Diagnosis of pinched sciatic nerve. Pinched sciatic nerve (sciatica). How long does it take to recover?

The pain is sharp, shooting, encircling, radiating to the legs, debilitating, does not go away or appears suddenly. If you are familiar with the listed symptoms, then you know firsthand about the largest nerve in the body. The sciatic nerve fibers emerge from the pelvic cavity and branch on either side of the thigh down to the tips of the toes. The most common neuralgic problem is pinched sciatic nerve.

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ICD-10 code

G57.0 Damage to the sciatic nerve

Causes of pinched sciatic nerve

Pinching of the sciatic nerve most often develops against the background of an intervertebral hernia. Disc rupture or injury as a result of age-related changes or under the influence of stress leads to compression/overstretching of the spinal nerve roots, from which the sciatic nerve is formed. An equally common problem, osteochondrosis, is one of the factors that increases the risk of pinching. Overgrowth of bone tissue due to metabolic disorders is called osteophytes, which look like spines that damage the spinal nerve.

The following causes of pinched sciatic nerve are identified:

  • excessive physical activity;
  • spinal injuries;
  • infectious diseases (for example, brucellosis, tuberculosis) and infectious-allergic manifestations (for example, multiple sclerosis);
  • diseases that provoke complications (diabetes, abscess, circulatory disorders, etc.);
  • development of the tumor process;
  • intoxication (pharmacological drugs, heavy metals, etc.);
  • pinching of nerve fibers by the piriformis muscle;
  • cooling of the lumbar and sacral zones.

The pathological condition can be provoked by excess weight, inflammatory and infectious diseases of the pelvic organs, pregnancy, falls, stress. The human body can produce chemicals (for example, in response to a blow or fall) that have a negative effect on the sciatic nerve.

Symptoms of a pinched sciatic nerve

The intensity of the pain syndrome is individual, based on the characteristics of the pathological condition, the degree of infringement and the presence of concomitant diseases (hernia, protrusion, etc.). A harbinger of the disease, as a rule, is a pulling type of discomfort that occurs on the back of the leg. Moreover, the painful area can be noted in the thigh, buttock, lower leg or foot, or cover the entire leg. Most often, one side is affected; bilateral pathology is detected extremely rarely.

Clinical practice indicates the complexity and versatility of symptoms in cases of damage to the sciatic nerve. The patient’s sensations may be insignificant or, on the contrary, they may be severely painful and bring the person to bouts of despair. The pain is localized on one of the lower limbs and can be expressed in numbness and tingling.

Classic symptoms of a pinched sciatic nerve:

  • the pain increases while sitting, often covering the entire affected leg along the back surface;
  • detection of burning toes, tingling that occurs when walking or at rest;
  • pain syndrome is constantly present at the back of the lower limb, preventing the patient from sleeping peacefully, exhausting him day and night (there is a feeling that the leg is being “wound on a reel”);
  • in a standing position, the pain transforms into attacks with lumbago, which become more frequent when laughing, sneezing, coughing;
  • change in gait (in order to reduce pain, a person bows, transferring weight to the healthy leg);
  • decreased/increased sensitivity of the affected limb;
  • the appearance of muscle weakness from the side of the injury.

A pinched sciatic nerve can lead to complete immobility of the leg, so there is no point in enduring pain. When the first signs of the disease appear, consult a specialist.

Temperature due to pinched sciatic nerve

Infringement of nerve fibers may be accompanied by swelling, redness of the skin, burning, impaired sensitivity of the affected area, and a slight increase in temperature. Sometimes the temperature when the sciatic nerve is pinched reaches 38 degrees. In this case, it is not recommended to lower the temperature on your own, but you should contact a specialist.


Pinched sciatic nerve during pregnancy

Waiting for a baby is sometimes overshadowed by discomfort in the lumbar area. As the fetus grows, the load on the ligaments, spine and pelvic bones increases. In the second trimester, pinching of the sciatic nerve often occurs, causing a lot of trouble for the expectant mother. The intensity and duration of pain may vary. When walking, pregnant women notice numbness in one of the limbs. But what treatment methods are acceptable during pregnancy? For relief, which occurs no earlier than after childbirth, doctors recommend:

  • relaxation gymnastics course;
  • warm baths with salt (2 kg per bath) or medicinal herbs;
  • compresses or rubbing with infusions of medicinal herbs;
  • Yoga and swimming will have a positive effect;
  • massage;
  • rubbing menovazin (at the same time cools and anesthetizes).

Pinched sciatic nerve during pregnancy requires mandatory consultation with a specialist and compliance with all instructions, in consultation with an obstetrician-gynecologist. When choosing therapy, it is important to take into account the presence of allergies to herbal preparations and exclude plants with teratogenic effects. Physical activity should be selected individually, taking into account the period and characteristics of gestation. Taking baths is possible only at the beginning of pregnancy, if there are no contraindications. A woman should monitor her posture, wear comfortable shoes and use orthopedic insoles.

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Pinched sciatic nerve after childbirth

Pinching of the sciatic nerve after childbirth occurs for the following reasons:

  • as a result of muscle spasm during pushing;
  • the birth process consists in the divergence of the pelvic bones, which occupy their original position after the birth of the child, due to which the nerve is pinched;
  • postpartum trauma, if the fetus is large enough;
  • the presence of a hernia, protrusion, which is aggravated during labor;
  • Disc displacement during childbirth.

In the postpartum period, pain from pinching is localized in the coccygeal area, covering the thigh, buttock and back of the leg. In addition to the shooting, wavy or burning pain syndrome, the woman experiences difficulty bending forward and returning to an upright position. A pinched sciatic nerve greatly complicates the care of a newborn. If the discomfort does not go away after a few weeks, specialist help and diagnostics are required. It is very important to take an x-ray to rule out a hernia or disc displacement. When choosing therapy, preference is given to homeopathy and physical exercise. Menovazin, tincture of hot pepper or lilac are recommended as pain relievers. It is necessary to sit and lie on a hard surface.

Pinched sciatic nerve in a child

Clinical practice confirms that pinching of the sciatic nerve is detected with the simultaneous development of a number of pathological factors. As a rule, this occurs against the background of changes in the spinal column and vascular dysfunctions. Such disorders are typical for patients over 30 years of age. In childhood, nerve entrapment is extremely rare.

Neuralgia occurs due to problems of the musculoskeletal system, so the first harbingers of a future uncomfortable state are laid down as a result of childhood scoliosis. Pinching of the sciatic nerve in a child can be prevented by following a daily routine and paying attention to correct posture. An important place in prevention is occupied by proper nutrition, a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals in the diet, as well as maintaining muscle tone. Children need regular walks in the fresh air, swimming, and development in calm and harmonious conditions. Nervous experiences and shocks occupy one of the dominant places in the development of pathology.

Complications and consequences

Pinching of the sciatic nerve, first of all, negatively affects the quality of life. Constant pain, nervous tension, fear of making a movement that will cause even greater discomfort, disturbance or complete lack of sleep - all this reduces the patient’s social activity. It is difficult to do household chores, go to work, pay attention to loved ones and friends when it is impossible to sit, lie down or walk.

Pinched nerve fibers can be accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as progressive pain, urinary incontinence and spontaneous bowel movements. If proper treatment is not provided and the disease progresses, the consequences of pinching the sciatic nerve will not take long to appear - curvature of posture, necrosis of the nerve roots, numbness or complete immobility of the limb and, as a result, disability.

Pinching is often a consequence of exacerbation of osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, which indicates the need to take care of your health. You should undergo a qualified examination, establish the cause of the pathological condition and immediately undergo a course of treatment. Only in this order will it be possible to avoid negative consequences.

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Diagnosis of pinched sciatic nerve

Diagnosing a pinched sciatic nerve is not difficult; the diagnosis is made based on examination. To identify the causes of the development of pathology, other instrumental techniques may be needed - ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.

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Treatment of pinched sciatic nerve

First, contact a neurologist who will recommend:

  • carrying out a blockade along the line of inflammation;
  • taking medications that have a beneficial effect on tissue metabolism (for example, vitamins);
  • anti-inflammatory measures (course of drugs, injections);
  • physical therapy;
  • physiotherapeutic procedures – mud/paraffin applications, electro- or phonophoresis, UHF;
  • massage (unless contraindicated).

Secondly, the patient himself can help himself:

  • perform exercises to relax and stretch the lumbar and sacral areas;
  • lie on the Lyapko mat, Kuznetsov applicator;
  • rub the affected area with alcohol/vodka or menovazine, as a local anesthetic;
  • massage using cups of anti-inflammatory ointment;
  • apply wax applications.

The listed methods for treating a pinched sciatic nerve cope with inflammation, swelling, reduce pain, and activate blood supply to the area of ​​the affected nerve.

Thirdly, in some cases, only surgery is indicated to eliminate pain, so you should consult a doctor in a timely manner.


Moderate physical activity is the key to overall health. Each person should monitor the slightest changes in the condition of the spinal column, and if the first alarming symptoms occur, contact a competent specialist. It is known that vertebral pathologies disrupt the functioning of internal organs and systems, cause pinched nerve fibers and other negative consequences. Therefore, it is important to monitor your posture, during sedentary work, do a warm-up every hour, and during heavy physical work, do not forget about the need for proper rest.

Prevention of sciatic nerve pinching includes the following rules:

  • the workplace must meet ergonomic requirements;
  • do not sit on overly soft, low chairs;
  • give preference to orthopedic mattresses or sleep on a hard surface;
  • do not lift weights jerkily; if possible, use automated means for lifting loads;
  • give up high heels and platform shoes;
  • regularly do gymnastics, yoga, swimming, focusing on stretching and strengthening the back muscles;
  • avoid hypothermia in the lumbar area;
  • Monitor your weight and adjust your diet if necessary;
  • walk more in the fresh air.

The listed points are especially important for the first dysfunctions of the spinal column. If you have already experienced a pinched sciatic nerve, then you need to follow the advice of your doctor.

Severe pain in the buttock area, which radiates to the lower back and affects almost the entire leg, may indicate a pinched sciatic nerve. The pathology occurs spontaneously and has such a powerful impact that a person is unable to stand straight, cannot sit, and every step is accompanied by acute pain. Why does this pinching occur? Why is it dangerous and how to deal with the pathology?

Description of the pathology

The sciatic nerves are the longest in the human body. They begin in the lumbosacral area, then pass through the central part of the buttocks, run along the back of the thighs, pass through the calves, down to the heels and end at the toes.

Pinching of the sciatic nerve (in medicine the pathology is called) is its pathological compression, in which the outer protective sheath is not damaged. But in this case, irritation of the nerve endings and fibers occurs, which is accompanied by characteristic acute pain. Most often, compression is observed in the area of ​​the lower vertebrae, in the sacrum or in the joint of the gluteal muscles.

The sciatic nerve originates from the lower vertebrae, passes through the buttock, hamstring, calf, descends to the heel and ends at the toes.

If a pinched nerve is caused by an inflammatory process, the pathology is called radiculitis.


Most often, the pathology is based on the following factors:

  • Intervertebral hernia. This disease is characterized by compression of the vertebrae, resulting in protrusion of the fibrous ring. As such a hernia grows, it begins to compress neighboring nerves and vessels. If the sciatic nerve is located in this area, then it is likely that it will be pinched.
  • Osteochondrosis. The vertebrae begin to ossify. Pathological growths appear on them. Unsuccessful movements or rotations of the spinal column can lead to a pinched nerve.
  • Physical activity. Improper load can cause displacement of the vertebra, spasm of muscle tissue, which leads to a pinched nerve.
  • Spinal injuries. In case of falls, impacts or other mechanical damage, the vertebrae may become displaced. In this case, they are able to compress the sciatic nerve.
  • Infectious diseases. Pinching can develop as a complication of infectious processes occurring in the pelvic organs (syphilis, gonorrhea).
  • Tumor processes. The appearance of tumors in the area of ​​the sciatic nerve can lead to compression.
  • Violation of metabolic processes. When the nutrition of bone tissue deteriorates, they are destroyed. In some pathologies, growths begin to appear, compressing nerves and blood vessels. Pinching most often develops against the background of diabetes mellitus.
  • Piriformis syndrome. This pathology can be provoked by an incorrectly given injection into the buttock, which results in tension in the piriformis muscle. The latter compresses the sciatic nerve. Acute characteristic pain appears.
  • Pregnancy. A pinched nerve can be caused by a growing uterus. Most often, this picture is typical for the late stages of pregnancy.

Most often, pinching of the sciatic nerve occurs as a result of intervertebral hernia or protrusion

Once I had to observe sciatica, so to speak, “in all its glory.” We worked out in the fitness room. One of the women who had recently started taking classes was trying her best. She really wanted to lose weight in a few months, and therefore put too much strain on her body. The coach advised her to loosen her “grip,” but the advice did not have the desired success. And one day the unfortunate woman’s body simply could not stand it. She screamed, grabbed her lower back, then bent forward. Her hands slid over her buttock and stopped on her thigh. She couldn't even take a step, she just moaned.

Predisposing factors

Sometimes a pinched nerve is caused by the following factors:

  • gynecological diseases;
  • hypothermia;
  • fibromyalgia;
  • poisoning by toxins (for example, arsenic, mercury);
  • Lyme disease;
  • urological diseases;
  • spinal canal stenosis;
  • blood poisoning.

Hypothermia can lead to a pinched nerve

Who's at risk

Doctors believe that the following categories of people are most susceptible to pinching the sciatic nerve:

  • population that abuses alcohol and smoking;
  • patients suffering from vitamin deficiency;
  • people whose weight is significantly higher than normal;
  • workers whose field of activity involves staying in one and often uncomfortable position for a long time (PC operators, drivers, carpenters, turners);
  • movers.

People at risk for sciatica include people who work in monotonous, uncomfortable positions.


When the sciatic nerve is pinched, the patient experiences severe discomfort, which forces the unfortunate person to immediately turn to doctors for help. Typically they complain of the following symptoms:

  • acute aching or throbbing pain;
  • discomfort that extends along the entire length of the nerve, starting from the lower back and ending with the foot;
  • periodic acute attacks of pain (they are called “lumbago”) that penetrate the problem area from top to bottom;
  • increased discomfort when coughing, sneezing, when trying to sit or stand, as well as with any body movement;
  • loss of sensation in the leg, buttock, sensation of “running goosebumps”, tingling;
  • muscle weakness, and discomfort is felt even in a lying position;
  • deterioration in the ability to move, a characteristic lameness in which the body leans forward (in severe cases, complete immobility of the patient may be observed);
  • temperature increase, but not higher than +38 °C.

Pain occurs in the lumbar region, spreads to the buttock, back of the thigh

In severe cases, urinary incontinence may occur. Sometimes patients complain of developing constipation.

Distinctive signs of sciatica

A pinched nerve may have symptoms reminiscent of other pathologies, for example, osteochondrosis. In order not to make a mistake with the diagnosis, doctors pay attention to the following signs, which are characteristic only of sciatica:


If there is pain in the lower back or leg area, the patient is advised to consult a neurologist. This is the doctor who treats sciatica. Initially, the doctor will listen to the patient’s complaints, conduct a neurological examination, and evaluate the symptoms of Lasegue, Bonnet, and Sicard. In most cases, this is enough to ensure that the sciatic nerve is pinched.

In order to understand the causes of sciatica, and accordingly select adequate treatment, the neurologist will prescribe the following studies:

  • X-ray. Pictures are taken in two projections. X-ray allows you to determine disorders in bone and joint structures. The study reveals displacement of the vertebrae, the formation of bone growths, and makes it possible to diagnose osteochondrosis.
  • Ultrasound examination. If the patient is prohibited from undergoing x-rays (for example, during pregnancy), then the doctor prescribes an ultrasound. This study serves as an analogue of radiography, but is considered less informative.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging. It allows you to accurately visualize the condition of bones, muscle tissue, and blood vessels. MRI identifies intervertebral hernias, detects tumors and determines their nature.
  • Laboratory research. If inflammatory processes are suspected (), the doctor will prescribe a blood test. To exclude the presence of infectious diseases, it is necessary to conduct a biochemical blood test. To diagnose inflammation in the urinary system or metabolic disorders, a urine test will be required.

MRI is the most accurate method for diagnosing spinal pathologies

How to treat sciatica

If a nerve is pinched, you must consult a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to accurately determine the causes of sciatica and prescribe adequate therapy.. Most often, the pathology is treated at home under the supervision of a doctor. In severe cases, hospitalization in a hospital is possible.

The doctor develops treatment aimed at performing the following tasks:

  • relief of painful discomfort;
  • getting rid of the inflammatory process;
  • restoration of usual mobility;
  • protection against relapse of sciatica.

Returning to the story with the woman in the gym, it is worth giving credit to the trainer. She was not at a loss. The trainer, who has a medical background, examined the woman and immediately recognized a pinched sciatic nerve. The unfortunate woman was given a painkiller injection. Literally after 5-10 minutes the woman said that the pain had decreased slightly. Then the trainer recommended the sufferer several simple exercises to relieve the spasm. Such gymnastics, performed under the supervision of a specialist and in a very slow manner, allowed the victim to finally return to normal. The woman was even able to change clothes and get home.

Approximate treatment plan

The treatment regimen most often consists of the following stages:

  1. Initially, the patient is prescribed drug therapy. It is aimed at relieving pain, eliminating unpleasant symptoms and combating the underlying disease that caused sciatica. In case of severe injuries or injuries, the issue of surgical intervention is decided.
  2. When the patient feels a little better and can already move, physiotherapy and massage are included in the therapy. They are aimed at restoring nerve conduction and improving tissue nutrition.
  3. After complete elimination of discomfort, the patient is recommended to engage in special sports activities. For a person experiencing sciatica, a complex of exercise therapy is selected that prevents relapses of the pathology.

With the right treatment, an attack of sciatica can be quickly stopped

Video: what to do if the sciatic nerve is pinched

In order for the treatment prescribed by your doctor to bring significant relief, you must follow a number of rules:

  • Bed rest. In the first days after a pinched nerve, it is necessary to reduce the load on the affected area as much as possible. Therefore, doctors recommend spending 2-3 days in bed.
  • Minimum movements. You should not get out of bed often or constantly toss and turn. Such movements create additional stress and increase pain.
  • Hard bed surface. If a nerve is pinched, you are only allowed to lie on a hard surface. Otherwise, the spinal column will sag along with the soft mattress. And this will lead to increased discomfort. If you have sciatica, it is strictly forbidden to sit on a soft sofa or in a chair.
  • Elimination of drafts. It is very important to protect the body from hypothermia. Cold or draft can cause increased pain and delay the healing process.
  • Refusal to lift weights. If a nerve is pinched in the acute phase, it is strictly forbidden to lift any objects or practice physical activity.
  • Warming belt. A special corset or warming belt will relieve muscle spasms and reduce the severity of pain. But such activities are allowed only on the recommendation of a doctor.

During inflammatory processes, it is forbidden to warm the affected area. This will lead to immediate deterioration of the condition.

If the sciatic nerve is pinched, doctors recommend lying in bed for the first few days.

Video: how to help yourself at the first signs of a pinched sciatic nerve

Features of treatment for pregnant women

Expectant mothers quite often develop a pinched nerve. A growing fetus creates additional stress on the spine. In addition, during pregnancy, the center of gravity shifts greatly. And if a woman had problems with her spine before giving birth, then the risk of sciatica increases significantly.

An expectant mother should never self-medicate. At the first symptoms, you need to contact a gynecologist with whom the woman is registered.

The treatment tactics for pregnant women differ significantly from the treatment of all other patients. Medicines aimed at relieving pain are strictly contraindicated for expectant mothers. Most often, treatment includes the following areas:

  • Manual massage. Using manual pressure techniques, it is possible to reduce pain.
  • Exercise therapy complex. For each period, special exercises have been developed to relieve stress on the spine and significantly reduce discomfort. Yoga and swimming are very useful.
  • Wearing a bandage. A special belt allows you to reduce the load on the spinal column and reduce pressure on the pinched nerve.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures. To reduce discomfort, your doctor may prescribe certain procedures. But such decisions are made in each individual case individually.

Only a doctor can select treatment for a pregnant woman.

Drug therapy

Drug treatment serves as first aid for pinched sciatic nerve. The selection of drugs is carried out by a doctor depending on the severity of the pathology, the causes of sciatica and the patient’s condition.

If the pinched nerve is caused by infectious processes, then the course of treatment includes antiviral drugs and antibiotics.

Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

If a nerve is pinched, the neurologist must prescribe NSAIDs. This is the main group of drugs that can quickly relieve unpleasant symptoms. NSAIDs provide:

  • elimination of pain syndrome;
  • reduction of swelling;
  • reducing the severity of the inflammatory process.

When performing injections on your own, it is important to remember that the injection is performed only in the upper outer square of the buttock

Depending on the degree of pain, medications may be prescribed in the following forms:

  1. Oral. These are tablets, capsules, powders intended for internal use. Such drugs have an extremely negative effect on the digestive tract. To reduce their harmful effects, it is recommended to take the drugs immediately after meals. Usually prescribed:
  2. Nimesil;
  3. Diclofenac;
  4. Nurofen.
  5. Injection. For severe pain, the doctor will recommend NSAIDs in the form of intramuscular injections. If injections are done independently, it is very important to remember the correct technique. The following medications may be prescribed:
    • Dicloberl;
    • Meloxicam;
  6. Local. With minor discomfort, you can limit yourself to applying special pain-relieving ointments, gels, and creams. The following drugs are prescribed:
    • Voltaren;
    • Diklak;
    • Ortofen;

For severe discomfort, a combination of oral or injection therapy with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with local therapy is possible.

NSAIDs are contraindicated for diseases of the digestive system, since such drugs destroy the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract.

Photo gallery: NSAIDs for sciatica

Ibuprofen provides quick relief from pain Movalis quickly relieves inflammation and relieves pain Dolgit cream will provide local anesthesia and eliminate inflammation

Use of muscle relaxants

Sciatica is often accompanied by muscle tissue tension and spasms. In such conditions, muscle relaxants will help.. They provide the following effects:

  • reduce the transmission of nerve impulses to muscles;
  • promote tissue relaxation;
  • relieve pain syndrome.

Muscle relaxants can be prescribed in oral or injectable forms. Most often, the following medications are recommended for sciatica:

  • Mydocalm;
  • Baclofen;
  • Tizanidine;
  • Tizalud;

Muscle relaxants are contraindicated for peptic ulcers, liver failure and myasthenia gravis.

One day, my neighbor’s husband (he works in construction) returned from work with severe lower back pain. She turned to me for help, knowing that in my medicine cabinet you could find medicine for all occasions. Of course, she was not mistaken. The sufferer took an Ibuprofen tablet. In order not to provoke stomach discomfort, I gave him an Omez capsule. And the final stage of my treatment was the Mydocalm injection. The next day, while I was making coffee, my neighbor’s happy husband rang the doorbell. He assured me that this treatment returned him to normal life overnight.

Photo gallery: muscle relaxants for pinched sciatic nerve

Mydocalm in the form of injections allows you to quickly relieve spasms Sirdalud provides relaxation of muscle tissue Tolperisone relieves pain caused by muscle spasms

The use of vitamin complexes

If a nerve is pinched, the patient will be prescribed vitamin complexes. Preference is given to those medications that contain large quantities of B vitamins. Such drugs provide the following effects:

  • improve the condition of the peripheral nervous system;
  • activate the regeneration process;
  • replenish nutritional deficiencies in affected tissues;
  • restore conductivity in the sciatic nerve.

Typically, a neurologist prescribes the following medications:

  • Combilipen;
  • Neurobion.

Such medications are contraindicated in case of individual sensitivity and severe forms of heart failure.

Photo gallery: vitamin complexes for sciatica

Milgamma vitamins can be prescribed in tablet or injection form Trigamma strengthens the peripheral nervous system Neurovitan improves nerve conduction

Surgical treatment

Main indications for surgery

The operation is prescribed for:

  • spinal spondylolisthesis (pathological displacement of the vertebra forward or backward);
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • degenerative changes in the lower discs;
  • spinal canal stenosis;
  • progressive weakness in the legs and difficulty urinating and defecating.

For spinal stenosis, surgical treatment is recommended for the patient.

Types of surgical interventions

The intervention method is selected by the surgeon based on the patient’s condition and the cause of the pathology. If a nerve is pinched, the following operations can be performed:

  • Microdiscectomy. This is a gentle technique for eliminating intervertebral hernia. During this operation, a small incision is made, due to which the scar becomes invisible in the future. During surgery, the integrity of bone tissue is not compromised, and the operation itself takes an average of 10–30 minutes.
  • Laminectomy. This operation is prescribed for pathological narrowing of the canal, which results in a pinched nerve. This is a complex intervention that involves the removal of bone tissue located above the nerve ending and a fragment of the intervertebral disc under the root.
  • Classic discectomy. With this surgical intervention, the intervertebral disc is completely removed. This volume of surgery is recommended if the intervertebral hernia is accompanied by stenosis. If necessary, removed discs are replaced with grafts.
  • Radiofrequency thermal annuloplasty. This is a new method of treating intervertebral hernia. After making a small incision, using endoscopic equipment, the doctor places an electrode on the problem disc. The affected area is exposed to high temperatures. Thanks to this technique, all defects are “welded”, and the fibrous ring acquires greater strength.

The surgical tactics depend on the cause of sciatica

Traditional methods of treatment

Folk remedies will provide significant help for sciatica. But before practicing such treatment methods, they must be discussed with your doctor.. The following recipes can help:

  • Radish rub. This remedy reduces pain. It is used like this:
    1. Black radish is ground on a grater.
    2. The pulp is wrapped in gauze and the juice is squeezed out.
    3. The resulting liquid (3 parts) is mixed with honey (1 part).
    4. Rub the problem area with the prepared product.
    5. The procedure is repeated 2-3 times a day until the pain completely disappears.
  • Infusion of aspen leaves. Helps restore damaged tissue and relieve pain:
    1. To prepare the drug 1 tbsp. l. Aspen leaves are steamed with 1 liter of boiling water.
    2. The product should be infused for about 1 hour. Then the drink is filtered.
    3. Drink the infusion throughout the day, always on an empty stomach.
    4. Treatment lasts 10 days.
  • Rye flour compress. The product eliminates inflammation. It is used at the moment when the exacerbation stage has passed:
    1. Add a little water to the rye flour. A dense cake should form.
    2. The resulting “pancake” is placed on the painful area.
    3. The top of the flatbread is covered with film and wrapped in a woolen scarf.
    4. Keep the compress for 3–5 hours. Can be left overnight.
  • Pine bath. Water procedures are also practiced after stopping the exacerbation stage. A pine bath helps reduce inflammation and can relieve even severe pain:
    1. Dip 1 kg of pine needles into 5 liters of boiling water (you can take young pine or spruce shoots).
    2. Boil on fire for 20–25 minutes.
    3. The cooled product is filtered.
    4. The resulting liquid is poured into a warm bath.
    5. You need to lie in pine water for 30 minutes.
    6. It is recommended to take such baths once a day.
    7. Continue treatment until the pain goes away.

Photo gallery: components of folk recipes for sciatica

Black radish juice is used to rub the painful area An infusion for internal use is prepared from aspen leaves. Pine bath relieves inflammation and relaxes muscles Rye flour is used for analgesic and anti-inflammatory compresses


Massage for a pinched nerve is prescribed only during remission. It provides:

  • activation of blood flow;
  • improved nutrition of damaged tissues;
  • spasm relief;
  • eliminating tissue tension.

The patient may be prescribed 10 to 15 procedures. Massage should only be performed by a qualified specialist. Otherwise, instead of the desired improvement in the condition, the pathology may worsen.

For sciatica, the following massage techniques are in demand:

  • Classic. Allows you to relieve muscle tone and achieve relaxation of tight tissues:
    1. The procedure begins with light stroking of the back.
    2. Having warmed up the muscles, the specialist works them with circular movements, carefully avoiding painful areas.
    3. Then they move on to the legs. The specialist gently strokes the limb starting from the buttock and ending with the heel. In this case, the painful areas are not affected.
  • Spot. This technique involves applying pressure with your hands on acupuncture points. Acupressure is one of the most effective methods of treating displaced vertebrae, spasmed muscles, and inflammatory processes of a non-infectious nature.

Massage is prescribed to the patient only outside the period of exacerbation

Therapeutic gymnastics

After the pain has been relieved, the patient is recommended to take exercise therapy.. They are aimed at:

  • muscle strengthening;
  • fixation of the spine;
  • improvement of tissue nutrition;
  • activation of blood circulation;
  • stimulation of metabolism.

For people experiencing a pinched sciatic nerve, the following sports are very useful: race walking, skiing, swimming.

For sciatica, doctors recommend swimming to the patient

At home, you can practice the following complex to prevent the recurrence of sciatica (all exercises will be repeated 4–8 times):

  1. Lying on your back. The legs are bent at the knees and pulled towards the body. The limbs are clasped with the arms and pressed harder against the stomach. In this case, you should not make sudden movements. In this state, they linger for 30 seconds and return to the starting position.
  2. Lying down. The arms lie freely along the body, the toes “look” up. It is necessary to stretch as much as possible, trying to stretch the spine. The stretching state is held for 15 seconds, then the body is completely relaxed.
  3. Lying down. Exercise "bicycle".
  4. Standing on all fours. Focus on your knees and palms. It is necessary to arch your back as much as possible. Then bend over smoothly.

All exercises are performed smoothly and slowly. When performing gymnastics, you need to control your condition. Exercise therapy should not cause pain. If discomfort occurs, you should stop doing the exercise for a while.

Video: two useful exercises for sciatica

Forecasts and possible consequences

When a nerve is pinched, the prognosis depends entirely on the cause that provoked the attack of severe pain.. If the source of the problem is muscle tension, then sciatica can be easily and quickly treated. The pathology passes without leaving behind any unpleasant complications.

With osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia or other serious diseases of the spine, the prognosis is less positive. Sciatica will recur periodically. Attacks usually occur after stress on the spine.

Complications of sciatica

Severe consequences can develop due to improper treatment or lack of therapy. We are talking about the following complications:

  • chronic pain syndrome;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • decreased libido;
  • changes in the menstrual cycle;
  • development of infertility;
  • violation of bladder and bowel movements;
  • deterioration of mobility (complete immobility is possible).

In addition, against the background of sciatica, various diseases of the internal organs located in the pelvis can develop.


To protect your body from sharp pain piercing the lower back, buttock and going straight down to your toes, you must adhere to the following rules of prevention:

  • avoid lifting excessive weights;
  • avoid bruises and injuries;
  • do not overload the body with excessive activity (sports, physical work);
  • give up harmful addictions (smoking, alcohol);
  • practice healthy eating;
  • avoid hypothermia, protect yourself from drafts;
  • sleep on a hard orthopedic mattress;
  • exercise regularly (yoga, swimming, cycling are preferred);
  • be sure to do morning exercises to maintain muscle tone;
  • do not practice traumatic sports, avoid sudden jerks and jumps;
  • Get outdoors every day by walking.

To protect the body from relapses of sciatica, doctors recommend walking daily.

A pinched sciatic nerve is one of the most painful pathologies. However, sciatica responds well to treatment. In most cases, adequately selected therapy allows you to forget about painful discomfort forever. Patients suffering from various spinal pathologies, unfortunately, regularly encounter relapses of sciatica. But even in these cases, with the right treatment tactics, it is possible to quickly stop a painful attack and increase the period of remission. And at the same time, significantly improve the quality of life.

The sciatic nerve is the largest of all the nerves in the body. It is closely connected with many organs, therefore, in the event of pinching, the consequences of this violation immediately affect the general well-being.

You will find out

First aid

Treatment of such a problem at home is carried out after identifying the causes of the disease. An integrated approach, combining drug and folk therapy, helps to very effectively alleviate symptoms and eliminate the causes of their occurrence in a short time.

If the first signs of pinched sciatic nerve (sciatica) suddenly appear, you must immediately take the following measures:

  1. lie on your stomach on a hard, flat, but not cold surface;
  2. place a bolster without a pillow under your chest;
  3. cover yourself with a warm, light blanket.

You also need to immediately consult a doctor, or better yet, call him at home to prescribe medications and receive treatment recommendations.

If sharp pain occurs from a pinched sciatic nerve, you should not apply a heating pad or compress, or perform a massage during this period. Such actions can increase swelling and accelerate the development of the inflammatory process.

In addition, in the event of sciatica and during the further course of the disease, it is prohibited:

  • lift weights, make sudden movements;
  • being in an uncomfortable position or tension for a long time;
  • perform untested exercises;
  • take hot baths, visit a sauna or steam bath;
  • be in damp, cold rooms.


Treatment of sciatica is carried out mainly on an outpatient basis. Tablets are practically not used for this - the most effective are injections and ointments.


Injections at home are given intravenously or intramuscularly, depending on the drug used. The most effective are:

  • Anaprox;
  • Aspirin;
  • Butadion;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Motrin;
  • Naproxen.

Also, painkillers (usually novocaine blockades) can be injected into the spinal cord canal in the affected area of ​​the sacral and lumbar region.

Since the components of these drugs can cause allergies or the development of gastrointestinal diseases, a combination of hormonal and non-hormonal agents is often used. Local steroids are usually used - hydrocortisone or prednisolone ointment. To resolve the source of inflammation and accelerate the regeneration of surrounding tissues, a course of vitamins B and C, aloe, lidase, and methyluracil is prescribed.


In addition to these hormonal ointments, the following local nonsteroidal drugs are used to treat pinched sciatic nerves at home:

  • Betalgon- relieves pain, activates blood supply to the skin in the affected area;
  • Viprosal- contains bee venom, which effectively reduces pain and inflammation;
  • Carmolis- a natural remedy with menthol, mint and extracts of other plants that quickly relieve pain.
  • Finalgon- eliminates pain, relieves inflammation.

When choosing an ointment, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of developing an allergic reaction to its components. You should be especially careful with those products that contain bee products, herbal raw materials or other highly allergenic ingredients.

Therapeutic gymnastics

When a nerve is pinched in the sacrolumbar region, recreational physical exercise is considered a very effective way to get rid of the pathology and relieve pain. To relax tense muscles, it is recommended to perform the following exercises:

  1. Lying on your back, raise your legs up, leaning them against the wall. Hold for 10 minutes, stretching the spine.
  2. Sit on the floor with your legs straight ahead. Moving them one by one, walk on your buttocks first forward, then back.
  3. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and perform shallow squats, holding onto the back of the chair if necessary.
  4. Lie on your back, pull your knees to your chest. Then, without straightening your legs, lower them together to one side and the other.
  5. Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms forward, bend at the lower back. Stay in this position for as long as possible.
  6. Lie on your back, lift one knee, clasping it with your hands, pull it up, and then to the opposite shoulder. Pause a little, return to the starting position and repeat with the other knee.
  7. Lie on your back with your legs bent so that your feet are on the floor. Raise your buttocks as high as possible, lifting your shoulders off the floor.

In addition to these, you can perform other exercises for stretching the legs in a lying position, as well as “bicycle” and circular rotations of the hips.

You can engage in physical therapy only during the period of remission. In this case, all exercises should be performed without straining or overcoming pain.

Massage treatments

Massaging sore spots is performed after relieving acute pain simultaneously with other treatment methods. The procedure is performed according to the following scheme:

  • First, the buttocks and lumbosacral region are warmed up;
  • then the areas around the pain points are intensively massaged.

Massage with damage to the sciatic nerve is carried out very carefully. In this case, ointments with a warming effect are used.

A honey massage also gives excellent results. To do this, mix 500 g of liquid honey with 100 ml of medical alcohol, then rub the painful areas with this mixture. After the procedure, the skin should turn red, which indicates improved blood supply.

Traditional methods

Treatment of the sciatic nerve at home can be performed using various traditional medicine recipes, including:

  • local exposure procedures - rubbing, applications;
  • taking teas and tinctures internally;
  • medicinal baths.

The action of all these remedies is aimed at relieving inflammation and pain, as well as eliminating pinching.

The use of traditional medicine is strictly contraindicated for the treatment of pinching of the sciatic nerve by a hernia. In this situation, only surgery is necessary.

It should also be taken into account that with any damage to the sciatic nerve, it is first necessary to provide the patient with quiet bed rest in warm, comfortable conditions.

This video shows some traditional methods of treating a pinched sciatic nerve.

External products

The following compositions are used for rubbing:

  1. Mix 6 crushed analgin tablets, 100 ml of cologne, 50 ml of iodine.
  2. Add honey to the radish juice in a 1:1 ratio and stir thoroughly.
  3. Infuse 1 cup of potato sprouts in 500 ml of vodka for 2 weeks, shaking every other day.
  4. Add 1 tbsp to 500 ml of vodka. l. chopped celandine herb, 1 chopped aloe leaf, ground hot pepper pod into powder. Leave for 7 days.

Any of these mixtures is rubbed into the skin and wrapped in a warm cloth overnight or for several hours.

The following recipes are used for applications:

  1. Melted to a soft state and cooled to an acceptable temperature, beeswax is applied in an even layer to the skin of the sacro-lumbar region, previously ground and lubricated with any vegetable oil. Cover with film, wrap a woolen cloth on top, and leave until completely cool.
  2. A flatbread of rye flour with honey (the proportions should be such that an elastic dough is obtained) is applied to the most painful area. Wrap yourself in a woolen cloth and stay there for as long as possible (preferably all night).

Recipes for oral administration

To enhance the effect of external remedies, it is recommended to internally use medicinal drinks prepared according to special recipes:

  1. Pour boiling water over calendula flowers at the rate of 3 tbsp. l. for 500 ml of water. Leave for 2 hours, filter. Drink the resulting infusion throughout the day, dividing it into 5 doses.
  2. Boil 1 tbsp. l. chopped burdock root in 250 ml of red wine for no more than 5 minutes. Strain, divide the drink into 2 doses, drink in the morning and evening, regardless of meals.
  3. Brew green bean shells like tea and consume 1 glass 3 times a day as a diuretic.
  4. Brew 2 tbsp. l. aspen leaves in 1 liter of boiling water. Take in 4 doses throughout the day before meals.
  5. Mix hazel powder ground into powder with its leaves in a ratio of 1:3. Add 2 tbsp. l. mixture in 250 ml of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes. Cool, filter, add to a volume of 300 ml, drink in 4 doses.
  6. For chronic pinching: add 1 tbsp. l. elecampane rhizomes in 250 ml of boiling water, boil for 20–25 minutes. Drink in 2 doses - 1 hour before second breakfast and dinner.
  7. Sauerkraut is an ancient way to treat the sciatic nerve. If pinched, it is recommended to use it in large quantities.

Warming baths

It should be taken into account that hot baths are contraindicated in cases of damage to the sciatic nerve. Therefore, the procedure must be carried out at a water temperature of 38 ºC. The following components are used to prepare baths:

  • Horseradish root- grated, wrapped in gauze, placed in the bath.
  • Young pine shoots- 1 kg of raw materials is brewed with 3 liters of boiling water, infused, filtered, then added to the bath.
  • Medicinal collection(chamomile, sage, knotweed herb, angelica - in equal quantities) is brewed with boiling water, infused, strained and mixed with bath water.

You need to take all of these baths daily for 10–14 days, preferably before bed.

Treatment during pregnancy

In the last trimester of pregnancy, due to compression of the sciatic nerve by the enlarged uterus, it may become pinched. In addition, sciatica can appear in the early stages for a reason independent of pregnancy.

To treat a pinched sciatic nerve at home, pregnant women are prescribed all of the above methods, but taking into account their compatibility with the woman’s condition, including;

  • medicines;
  • external agents;
  • massage treatments;
  • exercises for pregnant women to strengthen the pelvis;
  • traditional methods.

The most commonly used topical gels and ointments are:

  • warming up - finalgon, capsicam;
  • with chondroprotective effect - hodroxide, teraflex.

Hormonal and combined local remedies are prohibited during pregnancy.

With any variant of the disease, and especially during pregnancy, it is necessary to very accurately determine the location of the pinched nerve using diagnostics. It is this that needs to be treated, and not the painful area, where the pain only radiates.

Prevention of sciatica

During treatment and in order to prevent pinching of the sciatic nerve, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

  • get rid of excess weight, which puts a lot of stress on the spine;
  • monitor your posture - it worsens the condition of both the spine and all organs;
  • increase physical activity in the recommended amount, especially with a sedentary lifestyle;
  • do not allow one-sided impact on the spine - do not carry weights in one hand, load the body evenly;
  • avoid injury to the back, lower back, tailbone, and other parts of the spine;
  • move to active actions gradually, without sudden loads;
  • do not sit on soft, low furniture;
  • use a fairly hard bed for sleeping, and it is best to purchase an orthopedic mattress;
  • do physical therapy exercises every day;
  • If you experience any discomfort in the back area, consult a doctor immediately.

By following these simple rules, you can prevent damage to the sciatic nerve or quickly eliminate this problem. In addition, you need to avoid nervous stress, live in harmony with yourself and the world around you.

Pinched sciatic nerve is a pathological condition that develops as a result of compression of the nerve, without damaging the myelin sheath. The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the human body, it begins in the sacral region and reaches the phalanges of the fingers of the lower limb and heel. Contains motor and sensory nerve fibers, innervates the knee and hip joints.

Herniated discs are one of the causes of pinched sciatic nerve

Most often, pinching of the sciatic nerve occurs in the area of ​​the piriformis muscle (lumen of the sciatic foramen) or vertebral discs. The pathology is accompanied by pain in the leg. In most cases, the pinching is unilateral; much less often, both limbs are involved in the pathological process. The condition can lead to inflammation (sciatica), complicated by severe pain. Men engaged in heavy physical work are more susceptible to pinching the sciatic nerve.

Synonyms: sciatica, lumbosacral radiculopathy.

Causes of pinched sciatic nerve

Pinching of the sciatic nerve often occurs during any activity that requires sudden movements, as a result of prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, limitation of motor activity, or excessive load on the lumbar region.

Often, pinching occurs against the background of other pathologies, which include:

  • spinal injuries with vertebral displacement;
  • abscess or neoplasm in the area of ​​the sciatic nerve;
  • osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral spine;
  • displacement of spinal structures (spondylolisthesis);
  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • infections (most often influenza, whooping cough, rubella, bone tuberculosis, malaria);
  • blood clots;
  • hypothermia.

In addition, the cause may be muscle spasms along the sciatic nerve.

The sciatic nerve in women is often pinched during pregnancy due to the pressure of the enlarged uterus on neighboring organs and increased load on the spine due to a shift in the center of gravity of the body, as well as in cases where a pregnant woman takes an uncomfortable body position. Another period of increased risk of symptoms of pinched sciatic nerve in women is menopause, due to changes in hormonal levels.

Risk factors include:

  • poisoning with alcohol, heavy metals, neurotropic toxic substances;
  • smoking;
  • herpes zoster in the projection of the sciatic nerve;
  • overweight;
  • deficiency of minerals in the body.


Depending on the severity, there are three forms of pinched sciatic nerve:

  • light;
  • moderate severity;
  • heavy.

A severe form of sciatic nerve pinching may be accompanied by signs of spinal cord damage and immobilization of the patient.

In most cases, the pinching is unilateral; much less often, both limbs are involved in the pathological process.

Pain syndrome is the most typical manifestation of sciatic nerve pinching. The pain can be of different types (sharp, aching, shooting, throbbing, pulling). As a rule, pain is noted in the lumbar region, buttocks; along the back of the thigh, the pain goes down to the lower leg and heel, radiating to the fingers of the lower limb. Sometimes there is numbness along the nerve, as well as burning and/or tingling of the skin. Pain can increase in a sitting position, when coughing, laughing, muscle tension, etc. In addition to pain, difficulties arise when walking, standing for long periods of time, and lameness may develop (on one leg with unilateral pinching or on both legs with bilateral pinching).

In men, signs of pinching may resemble manifestations of prostatitis. Symptoms of a pinched sciatic nerve in women vary depending on the cause and extent of the damage. It has been noted that women often have no discomfort in the lower back.

The most common symptoms of a pinched sciatic nerve include:

  • muscle atrophy and muscle weakness;
  • sensitivity disorders (increase or decrease);
  • dry skin;
  • the appearance of pathological reflexes;
  • feeling of crawling sensations;
  • increased sweating of the feet;
  • restriction of leg/leg movement.


Diagnosis of a pinched sciatic nerve is usually not difficult due to the specific clinical picture. As a rule, the diagnosis is made during an objective examination of the patient, collecting complaints and anamnesis. However, in order to avoid relapses, it is necessary to determine the factors that contributed to the occurrence of pinched sciatic nerve.

To determine the cause that determined the development of the pathological process, the following instrumental and laboratory diagnostic methods are used:

  • X-ray examination of the lumbar and pelvic area;
  • magnetic resonance or computed tomography of the lumbar region;
  • electroneuromyography;
  • radioisotope scan of the spine (if the presence of neoplasms is suspected);
  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • general urinalysis; etc.

A study of reflexes is carried out, the presence of Bonnet's symptom, Lasegue's symptom, a decrease in the plantar, Achilles and knee reflexes is determined, and sensitivity on the affected side is assessed.

Pain syndrome is the most typical manifestation of sciatic nerve pinching. The pain can be of different types (sharp, aching, shooting, throbbing, pulling).

Differential diagnosis with intervertebral disc herniation is necessary. A hernia is characterized by a longer development of the pathological process, as well as relapses of neuralgic manifestations.

Treatment of pinched sciatic nerve

The traditional treatment regimen for pinched sciatic nerve is a combination of drug therapy and physiotherapeutic methods. In some cases, surgical intervention is required.

In case of pinching of the sciatic nerve, hospitalization of the patient is not necessary. Provided the patient complies with the doctor's instructions, treatment can be carried out at home. For acute pain that prevents the patient from walking and/or being in an upright position for a long time, bed rest is indicated for a period of several days to a week. Due to the need for a fixed body position during periods of acute pain, it is recommended to use a hard mattress.

In the treatment of sciatic nerve pinching, the drugs of choice are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which are prescribed as intramuscular injections or orally (capsules or tablets). With the oral route of administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, there is a risk of developing gastritis and/or peptic ulcer, therefore the administration of proton pump inhibitors is indicated.

When the sciatic nerve is pinched due to muscle spasms, the therapeutic effect is achieved by using medications that improve blood circulation (venotonics). For severe muscle spasms, antispasmodics and/or muscle relaxants are prescribed. In addition, the prescription of vitamin complexes, as well as drugs that improve metabolism, is indicated.

General therapy is complemented by local therapy - anti-inflammatory and warming agents are used in the form of ointments or gels.

Men engaged in heavy physical work are more susceptible to pinching the sciatic nerve.

Physiotherapeutic methods are also prescribed to complement the action of medications. These methods include:

  • electro-, phonophoresis of medicinal substances;
  • UHF therapy;
  • During the rehabilitation period, physical therapy, swimming, yoga, Pilates provide a good effect, however, these methods can only be used if the patient’s condition is satisfactory and he does not have acute pain. During the period of remission, patients are recommended to undergo sanatorium-resort treatment.

    Possible complications and consequences

    Pinched sciatic nerve can be complicated by the following conditions:

    • intense pain syndrome;
    • disruption of internal organs;
    • decreased libido;
    • menstrual cycle disorders in women;
    • infertility;
    • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    • violations of the evacuation function of the intestines and bladder;
    • a sharp decrease in motor activity, up to immobilization.


    With timely and adequate treatment for sciatic nerve pinching, the changes caused by it are completely reversible, and the prognosis is favorable.


    To prevent pinching of the sciatic nerve, it is recommended:

    • adjust body weight if you are overweight;
    • Avoid carrying heavy objects; lift loads only with correct weight distribution and with a straight back;
    • control posture;
    • periodically resort to general massage;
    • sleep on a surface of moderate hardness.

    In order to prevent relapses and complications, patients with pinched sciatic nerve are recommended to:

    • balanced balanced diet;
    • avoid prolonged sitting, especially on soft chairs;
    • avoid sudden turns of the body, bending;
    • Avoid hypothermia, especially the lumbar region.

    Video from YouTube on the topic of the article: