Microwaves are harmful. Harmful microwave oven. Additional device safety guarantees

Many houses and apartments have microwave ovens, the users of which are not aware of the possible harm of these easy-to-use devices. At the same time, the media periodically discusses the question of whether microwave ovens are harmful to human health? Additionally, the results of studies are provided in which experts check whether microwave radiation is safe? They often disagree: some talk about its negative impact, while others note that cooking food in the microwave is even beneficial.

For example, the benefits of food prepared in these ovens are associated with the preservation more vitamins The results of one study prove that up to 70% of vegetables are destroyed during the cooking process. ascorbic acid, and electromagnetic radiation destroys no more than 15%.

Ambiguous opinions of scientists

Scientists from the USA note that using a microwave is even useful. Thanks to these devices, the number of stomach cancer cases in the states has decreased as people began to use less oil when cooking. In their opinion, food cooked in a microwave oven is similar to steamed food. The device almost does not destroy vitamins and minerals, since the cooking time is much shorter.

Other experts from the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Sciences confirmed the information that cooking food in a microwave saves more useful substances included in products. Researchers from Spain do not agree with this, who claim that broccoli cooked in the oven lost up to 98% nutrients. They explained this by saying that water molecules are influenced microwave waves are damaged, and food turns from useful to dangerous.

Manufacturers of kitchen appliances claim that talk about the dangers of microwaves has no scientific evidence. Only facts sometimes indicate the opposite, if you delve into the details. For example, on the Internet you can find an experiment conducted by one schoolgirl. The girl heated water in the microwave and watered it daily. indoor flower, who died a week later. It is difficult to say whether this is true or fiction, since there is no scientific evidence.

Recently, WHO published information that a microwave oven operates using radiation that does not harm either humans or the food being prepared. At the same time, they made a reservation that the waves can be dangerous for people with cardiac stimulators, but they are not recommended to use even mobile phones.

Thus, it is impossible to make a clear verdict, and scientists continue to work to study the effects of microwave waves on people and food. Also try to follow the instructions and remember a few recommendations that we will give at the end of the material. To complete the picture, let’s look at the main factors that make people talk about the dangers of microwaves.

Microwave oven technology

There is such a scientific term as torsion field. It is on the basis of the torsion component of radiation that Russian, French and other European doctors agree that due to the operation of microwave ovens, people may experience unpleasant symptoms:

  • headaches;
  • irritability;
  • insomnia.

Theoretically, this is possible, but modern devices have reliable protective screens that trap harmful human body radiation.

Are high microwave temperatures harmful?

Microwave ovens emit high-temperature frequencies, the impact of which on humans has a detrimental effect on the internal organs without blood vessels. For example, when the body heats up, the blood reduces the temperature, spreading heat throughout the body. In some internal organs there are no vessels, and heating can negatively affect them, disrupting their functioning. For example, under the influence of high-temperature frequencies, the lenses of the eyes are damaged, and the process is irreversible. As was said, microwave ovens have protection that delays radiation, so do not be afraid of such negative consequences.

Impact of waves on food

You've probably heard about the effects of microwaves on food, but we'll tell you whether it's a myth or reality. It actually changes at the molecular level when exposed to microwaves. Atoms lose or gain electrons, beginning to ionize and leading to a change in the structural composition of the products. Let's look at examples of specific food that is prepared in microwave oven:

  • if you defrost or cook meat in the microwave, some carcinogens are formed in it;
  • milk and cereal also contain carcinogens;
  • defrosting fruits or vegetables in a microwave oven supplies them with galactosides and glucosides;
  • defrosting greens leads to the breakdown of nitrilosides and glucosides;
  • If you heat milk in the microwave, it converts amino acids into isomers (they harm the digestive system).

We've sorted out microwave food, but isn't it harmful to heat water? Of course, it also comes under a certain influence, but it does not have any unambiguous harm on the human body.

Why are microwave ovens and food prepared in them dangerous for humans?

The benefits and harms of a microwave oven largely depend on the frequency of preparation and consumption of food prepared in this device. Even more important is how often you stand near operating equipment. Some scientists believe that stoves are initially safe for health, but people only discover negative effects many years after using them regularly. There is no real scientific evidence for these claims, so it is impossible to say for sure whether this is true or fiction.

At the same time, there are results of a large-scale study conducted several years ago. It confirms that a change has occurred in the blood of people who constantly consume fruits and vegetables from the microwave: the composition of the blood has changed slightly. This largely concerns the hemoglobin content, which has decreased. In addition, microwave rays contribute to an increase in cholesterol levels, so it is better to avoid too much frequent use ovens.

If you regularly cook and reheat food in an oven, including for children, this can lead to gastrointestinal disorders. Doctors do not even rule out gastritis and ulcers, explaining the situation by a change molecular structure products. In their opinion, even melting cheese in the microwave, defrosting fish or meat, or heating pasta is harmful. There is no scientific evidence for these arguments, so if you are used to it, continue to use the oven, but do not overuse it.

How to check if a microwave is safe?

Modern microwave ovens, according to manufacturers, are completely safe, and you can cook and heat any food and drinks in them. We will give a few simple ways, allowing you to check the harm of the microwave on people standing nearby. In general, devices have a certain protection that absorbs electromagnetic waves, and you can verify this like this:

  • Turn on the stove in the dark by placing a fluorescent light bulb near it. If it blinks or starts to glow, the device is releasing significant radiation. The damage from the microwave is obvious and it needs to be replaced urgently!
  • Check to see if the body, door, or handle of the device gets hot. If they are noticeably warm after cooking, this is a bad sign.
  • Turn off the oven and place your mobile phone inside it. Try to call him - if you succeed, the equipment is equipped reliable protection. If the phone rings, the oven emits dangerous waves when operating.
  • Try boiling a cup of water in a microwave oven. If the water does not boil within a few minutes, the rays from it come out, having a harmful effect on people in the room.

How to avoid harm from the microwave?

We have found out whether it is harmful to heat or cook food for adults and children in microwave ovens, but how to minimize their negative impact? You don’t have to give up using a device that you are already used to, but you just need to remember a few basic rules.

Do not stand in front of a working microwave or keep your hand on the door while waiting for the heating or cooking to finish. Of course, the protection should not release waves outward, but in any case, the further you are from the device, the safer.

Do not open the oven door while it is operating or turn it on without closing it. In the majority modern models There is special protection that prevents this from happening, but older devices do not provide this. Do not place the device near a place where you are constantly present (eating, cooking). It is better to place the device in the far corner of the kitchen. Also, stay away from a running stove if you have a pacemaker in your body.

Try not to cook food in the microwave, but use it to reheat food. In general, initially these devices were created specifically for heating and defrosting food, and not for preparing ready-made dishes.

So is it possible to use a microwave?

We've found that while you may benefit from using a microwave, it can also cause harm. Scientific research is being conducted to debunk myths about the negative effects of easy-to-use devices. Undoubtedly, the device has design flaws, but if you use it measuredly 1-2 times a day to heat food from the refrigerator, you will not harm either yourself or your children. At the same time, you will significantly simplify your life, since the microwave oven is very convenient to use.

Video about the benefits and harms of microwaves for humans

It’s hard to imagine a modern kitchen without three things – a stove, a refrigerator and a microwave oven. Of these three undoubtedly useful technical devices, the microwave was the last to appear. Convenience, time saving, simplicity are the main advantages of its use. Is there really any danger from microwave ovens or is there nothing to be afraid of? How safe is it today to cook food in a microwave oven? We will try to give comprehensive answers to these questions in this article.

Appearance of a conventional microwave oven

Why is a microwave oven harmful to human health?

Before we talk about the dangers of a microwave oven for human health, let’s pay attention to the operating principle of the main components of this device, and also look at when this thing, necessary for every housewife, was invented for the first time and for what purposes.

How does a microwave oven work?

There are two main theories about how this useful thing was invented. Some associate its appearance with the Nazis, who came up with such a cunning device for instant cooking food during war. A more plausible version attributes the invention of the microwave to the American Percy Spencer. He conducted research on the effect of magnetic waves on the heating of certain products. The research was successful, he immediately filed a patent for his invention and two years later the first microwave was officially released. The first microwave was used by the military to heat food.

A microwave oven is correctly called an oven with ultrahigh frequency currents. Hence the familiar abbreviation microwave. These waves are emitted by the main device that is not visible to us - the magnetron. The electromagnetic field that it creates during operation makes the magnetic waves begin to oscillate at an ultra-high frequency (about 2450 MHz), and under their influence, the dipole molecules of objects located in the device at a given second begin to oscillate at the same frequency, i.e. food products.

Good to know! A dipole molecule is a molecule in which one side is positively charged and the other negatively charged. The most common dipole molecule is water, which is abundant in foods. With such super-intense vibration of water molecules, food begins to heat up. There is food in which there are few or no water molecules, in which case it will heat up slowly or not at all.

To ensure that food is heated evenly, microwave ovens are equipped with a rotating disk made of heat-resistant glass.

In many models, the magnetron is covered with a translucent plate. It freely transmits magnetic waves, but at the same time does not allow splashes of grease to enter the device.

How safe is such gentle heating of food for human health? Let's try to figure it out.

Is microwave food harmful - myths and real facts?

Let’s look in detail at what people who use a microwave every day might be afraid of, and whether it’s worth doing.

Myth one: radiation from microwave magnetic waves is the most harmful!

Ordinary WI-FI router during operation it poses a great danger, as it emits more electromagnetic waves than a microwave oven. But many of us have this device located in our bedrooms! The microwave oven is usually located in the kitchen and does not work all the time.

Myth two: magnetic waves change the structure of food!

At the molecular level, no changes occur. This is proven scientific research fact! Burnt food is the most negative thing that can happen. This relates to our inattention, but not to the operation of the oven.

On the other hand, by heating food in the microwave, we are precisely pursuing the goal of their accelerated structural decomposition. When, for example, we boil eggs on a regular stove, we hope that egg white will turn from a liquid state into a jelly-like state. Or, when we fry meat or stew vegetables, we are not afraid that something terrible will happen to the food during the cooking process.

Myth three: expensive microwaves are safer than cheap ones!

The truth is that the high price is due to the marketing tricks that manufacturers resort to famous brands. These include expanded functionality of the device, original design, unusual color and advertising costs. The operating principle and service life of expensive and cheap stoves are the same.

Wow stove! The very first microwave weighed more than 1.5 tons and reached a height of 180 cm. It was not possible for one person to move such a microwave on his own. Its cost reached $1000. Only wealthy people could afford such luxury!

Myth four: The microwave oven has poor radiation protection!

Surely many of us have seen a popular experiment when, while talking about the disadvantages of a microwave oven, a man in a white coat left a mobile phone inside the oven and turned it on. While the device was operating, the phone continued to receive a cellular signal. The voice-over convincingly argued that if this happens, then magnetic radiation spreads around the device, causing harm to all living things that are in the immediate vicinity.

In fact, the waves on which a microwave oven and a mobile phone operate have different frequencies, so they do not block each other. There is nothing criminal at all about a working phone inside the oven. Another thing is a Wi-Fi router. Both the magnetron and the router emit approximately the same magnetic waves. If mobile device, tablet or computer is on close range from the stove, the signal will be lost and the connection will be interrupted.

Why does an egg explode in the microwave?

It's all about different speeds heating its components. While the yolk boils in a matter of tens of seconds, the shell remains cold. As a result, high blood pressure inside the egg and it explodes.

This is what happens when you heat it up raw egg

Microwaves in the USSR

There weren't many things in the Soviet Union, including microwave ovens. Soviet scientists conducted research to order and at the end issued “correct” conclusions. It was argued that microwave radiation contributes to the development of cancer, molecular changes in the structure of food lead to a decrease in immunity, children's products, which are based on milk, accumulate toxins and have a detrimental effect on the psyche of the teenage generation, causing its disorders, and the waves themselves remain in the food, having a detrimental effect on the body.

The first microwave ovens of the USSR

Despite all these officially peddled fears, sales grew quietly until the popularity of microwave ovens peaked.

Why are there two opposing opinions?

As can be seen from all of the above, the disadvantages of using microwaves are greatly exaggerated. On the World Wide Web you will find dozens of articles on the same topic, “The Harm of Microwaves: Myth or Reality,” with directly opposite views and evidence. Some are categorically against microwaves, others do not see anything wrong with them. Do not forget that there is an eternal struggle for consumers among manufacturers of cookers, frying pans and microwave ovens. Therefore, they take turns ordering similar studies on the “harmfulness” of their competitors, knowingly throwing in false information.

So is there any harm from using a microwave oven for human health?

Do not forget that like any other technical device, a microwave oven has its own lifespan. Manufacturers promise a minimum of 6 years of high-quality work. To prevent magnetic rays from escaping, microwave ovens are equipped with a durable casing, thick glass, and always have a mesh on the door. When closed, a working microwave oven will not allow any radiation to pass through. And although in their instructions manufacturers write that the minimum distance of a person from the microwave should be 30 cm, you can hug it, and nothing bad will happen to your health and the health of your children.

Over time, the oven door may become deformed, scratches may appear on the mesh, and microwaves will begin to penetrate outside. In order to extend the life of the oven and avoid “leaks” of different origins, you must follow the established rules for using and caring for microwave ovens. Compliance with these rules will minimize possible harm microwaves.

  • Smart neighborhood. Experts do not advise placing a microwave oven next to a refrigerator, washing machine, dishwasher, or heating appliances.
  • The surface on which the device will stand must be absolutely flat.
  • Ventilation openings must not be blocked.

How to check a microwave oven for safety?

There are several effective ways checking the stove to see if it transmits magnetic radiation.

  1. IN dark time day, turn off the lights in the kitchen and place a fluorescent lamp next to the microwave. If nothing happens to the lamp, then everything is fine with the stove. It's bad if it starts flashing.
  2. If the door gets very hot during operation, this will indicate a leak. Heating food in such a microwave will be harmful.
  3. If a glass of water in a new, just purchased stove boils in 3 minutes, but in yours this time is extended, then it is not in order.

Be careful! Do not open the door until the heating time has finished. So you voluntarily release magnetic radiation directly onto yourself. Wait at least 2-3 seconds!

No radiation will threaten either you or your children if you adhere to certain rules operation.

  • Do not turn on the device without food inside. The magnetron can fail, and the cost of replacing it is almost equal to the cost of the entire stove.
  • Do not heat food in containers that contain metal. Perhaps it will be waiting for you unpleasant surprise in the form of a fire inside the chamber. What cookware do experts recommend? The ideal container for heating is made of thick glass.
  • Elderly people with pacemakers should stay away from such equipment.
  • Do not lean on the door to prevent it from sagging and allowing radiation to pass through.
  • Do not heat foods that contain liquid under their shell - eggs, cucumbers, tomatoes and any fruit. There will be a spectacular explosion and painful cleaning inner surface cameras.
  • Do not cover the containers with a plastic lid; they will fly off when heated.
  • If you don't remove the skin of your sausage or sausage first, you'll see something ugly at the end of reheating.
  • To prevent grease from splashing all over the chamber, use plastic covers specially designed for protective purposes.

With such a lid the oven will always be clean

  • If, however, the fat has already hardened, do not rush to clean it with cleaning products. Eats alone effective advice: Place a glass of water inside the oven for a couple of minutes and turn it on. The steam will do its job, take a damp cloth and remove the loose dirt in a few strokes.

And without her it can become like this...

  • Do not use abrasive sponges when washing. You will damage the walls of the chamber in this way, and the microwave will no longer be usable.

If you take care of it, your microwave will last for many years.

Is microwave food harmful or not? Don't be scared by all the horror stories you can find on the Internet. Such articles are nothing more than dummy. If microwave ovens were really harmful to our health, manufacturing companies would have long ago been mired in lawsuits and suffered multibillion-dollar losses. Magnetic radiation emitted by microwave ovens is not dangerous if it operates properly and is properly cared for by you. You can heat food in them, as well as defrost them. They will definitely not lose their benefits. Follow the advice given in the article and everything will be fine. Be always healthy!

A microwave heats food by using ultra-high-frequency radiation (microwave radiation) to vibrate polar molecules - in particular water molecules - at very high speeds. Water is contained in any product, and as the speed of movement of its molecules increases, the temperature also increases, which leads to heating of the food.

The microwave oven is designed in such a way that its walls shield the radiation and do not allow it to escape beyond the microwave. However, there is one thing in the design weak point- door. The door glass is made of layers of plastic and glass, has a metal mesh with a small mesh size and does not allow microwaves to pass through.

However, if it is damaged or if the door does not make full contact with the cabinet, the microwave may break out and impact a person. Thus, the background of microwaves in the area of ​​the gap between the door and the body (even for a working microwave) increases sharply.

The same radio waves are emitted by working televisions with ray tubes, cell phones, computers, monitors, Wi-Fi routers, radio and television antennas and any electrical appliances. All this causes electromagnetic pollution at home.

Why is high-frequency radiation from microwaves dangerous?

Microwave radiation from a microwave oven heats anything that contains water, including the tissues of the human body. Moreover, the person himself does not feel not only electromagnetic radiation, but also heating - the thermal receptors of the skin do not help here, the radiation penetrates deeply and heats the internal organs.

The tissues that suffer the most are those that contain little blood vessels(since heat cannot be removed from them with the blood flow), as well as closed cavities, the walls of which reflect microwaves. First of all, the eye and especially the lens suffer from increased temperature, the proteins of which can coagulate under the influence of temperature (which contributes to the development of cataracts).

There is a negative effect on the brain (the skull reflects microwaves, and nerve tissue extremely sensitive to temperature rise), hollow organs such as gall and bladder, intestines, as well as gonads, especially in men (on the contrary, low temperature is characteristic and optimal for them).

To prevent the thermal effects of microwave radiation on the body, it is not recommended to stand near the microwave while it is operating. Of course, manufacturers assure that the device is completely safe if it is in good working order. But ask yourself, how often do you check your microwave oven for proper operation and seals?

Non-thermal effects of microwaves

As for the non-thermal effects of microwave radiation on humans, it has not been fully studied. Microwaves are non-ionizing radiation, meaning they do not ionize molecules and do not change the structure of matter.

However, it has been observed that people who work near strong sources of radio waves are more likely to suffer from insomnia, headaches, increased fatigue. In an experiment on animals, long-term irradiation with a dense flux of radio waves caused disruption of fetal development in mammals, disruption of the immune and hematopoietic systems, and pathology of the nervous and reproductive systems.

Impact of microwave radiation on food

There are many horror stories on the Internet that heating food in the microwave leads to the formation of trans fats, harmful amino acid isomers, carcinogens and radiation. These myths have no basis. Trans fats and carcinogens are formed only when very high temperature, which is achieved by frying, but not in the microwave. There is no talk of radiation at all - this is a different type of radiation.

But vitamins when cooked in the microwave are preserved in food better than with any other method. heat treatment food. All thanks to the short-term effect: food is cooked in the microwave quite quickly, and within such short term vitamins simply do not have time to break down.

However, the effect of microwave radiation on products has also not been fully studied. Although the WHO assures that microwave ovens are completely safe for health, many doctors are playing it safe and do not advise heating in the microwave food intended for children under one year old: expressed breast milk or mixture.

In addition to the lack of understanding of the influence of microwave radiation on products, there are two more arguments for this. Liquids are heated unevenly in the microwave, which can lead to burns if handled carelessly. In addition, plastic bottles in which milk is heated are not safe when heated in a microwave - harmful substances(such as phenol) may pass into milk.

Microwave harm

Microwave radiation can disrupt the functioning of a pacemaker, so it is dangerous for people with this device to be near or use a microwave oven. For the same reason, they are prohibited from using cell phones.

It is not recommended to heat food packaged in plastic or polyethylene in the microwave. When exposed to heat, harmful substances from the packaging may end up in food products, in which case it is dangerous to eat such food.

Microwave ovens have become a fixture in every kitchen. Cooking and heating food in them is much faster. Along with the benefits of microwave ovens, there is still talk about the dangers to human health.

Powerful electromagnetic radiation is used to heat food in a microwave. Waves in the decimeter range penetrate the structure of products and affect water molecules.

The molecules line up around the created electromagnetic field and are in constant motion. Friction resulting from the movement of molecules increases the temperature of the product. Unlike classic stoves and ovens, food is heated from the inside. This takes a few seconds.

Harm or benefit

When heating food in a microwave oven, the molecules rotate at tremendous speed. This damages the structure. The molecules are deformed and their shell is destroyed. The result is a product with a completely transformed molecular structure.

All scientific evidence of the harm caused to the human body by microwave ovens is based on this fact.

According to experts, microwave ovens can pose a danger due to several factors:

  • under the influence of microwave radiation, the structure of the product changes, and the body is not able to properly assimilate food;
  • When heating food in a microwave, carcinogens are released that can trigger the development of cancer;
  • the human body does not have the ability to absorb vitamins and minerals transformed in the microwave;
  • electromagnetic radiation, penetrating through the microwave body, negatively affects the human body;
  • when heated in a microwave, food loses its beneficial properties and is perceived by the body as a foreign substance that needs to be eliminated;
  • A metal object accidentally dropped into the oven may cause the device to explode and result in injury to the user.

Scientists from Switzerland conducted studies that revealed the harmful effects of microwave ovens on certain parts of the body. They hired a person who alternated between eating food prepared conventionally and using a microwave.

Based on the results of the experiment, conclusions were made about the negative effects of food from a microwave oven:

  • on the brain, causing irreversible changes in its cortex;
  • on digestive system- the body cannot recognize transformed food, remaining hungry, even after processing large number food;
  • on hormonal system- the body reacts incorrectly to microwave foods, the production of female and male hormones is disrupted;
  • on blood vessels and joints - vitamins and minerals altered by microwaves are not absorbed by the body, but settle on the walls of blood vessels and joints;
  • on blood - after consuming food from the microwave, it loses its ability to clot, which disrupts the wound healing process.

At the same time, even the most skeptical researchers could not deny the presence of a number of beneficial properties, inaccessible to conventional ovens.

First of all, this is the speed of heating food. It only takes a few seconds to heat the product. The stove does not require preheating and is ready for use immediately after being plugged in.

Products that require long-term heat treatment in a conventional oven or stove are cooked several times faster in the microwave. Defrosting meat and fish takes from 2 to 5 minutes.

Myth or reality

The research results presented by a group of Swiss scientists were completely refuted World Organization healthcare. In their opinion, microwave radiation cannot affect products or the human body. At the same time, WHO drew the attention of consumers to the fact that microwave radiation can disrupt the functioning of pacemakers.

It was also not possible to fully prove the effect of foods heated in the microwave on gastrointestinal tract person. It is not the processing of foods with microwaves that harms the body, but systematic improper nutrition.

The carcinogens reported by the researchers also appear as a result of frying on a regular stove using oil. When heated vegetable oils they are released much more than when using microwaves.

Vitamins and minerals are partially degraded during any heat treatment. Food cooked in a microwave oven does not differ in content from food cooked on a conventional stove and has best performance, as it is prepared without oil.

The radioactive radiation that opponents of the use of ovens were afraid of does not in fact exceed the radiation from a mobile phone, since a specially designed housing completely contains it inside the device. Only a stove with a damaged housing can pose a danger.

There is no scientific evidence that a microwave oven could explode due to metal utensils placed inside. It was discovered that when the metal is heated, the furnace begins to spark, but does not explode. A raw egg can explode. In this case, the stove door may suffer from a rupture.

At correct use Using a microwave oven is no more harmful to human health than using any household appliance.

Key tips include:

  • To get the maximum benefit from using the stove and get rid of negative impact, follow safety precautions.
  • You must not violate the installation rules recommended by the manufacturer. The microwave should be placed away from other household appliances. Do not block the ventilation opening.
  • It is strictly prohibited to operate the device with damaged glass or housing. This may result in radiation leakage or electric shock.
  • Only products recommended by the manufacturer should be heated. Do not place items not intended for use in the oven. Do not open the door during operation. Most models are equipped with a safety device that turns off the oven when the door is opened, but if you do this constantly, it may become damaged.
  • The amount of food heated at one time should not exceed the recommended amount. The food will not warm up completely, and the oven will work in increased mode.
  • To heat food, you should use thick-walled glassware or special heat-resistant plastic. Do not turn on an empty microwave to avoid damaging it internally.
  • Wash the microwave with a soft sponge, without using abrasives, so as not to damage the protective coating.

Most statements on the topic of the dangers of microwave ovens for humans do not find understanding among users, and sales of microwave ovens continue to remain consistently high. The device greatly facilitates cooking and irrefutable evidence has not yet been provided as to whether a microwave is harmful.

You shouldn’t completely abandon classic ovens and replace them with microwave ovens, but with a reasonable approach, you can reduce the time spent on preparing a dish.

The main thing is to observe the service life specified by the manufacturer and not use the microwave after it has expired.

Who invented microwaves and how did it all end?

The first microwave ovens were invented by German scientists commissioned by the Nazis. This was done in order not to waste time on cooking and not to carry heavy fuel for stoves during the cold Russian winters. During operation, it turned out that food prepared in them had a negative effect on the health of soldiers and their use was abandoned.

In 1942-1943, these studies fell into the hands of the Americans and were classified.

At the same time, several microwave ovens fell into the hands of the Russians and were carefully studied by Soviet scientists in B Belarusian Radio Technological Institute and in closed research institutes Ural and Novosibirsk (Drs. Luria and Perov). In particular, their biological effect was studied, that is, the influence of microwave radiation on biological objects.


The Soviet Union passed a law prohibiting the use of microwave ovens due to their biological hazard! The Soviets have issued an international warning about the health and environmental hazards of microwave ovens and other similar electromagnetic devices.

These data are a little alarming, aren't they?

Continuing their work, Soviet scientists examined thousands of workers who worked with radar installations and received microwave radiation. The results were so severe that a strict radiation limit was set at 10 microwatts for workers and 1 microwatt for civilians.

Operating principle of a microwave oven:

Microwave radiation, Microwave radiation (microwave radiation)- electromagnetic radiation, including the centimeter and millimeter range of radio waves (from 30 cm - frequency 1 GHz to 1 mm - 300 GHz).

Microwaves are a form of electromagnetic energy, just like light waves or radio waves. These are very short electromagnetic waves that travel at the speed of light (299.79 thousand km per second). In modern technology, microwaves are used in microwave ovens, for long-distance and international telephone communications, transmission of television programs, and operation of the Internet on Earth and via satellites. But microwaves are best known to us as a source of energy for cooking - the microwave oven.

Every microwave oven contains a magnetron, which converts electrical energy to microwave electric field frequency 2450 MHz or 2.45 GHz, which interacts with water molecules in food. Microwaves attack water molecules in food, causing them to spin millions of times per second, creating molecular friction that heats the food.

What is the harm of a microwave?

For those who know about harmful influence mobile phones It should be clear that a mobile phone operates on the same frequencies as a microwave oven. For those who are not familiar with this information, please read the information “The Impact of Mobile Phones on Humans”.

We will talk about four factors that indicate that microwaves are harmful.

Firstly, these are electromagnetic radiations themselves, or rather their information component. In science it is called a torsion field.

It has been experimentally established that electromagnetic radiation has a torsion (information) component. According to research by specialists from France, Russia, Ukraine and Switzerland, it is torsion fields, and not electromagnetic ones, that are the main factor negative influence on human health. Since it is the torsion field that transmits to a person all the negative information that causes headaches, irritation, insomnia, etc.

In addition, we must not forget about temperature. Of course, this applies to long periods of time and constant use of the microwave.

The most harmful to the human body, from a biological point of view, is high-frequency radiation in the centimeter range (microwave), which produces electromagnetic radiation of the highest intensity.

Microwave radiation directly heats the body, blood flow reduces heating (this applies to organs rich in blood vessels). But there are organs, such as the lens, that do not contain blood vessels. Therefore, microwave waves, i.e. significant thermal effect, lead to clouding of the lens and its destruction. These changes are irreversible.

Electromagnetic radiation cannot be seen, heard or clearly felt. But it exists and affects the human body. The exact mechanism of action of electromagnetic study has not yet been studied. The influence of this radiation does not appear immediately, but as it accumulates, so it can be difficult to attribute a particular disease that suddenly arises in a person to the devices with which he was in contact.

, this is the effect of microwave radiation on food. As a result of the influence of electromagnetic radiation on a substance, ionization of molecules is possible, i.e. an atom can gain or lose an electron, and this changes the structure of the substance.

Radiation leads to the destruction and deformation of food molecules. Microwaves create new compounds that do not exist in nature, called radiolytics. Radiolytic compounds create molecular rot - as a direct consequence of radiation.

  • Microwaved meats contain Nitrosodienthanolamines, a well-known carcinogen;
  • Some amino acids in milk and cereals have become carcinogens;
  • Defrosting frozen fruits in microwave ovens transforms their glucosides and galactosides into particles containing carcinogenic elements;
  • Even very short irradiation in a microwave oven raw vegetables converts their alkaloids into carcinogens;
  • Carcinogenic free radicals are formed in microwaved plants, especially root vegetables;
  • The value of food decreases from 60% to 90%;
  • Disappears biological activity vitamin B (complex), vitamins C and E, also in many minerals;
  • Destroyed in varying degrees in plants alkaloids, glucosides, galactosides and nitrilosides;
  • Degradation of nucleo-proteins in meat. Robert Becker in his book ‘Electricity of the Body’, citing research by Russian scientists, describes diseases associated with microwave ovens.


Some of the amino acids L-proline, which are part of mother's milk, as well as in infant formula, under the influence of microwaves are converted into d-isomers, which are considered neurotoxic (deform nervous system) and nephrotoxic (poisonous to the kidneys). It is a disaster that many children are fed on artificial milk substitutes ( baby food), which are made even more toxic by microwave ovens.

A short-term study showed that people who ate microwaved milk and vegetables had changes in their blood composition, decreased hemoglobin and increased cholesterol, while people who ate the same food but cooked traditional way, the state of the body did not change.

Hospital patient Norma Levit underwent a simple knee operation, after which she died from a blood transfusion. Usually the blood is warmed before a transfusion, but not in a microwave oven. This time, the nurse heated the blood in the microwave, unaware of the danger. Microwave-tainted blood killed Norma. The same thing happens with food that is heated and cooked in microwaves. Although the trial took place, newspapers and magazines did not talk about this case.

Researchers at the University of Vienna have found that heating with microwaves disrupts the atomic order of amino acids. According to the researchers, this is of concern because these amino acids are incorporated into proteins, which they then structurally, functionally and immunologically alter. Thus, proteins - the basis of life - are changed in food by microwaves.

Thirdly, Microwave radiation leads to weakening of the cells of our body.

IN genetic engineering there is such a way: in order to penetrate the cell, it is lightly irradiated with electromagnetic waves and this weakens cell membranes. Since the cells are practically broken, the cell membranes cannot protect the cell from the penetration of viruses, fungi and other microorganisms, and the natural self-healing mechanism is also suppressed.

Fourth, a microwave oven creates radioactive decay of molecules with the subsequent formation of new alloys unknown to nature, as usual with radiation.

Doesn’t the harm of a microwave seem so unrealistic now?

The influence of microwave radiation on human health

As a result of eating microwaved food, the pulse and blood pressure first decrease, and then nervousness, high blood pressure, headaches, dizziness, eye pain, insomnia, irritability, nervousness, stomach pain, inability to concentrate, hair loss, increased incidence of appendicitis occur. , cataracts, reproductive problems, cancer These chronic symptoms are exacerbated by stress and heart disease.

Consumption of food irradiated in a microwave oven contributes to the formation of an increased number of cancer cells in blood serum.

According to statistics, in a large number of people, food irradiated in a microwave oven causes tumors resembling cancer in the stomach and digestive tract, in addition, a general degeneration of peripheral cellular tissue with permanent disruption of the functions of the digestive and excretory system.

Thus, food altered by microwaves is harmful digestive tract And immune system humans and can ultimately cause cancer.

In addition, we must not forget about electromagnetic radiation itself. This is especially true for pregnant women and children.

Most susceptible to electromagnetic fields circulatory system, endocrine system, brain, eyes, immune and reproductive systems.

As for pregnant women, you need to be extremely careful. Unlimited “walks” through electromagnetic fields during pregnancy can lead to spontaneous abortions, premature birth, the appearance birth defects development in children.

Read more about the influence of electromagnetic fields in the section “The influence of electromagnetic radiation on humans”.

The purpose of this site is not to intimidate. We warn you.

Nobody says that tomorrow you will have mental disorders or, God forbid, they will discover something in your brain.

The harm of microwave radiation depends on its intensity and exposure time. Modern microwave ovens will not be able to kill you... tomorrow or in a year...

Scientists talk about the consequences in 10-15 years.

What does this mean?

1. If you are 20-25 today, then while still a young person (up to 35-40 years old), you risk remaining disabled, or giving birth to a disabled person, or not giving birth to one at all, significantly shortening the life span of yourself and your child.

2. If you are around 30-40, then you may not see your grandchildren or risk a painful old age. In addition, you influence the development and even the lives of your children.

3. If you are about 50 or older, refer to point 2. This applies to you too.

Do you need this?

Isn't it better to protect yourself from electromagnetic radiation and refuse to eat food from the microwave?