Types and types of modern thermal power plants (TPP). Construction of a thermal power station


Depending on the power of the equipment and the schemes of technological connections between the stages of production at modern thermal power plants, they distinguish between workshop, non-shop and block-shop organizational and production structures.

Shop organizational and production structure provides for division technological equipment and the territory of thermal power plants into separate areas and assigning them to specialized units - workshops, laboratories. In this case, the main structural unit is the workshop. Depending on their participation in production, workshops are divided into main and auxiliary. In addition, thermal power plants can also include non-industrial farms (housing and subsidiary farms, kindergartens, holiday homes, sanatoriums, etc.).

Main workshops are directly involved in energy production. These include fuel and transport, boiler, turbine, electrical and chemical shops.

The fuel transport workshop includes railway and fuel supply sections with a fuel warehouse. This workshop is organized at power plants that burn solid fuel or fuel oil when delivered by rail.

The boiler shop includes areas for supplying liquid or gaseous fuel, dust preparation, ash removal.

The turbine shop includes: heating department, central pumping station and water management.

With two workshops production structure, as well as at large thermal power plants, the boiler and turbine shops are combined into a single boiler and turbine shop(KTC).

The electrical workshop is in charge of: all electrical equipment of thermal power plants, an electrical laboratory, an oil production facility, and an electrical repair shop.

The chemical workshop includes a chemical laboratory and chemical water treatment.

Auxiliary workshops serve the main production. These include: a centralized repair shop, a repair and construction shop, a thermal automation and communications shop.

Non-industrial farms are not directly related to energy production and serve household needs thermal power plant workers.

Shopless organizational and production structure provides for the specialization of divisions in performing basic production functions: operation of equipment, its repair maintenance, technological control. This leads to the creation of production services instead of workshops: operation, repairs, control and improvement of equipment. In turn, production services are divided into specialized areas.

Creation block-shop organizational and production structure due to the emergence of complex energy units-blocks. The unit's equipment carries out several phases of the energy process - burning fuel in a steam generator, generating electricity in a turbogenerator, and sometimes converting it in a transformer. In contrast to the workshop structure, the main production unit of a power plant in a block-shop structure is the blocks. They are included in the CTC, which are engaged in the centralized operation of the main and auxiliary equipment of boiler and turbine units. The block-shop structure provides for the preservation of the main and auxiliary workshops that take place in the workshop structure, for example, the fuel and transport workshop (FTS), chemical, etc.

All types of organizational and production structure provide for production management on the basis of unity of command. At each thermal power plant there is administrative, economic, production and technical and operational dispatch management.

The administrative and economic head of the TPP is the director, the technical manager is chief engineer. Operational dispatch control is carried out by the duty engineer of the power plant. In operational terms, he is subordinate to the duty dispatcher of the EPS.

Name and quantity structural divisions, and the need to introduce individual positions is determined depending on the standard number of industrial production personnel of the power plant.

The indicated technological, organizational and economic features of electric power production affect the content and tasks of managing the activities of energy enterprises and associations.

The main requirement for the electric power industry is a reliable and uninterrupted power supply to consumers and coverage of the required load schedule. This requirement is transformed into specific indicators that evaluate the participation of the power plant and network enterprises in the implementation of the production program of energy associations.

The power plant is ready to bear the load, which is set by the dispatch schedule. For network enterprises, a repair schedule for equipment and structures is established. The plan also specifies other technical and economic indicators: unit costs fuel at power plants, reducing energy losses in networks, financial indicators. However production program energy enterprises cannot be strictly determined by the volume of production or output electrical energy and warmth. This is impractical due to the exceptional dynamics of energy consumption and, accordingly, energy production.

However, the volume of energy production is an important calculation indicator that determines the level of many other indicators (for example, cost) and the results of economic activities.

The operating principle of a combined heat and power plant (CHP) is based on unique property water vapor - to be a coolant. In a heated state, under pressure, it turns into a powerful source of energy that drives the turbines of thermal power plants (CHPs) - a legacy of the already distant era of steam.

The first thermal power plant was built in New York on Pearl Street (Manhattan) in 1882. A year later, St. Petersburg became the birthplace of the first Russian thermal station. Oddly enough, but even in our age high technology Thermal power plants have never found a full-fledged replacement: their share in the world energy sector is more than 60%.

And there is a simple explanation for this, which contains the advantages and disadvantages of thermal energy. Its “blood” is organic fuel - coal, fuel oil, oil shale, peat and natural gas are still relatively available and stocks are plentiful.

The big disadvantage is that fuel combustion products cause serious harm environment. Yes, and the natural storehouse will one day be completely depleted, and thousands of thermal power plants will turn into rusting “monuments” of our civilization.

Operating principle

To begin with, it is worth defining the terms “CHP” and “CHP”. In simple terms, they are sisters. A “clean” thermal power plant - TPP is designed exclusively for the production of electricity. Its other name is “condensing power plant” - IES.

Combined heat and power plant - CHP - a type of thermal power plant. In addition to generating electricity, it supplies hot water V central system heating and for domestic needs.

The operation scheme of a thermal power plant is quite simple. Fuel and heated air—an oxidizer—simultaneously enter the furnace. The most common fuel at Russian thermal power plants is crushed coal. The heat from the combustion of coal dust turns the water entering the boiler into steam, which is then supplied under pressure to the steam turbine. A powerful flow of steam causes it to rotate, driving the generator rotor, which converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Next, the steam, which has already significantly lost its initial indicators - temperature and pressure - enters the condenser, where after a cold “water shower” it again becomes water. Then the condensate pump pumps it into the regenerative heaters and then into the deaerator. There, the water is freed from gases - oxygen and CO 2, which can cause corrosion. After this, the water is reheated from steam and fed back into the boiler.

Heat supply

Second, no less important function CHP – provision hot water(ferry) intended for systems central heating nearby settlements and household use. In special heaters cold water it is heated to 70 degrees in summer and 120 degrees in winter, after which it is supplied by network pumps to a common mixing chamber and then supplied to consumers through the heating main system. Water supplies at the thermal power plant are constantly replenished.

How do gas powered thermal power plants work?

Compared to coal-fired thermal power plants, thermal power plants with gas turbine units are much more compact and environmentally friendly. Suffice it to say that such a station does not need a steam boiler. A gas turbine unit is essentially the same turbojet aircraft engine, where, unlike it, the jet stream is not emitted into the atmosphere, but rotates the generator rotor. At the same time, emissions of combustion products are minimal.

New coal combustion technologies

The efficiency of modern thermal power plants is limited to 34%. The vast majority of thermal power plants still operate on coal, which can be explained quite simply - coal reserves on Earth are still enormous, so the share of thermal power plants in the total volume of electricity generated is about 25%.

The coal combustion process has remained virtually unchanged for many decades. However, new technologies have come here too.

Peculiarity this method consists in the fact that instead of air as an oxidizing agent when burning coal dust, the extracted from the air is used pure oxygen. As a result, a harmful impurity – NOx – is removed from the flue gases. The remaining harmful impurities are filtered out through several stages of purification. The CO 2 remaining at the outlet is pumped into containers under high pressure and is subject to burial at a depth of up to 1 km.

"oxyfuel capture" method

Here, too, when burning coal, pure oxygen is used as an oxidizing agent. Only in contrast to the previous method, at the moment of combustion, steam is formed, causing the turbine to rotate. Then ash and sulfur oxides are removed from the flue gases, cooling and condensation are performed. The remaining carbon dioxide under a pressure of 70 atmospheres is converted into a liquid state and placed underground.

Pre-combustion method

Coal is burned in the “normal” mode - in a boiler mixed with air. After this, ash and SO 2 - sulfur oxide are removed. Next, CO 2 is removed using a special liquid absorbent, after which it is disposed of by burial.

Five of the most powerful thermal power plants in the world

The championship belongs to the Chinese thermal power plant Tuoketuo with a capacity of 6600 MW (5 power units x 1200 MW), occupying an area of ​​2.5 square meters. km. It is followed by its “compatriot” - the Taichung Thermal Power Plant with a capacity of 5824 MW. The top three is closed by the largest in Russia Surgutskaya GRES-2 - 5597.1 MW. In fourth place is the Polish Belchatow Thermal Power Plant - 5354 MW, and fifth is the Futtsu CCGT Power Plant (Japan) - a gas thermal power plant with a capacity of 5040 MW.

The energy hidden in fossil fuels - coal, oil or natural gas - cannot be immediately obtained in the form of electricity. The fuel is first burned. The released heat heats the water and turns it into steam. The steam rotates the turbine, and the turbine rotates the generator rotor, which generates, i.e. produces, electric current.

Scheme of operation of a condensing power plant.

Slavyanskaya TPP. Ukraine, Donetsk region.

This entire complex, multi-stage process can be observed on a thermal power station(TPP), equipped with energy machines that convert the energy hidden in organic fuel (oil shale, coal, oil and its products, natural gas) into electrical energy. The main parts of a thermal power plant are a boiler plant, a steam turbine and an electric generator.

Boiler plant- a set of devices for producing water vapor under pressure. It consists of a firebox in which organic fuel is burned, a combustion chamber through which combustion products pass into the chimney, and a steam boiler in which water boils. The part of the boiler that comes into contact with the flame during heating is called the heating surface.

There are 3 types of boilers: smoke-fired, water-tube and once-through. Inside combustion boilers there is a series of tubes through which combustion products pass into the chimney. Numerous smoke tubes have a huge heating surface, as a result of which they make good use of fuel energy. The water in these boilers is between the smoke tubes.

IN water tube boilers- it’s the other way around: water is released through the tubes, and hot gases are passed between the tubes. The main parts of the boiler are the firebox, boiling tubes, steam boiler and superheater. The steam formation process takes place in the boiling tubes. The steam generated in them enters the steam boiler, where it is collected in its upper part, above boiling water. From the steam boiler, steam passes into the superheater and is further heated there. Fuel is poured into this boiler through the door, and the air necessary for combustion of the fuel is supplied through another door into the ash pit. Hot gases rise upward and, bending around the partitions, travel the path indicated in the diagram (see figure).

In once-through boilers, water is heated in long coil pipes. Water is supplied to these pipes by a pump. Passing through the coil, it completely evaporates, and the resulting steam is superheated to the required temperature and then exits the coils.

Boiler installations operating with intermediate superheating of steam are integral part installation called power unit"boiler - turbine".

In the future, for example, to use coal from the Kansk-Achinsk basin, large thermal power plants with a capacity of up to 6400 MW with power units of 800 MW each, where boiler plants will produce 2650 tons of steam per hour with temperatures up to 565 °C and pressure 25 MPa.

Boiler plant produces steam high pressure, which goes to the steam turbine - the main engine of the thermal power plant. In the turbine, the steam expands, its pressure drops, and the latent energy is converted into mechanical energy. The steam turbine drives the rotor of a generator, which produces electric current.

IN major cities most often built combined heat and power plants(CHP), and in areas with cheap fuel - condensing power plants(IES).

A thermal power plant is a thermal power plant that produces not only electrical energy, but also heat in the form of hot water and steam. The steam leaving the steam turbine still contains a lot of thermal energy. At a thermal power plant, this heat is used in two ways: either the steam after the turbine is sent to the consumer and does not return back to the station, or it transfers heat in the heat exchanger to water, which is sent to the consumer, and the steam is returned back to the system. Therefore, CHP has a high efficiency, reaching 50–60%.

There are thermal power plants of heating and industrial types. Heating CHP plants heat residential and public buildings and supply them with hot water, industrial - supply industrial enterprises with heat. Steam is transmitted from thermal power plants over distances of up to several kilometers, and hot water is transmitted over distances of up to 30 kilometers or more. As a result, thermal power plants are being built near large cities.

A huge amount of thermal energy is used for district heating or centralized heating of our apartments, schools, and institutions. To October Revolution district heating there were no houses. Houses were heated by stoves, which burned a lot of wood and coal. District heating in our country began in the first years of Soviet power, when, according to the GOELRO plan (1920), the construction of large thermal power plants began. The total capacity of thermal power plants in the early 1980s. exceeded 50 million kW.

But the main share of electricity generated by thermal power plants comes from condensing power plants (CPS). In our country they are more often called state district electric power plants (SDPPs). Unlike thermal power plants, where the heat of steam exhausted in a turbine is used to heat residential and industrial buildings, at CPPs, steam exhausted in engines (steam engines, turbines) is converted by condensers into water (condensate), which is sent back to the boilers for reuse. CPPs are built directly near water supply sources: lakes, rivers, seas. The heat removed from the power plant with cooling water is irretrievably lost. The efficiency of IES does not exceed 35–42%.

Wagons with finely crushed coal are delivered to the high overpass day and night according to a strict schedule. A special unloader tips the wagons and the fuel is poured into the bunker. The mills carefully grind it into fuel powder, and it flies into the furnace of the steam boiler along with the air. The flames tightly cover the bundles of tubes, in which the water boils. Water vapor is formed. Through pipes - steam lines - steam is directed to the turbine and hits the turbine rotor blades through nozzles. Having given energy to the rotor, the exhaust steam goes to the condenser, cools and turns into water. Pumps supply it back to the boiler. And the energy continues its movement from the turbine rotor to the generator rotor. In the generator its final transformation takes place: it becomes electricity. This is where the IES energy chain ends.

Unlike hydroelectric power stations, thermal power plants can be built anywhere, and thereby bring the sources of electricity closer to the consumer and distribute thermal power plants evenly across the territory economic regions countries. The advantage of thermal power plants is that they operate on almost all types of organic fuel - coal, shale, liquid fuel, natural gas.

The largest condensing thermal power plants in Russia include Reftinskaya ( Sverdlovsk region), Zaporozhye (Ukraine), Kostroma, Uglegorsk (Donetsk region, Ukraine). The power of each of them exceeds 3000 MW.

Our country is a pioneer in the construction of thermal power plants, the energy of which comes from nuclear reactor(cm.

In Fig. 1 presents the classification of thermal power plants using fossil fuels.

Rice. 1.

A thermal power plant is a complex of equipment and devices that convert fuel energy into electrical energy and (in general case) thermal energy.

Thermal power plants are characterized by great diversity and can be classified according to various criteria.

Based on their purpose and type of energy supplied, power plants are divided into regional and industrial.

District power plants are independent public power plants that serve all types of consumers in the region (industrial enterprises, transport, population, etc.). District condensing power plants, which generate mainly electricity, often retain their historical name - GRES (state district power plants). District power plants that produce electrical and thermal energy (in the form of steam or hot water) are called combined heat and power plants (CHP). As a rule, GRES and district thermal power plants have a capacity of more than 1 million kW.

Industrial power plants are power plants that provide thermal and electrical energy to specific manufacturing enterprises or a complex of them, for example a chemical production plant. Industrial power plants are part of those industrial enterprises which they serve. Their capacity is determined by the needs of industrial enterprises for thermal and electrical energy and, as a rule, it is significantly less than that of district thermal power plants. Often industrial power plants operate on the general electrical network, but are not subordinate to the power system dispatcher.

Based on the type of fuel used, thermal power plants are divided into power plants operating on fossil fuels and nuclear fuel.

Behind condensing fossil fuel power plants in a time before nuclear power plants(NPP), historically the name was thermal (TPP - thermal power station). It is in this sense that this term will be used below, although thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, gas turbine power plants (GTPP), and combined cycle power plants (CGPP) are also thermal power plants operating on the principle of converting thermal energy into electrical energy.

Gaseous, liquid and solid fuels are used as organic fuel for thermal power plants. Most thermal power plants in Russia, especially in the European part, consume natural gas as the main fuel, and reserve fuel- fuel oil, using the latter due to its high cost only in extreme cases; Such thermal power plants are called gas-oil power plants. In many regions, mainly in the Asian part of Russia, the main fuel is thermal coal - low-calorie coal or waste from the extraction of high-calorie coal (anthracite coal - ASh). Since before combustion such coals are ground in special mills to a dusty state, such thermal power plants are called pulverized coal.

Based on the type of thermal power plants used at thermal power plants to convert thermal energy into mechanical energy of rotation of the rotors of turbine units, steam turbine, gas turbine and combined cycle power plants are distinguished.

The basis of steam turbine power plants are steam turbine units (STU), which use the most complex, most powerful and extremely advanced energy machine - a steam turbine - to convert thermal energy into mechanical energy. PTU is the main element of thermal power plants, combined heat and power plants and nuclear power plants.

STPs that have condensing turbines as a drive for electric generators and do not use the heat of exhaust steam to supply thermal energy to external consumers are called condensing power plants. STUs equipped with heating turbines and releasing the heat of exhaust steam to industrial or municipal consumers are called combined heat and power plants (CHP).

Gas turbine thermal power plants (GTPPs) are equipped with gas turbine units (GTUs) running on gaseous or, in extreme cases, liquid (diesel) fuel. Since the temperature of the gases behind the gas turbine plant is quite high, they can be used to supply thermal energy to external consumers. Such power plants are called GTU-CHP. Currently, in Russia there is one gas turbine power plant (GRES-3 named after Klasson, Elektrogorsk, Moscow region) with a capacity of 600 MW and one gas turbine cogeneration plant (in the city of Elektrostal, Moscow region).

Traditional modern gas turbine unit(GTU) is a combination of an air compressor, a combustion chamber and a gas turbine, as well as auxiliary systems that ensure its operation. The combination of a gas turbine unit and an electric generator is called a gas turbine unit.

Combined-cycle thermal power plants are equipped with combined cycle gas turbine units (CCGTs), which are a combination of gas turbine units and steam turbine units, which ensures high efficiency. CCGT-CHP plants can be designed as condensing plants (CCP-CHP) and with thermal energy supply (CCP-CHP). Currently, there are four new CCGT-CHP plants in Russia (North-West CHPP of St. Petersburg, Kaliningradskaya, CHPP-27 of Mosenergo OJSC and Sochinskaya), and a cogeneration CCGT plant has also been built at the Tyumen CHPP. In 2007, the Ivanovo CCGT-KES was put into operation.

Modular thermal power plants consist of separate, usually of the same type, power plants - power units. In a power unit, each boiler supplies steam only to its own turbine, from which it returns after condensation only to its own boiler. All powerful state district power plants and thermal power plants, which have the so-called intermediate superheating of steam, are built according to the block scheme. The operation of boilers and turbines at thermal power plants with cross connections is ensured differently: all boilers of thermal power plants supply steam to one common steam line (collector) and all are powered from it steam turbines TPP. According to this scheme, CESs without intermediate overheating and almost all CHP plants with subcritical initial steam parameters are built.

Based on the level of initial pressure, thermal power plants of subcritical pressure, supercritical pressure (SCP) and supersupercritical parameters (SSCP) are distinguished.

The critical pressure is 22.1 MPa (225.6 at). In the Russian thermal power industry, the initial parameters are standardized: thermal power plants and combined heat and power plants are built for subcritical pressure of 8.8 and 12.8 MPa (90 and 130 atm), and for SKD - 23.5 MPa (240 atm). Thermal power plants with supercritical parameters, for technical reasons, are performed with intermediate overheating and according to a block diagram. Supersupercritical parameters conventionally include pressure more than 24 MPa (up to 35 MPa) and temperature more than 5600C (up to 6200C), the use of which requires new materials and new equipment designs. Often thermal power plants or thermal power plants at different level parameters are built in several stages - in queues, the parameters of which increase with the introduction of each new queue.

The organizational and production structure of nuclear power plants is mainly similar to thermal power plant . At a nuclear power plant, instead of a boiler shop, a reactor shop is organized. It includes a reactor, steam generators, and auxiliary equipment. The auxiliary unit includes a chemical decontamination workshop, which includes special water treatment, a storage facility for liquid and dry radioactive waste, and a laboratory.

Specific to nuclear power plants is the radiation safety department, whose task is to prevent harmful effects of radiation on operating personnel and environment. The department includes a radiochemical and radiometric laboratory, a special sanitary inspection room and a special laundry.

Shop organizational and production structure of a nuclear power plant

Organizational and production structure of the electrical network enterprise

In each energy system, enterprises are created to carry out repair, maintenance and dispatch services of the electrical grid. electrical networks(PES). Electric grid enterprises can be of two types: specialized and complex. Specialized are: enterprises servicing high-voltage lines and substations with voltages over 35 kV; distribution networks 0.4...20 kV in rural areas; distribution networks 0.4... 20 kV in cities and towns. Complex enterprises service networks of all voltages in both cities and rural areas. These include most enterprises.

Electric grid enterprises are managed according to the following control schemes:




At territorial scheme management, electrical networks of all voltages located in a certain territory (as a rule, in the territory of an administrative district) are serviced by electrical network districts (RES) subordinate to the management of the enterprise.

Functional diagram management is characterized by the fact that electrical facilities are assigned to the relevant services of the enterprise that ensure their operation, and is used with a high concentration of power grid facilities in a relatively small area. Specialization, as a rule, is in station equipment, linear equipment, relay protection, etc.

The most widespread mixed scheme enterprise management, in which the most complex elements of the network are assigned to the corresponding services, and the main volume of electrical networks is operated by districts or sections of electrical networks. Such enterprises include functional departments, production services, districts and network sections.

An electrical network enterprise can be either a structural unit within JSC-Energo, or an independent production unit for the transmission and distribution of electricity - JSC PES. The main task of the PES is to ensure contractual terms of power supply to consumers through reliable and efficient operation of the equipment. The organizational structure of a PES depends on many conditions: location (city or rural area), level of enterprise development, equipment voltage class, prospects for network development, volume of service, which is calculated based on industry standards in conventional units, and other factors.