Children's dentistry clinic. Pediatric dentistry. Basic tips for choosing dental clinics for children

At the moment, pediatric dentistry is developing rapidly, offering a wide range of services and the most modern equipment. Children visit the pediatric dentist until they reach adulthood. The main disease associated with teeth was and remains caries. But timely and regular visits to the dentist can be a method of preventing caries in children. Nowadays, a child can have caries as early as 2-3 years of age, since due to poor nutrition and consumption of sugar-containing products, the child develops this disease. For children under 2 years of age, caries can be treated without a drill, by silvering the affected areas of the tooth. After 3 years of age, a child can already be given anesthesia and use a drill. One of the methods for preventing caries is to fill the grooves of chewing teeth with a special solution to prevent the spread of microbes. The teeth may also be coated with a special gel or varnish to ensure a smooth surface.

It is very difficult for a dentist to find an approach to a child, because this requires special skills. In private clinics, doctors can spend more time contacting the child before the procedure so that the child is less afraid. Clinics offer various services for its treatment depending on the stage of neglect. The materials for filling teeth in children differ significantly from those in adults. Another direction of children's dental clinics is the correction of malocclusion in children. This will be more difficult to do as an adult.

Mostly, children's dental clinics provide services such as caries treatment, tooth extraction, and installation of braces. As for surgical intervention, operations are also performed to trim the frenulum of the tongue and lips. A speech therapist can refer a 5-6 year old child to trim the frenulum. Due to a short frenulum, the child may develop speech and individual sounds incorrectly. If the child has a frenulum in the upper lip area. It often prevents the upper incisors from closing. As a result, a disease such as diastema may occur. This is a gap between the teeth, which can later be corrected, for example, with the help of veneers. Ideally, a short frenulum is visible from birth; a child in infancy will be referred to a dental surgeon. A specialist can carry out the frenulum trimming procedure right away.

The reasons for a patient's visit to a pediatric surgeon may be the following: tooth extraction, abscesses, trauma and dental cysts, and lymphadenitis.

The task of a pediatric dentist is to make the dental treatment procedure less painful and comfortable. To make the child feel more comfortable in pediatric dentistry, one of the parents is offered to be next to the child in the office. To prevent oral diseases, it is necessary to visit the dentist every 6 months in order to prevent them in time.