Business games for library specialists. Training seminar “Promotion of library services (Brand technologies in libraries). Sample topics for management games

The ability to communicate is one of the main professional functions of a librarian. We cannot always say about ourselves that we are successfully implementing it. Therefore, meetings with psychologists – specialists in human understanding – are always useful for us.

How often do meetings with representatives of related professions who well understand the essence, features and problems of our profession happen in the library world? The CBS employees were lucky: on Thursday, April 19, journalist, teacher, and PR specialist Svetlana Vyacheslavovna Novatorova visited us.

Training seminar – this is how you can describe the format of the meeting. The most interesting thing is not that Svetlana Vyacheslavovna convinced us that every librarian is a speaker and speechwriter, i.e. a public person who knows how to compose and deliver speeches. We guessed this ourselves. The interesting thing is that she convinced us of this, using our “relatives”, “stumbling blocks” that had long been familiar to us.

How to conduct a conversation if in the library a person behaves inappropriately, simply arrogantly, or, on the contrary, stomps around in confusion, not knowing what he needs? How can you tell about yourself, your library or book so that a person drops everything and runs to the library? How to refuse something to a visitor without offending him? How to convince a person who claims that he does not want to read and that no one needs reading?

Practical tasks and training exercises proposed by Svetlana Vyacheslavovna led me to the idea that the answers to all these questions can be found in world and domestic classical and modern literature. Take any literary plot, and you will see that it is based on the psychological incompatibility of the characters, non-compliance with the laws of successful communication. Simply put, the inability to communicate with each other, a lack of understanding of who the hero himself is, who his interlocutor is, what their goals and mutual expectations are. I am not ready to bear responsibility for all world and domestic classical and modern literature, but I would venture to say that it all rests on the fact that psychologists work poorly. I apologize to psychologists and communication technology specialists, but this phrase is just a practical embodiment of the advice of psychologists themselves that it is best to start a message and communication with some unusual phrase that immediately stops attention. From a phrase that sometimes comes from the opposite direction, but makes the interlocutor become interested and concentrate on what is being said to him.

To acquire these skills, you just need to read a lot and meet more often with professional psychologists like S.V. Novatorova.

Ch. methodologist of the Central District Hospital named after. F.M. Dostoevsky
Galina Palgueva

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Wed, 2012-04-25 12:11 -

World, domestic, classical and modern literature cannot “hold on to whether psychologists work well or poorly.” The author's statement on this topic is devoid of elementary logic and common sense.

Wed, 2012-04-25 21:10 -

Literature always “rests on what” takes place, what exists in our beautiful and “crazy, crazy world.” Fiction is also called “psychological studies” and “human studies.” And this is precisely the area of ​​interest of psychology. A good writer is always a good psychologist. In turn, a professional psychologist can take a literary situation and the relationships of literary characters as a visual aid for correcting real (everyday) psychological situations. Such terms as “reading psychology” and “bibliotherapy” have existed for a long time, and behind them, naturally, there is real work. “Elementary logic and common sense” is an excellent thing... for a textbook on mathematics, physics, a textbook on business, etc. In the human soul, in psychology and fiction, not everything is so “elementarily straightforward.” But if you approach the article under discussion with a little sense of humor, you can imagine the picture... Here, “Lady Macbeth from Mtsensk District” came to a psychologist (psychotherapist). .. he explained everything to her literally, how to act so that the passion of love does not deprive the lady of her mind... She listened to all this, accepted it into leadership, did not kill anyone... Okay? Of course, good!!! But... humanity would not have received Leskov's masterpiece. “All happy families are alike. All unhappy ones are unhappy in their own way” - this is the first line of “Anna Karenina”. It will be good when all unhappy families come to a psychologist and he will explain everything to them and everyone will be happy... equally. And it will be boring, and there will be no L.N. Tolstoy and magnificent works of art. Probably, this comment is also devoid of common sense and logic... but... what has grown has grown. But there is no logical and straightforward tediousness.

The course “Promotion of library services (Brand technologies in the library)” was prepared in 2009. and is a logical continuation of the course “Innovative forms of library services.” The course is aimed at studying the basics of branding technologies and the possibilities of their application in library practice, at instilling skills in promoting library services/products/services in the cultural environment, and at identifying the tools necessary to carry out branding tasks.

The subject of the course is determined by the objectives of promoting new library services, creating a favorable image of the organization in the eyes of the local community, improving interaction with society, and strengthening the creative component in the activities of libraries.

Section topics:

Topic 1. Creating your own brand.

Topic 2. Stages of brand positioning.

Topic 3. Marketing components of the brand.

Topic 4. Features of brand promotion (set of services/products/services) in libraries.

Training format: training.

Seminar participants receive a packet of handouts for additional training.

WHAT is it easy and boring to work in the library???

WHAT do librarians read all day???

WHAT only grandmothers work in the library???

WHAT and HOW MUCH should a LIBRARIAN know and be able to do?

WHY is education becoming a lifelong pursuit for librarians?

WHAT ARE THE PROS and CONS in planning librarian training today?

HOW and WHAT should modern librarians be trained?

HOW and WHAT to start planning?

HOW to write a competent professional development plan for librarians?

WHAT innovative forms of education are replacing traditional ones?

HOW to succeed in learning?

2016: “What does the coming year have in store for us?”

We tried to answer these questions at the webinar, which was held on September 9 for specialists from municipal libraries of the Pskov region. He-consultation was conducted by A.L. Levchenko, head sector of continuing education of the department for coordinating the activities of libraries of the region of the Pskov OUNL.

They will help you in your professional training and self-education...


Website “Interregional Center for Library Cooperation” –

Website “School of Library Leadership” – of the NF “Pushkin Library”)

Information support portal for heads of cultural institutions -

Website of the Russian Library Association -

“Competent librarian” (presentation) -

RESOURCES of the Pskov Regional Universal Scientific Library:

Website of the Pskov OUNB – Section “COLLEAGUES” -;

Blog "Methodological service of POUNB" -;

- “Library portal of the Pskov region” - Section “Continuing education” - ;

Section "Methodological helm" - on the website "Pskov Regional Library for Children and Youth named after. V.A. Kaverina" -;

Section “To help professionals” - on the website “Pskov Regional Special Library for the Blind and Visually Impaired” -



Vetchanova, O. V. Advanced training of cultural workers // Directory of the head of a cultural institution. - 2012. - No. 7. - P. 56-63.

Golovko, S.I. Specialist: Education, competence, innovation. – M.: 2005.

Zbarovskaya, N.V. Business games for library specialists. – M.: 2005.

Sample programs for city (district) seminars for library workers. – Krasnoyarsk, 2003.

Sukiasyan, E. R. Library profession. Personnel. Continuing education. – M.:FAIR - PRESS, 2004.

Sukiasyan, E. R. Library profession and personnel management. – St. Petersburg. : 2011.



Michel Montaigne


training script. Journey.

I used this scenario as a psychological training for teenagers (Council of high school students of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Yarskaya Secondary School No. 1”) for preventive work on the occurrence of quarrels and conflicts in this group. The training was conducted in the form of a separate lesson, which presented the necessary stages -warm-up, main part, reflection and discussion.

Goals ׃ Prevention of quarrels and conflict situations in the group.


    group cohesion;

    help develop empathy and self-awareness;

    developing skills for joint activities;

    development of skills to “feel the group” and its individual members;

    developing skills in giving and receiving feedback.

Group size : 12 people.
Resources: a spacious room, free of unnecessary furniture, light chairs according to the number of participants, headbands (for half of the participants), a sheet of Whatman paper, a pack of markers for each, a technical means for playing music, an audio recording with relaxation music (BellasLullaby, RobPattinson), cards (according to the number of participants) with the names of the participants written on them, obscenities, candies.

Time: at least two hours.


In front of the entrance to the classroom there are 3 boxes of different colors: yellow, red and black. At the entrance, each training participant places a token in a box of the color they like.

(Yellow means joy, red means excitement, black means sadness).

Stage 1 - physical warming up.

Leading: Good evening, guys. I will ask you to stand in a circle at a distance free from each other and repeat after me the movements and phrases that I will now show.

Exercise “Granny from Brazil”

Leading : ( Standing straight, keeping your hands at your sides, cheerfully): “I have a grandmother in Brazil!”

Leading : ( Repeat position 1, then step your right leg forward, turning your foot inward): “She has this leg!”

Leading : ( Repeat positions 1 and 2, then turn the body so that the left (right) shoulder moves forward, and put the elbow of the left (right) hand forward, tucking the hand under the armpit ): “She has such a hand!”

Leading : ( Repeat positions 1, 2 and 3, then tilt your head onto your shoulder and curl your mouth) : “Her head is on one side and her mouth is crooked!”

    (Repeat positions 1, 2, 3 and 4, then jumping loudly in the resulting position) : “She jumps and shouts: “I am the most beautiful grandmother in Brazil!!!”

Exercise “Luggage rack”

Leading: Now, let's imagine that the long-awaited summer holidays have finally arrived. You went on vacation to the village with your grandfather, far away, into the deepest forest, away from the bustle of the city and noisy street crowds. You had to go there by train. So you enter the carriage, find your compartment and discover that only the top luggage rack is free of things. You need to place your large and heavy travel bag on top. But first, imagine this bag of yours as vividly as possible. Here she is standing in front of you. What color is it? What shape? Feel its weight: it is quite impressive, but you are still able to cope with the task. You are strong and dexterous enough to throw your luggage upstairs. Get ready. Place your feet shoulder-width apart! “Took” the cargo. Raise it up... Do you feel tension in your arms? Back muscle work? The shelf is high. You have to stand up on your toes to push the bag all the way my walls. One more effort and... the bag is on the shelf! Wow! Now you can completely relax and sit down on a chair. Squeeze and unclench your fingers several times, rotate your hands.

Exercise Spaghetti

Leading : Fine. But the road is long. It would be nice to have a snack in the meantime. Imagine pouring boiling water over instant noodles. But it's not just noodles- This is real spaghetti! Long thin pasta lies on a plate in front of you. Let's grab one of them with our fingers. It hangs freely, swaying from side to side. If we start to rotate our hand, then our imaginary pasta will begin to wriggle like a lace or rope. Try using a fork to hook the spaghetti. “Twist” them onto a fork. Catch the pasta in your mouth. Now turn yourself into spaghetti. Relax, swing your hands, feel like a real noodle...

Stage 2 - immersion in the game situation.

Leading: Your train has arrived at the long-awaited station. But the way to grandfather's house is still far away. Yesterday you had fun and interesting on the train. You were together -and no adults. But the day that came turned out to be completely different from the previous one. It was dim and gray. It was sad and bad. You started grumbling at each other and quarreling for no reason. Conflicts flared up out of nowhere, like sparklers, but unlike them, they did not burn out quickly. Nobody could understand what was going on. And you were faced with a choice, what to do? Is it worth taking the risk and going on a dangerous journey, or staying here, but at the same time continuing to quarrel and conflict. What do you choose?

(If the group members choose to travel (which they usually do), then the next stage of work begins.)

Stage 3 - overcoming obstacles.

Exercise “Enchanted Forest”

(A route is drawn on the floor with chalk or marked with a rope. Along this route, several chairs are laid in a chain, one after another. The result is a winding path three to five meters long.)
Leading: You have entered the forest. But he turned out to be bewitched. Why is he considered bewitched? Because there are areas in it, upon entering which a person ceases to see. If you manage to pass such a section of the road, your vision returns. Such areas are visible from the outside. Therefore, you can help each other cope with this task. You will have to overcome enchanted places in pairs. One in a pair will be the leader, and the second will be the follower. The follower is blindfolded. His task is to follow the route and not get lost or go off the path. The presenter will give him instructions with words: left, right, two steps forward, and the like. Of course, he cannot approach the follower, touch him with his hands and somehow, other than words, direct the actions of his partner. When the follower overcomes the obstacle, he himself becomes the leader and helps his partner along the path.

(Participants are divided into pairs)

Are you confident in your abilities? In the reliability of partners? Has it ever happened to you that, in a state of tension, you lost control of yourself and forgot the simplest things: for example, where is the right and where is the left? Do not confuse these directions while walking through an enchanted section of the forest. Before we start moving, it is important to remember the following: the leader is solely responsible for the follower. He must clearly and timely warn him about all possible dangers and obstacles. And second: dear viewers, the success of the passage depends on you. Maintain silence so as not to interfere with contact between partners passing along the enchanted path. Observe how each pair organizes the transition, what are the differences in the actions of the participants.

(The leader ties a blindfold over the eyes of one of the members of the first pair, and the game begins. When all pairs have overcome the enchanted section of the path, a discussion of this exercise begins.)


    How did you feel walking the trail blindfolded?

    What turned out to be more difficult for you: walking the trail or directing your partner’s actions?

    What did the audience see?

    Who has memorized and can demonstrate typical body language to a player walking through an enchanted area?

    How does the behavior of a person deprived of the ability to see the world around him differ?

Exercise "Abyss"

Leading: Now I ask you to go to the stairs. Stand on the steps and position yourself between the railing and the drawn line.

(take starting position)

Leading: I must warn you that now you find yourself high in the mountains where serious dangers await you. The line you see in front of you- This is not just a line, it is the border of a narrow path. A deep abyss opened up behind her, falling into which leaves no hope of staying alive. At my signal, you turn into bizarre rock blocks, hanging over the path in the most unexpected way. Spread your legs, extend your arms, bend down... Only the participant on the far left becomes a climber. His task- walk along the entire length of the abyss without falling into it. A climber can overcome the path in any way: squeeze into narrow crevices between rocks, look for niches, crawl, clinging to “rocks”... The main thing- do not cause harm or pain to anyone. As soon as the first climber completes part of the path, the next participant can turn from a rock into a person and begin his dangerous journey. The one who reaches the end of the difficult path himself turns into stone. It is important that you all overcome this obstacle and pass the dangerous section of the route safely.

(When all group members have passed the gap, you can discuss the feelings they experienced during the exercise.)

Exercise "Swamp"

Leading: As soon as you, dashing travelers, managed to cross the inaccessible mountains, a new misfortune arose. On the way you came across a marshy swamp. It is possible to cross it only over rare bumps. And you must not stumble, otherwise you can easily drown in the quagmire. You will now begin your journey through the swamp. Be very careful! Help each other move from bump to bump. Support your comrades so that they do not fall into the swamp. Cause you're coming together and each You have the right to count on the help of your companions. Any pushing, rudeness towards comrades, lack of restraint, haste and ill-considered actions can lead each of the participants and the group as a whole to a sad result. And vice versa: mutual understanding, responsibility, under Keeping friends will ensure success.

( Chairs (according to the number of participants) are placed in a circle close to each other. Invite participants to take off their shoes and climb onto chairs)

Leading : You start moving on my command. You will move from chair to chair clockwise. The first stage will be completed when you return to the chair from which you started. Forward!

(After the group members have completed this task)

Leading : Well done! But your way through the swamp is not finished yet. I I suggest you stand two at a time on one chair (remove 3 vacated chairs from the circle).

(The group begins to move again under increasingly difficult circumstances. On successful completion this stage pull out circle three more chair. The movement takes place again over rare “bumps”. The crossing of the swamp is considered completed, and the task is completed when everything participants are located according to three player on one chair
and, if they managed, supporting each other, to survive chairs, until the presenter counts to ten. )

Stage 4 - joint creativity.

Exercise "Evening" gatherings"

Leading : You have already walked most of the way. However, the journeynot yet completed. Beforespread out by youbig lake onon the other bank of which there is a hut.But evening comes and you decidepostpone the crossinguntil the morning. After all, you still need build a raft - other watercraft you don’t have and don’t expect to. You divorced fire, dinner prepared, had a snack. I don't want to sleep yet. It's nice for you to sitby the fire, chat with friends, just having fun.In the evenings with special pleasure listen to all sorts of interesting stories . So I invite you to write your own story. But do This it will be necessary in an unusual way. Our storywill be created jointly. Someonethe story will begin from you. First the narrator will say a few phrases, then I clap clap your hands, and the continuation of the story will have to come up with his neighbor on the left . Then the right story passed on to the next and so on. But! Second Narratormust pronounce text in a special language - “jibrish”. Cotton- third participant returns to the story and continues story in Russian. Fourth speaks Jibri againshe." The fifth one returnsto the story and so on. In other words, every odd player tells a fairy tale history, everyone the even one “picks up” her in “jibrish”.

But What is “jibrish”? This is imaginarylanguage. Some kind of gobbledygook, gibberish. Of course, “jibrish” can be given a resemblance to some real-life language- French, English, German. As, for example, in the famous pseudo-Italian song of characters film “Formula of Love”: “Uno, Uno, uno, un momento!.." Or maybe do not leave any national language to the language features, and limit ourselves exclusively to the emotional coloring of speech, enhancing the story with facial expressions and gesticulation. If everyone understands, let's start!

Exercise "Dream our groups"

Leading : However, the time is already late. We need to rest before crossing the lake tomorrow. Tired travelerssettle down to rest and fall asleep.And they all have dreams. Close your eyes and imagine what you would like to see dream...

(turn on soft relaxation music)

Leading : Conjure up a picture in your mind- the image of your dream... You have wonderful dreams! Imagine that your dreams are floating above you, intertwined with each other, and a new image appears- common sleep of our group...

(place a large sheet of Whatman paper in the center of the circle and around it - markers. The music continues to play throughout the exercise)

Leading : Open your eyes... Now we will depict the collective dream that we had on this magical night. While performing the task, you must not talk under any circumstances! Otherwise, we will frighten our dreams, and nothing will work out for us. Now you will silently pick up the markers and begin to draw your dream. At the same time, pay attention to what your comrades are portraying. Your task- create an image of the collective dream of our group. This means that you need to try to “build” your image into the system of other images so that you get a single, integral picture. I remind you once again that everything must be done silently. Please get started!

Stage 5 - completion of the journey.

Exercise "Raft"

Leading: Morning has come. Having set to work together, you built a raft from tree trunks and launched it into the water. True, only young trees with thin trunks grew nearby, so the raft, although it was quite strong, could tilt dangerously and even capsize if the load was placed unevenly.

(invite participants to sit on the “raft”, taking into account some instability of the raft. Remind that it is dangerous to shift its center of gravity)

Leading: So, you set off on a sailing trip on the lake. The weather was favorable, the lake was calm, and you hoped the journey would be easy. But, when you reached the middle of the lake, a huge eagle appeared out of nowhere, and for some reason became very interested in your craft. The eagle, having made a leisurely circle above you, landed on the edge of your raft, immediately breaking the unstable balance...

(be until this moment outside the boundaries of the “raft”, stand on the edge of the raft).

Leading: To you It is urgent to regroup so that the raft does not capsize!

Only you changed your seats taking into account the weight of the unexpected “passenger”, as the eagle took off again and moved to the other edge of the raft.

(quickly change your location; repeat this procedure two or three more times, report that the eagle has flown away and leave the “raft”)

: Here, finally, is the shore. Our journey is coming to an end. You can already see the hut where grandfather lives. You were so looking forward to this meeting, you wanted so much to ask your grandfather for advice on what to do, how to continue to live in joy, without quarrels and conflicts. Approaching the hut, you climb onto the porch and knock on the locked door. The door opens on its own and you go inside. There, sitting at a large wooden table, your grandfather is waiting for you. You tell him about your trouble.

- “What do you want from me?”- asks grandfather.

- “Only you can help us! Do it!”

- "No, - says grandfather.- You are wrong. I I can't help you."

- “Why?”: - you ask. You certainly didn't expect such a turn.

- "Because, - Grandfather says- that only you can help yourself. You have already almost done it, having walked a long and difficult path and overcome many obstacles. After all, you almost didn’t quarrel and supported each other.I only can tell you what you need to do. But to do this you must complete three tasks.”

Exercise "IN each other's roles"

Leading: Each of you must portray one of your comrades in such a way that everyone else recognizes him. You need to portray without using words, only with the help of facial expressions, gestures, pantomimes. For each guessing, three attempts are given. If you accidentally get a card with your name on it, it's okay.

(Participants draw pre-prepared cards from a pile on which the names of all group members are written)

Exercise “Metaphor”

Leading: The next task is this. You will again have to pull out at random one of the cards with the name of one of the guys in our group. But now we need to come up with some kind of metaphor that help allows others to guess whose card you got. The metaphor can be lines from a song, a vivid image, maybe some kind of association associated with this person. For example, you can offer the following metaphor: “When I think about this person, I imagine an old oriental jug with a golden ornament, in which ordinary water seems tasty and sweet...” Or: “Knowing the hobbies of this person, I immediately remember summer, river, early morning and a float diving into the water..."

Exercise "Gifts for Friends"

Leading: Here is the last task. The third time you will have to draw a name card. But now there will be no need to guess the person. And if you come across a card with your own name, you can openly exchange with someone. I want to invite you to give each other gifts. Imagine that you are magicians and capable of fulfilling any person’s desire. Look at your partner, guess what he dreams about. What gift would he like to receive? If you guess correctly and he will be happy with the gift you give him, then you have come to an understanding and there will be no more conflicts between you.

Stage 6 - farewell ritual.

Exercise. I give you this as a sign...

(Prepare “gifts” (sweets). “Gifts” are placed in a beautiful vase, which stands on a ritually decorated table in the center of the hall.)

Leading : I invite everyone to take a handful of “gifts” and approach the other with the words: “I bring you this gift as a sign of my gratitude for...”

Each person completes a sentence depending on the relationship that developed during the training: “For understanding, love, recognition, help, etc.” (During the recitation, the gift is offered to be eaten)

Leading: And now I ask you tothank each other for playing together and do this exercise. You need to hug as many of your comrades as possible in 15 seconds.

Stage 7 - discussion of the training

(prepare cards for each participant)

Leading: Each of you received cards with questions. I ask you to answer them.

    What moments of the game did you like most? Why?

    Which task was the most difficult? Why?

    Did you feel the support and help of your comrades during the game?

    Did you learn anything new about the band members?

    During the game, were you able to avoid rudeness, aggression, or conflict?

    Is it possible to live without quarrels and insults in life?

Host: I ask you to put the tokens in boxes according to your mood. The training is over, and life lies ahead, to which our training was dedicated. Thanks everyone!

A business game is an imitation of a real production (managerial or economic) situation. Creating a simplified workflow model allows each participant in real life, but within the framework of certain rules, to play a role, make a decision, and take actions.

Business game method

Business games (BG) are an effective method of practical training and are used quite widely. They are used as a means of knowledge in management, economics, ecology, medicine and other fields.

DI has been actively used in the world for studying the science of management since the middle of the 20th century. S.P. made a significant contribution to the development of gaming technologies. Rubinstein, Z. Freud and other scientists.

This method allows you to model an object (organization) or simulate a process (decision making, management cycle). Production and economic situations are associated with subordination to superiors, and organizational and managerial situations with the management of a department, group, or employee.

Players can set different goals, to achieve which they use knowledge of the basics of sociology, economics, and management methods. The results of the game will be related to the degree of achievement of goals and the quality of management.

Classification of business games

DI can be classified according to many criteria.

Reflection of reality

Real (practice)

Theoretical (abstract)

Difficulty level

Small (one task, small team of players)

“Battleship”, “Auction”, “Crossword”, “Who knows more”, “Presentation”

Imitation game

Imitation of practice. Participants solve a problem together or individually.

“Manager’s ethics”, “Gossip at the company”, “How to keep an employee from quitting?”, “Blackmail”


Aimed at generating new ideas in a non-standard situation.

Self-organization training, brainstorming


Collective creation of a picture of the future development of the situation.

“Creation of a new product”, “Entering new markets”

All of the above technologies and examples of business games are interconnected. It is recommended to use them in combination for effective practical activities of participants and achievement of assigned tasks.

How to organize the game?

Games are played according to certain rules.

  1. The themes of business games are varied, but their conditions must be relevant and close to a real-life situation or problem. Players may not have the experience to solve it, but they have basic knowledge, imagination and other abilities.
  2. The end result common to the entire team, the achievement of a goal, a developed solution.
  3. There may be several correct solutions. The ability to look for different ways to solve a problem must be included in the condition.
  4. Participants themselves choose roles and behavior patterns to successfully solve the problem. An interesting and quite complex situational task encourages creative search and application of knowledge.

Stages of implementation

  1. Preparatory stage. Identifying the problem, choosing a topic and defining tasks. Choosing the type and form of the game, working on the game strategy, preparing materials.
  2. Introducing participants into a game situation. Attracting interest, goal setting, forming teams, mobilizing participants.
  3. Group or individual work with or without established rules.
  4. Conclusions and analysis of results independently and/or with the involvement of experts.

Carrying out a business game can involve a large number of stages. During the game, participants will have to identify the problem, consider and analyze the situation, and develop proposals for solving the problem. The work is completed by discussing the progress of the game and wishes.

Business game “Production meeting”

In production management, an active business management game is modeled. The example includes the characteristics and scenario of the business game “Production Meeting”. Conducted at the end of the “Management” course, when students already have an understanding of the principles of management and the role of the production process.

Game participants:

  • employees of the enterprise (7 people). The meeting is attended by the director, deputy for production, head of the technical department, head of the assembly shop, head of the turning shop, foreman, secretary;
  • group of experts (10 people).

Steam locomotive repair or machine building plant (an organization of any profile with a medium or small number of personnel). The owners of the company recently appointed a new director. He was presented to the staff and managers of the plant. The director will have to hold an operational meeting for the first time.

Production Meeting Game Plan

Business game scenario

Introductory part

Introduction. Goals and theme of the game.

Game situation

Familiarization with the situation at the company.

Meeting preparation plan

  • Distribution of roles (7 employees and 10 experts)
  • The presenter organizes information for the game participants at the meeting.
  • removal of the director for a while to another office “due to production” needs.
  • then the presenter conveys to the participants information about the behavior of employees at the meeting (from the characteristics). Those present at the meeting treated the new management with skepticism and distrust.


Speech by the director, reaction and questions from superiors.

Discussion and

collective discussion of issues.

What will the director's behavior be like at the meeting?

What can he say or do to improve business relationships with employees?

What decisions can he take when summing up the results of the first operational meeting?

Summing up

Conclusions from experts and game participants. Self-esteem. Have you solved the tasks and achieved your goals?

Role play

Entering a production situation in a certain role is an interesting business game. Examples for students can be very diverse. You just have to use your imagination.

  1. Role-playing game "Interview". conducts an interview in the form of an interview with the applicant. Vacant position - sales manager. Before the game, participants read the biography and characteristics of their hero. After studying the documents (10 minutes), the manager begins the interview. When summing up the results, it is assessed how the boss conducted the interview, analyzed the information in the documents, and what decision he made. The applicant evaluates the work of the manager.
  2. Role-playing game “Conflict client”. The game is played in pairs. The department head answers a phone call from an angry customer. The client makes complaints about the quality of the product. It is assessed whether the manager can cope with a conflict situation and structure the conversation properly.
  3. Role-playing game “Assessing the professionalism of an employee.” The player, from the position of a manager, evaluates the employee’s performance using information about the team’s performance. Based on the data, he fills out an attestation form and prepares for an interview with the employee. Thinks about how to build a conversation, what questions to ask. The role of the employee can be a young specialist, a woman with two children, an advanced employee and others. As a result, the way the player formulated the questions and highlighted the main thing is assessed.

Strategic business game. Examples for students

Strategic game “Knitting Factory “Style””. The management of the knitting factory plans to expand its sales markets. This requires producing higher quality and more in-demand products. In addition, it is planned to launch several new technological lines.

It had long been planned to replace equipment in several workshops. The problem was the lack of financial resources associated with large accounts receivable. Which strategy is appropriate in this situation? What can plant management do? Forecast based on table data. It is recommended to present several indicators of financial and economic activity for three years.

Sample topics for management games

Examples of business games

Group discussion

“Making management decisions. Selection of a candidate for the position of director"

"Organizational Culture of College Students"

“The management cycle in an educational institution”

Role play

"Personnel certification"

“How to ask for a salary increase?”

"Telephone Negotiations"

"Conclusion of a contract"

Emotional-activity game

“Ethics of business communication. Office Romance"

"Conflict between department heads"

“Business communication. Dismissal of an employee"

"Coping with stress"

Imitation game

"Control effectiveness"

"Development of a business plan"

"Business Letter"

"Preparation of the annual report"

Game method and case method

When planning a business game, it is recommended to combine its different forms. The game may contain cases (situations). The case method differs from the business games method, as it is focused on finding and solving a problem. Examples of business games are related to the development of skills, the formation of skills.

Thus, a case is a model of a certain situation, and a business game is a model of practical activity.

The business game method allows you to clearly present management principles and decision-making processes. The main advantage of the games is the active participation of the group, the team of players.