Business letter. Business correspondence - examples of letters

Business writing is one of the main communication tools in any business. A well-written business letter will help create a positive impression of the company. And one illiterately written letter can destroy your entire reputation. We have already written about the rules of business correspondence, now let's look at specific examples of business letters.

Samples of business letters

There are many types of business letters - business proposals, letters of claim, letters of gratitude, letters of refusal, cover letters, letters of guarantee, information and so on. The principles of their compilation are practically no different from each other. Take a look again to avoid mistakes.

Examples of thank you letters

Example of a letter of guarantee

Sample response letter

This is a clear example of what a polite letter containing a refusal can be:

Example of a newsletter

Example of a letter of complaint

Examples of letters in English in business correspondence

Unfortunately, not everyone has a high level of English proficiency. And often managers are somewhat lost when they need to write a business letter in English. If even in Russian people cannot always understand each other in correspondence, then what can we say about a foreign language? The best way out in this situation is to search for similar letters and use suitable phrases from them in your letter. Here are three examples of business letters in English: a letter of gratitude to the client, a letter clarifying the terms of the transaction, and a letter of response to the purchase offer. Each file contains a version of the letter in English and its translation into Russian.
Download a letter of gratitude to the client in English.
Download the letter with the terms of the deal in English.
Download the letter of response to the purchase offer in English.

Structure of a business letter

A clear structure is an essential characteristic of a business letter. It will help the recipient quickly understand the meaning of what is written and reduce the time it takes to read it. A business letter consists of the following main parts:

1. Heading (subject of the letter). The title of the letter should contain its brief purpose or essence. You cannot use any abstract phrases here. It should be clear to the recipient what the letter is about based on the title alone. For example, “About changes in prices for the supply of products” or “Business proposal for trade cooperation with company XXX.”

2. Greeting. The greeting “Dear + First Name and Patronymic!” is considered traditional in business letters. However, it is not necessary to use the name. You can also address the addressee through his position: “Dear Mr. Director!” However, keep in mind that calling by name somewhat reduces the psychological distance and emphasizes the well-established business relationship. If the letter is addressed to a group of people, then it is acceptable to write “Dear ladies and gentlemen!”, “Dear partners!” and so on. Using the abbreviations Mr., Ms., or initials is perceived as disrespectful, so try to avoid it.

3. Statement of the purpose of writing the letter, its essence, and main idea. This is the main part of the letter. Here you write directly about the very reason for writing the letter.

4. Your proposals for solving this problem, recommendations, requests, complaints. Business letters almost always require a certain reaction from the addressee (except for purely informational letters). Therefore, it is important to describe not only the problem itself, but also offer your own options for solving it. If you write a complaint, then ask to take appropriate measures; if you make an offer of cooperation, then describe its possible options. In short, the recipient of your letter must not only understand “what” you want from him, but also understand “how” you propose to implement it. Then it will be a real business letter.

5. Brief summary and conclusions. At the very end we can summarize all of the above. However, it is not always possible to do this very briefly. In this case, it’s not worth writing in several sentences what you already described in the first two paragraphs. Remember that a business letter's best friend is brevity. Therefore, in most cases it is enough to limit yourself to the phrases “I hope for successful cooperation”, “I am waiting for your answer on this issue” and so on.

6. Signature. A business letter is signed with the position, first and last name of the sender with the traditional phrase “With respect.” Other options are also possible: “Best wishes”, “Sincerely yours” and so on, depending on the closeness of your contact with the recipient. The phrase “With respect” is the most universal, so if you are in doubt about how it would be more appropriate to subscribe, then use this phrase and you definitely won’t miss.

It would also be a good idea to add options for contacting you in your signature: other email addresses, work phone numbers, Skype. The benefit of this is not only that the recipient, if desired, will be able to quickly contact you in a way convenient for him, but also that in this way you will demonstrate your openness and readiness to communicate with the recipient.

And don’t forget that an official letter is first and foremost a document. Therefore, by neglecting the rules for its preparation, you irrevocably ruin the reputation of your company and yourself as a specialist.

Business letter forms

A letter form is a paper format with pre-reproduced details containing permanent information about the organization - the author of the document.

The use of forms significantly speeds up the process of creating a document (due to the availability of constant information), reduces labor costs for preparation, simplifies the perception of information and improves the culture of managerial work. The form makes the information official.

When receiving a document addressed to an organization, the main attention, of course, is paid to the essence of the information contained in it, but inevitably attention is also fixed on the appearance of the document - the quality of paper, the use of color, logo design, font style, composition of letterhead inscriptions. Based on these signs, one gets the impression of the correspondent, the degree of his solidity and prestige. It is necessary to strive to create a memorable form that can leave a favorable impression of the organization, reflecting not only certain information about the organization, but also its style. Documents on well-designed letterhead are an integral part of the organization’s image, its unique calling card.

Requirements for forms of organizational and administrative documents are established by the following documents: 1) GOST R. 6.30-2003. “Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation"; 2) Standard instructions for office work in federal executive authorities, approved by order of Rosarkhiv on November 27, 2000 No. 68.

The letter form, depending on the organization’s constituent documents, may include:

State emblem of the Russian Federation or coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (only for state enterprises);

Organization emblem or trademark (service mark);

Organization code;

Name of the organization;

Reference information about the organization;

Date of the document;

Document registration number;

Place of compilation or publication of the document (if necessary).

GOST R. 6.30-2003 provides for the arrangement of the form details in two versions: longitudinal and angular.

In the first case, all the details of the form are placed lengthwise and aligned either in width or in the center.

When the details are placed in a corner, they occupy an area of ​​73 x 88 mm in the left corner of the sheet and are aligned either to the left margin or to the center of the allotted area.

For the production of forms, paper of A4 (210 x 297 mm) and A5 (210 x 148 mm) formats is used. The use of one or another format is determined by the volume of the document being prepared. The smaller format is intended for documents whose text is small (up to seven lines); It is irrational to use A4 format for such documents.

It is allowed to produce forms using a printing method, using online printing tools or computer technology directly during the production of a specific document. The exception is the letterhead of organizations with the image of the State Emblem of the Russian Federation or the coats of arms of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Printing forms from a computer is very economical for small organizations, but does not protect against counterfeiting. Printed forms are more reliable in this sense. In addition, to protect forms from unfair use, some organizations order numbered forms from printing houses and keep careful records of their use. For the same purpose, state and municipal institutions use forms of different colors for different types of documents.

Only the first page of the document is made on forms; standard sheets of paper are used to make subsequent pages. If a document is to be sent to several addresses, then each copy of the document is created on the form.

An example of a service letter form (longitudinal arrangement of details)

Each sheet of the document, whether on a letterhead or without it, must have the following margin sizes (mm): left - at least 20, right - at least 10, top - at least 20, bottom - at least 20.

In a number of organizations, instructions and rules governing the preparation of documents established field sizes larger than those required by the standard. Here are examples of letters on organizational letterhead (Fig. 2–4).

Rice. 2

Rice. 3

Rice. 4

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Which are sent to each other by people with good handwriting and a lot of free time. If you need to build business bridges or bridges of love and friendship, write a letter. If you want to interest, thank, intrigue, write a letter. You just need to write it correctly, it’s not an invitation to get drunk, but almost like a document.

Be brief

State the purpose of your formal letter in the first paragraph and stay on topic. Try to avoid overly long and pretentious words - the letter is still a business letter. Be as concise and precise as possible. Nobody likes it when official papers contain too many words and not enough specifics. Because no one likes to spend a lot of time on business. Plus, the shorter the message, the faster it will be read and, therefore, a response will be given.

Sentences should not contain unnecessary words, paragraphs should not contain unnecessary sentences. For the same reason that a car has no extra parts, and a drawing has no extra lines. Try to keep your sentences as short as possible without a lot of adjectives and epithets. You don’t need too many details, consider the subjects in general terms, but the essence should be clear. Official letters are needed only to indicate any issue or task. This is not a report or a report - there is no point in going too deep into it.

Use the right tone

A business or formal letter should be written in a tone that is a little more formal than normal language. “Living” language is always perceived easily and favorably. But, of course, the message must comply with the norms of etiquette. Avoid slang, jargon, abbreviations and ambiguous words. Due to the need to avoid details, such words may be interpreted incorrectly. In general, more verbs and fewer adjectives. Be polite and respectful, even if you are complaining about something or someone.

Use simple words: Smart terms are poorly understood and often irritate the person who has to read and decipher them.

Correction and correction again

Many people underestimate the adjustment in principle, but in vain. After you have written a formal letter, check your grammar and spelling carefully. Use spell checkers on your computer, and then try to find errors yourself, because not everything is revealed to the eyes of artificial intelligence. Use a dictionary or thesaurus if necessary. Check for correct grammar and punctuation and ensure that sentences are logically complete.

If your knowledge of the language is not enough even to write the word “sucker” without errors, then it is better to give your letter to someone at least somewhat literate for checking. The fact is that if the addressee is doing well with the Russian language, then your mistakes will greatly spoil the impression of the content of the letter. Therefore, do not rush to send. This is the same case when the quieter you drive, the further you will go.

First impression

A little more about first impressions. Besides grammar, the visual aspect is of great importance. Reading from a screen is a dubious pleasure. A paper letter can be picked up, and for this reason alone it is taken more seriously on an unconscious level than an electronic one. Take this into account. But if there is no single way to deliver a letter other than sending it by email, then take care of the visual part. Always fill out the Subject field. It is this line that determines whether a person will open the incoming message. If you are writing to a stranger, you should try and come up with an interesting title. But don’t overdo it – themes like “Achtung! Open up, or you'll die! make you want to send it to spam. The title should consist of 3-5 words and reflect the content of the message.

Well, if you printed the letter on paper and did not send it by mail, then take care of the quality of the paper. It is not necessary to take stamp paper, it is enough to take high-quality paper: good and white. And don’t forget to sign your name, otherwise the letter will turn into a scribbled piece of paper. And remember, don’t gently experiment with the font or play with the highlighting. It is better to divide the text into paragraphs with spaces between them.

Main content

Following the standard conventions of good writing and an attractive presentation will ensure that your poems get the attention and serious treatment they deserve. So here's what you need to pay attention to.

In the upper right corner the name of the organization, the position of the addressee and his surname with initials are indicated. Phone numbers and email addresses are not usually written here, but they are acceptable.
You should try to contact the official specific person, but if you don’t know his or her name, then try to write just the title.

In the upper left corner you need to write:
— name (and abbreviated name);
— actual and postal addresses;
— email address;
— contact numbers;
— website address.

Leave a space (if the letter is printed, then one line), and write a greeting. If you are contacting a person for the first time (or if a purely official relationship has been established between you), you should indicate this distance. For example: “Dear Mr. Ivanov!” If you have established a trusting business relationship with a person for a long time, it is better to call him by his first name and patronymic. For example: “Dear Askold Petrovich!” When addressing a group, use the standard phrase “Dear Sirs!” You can start with this same phrase if you don’t know the gender of the recipient (well, anything can happen).
By the way, if you decide to write an email and don’t know the recipient, briefly outline who you are and how you found out about him. Without this necessary introduction, the message may be considered spam and immediately deleted.

Make another indent and go straight to the point. Start with the introductory part (a brief statement of the reasons why the letter is being written, its purpose), then move on to the substantive part (describing the situation, proposing solutions, stating conclusions and recommendations), and at the end - the summary part (a brief summary with a clear indication of what what do you expect from the recipient).


This is the end of the letter, its final part. Here you need to use the so-called closing phrase: “With respect” or “Sincerely yours”; "Best wishes"; “With hope for continued cooperation”; “We are always happy to provide you with a service,” etc.
It all depends on your taste and preferences, that’s all. Then, as you remember, you need to make another indent, write your position, make a large indent, depict your full name. and sign.

In recent decades, it has become an integral part in any area of ​​business. In addition to drawing up contracts, acts and annexes to them, document specialists are engaged in drawing up various kinds of appeals and letters. At the legislative level, the principles of their design and the general template, of course, are not defined. In such a situation, the question arises: “How to correctly draw up this or that legally weak, but business document?” The answer to this is extremely simple and comes down to drawing up such papers according to generally accepted standards in office work.

Today our resource decided to consider the principles of writing an official letter and the features of this document. Information on the summarized topic and a template for the paper itself can be found below.

Official or is one of the basic types of documents in the field of office work of modern business. It is a universal way of transmitting information, implemented in the simplest possible manner, but in compliance with all the rules and regulations of business relations.

Naturally, the information presented in official letters is not of an entertaining nature. Such papers can be invitations, partly advertising, informational and others, but in no case entertaining.

There are many differences between an official letter and a regular one. The main one is purpose. If a business document always has a precise purpose of sending or transmitting to the addressee, then regular letters are often used for “communication for the sake of communication.” In addition, business messages:

  • are not anonymous - they always have information about the sender and recipient
  • written on behalf of a specific person or organization or association represented by him
  • (if the sender has a stamp)
  • compiled according to generally accepted rules in office work
  • cannot be entertaining, as mentioned earlier

An optional, but also common difference between an official letter and a regular message is that the former is written on company letterhead. This approach gives the address the highest level of solidity and generally indicates its business status.

A few words about the details and general content of the document

Official letters are issued for various reasons, as a result of which the content naturally varies. Despite this, the general structure of business messages cannot be taken away. It is this that is defined as true in the sphere of office work, is not subject to dispute and forms the basic requirements for the relevant documents. Typical details of an official letter include:

  • full name of the sending company or full name of a specific citizen
  • information about checkpoint, checkpoint, and OKUD (for organizations)
  • address and all possible contacts of the sender
  • similar information about the addressee
  • the essence of the message
  • date of its composition
  • and printing (for organizations)

Important! The type of business documents we are considering today is one of the few that do not need to include a title. The absence of the latter is by no means a mistake, but compliance with basic office work standards.

It is advisable to issue the letter itself on letterhead, of course, if its sender is a company. For government agencies, such forms have an image of the coat of arms, for commercial organizations - their emblem.

  1. Clear and understandable for the recipient.
  2. Without using profanity, not to mention insults and obscenities.
  3. Neat, concise and competent.

In principle, document experts do not make any other requirements for official letters. It is enough to comply with the noted norms, rules and general content of the document.

You can download a template for an official letter to the organization below:

Types of official letters

An official letter is a fairly extensive group of business papers. The most used of them include:

  • , reflecting the sender’s desire to do something for the benefit of the addressee
  • Letters of request
  • Requests
  • Event Invitations
  • Invitations to cooperation
  • Papers that remind the recipient of something
  • Commercial offers
  • Requirements
  • Instructions
  • Advertising and information letters

By the name of each type of official letter, you can understand its general purpose and the purpose of sending the message. As practice shows, the transfer of various types of requests in the business environment is carried out for a variety of reasons, and the list of their types noted above is far from final.

Features of the design and transmission of the message to the addressee

At the end of today’s article, let’s pay attention to the transfer of official letters to the Russian Federation. First of all, it should be noted that the main nuance of successful business relationships is a competent approach to their management. In the case of drawing up the relevant documents, we are talking about their:

  • neatness
  • full compliance with business standards
  • purposefulness (sending an official letter to someone in the form of spam will significantly undermine the authority of the sender)

In addition, it is advisable to approach the composition of the message extremely responsibly. Its text should be literate, concise and understandable. The use of complex verbal structures and terms is undesirable. The general tone of the address should be kept within limits. Restraint is welcome, but familiarity is never.

As for the transmission of business letters, the sender has no restrictions. You can deliver a message to the addressee:

  • via the Internet in electronic form
  • via mail
  • via courier or even in person

Transmitting official letters is a vast field. All senders will be able to choose a convenient message.

This concludes the most important provisions on the topic of this article. We hope that the information presented has helped all readers understand the essence of official letters in the Russian Federation and the rules for their execution.

Write your question in the form below

In any organization, letters make up the majority of incoming and outgoing documentation. There are many types of these documents, and for each of them there are a number of rules for execution. Since letters are the most common type of management documentation, it is extremely important to know how to compose them correctly.

From this article you will learn:

Correct formatting of letters is the success of the entire company

Business (or official) letters are considered to be those that serve to communicate the company with external structures. Moreover, even after some verbal agreement has been reached between the head of the organization and a business partner or client, the rules of etiquette provide for confirmation of this agreement. This, in turn, can already be considered a guarantee.

Types of business letters

1. Informational - created in order to convey some information.

By functions performed

1. Initiative - are divided into those requiring a response and those that do not require a response. Examples: request, complaint, notice, reminder, .

2. Letters of response.

Based on the addressee

1. Regular - usually sent to only one recipient.

2. Circular - those that one sender sends to several recipients.

According to the form of departure

Structure of a service letter

The text of a well-written business letter consists of: appeal, introductory and main parts and conclusion.


This is the most significant part for communication purposes. Thus, thanks to the correctly chosen form of address, you can not only attract the attention of the addressee, but also set the general tone for further communication. If the letter is not addressed to a specific person, the address can be omitted; in other cases, it is customary to use standard language formulas - for example, “Dear Sergei Ivanovich!”, “Mr. Chairman of the Government!” The appeal is written in the middle of the line.

Introductory part.

At the beginning of the letter, it is necessary to indicate the reasons and grounds for its preparation; it is often necessary to confirm the information with references to third-party documents and facts. If there is a need to indicate references, this should be done in the following sequence: title of the act, author, date, registration number, title.

Main part.

The main part of the letter indicates the main purpose of the letter. This part describes in detail the necessary events, provides evidence or analyzes the situation.


In conclusion, it is customary to make conclusions in the form of requests, proposals, refusals or opinions. It is believed that a service letter can contain only one final part. As a rule, they end with standard expressions - for example, “I hope for further cooperation,” “With best wishes.” The politeness formula is placed before the “signature” attribute, and is separated from the position by a comma.

When submitting to the author it is important to take into account aspects such as:

  • the degree of acquaintance and the nature of the relationship with the addressee;
  • the public position of the addressee and its relationship with the position of the author;
  • the situation in which communication takes place - its formality or informality;
  • etiquette and standards adopted in a particular company.

Letter format, sample:

Formatting letters according to GOST

Service letters must be issued on special forms in A4 or A5 format depending on the size of the text. It is allowed not to use forms only in cases where the authors are several companies at the same time.

Requirements for letter forms, as well as the composition of details and design rules are contained in GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements."

In general, companies have the right to independently develop letter forms, since the specified GOST is advisory in nature, however, the implementation of its provisions indicates a high culture of working with documents in the organization. For some organizations, GOST R 6.30-2003 is mandatory: for example, federal executive authorities must always consult this standard.

01 - State Emblem of the Russian Federation;

02 - Coat of arms of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

03 - Organization emblem or trademark (service mark);

04 - Organization code;

05 - Main state registration number (OGRN) of the legal entity;

06 - Taxpayer identification number/reason code for registration (TIN/KPP);

07 - Form code;

08 - Name of the organization;

09 - Reference information about the organization;

10 - Name of the document type;

11 - Date;

12 - Registration number;

14 - Place of compilation or publication;

15 - Addressee;

16 - Approval stamp;

17 - Resolution;

18 - Title to the text;

19 - Control mark;

20 - Text of the document;

21 - Mark on the presence of the application;

22 - Signature;

23 - Approval stamp;

24 - Visa approval;

25 - Seal imprint;

26 - Mark on certification of the copy;

27 - Mark about the performer;

28 - A note on the execution of the document and sending it to the file;

29 - A note on the receipt of the document by the organization;

30 - Electronic copy identifier.

Formatting a letter according to GOST, sample:

Formatting a letter with an attachment, sample:

Rules for writing business correspondence

Business correspondence involves the use of an official business style of communication. Its peculiarity lies in the fact that the participants are usually legal entities that must adhere to fairly strict rules of communication adopted in the organization (or several organizations).

There are several requirements that apply to this type of communication.

Standardization of presentation. Today there are many terms, special phrases and formulas that are specific to business correspondence. Their use allows you to significantly reduce preparation time, and ready-made designs help you avoid wasting time searching for terms suitable for a particular situation. Standardization significantly facilitates the perception of any texts and optimizes the entire document flow process.

Neutral tone. Restraint and rigor when writing letters is the norm in official communication. A neutral tone implies an almost complete absence of expressive or emotionally charged words. The information is of a purely official nature; for this reason, it is necessary to exclude from the text, for example, words with diminutive suffixes or interjections. Emotional subtext may be present, but it should be hidden behind a neutral tone of presentation.

Accuracy and unambiguity of wording. The recipient must clearly understand and interpret the meaning of the material addressed to him. The accuracy of the text, as a rule, directly depends on the correctly constructed compositional structure and the absence of logical errors. The service letter must be clearly thought out.

Conciseness. Thanks to this requirement, the author will be able to significantly reduce the length of the entire document. Conciseness of presentation is, first of all, the elimination of speech redundancy, the economical use of linguistic means, the absence of unnecessary repetitions and additional information.

Application of language formulas. Templates, widely used in business correspondence, are an integral part of it. Thus, formulas are often used to encourage action: “We ask you to consider the issue...”, “In confirmation of our agreement...”. Often, linguistic formulas are legally significant elements of the text, without which it will not have the necessary force. For example: “We guarantee a refund in the amount of...”, “Control over the completion of the task is assigned to...”.

Use of terms, lexical and graphic abbreviations. Thanks to the use of terms in correspondence, the author can achieve a clear understanding of the text, which is an extremely important feature of business communication. The terminology that can and should be used in the field of documentation support for management is regulated by GOST R 51141-98 “Office work and archiving. Terms and definitions"

Predominance of simple common sentences. Official communication, as a rule, is based on the use of simple common one-part or two-part sentences, which greatly simplifies the process of perceiving the text.

A guide to writing a business letter


Must be printed on white or other light colored paper.

Sheet format - A4 (210 x 297 mm) or A5 (148 x 210 mm).


The sheet must have fields of at least:

20 mm - left; 10 mm - right; 20 mm - top; 20 mm - lower.


The date of the letter is considered to be the date of its signing. It is written in Arabic numerals, following the sequence: day, month, year. For example, "02/10/2017".

A verbal-numeric method of formatting a date is also allowed. For example, "February 10, 2017"

Outgoing number

The outgoing number consists of a sequence number, which can be supplemented by an index. The number of a document that was compiled jointly by two or more departments consists of the letter registration numbers of each of these departments, separated by a slash.


The addressee can be a company, its structural divisions or individual employees. It is important to remember that in the latter case, the initials are always indicated before the surname. The name of the recipient company is always indicated in the nominative case.

According to the rules, it should not be addressed to more than four recipients.

Also, this detail may include a postal address, and first indicate the name of the organization, and then the postal address.

Letter text

The text itself can be formatted as a table, text, or a combination of several structures.

When designing tables, it is important to call columns and rows nouns in the nominative case. If the table continues on the next page, the columns and lines are numbered on it as well.

The text should consist of two parts: the reason/purpose/reason for writing the letter and conclusions/suggestions/recommendations. Also, the text can contain only one final part - for example, a request without explanation.

If the letter refers to acts of other organizations, indicate their details: document title, organization name, date, registration number and title.


A business letter with an attachment should be formatted as follows:

Application: for 2 l. in 2 copies.

If the application is not indicated in the text, then it is necessary to indicate its name, number of sheets and copies. For example:

Appendix: Sales and purchase agreement for 3 l. in 2 copies.

If a document with an attachment is attached, the mark is formatted as follows:

Attachment: letter from the FSS dated October 12, 2017 N 03-2/923 and an appendix to it, 7 pages in total.


The signature requires an indication of the position of the employee who signed the letter and a transcript of this signature.

If several employees sign, the signatures are arranged in the sequence corresponding to the position held.

If the positions are equal, then the signatures should be located at the same level.


The seal certifies the authenticity of signatures of officials on documents related to financial assets or on other documents that require certification of an original signature.


If necessary, indicate the initials and surname of the performer and his telephone number. Usually the mark is placed on the front or back of the last sheet in the lower left corner.

Today, official letters are drawn up in any company on completely different issues related to the activities of both individuals and entire departments. The subject of the letters may be a request, notification, agreement, claim, revocation, change, etc. At the same time, the rules of good form suggest that any document will be drawn up in accordance with all the above requirements. Thanks to this, the letter (no matter in what form it is sent) will become an effective tool in the work of each employee and the company’s management as a whole.

Test yourself

1. What kind of letter is called a circular letter?

  • A letter sent by one addressee to several addressees
  • A letter sent by one addressee to one addressee
  • A letter that was not sent for a number of reasons

2. How should an attachment to a business letter be formatted correctly?

  • Application: for 2 l. in 2 copies.
  • Application in 2 copies on 2 sheets
  • Two application sheets in duplicate

3. How many stages are there in preparing and writing a business letter?

4. What does it mean to require a neutral tone in business correspondence?

  • Use of terms, lexical and graphic abbreviations
  • Almost complete absence of expressive or emotionally charged words in the letter
  • Wide use of templates

5. What parts does a business letter consist of?

  • Appeal, introductory and main parts, conclusion
  • Main part, conclusion
  • Appeal, conclusion