Quotes about cigarettes and smoke. Quotes on the topic “Smoke Quotes about cigarette smoke

A cigarette is the best painkiller. You exhale sadness along with the smoke.


Someone, out of ridicule, asked the philosopher: “If I burn a thousand minas of wood, how many minas of smoke will I get?”
“Weigh the ash,” said Demonakt, “everything else is smoke.”

Margaret of Navarre

There is no fire without smoke, but I have seen smoke many times where there was no fire.

causes consequences fire smoke

Kurdish proverbs and sayings

Don't throw yourself into the flames to get rid of the smoke.

Phantom: Requiem for the Phantom

I don't want to leave anything behind. If only it were possible to disappear like smoke.

91 days

Would you like a cigar? With a cigar you don't inhale smoke, you inhale time. Think carefully, then move forward towards your goal, don’t rush, otherwise you will stumble and fall.

time target drop smoke

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Is such smoke really so pleasant from such a fatherland?


People of different eras, different professions - they all agree that the harm of smoking is truly enormous. In an ironic manner, beautifully or scientifically substantiating their words, famous people speak about the negative aspects of smoking, about its danger to a person’s physical and mental development.

Think about the quotes we have given about smoking. Perhaps it’s still worth giving up this bad habit?

If you are not ready to quit smoking yet, but are already starting to think about your addiction to tobacco, then first let’s reflect on the wise sayings of great people: poets, writers, musicians, politicians, scientists. Let's read!

“The harm of smoking is obvious. Smoking makes you stupid.

It is incompatible with creative work.”

“Every person of our modern average education recognizes it as ill-mannered and inhumane to disturb peace and comfort for one’s own pleasure, and even more so

the health of other people..., but out of a thousand smokers, not one will hesitate to blow unhealthy smoke where there are non-smoking women, children, sick and old people.”

“A woman who smokes is vulgar.”

“Smoking weakens the power of thought and makes its expression unclear.”

“First God created man. Then he created a woman. Then God felt sorry for the man, and he created tobacco for him.”

“Quitting smoking is easy. I’ve quit a thousand times myself.”

“Am I sure that I like any particular cigars? Well, of course, I’m absolutely sure - unless someone cheats me and sticks my brand on some rubbish - after all, like everyone else, I distinguish my cigars by brand, and not at all by taste.”

“A cigar can serve as a good substitute for thought.”

“Tobacco kills grief, but it also inevitably weakens energy.”

“Tobacco harms the body, destroys the mind, stupefies entire nations.”

“Every smoker should know and remember that he poisons not only himself, but also others.”

“Nicotine poisoning through smoking undermines a person’s physics and psyche.”

“This vice brings the treasury 100 million francs in taxes a year. I would ban it right now if you find an equally profitable virtue.”

“You start smoking to prove that you are a man. Then you try to prove that you are a man.”

George Bernard Shaw

“Smokers and non-smokers cannot be free in the same compartment.”

“A cigarette is a fuse with a light on one end and a FOOL on the other!”

"Cigar smokers are my natural enemies."

“Tobacco, which I have already given upson. several years, in my opinion, along with alcohol there is the most dangerous the enemy of mental activity."

“I have seen many men turn their gold into smoke, but you are the first to turn smoke into gold.” (To Sir Walter Raleigh, who brought tobacco from America to England).

“Every ton of cigarette butts makes a hole in the country’s national security

“Passionate smoking gives a boost to aging.”

“A smoker, when he wants to smoke, will without the slightest difficulty find the tobacco that he has hidden from himself.”

“If I hadn’t smoked, I would have lived another 10-15 years.”

"Abuse of wine and tobacco has a very harmful effect on the nervous system.”

“The ability to prolong life is, first of all, the ability not to shorten it.”

“Don’t drink wine, don’t burden your heart with tobacco - and you will live as many years as Titian lived” (99 years).

It seemed like the smoke of past events
will dissipate... I'll touch the door
and light will pour into my abode
for a celebration of boredom and loss.

Losses? Just one loss.
You are just a fury, fire!
But I love you and don’t believe you
that you just touch the vixen.

You are a victim of feelings and you hardly
wish you in the heat of war
betrayed so mercifully
how mercilessly tender you are.

Oh, if only our battles would fall silent
and the two of us... but it hurts the eye
like a swearing noise in the middle of prayer
tear... and I pray for you.

It seemed like the smoke of past events
will no longer touch your eyes,
I would like to float in my orbit...
Why am I thinking about you?

Don't know. I just can't sleep
and the door to the past is open,
the cards and faces are shuffled...
Here you are at the festival of losses.

Giving herself to the planid
and in that they are mercilessly tender...
Why, hating each other,
Are we doomed to love?

Oh, if only our battles would fall silent,
but we are enemies and it hurts the eye,
like a swearing noise in the middle of prayer,
tear and I pray for you.

What do we know about smoke?
Dispersed system
Made from very fine suspended particles.
It could be simple
But his whole problem
In the insane arbitrariness of boundaries.

Some people love smoke
Fatherland and sweet,
Some people like the smoke from cigarettes,
And I sin for others
Which is like a gift
And it hovers over the barbecue for hundreds of years.

Not just smoke, but spirit -
Thick and fragrant
Cherry branches, sunny vines,
When the fire went out
And the spots glow in the coals.
Everyone knows the basics of barbecue.

Oozing fat
Seasonings hit the nose.
Everyone dreams - we'll have a nice time.
Running to the stall,
You are right many times:
There must be a place for earthly joys.

Tobacco smoke...
Shoots me in the temple
Bygone dreams.
Do something else
Chain mail does not give you fate... I'm wet
I'm in a flood of memories.
Eh, their damn disgusting slush
I could give dreams even more blush!
Spring gives me good things sparingly,
And her heart was left to blather like a toad!
All dreams gathered in it, like in a dome...
My soul was broken.
All that's left is the frame...
Your face has long been unexpected -
How tired of hot seasoning!
I brew a potion for spring in a vat...
Spring will pass, summer will come,
Old thoughts are almost forgotten...
A thoughtful autumn will come,
The prankster will abandon his affairs...
But that’s only until spring...

I love a cigarette on an empty stomach,
To knock her off her feet,
Take a drag and flip a coin
And find out what fate wants.

Is it all from the intoxication, from the answer,
Make a drunken speech
Tell me in the poetry of a poet,
How I couldn't save you.

To make a shiver run through your body,
And there was a little tingling in my chest,
Like black on a white wall
All the pain poured out from within.

All the words that were once silent
I try to write it down in poetry,
So that later you can read with your soul,
To convey feelings to you.

And it doesn’t matter whether you recognize the lines.
And you can’t find any meaning in them,
You can see our different roads
And there is no way to get rid of them.

The leaves are flying around. Autumn is cruel.
Cheerful laughter is already a thing of the past,
Sometimes, remembering, we ask:
-Will it really snow?

Dance of white snowflakes in the sky,
There's a snowdrift on your eyelashes,
The green light will extinguish non-existence,
Laugh until you're fed up.

There will be a smile in the past,
And I will never say in response:
-I'm getting married! Unreality is unsteady,
And these are not the same years...

Just think about it, religion was able to convince people that there is an invisible man who lives in the sky, and watches what you do every day, every minute, and the invisible man has a list of ten things that he did not want you to ever- either did! And if you do at least one of these ten things, he has a special place... full of fire, smoke, heat, suffering, pain, where he will send you... so that you suffer! They were burning! We were suffocating! They were screaming! And they cried! Forever and ever, until the end of time! . But he loves you!

I beg you: don't bother me,
You're already a big boy.
There would be no smoke - if there was no fire,
Let everything end well

Without hysterics, reproaches, pity,
No disturbing night calls.
Well, feel me, please!
After all, there are no longer enough words,
Explain to you how sincere I am,
Show you the depth!
I won't be the only one for you -
Your eyes said it all

I don't have enough courage
Ephemeral cut thread
I ask you: do it yourself.
I'm afraid to love you

Soon the trees will be covered in frost,
It's unlikely that the winter will be mild.
I ask you: let me go!
If you don't need me

The boys left with greatcoats on their shoulders,
The boys left - they sang songs bravely,
The boys retreated through the dusty steppes,
Boys died, where - they themselves did not know

The boys ended up in terrible barracks,
Fierce dogs were chasing the boys,
The boys were killed on the spot for escaping.
The boys did not sell their conscience and honor

The boys did not want to give in to fear,
The boys rose to attack at the sound of the whistle,
In the black smoke of battles, not sloping armor,
The boys left, clutching their guns.

The boys have seen - brave soldiers -
Volga - at 41, Spree - at 45,
The boys showed for four years,
Who are the boys of our people?

The devil has May holidays.
She locked her heart.
And feelings split into molecules
And smokes thin sobranie and vogue.

And the devil seems to have found another lady
Nature, her mother is here no matter how you look at it
And again, as in the poem, about Tanya:
The boy swam away - he couldn’t be caught or saved.

And the devil exhales smoke rings,
And adds some ice to the gin
And in the trash - confessions with hearts,
She's fed up with fairy tales

The devil has May depression
And the sweet tangerine does not save
And the devil? - To hell! Devil - demo version.
She didn't like him, the blond cretin.

Say goodnight to me.
No, you don't need to write anything,
Behind the pattern of beautiful stitches
We won't stand next to you.

And you don’t need it like this, without seeing,
Dissolving in the monitor window,
In a narcotic evil euphoria,
To nowhere, to no one, all the way.

Or over the shoulder, by chance,
Getting drunk on tobacco smoke
Half affectionately, half sadly,
But again, inevitably - by.

And there is no need to throw on a jacket
And scratching the doors with the keys,
Catching up with my minibus,
Chariot to one loss.

Better secretly, intimately, silently,
Intoxicating with a happy look,
Say goodnight to me
Falling asleep next to me.

He sat down next to her (he was slightly emboldened by the wine):
“Oh, tell me, why are you still alone?
You are sweet, interesting and not worse than others!
Where is your prince, princess? I know there are many like that

Who would consider it an honor to follow you to hell and heaven;
And the advantages are countless, and the tenderness is overflowing.
They wave their arms and shout to you: “Notice me!”
Why don't you share their fire?

You are as beautiful as a statue, but with marble beauty.
They set up barricades: “Don’t come closer! Don't touch me!
I understand that being a loner is quite to your liking,
But in your eyes, snowy one, there is also a fire burning!

Menthol smoke languidly blows through thin fingers,
She answered in a sing-song voice, as if reading a poem:
“The thing is, only good boys fell in love with me.
Well, my dear, I’m only into the bad ones.”

Teach me to smoke nervously and aristocratically, squinting and breaking the curves of my fingers on leather chairs and sofas, to confuse silk curtains with smoke, and perhaps I can beautifully confess my love to you, in poetry and incredibly beautiful words, without spelling errors, but for now - excuse me, but I want to fuck you right here on the floor


If you are not ready to quit smoking yet, but are already starting to think about your addiction to tobacco, then first let’s relax and reflect on the wise sayings of great people: poets, musicians, politicians, scientists, ...

“Smoking makes you stupid, it is incompatible with creative work”

“Now they write so much about the dangers of smoking that I have firmly decided to stop reading”

Joseph Cutten

« Smoking is one of the biggest businesses on the planet, and that's why it's so difficult to escape its grip."

Georgy Alexandrov

“Don’t smoke in bed: the ashes you have to sweep up later could be your own.”
Jack Burnet

« The only thing more stupid than a smoking woman is a smoking horse. But has anyone seen this?

« Every person of our modern average education recognizes it as ill-mannered and inhumane to disturb the peace and comfort, and especially the health of other people for his own pleasure..., but out of a thousand smokers, not one will hesitate to blow unhealthy smoke where there are non-smoking women, children, sick and old people ."

L.N. Tolstoy

“The time it takes to smoke one cigarette is directly proportional to the intensity of protests from non-smokers”

Ray Dowan

“First God created man. Then he created a woman. Then God felt sorry for the man, and he gave him tobacco.”

Mark Twain

« The best way to quit smoking is not to start smoking as a child.”

Vladimir Borisov

“A drop of nicotine kills five minutes of working time”

Ratmir Tumanovsky

« Thoughts about beauty save not only the world, but also a woman from smoking.”

Konstantin Madei

“I smoke ten to fifteen cigars a day. At my age you need to limit yourself."

George Burns

“A cigar can serve as a good substitute for thought”

Arthur Schopenhauer

« Tobacco lulls grief, but it also inevitably weakens energy.”

O. Balzac.

“Smoking allows you to believe that you are doing something when you are doing nothing.”

Ralph Emerson

« Every smoker should know and understand that he poisons not only himself, but also others.”

N. Semashko

“Never smoke someone else’s cigars under the pretext that you don’t smoke.”

Sasha Guitry

“The Ministry of Health is tired of warning and is announcing a draw. Dear smokers, every third pack contains a surprise with a fatal outcome. Collect 10 stories about the best surprises, and receive a free gravestone, engraved with stories, or your own cremation urn..."

Vladimir Borisov

“I have made it a rule never to smoke while I sleep and never to abstain from smoking when I am awake.”
Mark Twain

“The smoker blows smoke into his own eyes.”

Leonid Sukhorukov

“If you think nicotine has no effect on a woman’s voice, try flicking the ashes onto the carpet.”

Jean Richard

« Tobacco harms the body, destroys the mind, and makes entire nations stupid."

O. Balzac

“When you drink it, it feels like you’re quitting smoking”

Gennady Malkin

« Smoking is a HEALTHY habit. For death."

Alexander Borovik

“It has now been proven with complete certainty that smoking is one of the main causes of statistics”

Fletcher Knebel

« This vice brings the treasury 100 million francs in taxes a year. I would ban it right now if you find an equally profitable virtue.”

Napoleon III

“You start smoking to prove that you are a man. Then you try to quit smoking to prove that you are a man."

Georges Simenon

« A smoker smokes for one reason: to stop smoking as quickly as possible, and at the same time to stop living.”

Konstantin Madei

“Nothing is easier than quitting smoking - I’ve already quit thirty times”

Mark Twain

« Currently, the opinion of oncologists is unanimous: the main cause of lung cancer is smoking.”

L. Serebrov

“You can learn tolerance from smokers. Not a single smoker has ever complained that a non-smoker does not smoke.”

Sandro Pertini

« Smoking helps people who are afraid to gain weight: they die thin. From lung cancer."

A. V. Ivanov

“It’s quite easy to break the habit of not smoking”

Leszek Kumor

“Smoking extinguishes the sacred fire of motherhood in a woman, and ignites in her the hellish flame of slow suicide.”

Konstantin Madei

« Smokers and non-smokers cannot be equally free in the same compartment.”

George Bernard Shaw


S. Tormozov, Russian scientist

"Cigar smokers are my natural enemies"

V. Belinsky

“Tobacco, which I have given up for several years now, in my opinion, together with alcohol, is the most dangerous enemy of mental activity.”

A. Dumas the son

“Smoking is an antisocial habit”

G. V. Khlopin, scientist - hygienist

« I have seen many men turn their gold into smoke, but you are the first to turn smoke into gold. (To Sir Walter Raleigh, who brought tobacco from America to England)"

Elizabeth I

“Expensive cigarettes differ from cheap ones because they have cleaner, tastier and more aromatic poisons.”

Stas Yankovsky

« Every ton of cigarette butts makes a hole in the country’s national security.”

Georgy Alexandrov

« If the Nazis needed a gas chamber, then smokers only need a cigarette to kill themselves.”

Konstantin Madei

“Am I sure that I like any particular cigars? Well, of course, I’m absolutely sure - unless someone cheats me and sticks my brand on some rubbish - after all, like everyone else, I distinguish my cigars by brand, and not at all by taste.”

Mark Twain

« A cigarette is a fuse with a light on one end and a FOOL on the other!”

Bernard Shaw.

« I feel unbearably sorry for the lives that were wasted on the tip of a cigarette.”

F. G. Uglov

"A cigarette in a woman's hands is the same as a dead child."

Konstantin Madei

« A woman who smokes is vulgar.”

L. Tolstoy

« A cigarette, if used correctly, kills.”

Anti-smoking slogan in the US

« Tobacco is the cheapest, most “soft” drug, the severe consequences of its use are invisible, but appear in a more or less distant future, which creates the illusion of its harmlessness.”

V. Bakhur, Doctor of Medical Sciences

« A hopeless smoker gives up his bad habit only in the next world."

Georgy Alexandrov

« It’s not you who goes to smoke, it’s the cigarette that leads you to smoke.”

Ravil Aleev

« You start smoking to prove that you are a man. Then you try to quit smoking to prove that you are a man.”

Georges Simenon

« Smoking is not a habit, but a powerful need that commands a person. The fight against smoking should be public, like the fight against opium. Generations of smokers are doomed to extinction"

S. Tormozov, Russian scientist

“Only a fool would start smoking. Don't let tobacco campaigns fool you!

American poster.

« A revolution begins with fire, fire with a spark, spark with a poorly extinguished cigarette... Conclusion: Don't smoke, people. »

Vladimir Borisov

« There are so many smokers that it’s time to open “non-smoking corners.”

Mark Melamed

« Smoking is not only harmful, it is, above all, stupid!

Academician F.G. Angles

“You won’t have matches? - I won’t have matches or lung cancer.”

Are you here

On this page you will find quotes about cigarettes; you will definitely need this information for your general development.

A cigarette in a woman's hands is the same as a dead child. Konstantin Madei

Men give a woman all the best in life, not forgetting to keep the change for beer and cigarettes.

Smoking is harmful to cigarettes - they burn. Valery Afonchenko

A cigarette is the best painkiller. You exhale sadness along with the smoke.

Autumn is the time when lonely people warm their frozen hearts with cigarette smoke.

A cigarette is a coal on one side and a fool on the other.

No phone, no swimming pool, no dog, no cigarettes. The highest manifestation of freedom. In the wild

The time it takes to smoke one cigarette is directly proportional to the intensity of protests from non-smokers. Ray Dowan

A little trick: in order to neutralize the harmful effects of drinking alcohol, using the “wedge-to-knock out” method, after each drink you need to light a cigarette. Yuri Tatarkin

There are people who can’t even buy cigarettes, because all their money is invested in stocks, gold, diamonds

I made it a rule to never smoke more than one cigarette at a time. Mark Twain

Life, like a cigarette, slowly smolders, the future is shrouded in smoke, reality is filled with the pleasure of poison, and after that only a handful of ashes will remain.

A revolution begins with fire, fire with a spark, spark with a poorly extinguished cigarette. Conclusion: Don't smoke people! Vladimir Borisov

People have managed to make so many cigarettes, but live horses are still being caught. Yuri Tatarkin

Agree, a girl with a bouquet of flowers is much more beautiful than with a cigarette in her hands.

Last cigarette,” he swore. And it really was his last. Anatoly Rakhmatov

And again coffee and cigarettes... tired... but still just as naive...

Mom, why are you constantly looking for cigarettes in my pockets, you can just ask!

I have a grand plan! - Well, get it, let's smoke.

What kind of cigarettes? what cognac? him, tea and a blanket, this is happiness...

French diet - coffee, sex and cigarette.

And if you smoke.. smoke.. smoke.. smoke.. can you burn your soul?

If you work like a horse, sit down and take a couple of puffs on your cigarette. Nicotine will kill that beast inside you!

I smoked a cigarette and drank a glass of milk. All balance has been restored!

The best friend is a book: it doesn’t bother you, it doesn’t ask you to eat, it doesn’t give you cigarettes.

Coffee and cigarettes are a combination...

Statuses about cigarettes with meaning

The phrase: “Let’s go get some fresh air” usually means that you also need to take cigarettes with you.

My head is empty, but I have a cigarette in my teeth.

Cigarettes are more valuable than any ideals when you are abandoned or betrayed...

Cigarettes are not a luxury, but a way to survive.

I would now go out onto the balcony to smoke if I smoked.

A woman is like a cigarette, some advise you to quit, others ask you to take a drag...

I smoke a cigarette again, worrying. I look forward to joyful news in the whirlwind of everyday life.

About cigarettes and love

I prefer flowers - daisies, chocolate - milk, cigarettes - thin, happiness - endless, love - true!

Love is a deception - smoke plan.

Forget the smell of my cigarette smoke...

He quit smoking for my sake.

Love is like a cigarette - na4al - you can’t quit, but without it, withdrawal.

And thoughts about him….and I don’t want to live….there’s a cigarette in my hand…I love….but I’m silent…

I would even quit smoking so that my right hand would be free for yours

Statuses about cigarette smoke

Smoking...is simply an attempt to fill the emptiness inside with cigarette smoke.

A cigarette is the best pain reliever. You exhale sadness along with the smoke...

I quit smoking when my cat asked me not to smoke on him.

Smoke comes out of the cigarette, but does not go back in. You can't turn back time.

A cup of coffee, cigarette smoke, loud music and naively vanilla dreams of happiness...

Funny about cigarettes

We do not sell cigarettes and vodka to persons under 18 years of age! Take it like this girl, it’s a gift...

It’s easy to quit smoking; I’ve quit a hundred times myself.

Now they write so much about the dangers of smoking that I have firmly decided to stop reading.

Russian biathlon is when people run for beer in the morning and cigarettes are fired along the road...

I went out to smoke and came back drunk.

We sat and smoked, a new day began. Thus the Estonian race was born.

Google? Yandex? My grandmother finds everything 3 times faster.. pens in the apartment.. cigarettes in her pockets.. GRANDMOTHER - EVERYTHING will be found!

...cigarettes, gloss on the lips, an open blouse, a short skirt, stilettos...and here it is...spring has come..;)

Smoking is dangerous for people with equine health.