Diastema correction method. Diastema Closure Artistic Restoration. It’s easy to cure diastema with aligners

Diastema is the most common dental anomaly. This process is characterized by the appearance of a gap between the central incisors of the teeth. The width varies depending on the specific case, usually 1-6 mm. Sometimes the distance can be 10 mm.

A common dental anomaly is diastema (gap, gap). This process is characterized by the appearance of a gap between the front incisors. But this can happen everywhere. Diastema can lead to changes in the patient's appearance. Sometimes diction and speech may change. Naturally, how pronounced the disturbances will be depends on the severity of the anomaly.

Some people eventually come to terms with what happened to them and do not try to correct the situation. It is necessary to understand that whatever the case, everything can be corrected. Any defect can be corrected. Pathologies and anomalies are no longer scary. In a time when technology decides everything, there is nothing to be afraid of.

It’s impossible to say that a gap in the eye spoils a person’s life, and that’s even stupid. But if there is an opportunity to get rid of the situation, you need to take advantage of it. It should be noted that the gap between the incisors can reach 1-10 mm. Therefore, sometimes it does not look aesthetically pleasing, it must be eliminated.

ICD-10 code

K10.0 Disorders of jaw development

Causes of diastema

The main causes of diastema between teeth are quite clear. Thus, these include the low attachment of the frenulum of the upper lip. Some people have a supernumerary tooth germ, which is located between the roots of the central incisors. It is this that can provoke the development of a chip.

But this is far from the only reason for the problem. The appearance of this anomaly can be affected by microdentia of the central incisors. Excessive development of the bone septum, which is located between the central incisors or the entire jaw, can lead to the development of gaps.

Early loss of primary teeth from the anterior group, their abnormal position, as well as late replacement with permanent ones. All this together increases the risk of developing a chip.

Despite everything described above, the main reason for the appearance of gaps between the teeth is the low attachment of the frenulum. In this case, the gap can be easily removed by an experienced dentist. If you do not do this on time, then problems with dental diseases cannot be avoided.

Symptoms of diastema

Are there specific symptoms of this anomaly? It is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. Because if we proceed from the very definition of this phenomenon, then it is quite easy to notice the development of a chip.

So, first of all, a significant gap appears between the front incisors on the upper or lower jaw. Naturally, all this is not very noticeable, but it’s easy to notice something wrong.

Another common symptom is one or more spaces between teeth in a row. This “disease” does not show itself in any other way. There are no unpleasant or painful sensations. Therefore, it is necessary to observe only external changes. Moreover, sometimes they are not so noticeable; this fact must also be taken into account.

It is advisable to start treatment in a timely manner. So that in the future there will be no serious problems with the dentition. Because a chip can cause caries and other diseases, which will lead to serious problems in the future.

Tremas and diastemas

Do trema and diastema differ from each other? To fully answer this question, you will have to look at everything point by point.

So, diastema is a pathology of the position of the dentition. In this case, formations at a considerable distance may be observed. Basically they do not exceed 1-6 mm, but sometimes they reach 10 mm. The gap can be located on both the upper and lower jaw.

Diastema in children

Often, diastema in children occurs due to improper development of baby teeth. Thus, the cause of the development of a gap can be an incorrect bite.

There is nothing wrong with this, because with age, the dentition will begin to change to a permanent one, and this will correct the situation. When treating gaps in children, it is necessary to find out which teeth have deviated and why this happened. In this case, the child is asked to close his teeth. Thanks to this procedure, you can see whether the midline coincides.

During treatment, under no circumstances should the central incisors be brought together with rubber rings. Because they are elastic and thanks to this they are able to penetrate deeply into the gums. This leads to irreparable damage to the circular ligament of the tooth. The situation in this case can be corrected with the help of an Angle arc or a mouth guard, which is fixed on several teeth on the side where they should not move. A rubber rod is stretched between the mouthguards and the hooks of the box. After the desired effect is achieved and the gap “disappears,” it will have to be fixed using a retention device.

Diastema of primary teeth

A diastema of primary teeth develops due to their improper growth. In this case, you have to contact the dentist. There is nothing wrong with the appearance of a chip. because over time, baby teeth will be replaced by permanent teeth and the problem will go away on its own. True, this does not happen in all cases.

What can you do to prevent your baby teeth from “giving” a gap? It is necessary to resort to the help of rubber traction, as well as special mouthguards. The first step is a procedure, based on the results of which it is possible to determine which teeth have deviated. To do this, check the ideality of the midline. After that, a mouth guard and special hooks are used, between which a rubber rod is pulled. It will allow you to put your teeth in place.

In general, there is no need to resort to similar procedures at such a young age. It is worth waiting until the dentition is replaced by a permanent one. In this case, the problem must be solved unambiguously. Because in the future the gap can lead to a number of unpleasant sensations.

Diastema in adults

In fact, this anomaly is quite common in adults. Especially at that age when the gums begin to weaken and a painful load is placed on the dentition. This mostly happens after thirty. It’s not worth saying that this is a generally accepted fact, because a chip can occur at any time.

Naturally, the sooner a person begins to fight it, the better. It is difficult to say that this is a very serious problem. Indeed, in reality this is far from the case. Many people, on the contrary, try to preserve their gaps in order to give their appearance a zest. Some stars live by this principle.

Speaking seriously, a gap can change both diction and speech. For an adult, this may be unacceptable. In this case, they resort to eliminating the gap using orthodontic and surgical treatment. It is worth noting that everything is done in a certain complex. In general, the gap does not pose any danger, although it can provoke the development of caries.

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Diagnosis of diastema

Diagnosis is made by visual examination of the oral cavity. Because the cracks that arise will be immediately visible. To do this, you do not need to carry out any special tests or procedures.

True, in more complex situations, in order to clarify the causes and types of pathology, you will still have to resort to some procedures. So, the bite is determined. In this case, the person should close the dentition, and the dentist should look at the location of the midline.

In addition, radiography, orthopantomography, impression taking, and the study of diagnostic models of the jaw are performed. During the analysis, the position, shape, inclination of the roots and incisors, the general condition of the bridles, etc. are determined. The fact is that the problem of choosing the optimal elimination method must be solved collectively. Because the process of improving the condition is carried out by dentists, surgeons, orthopedists and orthodontists. The chip is removed in a comprehensive manner.

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Treatment of diastema

In fact, treating diastema cannot be called a complex process. So, the impact of this phenomenon is of two types. These are surgical and orthodontic treatments.

It should be noted that these two processes are interconnected. Complex treatment includes a trip to the surgeon, and then to the orthodontist. During the process of “getting rid” of the gap, the relationship of the central incisors and the midline of the face is fully taken into account. In addition, the condition of the roots of the teeth, their position, shape and slope of the gap are also taken into account. Thanks to knowledge of such small nuances, the doctor will be able to select high-quality treatment.

Orthodontic procedures may include the use of special removable or permanent structures. In this case, we mean vestibular plates, braces, and crowns with levers. This allows you to immediately move one or two teeth to their normal position and remove the gap.

To achieve more successful treatment results, the surgeon often makes a plate of the frenulum of the upper lip. Sometimes manipulations are performed to disrupt the tightness of the palatal suture between the medial incisors. Sometimes during the treatment process the labial frenulum atrophies on its own and in this case there is no need to trim it. In any case, the crack requires prompt intervention from a specialist.

Diastema correction

Today, correcting diastema is not a complicated process at all. All this is achieved thanks to high-quality comprehensive treatment.

How can I remove or fix a gap? It is immediately worth noting that this cannot be done without the intervention of a doctor. At the initial stages, plates are used that are able to put the tooth in place and thereby eliminate the gap between them.

In more serious cases, a special crown with levers is used. It completely covers the resulting gap. Braces are a good way to get rid of gaps. The truth is that it is advisable to place them before the age of 25, while the body is still gradually continuing the process of formation. Correcting the situation with the help of such an influence is quite simple.

In fact, there are many ways to correct pathology. And there is no need to worry about its appearance. Today, fixing it is quite simple.

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Diastema restoration

When the gap is too wide, it can be done using conventional prosthetics. This will help avoid relapses and also improve the aesthetics of your smile. In addition, the patient's diction and speech can be corrected.

The gap between the teeth is perfectly closed by restoring the central incisors with veneers. This often applies exclusively to adult patients who have begun the orthodontic treatment process.

It is necessary to remember once and for all that all anomalies and defects of the dentition can be easily eliminated with the help of long-term treatment by dentists. This allows you to not worry about many reasons. After all, a chip causes unpleasant sensations on a psychological level.

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Braces for diastema

Are braces used for diastema and is this treatment effective? Naturally, this method of getting rid of the gap between the front incisors is one of the most popular. True, despite this, it has its own nuances.

So, it is necessary to wear braces at a certain age. Naturally, this is the period from the development of permanent teeth to 25 years. At this time, the body is still forming, and correcting the situation with the dentition is quite simple. Removing the tilt and closing them will not be so difficult.

The method of eliminating the gap is decided solely by the attending physician. Dental straightening with braces is one of the most effective today. You just have to face some problems wearing them. Diction and speech may change, and this is visually noticeable. Therefore, before choosing this option to correct the situation, you should think about it seriously. In fact, the chip does not cause much trouble, but for aesthetic beauty it is worth getting rid of it.

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Diastema closure

The anomaly is closed in two ways. The first option is therapeutic; it allows you to change the shape of the dentition and build it up with a special composite material. In this case, the material is matched to the color of the teeth.

The second option is orthodontic. Thanks to him, you can correct the situation using different methods. Thus, the orthodontic option includes the use of braces, which gradually bridge the gaps. True, this method is the longest. Veneers will allow you to get the perfect aesthetic result. Shape, color, surface texture, color correction and fixation using special cement.

Diastema is a medical term that experts use to define the presence of free space between the central incisors. The gap between the teeth can range from 1 to 10 mm, causing discomfort not only in a person’s appearance, but also affecting the clarity of speech.

What is a diastema?

Orthodontists are faced with a large number of dental disorders, the need for correction of which is beyond doubt. But there are also anomalies that most often do not affect a person’s life and are in most cases a cosmetic defect. These include dental diastema. A large number of people are facing this problem.

The formation of a gap between the front incisors is often combined with the development of other dental anomalies. For example, changing the shape, size and position of one or more teeth. Often the pathology becomes the cause of impaired diction, manifested by whistling or lisping during a conversation. Solving the problem requires an integrated approach, so the patient first needs to consult with a specialist.

The gap between the front teeth most often appears on the upper jaw. If it is small, a person may not even pay attention to this problem and often perceives it as his own peculiarity. However, those whose diastema is large enough attach great importance to treatment, considering the gap to be a disadvantage. The presence of such an anomaly between the upper teeth often becomes the cause of complexes, creates difficulties in communication, and reduces the quality of life.


The most common cause of diastema is heredity. If one of the parents has this defect, then there is a high probability of its occurrence in the child. In addition to genetic predisposition, there are other reasons for abnormal distance between teeth.

  1. The cause of the development of the anomaly can be addictions. For example, frequent consumption of sunflower seeds, the habit of constantly gnawing on a pencil or other hard object.
  2. The presence of diastema in children can be explained by untimely replacement of baby teeth.
  3. Another common reason for a gap between teeth is low attachment of the frenulum of the upper lip. If the attachment is located at the very edge of the gum, this interferes with the correct positioning of the front incisors. Over time, the hole between the incisors can cause the bone tissue near the lip to shrink.
  4. Symptoms of the formation of an anomaly are pathologies that cause incorrect positioning of the entire central group of teeth, i.e. malocclusion.
  5. A gap between the teeth may be a consequence of disturbances in the formation of the jaw. In dentistry, there is such a pathology as microdentia. This defect is characterized by the reduced size of one or more teeth.
  6. The appearance of a defect in the upper dentition can provoke anomalies in the development of the jaw.

Types of diastema

A gap between your front teeth that is too large can make you want to remove it. But before choosing treatment methods, you need to talk to your doctor. To choose the optimal method for eliminating the defect between the incisors, different specialists will have to be involved in the selection problem: dental therapists, surgeons, orthodontists, orthopedists.

A consultation with a subsequent examination will help determine the type of pathology and confirm the need to correct it. After all, not all gaps between teeth need correction. The peculiarities of bite formation make it possible to distinguish 2 forms of pathology between the upper incisors: true and false.

  1. A false form of diastema is diagnosed in children who have not yet undergone a change of teeth. But as soon as the bite becomes permanent, the cleft closes.
  2. The true form of pathology develops in adolescents after the molars have replaced the primary ones. To remove the gap formed between them, you need to contact a specialist.

The location of the gap relative to the midsagittal plane of the head allows us to distinguish symmetric and asymmetric pathology. The symmetrical type is characterized by the displacement of the incisors at the same distance from the center line. With the asymmetrical type, one incisor can be positioned straight, while the other can move to the side.

Depending on the position of the crowns and roots, 3 types of diastema can be distinguished.

  1. In the first type of anomaly, the gap has the shape of a triangle, the apex of which is located near the frenulum of the lip. Most often it is large in size and is the result of bad habits.
  2. A low location of the frenulum and abnormal development of bone tissue can provoke the formation of a small gap in width with parallel displacement of the crowns. If the bite remains correct, then it is not necessary to eliminate such a defect in the front teeth.
  3. The third type is characterized by the formation of a gap in the form of a triangle with its apex at the border of the crowns. A similar defect in the upper jaw can be caused by abnormal development of bone tissue or disturbances in the formation of the jaw.

How to remove a gap between teeth?

The etiology and type of pathology underlie the choice of method for eliminating the defect. To solve the problem, therapeutic, orthopedic, orthodontic, surgical methods or a combination thereof are used.

Before removing the gap between the front teeth, you must visit a dentist to confirm the diagnosis and choose a correction method. During the consultation, an examination will be performed to assess the type of defect and the condition of the frenulum, and determine the size of the gap.

Different clinical forms of the anomaly dictate the need to draw up an individual treatment regimen and clearly define the sequence of its stages. When choosing a correction method, the doctor will analyze the patient’s heredity, evaluate the formation of the bite and listen to his personal wishes.

  1. Treatment of diastema using the orthopedic method involves the use of veneers or lumineers. These are small porcelain onlays for teeth that are secured to the front of the enamel. The material is carefully selected to match the color of the patient’s tooth enamel.
  2. The therapeutic method of eliminating diastema allows you to eliminate the gap between the front teeth through extensions using quickly hardening filling materials.
  3. The surgical method helps to effectively get rid of the gap between the front teeth. To remove the diastema, the frenulum under the lip is trimmed. After such an operation, a soft suture remains in the palate, which eliminates excess pressure on the crowns. This method guarantees getting rid of the problem without relapse.
  4. Among the methods of treating diastema, the orthodontic method is the most popular. It involves wearing special corrective systems. To close the diastema, children over 12 years of age and adults are recommended to wear braces that do not violate the integrity of the enamel. If there are gaps, correction with braces makes it possible to completely solve the problem.

How to correct the situation if there is a gap between the teeth is always decided by the doctor. Your dentist may recommend using mouth guards, which are clear silicone covers placed on your teeth. They are made in such a way that wearing them helps move individual teeth in the right direction, restoring their correct position. The transparent base makes the aligners invisible. Their main advantage is that they can be removed while eating.

Photos before and after treatment

A gap between the front teeth can be eliminated at any age. The doctor must choose the method and perform all the necessary manipulations. Sometimes wearing corrective devices leads to the appearance of small defects in speech. At first, the mucous membrane of the cheeks may be injured. But after the end of the adaptation period, all unpleasant symptoms disappear.

When the diastema closes, the person will acquire an attractive appearance and become more self-confident. By looking at the photo, you can appreciate how much a person’s appearance differs before and after treatment.

Diastema (popular name gap) is an abnormal arrangement of the front incisors, which is characterized by the formation of a gap between them. Pathology of the interdental gap occurs in 15% of people. Half of these patients acquired this feature due to heredity. Only a small percentage comes to terms with their peculiarity. The rest begin to develop severe complexes, which leads to psychological disorders. Many people often confuse pathology with another diagnosis – trema. You can learn about the reasons for the formation of diastema, its types, symptoms and methods of correction from this article.

The presence of diastemas is characterized by the formation of visible gaps between the frontal incisors, which can be located in the upper or lower part of the dentition. Most often, the width of the cracks is 1–7 mm. In some cases, the space can reach up to 10 mm. Pathology is often combined with the development of other anomalies in the dentition. Changed shape, size and position of one or more teeth. Therefore, consultation from orthopedics, orthodontics, as well as surgical and therapeutic dentistry is important for the patient.

Diastema is primarily an aesthetic defect (although some patients make it their feature), but more often it is serious speech impairment, psychological and communication difficulties.

Diastema is diagnosed in two stages of development:

  1. False diastema - begins to manifest itself during the period of mixed dentition, when temporary teeth are replaced by permanent ones. The interdental gap is often completely corrected after replacing the primary incisors with molars.
  2. True diastema begins its development after the formation of the permanent dentition is completed. The problem cannot be solved on its own, so you will need to consult a specialist.

Pathology can be formed by symmetrical and asymmetrical diastema. The first case is when the central incisors begin their displacement from the center at an evenly equal distance.

An asymmetrical diastema is characterized by uneven displacement of the incisors. This can be a different distance of the teeth from the center or when one of the incisors remains in place while the other begins to shift.

Pathology is classified into three types:

  • the anomaly develops with a lateral slope of the crowns themselves, but the roots remain in the correct location;
  • development of corpus displacement of incisors;
  • medial deviation of the crowns in combination with the lateral deviation of the roots themselves.

Diastema and trema, how to distinguish?

Diastema is often confused with another pathology - trema. Both of these anomalies in the development of the dentition are characterized by interdental spaces. The difference between these pathologies lies in the location of the cracks. With the development of a diastema, a gap forms only between the two central incisors, and the formation of a trema can occur in any part of the dentition.

Reasons for formation

A factor in the development of pathology can be:

  1. Premature loss of the anterior primary incisor.
  2. Microdentia (small size of one or more incisors).
  3. Abnormal position of the anterior teeth.
  4. Pathologies associated with the absence of lateral incisors. Some patients have a congenital pathology when the lateral incisors simply do not grow. Additional space in the row begins to form. The front teeth, filling it with themselves, begin to shift from the center, forming a diastema.
  5. The lateral incisors may grow to be of insufficient size, which also creates additional space in the dentition and provokes displacement of the central teeth.
  6. You should not ignore the presence of bad habits. Loads on the front incisors in the form of frequent consumption of seeds, crackers, nail biting, etc., contribute to the rotation of the incisors and the development of other deformations of the dentition.

The main reason for the development of pathology remains heredity. As a rule, in 50% of patients the labial frenulum is located too low, which can also be observed in relatives.

Diastema by symptoms

The main sign of diastema is the presence of a defect in the dentition in the form of a gap between the incisors. The interdental gap can be within 3mm and have a parallel shape. In such cases, the patient often perceives it as his own peculiarity and does not consider it an aesthetic defect. But more often the pathology occurs in the shape of a triangle with an existing apex, which faces the edge of the teeth or gums, with an accompanying powerful frenulum. In this case, there is a high probability of developing deep, mesial, open or.

The pathology, which is manifested by an interdental gap of more than 3 mm, may be accompanied by disturbances in sound reproduction: whistling, lisp, difficulties in pronouncing certain letters. Existing difficulties in speech communication will require additional help from a speech therapist.

Any form of diastema provokes the development of periodontitis in the area of ​​the anterior incisors, which can also serve as a sign of the development of pathology.

Diagnostic procedure

The formation of a gap can be noticed immediately, so the pathology is diagnosed during a visual examination of the oral cavity in the dentist’s office. Additional manipulations, tests and procedures are not required to establish a diagnosis. Things are completely different when the patient decides to correct the pathology. The first thing the doctor does is determine the location of the central line. To do this, the patient just needs to close the teeth. Next, you need to determine the type and cause of the anomaly. For this we use:

  • radiography;
  • impressions of the dentition are taken;
  • the inclination and shape of the teeth are analyzed;
  • the symmetry of the gap, the condition of the roots and the correctness of the bite are determined.

In most cases, eliminating the presence of a gap is carried out in a complex manner, so the patient will need consultation with specialists such as an orthodontist, therapist, surgeon and orthopedist.

Treatment of diastema in adults

To eliminate pathology, dentistry offers three main methods, which are used individually or in combination, depending on the development and type of anomaly.

Cosmetic restoration of dentition

Dental restoration can be done in two ways.

  1. The interdental gap is covered with thin ceramic plates (veneers). Their thickness is 0.7 mm. The veneer is attached only to the outer side of the incisor, but the inner side remains intact. The color of the material is selected close to the natural shade of tooth enamel. are considered strong, durable and non-allergic. When choosing such a solution to the problem, it is worth considering that this method of restoration significantly increases the risk of developing caries.
  2. The second type of restoration involves the use of crowns on the front incisors. The crowns used are all-ceramic or metal-ceramic. The disadvantage of such a restoration is the mandatory grinding of the incisor and its undesirable use in pediatric dentistry.

To eliminate a gap that is too wide, you can also resort to conventional prosthetics. But again, this solution to the problem is only suitable for adult patients.

Surgical solution to the problem

Surgical intervention will be required if the cause of the anomaly is the labial frenulum. After the treatment is completed, the treatment continues in the orthodontic direction.

Orthodontic treatment

For treatment, braces and vestibular plates are used. This or that type of system is selected taking into account the age category of the patients. In pediatric orthodontics, it is preferable to use plates. But for adults you will need a more rigid system. An adult’s teeth are already strong and to move them requires a large load, which only braces can provide.

Correction with such systems can last about 3 years. The teeth do not require grinding or grinding of enamel. After this period, the patient can enjoy the naturalness of his smile. Depending on the type of pathology, the bracket system can be installed partially (only on a certain number of dental units), can be complete or not (fixed on one of the dental arches), and can also be removable.

Methods for correcting diastema in children

Before starting to correct an interdental gap in a child, the doctor finds out whether the true or false diastema has begun to form. An x-ray can help with this. True diastema is distinguished by the presence of a seam between the incisors. When this suture begins to fill with connective or bone tissue, a corticostomy is performed - a surgical procedure during which the palatal suture is corrected. The operation itself is performed under anesthesia, but the postoperative period becomes painful for the child. Constant discomfort in the mouth and pain when chewing solid food lead to the baby becoming stressed and refusing to eat.

Pediatric dentistry also offers another way to correct pathology. A special retainer, which is made using carbon thread, helps to avoid surgical intervention. To begin with, a rubber structure is placed on the child’s incisors. This takes 15 minutes. After a week of wearing, the product is removed and a retainer is installed in its place. The baby will have to wear the brace for about a year, but the lack of discomfort justifies such long-term wearing.

In cases where the cause of pathology is large deciduous incisors, they are removed prematurely. This allows permanent teeth to develop correctly.

Methods of prevention and prognosis

To prevent the development of diastema, you need a little:

  • eliminate bad habits in the child that can affect the proper growth of teeth (wean the baby from sucking fingers and biting other hard objects);
  • take care of regular visits to the dental office (this is especially important for those patients who already have this pathology in their family).

Diastema has a wide variety of clinical forms. Therefore, in order to achieve a good result in treatment and a favorable prognosis, you will need to select the optimal solution to the problem and clearly follow the sequence of all stages of treatment. Correctly carried out treatment will relieve the patient of shortcomings associated with sound reproduction and psychological complexes, and will also help achieve maximum aesthetic results.

Diastema is completely eliminated in any, even the most severe case. The price of treatment is low and depends on the complexity of the case. This takes into account the cost of all examination procedures and materials used, how many stages of treatment will have to be completed and how they are followed. The professionalism of doctors and the status of the clinic can also play a big role in the price.

Some people consider diastema as a feature of their individuality, but for others it is a lifelong problem. A gap between teeth is not only a cosmetic defect, but also causes some functional problems. Is it worth eliminating the diastema and how can this be done? Read about this in our article.

What is a diastema, how is it different from a trema?

A diastema is a dental anomaly; it is a gap between the front incisors ranging from 1 to 6 mm wide, and in some cases reaching 10 mm. Most often occurs on the upper jaw. Incisors, inclined towards each other with cutting edges, form a diastema in the form of a triangle; in the opposite case, the diastema will expand towards the edge of the tooth. The defect not only affects aesthetics, but also speech pronunciation (lisp, sputtering).

Gap between the upper front incisors

Trema is also a gap between the teeth, but not between the front teeth, but between all the others in the oral cavity. A gap of less than 1 mm is not considered a pathology; more than 1 mm indicates its presence.

Between central and lateral incisors

The presence of a diastema or trema leads to injury to the soft tissue of the gums and the formation of gum pockets. In adults, the risk of developing pulpitis, caries, periodontal disease, and periodontitis increases, so the doctor will advise you to proceed with orthodontic correction.

Types of diastema

Diastema can be true or false.

In case of false diastema, orthodontic intervention is not required. It is typical during the development of baby teeth. The problem disappears on its own when permanent teeth erupt.

In children, after changing baby teeth to permanent spaces, they will disappear on their own. If this does not happen, the diastema develops into a true one.

True diastema is present with a full number of permanent teeth and requires intervention.


The main reasons for the appearance of diastema:

  • Delayed replacement of milk teeth with permanent ones.
  • Too dense bone septum between the central incisors.
  • Absence and defects of lateral incisors.
  • Bad habits that deform the jaw (thumb sucking, pacifiers).
  • Incorrect position of the front teeth.
  • Displaced dentition due to the congenital absence of some teeth.
  • Hereditary factor.


The presence of a diastema is confirmed by the doctor during an in-person examination of the patient.

To clarify the causes and type of diastema, additional procedures may be required: orthopantomography, radiography, bite determination, taking impressions of the jaw, making and further studying them.

It is important to take into account the condition of the frenulum, the inclination of the incisors, the nature of the malocclusion, and the size of the interdental space. The problem should be solved collectively, with the involvement of such specialists as an orthopedist, surgeon, orthodontist and dental therapist.

Treatment methods

After a thorough diagnosis, the specialist will select individual treatment depending on the degree of neglect of the dental anomaly. There are several treatments for diastema.


It will help restore the aesthetics of your smile, a method that does not require orthodontic intervention; it is also called the cosmetic restoration method. The gap is closed with artificial onlays: crowns or composite veneers made of photopolymer (composites). Photopolymer has many advantages over cements: it can be used to sculpt teeth, and can be used as fillings. Componeers are thin overlays on the teeth that will help correct the color of the enamel, uneven teeth and, of course, close the gaps between them.

Treatment with composite veneers - before and after photos


A method of closing interdental gaps using artificial crowns and ceramic veneers. A thin ceramic plate is glued to the front surface of the tooth, the inner surface remains the same. The disadvantage of this method is the complex correction process, high abrasion of antagonist teeth, and difficult tissue control over the prosthesis.

Teeth restoration with ceramic veneers - before and after photos


In case of anomalies in the shape of the frenulum and its attachment, plastic surgery of the frenulum of the lips or tongue is performed, followed by orthodontic correction.


Treatment consists of eliminating the gap by moving the incisors using plates or braces. The result will have to wait from 6 months to 3 years. Removable plates are recommended for children under 12 years of age; their teeth can be easily corrected. From the age of 13, more rigid braces (ceramic or metal) are needed.

Treatment with braces - before and after photos

For patients who are embarrassed to wear braces and thus refuse orthodontic treatment, aligners were released. An aligner is a clear aligner used to correct an overbite and misaligned teeth. Unlike braces, aligners are removable, but you still need to wear them constantly, except for breaks for food and hygiene.

Transparent mouthguard

Video: types of braces and how they affect lifestyle


Basic preventive measures include:

  • Regular visits to the dentist.
  • Timely treatment of jaw abnormalities.
  • Getting rid of bad habits.

Children require constant dental supervision. This is necessary in order to stop the development of defects as early as possible, the correction of which requires so much time and effort.

If you have not yet decided whether to leave or eliminate the diastema, consult a dentist. Have a specialist apply temporary composite material to the gap to evaluate the new look and make your choice with confidence. Still, 40% of patients decide to leave the diastema, and the remaining 60% agree to eliminate it.

A gap between teeth, also called diastema, occurs in many people. Some consider it one of the manifestations of individuality and do not even think that the dentition can be corrected. For example, celebrities Vanessa Paradis, Ornella Muti and Madonna have made the gap their recognizable feature. But for some it becomes a cause of self-doubt. In such cases, you can contact your dentist for correction.

Shcherbinka occurs in one person out of five. It can form on both the upper and lower teeth. As a rule, this gap is 2-6 mm, but in some cases it can reach up to 10.

There is another similar feature - trema. The difference between these two anomalies is the location of the gap. The latter can occur in any area of ​​a row of teeth, but not in the central location.

If you have a gap, you should visit your dentist periodically for a check-up. If the space between the teeth grows, the doctor may recommend removing it. The presence of a very large gap can lead to the development of complications such as:

  • Problems with diction.
  • Reduced aesthetics.
  • High risk of caries and periodontitis in this area.
  • Unhealthy bite.
  • Psychological discomfort.

In some extreme cases, diastema is not only possible, but also necessary to get rid of. For this purpose, many methods have been created, taking into account different types of cracks. It is possible to remove any distances, even the widest ones.

Causes and types interdental gaps

This feature can appear for many reasons. The following conditions most often lead to this:

  • Genetic factor.
  • Strongly pronounced interdental papillae.
  • Incorrect placement of the labial frenulum.
  • Late appearance of molars.
  • Delayed development of the dental system, slow process of formation of the anterior incisors.
  • Injury to the anterior chewing units (injuries that occur in childhood are very dangerous; they can significantly affect the shape of the teeth in adulthood).
  • Gum diseases.
  • Presence of supernumerary incisors.
  • Microdentia ().

Before you remove a hole between your teeth, you should know that there are not only true, but also false diastemas. They vary depending on the time of appearance:

  • False. Parents notice it in childhood, when the child has baby teeth. After they are replaced with permanent ones, the gap may disappear on its own.
  • True. It is formed after the change of teeth and the formation of the bite. This gap can only be removed with the help of professionals.

Gaps between teeth can have different types of displacement. The following types are distinguished:

  • Lateral deviation. The roots are parallel, and the chewing units diverge.
  • Corpus lateral displacement. Not only the teeth change position, the roots also shift along with them.
  • Medial tilt. The most complex type of deviation. There is a displacement of teeth with roots, and chewing units can tilt not only to the side, but also around their axis.

In addition, there is another difference in diastemas. They can be symmetrical or asymmetrical:

  • Symmetrical. The gap is located in the center of the dentition; the incisors have a symmetrical appearance.
  • Asymmetrical. The incisors have different shapes; one of them can be positioned straight, while the other deviates in any direction.

It is not always possible to predict how the gap will change. Sometimes it remains the same for many years, and sometimes it begins to expand. In some cases, this feature can cause other problems.

Ways to eliminate the gap

Getting rid of dysthema is a truly complex, intricate work. Thanks to the achievements of modern dentistry, the gap can be eliminated forever. In this case, correction can take several procedures or a couple of years. It all depends on the chosen treatment method, the patient’s age and contraindications.

Only a doctor can choose the method that will be optimal in a particular case. In this case, the price for treatment of diastema consists of the following factors:

  • Complexity of the problem.
  • Restoration method.
  • Cost of consumables and medications.
  • City and level of medical institution.

Use of orthodontic products

The most popular way to correct a diastema is to wear a brace system. This is a proven method that allows you to return your teeth to their correct and even position. It is most effective to install braces on children and adolescents under 16 years of age. At a young age, correcting bone tissue abnormalities is quite simple, since the dental system has not yet fully formed.

In order to close a gap with braces in adulthood, it will take much more time, since the jaw and teeth are already fully fixed. In addition, after treatment, the dentition may return to its original position, and the gap will appear again. The main advantage of braces is that they are absolutely safe. However, there are also disadvantages:

  • Treatment may take up to 3 years.
  • During this time, the structure cannot be removed.

If expensive lingual braces or sapphire, ceramic varieties are used, long-term correction can be quite expensive. The price for removing the gap between the front teeth can range from 50-100 thousand rubles.

In addition to braces, there are special plates. They differ from the first ones in that they are a removable structure. Just like the braces system, such products have the greatest effect when used in childhood. Unfortunately, if such a device is used by an adult patient, the treatment will give results only in the presence of minor pathology.

Mouthguards have also become popular recently. These are removable systems, visually similar to covers. The design puts the necessary pressure on the teeth, causing them to occupy the desired position. During the entire treatment period, you will need to change several of these aligners. As progress progresses, the doctor places a smaller structure, thanks to which the distance between the teeth narrows. One of the most famous varieties of such products is inviolating mouth guards.

Using aligners is an effective type of treatment, but it is not the cheapest method for removing gaps between teeth. The price of correction can start from 100 thousand rubles.

Veneers and Lumineers

Veneers are coverings on the outer surface of the tooth that allow you to close the gap between the incisors. Such products are made from hypoallergenic materials. The gap cannot be seen, and the microprostheses themselves are no different in appearance from natural chewing units.

Before installing such a structure, it is necessary to cure the teeth, put fillings if necessary, and grind the incisors, which may be contraindicated for some people. For example, for those who suffer from bruxism or engage in extreme sports. These factors can lead to damage to the microprosthesis. The cost of veneers is from 20 thousand rubles. per unit. The service life of the structure is about 10 years.

Today, the most popular type of onlays are lumineers. They are also installed on the outer area of ​​the incisor and allow you to get rid of the diastema. Such products look very attractive; Hollywood stars are known to use this implantation method. In addition, the installation of lumineers does not require extensive grinding. Microprostheses can last up to 20 years. However, their cost is much higher than that of veneers; the price starts from 30 thousand rubles. per unit.

Application of crowns

A more radical method used to close the gap between teeth is to install crowns. Such products can be made of metal, ceramics, plastic and a combination of various materials. Such dentures are completely indistinguishable from real incisors.

The big advantage of crowns is their long service life (up to 20 years). But before removing the chip, it is necessary to grind the teeth. The price of one high-quality crown starts from 20 thousand rubles.

Cosmetic and artistic correction

Fillings can only fill small gaps between teeth. The doctor carefully applies the composite material to the space between the incisors, and the empty space is no longer visible. This method will cost less than all others (about 3 thousand rubles). Its big advantage is the ability to get a quick effect. However, installing seals has its disadvantages:

  • Over time, composite fillings change their shade, so their aesthetics decrease.
  • The material is not able to last for a very long time (service life is 3-5 years).
  • The risk of caries formation in the area where teeth meet increases.
  • It is necessary to protect the front teeth and reduce the chewing load on them. It is best not to eat very hard foods.

A more reliable method is . This method is very similar to the previous one, but has the greatest durability. The doctor performs a gradual build-up using a composite. After all layers have been applied, an ultraviolet lamp is applied.

The material is visually no different from other teeth. After the restoration, the incisors are closed. Such work will cost approximately 10 thousand rubles. The correction is very effective because the doctor does the extension gradually. This method has no contraindications, but the load on the front incisors must be reduced.


If the diastema appears due to incorrect position of the labial frenulum, experts recommend using this method, since we are talking about a congenital defect. The doctor performs an operation on the frenulum, the dentition takes its normal position, and the gap between the teeth decreases naturally.

After plastic surgery, the patient will need to wear orthodontic appliances for some time to speed up recovery. The operation is inexpensive (from 7 thousand rubles), but it does not give a quick effect. The result may appear only after a few years, but the risk of the defect returning is practically reduced to zero.

The best result is possible if the operation was performed on a child under 8 years of age. In this case, you don’t even need to wear orthopedic products. But if the surgery was performed by an adult, mouthguards, braces or plates will be required after the procedure.

Prevention methods

Not a single folk method can eliminate a chip. Moreover, exposure to teeth without professional supervision can be harmful to health. The most common method of correction among people who practice traditional recipes is tying the front teeth with a tight thread. This approach has a detrimental effect on the condition of the dentition; it is especially harmful for children, since their incisors may become deformed. In addition, this provokes the development of caries and periodontitis.

But you can prevent the appearance of diastema in children on your own. Parents should pay attention to the following recommendations:

  • It is necessary to visit the dentist regularly and ask him to conduct a diagnosis. The doctor will be able to find out whether the child has a hereditary predisposition or other factors that may cause a gap to appear between the incisors.
  • It is important to carefully monitor the hygiene process and remind the child of the need to care for their teeth.
  • Monitor your child’s nutrition, add to the diet foods high in calcium, magnesium, fluorine, phosphorus, as well as vitamins D, C, A.
  • Wean children away from bad habits (thumb sucking or other objects, chewing solid food with their front incisors).

It is important to remember that diastema is not always an aesthetic defect and requires correction. Sometimes this feature looks attractive and unusual, an example of this is famous actresses and models with a gap between their teeth. If there is excessive space in the dentition and medical indications, it is always possible to eliminate the diastema. To do this, you need to contact a specialist who will select the most suitable correction method.