Problems of managing the socio-cultural sphere of a municipality. Principles of management of the social sphere of a municipality


2.1.1 Analysis of the results of monitoring and control over the implementation of the priority national project "Education" in the Chuvash Republic as of January 1, 2011.

2.2.1 Analysis of the results of monitoring and control over the implementation of the priority national project "Health" in the Chuvash Republic as of January 1, 2011.




The study of social phenomena and processes is carried out all over the world. Only through research and the creation of a management system is it possible to ensure that the social needs of society are met. It is a clear strategy for managing the social sphere and social processes that ensures the solution of economic and social problems of the development of society.

Local self-government in the Russian Federation is a form of exercise by the people of their power, ensuring, within the limits established by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, and in cases established by federal laws - the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, an independent and under their own responsibility decision by the population directly and (or) through organs local government issues of local importance based on the interests of the population, taking into account historical and other local traditions. (Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ “On the general principles of the organization of local self-government in the Russian Federation”, hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law of 2003)

Main goals social policy states at the present stage of socio-economic development of Russia are:





-the formation of a new housing policy, a federal housing market, stimulation of all types of cost-effective housing construction, changing the procedure for the population to pay for housing and utilities.

The social sphere reproduces and develops the main wealth of a municipality - its human potential, human capital. Content and development social infrastructure The municipality absorbs a significant share of local budget funds. The majority of so-called state employees, that is, workers who receive wages from budget funds, work in the social sphere. Therefore, one of the main tasks of local governments is the formation and implementation of municipal social policy.

Municipal social policy is a system of goals, objectives and mechanisms for their implementation aimed at providing the population with social services, maintaining and developing the social sphere of the municipality. That is, municipal management in the social sphere consists in the implementation by municipal government bodies of management activities aimed at maintaining and developing the main sectors of the social sphere of the municipality, ensuring the integrity of the local community, in accordance with the powers granted by law.

The purpose of this work is to consider the main issues of managing the social sphere of a municipality.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

.Consider the basics of managing the social sphere of a municipality.

2.Analyze the branches of municipal social management.

.Determine the main directions for improving the management of the social sphere of the municipality.

The object of study is the social sphere.

Subject of research in the field of management of the social sphere of a municipality.

1. Fundamentals of managing the social sphere of a municipality

1.1 The concept and essence of management of the social sphere of a municipality

Municipal social policy is a system of goals, objectives and mechanisms for their implementation aimed at providing the population with social services, maintaining and developing the social sphere of the municipality. It is built in line with the social policy of the state and in interaction with government authorities, primarily with the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Through municipal social policy, both the local government’s own powers and state powers in the social sphere transferred to the municipal level are implemented.

The social sphere and social policy (state and municipal) can be considered in a broad and narrower sense. In a broad sense, the social sphere includes everything that ensures human life. In this understanding, all municipal policy is social. In a narrower sense, the social sphere of a municipality is understood as the sphere of reproduction of the person himself, his physical and spiritual characteristics, while the reproduction of the material and material environment of a person belongs to the urban service sector.

Social policy is carried out on the basis of people's interests and is the management of interests.

municipal administration social sphere

1.2 Forms and methods of managing the social sphere of a municipality

The most important mechanism for implementing the state's social policy is the system of minimum social standards. Social standard is the minimum required level of meeting the social needs of the population.

Minimum social standards are established in the following areas:

standard provision of living space;

the maximum share of payment for housing and communal services in the total family income;

educational standards and programs within which education is free;

list of treatment and preventive services provided at the expense of budget funds.

Minimum social standards are intended to establish those threshold values social benefits for humans, below which one cannot fall (from the standpoint of modern ideas about the level and quality of life). This “standard” level of social benefits, guaranteed to every person, must be affordable or even free for the consumer, i.e. partially or fully paid from budgetary and extrabudgetary funds.

Social standards are expressed through social norms. Social norms are uniform or group measures of social needs for homogeneous territories. Types of social norms:

norms of daily water consumption per inhabitant;

Until 2003 all these standards and norms were state and regulated by federal legal acts. Federal Law 2003 determined the right of local governments to independently establish municipal minimum social standards and standards for the provision of budget services on issues of local importance.

The task of the municipal level of government is to specify the methods, methods and mechanisms for achieving the goals defined within the framework of federal and regional social policy, in relation to the characteristics of specific territories. The task of local governments, as those closest to the population, is to directly provide a range of social services that provide conditions for human life and reproduction. Based on regional norms and standards, local government bodies can develop local social norms and standards that take into account the specifics of a particular municipality.

The competence of municipalities of various types in the field of social policy is determined by the Federal Law of 2003. The competence of urban districts includes the sum of the competence of settlements and municipal districts.

The principle of division of competence between settlements and municipal districts is that education and health care issues, which require appropriate infrastructure, sophisticated equipment and technical means, are brought to the level of municipal districts, information support, trained personnel and significant maintenance costs.

The actual volume of social services provided to the population by local governments is much wider than that provided for by the 2003 Federal Law.

Local government bodies also carry out activities and maintain organizational structures to combat drug addiction and child homelessness, promote the organization of employment of the population, participate in the preparation and registration of labor agreements between labor collectives and employers in the territory of municipalities, and in resolving labor disputes. In light of the Federal Law of 2003 social services of all listed institutions and types of activities of local governments, as well as payment of wages to teaching staff and other expenses for the financial support of the educational process should be considered as state powers. They can be assigned to local government bodies of city districts and municipal districts by federal laws and laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation with the allocation of material and necessary materials for their implementation. financial resources. This allocation is consistent with the principle of subsidiarity and is appropriate, since local governments know better all the conditions and factors for providing specific social services to specific people.

1.3 Mechanisms for implementing social sector management

When developing social policy, priorities must be determined that at this particular moment are the most pressing and urgent for society, requiring a priority solution. State and municipal social policy is implemented through social planning and management through a system of social events and programs carried out by federal, regional and local authorities.

The most important mechanism for implementing the state's social policy is the system of state minimum social standards. Social standard is the minimum required level of meeting the social needs of the population. Some examples of minimum social standards:

minimum wage;

minimum level of social pensions and other social payments;

mandatory standards and programs within which education is free;

Minimum social standards are designed to establish those threshold values ​​of social benefits for a person, below which one cannot fall (from the position of modern representatives about the level and quality of life). This “standard” level of social benefits guaranteed to every person must be affordable or even free for the consumer, i.e. partially or fully paid from budgetary and extrabudgetary funds.

Social standards are expressed through social norms. Social norms are uniform or group measures of social needs for homogeneous territories. Examples of social norms:

the standard of provision of the population with institutions of the socio-cultural sphere;

norms for the occupancy of school classes and groups in preschool institutions;

standards for providing the population with certain social services;

standards of personnel and material support for the provision of social services.

Compliance with minimum social standards and norms requires large budgetary expenditures. In recent years, Russia has adopted a large number of federal laws establishing certain social benefits that are not provided with funding. In this regard, the urgent task is to reasonably limit the total number of social benefits and differentiate social standards into federal, regional and municipal. At the same time, the most important minimum social standards should be retained at the federal level. Each level of the budget system must provide financing for the social standards and norms it has introduced and bring them into line with the available financial resources.

The tasks of the federal level of government include establishing the foundations of state social policy, legal regulation of relations in the social sphere, developing federal programs for the social development of the country, developing and approving state minimum social standards at the federal level, and ensuring state guarantees for their implementation.

Subjects of the Russian Federation are developing the foundations of regional social policy, taking into account the historical and cultural traditions of the territory; establish regional social standards and norms that take into account state minimum social standards; take care of the preservation and strengthening of the social infrastructure owned by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; organize training, retraining and advanced training of workers in the field of education, culture, healthcare, social protection of the population; ensure compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in all areas of social policy.

The municipal level is intended to specify the methods, means and mechanisms for achieving the goals defined within the framework of federal and regional social policy, in relation to the characteristics of specific territories. The task of local governments, as those closest to the population, is to directly provide a range of social services that ensure human living conditions and their reproduction.

Based on regional norms and standards, local government bodies can develop local social norms and standards that take into account the specifics of a particular municipality.

The actual volume of social services provided to the population by local governments is as follows:

comprehensive social service centers for veterans and other social groups;

social rehabilitation centers and social shelters for minors;

homes for the disabled and elderly;


centers for psychological and pedagogical assistance to the population, etc.

Local government bodies also carry out activities and maintain organizational structures to combat drug addiction and child homelessness, promote the organization of employment of the population, participate in the preparation and registration of labor agreements between labor collectives and employers in the territory of municipalities, and in resolving labor disputes.

2. Municipal management of sectors of the social sphere

2.1 Municipal management in the field of education

In the education system, CHIs carry out activities: within their competence, property relations; on the creation, reorganization and liquidation of municipal educational institutions; on the creation and liquidation of municipal educational authorities or self-governing school districts, determining their structure and powers, appointment and dismissal in agreement with government agencies education management of local education authorities; by appointment of the heads of municipal educational institutions, unless otherwise provided by the standard regulations on the educational institution or their own decision.

The municipal education system is a territorially isolated and relatively independent part of the education system of a subject of the Federation, interconnected with other similar parts.

It operates on the basis and within the framework of regulatory legal acts and other restrictions imposed by federal and regional authorities and education authorities, has independent connections and relationships with other objects and institutions both within and outside its region, which presupposes the openness of the educational system for social partnership.

The main goal of managing the municipal education system in modern conditions should be to ensure the highest possible rate of expansion of its capabilities and their use to raise the municipality to a high-quality level new level, in creating a favorable innovation environment that encourages educational and other institutions to actively renew themselves. Analysis of theoretical research and practical experience of management organizations gives grounds to talk about three main models of the organizational structure of municipal educational authorities.

1. By educational area. It involves the formation within the framework of governing bodies of main divisions according to the number of controlled educational spheres, in each of which all work is grouped to ensure the conditions for the functioning and development of institutions of the corresponding type: preschool, general education, additional education. The main advantage of such a structure is that each department is responsible for the entire complex of conditions in a relatively separate educational sphere and can work autonomously. This contributes to the formation of a holistic image of the situation within a specific educational sphere and facilitates the adoption of coordinated decisions to change it in the desired direction; favorable conditions are created for coordinating the interaction of specialists within the department. The disadvantages of such a structure include the need for a large number of highly specialized specialists (for example, in matters of logistics, training and retraining of personnel, etc.), who, being in different departments, cannot replace each other. Professional communication between specialists in the same field is difficult, which hinders their mutual enrichment of experience and professional growth. It is also difficult for department heads to adequately assess the abilities and quality of work of their subordinates.

2. By functional subsystems. It generates a structure consisting of specialized functional units, within each of which the management of a certain type of conditions or resources necessary for the development of the education system is concentrated. These can be departments that implement the functions of managing human resources, material and technical, methodological, financial support, etc.

The advantages of this model: it ensures a clear division of responsibility for the implementation of the functions of the governing body; specialization of departments allows you to get by with fewer specialists in each profile, facilitating the growth of qualifications management personnel and increases the interchangeability of employees in departments.

Disadvantages: due to the large number of horizontal connections characteristic of functional structures, their coordination becomes dramatically more difficult. This has a particularly strong effect when it is necessary to simultaneously solve an increasing number of new, non-standard tasks related to the development of the education system and requiring coordinated work of all departments. Functional differentiation leads to the fact that the general goals of the activity of the entire management body are beyond the sight of its structural divisions.

3. Program-targeted. This model involves the structuring of work related to the management of educational development, through the creation of both new permanent units within basic structure, as well as temporary special structural units focused on the development and management of the implementation of targeted development programs. This model increases the flexibility and adaptability of managing the development of the education system, improves its coordination in conditions of instability of the internal and external environment, and therefore is preferable.

.1.1 Analysis of the results of monitoring and control over the implementation of the priority national project "Education" in the Chuvash Republic as of January 1, 2011.

During the implementation of the priority national project "Education" in reporting period 2010 there were the following changes:

In 2010, the Chuvash Republic became the winner of the competitive selection of constituent entities of the Russian Federation to implement experimental projects to improve the organization of school meals. 15.0 million rubles were allocated for the implementation of this project in 2010, including 7.5 million rubles from the federal budget.

As a result of the project, a modern infrastructure of school canteens was created in 16 pilot schools (9 schools in Cheboksary and 7 special (correctional) schools), an attractive image of a healthy school nutrition system was created, and new generation preventive programs were introduced to create a nutrition culture.

In addition, new “points of development” of the electronic environment are being introduced: a cashless payment system using electronic cards, an electronic menu, and electronic monitoring of the health of schoolchildren.

In the schools participating in the project, food service facilities were repaired and technological equipment was updated.

The year that passed under the sign of the Year of the Teacher in the Russian Federation and the Chuvash Republic was marked by a surge of high creative activity among the republic’s teachers. During the year, more than 250 significant events were held aimed at increasing the prestige of the teaching profession and the quality of teaching work.

In 2010, 2.2 million rubles were allocated from the federal budget to encourage the 11 best teachers of the republic, and from the consolidated budget of the Chuvash Republic - funds in the amount of 10.6 million rubles (200 bonuses of 50 thousand rubles each) were allocated to encourage the best teaching staff. , 30 bonuses of 20 thousand rubles each).

Thanks to the dissemination of the best educational practices and the modernization of the system for increasing the classification of class teachers, educational work in schools has significantly intensified. One of the indicators of quality improvement educational work is to reduce the number of crimes committed by minors. At the end of 2010, the share of crimes committed by minors in the total number of registered crimes decreased from 5.6% in 2009 to 5.4%, the number of participants in crimes decreased by 24.4%.

In 2010, 7.03 million rubles were allocated from the consolidated budget of the Chuvash Republic for the introduction of modern educational technologies. Funding from the federal budget is not provided.

Currently, all 503 schools of the republic use Internet resources at the expense of the consolidated budget of the Chuvash Republic. Funds for these purposes are provided in the republican and municipal target programs for the development of a unified educational information environment in the republic.

In 2010, work continued on modernizing the portal "Education of Chuvashia", installing special software to create a unified system of protection for computers of all schools from information incompatible with the tasks of teaching and education (negative content).

Since 2008, the republic has been implementing the project “Distance education for children with disabilities.” A network of republican support sites “Home school with a distance education model for children with disabilities in conditions of integration” has been created on the basis of educational institutions in Cheboksary, Shumerlya, Kanash, Novocheboksarsk, where 56 children study.

As part of the PNGO project, in October 2009, the Republican Center for Distance Education for Children with Disabilities was created, with 34 children studying there. A republican network of distance municipal schools has been formed, which includes 44 educational institutions of the republic.

It educates 66 children with disabilities in general education programs in distance learning. In total, 156 children with disabilities are currently enrolled in distance learning.

2.2 Municipal health management

Healthcare is one of the most important units of the social infrastructure of a municipality. Compliance with constitutional guarantees for the provision of medical care and the creation of favorable sanitary and epidemiological living conditions for the population presupposes structural changes in the healthcare system.

The legal basis for the activities of local government bodies in the field of public health protection is the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws “On health insurance of citizens in the Russian Federation”, “On medicines”, “On sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population”, as well as other regulatory laws legal acts all levels of government on public health issues.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation defines healthcare as a subject of joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities. In accordance with this, the healthcare management system is hierarchical in nature. The bulk of mass medical care is provided to the population at the municipal level. The municipal health care system includes municipally owned treatment and preventive and other health care institutions, departmental institutions (both transferred and not transferred into municipal ownership), pharmaceutical institutions located on the territory of the municipality, as well as municipal health management bodies population.

The main goal of municipal healthcare is to meet the needs of the population for healthcare services that fall under the jurisdiction of local government, at a level not lower than the state minimum social standards. In specific conditions, local goals can be formed, for example, meeting the needs of the population for health services on the principles of universal accessibility, observing guarantees for the provision of volumes of medical services (therapeutic and preventive, health-improving, medical diagnostic, etc.), ensuring their quality, etc.

Federal legislation entrusts the resolution of local health issues to municipal districts and urban districts. These issues include the organization of emergency medical care (with the exception of air ambulance), primary health care in outpatient clinics and hospitals, medical care for women during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. Other, more complex types of medical care can be provided through the municipal health care system in the form of state powers transferred to local governments along with the corresponding financial resources.

The fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on protecting the health of citizens define state powers in the field of health protection, transmitted to authorities local government. These include:

monitoring compliance with legislation in the field of health protection; protection of human and civil rights and freedoms in the field of health care;

formation of management bodies of the municipal healthcare system;

coordination and control of the activities of enterprises, institutions and organizations of state and municipal health care systems within the limits of their powers, control over the quality of medical and social care provided in private system healthcare;

implementation of measures for compulsory medical insurance of citizens;

licensing of medical and pharmaceutical activities in the jurisdictional territory on behalf of the authority public administration healthcare of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

regularly informing the population about the prevalence of socially significant diseases;

creation and maintenance of the activities of institutions for the rehabilitation of disabled people and people suffering from mental disorders; organizing their training, professional retraining and employment, creating specialized institutions for terminally ill patients;

sanitary and hygienic education of the population.

Local governments carry out wholesale purchases of medicines for medical institutions, control the activities of all pharmaceutical institutions in the territory of the municipality, regardless of the form of ownership, since the provision of medicines to the population is one of the most important social tasks. Federal legislation for a number of categories of the population establishes a wide system of benefits when paying for medicines, free dispensing of certain medicines according to doctors’ prescriptions, as well as medicines for treatment in medical hospitals, which requires large budget expenditures. However, the state is far from fully compensating municipal authorities for the costs associated with the preferential and free distribution of medicines.

For municipal institutions the local administration may issue a municipal order for drug services to the population and establish size limit surcharges to wholesale prices for medicines. In conditions of budget deficit, local governments are forced to take a tough approach to establishing benefits for medicines and limit the amount of municipal orders.

One of the important tasks of local governments is to ensure the sanitary well-being of the population. In cooperation with state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance authorities, local governments develop and implement local programs to ensure the sanitary well-being of the population.

A necessary condition for ensuring the sanitary well-being of the population is hygienic education and education of citizens, which is carried out in educational institutions by including sections on hygienic knowledge in training and education programs. In the process of professional training and certification of managers, specialists of enterprises and organizations whose activities are related to the production, storage, transportation and sale of food products and drinking water, public utilities and consumer services, etc., hygienic training is provided.

Local government bodies are obliged to regularly inform the population, including through means mass media, about the prevalence of socially significant diseases and diseases that pose a danger to others. The fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens (Article 19) establish that citizens have the right to regularly receive reliable and timely information about factors that contribute to the preservation of health or have a harmful effect on it (the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the area of ​​residence, rational nutritional standards, products, works, services, their compliance with sanitary standards and rules.

One of the most complex problems municipal healthcare is its financing, which is multi-channel in nature. Budgetary funds finance preventive measures, ensure sanitary and epidemiological well-being in the territory, children's healthcare, treatment of certain diseases (tuberculosis, mental illness), etc.

The compulsory health insurance system consists of providing citizens free of charge with funds from the state extra-budgetary Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (MHIF) of a certain set of medical services. This set is determined in the lists approved by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments (regional and municipal compulsory health insurance programs). The source of funds for the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund are insurance premiums paid by employers for their employees as part of the unified social tax. Contribution standards are established by federal law. Until recently, insurance premiums for the non-working population were paid from local budgets, and municipalities were large debtors of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. Then these functions were transferred to government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Insurance organizations that receive funds from the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund enter into contracts with medical institutions and pay for the medical services they provide based on the number of patients actually treated and the nature of the services provided. Thus, a patient who has a compulsory health insurance policy, in principle, has the opportunity to choose between treatment and preventive institutions, which makes it possible to create a competitive environment in medical care and improve its quality. In fact, the compulsory health insurance system is unsustainable and needs serious reform.

A voluntary health insurance agreement can be concluded with an insurance organization by a citizen who wishes to receive free of charge certain additional medical services that are not included in regional and municipal compulsory health insurance programs.

Other medical services are provided on a paid basis, and local governments approve prices and tariffs for services provided by municipal treatment and preventive institutions. They are established taking into account the specifics of municipal healthcare organizations, the type of services they provide, the structure of the population’s needs for them, local peculiarities and other factors.

The ability to solve the tasks assigned to municipal healthcare and the implementation of adopted programs depend on the municipal healthcare management system and the effectiveness of its influence on the processes occurring in the healthcare sector. In conditions of acute budgetary shortages, ensuring guaranteed rights of the population in the field of healthcare requires the optimal use of resources intended for this, which, in turn, involves choosing priorities for the development of healthcare, identifying and financing the most effective forms of medical care. In particular, more emphasis should be placed on the preventive direction of protecting the health of citizens with a corresponding redistribution of financial resources from the inpatient to the outpatient sector.

A serious problem is the low wages of workers in this industry, which negatively affects not only the current state of healthcare, but also its development, since modern medical technologies are very labor-intensive. Often, the use of new diagnostic and treatment equipment requires an additional number of specialists in various fields. Due to insufficient funding, which does not allow for the normal functioning of the material and technical base of healthcare institutions and organizations, effective management infrastructure of healthcare organizations and institutions. One of the directions for the development of healthcare in market conditions is its commercialization, the objective prerequisites of which are the following circumstances:

increasing the population's demand for highly qualified medical care and comfortable conditions for hospital stay; availability legislative framework for the provision of paid medical services.

To exercise their own and transferred competence in the field of public health, local governments create management structures in the form of health departments (committees, directorates). In small municipalities, either a health specialist position is allocated in a comprehensive department of social policy, or the authority to manage health care is assigned to the chief physician of the territorial medical association (TMO).

Municipal health authorities may create commissions for collegial discussion of issues of protecting the health of the local population, consideration of municipal health care programs, in particular, determining the types, volumes and objects of medical care, sources of its financing, the procedure for providing free medical care, and monitoring the implementation of established norms and rules.

Municipal health authorities carry out their activities in accordance with plans formed taking into account regional health development plans, analysis of the health status of the population of the municipality, and available local resources of the sectoral system.

2.2.1 Analysis of the results of monitoring and control over the implementation of the priority national project “Health” in the Chuvash Republic as of January 1, 2011.

During the implementation of the priority national project in the field of healthcare on the territory of the Chuvash Republic, started in 2006 and continued this year, the following positive changes were achieved:

Over the eleven months of 2010, 199 more babies were born than during the same period in 2009. The birth rate increased by 1.6%, amounting to 12.7 per 1,000 people.

The favorable epidemic situation regarding HIV infection in the Chuvash Republic remains: 95% of those eligible are undergoing dispensary observation. In 2010, 128 HIV-infected people were identified.

Staffing with local general practitioners, local pediatricians, doctors general practice and nurses working with this category of doctors, as of December 31, 2010 in the republic was 95%.

As of December 31, 2010, the coefficient of part-time work in healthcare institutions of the republic was 1.01; the percentage of certification of primary care doctors is 99.9%, nurses - 99.8%.

2.3 Municipal housing management

In 2004, a package of more than 20 federal laws was adopted, which are designed to create conditions for the formation of an affordable housing market. In particular, they are called upon to:

ensure accessibility of housing for the population through the development of the banking sector, providing citizens with long-term (10-15 years) loans for the purchase or construction of housing secured by their existing housing (mortgage) and at moderate interest rates;

ensure the protection of citizens' property rights to housing on the basis of state systems of accounting and registration of rights to real estate;

protect the rights of creditors through the possibility of foreclosure on housing - the subject of a mortgage in the event of failure to fulfill obligations under the loan agreement;

ensure access of banks lending to housing construction to new long-term credit resources of the pension and insurance systems through the development of the mortgage market securities;

improve the systems of state registration of rights to real estate and accounting of real estate, ensure increased transparency, reliability and information accessibility of these systems, reduce costs and service time for participants in the housing market, abolish the mandatory notarization of mortgage agreements;

reduce administrative barriers for investors to the housing construction market and obtaining a land plot.

The implementation of this package of laws will significantly expand the population's effective demand for housing, increase the supply of housing, including through housing construction, and ensure the affordability of housing for major groups of the population.

The priority national project “Affordable and comfortable housing for Russian citizens” at the first stage of implementation (2006 - 2007) includes four directions: “Increasing the affordability of housing”, “Increasing the volume of mortgage lending”, “Increasing the volume of housing construction and modernizing public utilities infrastructure", "Fulfillment of state obligations to provide housing to categories of citizens established by federal legislation."

The mechanisms for implementing the project are the federal target program "Housing" for 2002 - 2010. and the subprograms included in it and the provision of subventions to the constituent entities of the Russian Federation at the expense of the Federal Compensation Fund for the provision of housing for veterans, disabled people and families with disabled children.

The indisputable achievement of the national project is that almost all regions have begun to address the housing problem. But, it should be noted that, despite the annual increase in the pace of housing construction, the majority of the housing introduced is the so-called “housing for sale”, and the rest is social housing, which is issued to preferential categories of citizens.

The new edition of the Town Planning Code of the Russian Federation, along with the Land Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws, should: ensure the complexity and mutual consistency of the rules governing territorial planning, preparation and implementation of investment projects in the field of housing and other construction; remove obstacles to investing in real estate and housing construction, regulate the activities of the state, local governments, individuals and legal entities in this area; formulate land use rules for the purpose of development on the territory of the municipality.

Federal Law 2003 assigns two main tasks to local governments of urban and rural settlements and urban districts in the field of housing policy:

) providing low-income citizens living on the territory of the municipality and in need of improved housing conditions with residential premises from the municipal housing stock on social rental terms;

) creating conditions for housing construction for the purpose of purchasing housing for other categories of citizens.

2.3.1 Analysis of the results of monitoring and control over the implementation of the priority national project “Affordable and comfortable housing for Russian citizens” in the Chuvash Republic as of January 1, 2011.

The implementation of the priority national project “Affordable and comfortable housing for citizens of Russia” in the Chuvash Republic is carried out on the basis of the Agreement on the implementation of the priority national project dated March 16, 2006 No. 51, concluded between the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation and the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic.

On May 20, 2008, an Agreement was signed between the Federal Agency for Construction, Housing and Communal Services and the Chuvash Republic on the provision of federal budget funds in 2008 in order to compensate for the cash expenses of the republican budget of the Chuvash Republic under the subprogram “Providing housing for young families” of the federal target program “Housing” for 2002-2010.

Organs executive branch The Chuvash Republic has concluded agreements on the implementation of a priority national project with all 26 municipalities of the Chuvash Republic.

During the implementation of the priority national project “Affordable and comfortable housing for Russian citizens” on the territory of the Chuvash Republic, the following positive changes occurred during the reporting period.

In accordance with the Procedure for providing one-time cash payments for the construction or purchase of residential premises to citizens who have the right to improve their living conditions in accordance with the federal laws “On Veterans” and “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons in the Russian Federation”, approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Chuvash Republic dated 16 November 2007 No. 289, veterans of the Great Patriotic War received the right to use a one-time cash payment not only for the purchase of housing under a purchase and sale agreement, but also for participation in shared construction of an apartment or for the construction of an individual house by contract. As a result, 20% of certificates of the right to a one-time cash payment were sold by citizens in the primary market through participation in shared housing construction or the construction of an individual house.

2.4 Municipal management in the field of social support for certain population groups

In the system of social protection of the population, despite the fact that this service has moved to a regional department, the activities of municipal government bodies have three directions:

a) creation of equal opportunities for everyone to receive appropriate material and spiritual benefits, development of creativity and scientific potential;

b) provision of all social minimums determined in accordance with state standards. This is, first of all: upbringing, education, healthcare, providing housing for the poor, social security for old age and disability, receiving qualified management assistance for citizens, providing utilities, cultural, educational and other services in the field of spiritual culture, ensuring the ecological cleanliness of the living environment;

c) special social protection and provision for those groups of the population who, due to physical, mental or other disabilities, cannot fully create for themselves all the necessary benefits for life.

Social protection is a system of legislative, economic, social and other guarantees that provide all able-bodied citizens with equal rights and working conditions, and disabled (socially vulnerable) layers with advantages in using public consumption funds, direct material and socio-psychological support in all its forms.

This system involves providing them with additional rights and benefits:

on taxation and payment of pensions and benefits;

on the construction and maintenance of housing, as well as its receipt and acquisition;

for public utilities and trade services;

on medical care, sanatorium-resort treatment, provision of medicines;

provision of vehicles and payment for travel;

on employment, training, retraining and working conditions;

on the use of services of communication institutions and sports and recreational institutions;

for receiving social services, social and legal assistance.

Unfortunately, the current system of social protection and social guarantees does not correspond to the basic principles of a market economy, does not have sufficient flexibility and needs a radical transformation.

Basic principles modern system social protection:

.A differentiated approach to various layers and groups of the population depending on their social status, age, ability to work and degree of economic independence.

For the disabled (elderly, children, disabled people), the main emphasis should be on maintaining well-being, ensuring the level of consumption of the most important material and socio-cultural goods, creating reliable guarantees, the amount of individual income, etc. As for the able-bodied, for them state guarantees in the field of living standards should be kept to a minimum. The principle of earning money should apply here, including most of the benefits that were previously provided free of charge.

.The social protection mechanism should be formed not on the basis of state charity, but as a set of legally established economic, legal and social guarantees.

The social protection system should not be built on the basis of episodic adoption of isolated one-time decisions to improve financial situation certain groups of the population who find themselves in difficult situations. In the meantime, we are not dealing with a complex system, but with a kind of “ambulance” for patching up the most noticeable social holes. If such a practice more or less corresponded to the needs of an administrative-command economy, then in market conditions it has no prospects.

.The social protection system must be integrated, operating at all levels: federal, republican, regional, regional, even at an enterprise (firm), joint-stock company with a clear definition of the rights, responsibilities and functions of each of them. The most appropriate way is to create a multi-level system in which the guarantees established at a higher level would be complemented and developed at lower ones. Thus, at the federal level, it is necessary to maintain the establishment of a minimum level of guarantees for the entire population of the country, regardless of place of residence.

2.5 Municipal management of regulation of employment and labor relations

In the employment system, municipal government bodies carry out their functions in close connection with employment centers in districts and cities, and territorial divisions of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment. During the period of mass release of labor, municipal authorities: analyze the impact of this event on the labor market; coordinate the implementation of retraining and retraining programs for laid-off workers; carry out a mediating role in conflict situations at enterprises; provide financial assistance enterprises planning a mass release; develop measures to promote employment; are preparing proposals for the re-profiling and privatization of enterprises.

The object of management is a set of relations associated with the hiring of workers, the use and payment of labor. This set includes factors that determine the demand for labor, the supply of labor, and the mechanism of influence of supply and demand. The subjects of management are the state, municipal bodies (municipalities), entrepreneurs (unions of entrepreneurs), trade unions and other public organizations.

The goals and objectives of managing the municipal labor market differ depending on the state of external (global, macroeconomic) and internal, natural-climatic, socio-economic, political conditions, from the prevailing ideology in society and a number of other factors.

Management of the municipal labor market includes a number of functions:

forecasting labor demand and supply;

-planning of training and retraining of personnel;

organization of measures to increase the level of employment of the population and labor efficiency;

regulation of employment in different market segments;

staff motivation;

monitoring the progress of programs and employment plans;

accounting for the expenditure of resources and the results of management activities.

Municipal authorities use various forms, methods and tools to influence the state of the labor market. Form is understood as a way of organizing management methods. Management methods are divided into legal, administrative and economic. This division is conditional, since they are all interdependent and interconnected. Nevertheless, such a division of methods is necessary.

Regulatory and legal methods provide for changing and improving existing institutions; they are carried out through the issuance of laws, presidential decrees, government decisions and resolutions, and resolutions of heads of municipalities.

Administrative methods include direct prohibitions on certain actions of business entities, quantitative restrictions, standards and procedures.

In the context of the development of a market economy, economic methods are becoming increasingly important in the mechanism of managing the labor market: stimulating the investment activity of business entities through budgetary allocations, changing the interest rates of bank loans and tax rates. Application economic methods allows:

-change the scope of employee training;

organize social protection of the unemployed population, ensure their employment;

increase the level of wages.

The economic opportunities for influencing the labor market in municipalities are currently limited.

An important element of municipal regulation is forecasting the factors that determine the state of the labor market: economic, demographic, climatic, migration, etc. Forecasts determine the direction, intensity, and forms of influence on the state of the labor market.

In the practice of labor market management, balances of demand and supply of labor, balances of labor resources are used.

Social programs have a great influence on the state of the municipal labor market. They identify the sources of all resources that are necessary to complete the tasks of the program, determine the composition of participants, the timing, and the duration of individual stages of the program. These features make it possible to concentrate resources from many sources, combine the efforts of several organizations, achieve a high level of work organization and achieve program goals in the shortest possible time and minimize resource costs. Currently, labor programs are being developed at the federal, regional and local levels

3. Main directions for improving the management of the social sphere of the municipality

As a result of the analysis of municipal management of sectors of the social sphere, which was carried out in Chapter 2, a number of problems were identified in the main areas of municipal management of the social sphere, which must be attempted to be resolved to ensure the integrity of the local community. Let's consider the main directions for improving municipal management of the social sphere.

The problem of employment in a market economy is solved in labor markets at the regional and local levels, which presuppose certain relations between employers (employers) and employees regarding the purchase and sale of labor, as well as the relations of employers with each other and workers with each other.

Management priorities in the field of employment at the municipal level should be: promoting the employment of school graduates and professional educational institutions; providing targeted material and psychological support to individuals in particular need of social protection; development of new forms of interaction with employers; increasing the competitiveness of the workforce (organizing professional retraining and advanced training of the employed population of the municipality).

At the level of municipalities, it is important to provide employment assistance to people who are especially in need of social protection. These include youth, disabled people, women, people dismissed from the ranks Russian army, etc.

Housing issue. The main task is to increase the level of provision of citizens with their own housing based on the formation of an affordable housing market. Solving this problem requires an interrelated consideration of issues of increasing the solvency of the population and the possibilities of satisfying it in the existing housing market and through increasing the volume of housing construction.

The implementation of the housing issue is one of the main tasks of municipal authorities. Each municipality must establish municipal housing standards that take into account local conditions.

Municipalities interested in increasing the volume of housing construction must ensure the supply of land plots for housing construction, equipped with engineering infrastructure.

In practice, the implementation of the priority national project “Affordable and Comfortable Housing” has led to an increase in prices on the housing market and the availability of housing has not changed. Despite the increased volumes of mortgage lending, it has not become a solution to the housing problem in the country. For most citizens, based on the level of wages in the country, a mortgage remains a very expensive “pleasure”.

A new subprogram with the working title “Formation of sites for housing construction” is needed. In this subprogram and partly in the subprogram “Resettlement of citizens of the Russian Federation from dilapidated and emergency housing”, in accordance with the new Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, it is necessary to develop and implement a mechanism for the allocation and engineering development of sites that have a set of initial permits for housing construction, as well as a mechanism subsequent sale of such plots to investors-developers on a competitive basis. Financing of work on the formation of sites will be carried out on a parity basis from the regional (municipal) and federal budgets. Federal funds are repayable (for example, an interest-free loan), while a serious blow is dealt to the conditions for the existence of such concepts as “corruption” and “bribes” in the construction process

A particularly difficult problem for local governments is finding funds for the construction of municipal housing for low-income citizens. Local sources of financial resources are extremely limited. A fundamental solution to this problem is possible only with the help of the state through federal and regional housing construction programs.

Consider healthcare. Healthcare is one of the most important units of the social infrastructure of a municipality. The following structural changes are needed in the healthcare system:

priority in the healthcare system of preventive measures to reduce morbidity and mortality of the population, the threat of epidemics;

protection of the patient’s rights to receive timely and high-quality medical care as the initial condition for the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

The priority national project "Health", which is already being implemented, includes a set of measures to solve the main problems of health care, namely optimization of the expenditure of budget funds, shifting the emphasis of medical care to primary care (pre-hospital stage), and preventive focus of health care. The goal of this priority project is to make expensive (high-tech) assistance available to as many citizens as possible.

Also, to solve problems in this area, it is necessary to: improve healthcare financing (both by increasing financial revenues and by increasing the efficiency of existing healthcare financing mechanisms, including modernizing the compulsory health insurance system), specifying state guarantees of medical care (for types, volumes, order and conditions of medical care, which is guaranteed to all citizens of the Russian Federation free of charge).

A necessary condition for ensuring the sanitary well-being of the population is hygienic education and training of citizens.

Now let's move on to the field of education. Today, the connection between modern, high-quality education and the prospect of building civil society, an efficient economy and a safe state is obvious. The goal of the priority national project "Education" is to accelerate the modernization of Russian education, ensure the success of the country's educational system, and ultimately achieve modern quality education adequate to the changing demands of society and socio-economic conditions. This goal should determine the main direction of municipal management in the field of education.

Support by local governments for institutions of higher education and science may consist of preferential taxation, provision of premises for rent, and assistance in providing housing for teaching and research personnel. Local governments can carry out municipal orders to universities and scientific institutions to conduct applied research.

Now let's look at the cultural sphere. Local governments pay insufficient attention to the implementation of state policy in the field of culture. They must proceed from the recognition of the equal dignity of cultures, equality of rights and freedoms in the field of culture of all ethnic communities and religious denominations living in the territory of the municipality. The issues of supporting folk arts and crafts, regional and local national-cultural autonomies, and studying in educational institutions are important national languages and other items of ethnocultural nature, which are classified by federal legislation as the powers of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The activities of local governments in the field of culture should be aimed at ensuring universal accessibility cultural activities, cultural values ​​for the population. Within their competence, local governments should create conditions for the development of a network of special institutions and organizations: art schools, studios, courses - provide support to these institutions, ensure that basic services of libraries and other cultural institutions are accessible and free for the population.

Many areas of mass culture and leisure are self-sustaining, and some (for example, organizing concerts of popular artists, casinos, etc.) serve as sources of revenue for local budgets. Local authorities should promote the development of all forms of organizing cultural and leisure activities on the territory of the municipality.

The issue of developing physical culture and sports is also very relevant. The most important direction of the policy of local governments in the field of physical culture and sports should be the physical education of preschool children, as well as students in educational institutions. For this it is necessary: ​​to improve the quality of physical education based on mandatory regulatory requirements physical fitness in preschool and other educational institutions, children's health, youth and sports camps; expand and reconstruct existing sports facilities, build new sports facilities for carrying out physical education and health work and training sports reserves;

Local government bodies, physical education and sports associations, together with physical education and sports associations of disabled people, must participate in the organization of physical education and health work with disabled people, in conducting physical education, health and sports events with them, in training disabled athletes and ensuring their referral to all-Russian and international sports competitions.

Local government bodies should participate in the organization of physical education and recreational work with young people and promote their involvement in systematic activities physical culture and sports in order to develop a healthy lifestyle, carry out measures to prevent crime, and, together with physical education and sports organizations, hold mass sports competitions and sports days; create, with the participation of youth, children's and other organizations, physical education, health and sports clubs, including defense sports clubs.

Municipal support for certain groups of the population is also very important: elderly citizens and people with disabilities; family, motherhood and childhood; as well as persons who find themselves in critical situations. For each of the listed categories, the state must develop specific social protection programs, and at the local level - social support programs.

And finally, youth policy. The state should provide support to proactive, capable, talented youth, provide budgetary support in purchasing housing for young families and young rural professionals in need of housing or improved living conditions.

The divisions or departments for youth affairs that have been created and operate within the structure of municipal executive authorities require both coordination of their activities and methodological, personnel and organizational support from government bodies.

Youth policy at the municipal level, closely related to government policy, should involve taking into account the most pressing problems of the youth of a particular municipal entity in the field of health and leisure, employment and education, and everyday problems. At the municipal level, a comprehensive system of social support for young people, their training and employment should be created, which contributes to the development of the youth and children's and youth movements and creates opportunities to regulate youth migration, ensure the protection of the rights and realization of the interests of young people, and support young families.

The current stage of development of municipalities is characterized by the increasing role of the information sphere, which represents the totality of information, information infrastructure, and entities collecting, generating, distributing and using information. The problem of providing municipalities with mass media, and especially small rural settlements, is a serious task at the state level, which must be solved by both federal and regional authorities by regulating these issues in regulations, assessing actually available resources and information capabilities each municipal formation, as well as the creation by authorities of legislative and legal conditions for attracting non-state financial and material resources of enterprises of all forms of ownership into the field of informatization of municipal formations.

In order to further improve and develop the information policy of municipalities, the following activities can be carried out:

Monitoring the most important information resources available on the territory of the municipality; their registration, certification, determination of owners and owners. The result will be a technology for the formation of information resources and their use. As intangible assets, information resources must be placed on the balance sheet.

Creation of an archive of information resources in each subject of the Russian Federation. This archive may include all electronic versions of information resources and those paper media that are not classified as federal property. Corresponding branches of the archive can be created on the territory of municipalities.

Imposing on the owners of information resources that are municipal property the obligation to insure this property. This is necessary due to the threat of circumstances that could result in information resources being stolen, damaged or destroyed.

Creation of economic conditions for the integration of departmental information resources into regional and municipal ones.

Activation of the creation of a network of Internet centers in cities and regions of the federal subjects.

Determination of a package of social services guaranteed to consumers for municipalities: radio; social package of television channels; shared Internet access; free services of a single reference service 09; rural post office.

Creation of a uniform zoning of the territories of the constituent entities of the federation from the point of view of investment attractiveness for the subsequent competitive distribution of zones among operators servicing collective television reception systems.

Opening of websites of municipal television and radio companies.

Determination of the social package of municipal printed publications in the state languages ​​of the subject of the federation, through a system of grants. Optimization of budget expenditures for state support currently provided to municipal printed publications.

Introduction of a permanent column “News from municipalities” on local regional television channels.

Thus, the interaction of the media and new forms of organization of local government - municipalities - is a dynamically developing process. Since the development of society largely depends on modern media and the role they play in society, studying the interaction of new government bodies and mass media on the territory of municipalities helps change people’s lifestyles for the better. Constructive interaction between the media and government bodies, public organizations on the territory of municipalities is necessary and possible. To coordinate this interaction, authorities have certain institutions, resources, methods and techniques.


At the end of the study, the following conclusions can be drawn.

The social function is the main one, determining for municipal government among all others. The goal of social policy is to consistently improve the standard of living of the population and reduce social inequality, ensuring universal access to basic social benefits and, above all, quality education, medical and social services.

The social sphere is understood as the socio-cultural complex of a municipality. The sectors of education, healthcare, culture, employment, and social support included in the socio-cultural complex of the social sphere are united common goal, content and development trends.

Municipal management in the social sphere is management at the local level, the object of influence of which is the holistic development of the local community of the corresponding municipal entity, ensuring the creation favorable conditions life activity of the population.

Municipal management in the social sphere is connected, first of all, with the fact that the population and the municipal bodies created by it can be more effective than state bodies in solving the problems of increasing the level and quality of life of the residents of a given territory, providing for the socio-cultural and other vital needs of the population .

A peculiarity of the sphere of social regulation is the predominance of institutions financed from the local budget.

The main goals of the social policy of the Russian development state are:

-creation of conditions for every capable citizen that allows him, through work and enterprise, to maintain his own well-being;

-strengthening targeted social support from the state, primarily for weakly protected groups of the population;

-implementation of comprehensive measures and special programs in the field of wages and pensions, employment policy;

-reforming the social sphere based on a reasonable combination of the principles of paid and free health care, education, and cultural services;

-the formation of a new housing policy, a federal housing market, stimulation of all types of cost-effective housing construction, changing the procedure for the population to pay for housing and utilities;

-support for youth, their training and employment.

Municipal policy in the social sphere, first of all, should be aimed at creating conditions that ensure decent life and free development of man, in particular:

  • improvement of the environment;
  • maintaining a socially safe level of unemployment;
  • support for the population living below the subsistence level;
  • formation of an affordable housing market.


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. "Management of the development of the social sphere of municipalities: Educational and methodological manual / Edited by E.V. Tishin. - M.: Municipal power, 2001. - 344 p.

Volodin A.M., Nemchinov A.A. Municipal service: Reference manual. M.: Business and Service, 2002.

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Municipal management in the social sphere

Introduction 3
1.3 Mechanisms for implementing municipal social policy 9
1.4 Interaction between government bodies and local governments in the social sphere 13
2 Municipal management of the main sectors of the social sphere 18
2.2.1 Analysis of the labor market in the Shcherbinovsky district of the Krasnodar region 28
2.3 Municipal management in the field of education 34
2.4.1 Analysis of the implementation of the national healthcare project in the Shcherbinovsky district of the Krasnodar Territory 51
Conclusion 58


The importance of the social sphere is difficult to overestimate, wherever the policy is carried out - part of the state policy, which, through its actions, mitigates the negative consequences of individual and social inequality, socio-economic upheavals in society. Government regulation socio-economic relations, being one of the prerequisites for the economic development of society and a special form of management, acts as the most important component of the economic policy of the state.

The complex, conflict-prone problems of the modern world cannot be solved using exclusively technological innovations and economic means.

The implementation of social functions assigned to the state is carried out through a system of legislative and executive authorities at the level of the Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and municipalities.

The study of social phenomena and processes is carried out all over the world. Only through research and the creation of a management system is it possible to ensure that the social needs of society are met. It is a clear strategy for managing the social sphere and social processes that ensures the solution of economic and social problems of the development of society.

The relevance of the topic is that underestimating the role of social management is especially dangerous in a transition economy, since it is a powerful means of reviving crises and resolving conflicts that arise as a result of economic transformations taking place

Management of social processes and the social sphere at all levels of government is a complex integrated system. A comprehensive system of social policy is the activity of the state and society to coordinate the interests of various social groups and socio-territorial communities in the sphere of production, distribution and consumption.

The fundamental law of our country, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, fully reflected in its articles the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Russian Federation, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is a social state. The goal of the reforms carried out in the country is to build a socially oriented market economy. The social policy of the transition period is characterized by the fact that it is formed in the conditions of the historical combination of processes of complete renewal of the state and society. Passivity, disorganization, social lack of structure serve nutrient medium for distortions of social policy towards uncontrolled and unresponsive actions of the authorities. The main goals of the state’s social policy at the present stage of socio-economic development of Russia are:

Creation of conditions for every capable citizen that allows him, through work and enterprise, to maintain his own well-being;

Strengthening targeted social support from the state, primarily for weakly protected groups of the population;

Implementation of comprehensive measures and special programs in the field of wages and pensions, employment policy;

Reforming the social sphere based on a reasonable combination of the principles of paid and free health care, education, and cultural services;

Formation of a new housing policy, a federal housing market, stimulation of all types of cost-effective housing construction, changing the procedure for the population to pay for housing and utilities.

The purpose of this work is to consider the essence of municipal management in the social sphere.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are planned:

– consider social policy in modern Russia;

– determine the role of the municipality in the implementation of social policy;

– determine the main directions of municipal social policy;

– consider the features of municipal management in the field of education, in the field of healthcare, in the field of regulation of employment and labor relations, in the field of culture and leisure.

1 Municipal social policy

1.1 Social policy in modern Russia

Social policy in the Russian Federation is based on the constitutional definition of Russia as a social state, the policy of which is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of people.

In the Russian Federation, labor and health of people are protected, guaranteed minimum size wages, state support for family, motherhood, paternity and childhood, disabled people and elderly citizens is provided, a social system is developed; services, state pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection are established (Article 7 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

The Constitution guarantees everyone social security by age, in case of illness, disability, loss of a breadwinner, for raising children and in other cases established by law (Articles 38-39).

For these purposes, the Russian Federation is developing a system of state and municipal services, providing state support for the family, motherhood, paternity and childhood, the disabled and elderly citizens, establishing state pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection.

The Constitution proclaims the right of everyone:

– to work in conditions that meet safety and hygiene requirements (Article 37);

– for housing (Article 40);

– for medical care in state and municipal health care institutions at the expense of budgetary funds, insurance contributions, and other sources (Article 41);

– for free pre-school, basic general and secondary vocational education in state and municipal educational institutions and enterprises (Article 43);

– for the use of cultural and leisure institutions and cultural values ​​(Article 44).

The Russian system of social policy is based on the principles of “who you are” (the presence of social pensions and a developed system of categorical benefits) and “what have you done” (the system of labor pensions). The “what have you” principle is used in part, for example, in determining housing subsidies and child benefits.

Thus, social policy in the Russian Federation is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of people. The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees every citizen social security by age, in case of illness, disability, loss of a breadwinner, for raising children and in other cases established by law.

1.2 The role of the municipality in the implementation of social policy

One of the main tasks of local governments is the formation and implementation of municipal social policy.

Municipal social policy is a system of goals, objectives and mechanisms for their implementation aimed at providing the population with social services, maintaining and developing the social sphere of the municipality.

Municipal social policy is built in line with the social policy of the state and in interaction with government bodies, primarily with the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Through municipal social policy, both the local government’s own powers and state powers in the social sphere transferred to the municipal level are implemented.

The social sphere and social policy (state and municipal) can be considered in a broad and narrower sense of the word. In a broad sense, the social sphere includes everything that ensures human life. In this understanding, all municipal policy is social. In a narrower sense, the social sphere of a municipality, as stated, is understood as the sphere of reproduction of the person himself, his physical and spiritual parameters, while the reproduction of the material and material environment of a person belongs to the city-servicing sphere.

The social policy of the state is a system of principles, goals, objectives and means that ensure such a socially acceptable and permissible material, political, cultural position of social groups and segments of the population in which they can realize personal interests and contribute to their own development and the development of society through various types of activities. in general.

Social policy is carried out through the interests of people and acts as the management of interests. It is designed to eliminate the contradiction between the divergent interests of various subjects, between the current and future interests of society.

The state of the social sphere in this sense serves as an integral indicator of the effectiveness of the country's economy, the humanity of jurisprudence and the political structure of society, its spirituality. The most important tasks of state social policy are to ensure the integrity of the community, its sustainability, the possibility of dynamic development, and the prevention of social conflicts. Management of the social sphere is carried out at all levels of public authority: federal, regional and municipal. The functions of each level are determined in accordance with legally delimited powers.

Thus, municipal social policy is aimed at providing the population with social services, at the maintenance and development of the social sphere of the municipality. Municipal social policy is built in line with the social policy of the state and in interaction with government bodies. Social policy is carried out through the interests of people and acts as the management of interests.

1.3 Mechanisms for implementing social policy

When developing social policy, priorities must be determined that at this particular moment are the most pressing and urgent for society, requiring a priority solution. State and municipal social policy is implemented through social planning and management through a system of social events and programs carried out by federal, regional and local authorities.

The most important mechanism for implementing the state's social policy is the system of state minimum social standards. Social standard is the minimum required level of meeting the social needs of the population. Some examples of minimum social standards:

– minimum wage level;

– minimum level of social pensions and other social payments;

– mandatory standards and programs within which education is free;

– a list of treatment and preventive services provided at the expense of budgetary funds.

Minimum social standards are designed to establish those threshold values ​​of social benefits for a person, below which one cannot fall (from the position of modern representatives about the level and quality of life). This “standard” level of social benefits guaranteed to every person must be affordable or even free for the consumer, i.e. partially or fully paid from budgetary and extrabudgetary funds.

Social standards are expressed through social norms. Social norms are uniform or group measures of social needs for homogeneous territories. Examples of social norms:

– the norm of provision of the population with institutions of the socio-cultural sphere;

– norms for the occupancy of school classes and groups in preschool institutions;

– standards for providing the population with certain social services;

– standards of personnel and material support for the provision of social services.

Compliance with minimum social standards and norms requires large budgetary expenditures. In recent years, Russia has adopted a large number of federal laws establishing certain social benefits that are not provided with funding. In this regard, the urgent task is to reasonably limit the total number of social benefits and differentiate social standards into federal, regional and municipal. At the same time, the most important minimum social standards should be retained at the federal level. Each level of the budget system must provide financing for the social standards and norms it has introduced and bring them into line with the available financial resources.

The tasks of the federal level of government include establishing the foundations of state social policy, legal regulation of relations in the social sphere, developing federal programs for the social development of the country, developing and approving state minimum social standards at the federal level, and ensuring state guarantees for their implementation.

Subjects of the Russian Federation are developing the foundations of regional social policy, taking into account the historical and cultural traditions of the territory; establish regional social standards and norms that take into account state minimum social standards; take care of the preservation and strengthening of the social infrastructure owned by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; organize training, retraining and advanced training of workers in the field of education, culture, healthcare, social protection of the population; ensure compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in all areas of social policy.

The municipal level is intended to specify the methods, means and mechanisms for achieving the goals defined within the framework of federal and regional social policy, in relation to the characteristics of specific territories. The task of local governments, as those closest to the population, is to directly provide a range of social services that ensure human living conditions and their reproduction.

Based on regional norms and standards, local government bodies can develop local social norms and standards that take into account the specifics of a particular municipality.

The actual volume of social services provided to the population by local governments is as follows:

– comprehensive social service centers for veterans and other social groups;

– social rehabilitation centers and social shelters for minors;

– homes for the disabled and elderly;

– orphanages;

– centers for psychological and pedagogical assistance to the population, etc.

Local government bodies also carry out activities and maintain organizational structures to combat drug addiction and child homelessness, promote the organization of employment of the population, participate in the preparation and registration of labor agreements between labor collectives and employers in the territory of municipalities, and in resolving labor disputes.

1.4 Interaction between government bodies and local governments in the social sphere

The modern period of development of human society has brought an understanding that a democratic, rule-of-law state can solve basic problems only if there is a developed system of self-government. Constituting one of the foundations of the constitutional system of a rule-of-law state, local self-government makes it possible to democratize the administrative apparatus, effectively resolve local issues and ensure that the interests of local communities are taken into account in the conduct of public policy, and optimally combine the interests and rights of human beings and the interests of the state.

Local self-government plays an important role in the implementation of one of the main tasks of our time - combining into a single whole the interests of the state, society and the individual, since the main meaning, the essence of local self-government is to harmonize the rights and freedoms of man and citizen at the level of each individual person. with the interests of the state and society. It is this direction of local self-government that meets the ideas of a modern democratic legal social state, the highest value of which is the person, his rights and freedoms.

The Russian Federation, after a long break, is trying to return to a civilized system of social management, including public administration and local self-government.

Local self-government must be considered as a multifaceted, multidimensional and multifaceted social phenomenon. Modern local self-government should be considered as a mechanism of interaction between territorial communities and the state, the main task of which is to harmonize relevant interests.

The formation of local self-government is a task not only for local self-government itself, but also for state authorities at all its levels.

The development of local self-government is impossible without the support of the state and its political decisions based on civil initiatives of the population. Currently, the formation of local self-government is hampered by a number of unresolved problems associated with the imperfections of the current legal framework, including: the lack of federal legal regulation that ensures the clear implementation of a number of provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on local self-government; the lack of a clear normative legal division of powers between state authorities and local governments; internal inconsistency and unsystematic nature of the legislation of the Russian Federation on local self-government; ineffectiveness of legislative support for the financial and economic independence of municipalities; imperfection of the system judicial protection interests of local government.

Speaking about the relationship between local self-government and state institutions, it is also necessary to emphasize that local self-government is one of the forms of democracy - both direct and representative. Public principles in local self-government are intended to increase the activity of the population in resolving issues of managing state and public affairs. The combination of state and public in local government is very important in practical terms. With the help of the unity of these two principles, the most important social and state tasks are solved.

Thus, if we look broadly at the identified problem of interaction between the state and local self-government, then we can interpret government bodies and local self-government bodies as elements of a unified system of social management, public authority, ensuring the functioning of society as a whole. The larger the state, the more difficult it is to limit ourselves to centralized bureaucratic management, the more necessary are elements of self-government included in general management.

According to the Constitution, issues of joint jurisdiction include coordination of health care issues; protection of family, motherhood, paternity and childhood; social protection, including social security;

This relationship between state and self-government principles is due to more profound and objective factors, including the degree of socio-economic maturity of society, the relationship and arrangement of social groups - class, estate, ethnic, etc., the nature of their struggle or cooperation, spiritual, national, cultural traditions, features of the geopolitical situation, historical development, demographic state of society, etc.

The state is a complex system that includes socio-economic and territorial-state formations (subjects of the Federation), within which there are smaller organizational entities (districts, cities, etc.). The state embodies the integration of the interests, norms and needs of citizens and social groups determined by their residence in a certain territory.

Currently, the organization of self-government has become one of the most important political tasks.

The formation of local self-government requires the development of an institution for exercising state powers, primarily in the social sphere - the closest and most painful for the population.

The social sphere is where there should be clear and intensive interaction between state authorities and local self-government in the name of the interests of the population, of every person.

The task of local self-government is to provide social comfort to every member of society, to bring to life the main slogan of the social state - to create a decent standard of living for people.

This is precisely the social meaning, the purpose of local self-government in today's conditions.

2 Municipal management of social sectors

2.1 Municipal management in the field of social support for certain population groups

Social protection is a system of legislative, economic, social and other guarantees that provide all able-bodied citizens with equal rights and working conditions, and the disabled (socially vulnerable) layers with advantages in the use of public consumption funds, direct material and socio-psychological support in all forms .

Social support is temporary or permanent measures of targeted support for certain categories of citizens in a crisis situation.

Social protection and social support of citizens are the prerogative of the state. Federal legislation relates to the competence of municipal districts and city districts in this area only guardianship and trusteeship, and to the competence of settlements - providing assistance in establishing guardianship and trusteeship over residents of the settlement in need in accordance with federal laws. However, the main part of the social support of citizens is traditionally carried out by local governments as state powers. As those closest to the population, local governments are better aware of the specific living conditions of individual citizens and can perform social support functions more effectively. Due to insufficient government funding local budgets bear a significant share of the costs of social support for the population.

The main forms of social support for certain population groups are:

– cash benefits;

– assistance in kind (food, clothing);

–subsidies (targeted funds to pay for services);

– compensation (reimbursement of some expenses).

Municipal policy in the field of social protection and social support of the population represents the implementation of its own and transferred (federal and regional) government powers to organize a set of measures aimed at protecting certain vulnerable groups of the population and citizens from falling into the zone of extreme social disadvantage. The formation and implementation of local policies in the field of social support of the population are carried out within the framework of targeted assistance to specific groups and segments of the population, individual citizens.

The main criteria for providing social support to certain categories of citizens at the municipal level include the following:

– low level of material security. If the per capita income of a person (family) is below a certain legally established standard value, this person (family) needs social support. The normative value of per capita income is determined by the value of the consumer set, which characterizes the subsistence level per one family member for a given period of development of society;

– disability, the consequence of which is the inability to self-care;

– loss of home and property.

a) disabled:

1) pensioners;

2) disabled people;

3) citizens under the care of the state (in homes for the elderly, disabled people, etc.);

b) the poor;

c) those in extreme situations:

1) unemployed;

2) victims of emergency situations (fires, floods, earthquakes, etc.);

3) refugees and migrants.

For each of the listed categories, the state develops specific social protection programs, and at the local level - social support programs.

Social protection and social support of the population is effective based on the application of a program approach. Two types of programs can be distinguished: objective (designed for a specific social group of the population) and problematic (designed to solve a social problem).

To implement municipal policy in the field of social support of the population, various social service institutions are created in municipalities, and social protection bodies (divisions, committees, departments) are created in the structure of local administrations. The structure of these bodies depends on the financial capabilities of the municipality, the existing management system, and the availability of the necessary specialists.

Social services are provided by municipal institutions free of charge and for a fee. Free social services are provided in the amounts determined by state standards of social services. Paid social services are provided in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Financing of the municipal sector of the social service system is carried out at the expense of local budgets and subventions from the federal budget and budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, directed to the municipal budget for the maintenance and development of a network of social service institutions, as well as for payment of state-guaranteed social services included in federal and regional lists. The amount of subventions is determined annually when the relevant budgets are approved.

So, as noted, the state of the country’s economy currently allows for total social security of the population, which is typical for a welfare state. The gap between the state’s ability to fulfill its financing tasks and the problems in the relationship between the state and local governments, which provide various types of social assistance in a specific territory, is growing.

2.1.1 Analysis of the implementation of Federal Law “122” “On the replacement of benefits with cash payments” in the Shcherbinovsky district of the Krasnodar Territory

Federal Law No. 122-FZ of August 22, 2004 solves the problem of increasing the material well-being of citizens and bringing the social protection system of citizens who enjoy benefits and social guarantees and who are provided with compensation in accordance with the principle of separation of powers between federal government bodies, state bodies authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments, as well as the principles of a rule of law state with a socially oriented market economy.

In accordance with this law, social support measures are provided for citizens entitled to benefits. And the two main ones are monthly cash payments and a set of social services, which is otherwise called the “social package”.

A cash payment is assigned to everyone in the amount determined by the preferential category. And although it is not part of the pension, by law it is indexed simultaneously with it and in the same amount as the basic part of the pension. The situation is different with the range of social services. This set consists of two parts, and each has its own monetary value. The first includes additional free medical care, including the provision of free medicines with preferential prescriptions, as well as vouchers for spa treatment for medical reasons. And the cost of this part of the social package is the same for all beneficiaries: from January 1, 2006, it is 424 rubles per month.

The same applies to the second part of the set of social services. It includes free travel on commuter rail and intercity transport to and from the place of treatment. The cost of this social service in 2006 is 53 rubles per month.

If a person decides to refuse social services, then he will receive the cost of a set of social services monthly. Moreover, you can refuse one particular part of the set of social services, or you can refuse the entire set of social services as a whole.

In our area today, about fifteen percent of citizens entitled to benefits have already refused a set of social services.

2.2 Municipal management of regulation of employment and labor relations

Employment is a set of economic and social relations related to the provision of able-bodied citizens with jobs and their participation in economic activity.

The problem of employment is one of the most important for the municipality. In settlements that are in the stage of stagnation and decline, unemployment is the main social problem. In addition to employment itself as having a job, this problem has two more aspects. This is, firstly, the level and regularity of wage payments, which determine the level of material well-being of the population and the volume of tax revenues to local budgets, and secondly, working conditions that may have an adverse effect on human health and life expectancy.

The complexity of municipal regulation of employment issues lies in the fact that the main legal regulation of these issues falls within the scope of federal and regional legislation and is implemented through the territorial structures of the federal employment service. The majority of the working population living in the territory of the municipality works in enterprises and organizations of non-municipal ownership. The possibilities of influence of local governments on the labor market and on relations between employees and employers are very limited. A typical example is the so-called pendulum labor migration, when a citizen permanently resides in the territory of one settlement and works (and pays taxes) in the territory of another. The functions of employing the unemployed population and paying benefits to the unemployed are the prerogative of the state. Nevertheless, local governments have certain opportunities and levers of influence on the processes of employment and labor relations in their territories, and on their basis municipal policy in this area can be formed.

The role of local governments in addressing employment and labor relations issues may include the following:

– development and implementation of a system of economic and other mechanisms regulating employment issues, the local labor market and labor relations;

– coordination and control over the activities in this area of ​​the management structures of the municipality, enterprises, public and other organizations, the creation (if necessary) of a municipal employment service;

– providing information support to people looking for work (publishing newsletters, information about job fairs, creating a telephone information and consulting service, clubs for the unemployed, etc.)

– formation of a municipal bank of vacancies, seasonal and temporary jobs;

– formation of an order for public works on the territory of the municipality;

– creation of a center for socio-psychological adaptation ( psychological support unemployed population and the unemployed, psychological training for aspiring entrepreneurs, etc.);

– organization of a municipal educational and methodological center for professional retraining of the adult population in professions that are in demand in the labor market;

– creation of a municipal career guidance service for graduates of schools and educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education;

– creation of a municipal board of trustees to assist in the employment of school and vocational school graduates, including representatives of the latter, employers, trade unions, and municipal administration;

– organizing and conducting monitoring studies of the labor market in order to predict the sectoral and professional-qualification structure of demand for labor.

Depending on the financial capabilities of municipalities, the range of services provided to promote employment for the population can be expanded or narrowed. In any case, the priorities of employment policy at the municipal level should be:

– promoting employment of school and vocational school graduates;

– providing targeted material and psychological support to individuals in particular need of social protection;

– development of new forms of interaction with the employer;

– increasing the competitiveness of the workforce (organizing professional retraining and improving the qualifications of the employed population of the municipality).

Job fairs are a well-established form of promoting employment to the population. At fairs, visitors have the opportunity to solve, as a rule, three main tasks: get acquainted with the vacancy bank, consult on labor legislation, and, if necessary, choose an educational institution for professional retraining. Therefore, the composition of participants at job fairs includes: leading enterprises and organizations operating on the territory of the municipality or located nearby; training centers on professional retraining of the adult population; legal services and consultations; representatives of territorial employment service bodies.

One of the effective mechanisms for truly promoting employment at the municipal level is the organization of public works. Paid public works are understood as generally available types of labor activity, which, as a rule, do not require preliminary professional training of workers, have a socially useful orientation and are organized to provide temporary employment for citizens looking for work.

A new active form of promoting employment in municipalities are job seekers' clubs. The main tasks of the clubs are to assist citizens looking for work in reducing the search for a suitable vacancy, acquiring skills in this matter, reducing psychological stress, eliminating stressful conditions, and acquiring a minimum of legal knowledge. To promote the entrepreneurial initiative of the unemployed, a municipal business incubator - a collective office for aspiring entrepreneurs - can be organized jointly by the Employment Center using municipal funds. As part of its activities, psychological training programs can be implemented to develop qualities that contribute to the entrepreneurial activity of the population of the municipality. At the level of municipalities, it is important to provide employment assistance to people who are especially in need of social protection.

Thus, employment is a set of economic and social relations related to the provision of able-bodied citizens with jobs and their participation in economic activities. The problem of employment is one of the most important for the municipality. The complexity of municipal regulation of employment issues lies in the fact that the main legal regulation of these issues falls within the scope of federal and regional legislation and is implemented through the territorial structures of the federal employment service. Job fairs are a well-established form of promoting employment. One of the effective mechanisms for truly promoting employment at the municipal level is the organization of public works.

2.2.1 Analysis of the labor market in the village of Staroshcherbinovskaya, Shcherbinovsky district, Krasnodar region

With a fairly low officially registered unemployment rate, finding a job that is “to your liking and for your money” in the province, especially in its rural outback, is problematic. But even in this case, nothing is impossible if you are persistent, purposeful, and charged with work. Moreover, the citizen looking for her is not alone in his search. Employment service specialists are ready to help him.

The state institution of the Krasnodar Territory, the Employment Center of the Shcherbinovsky District, summed up the results of work for 2006 and set goals for 2067. The level of registered unemployment over the past year in the Shcherbinovsky district fluctuated between 1.1-1.0 percent, while in the Krasnodar Territory it was 0.6-0.7 percent. The main cause of unemployment is the structural imbalance of labor supply and demand. Over the past year, 5,673 people turned to the Employment Center for advice, i.e. every third citizen is of working age. Many have used the services of the Employment Center more than once. And the employment service provided them with free assistance in finding employment and acquiring a new profession.

With the assistance of the employment service, more than 1010 people were employed. The increase in requests from the population to us is primarily caused by the search for work, and not by receiving unemployment benefits. 467 people were declared unemployed during the year.

During 2006, employers reported 1,866 vacancies to the employment service. This is not so much, considering that 1,564 people applied to the Employment Center as job seekers. If we look at the statistics over recent years, we see a slight increase in vacancies announced by employers. The Employment Center's file cabinet currently contains 192 enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership, almost 75 percent of them regularly provide information about available vacancies. But there are also cases when enterprises provide information only about those vacancies that they long time cannot fill out on their own due to either low wages or difficult working conditions.

On the labor market in the Shcherbinovsky district, more than 80 percent are vacancies in blue-collar jobs. Most of them are agricultural workers (livestock breeders, machine operators, field workers). In addition, watchmen, loaders, drivers, electric and gas welders, salesmen, nurses, and janitors are required. In terms of wages, about 50 percent of the announced vacancies are those where wages are below the subsistence level, which reduces the employment service’s ability to find jobs. At the same time, there is a constant demand for specialists with higher education: accountants, economists, programmers, psychologists, etc. In addition, information about vacancies from other regions is constantly posted on stands at the Employment Center - vacancies in the Southern Federal District, including in the resort area for seasonal work, in the Kaliningrad region, and regions of the Far North.

The employment service of the Shcherbinovsky district has several active employment policy programs. One of the most accessible not only for unemployed citizens, but also for any resident of the area who is looking for a job or wants to change it to a better one, are job fairs. The purpose of the fairs is to expand the opportunity for citizens to obtain the necessary information, which increases their likelihood of employment. For employers, fairs represent a good opportunity to recruit qualified personnel or young professionals. At the same time, both parties - those who are looking for work and those who are ready to provide it - communicate directly, without intermediaries. In 2006, the Employment Center held eight fairs, which were attended by 764 people. In addition, fairs solve another important task - informing and vocational guidance of young people towards in-demand professions. In September 2006, a mobile employment center operated in the village of Shabelskoye, whose specialists provided career guidance services for choosing a profession to students of secondary school No. 11 and boarding school students. The next areas of active employment policy are the employment of minors in their free time from school. A total of 411 people were employed during 2006. With the help of the employment service, five people started their own businesses. Five graduates of educational institutions were employed and received their first work experience as part of the “First Job” program. This is important because many employers reject applicants due to lack of experience in their specialty.

Those unemployed people who were unable to find a job due to loss of professional skills, from among the long-term unemployed, or because the available education did not meet demand, were allocated funds from the federal budget for vocational training. There were 88 such unemployed people in 2006.

Many citizens feel insecure in the labor market. The “Job Seekers Club” program operates for them. 75 people took part in this program, and 13 people were employed after completing the classes. In addition, there is an employment program for citizens who have difficulty finding work (disabled people, single and large parents, people of pre-retirement age). In total, 13 unemployed people of these categories were employed.

Services the following types Employment services are provided free of charge:

– assistance to citizens in finding suitable work, and to employers in selecting the necessary workers;

– informing about the situation on the labor market;

– organization of professional orientation of citizens for the purpose of choice in the field of activity (profession), employment, vocational training;

– psychological support, vocational training, retraining and advanced training for unemployed citizens;

–implementation of social payments to citizens recognized as unemployed in accordance with the established procedure;

– organization of paid public works;

– organization of temporary employment of minor citizens aged 14 to 18 years in their free time from school, unemployed citizens experiencing difficulties in finding work, unemployed citizens aged 18 to 20 years from among graduates of educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education looking for work for the first time;

– social adaptation of unemployed citizens in the labor market; promoting self-employment of the population.

The employment center also provides services to employers. Recipients of public services are legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, and individuals. To receive the government service of assistance in selecting the necessary workers, employers who first contacted government agency Employment services (Employment Center) submit the following documents:

– an application form for the provision of public services of assistance in the selection of necessary workers (forms are provided at the Employment Center);

– the application form is certified by the signature of the employer or his representative authorized by him to perform the relevant actions;

– completed form “Information on the need for workers, availability of available jobs (vacant positions)” (forms are provided at the Employment Center);

– a copy of the certificate of state registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, certified by the seal of the legal entity (individual entrepreneur) and containing the entry “the copy is correct”, date, surname, initials, position and signature of the authorized representative of the employer who certified it, or certified by a notary , – employers – legal entities and individual entrepreneurs;

- passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation or a document replacing it, - employers - individuals with Russian citizenship;

– documents proving the identity and citizenship of a foreign citizen, – employers – individuals with foreign citizenship;

– identification documents, – employers – individuals who do not have citizenship.

To receive the government service of assistance in selecting the necessary workers, upon subsequent requests, employers submit a completed form “Information on the need for workers, availability of available jobs (vacant positions).”

2.3 Municipal management in the field of education

The educational level of the population is one of the most important characteristics of a municipality, determining its competitiveness and investment attractiveness. Raising the educational level of the population requires a long time and significant financial investments. Expenditures on education are the largest item of local budget expenditure in most municipalities.

Municipal policy in the field of education is based on state policy based on the following principles:

– humanistic nature of education,

– priority of universal human values, life and human health,

– free development of personality;

– universal access to education,

– adaptability of the education system to the levels and characteristics of development and training of students;

– the secular nature of education in state and municipal educational institutions;

– freedom and pluralism in education.

Russia is pursuing a policy of reforming the education sector. A transition to 12-year education is envisaged, the introduction of a single standardized final exam, allowing entrance exams enter any university if you get the required number of points. These changes are perceived ambiguously in society, but continue the trend towards Russia’s entry into the world practice of education. The possibilities for choosing variable forms of education are expanding (lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges, specialized classes, etc.). In parallel with the free education system, paid education is being developed at all levels - from kindergartens to universities. This process has a number of negative aspects: free education becomes less accessible, its quality decreases, the process of its commercialization increases, and the inequality of citizens in receiving it increases. However, the population's interest in education is growing, which is manifested primarily in the increase in competition for admission to universities.

Reform in the field of education leads to the destruction of the previous uniform system of educational institutions, therefore the content of education with its multi-level training is differentiated. Old forms of education management are losing effectiveness, and new ones are just being created. As a result, problems of management bureaucracy arise: lack of clear requirements for managers; uncertainty of the specific content of educational management; negative consequences of the collapse of the previously existing management system (violation of the material supply system, lack of control and forecast of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of educational services). All this negatively affects the municipal education system.

The basic regulations defining the tasks of local governments in the field of education are Art. 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law “On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation”, Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Federal Laws “On Approval of the Federal Program for the Development of Education”, “On compensation payments for meals for students in state, municipal educational institutions, institutions of primary vocational and secondary vocational education", "About additional guarantees on social protection of orphans and children without parental care" and other legal acts. These laws are detailed in decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, orders of the Ministry of Education of Russia, and regional legislation.

The education management system at the municipal level is a set of interrelated elements: educational programs and government educational standards of various levels and orientations, the network of educational institutions implementing them, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, types and types, municipal education authorities and institutions and organizations subordinate to them.

The activities of municipal educational institutions are regulated by standard regulations on education, institutions of the corresponding types and types, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation and the charters of these educational institutions developed on their basis. The founders of municipal educational institutions are local education authorities. Based on their decision, municipal property management bodies assign property objects to educational institutions for operational management and plots of land for indefinite free use.

At the same time, municipal property assigned to an educational institution can be alienated by the owner in the manner and under the conditions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the subject of the Russian Federation, as well as legal acts of local government bodies adopted within the limits of their powers.

In order to implement state policy in the field of education, local government bodies have been given powers to plan, organize, regulate the activities of local (municipal) education authorities, determine their structure and powers, appoint and dismiss the heads of local education authorities.

A large number of educational institutions of various profiles and forms of ownership may be located on the territory of a municipality. Municipal education authorities interact with non-municipal educational institutions in order to provide and protect the interests of municipal residents studying in these institutions.

Changes in the education system require improvement of the management activities of local governments, aimed at developing the education system with the help of special forms, methods and means that make it possible to raise the effectiveness of education to the proper level.

Thus, the population level is one of the most important characteristics of a municipality. Municipal policy in the field of education is based on state policy. The education management system at the municipal level consists of interrelated elements: educational standards various controls and orientation, the network of educational institutions implementing them, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, types, municipal education authorities and institutions and organizations subordinate to them.

2.3.1 Analysis of the implementation of the national education project in the Shcherbinovsky district of the Krasnodar region

The implementation of the national project “Education” began in December 2005, when the directions of all work in the education system were determined. This concerned primarily the stimulation of the work of teachers performing the functions of a class teacher. And since January 2006, all of them - and there are 238 people in the region - began to receive the President's Prize from 214 to 1000 rubles for class management, depending on the number of students in the class.

At the next stage of work related to the national project, a competition was held for the best educational institution in the region that successfully implements innovative projects, or, more simply, modern pedagogical technologies. As a result, based on the provisions established by law, two such schools were identified in the area - secondary schools No. 1 and 6 in the village of Staroshcherbinovskaya and the village of Ekaterinovka.

Education today is, of course, a state priority, and proof of this is the national project “Education”, which became the basis for the work of the industry in 2006. Based on the results of work in 2006, it can be noted that everything that was planned within the framework of the national project for this year was implemented in full. Suffice it to say that this made it possible to attract about 10 million rubles of consolidated budget funds to the region. However, the national project has become not only and not so much a factor providing funding for the education sector: one can fully appreciate the stimulating role of the national project for both teachers and educational institutions.

The implementation of the national project “Education” in the Shcherbinovsky district proceeded in several directions.

The main focus is the remuneration of teachers performing the functions of class teachers, which is received by 238 teachers. More than 3.4 million rubles were spent for these purposes, and the amount of remuneration, depending on the number of students in the class, ranges from one thousand to 240 rubles.

Today the question needs to be raised not so much about the payment of remuneration as such, but about the effectiveness of the class teacher’s work.

The second direction is encouraging the best teachers.

Here it would be appropriate to say that established by the President of Russia V.V. Putin awarded 406 teachers in the region with a bonus of 100 thousand rubles, including history teacher of secondary school No. 5 O.B. Shakin.

The winner of the regional stage of the competition was the teacher primary classes secondary school No. 5 N.B. Berezina, teachers: biology - E.V. Marakusha (secondary school No. 10), English language – I.A. Ilyichev (secondary school No. 2), mathematicians - L.A. Vivchar (secondary school No. 1), Russian language and literature - E.L. Karpenko (secondary school No. 7) and history teacher of secondary school No. 3 T.A. Vaskova. To these teachers, the head of the district, V.P. The Filonovs were awarded certificates and cash prizes at the August meeting of teachers.

This year it is necessary to significantly increase the number of participants in the competition and to popularize in every possible way the work of the best teachers in the region in the media, as well as through methodological associations. This task is extremely important, since ultimately we are talking about generalization best practices and improving the professional level of teachers in the district.

Third direction - competition educational institutions, actively implementing innovative educational programs and technologies.

Here, the undisputed leader in the area was the team of secondary school No. 1 named after A.V. Lyapidevsky, led by experienced teacher L.V. Makarenko. As a bonus, this team was awarded a grant from the President of Russia in the amount of one million rubles.

The school managed such a substantial amount very wisely. As part of the implementation of the school development program, such necessary classrooms as primary school, Russian language and literature, foreign language, history, geography, mathematics, and a universal interactive subject classroom have already been purchased. All these acquisitions will certainly affect the improvement of the quality of the educational process, the achievement good results, which, by the way, has already been confirmed: the school took first place this academic year according to the results of the district and zonal stages of the regional subject Olympiads.

The next direction is informatization of education. In the region, costs for these purposes have already amounted to 320 thousand rubles, which were allocated from the regional budget (in the region this figure is about 30 million rubles). 11 automated workstations were supplied to schools in the district, and secondary school No. 5 of the district center was connected to high-speed Internet on schedule. The education department has found funds to purchase computers for secondary schools No. 4 and No. 11. And all this is being done to improve the quality of general education through informatization and re-equipment of the educational and demonstration base. In addition, 2006-2007 academic year should be the year of eliminating computer illiteracy among the district's teachers. This problem is already being successfully solved in schools No. 1, 5, 6 and others.

The fifth direction is equipping schools with modern equipment.

The solution to this serious problem became possible thanks to the national project. Thus, schools No. 3 and 6 received history classrooms; No. 6, 9 – geography classrooms; No. 2 – physics classroom and No. 6 – interactive whiteboard.

In January, a chemistry classroom will be received for secondary school No. 1, three mathematics classrooms for schools No. 5, 11 and 13.

In addition, 60 sets of furniture were purchased and sent to all schools in the district without exception. For these purposes, 1,436 thousand rubles were spent from the regional budget, and 1,393 thousand rubles from the regional budget.

In terms of implementing the national project “Education”, it was possible to solve the problem of transporting students to classes. In this regard, it is necessary to note the attention paid to it by the district administration, Kuban Governor A.N. Tkachev. Thanks to this, it was possible to resolve the issue of transporting students to schools No. 10, 6 and 13, which received specially equipped school buses.

2.4 Municipal health management

Healthcare is one of the most important units of the social infrastructure of a municipality. Compliance with constitutional guarantees for the provision of medical care and the creation of favorable sanitary and epidemiological living conditions for the population presupposes structural transformations in the healthcare system, providing for:

– new approaches to making political decisions and forming budgets at all levels, taking into account the priority of protecting public health;

– formation of a new regulatory framework for the activities of healthcare institutions in a market economy;

– priority in the healthcare system of preventive measures to reduce morbidity and mortality of the population, the threat of epidemics;

– protection of the patient’s rights to receive timely and high-quality medical care as the initial condition for the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

The legal basis for the activities of local government bodies in the field of public health protection is the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws “On health insurance of citizens in the Russian Federation”, “On medicines”, “On sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population”, as well as other regulatory legal acts of all levels of government on public health issues.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation defines healthcare as a subject of joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities. In accordance with this, the healthcare management system is hierarchical in nature. The bulk of mass medical care is provided to the population at the municipal level. The municipal health care system includes municipally owned treatment and preventive and other health care institutions, departmental institutions (both transferred and not transferred into municipal ownership), pharmaceutical institutions located on the territory of the municipality, as well as municipal health management bodies population.

The main goal of municipal healthcare is to meet the needs of the population for healthcare services that fall under the jurisdiction of local government, at a level not lower than the state minimum social standards. In specific conditions, local goals can be formed, for example, meeting the needs of the population for health services on the principles of universal accessibility, observing guarantees for the provision of volumes of medical services (therapeutic and preventive, health-improving, medical diagnostic, etc.), ensuring their quality, etc.

Federal legislation entrusts the resolution of local health issues to municipal districts and urban districts. These issues include the organization of emergency medical care (with the exception of air ambulance), primary health care in outpatient clinics and hospitals, medical care for women during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. Other, more complex types of medical care can be provided through the municipal health care system in the form of state powers transferred to local governments along with the corresponding financial resources.

The fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens define state powers in the field of health protection, transferred to local governments. These include:

– monitoring compliance with legislation in the field of health protection; protection of human and civil rights and freedoms in the field of health care;

– formation of management bodies of the municipal healthcare system;

– coordination and control of the activities of enterprises, institutions and organizations of the state and municipal healthcare systems within their powers, control over the quality of medical and social care provided in the private healthcare system;

– implementation of measures for compulsory medical insurance of citizens;

– licensing of medical and pharmaceutical activities in the jurisdictional territory on behalf of the state health authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

– regularly informing the population about the prevalence of socially significant diseases;

– creation and maintenance of the activities of institutions for the rehabilitation of disabled people and people suffering from mental disorders; organizing their training, professional retraining and employment, creating specialized institutions for terminally ill patients;

– sanitary and hygienic education of the population.

The subjects of healthcare activities at the municipal level are mainly municipal institutions, the nomenclature of which is approved by the federal executive body in the field of healthcare.

Local governments carry out wholesale purchases of medicines for medical institutions, control the activities of all pharmaceutical institutions in the territory of the municipality, regardless of the form of ownership, since the provision of medicines to the population is one of the most important social tasks. Federal legislation for a number of categories of the population establishes a broad system of benefits when paying for medicines, free dispensing of certain medicines according to doctors’ prescriptions, as well as medicines for treatment in medical hospitals, which requires large budgetary expenditures. However, the state is far from fully compensating municipal authorities for the costs associated with the preferential and free distribution of medicines.

For municipal institutions, the local administration can issue a municipal order for drug services to the population and set a maximum markup on wholesale prices for drugs. In conditions of budget deficit, local governments are forced to take a tough approach to establishing benefits for medicines and limit the amount of municipal orders.

One of the important tasks of local governments is to ensure the sanitary well-being of the population. In cooperation with state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance authorities, local governments develop and implement local programs to ensure the sanitary well-being of the population.

A necessary condition for ensuring the sanitary well-being of the population is hygienic education and training of citizens. Hygienic education and training of citizens is carried out in educational institutions by including in training and education programs “sections on hygienic knowledge. In the process of professional training and certification of managers, specialists of enterprises and organizations whose activities are related to the production, storage, transportation and sale of food products and drinking water, public and consumer services for the population, etc., hygienic preparation is provided.

Local governments are obliged to regularly inform the population, including through the media, about the prevalence of socially significant diseases and diseases that pose a danger to others. The fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on protecting the health of citizens (Article 19) establish that citizens have the right to regularly receive reliable and timely information about factors that contribute to the preservation of health or have a harmful effect on it. The main attention is paid to information about the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the area of ​​residence, rational nutrition standards, products, works, services, and their compliance with sanitary standards and rules. This information should be provided by local government bodies through the media, as well as directly to citizens upon their requests in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

One of the most difficult problems of municipal healthcare is its financing, which is multichannel in nature. Budgetary funds finance preventive measures, ensure sanitary and epidemiological well-being in the territory, children's healthcare, treatment of certain diseases (tuberculosis, mental illness), etc.

The compulsory health insurance system consists of providing citizens free of charge with funds from the state extra-budgetary Compulsory Health Insurance Fund (MHIF) of a certain set of medical services. This set is determined in the lists approved by state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments (regional and municipal compulsory health insurance programs). The source of funds for the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund are insurance premiums paid by employers for their employees as part of the unified social tax. Contribution standards are established by federal law. Until recently, insurance premiums for the non-working population were paid from local budgets, and municipalities were large debtors of the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund. Then these functions were transferred to government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Insurance organizations that receive funds from the Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund enter into contracts with medical institutions and pay for the medical services they provide based on the number of patients actually treated and the nature of the services provided. Thus, a patient who has a compulsory health insurance policy, in principle, has the opportunity to choose between treatment and preventive institutions, which makes it possible to create a competitive environment in medical care and improve its quality. In fact, the compulsory health insurance system is unsustainable and needs serious reform.

A voluntary health insurance agreement can be concluded with an insurance organization by a citizen who wishes to receive free of charge certain additional medical services that are not included in regional and municipal compulsory health insurance programs.

Other medical services are provided on a paid basis, and local governments approve prices and tariffs for services provided by municipal treatment and preventive institutions. They are established taking into account the specifics of municipal health care organizations, the type of services they provide, the structure of the population’s needs for them, local characteristics and other factors.

As additional sources financing of municipal healthcare may include income from securities, bank and other loans, gratuitous and charitable contributions and donations, and other sources not prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The ability to solve the tasks assigned to municipal healthcare and the implementation of adopted programs depend on the municipal healthcare management system and the effectiveness of its influence on the processes occurring in the healthcare sector. In conditions of acute budgetary shortages, ensuring guaranteed rights of the population in the field of healthcare requires the optimal use of resources intended for this, which, in turn, involves choosing priorities for the development of healthcare, identifying and financing the most effective forms of medical care. In particular, more emphasis should be placed on the preventive direction of protecting the health of citizens with a corresponding redistribution of financial resources from the inpatient to the outpatient sector.

A serious problem is the low wages of workers in this industry, which negatively affects not only the current state of healthcare, but also its development, since modern medical technologies are very labor-intensive. Often, the use of new diagnostic and treatment equipment requires an additional number of specialists in various fields. Due to insufficient funding, which does not allow for the normal functioning of the material and technical base of healthcare institutions and organizations, effective management of the infrastructure of healthcare organizations and institutions is of particular relevance. One of the directions for the development of healthcare in market conditions is its commercialization, the objective prerequisites of which are the following circumstances:

– insufficiency of budget funding for the proper development of the material and technical base, building up scientific and practical potential, and material incentives for workers;

– increasing the population’s demand for highly qualified medical care and comfortable conditions for hospital stay; existence of a legislative framework for the provision of paid medical services.

To exercise their own and transferred competence in the field of public health, local governments create management structures in the form of health departments (committees, directorates). In small municipalities, either a health specialist position is allocated in a comprehensive department of social policy, or the authority to manage health care is assigned to the chief physician of the territorial medical association (TMO).

Municipal health authorities may create commissions for collegial discussion of issues of protecting the health of the local population, consideration of municipal health care programs, in particular, determining the types, volumes and objects of medical care, sources of its financing, the procedure for providing free medical care, and monitoring the implementation of established norms and rules.

Municipal health authorities carry out their activities in accordance with plans formed taking into account regional health development plans, analysis of the health status of the population of the municipality, and available local resources of the sectoral system

2.4.1 Analysis of the implementation of the national healthcare project in the Shcherbinovsky district of the Krasnodar Territory

The implementation of the priority national project “Health” in the municipality of Shcherbinovsky district is carried out in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation and the address of the President of the Russian Federation to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on May 10, 2006.

The district has approved a network schedule for the implementation of the priority national project “Health”, according to which the following activities are carried out:

– development of primary health care.

All primary care doctors and nurses are 100% specialized and certified.

Employment contracts have been concluded with all employees and cash payments are made in accordance with the Resolution of the Russian Federation.

The restructuring of medical therapeutic and pediatric areas was carried out. Two understaffed pediatric areas have been created. The salaries of primary care doctors increased by 330%, district nurses by 244%.

Since July 1, 2007, contracts have been concluded and payments are being made to paramedics, FAP nurses, doctors, and emergency medical assistants, in accordance with the Decree of the Russian Federation. The salaries of emergency medical technicians increased by 145%, and emergency medical assistants by 28%.

In the Shcherbinovsky district there are currently three medical outpatient clinics, staffed by three general practitioners (one of them was trained in 2006-2007), which is sufficient for our region.

– equipping with diagnostic equipment.

According to the submitted applications, the Department of Health approved the request for expensive medical equipment.

The Moviplan R-complex was received in the amount of 1 million 838 rubles, on which 6732 examinations were performed. This made it possible to improve the diagnosis of advanced forms of cancer pathologies and reduce the incidence of tuberculosis.

The kit has been received and is functioning laboratory equipment in the amount of 1 million 235,584 rubles. Ultrasound diagnostic device “Aloka” worth 477 thousand rubles.

The received equipment made it possible to expand diagnostic capabilities, carry out medical examinations of the working population and voluntary workers, which creates the prerequisites for identifying wounded people and reducing the incidence of temporary disability, especially among people of working age, and improves the economic potential of our area.

Three units of class A Gazelle ambulance transport, equipped with diagnostic and treatment equipment, were also delivered to the region, which allows prehospital stage provide qualified assistance to the population of the region and made it possible to reduce the overall mortality rate in the region from 18.2 in 2005 to 15.9 in 2006 and the mortality rate of people of working age due to road accidents and accidents by 23%.

– special attention is paid to the prevention of HIV infection, hepatitis B and C in the region. There are the necessary diagnostic kits to detect HIV infection and antiviral drugs.

In 2006, 2,150 tests for HIV infection were conducted.

Immunization of the population within the framework of the national vaccination calendar has been completed 100%.

The most important element for change demographic situation and improving the health of the future generation is screening newborns for hereditary diseases 100% on the basis of medical genetic consultation at the regional clinical hospital No. 1.

With everyone medical workers, nurses from treatment rooms conducted a seminar by employees of the medical genetic consultation of the regional clinical hospital No. 1.

– additional medical examination in 2006.

2,421 people were subject to additional medical examination. Of these, 1,365 were public sector workers, 1,057 people were examined, which amounted to 84%.

Medical examination of workers engaged in work with harmful or dangerous production factors 100% covered.

As a result of the ongoing clinical examination, socially significant diseases were identified in the early stages: oncopathology - 10 people, diabetes - 16 people, tuberculosis - 2 people.

The additional medical examinations carried out made it possible to increase wages. On average, wages increased for 30 employees by 44.5%. An additional payment was made for primary health care for the working and non-working population in the amount of

– birth certificates, introduced on January 1, 2006, made it possible to improve the quality of medical care for pregnant women and women in labor, and the birth rate increased from 343 to 386 people (children).

In the region, infant mortality decreased from 17.5 to 2.6, stillbirth rate decreased from 5.8 to 5.2, neonatal mortality decreased from 14.5 to 7.8. The number of abortions among women of fertile age decreased from 45.8 to 29.8.

Wages for obstetric workers increased by 113.2%.

Maternity certificates made it possible to improve the material and technical base of the antenatal clinic and the obstetric physiological department, equipment worth 410,000 rubles was purchased, and the medical supply of the obstetric physiological department was improved in the amount of 236,000 rubles.

- in matters of: providing the population with high-tech medical care, in 2006, a patient selection committee was created at the Central District Hospital of the Shcherbinovsky district municipality, headed by the deputy chief physician for medical affairs. However, at the beginning of the year, insufficient work was carried out in this direction, especially among primary care doctors. Currently, awareness-raising work has been carried out about the importance and necessity of this type of assistance.

49 people needed high-tech medical care, 14 people received it, 5 people are registered, 19 people refused, 11 people abstain temporarily.

– agreements have been concluded with the Fund social insurance to receive vouchers for sanatorium-resort treatment of working citizens for the purpose of rehabilitation after diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastroenteroscopic operations, and pregnant women.

In total, 63 people underwent rehabilitation in after-care units during this period:

Sanatorium “DiLuch” – 23 people;

Sanatorium "DiLuch" in the department of follow-up treatment for pregnant women - 11 people;

Sanatorium “Rus” (diabetes mellitus) – 14 people;

Sanatorium “Laba” – 1 person;

Sanatorium "named after Lomonosov" - 9 people:

Sanatorium “Caucasus Foothills” – 2 people;

Sanatorium “Goryachiy Klyuch” – 3 people.

This type of rehabilitation measures helps improve the health and restore the working capacity of the working population.

– implementation of information support and management of the priority national project “Health”.

There is an order to create " Hotline"and those responsible for the implementation of monitoring for the priority national project "Health" were appointed.

Information about this was published in the local newspaper. All departments and local hospitals also have similar information. Stands and corners were equipped for the priority national project “Health”. There is literature for public information, seven articles were published in the regional newspaper, in the regional publication “Volnaya Kuban” - one article, four television interviews. Five meetings of the heads of the Central District Hospital were held, an interview with the head of the Central District Hospital on the priority national project “Health” was published, conversations and lectures were held with patients on various topics on the prevention of diseases and a healthy lifestyle.

The National Health Project provides new opportunities for widespread immunization of the population. Last year, about 20 percent of the residents of our area were vaccinated against the flu, and this year they hope to surpass this good result. Of the 8,000 children, 3,600 will be vaccinated; Most of the children have already been vaccinated before. Children are vaccinated against hepatitis B for the first time. It takes place in three stages and then lasts for the rest of their lives. Closer attention to the health of the younger generation also solves another pressing problem - reducing the child mortality rate and, in turn, directly affects the state of demography in our country.

Without a doubt, the national project “Health” is concrete evidence that the state has finally paid due attention to healthcare. Within the framework of the project, many transformations are planned; there are means and desire for fundamental changes in this area. It takes some time for the effectiveness of decisions to be fully revealed. The first steps are encouraging and give confidence in ultimate success.


At the end of the study, the following conclusions can be drawn.

The social function is the main one, determining for municipal government among all others. The goal of social policy is to consistently improve the standard of living of the population and reduce social inequality, ensuring universal access to basic social benefits and, above all, quality education, medical and social services.

When analyzing the management of the social development of a municipality, social policy in the narrow sense is understood as the activities of management subjects at various levels aimed at managing the social development of a municipality, at ensuring the material and cultural needs of its members and at regulating the processes of social differentiation.

Local social policy, as an integral component of the management system for the social sphere of municipalities, in the process of its development and implementation should be based on a set of fundamental methodological principles inherent in any scientifically based management system.

The social sphere is understood as the socio-cultural complex of a municipality. The sectors of education, health care, culture, employment, and social support included in the socio-cultural complex of the social sphere are united by a common goal, content and development trends.

A peculiarity of the sphere of social regulation is the predominance of institutions financed from the local budget.

Local self-government is one of the most important parts of the governance mechanism, which allows for the optimal combination of human interests and rights and local, regional, and national interests.

Local self-government is an independent level of public authority, which has both common features with state authorities and significant differences. Local self-government and the state are closely related and represent two levels of power organization of society.

When analyzing the features of municipal government, the features of the activities carried out by local governments to manage the development of the socio-cultural sphere of the municipal formation Shcherbinovsky district were considered.

Municipal management in the social sphere consists of the implementation by municipal government bodies of management activities aimed at maintaining and developing the main sectors of the social sphere of the municipality, ensuring the integrity of the local community, in accordance with the powers granted by law.

The specificity of municipal management in the social sphere consists in the combination of two types of influence: administrative (state) and self-organization (self-government) - and achieving the integrity of these types.

Municipal management in the social sphere is management at the local level, the object of influence of which is the holistic development of the local community of the corresponding municipality, ensuring the creation of favorable living conditions for the population.

List of used literature

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Kaverzin M.Yu. State and local government: problems of interaction // Bulletin of the Russian Peoples' Friendship University. - Ser.: Political science. - 2003. - No. 4 - P. 13-19

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Municipal social policy is a system of goals, objectives and mechanisms for their implementation aimed at providing the population with social services, maintaining and developing the social sphere of the municipality. It is built in line with the social policy of the state and in interaction with government authorities, primarily with the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Through municipal social policy, both the local government’s own powers and state powers in the social sphere transferred to the municipal level are implemented.

The social sphere and social policy (state and municipal) can be considered in a broad and narrower sense. In a broad sense, the social sphere includes everything that ensures human life. In this understanding, all municipal policy is social. In a narrower sense, the social sphere of a municipality is understood as the sphere of reproduction of the person himself, his physical and spiritual characteristics, while the reproduction of the material and material environment of a person belongs to the urban service sector.

Social policy is carried out on the basis of people's interests and is the management of interests.

municipal administration social sphere

Forms and methods of managing the social sphere of a municipality

The most important mechanism for implementing the state's social policy is the system of minimum social standards. Social standard is the minimum required level of meeting the social needs of the population.

Minimum social standards are established in the following areas:

minimum wage;

minimum level of social pensions and other social benefits;

standard provision of living space;

the maximum share of payment for housing and communal services in the total family income;

educational standards and programs within which education is free;

list of treatment and preventive services provided at the expense of budget funds.

Minimum social standards are designed to establish those threshold values ​​of social benefits for a person, below which one cannot fall (from the standpoint of modern ideas about the level and quality of life). This “standard” level of social benefits, guaranteed to every person, must be affordable or even free for the consumer, i.e. partially or fully paid from budgetary and extrabudgetary funds.

Social standards are expressed through social norms. Social norms are uniform or group measures of social needs for homogeneous territories. Types of social norms:

the standard of provision of the population with institutions of the socio-cultural sphere;

norms for the occupancy of school classes and groups in preschool institutions;

norms of daily water consumption per inhabitant;

standards for providing the population with certain social services;

standards of personnel and material support for the provision of social services.

Until 2003 all these standards and norms were state and regulated by federal legal acts. Federal Law 2003 determined the right of local governments to independently establish municipal minimum social standards and standards for the provision of budget services on issues of local importance.

The task of the municipal level of government is to specify the methods, methods and mechanisms for achieving the goals defined within the framework of federal and regional social policy, in relation to the characteristics of specific territories. The task of local governments, as those closest to the population, is to directly provide a range of social services that provide conditions for human life and reproduction. Based on regional norms and standards, local government bodies can develop local social norms and standards that take into account the specifics of a particular municipality.

The competence of municipalities of various types in the field of social policy is determined by the Federal Law of 2003. The competence of urban districts includes the sum of the competence of settlements and municipal districts.

The principle of division of competence between settlements and municipal districts is that education and health care issues, which require appropriate infrastructure, sophisticated equipment and technical means, information support, trained personnel and significant maintenance costs, are brought to the level of municipal districts.

The actual volume of social services provided to the population by local governments is much wider than that provided for by the 2003 Federal Law.

Local government bodies also carry out activities and maintain organizational structures to combat drug addiction and child homelessness, promote the organization of employment of the population, participate in the preparation and registration of labor agreements between labor collectives and employers in the territory of municipalities, and in resolving labor disputes. In light of the Federal Law of 2003 social services of all listed institutions and types of activities of local governments, as well as payment of wages to teaching staff and other expenses for the financial support of the educational process should be considered as state powers. They can be assigned to local government bodies of city districts and municipal districts by federal laws and laws of constituent entities of the Russian Federation with the allocation of material and financial resources necessary for their implementation. This allocation is consistent with the principle of subsidiarity and is appropriate, since local governments know better all the conditions and factors for providing specific social services to specific people.

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In the introduction, it should be noted that the activities of local administrations should help meet the social needs of the population in education, culture, healthcare, physical education and sports, etc. Insufficient effectiveness of the solution important issues of local importance, insufficient use of organizational and managerial potential, contradictions between targets in municipal programs and the real needs of the local population can cause dissatisfaction among the population with the decision of many life problems. Thus, the key role in the system of local self-government is played by the local administration, whose activities largely determine the effectiveness of the functioning of the city’s social system. Municipalities have to solve an increasingly wide range of social and economic problems, problems of rational land use and disposal of municipal property, consideration of issues of gas, heat and water supply, education, healthcare, social protection of the population, culture of the population, and so on. Of course, the main goal of the administration is to provide social support to the population. Thus, the study of ways to improve the management system of the social sphere at the municipal level using the example of the activities of the city administration is very relevant. In general, it can be noted that the administration has many social functions: starting with the security function public order, operational-executive function, ending with the function of protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens. This is described in detail in the work.

It should be noted that the practice of building organizational structures of city administrations is based, most often, on empirical approaches. Local changes in the organizational structures of administrations occur quite often. However, at present, the organizational structures of most city administrations have major shortcomings. One of the most common shortcomings is the overload of the head of administration with the need to resolve many current butt-related issues. Industry divisions of administrations are, in a way, departmental monopolists engaged in lobbying the interests of their own municipal enterprises and institutions and preventing the formation of a competitive environment in the provision of municipal services. In many cities there are no program-functional structural units, which indicates a lack of attention to solving long-term problems of social development of the city and supporting the population.

One of the main tasks of social work of administrations at the present time is the further development and improvement of existing forms, methods, methods and techniques of activity used to solve social problems of the population and change unfavorable life situations. The main goal of administrations in the social sphere is to improve the quality of life of the population, ensure the comprehensive development of the individual based on education, culture, healthcare, a healthy lifestyle, appropriate working conditions, care for the poor, and so on. The importance of the social sphere cannot be overestimated. The implementation of social functions assigned to local government is carried out through a system of legislative and executive authorities. Only through research and the creation of a management system is it possible to ensure that the social needs of society are met. It is a clear strategy for managing the social sphere and social processes that ensures the solution of economic and social problems of the development of society. Passivity, disorganization, and social lack of structure serve as a breeding ground for social policy distortions towards uncontrolled and unresponsive actions of the authorities.

Thus, social assistance to the population, from the administration, in a broad sense, is a set of socio-economic activities carried out by the state and society and ensuring the provision of optimal living conditions, satisfaction of needs, maintenance of life support and active existence of the individual, various social categories and groups; a set of measures aimed against risk situations in the lives of citizens, such as illness, unemployment, old age, death of the breadwinner; a set of measures to ensure a state-guaranteed minimum level of material support for socially vulnerable segments of the population during the period of economic transformation and the associated decline in their standard of living. The need to improve the system of social support for the population is caused by the transition to market relations in society. The main prerequisites for its development are: changes in forms of ownership; changing the system, distribution, material goods and services and the formation of new relationships between members of society; the need to solve a number of social problems (unemployment, guarantees of social protection in old age, medical care); social stratification of society; ensuring the legislative basis for the protection of human rights and freedoms.

It should be noted that many municipalities need to improve the activities of local governments in the field of social support for the population. The main requirements for the implementation of social support for the population of the most vulnerable segments of the population are, in the author’s opinion, the following:

The primary and prevailing role of local government in the implementation of this protection;

Shifting the center of gravity in work from material protection to social care for people;

The need to organize social protection of the population, primarily through assistance to the family;

Strengthening the contribution of entrepreneurs to the social protection of needy citizens, eliminating poverty, and creating jobs.

Providing various forms of social protection and developing precisely targeted assistance measures designed for a specific group of people in need;

Maximum consideration of the principle of social justice and so on.

Thus, every citizen has the right to support. The legislation imposes the obligation on local government to create all the necessary conditions for the exercise of this right.

The object of the study is the city administration (Nizhny Tagil).

The subject of the study is the features of improving the social sphere management system at the municipal level using the example of the activities of the city administration of N. Tagil.

The purpose of the thesis is to study ways to improve the social sector management system at the municipal level using the example of the activities of the city administration of N. Tagil.

Determine the role of the municipality in managing the social sphere;

Characterize municipal management of the main sectors of the social sphere;

Identify problems in the structure and organization of activities of local administrations;

Conduct an analysis of the activities of the N. Tagil city administration in managing the social sphere for 2005-2010: successes and problems;

propose a system for managing the social sphere using the example of the municipal formation of the city of N. Tagil;

Design a program for social support of the population and development of the municipality.

The practical significance of the work lies in the fact that principles, requirements, system solutions, which will make it possible to successfully apply the proposed directions for improving the activities of local administrations in managing the social sphere, and in order to solve the problems of social development of the municipality within the framework of the subjects of competence determined by regulations. It should be noted that the work presents a draft program for social support of the population and the development of the municipality.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is presented by the principles, theories and concepts that are developed in the following literature: Vasiliev A.A. Municipal Administration, Volgin I.A. Social state, Glazunova N.I. State and municipal management, Dementyev A.N. Local self-government in the Russian Federation, Martin N.V. Municipal service, Machulskaya E.E. Social security law, Ovchinnikov I.I. Local self-government in the system of democracy, Chirkin V.E. State and municipal management, Shamshurin V.I. Legal basis for the activities and powers of the executive body of local government, and so on.

Empirical base of the study: information data, reports, statistical data on the activities of the city administration of N. Tagil.

Research methods. To achieve the set goals and objectives, the following methods were used in the study: the method of theoretical analysis of specialized literature, the analytical method, the analysis of statistical indicators and data provided by administrations, and the scientific method.

Structure of the work: introduction, three sections, conclusion, bibliography, appendices. Thus, the diploma project is of a theoretical and practical nature.

Section 1. Characteristics of the research object

1.1 The role of the municipality in the management of social

Social policy in the Russian Federation is based on the constitutional definition of Russia as a social state, the policy of which is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of people.

In the Russian Federation, the labor and health of people are protected, a guaranteed minimum wage is established, state support is provided for the family, motherhood, paternity and childhood, the disabled and elderly citizens, and a system of social services is developed; services, state pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection are established.

The Constitution guarantees everyone social security by age, in case of illness, disability, loss of a breadwinner, for raising children and in other cases established by law.

For these purposes, the Russian Federation is developing a system of state and municipal services, providing state support for the family, motherhood, paternity and childhood, the disabled and elderly citizens, establishing state pensions, benefits and other guarantees of social protection.

The Constitution proclaims the right of everyone:

To work in conditions that meet safety and hygiene requirements;

For housing;

For medical care in state and municipal health care institutions at the expense of budgetary funds, insurance premiums, and other: sources;

For free preschool, basic general and secondary vocational education in state and municipal educational institutions and enterprises;

For the use of cultural and leisure institutions and cultural values.

The Russian system of social policy is based on the principles of “who you are” (the presence of social pensions and a developed system of categorical benefits) and “what have you done” (the system of labor pensions). The “what have you” principle is used in part, for example, in determining housing subsidies and child benefits.

Thus, social policy in the Russian Federation is aimed at creating conditions that ensure a decent life and free development of people. The Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees every citizen social security by age, in case of illness, disability, loss of a breadwinner, for raising children and in other cases established by law.

Let us determine the role of the municipality in the implementation of social policy.

One of the main tasks of local governments is the formation and implementation of municipal social policy.

Municipal social policy is a system of goals, objectives and mechanisms for their implementation aimed at providing the population with social services, at the maintenance and development of the social sphere of the municipality Vasilyev V.P. State and municipal administration. Study guide. Moscow: UC DO, 2010. pp. 77-78..

Municipal social policy is built in line with the social policy of the state and in interaction with government bodies, primarily with the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Through municipal social policy, both the local government’s own powers and state powers in the social sphere transferred to the municipal level are implemented.

The social sphere and social policy (state and municipal) can be considered in a broad and narrower sense of the word. In a broad sense, the social sphere includes everything that ensures human life. In this understanding, all municipal policy is social. In a narrower sense, the social sphere of a municipality, as stated, is understood as the sphere of reproduction of the person himself, his physical and spiritual parameters, while the reproduction of the material and material environment of a person belongs to the city-servicing sphere.

The social policy of the state is a system of principles, goals, objectives and means that ensure such a socially acceptable and permissible material, political, cultural position of social groups and segments of the population in which they can realize personal interests and contribute to their own development and the development of society through various types of activities. in general.

Social policy is carried out through the interests of people and acts as the management of interests. It is designed to eliminate the contradiction between the divergent interests of various subjects, between the current and future interests of society.

The state of the social sphere in this sense serves as an integral indicator of the effectiveness of the country's economy, the humanity of jurisprudence and the political structure of society, its spirituality. The most important tasks of state social policy are to ensure the integrity of the community, its sustainability, the possibility of dynamic development, and the prevention of social conflicts. Management of the social sphere is carried out at all levels of public authority: federal, regional and municipal. The functions of each level are determined in accordance with legally delimited powers.

Thus, municipal social policy is aimed at providing the population with social services, at the maintenance and development of the social sphere of the municipality. Municipal social policy is built in line with the social policy of the state and in interaction with government bodies. Social policy is carried out through the interests of people and acts as the management of interests.

When developing social policy, priorities must be determined that at this particular moment are the most pressing and urgent for society, requiring a priority solution. State and municipal social policy is implemented through social planning and management through a system of social events and programs carried out by federal, regional and local authorities Parakhina V.N. Municipal management: textbook / V.N. Parakhina, E.V. Galleev, L.N. Ganshina. - 2nd ed., erased. - M.: KNORUS, 2010. P. 115..

The most important mechanism for implementing the state's social policy is the system of state minimum social standards. Social standard is the minimum required level of meeting the social needs of the population. Some examples of minimum social standards:

Minimum wage level;

Minimum level of social pensions and other social payments;

Mandatory standards and programs within which education is free;

List of treatment and preventive services provided at the expense of budgetary funds.

Minimum social standards are designed to establish those threshold values ​​of social benefits for a person, below which one cannot fall (from the position of modern representatives about the level and quality of life). This “standard” level of social benefits guaranteed to every person must be affordable or even free for the consumer, that is, partially or fully paid for from budgetary and extra-budgetary funds.

Social standards are expressed through social norms. Social norms are uniform or group measures of social needs for homogeneous territories. Examples of social norms:

The standard of provision of the population with institutions of the socio-cultural sphere;

Standards for the occupancy of school classes and groups in preschool institutions;

Standards for providing the population with certain social services;

Norms of personnel and material support for the provision of social services.

Compliance with minimum social standards and norms requires large budgetary expenditures. In recent years, Russia has adopted a large number of federal laws establishing certain social benefits that are not provided with funding. In this regard, the urgent task is to reasonably limit the total number of social benefits and differentiate social standards into federal, regional and municipal. At the same time, the most important minimum social standards should be retained at the federal level. Each level of the budget system must provide financing for the social standards and norms it has introduced and bring them into line with the available financial resources.

The tasks of the federal level of government include establishing the foundations of state social policy, legal regulation of relations in the social sphere, developing federal programs for the social development of the country, developing and approving state minimum social standards at the federal level, and ensuring state guarantees for their implementation.

Subjects of the Russian Federation are developing the foundations of regional social policy, taking into account the historical and cultural traditions of the territory; establish regional social standards and norms that take into account state minimum social standards; take care of the preservation and strengthening of the social infrastructure owned by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation; organize training, retraining and advanced training of workers in the field of education, culture, healthcare, social protection of the population; ensure compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in all areas of social policy.

The municipal level is intended to specify the methods, means and mechanisms for achieving the goals defined within the framework of federal and regional social policy, in relation to the characteristics of specific territories. The task of local governments, as those closest to the population, is to directly provide a range of social services that ensure human living conditions and their reproduction.

On the basis of regional norms and standards, local government bodies can develop local social norms and standards that take into account the specifics of a particular municipality Radchenko A.I. Fundamentals of state and municipal management: a systematic approach. Textbook. - Rostov-on-Don: JSC Rostizdat, 2007. P. 94..

The actual volume of social services provided to the population by local governments is as follows:

Comprehensive social service centers for veterans and other social groups;

Social rehabilitation centers and social shelters for minors;

Homes for the disabled and elderly;

Children's homes;

Centers for psychological and pedagogical assistance to the population and so on.

Local government bodies also carry out activities and maintain organizational structures to combat drug addiction and child homelessness, promote the organization of employment of the population, participate in the preparation and registration of labor agreements between labor collectives and employers in the territory of municipalities, and in resolving labor disputes.

Let us note that the modern period of development of human society has brought an understanding that a democratic, rule-of-law state can solve basic problems only if there is a developed system of self-government. Constituting one of the foundations of the constitutional system of a rule-of-law state, local self-government makes it possible to democratize the administrative apparatus, effectively resolve local issues and ensure that the interests of local communities are taken into account in the conduct of public policy, and optimally combine the interests and rights of human beings and the interests of the state.

Local self-government plays an important role in the implementation of one of the main tasks of our time - combining into a single whole the interests of the state, society and the individual, since the main meaning, the essence of local self-government is to harmonize the rights and freedoms of man and citizen at the level of each individual person with the interests of the state and society. It is this direction of local self-government that meets the ideas of a modern democratic legal social state, the highest value of which is the person, his rights and freedoms.

The Russian Federation, after a long break, is trying to return to a civilized system of social management, including public administration and local self-government.

Local self-government must be considered as a multifaceted, multi-aspect and multilateral social phenomenon. Modern local self-government should be considered as a mechanism of interaction between territorial communities and the state, the main task of which is to harmonize relevant interests.

The formation of local self-government is a task not only for local self-government itself, but also for state authorities at all its levels.

The development of local self-government is impossible without the support of the state and its political decisions based on civil initiatives of the population. Currently, the formation of local self-government is hampered by a number of unresolved problems associated with the imperfections of the current legal framework, including: the lack of federal legal regulation that ensures the clear implementation of a number of provisions of the Constitution of the Russian Federation on local self-government; the lack of a clear normative legal division of powers between state authorities and local governments; internal inconsistency and unsystematic nature of the legislation of the Russian Federation on local self-government; ineffectiveness of legislative support for the financial and economic independence of municipalities; imperfection of the system of judicial protection of the interests of local self-government.

Speaking about the relationship between local self-government and state institutions, it is also necessary to emphasize that local self-government is one of the forms of democracy - both direct and representative. Public principles in local self-government are intended to increase the activity of the population in resolving issues of managing state and public affairs. The combination of state and public in local government is very important in practical terms. With the help of the unity of these two principles, the most important social and state tasks are solved Vasilyev A.A. Municipal government. Course of lectures. 5th edition, corrected and expanded. Nizhny Novgorod. 2005. pp. 154-156..

Thus, if we look broadly at the identified problem of interaction between the state and local self-government, then we can interpret government bodies and local self-government bodies as elements of a unified system of social management, public authority, ensuring the functioning of society as a whole. The larger the state, the more difficult it is to limit ourselves to centralized bureaucratic management, the more necessary are elements of self-government included in general management.

According to the Constitution, issues of joint jurisdiction include coordination of health care issues; protection of family, motherhood, paternity and childhood; social protection, including social security.

This relationship between state and self-government principles is due to more profound and objective factors, including the degree of socio-economic maturity of society, the relationship and arrangement of social groups - class, estate, ethnic, etc., the nature of their struggle or cooperation, spiritual, national, cultural traditions, features of the geopolitical situation, historical development, demographic state of society, etc.

The state is a complex system that includes socio-economic and territorial-state formations (subjects of the Federation), within which there are smaller organizational entities (districts, cities, etc.). The state embodies the integration of the interests, norms and needs of citizens and social groups determined by their residence in a certain territory.

Currently, the organization of self-government has become one of the most important political tasks.

The formation of local self-government requires the development of an institution for the exercise of state powers, primarily in the social sphere - the closest and most painful for the population.

The social sphere is where there should be clear and intensive interaction between state power and local self-government in the name of the interests of the population, of every person.

The task of local self-government is to provide social comfort to every member of society, to bring to life the main slogan of the social state - to create a decent standard of living for people.

This is precisely the social meaning, the purpose of local self-government in today's conditions.

1.2 Municipal management of the main sectors of social

Municipal management in the field of social support for certain population groups

Social protection is a system of legislative, economic, social and other guarantees that provide all able-bodied citizens with equal rights and working conditions, and disabled (socially vulnerable) groups with advantages in the use of public consumption funds, direct material and socio-psychological support in all forms ..

Social support is temporary or permanent measures of targeted support for certain categories of citizens in a crisis situation.

Social protection and social support of citizens are the prerogative of the state. Federal legislation relates to the competence of municipal districts and city districts in this area only guardianship and trusteeship, and to the competence of settlements - providing assistance in establishing guardianship and trusteeship over residents of the settlement in need in accordance with federal laws. However, the main part of the social support of citizens is traditionally carried out by local governments as state powers. As those closest to the population, local governments are better aware of the specific living conditions of individual citizens and can perform social support functions more effectively. Due to insufficient state funding, local budgets bear a significant share of the costs of social support for the population.

The main forms of social support for certain population groups are:

Cash benefits;

Help in kind (food, clothing);

Subsidies (targeted funds to pay for services);

Compensation (reimbursement of some expenses) Dzyuba O.N. Fundamentals of municipal service in the Russian Federation: Educational method. materials / Comp. HE. Dziuba. - Ekaterinburg: UrAGS, 2008. P. 55-57..

Municipal policy in the field of social protection and social support of the population represents the implementation of its own and transferred (federal and regional) government powers to organize a set of measures aimed at protecting certain vulnerable groups of the population and citizens from falling into the zone of extreme social disadvantage. The formation and implementation of local policies in the field of social support of the population are carried out within the framework of targeted assistance to specific groups and segments of the population, individual citizens.

The main criteria for providing social support to certain categories of citizens at the municipal level include the following:

Low level of material security. If the per capita income of a person (family) is below a certain legally established standard value, this person (family) needs social support. The normative value of per capita income is determined by the value of the consumer set, which characterizes the subsistence level per one family member for a given period of development of society;

Disability resulting in the inability to self-care;

Loss of home and property.

a) disabled:

1) pensioners;

2) disabled people;

3) citizens under the care of the state (in homes for the elderly, disabled people, etc.);

b) the poor;

c) those in extreme situations:

1) unemployed;

2) victims of emergency situations (fires, floods, earthquakes, etc.);

3) refugees and migrants.

For each of the listed categories, the state develops specific social protection programs, and at the local level - social support programs.

Social protection and social support of the population is effective based on the application of a program approach. Two types of programs can be distinguished: objective (designed for a specific social group of the population) and problematic (designed to solve a social problem).

To implement municipal policy in the field of social support for the population, various social service institutions are created in municipalities, and social protection bodies (divisions, committees, departments) are created in the structure of local administrations. The structure of these bodies depends on the financial capabilities of the municipality, the existing management system, and the availability of the necessary specialists.

Social services are provided by municipal institutions free of charge and for a fee. Free social services are provided in the amounts determined by state standards of social services. Paid social services are provided in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

Financing of the municipal sector of the social service system is carried out at the expense of local budgets and subventions from the federal budget and budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, directed to the municipal budget for the maintenance and development of a network of social service institutions, as well as for payment of state-guaranteed social services included in federal and regional lists. The amount of subventions is determined annually when the relevant budgets are approved.

Municipal management of regulation of employment and labor relations.

Employment is a set of economic and social relations related to the provision of able-bodied citizens with jobs and their participation in economic activities.

The problem of employment is one of the most important for the municipality. In settlements that are in the stage of stagnation and decline, unemployment is the main social problem. In addition to employment itself as having a job, this problem has two more aspects. These are, firstly, the level and regularity of wages, which determine the level of material well-being of the population and the volume of tax revenues to local budgets, and secondly, working conditions, which can have an adverse effect on a person’s health and life expectancy.

The complexity of municipal regulation of employment issues lies in the fact that the main legal regulation of these issues falls within the scope of federal and regional legislation and is implemented through the territorial structures of the federal employment service. The majority of the working population living in the territory of the municipality works in enterprises and organizations of non-municipal ownership. The possibilities of influence of local governments on the labor market and on relations between employees and employers are very limited. A typical example is the so-called pendulum labor migration, when a citizen permanently resides in the territory of one settlement and works (and pays taxes) in the territory of another. The functions of employing the unemployed population and paying benefits to the unemployed are the prerogative of the state. Nevertheless, local governments have certain opportunities and levers of influence on the processes of employment and labor relations in their territories, and on their basis municipal policy in this area can be formed.

The role of local governments in addressing employment and labor relations issues may include the following:

Development and implementation of a system of economic and other mechanisms regulating employment issues, the local labor market and labor relations;

Coordination and control over the activities in this area of ​​the management structures of the municipality, enterprises, public and other organizations, the creation (if necessary) of a municipal employment service;

Providing information support to people looking for work (publishing newsletters, information about job fairs, creating a telephone information and consulting service, clubs for the unemployed, etc.)

Formation of a municipal bank of vacancies, seasonal and temporary jobs;

Formation of an order for public works on the territory of the municipality;

Creation of a center for socio-psychological adaptation (psychological support for the unemployed population and the unemployed, psychological training for aspiring entrepreneurs, etc.);

Organization of a municipal educational and methodological center for professional retraining of the adult population in professions that are in demand in the labor market;

Creation of a municipal career guidance service for graduates of schools and educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education;

Creation of a municipal board of trustees to assist in the employment of school and vocational school graduates, including representatives of the latter, employers, trade unions, and municipal administration;

Organization and conduct of monitoring studies of the labor market in order to forecast the sectoral and professional-qualification structure of demand for labor V.G. Zotov. Municipal management system: Textbook for universities / Ed. V.G. Zotova - St. Petersburg: Leader, 2010. pp. 276-278..

Depending on the financial capabilities of municipalities, the range of services provided to promote employment for the population can be expanded or narrowed. In any case, the priorities of employment policy at the municipal level should be:

Promoting employment of school and vocational school graduates;

Providing targeted material and psychological support to individuals in particular need of social protection;

Development of new forms of interaction with the employer;

Increasing the competitiveness of the workforce (organizing professional retraining and improving the qualifications of the employed population of the municipality).

Job fairs are a well-established form of promoting employment to the population. At fairs, visitors have the opportunity to solve, as a rule, three main tasks: get acquainted with the vacancy bank, consult on labor legislation, and, if necessary, choose an educational institution for professional retraining. Therefore, the composition of participants at job fairs includes: leading enterprises and organizations operating on the territory of the municipality or located nearby; training centers for professional retraining of the adult population; legal services and consultations; representatives of territorial employment service bodies.

One of the effective mechanisms for truly promoting employment at the municipal level is the organization of public works. Paid public works are understood as generally available types of labor activity, which, as a rule, do not require preliminary professional training of workers, have a socially useful orientation and are organized to provide temporary employment for citizens looking for work.

A new active form of promoting employment in municipalities are job seekers' clubs. The main tasks of the clubs are to assist citizens looking for work in reducing the search for a suitable vacancy, acquiring skills in this matter, reducing psychological stress, eliminating stressful conditions, and acquiring a minimum of legal knowledge. To promote the entrepreneurial initiative of the unemployed, a municipal business incubator - a collective office for aspiring entrepreneurs - can be organized jointly with municipal funds from the Employment Center. As part of its activities, psychological training programs can be implemented to develop qualities that contribute to the entrepreneurial activity of the population of the municipality. At the level of municipalities, it is important to provide employment assistance to people who are especially in need of social protection.

Municipal management in the field of education

The educational level of the population is one of the most important characteristics of a municipality, determining its competitiveness and investment attractiveness. Raising the educational level of the population requires a long time and significant financial investments. Expenditures on education are the largest item of local budget expenditure in most municipalities.

Municipal policy in the field of education is based on state policy based on the following principles:

The humanistic nature of education,

The priority of universal human values, human life and health,

Free development of personality;

Public access to education,

Adaptability of the education system to the levels and characteristics of development and training of students;

The secular nature of education in state and municipal educational institutions;

Freedom and pluralism in education.

Russia is pursuing a policy of reforming the education sector. A transition to 12-year education is envisaged, the introduction of a single standardized final exam, which will allow entry into any university without entrance exams if the required number of points is obtained. These changes are perceived ambiguously in society, but continue the trend towards Russia’s entry into the world practice of education. The possibilities for choosing variable forms of education are expanding (lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges, specialized classes, etc.). In parallel with the free education system, paid education is being developed at all levels - from kindergartens to universities. This process has a number of negative aspects: free education becomes less accessible, its quality decreases, the process of its commercialization increases, and the inequality of citizens in receiving it increases. However, the population's interest in education is growing, which is manifested primarily in the increase in competition for admission to universities.

Reform in the field of education leads to the destruction of the previous uniform system of educational institutions, therefore the content of education with its different levels of training is differentiated. Old forms of education management are losing effectiveness, and new ones are just being created. As a result, problems of management bureaucracy arise: lack of clear requirements for managers; uncertainty of the specific content of educational management; negative consequences of the collapse of the previously existing management system (violation of the material supply system, lack of control and forecast of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of educational services). All this negatively affects the municipal education system Kaverzin M.Yu. State and local government: problems of interaction // Bulletin of the Russian Peoples' Friendship University. - Ser.: Political science. - 2003. - No. 4. P. 13-19..

The basic regulations defining the tasks of local governments in the field of education are Art. 43 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law “On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation”, Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, Federal Laws “On Approval of the Federal Program for the Development of Education”, “On Additional Guarantees for the Social Protection of Orphans and Children Left Without parental guardianship" and other legal acts Federal Law of October 6, 2003 No. 131-FZ (as amended on March 20, 2011, as amended on March 29, 2011) "On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation" // SZ RF. - 10/06/2003. - No. 40. - Art. 3822; Law of the Russian Federation of July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1 (as amended on February 2, 2011) “On Education”; Constitution of the Russian Federation (adopted by popular vote on December 12, 1993) (taking into account amendments introduced by the laws of the Russian Federation on amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 208 No. 6-FKZ, dated December 30, 2008 No. 7-FKZ).. These laws are detailed in the decrees of the President of the Russian Federation , decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, orders of the Ministry of Education of Russia, regional legislation.

The education management system at the municipal level is a set of interrelated elements: educational programs and state educational standards of various levels and orientations, a network of educational institutions implementing them, regardless of their organizational and legal forms, types and types, municipal education authorities and their subordinate institutions and organizations .

The activities of municipal educational institutions are regulated by standard regulations on education, institutions of the corresponding types and types, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation and the charters of these educational institutions developed on their basis. The founders of municipal educational institutions are local education authorities. Based on their decision, municipal property management bodies assign property objects to educational institutions for operational management and plots of land for indefinite free use.

At the same time, municipal property assigned to an educational institution can be alienated by the owner in the manner and under the conditions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the subject of the Russian Federation, as well as legal acts of local government bodies adopted within the limits of their powers.

In order to implement state policy in the field of education, local government bodies have been given powers to plan, organize, regulate the activities of local (municipal) education authorities, determine their structure and powers, appoint and dismiss the heads of local education authorities.

A large number of educational institutions of various profiles and forms of ownership may be located on the territory of a municipality. Municipal education authorities interact with non-municipal educational institutions in order to provide and protect the interests of municipal residents studying in these institutions.

Changes in the education system require improvement of the management activities of local governments, aimed at developing the education system with the help of special forms, methods and means that make it possible to raise the effectiveness of education to the proper level.

Municipal health management.

Healthcare is one of the most important units of the social infrastructure of a municipality. Compliance with constitutional guarantees for the provision of medical care and the creation of favorable sanitary and epidemiological living conditions for the population presupposes structural transformations in the healthcare system, providing for:

New approaches to making political decisions and forming budgets at all levels, taking into account the priority of protecting public health;

Formation of a new regulatory framework for the activities of healthcare institutions in a market economy;

Priority in the healthcare system of preventive measures to reduce morbidity and mortality of the population, the threat of epidemics;

Protection of the patient’s rights to receive timely and high-quality medical care as the initial condition for the formation of a healthy lifestyle.

The legal basis for the activities of local government bodies in the field of public health protection is the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws “On health insurance of citizens in the Russian Federation”, “On medicines”, “On sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population”, as well as other regulatory legal acts of all levels of government on public health issues.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation defines healthcare as a subject of joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities. In accordance with this, the healthcare management system is hierarchical in nature. The bulk of mass medical care is provided to the population at the municipal level. The municipal health care system includes municipally owned treatment and preventive and other health care institutions, departmental institutions (both transferred and not transferred into municipal ownership), pharmaceutical institutions located on the territory of the municipality, as well as municipal health management bodies population Kaverzin M.Yu. State and local government: problems of interaction // Bulletin of the Russian Peoples' Friendship University. - Ser.: Political science. - 2003. - No. 4. P. 15-19..

The main goal of municipal healthcare is to meet the needs of the population for healthcare services that fall under the jurisdiction of local government, at a level not lower than the state minimum social standards. In specific conditions, local goals can be formed, for example, meeting the needs of the population for health services on the principles of universal accessibility, observing guarantees for the provision of volumes of medical services (therapeutic and preventive, health-improving, medical diagnostic, etc.), ensuring their quality, etc.

Federal legislation entrusts the resolution of local health issues to municipal districts and urban districts. These issues include the organization of emergency medical care (with the exception of air ambulance), primary health care in outpatient clinics and hospitals, medical care for women during pregnancy, childbirth and the postpartum period. Other, more complex types of medical care can be provided through the municipal health care system in the form of state powers transferred to local governments along with the corresponding financial resources.

The fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens define state powers in the field of health protection, transferred to local governments. These include:

Monitoring compliance with legislation in the field of health protection; protection of human and civil rights and freedoms in the field of health care;

Formation of management bodies of the municipal healthcare system;

Coordination and control of the activities of enterprises, institutions and organizations of state and municipal healthcare systems within the limits of their powers, control over the quality of medical and social care provided in the private healthcare system;

Implementation of measures for compulsory health insurance of citizens;

Licensing of medical and pharmaceutical activities in the subordinate territory on behalf of the state health administration body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

Regularly informing the population about the prevalence of socially significant diseases;

Creation and maintenance of the activities of institutions for the rehabilitation of disabled people and people suffering from mental disorders; organizing their training, professional retraining and employment, creating specialized institutions for terminally ill patients;

Sanitary and hygienic education of the population.

The subjects of healthcare activities at the municipal level are mainly municipal institutions, the nomenclature of which is approved by the federal executive body in the field of healthcare.

Local governments carry out wholesale purchases of medicines for medical institutions, control the activities of all pharmaceutical institutions in the territory of the municipality, regardless of the form of ownership, since the provision of medicines to the population is one of the most important social tasks. Federal legislation for a number of categories of the population establishes a broad system of benefits when paying for medicines, free dispensing of certain medicines according to doctors’ prescriptions, as well as medicines for treatment in medical hospitals, which requires large budgetary expenditures. However, the state does not fully compensate municipal authorities for the costs associated with the preferential and free distribution of medicines.

For municipal institutions, the local administration can issue a municipal order for drug services to the population and set a maximum markup on wholesale prices for drugs. In conditions of budget deficit, local governments are forced to take a tough approach to establishing benefits for medicines and limit the amount of municipal orders.

One of the important tasks of local governments is to ensure the sanitary well-being of the population. In cooperation with state sanitary and epidemiological surveillance authorities, local governments develop and implement local programs to ensure the sanitary well-being of the population.

A necessary condition for ensuring the sanitary well-being of the population is hygienic education and training of citizens. Hygienic education and training of citizens is carried out in educational institutions by including in training and education programs “sections on hygienic knowledge. In the process of professional training and certification of managers, specialists of enterprises and organizations whose activities are related to the production, storage, transportation and sale of food products and drinking water, public and consumer services for the population, etc., hygienic preparation is provided.

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Not unimportant important role In the management of the city-forming sphere, municipal social management plays a role, which reproduces and develops the main wealth of the municipality - its human potential and capital. Social policy will be described in more detail in the next paragraph of this chapter of this course work.

2.2 Municipal management of the city’s social sphere

The social development of cities was not carried out purposefully for a long time. Urban plans only formally covered and outlined the development of many connections. Today, solving the problem of the social sphere is of great importance, since it is the effective implementation of social policy that is the foundation for the successful development and functioning of cities.

Municipal social policy is a system of goals, objectives and mechanisms for their implementation aimed at providing the population with social services, maintaining and developing the social sphere of the municipality. It is built in line with the social policy of the state and in interaction with government authorities, primarily with the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Through municipal social policy, both the local government’s own powers and state powers in the social sphere transferred to the municipal level are implemented.

In a broad sense, the social sphere includes everything that ensures human life. In a narrower sense, the social sphere of a municipality is understood as the sphere of reproduction of the person himself, his physical and spiritual characteristics, while the reproduction of the material living environment refers to the city-servicing sphere.

Integrated socio-economic development of a municipality is one of the functions of municipal government. In this regard, local government bodies must develop, adopt and organize the implementation of plans and programs for the comprehensive development of the socio-economic space of the municipality.

The social sphere is formed by institutions that are designed to satisfy cultural, educational, medical, spiritual needs, as well as complete the process of creating material goods and bringing them to the consumer.

Among the main functions of state and municipal government bodies for the development of human potential at the regional and local levels, the following areas can be distinguished:

· ensuring human health, which requires achieving the ecological well-being of the territory, organizing sanitary and epidemiological control and supervision, developing a system of healthcare institutions, organizing drug supply population, promoting a healthy lifestyle, combating drunkenness and drug addiction, creating conditions for physical education and sports, creating conditions for good rest, creating recreational areas;

· education - accordingly, educational institutions of general, vocational and additional education should be developed; promote the creation of a system for improving the qualifications of workers; create systems of additional paid educational services;

· social protection of certain groups of the population, which requires the creation of comprehensive social service centers; support for elderly and disabled citizens; development of institutions of family, motherhood and childhood; support for children left without parental care; assistance to citizens who find themselves in critical life situations;

· work with youth: support for youth entrepreneurship, support for young families, development of youth and children's public organizations;

· culture, i.e. ensuring access for all segments of citizens to cultural achievements for acceptable purposes, encouraging artistic creativity and amateur performances, preserving historical and cultural monuments, promoting cultural achievements in the media.

The development of a specific system of measures within the framework of municipal social policy should take into account the type of given municipality and the specifics of the local community. It is carried out and implemented by local governments with the involvement of the general public. As a rule, committees and commissions on social policy are created in the representative body of a municipality. The structure of the local administration usually has a deputy head for social issues and structural units supervising one or another area of ​​social policy (education, healthcare, culture, social protection, etc.). These structural divisions coordinate their activities with the relevant government bodies of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The role of local governments in addressing employment and labor relations issues may include the following:

– development and implementation of a system of economic and other mechanisms regulating employment issues, the local labor market and labor relations;

– coordination and control of activities in this area of ​​municipal management structures, enterprises, public and other organizations, creation (if necessary) of a municipal employment service;

– providing information support to people looking for work (publishing newsletters containing employers’ offers; publishing vacancies, information about job fairs, creating a telephone information and consulting service, clubs for the unemployed, etc.);

– formation of a municipal bank of vacancies, seasonal and temporary jobs;

– formation of an order for public works on the territory of the municipality;

– creation of a center for socio-psychological adaptation (psychological support for the unemployed population and the unemployed; psychological training for aspiring entrepreneurs, etc.);

– organization of a municipal business incubator for aspiring entrepreneurs;

– formation of a municipal educational and methodological center for retraining the adult population in professions that are in demand in the labor market;

– creation of a municipal career guidance service for graduates of schools and educational institutions of primary and secondary vocational education;

– creation of a municipal board of trustees to assist in the employment of school and vocational school graduates, including representatives of the latter, employers, trade unions, and municipal administration;

– organizing and conducting labor market research in order to forecast the sectoral and professional-qualification structure of demand for labor.

The municipal health care system is aimed at meeting the needs of the population for health care services that fall under the jurisdiction of local self-government at a level not lower than the state minimum social standards. In specific conditions, local goals can be formed, for example, meeting the needs of the population for health services on the principles of universal accessibility, observing guarantees for the provision of volumes of medical services (therapeutic and preventive, health-improving, medical diagnostic, etc.), ensuring their quality, etc.