Daytime sleep during pregnancy. Sleep and pregnancy: how to get proper rest? Why does a pregnant woman suffer from insomnia?

A fairly common and at the same time dangerous phenomenon is insomnia during early pregnancy.

The first trimester is a very important cycle in the development of the child and the health of the expectant mother.

Insomnia is not just a sleep disorder; first of all, it is one of the parameters by which the state of health is determined.

An unsatisfactory quality of night's rest can cause a person many problems associated with physical and mental health.

Problems with night rest can occur in a woman in the very early stages of pregnancy, and lasts until the very beginning of labor. The average duration of sleep for a physically healthy person varies from six to nine hours a day; if there is a significant deviation in time, then a sleep deficit occurs that can cause noticeable deterioration in well-being.

According to statistics, approximately 80% of women have problems sleeping.

There can be a huge variety of reasons that cause this symptomatology, ranging from psychological problems to physiological ones - related to the health of the expectant mother.

Some women complain of feeling unwell in the first trimester, others in the second or third.

Some experts argue that poor sleep is one of the earliest signs by which one can determine the birth of a new life in a woman’s womb. This manifestation is due to hormonal imbalance.

However, in the early stages, sleep problems are quite rare. Constant worries about the upcoming birth, active movements of the baby, shortness of breath, pain in the side, etc. t. - these are symptoms that appear in the later stages and they are quite natural.

Insomnia during pregnancy occurs in almost 80% of expectant mothers. Follow the link to learn everything about how to restore healthy sleep in pregnant women - from establishing sleep comfort to using medications.

Common Causes

Causes of insomnia during early pregnancy:

  • hormonal imbalance of the body;
  • depression (may occur due to an unplanned pregnancy or related problems in your personal life);
  • chronic fatigue;
  • physiological accompanying symptoms manifested by: heartburn, nausea, cramps of the lower extremities, etc.;
  • psycho-emotional shocks: possible fears of childbirth, increased sensitivity, disturbing and unpleasant dreams;
  • headache;
  • pain in the lower abdomen associated with the growth of the uterus;
  • elevated temperature associated with a health condition: colds, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections.

Insomnia can be caused by one or several factors in combination.

Types of insomnia during early pregnancy

Some women constantly want to sleep during pregnancy, regardless of the intensity of physical activity, while others, on the contrary, cannot fall asleep for a long time, but if a miracle happens, it does not last long at all: only a few hours a day.

Depending on the causes of sleep disturbance, three stages of insomnia can be distinguished:

  1. Starting. At this stage, the natural process of going to sleep is disrupted. Women toss and turn for a long time and cannot fall asleep, but if they still manage to immerse themselves in the desired state, then often even the slightest rustle can interrupt a good rest. This stage is characterized by increased motor activity before plunging into a night's rest: it is difficult to find a comfortable position for the body, various kinds of disturbing thoughts creep into the head.
  2. Middle. Unlike the first phase, everything here is much more complicated. Not only is the woman unable to fall asleep due to her long hours, but she also often wakes up at night. Waking up can occur every half hour and there is practically no complete rest at this stage. Nightmares and anxious experiences are frequent companions encountered at this phase of the disease.
  3. Final. The most difficult phase, very difficult to treat. Characterized by abnormally early morning awakening. For an ordinary person, the morning hours of sleep are considered the deepest and most complete; pregnant women suffering from insomnia wake up at this time and are no longer able to prolong their night's rest. This problem can cause irritability, headaches, drowsiness, and in some cases even hallucinations.

The second and third stages most often occur in the last stages, and the problem requires urgent medical intervention. Such types also occur in the early stages and this phenomenon is associated with a hormonal surge as a result of new emotions and experiences.

Along with the emotional state, toxicosis can occur, and the pregnant woman’s condition can worsen even further.

How to deal with the disease

The main ways to combat insomnia at home are given below:
  • Plant herbs. The main thing you should know is that no drug interventions are acceptable, especially without a doctor’s prescription. The doctor will also most likely try to do without medications or prescribe them in the most urgent case. You can calm the nervous system only with herbs and infusions: chamomile, valerian, motherwort. These herbs have side effects and should be taken in small portions according to the doctor's recommendations.
  • Foodstuffs. To restore and normalize sleep, you should pay attention to your daily routine and diet. At night you should not eat heavy foods: dinner should not be late, and always light. It is not recommended to drink tonic drinks, tea, or coffee at night. To avoid frequent urination and frequent trips to the toilet, you should not drink a lot of liquid in the evening. Warm milk with honey is perfect for your last drink before going to bed. Milk has soothing properties, and honey normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Daily routine. If you are used to daytime rest, you will have to give it up for a while. You should go to bed immediately before going to bed, and not just to lie down or watch TV while lying down. Walking in the fresh air has a positive effect on your psycho-emotional and physical state.
  • Personal hygiene. A warm shower or bath with aromatic oils or herbs will help you relax and prepare for relaxation. You can perform a light massage of the legs and lower back. Many women expecting the birth of a baby are helped to fall asleep by additional pillows in the bed, which can be placed under the stomach or legs. Near the bed you can hang geraniums, immortelle, and pine branches, dried and tied into a bunch.
  • Mental harmony. You should not watch negative programs on TV, worry about the upcoming birth, or get nervous about trifles. Communication with family and friends, aromatic treatments, evening walks - these are just some of the positive moments that you can afford. If there are no contraindications from the leading gynecologist, you can relax through sex. The temperature in the room is of great importance for a favorable rest. The room should be cool and fresh, so it should be ventilated as often as possible.

By following all the above tips and living with positive emotions, you can enjoy such a happy period of life.

Insomnia is a sleep disorder characterized by difficulty falling asleep or insufficient duration or quality of sleep over a long period of time. Many pregnant women experience sleep disturbances right from the first weeks of pregnancy, which is associated with hormonal shock in the body. Those women who have never encountered this problem before are especially sensitive to insomnia. The situation is complicated by the fact that in this situation the expectant mother needs to get enough sleep and it is undesirable to overwork, so during pregnancy it is necessary to fight insomnia. Knowing the causes of insomnia and studying the processes that take place in the body during all 9 months will help you get rid of sleep disorders.

Types of insomnia

Sleep disorders that have common symptoms, namely the inability to sleep for a long time, are called insomnia (or asomnia).

Asomnia (a + lat. somnus - sleep). Insomnia, sleep disturbance. It manifests itself as difficulty falling asleep, interrupted sleep with frequent awakenings at night, shallow sleep or premature awakening with the inability to fall back to sleep.

There are three types of asomnia: transient, short-term and chronic.

  1. Transient. Transient or situational insomnia during pregnancy is mostly associated with episodes caused by a surge of experiences of a joyful or sad nature. The sleepless state continues until the emotions subside and life goes on as usual. In this case, the saying is good: the less you know, the better you sleep. The expectant mother needs to protect herself from sources of unpleasant information, and those around her need to take care of her social circle and the positive attitude that reigns in the family. Such insomnia lasts no more than a week and does not require special treatment.
  2. Short-term. Short-term insomnia is associated with more significant causes - physiological processes occurring in the body during pregnancy, stress, taking medications, and heart disease. This type of insomnia can last about a month, and during this period the pregnant woman’s body can suffer significantly. If sleep disturbances have been bothering you for more than a week, you should immediately contact a specialist. You cannot get rid of the problem on your own, since only a doctor can recognize the true cause.
  3. Chronic. Chronic asomnia is the most complex form of insomnia, which does not arise out of nowhere. People suffer from it for months, and both mental and physical illnesses can cause this condition. It occurs much less frequently than the previous ones, however, in any case, this is a reason to consult a doctor. If a chronic disease has bothered a pregnant woman before, then the methods of dealing with it will have to be adjusted, since previous medications can harm the baby.

Why is insomnia dangerous for pregnant women?

According to statistics, approximately 80% of pregnant women face the problem of lack of sleep. Many experts consider this condition as one of the signs of pregnancy in its early stages, as well as a state of drowsiness.

Why is insomnia so dangerous during pregnancy? Of course, a woman gets tired quickly during the day, because everyday things are no longer done as easily as before. The position of the expectant mother obliges her to protect not only herself, but also the baby from sudden movements, frequent bending and heavy lifting.

Any action requires concentration, and insomnia reduces it and causes additional stress. In her position, a pregnant woman can very easily get injured, even performing the simplest movements, be it taking a shower or a leisurely walk. Against the backdrop of an unstable hormonal balance, irritability appears, which arises even because of trifles.

Main causes of sleep disturbances during pregnancy

As the duration of pregnancy increases, the physiological causes of insomnia also increase. It has been noticed that at later stages it appears many times more often and is much more powerful. The most common causes of insomnia are:

  • problems in choosing a comfortable position, because the stomach has grown and the weight has increased ();
  • nagging pain in the lumbar and back areas;
  • active fetal movement;
  • leg cramps;
  • increased urge to urinate;
  • pronounced due to skin stretch marks;
  • dyspnea.

Psychological reasons also become prerequisites for sleepless nights during pregnancy. Among them are:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • nervous tension;
  • stressful situations;
  • concern for the child's health;
  • fear of childbirth;
  • nightmares.

The nature of insomnia is varied, but it is absolutely necessary to combat it. Poor physical condition and psychological problems should be prevented, and, if insomnia has already appeared, learn to resist it.

Hormones and insomnia

First trimester. As pregnancy progresses, the causes of insomnia increase. Most often, this situation is associated with a restructuring of the body’s hormonal system. At the beginning of pregnancy, estrogens (hormones of the first phase of the menstrual cycle) give way to progesterone, the hormone of the second phase. Otherwise, he is called the guardian of pregnancy. An increase in progesterone levels brings the body into a state of full readiness, aiming it exclusively at bearing the fetus. Accordingly, even at night, this hormone does not allow the expectant mother’s body to relax and rest, so proper sleep is impossible.

Second trimester. When the second trimester of pregnancy begins, the overall picture partially changes, and night sleep improves. By this time, the woman’s body is already adapting to the hormonal surge: relative stability of the nervous system sets in, the pelvic organs, including the bladder, intestines and liver, have learned to adapt to the growing uterus. The functioning of all organs is normalized, and the stomach has not yet increased so much as to interfere with restful sleep.

Third trimester. The third trimester in pregnant women is again accompanied by insomnia, and it becomes increasingly difficult to find a comfortable position for rest. Women who have the habit of sleeping on their stomach or back have a very difficult time adapting to a different position. During this period, physiological discomfort is observed: the expectant mother develops heartburn, which gets worse when lying down, back and lower back pain occurs, and even at rest, shortness of breath appears. By this time, the stomach reaches such a size that it is difficult to find a comfortable position for sleeping.

The situation becomes more alarming closer to childbirth due to regular lack of sleep and emotional unrest, often turning into nightmares. Because of this, sleep becomes more restless and shorter. The woman restlessly listens to her well-being, expecting contractions, feels every movement of the fetus, which does not allow her to relax and fall asleep. The third trimester of pregnancy is accompanied by another hormonal surge: progesterone levels drop sharply before childbirth. Poor sleep and difficulty falling asleep can be caused by training contractions of the uterus that occur a few days before childbirth.

How to overcome insomnia

You can combat insomnia in situational ways. There are factors that will help you get a good and stable night's sleep:

  1. We avoid tension - accumulated fatigue does not always lead to long-awaited sleep, sometimes a woman simply cannot relax.
  2. We give up the habit of sleeping during the day - perhaps night sleep can be restored.
  3. We share nightmares with a close and understanding person - psychologists believe that a dream spoken out loud helps to understand that there is no danger nearby.
  4. We avoid emotional stress in the evening - we refuse to sort things out, unpleasant conversations and do not watch action films at night.
  5. We do not drink large quantities of liquid at night - the need to frequently empty the bladder will disappear, and as a result, the need to get out of bed at night.
  6. We use homeopathic remedies if recommended by a specialist.
  7. We have sex - if there are no contraindications, but there is a desire, then why not try this method?
  8. We choose comfortable clothes for sleeping - preferably, pajamas made from natural materials that do not restrict movement.
  9. We don’t get nervous and think only about good things.

And most importantly, if nothing helps and you want to resort to drug treatment, you must immediately inform your doctor. No amount of advice from friends and close relatives can replace the experience of a specialist. Only he can choose the right and safe medicine for a pregnant woman without harming her unborn child.

How to help yourself

The causes of insomnia during pregnancy differ at different stages, therefore, the ways to combat it are also different. Manipulations that help maintain a certain daily routine and nutrition are suitable for the first trimester:

  • Create a habit of going to bed at the same time, preferably before 11 p.m.;
  • The last meal should be postponed three hours before going to bed so that the stomach has time to empty itself of food during this time;
  • You will have to give up your usual coffee and tea, replacing them with a glass of warm milk, which has a slight calming and sedative effect;
  • You can use herbal infusions of chamomile and mint without fear, but with the rest you need to be careful - you should consult your doctor about their compatibility with pregnancy;
  • The nature of water procedures should be reconsidered - abandon relaxing hot baths and contrast showers, which increase vascular tone and increase blood circulation, in favor of dousing with warm water;
  • Walking for an hour before bed will relax you and help you fall asleep, and airing the room has a similar effect.

The third trimester of pregnancy is characterized by several types of insomnia: initial, with sleep disturbance when falling asleep; inability to maintain a sleep state, with constant awakenings and insufficient immersion in sleep; insomnia of the final phase with early awakening and inability to fall asleep again before getting up.

  • For initial insomnia, it is recommended to take a position lying on the left side (), which improves the blood supply to the baby, the functioning of the kidneys and intestines of the expectant mother;
  • You can put pillows between your legs and under your stomach, and raise your head with the help of;
  • To prevent cramps, you can massage the calf muscles, back and lower back, feet and ankle joints;
  • An orthopedic mattress will help prevent frequent awakenings during sleep, helping to ensure the correct position of the spine, relaxing muscles, and relieving vascular spasms;
  • For itching in the abdominal area, you can use moisturizing creams, and to prevent it you should try not to gain weight suddenly;
  • Wearing a bandage during the day partially reduces nighttime discomfort.

Video: how to sleep properly during pregnancy

Pregnant women who pay attention to fitness for expectant mothers are much less likely to complain of insomnia and pain in the limbs. Of course, marathon distances are not suitable in this situation, but yoga, Pilates, swimming and stretching are within the capabilities of any healthy woman. Good results are also shown by mastering relaxation techniques, which are taught in courses for pregnant women in preparation for childbirth. Of course, not every woman has the opportunity to attend such courses, but if desired, relaxation techniques can be found on the Internet.

It happens that all methods have been tried, but sleep does not come. You should not fall into despair, nor should you lose your temper. After waiting half an hour, you need to get up and do some monotonous things that do not cause a surge of emotions. Calm music, knitting, doing crossword puzzles, reading a book, talking to yourself, playing solitaire will help you get into a calm and peaceful mood. For some, peeling potatoes finally helps. Creative activities that captivate and excite are best postponed until the morning.

In borderline cases, when the rhythm of sleep and wakefulness is disrupted to such an extent that the time of night rest is no more than 4-6 hours, and this condition lasts longer than a week, you should immediately contact a specialist. The gynecologist will determine whether there are physiological reasons for insomnia, the therapist will examine the general state of health, and the psychologist will advise how to get rid of the psychological disorder. Preparing for the birth of a child is work that requires considerable strength, which should be regularly restored.

Can't sleep? Is the baby pushing? Can't find a suitable sleeping position? The cause of insomnia is not always a growing belly. How to deal with hormonal changes and what can a pregnant woman afford to combat lack of sleep, besides milk and honey? Ekatrina Ishchenko, in an attempt to fall asleep, looked for the correct position for sleeping under the supervision of the head of Women's Consultation No. 25, Elena Farafonova:

Pregnant women write on forums

I feel like I'm going to end up in a mental hospital soon! Dear girls, please give me some advice! I'm already desperate! I’m 7 months pregnant, but for several months now I’ve been falling asleep at 3 am, despite the fact that I go to bed at 23, I’m lying there, thinking, all sorts of stupid things are popping into my head, while I can scratch my face (pick at pimples that have just appeared) and bite my nails (there are only stumps left) I understand that this is all disgusting, but I can’t cope with it, then I fall asleep at 3-4 o’clock, and in the morning I get up and hate myself for what I’ve done (((I went to the doctor, I recommended valerian, doesn’t help (I drink mint, milk with honey at night, it doesn’t help either (What should I do??? I’ve just turned into such a mess with anomalies on my face and bitten nails ((my husband also doesn’t sleep because of me, but he has to work I get up at 6 and give a massage to help me relax, but it doesn’t help (Has anyone had anything similar?

>>glitsyn, at night, I took 1-2 tablets, it has no contraindications, you can drink it for a week, then take a break...or every other day, if you’re afraid, 1 tablet. And keep yourself busy, I was reading in the kitchen, since you can’t sleep, watch TV, don’t force yourself. Sleep during the day if you can’t fall asleep at night. This happens to many people, but it will pass later.

I tried calming teas and Persenchik, but strictly at 3.00 my eyes opened and I was awake until 5. And the little one in his tummy was also fuming at such times. I saved myself by reading, listening to soothing music - dolphin songs, the sound of the sea, etc. This was during the first pregnancy...
And now... The eldest is so exhausting that I fall asleep before him and can barely get up in the morning. Maybe I’ll go on maternity leave, rest more, and then insomnia will overtake me. In general, this is normal - you’re worried about the future, the baby is pushing and not letting you sleep, the body is preparing to wake up at any time of the night

I take a shower before bed and take a couple of valerian tablets.... I also don’t sleep at night... and after valerian after a while I start to feel sleepy)))

I had such a period, I didn’t sleep at all at night, then during the day I walked like a zombie... the doctor said that this happens, it’s connected with hormones

There is a very good way to overcome insomnia)) Choose the task that you don’t like to do around the house the most (you really don’t like it, absolutely for nothing) and when you can’t sleep, do that specific thing, after a while sleep will come)))

don’t suffer))) read books, do something around the house, just relax))) I also sat at night with insomnia

I suffered and cried (even when I had to go to work), then I realized that this time should be used usefully: reading, cleaning, washing: gy:
I tried (sometimes it worked) like this: sit on the bed in the dark, stare at one point, covered with a blanket and sip hot tea with milk, with a bite of honey (it was +25 outside)))). And sometimes, on the contrary, she went to another room and lay on the sofa without covering herself, so as to freeze))), supposedly they fall asleep from the cold (although, again, in the summer, in this wild heat, it was difficult to freeze)))). It happened like this a couple of times.

walk more. At night you can have warm milk with honey. As soon as I remember, I’ll shudder, as they say. In the summer it’s so hot, the belly is huge, and... insomnia all night. Beauty!

During sleep, our body receives the most complete rest, while cell performance is restored. But the expectant mother does not always manage to fully relax. Increased impressionability, characteristic of women in an “interesting position”, too active movements of the baby, a growing belly that makes it difficult to take a comfortable position - all this can lead to disruption of sleep patterns, which, in turn, sometimes causes some complications of pregnancy, for example late pregnancy. So the ability to organize your sleep is very important for expectant mothers. What “pitfalls” can you encounter along this path?

Dyspnea usually occurs in the supine position; To prevent this phenomenon, you need to lie on your side, placing an additional pillow under your head so that the upper body is in an elevated position.

If the baby’s movements are preventing you from falling asleep, try changing the position, since active movements may be associated with insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus caused by the woman’s uncomfortable position (on her back or on her left side). If the baby continues to move actively after this, you will have to wait until he calms down...

It is best to sleep on your side with one pillow under your stomach, another under your head, and a third between your knees. You can place a cushion under your lower back: in this position, the load is removed from the spine. Many women feel dizzy when lying on their back because the pregnant uterus puts pressure on the inferior vena cava, reducing blood flow to the heart and brain.

Aromatherapy is also successfully used to improve sleep in pregnant women. Make a “sleeping pill” by filling it with buckwheat husks or thyme, bay laurel or hazel leaves, immortelle flowers, pine needles, hop cones, geranium grass, rose petals. Place it at the head of the bed and you will sleep better.

If you wake up at night, there is no more reliable way to drive away sleep than the annoying thought that you need to fall asleep at any cost. Therefore, you should not toss and turn in bed from side to side; it is better to get up and do something calm and pleasant, for example, inserting photographs into a photo album or knitting. Sometimes it is useful to walk around the apartment listening to calm music (preferably through headphones, so as not to disturb anyone). Remember that your peace of mind and good mood are the key to good sleep, and therefore health.

Elena Shamova
Gynecological Hospital No. 2, Novosibirsk

Insomnia in the first trimester of pregnancy: causes of insomnia in the early stages, what to do?

Most women are happy when they find two lines instead of one on the test: the expected event has happened, and soon the time will come to master a new role - the role of a young mother. But along with joy, the expectant mother can also experience some unpleasant emotions, in particular, irritation, apathy and a feeling of powerlessness. Often the mood becomes unstable, “jumps”, the feeling of happiness is replaced by an incomprehensible melancholy and indifference. Of course, the first thing to blame is the “dance” of hormones, which is inevitable in this case. Insomnia during early pregnancy can also add fuel to the fire - it torments many women who are preparing for a change in social role. In the later stages, many women experience symptoms of sleep disturbance (dyssomnia), and they are due to physiological reasons:

  • growth of the uterus;
  • weight gain;
  • increasing the load on everything.
  • Causes of dyssomnia in pregnant women
  • When does insomnia begin in expectant mothers?
  • Could insomnia be the first sign of pregnancy?
  • Causes of insomnia in the early stages in the 1st trimester
  • Types of night sleep disorders in pregnant women
  • What to do
  • How to help yourself fall asleep on your own

Causes of sleep disorders

Similar phenomena are observed starting from the second trimester. But what causes disturbances in night sleep in the 1st trimester?

After all, nothing significant, it would seem, is happening yet. All changes take place at the cellular level - in the first weeks, the unborn baby is just a conglomerate of a certain number of cells, and neither the woman herself nor those around her yet know that the greatest miracle - the birth of a new life - has already happened. Meanwhile, colossal changes occur in the body of a pregnant woman in the 1st trimester, which, of course, play the role of a stress factor. This is one of the causes of insomnia. Let's look at others too.

When does insomnia begin in pregnant women?

If you are not yet sure that pregnancy has taken place, and are in no hurry to take a test or take hCG, but at the same time you notice that your night’s sleep has become worse, this is a reason to be wary.

  • swelling;
  • increase in abdominal circumference;
  • and sleepiness during the day and difficulty falling asleep at night.

All this is the “tricks” of progesterone. If pregnancy has taken place, in the early stages there is increased production of progesterone, and the lack of normal night sleep and lethargy during the day are the first signs of hormonal changes in the body. Could insomnia be a sign of pregnancy? Of course, especially if it is accompanied by daytime sleepiness. The body seems to “confuse” the time of sleep and wakefulness. At the beginning of pregnancy, expectant mothers often cannot fall asleep for a long time in the evening, and in the morning they simply cannot get out of bed. The opposite phenomenon may also occur: you really want to sleep during the day or in the evening, after returning from work.

Causes of insomnia in the 1st trimester

Why is sleep disturbed already in the first days? Causes of insomnia in early pregnancy include:

  • the already mentioned increased production of the “pregnancy hormone” - progesterone;
  • frequent urge to go to the toilet;
  • explicit ;
  • unstable mood.

Progesterone helps the functional layer of the endometrium become more voluminous and “comfortable” for the attachment of the embryo. But at the same time, it contributes to the development of increased fatigue, decreased concentration, and disruption of the normal cycle of night sleep.

From the first weeks of gestation, women notice that they wake up at night to go to the toilet - the bladder is actively working under the influence of hormones. And then it’s difficult to fall asleep, the brain has already adjusted to being awake.

Unpleasant sensations in the stomach, nausea - all this can also cause sleep to “escape” you. In this case, in order to cope with the problem, it is necessary to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. What you can drink when symptoms of dyspepsia appear will be advised by a gynecologist, who may refer you for consultation to a specialist - a gastroenterologist.

As for the emotional instability of a pregnant woman, increased anxiety caused by thoughts about impending changes, Novopassit or Persen will help here - an excellent and safe means for normalizing the emotional background.

Types of sleep disorders in pregnant women

Insomnia in the 1st trimester of pregnancy can manifest itself in different ways:

  • you cannot sleep at night, but during the day you fall asleep in any environment and even in a standing position;
  • you fall asleep as soon as your head touches the pillow, but you wake up before dawn and can’t fall back asleep;
  • you sleep soundly, but regularly wake up from terrible dreams, and as a result you feel exhausted in the morning.

It is worth treating each of these disorders, because lack of sleep provokes a decrease in immunity, reduces resistance to diseases and even provokes uterine tone.

Insomnia in early pregnancy: what to do

Are you worried about insomnia during early pregnancy? First, you should make sure that this is not an early sign of any disease, but rather one of the symptoms of the onset of gestation.

You should contact your gynecologist with your problem. He will advise what you can take and how to overcome insomnia without harm to the mother and child. You can turn to homeopathy if your doctor doesn’t mind.

Calming drugs: Valerian; Novo-Passit, Persen - are not recommended for use during gestation due to the lack of sufficient data on their safety for the baby. If you feel the need to correct your condition with medication, contact your doctor and discuss the possibility of prescribing Magne B-6.

At the end of the day, you can drink a glass of warm milk with honey - it relaxes and sets you up for a good night's sleep.

At home, you can get rid of insomnia in the following ways:

  1. Before going to bed, try to go for a short, leisurely walk.
  2. When going to bed, ventilate the room thoroughly.
  3. Arrange your bed comfortably: let the pillow be small and soft, and the bed itself be sufficiently rigid and not sag.
  4. Brew yourself a glass of tea with lemon balm or St. John's wort. You just need to drink it not at night, but a couple of hours before bedtime.
  5. Avoid drinking coffee and green tea in the evening.
  6. Read a good book.
  7. Learn shallow breathing techniques. Change fast breathing to breathing with a 20-second delay. Focus on the breathing process, think only about how you breathe, discarding all other thoughts.

Sleep is often disturbed in the very first weeks after conception - that is, during the first stages of embryo development, when it is just settling in the uterus. During this time, she becomes slightly ill. At this time, avoid extreme fatigue and overwork, eat honey before bed, learn to tune in to complete relaxation - this way you will save energy.

Over time, the body will adapt to the changes, and sleep will improve. You just need to help yourself get through the first difficult period, protect yourself from unnecessary stress and worries.

A little advice for pregnant women: read fairy tales. They will help you calm down and tune in to something good and bright. Remember how well it was to fall asleep at the age of five to your mother’s fairy tale, and try to “dive” into childhood again. Sweet dreams!

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Insomnia during pregnancy

Sleep is often disrupted during pregnancy. For what reasons does this happen and how to deal with it?

Why do you need sleep?

All living beings on the planet are sleeping. Until now, none of the scientists have been able to accurately answer the question: “Why do we sleep?”, but the fact remains obvious that it is impossible to live even a few days normally without sleep. Insomnia negatively affects a person's general condition. Healthy sleep restores all body systems, relaxes you as much as possible, and energizes you for a new day. Quality sleep is very important for pregnant women, but during this period, getting a good night’s sleep is not easy.

What sleep problems can occur in different trimesters of pregnancy?

While expecting a baby, problems with falling asleep and quality of sleep often arise.
At an early stage, a woman’s body adapts to a new state, and hormonal levels change. During this period, the expectant mother often experiences irritation, increased anxiety, a feeling of extreme hunger or nausea, and a frequent urge to urinate. At the same time, he has difficulty falling asleep at night and always wants to sleep during the day. By the way, daytime sleepiness is one of the signs of pregnancy.
The second trimester is more stable. Some women live it unnoticed. Gradually, the body gets used to its position, insomnia, toxicosis and other inherent troubles of pregnancy go away.
The third trimester is not the same as the first, but again brings a little discomfort. After the 30th week of pregnancy, sleep is disturbed, fatigue occurs more often, and sometimes shortness of breath appears. The belly increases significantly in size and it becomes difficult to sleep on your back, not to mention the fact that the position on your stomach is generally inaccessible. The bladder makes itself felt again, because the pressure of the enlarged uterus is exerted on it, and you have to get up several times a night. In addition, the baby moves quite noticeably.

Rules for healthy sleep during pregnancy

To ensure good sleep while pregnant, adhere to the following rules:
  • The closer to childbirth, the less load yourself, the more rest.
  • Try not to sleep during the day.
  • Solve problems as they arise, don't tackle everything at once.
  • As soon as trouble arises, discuss it with your family, do not keep it to yourself.
  • Before going to bed, don’t watch a lot of TV; it’s better to read a book, sitting down rather than lying down.
  • Do as much physical exercise as you can, yoga for pregnant women. Relieves stress and improves general condition.
  • If there are no special contraindications, sex at night will help you fall asleep faster.
Sleeping pills are contraindicated at any stage of pregnancy and are used in extreme cases under the strict supervision of a doctor.

How to improve sleep during pregnancy?

Pregnant women can improve their sleep quality by:
  • Move urgent matters to the morning and rest in the evening.
  • Shortly before bed, take a warm shower.
  • At night, do not eat a lot of food, especially “heavy” ones.
  • It is better to drink less liquid in the evening, it is better to avoid drinking at night, especially strong tea and drinks containing caffeine. It is advisable to exclude them altogether during pregnancy.
  • Limit the time spent on the computer and TV.
  • Listen to calm and pleasant music.
  • Buy lavender essential oil and apply a little on your pillow. You can light an aroma candle for a short time or turn on a lamp.
  • Prepare loose, light sleepwear, preferably from natural materials.
  • Make the sleeping place as comfortable as possible - orthopedic mattress, extra pillows.
There is no reason to worry about lack of sleep during pregnancy; the body is preparing for the birth of the baby and caring for him. Try to accept any discomfort during this period as inevitable and temporary difficulties.