Circumcision or circumcision of the foreskin in men: indications for the procedure, choice of technique and photo. Find out how reconstructive operations to remove a stoma are performed in Israel How to find out how the operation goes

Recently I was admitted to the hospital. It's okay, she's alive and well.

In this post I decided to describe how operations are carried out in our Krasnodar, so to speak, my experience.

Background of the disease

I recently discovered a small hard lump above my navel. I’m probably one of the few who feel themselves)) But this is a necessary thing. I was worried because... Since the period of breastfeeding, I remember that there should not be any hardness on the human body, unless of course it is a bone))

I went to the state clinic, where they told me it was a hematoma. The doctor thought that someone had hit me in the stomach, but I didn’t want to admit it. I was prescribed to do compresses and if the hematoma does not resolve in 2 weeks, to come again.

I applied the compresses so intensely that I even burned the skin)) The hardness was sometimes not even palpable in the morning, but in the evening it returned to visit. Compresses didn't help. I'm coming again. Here the doctor throws up his hands and gives a referral to the KhBK hospital to a more experienced surgeon.

In CBC, a seemingly hardened surgeon from the first palpation gives a diagnosis - a hernia. And immediately, without explanations or other conversations, it was as if there was a distant relative of Ellochka the cannibal, he started writing me down somewhere and giving me a list of tests that I had to take.

What is this for, doctor?
- For surgery.

Of course, I did not expect that the doctor would pronounce his verdict so quickly, like an executioner on the scaffold, as if behind me there was already a queue of people just as unfortunate as me. As it turned out, the queue had accumulated. Everything in the hospital is on stream. The wait, which is good, is not long - 3 weeks. They set an exact date and start shredding to the sounds of the city radio.

Of course, I tried to ask the surgeon questions, he looked at me in surprise, as if I should have read about my problem on the Internet and graduated from medical school in absentia. I had actually already read about my problem on the Internet and it wasn’t scary. But the surgeon did not really answer, he spoke 1-2 words and made it clear that these conversations were meaningless.

I'm certainly not a fan of idle chatter. But as for my navel or other part of the body, I would still like to know specifically about my pain. I never really received answers to my questions. Maybe I should have consulted another doctor? Don't know. But for some reason this stern man in a white coat inspired confidence.

For my problem, there are really two options: using a bow or a surgical knife. I, of course, believe in the power of the bow, especially after the tale of Cipollino. But if you choose between a bow and a knife, I’ll choose a knife, which is somehow more reliable and faster, although I’m not enthusiastic about modern medicine.

Of course, a hernia is not an emergency operation, they live with it for years, it may not grow, you may not experience pain, nothing may bother you and you may not even know about it, or then have surgery in...twenty years. Yes, they do that too. But I decided to end this matter now once and hopefully forever.

So, the tests were completed, day X was approaching, I was almost not afraid, because I survived an emergency caesarean section and was on the verge of death. What are they afraid of here, where everything will be much simpler? But on the eve of the operation, of course, I was upset, I felt offended, because in fact I got a hernia due to my stupidity and forgetfulness. What to do? Women get stupid over the years - that's about me. But I hope this will be a lesson for me, like with my knees, which I almost lost. If you wish, I will tell you about knee injuries another time, how I cured them absolutely without doctors and without operations.

The day of the operation arrived.

I was told to come at 8 am and I had to leave the next day at 9 am. That is, lie there for a day. Essentially this is a day hospital. As they said, there is a department there where they stay for days, but very seriously ill patients are sent there.

There are only three wards on the floor: a men's, a women's and a VIP ward with two beds, which we still did not understand. During the day, no more than 4 operations are performed, and two operations are performed simultaneously in one operating room, that is, you can wave your hand to another patient))

3 operations were supposed to take place on this day. We were biding our time. Lying with me were two young girls who looked to be 25-35 years old, who decided to remove veins in their legs (varicose veins). Their varicose veins were visible from a kilometer away, they have specific problems, as they say, varicose veins began at school. As I understand it, their veins were removed. I don’t really believe in this operation, because... I remember my grandmother, who at over 60 years old decided to cut out her veins and died a couple of months after the operation. Then everyone came to the conclusion: it would be better to walk around with swollen veins. In general, in my opinion, this is a dubious operation. It's all about nutrition and lifestyle and maybe something else. But I could of course be wrong.

This is what our room looks like. Everyone has water, because only water can be drunk. In general, before the operation you don’t eat for almost a day, and you can only drink water, then you cleanse your intestines and, half-dead, go under the knife.

Before the operations, everyone is given a painful injection in the ass - a sedative so that they probably don’t twitch, otherwise, if they had given permission, they would probably have been tied to a bed))

Then the doctor comes, takes the girl with varicose veins and with a black marker draws crosses and lines on her legs where he will cut. I didn’t have this, they felt me ​​and let me go to bed to rest for a couple of hours.

While I have time, I walk around the floor. When you are on the verge of death, you become closer to nature and feel all its delights. So I noticed that the trees had already become completely green.

There, behind the fence, ordinary life goes on: children go to school, adults go to work, and you stand and feel sad as if you are in prison, although only an hour has passed in this ward))

Window lock stick.

It’s almost like my own gurney))

Place of the duty doctor.

The floor is essentially empty, because... There are only three patients on this day.

A couple of hours later they called me and another girl with varicose veins. We need to completely undress and put a white sheet on ourselves as if we were going to take a steam bath. Oh, if only it were so! Already in the operating room we are given special white slippers-shoe covers, which no longer inspire confidence in the future. And before my eyes is a white operating room with a white ceiling. Well, why not stick butterflies on the ceiling? It would not be so sad and lonely in this world.

I lie down on the operating table, which has seen a lot. A big bearded anesthesiologist comes up and asks you to turn your back. Well, I think they gave me epidural anesthesia at the maternity hospital - it’s not scary. But then this big guy takes the thickest needle and presses on the spine. It was very painful! And then I get a shot in my leg with enormous pain. It was so painful that I was screaming, tears immediately poured out of my eyes and I jumped up to the ceiling! What was that, your mother?! The doctors are surprised by my jumping. And the “kind” anesthesiologist calmly says: “What shot? It happens.” Happens? Fuck, in the maternity hospital they gave me such anesthesia that I didn’t even feel the needle! It happens to him!

Well, I think the fun has begun. But as it turned out later, everything was fine. I couldn’t feel my stomach, and my legs gave out over time. Hang up a curtain so that I don’t see my intestines, but in vain, I always wanted to know what my organs look like)) I remember it was the same in the maternity hospital, only there was a glass lamp above me, which reflected the whole operation. In theory, I should have fallen asleep then, but the process of taking life out of my stomach was so interesting that I looked at the ceiling as much as I could, then passed out, then looked again, and when they showed the baby, I recorded the time with my ears and fell somewhere .

Here the intestines were not visible. The two above me grouped and started cutting. You can feel the knife, but it’s as if a felt-tip pen is being drawn across your stomach, i.e. it doesn't hurt. Then you began to feel like your intestines were being wrapped around your fist, not very pleasant, but not painful either, as if your hair was being wrapped around a fist and being pulled somewhere.

I’m bored, I look around, I see how doctors have gathered over another girl and are cutting her legs, she seems calm, she’s probably been waiting for this day for a long time.

My operation goes quickly - about an hour. They sew it up beautifully, I saw that later. We took courses in cutting and sewing. In a word - well done!

They put me on a gurney because... My legs don’t belong to me, they start taking me somewhere - this is the most pleasant thing about the operations! They roll you around and you lie there! They carefully dump me into my bed in the ward and tell me that my legs will soon come back to me.

I'm lying there, I feel up, but not down. I try to jerk my toe and I can't. It's a terrible feeling when you want to move your finger, but it DOESN'T move! It's like you're paralyzed. Then my right leg comes to life, I can’t stop moving it like a fool, I’m glad that I can walk)) The second leg comes later, I’m happy again. And I got bored, I start reading a book. Later, they bring in a girl with varicose veins; her leg is bandaged from heel to crotch. The operation also took about an hour.

Then the third girl leaves, they operate on her for a long time, my neighbor and I are already looking at each other, like, is she alive? What's taking so long? 3.5 hours pass and she still returns, saying that she was told that the veins are sealed like an old woman’s. I don't know what this means, but she is cheerful and cheerful. Then I found out that each leg is operated on on different days, i.e. You can't have two legs in one day. And if varicose veins are on both legs, then you need to sign up again in the queue and take a hundred tests for a new operation.

We lie, chat, read books. This is how the evening goes. In the evening you want to eat, because... I haven't eaten for almost 1.5 days. I’m not allowed to eat until the morning, but my neighbors are allowed and they chew cookies, and my stomach screams obscenities for me to eat at least something too! And I ate it. This is probably my mistake.

Then I sit down. The doctors tell me that I can’t sit and walk until the morning, but they don’t explain why. I think that it’s like during a caesarean section, the faster you get up, the faster it will get easier, but the fact that you’re lying down makes it even worse. Maybe I'm wrong, of course. But I myself walked in the evening, not a lot, but I walked, I didn’t feel much pain in the abdominal area, but I got out of bed sideways so as not to strain my abdominal muscles.

They twice offered me painkillers, but I refuse because... It hardly hurts me.

It is worth noting that the entire staff was sent to me by God - everyone was friendly, smiling, with jokes and jokes. No one yelled or mocked as is usually practiced. I had such a negative experience in maternity hospital No. 4, where almost all the nurses were animals in scrubs, and almost all the doctors were indifferent and disgusted, as if you were a piece of dead meat to them. Everything was wonderful here, like some kind of medical paradise. I even got into a conversation with one hospital employee, who said that previously there were two operating rooms on the floor, more operations were performed, and now the hospital receives almost no funding (before the operation I was asked to buy saline solution for 100 rubles at the pharmacy). Salaries used to be normal, but now they have been cut by half, many have left.

I walked around the floor, looked out the window, clouds came running and I think it was starting to rain.

I look at the doctor’s workplace and go to hell.

The next day I got up early, began to get ready faster, I couldn’t wait to jump out of here as quickly as possible, because I hadn’t been outside for a day! I was examined and quickly released. Then they told me to come for a dressing. I was only in bandaging a couple of times. At the same time, it was impossible to wash the abdominal area for 2 weeks while the wound healed. And then the stitches were removed in my clinic, before that my navel was always under an adhesive bandage, I couldn’t even touch the wound area.

The cut only hurt for a couple of days. I could walk, but when I walked for more than 30 minutes, my lower back hurt - this is a very unpleasant feeling, because it never hurt in my life. And here I was, like an old woman, constantly holding on to my lower back. Of course, I was prescribed 2 weeks of rest! But with my rhythm of life, this is impossible; what peace is there if you have a three-year-old active child? It was necessary to lock me up in the hospital for this period, but no one offered me this, and I didn’t think of lying somewhere myself. And who will look after the child while I am in the hospital for days?

So, when my stitches came out... I felt my hernia again. Again something hard rested above my navel. WTF? The doctor at the local clinic said that it seems to me. And the doctor at the hospital said that the hernia could quickly come back if I was active, but he refused to feel my stomach. He was probably afraid that the hernia would bite off his finger.

Maybe all this really seems to me, and everything is fine with me. Or maybe my problem is so small that, as some doctors say, “it should get worse and then after the operation you will feel the difference.”

After the operation, I can’t lift anything heavy for a month, or even lift my 15 kg fidgety child. You need to rest a lot, lie down and not move for 2 weeks as if you were already dead. After the stitches were removed, I felt great, even if I unloaded the cars, but I decided not to experiment and wait exactly 30 days, although this is very difficult for a person who is always active.

During surgical treatment for colorectal cancer, there is sometimes a need to create a stoma - an opening in the side of the abdominal cavity through which feces are removed. A stoma is used after intestinal resection, connecting its surviving parts (forming an anastomosis) in cases where time is required to restore the intestine after surgery.

In what cases is stoma removal surgery performed in Israel?

In most cases (more than 80%), the stoma is temporary - after the intestinal tissues have healed, it is removed, restoring the natural way of excreting feces (through the rectum and anus). Occasionally, a stoma is permanent. This happens after resection of a significant part of the intestine, when it is no longer possible to connect the intestine to the anus. This obstacle is not technically insurmountable, since there are a number of reconstructive techniques that can cope with the problem, but sometimes it is a question of the fact that the patient’s health condition prevents the operation - as a rule, this applies to severe cancer cases.

There are two ways to create an ostomy, depending on how much of the intestine was removed:

  • Ileostomy – formation of a fistula of the small intestine;
  • Colostomy – formation of a fistula of the colon.

Restorative surgery after an ostomy consists of excision of an artificially created opening and suturing of the two ends of the intestine, restoring its patency along its entire length. Surgical techniques may differ depending on which part of the intestine is resected, and operations can be performed open or laparoscopically.

After surgery, it takes some time for the intestines to fully restore their functions, this can be a long process, from several months to a year or more, but ultimately in all patients who undergo reconstructive surgery after an ostomy, intestinal functions are restored.

Reconstructive operations after an ostomy in Israel are routine, their risk is minimal, and in almost all cases they result in complete restoration of intestinal function. The approach of Israeli specialists is that even though a person gets used to the stoma, and over time, with proper care, it ceases to cause serious inconvenience, the quality of life without it is much higher.

Reconstructive operations after an ostomy are one of the specializations of surgeons.

Cost of reconstructive surgery to remove a stoma

How to prepare for reconstructive surgery to remove a stoma?

The period in which it is optimal to carry out reconstructive surgery after a stoma is 2-4 months after its formation. Sometimes, according to indications, it can be extended to a year, but currently doctors have experience in successfully performing reconstructive surgery after an ostomy after 10 or more years. However, the more time has passed since the formation of the stoma, the higher the risk of complications, and the longer it will take to restore the intestines’ ability to remove feces naturally. The reason is a decrease in muscle tone of both the intestinal stump, the pelvic floor, and the anal sphincter. There is also a risk of developing structural changes in the intestine.

Preparation for reconstructive surgery begins with a thorough examination, which includes:

  • Colonoscopy or irrigoscopy;
  • Colonography;
  • Computer or magnetic resonance imaging of the pelvis and abdominal cavity;
  • Chest X-ray;
  • Assessment of the integrity of the anal canal and sphincter functions.

In the preparatory period, the patient needs to prepare for changes in his life due to temporary loss of working capacity and some other social functions.

What happens after stoma removal surgery?

Typically, the patient is discharged from the clinic three to ten days after the reconstructive surgery after the stoma - the exact period depends on the pace of recovery.

This should not be expected to mean complete restoration of normal bowel movements. As already mentioned above, for this there must be a period of rehabilitation, and active rehabilitation, with the efforts of the patient himself and his relatives.

The following points need to be taken into account:

  1. The defecation regime is set individually, but as a rule, in the early postoperative period it is far from normal. For example, there may be imperative urges - that is, urgent ones. Episodes of fecal incontinence may occur (6-8 weeks after surgery). You need to be prepared for this.
  2. Stool often has a looser consistency than usual, and its release may be accompanied by uncontrollable flatulence.
  3. In connection with the above, some restrictions are introduced during rehabilitation: you cannot drive a car for about six weeks after surgery, avoid physical activity for 10 months, etc.

All described disorders and unpleasant symptoms are transient, subsequently the body adapts, control over intestinal functions is restored, restrictions are removed completely or remain minimal.

After the operation, the patient is under the supervision of specialists from the Meir Medical Center, who teach him the correct behavior during the recovery period, prescribe a diet, and also give a number of recommendations to speed up rehabilitation.

So, in order to quickly restore the intestines and its functions, it is recommended:

  • Intestinal hydromassage;
  • Drug therapy;
  • Diet therapy.

Diet therapy in this case plays a crucial role; the duration of the recovery period largely depends on how seriously the patient takes the diet.

Is a diet necessary after ostomy surgery?

After reconstructive surgery to remove a stoma, a ban on eating fresh vegetables and fruits is introduced for 6 months. Heat-treated vegetables and fruits (baked, boiled, stewed) are allowed to be consumed no earlier than 3 months after surgery. Rough and irritating foods should be avoided for the entire recovery period. Such products include wholemeal bread, some cereals (barley, corn), spicy, fatty, fried, salted and smoked foods. Fermented products - kvass, cider, beer, wine, etc. - are excluded from the diet.

If you are prone to constipation, you need to pay attention to your drinking regime: drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.

Fennel or peppermint tea helps with severe flatulence and intestinal cramps.

It is important to follow the diet: food is taken in small portions at short intervals (fractional meals), the strict postoperative menu is expanded gradually. You should not eat before bed.

Is symptom control necessary after stoma removal?

In order to control symptoms, patients are usually recommended to keep a food diary: note the time of food intake, what exactly was eaten, then the intestinal reaction indicating the time of this reaction. In this way, the patient learns to control the activity of his intestines, select the optimal foods and their combinations, and identify those foods whose consumption should be limited or eliminated completely. This allows you to create an individual diet that will best contribute to the rehabilitation of this particular patient.

In some cases, the patient may be prescribed drug therapy aimed at regulating intestinal function: antidiarrheals or drugs that increase the volume of stool. Medicines are selected by the attending physician in such a way that the patient can gain control over the symptoms while avoiding side effects.

Special care for the skin around the anus after surgery

During the postoperative recovery period, care is necessary not only for the suture on the abdominal wall, but also for the anus. The skin in this area is sensitive, and frequent bowel movements lead to irritation, which, if left untreated, can develop into an inflammatory process. To prevent this from happening, after each act of defecation, it is recommended to wash the skin of the anus with warm water and then dry it, carefully blotting it with a soft towel.

When this is not possible, you can use wet sanitary napkins. Once or twice a day, the skin of the perianal area (the skin around the anus) should be lubricated with baby protective cream.

Training the muscles of the pelvic diaphragm and rectum after surgery

One of the consequences of the stoma is the inevitable weakening of the muscles of the pelvic floor, rectum and anal sphincter, and the longer the stoma has been in place, the more pronounced the muscular dystonia. Its consequence is the most unpleasant symptom that patients have to experience in the postoperative period: fecal incontinence.

In order to restore muscle tone, special exercises are prescribed to strengthen the pelvic floor and sphincter, such as Kegel exercises. The attending physician will help you master them, and the patient must approach their implementation with full responsibility. Such exercises can reduce the unpleasant period of loss of control over bowel movements from several months to several weeks.


One man's wife got sick. Sent her to...

One man's wife got sick. He sent her to the hospital, where she urgently underwent surgery. After some time, Ivanov calls the hospital to find out how the operation went:
- Hello! is this a hospital? who's on the phone?
- Nurse on duty!
- Listen, sister, call the doctor who operated on the sick Ivanova. It's her husband who's bothering you.
“I’m listening,” they answered into the phone.
- Tell me how the operation went?
At that moment, the telephone operator mistakenly switched Ivanova to another subscriber, where the auto mechanic was talking with a client who had returned the car for repair.
Ivanov heard the following:
- We replaced her butt.
- Ass?.. oh! - Ivanov was surprised. - yes.
-Are you out of your mind? After all, she had a pretty decent ass!
- Please don't argue. Her backside was so worn out that it was impossible to restore it; apparently, she was used without the knowledge of the owner through bushes and stones. Therefore, there are scratches on the lower part, in addition, its buffers are completely sagging, they are very loose, we also tightened them. The front end was also so worn out that it would have been impossible to use it any longer. We inserted a bushing into it, expanded it to a normal diameter and achieved a tight fit; it apparently ate a lot of oil, ate so much that it wasn’t worth it on its own. We corrected this defect for her.
- It’s true that she loved butter, and if you made her eat it less, that’s good. As for the butt and all sorts of things, this is just impudence...
- Please don’t argue, listen to me to the end. We did everything she needed and then tried it once. True, at first she behaved somewhat restlessly, threw up a lot, sneezed, released a lot of gas, got very hot, but then she began to breathe evenly, so you can come tomorrow, we will try it in front of you, and you can try it in our presence. After which you can take it for personal use. I hope you will be pleased with it.

There are many indications for removing the foreskin in adults. They can be divided into:

Urologists believe that circumcision in adults should be performed only for medical reasons. Most often, the reason for circumcision is phimosis, paraphimosis, shortened frenulum of the glans penis.

These defects interfere with normal sexual activity, and in some cases they can make it difficult to urinate. Usually the operation is performed at a young age, but sometimes pathologies occur in older patients.

At the age of 60-70 years, the uncircumcised foreskin may grow, blocking the urethra.

Another compelling argument in favor of circumcision is reducing the risk of cancer. They are provoked by smegma, a secretion that accumulates under the foreskin. Skin fold removal reduces the risk of glans cancer in men and cervical cancer in their female partners by 80%. There is evidence that male circumcision helps reduce the incidence of AIDS.

There are practically no contraindications to the procedure. Some caution should be observed in men with reduced blood clotting. Circumcision is not done in case of acute inflammatory diseases; in severe cases of chronic diseases, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

Surgical methods

Circumcision refers to plastic surgery. Modern surgery offers several intervention options; the choice depends on the joint decision of the patient and the doctor.

The following circumcision options are possible:

The choice of circumcision technique depends on the size of the foreskin, the appearance of the penis, the wishes of the patient and other factors.

Circumcision surgery is irreversible, so before starting it, you need to weigh all the advantages and disadvantages. Complications are rare; in some cases, allergies to medications or scarring are possible.

Preparation for the procedure

Circumcision of the foreskin in adults is performed on an outpatient basis or in a hospital.

  1. For adolescents, general anesthesia is used; adult men are more often given local anesthesia. Circumcision is impossible without anesthesia.
  2. Before the procedure, you must take a blood test to confirm the absence of infections and inflammation.
  3. If you have sexually transmitted diseases, you need to completely cure them and only then think about circumcision.

Before the operation, the penis is disinfected with special preparations and clamped with a tourniquet at the base. Anesthetics (lidocaine, ultracaine, killezin) are injected into the penis tissue with a thin needle.

The operation is not painful; there are practically no nerve endings or large vessels in the foreskin, damage to which causes severe bleeding.

How is foreskin circumcision performed?

So, how does male circumcision work? The procedure for circumcision will be as follows:

  1. After anesthesia, the foreskin is pulled back with clamps, an incision is made in the skin, after which the foreskin is removed in a circle using a scalpel or surgical scissors. The amount of skin removed depends on the chosen circumcision technique.
  2. Usually the frenulum of the head is not affected, but if it is defective, simultaneous plastic surgery is possible. A frenulum that is too short is cut lengthwise with a scalpel and then sutured with an extension suture. As a result, the skin becomes less sensitive to tears.
  3. After circumcision of the foreskin, sutures are applied using self-absorbing threads. The success of adult circumcision surgery depends entirely on the skill of the doctor. Particular attention is required when completely removing the foreskin, as there is a high risk of damage to the head of the penis. Only a specialist can perform penis circumcision correctly!

How long does circumcision take? The average duration of the procedure is 60 minutes.

Below is shown how men are circumcised - a photo of the foreskin:

Useful video

You can see the entire process of male circumcision in the video below:

Post-operative care: secrets of quick recovery

In the first hours after the circumcision operation and the weakening of the anesthesia, the patient may feel pain, which is relieved with the help of anesthetics; the discomfort completely disappears after 1-2 days.

  1. Postoperative sutures are processed daily. In the first 3 days, the sterile dressing is changed 3 times a day.
  2. Then the procedure can be performed once a day. The bandage is soaked in hydrogen peroxide or a decoction of chamomile, this allows you to remove it without pain and without injuring the wound.
  3. The dressings are changed for 10 days, then the suture area remains open. To disinfect, it is treated with hydrogen peroxide or chlorhexidine. There is no need to remove sutures; the threads dissolve on their own.

In some cases, patients experience bloody discharge. Treating the seams with Levomekol, a solution of furatsilin or potassium permanganate will help remove them. Taking Methyluracil will help speed up wound healing. If bleeding does not stop, urgent consultation with a urologist is necessary.

It is important to monitor your drinking regime. You should not drink too much liquid; instead of diuretic drinks such as coffee and black tea, herbal infusions, homemade fruit drinks and clean still water are recommended.

The recovery period lasts about 2 weeks. During this time, the sutures heal completely, swelling subsides, and the penis takes on a normal appearance. You must abstain from sexual intercourse and masturbation for another 2 weeks.

In the next few months, it is better to use barrier contraceptives (condoms), which reduce the risk of infection or microtrauma. When swelling occurs, baths with table salt are recommended (1 teaspoon per glass of warm water).

Circumcision in adult men is an operation performed for medical, hygienic and other reasons. There will be no complications, and the recovery period will not be prolonged and the patient will quickly return to normal life, subject to hygiene rules. Thanks to the article, you learned how circumcision is performed, with the patient being admitted to a hospital or on an outpatient basis, and you got acquainted with the photo after the circumcision operation. We hope this information was useful to you!