What is furunculosis and how to treat it. Furuncle: symptoms, treatment of furunculosis, possible complications. The most common locations of boils

Good day, dear readers!

Today we will look at such an unpleasant phenomenon on the skin as a boil, as well as everything connected with them. So…

What is a boil?

Furuncle (boil)– pustular, characterized by acute purulent-necrotic inflammation of the hair follicle and surrounding connective tissue.

The main cause of the boil is mainly Staphylococcus aureus, less often white.

Furunculosis– massive, repeated, chronic formation of boils.

The place where the boil appears can be anywhere except the soles of the feet and palms, but most often, boils form on the back of the head, forearms, lower back, buttocks, abdomen, and lower extremities. The most painful boils are in the ear, nose, face and genitals.

The prognosis for a boil is positive, but there are still complications with this disease - thrombosis, lymphadenitis, sepsis, due to which the formation of boils is considered a fairly serious disease.

Boils have a certain seasonality - most often they form in autumn and spring. In addition, doctors note that most often, boils appear in men, but in children this is generally rare.

Development of a boil

The development of a boil can occur primarily - on healthy skin and secondary, when development occurs against the background of other pathological conditions and diseases of the body, for example, staphyloderma.

The development of a boil occurs in 3 stages, the duration of which, in the absence of complications, is up to 10 days:

Furuncle stage 1 (beginning)– characterized by inflammation of the follicle, in which a solid infiltrate (compaction) of bright red color with unclear boundaries appears in a given place. At the site of the inflamed follicle, pain and tingling are felt. As the boil grows, the seal increases in size, expands, and the surrounding tissues swell.

Furuncle stage 2 (3-4 days)– characterized by expansion of the boil up to 3 cm in diameter, while in the center of the compaction a purulent-necrotic core with a pustule on the surface is formed. Not only the hair follicle is involved in the process of suppuration, but also the sweat gland with the surrounding connective tissue, while the vessels around it dilate and swelling of collagen is observed. The shape of the boil begins to take on a cone-shaped shape, as if a growing mountain. Inside the “mountain”, elastic and collagen fibers are destroyed. Collagenized bundles of fibers form a thick protective ring inside the boil, preventing the infectious purulent formation from exiting into the body and its further infection, so it is very important not to squeeze out the boil without understanding the consequences of this process. The opening of the boil must be correct.

Further, the skin at the site of inflammation becomes smooth, bluish in color, and the pain intensifies. In case of extensive damage to the body by infection (in the case of a large number of boils), a person may experience symptoms of intoxication, which are expressed by general malaise, nausea, lack of appetite, headaches and an increase in body temperature up to 38 ° C.

Stage 2 of boil development ends with the spontaneous or artificial opening of the pustule and the release of its contents. The contents of the pustule are a necrotic rod of yellow-green color with a purulent formation, sometimes with the addition of blood.

Furuncle stage 3– characterized by the appearance of a “crater” at the site of opening of the pustule, which is initially filled with granulations, and after 2-3 days, scarring occurs in this place. The scar at the beginning of healing is red, but as it heals it turns white and becomes almost invisible.

The entire flow cycle may be erased; for example, the entire process sometimes occurs only with the formation of an infiltrate, i.e. without pus and necrosis. In other cases, the boil, against the background of weakened immunity and other diseases, acquires an abscess or phlegmonous form.

Furuncle - ICD

ICD-10: L02;
ICD-9: 680.9.

The main cause of the boil– an infection of a bacterial nature, predominantly golden, less often white.

This infection is present on the surface of the skin of almost every person, but due to strong immunity, the normal functioning of all other organs and systems, as well as the absence of violations of the integrity of the skin, staphylococcus does not harm health in any way. By the way, a weakened immune system is one of the main reasons for the development of many.

A boil develops when two conditions are combined - the presence of an infection and a pathological factor, which can be external (exogenous) or internal (endogenous).

External causes of a boil:

  • Skin contamination;
  • Skin trauma - microtraumas, cracks, cuts (especially when shaving), scratching with nails, rubbing the skin with uncomfortable clothes or shoes;
  • Poor quality food;
  • or its overheating;
  • Permanent.

Internal causes of boils;

  • Reduced immunity;
  • Increased sweating and sebum secretion;
  • Violation of metabolic processes - metabolism;
  • Alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • The presence of diseases such as staphyloderma, as well as others, and systems of infectious etiology.

Furuncle - symptoms

The main symptom of a boil– formation in the area of ​​the inflamed follicle of a red compaction (infiltrate), up to 3 cm in diameter, on the surface of which a pustule forms over time. Inside the boil there is a purulent-necrotic core and a purulent formation, sometimes mixed with blood. In some cases, the boil is treated only by the formation of a reddened infiltrate.

Other symptoms of a boil include pain and a tingling sensation in the inflamed area, as well as swelling of the surrounding tissues.

Against the background of weakened immunity and the spread of infection within the body, general malaise, increased fatigue, drowsiness, loss of appetite, etc. may be observed.

After the necrotic tissue is rejected, healing occurs through scarring. Most often, boils appear on the skin of the neck, back of the head, face, back, and thighs. The appearance of boils at different stages of development is called furunculosis, and purulent-necrotic inflammation of the skin and subcutaneous tissue around a group of hair follicles and sebaceous glands is called a carbuncle. If a boil is found on the face, severe complications are possible (purulent meningitis, sepsis).

Complications of a boil

Complications of a boil can be:

  • Arachnoiditis;
  • Phlebitis;
  • Erysipelas;
  • upper lip or nose;
  • Sinus thrombosis;
  • Lymphangitis;
  • Lymphadenitis;

Types of boils

The classification of a boil is as follows...


  • An acute boil is a classic development of a boil;
  • Chronic boil (furunculosis) - characterized by a large number of boils at different stages of development, over a long period of time.

By origin:

  • Primary – development occurs when the integrity of the skin is violated and infection penetrates into this area.
  • Secondary - development occurs against the background of existing skin diseases - eczema, staphyloderma and others.

Furuncle - diagnosis

Diagnosis of a boil includes:

  • Visual inspection;
  • Anamnesis;
  • Dermatoscopy;
  • Bacterial inoculation of the contents of the boil.

Additional diagnostic methods may be:

  • General urine test;
  • Urine culture;
  • Pharyngoscopy;
  • Rhinoscopy;
  • sinuses;
  • brain.

Furuncle - treatment

How to treat a boil? Treatment of a boil primarily depends on the stage of the inflammatory process.

At the first stage of the boil (infiltration period) ultraviolet irradiation is used.

At the second stage (maturation period) To stop the infection and relieve pain, a blockade is placed - the boil is injected around the circumference with solutions of antibacterial drugs and novocaine. Injections are carried out in the surgical department.

The antibiotic is selected based on diagnosis and resistance (resistance) to the infection.

Among the most used antibiotics for the treatment of boils are:"Amoxicillin", "Methicillin", "Oxacillin", "", "".

Along with antibacterial therapy, sulfonamides are often prescribed.

To avoid allergic processes in the body from the use of antibiotics, antihistamines are used: “Diphenhydramine”, “Pipolfen”, “”.

The effectiveness of the blockade in the “classical” course of the boil is characterized by rapid recovery. In other cases, it leads to a more rapid course of the disease - activation of the inflammatory process, its delimitation and rapid healing.

To prevent damage to the inflamed area, which causes pain and the risk of rupture of the internal protective “ring” in which the purulent contents are located, a removable plaster splint is applied to the boil.

If the blockade is ineffective and the inflammatory process with pain intensifies, it is repeated every other day or every day until the boil opens and the purulent-necrotic core comes out. In this case, a bandage with a 1% solution of silver nitrate is applied to the inflamed area, which must be changed daily.

Ichthyol is an effective remedy for pain relief, disinfection and relief of inflammation. A hair is removed from the center of the boil, after which a thick layer of “Ichthyol ointment” is applied to the boil, onto which loosened cotton wool must be applied. When dry, cotton wool forms a so-called “ichthyol cake”, which is easily washed off with warm water. Such dressings should be done 1-2 times a day. However, remember that such “cakes” cannot be applied to an opened boil, since they will prevent the normal drainage of purulent contents and the core from it.

After opening the boil, its cavity is washed with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and bandages are applied with a hypertonic solution of sodium chloride, which is intended to cleanse it of necrotic masses. The purulent-necrotic core of the boil can be removed only after it is completely separated from the surrounding tissues.

Important! Under no circumstances should you open a boil by squeezing, since there is a high probability of breaking the internal protective ring, after which the infection can spread throughout the body causing a number of serious and life-threatening complications!

In the third stage (healing period), after extracting the contents of the boil, the skin around the boil is treated with alcohol, brilliant green (diamond green) or methylene blue.

Bandages with Vishnevsky or Levomekol ointment are applied to the site of the boil, changing them every 2-3 days. If granulations are present, indifferent fatty dressings are applied, which are based on fish oil, sterile petroleum jelly, syntomycin emulsion and others.

Surgical treatment is used for complications of the boil - phlegmon, advanced forms of the carbuncle or abscessing boils. Surgical treatment of a boil involves making an incision into the boil and extracting its contents, after which the usual treatment regimen is applied. Sometimes complete excision of the boil is performed with suturing.

Treatment of boils is carried out until the infiltrate (compaction) is completely reabsorbed, otherwise various complications of the boil may appear.

Complicated boils are treated only in a hospital setting. For furunculosis, as well as for various additional complications, treatment of concomitant diseases is carried out.

Additional methods of treating boils are sometimes:

  • methods of physiotherapy - ultraviolet irradiation, infrared irradiation (sollux), UHF;
  • diet - includes limiting spicy and fatty foods, spices, alcoholic beverages;
  • additional intake and –, which is aimed at strengthening the immune system and other systems, normalizing metabolic processes and speeding up the patient’s recovery;
  • Autohemotherapy is often an effective remedy for furunculosis.

What should you not do if you have a boil?

  • Squeeze out the boil, especially during its maturation;
  • Massage the area of ​​inflammation;
  • Use warm compresses, poultices and other wet procedures.

Important! Before using folk remedies for treating boils at home, be sure to consult with your doctor!

Turmeric ointment for boils. The following ointment has a pulling property. To prepare it, you need to mix 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder with half a teaspoon of ginger, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and a pinch of salt. Mix everything thoroughly, and wrap the mixture in gauze and apply it to the boil. To increase efficiency, wrap the top of the bandage with cling film and secure it on top with a scarf or bandage.

Wax ointment for boils. Melt good butter in a bowl, then add beeswax shavings to it in a 4:1 ratio. Simmer the mixture over low heat, stirring until the wax is completely dissolved, but do not bring to a boil. Wax ointment against boils should be applied warm, as a compress, for 2 days without changing.

Honey. Mix 1 tbsp. spoon with flour, bringing the mixture to the consistency of clay, then apply this cake to the boil, apply a bandage and hold until the abscess opens.

Aloe. Take a large adult leaf, wash it, remove the spines and remove the top layer of peel from the flat side with a knife. Apply the cut side of the leaf to the boil and secure it on top with a bandage. Change the leaf 2 times a day until the boil matures and breaks through.

Plantain. Wash and fold several leaves in several layers, securing them with a bandage. Change the bandage every 1-2 hours until the abscess opens.

Treat the opened boil with silver water, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide or Chlorgeskidine so that the “crater” and surrounding tissues are cleared of infection.

Prevention of the appearance of a boil includes the following recommendations:

  • Follow the rules of household and industrial hygiene, do not use other people’s hygiene items for personal use;
  • Try to eat foods enriched with vitamins and microelements;
  • If the skin surface is injured, treat the wound;

A furuncle is a purulent-inflammatory skin disease that affects the hair follicle and nearby tissues. It is characterized by an acute course. A pathological formation can form on any part of the human body. The cause of a boil is the increased activity of pathogenic microorganisms that penetrate into the deep layers of the epidermis through microtraumas, abrasions, cuts, etc. This disease has no restrictions regarding gender and age, but it is more often diagnosed in middle-aged people.

One boil usually appears on the surface of the skin, but the formation of a large number of pathological elements is also possible. In this case, we are already talking about development. This pathology is dangerous, so the patient is advised to immediately contact a medical facility for help. Opening a boil on your own is strictly prohibited, since pus from the formation can spread to surrounding tissues, lymphatic and blood vessels, which can result in dangerous complications.


Human skin normally contains several different strains of pathogenic microorganisms, including and. 90% of these microbes are harmless, 10% are pathogenic, but they cannot cause furunculosis. The main reason for the occurrence is a violation of the normal ratio of staphylococcal strains.

It was previously assumed that the main cause of a boil on the skin is severe hypothermia. But that's not true. The list of factors that can trigger the progression of pathology is broader and includes:

  • increased sweating (a common cause of progression of pathology);
  • decreased body reactivity;
  • physical or psycho-emotional stress;
  • poor hygiene;
  • previous infectious diseases;
  • combing;
  • insufficient treatment of scratches, abrasions, bites and other injuries to the skin;
  • the presence of chronic diseases in the body. These include, and so on.


The process of formation and development of an abscess usually takes 10 days. After this period, it heals completely. Clinicians distinguish three stages in the development of this pathological formation:

  • infiltrative. An infiltrate appears on the surface of the epidermis - a pathological hyperemic area with a dense structure. It is painful on palpation. At first its size is insignificant, but gradually it increases and reaches a diameter of 3 cm. The skin located in the infiltration zone swells and becomes painful. The patient may note that a tingling sensation has appeared. It is worth noting a characteristic feature of this stage of the pathological process - the infiltrate almost always forms near the hair. This is due to the fact that staphylococci more easily penetrate the hair follicle and begin to actively multiply inside it and secrete toxins;
  • purulent-necrotic. It begins 3–4 days after the appearance of a pathological infiltrate on the skin. In the center of this pathological element, a rod is formed, which consists of affected tissues and pus. Its end can be seen if you carefully examine the boil - it rises above its surface in the form of a white or yellow abscess. After some time, the thin layer of tissue that covered it bursts, and the purulent contents come out, after which the patient’s condition stabilizes. Swelling and hyperemia disappear, as well as pain;
  • healing stage. After the pus drains, the wound surface that remains after the boil begins to gradually heal. If the formation was small in size, then after it no changes may remain on the skin. But if the abscess was large, then a scar will form after it.


  • face;
  • forearm;
  • back of the neck;
  • buttocks;
  • hips.


The symptoms of a boil largely depend on where in the body it is formed. Boils very often appear on the face, since the skin in this place has increased oil content, because in its thickness there is a mass of sebaceous glands. More often, boils are localized above the upper lip, in the nose, in the area of ​​the external auditory opening.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • the appearance of an abscess can be noticed immediately, since even its small size leads to a cosmetic defect;
  • severe pain at the site of the lesion;
  • headache;
  • pain in the area where the abscess is located may increase during movements of the muscle structures of the face, torso, and limbs;
  • temperature rise.

The formation of boils in the armpit area is extremely rare. For this place, inflammation of the sweat glands is more characteristic. The symptoms of an abscess under the arm are the same as in other locations. The only difference is that the pain increases during movement of the shoulder joints.

The formation of an abscess on the labia is accompanied by swelling, redness and severe pain. The location in this area gives the patient a lot of discomfort. Pain occurs even while walking.


The doctor can make a diagnosis already during the initial examination, since the appearance of the formation is quite specific. But due to the fact that the formation of an abscess can be provoked not only by staphylococci, a bacteriological study is also prescribed to clarify the causative agent. To do this, the purulent contents of the boil are taken for analysis.


Only a qualified doctor can tell you how to treat a boil, after receiving test results and determining the degree of development of the pathological process. If the boil is an uncomplicated form, then surgical treatment is not resorted to - conservative therapy methods are used.

Treatment of a boil in the infiltration stage:

  • to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, doctors allow wiping the site of infiltration with alcohol or other antiseptic solutions;
  • applying dry heat to the infiltrate;
  • it is allowed to cauterize a boil with iodine;
  • UHF therapy;
  • laser therapy.

It is possible to treat a boil at home, but it is not recommended. It is better to immediately contact a qualified surgeon. Only he will be able to prescribe the correct treatment plan, which will help not only eliminate the symptoms of the pathology, but also the pathological formation itself without consequences.

Treatment at the stage of rod formation:

  • A special bandage with salicylic acid crystals is applied to the abscess. This active substance gradually corrodes the upper layer of the abscess and pus and necrotic tissue come out;
  • The core of the boil is removed by the doctor using a special surgical thin clamp.

Opening a boil is carried out only if it is complicated by the formation of an abscess. This formation is formed if the purulent contents of the boil penetrate the subcutaneous fat. As a result, the symptoms of the disease only intensify. In this case, surgical intervention is performed. Inpatient treatment is indicated.

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Diseases with similar symptoms:

Acute osteomyelitis is a disease characterized by the development of bacterial inflammation of the bone marrow and all structural parts of the bone. The danger of the disease lies in the variety of its course - from asymptomatic to fulminant. The main source of pathology are pathogenic microorganisms that penetrate the bone and lead to the occurrence of a purulent process. In addition, several development mechanisms and predisposing factors are identified.

is a purulent-necrotic disease of the hair follicle and perifollicular connective tissue. The primary inflammatory element is the inflammatory node, which forms around the hair follicle. The main cause of furunculosis is staphylococcal infections. A typical dermatological picture, signs of inflammation in a clinical blood test and the results of bacteriological culture of skin discharge make it possible to diagnose furunculosis without much difficulty. Patients with furunculosis are treated by a dermatologist.

General information

is a purulent-necrotic disease of the hair follicle and perifollicular connective tissue. The primary inflammatory element is the inflammatory node, which forms around the hair follicle. The main cause of furunculosis is staphylococcal infections.

Causes of furunculosis

The cause of furunculosis is staphylococcal microflora, which, under the influence of various factors, is activated and provokes a purulent-inflammatory process. In the presence of immunodeficiencies, short-term exposure to exogenous factors is sufficient for the development of furunculosis. The presence of foci of chronic infection, diabetes mellitus, hypovitaminosis, errors in diet, chronic intoxication, both independently and in combination, can provoke furunculosis. With localized furunculosis, skin trauma, local hypothermia and contamination are the main reasons for the introduction of staphylococci into the follicle.

Clinical manifestations of furunculosis

At the initial stage of the disease, a small purulent-inflammatory infiltrate forms around the hair follicle, which resembles folliculitis. After a few days, the entire hair follicle is involved in the inflammatory process. With furunculosis, unlike folliculitis, not only the follicle is affected, but also the adjacent sebaceous gland and surrounding connective tissue. Clinically, the elements of furunculosis rashes resemble a cone-shaped congestive-hyperemic node rising above the surface of the skin. As the focus of inflammation forms, soreness, swelling and pain of a pulsating or jerking nature increase.

If furunculosis affects the follicles of the face and neck, the process is accompanied by extensive swelling around the infiltrate. On the 3rd, 4th day, a fluctuation zone begins to form in the center of the infiltrate - when you press on such an element of furunculosis, a springy movement of purulent masses in the cavity of the follicle is felt, and around the hair there is a small focus of purulent tissue melting and the formation of a fistula.

After the elements of furunculosis are opened, a small amount of thick pus is released, which has accumulated on the surface and a small ulcer is formed. At the bottom of the ulcer you can see a greenish necrotic rod; the presence of such a rod is a diagnostic symptom for furunculosis. After a few days, the rod is rejected along with a small amount of blood and purulent masses. After the rod is rejected, the inflammatory phenomena of furunculosis begin to decrease. The affected area becomes less painful when touched, and tissue swelling subsides.

After the elements of furunculosis resolve, a deep crater-shaped ulcer is formed with remnants of pus and necrotic masses, which are gradually rejected or form chronic furunculosis. The ulcer is filled with granulation tissue and a retracted scar is formed, the depth and size of the scar depend on the size of the necrosis zone in the center of the boil.

Furunculosis has no favorite localizations, but more often elements of inflammation occur on the forearms, face, back of the neck, buttocks and thighs, that is, where areas of problematic skin prone to oiliness are located. If the elements of furunculosis are isolated, then the patient’s general well-being does not suffer, the body temperature remains normal, and the patient leads the same lifestyle.

When furunculosis affects the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, the wings of the nose, the area of ​​the external auditory canal, even with isolated rashes, the body temperature rises, symptoms of intoxication and headaches are observed. The skin on the face becomes purple, tense, swelling and pain are pronounced. The work of facial muscles, the high risk of traumatizing elements of furunculosis during shaving and washing, attempts to squeeze them out on your own can lead to thrombophlebitis of the facial veins and to the dissemination of staphylococcal infection into internal organs and tissues.

Due to the characteristics of venous blood flow on the face, facial furunculosis in some cases leads to meningitis and meningoencephalitis. Sepsis with the formation of multiple abscesses in the internal organs is one of the most severe complications of furunculosis.

In the acute course of furunculosis, many boils of the same stage of resolution are present on the skin. Untreated acute furunculosis, the presence of immunodeficiencies and neglect of personal hygiene rules lead to chronicity of the process. The chronic course of furunculosis is characterized by the presence of boils of varying degrees of resolution; at the same time, on the skin there are granulation changes in the elements and recurrent boils, the process in which is activated several times a year or more often.

With localized furunculosis, individual areas of the skin are affected, while with disseminated furunculosis, the process becomes widespread. Furunculosis of the extremities, especially when the elements are located near the joints, is complicated by regional lymphadenitis. Sometimes with furunculosis complications in the form of glomerulonephritis are possible.

Diagnosis of furunculosis

Clinical manifestations, the presence of a fluctuation zone, and the presence of signs of an infectious process allow a diagnosis to be made. In a clinical blood test, there is a noticeable increase in the erythrocyte sedimentation rate, a shift in the leukocyte formula to the left and pronounced leukocytosis. Cultural diagnostics confirms the staphylococcal nature of the disease. Together with cultural diagnostics, the sensitivity of the microorganism to antibiotics is determined. Accurate identification of the pathogen also helps to identify the source of infection; for example, nosocomial infection often manifests itself in the form of pyoderma and furunculosis.

Treatment of furunculosis

Treatment of furunculosis should be carried out by a dermatologist. Self-medication with Vishnevsky ointment can lead to the spread of the process and to phlegmon, since Vishnevsky ointment is used only after the purulent capsule has resolved at the granulation stage. Squeezing out the rods during furunculosis with your hands or using vacuum cans leads to premature opening, when nearby areas of healthy skin are contaminated with pathogenic microflora, and part of the rod remains inside and thereby leads to a chronic process.

During the treatment of furunculosis, it is necessary, if possible, to limit or completely eliminate water procedures, but with extensive furunculosis, slightly warm baths with potassium permanganate disinfect the skin. As hygienic procedures, they resort to wiping healthy skin with non-aggressive antiseptic solutions - salicylic alcohol or furatsilin solution.

Great attention should be paid to personal hygiene; minor scratches and cuts are treated with a solution of brilliant green; frequent changes of underwear and bed linen are required. Excluding fatty, spicy foods from the diet and containing foods rich in vitamins and protein help improve tissue regeneration.

At the stage of maturation, the skin around the elements is treated with antiseptics, injecting the affected area with a solution of novocaine with antibiotics relieves pain and prevents the spread of the purulent process to healthy tissue. Electrophoresis with antimicrobial drugs helps prevent complications of furunculosis in the form of abscesses and cellulitis.

After a fluctuation zone has been identified, crystalline salicylic sodium is applied to the center of the furunculosis elements and fixed with a dry bandage. Such applications have a keratolytic effect and promote accelerated rejection of the rod.

In case of abscessive furunculosis, opening of the boil under local anesthesia and removal of purulent-necrotic masses is indicated. After self- or forced opening, the wound is thoroughly washed with 3% hydrogen peroxide and bandages with proteolytic drugs, syntomycin and erythromycin ointments are prescribed. The dressings are changed every other day, and after the process enters the granulation stage, Vishnevsky's liniment and ichthyol-based ointments are used for better healing.

Ultraviolet irradiation and UHF therapy are used in doses at all stages of furunculosis. Internal antibiotics are used in cases of chronic furunculosis and abscess formation of elements. In the presence of general diseases, exhaustion of the patient and reduced immune status, antibiotics are prescribed in the form of intramuscular injections. To increase the body's resistance, gamma globulin and ozone therapy are used, vitamin therapy, autohemotransfusions, UVOC and restorative drugs are prescribed.

Prevention of furunculosis consists of maintaining personal hygiene, timely treatment of pustular diseases, treatment of systemic diseases and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Here are effective folk remedies for the treatment of furunculosis in men and women, and reviews from readers of the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” about their use. These homemade recipes helped adults and children get rid of constant rashes of boils, boils, and styes forever. Reviews from those who have recovered are taken from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH”.

How to deal with furunculosis - doctor's advice.
From a conversation with Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Central Research Dermatovenerological Institute of the Ministry of Health of Russia G. I. Sukolin

What is furunculosis?
Furunculosis- this is a whole group of acute and chronic inflammations that are caused by staphylococci. A boil develops as a result of a purulent-necrotic process in the hair follicle of the skin and surrounding tissues. First, a swelling forms, a reddish thickening, then the throbbing pain intensifies. The swelling gradually “ripens”, turning into a tubercle with a suppurating tip. Then the head of the boil breaks through, releasing greenish-white pus with dead tissue and the core of the boil.
The process of boil ripening takes 10-15 days. If boils appear again and again, if there are a lot of them, then we are talking about furunculosis.

Causes of furunculosis
Furunculosis develops against the background of decreased immunity. The cause of boils can be:
1.Minor injuries
2. Lack of hygiene
3.Increased activity of sweat and sebaceous glands
4.Overheating and hypothermia
5. Fatigue and nervous overload
6. Poor functioning of the liver and kidneys, the excretory functions of which are taken over by the skin
7. Poor nutrition, hypovitaminosis
8.Taking medications
9.Allergies to certain substances

More often people suffer from furunculosis:
1. Having suffered severe infectious diseases
2. Having chronic diseases, suffering from metabolic disorders (colitis, gastritis, nephritis, anemia).
3. Having elevated blood sugar levels.

Locations of boils.
A boil can appear on any area of ​​the skin where there is hair.
Most often, ulcers appear on the neck, mammary glands, lower back and buttocks. Boils around the nose, ears, and chin are especially painful.
If staphylococci affect not the hair follicles, but the sweat glands, then the disease hidradenitis, or “bitch udder,” develops, which is most often localized in the thickness of the skin of the armpits, less often in the groin and perineum area. “Bitch udder” is treated with the same means as furunculosis.
If a person’s immune system loses the battle with staphylococcus, then the patient may simultaneously develop furunculosis, hidradenitis, and stye on the eyelids.

How to cure furunculosis with medications.

It is not difficult to treat furunculosis: it is enough to lubricate the boil with antibacterial (tetracycline and erythromycin) or anti-inflammatory (ichthyol) ointments, and take antibiotics orally.
However, if time is missed, surgery may be necessary.
After opening, the boil is lubricated with fucarcin, hydrogen peroxide, and a pink solution of potassium permanganate until healing.
If furunculosis does not go away, medicine recommends checking the blood for sugar levels and conducting a general immunological examination.
Sometimes the doctor prescribes a blood transfusion into the buttock from a vein (5 “cubes”) for furunculosis.
With furunculosis you cannot: squeeze, pierce, cut off the top of the boil, apply warm compresses, wash in a bathhouse or shower.

Acute and chronic furunculosis.
In acute furunculosis, abscesses appear almost simultaneously, accompanied by general malaise and fever.
With chronic furunculosis, rashes of boils haunt the patient for many months, as a result of a general decrease in immunity.
To strengthen the immune system and improve health, it is advisable to drink herbal infusions from a mixture of calendula, chamomile, horsetail, plantain, sage, and elecampane root.
You can take medicinal baths with sea (or plain) salt at the rate of 50 g per 10 liters.
It is very important to follow a diet, limiting the consumption of sweets, flour and spicy foods, increasing the proportion of fruits and vegetables in the diet.

Treatment of furunculosis at home quickly.

Most often, the following folk remedies are used in home treatment of boils, which help to quickly get rid of the disease:
1. Baked onion mixed with grated soap (2:1) in the form of a patch, which is fixed with a bandage.
2. Compress with raw grated potatoes.
3. Ointment based on Vaseline (25 g) and tincture of calendula flowers (5 g)
4. Aloe pulp - apply to the boil and change 2-3 times a day.
5. Top film of birch bark.
6. Yellow film of pine bark.
7. Pine resin.
8. Burdock leaves boiled in milk
9. Scalded plantain leaves
10. Thoroughly chewed and heavily salted rye bread.
To treat furunculosis, all these remedies are applied to the boil.

Remedies for boils for oral administration:
1. 7-8-day infusion of kombucha - half a glass three times a day.
2. A decoction of burdock seeds (15 seeds per 300 ml of water, boil for 20 minutes, leave for half an hour, drink at a time).
3. Decoction of Manchurian violet.
(Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2005, No. 22, pp. 6-7)

Treatment of furunculosis by purifying the blood with wheatgrass.
Quick treatment of furunculosis at home involves blood purification using traditional methods. One of the most popular methods is using wheatgrass.
To completely cleanse the blood so that various boils, pimples and styes do not appear, you need to dig up wheatgrass roots. Wash the roots and boil. Drink 0.5-1 cup of wheatgrass roots 3 times a day. Take a whole handful of roots per 500 ml of water. The decoction is not bitter and very healthy. It not only cleanses the blood, but also dissolves kidney stones and salt deposits in joints. (Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2011, No. 13, p. 26)

Review of treatment with wheatgrass at home.
A decoction of wheatgrass roots was used to cure furunculosis in a man who did not respond to treatment in the hospital. He drank a decoction of the roots 3 times a day for 1 month, then took a break for a month and drank again. In total, he carried out 3 courses of treatment with wheatgrass, after which the man got rid of furunculosis once and for all. (Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2005, No. 19, p. 24)

Sulfur helped cure furunculosis forever.
If you have boils that do not go away for a long time, then sulfur will help. Write a prescription from your doctor for purified medical sulfur powders. Take sulfur in the morning on an empty stomach, sprinkling the powder on a piece of bread, and before bed. You need to take 20 powders. A man managed to get rid of incurable furunculosis with the help of sulfur. (People's recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2009, No. 3, p. 30).

The man constantly had abscesses on his body - styes in front of his eyes, 20 boils appeared under his armpit at once. No methods helped, including blood transfusions. Sulfur helped. He bought 20 powders. I took 1 sulfur powder in the morning and 1 powder in the evening, sprinkling it on bread. Then he bought 20 more pieces, but before he could finish the sulfur, the barley stopped appearing, and the man’s boils disappeared once and for all. (Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2004, No. 18, p. 24).

How to cure furunculosis with tansy.
If boils, boils, abscesses, barley, herpes often appear on the skin, then tansy will help. You need to chew half a pea of ​​dried tansy after eating and wash it down with water. Do this 3 times a day. The skin clears up after a few days, but it is advisable to carry out a full course of treatment with tansy - 21 days.
Tansy cleanses the blood, restores the immune system, and helps get rid of boils for many years. (Home method from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2013, No. 23, p. 30)

How to get rid of boils forever using horse sorrel.
The man had been tormented by boils and boils on his body and face for many years. The man tried to treat furunculosis using different methods, both in the hospital and with folk remedies. But everything helped only for a while. On the advice of a local herbalist, I dug up the roots of horse sorrel in early spring, washed, crushed and dried. I brewed 2 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of boiling water. I drank 1 glass in the morning and evening on an empty stomach. In total, the man was treated for 2 days, drank 4 glasses of sorrel decoction, and completely forgot about the ulcers. His friends were then treated with the same folk method; horse sorrel helped everyone. (Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2012, No. 7, p. 8)

Treatment of furunculosis at home with tar.
To get rid of boils forever, drink milk with the addition of tar - 1 time in the morning on an empty stomach. Add 1 drop of birch tar to 50 grams of warm milk, drink this dose for 1 week. The next week, the dose of tar is increased by 1 drop. And so they reach 10 drops. Then rest for 2 weeks. And again, tar treatment for 10 weeks - from one drop to 10 drops. The full course is 6 months, i.e. 2 sessions. (Folk treatment from the newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2002, No. 21, p. 23)

How to cure furunculosis with yeast.
For furunculosis, it is useful to drink liquid brewer's yeast - 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. (Folk method from the newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2010, No. 8, p. 33, 2011, No. 21, p. 31)

A man managed to get rid of furunculosis with the help of brewer's yeast. Before that, he treated the disease with medications prescribed by doctors and did blood transfusions. This went on for several years until a friend advised me to drink brewer's yeast. You need to drink yeast for furunculosis once a day in the morning as follows:
1st day – 1 tbsp. l.
Day 2 – 2 tbsp. l.

9th day – 9 tbsp. l.
10th day – 10 tbsp. l.
11th day – 9 tbsp. l.

19th day – 1 tbsp. l.

The man began to be treated with brewer's yeast according to this scheme. But I never made it to day 19. Despite this, the man never had boils again; 40 years have passed since then. (Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2011, No. 7, p. 32)

Treatment of furunculosis with folk remedies. Doctor's advice.
The girl developed boils under her eye and above her eyebrow. Then boils appeared on the chest, shoulders, back, and arms. The girl was in the hospital, where she was given several courses of antibiotics, but there was no improvement. The patient turned to the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” with a request to help cure furunculosis.
Doctor med answered her through the newspaper. Sciences V.I. Loshakova.
Furunculosis is caused by pyogenic bacteria, mainly Staphylococcus aureus. Under no circumstances should boils be squeezed out.
Drug treatment of furunculosis is aimed at ensuring that the abscess matures and breaks through faster. Here are a few folk remedies that many doctors use to treat their patients in addition to official treatment:
1. Baked onion. Apply it to the boil, change the bandage every 3 hours. Usually the abscess opens after 1-2 days, the pus comes out and the wound heals
2. Grated raw potato. Apply a compress with potatoes to sore spots. Keep for 2 hours.
3. Accelerates the process of boil ripening and a compress from St. John's wort oil, which can be bought at a pharmacy. You need to moisten gauze in this oil, apply it to the sore spot, put plastic wrap on top and secure it with a bandage. The compress can be left overnight. (Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2010, No. 12, p. 19)

Drink for furunculosis.
The woman suffered from furunculosis for a long time, was in the hospital, had blood transfusions, but everything was useless - she could not get rid of the boils on her body. A friend suggested a folk recipe with honey and vodka, thanks to which it was possible to cure furunculosis.
Pour 100 grams of vodka and 100 grams of honey into a half-liter jar, mix well. Pour 1 cup of boiled milk into this mixture. Drink the mixture in small sips, hot.
Carry out this procedure every day before going to bed. And apply a compress of baked onions and grated laundry soap (1:1) to the boils, cover with film and seal with a band-aid. The woman's furunculosis went away completely. (Review from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2006, No. 5, p. 29).

Treatment of furunculosis at home with burdock (burdock).
Burdock root can cleanse the blood, and it also contains inulin, which promotes proper metabolism, so burdock root has helped many people cure boils forever. 1 tbsp. l. Brew burdock root with 1 cup of boiling water, cook for 5 minutes, leave for 30 minutes. Drink this portion during the day in 3 doses. The course of treatment is 1 month (Home treatment from the newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2001, No. 1, p. 11).

Burdock seeds also help. Those who constantly suffer from boils, barley and knotted udders should prepare burdock seeds in the fall, they are black. To cure furunculosis, in the morning on an empty stomach you need to eat 12 burdock seeds, chewing thoroughly. (Folk method from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2004, No. 16, p. 23).

A 9-year-old child had boils on his face and body. A neighbor read in the Healthy Lifestyle a simple folk recipe for treatment with burdock seeds. The boy chewed 12 seeds, and the disease went away. (Folk method from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2006, No. 21, p. 32).

The woman also decided to treat her husband for furunculosis with burdock seeds. She was given the following folk recipe: 3 times a day, 10 seeds. Take the seeds for 3 days. That is, for the entire treatment you need 90 burdock seeds. She misunderstood and gave her husband 90 seeds at once. The man then complained of dizziness. After re-reading the recipe, the woman saw her mistake, but it was too late to change anything. She gave her husband milk from her cow to soften the effects of an overdose. And in the morning all the boils on the man’s body burst. (Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2008, No. 22, p. 30).
Another woman treated her husband’s furunculosis with a more intense dosage of burdock: she ground burdock seeds into powder. In the morning on an empty stomach the patient took 1 teaspoon. Course 5 days. This is how the man managed to cure furunculosis, which had tormented him for many years. (Folk remedy from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2009, No. 15, p. 32).

A teenager developed a boil in his nose. His aunt found a folk recipe with burdock seeds in the Healthy Lifestyle. I collected 90 seeds, put them in 9 bags of 10 each, and the patient took 1 bag of burdock seeds 3 times a day for 3 days, 15-20 minutes before meals. I lubricated the nasal passages with camphor oil - this is also a recipe from a healthy lifestyle. The tumor subsided, the boil, without ever ripening, dried up. (Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2013, No. 8, p. 23).

Fresh burdock root is also used externally.
In the morning on an empty stomach, cut off a piece of fresh burdock root and chew it well so that the whole mass is moistened with hungry saliva. Apply this mixture to the boils for a day. (Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2003, No. 12, p. 16).
Burdock leaves can also be used externally: the crushed leaves are applied with the underside to the abscess. (Folk remedy from the newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2011, No. 10, p. 28,).

How to treat furunculosis with marigolds (calendula).
Calendula flowers (marigolds) are a natural antibiotic. Therefore, in case of furunculosis, to cleanse the blood of staphylococcus, drink an infusion of marigold flowers.
In addition, they make an ointment from calendula for external use: dried flowers are infused in alcohol and this tincture is mixed with petroleum jelly. You can make it simpler: grind 5 grams of dried calendula flowers into powder, mix with 25 grams of Vaseline and lubricate boils with this ointment. (Home method from the newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2001, No. 18, pp. 19-20, 2005, No. 23, p. 21).

How to get rid of boils using a nail and copper wire.
Take a 10-20 cm iron nail and wrap it with pure red copper wire with a diameter of 1 mm. Do not wrap it completely, but so that a gap is visible between the turns. Drop the manufactured device into a half-liter plastic bottle and pour drinking water into it. A reaction known as electrocorrosion will begin. Within 24 hours, the water will turn tea-colored and flakes of iron oxide will float in it. The healing drink is ready! It should be drunk daily, at least once a day, from 1/2 to a whole glass at a time. There is no need to be afraid of an overdose of iron and copper - there is less copper there than the maximum permissible value by 1000 times. And iron is non-toxic, the recommended therapeutic dose of iron is 2-5 g per day, but in solution it is much less.
The course of treatment with an iron-containing preparation is long - 1-2 months; iron is better absorbed in the presence of ascorbic acid, so you can add lemon and a spoonful of grated black currant to the solution. Or take a vitamin C tablet.
This drink increases immunity and hemoglobin, and also treats all skin diseases such as acne, boils, trophic ulcers and non-healing wounds.
Iron can cause constipation in some people, and some people are iron intolerant and may feel sick. Then you should stop taking this remedy for furunculosis. (Folk method from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2002, No. 17, p. 11)

How to quickly cure furunculosis at home. Beet juice.
The teenager had very severe furunculosis. Blood transfusions and drinking yeast helped only temporarily. Once again a boil appeared in the groin, then under the armpit. An elderly doctor advised me to drink 1/2 glass of red beet juice 3 times a day. If it’s very disgusting, then at least 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. Better 30 minutes before meals. But you can do it at any time. Drink until the skin is clear of abscesses. The boy was given water for 2 weeks. The abscesses disappeared forever - boils no longer appeared. (Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2004, No. 14, p. 25)

How to get rid of boils forever using onions.
It all started with a three-headed boil growing on a man’s neck. The surgeons cut him open, crushed him, put something on him, and he had to go to bandages every day. In the end, he was cured.
After some time, the man again developed boils, but this time all over his body. Over the years they became smaller, but there were more and more of them. It got to the point that the man even had boils on his nose. When the patient came to the clinic, the doctor got scared and sent him straight to the hospital by ambulance. There they injected me with antibiotics every 6 hours, and eventually they cured me again, but not for long. Again the hospital, ointment injections, blood transfusions. At this time, an article by a German professor in the magazine “Around the World” caught the man’s eye. It was written there that furunculosis is not a skin disease, but a blood disease. The blood lacks some substance that is abundant in raw onions, i.e. a person must sometimes eat raw onions. After reading this, the man immediately ate a head of onion, didn’t eat anything, didn’t drink anything, and went to bed.
In the morning I looked at my boils, and they turned from bright red to gray and noticeably decreased. After 3-4 days, their heads began to pop off, and after a few more days the body was completely cleared of abscesses. From then on, the man ate onions every day, and for 40 years neither a boil nor an abscess appeared on his body. (Folk method from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2006, No. 16, p. 10)

Quick treatment of furunculosis at home with bay leaves.
If you have boils or pimples all over your face and body, this folk remedy will help: brew 40 bay leaves with 2 liters of boiling water, let it steep, wrap it up. Drink 100 ml before meals. The body will quickly clear itself of boils. (Folk treatment from the newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2006, No. 17, p. 32)

Furunculosis in a child - treatment with baths with Kirkazon
The child went to first grade and caught a cold. Small boils covered his body so much that he wore his clothes with pain and came home from school every day in tears. Parents were advised to bathe their child in a decoction of the herb kirkazon. The boy took a bath for 20 minutes, then wrapped himself in a sheet and went to bed. We only took 2-3 baths and the boils on my body seemed to dry up and disappear. That's all the treatment. (Recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2006, No. 23, pp. 2-3).

Folk treatment of furunculosis with viburnum.
When the viburnum blooms, you need to cut the branches as thick as a pencil. Dry the branches in the shade and chop finely. Pour a full glass of viburnum branches into an enamel pan and pour two glasses of boiling water. Keep on fire for 10 minutes, then cover warm and leave. Strain, add boiled water to the volume of two glasses. Drink half a glass of viburnum decoction on an empty stomach in the morning for 4 days.
This recipe was used by a man who had boils on his neck every spring and autumn. He suffered greatly from these boils, applied prescribed ointments to them, and received blood transfusions, but nothing helped remove the boils until he was advised this recipe. After treating furunculosis with a decoction of viburnum branches, the man never even had a pimple again. (People's recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2006, No. 11, p. 32)

How to get rid of boils using burdock and dandelion roots.
The man suffered from furunculosis for many years. Boils appeared on both the body and face one after another. The man was given a blood transfusion three times, various ointments and yeast tablets were prescribed, but the boils could not be removed. A drink made from dandelion and burdock roots helped get rid of boils. The horses must be washed and finely chopped. 1 tbsp. l. dandelion roots and 2 tbsp. l. Boil burdock roots in 1 liter of water for 15 minutes. Leave for 1 hour. Drink 1 glass 3 times a day 20-25 minutes before meals. Prepare a fresh decoction of the roots every day. The course of treatment is 1 week. Then rest for 3 days and conduct another course.
To consolidate the results the next year, the man completed 2 more courses. So, with the help of burdock and dandelion, we managed to get rid of furunculosis forever. (Home recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2009, No. 16, p. 31)

Home treatment of furunculosis in a child with echinacea. Review.
A 12-year-old child had boils all over his body. They treated the girl with baked onions. The onion drew out the pus, but in place of one abscess another immediately popped up. In addition, an abscess had formed under the nail, and the doctor suggested removing the nail. We decided to try giving the child echnacea to boost immunity. In the evening they gave me 1 capsule, and in the morning they discovered that the abscess under the nail had half resolved. After 2 days everything went away. And boils just appear on the body and disappear the next day. After drinking echinacea for 14 days, I was able to completely remove all the boils. And later the girl’s mother read that echinacea increases phagocytosis, as a result of which the pus quickly resolves. Therefore, echinacea can treat any purulent diseases. (Home remedy from the newspaper “Bulletin of Healthy Lifestyle” 2010, No. 21, p. 8)

Quick treatment of boils with sow thistle - in 2 days. Review.
A woman has a large boil on her stomach. She was advised to drink thistle infusion. They said that after 2 days of treatment with sow thistle, there would never be boils again in my life. You need to brew 1 tbsp. l. sow thistle topped with 1 cup of boiling water. Drink this portion at a time in the morning. Do the same in the evening and the next morning. Only 3 times.
The patient then worked in a foundry. Many workers had boils from the cold and dirt. And everyone managed to quickly and effectively cure boils with this simple folk remedy.
Thistle is a thorny shrub, oblong leaves, long roots, lilac flowers. (People's recipe from the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” 2011, No. 2, p. 32)

Furuncle(syn. in everyday life - “ulcer”, “boil”) - this is a type staphyloderma(pustular inflammatory skin disease caused by staphylococcal microorganisms). It is characterized by the development of a purulent-inflammatory process in the hair follicle and surrounding tissue.

Furunculosis- a disease characterized by the appearance of a large number of boils on different parts of the skin.

Carbuncle- a disease in which several nearby hair follicles become inflamed. We can say that these are several boils combined into one. The disease has a more severe course.

Prevalence of boils

Pyoderma* - a group of diseases that include boils - are quite widespread. They make up about 40% of other skin pathologies. Patients with boils make up from 4% to 17% of all patients treated in inpatient dermatological clinics.

In recent years, the number of patients with boils of the face, especially the nasal area, has been increasing.

*Pyoderma is a pustular skin disease. A general concept that unites a large number of different diseases. The two main types of pyoderma are staphyloderma (purulent processes caused by staphylococci) and streptoderma (caused by streptococci).

Anatomy of skin and hair follicles

Human skin is a special organ that covers almost the entire surface of the body. Its area in an adult is on average 1.5 - 2.5 meters. It consists of layers that are tightly connected to each other.

Layers of skin:

  • Epidermis- outer layer of skin. Consists of several layers of epithelial cells. The deepest layer is responsible for cell growth and reproduction. The outer layer, the horny layer, is represented by horny scales and performs a protective function.
  • Dermis. It is located under the epidermis and fits tightly to it. Consists of connective tissue. It is the basis for the epidermis, contains blood vessels and nerves.
  • Subcutaneous fat. Represented by adipose tissue.

Skin defense mechanisms

  • Maintaining a certain level of acidity. The pH level of the skin ranges from 3 to 7. In such conditions, only microorganisms that are representatives of normal microflora can exist.
  • Normal microflora. Microorganisms that are normally present on the surface of the skin prevent the proliferation of pathogens.
  • Langerhans cell. These are specific immune cells that are found in the epidermis. They take part in providing immune protection, producing interferon And lysozyme- substances that destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

Structure of hair and hair follicle

Hair- these are keratinized skin appendages. There can be up to 2 million hairs on the human body.

Hair structure:

  • Hair shaft- a thin part of the hair that protrudes above the surface of the skin.
  • Hair root- part of the hair located deep in the skin, in the hair follicle.

The hair follicle is embedded in the dermis and subcutaneous adipose tissue. Around it there is a dense capsule of connective tissue.

At the bottom of the hair follicle is its expanded part. It contains the hair follicle - the club-shaped expanded lower end of the hair. The hair follicle contains cells, the division of which ensures hair growth. A connective tissue papilla grows into the hair follicle and hair follicle. It contains blood vessels and nerves for nutrition and innervation of the hair.

In the upper part of the hair follicle, an expansion in the form of a funnel is also formed - its mouth. The duct of the sebaceous (any hair) and sweat (only hair located in certain areas of the body) gland flows into it.

Sebaceous glands draining into the mouth of the hair follicle

The sebaceous gland consists of an enlarged part, which is directly responsible for the secretion of sebum, and an excretory duct.

Sebum has a complex structure. It has bactericidal properties - it can destroy pathogenic microorganisms that fall on the surface of the skin.

Sebum production in humans is mainly regulated by the adrenal glands and sex hormones. The more testosterone is present in the body, the more active the sebaceous glands work.

Sweat glands that secrete secretions at the mouth of the hair follicle

Only specific ducts flow into the mouths of hair follicles. apocrine sweat glands. The final part of the gland that secretes sweat is located deep in the dermis.

Apocrine sweat glands are located in the armpits, around the nipples, genitals and anus.

Causes of boils and furunculosis

Who is staphylococcus?

Staphylococcus is a microorganism that is constantly present on the surface of the skin normally, and, at the same time, is capable of causing a wide variety of purulent infections, ranging from boils to severe blood poisoning - sepsis.

How can the same bacteria be both harmless (and sometimes even beneficial) and very dangerous?

The fact is that there are different strains of staphylococci. Strain is a group within a species, like breeds in dogs.

Some strains are completely harmless to humans. Other conditionally pathogenic, that is, they are capable of causing infections only under reduced immunity and other special circumstances. Still others always cause illness if they enter the body.

Normally, 90% of staphylococci found on human skin are harmless strains. 10% are pathogenic, but there are so few of them that they are not capable of causing a purulent process. Boils and furunculosis develop in cases where this ratio changes greatly.

What skin features predispose to the development of boils?

  • increased sweating: with constant sweat, the structure and protective properties of the skin are disrupted
  • scratching and damage caused by other skin diseases and disorders
  • frequent skin injuries: abrasions, scratches, abrasions - any infection easily penetrates through these defects
  • constant contact of the skin with discharge from the nose and ears in case of chronic diseases: rhinitis, otitis, etc.
  • skin contamination, lack of personal hygiene: most often, boils form on the back of the neck, as a lot of dirt and sweat accumulate here, and there is constant friction against the collar
  • violations of skin protection as a result of occupational hazards: constant contact with lubricating oils, dust (coal, cement, lime, etc.), aggressive chemicals

Decreased immunity

The normal state of the body's immune forces prevents the penetration of any pathogenic microorganisms into the skin.

Factors leading to decreased immune strength and furunculosis:

  • severe chronic infectious and inflammatory diseases: tonsillitis, bronchitis, frequent pneumonia, rhinitis and sinusitis, otitis, etc.;
  • diseases accompanied by decreased immunity: HIV;
  • reception immunosuppressants(medicines intended specifically to suppress the immune system in autoimmune diseases), cytostatics(medicines to destroy tumor cells), the use of radiation therapy;
  • hypothermia or overheating;
  • insufficient and malnutrition, hypovitaminosis.

Hormonal disorders

Diabetes mellitus

Furunculosis can be considered a complication of long-term diabetes mellitus. The disease leads to disruption of blood flow in small vessels. As a result, the skin does not receive enough oxygen and nutrients. Dystrophic processes occur in it, and protective mechanisms decrease. Staphylococci penetrate hair follicles more easily.

Excessive adrenal function

The cortex (outer layer) of the adrenal glands secretes glucocorticoid hormones. They have many effects.

Effects of glucocorticoids on boils:

  • immunosuppression, decreased skin protection
  • an increase in the production of sebum, which, accumulating on the skin and in the lumen of the sebaceous glands, turns into a breeding ground for pathogens

Increasing the content of male sex hormones in the body
Testosterone and its analogues enhance the function of the sebaceous glands of the skin.

Stages of boil development

Usually the boil lasts no more than 10 days. After this, it usually goes away completely. There are 3 stages during a boil:

Stage Characteristic
Infiltrative stage Appears on the surface of the skin infiltrate- area of ​​swelling, redness and induration. It is painful, gradually increases in size, reaching an average of 1 - 3 cm. The skin around the infiltrate also becomes swollen and painful. The tingling feeling bothers me. A characteristic feature: an infiltrate always forms around the hair, since staphylococci primarily affect the hair follicle and multiply inside it. At this stage of the boil, the phrase “boil is brewing” is often used in everyday life.
Purulent-necrotic stage It is observed 3 to 4 days after the first symptoms of a boil appear. A core consisting of pus and dead tissue appears in the center of the infiltrate. Its end protrudes above the surface of the skin in the form of an abscess.
At a certain point in time, the thin layer of tissue covering the rod bursts, and pus and dead tissue come out. After this there is a significant improvement. All symptoms decrease: swelling and redness begin to subside, pain no longer bothers you. In common parlance, this condition is referred to by the phrase “the boil has broken through.”
Healing stage After the pus is rejected, the wound remaining at the site of the boil begins to heal. If the boil was small, then after healing there are no signs left on the skin. Large ulcers leave behind scars.

Symptoms of furunculosis

Manifestations of furunculosis depend on the stage of the process, the location of the boil, and the state of the body’s immune forces.

Areas of the body where boils are most common:

  • face: nose, nasolabial triangle(the area of ​​skin between the nose and upper lip), ear area
  • back of the neck: in this case, the fact that the skin of the neck constantly experiences friction in contact with the collar plays a certain role
  • forearms
  • buttocks and thighs

Symptoms of a boil on the face

The face is one of the favorite places to localize a boil, since the skin on the face most often has increased oil content and there is a large number of sebaceous glands. The most common boils are the nose, upper lip, and ear canal area.

Characteristic symptoms and complaints of patients with nasal boils:

  • the boil quickly becomes noticeable, since even with small sizes it leads to a cosmetic defect
  • there is severe pain
  • pain in the area of ​​the boil intensifies during movements of facial muscles, shaving, washing;
  • Facial boils, more often than in other places, are accompanied by increased body temperature and general malaise
  • headaches are noted
  • small boils resemble blackheads (pimples); attempts to squeeze them out are accompanied by severe pain.

Why is a facial boil dangerous?

The veins of the facial area are connected to the veins of the skull. When trying to squeeze out a boil on the face, carelessly pressing on it, the work of facial muscles, or a decrease in immunity, the infection can penetrate into the venous bed and lead to the development of thrombophlebitis - inflammation of the walls of the veins with the formation of blood clots. The face becomes swollen, acquires a bluish coloration, and is painful to touch. The general condition of the patient is severely disturbed, body temperature rises to 40⁰C.

Further, the infection can spread into the cranial cavity, leading to meningitis(inflammation of the meninges), meningoencephalitis(inflammation of the meninges and brain matter), sepsis(generalized inflammation).

There is a rule in purulent surgery: boils on the face that are located above the upper lip should be treated with the utmost caution.

Symptoms of a boil under the armpit

Boils in the armpit are relatively uncommon. Another disease is more common here - hidradenitis- purulent inflammation of the sweat gland.

In general, a boil in the axillary region is accompanied by the same symptoms as boils in other locations. An increase in pain is noted during movements in the shoulder joints, careless touches and pressure on the boil.

Symptoms of a boil in the groin area and on the lower limb

In the groin area, boils and hidradenitis may occur. A boil in the groin manifests itself with typical symptoms and goes through typical stages.

Conditions that may complicate a boil in the groin area and lower limb:

  • Regional lymphadenitis. Inflammation of the lymph nodes located in the area of ​​the boil. It appears as a painful lump under the skin. With a boil in the groin, the inguinal lymph nodes are most often affected.
  • Regional lymphangitis. Inflammation of the lymphatic vessel located next to the boil. It appears as a painful cord under the skin. Lymphangitis is often combined with lymphadenitis.

Symptoms of a boil in the genital area

Among the boils that arise in the genital area, the furuncle of the labia majora has the greatest specificity. Most often, its development is associated with bartholinitis- purulent staphylococcal inflammation of the Bartholin glands located in the thickness of the labia majora. Normally, their function is associated with the release of a special lubricant.
A furuncle of the labia majora is accompanied by swelling, redness, and severe pain.

Symptoms of a boil in the buttocks and back of the thigh

The largest boils are usually found in the area of ​​the buttocks and thighs. They are accompanied by the most severe symptoms.


Furunculosis- a disease that is characterized by the appearance of a large number of boils on different parts of the body or in a limited area (most often on the buttocks, thighs). Furunculosis is also called constant recurrence, when after the healing of boils new ones constantly appear.

Types of furunculosis, depending on the severity of the process:

  • acute furunculosis: there are many boils on the skin at the same time
  • chronic furunculosis: sequential appearance of boils, when some disappear while others appear - this form of the disease usually occurs over a very long time

Types of furunculosis depending on the prevalence of elements:

  • disseminated(common) furunculosis: boils are found throughout the body;
  • localized(limited) furunculosis: all boils are concentrated in only one limited area.

Causes of furunculosis

The causes of individual boils and furunculosis are described above. Furunculosis almost always occurs against the background of decreased immunity.

Symptoms of furunculosis

Furunculosis is accompanied by the same symptoms as a single boil. Each element sequentially goes through three stages of development. But with furunculosis, signs of a violation of the general condition are more pronounced. Malaise and elevated body temperature are noted.

Complications of furunculosis

Complications with furunculosis are relatively common.

The most common complications of furunculosis:

  • lymphadenitis- inflammation of nearby lymph nodes;
  • lymphangitis- inflammation of nearby lymphatic vessels;
  • sepsis, or, in common parlance - blood poisoning - a severe generalized infectious process;
  • meningitis and meningoencephalitis - inflammation of the meninges and brain substance when infection penetrates into the cranial cavity (if the skin of the face and head is affected);
  • arthritis - inflammation in the joints (with skin lesions in the joint area);
  • glomerulonephritis - inflammatory kidney disease.

Treatment of furunculosis

When should you see a doctor to open a boil?

In most cases, uncomplicated boils do not require surgical treatment. Conservative techniques are used.

Treatment methods for uncomplicated boils at the infiltration stage:

  • wiping the skin in the area of ​​the abscess with an antiseptic solution, most often with ordinary medical alcohol
  • frequent hand washing with soap and antiseptics
  • cauterization of the boil itself with iodine solution (5%)
  • applying dry heat to the boil (under no circumstances apply compresses to the area of ​​the boil: this helps loosen the abscess and spread it to surrounding tissues)
  • UHF therapy
  • laser therapy

Despite the fact that a boil can be treated at home, it is still worth contacting a surgeon or dermatologist at the clinic. The doctor will examine the abscess and give recommendations for treatment. If appropriate indications are found, the doctor will give a referral for hospital treatment. If necessary, he will perform a blockade: he will inject a mixture of antibiotic and anesthetic solutions (Novocaine) into the area of ​​the boil.

Treatment methods for uncomplicated boils at the stage of formation of the rod

When the abscess has already formed, you need to help ensure that its opening occurs as quickly as possible.

What is important to remember:

  • only a doctor after an examination can say exactly what stage the boil is at and whether it is ready to burst
  • In no case should you try to squeeze out the abscess yourself: any pressure on the boil can cause it to begin to spread to surrounding tissues

Methods for treating boils at the stage of formation of a purulent-necrotic core:

  • The doctor applies a bandage with several salicylic acid crystals to the skin in the area of ​​the boil. After some time, they corrode the cover of the boil and contribute to the release of the purulent-necrotic core.
  • The doctor removes the purulent-necrotic rod using a thin clamp. This is done very carefully, avoiding pressing on the boil.

After the abscess has broken through, the doctor places a small rubber strip cut from a glove into it. There will be an outflow of pus through it. Apply a bandage. After 3 days, the gum is removed, the bandage is removed, and the boil is treated with brilliant green.

When is surgical treatment indicated for a boil?

One of the complications of a boil is subcutaneous abscess(abscess). It is formed when pus spreads into the subcutaneous fatty tissue. A subcutaneous abscess must be opened. Such patients are treated in a hospital setting.

Is it possible to squeeze out a boil?

It is especially dangerous to squeeze out boils located on the face.

When should you start taking antibiotics for a boil?

For uncomplicated boils, antibiotic therapy and other general treatment methods are not prescribed.

Conditions for which antibiotic therapy is indicated:

  • complications of boils: lymphadenitis, lymphangitis, thrombophlebitis, etc.
  • boils located in the facial area
  • boils that occur against the background of other serious diseases: diabetes, severe infections, HIV, etc.

Antibiotics used to treat boils

Name Application
  • ampicillin
  • amoxicillin
  • amoxiclav
Antibiotics from the penicillin group are the oldest. Many of them remain effective against staphylococci and other microorganisms. Penicillins are broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs.
  • ceftriaxone
  • cefuroxime
  • cefotaxime
Usually more effective than penicillins. These antibiotics are most often prescribed because they have a relatively low cost and a pronounced effect. Available in the form of powders for dilution and injection.
Gentamicin It is a fairly powerful antibacterial drug, but has a number of contraindications. Under no circumstances should it be used by children or pregnant women. Available in the form of tablets, injection solutions and ointments. Local forms (ointments) have fewer contraindications.
Tetracycline Broad-spectrum antibiotic. Effective against many types of microorganisms. Can be used for general (in tablets) and local (in the form of ointment) treatment of boils.
Levomycetin Powerful antibiotic. It is used topically for boils, in the form of an ointment (see below).

Attention! Self-medication with antibiotics for boils is often ineffective and can lead to negative consequences. These medications must be prescribed by a doctor.

In addition to the use of antibiotics, such general treatment methods as UV therapy and anti-inflammatory drugs are used.

What to do if boils appear frequently? Treatment of furunculosis.

If a large number of boils appear on the body at once, or they occur very often, then this condition is called furunculosis.

Self-medication of furunculosis most often does not bring any effect. Improper treatment can lead to further spread of the process and serious complications. To prescribe the correct therapy, you must consult a doctor.

Treatment methods for furunculosis :

Method Description
UV therapy Ultraviolet radiation has an antibacterial effect and promotes tissue regeneration.
Laser therapy Effects of laser radiation:
  • destruction of pathogens
  • improving blood circulation and skin regeneration
  • pain reduction
T-activin Immunostimulant, promotes the formation and activation of leukocytes - immune cells. Treatment with T-activin is carried out under the strict supervision of a physician.
Antistaphylococcal immunoglobulin Immunoglobulins are antibodies that protect the body from foreign antigens. For furunculosis, antibodies produced against staphylococci are used. Treatment is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor.
Antibiotics See above “Antibiotics that are used to treat boils”
Rinoleukin A drug that stimulates the body's general defenses.

What to do if the boil opens on its own, but a lot of pus flows out of it?

After the boil has opened, it should be washed with hydrogen peroxide and a clean bandage applied. After this, wash your hands thoroughly. Contact your doctor at the clinic as soon as possible.

Traditional methods of treating boils

Attention: Improper self-medication can lead to the spread of the purulent process and the development of severe complications. Therefore, before using any traditional methods for treating boils, be sure to consult your doctor.

Coniferous baths for boils

Substances that pine and spruce needles contain:

  • phytoncides- destroy pathogens
  • vitamin C- is an antioxidant, protects cells from damage, increases protective functions
  • tannins- tone the skin and close skin pores.

In order to take pine baths, it is enough to buy essential oil. You need to dilute a few drops of it in a warm bath and take it for 15-20 minutes daily.

Treatment of boils with aloe leaves

This method is used for ripening boils ( in the stage of infiltration and purulent-necrotic stage) in order to accelerate its breakthrough and rejection of the purulent-necrotic rod.

Aloe is a houseplant that is often grown in pots. It has succulent leaves. To speed up the breakthrough of the boil, their juice is used. The aloe leaf is cut and applied with a cut to the abscess, fixing it with an adhesive plaster. So you need to walk constantly, replacing the aloe leaf 1 - 2 times a day.

Preparation of ointment for boils


  • beeswax - 100 grams
  • unrefined vegetable oil - 500 ml
  • spruce sulfur - small amount
  • lower part of the onion - 10 pieces

It is necessary to pour vegetable oil into an enamel pan and put on fire. When it boils, add beeswax and spruce sulfur. After 30 minutes, add the bottoms of the onions. Cook the resulting mixture for 1 hour, stirring occasionally and skimming off any foam that forms. Then remove from heat, strain, and pour into clean containers. The ointment should cool down, thicken, take on a yellow color and a pleasant smell.

Directions for use: Periodically lubricate the areas where boils occur.

Treatment of boils with garlic

Substances contained in garlic:

  • phytoncides - destroy pathogenic microorganisms;
  • adaptogens - tone living organs and tissues, help increase defenses.

Method 1. Cut the garlic clove into thin pieces. Take one of them, apply the cut to the boil, and secure with a bandage. Walk like this for a day until the abscess matures and breaks through.

Method 2. Grate a clove of garlic. Apply to the boil and secure with adhesive tape. Walk like this for a day until the abscess matures and breaks through.

Ointments for furunculosis

For furunculosis, ointments containing antibacterial drugs are mainly used.

Gentamicin Description: Ointment in tubes, from 15 to 80 g. Gentamicin is an antibiotic that is effective against many types of infections, including staphylococcal.

Directions for use: Apply to the location of boils 2 - 3 times a day. Usually the course of treatment lasts 7 - 14 days.

Tetracycline Description: Tetracycline is a broad-spectrum antibiotic. Effective against many types of microorganisms, including staphylococci. Available in tubes of 100 g.

Method of application 1. Apply a small amount of ointment to the areas
location of boils 2 - 3 times a day.

Method of application 2. Apply bandages with tetracycline ointment. Change every 12 - 24 hours.

Levomycetin Description. Levomycetin is a powerful antibiotic that has a pronounced effect in purulent processes. Available for local cutaneous use for furunculosis in the form of liniment (a thick mass like an ointment). Sold in tubes of 25 and 30 g, in cans of 25 and 60 g.

Directions for use: Make bandages with chloramphenicol liniment, change once a day.

Active substances:
  • chloramphenicol- antibacterial agent, active against purulent infections
  • methyluracil- a drug that stimulates tissue regeneration
Description. Levomekol not only has pronounced antibacterial properties, but also stimulates tissue regeneration. Therefore, it is used for large opened boils for speedy cleansing and healing.

Directions for use: Soak a sterile gauze pad with ointment and apply it to the wound. Apply a bandage. Perform dressings daily.

Sintomycin Description. Syntomycin is an antibiotic, which in its chemical structure is very similar to chloramphenicol. Also available in the form of liniment, in 25 g jars.

Directions for use. Apply liniment to the area where the boil is located. Place a bandage over it. Perform dressings daily.

Dimexide Description. A medication belonging to the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Eliminates inflammation and pain.

Directions for use: Moisten a sterile gauze pad with dimexide. Apply to the location of the boil and apply a bandage. Do dressings daily.

The effectiveness of ichthyol ointment in the treatment of furunculosis

Ichthyol ointment is an ointment prepared on the basis of the active component ichthyol. It has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic effects. Ichthyol ointment is widely used in the treatment of boils.

The antibacterial properties of ichthyol ointment apply to all strains of streptococci and staphylococci.

The pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect of ichthyol ointment appears several hours after its application to the surface of the boil.

Method of using ichthyol ointment for furunculosis

The required amount of ichthyol ointment is applied to the surface of the boil so that it covers the abscess in the form of a cake. Place a cotton swab on top and stick it with an adhesive plaster. The tampon should be changed every 8 hours. After about a day there is improvement.

The effectiveness of Vishnevsky ointment in the treatment of furunculosis

Vishnevsky ointment(full name - balsamic liniment according to Vishnevsky) is a combined drug with a complex composition and several active components.

Basic steps: disinfectant, irritant. Vishnevsky ointment destroys many types of pathogens. By irritating the skin, it stimulates tissue regeneration. With a boil, Vishnevsky’s ointment helps soften the walls of the abscess and allow it to penetrate deep into the tissue. This creates a threat of developing a subcutaneous abscess - an abscess. Therefore, the use of Vishnevsky ointment for boils is not practiced.

Why does a boil occur in a pregnant woman and how does it manifest?

Why is a boil dangerous during pregnancy?

Germs can harm both the expectant mother and the baby.

For mother

A weakened immune system sometimes causes Bacteria spread more easily through the bloodstream to other areas of the skin and organs, causing the development of furunculosis or complications (meningitis, lymphadenitis, sepsis and others).

For the fetus

There is a high risk of infection of the membranes and fetus. Moreover, the consequences depend on the duration of pregnancy.

In the first trimester

The formation of internal organs is disrupted, which leads to the formation of congenital malformations: heart, kidneys and others. Moreover, they are often incompatible with life, so a miscarriage occurs.

In the second trimester

  • Intrauterine infection of the fetus mainly manifests itself after birth. When the lungs are damaged, pneumonia or pleurisy develops, the heart - carditis, the meninges - meningitis and others.
  • When the membranes become infected, fetoplacental insufficiency develops (a syndrome in which all functions of the placenta are disrupted). As a result, the fetus experiences oxygen starvation, its growth and development are delayed, and the risk of premature birth increases.
  • There is a high probability of developing mastitis in the mother after the birth of the child.

What are the causes of chronic furunculosis?

Common factors contribute to the formation of the disease:

  • Severe disturbances in the functioning of all parts of the immune system - for example, with HIV infection, congenital immunodeficiency.
  • At taking medications to treat tumors- cytostatics that disrupt the division and development of all cells in the body, including tumor cells.
  • For autoimmune diseases(psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus) drugs are used that suppress the activity of the immune system (Arava, Methotrexate, Metypred).
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: chronic gastroduodenitis, chronic cholecystitis, erosive bulbitis and others.
  • Disturbance of normal intestinal microflora with a predominance of coccal forms, which include Staphylococcus aureus.
  • The presence of foci of chronic infection. Most often - ENT organs: tonsillitis (tonsillitis), sinusitis, pharyngitis and others.
  • Endocrine diseases, causing disturbances in carbohydrate metabolism (diabetes mellitus), the production of hormones by the thyroid gland (thyroiditis) and sex glands (hypogonadism, amenorrhea).
  • The presence of allergic diseases or a tendency to allergic reactions: bronchial asthma, allergy to house dust and others. Because in these cases the functioning of the immune system is also impaired.

What are the symptoms of chronic furunculosis?

Most often, the disease occurs in a relapsing form - when, after a period of imaginary well-being (remission), signs of the disease reappear.

The course and manifestations of the disease are determined by the degrees of severity

What are the causes of boils in children?

Due to the characteristics of the body, the disease occurs somewhat more often in children than in adults.

The main “culprit” of the boil is Staphylococcus aureus. However, its reproduction is normally controlled by the immune system. Whereas with the combined influence of certain local and general factors, the disease develops.

Local factors

  • Constant rubbing of clothing or minor skin injuries(abrasions, abrasions, scratches), which is not uncommon in children.
  • Allergic diseases- for example atopic dermatitis. There is dry skin, erosions and peeling appear on the skin, the child scratches the skin due to itching, and the functioning of the immune system is disrupted.
  • Close contact with contaminated objects- for example, while playing outside or in the sandbox.
  • Features of skin structure: Children have a thin upper (horny) layer of skin, it has a well-developed network of capillaries and blood supply. Therefore, any microbes enter the skin easily, and then quickly spread through the blood or lymph flow to other areas.
  • Poor personal hygiene leads to children introducing bacteria into a wound or abrasion with unwashed palms.

General factors

  • Presence in the body foci of chronic infection, in which colonies of staphylococci live (isolated cluster). From them, through the blood and/or lymph flow, bacteria are spread to all organs and tissues, including the skin. The leading diseases are from the ENT organs: chronic tonsillitis, sinusitis (sinusitis, frontal sinusitis).

  • Imperfect immune system, which matures in the process of growing up. Therefore, microbes easily penetrate the body without encountering obstacles on their way.

  • Endocrine disorders. In children and adolescents, as a rule, hormonal instability of the body plays a large role in the occurrence of boils.
    Under the influence of sex hormones, the functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted. Increased production of sebum begins, which leads to blockage of the outlet (mouth) of the sebaceous glands of the hair follicle (sac). In such conditions, infection occurs more easily. In addition, sebum is an excellent breeding ground for staphylococci.
    However, the development of furunculosis in adolescents and children is often promoted by other endocrine diseases, such as diabetes mellitus or dysfunction of the thyroid gland.

  • Gastrointestinal diseases: gastritis, colitis, ulcers and others. Digestion of food is disrupted, as is the supply of microelements and vitamins to the body. In addition, Staphylococcus aureus may be present in the intestines.

  • Anemia, lack of vitamins and nutrients, physical or emotional stress, anorexia in adolescents(decreased appetite, deliberate refusal to eat) lead to disruption of the immune system.

  • The intensive work of the sweat and sebaceous glands is due to immaturity of thermoregulation processes in children under seven years of age. As a result, sweat and sebum quickly accumulate on the surface of the skin. According to research, under such conditions, local immunity decreases, and the protective function of the skin decreases by 17 times.

  • Helminthiasis reduce the activity of the immune system, which is quite common in children.

What are the symptoms of boils in children?

A boil can develop on any area of ​​the skin where hair is present, since the disease affects the hair follicles and the adjacent sebaceous gland.

Whereas a boil never forms on the skin of the palms and soles, since there is no hair in these areas.

There are two forms of the disease:

  • A large single abscess appears on a limited area of ​​skin. In this case, with timely and adequate treatment, recovery usually occurs within 8-10 days.
  • Furunculosis develops: Many boils appear on the skin. The disease can be acute or chronic in its course.

Single boil in children

A large abscess appears, which in its development goes through the same stages as in adults.

However In children there are some differences in the course of the disease:

  • As a rule, several symptoms are more pronounced intoxication: The body temperature rises to high levels (38-39°C), general malaise appears, the child refuses to eat, and complains of a headache.
  • Despite the rapid course of the disease, usually cure in children occurs in a shorter time than in adults. In addition, a chronic process develops less often.
  • Furuncle in children of wounded age(up to three years) is most often located in places that are difficult to reach for treatment - for example, at the base of the nasal passages.
    Whereas preschoolers and junior schoolchildren boils are mainly located on the nose (slopes, back and base of the nasal passages), forehead, cheeks and chin.
    In other areas of the skin, boils develop somewhat less frequently.
  • Due to the location of the boils, as well as the abundant and good blood supply to the skin, there is high risk of spreading infection from the primary focus with the development of acute furunculosis or complications (sepsis, thrombosis of the cavernous veins and others).

Furunculosis in children

Ulcers can appear either in the form of separate clusters on a certain area of ​​the skin or spread to other areas.

Acute furunculosis in children

There are several boils on the skin that appear almost simultaneously. Therefore, they are at the same stage of development.

In this case, as a rule, the child’s general condition is sharply disturbed: he becomes lethargic and refuses to eat, his body temperature rises to high levels and is difficult to lower.

In this case, the course of the disease usually resembles a severe infectious process. Moreover, the general trend is this: the younger the child, the more severe the disease.

Chronic furunculosis in children

Typically, boils are at different stages of development: at the same time, you can see red bumps, ulcers, and wounds on the skin after the pus is rejected.

However, most often the disease occurs in a relapsing form: periods of exacerbation alternate with periods of apparent well-being (remission).

The general condition of the child is usually disturbed when new boils appear, resembling the acute course of the disease.

How to treat chronic furunculosis?

This task is quite difficult, since numerous factors lead to its development. Therefore, an integrated approach is required.

Basic principles

1. Local and general treatment is carried out depending on the stage of development of the boil and the complications that have developed.

At the compaction stage - local treatment with antiseptics, ultraviolet radiation, applications with antibacterial ointments. At the stage of rod formation, if necessary, the boils are opened, drained, treated with antiseptic solutions, and bandaged with antibacterial ointments are applied. When indicated, antibiotics are prescribed taking into account the sensitivity of the microbe to them.
2. Impact on the underlying disease

It is carried out at any stage of development of furunculosis: treatment of foci of chronic infection, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine diseases (for example, diabetes) and others. Therapy is carried out by specialized specialists: ENT doctor, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist and others.
3. Improving immune system function

An immunologist prescribes medications depending on the type of immune system disorder and the stage of the disease. With timely treatment, chronic furunculosis is cured in 80% of cases within 1-2 months of treatment.

How to increase immunity during furunculosis?

  • Antiseptics- drugs that prevent or suppress the growth of bacteria - Betadine (only up to 12 weeks of pregnancy), Chlorhexidine.
  • Ointments— Levomekol, Ichthyol, Syntomycin.

General treatment

Antibiotics are prescribed that are approved for use during pregnancy, taking into account the period: penicillins (Amoxiclav, Ampicillin), cephalosporins (Cefazolin, Ceftriaxone, Suprax, Cefepime), macrolides (Erythromycin, Rovamycin, Vilprafen).

However, antibiotics are only used in case of emergency:

  • When complications develop - for example, lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes), lymphangitis (inflammation of the lymphatic vessels) and others.
  • If the boil is located in a dangerous place: face, neck, scalp.
  • For acute or chronic furunculosis.
  • In the presence of common diseases - for example, diabetes, HIV infection, pyelonephritis and others.

Use of drugs improving the functioning of the immune system, not recommended during pregnancy.

Treatment of foci of chronic infection

The most common “place of residence” of Staphylococcus aureus is the pharynx and nasopharynx. The microbe is detected by culture from the nasopharynx.

Local processing

1. Antiseptic solutions are used, which are approved for use during pregnancy and also inhibit the growth and reproduction of Staphylococcus aureus.

  • Alcohol solution used for gargling. Before use, it is diluted as follows: one teaspoon per 200 ml of warm water.
  • Oil solution the pharynx, back wall of the pharynx, tonsils are treated and the nasal cavity is instilled.
  • Spray The mouth, throat and nose are irrigated.

All procedures are carried out 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is 7-10 days.

2. Used staphylococcal bacteriophage which is safe for the fetus:

  • The nasopharynx is irrigated: two or three pipettes of the solution are inserted into each nasal passage. Anything that gets into your throat should be swallowed.
  • Then you should leave a cotton swab soaked in the bacteriophage in the cavity of each nostril for 5-7 minutes.

Treatment is carried out in the intervals between meals - from one to three times a day. Duration of treatment is 7-10 days.

Moreover, both drugs are also good because they carriage of staphylococcus in the intestines they can be used internally.

How to protect the fetus from infection?

Sometimes carried out immunization with staphylococcal toxoid at 32, 34 and 36 weeks of pregnancy. To do this, 0.5 ml of the drug is injected subcutaneously at the angle of the scapula.

What vitamins should I take for furunculosis?

Vitamins A and E improve skin nutrition and wound healing, promote cell renewal, and participate in protein synthesis.

Vitamin C increases the body's resistance to infections, improving the functioning of the immune system.

B vitamins normalize the functioning of the stomach, intestines, liver, endocrine glands (for example, thyroid), nervous system, participate in protein synthesis and other processes.

It is not difficult to compensate for the deficiency of such a number of vitamins at the same time. Since the modern pharmaceutical industry offers a large selection combination vitamin preparations, also containing minerals such as iron, calcium and others. For example Vitrum, Multi-Tabs, Centrum.

However, practice proves that it is still better take vitamins separately, in small courses.

For example, drugs with B vitamins- brewer's yeast, Milgamma, Neurobex, Tricortin and others. You can also compensate for the deficiency of B vitamins by taking dietary supplements - for example, Mega B Complex, B vitamins - dietary supplement "Tiens".

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid Available in tablets or dragees with similar names.

How is a boil treated for diabetes?

In compliance with key principles: local treatment, prescription of immunostimulants, vitamins and other drugs.

However, in diabetes mellitus the main emphasis is on normalizing metabolism and carbohydrates: diet therapy (discussed in the section below) and prescription of medications.