Children's surgical paid clinic. Pediatric surgery. When is a surgeon needed?

The child's body grows and develops. Sometimes this process can be accompanied by various disorders, both congenital and acquired. Regular examinations with a pediatric surgeon will help to diagnose the disease in a timely manner and take the necessary measures.

Consultation with a specialist is necessary at almost every stage of a child’s life – from infancy to the end of active growth.

When should you contact a pediatric surgeon?

For preventive purposes, it is recommended to bring your child to see a surgeon annually. However, during the first year of the baby's life, visits to the pediatric surgeon are more frequent. Timely assistance will help avoid many serious complications in the future.

Pediatric surgeon at the Children's Medical Center

Our center employs qualified doctors who specialize in identifying various surgical diseases of the digestive system, skin and subcutaneous tissue, as well as providing assistance with injuries and injuries in children from birth to 18 years of age. Help can be provided urgently and as planned.

In the surgical office of the medical center, the following procedures are performed: removal of benign neoplasms of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, plastic surgery of ingrown nails, treatment of purulent-inflammatory and traumatic lesions of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, treatment of injuries to the musculoskeletal system.
If an acute surgical condition is suspected, other specialists of the center are involved for consultation: gastroenterologist, nephrologist, gynecologist, infectious disease specialist - additional examinations are carried out:

Surgeons at the Children's Medical Center organize and monitor the hospitalization process and actively monitor patients after discharge from the hospital in the postoperative period. Complex rehabilitation treatment is carried out both on an outpatient basis and in the rehabilitation department of the center - a children's sanatorium "

The MedicaMente medical-surgical center in Korolev offers comprehensive surgical treatment for children at a fixed cost. The price includes not only the operations themselves and the necessary consumables, but also anesthesia (anesthesia), hospital stay for 1 day and patient care in the postoperative period with examinations until complete recovery. Prices for operations in our clinic remain among the most affordable in Moscow. At the same time, we tried to create the most comfortable, home-like living conditions for you and your child ().

Payment for medical services is made upon arrival at the hospital, at the cash desk, on the basis of an agreement. All possible types of payment for services are provided: cash and non-cash payments, payment by card, bank transfer. For all pediatric surgery services, appropriate payment documents are issued, which can subsequently be presented to the tax office to receive a social deduction.


Pediatric hernias

Service * Price, rub. Anesthesia (narcosis)
Hernia of the white line of the abdomen 45 000 Sevoran
Inguinal hernia (open surgical treatment) 45 000 Sevoran
Inguinal hernia on both sides (open surgical treatment) 67 000 Sevoran
Inguinoscrotal hernia (open surgical treatment) 55 000 Sevoran
Inguinoscrotal hernia on both sides (open surgical treatment) 78 000 Sevoran
Inguinal hernia (laparoscopy) 55 000 Sevoran
Inguinal hernia (laparoscopic treatment in both directions) 70 000 Sevoran
Umbilical hernia 45 000 Sevoran

Pediatric andrology (operations)

Service * Price, rub. Anesthesia (narcosis)
Varicocele using the Marmar technique 45 000 Sevoran
Varicocele (open surgery) 45 000 Sevoran
Varicocele (laparoscopy) 55 000 Sevoran
Hydrocele of the testicular membranes (hydrocele) - first degree of complexity 45 000 Sevoran
Hydrocele of the testicular membranes (second degree of complexity, fluid volume more than 7 ml) 55 000 Sevoran
Hypospadias (depending on the form) from 63 000 Sevoran
Closure of the fistula after surgical treatment of hypospadias 110 000 Sevoran
Treatment of hidden penis (1st degree of difficulty) 45 000 Sevoran
Treatment of hidden penis (2nd degree of difficulty) 58 000 Sevoran
Treatment of hidden penis (3rd degree of difficulty) 75 000 Sevoran
Treatment of penile curvature (1st degree of difficulty) 56 000 Sevoran
Treatment of penile curvature (2nd degree of difficulty) 64 000 Sevoran
Treatment of penile curvature (difficulty level 3) 85 000 Sevoran
Spermatic cord cyst 45 000 Sevoran
Cryptorchidism (inguinal form) 1st degree of complexity (testicle in the lower third of the inguinal canal) 55 000 Sevoran
Cryptorchidism (groin form) 2nd degree of complexity 63 000 Sevoran
Cryptorchidism (abdominal form) - in 2 stages, laparoscopy Sevoran
Spermatocele (epididymal cyst) 45 000 Sevoran
Phimosis (circumcision) 34 500 Sevoran
Phimosis (circumcision) with frenuloplasty 42 500 Sevoran
Phimosis (circumcision) with meatal stenosis (urethral stenting) 58 000 Sevoran
Phimosis (circumcision) with meatal stenosis (urethral stenting) and frenuloplasty 72 000 Sevoran
Treatment of meatal stenosis (1st degree of complexity) 45 000 Sevoran
Treatment of meatal stenosis (difficulty level 2) 52 000 Sevoran
Treatment of meatal stenosis (grade 3) 59 000 Sevoran

* Everything is included (surgery, consumables, anesthesia, 1 day stay in the ward, postoperative care). It is not a public offer agreement.

Pediatric urology (operations)

Service * Price, rub. Anesthesia (narcosis)
Megaureter: ureteral stenting (without stent cost) 37 000 Sevoran
PMR: injection endoscopic correction (without material cost) 37 000 Sevoran
Vantrice 1 ml 35 000
Treatment of kidney hydronephrosis, 1st degree of complexity 65 000 Sevoran
Treatment of kidney hydronephrosis, degree 2 of complexity 72 000 Sevoran
Treatment of kidney hydronephrosis, 3rd degree of complexity 98 000 Sevoran
Removal of a kidney cyst (laparoscopy) 75 000 Sevoran
Kidney removal (laparoscopy) 72 000 Sevoran
  • Moscow's only emergency and elective pediatric surgery department in a private clinic, operating 24 hours a day
  • Experienced pediatric anesthesiologists
  • Minimally invasive technologies that make operations as gentle as possible
  • 24-hour diagnostics: establishing a diagnosis in the shortest possible time
  • Comfortable hospital with the ability to accommodate parents with children
  • Scheduled surgeries at a time convenient for the patient

Pediatric surgeons are ready to perform emergency surgery at any time, intensive care doctors and pediatric anesthesiologists and resuscitators are constantly on duty. Our specialists have extensive experience working with children and will quickly be able to find an approach to each child. Pediatric surgeons on duty are ready to consult the child in the evening and at night, on weekends and holidays. 7 days a week, 24 hours a day, you can contact our clinic if your child has abdominal pain, suspicion of intestinal obstruction, damage to internal organs, strangulated hernia, swollen scrotum syndrome, etc. Also, 24-hour assistance is provided to young patients with injuries (cuts and bruises, burns).

The department carries out planned as well as emergency operations for:

    various hernias (umbilical, strangulated);


    intestinal obstruction;

    cysts of the lungs and mediastinum;

The department also performs emergency and planned urological surgeries for: vesicoureteral reflux, malformations of the kidneys and ureters, megaureter, hydronephrosis and ureterohydronephrosis, varicocele, hydrocele, hydatid torsion, phimosis and other diseases of childhood.

Surgeons at the EMC Children's Clinic will also provide qualified assistance for fractures: they will perform bone repositioning and osteosynthesis (joining bone fragments).

In accordance with the adopted strategy of a multidisciplinary approach, the department performs the surgical stage of treatment of children with cancer: they take a biopsy, perform minimally invasive and extensive operations to remove tumors. We provide palliative surgical care: gastrostomy, tracheostomy. We install venous ports and catheters (Broviac) for long-term use for chemotherapy.

When is emergency care from a pediatric surgeon needed?

    conditions of “acute abdomen” (inflammation of the appendix, peritonitis, adhesive intestinal obstruction, strangulated inguinal hernia, etc.);

    opening of abscesses and phlegmons of soft tissues;

    wounds of various locations and nature (bruised, cut, scalped, etc.);

    removal of foreign bodies;

    torsion of the testicular hydatid and other inflammatory diseases of the scrotum in boys;

    acute diseases of the pelvic organs in girls (apoplexy or ovarian torsion).

A wide selection and round-the-clock availability of diagnostic equipment (ultrasound, CT, MRI) and the capabilities of the EMC laboratory, where rapid tests for most infections are performed within an hour, allow doctors to make a diagnosis as quickly as possible and begin treatment immediately.

How are children's surgeries performed?

Pediatric EMC surgery benefits from the widespread use of minimally invasive technologies. Pediatric surgeries, including emergency ones, are most often performed using the laparoscopic or thoracoscopic method, which guarantees minimal incisions (1–2 cm) and minor tissue damage. These technologies can significantly reduce pain and the duration of the recovery period after surgery. After the operation and the rehabilitation period, the pediatric surgeon may refer you for massage, therapeutic and preventive physiotherapeutic procedures, and therapeutic exercises.

The intensive care ward, part of the pediatric surgery department, is equipped with high-tech equipment. 24-hour monitoring systems are installed here, and a nurse constantly monitors the condition of young patients. If it worsens, a pediatric surgeon will immediately provide the necessary assistance.

At the EMC Children's Clinic, the child can be in the intensive care ward with the mother. Meals are provided at a time convenient for him, and the menu itself is designed taking into account the needs of the child’s body and taste preferences.

Most planned operations are performed in a one-day hospital setting, when the child’s stay with his parents in the ward of the surgical clinic does not exceed 6-8 hours. A complete preoperative examination in our clinic can be carried out within one day.

The EMC Children's Clinic practices “weekend” surgery, when planned operations are performed at a time convenient for patients and do not require interruption from school and work.

How does pediatric surgery differ from adult surgery?

Surgery for children has a number of differences related to the age of the patients: a special choice of anesthesia (softer), the need to prevent dehydration of the child’s body, and minimizing tissue injury. When performing operations, an experienced pediatric surgeon must take into account the individual and age characteristics of the small patient. Impeccable knowledge of the surgical anatomy of a child, which fundamentally distinguishes him from an adult, is the key to a successful operation.

Nowadays, the field of pediatric surgery is developing at a rapid pace: the level of quality of anesthesiological care has increased significantly, minimally invasive treatment methods are being widely introduced, lasers and ultrasound have begun to be used, and the possibilities of low temperatures are being used - cryosurgery. The surgical department of the EMC Children's Clinic is equipped with all the necessary high-tech equipment.

Why are preventive examinations with a pediatric surgeon important?

A child's body develops very quickly. Some pathological conditions that require surgical correction are congenital and are diagnosed in the maternity hospital, others appear as the child grows, and as a rule, they often go unnoticed by the parents. Children's surgeons in Moscow must carry out routine examinations of the baby in order to timely identify and eliminate developmental defects. If necessary, surgical treatment of identified diseases and congenital defects is carried out at the EMC Children's Clinic according to the standards of European and leading domestic pediatric surgery clinics.

I do not recommend this hospital. The attitude towards patients is generally incomprehensible. We waited 8 months in line, got admitted to the VMP, there was no diagnosis, we spent 10 days in PNO-2 and were discharged. The diagnosis was allegedly made, but was not confirmed by anything other than the clinic. I strongly doubt the truth of this diagnosis. The doctor looked at me when I was admitted on the first day - I was admitted at 9:00. The doctor saw the child at about 16:00, before leaving home. The entire examination lasted 12 minutes. And I never looked again, even before discharge. The statement says that the result has been achieved. No attention to the child. Consultations with an ophthalmologist and endocrinologist were scheduled. I myself asked for a consultation with an ENT doctor, since the child has problems with the adenoids. We spent the entire course of treatment - we did the antediluvian physiotherapy in the form of magnets 4 times and SMT 2 times. I went to see a physiotherapist and asked to prescribe additional ozokerite for my legs, since I have joint deformities and have trouble walking. Appointed! I went into the office. A woman works there with clearly inappropriate behavior, insults, screams, in general, we only went once (everything was fine in the discharge, we were treated). The massage in the department is weak, there is only one masseuse for the entire department! And the children are all heavy - disabled. I’ve never seen anything like this, with only 1 person in the entire department. She had enough work, she had to wait all the time. Other procedures include an exercise bike and stretching. Stretching means you lie down on a couch and the child is tied to the bed with his shins for 20 minutes using belts made from rags. There is no more rehabilitation in the department; everyone is prescribed the same thing. In general, rehabilitation is at the level of a rural hospital or district hospital. There was also a vibration platform - but I saw it working 2 times. By the way, there were 3 more children in the ward, the doctor did not look at anyone the same way, and even the mothers found it difficult to answer my question - who is their doctor. On the 8th day of my stay, it turned out that the doctor was going on vacation and would give me the extract on Friday, and I would be discharged on Monday, since there would be consultations with an endocrinologist and an ophthalmologist. They gave me the extract; it’s easier to say what was included in the research and what was not included elsewhere. We went through an ECG, ECHO KG, ENMG of one arm and leg, blood tests, stool, urine tests - everything! And this is high-tech medical care! Then it’s generally interesting - at the time of discharge, our attending physician was absent for 3 days, the discharge was given to me, on the last day of my stay I collected the specialists’ opinions myself, walking from room to room, the doctor didn’t bother to explain why this was necessary, she already sees the diagnosis. Ultrasound of internal organs, MRI of muscles, consultations with doctors - I receive everything separately on the last day. The EEG asked how we are? Silence. She gave me the papers with a record without a conclusion. Why do I need it? No one will describe someone else's examination. The child sat there honestly, they carried out light and sound tests - and no one needs this, there is no doctor with an EEG. Dear chief doctor! Aren't you ashamed of such an examination? *** The training of your doctors leaves much to be desired. The ophthalmologist did not look at the child at all, checked the visual acuity, and in the extract wrote in detail all the fundus, arteries, veins, macular area, etc. I have never seen such deception and cynicism in medicine. The endocrinologist generally wrote everything from her head, said one thing, and poorly, and does not understand diagnostics at all. I only liked the ENT doctor - thanks to her! The only caring living person I met during treatment. There is nothing to say about others. Tikhonov with ENMG completely shocked me! Performs ENMG of one arm and leg! For money he makes both arms and legs. Arrogant and arrogant, engaged in self-praise, worthy of every regret. I met professionalism only from an ENT doctor, an ultrasound doctor and an orthopedist - but they came to him for a paid appointment, they didn’t show us about the VMP, although we have a lot of orthopedic pathology. I do not recommend this establishment. Does not correspond to the declared status. Doctors are unqualified or completely unwilling to work. Of course, there are exceptions, but against the general background this pales.

I would like to receive a response from the hospital administration.

An appointment with a pediatric surgeon is required from birth to adulthood for a variety of reasons. This doctor diagnoses and treats congenital and acquired diseases and injuries that require surgical intervention. The Alfa Health Center department in Moscow could not do without a pediatric surgeon. Our doctors use modern treatment methods, use minimally invasive and minimally traumatic operations thanks to innovative laparoscopic and endoscopic techniques. For pediatric surgery, this is especially important due to the child's fear and sensitivity to pain.

When is a surgeon needed?

Children learn about the world through experience, so injuries, burns, and ingestion of foreign bodies are quite common situations that require urgent medical attention. In addition, there are a number of physiological disorders and acute pathologies that are treated by the surgeon (either himself or together with other specialized specialists).

You need to make an appointment with a pediatric surgeon if:

  • in a newborn, the umbilical wound is inflamed, does not heal for a long time, and is constantly wet;
  • the child gains little weight in the first months and often vomits profusely;
  • there is abdominal pain, vomiting, there is no stool for a long time, there are spots of blood in the stool or vomit;
  • the abdomen is enlarged and has asymmetry;
  • the child was injured, severely bruised his head, back, and stomach;
  • there are wounds, cuts, burns;
  • voluminous neoplasms, hernias, boils appeared;
  • have chronic constipation, blood in the stool;
  • the nail phalanges of the fingers are inflamed, there are ingrown nails.

During the consultation, the pediatric surgeon, after conducting an examination and the necessary examinations, will determine the disease and select treatment tactics.

A visit to a pediatric surgeon is also carried out as planned: 3 times during the first year of life, then annually, but at least before enrollment in kindergarten and school. Preventive examinations make it possible to notice birth injuries and deviations from the norms of child development at the earliest stages.

Diagnosis and treatment

A pediatric surgeon treats the following diseases and injuries:

  • appendicitis;
  • intestinal obstruction;
  • hernias – inguinal, umbilical, scrotal, others;
  • traumatic brain injuries, abdominal, chest;
  • hemangiomas, lipomas, fibromas, atheromas;
  • cysts – neck, tailbone;
  • furunculosis, soft tissue abscess, fistulas;
  • polyps, rectal fissures;
  • short frenulum of the tongue;
  • tick bites;
  • entry of foreign bodies into the gastrointestinal tract.

A consultation with a pediatric surgeon begins with asking the child and parents about complaints, their history, and the circumstances of their occurrence. After the examination, we can talk about a preliminary diagnosis. To clarify and select a treatment method, additional examinations may be required:

  • blood, urine, stool tests;
  • ultrasound examination of the affected or injured area;
  • radiography;
  • endoscopic diagnostics.

A paid pediatric surgeon prescribes for treatment:

  • medicines;
  • physical therapy (for example, wearing a bandage for an umbilical hernia);
  • surgical interventions.

In the surgical office, benign neoplasms (warts, moles) are removed and purulent-inflammatory skin lesions (boils) are treated. If necessary, other highly specialized specialists are involved in the process: urologists, gastroenterologists and others. The surgeon will set a date for the next appointment to check the effectiveness of the treatment and the dynamics of changes.

"Alfa Health Center" offers the services of a pediatric surgeon in Moscow. Our doctors work according to international and Russian medical standards, and they have a special attitude towards children. We use a personal approach without general and universal recipes. We are ready to work with patients of the youngest age, to form in the child an attitude towards the doctor as a friend and assistant.

The clinic's modern equipment helps diagnose patients quickly and accurately. The department has doctors of all necessary specializations who will conduct a joint consultation with the surgeon and participate in drawing up a treatment plan. The price for visiting a pediatric surgeon is in the price list, and you can make an appointment seven days a week. Be healthy!