Dental gels for eliminating gum disease. Gel Cholisal - reviews, indications for use. Indications for use –

Good day, dear readers. We regularly publish various reviews of dental products for teeth and gums, trying to be extremely objective. Today we will tell you about the drug Cholisal gel. The drug is available without a prescription. It does not affect driving ability, does not slow down reaction time, or cause drowsiness.

Any medicine, even the highest quality, has its pros and cons. In some cases it may be ineffective, in others it may even harm the patient. What you will learn from this review article:

  • what is Cholisal and what is included in its composition;
  • in what cases it is applied;
  • what contraindications does it have?

Cholisal - oral gel

What is Cholisal?

Cholisal gel is a broad-spectrum dental preparation. It has several key properties:

  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • infection control;
  • analgesic effect.

The main difference from numerous analogues is that it is suitable for children. We will return to this issue later.

Cholisal gel - photo

In what cases is it used?

As we have already said, this gel is quite versatile and can be used in the prevention and complex treatment of many diseases, symptomatic treatment, etc. For example, it is quite effective in the treatment of gingivitis and periodontitis. Of course, if we are not talking about advanced conditions. In severe forms, no ointments or gels will help eliminate the problem.

It also alleviates the condition of teething (baby and permanent teeth), and difficult eruption of wisdom teeth in adults. People who wear orthodontic appliances to correct their bite should also pay attention to this drug. If your gums are inflamed under braces, using Cholisal will help significantly improve the condition. Similar recommendations for people wearing dentures.

About the composition

It is no coincidence that the drug received this name. It is based on the substance choline salicylate. For every gram of gel there is approximately 87 mg of this substance. The active ingredients also include 0.1 mg of cetalkonium chloride. By the way, it also contains alcohol, but it is too little to have a drying effect on the mucous membranes. It also contains glycerin, anise oil, water and several other harmless components, which you can read about in the instructions.

Let's try to figure out the main substances. What is cetalkonium chloride? This is an active antiseptic component that affects a large number of pathogenic bacteria. However, if the dental problems were caused by a fungal infection or virus, the effectiveness is much lower. The second component is a substance based on salicylic acid. Its main task is to reduce inflammation.

Unlike most substances that are usually added to ointments and gels, choline salicylate is able to penetrate deep into the mucous membrane, affecting the source of the problem.

Application of Cholisal

The package contains instructions with a guide that tells you how to use the gel in each specific case. Let's start with the use for gums during inflammatory processes. Doctors remind that the gel is not a complete medicine. Therefore, there is no point in trying to cure a disease that causes an inflammatory process with it. However, it is quite effective in combination with antiseptic rinses and special pastes.

It makes sense to use Cholisal only if you have already visited a hygienist and he has removed hard and soft deposits. As long as there is plaque on the teeth, it is generally pointless to treat the gums. There is a high risk that you will eliminate visual manifestations and the disease will turn into an asymptomatic chronic form. This is much more dangerous, because the process begins to destroy the bone, the teeth will become loose and may fall out.

Apply the gel for a ten-day course. It is most effective to apply in the morning, when you have already eaten and brushed your teeth. First of all, rinse your mouth. To do this, you can use either a 0.05% Chlorhexidine solution or rinses based on it.

After the antiseptic procedures have been carried out, take a dry swab and blot the surface of the gums. This will help improve the adhesion of the gel to the mucosa.

  1. The gel is applied to the marginal part of the gums from the outer and inner sides, and the periodontal papillae.
  2. In order for the substances to take effect, it is important not to eat anything for 2 hours and not to drink for at least half an hour. You should also not rinse your mouth during this period.

Before going to bed, after brushing your teeth, repeat the procedure. Within a week you will feel positive changes. By the way, it is much more convenient to apply the gel using a small spatula, which can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Use for stomatitis

Next, we will examine the issue of using Cholisal for stomatitis. Let’s make a reservation right away, as in the case of the treatment of gum inflammation, we are not talking about treatment. Why is the gel useless? Because there are three main causes of stomatitis:

  • herpetic infection. The components of the drug are powerless against this virus;
  • candida fungus. Similar situation. We have already written about the ineffectiveness in the fight against fungus;
  • allergy. There are no anti-allergens in the composition.

So what is Cholisal gel used for? It's simple - to reduce general discomfort in the oral cavity caused by the appearance of painful erosions. That is, the only thing the gel does is mild symptomatic therapy - pain relief for ulcers. For treatment, it is necessary to use specialized drugs aimed at destroying microorganisms that cause stomatitis - viruses, fungi.

Use for teething

So, your child is teething and you decide to buy Cholisal gel. Let's try to understand the issue in more detail. Experts do not recommend it for infants, because it contains anise. This component, completely harmless for an adult, will cause increased salivation in a baby. This will cause him to cough and choke on his own saliva. He will also experience irritation of the skin on his chin. The gel can be used for older children. The manufacturer himself allows this.

The gel is easy to use. It is necessary to remove moisture from the surface of the gums, and then carefully, using massaging movements, apply the drug to the mucous membrane of the inflamed gums. For the youngest, other drugs are used. Consult with your pediatrician and pediatric dentist to be advised on a specific children's drug that is effective for the eruption of the first baby teeth.

If it's just redness, swelling and soreness, you can use the gel. Its use is prohibited for purulent inflammations under the hood. If there is pus, body temperature is elevated, it is difficult for you to open your mouth, you need to go to the doctor and not smear gels on your gums. In this case, surgical intervention will be required to eliminate the purulent-inflammatory process itself.

Application for periodontitis

One of the indications is acute and chronic periodontitis. Depending on the form and severity of the disease, the gel can be used in a treatment complex in several ways:

  • applications on the gums;
  • rubbing into mucous membranes;
  • laying directly into the gum pocket.

Use for other diseases and conditions

If you wear dentures or use braces, Cholisal gel can be effectively used as a means of eliminating traumatic inflammation. It reduces pain and swelling, significantly alleviates the general condition, eliminating pain in the affected areas of the mucous membrane.

Similar situations arise after surgical interventions in the oral cavity. Apply a small amount of gel to the area of ​​the mucous membrane that bothers you. After this, you need to not eat or drink for about an hour so that the components have time to have their effect.

Another indication for use is a disease such as cheilitis - inflammation of the lips, accompanied by redness, peeling, and swelling. The gel is used in complex therapy as a symptomatic remedy. Treatment of cheilitis is carried out with highly specialized means, the composition of which depends on the form and cause (allergies, fungus, viruses, lack of B vitamins).

Among the indications, one can often find mucosal lesions in lichen planus and Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

Can Cholisal be used by pregnant women?

Many drugs, including dental ones, are prohibited during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, as theoretically they can harm the baby. What does the manufacturer write about this? There are no prohibitions in official sources. However, it is indicated that pregnant women should use the gel with caution. You yourself understand that in certain situations and if the dosage is exceeded, even the safest medicine can cause harm.

If you are concerned about this issue, you can replace Cholisal with another popular drug. This is a gel. But a controversial point also arises here. The American FDA authorizes it for pregnant and lactating women, and their Russian colleagues believe that it is better to use the gel no earlier than the 2nd trimester, and during lactation it is better to avoid its use altogether.

This is due to the fact that it contains a powerful antibiotic – metronidazole. However, if you look at the dosage, it is noticeable that the substance is contained in such a small amount that it is unable to harm not only the child, but also most pathogenic bacteria. So the question here is not one of danger, but of effectiveness.

Alternative options

Some people are looking for worthy analogues of Cholisal. Some people are not satisfied with the price, others with the components included in the composition. There are people who may have a banal allergy to them. After all, as we all know, no two organisms are absolutely identical. As for the price, in Russian pharmacies a tube of 10 grams costs a little less than 400 rubles (6.8 dollars), and in Ukrainian the cost is 110 to 130 hryvnia (about 4-5 dollars).

One of the analogues is called Mundizal gel. But there is less drug in a tube, and the price is higher. Therefore, there is no particular point in such a replacement.

You can also purchase antimicrobial drugs in the form of ointments and gels at any pharmacy. The most popular of them are balm and Metrogil Denta, which we have already written about. There are others that contain antibiotics, antiseptics, etc. Sometimes it is much easier to just buy a solution and rinse your mouth with it than to spend money on a tiny tube. If you are often bothered by periodontal inflammation and feel pain, there are specialized remedies such as Kamistad and. The first relieves pain, the second eliminates the manifestations of inflammation.

How does Cholisal gel differ from the mentioned products? First of all, versatility. It combines three effects at once - antiseptic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory. Agree, it is better to anoint with one gel twice than with three different ones. By combining its use with the use of Chlorhexidine solution, you will get a more pronounced antiseptic effect.

A little about reviews. Advantages and disadvantages

Advertising is advertising, but the best way to understand the effectiveness of any medicine or prophylactic agent is reviews from other buyers. Who and why most often complains about the ineffective use of Cholisal? Usually these are patients who tried to use it as their only remedy. If you have periodontal pockets 5 mm deep, it is naive to hope that they will disappear because you anoint your gums.

Pros and cons of the product - reviews

There is no point in using Cholisal gel if you have not removed plaque and tartar. They are the ones that most often lead to the appearance of inflammatory processes. Until you get rid of the source of the problem, there is no point in using symptomatic remedies. We advise you to first go to the dentist and then resort to home methods.

The main advantages of Kholisal:

  • stays on the gums and has time to act before it is washed off with saliva;
  • able to penetrate the mucosa;
  • has an analgesic effect, but does not contain lidocaine;
  • eliminates mild inflammation;
  • is an effective antiseptic.

Many buyers consider the cost to be a disadvantage. Another obvious disadvantage is that the gel is not suitable for babies.

Some details

Many parents are interested in the age at which children can be given Cholisal gel. It is better to start using it after a year. In general, the later the better. It’s not that choline salicylate and cetalkonium chloride are dangerous for the child’s body, but the effect of salivation is very long-lasting. You may simply not keep track of the fact that the child begins to choke on saliva.

Some sources may provide other information. For example, the website states that this gel can only be used from three years of age. Therefore, if you are using this drug for a small child, you should think about replacing it. Modern pharmaceuticals offer a huge number of specialized medications for the little ones. Doctors themselves usually prescribe Kamistad for children and other drugs. However, you should also be careful here. There is a certain danger in gels containing anesthetics. Often, when a baby swallows saliva, the swallowing function is impaired and he begins to choke on his own saliva. If the sensitivity of the tongue is lost, it is easy to bite it.

Lidocaine-based formulations can cause allergies in young children. However, similar reactions to this substance occur even in healthy adults.

The second point, which is regularly kept silent in 90% of sources, is related to the properties of salicylic acid. No, it is not toxic, not carcinogenic. But with regular use it creates conditions for the destruction of tooth enamel. Moreover, in children the enamel is much weaker than in adults. Therefore the danger is much higher. All this can lead to the destruction of enamel and toothache caused by chemical and thermal reactions.

The question arises: why is salicylic acid actively used in various preparations and oral hygiene products? Because officially it fights bacteria. Side effects of this kind are not taken into account. What other contraindications exist for the use of Cholisal gel? Salicylates may cause allergic reactions in some people. Therefore, always carefully read what is included in a particular drug. If your doctor prescribes medication for you, he or she may not know if you have an individual reaction to any substance. And if you buy the gel at the pharmacy yourself, without a special prescription, the pharmacist will definitely not be to blame for the problems you encounter. Everyone knows that self-medication is sometimes more dangerous than the disease itself.

If you feel a burning sensation, noticeable redness appears on the mucous membranes - this is a clear sign that your body perceives the drug as a source of allergens. Stop using it immediately and seek medical attention.

A severe allergy to salicylates can cause a variety of symptoms. These include the appearance of skin rashes, profuse sweating, nausea and vomiting, severe tinnitus, weakness and even loss of consciousness. Some patients complain of difficulty breathing. If you find such manifestations in yourself or someone close to you using Cholisal gel, you should call an ambulance. Warn the dispatcher that this is a reaction to salicylates. Then the team will be able to quickly provide professional assistance, eliminating unpleasant and dangerous symptoms.

When used with various anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic drugs, the effect of the latter may be enhanced.

Storage Features

The stated shelf life is three years from the date of issue. Always check the packaging. It is not recommended to use expired gel. The drug should be stored in individual packaging, away from light and heating devices. The optimal temperature is no more than +25 degrees.

  1. Keep away from children to avoid ingestion.
  2. In case of contact with eyes, rinse them under running water and seek professional help immediately.

Let's sum it up

In general, Cholisal gel is a good drug that can relieve the symptoms of inflammation. If you do not perceive it as a panacea and do not try to use it for the treatment of periodontitis and stomatitis without specialized means, you will get the desired effect. It should not be used in children under one year of age or in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. By following these simple rules, you can count on receiving an anti-inflammatory and mild analgesic effect. However, we recommend consulting with an experienced professional and avoiding self-medication. By following your doctor's instructions, you will not harm yourself.

This concludes our story. We wish you good health. Let problems with teeth and gums pass by. And don't forget about the need for regular inspections. By visiting the dentist just twice a year, you will complain about dental problems much less often!

Video - Cholisal gel

Cholisal gel is a dental preparation in the form of a gel that has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. . The drug is not divided into adult and pediatric forms, and can be used in both adults and children without age restrictions. In children under one year of age, it is advisable to use with caution, i.e. only on the recommendation of a dentist.

Cholisal gel: composition
1 gram contains: choline salicylate 87.1 mg, cetalkonium chloride 100 mcg
tube volume – 10 g.

Today in pharmacies you can easily buy oral products with an antimicrobial effect (such products contain antiseptics and antibiotics that kill the germs themselves) - as MetrogilDenta does. You can also easily buy a gel specifically for mucosal anesthesia (for example, Kamistad).

But dental gels with a combined antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect (when the drug also blocks inflammatory mediators in tissues) - besides Cholisal, there are no other such available products in Russia. Especially considering that the gel also has an analgesic effect. Holisal - reviews from dentists clearly state...

Advantages of the drug:

  • very good antimicrobial/anti-inflammatory activity,
  • relieves pain well and quickly,
  • the gel adheres well to the mucous membrane (unlike ointments),
  • the gel form also allows the components to penetrate deeply through the mucous membrane and have a pronounced effect.

Disadvantages of the drug

  • high price,
  • has the taste and smell of anise oil, which leads to increased salivation (in adults this is not critical, but in infants it can cause numerous inconveniences - drooling from the mouth, irritation of the skin around the mouth, choking on saliva, etc.).

conclusions: To relieve inflammation in the oral cavity, there is no point in using drugs that have exclusively antimicrobial effects. It is most effective to use products with a combined antimicrobial/anti-inflammatory effect. Moreover, Cholisal is usually prescribed as part of complex therapy - together with antiseptic rinses, for example

  • Chlorhexidine solution 0.05%,
  • Miramistin solution 0.01%.

Considering that such antiseptic rinses already have a pronounced antimicrobial effect, it is better to use a product with an anti-inflammatory effect in combination with them. This combination will be much more effective in relieving inflammation than if you use rinse + gel, both of which will only have an antimicrobial effect.

Dental gel Cholisal – price, analogues

Gel Cholisal - the price for this drug starts from 350 rubles per tube (10 g). Gel Cholisal: analogues in pharmacies.
A complete analogue of this drug is Mundizal gel, but the cost of the latter exceeds the cost of Cholisal, and the contents of the tube are even smaller - only 8 grams.

Gel Cholisal - reviews, indications for use

The main indications for the use of this gel will be inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity, some forms of stomatitis, as well as use during teething for pain relief... In the same section you can find out reviews from dentists when treating these pathologies with Cholisal gel.

For gum inflammation (gingivitis, periodontitis)
Cholisal gel for gingivitis and periodontitis is used in complex therapy. It is in complex therapy, i.e. after dental plaque has been removed from the teeth, and if necessary, the dentist will prescribe antiseptic rinses, and in case of severe inflammation, antibacterial therapy.

If you start using the gel without removing the causative factor of inflammation (supra- and subgingival tartar, as well as soft microbial plaque), then at the beginning the inflammation will certainly decrease slightly, but this will only transform it into a sluggish chronic form. All this is fraught with accelerated destruction of bone tissue around the teeth and the appearance of mobility in the near future.

Scheme for using Cholisal for gum inflammation
Treatment is carried out 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening before bedtime. After breakfast, you first need to thoroughly brush your teeth. After this, rinse your mouth with an antiseptic solution, for example, Chlorhexidine, for one minute. After this, dry the gum mucosa with a dry gauze swab.

This is necessary because the gel adheres better to drier mucous membranes. After this, proceed to applying the gel (standing in front of the mirror). Squeeze the gel onto your finger and apply it to the marginal part of the gums (gingival papillae and the part of the gums directly adjacent to the teeth).

It is important to know!

To apply the gel, you can also use tools such as a spatula, which is much more convenient. The emphasis is on treating the front surface of the teeth, but nevertheless, it is also necessary to apply the gel from the lingual surface.

After treatment, do not eat for 2-3 hours and do not drink for 30 minutes. After treatment, saliva will be released - do not accumulate it or spit it, but swallow it as it is released, just as it happens in everyday life. Repeat the treatment in the evening (before bed), also after oral hygiene and antiseptic rinsing.

Cholisal for stomatitis. Stomatitis in most cases is caused by the herpes virus, but the components of Cholisal do not have any antiviral effect, and therefore it is pointless to use it to treat viral stomatitis. The aphthous form of stomatitis in most cases is of allergic origin, so it makes no sense to use the gel for it.

Use Cholisal gel for stomatitis only for symptomatic therapy - reducing the pain of erosions (aphthae). For viral stomatitis, you must first of all use antiviral drugs, and for aphthous stomatitis, desensitizing (antiallergic) drugs.

Cholisal for teething in children

It is quite possible to use Cholisal in children and adolescents, but when teething in infants, this should not be done, because Thanks to the anise content, the drug strongly stimulates salivation. This will cause the baby to choke on saliva and therefore cough, and saliva will flow from the mouth, causing irritation of the skin.

In addition to dental numbing gels applied directly to the oral mucosa, there are also medications for young children to relieve teething symptoms. These drugs come in the form of suppositories, tablets and syrups.

With difficulty in the eruption of wisdom teeth. When teething wisdom teeth in adults, Cholisal can be used, but here it is still advisable to consult a dentist, because in most cases, the drug will only be a way to delay the inevitable - the removal of the hood hanging over the wisdom tooth. And in some cases, for example, when there is simply not enough space for an erupting tooth, it will only be necessary to remove the tooth.

If, during the eruption of a wisdom tooth, the patient already has such symptoms as: swelling of the cheek, painful swallowing, painful opening of the mouth or difficulty opening the mouth, temperature, smell of pus and purulent discharge from under the hood, then in these cases you should immediately go to the doctor . Otherwise, the situation may end in the development of purulent complications.

Cholisal during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Cholisal gel has no contraindications for the use of the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding, however, the manufacturer writes that it should be used with caution. If you are concerned about this formulation, then firstly, you can consult your obstetrician-gynecologist about the use of Cholisal, and secondly, consider an alternative option.

An alternative to Cholisal here may be MetogilDenta gel, which is safer in terms of its effect on the fetus, as well as during breastfeeding. MetrogilDent contains a small concentration of the antibiotic metronidazole, which, in accordance with the recommendations of such a well-known organization as the FDA (U.S. Drug Administration), can be taken by pregnant women and is also safe during breastfeeding.

We hope that our article on the topic: Cholisal Gel, instructions for use, price, was useful to you! Dental portal

Gels are often used in the treatment of periodontal diseases. These medicines are available in a wide variety, their cost is low and the gels can be purchased without a prescription. But, like any other medications, a gel for gums should be selected by a doctor after examining the oral cavity, identifying problems and making a diagnosis. We suggest that you first familiarize yourself with the gels for treating gums, which are most often prescribed by periodontists, but we strongly recommend that you do not self-medicate.

Gels for gums and their features

Gel for treating gums is an easy-to-use product. It is enough to apply a small amount of product to the affected area of ​​​​the gum with a clean finger, distribute it and limit the consumption of food and liquid for a certain time. The gel acts locally, that is, exactly in the place where you applied it.

Unlike ointments, dental gel for gums is considered a more progressive and effective product, since:

  • it is fixed on the mucous membrane much better;
  • penetrates through it more effectively;
  • reaches the lesion site faster.

Still, gels cannot be called the most effective medications for treatment, since a large amount of the drug is swallowed almost immediately after application along with saliva. But compared to ointments, this is definitely a “product of tomorrow.”

It is easy to use Mundizal: you need to squeeze a strip of gel onto a clean finger, and then distribute the drug over the problem area. When it comes into contact with the mucous membrane, the drug is quickly absorbed, relieves inflammation and pain. The pain goes away within a couple of minutes after applying the gel. In addition, Mundizal has antifungal and antiseptic effects. You should not use it more than 4 times a day.

The disadvantage of this product is the difficulty of acquiring it and its relatively high price. A tube of gel will cost you about 400 rubles. An analogue of Mundizal is Cholisal gel.

Reviews of the drug confirm its high effectiveness in relieving pain during teething. In addition, unlike such children's gum gels as Baby Doctor and Kalgel, Mundizal has a more extensive list of uses.

Asepta gum gel can be prescribed for both treatment and prevention of gum diseases. The active component of the drug is propolis. This is a natural substance, it has a pronounced antimicrobial effect, and also reduces itching, stimulates metabolic processes and tissue regeneration.

The drug is produced by the Russian company Vertex.

After spreading the product over the gum surface, it is fermented and fixed on it for half an hour. During this time, the components of the gel manage to eliminate bacteria in the oral cavity and relieve pain. Asepta gel has the ability to relieve inflammation and strengthen gums. The drug is recommended for cases of discomfort when eating.

The rules for using the drug are slightly different from the gels described above. Apply Asepta gel after brushing your teeth and wiping your gums with a dry cotton swab or gauze swab using a special spatula that comes with a tube of the product. This ensures more reliable fixation of the gel and increases its period of action. After using the product, it is better not to eat or drink for an hour. It is recommended to apply the drug twice a day. The course should not last longer than 2 weeks; for the purpose of prevention, it can be repeated up to 3 times a year. Asepta with propolis costs about 200 rubles.


Paste and gel are used to treat oral diseases.

This drug has been produced and sold for quite a long time. It has several forms of release, but to eliminate problems in the oral cavity it is used in the form of a gel or paste. After application, a sensation similar to using a cooling gel for the gums occurs. The drug, thanks to the polidocanol included in the composition, reduces pain almost instantly. The active component of the product is a calf blood extract, devoid of protein and antigens.

Solcoseryl accelerates tissue restoration, reduces inflammation, and heals ulcers on the mucous membrane. Can be prescribed for the following diseases:

  • gingivitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • simple herpes.

Solcoseryl can be recommended for treating teeth and gums after a tartar removal procedure, for people who have had fixed dentures and implants installed to speed up healing, as well as for those who wear removable dentures to reduce bedsores. The gel or paste is applied to the damaged area of ​​the oral mucosa in a thin layer. It is recommended not to eat, drink or rinse your mouth for 2 hours. The cost of the gel is about 400 rubles.

Nowadays, there are many medications available for sale. Some of them eliminate pain. Others are used to combat germs and pathological microorganisms. Still others are biologically active food additives. Increasingly, dentists are prescribing Cholisal gel to their patients. Reviews of this drug are extremely positive. This is exactly what will be discussed further. The article will also tell you about what features the medical drug “Cholisal” has. Instructions for use will also be described.

Health of teeth, gums and oral cavity

Surely every person wants to have a beautiful smile and healthy gums. This is not always possible. More and more people are having to visit dental offices. In this case, the patient’s age can be from 2-3 years and above. Many new mothers turn to doctors with problems that arise in their children. The most common pathologies are painful teething, stomatitis of various types, and thrush.

Older people are also susceptible to poor oral health. Thus, a common cause of mucosal injuries is wearing prostheses. If a person has natural teeth, then a stone may appear, which also leads to damage to the gums.

In all these cases, it is necessary to visit a doctor who treats teeth (dentist or dentist). After the examination, the doctor will prescribe the correct treatment, which will quickly bring relief. One of the ways to combat the above phenomena was the drug “Cholisal”. The gel has some special features. Let's consider what is indicated in the annotation for the medicine.

"Cholisal" (gel) composition

What does the drug consist of? What components make it possible to produce the desired effect in a particular case?

The main active ingredient is choline salicylate. The drug contains it in the amount of 87 milligrams. The gel also includes cetalkonium chloride. This agent is present in the drug in an amount of only 0.1 milligrams.

In addition, the medicine contains additional substances that improve its taste and consistency. These include methyl parahydroxybenzoate, glycerol, anise oil, ethanol, water, hyaetellose, propyl parahydroxybenzoate.

Properties of the drug

How does Cholisal gel work? Instructions for use contain the following information. Immediately after application to the mucous membranes, the product immediately begins to be absorbed. At the same time, the effect is more effective on damaged areas. Within a few minutes, the dental gel "Cholisal" has an analgesic effect. Perhaps this is his main quality. However, the drug also has anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effects, cools the surface of the shell and relieves heat.

There is also evidence that Cholisal reduces the production of prostaglandins. Despite the flora of the mucosal environment, the medicine has an antifungal effect. The product is also a long-acting antiseptic.

Dental gel "Cholisal" begins to act 2 minutes after application and retains its effect for 5-8 hours.

When should the product be used?

Gel "Cholisal" for gums and oral cavity is used in the following cases:

  • for inflammation and stomatitis (if there are ulcers);
  • for periodontitis or gingivitis;
  • during various injuries to the inner lining of the mouth;
  • when wearing prostheses;
  • as a pain reliever during teething in adults and children;
  • for fungal infections;
  • before or after surgery and so on.

It is worth noting that in some situations the use of the drug is not enough. In this case, the doctor may prescribe additional means of correcting the patient’s condition.

How to use the product?

When applying Cholisal gel topically for children and adults, the following dosages are observed. For persons under 16 years of age, squeeze half a centimeter of the drug onto your finger. For adults, the dose can be doubled. The gel is gently rubbed into the area of ​​the oral mucosa. In this case, hands should be washed well. The drug can be applied before meals (to achieve an analgesic effect) or after eating.

If you use Cholisal gel during teething, you need to be especially careful. For children in the first year of life, you must first obtain consultation and permission from a doctor. In this case, the product is used before bedtime. The drug is placed in the gum pockets.

The product can also be used as a rinse. In this case, half a teaspoon of “Cholisal” should be dissolved in warm water. You can rinse your mouth several times a day before and after eating.

When should the drug not be used?

The product is contraindicated for expectant mothers and nursing women. This is explained by the fact that medicine has not fully studied the effect of the drug on the fetus.

However, in some cases, dentists prescribe Cholisal gel. It is worth considering all possible risks.

How does the product interact with other medications?

The drug enhances the effect of certain drugs on the body. Thus, the gel accelerates the absorption of antipyretic tablets and syrups. Doctors strongly recommend not to exceed the dose of the latter when using the drug "Cholisal".

In addition, the product enhances the effect of painkillers. You should not use these medications at the same time. Calculate your medications so that the break between them is at least two hours.

Price category of the product

Depending on where you purchase the product, the cost of Cholisal gel may vary. The price of the drug varies on average from 250 to 400 rubles per tube. It is worth noting that some pharmacy chains sometimes offer discounts. It is at this time that you can buy Cholisal cheaper. The price in this case is set by the network. It can range from 150 to 350 rubles.

"Holisal": reviews from dentists

Most doctors speak about this drug exclusively in a positive way. However, reviews from some dentists claim that the medicine should be combined with the use of the main treatment. Only in this case the effect will be positive. Dentists also say that if you use the product yourself, complications may arise. That is why before using the drug you need to visit the dental office and consult with a specialist. So, let’s find out what reviews there are regarding the “Cholisal” gel.

1.When teething in children and adults.

If children are teething, then doctors prescribe this remedy only in especially severe cases. In this case, the gel not only anesthetizes the nerve endings of the mucous membrane, but also relieves fever, which so often occurs during this period. Dentists say that to relieve unpleasant symptoms during teething in children, it is better to use alternative remedies rather than Cholisal gel. In this case, analogues of the drug may be the following: “Dentokind”, “Kamistad” and others.

If a tooth erupts in an adult, the drug is prescribed quite often. However, doctors say that it can only be used if the root is correctly positioned. When a so-called hood hangs over the tooth, the remedy will only bring temporary relief. Sooner or later, this process will still have to be removed.

2. For stomatitis in children and adults.

What do dentists say about the treatment of stomatitis? Gel "Cholisal" reviews from doctors in this case are not always positive. The drug will be effective only if the pathology is bacterial or fungal. If there are no ulcers or lesions in the mouth, then the remedy will be useless.

When white spots appear on the mucous membrane, the medicine helps to numb them. For children, it is better to use the gel before meals. At the same time, discomfort disappears, and the child can eat calmly.

3. For periodontitis and gingivitis.

If a patient has tartar, which provokes gum inflammation, how does the remedy help in this case? Dentists say that you first need to get rid of plaque. Otherwise, the gel will bring relief, but eventually the tooth will begin to loosen and, as a result, it will be lost.

If the treatment is carried out taking into account all stages, then the drug will be quite effective. After removing the stone, the gel numbs the exposed gums and relieves discomfort.

4.If the mucous membrane is damaged.

What reviews does the product have in this case? Doctors say that the medicine is an excellent pain reliever, fights infection and relieves inflammation.

If the injury was caused by a fall (this often happens in children), then the remedy will alleviate the condition and relieve pain. The drug will also prevent microorganisms from entering the wound. When an injury occurs as a result of wearing dentures, the gel can disinfect the surface and prevent bacteria from the dentures from getting into the cut.

Possible problems when using the drug

Dentists say that the product does not always have a positive effect. Some people may have an allergic reaction to Cholisal gel. In this case, analogues are selected with an alternative composition, and treatment continues.

Dentists also note that the anise oil included in the drug can cause excessive salivation. If for an adult this does not present any discomfort, then with small children everything is different. So, babies in the first year of life do not yet swallow all the saliva that comes out. In this case, liquid flows out of the mouth and irritates the skin. Dentists also say that children can choke on saliva. Most often, this problem occurs in babies in the first six months of life. That is why the drug is prescribed for children with extreme caution and only in some cases.

If you use the drug incorrectly, complications may occur. The most common violation is neglect of sterility. So, applying medicine with dirty hands can cause an infection. In this case, dentists say that the patient not only does not experience relief, but also develops an infection. In this case, the person additionally needs antimicrobial therapy.

Summary and conclusion

So, now you know everything about the drug "Cholisal". Remember that you should not use this product without a doctor's recommendation. If you have any problem, you should contact your dentist or dentist. Only a careful examination will allow you to make a correct diagnosis and select the appropriate treatment.

Purchase the drug exclusively from the pharmacy chain. Currently, many supermarkets have begun to sell medicines. However, in this case no one gives you a guarantee. Use the services of only trusted retail outlets. Use Cholisal gel as directed and never exceed the dosage. Good health to you!