What is included in macronutrients? Basic properties of minerals. Consequences of mineral deficiency

In human life, in addition to fats, proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins, chemical elements play a huge role. A significant portion of the elements of the periodic table can be found in the human body. D.I. Mendeleev. Thus, at present, over 70 chemical elements have been discovered that are contained in the tissues of the body in various quantities (macro- and microelements).

Macronutrients- chemical elements, the content of which is calculated in grams in the human body. Macroelements include calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, chlorine, iron, etc. The body's need for macronutrient minerals is great.

Microelements– these are zinc, copper, iodine, fluorine and others. Their amount in the body is measured in micrograms.

Macro- and microelements ensure the normal functioning of the main systems of the body (muscular - involved in the process of muscle contraction, digestive and cardiovascular).

Their shortage or complete absence can lead to both serious illnesses and death of the body.

From a large number of macro- and microelements, we will analyze some necessary for life, which are often included in the complex of multivitamins with microelements.


The main role in the body is is part of enzymes, affecting growth, takes part in nitrogen metabolism, influences copper metabolism. Promotes the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats, is an important part of the enzyme responsible for the utilization of iron, as a result of which it helps prevent anemia.


Main role in the body– affects the activity of sex and gonadotropic hormones of the pituitary gland. Increases the activity of enzymes: intestinal and bone phosphatases, catalyzing hydrolysis. It also participates in fat, protein and vitamin metabolism, and in the processes of hematopoiesis.

Flaw - growth retardation, overexcitation of the nervous system and rapid fatigue are observed. Skin damage occurs with thickening of the epidermis, swelling of the skin, mucous membranes of the mouth and esophagus, weakening and hair loss. Zinc deficiency can lead to increased accumulation of iron, copper, cadmium, and lead. Zinc deficiency also leads to infertility. With a lack of zinc, children are delayed in development and suffer from pustular diseases of the skin and mucous membranes.

Excess- retards growth and disrupts bone mineralization. Excess leads to deficiency of iron, copper, cadmium.

The following drugs will help fill the deficiency: , .


Main role in the body– has an antioxidant effect, slowing down aging, helps prevent the growth of abnormal cells, and strengthens the immune system. In combination with vitamins A, C and E, it protects against cancer, helps with arthritis, and destroys substances harmful to the body (protects the body from heavy metals). Increases the body's endurance by increasing the supply of oxygen to the heart muscle. Selenium is necessary for the formation of proteins; supports the normal functioning of the liver, thyroid gland, pancreas. It is one of the components of sperm, important for maintaining reproductive function.

Flaw– at the same time, arsenic and cadmium accumulate in the body, which, in turn, aggravate selenium deficiency.

Excess- can cause liver enlargement up to 3 cm and pain in the right hypochondrium, pain in the limbs, cramps, a feeling of numbness; may lead to calcium deficiency.

The following drugs will help fill the deficiency: , .


Main role in the body– is an integral part of hemoglobin, complex iron-protein complexes and a number of enzymes that enhance respiration processes in cells. Iron stimulates hematopoiesis.

Flaw– first of all, cellular respiration worsens, which leads to degeneration of tissues and organs and disruption of the body’s condition. Severe iron deficiency leads to hypochromic anemia. The cause of hypochromic anemia is insufficient intake of iron from food or the predominance in the diet of foods from which it is poorly absorbed. The development of iron deficiency conditions is facilitated by a lack of animal proteins, vitamins, and hematopoietic microelements in the diet. Iron deficiency in the body occurs with acute and chronic blood loss, diseases of the stomach and intestines (gastric resection, anacid gastritis, enteritis), and some helminthic infestations. Therefore, in many diseases the need for iron increases.

The following drugs will help fill the deficiency: .


Main role in the body- found in all plants. Some sea plants have the ability to concentrate iodine. The total amount of iodine in the body is about 25 mg, of which 15 mg is found in the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is a kind of central regulatory laboratory in which iodine compounds are formed and accumulated. Significant amounts of iodine are found in the liver, kidneys, skin, hair, nails, ovaries and prostate gland.

Flaw– in adults, goiter develops (enlargement of the thyroid gland). In children, iodine deficiency is accompanied by sudden changes in the entire structure of the body. The child stops growing, mental development is delayed (cretinism).

Excess- can be observed with hyperthyroidism, Graves' disease with goiter, exophthalmos, and tachycardia can also develop. In addition, irritability, muscle weakness, sweating, emaciation, and a tendency to diarrhea are observed. The basal metabolism increases, hyperthermia, dystrophic changes in the skin and its appendages, early graying, depigmentation of the skin in limited areas (vitiligo), and muscle atrophy are observed.

The following drugs will help fill the deficiency: , .


Main role in the body– important for reproductive functions and normal functioning of the central nervous system. Helps eliminate sexual impotence, improve muscle reflexes, prevent osteoporosis, improve memory and reduce nervous irritability.

Flaw– ossification processes throughout the entire skeleton are disrupted, tubular bones thicken and shorten, joints become deformed. Reproductive function is impaired.

Excess- severe fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, dull headaches in the frontotemporal areas; nagging pain in the lower back, limbs, less often sciatica pain; pain in the right hypochondrium, in the epigastric region, decreased appetite; slowness of movements, gait disorder, paresthesia, severe stiffness of movements; urination disorder, sexual weakness; insomnia, depressed mood, tearfulness. Excess manganese increases magnesium and copper deficiency.

The following drugs will help fill the deficiency: , .

Products containing manganese -


Main role in the body– participates in the synthesis of red blood cells, collagen, skin enzymes, in the processes of growth and reproduction, in pigmentation processes, as it is part of melanin. Promotes proper absorption of iron. It is necessary for the proper development of connective tissues and blood vessels.

Flaw– the following are observed in the body: growth retardation, anemia, dermatoses, hair depigmentation, partial baldness, loss of appetite, severe weight loss, decreased hemoglobin levels, atrophy of the heart muscle.

Excess- leads to a deficiency of zinc and molybdenum, as well as manganese.

The following drugs will help fill the deficiency: , .

Products containing copper -


Main role in the body– is a permanent component of all human organs and tissues. The largest amount was found in bones, hair and nails - it follows that a lack of chromium primarily affects the condition of these organs. Chromium has an effect on hematopoietic processes; has an effect on the functioning of insulin (accelerates); on carbohydrate metabolism and energy processes.

Excess - headaches, emaciation, inflammatory changes in the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines are observed. Chromium compounds cause various skin diseases, dermatitis and eczema, which occur acutely and chronically and are vesicular, papular, pustular or nodular in nature.

The following drugs will help fill the deficiency: .


Main role in the body– participation in bone formation and the formation of dentin and tooth enamel. Fluorine also stimulates the hematopoietic system and immunity, participates in the development of the skeleton, and stimulates reparative processes in case of bone fractures. Prevents the development of senile osteoporosis.

Flaw– is expressed in a sharp increase in dental caries.

Excess- severe chronic poisoning develops, called fluorosis. This affects bones and teeth. Externally, fluorosis manifests itself in the form of white and yellowish spots on the teeth, followed by their destruction.

Fluorosis is a consequence of industrial poisoning, when atmospheric air is polluted by industrial emissions containing fluorine. Gaseous fluorine and dust of fluoride compounds penetrate the human body through the respiratory tract and digestive tract (introduced with contaminated hands or with food). The main source of industrial atmospheric pollution with fluoride compounds is enterprises producing aluminum, cement, and chemical fertilizers.

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  • Iron - causes disruption of the formation of red blood cells (erythropoiesis); growth disorder; fatigue throughout the day and frequent awakenings at night; increased risk of infectious diseases; anemia, unnatural pale skin; general deterioration of health; brittleness of hair and nails; frequent headaches; irritability; shallow and rapid breathing; gastrointestinal diseases; constipation and cracks in the corners of the mouth.

  • Magnesium - causes apathy, itching, muscular dystrophy and cramps; diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; heart rhythm disturbance; skin aging; fears; nervousness; impatience; insomnia; headache; constant feeling of fatigue; uncontrollable irritation. With a lack of magnesium, the body “steals” it from the bones. With prolonged magnesium deficiency in the body, increased deposition of calcium salts is observed in the walls of arterial vessels, heart muscle and kidneys.

  • Potassium - causes muscular dystrophy, muscle paralysis, disruption of nerve impulse transmission and heart rhythm, as well as edema and sclerosis.

  • Calcium - causes osteoporosis, seizures. A decrease in its concentration in the blood is fraught with dysfunction of the nervous system. When there is an excess of calcium in the body, it is deposited in various organs and tissues.

  • Sodium - causes hypotension, tachycardia, muscle cramps.

  • Phosphorus - causes growth disorders, bone deformities, rickets, osteomalacia. Phosphorus deficiency is caused by excess calcium with a deficiency of proteins and vitamin D, which is manifested by loss of appetite, apathy, decreased mental and physical performance, and weight loss. Excess interferes with the absorption of calcium from the intestines, inhibits the formation of the active form of vitamin D, binds part of the calcium in the blood, which leads to its removal from the bones and the deposition of calcium salts in the kidneys and blood vessels.

  • Iodine - causes Graves' disease (diffuse toxic goiter), which is characterized by increased function of the thyroid gland, accompanied by an increase in its size, due to autoimmune processes in the body, as well as a slowdown in the development of the central nervous system.

  • Manganese - causes weight loss, dermatitis, nausea, vomiting.

  • Cobalt - causes an increase in the synthesis of nucleic acids. Cobalt, manganese and copper prevent early gray hair and improve the condition, and also participate in the overall restoration of the body after serious illnesses.

  • Copper - causes anemia.

  • Fluoride - causes growth disturbance; disruption of the mineralization process. Lack of fluoride causes tooth decay. Excess fluoride causes osteochondrosis, changes in the color and shape of teeth, and bone growths.

  • Zinc - causes impaired growth, poor wound healing, lack of appetite, impaired taste, and an increase in prostate size.

  • Selenium - causes anemia, cardiomyopathy, impaired growth and bone formation. There is a high risk of cancer of the rectum, breast, uterus and ovaries, prostate, bladder, lungs and skin.

  • Chromium - makes the body work with double energy to maintain sugar balance. As a result, there is an urgent need for sweets. Excess chromium in dust causes asthma.

  • Molybdenum - causes disruption of the metabolism of sulfur-containing amino acids, as well as dysfunction of the nervous system.

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The importance of macro- and microelements in plant life

Many chemical elements have been found in green spaces. Macroelements are contained in significant concentrations, microelements - in thousandths of a percent.

Macroelements and their importance for plants

Macroelements are of particular importance for the growth and development of plants at all stages of the life cycle. These include those that are contained in crops in significant quantities - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, magnesium and iron. When they are deficient, representatives of the flora develop poorly, which affects productivity. Signs of a deficiency of reusable macronutrients appear primarily on older leaves.


The main element responsible for root nutrition. It participates in photosynthesis reactions, regulates metabolism in cells, and also promotes the growth of new shoots. This element is especially necessary for plants at the vegetative stage. With a lack of nitrogen, plant growth slows down or stops altogether, and the color of leaves and stems becomes paler. Due to an excess of nitrogen, inflorescences and fruits develop later. Plantings that have been overfed with nitrogen have dark green tops and excessively thick stems. The growing season is lengthening. Too much nitrogen oversaturation leads to the death of the flora within a few days.


Participates in most processes occurring in plants. Ensures the normal development and functioning of the root system, the formation of large inflorescences, and promotes the ripening of fruits.

Lack of phosphorus negatively affects flowering and the ripening process. The flowers are small, the fruits are often defective. Castings may have a reddish-brown tint. If phosphorus is in excess, cell metabolism slows down, plants become sensitive to lack of water, and they are less able to absorb nutrients such as iron, zinc and potassium. As a result, the leaves turn yellow, fall off, and the life of the plant is reduced.


The percentage of potassium in plants is higher compared to calcium and magnesium. This element is involved in the synthesis of starch, fats, proteins and sucrose. It protects against dehydration, strengthens tissues, prevents premature wilting of flowers, and increases the resistance of crops to various pathogens.

Potassium-depleted plants can be recognized by dead leaf edges, brown spots, and their dome-shaped shape. This occurs due to disruption of production processes, accumulation of decay products, amino acids and glucose in the green parts of plantings. If potassium is in excess, there is a slowdown in nitrogen absorption by the plant. This leads to stunted growth, leaf deformations, chlorosis, and in advanced stages, leaf death. The intake of magnesium and calcium is also hampered.


Participates in reactions with the formation of chlorophyll. It is one of its constituent elements. Promotes the synthesis of phytins contained in seeds and pectins. Magnesium activates the work of enzymes, with the participation of which the formation of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, and organic acids occurs. It is involved in the transport of nutrients, promotes faster ripening of fruits, improvement of their qualitative and quantitative characteristics, and improvement of seed quality.

If plants are deficient in magnesium, their leaves turn yellow as chlorophyll molecules break down. If the deficiency of magnesium is not replenished in a timely manner, the plant will begin to die. Excess magnesium in plants is rarely observed. However, if the dose of magnesium supplements is too large, the absorption of calcium and potassium slows down.


It is a component of proteins, vitamins, amino acids cystine and methionine. Participates in the formation of chlorophyll. Plants that experience sulfur starvation often develop chlorosis. The disease mainly affects young leaves. Excess sulfur leads to yellowing of the edges of the leaves and their turning inward. Subsequently, the edges become brown and die. In some cases, the leaves may turn lilac.


It is an integral component of chloroplasts and is involved in the production of chlorophyll, the exchange of nitrogen and sulfur, and cellular respiration. Iron is an essential component of many plant enzymes. This heavy metal plays the most important role. Its content in the plant reaches hundredths of a percent. Inorganic iron compounds accelerate biochemical reactions.

When this element is deficient, plants often develop chlorosis. Respiratory functions are impaired, photosynthesis reactions are weakened. The apical leaves gradually turn pale and dry out.


The main microelements are: iron, manganese, boron, sodium, zinc, copper, molybdenum, chlorine, nickel, silicon. Their role in plant life cannot be underestimated. A lack of microelements, although it does not lead to the death of plants, does affect the speed of various processes. This affects the quality of buds, fruits and harvests in general.


Regulates the absorption of proteins and carbohydrates, affects the production of chloroplasts and nitrogen absorption. It plays an important role in building strong cell membranes. The highest calcium content is observed in mature parts of plants. Old leaves are 1% calcium. Calcium activates the work of many enzymes, including amylase, phosphorylase, dehydrogenase, etc. It regulates the functioning of plant signaling systems, being responsible for normal reactions to exposure to hormones and external stimuli.

With a lack of this chemical element, plant cells become mucus. This is especially evident on the roots. Lack of calcium leads to disruption of the transport function of cell membranes, damage to chromosomes, and disruption of the cell division cycle. Oversaturation with calcium provokes chlorosis. Pale spots with signs of necrosis appear on the leaves. In some cases, circles filled with water can be observed. Some plants react to an excess of this element with accelerated growth, but the shoots that appear quickly die off. Signs of calcium poisoning are similar to excess iron and magnesium.


Activates the work of enzymes, participates in the synthesis of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins. Manganese also takes part in photosynthesis, respiration, and carbohydrate-protein metabolism. A lack of manganese leads to lightening of the color of leaves and the appearance of dead areas. Plants suffer from chlorosis; they have underdeveloped root systems. In serious cases, leaves begin to dry out and fall off, and the tops of branches die off.


Regulates redox processes. It is a component of some important enzymes. Zinc increases the production of sucrose and starch, the content of carbohydrates and proteins in fruits. It participates in the photosynthesis reaction and promotes the production of vitamins. With a lack of zinc, plants are less resistant to cold and drought, and their protein content decreases. Zinc starvation also leads to changes in the color of leaves (they turn yellow or become whitish), a decrease in bud formation, and a drop in yield.


Today, this microelement is called one of the most important. Molybdenum regulates nitrogen metabolism and neutralizes nitrates. It also affects hydrocarbon and phosphorus metabolism, the production of vitamins and chlorophyll, as well as the rate of redox processes. Molybdenum helps enrich plants with vitamin C, carbohydrates, carotene, and proteins.

Insufficient concentrations of molybdenum negatively affect metabolic processes, inhibiting the reduction of nitrates and the formation of proteins and amino acids. In this regard, yields are reduced and their quality deteriorates.


It is an element of copper-containing proteins and enzymes, participates in photosynthesis, and regulates protein transport. Copper doubles the nitrogen and phosphorus content and also protects chlorophyll from destruction.

Copper deficiency leads to leaf tip curl and chlorosis. The number of pollen grains decreases, the yield drops, and the crown of the trees “hangs.”


Regulates the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates. It is an essential component of RNA and DNA synthesis. Boron in combination with manganese are catalysts for the photosynthesis reaction in plants that have experienced frost. Boron is required by plantings at all stages of the life cycle.

Young leaves are most affected by boron deficiency. The lack of this microelement leads to slow development of pollen and internal necrosis of the stems.

Excess boron is also undesirable, as it leads to burns of the lower leaves.


It is an integral component of urease, with its participation the decomposition reactions of urea occur. In plantings that are provided with sufficient amounts of nickel, the urea content is lower. Nickel also activates some enzymes, participates in nitrogen transport, and stabilizes the structure of ribosomes. With an insufficient supply of nickel, plant growth slows down and the volume of biomass decreases. And when there is oversaturation with nickel, photosynthesis reactions are inhibited and signs of chlorosis appear.


It is the main element of water-salt metabolism in plants. Participates in the absorption of oxygen by the root system, photosynthesis reactions, and energy metabolism. Chlorine reduces the effects of fungal disease and combats excessive absorption of nitrates.

With a lack of chlorine, the roots grow short, but at the same time densely branched, and the leaves wither. Cabbage that has experienced a chlorine deficiency turns out to have no flavor.

At the same time, an excess of chlorine is harmful. When it occurs, the leaves become smaller and harden, and purple spots appear on some. The stem also becomes coarser. Most often, Cl deficiency manifests itself along with N deficiency. Ammonium nitrate and kainite can correct the situation.


It is a kind of building block of cell walls, and therefore increases the endurance of plantings against diseases, frosts, pollution, and lack of water. The trace element affects metabolic processes involving phosphorus and nitrogen, and helps reduce the toxicity of heavy metals. Silicon stimulates the development of roots, affects the growth and development of plants, promotes productivity, increases the sugar and vitamin content in fruits. Silicon deficiency cannot be detected visually, but its deficiency will negatively affect the resistance of crops to negative factors, the development of the root system, and the development of flowers and fruits.

Micro- and macroelements influence each other, as a result their bioavailability for flora changes. An excess of phosphorus leads to a lack of zinc and the formation of copper and iron phosphates - that is, the inaccessibility of these metals to plants. An excess of sulfur reduces the digestibility of molybdenum. Excess manganese leads to chlorosis caused by iron deficiency. High concentrations of copper lead to iron deficiency. With B deficiency, calcium absorption is impaired. And these are just some of the examples!

That is why it is so important to use balanced fertilizer complexes to compensate for the deficiency of macro- and microelements. There are different compositions for different environments. You cannot use soil fertilizer in hydroponics, because the initial conditions will not be the same.

Soil is a kind of buffer. Nutrients can remain in it until the plant needs it. The soil itself regulates the pH level, whereas in hydroponic systems the indicators completely depend on the person and the drugs with which he saturates the nutrient solution.

With traditional cultivation, it is impossible to know exactly how much of certain microelements is contained in the soil, while in hydroponics the pH and EC indicators of a nutrient solution can be determined without difficulty - using a pH meter and EC meter. Growing hydroponically is more efficient. However, any failure here has more serious consequences for the plantings. This is why you need to choose your fertilizers carefully.

The optimal complex of macro- and microelements necessary to nourish a plant grown in the ground contains a set of Bio-Grow + Bio-Bloom fertilizers. The drug accelerates the growth of flowers and crops, increases productivity.

For plants grown hydroponically, we recommend choosing the Flora Duo Grow HW + Flora Duo Bloom fertilizer kit produced in France. It has a balanced composition that covers all the needs of plants throughout the entire life cycle. Flora Duo Grow promotes accelerated leaf growth and the formation of strong stems. Flora Duo Bloom contains phosphorus, which prepares plants for flowering and fruiting.

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The operation of the TDS meter is based on the electrical conductivity of water - electrodes immersed in an aqueous environment create an electric field between themselves. Pure distilled water itself does not conduct current; it is formed by various impurities and compounds dissolved in water.

Most people are of little interest in chemical elements in their diet, because the main attention is paid to the calorie content and balance of BZHU. Therein lies the omission: some food components are not intended to supply energy, but to improve the regulation of these supplies, strengthen muscle fibers, stimulate their growth, and so on. In fact, micronutrients are even more essential than nutrients due to their important role in the body's biochemistry.

Here we will look at the most known minerals to science, deficiency or excess of which can be caused by improper use of supplements or an unbalanced diet.

Traditionally, all minerals are divided into two groups:

  • Macroelements. Contained in the body in large quantities, from several grams to hundreds of grams. They are part of the main tissues - bones, blood, muscles. These include sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron;
  • Microelements. There are literally milligrams or micrograms of them in the body. But these elements are part of enzyme systems as coenzymes (activators and catalysts of biochemical processes).

The significance of mineral substances is conditionally determined by the following questions:

  1. Does this element directly participate in muscle function, protein synthesis and cell integrity?
  2. Does the need for an element increase due to training?
  3. Does the average person or athlete get enough micro/macronutrients from their diet?
  4. Do micro/macronutrient supplements improve performance and training results?

Now let's look at each of the macro- and microelements. We also list the main food sources for each of them.

Biological functions of the main minerals (in increasing order of importance):

Potassium. Together with sodium, it regulates the water content inside cells. Provides maintenance of electrical potential in nerves and on the surface of cell membranes, regulating muscle contraction. Included in the mechanism of glycogen accumulation - the main source of energy in the cell. A poor potassium-sodium balance leads to impaired water metabolism, dehydration, and weakening of muscles. Fortunately, dietary potassium supplies most people with this nutrient requirement. Recommended daily intake is approximately 2 years(for athletes and people engaged in hard work, 2.5-5 g is recommended). Excess potassium relative to sodium can cause disruption of the cardiovascular system, so the newfangled “potassium diets” are simply dangerous.

Copper. The biological role of this trace element is more important than previously thought. It not only participates in the process of oxygen absorption and many enzymatic reactions, but also increases the rate of blood circulation during intense physical activity. For this reason, copper is one of the most important micronutrients for an athlete, and can sometimes be deficient. So it makes sense to monitor your copper intake from food. Recommended Daily Intake 1.5-3 mg.

Vanadium. This element has recently attracted the attention of doctors due to some properties of its derivative, vanadyl sulfate. Vanadium plays the same role in the body of marine animals as iron does in the human body: it is part of the blood (in marine animals it is green). Although most of the research on this element has been performed on diabetic rats, published evidence suggests it has a positive effect on glycogen storage. Recommended Daily Intake 10-25 mcg.

Iron. This microelement is part of blood hemoglobin, which is responsible for oxygen transport and oxidative reactions. How does this affect your sports activities? The speed of recovery after training depends on the aerobic activity of the body. The more oxygen gets into the tissues, the faster the muscles are restored for further work. Microtraumas during sports activity and increased excretion of iron in feces after exercise lead to the fact that the need for iron in athletes can be increased by almost 2 times compared to physically inactive people. Getting enough iron is especially important for women. During menstruation, a certain amount of iron is lost through the blood, which needs to be replenished. Otherwise, there is a risk of developing anemia. There is evidence that a significant number of female athletes have hidden iron deficiency. Unfortunately, iron from almost all foods is absorbed very poorly (sometimes only a fraction of a percent of the iron contained in food enters the body). It is easier to digest from meat products. Approximately 90 percent of iron medications leave the body unchanged. Consequently, their dose is 10 times the daily requirement. Let's say a normal man loses 1 mg of iron per day, but should consume 10 mg. Women need more for the reason stated above. Recommended daily intake: men 10 mg, women 15 mg. For athletes - up to 25 mg. per day.

Phosphorus. Contained in the body in large quantities. Directly participates in metabolic processes, making up part of the important energy carriers - adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and creatine phosphate. Phosphorus works together with calcium, and their ratio must be kept equal to 1:1 equivalent (1:1.5 by weight). In addition, phosphorus supplements reduce the amount of lactic acid in the blood.

It helps provide speed and power in muscle contractions, which is important for both strength and speed training. Recommended Phosphorus Intake 1200 mg. per day. With intense training, it can be significantly increased.

Sodium. As you probably know, sodium is an electrolyte that plays a key role in regulating fluid metabolism. The sodium content in the body determines the amount of water retained by tissues. (You might feel this when you wake up with a “swollen” face after a very salty dinner). Although regular food contains sufficient (sometimes even excessive) amounts of sodium, bodybuilders are not advised to limit their intake too much before competition. Restrictions that are too strict trigger mechanisms that prevent further loss of sodium and water. Also, keep in mind that sodium plays an important role in endurance performance as it is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. This element should not be too little or too much. Sodium is found in table salt and processed foods. Recommended daily intake approx. 5000 mg.

Chromium. Trace element, a key factor in glucose tolerance, ensuring the binding of insulin to tissues. Promotes the transport of glucose, amino acids and fatty acids into cells. Athletes probably need more chromium than the average person; however, the anabolic effect of this element is a matter of debate. Chromium's involvement in lipid metabolism may reduce body fat, but this has not yet been proven. Reports of achieving excellent results with chromium supplements are, to put it mildly, premature. However, I will provide current data in the supplement section. In general, the role of this element in the body should be known. Recommended consumption 50-200 mcg.

Zinc. This element is involved in almost all stages of cell growth. It is necessary for the functioning of more than 300 different enzymes. In addition (and this must be kept in mind for bodybuilders), intense training contributes to accelerated loss of zinc. The diet of many athletes is too poor in this element. That is why I placed zinc in third place in importance. Lack of it can practically stop your growth. Daily consumption: men 15 mg, women 12 mg.

Calcium. Perhaps the most common element in the body. In terms of importance it is in second place in the top ten elements. There are several reasons for this: It is quite difficult to maintain the calcium:phosphorus ratio close to 1:1. Calcium is directly involved in muscle contraction (there is a theory about the influence of calcium ions on the contractile process). If there is little of it, the muscles cannot contract quickly and strongly. The stress placed on the bones during exercise increases the consumption of calcium to increase their strength. Women need to be especially careful, as low estrogen levels can lead to accelerated calcium loss. Please note that vitamin D promotes better absorption of calcium.

Calcium is found in dairy products, green vegetables, and legumes. Recommended Daily Intake 800 mg.

Magnesium. We've listed the elements in order of increasing importance, and there's a reason we put this element first, not only because of its well-known mechanism of action, but also because the positive effects of magnesium supplementation on athletic performance are clearly proven.

Magnesium is one of the key components in energy storage and protein synthesis. It is lost in large quantities through sweat. Unfortunately, many athletes do not replace this loss through nutrition because they do not eat most magnesium-rich foods (nuts, legumes, etc.). A recently published study showed a significant increase in muscle strength with magnesium supplementation. Given the importance of this element in muscle biochemistry, it is not difficult to understand the enthusiasm of so many athletes and coaches regarding magnesium. Magnesium is found in nuts, whole grain products, legumes, bananas, and green vegetables. Recommended daily intake: men 350 mg, women 280 mg.

Here are a few more microelements that the body needs in trace quantities:

Iodine It is part of the thyroid hormones that regulate nutrient metabolism and heat production in the body. Lack of iodine causes the so-called Graves' disease (goiter), characterized by excess fat, lethargy, and abnormal growth of the thyroid gland.

Iodine is found in seafood products. For some regions of our country, special iodized salt is produced. Recommended daily intake approx. 50 mcg.

Selenium. A trace element whose compounds have powerful antioxidant properties.

Manganese. A trace element that is an activator of some enzyme systems. Daily dose approx. 4 mg. Included in the multivitamin preparation “Complivit” and some others.

Molybdenum. Activates some enzymes involved in protein metabolism. Promotes (makes more effective) the work of antioxidants, including vitamin C. An important component of the tissue respiration system. Strengthens the synthesis of amino acids, improves nitrogen accumulation. With a lack of molybdenum, anabolic processes suffer and the immune system weakens.

Daily requirement - approx. 0.3-0.4 mg.


Chronic overdose of even one microelement can lead to functional disorders and increased secretion of another and other undesirable consequences

For example, excess zinc leads to a decrease in the level of cholesterol-containing high-density lipids (HDL), and excess calcium leads to a lack of phosphorus, and vice versa. Excess molybdenum reduces copper content. Some trace elements (selenium, chromium, copper) are toxic in excess doses, so follow the recommendations given in the article.

Let us remind you once again that microelements and vitamins are no less important than nutrients, because without them the latter cannot be properly absorbed by the body. Be attentive to the “little things” and be healthy!

Macroelements are substances necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. They should be supplied with food in quantities of at least 25 grams. Macroelements are simple chemical elements that can be both metals and non-metals. However, they do not necessarily have to enter the body in pure form. In most cases, macro- and microelements come from food in the form of salts and other chemical compounds.

Macroelements - what substances are they?

The human body must receive 12 macroelements. Of these, four are called biogenic, since their quantity in the body is greatest. Such macroelements are the basis of life for organisms. These are what cells are made of.


Macronutrients include:

  • carbon;
  • oxygen;
  • nitrogen;
  • hydrogen.

They are called biogenic, since they are the main components of a living organism and are part of almost all organic substances.

Other macronutrients

Macronutrients include:

  • phosphorus;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • chlorine;
  • sodium;
  • potassium;
  • sulfur.

Their quantity in the body is less than that of biogenic macroelements.

What are microelements?

Micro- and macroelements differ in that the body needs fewer microelements. Excessive intake of them into the body has a negative effect. However, their deficiency also causes diseases.

Here is a list of microelements:

  • iron;
  • fluorine;
  • copper;
  • manganese;
  • chromium;
  • zinc;
  • aluminum;
  • mercury;
  • lead;
  • nickel;
  • molybdenum;
  • selenium;
  • cobalt.

Some trace elements become extremely toxic when the dosage is exceeded, such as mercury and cobalt.

What role do these substances play in the body?

Let's look at the functions that microelements and macroelements perform.

The role of macroelements:

The functions performed by some microelements are still not fully understood, since the less an element is present in the body, the more difficult it is to determine the processes in which it takes part.

The role of microelements in the body:

Cell macroelements and microelements

Let's look at its chemical composition in the table.

What foods contain the elements the body needs?

Let's look at the table which products contain macro- and microelements.

ManganeseBlueberries, nuts, currants, beans, oatmeal, buckwheat, black tea, bran, carrots
MolybdenumBeans, grains, chicken, kidneys, liver
CopperPeanuts, avocado, soy, lentils, shellfish, salmon, crayfish
SeleniumNuts, beans, seafood, broccoli, onions, cabbage
NickelNuts, grains, broccoli, cabbage
PhosphorusMilk, fish, yolk
SulfurEggs, milk, fish, garlic, beans
ZincSunflower and sesame seeds, lamb, herring, beans, eggs

Yeast, beef, tomatoes, cheese, corn, eggs, apples, veal liver


Apricots, peaches, blueberries, apples, beans, spinach, corn, buckwheat, oatmeal, liver, wheat, nuts


Plant products


Seaweed, fish


Dried apricots, almonds, hazelnuts, raisins, beans, peanuts, prunes, peas, seaweed, potatoes, mustard, pine nuts, walnuts


Fish (flounder, tuna, crucian carp, capelin, mackerel, hake, etc.), eggs, rice, peas, buckwheat, salt


Dairy products, mustard, nuts, oatmeal, peas

SodiumFish, seaweed, eggs
AluminumIn almost all products

Now you know almost everything about macro- and microelements.