Contraceptives - hormonal and non-hormonal, latest and greatest, emergency and safe. Contraceptive methods: understand the types and choose the most effective

About 90 cases out of 100 could be prevented. However, women for some reason do not want or cannot use contraceptives. Often, patients are simply not sufficiently aware of what reliable ways to prevent conception are. Today's article will tell you about them.

How to choose a contraceptive?

If your immediate plans do not include the birth of children, then you should find out what methods of contraception are available. For women, a lot of funds have now been developed. Some of them are based on correction hormonal background, others refer to barrier methods. Some contraceptives may also protect against genital infections. Some drugs are suitable only for women who have given birth, others are preferable to choose with an irregular sexual life.

To choose the right methods of contraception (for women), you need to contact a gynecologist. The doctor will order an examination for you. After that, taking into account individual characteristics, the specialist will offer you several suitable ways. You can choose one or more of them. Read on to find out how to protect yourself from unwanted conception.

Hormonal drugs: COCs, patches and others

What methods of contraception for women are considered the safest? Experts say that when using hormonal drugs, the chance of an unexpected conception is almost zero.

There are several types. Before choosing one or another remedy, it is necessary to pass tests.

  • Tablets. There are different types: monophasic, two-phase, three-phase. Such drugs have many contraindications. They are not prescribed for diabetes, varicose veins, migraines, smoking and many diseases. You need to take the tablets at the same time. Only in this case the effect will be expected.
  • Plasters. Less commonly used hormonal agents of this kind. These modern methods of contraception are considered quite expensive. One patch is used for 22 days. This is followed by a week break. The pattern is then repeated.
  • subcutaneous implants. Such contraceptives are used in cases where the use of a patch or tablets is not possible. Capsules are sewn under the skin for up to several years. As a result, a woman may not bother with taking pills and gets rid of worries about unwanted conception.

All hormonal birth control methods for women are based on one action. They stop the ovaries from working and prevent the release of the egg.

Barrier methods: condoms and vaginal products

The most popular barrier method is the condom. However, it is used by men, not women. A condom is put on the penis before sexual intercourse. This method allows you to protect yourself from all infections, including syphilis and HIV. Condoms are suitable for women who do not have a permanent partner. They are also used as additional contraceptives. An alternative to such products would be

Barrier contraceptives include various spermicidal contraceptives. These are candles, creams, gels or foams. They are used 10-15 minutes before sexual intercourse and last for 40 minutes. Drugs can protect against certain infections and have a bactericidal effect. However, not all microbes die from these funds. In addition, long-term use of spermicides can disrupt the vaginal microflora.

natural methods

Most dangerous methods protection from pregnancy - calendar calculation, coitus interruptus and some others. All of them are based on the feelings of the woman and her assumptions. Often, the fairer sex, who prefer these options, are pregnant.

  • The essence of contact) is that the man ejaculates outside the female body.
  • protection is used by women with regular cycle. The representatives of the weaker sex calculate the period of ovulation and during this period refrain from intercourse.

Natural methods of protection include tracking basal temperature, examining cervical mucus, and so on. Whatever it was, but - a method of protection, not recommended by gynecologists.

Intrauterine devices

About the use of the IUD, expert reviews say that this method of protection is proven and safe. But it is not recommended for nulliparous women, since they require an expansion of the cervical canal during the introduction of the device. Intrauterine devices do not allow the fetal egg to attach to the surface of the endometrium, even in the case of conception. Therefore, there is a guarantee of a contraceptive effect.

About the IUD, reviews of some women say that they managed to get pregnant even with the device installed. Such a conception is recognized as pathological and in most cases ends in miscarriage.

Postcoital remedies

After the act? In such situations, modern postcoital methods of protection come to the rescue. Preparations are produced in tablets: "Mifegin", "Postinor", "Escapel" and so on. They should be taken no later than three days after intercourse. The drugs are contraindicated in liver failure, smoking, thrombosis.

The action of drugs is based on the cessation of progesterone production and the separation of the endometrium from the lining of the uterus. Use of such medicines is necessary only in emergency cases. They are not suitable for permanent contraception. Side effects of drugs are nausea, abdominal pain, hormonal imbalances, and so on.

Emergency methods of contraception include the installation of intrauterine device. It has already been mentioned above. In this case, you need to meet the deadline of 5 days. If during this time you manage to carry out the manipulation, then the probability of pregnancy will be close to zero. But it is worth remembering that before such a procedure, it is necessary to pass tests. Some studies take more than five days.

Folk ways

Even our grandmothers and great-grandmothers knew how not to get pregnant after the act. For this, various folk remedies and recipes. But modern gynecologists are against such "amateur activities". The inefficiency of such methods has long been proven. But for a general acquaintance, it is worth talking about them.

  • Douching. Potassium permanganate, citric acid and aspirin tablets are used as the basis of the solution for insertion into the vagina. All these components are diluted in water. It is assumed that the liquid drastically changes the microflora and acidity in the vagina. That is why spermatozoa cannot survive.
  • Another "grandmother's" method of protection is a shock dose of vitamin C. It has long been known that this method can bring menstruation closer. It is believed that after unprotected sexual contact, vitamin C can prevent conception.
  • In ancient times, before sexual intercourse, women inserted a slice of lemon into the vagina. The acidic environment did not allow viable spermatozoa to enter the uterine cavity.


modern medicine offers couples a variety of contraceptives. They are selected individually, taking into account all your features and wishes. If a woman has a hormonal disease, then some medications can help eliminate it. Be sure to visit a gynecologist and choose the method that is right for you. By using contraceptives, you can protect yourself from abortions and their complications. Approach this issue responsibly and take care of yourself!

Today, there are many ways to prevent unwanted pregnancy. A wide selection allows you to choose the most suitable contraceptive for each woman. In an irregular relationship, it is also important to take care of protection. How to decide on the method of contraception and what to look for when choosing? Let's try to understand this issue in more detail.

Why is contraception necessary?

Every woman sooner or later thinks about how to avoid unwanted pregnancy. At the same time, it is absolutely not necessary to exclude love joys from life, which, by the way, negatively affects the psycho-emotional state. Modern medicine currently offers a large number of different methods of contraception.

The use of contraceptives can save women Health And reproductive function. selection best method a gynecologist should be involved, since the age, anamnesis and regularity of the patient's sexual life are taken into account.

What are the contraceptives?

To protect against unwanted pregnancy, there are many types of contraception, each of which is suitable in a particular situation. They are usually divided into traditional and modern. The former include coitus interruptus, barrier methods (condoms, diaphragm), spermicides, non-hormonal agents and a biological (calendar) method of protection.

Modern types of prevention of egg fertilization are the most popular, as they give an almost 100% guarantee. These include hormonal IUDs(intrauterine devices), injections, vaginal rings. Each method has its indications, side effects and contraindications. Therefore, without consulting a specialist, it is unlikely that it will be possible to choose effective contraceptives.

Hormonal methods of contraception

The most common and reliable are based on female hormones(synthetic analogues) - estrogen and progesterone. Some may be single-component and contain only progesterone, in which case they are called mini-pills. They are the most gentle for the body. Combined contraceptives may contain different doses of the main active ingredient.

The action of hormonal agents to protect against unwanted pregnancy is to block the maturation of the egg and the onset of ovulation. Mini-pills affect only the uterine mucosa, making it looser, and the excreted secret becomes viscous. This prevents the sperm from fertilizing the egg. Planning for pregnancy can begin as early as 2-3 months after the end of the intake. birth control pills when reproductive function is fully restored.

Benefits of hormonal drugs

The past generation of hormonal pills had a number of side effects, which led many women to stop using them. The newest contraceptives are well tolerated by the body and are practically devoid of unpleasant consequences use. They are produced in patches, injections, vaginal rings and hormonal implants.

Oral contraceptives containing one type of hormone (mini-pill) are allowed to be taken during lactation. The components of the medicine do not affect the baby's body. For normalization menstrual cycle or medical abortion, women are advised to take combination drugs. They allow not only to further prevent the fertilization of the egg, but also to protect against inflammatory diseases.

The benefits of hormonal drugs include the elimination of skin problems. Sex hormones are known to affect sebum production. If a violation occurs, male hormones begin to be produced in greater quantities than female ones, and, as a result, acne appears on the skin.

Quite often, women are prescribed to treat polycystic ovaries and eliminate strong pain syndrome during the period of menstruation. It has been scientifically proven that such drugs have a preventive effect and significantly reduce the risk of developing oncology of the mammary glands, uterus, ovaries, and also prevent mastopathy, endometriosis and fibromyoma.


You should carefully study the list of contraindications for taking to prevent pregnancy. The main factors prohibiting admission oral contraceptives, are:

  • Cardiovascular diseases ( ischemic disease, hypertension, stroke, heart attack), venous pathologies.
  • Kidney diseases.
  • Oncology.
  • The last stages of obesity.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Benign neoplasms.
  • Venereal diseases.
  • Vaginal bleeding in the intermenstrual period of unknown etiology.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Diabetes.

Each drug has its own list of contraindications, and therefore you should seek the help of a specialist who will help you choose the right hormonal contraceptives. With an irregular relationship, such drugs can also be abandoned. Non-hormonal contraceptives are the most appropriate method of protection against unwanted pregnancy if sexual intercourse occurs less than once a week.

The mechanism of action of non-hormonal contraceptives

Non-hormonal methods are very relevant during lactation, with irregular sexual relations, or if hormonal preparations are prohibited. The action of such funds is based on the destruction or damage of spermatozoa. Non-hormonal contraceptives reviews are very diverse. For some women, this is the best and safest way of family planning, while for others it is completely untrustworthy.

As part of non-hormonal drugs contain special substances - spermicides, which contribute to damage to the membrane of spermatozoa, which provokes their death. The active ingredient can be nonoxynol, benzalkonium chloride. Substances form a thin film on the mucous surface of the vagina, which performs a protective function, and also contributes to the thickening of mucous secretions. Non-hormonal contraceptives are injected directly into the vagina, where they begin to act within 10-15 minutes. That is why they are referred to as barrier methods of contraception.

Are non-hormonal remedies effective?

Non-hormonal contraceptives cope with the task in only 80% of cases. For women who are sexually active, this method is not reliable. Local protection is suitable for irregular contacts, the impossibility of using oral contraceptives and the intrauterine hormonal coil, some diseases of the female genital organs, endocrine pathologies, during breastfeeding.

The main advantage of non-hormonal remedies is absolute safety for health and the absence of serious side effects(in rare cases, itching is possible). A woman may not worry that she has not taken a pill, as is the case with hormonal drugs, because the funds are used immediately before sexual contact.

Disadvantages of non-hormonal drugs

The disadvantages of non-hormonal contraceptives include:

  1. Introduction before coitus - it is necessary to accurately control the process and inject the drug no later than 10 minutes before contact.
  2. It is forbidden to take a shower immediately: soap neutralizes the acidic environment in the vagina created by the product. In the annotation to the preparations you can find information that hygiene procedures allowed only 2-3 hours after unprotected contact.
  3. Short-term effect of the drug - the protection created by the drug lasts for 3-4 hours, that is, it is recommended to introduce a new tablet before the next contact, because reliable protection the first will not provide.
  4. The appearance of itching - some women note that after the introduction of the drug into the vagina, itching appears (an allergic reaction).
  5. Intolerance to the components that make up the drug - in this case, do not use a contraceptive.

Types of non-hormonal contraceptives

Non-hormonal contraceptives have recently become increasingly popular due to their safety. They are classified according to the form of release (tablets, suppositories, creams, tampons, vaginal balls, aerosols) and the main active ingredient. Despite some differences, the main effect of the drugs will be the same. A wide selection of drugs allows a woman to choose the most suitable and easy-to-use contraception. It is recommended that you first read the annotation, which will indicate the method of administration of the drug and the duration of the effect.

Non-hormonal contraceptive pills

Girls and women who have contraindications to the use of hormonal contraceptives and who do not want to influence the hormonal background can use local contraceptive pills or suppositories. These are the most easy-to-use spermicide-based protection products.

Non-hormonal birth control pills for irregular relationships are perfect option protection against unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases for women. Quite often, they are used by girls who are afraid of side effects of oral contraceptives or, due to health reasons, cannot use other methods. Vaginal tablets can be selected independently or with the help of a gynecologist. Some manufacturers recommend combining them with other protection methods, such as a diaphragm.

The following non-hormonal contraceptives (for women) are most effective:

  • "Benatex";
  • "Pharmatex";
  • "Patentex Oval";
  • "Traceptin";
  • "Conceptor".

Some of the listed drugs are based on the substance nonoxynol, which can somewhat prolong love joys by reducing sensitivity, others are benzalkonium chloride. In terms of effectiveness and mechanism of action, the drugs do not differ. A remedy should be preferred, to the components of which the woman will not have an allergic reaction in the form of burning and itching.


Currently, the drug "Pharmatex" is the most popular among non-hormonal methods of contraception. The active ingredient is benzalkonium chloride, a medicinal antiseptic with antifungal and contraceptive effects. At the local level, the drug destroys spermatozoa and enhances the secretion of a viscous secret, like other non-hormonal contraceptives.

With an irregular relationship, Farmateks candles will be the most convenient option for protection. Also, the drug is available in the form of a cream, vaginal tablets and capsules, tampons. Candles are valid for 4 hours, tablets - no more than 3. The manufacturer recommends introducing a new candle (tablet, capsule) with each subsequent sexual intercourse.

According to studies, "Pharmatex" can protect against gonococcus, chlamydia, Trichomonas, herpes virus type II. However, the tool does not provide pernicious influence on the microflora of the vagina and does not change the normal level of acidity.

"Patentex Oval"

When safe contraception is needed, non-hormonal yet effective contraceptives are selected. With irregular relationships, many women use a nonoxynol-based remedy - Patentex Oval. Its efficiency is from 80 to 90%. The drug is released in the form of vaginal foaming suppositories, which must be administered before sexual intercourse. In addition to protecting against unwanted pregnancy, suppositories provide antifungal and antiviral effects, that is, they protect a woman from many diseases transmitted through unprotected sexual contact.

Contraceptives after exposure

The method of emergency contraception is resorted to if sexual intercourse was completely unprotected. In order to definitely protect yourself from an unwanted pregnancy, it is recommended to take a contraceptive. After the act, no more than three days should pass.

One-time contraception is based on blocking the release of a mature egg from the ovary and preventing attachment to the uterine wall in case of fertilization. Doctors advise resorting to this method only in the most extreme situations. Popular remedies from this category include Postinor, Escapelle, Zhenale.

Contraception is a medical term widely used today in everyday life. The collective meaning combines various ways, methods, means of protection from unwanted conception, pregnancy. From Latin, the meaning of the word literally translates as "exception."

In addition to the direct effect, some contraceptives have additional:

  • reduction in the number of abortions;
  • prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV;
  • positive influence on the hormonal background of the body;
  • improvement in the condition of the skin;
  • reduction of psycho-emotional disorders against the background of unwanted pregnancy, etc.

Although sexual relationscomponent the life of any adult, and pregnancy is a natural outcome of these relationships, not every thirty-year-old and even a person of advanced years can talk about these topics without blushing. In the recent past, in our society, out of false modesty, for the sake of the outdated dogmas of traditional morality, they were bashfully silent when it came to sexual contacts, or they spoke about sex in a deliberately rude way. And today, despite the importance of protection against unwanted pregnancy, it is undeservedly bypassed not only in everyday life, but also during visits to doctors, on the pages of specialized medical publications, etc.

At the same time, the topic of contraception is multifaceted, it has variations for people of different sex and age, and science does not stand still, offering humanity innovative methods of protection against unwanted, accidental conception.

Every year, nearly 17 million women living in developing and economically disadvantaged countries different corners the globe, completely “accidentally”, “unexpectedly” for themselves and their spouses, sexual partners, pregnancy is detected. If some hundred years ago, the carelessness of a couple could be explained by insufficient information, the lack of effective methods of contraception, today such excuses can only be attributed to the "favor of the poor."

Information about methods of contraception is quite accessible: the media, including online publications, tell and show how to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy.

Modern methods of contraception are very effective, and if used correctly, 90% of unwanted conception episodes can be prevented.

Methods of contraception for women

Paradox: according to the statistics of the World Health Organization, 225 million representatives of the beautiful half of humanity living in different countries ah world, do not use any method of contraception, but at the same time they want to plan the birth of children.

In 2014, the authoritative medical publication Human Reproduction published the results of a large-scale scientific study of contraception for women. In the course of it, scientists came to the conclusion that ignoring the possibilities of modern contraception, ladies increase the risk of unwanted conception by almost 15 times. The researchers found that:

  • 17.6% of 14893 respondents of childbearing age (from 15 to 49 years) did not use any contraception during intercourse, underestimating the risk of pregnancy;
  • 22.4% were forced to give up barrier contraception and other types of protection against unwanted conception due to prohibitions from sexual partners;
  • 37% of women did not use contraceptive methods because they were afraid of unwanted side effects and health complications.

Concerns about side effects related mainly to hormonal contraceptives.

A natural conclusion suggests itself that the majority of women cannot or do not want to use their right to plan the number of children and the intervals between the birth of offspring.

Unfortunately, not only in equatorial Africa or the backward countries of Asia, oppressed women do not know about contraception and do not plan to have a baby. In Russia, things are no better.

  • According to the Healthy Russia Foundation, in our country less than 20% of the fair sex is protected, the rest is far and incomprehensible to the topic of contraception.
  • Women's participation in family planning is at the same level only in Ukraine and Romania.
  • For comparison, in the USA, Holland, Great Britain, Germany, Hungary, France, Slovenia, Ireland, Slovakia, Israel, Czech Republic, Sweden and Croatia, up to 80% of women use various methods of contraception. This means that they manage their health and fate, plan how many children and when to give birth.

So that conception does not turn out to be an accident, far from always pleasant, you do not have to resort to termination of pregnancy, you should be responsible for your own health and life, try to get as much information as possible about modern methods of contraception.

A woman needs to learn how to consult a gynecologist about acceptable options for birth control without blushing, not only in late adolescence, but also during an active sexual life, in adulthood, even with several children of their own, and older. It is important to establish a trusting relationship with a specialist, not to be shy to ask questions about completely natural things. Good gynecologist will help determine which types of contraception are appropriate in a particular case, taking into account:

  • age;
  • Lifestyle;
  • regularity of sexual contacts;
  • existing systemic diseases, etc.

The specialist will help determine which contraception after childbirth will be optimal and will allow you to give birth to healthy offspring in the future.

Experts recommend that women who have become mothers refrain from sexual intercourse for the first weeks after childbirth until the spotting stops. Then you should make an appointment with a gynecologist to conduct a follow-up examination and advise on the best methods of contraception after childbirth. Protection from conception will allow a woman to control the birth of subsequent children, plan next pregnancy, will give time for the restoration of the female body.

Some young mothers, despite the availability of information, have hopes for lactational amenorrhea, believing that breastfeeding is best contraception. However, natural contraception after childbirth does not provide 100% protection. Although in the first 6 months, lactational amenorrhea, according to medical statistics, protects against conception by 98%, sometimes pregnancy occurs during lactation.

Therefore, during breastfeeding, the doctor may suggest that the nursing mother additionally use:

  • barrier contraceptives;
  • intrauterine contraception (spiral);
  • spermicides, etc.

Contraceptives in the service of beauty

The lack of female sex hormones in the body of the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity and an excess of male hormones can cause endocrine imbalance, which manifests itself various violations: from infertility to hair loss. First of all, beauty suffers. Can manifest:

  • hirsutism - the appearance of hair in places unexpected for women and usual for men (face, chest, etc.);
  • acne - acne;
  • seborrhea - dandruff;
  • alopecia - excessive loss of hairy skin appendages on the head, etc.

All these problems can be solved hormonal contraception. Modern contraceptive medications help regulate the production of androgen hormones. As a result, the production of sebum in the dermis is reduced by 25%, which leads to a reduction in unwanted symptoms of seborrhea, acne, etc.

Contraception for women protects against unwanted conception and at the same time solves cosmetic problems, further reducing exposure psycho-emotional stress. In addition, combined oral contraceptives (COCs) help prevent premature aging skin, improving collagen production, which can slow down in women after 25 years.

During the approach of menopause, when the production of female sex hormones decreases, menstrual bleeding becomes irregular, and the possibility of pregnancy remains. If a woman does not plan to conceive, she should use suitable methods and means of contraception.

During premenopause and during menopause, contraception for women has some features.

  • More recently, hormonal drugs, COCs, were not shown to ladies of “Balzac age” who were addicted to smoking, as they provoked thrombosis and life-threatening cardiopathologies (heart attack, stroke, etc.). New drugs have been developed and successfully applied oral contraception that do not have severe side effects.
  • More mild action possess mini-pills, injectable contraceptives, hormonal implants, etc. hormonal contraceptive preparations. They do not cause increased thrombosis and have therapeutic effect with endometriosis and some other female pathologies. However, in some women, hormonal drugs can accelerate premenopause, provoke an early menopause.
  • Natural Ways contraception (calendar, cervical, temperature) lose their effectiveness, since against the background of hormonal surges, menstrual irregularities are often recorded.
  • Intrauterine contraception is often contraindicated, the spiral can provoke severe uterine bleeding. This method cannot be used by those who are diagnosed with pathological changes in the cervix, large uterine fibroids, etc.
  • Emergency contraception is also not indicated at this time, since large doses of hormones can provoke the development of female neoplasms. reproductive organs etc.

Therefore, it is necessary to consult a doctor before choosing the best contraception for the period of premenopause and menopause.

Modern methods of contraception for men

Courage is defined not only muscle strength and sexual needs, and above all, the measure of responsibility that every member of the stronger sex should be ready for when entering into relationships with women. A real man is aware of the responsibility to himself, his body, as well as for the health and well-being of his wife or partner.

If one of the partners or the couple in general is not ready to raise and educate offspring, the man and woman should discuss the types of contraception and choose effective protection that will suit both parties. At the same time, real “machos”, when discussing the topic of contraception with their chosen ones, should think not only about their own pleasure. It should be based on common interests.

If the couple cannot reach a consensus on their own, we advise you to contact the specialists at the family planning center. Some do not even realize how diverse modern methods of contraception for men are. In addition to the popular, but ineffective method of natural contraception in the form of interrupted or intercourse, there are:

  • vasectomy - surgical violation of the conductivity of the vas deferens;
  • minimally invasive instrumental method- consists in introducing chemicals into the vas deferens that form a kind of plugs;
  • male spirals with a spiricidal action;
  • vasoresection - a surgical manipulation, which consists in ligation of the spermatic cord;
  • barrier contraception; etc.

Acceleration brought with it early puberty. Today's teenagers get their first sexual experience early. According to statistics from the World Health Organization, girls for the first time sexual contact occurs on average at the age of 14, in boys - at 16.

Considering that in adolescence the spiritual, psychological development often lags behind the physical, the sexual illiteracy of adolescents in the field of reproductive health is quite natural, for many, contraception remains a secret behind seven seals.

At the time of Perestroika in our country, on the first teleconferences, the ladies shouted indignantly that there was no sex in the USSR, which means there was no need for contraception. The Ministry of Education repeatedly tried to change the existing state of affairs, introducing sex education lessons in the 90s of the last century. However, the traditionally sanctimonious morality of adults has hindered the sexual education of children in the past millennium and continues to hinder today.

In Sweden, contraception has been taught in school lessons since 1942. The topic "Contraception" in the Russian Federation is still not listed among the topics for lessons and school essays. Adolescents continue to engage in sexual "self-education", exchanging crumbs of information, including about contraception, which is often inspired by violent fantasy or, in the process of transmission, changed beyond recognition by the "spoiled telephone" of popular rumor.

Lack of information and early puberty lead to unprotected sex, often resulting in unwanted pregnancies.

Over 50,000 early birth at the age of 13-17 years occur annually. But most unwanted pregnancies at this age are terminated by abortions. If contraception is not used or incorrectly used during intercourse, in addition to unwanted conception, infection with sexually transmitted diseases occurs.

To ensure that the first and subsequent sexual experience of adolescents is as safe as possible for their health, does not end early pregnancy, sexual infections, parents should speak frankly, without false modesty, about the relationship between the sexes, discuss methods of contraception, etc.

History of contraception

One of the distinguishing features of man from animals is that the latter do not engage in family planning, relying entirely on nature for this. Males and females have been trying to take control of childbearing since time immemorial, for physical, emotional, economic, political and social reasons.

It's hard to say when primitive for the first time he tried to make love joys cease to bear fruit.

What was not used for birth control before modern methods of contraception appeared! Family planning has a long history that includes many effective and less effective and sometimes deadly methods of contraception. For thousands of years, people have invented numerous options for contraceptives, creatively approaching the "cues of nature." This is how natural contraceptive methods were born:

  • interrupted sexual intercourse;
  • lactational amenorrhea;
  • biological methods of contraception.

Coitus interruptus

Probably the oldest method of contraception, until recently (some 100 years) remained the most popular among males, until it was overtaken by hormonal and barrier contraception.

  • Anyone can find the earliest "documented" evidence of its use in the Biblical story of Onan, which is about 2500 years old. Onan had to impregnate his brother's widow in order to provide an heir for the deceased. Sex happened, but Onan threw his own seed onto the ground so that the pregnancy would not take place.
  • During Roman times, coitus interruptus was overshadowed in popularity by other methods of contraception. First of all, due to its accessibility and simplicity.
  • After the fall of the Roman Empire, simple contraception during intercourse was banned. The church considered interrupted sexual intercourse a sin, like other types of contraception. But around the beginning of the 19th century, the coitus interruptus method experienced a new surge of “user interest.”
  • He remained leading until modern condoms, oral contraception and other innovative methods were invented.
  • Today, about 2.5% of the world's population still uses coitus interruptus as their main method of birth control. Statistics claim that 52% of the adult population of the Earth, at least once in their life, used it for birth control.

But coitus interruptus is recommended to be used only as a last resort, when it is not possible to use other means of contraception. And provided that the partners fully trust each other. After all, it does not protect against HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.

Surprisingly, despite the fact that coitus interruptus has a bad reputation and is considered insufficiently effective, more often this method only oral contraception and barrier methods of contraception are used today. The risk of unwanted pregnancy after interrupted contact, with the correct use of the method, is 3-4%. Moreover, in terms of effectiveness, condoms are ahead of this type of contraception by only 1%.

The reason for the slight inconsistency of the method lies in the fact that it is far from always being executed without errors.

lactational amenorrhea

And today this ancient natural method are used by women with different social status and material wealth all over the Earth, believing that breastfeeding is the best contraception in the postpartum period. In some African tribes, women still artificially prolong lactational amenorrhea by breastfeeding already grown children for 2-3 years or more.

Indeed, this type of natural contraception after childbirth is highly effective. While the child is on breastfeeding, a nursing mother did not have her first menstruation after childbirth, effectiveness this method experts estimate at 98%. But sometimes conception simply precedes menstrual bleeding. In addition, this method is not recommended to be used indefinitely, since 6 months after the start of lactation, the risks of unwanted pregnancy increase. In addition, a woman's body is depleted during prolonged breastfeeding, which can lead to various pathologies.

biological methods

Methods of rhythm, based on the calculation of the fertile period of a woman, when conception is especially likely, and suggesting abstinence from sexual intercourse during dangerous time, were widely used throughout the 19th century. Unfortunately, they remained ineffective until the 30s of the last century, until the female was for certain studied. Until that time, observing the behavior of other mammals, it was believed that what happens either during menstruation, or immediately before it begins.

Today, there are four methods of natural contraception for women based on determining the fertile period of the menstrual cycle.

  • Calendar or rhythmic - calculated according to the calendar in which a woman must mark the periods of the menstrual cycle. Shown only with a constant menstrual cycle. It has a large error, the risk of unwanted pregnancy ranges from 14 to 47%.
  • Temperature - based on daily basal temperature measurements. It has high efficiency, with proper use, the risk of conception is only 0.3%.
  • Cervical - was developed at the beginning of the last century by the Australian doctor John Billings. He noticed that a woman's fertility correlated with vaginal discharge, which in dangerous days acquire a special texture and abundance. Contraception by this method leaves the risk of pregnancy up to 15%.
  • The symptothermal method is the best natural contraception based on body observation. It is a combination of several biological methods. However, its effectiveness varies. If the symptothermal method is used for contraception after ovulation, the risk of unwanted conception is 2%. If it is applied throughout the entire menstrual cycle, including before ovulation, the error increases, the risk is up to 12%.

  • The first attempts to use intrauterine devices date back to the Middle Ages, when Arab Bedouins inserted small stones into the uterine cavity of camels to prevent pregnancy during long desert crossings. The pebbles caused a moderate infectious inflammation of the uterus, which made fertilization and implantation of fetal eggs difficult.
  • For many centuries, women have used sprigs of various plants as a prototype of the modern intrauterine device for contraception.
  • At the end of the century before last, to protect against unwanted pregnancy, caps with side branches made of ivory, ebony, gold and even platinum encrusted with diamonds began to be inserted into the uterine cavity of women.
  • At the very beginning of the last century, a cervico-intrauterine pessary was invented in Germany, resembling a spring in shape. At first, such structures were made of metal, then they experimented with glass, silk, etc.
  • The revolution was made by the intrauterine device, invented in 1909 by the Hungarian doctor Gedeon Richter. It was created from bronze wire and silk threads, but it had its drawbacks, as it often caused severe pain.
  • The German doctor Ernst Grafenberg improved the Richter spiral, who suggested using a silver ring instead of a bronze wire.
  • Further, the search for optimal models continued on different continents. But intrauterine contraception, the spiral, provoked the development of sexually transmitted infections.
  • Only in the 60s in the USA, and then in Germany, Finland, Chile and some other countries, effective and safest options for modern intrauterine contraception were developed. When using them, the risk of unwanted conception is estimated at 0.2%.

The most extreme types of contraception

Throughout the evolution of human society, curious ways have been invented to protect against unwanted pregnancies. So in the Middle Ages, ingenious "security" devices, invented by the ancient Greeks and designed to observe maiden honor, marital fidelity, and protect someone else's seed from penetrating, were popular. "Dry goods" made of metal and leather were worn by female representatives with good intentions, but often led to dangerous injuries of the genital organs and diseases of the skin.

There were other, very life-threatening methods and means of contraception. Often they led to toxic damage to the liver, kidneys, and other internal organs. Many women could not have children after even occasional use of extreme contraception during intercourse, and some died.

  • Invented in ancient times, contraceptive suppositories were made from olive oil, ginger, pomegranate peel and tobacco decoction. The latter played the role of spermicide.
  • One of the first historical evidence gynecological experiments of antiquity is the Egyptian papyrus Kahun, which is about 4 thousand years old. It describes recipes for vaginal suppositories-contraceptives from crocodile feces and honey.
  • In India, elephant droppings were similarly used for contraception.
  • IN Ancient China mercury was used as a spermicide.

New history knows no less risky methods and means of contraception. In 1832, in the USA, Dr. Charles Colton proposed vaginal douching with a mixture of vinegar, zinc sulfide and liquid chloride to protect against unwanted pregnancy. This method remained the most popular among American women until the beginning of the last century. Its use usually results in toxic lesions, inflammatory diseases of the vagina and cervix.

Even in ancient Egypt (about 1000 BC), barrier contraception was actively used to protect against unwanted pregnancy and infectious diseases. Since then, she has experienced many important milestones in her development: from leather, silk, bone condoms to modern models.

Male barrier contraceptives

Early models of condoms did not cover the entire penis and, of course, they were not made of latex.

  • For example, in Europe and Asia, devices were often relied upon that only covered the head of the penis.
  • In China, models made from mutton entrails were popular. The Japanese until the 70s of the 19th century used condoms made from tortoise shells or animal horns. They were called "kabutoga".
  • In the 16th century, Europeans came up with fabric "sheaths" for the penis that were soaked in special chemical solutions and then dried before being used. They were sewn to an individual size so that the fabric completely covered the head of the penis, and they were held with special tapes.
  • In the middle of the 18th century in Europe, Jules Schmidt launched the industrial production of condoms from the insides of sheep.
  • The invention of a method for vulcanizing rubber in 1839 led to the creation of the first rubber condom in 1844. Strips of raw rubber wrapped around a penis mold were dipped into a chemical solution to cure the rubber. The condoms were so strong that they could be reused for months.
  • The latex condom was officially invented in 1920 and immediately won the love of consumers, as its material was thin and had a shelf life of up to five years.

Inexpensive, easy to use, and effective in preventing the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, the male condom is one of the more popular options that offers modern contraception. In addition, their effectiveness in preventing unwanted conception, when used correctly, is estimated at an average of 98%.

Female barrier contraceptives

Since time immemorial, people have come up with original means of protection. Some of them served as prototypes for those barrier means to protect women that modern contraception offers: a cervical cap, a vaginal sponge and a vaginal diaphragm.

  • To create a physical barrier and prevent pregnancy, thousands of years ago, Greek and Arab women inserted tampons of soft wool soaked in vinegar or lemon juice into their vaginas.
  • In pre-industrial societies in Africa, women used corks made from ground grass or cloth.
  • Balls made of paper, bamboo, fabric were used by Japanese prostitutes.
  • Among the ancient Jews, sea sponges wrapped in silk were considered the most effective contraceptive.
  • In Casanova's time, European women placed half a lemon in their vagina before intercourse.

The effectiveness of modern female condoms, when used correctly, is about 95%. Therefore, a variety of diaphragms, cervical caps, vaginal sponges 20 years ago, until hormonal contraceptives were invented, were the most popular among ladies.

  • after childbirth, during breastfeeding, in combination with lactational amenorrhea;
  • in combination with oral contraceptives during the first cycle, when the active production of one's own hormones and the risk of pregnancy may remain;
  • after spontaneous abortion, until the optimal moment for a new conception, etc.

Long before the birth of Christ, doctors and healers offered decoctions and drinks for birth control. Unfortunately, very dangerous contraceptive mixtures were widely practiced, in which decoctions medicinal plants, oils, fruit juices and other edible products were mixed with toxic substances(e.g. arsenic, mercury, strychnine). Poison mixtures were offered to ladies in small doses. It was assumed that their number would be enough to prevent pregnancy or cause a miscarriage. But sometimes it was enough to kill the woman herself.

  • Soranus, a Greek gynecologist who practiced in the 2nd century AD, advised the fair sex to regulate their births by drinking water, which blacksmiths used to cool metal.
  • In 900 BC, Chinese doctors recommended that women swallow sixteen tadpoles fried in mercury as emergency contraception immediately after sex.

In addition to the deadly oral contraceptives, there were many prescriptions with questionable effectiveness.

  • For example, to prevent pregnancy, Arab women have been eating pomegranate puree mixed with rock salt and alum since time immemorial.
  • In 14th century Italy, it was fashionable to drink raw onion juice.
  • In the 16th century, French women ate cabbage after sexual intercourse.

In the middle of the 19th century, herbs became popular again. Inside, decoctions and alcoholic tinctures of marsh mint, rue, hellebore, mistletoe, foxglove, cinquefoil, ergot and other plants were used, many of which not only did not have abortive properties, but also poisoned the body of women.

Today they have been replaced by modern contraception, oral preparations containing safe doses of hormones.

Modern contraception

The types of contraceptives that exist today allow for family planning and serve the idea of ​​“conscious pregnancy”. At the same time, they meet the following requirements:

  • ease of use;
  • availability, low price;
  • reversibility of the contraceptive effect;
  • absence teratogenic effects causing malformations of the offspring in the future;
  • high effectiveness of protection against unwanted conception;
  • exclusion of pathological effects on various systems and organs of the human body.

The first steps towards the creation of hormonal contraceptives were made in the middle of the century before last, when scientists noticed that during one pregnancy it was impossible for another to appear, and associated this fact with the process of maturation of follicles. In the early 20th century, the first attempts were made to implant ovarian tissue in pregnant animals to prevent conception.

But hormonal contraception survived its birth only with the advent in 1960 on the world market. pharmaceutical market the first Enovid-10 tablets containing synthetic analogues progesterone and estrogen. An experimental hormonal contraceptive pill for the first time was able to prevent in a woman without putting her body at risk, unlike tinctures with unidentified ingredients or dubious herbal decoctions used hitherto for protection. Following the first, single-phase combined oral contraceptives (COCs), with constant doses of hormones, two-phase and triphasic preparations, in which the amount of hormones changed for receptions in different phases of the menstrual cycle.

In addition to oral contraception, there are:

  • long-acting injectables contraceptive effect up to 99% for several months;
  • subcutaneous implants - after implantation under the skin in the shoulder area, they act for 5 years, releasing the optimal dose of levonorgestrel and protecting against unwanted conception as effectively as injectable drugs;
  • hormonal patch - fixed on the skin of women for 7 days and guarantees up to 92% effective protection, but is not suitable for women whose weight exceeds 90 kg;
  • a hormonal ring - a contraceptive that releases a progestogen, is set for 1-3 months;
  • intrauterine hormonal coil - has a double, combined contraceptive effect, reducing the penetrating ability of spermatozoa, mechanically preventing the implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall and onto hormonal level affecting the characteristics of the endometrium.

Combined oral preparations

Combination oral hormonal contraceptives combine progestins and estrogens, which together:

  • reduce the production of gonadotropic hormones in the pituitary gland;
  • inhibit the maturation of follicles;
  • provoke thickening of mucous secretions from the cervical canal;
  • reduce the activity of spermatozoa.

The most popular type of protection against unwanted pregnancy in economically prosperous countries - combined hormonal contraceptives, have the highest degree of protection. Random "failures" of this method, as a rule, are explained by the forgetfulness of the ladies. With regular use, the remedy "works" in 99%.

However, the first generation of hormonal contraceptives did not protect as effectively as desired, contained norethinodrel acetate, and had undesirable side effects. Loading doses of estrogens lowered the level of antithrombin III, increased the activity of several blood coagulation factors at once, provoking thrombosis, arterial hypertension, adversely affected lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, caused such unpleasant symptoms as nausea, edema, weight gain, pain in the mammary glands and etc.

Therefore, scientists continued to develop, and today hormonal contraception is represented by more advanced and safer for women's health, second and third generation drugs.

Modern second-generation hormonal contraceptives, which were launched in the United States in the 1980s, contain extremely low doses of levonorgestrel. This synthetic progestogen acts on the endometrium, inhibits ovulation.

The next, third generation COC, contains progestogens (gestagen, drospirenone, norgestimate, dienogest), is characterized by the absence of pronounced androgenic effects. Combined oral contraceptives of the latest generation do not affect the processes of blood coagulation, do not lead to disorders of fat and carbohydrate metabolism.

mini pili

This type of oral contraceptive is less effective than the combined drugs offered by modern hormonal contraception. Mini-pills contain only one type of hormone, progestogens, which do not affect the maturation of follicles. Their action is aimed at changing the density of secretions from the cervical canal and the thickness of the endometrium. Thanks to him, spermatozoa cannot enter the uterine cavity. But even if there is an agile "dared man" who overcomes the obstacle of thick mucus in the cervix, and conception takes place, the embryo will not be able to implant in the uterine wall, since its inner shell will be too thin

In the 60s, there were attempts to develop male mini-pills. But they failed. Although reproductive function in the stronger sex does not have a cyclical nature, as in women, and it would seem that it is much easier to create a drug to control a completely predictable process, trials of male hormonal contraceptives ended in failure. Their use provoked:

  • infertility;
  • kidney failure;
  • digestive disorders;
  • stroke, etc.

Therefore, in 1998, the World Health Organization (WHO) proposed to stop research into male oral hormonal contraception due to dangerous side effects.

Voluntary sterilization of women and men surgically gives almost one hundred percent protection against unwanted pregnancy. But a cardinal solution to the problem of birth control should be taken only if there are medical indications. Or carefully weighing the consequences of this type of contraception, because most methods are irreversible.

Direct indications can be life-threatening conditions for a woman:

  • malignant neoplasms;
  • repeated operations on the wall of the uterus (caesarean section, myomectomy);
  • severe cardiopathology;
  • mental illness;
  • blood diseases, etc.

For surgical sterilization of women, the following methods are used:

  • Pomeroy;
  • Parkland;
  • Filshi;
  • fibrioectomy;
  • electrocoagulation;
  • excision of the fallopian tubes followed by resection.

Vasectomy or surgical male sterilization can be performed in several ways:

  • with the intersection and electrocoagulation or cauterization of the vas deferens;
  • with intersection, without electrocoagulation and cauterization;
  • with occlusion, by means of special clips.

In the life of any woman, it may happen that in order to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, it will take urgent care. Emergency contraception today helps prevent conception if:

  • rape was committed;
  • unprotected intercourse has occurred;
  • hormonal contraception or other types of protection have been incorrectly applied.
  • intrauterine devices (copper-containing);
  • tableted hormonal preparations.

Contraception and unwanted pregnancy: statistics

  • According to official statistics in Russia in 1990, 4,100,000 babies were deprived of the right to life even before birth, as a result of artificial termination of pregnancy. By 2015, the number of abortions had dropped significantly, to 848,000.
  • However, some unofficial sources believe that the real data is underestimated by 3-4 times.
  • the Russian Federation since the last century, it has held the lead in the sad ranking of the number of abortions in the world.
  • The vast majority of abortions could have been prevented by available funds protection, especially since, according to statistics, women who already have children, and their average age is 29, are more likely to undergo artificial termination of pregnancy.

In 2007 10 international organizations family planners initiated World Contraception Day. Since then, annually, on September 26, throughout the globe there are numerous campaigns dedicated to family planning methods. Their goal is to improve the awareness of the population of different countries about methods of protection, to raise problems associated with misuse contraceptives or neglect of modern methods of birth control.

On all continents, the day of contraception is held under a common motto. It reminds of the personal responsibility of each for the life of offspring.

It has already become a good tradition to celebrate International Contraception Day in our country charity events. In many cities, on September 26, volunteers distribute condoms to everyone on the streets. In educational institutions, within the framework of the International Day of Contraception, thematic quizzes are held on ways to prevent unwanted conception, lectures, etc.

It is important that everyone remembers that sexual contact can result in conception, be aware of their responsibility and take care of contraception if it is undesirable.

Sexual intercourse is a link between a woman and a man, between whom there is sympathy and feelings for each other. At a certain stage of the relationship, the question arises of the need for contraception, in order to prevent unwanted pregnancy or to protect health. The modern industry of such products offers a wide selection of all kinds of contraceptives, which differ in many ways.

As for men, the list of means and methods of contraception is extremely small, which cannot be said about the opposite sex. Due to the complex structure of the female reproductive system and individual anatomical features, contraceptives may differ in terms of effectiveness, method of application, mechanism of protection, and also have a number of contraindications and side effects. But a 100% guarantee can be given by the best method of contraception - the absence of sexual intercourse.

What are the types of contraceptives?

In order to pick best contraceptives for women, you should visit a medical specialist, as well as read the recommendations from the World Health Organization. All means and methods of protection can be divided into two groups - female contraceptives, as well as male contraceptives.

The best contraceptives for women

Most of the responsibility for planning pregnancy and its occurrence, as well as for preventing unplanned pregnancies rests with women. Today, the contraceptive industry is highlighting the following types contraceptives for them:

  1. Natural ways to prevent pregnancy, namely the calculation of the period of ovulation when a woman's body is preparing for fertilization. To do this, you can take the following measures - use a calendar, measure periodically basal body temperature, track the nature of cervical mucus.
  • Advantages: minimum costs, no impact on the body and health, no contraindications and side effects.
  • Disadvantages: low efficiency and accuracy, lack of protection against sexual diseases, the need for discipline and constant counting of days.
  1. Lactational amenorrhea method, which suggests physiological processes during which the hormone prolactin prevents ovulation from occurring. To do this, a woman needs to breastfeed her baby 8-9 times a day. That is why women during lactation do not observe menstruation, which means they cannot become pregnant.
  • Pros: 99% accuracy, lack of relationship with sexual intercourse, the technique helps the uterus restore contractility after childbirth, prevents breast cancer, is useful for the baby, and does not require financial investments.
  • Cons: the technique is valid only six months after childbirth, it does not prevent sexual ailments.
  1. Barrier protection or local contraceptives:
  • condom for women- a cover made of polyurethane, which is inserted into the vagina for a period of 7-8 hours, preventing pregnancy and sexual diseases. Cons - low level of efficiency, high price, discomfort during use.
  • Caps and Diaphragms- rubber contraceptives that a specialist puts on the cervix, thereby mechanically preventing sperm and bacteria from entering the genitals. Cons - the presence of contraindications, the need to consult a doctor.
  • Spermicides- suppositories and tampons, tablets, aerosols and gels, the composition of which suggests the presence of spermicides, that is, a chemical component that envelops the cervix, while destroying spermatozoa. Pluses - a moisturizing antimicrobial effect, a local safe effect that does not destroy the hormonal background and the microflora of the genital organs. Cons - 70% protection against pregnancy, side effects in the form of burning and itching, the effect of the remedy lasts 1-2 hours, lack of protection against sexual diseases.
  1. Hormonal remedies- the best contraceptives, according to gynecologists for young women and ladies over 40, namely birth control pills, the composition of which suggests the presence of two hormones - progestogen and estrogen. Two of these hormones not only suppress the process of ovulation, but also reduce the mobility of spermatozoa that enter the vagina.
  • Pluses - the effectiveness of 99.8% protection against pregnancy, regulation of the menstrual cycle, oncoprotective efficiency, improvement of the skin.
  • Cons - a large list of contraindications, as well as side effects, the need for a strict systematic intake of pills, cost, impact on libido.
  1. Alternative hormonal contraceptives or new generation contraceptives, which suggest other ways of taking estrogen and progestogen:
  • vaginal ring, which is placed in the vagina for 3 weeks, after which it is removed for a week for menstruation (pluses - lack of systematic use, minuses - discomfort from the sexual partner);
  • hormonal patches- the agent is attached to the cleansed skin of the shoulder, upper torso or buttock, three patches for three weeks, after which a week break is carried out at the time of menstruation (pluses - local effect, young women can use the remedy even after 35 years, minuses - inaccuracy in dosages , inaccuracy in the level of protection against pregnancy);
  • hormonal implant- a silicone capsule is injected under the skin layer, after which the woman is protected from pregnancy for a period of 3-5 years (pluses - a long period of protection, minuses - the remedy is contraindicated for a girl who has not given birth, can cause allergies).
  1. Progestogen contraception, the best protection for breastfeeding women. We are talking about tablets and solutions that are found intramuscularly. Tablets must be taken strictly every evening at the same time for three weeks in a row, after which a week-long break is taken. The injection has an instant effect, which lasts for another 2-3 months. Cons of injections - possible weight gain up to 2-3 kg, lack of menstruation, inability to become pregnant within 6-12 months.
  2. Intrauterine birth control pills - plastic flexible frame with copper winding and copper sleeves, as well as a special vaginal coil. Such a tool is introduced only by a gynecologist, after which it becomes impossible to attach a fertilized egg, in addition, the spiral guarantees a hormonal contraceptive effect. Intrauterine contraceptives can be used only after childbirth, they are prohibited for women who have not given birth.
  • Pluses - a long period of action of 3-5 years, inexpensive cost, no effect on the body.
  • Cons - painful and heavy periods, lack of protection against sexual diseases, complication of existing diseases.
  1. Sterilization by surgery- the best method due to 100% protection against unwanted pregnancy, but a completely irreversible process. Experts advise resorting to this method only for women after 35 years.

Male contraceptives

Today, medical practice involves such types of contraceptives for men as condoms and surgical sterilization.

  • condoms- the best method of protection for men due to ease of use and availability. Advantages of a condom - 100% accurate protection against pregnancy and any sexual diseases, low cost, no contraindications and side effects. Cons - reduced sensitivity of the penis, the possibility of developing allergies.
  • Sterilization- vasectomy with the help of a surgeon who ligates the vas deferens of a man, after which the ejaculate does not receive sperm. Pros - 99% protection against pregnancy, no effect on erection and potency. Cons - the irreversibility of the procedure.

Regardless of gender and age, no one but a doctor will be able to choose better suitable look contraception. medical specialist will be able to advise on the contraindications, features and risks of each remedy. Most of these options can only be applied after examination and analysis of the patient.

So, the best method of contraception is

As for what is the best contraceptive method for men, everything is simple. Condoms are considered the only option used, although they have a number of disadvantages. Sterilization is the most effective, but doctors can approve such a cardinal method only if there are good reasons for that. It must be remembered that a vasectomy has no way back, if a man becomes infertile, it will be impossible to restore reproductive function.

As for women, from a huge list of types of contraceptives, you can make a small rating of the most popular and effective means of protection:

  • most exact way protection against pregnancy are hormonal agents;
  • most versatile and conservative way contraception - a natural method of protection and a method of lactational amenorrhea;
  • the most popular method of protection among women is spermicides;
  • 100% protection against pregnancy - sterilization.

You can choose the best ways to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy, as well as diseases that are transmitted through sexual intercourse, taking into account the doctor's recommendations, age and individual characteristics of the body, health status, hormonal levels and the work of the genitourinary system.

Rating of contraceptives by level of protection against pregnancy

You can also help in choosing a reliable method of contraception by the percentage of reliability of protection against unwanted pregnancy. Experts studied all types of male and female contraceptives, after which the following top list was compiled:

  • 100% - sterilization;
  • 99.4% - Plaster "Evra";
  • 99% - ring "NovaRing";
  • 98% - condoms;
  • 97% - postcoital tablets;
  • 96.5-97% - hormonal injections;
  • 95% - female condoms;
  • 85-95% - diaphragms and caps;
  • 75-80% - chemical contraceptives (tampons, creams and vaginal suppositories);
  • 75-80% - intrauterine devices.

It should be remembered that the predetermining factor in the choice of means of protection should not be its percentage of protection. Only the doctor's recommendations and examination of the patient can find such an option that will not provide negative impact on the body.

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Every woman strives to avoid unwanted pregnancy. Therefore, contraceptives must meet all health safety requirements. The goal of all gynecologists in the world is to combat abortion, which causes significant harm to women's reproductive abilities. Today, medicine and the pharmaceutical industry have achieved significant results, allowing people to offer the most advanced contraceptives.

The main requirement for them is reliability, safety and efficiency. On sale there is a large selection of such funds. Therefore, before dwelling on any of them, it is advisable for both the wife and the husband to consult a specialist.

Hormonal contraceptives

These methods of contraception are used in great demand. Their special convenience lies in the fact that they can be used at any time and stop taking as soon as a woman wants to become a mother. Therefore, this type of contraceptive has long been popular.

The most significant advantages of hormonal contraceptives are:

  • absolute reliability;
  • clear regulation;
  • significant relief of well-being during menstruation;
  • complete disappearance of acne on the face and body;
  • stabilization of the ovaries;
  • prevention of the occurrence of diseases of the female genital organs;
  • exclusion of ectopic pregnancy.

Hormonal contraceptives affect the entire body, regulating the content of various substances in the blood and creating conditions that are impossible for. In addition, they help stabilize the menstrual cycle and alleviate the condition during menstruation. Therefore, they are a very effective method of protection.

Birth control pills

Such pharmacological agents are based on intervention in the course of the woman's menstrual cycle. They are absolutely safe and do not affect the activity of organs and systems.

Give the opportunity to become pregnant at any time after their cancellation. If then the lady decides to take a break between births or gives up the desire to become a mother again, their reception can be resumed. These drugs have big success. They are very easy to use and quite reliable.

There are such contraceptive pills as:

  • combined (containing estrogen and progesterone);
  • mini-drinks (include only progesterone).

The second type of these drugs has an advantage, since it interferes less radically with the functioning of the endocrine organs.

vaginal ring

Very effective tool protection is this type of contraceptive, which also contains estrogens.

An elastic ring is inserted into the woman's vagina and, over time, gradually releases hormones into the bloodstream. Their high content allows you to stop the process of ovulation, the most suitable for the fertilization of the egg.

In addition, such a contraceptive prevents spermatozoa from passing through the cervix, further insuring against unwanted pregnancy.

The great advantage of this method of protection is its safety for the functioning of internal organs. However, when administered, it needs special precautions against spontaneous release.

Contraceptive patch

This type of contraceptive is also based on the use of estrogens. It is glued to a convenient place and from it, as needed, are released into the bloodstream. This method does not reduce a woman's sex drive and her ability to experience orgasm.

You can apply to the skin at any time, as well as remove. Its great advantage lies in the fact that it can be used even for a short time, if at a certain period it is undesirable for a woman to become pregnant, although she wants to become a mother in the future.


Progesterone injections also have a great effect on the course of the menstrual cycle, suppressing the ovulation phase. The validity period of such contraceptive is ninety days.

The big advantages of injections are:

  • reliability;
  • the possibility of use during breastfeeding after forty-five days after childbirth;
  • dosed infusion of hormones into the bloodstream;
  • their rapid removal from the body;
  • accessibility of the method;
  • improvement general well-being women;
  • minimum contraindications.

contraceptive implant

This means of protection against unwanted pregnancy is based on the drug Norplant, which contains six silastic capsules with the progestogen levonorgestrel. They are through special technique placed in subcutaneous tissue for a period of five years. Gradually, the substance from them enters the bloodstream and prevents the implementation of conception.

It dissolves itself in the body and does not need subsequent extraction. This is a very reliable and convenient method of contraception. For the duration of its use, it facilitates the functioning of the uterus and ovaries. In addition, the constant presence of female sex hormones perfectly regulates the course of the menstrual cycle and helps to make the period preceding the onset of menstruation less noticeable.

Intrauterine contraception - spiral

This type of contraceptive is a ring of elastic material that includes a copper spiral. The ions leaving it directly affect the egg, making fertilization impossible. This happens due to changes in the chemical environment in cervical canal, which allows you to simultaneously affect the state of the ejaculate and the composition of the mucous contents of the vagina.

Reliably protects against the penetration of spermatozoa into the cervical region, and the action of copper does not allow the egg to be securely fixed. The effectiveness of this contraceptive is close to one hundred percent.

But, in order to install the IUD, you need to make sure that there are no allergic reactions. Therefore, before using it, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination.

Barrier method of protection against pregnancy

Such methods do not allow sperm to penetrate into the space of the cervix.

They are divided into:

  • mechanical, which include neck caps;
  • chemical, involving the use of spermicides;
  • combined.

In addition, the barrier method of protection is designed for both women (spermicides and cervical caps) and men (condoms). It aims to prevent the meeting of the sperm and the egg. This method of contraception has a dual function: it prevents conception and protects both partners from sexually transmitted diseases.

Virtually no side effects and contraindications.


This is the only male contraceptive method. The product for her is a kind of cover made of dense flexible material. The width of the wall is about one millimeter, the length reaches ten centimeters, and the diameter is about three centimeters.

This method is one of the oldest and most popular. The action of a condom is very simple. It does not allow ejaculate to enter the uterine space. The only thing that is required from partners is to monitor its integrity and high quality manufacturing.

cervical cap

Such a convenient device has the shape of a hemisphere, sealed at the edges. It creates a negative pressure and thus prevents the penetration of sperm into the uterine cavity. It is usually introduced half an hour before the alleged intimate act.

There are three main forms of cervical caps.

  1. Cervical (Prentifa) is designed for deep planting. Made of soft rubber with a tight rim and a recess for a secure fit. It is inserted into the gap between the cervix and the vagina.
  2. Vimulya is similar in structure to a bell. It is fixed above the cervix, the other end covers the vagina.
  3. Dumasa is vaulted and made of thick rubber without a spring base.

stay inside cervical cap capable of up to nine hours, the maximum allowed period is forty-five hours. This reliable tool can be used for quite a long time until its expiration date expires.


Such chemical medicines are designed to completely neutralize the effect of the ejaculate. This is because the mechanism of action of this agent is based on the instantaneous destruction of the cell membrane of the spermatozoon upon collision with the active substance.

The pharmaceutical industry produces spermicides in the form of:

  • gel;
  • jelly;
  • ointments;
  • foam;
  • candles;
  • tablets, etc.

The biggest advantage of spermicides is the high speed of action. Please read the enclosed instructions for use carefully before using them. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that these funds must be used no later than forty-five minutes before an intimate meeting. They need to be applied so deep that they reach the surface of the cervix.

It is advisable to first consult with a gynecologist who will show you how to behave and tell you about precautions.

Surgical method

Voluntary sterilization is the most effective way to avoid unwanted pregnancies once and for all. This operation is carried out for both men and women. It is a painless, safe and highly reliable method of contraception.

Today, gentle technologies have been developed that allow surgical intervention very quickly and in the most minimally invasive way.

  • repeated caesarean section;
  • cicatricial changes in the uterus;
  • transferred oncological diseases;
  • cardiopathology;
  • significant metabolic disorders;
  • deep changes in the psyche;
  • serious illnesses central nervous system;
  • pathologies of smooth and striated muscles;
  • poor genetics, etc.

calendar method

It can be used by any woman, even those who suffer from allergies or have contraindications to many pharmacological preparations.

To use it, you need to fix the days from the first day last menstrual period before starting a new one. The ovulation phase is gradually revealed, when an egg is born and the fertilization process becomes possible. It usually takes several days and falls on about the twelfth day from the date of the onset of menstruation. For those who want to avoid an unwanted pregnancy, this is the most dangerous period; on the other days, conception practically does not occur.

It is necessary to follow the dates on the calendar very carefully, since any mistake can lead to the fact that spermatozoa penetrate the uterine cavity by the time the egg matures.

Coitus interruptus

This method of contraception was probably used back in cave times. Its essence is extremely simple. During intimate intercourse, the partner removes his penis from the woman's vagina as soon as he feels the approach of orgasm. He leaves the sperm outside of her body.

It is indicated in cases where the partner is unable to use hormonal or other chemical contraceptives due to contraindications.

It is an indispensable way of protection if she has:

  • liver failure;
  • exacerbation of stomach ulcers;
  • cholecystitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • kidney failure;
  • severe allergic reactions;
  • oncology.

In such cases, it is undesirable to introduce any medicinal substances into the body. Coitus interruptus will help you to continue your regular sex life without the risk of an unwanted pregnancy.

emergency contraception

Every woman has the right to choose the right time to become a mother. However, the situation can develop quite unforeseen, when urgent protection from possible fertilization. To avoid abortions, which can permanently prevent her from having children, it is better to use methods that help to quickly avoid the effect of sperm on the egg.

Provides for the use of several methods of protection against unwanted pregnancy.

They include:

  • combination of gestagens and estrogens (Yuzpe method);
  • operational establishment of IUDs with copper content;
  • the use of a gestagen;
  • taking progesterone antagonists.

Emergency contraception, contrary to some prejudices, does not pose any threat to a woman's health. It is especially indicated in cases where sexual contact was unplanned and, moreover, unwanted.

These funds are indispensable when the condom was damaged during intimate intercourse, the cervical cap spontaneously came out, the woman forgot about the next use of the contraceptive, the spermicidal substances were incorrectly introduced, or the lady got confused in the calculations on the calendar.

Thus, the choice of ways to protect against unwanted pregnancy is truly great. Nowadays, modern pharmacology, gynecology and surgery provide the widest possibilities for safe, reliable and convenient methods of contraception for both women and men. Their diversity is so great that it covers all groups of the population, of all ages, health status and regularity of sexual activity.

Mostly the products are intended for women, but, in some cases, her partner also comes into contact with her partner's contraceptives. Therefore, you should make sure that they are safe and comfortable for both spouses.

In order to experience the fullness of love and joy from a full sexual life, you need to consult a specialist. In addition, you need to carefully study the instructions for using each remedy in order to avoid errors or the development of side effects.