What is Novomin Siberian Health. Oncology and Novomin. Practical application of AK Novomin in cancer. Indications and contraindications

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

General information

A one-of-a-kind antioxidant product that completely destroys already damaged and modified cells.
The antioxidant drug Novomin is a unique development aimed at preventing malignant neoplasms, reducing damage to the body during the treatment of malignant neoplasms with radiotherapy and chemotherapy, as well as increasing the effectiveness of this treatment.

Among the components of Novomin are the following substances:

  • Several antioxidants of natural origin, which protect cells from free radicals and other aggressive agents, regulate metabolism in intact cells,
  • Several pro-oxidants that target pathologically altered tissues and destroy them.
In world practice, there is not a single drug known that has similar actions at the same time: protecting healthy tissues from destruction and suppressing already modified or damaged cells.


Adult patients take one capsule with breakfast. Duration of treatment is 4 weeks. It is advisable to conduct up to three courses per year.

Active Ingredients

  • Antioxidant complex Novomin – developed by specialists Siberian Health: tocopherol acetate, retinol acetate, vitamin C,
  • Lactose,
  • Fructose,
  • Citrus pectins Herbacell.

Clinical studies

Research Institute of Oncology and Medical Radiology in Minsk.
Determination of the action of dietary supplement Novomin ( vitamins C, A, E) on the body of patients with stomach cancer after surgery or other special types of therapy.

Seven hundred and twenty-one patients participated in the experiment; dietary supplements were taken for a week. An increase in the level of enzymes that are antioxidants was detected, as well as activation of fat cells, which indicates an antioxidant effect. In patients, the state of red blood cells stabilizes with an increase in osmotic pressure; this indicator can be used to judge the strengthening of cell membranes. Using the dietary supplement Novomin to alleviate the harmful effects of a chemotherapy drug ( 5-fluorouracil) also had a positive effect: the production of glutathione, an antioxidant produced in the body, increased.

When using the dietary supplement Novomin in the rehabilitation of patients with stomach cancer after irradiation, not a single episode of late complications was recorded. The duration of control was ten years. The patients did not suffer from skin disorders typical after radiotherapy. Laboratory tests of the blood showed that the adrenal glands and pancreas were not damaged by radiation.

Academy of Nutrition of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Determination of the effect of dietary supplement Novomin on the condition of patients with fibrocystic mastopathy.

The experiment involved ten patients aged from eighteen to thirty-two years. While taking the dietary supplement, women noted relief, a decrease in the intensity of pain in the mammary glands, as well as a decrease in the intensity of premenstrual syndrome. Menstruation became less painful. The amount of discharge has normalized and the bleeding period has decreased. According to ultrasound readings, 12 weeks after treatment, positive changes were revealed in nine patients: cysts resolved partially or completely, the lumen of the milk ducts increased, and the foci of altered tissue decreased.

It should be noted that not many oncoprotectors and antioxidants have undergone the same testing as the drug “Novomin” (“Siberian Health”). A whole group of doctors worked on its creation. So, after ten years of research, a unique drug was born, which is difficult to find an equal. At its origins is Professor V.N. Sukolinsky, who conducted the most research. This dietary supplement was called “Novomin” (“Siberian Health”).

A little about the manufacturer

Today, not many people have heard about this drug, so we will talk about its spectrum of action in more detail. The manufacturer of Novomin is Siberian Health. This is a company that is famous for its cosmetics. However, along with beauty products, the company also produces various dietary supplements, which are represented by a wide range of products to solve a variety of problems. These supplements strengthen the immune system and increase performance, maintain normal metabolism and restore slimness. But the most amazing, unique complex is “Novomin” (“Siberian Health”).

24 years on the market - 24 years of continuous research

This is the most modern and deeply studied antioxidant that exists at this time. Following the traditions of the Siberian Health company, Novomin products open up new opportunities in the fight for human well-being. This drug is extremely effective for the prevention of cancer, reduces the toxic effect of standard anticancer therapy, and also greatly increases the effectiveness of the treatment itself. The developers have conducted a lot of research into how much the effectiveness of the drug depends on concomitant therapy and drugs prescribed in parallel. As a result, in each group, regardless of additionally prescribed drugs, a persistent improvement in condition was diagnosed.

The basis of the complex

This is a unique set of plant antioxidants. Their effect on the body has been confirmed by many years of clinical trials, which makes it possible to recognize them as effective. Now we will talk about what is included in the drug “Novomin” (“Siberian Health”). How to take it, what results can be expected, doctors' opinions and patient reviews - all this is very important. Therefore, each patient should carefully study this information before starting to take the drug.

This antioxidant complex provides new opportunities in the prevention of cancer. Its use can quickly reduce the toxic effects of antitumor therapy.

Composition of the drug

This is a complex of natural antioxidants that provide daily reliable protection against various dangerous chemicals that penetrate the body. In addition, regular intake of the composition allows you to normalize metabolic processes. But that’s not all that the drug “Novomin” (Siberian Health) promises you. The instructions indicate that the drug also contains a complex of pro-oxidants that have a selective damaging effect. They destroy only pathological cells, interacting absolutely neutrally with healthy ones.

Surely our readers are already wondering what these “magic” antioxidants are. Manufacturers have not come up with anything new; these are the well-known vitamins A, C and E, as well as excipients, fructose, lactose and citrus dietary fiber.

Effect on the body

At the moment, it is known that in 8 out of 10 cases it becomes possible to significantly slow down the development of cancer cells using only a natural drug from the Siberian Health company - Novomin. Its use gives the best results when it is used for prevention, as experts say. In more than 80% of cases, cancer can be prevented.

Now a little about the composition. Of the many antioxidants, the most famous are vitamins A, C and E. They have been studied for a long time, and it is useless to deny their vital role in healing the body. But the revolutionary discovery was that it is the intake of these vitamins in certain doses and a special percentage that can have a protective effect on healthy tissues and be detrimental to malignant ones. Therefore, you should not think that vegetables and fruits or ordinary supporting complexes can become an exact analogue of this drug.

Properties of the complex

Today, the only one of its kind is the drug “Novomin” (“Siberian Health”). How to take it is determined by the attending physician, but in any case it remains a unique drug with multidirectional effects. That is, the active components of the drug themselves select diseased cells and destroy them, and at the same time they protect healthy cells and organs, preventing them from falling under the influence of carcinogens. The operating principles of this dietary supplement are based on revolutionary technologies. Its active components heal all organs and systems. But especially important is the protection of brain cells. It is this feature of the drug that allows it to become number one in the fight against cancer.

Why Novomin

Today, the most effective means for the prevention of cancer is Novomin (Siberian Health). Reviews from doctors indicate that such a statement has substantial grounds. Many well-known radiation protectors retain their effect for 15-30 minutes, and this product works for over two days, which increases its protective effect. This is the only drug in the world that does not protect malignant cells from radiation exposure. That is, cancerous formations remain fully susceptible to it. This is a powerful means of protection for people who live in areas contaminated with radioactive waste.

If this is not enough, and you continue to doubt, then it is necessary to add that the drug reduces the rate and risk of developing metastases. At the same time, the dietary supplement significantly increases the overall resistance of the body, reducing the overall toxicity of anticancer drugs to the body.

Instructions for use

There are a large number of dosage regimens that need to be followed, depending on what the reason for prescribing this drug was. To prevent postoperative complications (when removing malignant tumors), you need to take 10 capsules per day for 7 days. This gives the body a chance to recover faster, remove toxins and strengthen the immune system. During radiation therapy, you must take 10 capsules 24 hours before the first session, and then 10 capsules daily until the end of the course.

As you can see, there is a fairly wide range of indications for the use of the drug from the Siberian Health company, Novomin. The instructions for use say that the dietary supplement is widely used during chemotherapy. The mode of application is similar to that which is relevant for radioprotection. In between chemotherapy courses, you need to take 10 capsules per day.

Patients who have completed radical treatment are prescribed a rehabilitation course. In the first month, people take 10 capsules daily, then switch to a lighter regimen (2 times a week, 10 capsules or 4 capsules per day). This treatment must be continued for 6 years. At the same time, the number of people cured of cancer increases several times.

Is it possible to combine this product with other drugs from the Siberian Health company?

Many drugs from this company can significantly enhance the protective and preventive effect of Novomin. Each of them is an exceptionally beneficial natural complex of vitamins, minerals or antioxidants. It is a natural barrier that empowers our immune system and gives it the resources to fight. First of all, it is worth mentioning the dietary supplements “Origins of Health”, “Rhythms of Health” and “Living Cell”. They can be taken together with a radioprotector.

However, the catalog of drugs that this company produces also includes formulations for weight loss. These are “Lymphosan” and “Calorie Control Complex”. They should be taken separately from Novomin, with a gap of at least 4 hours. Dietary fiber significantly reduces the absorption of the components of the drug, which is extremely undesirable if the drug is prescribed not for prevention, but for treatment. Therefore, you need to clearly set your priorities and ask your doctor to draw up an optimal treatment plan for you.

The legendary NovoMin complex is a bestseller in 25 countries of the Siberian Health Corporation. What is the secret of its popularity and effectiveness? The scientific discovery of V.N. Sukolinsky and T.S. Morozkina, which forms the basis of the complex, makes it a powerful weapon in the fight against free radicals.

In nature, there are a large number of aggressive factors that lead to imbalance in the body. One of the most dangerous is the formation of free radicals.


Free radicals- These are unsaturated oxygen compounds that lack electrons, which makes them aggressive. Free radicals seek to obtain the missing electron from other molecules, which leads to disruption of their structure and function. In turn, those molecules from which the electron was taken become radical... Such a chain reaction quickly spreads throughout the body, affecting millions of molecules in a split second.

The targets of free radicals are cells, their components, or even entire organs. It is estimated that the DNA of individual cells is attacked up to 10 thousand times a day. Damage to DNA structures by free radicals is associated with a weakened immune system, as well as diseases such as cancer, arthrosis, and heart attack.


Consequences of the negative impact of free radicals on the human body:

Fortunately, in the process of evolution, the body has learned to independently respond to oxidative stress caused by free radicals. However, when external factors become too aggressive, free radicals cause irreparable harm to human health. Then nature comes to the aid of the body.

Nature has created special protection against free radicals - antioxidants, or antioxidants. They neutralize the effect of aggressive molecules. Today, scientists attach great importance to antioxidants that enter the body from the outside - as part of foods or vitamins.


Some of the most powerful natural antioxidants are vitamins A, E and C. Their role in protecting against the effects of free radicals has been known for a long time, but a completely unique scientific idea of ​​the last century was the discovery of Belarusian professors V.N. Sukolinsky and T.S. Morozkina.

Starting from 1985 year, on the basis of the clinic of the Research Institute of Oncology and Medical Radiology named after N. N. Alexandrov, by a team of authors under the guidance of professors V. N. Sukolinsky And T. S. Morozkina a large amount of research has been carried out. The clinic developed and tested the antioxidant complex “Resiston”, on the basis of which the dietary supplement “NovoMin” was created.

As a result of the research, the following properties of NovoMin were identified:

  • 1. Pronounced antioxidant (protective) effect in healthy tissues of the body.
  • 2. Pronounced damaging effect in mutated cells.
  • 3. Lack of toxicity even with long-term (several years) use.
  • 4. Normalization of many metabolic disorders in the body.

Features of the use of the antioxidant complex "NovoMin"

  • Prevention of complications of chemotherapy - a few days before and during the course.
  • Reducing the risk of developing metastases - within 1 month (repeat every 2-3 months for 2 years).
  • Improving the quality of life of incurable patients - within 1.5-2 weeks.
  • The course of therapy for mastopathy is for 10 days, starting from the 7th day from the start of menstruation (course - 3 months).
  • The course of therapy for gastric and duodenal ulcers is 3-4 capsules per day with meals for 7-10 days.

Yuri Gichev, Head of the Scientific and Innovation Center of the Siberian Health Corporation:

IN 2004 year, we quite accidentally received information about a very interesting development by Belarusian scientists in the field of cancer prevention. And since the Siberian Health Corporation was already actively working in this area by that time (just remember the Berezhnik dietary supplement), we were very interested in this product.

We went to Minsk several times for negotiations, until finally we managed to convince Professor V.N. Sukolinsky that the Siberian Health Corporation has a sufficient scientific and educational base and takes this difficult topic very seriously.

Already in mid-2005, a new product was registered - dietary supplement "NovoMin" (Novosibirsk + Minsk).

The presentation of the new product took place in the fall of 2005, and it was conducted by Professor V. N. Sukolinsky himself.

In 2008, the composition of the NovoMin dietary supplement was adjusted: instead of inert fillers in the form of fructose and lactose, a complex of dietary fibers with a sorption and cleansing effect appeared in the composition.

To our great regret, in the spring of 2009 V.N. Sukolinsky passed away. For some time, the Siberian Health Corporation continued to work with his successor V. Karanik, until in 2012 it restored scientific ties with the second main developer of NovoMin, Professor T. S. Morozkina.

T. S. Morozkina was actively involved in educational work dedicated to cancer prevention and promotion of NovoMin. Her book “Cancer Risk Factors” sold more than 10 thousand copies among the Siberian Health Consultants. In addition, the professor drew attention to the fact that the dose of vitamin A in NovoMin is slightly higher than what was included in the development of the complex in 1985, and the dose of vitamin E, on the contrary, is relatively small compared to the original value.

As a result, in 2014 year, based on the recommendations of Tatyana Morozkina, we returned the vitamin and antioxidant composition of NovoMina to its original version. In addition, due to the new economic situation, we abandoned the very expensive Herbacell dietary fiber complex and returned to the original idea of ​​​​a simpler filler, as was the case with NovoMin in 2005, in order to keep this product affordable for people who need it.

Being as close as possible to the original composition, NovoMin today marks the beginning of the second decade of fruitful work of the Siberian Health Corporation with this truly legendary product!

1. Dear readers! The information presented below will allow you to more successfully use new opportunities in the prevention of cancer, reducing the toxic effects of standard antitumor mepanuu and increasing the effectiveness of treatment of malignant tumors, which appeared thanks to the creation of the Novomin antioxidant complex.

Pay special attention to the following points:
1. It is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it! Experts are convinced that 70-80 percent of cancers can be prevented.
2. One of the main reasons why mortality from cancer continues to rank high is the extremely low awareness of people about how to avoid cancer, about the early manifestations of a tumor, when it is necessary to see a doctor without wasting a single day.
3. The earlier a tumor is detected, the more effective its treatment. Cancer is not some incurable fatal disease. We can cure cancer. Currently existing treatment methods save many thousands of patients.
4. Oncology has made great strides, and now doctors are saving many of those who would not have been saved ten years ago. The main (traditional) methods of treating cancer are still surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
5. There is not a single pharmacological drug (or even less a biologically active food supplement) that in isolation can lead to a cure for cancer! Only with a combination of treatment methods that cover the entire body and, if possible, all areas of the patient’s life: body, spirit and soul, can success be achieved!
6. And the last, one of the most important points: an optimistic attitude towards life and self-confidence. People who never lose hope despite setbacks and defeats are more immune to illness than pessimists. Health can be preserved only by the belief: “I can handle this!”

It is well known that preventing a disease is easier than treating it. “We already know so much about the causes of cancer that it is not only possible, but absolutely necessary to put the anti-cancer fight on the rails of prevention”> - these are the words of the patriarch of Russian oncology, Academician Nikolai Nikolaevich Petrov (1876 - I964), whose name is the Institute of Oncology in St. -Petersburg, were written half a century ago. Today, with even greater justification, it can be argued that cancer prevention (in the broad sense of the word) is the main path we must follow to protect a person from tumors.
It just so happens that in our society there is an opinion that malignant tumors are fatal. If a person dies of cancer, then everyone around him knows that he died of cancer, but if he recovers from it, then everyone (except those closest to him) is sure that he did not have cancer, but another disease. This is how public opinion is created in relation to cancer, but it is very difficult to change it. There was a similar attitude towards heart attacks thirty years ago - and then doctors did their best to hide the truth from patients. And although many more patients die today from cardiovascular pathology than from cancer, they are no longer considered as dangerous as malignant tumors.
Cancer is not some kind of incurable fatal disease, when, as many patients and their relatives think, the diagnosis itself serves as a ticket to the graveyard. We can cure cancer. Currently existing treatment methods save many thousands of patients. In Russia alone there are now about 2 million cancer patients who have successfully undergone treatment.
Why can’t we achieve a turning point in the dynamics of cancer morbidity and mortality? There are many reasons, but one of the most important: our people are very poorly informed about how to avoid cancer. Unfortunately, few residents of Russia know about the early manifestations of the tumor. After all, the earlier a tumor is detected, the more effective its treatment. Finally, many simply do not believe that cancer is curable. As a result: according to specialists from the Moscow Institute of Oncology. P. A. Herzen, in recent years, about 6 percent of cancer patients in the country have officially refused treatment, which is tens of thousands of people, tens of thousands of lives that could have been saved. The main reason for this was ignorance of the simplest rules known to millions of residents of more prosperous countries.
Oncology has made great strides, and now doctors are saving many of those who would not have been saved ten years ago. Experts already know a lot about how to reduce the risk of this serious disease. They are confident that 70 to 80 percent of cancers can be prevented. Unfortunately, non-specialists and ordinary citizens of our country know much less about this. And with the efforts of doctors alone it is impossible to cope with all the problems causing an increase in the number of patients.
The efforts of the state alone are not always sufficient, and therefore public associations are being created all over the world, the purpose of which is to bring to people information about the causes of cancer, the possibility of preventing this disease, to provide psychological and therapeutic support to patients, to help specialists involved in the introduction of new anti-cancer drugs, as well as non-traditional methods of treatment and prevention that have proven their effectiveness. We decided to make our contribution to this process.

What is cancer and how does it occur?
Before the mechanism of action of the new antioxidant complex “Novomin” is described, let’s say a few words about what cancer is and how it arises. Cancer begins in a cell that is “out of control.” A healthy cell divides only when necessary, for example, during growth, if it needs to renew tissue or heal a wound. When the task is completed, cell division stops. In cancer, the mechanism for inhibiting cell division breaks down and cell division continues continuously.
The transformation of a healthy cell into a tumor cell in many cases, of course, is not sudden and uncontrollable. What exactly happens in the body and how cells become malignant is not yet completely clear. This process can be simplified as follows:
1. The genes of healthy cells, under the influence of carcinogens (substances that promote the degeneration of normal cells into tumor cells), experience chronic or acute damage. Most of the disorders are harmless at first and have virtually no effect on the functioning of cells. Harmful effects can be suppressed by the cellular repair system. A number of control genes are responsible for the restoration and, if necessary, destruction of damaged cells. The recovery process is supported by plant substances (such as flavonoids, carotene, etc.) that can neutralize carcinogens.
2. Subsequently, more and more of these damaged cells accumulate in the body. Many of them also lack some control genes. Affected cells have the ability to divide, passing the gene damage to daughter cells. This is how a precancerous situation develops in the body. According to experts, it is necessary for at least b genes to fail in order for a cell to finally take the path of degeneration.
3. The precancerous cell turns into a malignant one more and more quickly. When all control disappears, it begins to share unhindered. In this case, the action of the so-called cancer genes becomes predominant and normal genes in the cancer cell cannot perform their function.

Why does approximately a quarter of the population get cancer, while the majority avoid the disease, although they experience the same stress and are exposed to the same carcinogens?
A healthy body is able to overcome and smooth out harmful effects. The fact is that, in addition to the effect of carcinogenic substances, no less important in the development of cancer is a decrease in the body’s resistance, depletion of the immune system, which cannot function normally and recognize damaged cells in a timely manner.
To the named “internal” factors that are difficult to influence are added “external” ones.
What are the most common environmental factors that contribute to cancer?
Among them are the following:
Nutrition. Studies have confirmed that poor nutrition is one of the causes of various forms of cancer in 30 - 50% of cases. A fairly clear dependence on nutrition of cancer diseases of the following organs has been revealed: pharynx, lungs, esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver, breast.

Bad habits. Smoking, among other causes of cancer, accounts for 30%. Tumors of the lungs and respiratory tract are almost exclusively attributed to this cause. Alcohol consumption contributes to the development of esophageal cancer.
Viruses and bacteria play a role in approximately 15% of cases. This primarily applies to tumors of the female genital organs, as well as the mouth, pharynx and liver.
Harmful substances. As measurement methods have become more sophisticated, carcinogens are now found in many industrial products, as well as in substances of natural origin. In general, harmful substances account for 5 to 10% of the “blame” for the occurrence of cancer.
Irradiation. This is one of the few influences that can cause cell degeneration without outside help. Penetrating directly into the cell nucleus and encountering a defective gene there, radiation can immediately lead to the emergence of a cancer cell. But more often than not, an accumulation of radiation damage is required for the cell to degenerate. Any radiation, the source of which is both technical devices (X-ray machines, solariums, etc.) and nature (sun, space, rocks that emit radon), is potentially harmful.

Almost all carcinogens do not directly cause disease. They need helpers, and most often in the body this role is played by free radicals. Many researchers consider them to be the culprits of many human diseases. Free radicals lead to premature aging, cause inflammation, atherosclerosis, and cancer.
Free radicals are basically unsaturated oxygen compounds that lack electrons. This makes them aggressive. To regain lost stability, they snatch the missing particles from everywhere. At the same time, they destroy vital molecules, damage cell membranes, and harm tissues. Molecules from which an electron has been taken away also become radicals. Free radicals interfere with vital processes occurring in the cell. The chain reaction quickly spreads all the way to the cell nucleus, often affecting the DNA of the cells. If genes are directly affected, the information encoded in them and transmitted by inheritance changes. A mutation occurs that can be inherited. The direct consequence is cancer.
Free radicals occur in all metabolic processes, and in many of them they are simply necessary: ​​for example, phagocytes (cells of the immune system) use free radicals to destroy pathogens (bacteria and viruses). Since free radical oxidation has been occurring in the human and animal body for quite a long time, in the process of evolution a protective system has also been formed - an antioxidant system that can resist excess free radicals.
And only in cases where the antioxidant system is not able to cope on its own, free radicals cause irreparable harm to the body. Unfortunately, this situation occurs quite often, and in this case, great importance is attached to antioxidants entering the body from the outside (as part of foods or vitamins).

Mechanism of action of the antioxidant complex “Novomin”
Of the many antioxidants contained in food and with the help of which you can strengthen the body’s defense against aging and diseases, including cancer, vitamins A, C, and E are especially important. Their role in protecting the body from the action of free radicals has been known for a long time, but it is fundamentally The new discovery of Professor V.N. Sukolinsky is that these vitamins only in certain doses and in a certain percentage can have a protective effect in healthy tissues and a damaging effect in tumor tissues.

Professor V.N. Sukolinsky, despite the fact that he is an operating surgeon, is convinced that all radical operations for malignant tumors should be considered only as a treatment aimed at removing most of the tumor cells and subsequently requiring mandatory antitumor therapy with effective non-toxic antitumor drugs drugs to destroy malignant cells scattered in the body, which are potential sources of cancer metastases in the coming years after surgery.
Radiation and physiotherapeutic methods of treating malignant neoplasms, in principle, can ensure complete destruction of any tumor. But in real conditions, oncologists are faced with the task of not just destroying a tumor, but doing it in such a way that healthy tissues are not subject to irreversible damage, so that treatment does not threaten the lives of patients. Thus, the problem of selectivity of antitumor effects is, in essence, the central problem of the treatment of malignant neoplasms.

Based on this, today it is necessary to state the following:

1. The surgical method, as the main method of antitumor treatment of most malignant tumors, has exhausted its capabilities. And no increase in the volume of operations can remove malignant cells spread through the bloodstream from the body. Surgical treatment must be accompanied by antitumor therapy for at least the next 2 years after surgery.
2. Further increase in the effectiveness of radiation and chemotherapy is limited due to the high toxicity of chemoradiotherapy for normal tissues. Therefore, the development and clinical use of drugs that increase the body’s resistance to the damaging effects of radiation therapy and cytostatics without reducing their antitumor effect is an urgent and previously unsolved problem of modern oncology.
Research in this direction is being conducted in many research institutes, and one of the approaches is an attempt to consider the problem from the perspective of harmonization of free radical processes and adequate response of the antioxidant system. On the basis of the clinic of the Research Institute of Oncology and Medical Radiology named after. N. N. Aleksandrova, a team of authors headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor V.N. Sukolinsky conducted a large amount of research in this direction, which was reflected in 4 doctoral and 9 candidate dissertations, protected by 5 copyright certificates and 4 patents, and awarded the State Prize of the Republic of Belarus. Below are the main prerequisites for the creation of this theory; the author notes the main ways to solve the problem, confirmed by experimental and clinical studies.

By 1985 (the time the research began), there was already enough data convincingly showing that a common property of radiation and chemotherapy is the activation of free radical oxidation and lipid peroxidation with subsequent damage to cell membranes and jPiK (deoxyribonucleic acid). The implementation of these effects in normal tissues leads to clinically pronounced symptoms of the toxic effects of ionizing radiation and cytostatics.
It is obvious that the use of a non-toxic drug with a pronounced antioxidant effect will help neutralize free radical oxidation and lipid peroxidation, reduce the likelihood of damage to cell membranes and DNA of normal tissues, that is, prevent the development of complications of chemoradiotherapy.
It is also necessary to know that radiation and chemotherapy in oncology are carried out in patients in whose bodies lipid peroxidation has already been “triggered” by the tumor itself. This is due to the fact that the tumor significantly affects the metabolic processes of normal tissues. In tumor cells, the rate of metabolic processes significantly exceeds that in normal tissues, which leads to a deficiency in the body of tumor carriers of the main energy substrate - glucose; In addition, there is an increased use of other energy substrates, primarily fatty acids. This circumstance underlies the stimulation of lipid peroxidation processes in the body. In connection with the above, the use of antioxidants in oncology can also be shown as a means of improving metabolic processes in the body of patients, increasing the antitumor resistance of the body and its resistance to extreme therapeutic effects.
Considering that free radical oxidation processes occur in both aqueous and lipid environments, for effective antioxidant protection of the body it is necessary to simultaneously use water- and fat-soluble bioantioxidants, that is, use them in combination.
As a result of experimental (more than 2,000 animals) and clinical studies (more than 2,000 cancer patients), an antioxidant complex (AC) was developed and tested in the clinic, on the basis of which a new therapeutic and prophylactic product was created - the Novomin dietary supplement.

The following properties of this antioxidant complex should be highlighted:

1. Pronounced antioxidant (protective) effect in healthy tissues of the body, significantly exceeding the same effect separately for each vitamin included in the antioxidant complex.
2. Pronounced pro-oxidant (damaging) effect in malignant cells.
Today, the antioxidant complex is the first and so far the only drug in oncology that can simultaneously protect normal body tissues and damage malignant cells.
3. Lack of toxicity even over long periods of time (several years)
its application.
4.. Normalization of many metabolic (metabolic) disorders in the body
patients with malignant tumors.
5. Selective (only in normal tissues) radioprotective properties, 1.5 times greater than the effect of previously used radioprotective drugs. At the same time, the antioxidant complex does not have a radioprotective effect in tumor tissues.
6. Selective reduction of the damaging effect of cytostatics in normal tissues and, conversely, a significant increase in the antitumor effect of cytostatics in malignant tumors.
Considering the large volume of research conducted, which cannot even be briefly listed in this publication, we present only the main conclusions obtained as a result of experimental and clinical studies.

Experimental results

The antioxidant complex “Novomin” (AK) exhibits pronounced antioxidant (protective) properties only in normal tissues of the body; in malignant tumors, on the contrary, it has a pro-oxidant (tumor-damaging) effect. Thus, AK “Novomin” is the first and so far the only drug in world practice that has the so-called multidirectional effect. On the one hand, the antioxidant complex normalizes metabolic processes in normal tissues of the body, on the other hand, it has a selective effect that damages only malignant cells, including at the DNA level.
AK "Novomin" has a pronounced radioprotective effect in the body, which is reliably confirmed by an increase in the survival rate of animals irradiated in lethal doses; prevents the development of free radical oxidation processes caused by radiation; protects against radiation damage to bone marrow cells and the immune system.
Unlike all known radioprotective agents, AK does not exhibit toxic effects in the body. The magnitude of the radioprotective effect of the antioxidant complex corresponds in the experiment to the radioprotective effect of the standard radioprotective drug mexamine. The duration of the radioprotective effect of one dose of AK is at least 72 hours (for all known radioprotectors - 15 - 30 minutes).
The antioxidant complex “Novomin” does not exhibit a radioprotective effect in malignant tumors (unlike all known radioprotective agents), and therefore does not reduce the antitumor effectiveness of radiation therapy. There are no analogues in world practice to date.
In addition to its radioprotective effect, the antioxidant complex “Novomin” is capable of restoring radiation damage when used after irradiation, therefore, it can and should be used to protect the body of people living in areas contaminated with radionuclides.
The Novomin antioxidant complex reduces the toxicity of antitumor drugs (chemotherapy) in the body and at the same time significantly increases the antitumor activity of chemotherapy drugs in tumor tissues.
The antioxidant complex “Novomin” reduces the rate of division of malignant cells, inhibits or prevents the development of metastases.

Possibilities of practical application of the antioxidant complex “Novomin”

The results of multifaceted studies in experiment and in
The clinic allows us to offer the following regimens for the use of antioxidant
complex "Novomin" for various pathological conditions.

I. As an adjuvant for malignant tumors
- In the surgical treatment of cancer patients, AK Novomin can be used to prevent the development of postoperative complications. For this purpose, it is necessary to take the antioxidant complex 1 therapeutic dose daily for 5 - 7 days before surgery. This preparation reduces the need for intravenous transfusions of expensive blood substitutes (nutrient mixtures). According to Professor V.N. Sukolinsky, the use of this method of preparing patients with stomach cancer led to a decrease in the number of postoperative complications from 20% (with conventional preparation) to 1.2%.
- For selective protection of the body (but not malignant tumors) from the damaging effects of ionizing radiation. When conducting radiation therapy for cancer patients, the antioxidant complex begins to be taken 1 therapeutic dose a day before the start and then daily (once a day) until the end of radiation therapy. According to V.N. Sukolinsky, the use of an antioxidant complex reduced the number of radiation reactions in patients with stomach cancer by 10 times, significantly reduced the number of post-radiation pneumonitis (the development of fibrous scar changes in lung tissue with a significant decrease or loss of respiratory function) in patients with lung cancer from 100 % (with conventional radiation therapy in so-called carcinicidal doses) up to 42%; the number of early or late radiation complications in patients with uterine cancer is 5 and 7 times, respectively.
- To reduce the toxicity of chemotherapy while simultaneously increasing the antitumor activity of chemotherapy drugs. For this purpose, AK Novomin is recommended to take 1 therapeutic dose a day before the start and then daily (once a day) throughout the course of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy carried out under the protection of the body by an antioxidant complex is much easier to tolerate by patients, in most cases it does not require therapy aimed at restoring the hematopoietic system, blood transfusions or its components, which, in turn, significantly reduces the risk of infection with serum hepatitis, AIDS, etc. .p. infections. The results of this treatment are more pronounced. For example, according to V.N. Sukolinsky, chemotherapy with 5-fluorouracil in inoperable patients with stage IV gastric cancer, carried out using an antioxidant complex, made it possible for 25% of treated patients to live for more than 3 years. At the same time, with similar treatment, but without the antioxidant complex, none of the patients survived 2 years, and 90% of such patients died within 1 year.
The pronounced chemoradioprotective properties of AK "Novomin" made it possible to develop a method of modified chemoradiotherapy for locally advanced (inoperable) pancreatic cancer, as a result of which, for the first time in the world, a 7-year survival rate was achieved in 10% of such patients (average life expectancy - 21 months), previously considered not subject to treatment with an average life expectancy of 3.5 months.

- To reduce the risk of developing distant metastases in patients who have undergone radical surgical or combined treatment, Novomin AK is used in two modes:

1. After radical treatment, patients take the antioxidant complex daily, 1 time per day, 1 therapeutic dose for 1 month. Then a break is taken for 3 months. and again a month-long course of treatment with an antioxidant complex is carried out. Such courses of treatment are carried out for at least 2 years.
2. After radical treatment, the antioxidant complex is taken one therapeutic dose 1 time every 2 to 3 days (2 times a week) continuously for at least 2 years. It must be taken into account that interruptions in treatment are unacceptable, since malignant cells scattered in the body (despite the removal of the primary tumor) will retain the ability to restore their own population.
The indicated modes are equivalent in their effectiveness and can be selected individually depending on living conditions, work, etc. The therapeutic effect in this case is due to the antioxidant effect of Novomin, which helps restore the metabolism in the body disturbed by the tumor and increase its antitumor resistance already in the first 2-3 months. after starting antioxidant therapy. Under normal conditions, metabolic processes in the body disrupted by a tumor are not restored even a year after tumor removal, which creates favorable conditions for the development of tumor relapses or metastases.
In addition, experimental studies in animals and clinical studies have shown that daily use of the antioxidant complex for just 7 days significantly reduces the proliferative activity of malignant cells (adenocarcinoma) by 2.2 times, that is, it reduces the number of dividing cancer cells. For example, the use of such antioxidant therapy in patients with stage IB-SG stomach cancer after surgical removal of the tumor increased the number of patients who were cured and lived more than 5 years after the operation, from 30.1% (without the antioxidant complex) to 43.1% (with inclusion in the regimen). treatment of the antioxidant complex), i.e. 1.5 times! At the same time, the number of local cancer relapses decreased from 8.9% to 2.1%.
- For symptomatic treatment of incurable cancer patients (or, more correctly, those patients whose treatment is considered unpromising by official medicine), if for various reasons it is impossible for them to undergo special antitumor therapy, it is advisable to start using the antioxidant complex 1 therapeutic dose 1 time per day every day within 1 - 1.5 weeks. If the patient's condition improves, the use of AK Novomin should be continued. In most cases, this can significantly improve the quality of life of patients within a few months.

In the clinic of Professor V.N. Sukolinsky, the antioxidant complex is used as an adjunct to a significant decrease in bone marrow hematopoiesis, which develops in response to radiation or chemotherapy. When the level of leukocytes decreases, the use of an antioxidant complex for 3 - 4 (maximum 7) days helps restore bone marrow hematopoiesis. In this case, the antioxidant complex is used in 1 therapeutic dose once a day. Such treatment, as a rule, does not require additional blood transfusions, and can even be carried out at home.
- AK "Novomin" is highly effective in treating a disease that is quite common in women - diffuse mastopathy. For diffuse mastopathy, AK is used 1 therapeutic dose daily for 7 - 10 days, starting from the 7th - 10th day of the menstrual cycle. To significantly improve the condition, as a rule, 2 - 3 such courses are enough.

II. As an aid
for peptic ulcers of the stomach and 12-person intestines
Our observations show that in the treatment of stomach or duodenal ulcers, scarring of the ulcers occurs after daily intake of one therapeutic dose of the antioxidant complex once a day (after meals) for 7-10 days. To prevent seasonal exacerbations of peptic ulcer disease (usually in spring and autumn), it is advisable to take an antioxidant complex in one therapeutic dose every other day 1 - 1.5 weeks before the expected exacerbation, the approach of which patients with peptic ulcer disease usually feel themselves.
The use of AK "Novomin" for this purpose can be carried out at home, not forgetting, however, the need for periodic control examinations even if you are feeling well, since a stomach ulcer can cause a tumor.

III. Prevention of the damaging effects of ionizing radiation on the body of people living or working in an area of ​​high levels.
The damaging effect of ionizing radiation on the body manifests itself mainly through free radicals formed during irradiation, which actively participate in oxidation chain reactions. This ultimately leads to damage to cell membranes and the hereditary apparatus of cells, which contributes to the development of functions unusual for normal cells, as well as hereditary pathology.
Research conducted under the direction of Professor V.N. Sukolinsky on laboratory animals kept for only 1 month. in the 30-kilometer zone of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (research in 1992), showed an almost 3-fold increase in the content of one of the products of free radical oxidation - raspberry dialdehyde - in the body of these animals. This fact indicates significant radiation damage resulting from exposure to external radiation and radionuclides entering the body with food. The use of an antioxidant complex in these animals for just 2 weeks normalized the metabolic disorders in the body caused by radiation.
The antioxidant complex has pronounced antioxidant properties, that is, the ability to significantly reduce (to normal values) the processes of free radical oxidation provoked by radiation and other damaging factors (radioprotective property). Studies have shown that the antioxidant complex has not only a radioprotective effect (when used before irradiation), but also a radiotherapeutic effect (restores radiation damage when used after irradiation).
Thus, for long-term protection of the body of people living in areas contaminated with radionuclides from the damaging effects of so-called “small” doses of ionizing radiation, it is advisable to take AK “Novomin” one prophylactic dose 3 - 4 times a week for the entire time during which There is a danger of exposure to ionizing radiation. The duration of use of AK Novomin for this purpose will depend on the radiation situation in the places where people live or work.
You need to know that none of the domestic or foreign-made multivitamin preparations currently supplied to the pharmacy chain has an effective radioprotective effect.

The studied properties of the antioxidant complex “Novomin” currently place it practically beyond competition with previously developed radioprotective agents that have high toxicity and a short period of radioprotective action.
The main scientific significance of the research was that it was possible to prove that differences in the metabolic processes of normal and malignant cells provide the practical opportunity to simultaneously selectively protect only normal tissues from damage and, conversely, damage only malignant cells when using one drug. Previously it was considered impossible to solve such a problem.

In conclusion, it should be especially noted that:

The Novomin dietary supplement is completely identical to the antioxidant complex developed by Professor V.N. Sukolinsky.
In the Novomin dietary supplement, all percentages of antioxidants are completely preserved, which is fundamental and fundamentally important for therapeutic and prophylactic effectiveness.

The daily therapeutic dose of the antioxidant complex "Novomin" corresponds to 8 - 10 capsules, and the prophylactic dose corresponds to 4 capsules.

(taken from the booklet).

*Features of the reception mode**:

Prevention of complications of chemotherapy - a few days before and during the course.
Reducing the risk of developing metastases - within 1 month, repeat every 2-3 months for 2 years.
Improving the quality of life of incurable patients – within 1.5–2 weeks.
The course of therapy for mastopathy is for 10 days starting from the 7th day from the start of menstruation, the course is 3 months.
Course of therapy for gastric and duodenal ulcers – 3–4 capsules per day
during meals for 7–10 days.

The package recommends 1 capsule per day with meals. Personally, I took 15 a day when my gums were swollen. It helped in three days without side effects. That is, it depends on the body. But for the weakened - the sick, "living on pills" - I recommend starting with extreme caution. Even if the doctor prescribed 10 capsules a day (brave doctor!). Start with one - look - let the body understand what is happening. This is not at all the same as taking some new chemical medicine. This is a dietary supplement! Absolutely not the same! At the beginning of use, the body may react differently - diarrhea, drowsiness, flatulence, rash, etc. This is not an allergy - the body changes to a healthy one. Some people recommend increasing the dose so that the body can cleanse itself faster and it will all be over. Someone stops accepting - which is fundamentally wrong. Drink cleansing teas, more GOOD water. Calm down. And keep taking it. If you are especially ill, consult your doctor and your own body.

Clinical studies:

Research Institute of Oncology and Medical Radiology (Minsk). Research on the effectiveness of the action of a complex of vitamins C, E, A (“NovoMin”).

Conducted in 721 patients with gastric cancer who underwent surgery or various types of combined treatment.

The use of an antioxidant vitamin complex for 7 days in patients with stomach cancer significantly increases the activity of superoxide dismutase and the antioxidant activity of serum lipids, therefore, has a pronounced antioxidant effect; leads to a significant increase in the osmotic resistance of erythrocytes, which can serve as an integral indicator of the state of the body’s biomembranes; contributed to a decrease in the intensity of catabolic processes in the examined patients, assessed by a significant decrease in the content of peptides in the blood serum. The use of an antioxidant vitamin complex to prevent the toxic effects of 5-fluorouracil not only completely blocked lipid peroxidation initiated by the cytostatic, but also significantly stimulated the glutathione-dependent antioxidant defense system. The results of dynamic observation of operable patients with stomach cancer who received intensive preoperative radiation therapy with simultaneous prevention of the development of radiation complications with an antioxidant vitamin complex are as follows: none of the operable patients with stomach cancer treated according to the developed method (using an antioxidant vitamin complex) had early or late radiation complications complications during control examinations for 10 years: there were no post-radiation dermatitis and skin indurates, enteritis and erosive gastritis, blood counts did not go beyond normal values. This conclusion is also confirmed by data on the content of cortisol and insulin in the blood of patients who received preoperative radiation therapy, which do not allow us to draw a conclusion about the development of organic post-radiation changes in the pancreas and left adrenal gland.

At the Academy of Nutrition of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The results of clinical studies of the effectiveness of dietary supplement NovoMin in patients with fibrocystic mastopathy are discussed. The study involved 10 patients aged 18 to 32 years.

During the study, a decrease in subjective complaints was noted (decrease in pain in the mammary gland and the syndrome of premenstrual tension and pain during menstruation), a positive effect was noted in menstrual disorders, which was expressed in a shortening of the ovarian cycle, a decrease in the duration of menstruation and a weakening of their abundance. According to ultrasound examination, after three months, positive results were noted in 9 patients, which was manifested in complete or partial regression of cysts and dilated ducts in the mammary gland, a decrease in the intensity and prevalence of diffuse changes.

Natalya Fokina consultant Situation

My beloved dog, a Rottweiler, had a malignant mammary tumor removed in 2007. A year later it appeared on a neighboring gland. We underwent medical treatment, but the enlarged nodes remained. Then I connected Novomin.
Results of recovery:

We ate according to the scheme for 21 days, 10 capsules, and currently 10 capsules every 2 days. The nodes have shrunk and can barely be felt, and the bumps after the tick bite have also gone away. The veterinarians and I were pleased with the result. Now they recommend Novomin to everyone.

Ekaterina Remennikova, Omsk, consultant Situation:

In April 2008, pain and lumps appeared in the mammary glands. She was examined by a gynecologist and a mammogram was prescribed. The queue is 2-3 weeks.
Results of recovery:

I started taking Novomin 4 capsules in the morning and afternoon. The pain went away and mammography examination showed only age-related tissue changes (fibrous). I also took Silver Propolis.

02/17/2009 Products:

Zakirova Guzel, Naberezhnye Chelny, consultant Situation:

Rectal cancer with metastases since 2006, operated on 2 times, chemotherapy 6 times.
Results of recovery:

My patient, whom I treated with Novomin, completely cleared up her rectal cancer in 3 months, leaving only a scar. Thank you very much for such a product; cancer patients now have hope for recovery.

01/31/2009 Products:

Levina Larisa, Arzamas, Nizhny Novgorod region, consultant Situation:

Oncology, ovarian cancer, ascites, intestinal nodes
Results of recovery:

At the moment, the tumor marker results are good, my health is excellent. I had stage 3 ovarian cancer, an operation was performed, and additional courses of chemotherapy were given.

Novomin- a product of the Siberian Health company, which protects the body from free radicals and stops the development of malignant tumors. Restores the functioning of vital processes in cells and increases their protective functions, restores liver cells and has antihypoxic properties.

Novomin has “selectivity”: it protects healthy tissues and organs and destroys foreign ones, reduces the negative consequences after chemotherapy and radiation therapy. This drug is generally effective for any immunodeficiency conditions.


Patented antioxidant complex Novomin (ascorbic acid, tocopherol acetate, retinol acetate);
- Herbacell citrus dietary fiber.

Properties of the drug Novomin

Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) neutralizes free radicals, which are the product of various viruses; this element has powerful anti-infective properties.
Tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) is also an antioxidant; it strengthens the walls of blood vessels, is very effective against infectious diseases, and slows down the aging process of cells.
Retinol acetate (vitamin A) strengthens the immune system by protecting the skin and mucous membranes.
All these elements that make up Novomin increase the body’s antioxidant defense in different “chains” of the immune system.

It is difficult to find an oncoprotector that has undergone as many tests as this drug: 23 years of various clinical studies, more than 2000 people participating in these studies. Professor V.N. was at the origins of the creation of Novomin. Sukolinsky.
Based on these studies, a unique antioxidant composition has been carefully developed, the essence of which is simplicity and at the same time high efficiency.

The drug not only neutralizes cancer cells, but at the same time it protects healthy ones from various pathogenic factors and, first of all, from various dangerous chemicals. It is for this reason that Novomin is necessary for everyone who lives in industrial areas or places with unfavorable ecology.

The drug also includes a complex of pro-oxidants that neutralize the negative effects of free radicals on cells and slow down the aging process, while remaining neutral to healthy cells.

This drug is an antioxidant complex, which in itself is not new. So what makes it different from other similar supplements? Scientists have long established that vitamins A, E and C play a particularly important role for the body in the fight against cancer, cell destruction and free radicals. So what's new? But the fact is that the most effective antioxidant and oncoprotective properties of these elements appear only in certain proportions in relation to each other. Among other things, it was found that at certain dosages it is possible to achieve not only a destructive effect on cancer cells, but also at the same time increase the protection of healthy cells. This double effect was achieved in the drug NovoMin. It was in it that scientists experimentally achieved those dosages and those ratios of components that ensure the dual effect of the drug: on the one hand, neutralizing the negative effects of free radicals on the body’s cells, increasing their protective functions, and on the other, destroying malignant cells.

It remains to be noted that Novomin has radioprotective properties, but unlike some of the known ones, it retains its effect for 2 days, while others only last 15-30 minutes. This is a very important property, especially for those who live in areas with increased background radiation, or near radioactive waste.

Briefly speaking, Novomin has very important properties for the body:
- improves the most important metabolic processes;
- restores tissues, cells and blood vessels;
- prevents the development of bronchitis and bronchial asthma;
- helps the body protect itself from cancer cells;
- improves metabolic processes in the body, which strengthens the immune system;
- reduces the risk of cancer;
- maintains optimal blood sugar levels;
- effectively fights infectious diseases;
- strengthens the cardiovascular system;
- reduces the incidence of cramps and fatigue;
- has a positive effect on hormone synthesis;
- protects tissues from free radicals, toxic substances and various contaminants.

Novomin: indications and contraindications of the drug

- for the prevention of cancer;
- during recovery after chemotherapy and radiation therapy;
- to fight colds;
- to boost immunity;
- to normalize blood cholesterol levels;
- with weak immunity;
- to strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
- to improve blood composition;
- to increase hemoglobin;
- to prevent blood clots.
Contraindications for Novomin:
- hypersensitivity to one of the components of the drug.

Today it is known that in 80% of oncological diseases of various etiologies, using this drug alone is possible to slow down the course of pathological processes (growth of the population of cancer cells). The drug is especially effective in preventing these diseases.

How to take Novomin

We recommend taking the drug in the morning after a meal or during a meal with milk - this way it is better absorbed.
For general prevention of the body, the drug is taken 4 capsules per day for a month. It is recommended to take this course 3-4 times a year.

1. In the treatment and prevention of cancer, NovoMin is used in complex therapy to neutralize the negative and side effects of treatment:
- During chemotherapy and radiation therapy:
take 10-12 capsules the day before the start of therapy and 10 capsules daily until the last therapy session.
- During surgery:
take 10-12 capsules every day 5-7 days before surgery.
- In complex treatment of terminally ill patients:
Take 10-12 capsules daily - this can improve the patient’s quality of life and relieve pain syndromes.

2. As a warning against influenza and other infectious diseases:
- take 4 capsules of NovoMin per day 3-4 weeks before expected “seasonal” diseases (in autumn and early spring).

3. In case of infectious diseases, if you couldn’t protect yourself:
- take the drug 10 capsules for 7 days, and then 4 capsules until all symptoms of the disease completely disappear.

4. For diseases of the heart and blood vessels:
- take the drug 10 capsules daily for 7 days, then 4 capsules every day until the symptoms of the disease disappear. After this course, use the drug for one year every day, 4 capsules or 1 time in 3 days, 10 capsules.

5. For pathologies of the nervous system:
- NovoMin increases the effectiveness of drug therapy for schizophrenia, Alzheimer's disease, and epilepsy. In this case, we recommend taking 4 capsules daily.

6. For diseases of the thyroid gland:
- take the drug in complex therapy once every 3 days in a dosage of 10 capsules. The duration of the course is at least one year.

7. For stomach and duodenal ulcers:
- take 10-12 capsules daily for 10 days before or during an exacerbation of the disease. In many cases, after such use, scarring of the ulcers is observed.

8. With increased background radiation:
- take NovoMin 10-12 capsules 1 time every 3 days (2-3 times a week). The duration of treatment is the entire period of exposure to this background.

9. For immunodeficiency states:
- take the drug 10 capsules daily for 3-4 weeks. As a rule, a person’s immune status is restored after this. After this, we recommend taking 4 capsules throughout the year.

10. For dysplasia of the cervix and gastric mucosa:
- take 10 capsules for 30 days. After this, as a rule, the severe course of the disease becomes mild and the dose of the drug is reduced to 4 capsules per day for up to 3 months.

11. To restore the body after any severe pathological conditions or diseases, there are two schemes for using NovoMin:
a) Take the drug in the amount of 10 capsules daily for 30 days. A break is taken for 3 months and the 30-day course is repeated, and so on for 2 years.
b) For 2 years, take the drug 2 times a week, 10 capsules. In this case, interruptions in admission are not allowed.

12. Children should take NovoMin if they live in areas with a high incidence of cancer or if the child has cancer. In other cases, the use of the drug is not necessary.
- from 2 to 5 years, the child dose of the drug is 5 capsules (the dosage regimen is the same as for adults);
- after 5 years, the dose is the same as for an adult.

13. There are indications for taking NovoMin during pregnancy and lactation, but during such periods we strongly advise you to listen only to the recommendations of the appropriate doctor, and it is better not to use the drug 3 months before the expected conception.

Novomin: price and how to buy

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Novomin reviews from our clients

Vasily Olegovich R., 36 years old, Moscow
“I decided to “correct” my immunity, since I was sick 4-5 times a year, and I was sick for 10 days at a time. I was tired. I looked at a large number of immunomodulators and immunostimulants and settled on Novomin. The declared indications are good, the price is excellent. I started taking it in September, just before the start of the “infectious” period. I drank for a month and did not get sick even once before the New Year - this is an achievement for me. In January, I drank for another month without a single illness, which is why I decided to write you my review. .."

Liliya Pavlovna G., 46 years old, Moscow
“I restored my husband after surgery (oncology) with the help of Novomin, among other things. For some reason, he likes this drug the most, probably the body itself “figures out” what it needs. Now we drink a jar once every 3 months, my husband after this feels much better..."