Job description for a stoker in a liquid fuel boiler room. Standard instructions for operators (machinists) of steam and hot water boilers

02/09/2014 – We present to your attention the occupational safety instructions for the operator (stoker) of a solid fuel hot water boiler. The instructions include five chapters: 1) general labor protection requirements; 2) labor protection requirements before starting work; 3) labor protection requirements when performing work; 4) labor protection requirements upon completion of work; 5) requirements for labor protection in emergency situations.

Chapter 1. General requirements for labor protection

1. Persons whose age corresponds to established by law who have undergone a medical examination in the prescribed manner and have no contraindications to performing this type of work, have passed a special technical training who passed the exam of the qualification commission in the presence of an inspector from Gospromnadzor and received a certificate for the right to service boilers.

Before being allowed to work independently, a boiler room driver (stoker) must undergo an internship for 2-14 shifts (depending on the nature of the work and the qualifications of the employee) under the supervision of a specially appointed person.

2. Periodic medical examination of the driver (fireman) of the boiler room (hereinafter referred to as the driver) is carried out in the manner established by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus.

3. The driver must undergo periodic testing of knowledge on labor safety issues at least once every 12 months.

The driver undergoes an extraordinary test of knowledge on labor safety issues in the following cases:

If there is a break in work in the specialty for more than one year;

When moving to another company;

At the request of a higher authority, responsible persons of the enterprise;

At the request of state supervisory and control authorities;

When new or revised regulatory legal acts (documents) on labor protection are introduced;

In case of transfer to maintenance of boilers of another type;

When converting the boiler to burn another type of fuel.

If there is a break in work in the specialty for more than one year, the driver, after testing his knowledge before admission to the independent work must undergo an internship to restore practical skills according to a program approved by the management of the enterprise.

4. The driver must undergo labor safety training:

when hiring - introductory and initial at the workplace;

during work at least once every six months - repeated;

when new and revised regulations (documents) on labor protection are introduced or amendments are made to them;

changing the technological process, replacing or upgrading equipment, instruments and tools, raw materials, materials and other factors affecting labor protection;

violation by workers of regulatory legal acts (documents) on labor protection, which could or have led to injury, accident or poisoning;

at the request of state supervisory and control authorities, a higher authority, responsible persons of the enterprise;

during breaks in work for more than six months; receipt of information materials about accidents and incidents that occurred in similar industries - unscheduled.

5 The driver must:

Know the requirements set out in " Rules for the design and safe operation of steam and hot water boilers", "Rules for the design and safe operation of pressure vessels", manufacturer's instructions for operating the boiler, technological instructions and labor protection instructions;

Have a clear understanding of dangerous and harmful production factors related to the performance of work and know the basic methods of protection against their effects:

main harmful and dangerous production factors: increased concentration harmful substances in the air working area, increased temperature of equipment surfaces, increased air temperature of the working area, insufficient illumination of the working area.

Know the electrical and explosion safety requirements when performing work and be able to use fire extinguishing equipment;

Use tools when performing work personal protection issued in accordance with the Model Industry Standards for the free issuance of special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to workers and employees:

cotton suit Mi – 12 months;

cotton jacket with insulating lining Tn – 36 months;

leather boots Mi – 12 months;

combined mittens - until worn out;

Safety glasses - until worn out.

Be able to provide first aid to the victim;

Follow internal rules labor regulations;

Know sanitary and hygienic working conditions and comply with industrial sanitation requirements.

6. The driver must not leave the place of work, engage in extraneous activities, expose himself to danger, or be in work areas that are not related to the work he is directly performing.

7. The victim or eyewitness must immediately report every accident at work to the immediate supervisor of the work, who is obliged to:

Organize first aid for the victim and his delivery to the medical center;

Report the incident to the head of the department;

Before the commission of investigation begins, preserve the situation at the workplace and the condition of the equipment as they were at the time of the incident, if this does not threaten the life and health of surrounding workers and does not lead to an accident.

8. The driver must report all noticed malfunctions of equipment, mechanisms, instruments to the immediate supervisor of the work and make a note in shift magazine and do not start work until they are eliminated.

9. The driver is responsible for:

Compliance with the requirements of the manufacturer's instructions for operating the boiler, technological instructions and labor protection instructions, electrical and explosion safety rules;

Compliance with the established procedure for the production of work, maintaining a shift log;

Serviceability and safety of operated equipment and devices;

Accidents, accidents and other violations caused by the actions of a driver who violates the requirements of the manufacturer’s instructions for operating the boiler, technological instructions and labor protection instructions.

10. For violation of labor discipline, failure to comply with the requirements of regulatory and technical documents on labor protection, the driver is subject to disciplinary liability in accordance with the Labor Code of the Republic of Belarus.

11. A driver who appears at work drunk, under the influence of narcotic or toxic intoxication is not allowed to work that day (shift).

12. The driver is obliged to perform the work specified employment contract, must assist and cooperate with the employer in ensuring healthy and safe working conditions, immediately notify his immediate supervisor or another official of the employer about the malfunction of equipment, tools, devices, vehicles, protective equipment, about the deterioration of your health.

Chapter 2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

13. The organization of the driver’s workplace must ensure the safety of work.

14. The boiler room should not be cluttered with any materials or objects. Passages and exits from it must always be free. Doors exiting the boiler room should open outward easily.

15. The driver’s workplace must be well lit. The readings must be clearly visible from the workplace thermometers, pressure gauges, water indicator glasses and other control and measuring instruments.

In addition to working lighting, the boiler room must have emergency electric lighting.

16. For convenient and safe maintenance of boilers, steam superheaters and economizers, permanent platforms and stairs with railings at least 0.9 m high with a continuous lining at the bottom of at least 100 mm must be installed. Walking platforms and stairs must have railings on both sides. Platforms longer than 5 m must have at least two stairs located at opposite ends.

17. Rotating parts of pumps, fans, smoke exhausters, as well as electrical equipment must be protected by special guards.

18. The presence of unauthorized persons in the boiler room is not allowed.

19. Before starting work, the driver must:

Put in order and put on overalls and safety shoes (when manually loading fuel);

Make sure you have a certificate for the right to service boilers;

Familiarize yourself with the entries in the shift log about detected defects and malfunctions during the previous shift and with all orders of the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boilers;

Check the condition of the operational (technological) diagram of the boiler room;

Check the serviceability of the Serviced boilers and related equipment;

Check the serviceability of the emergency lighting and alarm system to call management;

Check the availability of fire-fighting equipment and medical first aid kit;

Record the detected defects and malfunctions in the shift log and sign in the shift log for acceptance of the shift. If detected defects and malfunctions prevent further operation of the boilers, the operator must immediately notify the immediate supervisor of the work.

20. When inspecting serviced boilers and related equipment, the driver must check:

Availability of a plate on the boiler indicating the registration number, permitted pressure, date, month and year of the next internal inspection and hydraulic test;

Serviceability of the boiler, firebox, fittings, fittings;

Water level in the drums of steam boilers, serviceability of water indicating devices, water limit alarms;

Steam pressure in all working steam boilers, water pressure in hot water boilers;

Serviceability of safety valves by purging them and inspecting the correctness of securing the load;

The effect of all nutrients and circulation pumps by briefly putting them into operation;

The serviceability of the drain and purge fittings and the absence of gaps in them. The direction of rotation when opening and closing the valve must be indicated on the valve flywheels;

The condition and operation of the ventilation system, as well as smoke exhausters, paying attention to the absence of vibration, noise and knocks during their operation;

The position of the air dampers, the amount of thrust and blowing;

Condition and work steam superheaters, economizers and air heaters;

Timing of the last blowdowns of boilers, steam superheaters, economizers and air heaters (according to the log);

Compliance of the boiler operating mode with the specified parameters;

Temperature of flue gases behind the boiler and temperature of superheated steam;

Serviceability of the diaphragms of the explosion (safety) valves of the firebox and gas ducts;

State of safety and regulation automation.

21. It is not allowed to accept or hand over a shift during an accident in the boiler room.

Chapter 3. Labor protection requirements when performing work

22. Safety requirements when preparing the boiler for lighting.

23. Before lighting the boiler, the driver must check:

Serviceability of the firebox and flues, shut-off and control devices;

Serviceability of instrumentation, fittings, fittings, feeding devices, safety valves, smoke exhausters and fans, presence of natural draft;

Filling the boiler with water to the mark lower level, and if there is a water economizer, fill it with water;

Is the water level in the boiler maintained and is there water passing through hatches, flanges and fittings;

Lack of plugs before and after safety valves, on steam lines, on supply, drain and purge lines;

Absence of people or foreign objects (tools, cleaning material, bolts, etc.) in the firebox and flues;

Closing the valves on those boilers that will not be heated.

24. Immediately before lighting the boiler, the operator must ventilate the firebox and gas ducts of the boiler for 10-15 minutes by opening the firebox doors, the blower, dampers for regulating the air supply, natural draft dampers, and, if there are smoke exhausters and fans, by turning them on.

25. Safety requirements when lighting the boiler.

25.1. The driver is obliged to light the boiler only if there is an order written in the shift log by the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boilers or the person performing his duties.

25.2. The boiler should be fired up within the time established by the technological instructions, with low heat, reduced draft, a closed steam valve and an open safety valve or valve (cock) to release air.

25.3. When lighting the boiler, the driver must:

Throw a layer of coarse fuel onto the grate ( briquette, coal);

Light the boiler with the vent slightly open using dry wood or hot coals taken from the firebox of a working boiler;

Ensure that the burning coals lie in an even layer over the entire grate;

gradually increase the fuel supply to the firebox, while simultaneously increasing the blast and draft;

Regulate the blast as the fuel burns up using a damper installed on the air duct and monitor it using a draft gauge;

Then feed regular fuel into the firebox.

25.4. When lighting the boiler, it is prohibited:

Use flammable materials (gasoline, kerosene, etc.);

Stand against the fire doors.

25.5. When steam begins to escape from the open safety valve or air valve, the operator should close the safety valve or air valve and open the purge valve downstream of the superheater.

26. Safety requirements when putting the boiler into operation.

26.1. Before putting the boiler into operation, the operator must:

Check the proper operation of safety valves, water indicating devices, pressure gauges, and feeding devices;

Blow out the water indicator glasses and check the water level in the boiler;

Check and turn on the automatic safety systems, alarms and automatic boiler control equipment;

Blow out the boiler;

Warm up and blow out the steam line.

26.2 The operator must turn on the boiler into the steam line slowly, after thoroughly warming up and purging the steam line. When warming up the steam pipeline, the driver is obliged to monitor the serviceability of the steam pipeline, compensators, supports and hangers. If vibration or sudden shocks occur, it is necessary to stop heating the steam line until the defects are eliminated.

26.3. When the boiler is connected to a steam line that is in operation, the pressure in the boiler must be equal to or slightly lower (no more than 0.5 kgf/cm2) the pressure in the steam line, and the combustion intensity in the furnace must be reduced. If vibration or water hammer occurs in the steam line, it is necessary to stop turning on the boiler and increase the purge of the steam line.

26.4. As the boiler load increases, the blowdown of the superheater decreases, and when approximately half the normal load is reached, it stops.

26.5. It is prohibited to put into operation a boiler with faulty fittings, feeding devices, automatic safety devices and alarm systems.

27. The driver must record the start time of lighting and putting the boiler into operation in the shift log.

28. Safety requirements during boiler operation.

28.1. While on duty, the driver must:

Monitor the serviceability of the boiler and all boiler room equipment and strictly adhere to the established operating mode of the boiler;

Ensure normal combustion of fuel in the boiler furnace and maintain a constant vacuum in the upper part of the furnace of at least 20 Pa (2 mm water column);

Maintain a normal water level in the boiler and an even supply of water. In this case, the water level must not be allowed to fall below the permissible lowest level or rise above the permissible highest level;

Monitor the maintenance of normal steam pressure in the boiler, the temperature of superheated steam, and feed water after the economizer (for steam boilers);

Maintain normal water pressure before and after the boiler, the temperature of the water leaving the boiler (for hot water boilers);

Carry out periodic purging of the boiler and checking the serviceability of pressure gauges, safety valves and water indicating devices;

Regularly clean the firebox, clean the heating surfaces of the boiler from soot and ash;

Record in the shift log any malfunctions identified during the operation of the boiler and equipment, the start and end times of purging, checking the serviceability of pressure gauges, safety valves and water indicating devices.

28.2 The driver must carry out periodic purging of the boiler within the time limits established by the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boilers, in the presence of the person responsible for the shift.

In this case, the driver must:

warn boiler room personnel;

make sure that water indicators and feeding devices are in good working order;

feed the boiler with water;

Open the purge valves carefully and gradually. If there are two shut-off devices, first open the second device from the boiler, and after stopping the purge, close the first device from the boiler;

monitor the water level in the boiler;

stop purging if water hammer or vibration occurs in the purging lines;

At the end of the purge, make sure that the shut-off devices on the purge line are closed and do not let water through.

28.3 The driver is obliged:

Throw fuel onto the grate of a manual firebox in small portions as quickly as possible with the blast weakened or turned off. If there are several loading doors, load fuel through each door in turn, after the fuel previously thrown into the adjacent door has flared up well;

maintain the height of the fuel layer on the grate depending on the brand and type of fuel;

when the boiler load increases, first increase the draft and then increase the blast;

when the boiler load decreases, first reduce the blast and then the draft;

make sure that the fuel flame is light straw in color, uniform in height, and without blinding white or darkened areas;

Keep the firebox doors closed and latched.

28.4 Cleaning of the manual firebox must be carried out at reduced boiler load, weakened or switched off blast and reduced draft. Slag and ash are discharged with the knowledge of the driver.

When removing slag and ash from the furnace directly onto the working platform above the place where they are poured, exhaust ventilation must be turned on.

28.5 The driver is prohibited from:

carry out purging of the boiler if the purge fittings are faulty;

replenish boilers equipped with devices for pre-boiler water treatment with raw water;

open and close fittings with blows of a hammer or other objects, as well as with the help of elongated levers;

jam the safety valves or put additional load on them;

be near slag gates when opening them.

28.6. It is forbidden to leave the boiler without constant supervision, both during operation of the boiler and after it is stopped until the pressure in it decreases to atmospheric pressure.

29. Safety requirements when stopping the boiler.

29.1. The driver must stop the boiler, with the exception of an emergency stop, according to a schedule or by written order of the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boilers.

29.2. When stopping the boiler, the driver must:

maintain the water level in the boiler above the average operating position;

By reducing the blast and draft, burn off the remaining fuel in the furnace;

disconnect the boiler from the steam line after combustion in the furnace has completely stopped and steam extraction has stopped, and if there is a superheater, open the blowdown (at the steam boiler). If, after disconnecting the boiler from the steam line, the pressure rises, the blowing of the superheater should be increased;

open the water bypass in addition to the boiler, after which the boiler is disconnected from the heating network (for a hot water boiler);

stop blowing and reduce cravings;

clean the firebox and ash bins;

stop the draft by closing the smoke damper, combustion and ash doors (with a mechanical firebox, stop the draft after the grate has cooled);

cool down the boiler and drain water from it;

ventilate the furnace and boiler flues, stop the smoke exhauster and close the damper behind the boiler.

29.3. Water can be drained from the boiler only with the permission of the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boiler, after the pressure in the boiler has completely decreased. The driver must drain the water slowly, with the safety valve raised or the air valves open.

29.4. To shut down the boiler for a long time, the driver, together with the repair personnel, in accordance with the work order or the order of the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boilers, must:

Disconnect the boiler from other boilers in the boiler room (install plugs on the steam, feed, purge and drain lines of the boiler being switched off);

Inspect the boiler, firebox and all auxiliary equipment;

Take measures to protect the boiler from corrosion;

Record all noticed malfunctions in the shift log.

29.5. When stopping the boiler in hot reserve, the boiler must be disconnected from the steam lines of superheated and saturated steam, the water must not be drained from it, but maintained at the upper permissible level.

29.6. The driver is prohibited from:

Extinguish burning fuel by filling it with fresh fuel or filling it with water;

Leave boilers not cleaned of slag and scale, ash, soot and dirt.

30. Safety requirements for repairing the boiler and related equipment.

30.1 Opening hatches and hatches, as well as repairing boiler elements, is permitted only in the absence of pressure. Before opening hatches and hatches located within the water space, water should be removed from the elements of boilers and economizers.

30.2. Before starting work inside the boiler drum or manifold connected to other operating boilers by pipelines (steam line, feed, drain, drain lines, etc.), as well as before internal inspection or repair of pressure elements, the boiler must be disconnected from of all pipelines if flanged fittings are installed on them. If the fittings of the steam and water pipelines are wafer-type, the boiler must be turned off by two shut-off devices if there is a drainage device between them with a nominal diameter of at least 32 mm, having direct connection with atmosphere.

Drives of gate valves, as well as valves of open drains and lines for emergency drainage of water from the drum, must be locked so that the possibility of weakening their tightness when the lock is locked is excluded. The keys to the locks must be kept by the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boilers, unless the enterprise has established a different procedure for their storage.

30.3 Admission of people into the boiler, as well as opening of shut-off valves after removing people from the boiler, must be carried out only with written permission (permission work order), issued in the prescribed manner.

30.4. Before starting work, the firebox and flues must be well ventilated, illuminated and reliably protected from possible penetration of gases and dust from the flue gases of operating boilers.

30.5. When working in the boiler, on its platforms and in gas ducts, lamps with a voltage no higher than 12 V should be used for electric lighting.

30.6. When sections of pipelines and gas ducts are disconnected, as well as on the starting devices of smoke exhausters, blower fans and fuel feeders, posters “Do not turn on” must be posted on valves, gate valves and dampers. People are working.” In this case, fuse-links must be removed from the starting devices of smoke exhausters, blower fans and fuel feeders. Installation and removal of plugs is carried out according to the approval order.

30.7. Before closing hatches and manholes, it is necessary to check whether there are people or foreign objects inside the boiler, as well as the presence and serviceability of devices installed inside the boiler.

while the boiler is operating, tap the rivet seams and weld the boiler elements;

use contaminated packing that has been in use when replacing or adding stuffing box packing;

use fittings that are not marked.

Chapter 4. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work

31. Upon completion of work, the driver must:

tidy up the workplace, put away tools and materials in a place intended for these purposes;

transfer the shift to the replacement driver, familiarize him with the condition, operating mode of the equipment, boiler load schedule, inform him which equipment is in reserve or under repair, what work was performed during the shift;

sign in the shift log about the change of shift;

take off overalls and safety shoes in a specially designated place.

Chapter 5. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations

32. The driver is obliged to immediately stop the boiler in the following cases:

Safety valve malfunction detection;

If the pressure in the boiler drum has risen above the permitted value by 10% and continues to rise;

Reducing the water level below the lowest permissible level, in this case, refilling the boiler with water is strictly prohibited;

Increasing the water level above the highest permissible level;

Stopping all feed pumps;

Termination of all direct action water level indicators;

If cracks, bulges, and gaps in their welds are found in the main elements of the boiler (drum, manifold, chamber, steam and water bypass pipes, steam and feed pipelines, fire tube, fire box, firebox casing, tube sheet, external separator, fittings) , breakage of the anchor bolt or connection;

An unacceptable increase or decrease in pressure in the direct-flow boiler path up to the built-in valves;

Extinguishing of torches in the furnace during chamber combustion of fuel;

Reducing water flow through the hot water boiler below the minimum permissible value;

Reducing the water pressure in the hot water boiler circuit below the permissible level;

Increasing the water temperature at the outlet of the hot water boiler to a value 200C below the saturation temperature corresponding to the operating water pressure in the boiler outlet manifold;

Malfunctions of automatic safety or alarm systems, including loss of voltage to these devices;

A fire occurs in the boiler room that threatens operating personnel or the boiler.

33. The reasons for the emergency shutdown of the boiler must be recorded in the shift log.

34. In case of an emergency stop of the boiler, the driver is obliged to:

Stop loading fuel and supplying air to the firebox, sharply reduce draft;

Notify the immediate supervisor of the work or the person responsible for the good condition and safe operation of the boilers about the reason for stopping the boiler;

Remove burning fuel from the firebox. In exceptional cases, if it is impossible quick removal pour fuel from the furnace over the burning fuel with water, while special attention The operator must ensure that the stream of water does not hit the walls of the boiler furnace and the lining;

After combustion in the firebox has stopped, open the smoke damper for a while, and in manual fireboxes, open the firebox doors;

If there is a superheater, open its purge, disconnect the boiler from the steam line (for steam boilers);

Release steam through elevated safety valves or emergency exhaust valve (except in cases of high water levels and shutdown of all feed pumps);

Continue powering the boiler if there is no loss of water;

After the water temperature at the boiler outlet has decreased to 70 °C, open a water restart in addition to the boiler, disconnect the boiler from the heating network for hot water boilers).

35. When the boiler stops due to soot fire or fuel carryover in the economizer, steam superheater or flue ducts, the operator must immediately stop the supply of fuel and air to the furnace, turn off the draft by stopping the smoke exhausters and fans, and close the air dampers. If possible, fill the flue with steam and ventilate the firebox after combustion has stopped.

36. If a fire occurs in the boiler room, the driver is obliged to:

- call the fire department;

— take measures to extinguish the fire using available fire extinguishing means, did not stop monitoring the boiler;

- stop the boiler in an emergency (if a fire threatens the operating personnel or the boiler), intensively feeding it with water and releasing steam into the atmosphere.

37. In the event of an accident (injury, poisoning, burn, sudden illness), the driver is obliged to provide first aid to the victim.

Please note that you can download other materials on labor protection and certification of workplaces for working conditions in organizations in the section “ Occupational safety».

Added to the site:

1. General labor protection requirements

1.1. Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed the preliminary training upon entry to work may be allowed to service boilers. medical examination, water safety briefing, initial training on labor protection in the workplace, fire safety briefing, vocational training appropriate to the nature of the work, internship and testing of knowledge on labor protection and electrical safety.

Training and certification of boiler room stokers should be carried out in specialized educational institutions. Certification of a boiler room operator (stoker) for the right to service boilers is carried out by a commission with the participation of an inspector from Rostechnadzor.

1.2. Persons who have passed:

Introductory training on labor protection;

Fire safety briefing;

Initial training at the workplace;

Training in safe labor methods and techniques (internship from 6 to 12 shifts);

Instruction on electrical safety in the workplace and testing of mastery of its content;

Knowledge testing in commissions structural unit labor protection requirements, industrial safety in volume production instructions, rules, technical maps and other regulatory documents necessary for work, electrical safety requirements in the scope of requirements for group II on electrical safety, instructions for the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) necessary for the safe performance of work.

1.3. Admission to independent work is carried out by order or regulation of the structural unit.

Qualification certificate for personnel on duty during execution official duties can be kept by the boiler room shift supervisor or on his person in accordance with local conditions.

1.4. During the work process, the driver (stoker) of the boiler room goes through:

Repeated training on occupational safety in the workplace at least once every three months;

Unscheduled briefing: upon change technological process or regulatory documents on labor protection, replacement or modernization of production equipment, fixtures and tools, changes in working conditions and organization, in case of violations of labor protection requirements, breaks in work for more than 30 calendar days, according to telegraphic instructions about cases of injury to workers in other areas, at the request of the supervisory employee;

Repeated testing of knowledge on labor protection, industrial safety at least once every 12 months and electrical safety at least once every 12 months;

Extraordinary knowledge testing: in case of transfer to maintenance of boilers of another type, when transferring a boiler to burn another type of fuel, when changing the technological process or regulatory documents on labor protection, replacing or modernizing production equipment, devices and tools, changing working conditions and organization, when violations of labor protection requirements, breaks in work for more than 6 months, at the request of the administration or supervisory employee;

Periodic medical examination once every 12 months.

The boiler room operator (stoker) must undergo training in providing first aid to victims no later than within a month after being hired. Training must be conducted by a specially trained instructor. In the future, the employer will organize this training at least once a year.

1.5. A boiler room operator (stoker) who has not passed the knowledge test within the established time frame is not allowed to work independently.

1.6. Every employee must know the location of the first aid kit.

1.7. It is prohibited to work with faulty tools, devices and personal protective equipment; if they are discovered, the driver (fireman) must report this to his immediate supervisor.

1.8. In the equipment maintenance area, the boiler room operator may be exposed to the following dangerous and harmful production factors:

Rotating and moving machines and mechanisms;

Increased dust and gas contamination of the air in the working area;

Increased air temperature in the working area;

Limited space;

Increased thermal radiation (when servicing the boiler taphole);

Increased noise and vibration levels in the workplace.

1.9. In accordance with clause 440 of the “Model standards for the free issuance of certified special clothing, special footwear and other personal protective equipment to employees railway transport Russian Federation, employed in work with hazardous and (or) hazardous conditions labor, as well as work performed in special temperature conditions or associated with pollution", approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated October 22, 2008 N 582N, the driver (stoker) of the boiler room is provided with (standard issuance for the year):

When operating a boiler room using solid mineral fuel:

with mechanical loading:

Suit for protection against general production 1

pollution and mechanical stress

Yufte boots with polyurethane soles 1 pair

Polymer coated mittens 12 pairs

for manual loading:

Suit for protection against elevated temperatures 1

Canvas apron with fire retardant impregnation 2

Safety glasses, closed until worn out

Anti-aerosol respirator before wear

When performing maintenance work

slag removal plant:

Suit "Mechanic-L" 1

Yuft boots with oil and petrol resistant soles 1 pair

Polymer coated gloves 12 pairs

Safety glasses open until worn out

Signal vest 2 protection class 1

When working in unheated rooms or on

outdoor work in winter additionally:

Jacket with insulating lining in the first belt 1 for 3 years

Suit for protection against low temperatures by the waist

"Mechanist" in II, III, IV and special belts

Yuft boots insulated with oil-freeze resistant belts

sole or

Felt boots (felt boots) with rubber bottom at the waist

According to the conditions for performing certain works, the driver (stoker) of the boiler room must be provided with safety glasses, a helmet and other personal protective equipment.

A machinist (fireman) engaged in work involving difficult-to-wash-off contaminants (oils, greases, petroleum products, etc.) is provided with hand washers and disinfectants in accordance with the resolution of the Ministry of Labor and social development RF dated July 4, 2003 N 452.

1.10. The driver (stoker) of the boiler room is obliged to monitor the serviceability of work clothes, timely hand over them for washing and repair, and also keep the lockers for storing personal protective equipment clean and tidy.

1.11. The boiler room operator (fireman) must know fire alarm signals and methods of reporting a fire, as well as know and be able to use primary fire extinguishing equipment. Smoking should only be done in designated and designated areas.


Store flammable and combustible liquids;

Use open fire for lighting;

Approach the gas welding machine, gas cylinders, battery boxes, flammable liquids, materials and paint booths with an open flame;

touch oxygen cylinders hands contaminated with oil;

Use electric heating devices in places not equipped for these purposes;

Leave electrical heating devices plugged in unattended;

Use temporary, faulty electrical wiring and faulty electrical appliances;

Allow accumulation of flammable waste in production premises and workplaces;

Block up escape routes, passages and doors with garbage and foreign objects.

Compliance with fire safety requirements by other employees should be monitored.

1.12. In case of injury or illness, the driver (fireman) must stop working, notify the boiler room manager and seek help from the nearest medical facility.

The driver (stoker) is obliged to notify the manager: of any situation that threatens the life and health of people, malfunction of equipment, inventory, fire extinguishing equipment, as well as violation of these Instructions.

1.13. When on the railway tracks, the driver (stoker) must comply with the following requirements:

To and from the place of work, go along specially established routes, marked with "Office Passage" signs;

When crossing tracks on the territory of railway stations, it is necessary to use tunnels, pedestrian bridges and decks;

In the absence of special passages, you should cross the railway tracks at a right angle, having first made sure that on the crossed tracks in this place there are no railway rolling stock (hereinafter referred to as the rolling stock) approaching at a dangerous distance;

Walk around groups of cars or locomotives standing on the railway track at a distance of at least 5 m from the automatic coupler of the outermost car or locomotive;

Pass between uncoupled cars with a distance between automatic couplers of at least 10 m;

Pay attention to traffic lights, sound signals and warning signs.


Cross or run across railway tracks in front of moving rolling stock;

Climb under the rolling stock and climb over the automatic coupler when crossing the track;

Cross the arrows equipped with electrical centralization at the points where the points are located;

Cross railway tracks within turnouts and crossings, as well as car retarders of mechanized or automated humps;

Stand between the point and the frame rail, the movable core and guardrail, in the grooves on the switch and on the ends of reinforced concrete sleepers;

Stand or sit on rails, electric drives, track boxes, car retarders and other floor devices;

Be in places marked with the sign “Caution! Oversized space”, as well as near these places when passing rolling stock;

Be under a lifted and moved load;

Walk along railway tracks, inside tracks and at the ends of sleepers.

When entering the railway track from premises, as well as from behind buildings that impede the visibility of the railway track, you must first make sure that there is no rolling stock moving along it, and in dark time day, in addition, wait until your eyes get used to the darkness.

1.14. The driver (fireman) must know and observe the rules of personal hygiene. Eat, smoke, and rest only in specially designated rooms and places.

1.15. Failure to comply with the requirements of the Labor Safety Instructions for the driver (fireman) is considered a violation of production discipline.

For violation of the requirements of these instructions, the employee is liable in accordance with current legislation.

2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

2.1. Before starting work, the driver (fireman) must ensure that the overalls and personal protective equipment are in good working order. Put on overalls and fasten them with all the buttons.

2.2. Check the availability and serviceability of a telephone, watch, primary fire extinguishing equipment, the completeness of the medical kit, the presence of water supply and heat supply diagrams, boiler operation charts, temperature charts, shift logs, technological and other instructions.

2.3. Check whether passages, escape routes, main and emergency exits from the boiler room are not blocked. Remove foreign objects.

2.4. External inspection make sure:

Boilers, chimneys, fireboxes, fences, equipment and accessories are in good working order (no damage);

The electrical wiring, tires and grounding conductors, housings and buttons of switches, electric lighting and ventilation are in good condition;

In the integrity of water indicator glasses, thermometers and pressure gauges;

In the absence of ruptures and leaks in steam, hot and cold water, in serviceability of valves and three-way valves.

2.5. Check the operation of the main and backup feed and circulation pumps. Check whether the readings of the instrumentation correspond to the calculated parameters.

2.6. Familiarize yourself with the entries in the shift log, paying special attention to the existing shortcomings and the nature of the repairs or preventative work on the equipment being serviced. Check in for duty against signature in the shift log.

2.7. Before putting the boiler unit into operation, check the operation of water indicators and safety valves. Carry out checks of automation circuits and devices in accordance with the technological instructions.

2.8. Report to the superior duty officer about all identified comments and obtain permission to accept the shift.

Test the equipment before accepting a shift;

Coming to shift drunk or consuming alcoholic beverages during working hours;

Handing over a shift to a driver (fireman) who is drunk or showing signs of illness;

Leaving a shift without registering and turning in the shift.

3. Labor protection requirements during work

3.1. Before lighting the boiler unit, the driver (stoker) should check: the serviceability of the firebox, flues, shut-off and control devices, fuel combustion equipment, instrumentation, fittings, and filling the boiler with water.

3.2. The boiler must be lit gradually, ensuring uniform heating of all its parts, observing the readings of the pressure gauge, thermometer and water indicator glass.

3.3. Immediately before lighting the boiler, the firebox and flues must be ventilated for 10 to 15 minutes.

3.4. Operate the boiler in strict accordance with the technological instructions, observing temperature graph and design parameters. Monitor the water level in the water indicator glass.

3.5. During operation it is PROHIBITED:

Lean and stand on platform barriers, railings, coupling and bearing safety covers, walk on pipelines, as well as on structures and ceilings that are not intended for passage over them and do not have special handrails and fences;

To be located, without production necessity, on the sites of units, near hatches, manholes, water-indicating columns, as well as near shut-off and safety valves and flange connections of pipelines under pressure;

Start up mechanisms in the absence or faulty condition of fencing devices, as well as clean near operating mechanisms;

Remove protective guards from couplings and shafts, from rotating mechanisms;

Clean near mechanisms without protective guards or with poorly secured guards;

Clean, wipe and lubricate rotating or moving parts of mechanisms, put your hands behind the fence;

Put on, remove and adjust drive belts on the go, manually stop rotating and moving mechanisms.

3.6. While on duty, the boiler room operator (fireman) must monitor the serviceability of the boiler and all boiler room equipment, strictly observe the established operating mode, check the serviceability of the pressure gauge, water indicating devices, safety valves, and feed pumps (injectors).

3.7. Pressure gauges must be in good working order and verified and have a red line on the dial indicating the permitted pressure.

Checking the proper operation of pressure gauges, safety valves, and water level indicators should be carried out within the following periods:

a) for boilers with operating pressure up to 1.4 MPa inclusive - at least once per shift;

b) for boilers with operating pressure over 1.4 MPa up to 4 MPa inclusive - at least once a day (except for boilers installed at thermal power plants).

Record the test results in the shift log.

3.8. Cleaning clogged taps of water indicator glasses, test and three-way taps, and pressure gauges must be done with a special hook, standing away from the tap.

3.9. When starting rotating mechanisms, you should be at a safe distance from them.

3.10. When the dust preparation plant is in operation, it is not allowed to open hatches and manholes, as well as to carry out work related to the violation of the tightness of the dust-gas-air path.

3.11. Pushing stuck fuel in the bunker should be done mechanically or manually using special peaks from the above-bunker gallery.

3.13. DO NOT sweep away or extinguish a smoldering dust source in a room or inside equipment using a jet of water or any other method that may cause further spread of the fire. An open smoldering fire should be extinguished with sand or sprayed water.

3.14. The operator (stoker) of the boiler room must manually blow off the heating surfaces of the boiler while wearing safety glasses and gloves. When opening the hatch towards himself, the boiler room operator must stand away from it. When blowing the boiler with a steam-water mixture, the boiler room operator should not open the hatches and peepholes on the blown side of the furnace.

3.15. The boiler must be purged strictly according to schedule in the presence of the shift worker. When the purge fittings are located at the front of the boiler, the purge can be performed by one driver (stoker), but if the purge fittings are located behind or on the side of the boiler, then it is performed by two drivers (stokers): one performs the purge, the second monitors the water level in the boiler.

Boiler room personnel, as well as persons repairing neighboring boilers, are warned about the upcoming boiler purging.

You can start purging the boiler only if the purge fittings (valves or tap) are in good working order. Boilers undergoing repair or cleaning must be disconnected from the purge line with plugs. The water level in the boiler before purging should be slightly higher than normal. Opening the purge valves should be done carefully and gradually. While purging the boiler, it is necessary to monitor the water level in the boiler. If water hammer, pipeline vibration, or other abnormalities occur in the purge lines, purge must be stopped immediately. At the end of the purge, check that the shut-off valves on the purge line are securely closed and do not allow water to pass through.

Blowing must be stopped immediately if, during it, gases are knocked out through the hatches, as well as if malfunctions of the boiler or blowing device are detected.

It is PROHIBITED to blow out the lower points of boilers with faulty valves and close them with hammer blows or other objects, as well as using a lever.

3.16. When performing bolting work or when inspecting the boiler furnace, the boiler room operator (stoker) should not stand against open peepholes, inspection and bolting hatches.

3.18. The boiler room operator (stoker) must deslag the boiler under the direct supervision of the shift supervisor, taking into account the instructions received before starting work.

3.19. Slag should be knocked down only with special peaks. At the peak of churning there should be a tip welded into the pipe to prevent slag from flowing down the pipe.

DO NOT knock down slag with a pipe open at both ends. Peaks should be stored horizontally.

3.20. When knocking down slag, you should stand away from the hatch, holding the lance away. When working, it is PROHIBITED to rest against the peak. Before starting work on cleaning and deslagging the boiler, it is necessary to first fill the slag with water.

3.21. When churning slag, you must be especially careful about the fallout of broken pieces of slag through the churning hatch, as well as the fall of large pieces of slag into the cold funnel of the boiler with subsequent release hot water and steam through the water seal, and ash and flue gases through the hatch.

3.22. When deslagging a boiler taphole using a lance, you must be wary of the sudden collapse of large blocks of slag with a sharp blow to the working end of the lance and possible knocking it out of the worker’s hands and injuring him with the opposite end.

3.23. When opening and closing the valve, do not use levers that extend the arm of the handle or flywheel that are not provided for in the valve’s operating instructions.

When closing and opening the valve, you should act carefully, avoiding the tearing of the device used from the valve flywheel.

3.24. For boilers with operating pressure up to 0.6 MPa (6 kgf/cm2), tightening studs, bolts and nuts of detachable connections (manholes, hatches, hatches, flanges, etc.) is allowed at a pressure of no more than 50% of the boiler operating pressure, if working pressure from 0.6 to 6 MPa (6 - 60 kgf/cm2) at a pressure of no more than 0.3 MPa (3 kgf/cm2), and above 6 MPa (60 kgf/cm2) - at a pressure of no more than 0.5 MPa ( 5 kgf/cm2).

When tightening bolted connections of flanges and hatches, the driver (stoker) is located on the opposite side from the possible release of a jet of water, steam or gas-air environment when the thread is broken.

3.25. To avoid injury, IT IS PROHIBITED to climb over operating conveyors, pass various objects through them, or crawl under them or walk in unfenced areas that are not intended for passage. You should only cross the conveyors using walkways.

3.26. When walking on inclined overpasses and stairs, you should take your time and avoid stepping on accumulations of water, dirt, and oils. When going down stairs that have a large angle of inclination, go down facing the steps.

3.27. It is PROHIBITED to supply fuel with combustion sources to fuel supply conveyors, as well as to raw fuel bunkers. An open smoldering fire should be extinguished with sand or sprayed water.

3.28. When supplying fuel, all dust removal means located on the fuel supply path must be in operation. The start and stop of dust removal units must be interlocked with the start and stop of the conveyor.

3.29. Before each start of the fuel supply mechanisms, a long sound signal (at least 5 s) must be given to indicate the start of a specific mechanism or equipment. The signal must be audible in all places in the fuel supply path where personnel may be present.

3.30. Before repairing, cleaning, lubricating and eliminating belt slippage, the conveyor must be stopped, the electrical circuit must be disassembled, and safety signs “Do not turn on - people are working” must be posted on the control keys.

3.31. It is necessary to break through fuel stuck in the chute only through the screw holes when the conveyors above the chute are stopped. Clean the rollers, drums, drive and tension stations from coal, remove coal from under the conveyor belts and drums using a tool (shovel, scraper, screws), standing outside the fence.

3.32. Clean overhead separators using gloves only when the conveyor is stopped and relieved tension from the conveyor motor.

3.33. If an equipment malfunction is detected that threatens human health, take measures to immediately stop the equipment and notify the higher-ranking personnel on duty.

4. Occupational safety requirements in emergency situations

4.1. The driver (stoker) of the boiler room is obliged to immediately stop the boiler in emergency situations and report the incident to the head of the boiler room or the person replacing him, if:

A faulty safety valve will be detected;

All circulation or feed pumps are stopped;

The torch in one of the burners went out;

The vacuum behind the boiler is less than 10 Pa;

Cracks, bulges, and gaps in welds were found in the main elements of the boiler;

The power supply has been interrupted;

A fire has occurred that threatens maintenance personnel and the boiler unit;

The water temperature behind the boiler is above 115 °C, 150 °C ...

The reasons for the emergency shutdown of the boiler must be recorded in the shift log.

In the event of an emergency stop of the boiler, you must:

Stop the supply of fuel and air, sharply reduce the thrust;

Quickly remove the burning fuel from the firebox; in exceptional cases, if it is impossible to do this, pour the burning solid fuel with water, making sure that the stream of water does not hit the walls of the boiler and the lining;

After the combustion stops, open the smoke damper and combustion doors;

Shut off the water to and from the boiler, and switch to another boiler.

4.2. Upon liquidation emergency situation The driver (fireman) of the boiler room must act in accordance with the approved emergency response plan.

4.3. In the event of a fire or ignition of flammable substances, the priority actions of the driver (stoker) should be to call the fire department and evacuate workers from the affected area hazardous factors fire on the human body (outside the premises or building in which the fire occurred).

After this you need:

Disable electrical appliances, electrical equipment (equipment, stands), electric pneumatic tools and power supply in the workshop (room) where the fire (ignition) occurred;

Turn off the supply and exhaust ventilation;

Immediately report the fire (ignition) to the work manager, indicating the exact location of its occurrence;

Organize the evacuation of containers with fuels and lubricants and vessels with flammable and explosive substances;

Proceed to extinguish the fire using primary fire extinguishing agents.

If there is an immediate threat to life and health due to exposure to dangerous fire factors (open fire and sparks, elevated temperature environment, toxic products of combustion and thermal decomposition, smoke, reduced concentration oxygen, parts of units, installations and structures destroyed as a result of a fire) or explosion, the driver (stoker) must immediately leave the area affected by these factors.

4.4. When electrical equipment catches fire, only carbon dioxide or powder fire extinguishers should be used to extinguish it. At the same time, you should not direct a stream of carbon dioxide and powder towards people. When using a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher, to avoid frostbite, do not touch the fire extinguisher mouth with your hand.

4.5. If foam gets on unprotected areas of the body, wipe it off with a scarf or other material and rinse aqueous solution soda

4.6. When extinguishing a fire with sand, do not raise the shovel to eye level to avoid sand getting into them.

4.7. If a person's clothing catches fire, it is necessary to extinguish the fire as quickly as possible, but you should not put out the flame with unprotected hands. Clothes that ignite should be quickly discarded, torn off, or extinguished by pouring water. You can throw it on a person in burning clothes thick fabric, tarpaulins, which must be removed after the fire has been extinguished to reduce the thermal effect on human skin. In this case, you should not cover a person’s head, as this can lead to injury. respiratory tract and poisoning by toxic combustion products.

4.8. If any accident occurs, you must:

Take measures to immediately remove victims from the danger zone and carry out emergency first aid measures;

Go to a medical center or call an ambulance;

Warn employees about the danger;

Report the incident to your manager.

4.9. If explosive devices or other suspicious objects are detected, specially developed instructions and instructions on actions in such conditions should be followed.

5. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work

5.1. At the end of the shift, the driver (fireman) of the boiler room must: complete all work on switching equipment, routine work, inspections and walk-throughs (except in emergency cases) to transfer the shift to a replacement;

remove the workplace and attached equipment. To avoid a fire or explosion, DO NOT use flammable or combustible substances (kerosene, gasoline, acetone, etc.) when cleaning and wrap cleaning material around your hand or fingers when wiping the outer surface of operating mechanisms;

remove PPE and put it in the place designated for it.

5.2. Inform the shift taker about the operating mode of the equipment and its condition, about all comments and malfunctions that occurred during the shift, as well as where and in what composition the equipment maintenance teams work according to orders and orders.

5.3. Report the shift to higher duty personnel and complete operational documentation.

5.4. After work, the boiler room operator (fireman) must wash his hands, face with soap and water or take a shower.




Organization name



Job title

head of the organization

_________ № ___________

Signature Explanation of signature

Place of compilation






1.1. The driver (stoker) of the boiler room is hired and dismissed from work by order of the head of the organization upon the recommendation of ___________________________________________________.

1.2. The boiler room operator (stoker) reports to ________________________________________.

1.3. In his activities, the boiler room driver (stoker) is guided by:

Charter of the organization;

Internal labor regulations;

Orders and instructions of the head of the organization (direct manager);

These operating instructions.

1.4. The boiler room operator (fireman) must know:

Technological process of the work performed;

Technological maps, work instructions and other documents regulating the performance of the relevant work;

Organization of work at your workplace;

Rules technical operation and care of equipment, devices and tools with which he works or which he maintains; ways to identify and eliminate necessary cases current problems that arise during the execution of work;

Methods of routine, preventive and major repairs of equipment with the participation of a worker in such repairs;

Standards for the consumption of fuel, energy, raw materials and materials for the work performed, methods for the rational use of material resources;

Requirements for the quality of work performed, including related operations or processes;

Types of marriage, the reasons that give rise to it, ways to prevent and eliminate it;

Internal labor regulations in the organization;

Labor protection rules and instructions, safe methods and working methods;

Rules for environmental protection when performing work;

Rules, methods, techniques and means of preventing and extinguishing fires, preventing and eliminating the consequences of accidents and other incidents at your workplace;

Rules and methods of providing first aid to the victims;

An automatic control and alarm system, rules for controlling lifting and transport equipment and rules for performing slinging work, moving and storing cargo, where this is provided for by the organization of work at the workplace;

Fundamentals of labor legislation, contractual regulation labor relations, including in the field of remuneration and labor standards, the content of the collective agreement and the procedure for negotiating its conclusion;

Forms and systems of remuneration established in the organization, their features, the procedure for establishing and revising tariff rates, norms and prices;

The procedure and features of tariffing and re-tariffing of works and workers;

Basic provisions and forms of training, retraining and advanced training of workers in production;

The operating principle of serviced boilers, nozzles, steam-air ducts and methods of regulating their operation;

Installation of boiler furnaces, slag and ash bunkers;

The composition of thermal insulation masses and the main methods of thermal insulation of boilers and steam pipelines;

Purpose and conditions of use of simple and medium complexity instrumentation;

Construction of mechanisms for preparing pulverized fuel, tools and devices for cleaning nozzles and ash and slag removal;

Design and operating modes of equipment for heating network boiler installations and compressed steam stations;

Rules for cleaning grates, boiler fireboxes and smoke boxes of steam locomotives;

Permissible pressure and water level in the locomotive boiler during cleaning;

The influence of atmospheric air on the condition of the walls of the firebox and fire box;

The procedure for refueling the firebox;

Basic properties of ash and slag;

Rules for planning slag and ash dumps.


The driver (fireman) of the boiler room is entrusted with:

2.1. Maintenance of water heating boilers with a total heating capacity of up to 12.6 GJ/h (up to 3 Gcal/h) or maintenance in the boiler room of individual water heating boilers with a boiler heating capacity of up to 21 GJ/h (up to 5 Gcal/h), operating on solid fuel.

2.2. Kindling, starting, stopping boilers and feeding them with water.

2.4. Regulation of fuel combustion.

2.5. Monitoring with control and measuring instruments the water level in the boiler, steam pressure and temperature of the water supplied to the heating system.

2.6. Starting and stopping pumps, motors, fans and other auxiliary mechanisms.

2.7. Cleaning boiler fittings and appliances.

2.8. Maintenance of heating network boiler installations and compressed steam stations located in the service area of ​​the main units, with a total heat load of up to 42 GJ/h (up to 10 Gcal/h).

2.9. Purification of crushed steam and deaeration of water.

2.10. Maintaining the specified pressure and temperature of water and steam.

2.11. Participation in flushing, cleaning and repair of the boiler, pumps, fans and other auxiliary equipment.

2.12. Replacement of instrumentation and shut-off valves.

2.13. Manual removal of slag and ash from the furnaces and bunkers of boilers of industrial and municipal boiler houses and the blowers of gas generators, as well as from the grates, furnaces, boilers and blowers of steam locomotives.

2.14. Layout of slag and ash dumps.

2.15. Maintenance of water-heating domestic boilers with natural coolant circulation.


The boiler room operator (stoker) is responsible for:

3.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s work, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation Republic of Belarus.

3.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

3.3. For causing material damage- within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Job title

head of structural





Full name


With working instructions





Full name



1. General provisions

1.1. The boiler room stoker belongs to the category of workers.
1.2. A boiler room stoker is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of _______________________________ on the recommendation of _________________________________________________________.
1.3. A person with secondary education is appointed to the position of boiler room stoker. vocational education without any work experience requirements.
1.4. A boiler room fireman is guided in his work activities by:
- regulations, as well as instructions and methodological recommendations regulating activities in the field of maintenance and operation of boiler houses and boiler house equipment;
- the charter of the enterprise;
- internal labor regulations;
- orders and instructions from the immediate supervisor;
- this job description.
1.5. A boiler room stoker must know:
- design and principle of operation of water heating and steam boilers of various systems;
- operational data of boiler equipment and mechanisms;
- arrangement of automatic control devices;
- rules for maintaining the operating mode of the boiler room depending on instrument readings;
- diagrams of pipeline networks and alarms in the boiler room;
- rules for setting up and regulating instrumentation;
- rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection.
1.6. The boiler room fireman reports directly to ____________________________________________________________.
1.7. During the absence of the fireman of the boiler room (illness, vacation, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner, bearing full responsibility for their proper execution.

2. Job responsibilities of a boiler room stoker

2.1. The boiler room stoker is required to perform the following job duties:
- maintenance of hot water and steam boilers with a total heating output of over 84 to 273 GJ/h (over 20 to 65 Gcal/h) or maintenance in the boiler room of individual hot water and steam boilers with a boiler heating output of over 273 to 546 GJ/h (over 65 to 130 Gcal /h), operating on solid fuel;
- switching supply lines;
- filling and emptying steam lines;
- turning on and off automatic boiler power supply equipment;
- preventive examination boilers, their auxiliary mechanisms, instrumentation and participation in scheduled preventive maintenance of boiler units;
- acceptance of boilers and their auxiliary mechanisms from repair and preparation for operation.

3. Rights of a boiler room fireman

3.1. The boiler room stoker has the right:
- for everything provided for by law social guarantees;
- demand from the management of the enterprise assistance in fulfilling its job responsibilities and exercise of rights;
- demand the creation of conditions for the performance of official duties, including the provision of the necessary equipment and inventory;
- get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities;
- submit proposals for improvement of the organization and methods of work performed by the enterprise management for consideration;
- request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor the documents necessary to perform their official duties;
- improve your professional qualifications.

4. Responsibility of the boiler room fireman

4.1. The boiler room stoker is responsible for:
- for failure to perform or improper performance of their job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
- for causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;
- for offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

1. General provisions

1.1. The boiler room stoker belongs to the category of workers.
1.2. A boiler room stoker is appointed to the position and dismissed from it by order of _______________________________ on the recommendation of _________________________________________________________.
1.3. A person with secondary vocational education is appointed to the position of boiler room fireman without presenting any work experience requirements.
1.4. A boiler room fireman is guided in his work activities by:
- regulations, as well as instructions and methodological recommendations regulating activities in the field of maintenance and operation of boiler houses and boiler house equipment;
- the charter of the enterprise;
- internal labor regulations;
- orders and instructions from the immediate supervisor;
- this job description.
1.5. A boiler room stoker must know:
- design and principle of operation of water heating and steam boilers of various systems;
- operational data of boiler equipment and mechanisms;
- arrangement of automatic control devices;
- rules for maintaining the operating mode of the boiler room depending on instrument readings;
- diagrams of pipeline networks and alarms in the boiler room;
- rules for setting up and regulating instrumentation;
- rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire protection.
1.6. The boiler room fireman reports directly to ____________________________________________________________.
1.7. During the absence of the boiler room stoker (illness, vacation, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in accordance with the established procedure, who bears full responsibility for their proper performance.

2. Job responsibilities of a boiler room stoker

2.1. The boiler room stoker is required to perform the following job duties:
- maintenance of hot water and steam boilers with a total heating output of over 84 to 273 GJ/h (over 20 to 65 Gcal/h) or maintenance in the boiler room of individual hot water and steam boilers with a boiler heating output of over 273 to 546 GJ/h (over 65 to 130 Gcal /h), operating on solid fuel;
- switching supply lines;
- filling and emptying steam lines;
- turning on and off automatic boiler power supply equipment;
- preventive inspection of boilers, their auxiliary mechanisms, control and measuring instruments and participation in scheduled preventive maintenance of boiler units;
- acceptance of boilers and their auxiliary mechanisms from repair and preparation for operation.

3. Rights of a boiler room fireman

3.1. The boiler room stoker has the right:
- all social guarantees provided for by law;
- demand from the management of the enterprise assistance in the performance of their official duties and the exercise of rights;
- demand the creation of conditions for the performance of official duties, including the provision of the necessary equipment and inventory;
- get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities;
- submit proposals for improvement of the organization and methods of work performed by the enterprise management for consideration;
- request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor the documents necessary to perform their official duties;
- improve your professional qualifications.

4. Responsibility of the boiler room fireman

4.1. The boiler room stoker is responsible for:
- for failure to perform or improper performance of their job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation;
- for causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;
- for offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.