Dioxidin for children instructions for use. When is Dioxidin prescribed to treat a runny nose in a child? Instructions for rinsing your nose at home

A runny nose can easily develop into sinusitis.

And it is unnecessary to remind impressionable readers about the consequences of the development of this terrible disease: at least once in their life, everyone has heard a terrible story about a disease that can only be gotten rid of by undergoing unpleasant procedures for pumping out fluid. One of the most effective means that can prevent the terrible development of the process is the drug "Dioxidin" (in the nose).

What kind of drug is this?

"Dioxidin" is an antibacterial agent that has a negative effect on the activity of many pathogens. The range of its application is quite wide. It is used for such serious diseases as purulent inflammation of the pleura, phlegmon and abscesses. Depending on the situation, the medicine can be used both intravenously and externally. This is not a complete list of the beneficial qualities of the drug "Dioxidin". You can drip it into your nose without fear. It does not destroy the nasal mucosa, like many other modern medications for the common cold. "Dioxidin" dripped into the nose is especially effective when we are talking about a predisposition to sinusitis. The drug has an anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect. "Dioxidin" is injected into the nose, even when it comes to the development of a more serious infection.

When is the solution prescribed?

When antibiotics are not so effective, the drug "Dioxidin" is prescribed - nasal drops. Instructions for use in difficult cases should be accompanied by comments from the attending physician in order to speed up the recovery period.

In what form does the medicine exist?

The drug is available in the form of a 1% or 0.5% solution in 10 ml ampoules. There are no special forms for administering the drug "Dioxidin" into the nose, so the ampoule is simply opened and a regular pipette is used for administration.

Application of medicine

The patient should clear the sinuses of excess mucus and crusts and tilt their head back, and then use a pipette to inject the solution into both nostrils. Doctors recommend dripping 2-3 drops of liquid into each nasal opening for adults and 1-2 drops for children. Instillation should be repeated three times a day. Treatment should not be continued for longer than 3-5 days (maximum one week). A 0.5% solution is not diluted with water, but a more saturated solution (1%) can be diluted with saline. If closed ampoules have formed during storage

crystals, they can be diluted in a water bath. Children and pregnant women should use Dioxidin in the nose with extreme caution. A large number of less dangerous nasal drops have been developed for the youngest patients, so it is recommended that these drops be used by a child only with a doctor’s prescription, although there are no officially registered cases of side effects from their use.

Storage of the drug

Even if you didn’t manage to use up a whole ampoule in a day, you shouldn’t leave it for the next day. Only as a last resort can you plug the neck with cotton wool and place the solution in the refrigerator, and warm the liquid a little before use.

When a runny nose occurs, many of us approach this problem differently. Some snot cannot be treated and they think it will go away on its own, while others, on the contrary, drip everything into the nose.

Such approaches to the treatment of a runny nose are fraught with allergic reactions, the occurrence of protracted inflammatory processes, and drying of the nasal mucosa. In treatment, as in life, there should be moderation in everything. Therefore, it is better to determine the right medication in the otolaryngologist’s office. There is a drug on the pharmaceutical market called dioxidin, which doctors use in the treatment of complicated runny nose.

Important! Every patient should know that dioxidin is not used for the following types of runny nose:

  • allergic;
  • vasomotor;
  • medicinal;
  • viral;
  • atrophic and hypertrophic;
  • traumatic.

Effect of dioxidin and indications for use

  • purulent wounds of various locations;
  • burns with an infected wound surface;
  • phlegmon;
  • pleurisy of purulent origin;
  • trophic ulcers;
  • peritonitis;
  • other purulent processes.

Dioxidin is an antibacterial agent that destroys a wide range of pathogenic microflora. It also affects pyogenic microbes. Often, dioxidin is highly effective in cases where other antibacterial agents have failed.

Therefore, the drug is prescribed only for pronounced purulent processes and severe forms of infection. Dioxidin successfully suppresses staphylococcus, anaerobes, Klebsiella, salmonella, streptococcal pathogens, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other infections.

Despite the absence of indications for the treatment of runny nose in the instructions for the drug, ENT departments successfully use dioxidin in their work. Now, let's take a closer look at how dioxidin is used in practice to treat a runny nose.

As a result of the accumulated experience in using dioxidine, we present to your attention a detailed guide to using dioxidine for a prolonged runny nose.

What form of the drug can be used for nasal instillation?

At the pharmacy you can buy ampoules with 0.5 or 1% dioxidine solution. One ampoule contains 10 ml of medicinal solution. For each instillation, the solution must be fresh; it is not recommended to store open ampoules, but in practice, an ampoule is more often used during the day (enough for three instillations: morning, afternoon and evening). The ampoule must be stored in the refrigerator, after covering the open neck with a cotton swab.

Important! Ampoules with a 0.5% solution do not need to be diluted before intranasal (through the nose) administration, but a 1% solution should be diluted in a 1:1 ratio with saline or distilled water.

How to use dioxidin correctly?

Usually the drug is used externally, intravenously or injected into the lesion cavity. To treat a persistent runny nose, dioxidine is instilled into the nasal passages. When treating sinusitis, the drug is administered intracavitarily.

The ampoule with the solution is opened and the required dose of the drug is drawn into the pipette. The average dose for adults is 2-3 drops in each nostril three times a day; for children, 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day are enough. According to indications, the doctor prescribes the required amount of the drug in each individual case of treatment of prolonged rhinitis or sinusitis.

For the best effect of the drug, pre-wash the nasal passages with saline solutions: Aquamaris, Quix, Marimer and others. The saline solution is easy to prepare at home: for a glass of boiled water at room temperature, you need to take 3-5 grams of table or sea salt. Stir the contents thoroughly so that the salt crystals all dissolve. Then inject about 1 ml of solution into each nostril.

After rinsing, blow your nose, and after 3-5 minutes, drip the dioxidine solution. The course of treatment with dioxidine depends on the severity of the infectious process, but does not exceed a week.

Dioxidin shows high effectiveness in purulent processes, and the symptoms of the disease usually disappear within 3-4 days after the start of the medication. The drug is so powerful that all pathogenic flora die with lightning speed.

Is there any harm from using dioxidine?

Dioxidin exhibits toxic activity and cannot be used for a long time. It has contraindications in the following cases:

  • pregnancy (due to teratogenic effects on the fetus),
  • breastfeeding;
  • individual intolerance;
  • severe diseases of the kidneys and adrenal glands.

When using dioxidine, side effects may also appear, such as:

  • hyperthermia (increased body temperature);
  • allergy;
  • age spots;
  • chills;
  • stool disorder;
  • headache;
  • convulsive muscle twitching;
  • dermatitis (in cases of using dioxidine externally).

Such side effects appear with intracavitary and intravenous administration of the drug. To relieve them, antihistamines (suprastin, erius, claritin, others) and calcium supplements are used. In case of severe intolerance, the drug is discontinued.

When administered intranasally, side effects, as a rule, do not develop. Only in the case of treatment of sinusitis, when intracavitary lavage of the sinuses is performed, unpleasant side symptoms may appear.

Is it possible to use dioxidin for a runny nose in a child?

Many parents are wary of prescribing dioxidine, and this is justified. The instructions clearly warn that the drug is intended for adults only. But, despite such instructions, otolaryngologists still use dioxidin in children in the treatment of various types of runny nose.

Due to the fact that there is completely no information in the instructions for the use of dioxidin in childhood, as well as its use for a runny nose, parents should make a decision together with their doctor, weighing the pros and cons: to use the drug for treatment or not.

Practicing doctors speak positively about dioxidine and believe that its use is often justified. They did not notice any special complications or severe consequences during the treatment of the runny nose with dioxidine.

Dioxidin is often used for inhalation for the common cold, including for children. You should start using this treatment method only with your doctor's permission.

Can dioxidin be used in pregnant women?

Dioxidin has a teratogenic effect, and this can cause irreparable malformations of the fetus. Therefore, it is not recommended to use the drug during this period of a woman’s life, especially in the earliest stages of pregnancy (before the 12th week).

Drawing conclusions

After reading the article, many wondered whether it is worth treating a runny nose with dioxidine if there are no clear instructions for use in this pathology.

You will have to decide for yourself. Although few patients study the instructions and more often trust the doctor’s experience.

The positive thing is that the drug has long been tested in practice and shows excellent results in the treatment of rhinitis. A negative feature is that there are no scientific conclusions on the use of dioxidin in ENT practice.

The ideal is not to let the disease progress and treat a runny nose without leading it to protracted forms and the development of sinusitis. Try to use traditional medicine and traditional drugs that have been effective in eliminating inflammation of the nasal mucosa for many years. And only in case of urgent need to resort to “heavy artillery” - dioxidin!

Komarovsky does not recommend dripping Dioxidin into the nose of children, as the medicine can cause allergies. Dioxidin was often used in the USSR in hospitals. Today the drug is used to combat various pathogens. The drug destroys the structure of infected cells and prevents them from multiplying further. Dioxidin is not the only drug of its kind and has analogues: Gatifloxacin, Trinephron, Ofloxin.

Dioxidin is available in various forms:

  • Solution in a glass container, 1% active substance. Used for topical use. The package contains 10 pieces of the drug, 10 mg each.
  • Solution in a glass container, 0.5% active substance. Used for intravenous use. The package contains 10 pieces of 10 mg or 20 mg.
  • The ointment in the tube is used externally only. 5% active substance.

Komarovsky’s video about Dioxidin, which explains the benefits of the drug, is popular among parents.


The drug copes well with staphylococci, streptococci, pathogenic anaerobes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and many other pathogens. The drug is intended primarily for hospitals. It cannot be taken independently, but only under the supervision of a specialist and only in the prescribed dosages.
Komarovsky recommends Dioxidin for diseases with the formation of pus of various etiologies. The drug is indispensable in the treatment of cystitis, pleurisy, phlegmon and burns of varying degrees.

Dioxidin for children

Dr. Komarovsky rarely recommends taking the drug to children, this is due to the negative impact of the main substance Dioxidin on the activity of the adrenal glands. Before prescribing medicine to a child under 12 years of age, the doctor checks the functioning of the genitourinary system and also asks for tests to determine the tolerance of the components of the medicine.

Instructions for use

The drug is not intended for the treatment of rhinitis and other diseases of the nasopharynx. Komarovsky against Dioxidin in the nose for children, since the mechanism of action of the drug has not been fully studied, there is a risk of overdose. The only case when a doctor agrees with the use of a drug is a long period of time, during which many different remedies have been tried without giving the desired result.

Komarovsky recommends dripping Dioxidin into the nose only according to a scheme drawn up individually. A regimen that works for one child may not have the desired effect for another. Treatment occurs in combination: Dioxidin, an allergy drug, vasoconstrictors and hormonal agents.

When prescribing Dioxidin to a child to drip into the nasal passage, the doctor recommends rinsing the nose with hydrogen peroxide using a cotton swab. Then take the required amount of 0.5% solution into a pipette and drop 2 drops into each nasal passage. The procedure is repeated 3 times a day. The average course duration is 3-5 days. In difficult cases, you can extend the course to 7 days, but no more. If side effects occur: chills, fever, rash, abdominal pain, dizziness, convulsions, you should stop taking the medication and consult your doctor as soon as possible.

Under no circumstances should you treat the nasal canal with a cotton swab soaked in Dioxidin. This method harms the mucous membrane. Parents need to take note not to treat their child with medicine that has helped the children of a friend or acquaintance, this is dangerous. The solution is used to treat the nose only as prescribed by a specialist and only after passing the necessary tests.


Contraindications are:

  • Individual intolerance to any component included in the drug;
  • Adrenal insufficiency;
  • Children's age – up to 12 years.

The drug is used in childhood only when there is a special need, which is determined by the doctor, and not by the parents themselves.

Otolaryngologists prescribe Dioxidin in the nose for bacterial damage to the mucous tissues of the nasopharynx and paranasal emptiness.

The active drug substance is a synthetic derivative of quinoxaline that has an antimicrobial effect.

It is capable of destroying even those pathogenic microorganisms who have developed resistance to effective chemotherapeutic agents.

This antimicrobial medication has a wide range of effects on numerous types of infectious lesions.

It is used in the elimination of ENT diseases caused by gram-positive cocci and bacilli (salmonella, streptococci, staphylococci, shigella, anaerobes and others), including antiseptic-resistant mycobacterium tuberculosis.

How does the drug work?

Nasal drops with Dioxidin are used for various diseases of the nasopharynx, which are accompanied by the release of purulent exudate and inflammation of the mucous tissues.

The drug is effective in physiotherapy of ENT diseases provoked by pathogenic microorganisms. After its use, the wound surfaces quickly clean and heal.

The introduction of an antimicrobial component also stimulates tissue regeneration. The antiseptic solution can be used in the form of external or intravenous administration.

It selectively acts directly on the DNA of pathogenic microorganisms, due to which it is possible not only to inhibit, but also completely destroy pathogens.

If an ENT disease is caused by anaerobic pathogenic microbes, then the drops contribute to the breakdown of the cell membrane as a result of active oxidation. Bacteria very rarely develop an addiction to a powerful chemical.

After use, the active ingredient is quickly absorbed into the mucous tissues and skin. When administered locally, it immediately penetrates small blood vessels and then spreads through the bloodstream throughout the human body.

Despite its high effectiveness, dioxidin cannot be prescribed independently, as it has a toxic effect on the body.

A synthetic derivative of quinoxaline is not available in the form of intranasal drops, although it is often prescribed by otolaryngologists for.

How to drip an antibiotic into the nose if it is not sold in a specially designed container for the common cold?

First it should be noted that Dioxidin resort only in extreme cases:

  • Prolonged bacterial rhinitis with purulent discharge, which does not respond to treatment with other groups of antibacterial medications;
  • Development of sinusitis;
  • Complications of otitis media extending to the upper respiratory tract;
  • Chronic diseases of the ENT organs requiring long-term use of antibiotics;
  • Rhinitis in people with immunodeficiency conditions.

Firstly, before starting the treatment course, experts recommend conducting a drug tolerance test.

This is necessary to identify an allergic reaction to the active ingredients. To determine whether it is possible to drip an antibiotic into the nasal cavity, first drop one drop into the nostril. After a few hours, an examination is carried out to determine whether the patient has an allergy.

If not, then the medicine is suitable for a course of phthisiology.

A 0.5% or 1% solution is suitable for local intranasal instillation. It is often sprayed together with saline solution by inhalation or

It should be noted

An ENT specialist should explain how to dilute an antibiotic for instillation into the nasal cavity, taking into account the characteristics of the patient’s body and the severity of his pathology.

Instructions for use in nasal ampoules for adults

Under stationary conditions, Dioxidin 1% is combined with water to prepare injections. An adult is prescribed no more than 70 ml of medication diluted with saline in a 1:1 ratio for rinsing. When a 0.5% concentration is prescribed, there is no need to dilute it.

The instructions for the antimicrobial synthetic chemical intended to eliminate rhinitis in adults recommend acting according to the following methods:

Washing. To carry out the procedure, special catheters, a syringe or a pipette are taken. The liquid is administered 1-2 times a day. The prescribed dose is poured into the nostril, while the patient must lie down. After 20 seconds, you should blow your nose well and only then repeat rinsing the second nasal canal. Before manipulation, the nasal passages are cleared of crusts and mucus.

Burial. The patient tilts his head back and injects 3 drops of the chemical into each nostril. The procedure is repeated three times a day.

Inhalations. Prescribed in cases where bacterial rhinitis is complicated by the development of purulent lesions of the upper respiratory tract. Also sinusitis. A nebulizer is suitable for medical practice. An ENT specialist will tell you how to dilute an antibacterial agent for inhalation.

Typically, a 1% composition is diluted with saline solution in the proportion one to four, and 0.5% - in a ratio of one to two. Nebulizer physiatry is performed twice daily. Do not spray more than 8 ml of medication at a time.

How many days to take intranasal drops or do inhalations should be prescribed by your doctor. As a rule, 3-7 days are enough to completely cure rhinitis.

For severe illnesses, the course of physiotherapy can last up to 4 weeks. If necessary, therapeutic manipulations are repeated again after a month of rest. Source: website

Dioxidine in a child's nose

Since the quinoxaline derivative is a powerful antibiotic with toxic effects, it is extremely rarely recommended in the treatment of ENT diseases in children.


But in case of low effectiveness or absence of any results from the use of other antibacterial agents, the doctor may decide to prescribe a medicinal composition, strictly selecting the dosage for each child individually.
At what age can it be recommended for children?

A 1% antiseptic must be diluted with saline solution. Typically, children are prescribed a 0.5% concentration, since high doses of hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide can lead to a gene mutation in the child.

This solution is appropriate in cases where the treatment of chronic purulent infections does not give the required results. At home, it is undesirable to fight ENT disease with a toxic antibiotic.

The drug is sold in 10 ml ampoules and in ointment form. Antimicrobial drops are available in pediatrics. Moreover, the instructions indicate that you should not wipe your nostrils with tampons soaked in the prepared solution, as this can lead to damage to the baby’s delicate mucous tissue.


It is forbidden to practice it in rinsing the paranasal sinuses, since the liquid can enter the Eustachian tube, which can be fraught with otitis or pharynx and thereby cause an overdose.

The procedure for instilling a nose in children is carried out as follows:

  1. The child’s nostrils are cleaned of infectious exudate and dried crusts.
  2. The ampoule of 0.5% or 1% (diluted with saline) is opened and pipetted.
  3. Drop 1-2 drops into both nostrils (strictly adhering to the doctor’s prescriptions).
  4. Then the child must tilt his head back so that the active substance penetrates deep into the nasopharynx and sinuses.

Instillation is repeated up to three times a day. The maximum treatment course should not exceed 7 days. After opening, the ampoule is stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

Complex nasal drops: composition dioxidine hydrocortisone mezaton

Often, for rhinitis or sinusitis of mixed infectious etiology, otolaryngologists prescribe a prescription for medications consisting of several active ingredients.

This is especially true for diseases that provoke the development of serious complications in the lower parts of the respiratory system. For example, Dioxidine can be mixed with Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone, Dexamethasone (hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs).

Mezaton, Farmazolin, Ephidrine are used as vasoconstrictor components. Often the composition includes sodium sulfacyl.

  • Dioxidin 1% and Galazolin 0.1% take 5 ml each and add Dexamethasone 0.1% in a volume of 2 ml.
  • An ampoule of Dioxidin 1% is diluted with 2 ml of anti-inflammatory Hydrocortisone 2.5% and 1 ml of vasoconstrictor Metazon 1%.
  • Instead of Mezaton, you can take Farmazolin 0.05% in a volume of 5 ml. The concentration of Dioxidin is reduced to 5% and only 5 ml of the drug is taken. And Hydrocortisone is left in the same amount as in the previous recipe - 2 ml.

If an otorhinolaryngologist prescribes Mezaton, Dioxidin and Dexamethasone in the nose, the mixing proportion is selected depending on the age of the patient, the individual characteristics of the person, the severity of the disease and the duration of its course.

Important to note

Many of the prepared liquids can act not only locally, but also systemically. If these points are not taken into account, the medicine can have serious side effects.

The main advantages of complex drops with several types of active substances are adaptation to a specific person.

The ENT specialist can be confident that therapeutic manipulations will not cause allergies and will effectively fight infectious agents.

You can also add plant extracts to the recipe, which alleviate health conditions and soften the aggressive effects of the selected ingredients.

Quinoxaline derivatives should not be used by people intolerant to the drug. Since it is excreted by the kidneys, it is contraindicated in adrenal insufficiency. As already mentioned, It is prohibited to use during pregnancy and children under 7 years of age.

Nasal rinsing with Dioxidin or sinusitis in patients with renal failure is not a contraindication, but is carried out under the supervision of a physician with extreme caution.

Even the dosage of ointment for external application should be strictly selected by the attending physician. It is placed using a turunda or a cotton swab, which is removed after 15 minutes. If necessary, reduce the dose.

Side effects

When Dioxidin is administered, sick people may experience negative reactions of the body, manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Fever;
  • Muscle spasms, chills;
  • Headaches;
  • Allergy;
  • From the gastrointestinal tract, nausea or vomiting is possible.

If an antimicrobial medication is used on the skin for wounds of bacterial origin, patients may develop dermatitis around the injury.

In rare cases, due to increased dosage, patients experience the appearance of skin pigment spots. The fact is that a group of quinoxaline derivatives can increase individual skin sensitivity to ultraviolet rays.

Pigmentation usually occurs on the hands or face. But such a side effect disappears after a simultaneous increase in the time between the use of an antimicrobial drug or a reduction in its dose.

If preventive measures do not have a positive result, the antibacterial medicine is discontinued.

To avoid the development of side effects during treatment, tolerance tests are carried out. To do this, a 1% concentration of drops is instilled intranasally and after 3-6 hours the patient’s health condition is assessed.

If no negative manifestations occur, then therapeutic manipulations are continued.

Since the quinoxaline derivative inhibits the function of the adrenal cortex, it is very important to use it carefully in people with chronic renal failure.

Doctors prescribe a lower dose, reduce the frequency of intranasal procedures (rinsing, instillation, inhalation) and shorten the duration of treatment.

If the patient has developed acute sinusitis, then the simultaneous use of antihistamines with an antibacterial component is not recommended.

Antiallergic drugs reduce mucus production, which inhibits the drainage function of the paranasal sinuses. Therefore, in case of acute sinusitis, the antiseptic is temporarily discontinued.

If the inflammation of the maxillary cavities is chronic, then antihistamine tablets or injections are suitable for simultaneous use in treatment. But to improve mucus drainage, patients are advised to frequently rinse their nose with saline liquids. This action helps to avoid drying out of the mucous membranes.

In case of overdose, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Acute adrenal insufficiency;
  • Arrhythmias, decreased blood pressure;
  • Nausea, diarrhea, flatulence, vomiting;
  • Lethargy, hallucinations;
  • Epileptic or muscle cramps;
  • Coma.

Symptoms of overdose are relieved by completely stopping the drug and prescribing hormone replacement therapy.


When there is an individual intolerance to Dioxidin, solutions with a similar effect on pathogenic microorganisms are prescribed. Analogues of a broad spectrum antibacterial agent are:

  • Dioxysept
  • Urotravenol
  • Diquinoxide

These drugs also destroy pathogens: cocci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, pathogenic anaerobes, etc. They are prescribed if other types of powerful antibiotics cannot eliminate the pathological process or are contraindicated.

An otolaryngologist is a sought-after specialist among patients in medical institutions. Many people face with nasopharyngeal diseases and to eliminate unpleasant sensations they turn to this doctor. If damage to the mucous tissues of the nasopharynx occurs that is bacterial in nature, the specialist often prescribes Dioxidin as the main medicine.

This drug is an effective medicine, which must be considered as a specific quinoxaline derivative. The drug has an antimicrobial effect and can effectively eliminate inflammation that occurs in the nasopharynx mucosa. This immediately gives the answer whether the medicine is an antibiotic or not.

The medicine is able eliminate microorganisms in a short time, which are highly resistant to highly effective chemotherapeutic agents.

For this drug characterized by a strong antimicrobial effect, and in addition the ability to eliminate a wide range of lesions of the nasopharynx of an infectious nature. When treating various forms of ENT diseases, doctors often prescribe this particular medicine. It is effective in treating ailments that were caused by gram-positive coca and bacilli. It is often prescribed as the main therapeutic agent for to eliminate Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which are resistant to antiseptic drugs.

Dioxidin nasal drops: indications for use

This drug is in the form of intranasal drops not issued, but despite this, to eliminate various types of rhinitis, experts prescribe the medicine in this form.

A person who is prescribed such a drug for treatment has a question whether it is safe or not and how to properly instill this product into the nose.

It is worth saying that doctors resort to therapy with Dioxidin nasal drops only in the most extreme cases of treating inflammatory processes that have arisen in the nasopharyngeal mucosa:

  • for rhinitis, which is of a bacterial nature in cases where its course is accompanied by the release of pus, and the disease itself cannot be eliminated by therapy with other types of medications with an antibacterial effect;
  • sinusitis;
  • in case of complications of otitis media that have spread to the upper respiratory tract;
  • ENT diseases, occurring in a chronic form and requiring medication for a long time;
  • rhinitis, which occurs in people who have a state of immunodeficiency.

Dioxidin nasal drops: instructions for use

When treatment for inflammation of the nasopharynx is carried out in an adult or child in a hospital setting, Dioxidin 1% is used to prepare injections, which is combined with water. For an adult, the rinsing dose should not exceed 70 ml. The drug must be diluted with a physical solution, while maintaining a 1:1 ratio. If Dioxidin is prescribed at a concentration of 0.5%, then there is no need to dilute it with a physical solution.

When an antimicrobial chemical is used to eliminate rhinitis in adult patients, it is necessary to adhere to the following methods during the course of therapy:

  • Washing. In order to carry out the procedure correctly, you should use special catheters or administer the medicine using a syringe or pipette. The medicinal liquid must be administered into the nasal cavities in a dosage of 2 times a day. The prescribed dose must be poured into the nostril while the patient is in a supine position. After 20 seconds have passed since the administration of the medicine, the adult or child should blow their nose. Only after this is done can the doctor perform lavage of the second nasal canal. Before infusing the medicine into the nasal cavity, the doctor must cleanse the nose of the mucus and crusts that are present in the sinuses.
  • Burying. During the procedure, an adult or child should tilt their head back. After this, the specialist injects a chemical into the nasal cavities in a dosage of 3 drops in each nostril. This procedure should be carried out throughout the day.
  • Inhalations. This method of drug administration is prescribed when ongoing rhinitis of a bacterial nature is complicated by the development of purulent lesions of the respiratory tract. This method is also used for diagnosed sinusitis and sinusitis. A nebulizer is an effective device for carrying out such procedures.

How to use Dioxidin in ampoules?

When treating with this antibiotic, experts recommend first of all conducting a test to determine the tolerability of the drug in an adult or child. It is very important because it allows you to determine whether the child has allergic reactions to the components of the medicine. Only after this can this antibiotic be instilled into the nasal cavities. First, one drop of the drug is injected into one nostril, and after that an examination is carried out to determine whether the patient has an allergic condition after instilling the medicine.

If nothing unpleasant was found, this means that this antibiotic is suitable for a course of physiatry.

For treatment by intranasal instillation, specialists prescribe a solution at a concentration of 0.5 or 1%. Often the product is sprayed along with a physical solution using inhalation or nasal rinsing methods.

Dioxidine in a child's nose

Derivatives of quinoxaline, which is the active substance in the composition of the drug Dioxidin, act as a powerful antibiotic and have a toxic effect. Therefore, when treating diseases of the ENT organs in children, this remedy is rarely prescribed.

However, if in the treatment of diseases the use of other drugs that have an antibacterial effect does not give the desired result, then the doctor may well prescribe this particular medicine to eliminate the painful condition. In this case, the dosage is selected individually for each sick child with special care.

The procedure for instilling the nose in small patients should be carried out as follows:

  • it is necessary to clean the child’s nostrils from infectious exudate, as well as dried crusts;
  • the ampoule with a concentration of 5% is opened, after which the product is drawn up with a pipette;
  • It is necessary to instill two drops into each nostril, and follow the recommendations of the attending physician;
  • the child must tilt his head back so that the active substance of the drug can penetrate into the nasopharynx.

Instillation in small patients should be carried out 3 times a day. The maximum duration of a course of therapy in the treatment of diseases of the ENT organs should not be more than seven days. After opening, the ampoule should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 24 hours.

Dioxidin nasal drops: contraindications

People who are intolerant to the drug should not undergo treatment using it. When treated with this drug, its derivatives are excreted by the kidneys, so patients who suffer from adrenal insufficiency cannot be treated for inflammation of the nasopharynx with this drug. It is also prohibited to use it to eliminate diseases of the ENT organs for women in an “interesting situation”, as well as for young patients under 7 years of age.

If an adult or child suffers from sinusitis or is trying to get rid of sinusitis, rinsing the nose with Dioxidin, even with renal failure, is not a contraindication. Therapy with this medicine can be carried out, but subject to constant monitoring by the attending physician.

It is necessary to approach the selection of drugs in the form of ointments for a child with extreme caution. It is necessary to focus not only on the recommendations of famous doctors, like Komarovsky, but also on the reviews of ordinary people. The attending physician must choose a medicine taking into account the patient's health condition. The drug is placed into the nasal passages using a turunda or a cotton swab. They must be removed from the sinuses 15 minutes after administration. If this is necessary, the dosage of the medicine can be reduced.

Dioxidin: reviews

Dioxidin helped me very well with bilateral sinusitis. I didn't pay attention to my runny nose for a long time. This eventually triggered a more serious illness. Having contacted a medical institution, I was prescribed complex therapy. Along with this medicine, I was prescribed the “cuckoo” procedure. I washed my sinuses with Dioxidin solution.

As indicated in the reviews, the drug has a bacterial effect. The antibiotic can be purchased in the pharmacy chain in the form of 10 ml ampoules. I find this remedy for treating sinusitis quite effective. 8 sinus rinses were enough for me to get rid of this ailment. Now I will be more careful about my health and promptly treat any runny nose that occurs.

Andrey, 33 years old

I have sinusitis in a chronic form, so with severe colds there are periods of exacerbation. When I went to the hospital, the doctor advised me to use Dioxidin in addition to traditional medicines. When treating sinusitis, I instilled the prescribed remedy into my sinuses.

In order for the procedure to be effective, before carrying out it it is necessary to clear the nose if it is clogged with mucus. To do this, you can use any medicine with a vasoconstrictor effect. Xylene or Rinostop are perfect for this. After this, you need to take one ampoule of the drug at a concentration of 1% and instill 2 drops into each nostril three times a day. To make instillation convenient, you can use a pipette or syringe.

Sometimes during the procedure, the patient may feel slight discomfort in the form of a burning sensation in the nasal cavities or tingling. However, this does not last long. By using this medicine for treatment, you can be sure of its high effectiveness and rapid healing from the disease.

Vladimir, 39 years old

This drug is prescribed mainly for bacterial infections. It is effective in cases where taking other antibacterial agents has not eliminated inflammation in the nasopharynx. If the patient has experienced influenza or ARVI, then this medicine is not suitable, since these ailments are caused by viruses.

For sinusitis, Dioxidin is an excellent solution, especially if the disease occurs with yellow-purulent discharge from the sinuses. The most convenient way to instill the drug into the nose is to pour the medicine from the ampoule into another container that has a cap. However, the use of this drug must be approached with extreme caution. Before carrying out a procedure using the drug, you should consult a doctor so that harm to health is excluded. Side effects may occur during treatment with Dioxidin. If you encounter them, it is better to stop using the medicine and consult a doctor about this.

Galina, 50 years old


People often come to the hospital with diseases of the ENT organs. This is a rather serious health problem that causes great discomfort to people who have experienced inflammation of the nasopharyngeal mucosa. In order to get rid of unpleasant symptoms as quickly as possible, there are many medications. Quite often, doctors prescribe a medicine such as Dioxidin. It is an effective remedy in the treatment of inflammation in the nasopharynx. However, this medicine is not suitable for all categories of patients. After all, few people wonder whether this drug is safe or not.

Therapy with this drug must be approached with extreme caution when treating diseases of the ENT organs. It should be noted that when treating adults, various methods can be used: instillation, inhalation, injection. You should be aware of side effects before using this medicine. In this case, you can quickly get rid of the disease and avoid health problems.