What is thread lifting? Threadlifting is a real opportunity to stop time. Mesothreads - before and after photos

Threadlifting with mesothreads is an innovative rejuvenation technology based on three-dimensional facial modeling. The procedure is carried out by introducing very thin self-absorbing threads into the skin. The effect of 3D modeling is achieved at all levels of the dermis, the face looks younger again.

Essence of the method

3-D mesothreads were invented by South Korean cosmetology specialists. What is thread lifting with mesothreads? Threadlifting means correcting age-related changes using threads made of gold, nylon and other materials. The material used to make the finest mesothreads is polydioxanone (PDO), used in cardiac surgery and ophthalmology for suturing. A coating of polyglycolic acid is applied on top of the material, which tends to attract collagen and elastin. Implants are completely biocompatible with body tissues, so there are no side effects. They have the property of dissolving after a few months and being absorbed by the body, so they cannot be noticed even under very thin skin. As they biodegrade, a reinforced elastic frame is formed due to the production of collagen.

Threadlifting 3d mesothreads represents the latest technology for non-surgical rejuvenation. Its main advantage over other methods is that the effect is carried out at different levels of the skin. The doctor can pass the thread in different directions, creating a 3D effect. The framework of threads is created in three skin layers: studded, middle, deep. At the same time, no marks are left on the skin thanks to the use of ultra-thin needles. The reinforcing effect of the introduced mesothreads provides support for sagging areas, gives the effect of smoothing wrinkles, and adjusting the skin texture.

There are several types of threads, differing in shape and place of use, as well as strength and cost:

  1. Linear, budget. This is a monofilament suture material. Due to the even geometric shape of these monofilaments and their very thin cross-section, they are used in the upper layer of the epidermis. The length ranges from 25 to 90 mm. With their help, facial wrinkles are corrected and skin turgor is enhanced, which leads to a rejuvenating effect.
  2. Spiral, universal. The denser structure of multi-threads with a spring effect allows them to be used not only on the face, but also on the body. Length - from 50 to 60 mm. Effective against severe sagging fabrics. They correct the oval of the face, eliminate deep wrinkles, stretch marks, scars.
  3. Needle-shaped, durable. They help to provide an intense effect on the middle and lower part of the face. The name arose due to special notches that allow the fabric to be securely fixed. The needle type of threads is used to correct deformed facial contours and get rid of signs of age-related changes. They are more difficult to install, but their use gives a longer lasting effect compared to previous types. However, their insertion is more painful, so local anesthesia is required.
  4. Braids have a double effect. They are a strong woven pair of individual mesothreads, due to which they have a greater supporting effect.

Doctors reinforce the face using a rich arsenal of various mesothreads: rose, leadfinelift, derli, reandnevline, miracu, silhouetteSoft, Omega - VLCog, Linline, Tornado screwNEO.


  • wrinkles between the eyebrows, on the forehead;
  • drooping eyebrows;
  • double chin;
  • strongly pronounced nasolabial, nasolacrimal, labiomental folds;
  • gravitational ptosis of the lower third of the face, chin;
  • “crow’s feet” in the corners of the eyes, “purse-string wrinkles” near the lips;
  • drooping corners of the lips;
  • deformed skin surface, asymmetry after liposuction, plastic surgery;
  • wrinkles in the ear area;
  • sagging skin of the face, neck, décolleté.

Carrying out the procedure

The entire procedure lasts from 40 to 60 minutes. At the preliminary stage, a blood test is taken to determine the characteristic characteristics of the body. Information is collected about the possible presence of contraindications and previously used procedures. Then the specialist selects the required number of threads of a certain type, diameter and length. He can select a set consisting of different types of threads in order to achieve the maximum effect from thread lifting. The number of threads is influenced by the degree of skin sagging and the area of ​​insertion. Since all faces are different and have their own characteristics, we can only roughly name the required amount. On average, 10 to 20 threads are required per area. If needle threads are used, then on one side of the face you will need only 4 to 7 of them. When processing the entire oval of the face with “mono” mesothreads, you will need a large number of them - up to 50 pieces.

At the next stage, the doctor marks the areas that require correction. Then the skin is cleansed of makeup and treated with an antiseptic. A cream-based local anesthetic is applied to the treated area. Reinforcement with 3D threads is carried out using the thinnest needle-conductors, which have atraumatic sharpening, with mesothreads fixed in them. Special sharpening allows the needles to penetrate the skin structure without destroying it, but pushing the tissue apart. The threads used in the surface layer of the skin are so thin, only 0.1 mm, that they do not damage large vessels. This eliminates the risk of serious hematomas.

To create a 3D effect, a needle or spiral type of mesothread is introduced first. They are introduced into the structure of the middle and studded layers. Using the flexibility of the guide needle, the specialist models the required relief at different depths. Then the conductor and thread are separated. The mesothread remaining inside the skin provokes a response from the body, so the tightening effect of the threads appears immediately. The active production of collagen begins, enveloping the mesothread with elastic fibers. Mild neocollagenogenesis occurs, in which several different types of collagen are synthesized. The dermis is noticeably thickened, fixed in an elevated position. The frame is formed from these fibers. Through the threads, tissue regeneration is activated. Over the course of about 200 days, they break down into carbon dioxide and water. After this, the role of support is performed by the young collagen formed in the form of a frame.

After the session, swelling, tingling, redness in the areas of mesothread reinforcement, and small hematomas at the puncture sites are possible for about 3-5 days. Care is required only during the healing period. To relieve swelling, you need to slightly limit your fluid intake, as well as salty and fatty foods. It is not recommended to use cosmetics; you need to treat your face with an antiseptic and moisturizing creams. The use of scrubs and alcohol-containing products should be avoided. It is advisable to avoid sun exposure and visiting a solarium for about 2 weeks. For several days, it is advisable to monitor facial expressions, avoiding sudden muscle contractions. You need to refrain from facial massage for a couple of months.

The resulting effect

To get the maximum effect from the procedure, you need to carry it out from the moment of the first signs of sagging skin and the appearance of wrinkles. The most suitable age is from 25 to 40 years. At this time, the synthesis of collagen and elastin in the skin is still at a fairly high level. The maximum result of the procedure appears after six months. The effect is observed for approximately 2 years, after which it is recommended to make adjustments. It manifests itself in the following signs:

  1. the contours of the face take on clear outlines;
  2. all types of wrinkles are eliminated;
  3. a lasting lifting effect occurs, the elasticity of the skin increases;
  4. the face looks 5-6 years younger, the effect of the lift is comparable to the result of the surgical method;
  5. In addition to the effect on the skin, the introduction of mesothreads has a reflexotherapeutic effect on the muscles.


  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • mental illness;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • neoplasms;
  • predisposition of the skin to the formation of keloid scars;
  • blood diseases;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • dermatological diseases.

Key Benefits

  • safety, hypoallergenic procedure;
  • long-term preservation of the achieved results;
  • immediate manifestation of the effect, approximately on the 3rd day;
  • short duration of the procedure;
  • the threads are invisible even with very thin skin;
  • no break from active work;
  • almost complete absence of side effects and rehabilitation period.

Threadlifting with 3D mesothreads goes well with procedures that enhance collagen synthesis. These can be methods such as nutritional mesotherapy, ozone therapy, injection of fillers, light peelings. Fillers are allowed to be administered after a couple of weeks, mesotherapy can be carried out after a week. Hardware methods (vacuum massage, myostimulation, microcurrents) are recommended to be done no earlier than two months later. Some progressive specialists combine thread lifting with contour plastic surgery. The threadlifting method has an express effect, allowing for facial rejuvenation in the shortest possible time.

The method of thread lifting with mesothreads is recommended not only for its rejuvenating effect. It is successfully used for preventive purposes as soon as the first signs of age-related changes appear. You need to be careful when choosing a clinic. The focus should be on the qualifications of the specialist, and not on lower prices.

Photos before and after

Threadlifting is a modern cosmetological rejuvenation of the face and body using the finest mesothreads that are implanted under the skin. This procedure allows you to model and correct the contours of the face and body without surgical intervention.

Threadlifting combines the effects of mesotherapy and lifting - two main cosmetic procedures of aesthetic medicine: mesotherapy and lifting. This method of lifting was first introduced in South Korea, and now it is popular all over the world.

Mesotherapy was also used by Hippocrates to treat joints by inserting cactus needles under the skin. In its modern form, this method became known since 1950 thanks to the Frenchman Michel Pistor, who began to administer the medicine locally to treat various diseases. And since 1987, mesotherapy has found its application in cosmetology, helping to solve many skin problems.

Active substances, the composition of which is chosen by the doctor, are injected with needles into the problem area, and they work from the inside. This is how acne, age spots, oily skin, rosacea, cellulite, and hair loss are treated.

Mesothread is a special system that consists of a thin flexible needle and the thread itself made of self-absorbable material. After six months, mesothreads disintegrate into carbon dioxide and water, which are not harmful to the body.

Lifting is a variety of facelift methods that remove defects and age-related changes. The rejuvenation effect can be achieved by various cosmetic procedures: lifting creams, massage, RG-lifting, ultrasound, acupuncture, photorejuvenation, laser resurfacing, mesotherapy. Or through plastic surgery.

The appearance of mesothreads

More recently, gold, platinum and polypropylene threads were used for lifting procedures. Now there are biodegradable (absorbable) thin (0.3 mm) threads with a high degree of elasticity based on polymer materials.

When implanted, they do not cause rejection or allergic reactions. The basis for synthetic fibers are polyodoxanone, polylactic acid, and caprolac. Mesothreads coated with polyglycolic acid combine perfectly with the tissues of the human body, and after 6 months they completely dissolve. The positive effect of the procedure has been observed for 2 years.

Types of mesothreads

There are several types of mesothreads:

  • Linear– these are straight, smooth threads 25-90 cm long. They are used to tighten the neck, eyelids, and nasolabial folds. Well suited for sensitive skin. These are the cheapest threads that dissolve quickly.
  • Spiral or universal in the form of an elastic spiral. They are used to tighten the chin, décolleté, around the eyes, nasolabial folds, arms, and abdomen. Often used in combination with other types of threads. Standard size is 50-60 mm.
  • Needle-shaped– have microscopic multidirectional notches. The most durable thread, retains its shape well. They are often used to correct the most moving parts of the face.
  • Mesothread braids have high supporting capacity. Consist of two intertwined fibers. Particularly effective for cheeks, neck, chest, nasolabial folds, chin.

Types of mesothreads for thread lifting

Liquid monofilament is a biogel made from zinc chloride and hyaluronic acid. Getting under the skin, it penetrates into the deep layers of the skin and, like all foreign particles, causes the formation of dense tissue. The skin shrinks and a lifting effect appears. These threads are the result of the latest developments by scientists in the field of cosmetology. Biogel corrects the oval of the face, hips and stomach, eyes, lips.

For reinforcement, threads of Korean or Russian production are used. Each type of thread has its own characteristics and advantages. An experienced specialist will definitely advise which mesothreads to give preference in each individual case to obtain the best result.

Indications for thread lifting

Threadlifting with mesothreads is an elimination of signs of aging that has a three-dimensional effect. The advanced rejuvenation technique is recommended for people aged 30 to 50 who want firm, fresh skin. Ideal for patients with the first signs of wilting.

Deep wrinkles and folds cannot be removed using this method, but you can tighten the skin and correct the following age-related changes:

  • loose skin;
  • drooping of the tips of the lips and eyebrows;
  • drooping eyelids;
  • changing the oval of the face;
  • nasolabial folds;
  • wrinkles on the face;
  • loose skin on the body.

The procedure is excellent for patients with the first signs of aging and with medium-thick skin. To eliminate sagging thick skin on full faces, individual methods are needed.


Threadlifting is a seamless aesthetic operation. Although this injures the tissue, it has minor consequences. Reinforcement with mesothreads, performed professionally, does not cause any discomfort to patients.

But due to the individual characteristics of the body, there are contraindications for such a procedure:

  • infectious diseases;
  • oncology;
  • low blood clotting;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • mental and neurotic disorders;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

To avoid undesirable consequences, patients must provide the doctor with comprehensive information about the state of their health.

Differences from thread lifting

Thread lifting and thread lifting procedures have much in common, but there are also significant differences. If gold threads are used for thread lifting, and the price depends on the size of the problem areas, then in thread lifting the calculation depends on the number and type of mesothreads.

The positive effect of thread lifting lasts up to 5 years, but this procedure causes a lot of pain. Reinforcement with mesothreads is practically painless and low-traumatic, but the positive result lasts only up to 2 years.

Is preparation necessary?

Before the procedure, you should follow simple recommendations:

  • do not take antihistamines, aspirin, or preparations containing aloe Vera for a week;
  • do not visit the sauna or solarium for seven days;
  • two hours before the procedure, avoid heavy physical activity, alcohol, and smoking;
  • Do not wash your face with warm water immediately before the procedure.

How is thread lifting performed?

Threadlifting with mesothreads is an injection reinforcement where a frame structure is created under the skin from threads with the finest needles. The result is an amazing rejuvenation effect on par with the results of plastic surgery.

This procedure also has the following names: 3D mesothreads or three-dimensional lifting, and these terms are not erroneous. It is used to tighten sagging skin on almost all areas of the face and body.

When a doctor prescribes thread lifting with mesothreads, he must take into account the client’s requirements, his physical condition, skin type, and face shape. The decision on the choice of technique, the number of threads and the manufacturer depends on this.

The procedure is performed in the following order:

  • cleansing and disinfecting the skin;
  • topical anesthesia;
  • marking lines on problem areas;
  • slow, precise insertion of thin needles with 3D mesothreads;
  • the needles are removed, but the threads remain;;
  • the use of healing and soothing agents.

Flexible thin needles (cannulas) for injections are made of a special steel alloy. Such needles can be inserted under the skin along with a thread in any direction to the desired depth; they do not injure the tissue. The fixed threads form a frame that holds the skin in a certain position.

The procedure takes from 30 to 60 minutes. The duration depends on the reinforcement and the number of mesothreads. For a positive result, the accuracy of the procedure protocol is important. And the doctor must have a license to perform cosmetic procedures.

How is the facial thread lifting procedure performed using mesothreads:

Terms and features of rehabilitation

Threadlifting with mesothreads is a non-surgical, gentle intervention in the skin structure that rarely has complications. Patients generally tolerate it well. But after any cosmetic rejuvenation procedure, just like after a surgical procedure, rehabilitation is needed.

The recovery period lasts 1-2 weeks, and a person can return home almost immediately after the threads are installed.

In the areas of manipulation, slight tingling, discomfort, and slight swelling and bruising may occur. They can be quickly removed with the help of special preparations. Needle punctures heal quickly, as do minor pains. When mesothreads are installed by experienced doctors, the skin is minimally injured.

Possible complications

When performing thread lifting, thin polished needles and threads do not harm the skin. Their poor-quality installation can ruin the result.

Excessive tightening may result in faint folds. Usually they clear up after 10-14 days or you have to see a doctor to correct the consequences.

If the thread is installed close to the surface, seals may appear in the places where it is installed.

The negligence of medical personnel who did not test for drug tolerance can lead to the appearance of hematomas and swelling. And the presence of skin infections that the client kept silent about threatens an abscess.

When you contact a reliable clinic, where highly qualified specialists work, high-tech materials are used, protocols for performing procedures are strictly followed, and any risks of complications are excluded.

To prevent the mesothreads from moving under the skin, and to ensure that the body gets used to the presence of a foreign body in the tissues, it is important to follow the following recommendations:

  • do not disturb the areas where lifting was carried out;
  • watch facial expressions, do not perform heavy physical exercises;
  • Avoid direct sunlight for a month;
  • do not indulge in alcohol, coffee, spicy, smoked and salty foods, especially the first three days;

Skin care after the procedure

In order for the rejuvenation procedure to be successful and the recovery to end quickly, cosmetologists advise adhering to certain rules for careful care of the face and body. In the first three days, injection sites should be treated with a solution of hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine.

Wash with purified water, use tonics and lotions with active oxygen. For makeup, it is better to choose high-quality cosmetics with protection from ultraviolet rays.

The effectiveness of the method: results before and after surgery on the face, forehead, lips, abdomen

Threadlifting with mesothreads is such an effective rejuvenation:

The procedure ensures the elimination of wrinkles on the face, when the first positive changes in appearance become visible very quickly, as soon as the hematomas resolve, swelling and redness disappear. After 1.5-2 months you can admire the final result.

Wrinkles on the forehead and crow's feet around the eyes are smoothed out after reinforcement. You can get rid of bags under the eyes, which give your face a tired, painful look. Mesothreads introduced into the lower eyelids will become a supporting frame within 2 years.

The blurred oval of the face and chin, sagging skin on the neck indicate age, and lifting these areas with mesothreads noticeably rejuvenates the appearance. The contours of the face and chin take on a clear shape, and the skin becomes fresh and elastic.

Many women dream of beautiful breasts, and a mesothread lift can significantly improve their shape. Implantation of threads into the skin of the breast will delay age-related changes by 2-3 years.

The method of lip correction using mesothreads quickly gives a noticeable effect for a long time due to the formation of collagen fibers. The lips become clearly defined and expressive, purse-string wrinkles above the upper lip are eliminated. The introduction of biorevitalizant makes their color rich and fresh, which is miraculously reflected in the smile.

The formation of new collagen restores the previous shape of the face and body, returning youth to the skin. The full effect of three-dimensional lifting appears within six months after the procedure, and the result lasts up to two years. Stitching the abdomen, arms and thighs with threads allows you to remove age-related changes in the early stages.

Threadlifting allows you to get rid of many age-related imperfections in one session. Problem areas after three-dimensional lifting look very natural, facial expressions are not disturbed, and the skin is not stretched. The patient does not feel the threads under the skin at all.

Procedures such as contour plastic surgery, mesotherapy with nutritional cocktails, and plasma lifting can enhance the effect of thread lifting. They can be used within a month after reinforcement.

Cost of the procedure in Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions

Threadlifting with mesothreads is a good alternative to plastic surgery and expensive reinforcement with gold threads. Of course, this cosmetic procedure is also not cheap, but it is quite affordable.

Price is not always a quality indicator. When choosing a clinic or salon, it is better to first carefully study the information about the services and qualifications of the employees, and find out customer reviews.

During a consultation, a cosmetologist examines the patient’s skin condition and determines the complexity of the work. After this, he selects the type of threads, their number and calculates the cost of the procedure.

The cost of one mesothread of different types determines the total cost of the cosmetic procedure.

City Price of one linear mesothread Price of one spiral mesothread Price of one mesothread with notches Price of one thread with installation
Moscow 700-900 rub. 1400-2000 rub. 3000 rub. 800-2000 rub.
St. Petersburg 500-600 rub. 660-900 rub. 1200 rub. 600-1900 rub.
Sochi 700 rub. 750-900 rub. on request 600-1900 rub.
Novosibirsk 900-990 rub. 1000 rub. 1900 rub. 600-1900 rub.
Eagle 700-800 rub. 1300 rub. 2700 rub. 600-1900 rub.

The price of reinforcement for different zones varies from 10,000 rubles. up to 90,000 rub. Many clinics offer discounts for clients under certain conditions (10-15%).

Few of us plan to quickly grow old and acquire gorgeous wrinkles all over our faces. Therefore, many, looking at their wrinkles in the mirror, go through options on how to actually get rid of them. Fortunately, modern cosmetology allows you to choose from several procedures at once. In this article we will talk about such a procedure as thread lifting, what it is, how the session takes place and what it is done for.

So, thread lifting is a cosmetic procedure for tightening the skin using. Thread lifting threads consist of a special substance that is safe for the human body - polydioxanone. After introducing the threads around them, the skin cells form a framework of collagen fibers. After about 6–8 months, polydioxanone breaks down into water and carbon dioxide, which are eliminated from the body naturally. In place of the mesothreads is a collagen frame, which, if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, provides lifting for up to two years. After complete dissolution of collagen, the procedure can be repeated.

Thread lifting procedure

The procedure for reinforcement with mesothreads does not require any special preparation. However, before the session, a mandatory consultation with a specialist is required. At the appointment, the doctor will tell you about the procedure, answer all questions, and also examine the skin and determine the presence or absence of contraindications. And if they are not identified, then immediately after the consultation you can begin the session.

Immediately before inserting the threads, the doctor disinfects the surface of the skin. After this, mesothreads are introduced according to a pre-marked pattern. A high-tech steel needle, due to its sharpness and size (0.1 mm), easily passes through skin cells without causing severe discomfort. The thread itself is attached to the tip of the needle and, after removing the instrument, remains in the resulting channel. After about 6–8 months, the threads disintegrate, leaving in its place a collagen framework that supported the skin for another two years with proper skin care at the site where the mesothreads were installed.

As a rule, there is either no recovery period after thread lifting, or it is very short (about a day). To get the best effect from mesothreads, you must adhere to some doctor's instructions. These include, for example, refusal of active sports activities, visiting solariums, baths, saunas, and beaches. In summer, by the way, you will have to use sunscreen with a high level of protection against UV rays. It is also not recommended to massage areas of the body or face reinforced with 3D threads. Otherwise, the patient can lead a normal lifestyle without strict restrictions.

In modern cosmetology, several types of 3D threads are used:

    Monofilament. Simple smooth mesothreads can be used on almost all areas of the body.

    Springs. Smooth threads in the shape of a spiral. After removing the needle, such threads tend to return to their original shape. Thanks to this property, additional skin lifting is provided.

    With notches. This type of thread has special notches and notches for better skin tightening. Often used in the cheeks and middle third of the face.

    Pigtail. This type of mesothread consists of two simple mesothreads woven together. As a rule, such threads are used to tighten the skin on the body. For example, on the buttocks or on the stomach.

The effect of mesothreads

Threadlifting with mesothreads in modern cosmetology is considered one of the most popular procedures. And this is not surprising, given the many positive aspects of thread lifting:

    High efficiency. The effect of mesothreads will be noticeable immediately after their installation. In addition, thread lifting is a one-time procedure, that is, it does not require a course of sessions.

    Sterility. Before the procedure, threads and needles are stored in disposable sterile packages.

    Safety. The materials of threads and needles are safe for the tissues of the human body.

    Duration of saving the result. The effect of thread lifting lasts for two years after the session.

    Painless. Thanks to thin and sharp needles, the patient does not feel any discomfort during the procedure.

    Versatility. Threadlifting can be performed on patients of any gender and almost any age. However, you need to understand that people under 25 years of age are unlikely to need such a procedure, since their skin is in good condition even without cosmetic procedures. On the other hand, to combat age-related wrinkles, it may be necessary to supplement thread lifting with another procedure. You can learn more about such nuances from a specialist during a consultation.

    Rehabilitation. After the procedure, a long rehabilitation period is not required. And in most cases you can do without it altogether.

Threadlifting is especially effective in the following cases:

    saggy skin on the cheeks (“jowls”);

    drooping corners of the mouth;

    wrinkles on the forehead (both horizontal and vertical);

    nasolabial folds;

    creases on the face;

    folds on the chin;

    decreased skin elasticity after childbirth due to hormonal changes.

Contraindications for thread lifting:

    pregnancy, as well as the period of breastfeeding;

    hypertension of the second or third degree;

    neoplasms classified as malignant;

    previous myocardial infarction;

    connective tissue diseases;

    angina attacks;

    chronic diseases of the circulatory system.

Where is the mesothread thread lifting procedure performed?

At the Laser Doctor clinic, you can sign up for both a one-time consultation on thread lifting and directly for the mesothread reinforcement procedure. At the appointment, a qualified specialist will examine the patient’s skin, ask about past attacks, chronic diseases, etc. This is done in order to identify possible contraindications. Also during the consultation, the doctor will talk about the procedure, preparation and recovery period and answer the patient’s questions. If, based on the results of the medical history, no contraindications are identified, then you can immediately sign up for thread lifting. The institution uses only modern original threads from trusted suppliers.

Threadlifting (lifting with mesothreads) is the latest technology for rejuvenation and three-dimensional modeling of the face and body with mesothreads, which allows you to achieve a lifting effect in just one procedure, comparable in results to surgical lifting

Threadlifting (lifting with mesothreads) is a revolution in methods of lifting and reinforcing the face with mesothreads. In essence, this is a unique technique for installing mesothreads made of absolutely safe, self-absorbable material, which allows you to model tissue in any direction, including those areas of the face and body that were inaccessible to other technologies

The thread lifting technique (lifting with mesothreads) is based on 3D modeling of tissue at all depths and in all directions due to the special properties of the injection needle “conductor” and the polydioxanone (PDO) thread attached to it - mesothreads

What are cosmetic absorbable threads?

These threads are intended for cosmetologists and surgeons. Resorbable threads used to reinforce soft tissues are usually used to correct involutional changes in the face, neck, décolleté, inner surfaces of the shoulders and thighs, abdomen, and knee areas. Absorbable cosmetic threads consist of a copolymer of polycaprolactone and L-lactic acid. Once introduced into tissue, this material undergoes biodegradation through hydrolysis. Within a year, the threads are completely absorbed. In place of the absorbable materials, a fibrous cord remains for a certain time, the formation of which is associated not only with the presence of a foreign body (thread), but also with the gradual release of L-lactic acid, which stimulates neocollagenesis. This also explains the increase in positive clinical response to the introduction of absorbable materials over 6–8 months. The use of resorbable biothreads allows you to achieve noticeable results in various areas of the face

Absorbable threads are used for severe thinning and sagging (flabbiness) of the integumentary tissues

Advantages of the method

Quick results. Using absorbable sutures, excellent results can be achieved without the need for traditional surgery. The first positive changes are noticeable on the same day. The maximum effect from installing biothreads is achieved in 2–3 weeks. The resulting cosmetic result lasts up to 2 years, but this period may vary depending on individual characteristics

Minimal injury. The threads are installed through skin punctures using a special guide needle. The use of absorbable materials also ensures the safety of the methods.

Integrated approach

Threads together with classical cosmetic procedures (fillers, peelings, botulinum toxin injections, etc.) give excellent results.

Description of the procedure

The procedure for installing Aptos threads is performed on an outpatient basis using local infiltration anesthesia. A whole face lift using absorbable materials takes 30–40 minutes, lifting individual areas with threads takes no more than 10–15 minutes.


Contraindications to the use of resorbable biothreads are the presence of acute inflammatory processes, oncological pathologies, as well as blood clotting disorders

For 2–3 weeks after installation of resorbable biothreads, patients should refrain from active facial expressions, fitness activities, massage therapy, and also from visiting a bathhouse or sauna.

Hello! In this article we will talk about a facelift called thread lifting with mesothreads. Every woman wants to look young and beautiful at any age. Cosmetic procedures help maintain smooth, wrinkle-free skin with a clear oval face and a toned neck as you age.

What are mesothreads and threadlifting?

One of the most progressive methods of rejuvenation has become mesothreads - the thinnest threads of polydioxanone (PDO) fibers coated with polyglycolic acid. In other words, mesothreads are based on polylactic acid. The thickness of the mesothreads is about 0.1-0.3 mm.

Installation of mesothreads under the skin is called threadlifting (from the English thread - thread). This technology refers to seamless aesthetic surgeries. Thread lifting was developed in South Korea and since 2011 has become widespread throughout the world. The main mechanism of this procedure is to install mesothreads under the skin with special thin needles, creating a frame structure.

Special thin needles made of a special alloy are used that can bend in different directions, creating a kind of 3D modeling of the contours of the face or body. Hence another name for the procedure - 3d thread lifting or 3d mesothreads.

Threadlifting can significantly correct the contours of the face, neck and body, significantly smooth out facial wrinkles, and tighten the skin. Coating the threads with polyglycolic acid allows you to stimulate the production of your own collagen and elastin in skin cells.

The advantages of thread lifting are undeniable:

  • seamless procedure;
  • efficiency of the procedure;
  • minimum traces;
  • fast healing;
  • the threads do not show through the skin;
  • absence of allergic reactions;
  • no pain;
  • compatibility with other cosmetic procedures.

Types of mesothreads

Mesothreads are a completely absorbable material that provokes the production of its own collagen and elastin. Mesothreads are fully compatible with the human body. The period of resorption of mesothreads is approximately six months, the effect of thread lifting lasts for two years. The thread lifting procedure can be repeated every two years.

There are three types of mesothreads:

  1. Linear or basic - thin threads with a smooth structure, straight. Their length ranges from 25 to 90 mm. Used in nasolabial folds, eyelids, and neck.
  2. Spiral (screw) or universal — mesothreads in the form of a spiral, after stretching they are able to return to their original shape. They are usually 50-60 mm in length. Used in the nasolabial area, around the eyes, in the décolleté area, on the chin.
  3. Needle-shaped (serrated) - threads with notches in two directions or with jagged edges. The most durable type of mesothread that holds its shape perfectly. Used for contour lines, on cheeks and cheekbones, on the forehead.

Linear mesothreads are the most inexpensive and dissolve faster. Spiral mesothreads are also called multifilaments; they are more expensive than linear ones and have a wider range of applications. Needle mesothreads are the most durable and create stronger reinforcement.

Indications and contraindications for thread lifting

Indications for reinforcement with mesothreads may include: :

  • wrinkles in;
  • face contour lifting;
  • drooping corners of the mouth;
  • wrinkles and sagging on the neck;
  • sagging skin on the arms, décolleté and body;
  • (vertical and horizontal);
  • facial asymmetry;
  • any ;
  • “double chin”;
  • nasolacrimal wrinkles.


Like any cosmetic procedure, thread lifting with mesothreads has limitations and contraindications:

  • diseases of the immune system;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the proposed procedure;
  • skin damage in the areas of proposed thread lifting;
  • problematic blood clotting;
  • the presence of implants under the skin;
  • infectious skin lesions;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • recently performed cosmetic procedures - deep peeling, contouring;
  • keloid scars and the tendency to form them;
  • oncological diseases;
  • psychosomatic diseases.

Also, 3D thread lifting is not performed for minors and is used with caution for colds and during the menstrual cycle.

All contraindications are absolute and require individual consultation with a dermatocosmetologist.

Features of the procedure

Differences from thread lifting

Thread lifting is in many ways similar to thread lifting. But there are also significant differences. Their main difference is the difference in the material of the threads. For thread lifting, threads with gold are used.

Threadlifting involves the use of a larger number of threads, and the method for calculating the material used is based on the number of mesothreads. In thread lifting, the calculation is based on the area of ​​the procedure.

Thread lifting is a more painful technique, although the duration of the effect obtained lasts longer - on average about 5 years. Mesothreads completely dissolve after 6-8 months and retain their effect for a total of 200 days.

How is thread lifting performed?

Before starting the procedure, you need to find out if you have any contraindications or restrictions. It is also not recommended to visit the sauna on the eve of the procedure; a few days before it you should stop taking medications, especially antihistamines and aloe vera. Immediately before thread lifting, you need to avoid smoking, alcohol, and physical activity that is costly to the body.

After consultation with a specialist, a calculation is made of the thread lifting technique and the number of threads. Threadlifting with 3D mesothreads allows for reinforcement in any direction and to any depth of subcutaneous tissue. This makes this lifting unique in comparison with other cosmetic procedures.

Threadlifting with mesothreads is a certified procedure and requires a specialist to have a license.

The specialist individually selects the type of threads, the manufacturer, calculates the method of introducing mesothreads and the amount of material.

Depending on the condition of the skin and indications for reinforcement, the number of mesothreads will be strictly individual. The minimum quantity for the area around the eyes is 10 mesothreads. On average, 10 to 20 threads are used per area. To tighten the facial contour, you may need from 50 to 100 mesothreads.

The number of threads will also depend on the type of mesothreads used. More linear threads can be used, less needle mesothreads are spent. Mesothreads for different areas and depths have different lengths.

Before starting the procedure, the skin is disinfected and, if necessary, an anesthetic cream or gel is applied.

For reinforcement, thin disposable needles are used with mesothreads fixed in them, reminiscent in thickness of acupuncture needles. Such needles are non-traumatic and do not damage the skin. They are injected into the desired areas under the skin and then removed. Mesothreads remain under the skin.

The procedure takes from 30 minutes to 1 hour. The duration of reinforcement will depend on the lifting area and the number of introduced mesothreads.

Another advantage of thread lifting is that the procedure can be carried out without interruption from your main activity, since there are practically no complications or visible negative consequences.

You should carefully select a clinic or salon for thread lifting. In many ways, price is not an indicator of quality. It is best to focus on the specialist’s qualifications, reviews, photographs of patients before and after the procedure.


Threadlifting creates an invisible framework under the skin. The effect of the procedure is immediately noticeable by 30%. After a few days, the result becomes more noticeable. Visually, the skin becomes smooth and toned, facial contours become clearer, wrinkles decrease or disappear. The appearance is rejuvenated by 5-6 years.

The final result will be formed after reinforcement in 2-3 months and will last up to 2 years. After resorption, the mesothreads leave their own collagen framework for another six months.

Procedures such as biorevitalization, contour plastic surgery, mesotherapy, plasma lifting, massage are fully compatible with thread lifting and can enhance the lifting effect if used correctly after 3-4 weeks.

As with any cosmetic procedure, complications are possible with thread lifting. Basically, negative consequences from thread lifting are rare and depend on the individual body.

Possible consequences of thread lifting include:

  • swelling at the insertion sites of mesothreads;
  • formation of compactions under the skin, bumps and nodules due to uneven distribution of mesothreads;
  • the appearance of folds at the sites where mesothreads are inserted due to insufficient competence of the cosmetologist or when the direction of needle insertion is incorrect;
  • tightness and pain in the thread lifting area;
  • repeated sagging of the skin and asymmetry of the face due to uneven distribution of the material;
  • formation of hematomas, redness;
  • insufficient solution to problems - thread lifting cannot always eliminate deep wrinkles and intense sagging.

If such consequences occur, you should immediately contact the specialist who performed the procedure.

Swelling and slight swelling usually disappear within the first day after the procedure. Hematomas and redness can disappear within a week. If bruising, severe swelling or inflammation occurs, you should immediately consult a specialist.

Soreness, numbness and tightness of the skin may also go away on their own within a month.

It is very important to be under the supervision of a cosmetologist after the procedure if any of the listed complications occur.

Post-procedure care

  • avoid prolonged chewing on the first day;
  • use protective equipment from intense solar radiation;
  • use decorative cosmetics and skin care products with caution - avoid aggressive formulations and components, do not overuse rubbing and rubbing;
  • visit a sauna or steam bath in the first seven days after the procedure;
  • Avoid massage in the reinforcement area in the first 14 days and intense physical activity.

Despite the 100% biocompatibility of mesothreads with the human body, reviews of thread lifting indicate that the reaction and expected effect are strictly individual. At the same time, thread lifting with 3D mesothreads remains one of the most advanced technologies for low-traumatic and non-surgical skin rejuvenation.

How to go through the procedure + Video review of thread lifting with 3D mesothreads.