you create the perfect New Year's looks? There is no clear answer to this question. First of all, you need to pay attention to the features of your figure and your taste preferences. A variety of cuts and styles will help you choose an outfit for the New Year for any type of figure. Fashionable looks for the New Year 2020 for girls:

Empire style

This style has a high waist and drapery. You can choose a floor-length, short, midi model. There are styles with an open back and shoulders, with an armhole on one shoulder. Decorative elements and decorative accessories – sequins, beads, rhinestones, buttons, lace, embroidery – give dresses of this style their originality. Empire style dresses always look great at any party, be it a trip to the theater, a pompous event or a gala dinner.

Sheath dress

The style has a fitted cut and medium length. There are many varieties with different types of neckline and sleeves. The dress itself has a strict, rather simple look, so you can decorate it with accessories, massive jewelry and jewelry. For a festive option, it is better to choose a dress made of satin, velvet, velor, trimmed with lace.

Mermaid dress

Spectacular style. It fits tightly around the figure and widens greatly from the level of the knees, reminiscent of a mermaid's tail, often done with a train. Models made of shiny fabrics with sequins reminiscent of scales further enhance this look.

Baby dollar

The playful style is suitable for young girls with slender legs. It is characterized by a tight bodice, high waist, and a fluffy short skirt. Bows, ruffles, lace, and mesh add decorativeness and playfulness to them.

Deep neckline, open back

They will decorate any evening and holiday dress and add sophistication to it. A deep neckline will help show off your new necklace or pendant in a favorable light. An open back symbolizes hidden sexuality - the front of the dress can be tightly closed, and turning your back can demonstrate beautiful curves. Both the neckline and back can be draped with transparent mesh fabric.

Outfit colors

2020 will pass under the sign of the White Metal Rat. What do you want to achieve this year? What are the priorities? By choosing the right New Year's outfit, you can tell the Rat what will make you happy in its year.


This color will attract wealth into the home. If the priority is material well-being, then a white dress will attract finances. It is better if the outfit contains silver elements and sequins. Appease the Metal Rat with silver jewelry, large jewelry, and pearls.

Nude shades

Symbolize tenderness. Will attract love, romantic relationships. The dress must be decorated with metallic chic using sequins, silver prints, and massive jewelry. Makeup should be natural, not bright and vulgar. Romance and vulgarity are not compatible, do not confuse the Rat.


Most relevant for celebrating the New Year 2020. It will please the Metal Rat, attract its attention and it will give good luck and fortune in everything - in love, financial matters, business, study, and give health. This year there is never too much silver, so massive earrings and large bracelets would be quite appropriate. A deep neckline will be decorated with a necklace, and a high hairstyle will be decorated with a tiara.

Silver graphite

It will tell the Rat that, in addition to good luck and luck, you crave peace of mind and balance. If the previous year was difficult and stressful, you need to tell the symbol of the coming year that you need a break. With your dress, show that after hard work and emotional stress, you want ease in your personal life, in work, and in school.


This is not a gloomy color at all. It absorbs the entire color spectrum without letting it out. By wearing a black dress on New Year's Eve, you will tell the Rat that you are asking to give a favorable atmosphere in the house, help save the family, and create warmth. Large silver jewelry will not be superfluous. In makeup, the emphasis should be on the eyes - deep makeup, long eyelashes.

Outfit according to zodiac sign

Let's combine the eastern and zodiac horoscopes. See below for the best outfit to choose for ladies of different zodiac signs.

What should Aries wear to celebrate the New Year?

This sign corresponds to a bright red color. The Rat has aggressive shades, so Aries should receive the positive influence of red on their destiny. Clothes made of shiny fabric - satin, silk, embroidered with sequins - will look ideal. A straight or flared outfit with a deep neckline will attract the attention of the opposite sex. A silver accessory will look harmonious - a handbag, a large bracelet, a tiara, a necklace, a scarf or stole, shoes.

What to celebrate the New Year with for Taurus

Astrologers recommend that Taurus celebrate the New Year in a turquoise dress. All shades will be good, except sea green - Rats do not really like water. A combination of sky blue and silver would be ideal. The bodice of the dress can be decorated with silver inserts, embroidered with beads and sequins. Large jewelry will complement the outfit. If the dress is bright, then makeup in nude shades will help smooth it out. A delicate light outfit will enhance bright makeup.

What should Gemini wear to celebrate the New Year?

Astrologers recommend using cool shades of all colors and silver accessories in outfits. On this night, Geminis are recommended to wear paired massive silver jewelry. The choice of colors is very wide, but you should not use bright outfits. Each color has muted shades. Silver-colored shoes decorated with sequins, stones, or a light scarf, stole, or cape will help add metal to your outfits. Bright, rich makeup would be appropriate for a dull dress.

What to celebrate the New Year of Cancer with

Spectacular silver dresses await representatives of these signs. The rat will approve of both tight and loose flowing silhouettes. The fabrics are light, shiny, decorated with sequins, pearls, and shiny accessories. Large earrings, rings, muted eye makeup and bright lips will help complete the look.

Cancers are also recommended to use shades of mustard in New Year's clothing - from modest pastel shades to rich mustard-gold combinations. If the outfit is of muted tones, not decorated with rich accessories, then correctly selected accessories will help to give it a festive look - large jewelry, a silver handbag, shoes, a neckerchief, a scarf. A dress decorated with sequins and shiny inserts usually does not require bright decorations, but the Rat loves brightness and a lot of glitter on this New Year's Eve will not hurt anyone.

What to wear to celebrate the New Year for Leo

This fire sign will attract the favor of the Rat with its combination of bright red with gold and silver. Dresses of a fitted silhouette of various lengths should look rich and bright. Accessories should be the same - handbag, shoes, jewelry. This is one of the signs for whom costume jewelry doesn’t really suit. Preference should be given to jewelry.

What to wear to celebrate the New Year for Virgo

All shades of silver will emphasize the aristocracy of the representatives of this sign. Large curls scattered over the shoulders, moderate eye makeup and bright lips will attract the attention of the Rat. In this case, you shouldn’t get carried away with the number of jewelry and accessories; large earrings and a ring on your finger will make the look complete, but not overcrowded.

All shades of chocolate - from delicate milk to dark bitter - will look great in Virgo's evening dress. The rat will be pleased with inserts made of silver fabrics, shiny embroidery, appliqués, and lace. In this option, a large amount of jewelry and bright accessories will look quite appropriate.

Turquoise color combines wonderfully and harmoniously with silver shades. A deep neckline or an open back, a silver bodice and a loose floor-length skirt, an abundance of embroidery, a scattering of stones - all these features of the models will suit feminine maidens.

The peach color of the dresses will highlight the tenderness of the Virgo. A light, airy, flowing silhouette combined with bright makeup and a wavy waterfall of hair will make your New Year's outfit unforgettable.

What to celebrate the New Year with for Libra

A chic black dress made of noble fabric - satin, silk, velor or velvet in combination with massive jewelry will emphasize the aristocracy of Libra. The silhouettes are very different - from simple minimalistic to luxurious complex textures. Makeup also varies in variety - both natural, almost invisible, and bright, maybe even somewhat aggressive - a lady vamp - would be appropriate.

A silver outfit will emphasize the freshness and tenderness of Libra. Massive earrings that reach the shoulders and small other jewelry would be appropriate for the look. Color accents can be added using bright colors in makeup.

What should Scorpio wear to celebrate the New Year?

The sexiest sign of the zodiac. For beautiful Scorpios, red color is a symbol of love, flirtation, coquetry, and sensuality. By decorating your outfit with silver accessories and jewelry, you can attract the attention of the Rat and attract positivity and good luck. In addition, Scorpio ladies in a bright outfit are likely to become the center of attention at any party.

The orange outfit symbolizes the sun, which everyone misses in the middle of winter. You will attract the attention of the Rat and she will come to bask in your light, bringing with her joy, luck, and prosperity. And silver jewelry and accessories will please her.

A little black dress with silver or gold accessories will emphasize the sexuality and seductiveness of Scorpio. You can add bright highlights with makeup, a thin belt that will emphasize a wasp waist, and stiletto heels.

What to wear to celebrate the New Year for Sagittarius

Turquoise with a green tint and sky blue colors will decorate Sagittarius this New Year's Eve. These colors pair perfectly with silver, which the Metal Rat will love. The outfit will be complemented by beautiful jewelry - brooches, necklaces, tiaras, massive earrings, rings.

What should Capricorn wear to celebrate the New Year?

Representatives of the sign are characterized by a strict, even a little stern character. The bright colors of dresses with floral prints will help smooth it out on New Year's Eve. This outfit will bring a piece of warm summer and exotic islands to the New Year's party. Open shoulders and a deep neckline will help you feel sexier and more desirable. You should wisely choose silver accessories to please the mistress of the coming year – the Rat.

If you consider a floral pattern inappropriate on this night, then, as an alternative, you can wear a dress in a golden-sand, powdery shade. Bright, shiny outfits will shimmer beautifully in the light of New Year's garlands, and correctly selected accessories will add gloss and completeness to the look.

What to wear to celebrate the New Year for Aquarius

At the turn of the year, Aquarius should radically change their image. On New Year's Eve, lovers of delicate pastel colors should wear bright outfits made of shiny fabrics - satin, crepe-satin, silk, apply bright makeup and choose bright, large accessories. This is the night you must shine.

If you prefer bright images in everyday life, then surprise your family and friends by appearing in a soft, gentle image in pastel colors. Accessories should be selected refined, not massive. The rat will love the scattering of stones, sequins, and openwork inserts with silver thread that decorate the New Year's outfit.

What to celebrate the New Year with for Pisces

Representatives of this sign will be adorned with a delicate white outfit. Lace will emphasize fragility, and silver jewelry and accessories will emphasize natural beauty. You should not add bright contrasting notes to your look, shoes, belt, handbag - everything should be in delicate nude shades, including makeup and manicure.

If you consider white the prerogative of wedding dresses, then in this case, pay attention to the sky blue dress. Embroidery, lace, and silver sequins go perfectly with this color. If the texture of the fabric is replete with sparkles, then you should not add jewelry and accessories to the image; such dresses are already self-sufficient in themselves. But non-shiny textures definitely need to be refreshed and added shine.

Shoes and accessories for the New Year's look

The metallic white Rat loves shine and chic, this influences the selection of accessories. She will like massive silver jewelry and costume jewelry - necklaces, tiaras, bracelets, earrings, rings. She will also be pleased with shiny accessories - scarves, stoles, shoes, bags.

Fashionable jewelry for the 2019-2020 season

On this New Year's Eve, preference should be given to jewelry made of silver, platinum, and white gold. The stones are bright and shiny. According to the mistress of the year, she will also have pearls. Costume jewelry – expensive, designer. You can decorate yourself with handmade items, the main thing is that they meet all the requirements and fit the complete look.

You should forget about yellow gold, semi-precious matte stones, and cheap jewelry this holiday.

Earrings should attract attention. When choosing a conservative, classic outfit, they should be graceful, but not small.

For evening dresses with bare shoulders, you can choose more massive earrings.

Rings. As already mentioned, the Rat loves massive jewelry, but too bulky rings on the thin long fingers of a young girl may not look entirely appropriate. Just like cheap jewelry does not suit older ladies. You need to select jewelry so that it creates a single set, is to your taste and suits a specific person.

Bracelets. They should also be selected not only according to the girl’s taste, but also based on the principle of complementarity. Although the Rat is not against an abundance of silver shades, sometimes it is better to show restraint and critically evaluate the finished image. And if there is obvious competition with the Christmas tree in terms of the number of decorations, then it is better not to select too bulky ones.

Shoes and handbag

A clutch will be appropriate if the celebration is to take place in a restaurant or banquet hall. You can put powder and lipstick in it to touch up your makeup. If you are planning a house party, then you can do without it, just throw a cosmetic bag into a regular bag.

This year you can literally let yourself shine. If your outfit lacks shine, then you can choose shoes and a handbag in silver, or any shade, decorated with stones and decorative buckles.

Nude, cream or black shoes would be appropriate for any outfit. Heel height is a controversial issue. On the one hand, I want to emphasize my sexuality with a high stiletto heel. On the other hand, the celebration usually lasts all night and there is a choice between beauty and comfort. If you are not confident in your own abilities, you can take with you replacement shoes with flat soles or more comfortable, stable heels.

Very soon the mistress of 2020, the White Metal Rat, will come into its own. When celebrating the New Year, attire undoubtedly plays a big role, but a good mood, sincere company and faith in miracles are much more important. To appease the Rat, the entire holiday can be decorated in her style - silver garlands, balls on the Christmas tree, serpentine, white tablecloth on the table, silver cutlery.