What is prostatitis and prostate adenoma?

Prostatitis and prostate adenoma are two common diseases of the male genitourinary system. Since these two diseases are very dangerous, you need to know how to treat them. Some people think that these are two names for the same disease, since they have very similar symptoms, but this is not so.

Experts know the main difference between prostatitis and prostate adenoma; it is expressed in the fact that prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland, and adenoma is its tumor. It is important to note that an adenoma is a benign tumor. It is very important to understand this, because each illness is treated differently and has its own consequences.

Distinctive features of prostate adenoma

An adenoma or benign tumor is located in the prostate itself and does not extend beyond it. Its huge advantage is that it does not metastasize, in other words, it does not harm individual organs or the entire system.

In frequent cases, it develops in men over 45 years of age. During this period, the hormonal state of a man changes greatly and is similar to the female stage of menopause. Therefore, the main reason for the appearance of swelling is hormonal imbalance.

Important! Adenoma is not a consequence of complicated prostatitis; it has nothing to do with an infectious disease.

This disease is very clearly manifested by the following symptoms:

  1. Poor urine stream
  2. Constant desire to urinate
  3. Uncontrolled urine output
  4. Pain when urinating.

Doctors are trying to help such patients get rid of the main symptoms and prevent the growth of swelling. If the adenoma grows, it is necessary to undergo surgery or complications will arise, namely:

  1. Hydronephrosis,
  2. Chronic inflammation of the genitourinary system,
  3. Problems with urination,
  4. Heaviness during urination,
  5. Pain during ejaculation.

If you notice these symptoms, do not think that this is a normal age-related change in the body. Timely help from a doctor will help you quickly get rid of swelling, without surgical intervention.

Prostatitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the prostate gland, caused by an invading bacterium. The inflammatory process is promoted by:

  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Sexually transmitted infections
  • Constant change of sexual partner,
  • Damaged blood supply to the pelvis,
  • Injuries to the genital organs.

Prostatitis occurs in males, regardless of their age. The disease has an acute and chronic nature.

Acute prostatitis is easily treated with antibiotics. Chronic prostatitis or non-bacterial, is treated in a different way.

The main symptoms of prostatitis are:

  • Lower back pain
  • Burning sensation when urinating
  • Dysuria - pain during urination,
  • Frequent trips to the toilet in small ways,
  • Impaired potency
  • Discharge from the urethra.

If prostatitis is not treated, then infertility may develop. Moreover, sclerosis of the prostate gland appears, and urinary disorders become chronic. Prostate, unlike adenoma, spreads throughout the body and seriously affects the urinary system. Individual organs such as the testicles and seminal vesicle may also be affected.

For reference! Men who suffer from prostatitis notice that their attraction to the opposite sex has become much weaker than before.

Treatment of prostate adenoma

If the disease is detected at the initial level, then the doctor prescribes a special drug that relieves swelling and blocks the growth of the tumor. Some medications can shrink the size of the prostate gland. However, such drugs can only be purchased with a doctor's prescription.

An advanced disease is almost never treated, then the adenoma is excised. Do not self-medicate, as it may not only be ineffective, but can also harm your health.

Treatment of prostatitis

Severe inflammation is treated with antibiotics, they relieve pain and improve the urination process. For chronic prostatitis, a whole range of treatment is prescribed. The patient needs to change his diet. It is mandatory to do special gymnastics every day.

Surgery is very rare. Since the inflammatory process is caused by infection, you need to take vitamins that will strengthen the immune system and help the body overcome the uninvited enemy.

Is it important to figure it out?

“Aware means protected.” A patient who does not understand the difference between prostate adenoma and prostatitis risks worsening his situation. You need to know who to fight, a tumor or an infection.

As you can see, similar symptoms of diseases can mislead men. However, it is better to go to the doctor and get examined. The specialist will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary course of treatment accordingly.

Namely, they arise due to disruption of the urination process.

It should be noted that usually a representative of the stronger sex, when confronted, is embarrassed to seek qualified medical help. The first step of such a patient is, which most often leads only to a deterioration in his well-being.

Prostatitis and adenoma are quite dangerous diseases that require immediate attention. But they still have differences, which will be discussed in the article.

So how can these ailments differ? Inflammation of the prostate happens. But an adenoma is a neoplasm or tumor, the size of which increases, but proceeds with a non-aggressive nature, without leaving the capsular boundaries.

The bulk of the signs and manifestations of both diseases of the genitourinary organ are identical, but there are also differences:

If symptoms of prostate disease are detected, it is not recommended to postpone a visit to the doctor.

Can chronic prostatitis develop into prostate adenoma?

Today, scientific medical works claim that prostatic disease and adenoma have a certain connection.

Prolonged inflammatory processes usually lead to an intense pathological increase in the number of affected cells, which then form a tumor, causing serious discomfort to the man.

However, doctors also talk about the possibility of the formation of a benign tumor on its own, while its consequence will be a negative effect on the organ tissue.

It turns out that inflammation of the prostate and adenoma are distinguished by the presence of similar signs, which sometimes greatly complicates their differentiation even by specialists of the highest level.

This is due to the fact that one organ is damaged; the only difference is in the pathology of the process. Adenoma has another name that can set you in a positive mood -.

Normal and enlarged prostate

However, despite its seemingly “peaceful” name, such a disease can cause serious trouble. Even if it’s not prostate cancer, it’s definitely not a trifle like a runny nose. According to statistical information, every 2nd man over 50 years of age faces this disease.

Differential diagnostic methods

Typically diagnosis includes:

  • 3-cupurine sample, which helps to establish the location of the formation of the inflammatory process;
  • , consisting of direct analysis, counting the number of leukocytes after completion and establishing the bacterial flora;
  • . This is required to establish whether there is, which allows timely treatment of the disease to begin;
  • necessary to determine the physical and chemical parameters of sperm and the functional characteristics of sperm.

Diagnosis of adenoma is presented:

  • collection of anamnesis data;
  • urination diary;
  • physical examination;
  • urine analysis;
  • using the IPSS-QoL(BS) questionnaire.

Typically, an adenoma develops in a man during a period of hormonal changes, which occurs after the age of 45.

Approaches to treating diseases

Inflammation of the prostate for the most part is not of an infectious nature, but is associated with. The sooner a man begins to treat the adenoma, the sooner the prostatitis will disappear.

The sedentary lifestyle that is widespread today due to the presence of computers, which are a universal tool for work and leisure, leads to rapid rejuvenation of prostate diseases, which several years ago were diagnosed only in elderly men.

Taking care of the healthy condition of a boy’s prostate must begin from a very young age. Only such an attitude can make the life of a representative of the stronger sex richer, and will also allow him to create a strong, full-fledged family unit.

Some men mistakenly believe that prostatitis and prostate adenoma are the same disease. In fact, they represent fundamentally different pathologies in the prostate gland. It is important to understand their differences so as not to prolong the disease and then face serious consequences.

What are the differences between adenoma and prostatitis?


This is inflammation, swelling of the prostate. As a result, stagnation of seminal fluid occurs, located in the lobular structures of the prostate gland. The proper functioning of the organ is disrupted, and the quality of sperm decreases. Inactive sperm with impaired reproductive functions appear in the semen.

A man can get it at any age, after puberty.

Causes of inflammation:

  • injury to the perineal area;
  • hypothermia of the lower part;
  • poor blood supply to the pelvic area;
  • untreated sexually transmitted diseases;
  • latent chronic sexual infections;
  • bacterial infections;
  • irregular sex life or frequent change of sexual partners;
  • frequent states of overexcitation that do not end with ejaculation.

The disease can be acute or chronic. The acute form has clear symptoms, while the chronic form is asymptomatic. If the acute form is not completely cured, then it becomes chronic.


Prostate adenoma (hyperplasia) is not an inflammatory process - it is a proliferation of prostate cells, which forms a benign tumor. The process begins with the appearance of a small nodule. The disease rarely occurs in young men.

Prostatic hyperplasia can appear for several reasons that are fundamentally different from the causes of prostatitis:

  • chronic long-term prostatitis;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • excess weight combined with a sedentary lifestyle;
  • disturbance in hormonal production;
  • age;
  • genetic predisposition.

Unlike prostatitis, hyperplasia has neither an acute nor a chronic form. There are stages. The first stage can last more than ten years and manifest itself without causing much concern in men. But the next two stages force the man to go to the doctor.

The symptoms of prostate adenoma and prostatitis are the same, so men are often confused about the difference between adenoma and prostatitis. Only a doctor can see the differences between prostatitis and prostate adenoma after diagnostic procedures.

Diagnosis of diseases

Diagnosis of prostatitis

Since prostatitis is predominantly bacterial and infectious in nature, diagnosis is aimed at identifying the causative agent of the disease.
First, the patient is examined by a doctor using the palpation method. During the consultation, the doctor collects an anamnesis of previous illnesses. Then, materials for laboratory tests are taken: urine, blood, urethral smear, prostate secretion, semen. To exclude an adenoma and determine the nature of the inflammation, TRUS and ultrasound are performed. The results with inflammation will differ from those with adenoma. If necessary, tomography and biopsy are performed.

Diagnosis of adenoma

The examination is aimed at examining the size of the prostate and the degree of tumor growth. The digital rectal method is performed. The doctor collects the patient's medical history, including finding out if there is a history of chronic prostatitis.
Then, laboratory blood tests are performed to determine hormone levels. Ultrasound, TRUS, MRI, biopsy, and x-ray are performed to determine the stage of the disease and its impact on nearby organs. The qualitative properties of urine are studied.


Complications of prostatitis

If prostatitis is left untreated, it can lead to chronic infertility. The chronic form leads to adenoma or the development of a malignant tumor. Also, the risk of impotence increases.

Complications with adenoma

In terms of its consequences, adenoma differs from prostatitis in that it leads to diseases of the urinary tract, intestines, and kidneys. They can be of the most severe nature, even threatening the life of a man.


Video: Elena Malysheva about prostate adenoma in the program “Live Healthy”.

As you can see, the difference between prostatitis and prostate adenoma is obvious. Accordingly, the principles of treatment are also fundamentally different. Therefore, it is so important not to make independent diagnostic assumptions, but at the first feeling of discomfort, consult an andrologist.

Prostate adenoma and prostatitis are two common diseases in men. Many men, coming to a urologist and complaining of unpleasant symptoms, do not know the difference between prostatitis and prostate adenoma. These diseases are similar, but the difference between them is quite significant.

What is the difference between prostate adenoma and prostatitis?

Doctors are well aware of the differences between adenoma and prostatitis, and therefore can, having correctly diagnosed the disease, prescribe effective treatment to the patient. Remember this and if you have problems with the genitourinary system, be sure to contact a good urologist.

Prostatitis and its features

Do you want to know how to distinguish prostate adenoma from prostatitis? Then the first thing you need to figure out is what prostatitis is in men and how it manifests itself. Prostatitis is a chronic or acute inflammation of the gland that occurs when bacteria enter the body due to injury or poor circulation in the pelvis.

Regardless of what caused prostatitis, the disease makes itself felt:

  • increased frequency of urination;
  • the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen;
  • potency disorders.

Prostate adenoma

Speaking about the main differences between prostatitis and prostate adenoma, it is necessary to clarify that prostatitis is an inflammation of the prostate gland, and adenoma is its benign tumor. There is an opinion that adenoma is a consequence of an inflammatory process, but this is not so. This disease is independent and usually develops due to hormonal changes. Benign prostate tumors often occur in gentlemen over forty years of age.

The distinctive features of adenoma and prostatitis are similar symptoms. As with inflammation of the gland, after the appearance of a tumor, a man is faced with:

  1. disturbance of urine outflow;
  2. frequent urination;
  3. discomfort in the abdominal area.

Adenoma is characterized by urinary incontinence. It is noteworthy that during the initial stage of tumor development, which can last about 10 years, urinary disturbances are minimal and are not perceived by men as an alarming symptom.

Differences in diagnosis and treatment of adenoma and prostatitis

The differences between prostate adenoma and prostatitis force doctors to use different diagnostic methods to determine these diseases. If inflammation of the prostate is suspected, specialists conduct an analysis of discharge from the urinary canal and a rectal examination of the patient. If there is a high probability of developing an adenoma, the urologist will refer the man for blood donation and ultrasound.

After conducting an examination and knowing the difference between prostatitis and prostate adenoma, doctors prescribe suitable treatment for the person. For prostatitis, this means taking antibiotics, numerous anti-inflammatory drugs and agents that strengthen the immune system. Drug therapy is usually supplemented with prostate massage and electrophoresis.

With prostate adenoma, antibacterial drugs are powerless. To stop the progression of the tumor, specialists prescribe cytostatics and alpha blockers to the patient. If the tumor enlarges significantly, surgery is performed to remove the prostate gland.

Despite most of the similar symptoms, there are differences between prostate adenoma and prostatitis. Treatment methods and consequences of diseases differ in each case. For effective therapy it is necessary to differentiate a benign neoplasm from prostatitis.

Differences between the symptoms of prostatitis and prostate adenoma

Prostatitis is an infectious or non-infectious inflammation of the prostate gland. An adenoma is a neoplasm or tumor that increases in size, but is non-aggressive and does not extend beyond the boundaries of the capsule.

Many symptoms and manifestations of both diseases of the genitourinary system are similar. General symptoms:

  • Frequent night trips to the toilet.
  • Feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder.
  • Violation of potency.
  • Pain in the pelvic area.
There are typical symptoms that help differentiate diseases. Characteristic manifestations of prostate adenoma:
  • During the outflow of urine, the stream is intermittent.
  • Involuntary leakage of urine after urination.
Another characteristic difference between adenoma and prostatitis is the late age limit. Benign hyperplasia develops in patients over 45 years of age. Inflammation of the gland in chronic or acute form does not depend on age and occurs even in young people under 20 years of age.

Characteristic manifestations of prostatitis:

  • Pain in the perineum, back and lower abdomen, aggravated by urination.
  • Burning in the urethral canal.
  • Whitish and purulent discharge in the urine.
An important difference between the symptoms of prostatitis and the symptoms of prostate adenoma is that the patient’s condition is accompanied by a low-grade fever of 37-37.5°. In acute inflammation, the readings increase to 40°.

It is possible to accurately determine a disease of the genitourinary system only after visiting a urologist and undergoing the necessary tests. It is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own at home.

Differences in treatment for prostatitis and prostate adenoma

In each case, therapy will be aimed at the catalyst that caused disturbances in the functioning of the prostate gland:
  • Prostatitis - drug therapy is aimed against tissue inflammation and elimination of the infectious agent. To combat the disease, complex therapy, massage, and physiotherapy are prescribed. Surgical treatment is rarely required.
  • Adenoma - requires conservative treatment to prevent rapid tumor growth. After serious complications occur, the tissue is removed. In severe cases, a complete prostatectomy is prescribed.
Significant differences between treatment methods for prostatitis and prostate adenoma are a good reason for differentiating the diagnosis using instrumental and clinical diagnostic methods. Self-treatment is dangerous. If symptoms and disturbances in the functioning of the genitourinary system appear, it is better to consult a doctor immediately.

Differences in consequences from prostate adenoma and prostatitis

The consequences of diseases with similar symptoms are different. Benign hyperplasia leads to the development of urinary disorders, including acute urine retention. Tissue proliferation provokes further disorders, which leads to hydronephrosis, and.

The difference between prostatitis and prostate adenoma is the more serious consequences of the disease. Possible complications:

  • Male infertility.
  • Decreased potency.
Particularly dangerous is chronic prostatitis, which develops in a latent form and manifests itself exclusively during an exacerbation. Some forms of the disease quickly mutate into malignancy.

Both hyperplasia and prostatitis require high-quality and competent treatment. Early diagnosis and prescription of the necessary therapy is an essential condition for defeating the disease.