Heat supply agreement. II. Criteria and procedure for determining a single heat supply organization

Public joint stock company"Moscow United energy company» provides centralized heating and hot water supply to the capital in the coverage area of ​​the Mosenergo CHPP, own sources heat supply, as well as other thermal generation facilities, with the exception of small local heat supply areas from isolated departmental and corporate heat sources. The company and its subsidiaries also operate in some cities in the near Moscow region.

The company's activities include transport, distribution and sales of thermal energy, support and development centralized system heat supply, as well as thermal energy generation.

PJSC "MOEK" is the operator of the longest heat and power system in the world: the company operates over 16,440.1 km of heating networks, including about 8,066.6 km of main lines and 8,373.5 km of distribution networks. The company also operates over 10 thousand heating points.

PJSC "MOEK" operates 143 energy sources with an installed thermal capacity of 4.82 thousand Gcal/h.

The controlling shareholder and management organization is Gazprom Energoholding LLC (a 100% subsidiary of PJSC Gazprom). Target system development model district heating Moscow is the consolidation of all generation facilities as part of PJSC Mosenergo (also controlled and managed by Gazprom Energoholding LLC), heating networks - in PJSC MOEK.

The useful supply of thermal energy to consumers of PJSC MOEK in 2017 amounted to 74,368.6 thousand Gcal*, including 5,534.2 thousand Gcal of thermal energy sold own production and 68,834.4 thousand Gcal of purchased heat energy.

* including losses in intra-house hot water circulation systems

Currently, PJSC MOEK operates and maintains the following heat and power facilities:

143sources of thermal energy generation, including 47 district and quarterly thermal stations (RTS and KTS), 96 small boiler houses (MK, AIT, PK) with total thermal capacity 4,822.664 Gcal/h;

16,440.1 km of heating networks (in single-pipe terms), including 8,066.6 km of main heating networks (including thermal inputs) and 8,373.5 km of distribution heating networks;

- 10,247 thermal points;

24 pumping stations.

The public joint-stock company "Moscow United Energy Company" provides centralized heating and hot water supply to the capital in the coverage area of ​​the Mosenergo thermal power plant, its own heat supply sources, as well as other thermal generation facilities, with the exception of small local heat supply areas from isolated departmental and corporate heat sources. The company and its subsidiaries also operate in some cities in the near Moscow region.

The company's activities include transport, distribution and sales of thermal energy, support of activities and development of a centralized heat supply system, as well as thermal energy generation.

PJSC "MOEK" is the operator of the longest heat and power system in the world: the company operates over 16,440.1 km of heating networks, including about 8,066.6 km of main lines and 8,373.5 km of distribution networks. The company also operates over 10 thousand heating points.

PJSC "MOEK" operates 143 energy sources with an installed thermal capacity of 4.82 thousand Gcal/h.

The controlling shareholder and management organization is Gazprom Energoholding LLC (a 100% subsidiary of PJSC Gazprom). The target model for the development of Moscow's centralized heat supply system is the consolidation of all generation facilities within PJSC Mosenergo (also controlled and managed by Gazprom Energoholding LLC), and heating networks into PJSC MOEK.

The useful supply of thermal energy to consumers of PJSC "MOEK" for 2017 amounted to 74,368.6 thousand Gcal*, including 5,534.2 thousand Gcal of thermal energy sold from its own production and 68,834.4 thousand Gcal of purchased heat.

* including losses in intra-house hot water circulation systems

Currently, PJSC MOEK operates and maintains the following heat and power facilities:

143sources of thermal energy generation, including 47 district and quarterly thermal stations (RTS and KTS), 96 small boiler houses (MK, AIT, PK) with total thermal capacity 4,822.664 Gcal/h;

16,440.1 km of heating networks (in single-pipe terms), including 8,066.6 km of main heating networks (including thermal inputs) and 8,373.5 km of distribution heating networks;

- 10,247 thermal points;

24 pumping stations.

1 ETO is a single buyer and seller in its service area Fair prices for consumers on the principles of competition with alternative types of heat supply Reliable and high-quality heat supply (DHW) to consumers Requirements from the state Why is ETO needed ETO is the main element of the system of relations in the field of heat supply; The ETO is designed to untie the knot of problems that have accumulated in the heat supply sector.

What we want from ETO 1. Reliability and quality a. Increased wear and tear on heat source equipment b. Inefficiency and extreme wear and tear of heating networks, increasing losses in networks c. Increase in the number of damages/accidents 2. Optimization of the heat supply scheme a. Lack of a center of responsibility for reliability and quality 3. Exclusion of resellers from the payment chain a. Increase in debt for heat b. Unprofitability of TGK for heat due to created reserves and debt write-off 4. Receipt of the final tariff and transition to settlements with end consumers a. There is no possibility to supply heat to the end consumer b. Lack of economic incentives to improve the situation c. Lack of mechanisms for guaranteeing and collecting payments from the population 2

Reliability and quality 3 A clear, consumer-fair mechanism for implementing ETO’s responsibility for the reliability and quality of heat supply (DHW): a list of indicators is established by the Government of the Russian Federation or the Federal Administration for Internal Affairs, incl. through approval standard form heat supply and (or) supply agreements hot water or a list of essential terms of the contract, the values ​​of the indicators are established in the heat supply contract by the parties (essential condition); permissible (non-penalty) deviations from the values ​​established in the heat supply and (or) hot water supply contract are established by the Government of the Russian Federation or the Federal Administration for Internal Affairs. The general deficit of tariffs and “not up to repairs”, as well as debts for heat do not allow maintaining the heat and power facilities in a reliable condition. + -

The wear and tear of heating networks exceeds 65%! 4 On average, more than 50% of networks have been in operation for more than 20 years. This state of heating networks is typical for the Russian Federation as a whole. Structure of heat networks of JSC “Quadra - Power Generation” by service life, in% - up to 10 years - from 10 to 25 years - over 25 years percent

5 Optimization of the heat supply scheme ETO independently makes decisions on the functioning of the heat supply system within the framework of: - price restrictions for consumers - the need to ensure reliability and quality of heat supply Purchase of goods and services in the field of heat supply Commissioning of new capacities and heating networks Decommissioning of capacities ETO ensures a stable structure of capacities and loading of the most efficient heat sources +

6 Exclusion of resellers from the payment chain Fact 1: The volume of non-payments in general for goods supplied thermal energy in the Russian Federation reached a critical level of more than 170 billion rubles, overdue - more than 110 billion rubles! Fact 2: Non-payments do not depend on the solvency of the population! We excluded one link of resellers/intermediaries - municipal unitary enterprises, etc. There remains another link of intermediaries - the management company, the homeowners' association. + -

7 Tambov Lipetsk Orel Ryazan Smolensk Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Tambov-JSC "LGEK" Management Municipal Unitary Enterprise Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Smolensk-Invest Service" RMPTS Heating Network" Voronezh Belgorod Kursk Smolensk 83% 73% 99%98% Level of payment for thermal energy in the area of ​​activity of JSC "Quadra - Power Generation" in 2013 Cities with the participation of intermediaries in the payment scheme for thermal energy Cities with direct payment for thermal energy 66% 76% 96% 91% Exclusion of resellers from the payment chain 47%

Payment 9 ETOUKPopulation heat debt MUP transportation service Transition to settlements with end consumers: How it became ETO receives the final tariff ETO directly enters into heat supply agreements with management companies and homeowners associations, which puts resellers who carry out transportation through neighborhood networks at cash flow after ETO, the intermediary in the person of the management company/homeowners association remained in the chain, the goal was not achieved - the debts continue to grow!
payment utility service 11 ETOUKPopulation heat payment for heat MUP transportation service Transition to settlements with end consumers: What do we want? Allow ETO to quickly transition to direct settlements with end consumers without solutions general meetings homeowners payment

II. Criteria and procedure for determining a single heat supply organization

3. The status of a single heat supply organization is assigned to a heat supply and (or) heating network organization by decision of the federal body executive branch(for cities with a population of 500 thousand people or more) or an authority local government(hereinafter referred to as the authorized bodies) when approving the heat supply scheme for a settlement or urban district.
4. The draft heat supply scheme must define the boundaries of the zones of activity of a single heat supply organization (organizations). The boundaries of the zone(s) of activity of a single heat supply organization(s) are determined by the boundaries of the heat supply system.
If there are several heat supply systems on the territory of a settlement or urban district, the authorized bodies have the right to:

determine a single heat supply organization (organizations) in each of the heat supply systems located within the boundaries of a settlement or urban district;

determine a single heat supply organization for several heat supply systems.

5. To assign an organization the status of a single heat supply organization on the territory of a settlement, urban district, persons owning by right of ownership or otherwise legally sources of thermal energy and (or) heating networks, submit to the authorized body within 1 month from the date of publication (placement) in the prescribed manner of the draft heat supply scheme, as well as from the date of publication (placement) of the message specified in paragraph 17 of these Rules, an application for assigning the organization the status of a single heat supply organization indicating the area of ​​its activity. The application is accompanied by financial statements prepared as of the last reporting date before filing the application, with a note from the tax authority on its acceptance.
Authorized bodies are obliged to post information about accepted applications on the website of the settlement, urban district, or on the website of the relevant subject within 3 working days from the deadline for filing applications Russian Federation on the information and telecommunications network "Internet" (hereinafter referred to as the official website).
If local government bodies do not have the opportunity to post relevant information on their official websites, the necessary information can be posted on the official website of the subject of the Russian Federation within whose borders the corresponding municipality. Settlements included in a municipal district can post the necessary information on the official website of this municipal district.
6. If, in relation to one zone of activity of a single heat supply organization, 1 application is submitted from a person who owns, by right of ownership or other legal basis, sources of thermal energy and (or) heating networks in the corresponding zone of activity of a single heat supply organization, then the status of a single heat supply organization is assigned to the specified person. If, in relation to one zone of activity of a single heat supply organization, several applications are submitted from persons who own, by right of ownership or other legal basis, sources of thermal energy and (or) heating networks in the corresponding zone of activity of a single heat supply organization, the authorized body assigns the status of a single heat supply organization in in accordance with paragraphs 7 - 10 of these Rules.
7. The criteria for determining a single heat supply organization are:

ownership, by right of ownership or other legal basis, of thermal energy sources with the highest operating thermal power and (or) heating networks with the highest capacity within the boundaries of the area of ​​activity of a single heat supply organization;

size equity;

ability to better ensure the reliability of heat supply in the corresponding heat supply system.

To determine these criteria, the authorized body, when developing a heat supply scheme, has the right to request relevant information from heat supply and heating network organizations.
8. If an application for assignment of the status of a single heat supply organization is submitted by an organization that owns, by right of ownership or other legal basis, heat energy sources with the highest operating thermal power and heating networks with the highest capacity within the boundaries of the area of ​​activity of the single heat supply organization, the status of the single heat supply organization assigned to this organization.
Indicators of the operating power of thermal energy sources and the capacity of heating networks are determined on the basis of data from the heat supply diagram (draft diagram) of a settlement or urban district.
9. If applications for assignment of the status of a single heat supply organization are submitted from an organization that owns, by right of ownership or other legal basis, sources of thermal energy with the highest operating thermal power, and from an organization that owns, by right of ownership or other legal basis, heat networks with the largest capacity within the boundaries of the area of ​​activity of a single heat supply organization, the status of a single heat supply organization is assigned to that organization from the specified that has largest size own capital. If the size of the own capitals of these organizations differs by no more than 5 percent, the status of a single heat supply organization is assigned to the organization that is able to best ensure the reliability of heat supply in the corresponding heat supply system.
The amount of equity capital is determined according to data financial statements, drawn up on the last reporting date before submitting an application for assigning the organization the status of a single heat supply organization with a mark from the tax authority on its acceptance.
10. The ability to better ensure the reliability of heat supply in the corresponding heat supply system is determined by the organization’s technical capabilities and qualified personnel for setup, monitoring, dispatching, switching and operational control of hydraulic and temperature conditions heat supply system and is justified in the heat supply diagram.
11. If organizations have not submitted a single application for assignment of the status of a single heat supply organization, the status of a single heat supply organization is assigned to the organization that owns thermal energy sources with the highest operating thermal capacity and (or) heating networks with the highest thermal capacity in the relevant area of ​​activity.
12. When carrying out its activities, the unified heat supply organization is obliged to:

conclude and execute heat supply contracts with any consumers of thermal energy who apply to it, whose heat-consuming installations are located in this heat supply system, subject to compliance by these consumers with the data issued to them in accordance with the legislation on urban planning activities technical specifications connections to heating networks;

conclude and execute contracts for the supply of thermal energy (power) and (or) coolant in relation to the volume of heat load distributed in accordance with the heat supply scheme;

conclude and execute contracts for the provision of services for the transfer of thermal energy and coolant in the amount necessary to ensure heat supply to consumers of thermal energy, taking into account losses of thermal energy and coolant during their transfer.

13. An organization may lose its status as a single heat supply organization in the following cases:

failure to fulfill or improper fulfillment of obligations to pay for thermal energy (capacity), and (or) coolant, and (or) services for the transfer of thermal energy, coolant, provided for by the conditions specified in paragraphs three and four of clause 12 of these Contract Rules, in an amount exceeding the volume such obligations for 2 billing periods, or systematic (3 or more times within 12 months) non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of other obligations provided for by the terms of such agreements. The fact of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations must be confirmed by decisions of the federal antimonopoly body and (or) its territorial bodies and (or) courts that have entered into legal force;

(as edited by stop of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 24, 2016 No. 1239)

adoption in the prescribed manner of a decision on reorganization (with the exception of reorganization in the form of merger, when other reorganized organizations join an organization that has the status of a single heat supply organization, as well as reorganization in the form of transformation) or liquidation of an organization that has the status of a single heat supply organization;

acceptance arbitration court decisions to declare an organization that has the status of a single heat supply organization bankrupt;

termination of the right of ownership or possession of the property specified in paragraph two of clause 7 of these Rules, on the grounds provided for by law Russian Federation;

inconsistency of an organization that has the status of a single heat supply organization with criteria related to the size of its own capital, as well as the ability to better ensure the reliability of heat supply in the corresponding heat supply system;

filing by an organization of an application to terminate the functions of a single heat supply organization.

14. Persons whose rights and legitimate interests are violated on the grounds provided for in paragraph two of clause 13 of these Rules, immediately inform the authorized bodies about this so that they can make a decision on the loss of the organization’s status as a single heat supply organization. The specified information must be accompanied by decisions of the federal antimonopoly authority and (or) its territorial bodies and (or) courts that have entered into legal force.
An authorized official of an organization that has the status of a single heat supply organization is obliged to notify the authorized body of the occurrence of the facts specified in paragraphs three to five of clause 13 of these Rules, which are the basis for the organization losing the status of a single heat supply organization, within 3 working days from the date the authorized body makes a decision on reorganization, liquidation, declaring an organization bankrupt, termination of ownership or possession of the organization’s property.
15. An organization that has the status of a single heat supply organization has the right to submit to the authorized body an application to terminate the functions of a single heat supply organization, except for cases where the status of a single heat supply organization is assigned in accordance with paragraph 11 of these Rules. An application to terminate the functions of a single heat supply organization can be submitted before August 1 of the current year.
16. The authorized body is obliged to make a decision on the loss of the organization’s status as a single heat supply organization within 5 working days from the date of receipt from persons whose rights and legitimate interests were violated on the grounds provided for in paragraph two of paragraph 13 of these Rules, decisions of the federal antimonopoly body that have entered into legal force , and (or) its territorial bodies, and (or) courts, as well as receiving a notification (application) from an organization that has the status of a single heat supply organization, in the cases provided for in paragraphs three to seven of clause 13 of these Rules.

If a single heat supply organization is assigned to several heat supply systems, the authorized body makes a decision on the loss of the organization’s status as a single heat supply organization only in those areas of activity determined in accordance with the heat supply scheme in which the fact of non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations by the single heat supply organization is confirmed by those who entered into legal force by decisions of the federal antimonopoly body, and (or) its territorial bodies, and (or) courts in accordance with paragraph two of paragraph 13 of these Rules, or in respect of which the organization has filed an application to terminate the functions of a single heat supply organization in accordance with paragraph seven of paragraph 13 of these Rules. (as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 24, 2016 No. 1239)

17. The authorized body is obliged, within 3 working days from the date of the decision on the loss of the organization’s status as a single heat supply organization, to post a message about this on the official website, and also invite heat supply and (or) heating network organizations to submit an application to assign them the status of a single heat supply organization.
Submission of an application by interested organizations and determination of a single heat supply organization is carried out in the manner established in paragraphs 5 - 11 of these Rules.
18. An organization that has lost the status of a single heat supply organization on the grounds provided for in paragraph 13 of these Rules is obliged to perform the functions of a single heat supply organization until another organization is assigned the status of a single heat supply organization in the manner provided for in paragraphs 5 - 11 of these Rules, and also transfer to the organization to which it was assigned status of a single heat supply organization, information about heat consumers, including the name of the consumer, place of residence (location), bank details, as well as information on the status of settlements with the consumer.
19. The boundaries of the zone of activity of a single heat supply organization may be changed in the following cases:

connecting new heat-consuming installations, heat energy sources or heating networks to the heat supply system, or disconnecting them from the heat supply system;

technological integration or separation of heat supply systems.

Information about changes in the boundaries of the zones of activity of a single heat supply organization, as well as information about the assignment of the status of a single heat supply organization to another organization, must be included in the heat supply scheme when it is updated.
