Punching holes in cigars crossword puzzle. How to repair seat upholstery burned by a cigarette yourself. Weapons of mass destruction

I bet you don't even suspect that war has been declared on you. The enemy is standing at the gate of your humidor. He is gluttonous and prolific. James Bond himself could envy his ability to remain unnoticed and invulnerable for a long time. Having been drawn into a military conflict with him, you can carry out one successful operation after another, in response he will mobilize even greater forces. He is a representative of a large family of tobacco bugs that can quickly turn your priceless cigars into a sieve.

State of emergency

Surprise is the tactic of the aficionado's enemies. There can be no talk of any preliminary diplomatic correspondence, much less an official declaration of war. The outbreak of hostilities within a single humidor will not be written in newspapers or reported on the radio...

A tobacco bug flying inside a humidor is a rather rare phenomenon; most likely, a black mark for the cigar owner will be the reddish dust that has come from nowhere at the bottom - the result of the digestive activity of saboteur bugs. In this case, you need to carefully examine each cigar, and if holes are found on the surface of any of them, then the problem is tobacco. You have been attacked.

It is best to part with a damaged cigar once and for all, while there is still hope of saving the rest. Insidious beetles, taking advantage of the ignorance of an inexperienced smoker, are capable of playing a cruel joke on him. He can find out about the “labyrinths” chewed inside the cigar only at the moment when, sitting comfortably in a chair with a cigar, he takes the first puff and... smoke comes out literally from all the holes! What if there is still a caterpillar inside? How do you like an aromatic cigar with the taste of burnt protein?

At first glance, it may seem that intricate moves appear in cigars by themselves. However, it is very simple to refute their mystical origin: just turn the cigar over with the hole down and lightly tap it on the table surface. With a successful combination of circumstances (if the insect did not have time to make legs), you will be able to shake the enemy out of the lair and take a closer look.

Soldiers of the invisible front

The oval, reddish-brown beetle, about the size of a pinhead, which is most often found in a cigar box, belongs to the order Coleoptera and is scientifically called Lasioderma serricorne Fabr. It is also known as gorjo del tabaco, or carcoma del tobacco (tobacco weevil), also known as tobacco beetle (tobacco beetle).

The life cycle of the tobacco weevil, like all beetles, consists of four stages - larva, caterpillar, pupa and adult - and lasts from 10 to 12 weeks. He can settle in tobacco in a plantation warehouse, a tobacco factory, or a cigar store. It is quite difficult for it to put larvae into a rolled cigar due to the dense cover sheet, but it is possible. If there are no other options, he places them on the defenseless cuts of the cigars.

However, it can all start back in the drying sheds. The tobacco weevil waits patiently until the drying period of the tobacco ends, because even a slight dampness of the leaf deprives its existence of any joy. It’s as if he’s deliberately timing the time when the entire harvest will be harvested, the workers will be paid, and contracts will be concluded. After which the insidious creature unfolds its sabotage activities. Every day, each female Lasioderma, who finds herself in the right place at the right time, lands on cigar raw materials a landing party consisting of hundreds of larvae, invisible to the naked eye (each size is 0.5 mm). The mother no longer has to worry about the future fate of her “children.” Wherever they are thrown by the will of the tobacco merchant, a well-fed future is guaranteed to them, which means they will fulfill their destiny - to be fruitful and multiply.

The first metamorphosis - the transformation of the larvae into small caterpillars - occurs after 5-10 days, depending on temperature and humidity. This is the longest and most dangerous stage of insect development. Caterpillars begin to actively gnaw through complex labyrinths in cigars or destroy leaves that have not yet been processed. White caterpillars look quite cute: miniature (4 mm long), with a yellow stripe on the head and a small chestnut tassel on the tail.

Favorable temperature for further development of tobacco weevil is +24° C and above. At a temperature of +15-16° C, the caterpillar does not die, but seems to fall into a lethargic sleep until suitable weather sets in outside its “house”. 5-10 weeks after this happens, thin cocoon walls begin to form around the caterpillar, and it gradually turns into a pupa. Some tobacco beetles need 10 days, others - twice as long, to start gnawing tobacco leaves and get out. There are also those who can wait for the right moment for several years.

The further behavior of adult individuals absolutely refutes the general opinion that the tobacco weevil feeds exclusively on tobacco. Having become hungry while sitting in the cocoon, the beetle agrees to everything more or less edible that is found in the house: with great appetite it will eat cereals, pasta, and grain. And having had enough, it will go looking for its other half, so that everything will repeat itself from the beginning: larva - caterpillar - pupa - adult. If infected cigars do not go on a long journey to Europe, but remain in the producing country, then in warm climates the Lasioderma life cycle manages to reproduce 5-6 times a year.

The tobacco weevil's closest relative is Catorama tabaci Guerin, a native of Cuba that is not eager to leave Liberty Island. He has taken a liking to the tobacco plantations near Havana, Falcon, and Santa Clara, and he has every reason to claim the title of gourmet, because he prefers Cuban tobacco to all varieties of tobacco.

Cubans call Catorama the "big tobacco worm" because its caterpillar is slightly longer than the weevil caterpillar - 4-5 mm. For tobacco growers, Catorama poses a much greater danger. It happened that these bugs turned huge warehouse stocks into tobacco dust. And the holes it leaves in cigars are larger than those made by Lasioderma. In all other respects, the homebody Catorama is not much different from its cosmopolitan and omnivorous brother.

The name of another lover of chewing dry tobacco leaves in Latin sounds intriguing and therefore beautiful - Ephestia elutella. Not a single living language would stand on ceremony with it - tobacco moth - it is both in Russian and in English - tobacco moth. Its beige caterpillars leave only veins of the tobacco leaf. To be fair, it should be noted that the moth competes with Lasioderma and Catorama only on the plantations of Cuba, the Antilles and the southern United States, and does not claim a warm place in the humidor.

Weapons of mass destruction

In war it’s like in war. Tobacco producers counter the survival instinct with new scientific achievements. Institutes specially created for this have been studying the habits and habits of the enemy for more than a hundred years, helping tobacco producers build tactics and strategies to combat beetles. They even tried to lime them with the help of biological weapons: predatory insects that fed on tobacco weevils and large tobacco worms were purposefully bred in the fields, but this had virtually no effect on the pest population. The most common method of exterminating tobacco beetles is to place special traps in the warehouse that use a natural enzyme that attracts the beetles to each other. Each “trap” is filled with sticky liquid - so the beetles will never get out of it. At large enterprises, the amount of “catch” is studied at least once a day. Traps, in addition to performing their direct function, play the role of unique indicators: by the number of weevils caught, the owner can judge the source of the spread of the infection and the size of the infection (it is believed that each female manages to lay about a hundred eggs). And in this case, one cannot do without larger-scale “military operations” - fumigation and freezing.

Manufacturers conduct a tobacco reconquest at every stage of cigar production: the leaves are fumigated (fumigated) in drying sheds, at the tobacco factory just before the cigars are rolled and packaged, in port warehouses and airports. The essence of the process is as follows. Tobacco leaves, finished cigars or boxes of cigars are placed in a sealed, airtight room, which is filled with either gas or a special chemical composition. As a result of this treatment, most beetles die - from larvae to adults. The substances used in fumigation evaporate within three days. They are harmless to smokers and do not in any way affect the taste of cigars. Fumigation is considered the most reliable, which is carried out immediately before shipping containers with cigars packed in boxes, however, it does not give a 100% result.

Recently, cigar makers have become increasingly willing to use freezing cigars. Firstly, you can do without any chemicals. Secondly, this method is considered the most suitable when it comes to proper handling of the cigar. Thirdly, fumigation does not always provide a 100% “healing” effect. Cigars are placed in the freezer for 4-5 days, and even the most tenacious dolls cannot withstand temperatures of -25° C. True, only large manufacturers and distributors can afford such a luxury: medium-sized, and even less so small suppliers cannot afford freezers .

Many reputable sellers acquire freezers and freeze batches of cigars several times. But even all these precautions do not save cigars from the invasion of tobacco beetles. This means that it is possible that sooner or later your humidor may become a defensive fortress.

In the area of ​​special attention

The best defense is attack. Prevent the strike of the hunter for your cigars. To do this, you just need to follow a few simple rules.

Beetles will only eat cheap or low-quality cigars under the threat of starvation. The more expensive and more flavorful the cigar, the more likely it is to be contaminated. Therefore, when purchasing a cigar, it is necessary to carefully inspect it. Often, buyers take a whole box of cigars - then the inspection must be done at home.

It’s also worth checking your home humidor more often. Experts do not recommend storing cigars from different vintages in the same box.

Pay attention to the microclimate in the humidor: at a temperature of +22° C and a relative humidity of 70 percent, the beetle will feel as if in a luxury room in a five-star hotel, where the price includes not only breakfast, but also lunch and dinner.

The cover sheet quite reliably protects the cigar from the penetration of the female weevil inside, where she usually lays eggs. Therefore, the most vulnerable point of a cigar is the cut. It is best to wall up your cigars so that getting to them is as difficult as before Kashcheev’s death: they should not be stored in a humidor without boxes, but in the box they should lie so that the cuts of the cigars rest tightly against the wall of the box. Even if the insect can get into the box, in the worst case it will only slightly gnaw the cover sheet, and it will have nowhere to deposit the harmful larvae.

If one fine day you nevertheless discovered signs of a beetle in your humidor (rot, holes in cigars, reddish dust) or an insect flew towards you in person - do not despair, the battle for cigars is not yet lost, although you suffered some losses. An adult beetle does not gnaw holes and is dangerous only because it can, having met another adult beetle, begin procreation. You are more likely to run into a female because the male does not live long after mating. And the future “mother” has a more important task - to find food for herself and as soon as possible to find a pile of tobacco dust, the remains of a tobacco leaf or a hole in a cigar in order to lay a clutch of eggs.

The best way to finish off invaders is to freeze them. Cigars from the humidor should be placed in some kind of airtight container (for example, a plastic container with a tight-fitting lid intended for storing food) and put in the refrigerator. It is better to freeze all the cigars from the humidor at once, even if some of them do not have a hint of the presence of a beetle. If at least one cigar gets sick, you know: the enemy is somewhere nearby. It's better to be safe than sorry. The same rule should be followed when storing cigars in freezing or cooling mode. At low temperatures (16-18°C below zero) the bugs die in 4-5 days, at 4-5°C below zero - after about a week, and at positive temperatures in the refrigerator they can last for two to three weeks. So the longer your cigars sit in the refrigerator, the greater the chance that the bugs will freeze and will not come back to life. While your cigars are sitting in the refrigerator, it's time to start cleaning your humidor. The outer and inner surfaces should be wiped with a mixture of ammonia and water so that the liquid gets into all the cracks. Ammonia will easily corrode the remains of the weevil family and will quickly evaporate without leaving any odor.

When it comes time to bring your cigars out of the cold, be extremely careful and take your time. The temperature should rise gradually. First, transfer the container with cigars from the freezer to the refrigerator for several days, then to a cool room, and only then to the humidor. Do not open the container until the cigars have adjusted to room conditions. This precaution will not be superfluous. The cigars have become dry in the refrigerator and must slowly gain moisture. Sudden changes in humidity will cause the cover sheet to collapse. Therefore, the humidity in the humidor should increase gradually. Otherwise, a dry cigar will very quickly gain moisture and burst.

As you can see, the process of dealing with cigar pests is quite simple, although it does require some patience. But even after you are sure that the Lasioderma or Catorama in your humidor is gone, do not relax - the tobacco beetle does not sleep.

The authorities began an irreconcilable fight against smokers. The editors of the traffic police magazine turned out to be much more tolerant. In our opinion, a car is not only a means of transportation. A car, as a rule, is also a place of our freedom, where we can indulge in vicious passions to the fullest: listen to our favorite music at full volume, chat with friends without unnecessary ears, smoke a cigarette, and everything else... That's why we decided to fight not with smoking, but with its consequences. The technology for resuscitating upholstery burned by cigarettes in one of the city’s car wash complexes was mastered by Olga Medvedeva, sales director of the traffic police magazine.

Smoke break before work

This lesson turned out to be the most unusual we have ever been given. Firstly, the co-founder of the car wash complex, Semyon Syskov, who personally supervised the process, gave me maximum freedom of action. Secondly, at all stages of training he gave exclusively positive assessments, accompanying my actions with the words “wonderful”, “excellent result”, “I like it”. He also allowed experimentation, convinced that any technology provides only a general theory, and every master has the right to look for working methods that suit him. And even though the experiment was unsuccessful, this did not affect the final result in any way. Looking ahead, I will say that this pedagogical approach seemed ideal to me: the first time I managed to seal the prokur so that not a trace remained of it. All that remained was the excellent mood in which I remained until the end of the working day. And this lesson began unusually.

Hello, are there any smokers? “Bring a cigarette and a lighter,” Semyon greeted us, stroking the gray headrest that he had prepared in advance for work. “We’ll have a smoke break before work, and at the same time we’ll make a burn in the upholstery, which we’ll fight.” Quite often, headrests and seats are burned through in cars.

The headrest was “working material” taken from an old car, so I dealt with it mercilessly. In general, non-combustible materials are used in cars: they do not ignite well, but melt well. Boldly shaking off the ashes, I made a decent and quite deep hole in the headrest.

For our city (and, I think, for Russia), the technology for resuscitating burns is a relatively new service, although in the West it has existed for a long time. Maybe that’s why a special kit for this operation, including colored cut microfiber, pencils, scissors, tweezers, spatula, iron, spray bottle, liquid and powder glue, has to be purchased abroad. The domestic auto industry has nothing to be proud of yet: the country has not yet established the production of such artistic kits for the motorist.

It was 11:05 on the clock. We timed it so we knew the timing of the procedure and got to work.

My arts

First of all, I clean the edges of the hole with sandpaper. Then I carefully trim the edge with nail scissors.
- We're not in a hurry. A car is an expensive thing, so you need to do everything efficiently and with pinpoint precision,” advises Semyon.

After this, I lift the edges of the fabric with tweezers to push the patch under them. I also take the material for it from the “magic suitcase”. I cut out a small square and use tweezers to push it under the edges of the upholstery to close the hole.

There is nothing difficult about patching holes,” Semyon observes the work. “Anyone can handle this; in principle, you can fix any hole yourself, if you have the hands and the desire.” This is where the work of the jeweler and seamstress ends; we begin the work of the colorist.

I take jars of cut microfiber out of my suitcase to match the color of the headrest material. There are dozens of shades and colors, but there is no ready-made one. Therefore, I begin to select the right one. I take a gray color close to the main one as a base and put the fibers into a glass jar with tweezers. I add a little dark gray to it, then some black. I close the jar and mix it with a spray bottle. The color turned out close, but there was something missing.

There is a little blue in the original fabric, but if we add a little gray with a bluish tint, it will be just right,” Semyon unobtrusively suggests, but he himself does not touch the jars. Today I am given complete independence.

All this is reminiscent of the work of a master selecting auto enamel - I once mastered this profession. By the way, in a car wash complex this is exactly what professional colorists do. Only in computer-based paint selection are specially developed color formulas used, paint is added gram by gram, but here you have to mix everything by eye.

But my eye didn’t seem to deceive me. I pour the mixture onto a plastic tray, also add liquid glue by eye in a ratio of 70 to 30, mix until smooth and spread the mixture onto the patch. And only then does it become clear that I made two mistakes. First, after adding the glue, the mixture became lighter than the main upholstery fabric. I also saved money - I didn’t have any material left for the second layer, which is prepared from a mixture of cut pile and powder glue.

Repetition is the mother of learning

This means that we will have to take up color once again and make another portion. Don't worry, repetition is the mother of learning. As long as the technology requires the first layer to dry for 15 minutes, we will do everything.

I start mixing the fibers again. Taking into account the mistakes, I add more dark color. Of course, I am not a professional colorist who finds the right combination at the moment. But soon the next portion is ready. It must be thoroughly mixed with powder glue in the same proportion. There are subtleties here. If you overdo it with glue, the surface will begin to shine; if you don’t do it right, it won’t stick well.

The fibers and powder do not mix well, and Semyon and I decide to move away from the technology and experiment: I pour everything into a jar and mix it with a spray bottle. But the experiment failed: it turns out that the powdered glue settles on the glass. Therefore, I add a little more glue, mix it with a spatula and spread it in an even layer in place of the prokur. I take up the iron, heated to 170 degrees, with which I need to “smooth” the surface, but Semyon stops me. It turns out that you still need to spray a clean microfiber mixture without glue on top of the second layer.

Finally, through a special fabric I iron the area of ​​the procure. This also has its own secrets - how many times and for how many seconds you need to hold the iron, but let this remain my little secret.

When everything was ready, I already called to evaluate the quality of the work of the main critic - our photographer, a graduate of an art school and an architectural institute. But then it turned out that under the iron the mixture thickened and settled. Therefore, we had to repeat this procedure again. Ready. I got the color perfect. But the prosecutor's place is a little shiny.

Did you shift the glue?
- No, everything is fine. At a certain angle, the gloss is no longer noticeable. But according to technology, everything should dry for three hours, after which we will treat this area with a protective spray, go over it with a dry brush and no trace will remain. Excellent result.

It was 12:05 on the clock. The entire procedure to resuscitate the headrest, which now looked like new, together with correcting the errors, took exactly an hour. Fast and efficient.

The material was prepared by the traffic police magazine.

36 40 777 0

Smoking a cigar is an amazing process during which you enjoy the aromas of tobacco leaves. These are not cheap show-offs, the point of which is to snatch as much nicotine as possible somewhere in a gateway or on a stairwell.

True connoisseurs of these tobacco products treat their smoking as a special ritual. That is why, in order to enjoy the process, you need to know a few simple rules.

Types of cigars

Real cubans can be made by machine or rolled by hand.

The first option is a product in which the part through which the smoke is drawn in, the so-called head, is cut off. Such products do not require additional manipulations before use.

In handmade cigars, the head is sealed, which means that it must be cut off first.


So, if your hands are holding a copy of “hand made”, you will not be able to start tasting a bouquet of tobacco aromas without cutting off the head.

Of course, you can tear it off with your teeth, unscrew it, pierce it, in a word, do anything that will ruin the product.

If the correct technique is not followed, the cigar may not only draw poorly or burn unevenly, but it will simply unravel in your hands.

To avoid such embarrassment, stock up on a cutter: a special device that will help you carefully trim your Havanese thing.

Types of cutters

Cutters are divided into several types:

  1. Scissors.
  2. Guillotine.
  3. Punch.
  4. V-punch.

The most popular of them is the guillotine. It is usually equipped with one or two blades and cuts off the head by a few millimeters.

Scissors cut no more than 3 millimeters from the end of the cigar. This is necessary so that it does not unfold during smoking.

If the cigar has a straight configuration, like a cigarette, using a punch is a good option for making a hole. This device does not cut off the ring in the cigar; instead, the punch makes a hole several millimeters in diameter.

A V-shaped punch makes a deep cut of a similar shape.

Whatever type of device you prefer, make sure that its blades are sharp enough.

The most convenient and versatile tool is the guillotine; the main thing is that the blades fit tightly to each other, otherwise the cut will crumble. But the choice of device, of course, depends on your capabilities and preferences.

It's hard to believe, but there are times when a good tobacco product is easier to get than a cutter. In this case, we can recommend two options:

  • make holes with a toothpick;
  • cut off the head with a very sharp knife or blade.

Do not use scissors, a fork, an awl, teeth or other improvised means for cigars - this will only ruin the cut and will not give you the expected pleasure from smoking.

Lighting rules

So that you can enjoy the unsurpassed aroma of leaves of several varieties of the best tobacco while absorbing smoke, light your cigar with ordinary wooden matches, a cedar chip or a gas lighter.

If you want to use a gasoline lighter, keep in mind that instead of a refined tobacco smell, you will have to be content with the spicy aroma of gasoline.

Tobacco leaves have the ability to absorb all odors! This is why it is important to give up cardboard matches and candles.

  1. Bring the cigar to the flame and light it on one side. Then, rotating, smoke it evenly throughout the entire ring.
  2. After this, press the product tightly with your lips and, lifting it above the flame source, sip the smoke. This must be done without stopping twisting the cigar.
  3. Once you are sure the cigar is fully lit, blow on the tip a couple of times to distribute the heat evenly.


True gourmets and connoisseurs understand that the main thing in a cigar is not the nicotine. That is why they are never smoked in a puff, not to mention the fact that the acrid smoke can burn the larynx and lungs.

Proper smoking means filling your mouth with aromatic smoke and enjoying its taste.

If you want to take a puff into your lungs, buy cigarettes at the nearest kiosk. And cigars are an exquisite product, you need to be able to smoke them beautifully. Treat this process as if you are savoring old wine or a delicacy - without haste, respectably and with pleasure.

Frequent puffs will overheat the cigar and it will smoke faster. If you bring it to your lips too rarely, it may fade.

Don't copy the gangsters from the movies who hold the cigar with their teeth - it will get wet from saliva and will pretty much spoil your pleasure. But you can’t even barely touch the cut if you want to feel the full taste of smoke.

The cigar does not need to be extinguished; it is left in the ashtray to die out naturally. If you want to pamper yourself again, just smoke again. In this case, the main thing is not to let the product cool down - re-smoking after a long pause will make even the most expensive Cuban cigars taste disgusting.

The method of smoking rolled tobacco leaves is such that the heat in them must be maintained all the time. If the extinction occurs prematurely, carefully remove the remaining ash with a match, and, when lighting, direct the fire to the resulting depression, allowing it to cover the entire diameter.

16.10.2013 16:42

Questions about cigars from our readers.

My friend, an experienced cigar smoker, gave me a punch for my birthday. He said that he was better than any guillotine. Indeed, it is convenient to use, but two problems arise. Firstly, sometimes a “punched” cigar does not stretch well, and secondly, it is very inconvenient to make a hole in the cap of indirect cigars such as figurados. Maybe I'm doing something wrong?

If your friend, having given you a punch, did not inform you about the intricacies of its use, you should doubt his professional skills as a cigar smoker. A punch is never used when smoking indirect cigars; with its help it is almost impossible to correctly cut the cap of a “torpedo” or “pyramid”. For this purpose, devices such as a guillotine are still used. As for poor draw, again, a punch is not always convenient if you smoke a thick cigar. A small hole from a punch is not always enough to allow smoke to pass freely. Solving this problem is not difficult: just make not one, but two or three holes on the surface of the cap, thereby increasing the area of ​​the “outlet hole” and improving traction. But if you're so keen on using a punch, keep in mind that they come in different diameters. Maybe it’s worth buying another punch of a larger caliber?

I don’t smoke cigars at home (my relatives don’t allow it), but then a week-long business trip turned up. I want to take a few cigars with me, and hopefully I’ll be able to smoke them for pleasure. I just don’t know how to store them on the road.

The ideal option, of course, is a travel humidor. They come in different sizes - for five, ten or twenty cigars. If there is no such humidor, it is best to take cigars in aluminum tubes with you, then the cigars will not be damaged during transportation. You can also purchase leather or metal cases (tubes) for one, two or three cigars. They are comfortable to carry cigars in, and you can be sure that they will not be damaged. However, they do not retain moisture, so the cases are not intended for storing cigars.

I bought a humidor, filled the humidifier with distilled water, as they said in the store, and stacked the cigars, but for some reason the humidity level did not rise above 50-55 percent. I decided that the humidor was defective and took it back to the store (where, oddly enough, they replaced it). But the situation is the same with the new one - the cigars dry out. What to do?

The fact is that until the internal surfaces of the humidor absorb a certain amount of water, it will not be possible to maintain the optimal level of humidity. Before you put your cigars in your new humidor, you need to prepare it. Fill the humidifier with water and wipe all internal surfaces with a damp sponge. After a few hours (or better yet, every other day), add water to the humidifier and leave it for a while again. Only when the wood inside has absorbed the required amount of moisture will the humidor be ready to accept cigars. Just remember to add water to the humidifier after a week or two and monitor the humidity readings, it should be about 70 percent. Good luck!

What will happen to Cuban cigars if the Americans lift their embargo against Cuba?

As a result of the lifting of the embargo, both Cuban cigars and the Americans themselves will benefit. “Havanas” will receive a new market, and the inhabitants of the New World will remember their forgotten taste. Cigar manufacturers from the Dominican Republic and other countries will most likely suffer, as their production volumes will likely decrease. Cuban experts claim that they are ready to increase the number of Havanas produced. For this purpose, there are additional plantations, a supply of ready-made tobacco, and the required number of rollers. True, Cuban cigars may not be in short supply for long: it will take some time to saturate the American market.

The word puro appears on some cigar boxes. What does it mean?

Literally translated from Spanish, puro means “pure.” But in many countries, particularly in Cuba, this word has long become synonymous with cigar. However, the word puro has another meaning, which tobacconists are proud of when they say: “real puro.” This means that the entire cigar—the filling, the binder, and the wrapper—consists of tobaccos produced in one country. For example, all Havanas are puro, because Cubans do not allow “foreign” leaves in their cigars. But many countries cannot boast of this. In some places, tobacco is only suitable for covering, in others only for filling, and manufacturers, experimenting with the recipe, are forced to use tobacco from all over the world.

I heard that the best Cuban cigars are made when sultry mulatto women roll them on their naked thighs...

In Cuba, cigar rollers have always been men; the first female roller appeared at the Havana factory La Africana only at the end of the 18th century. In addition, to roll a cigar you need a hard, flat surface, and the thigh of a slender mulatto woman has a completely different configuration. And yet, such a misconception did not arise out of nowhere. In a cigar factory there is a despala area where female despalilladoras remove the stem from the tobacco leaf. In the old days, workers actually placed bunches of leaves on their thighs and, choosing one leaf at a time, separated the stalk and the main vein. Nowadays, this work is mostly done by machines.

My friend buys cigars at a tobacco kiosk near his house. But it seems to me that high-quality cigars can only be bought in a specialized store. Or am I wrong?

You can come across counterfeit or low-quality cigars anywhere – both in expensive cigar boutiques and in tobacco stalls somewhere in a subway passage. Hand-rolled cigars, especially Cuban ones, are often counterfeited. If you are offered a Cohiba robusto for two hundred and fifty rubles, run away from this place, even if they assure you that the cigars were delivered here on a direct flight directly from the Havana factory. For “handmade” cigars, it is still better to go to a specialized store. Although only your experience, intuition and reputation of the seller can serve as a guarantee. However, machine-rolled cigars, which are relatively cheap and do not require special storage methods, can also be purchased at “dubious” retail outlets. Although they are counterfeited, they are done in much smaller quantities - there is a lot of fuss, but little profit.

Very often the diameter of cigars is described in some strange units - ring gauge. What is it?

Ring gauge is the diameter of the cigar. Expressed in units each equal to 1/64 inch (approximately 0.397 mm). For example, if the ring gauge is 40, then multiplying 40 by 0.397, we get the diameter of the cigar in millimeters - 15.88 mm.

P.S. If you have your own question about cigars, write it in the comments below this material.


Smoking rolled leaves came to Europe from the Indians as a result of the expeditions of Christopher Columbus. In October 1492, Europeans who landed in South America noticed that the locals were using burnt maize (corn) leaves wrapped around the leaves of the cohiba plant, which produces aromatic smoke when burned, for inhalation during ritual ceremonies. Later, a famous brand of cigars was named by this word in Cuba.

A cigar has three components: a wrapper leaf (capa), which acts as a shell; the binding leaf (capote) and the core of the cigar - the filler (tripa). The filler consists of tobacco leaves of various varieties. There are usually three of them: ligero (the top leaf of the plant, which receives the most sunny color and gives strength in the cigar), seco (determines the aroma) and volado (the lower leaves of the tobacco plant, ensures the combustion of the cigar).

The cigar is a unity of carefully selected components, which ensures the pleasure of smoking. It is important to remember that the nobility of a cigar is determined by the quality of its filler. The first thing a smoker pays attention to is the cover sheet. It depends on its appearance whether the smoker will be tempted by this cigar. In this case, the role of the wrapper sheet is small and commensurate with its weight: 7% of the weight of the cigar. Still, the wrapper for a cigar is as important as clothing for a person. The finished cigar consists of 3 parts: head, body and stem. The head is the tip of the cigar, which the smoker trims before smoking, then the cigar is brought to the mouth. If you light it from the head side and start smoking, you will feel how the taste of the cigar deteriorates until it completely deteriorates.

Machine-made cigars are sold fully prepared for smoking: either their heads are cut or a hole is made in them. The head of hand-rolled cigars is always sealed and should be trimmed before smoking. A flame source is brought to the other end of the cigar, the stem. It is always open and shows a fresh cut.

The cigar should be warmed up before smoking. The main thing is that it does not touch the flame directly and ignites gradually from the heat of the fire. To do this, hold it at a 90 degree angle to the fire and turn it until it lights evenly. After this, it is recommended to blow the tobacco leaves away from you and begin to inhale the smoke very slowly and carefully.

Unlike smoking cigarettes, cigar smoke does not need to be drawn into your lungs. It is enough to rinse the smoke in your mouth and release it after two to three seconds. The optimal time between puffs is considered to be from 30 to 90 seconds. You cannot re-light the cigar more than two or three times, only until it has cooled down (otherwise the taste and aroma will sharply change to unpleasant), shake off the ashes (to make them fall, just lightly touch the ashtray) and deliberately extinguish the cigar - it must be put down so that it went out on its own (among cigar lovers, deliberately extinguishing a cigar is considered disrespect for the master who issued it).