Why does a person not notice how he falls asleep? Special techniques to speed up falling asleep At the moment of falling asleep, how to catch exercises

At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists suggested that a special substance accumulates in the human brain during wakefulness - hypnotoxin, “or sleep poison.” French researchers Pieron and Legendre conducted a series of experiments with dogs and were convinced that maximum quantity hypnotoxin accumulates in human body by the time of falling asleep. During sleep, the “sleeping poison” is neutralized and disappears by morning. Scientists took blood from dogs that had not slept for a long time and infused it into well-rested dogs. Soon after the transfusion, the well-rested dogs began to yawn and fell asleep. However, Pieron and Legendre failed to isolate the “sleeping poison” test subjects.

The theory expressed by the French is supported by many scientists. They believe that falling asleep occurs as a result of two processes. Firstly, a person is affected by an unknown substance, conventionally called hypnotoxin. Secondly, towards the end of the period of wakefulness, the active centers of the brain responsible for the thought process, reaction, receiving and processing of information gradually turn off.

When the internal clock reaches a certain point, a person begins to want to sleep. A hypothetical “sleep gate” opens, which allows consciousness to switch off and escape from reality. In the presence of favorable factors - silence, darkness and comfort - the active centers of the brain are suppressed by the inhibitory centers, and rest begins. During sleep, the hypnotoxin is neutralized, the active centers resume their work, and by the time the “sleep gate” closes, the person wakes up from the slightest irritant.

Astral theory

In addition to the scientific version, there is also astral theory sleep. According to this theory, a person passes into another world at the moment of falling asleep. The conscious turns off and the unconscious comes to light. To control or at least “catch” the moment of transition, you cannot do without training. It is known that some people can wake up at will after seeing bad dream or by setting your “internal alarm clock” in advance certain time. The ability to control the transition can be trained in the same way.

When you go to bed, try to keep your consciousness on the surface. It is important to feel the fine line that separates wakefulness and sleep. At the moment your thoughts begin to get confused, turn on your imagination and bring some image onto the stage of consciousness. If you manage to do this, then you can consider that you managed to “catch” the moment of falling asleep.

Lucid dreams are a storehouse of emotions and knowledge! Do you want to make every dream unforgettable? Through dreams, improve yourself and improve your real life? Read the unique technique!

An opportunity to discover a new world!

Lucid dreams¹ provide such realistic sensations that the question arises: is this an illusion or another reality? To find the answer to this, you need to learn to be aware of yourself in a dream.

How to do this? A lot of literature has been written on this topic, and many ways have been created to become aware of oneself in a dream.

But you should always take into account that no specific techniques will bring great benefit, if you do not catch two main points, two keys. Using them, you can practice lucid dreaming more effectively.

First key- true intention!

It is known that our mind builds many blocks in consciousness. And the very first task is to allow yourself to get into space lucid dreams! It is realistic to accept the fact that you may end up there.

The essence of this key is to create an unwavering intention².

You can compare awareness in a dream with an ordinary event. For example, with a trip to the hairdresser. This event is just on the to-do list. It won’t occur to you to think about how to do this, or to doubt whether you are capable of visiting a hairdresser!

Somewhere in your head you “check” a box: “This is not negotiable, I will be there.” And the subconscious takes note of this.

This is the essence of true intention. This setting is especially useful before bed.

Second key – naturalness of the process!

The second key will help those who prefer direct techniques for entering lucid dreams. Direct techniques boil down to one thing - to catch the moment of falling asleep.

Everything is very simple here. Falling asleep is a natural process and happens every day. The body relaxes and consciousness disappears because most people have not trained attention.

For the direct technique to be successful, you need to have two skills:

  • the ability to completely relax the body;
  • the ability to focus your attention.

Technique for entering lucid dreams!

1. Relaxation

The practitioner lies down and takes a comfortable, natural position.

It is necessary to relax the muscles of the body: “walk” with consciousness throughout the body from head to toe and remove any tension.

As a result, the person will feel that his body is drawn to the bed like a magnet. No desire to move. You need to breathe calmly and naturally.

2. Calm the mind

Along with the relaxation of the body, especially the facial muscles, the mind also calms down, as if preparing for sleep.

The mind must be taken under control. The practitioner tries not to think about anything in particular, to observe thoughts. Different thoughts will flash; a person's task is not to pay attention to them special attention– don’t try to stop the flow of thoughts. But the most important thing is not to let thoughts capture your attention! There is no need to fantasize or react to thoughts. Otherwise, you can get distracted and fall asleep.

3. Focus

A state of calm and stillness is gradually achieved. The practitioner needs to maintain this state.

The main task is to ensure that attention does not “run away”. To do this, the practitioner finds a foothold for his attention. You can focus on your head, the feeling of yourself inside your head.

4. Pure observation

The practitioner will begin to fall asleep. It is a step-by-step process, reminiscent of falling or diving inside. It happens by itself - the person continues to observe relaxedly without interfering.

After a certain period of time it will come. It is completely safe. But the unusual nature of the condition can cause a panic attack. These fears must be overcome.

People may hear a buzzing in their ears. This is a sign that a switch is taking place from the physical world to the dream world. Here, too, you don’t need to do anything, just observe.

When tinnitus begins, the practitioner feels as if he is being pressed somewhere inside. This is similar to the tension of a spring. Then consciousness abruptly “throws” into the dream world.

Important points!

The main secret is to catch the moment of falling asleep and not fall asleep yourself. Only with regular practice can you achieve results! The main thing is to be persistent.

Often the human mind likes to interfere, to participate in the process, and this spoils the result. You need to learn to observe. This can be called art, it also needs to be learned.

In order to enter lucid dreams, you need to catch the right state! It can be called a state of non-interference. It comes with practice!

The dreamer's lifestyle

The practice of lucid dreaming often changes a person, making him more responsible and alert.

In order to learn how to enter lucid dreams easier and faster, it is recommended to comply with several conditions:

  • lead healthy image life (play sports, quit bad habits, go to bed on time, do not overeat, especially before practicing lucid dreaming);
  • try to interact harmoniously with the world (introduce awareness into everyday activities, stop reacting unconsciously to current events, monitor emotions, stop experiencing negativity);
  • train your consciousness (be here and now, pay more attention to everything, notice what is happening around you).

Remember! The more conscious you are in life, the more conscious you are in dreams.

Safety precautions!

There are articles that lucid dreams are dangerous for a person, and there is a risk that you will not return.

This is not entirely true. On initial stages practice, everything that you encounter in dreams will be a reflection of the inner “I”.

You should not be afraid, it is worth exploring this world - if you have experience, you will know how to act.

Lucid dreams will open up the whole Universe for you and help you discover a variety of superpowers in yourself!

Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Lucid dreaming is an altered state of consciousness in which a person realizes that he is seeing a dream and can, to one degree or another, control its content (

Sleep is an important component of every person’s life, occupying about a third of it. It is during sleep that the body gets the opportunity to restore its own energy reserves. Falling asleep is the process of falling asleep. A person begins to want to sleep when the internal clock approaches a certain point. It is easiest to fall asleep in favorable conditions, that is, in complete silence, in a comfortable bed with the lights off. At this time, brain activity is suppressed, and the body rests.


Trying to study the process of falling asleep, at the beginning of the twentieth century, scientists hypothesized that during wakefulness the human brain accumulates hypotoxin, a special substance also called “sleeping poison.” Based on the results of the studies, it was possible to find out that the maximum amount of hypotoxin accumulates precisely at the moment of falling asleep; during sleep it is neutralized. This theory was supported by many scientists. In their opinion, falling asleep occurs not only under the influence of hypotoxin, but also due to the fact that after a certain time of wakefulness, the active centers of the brain begin to gradually turn off, which indicates the body’s need for rest.

In addition to the scientific theory described above, there is also an astral version, which is based on the belief that at the moment of falling asleep a person passes into another world. To catch conscious falling asleep, there are many techniques, having mastered which, a person can learn not only to control own dream, but also wake up at any moment. Individuals experienced in this matter often practice so-called forceful falling asleep in order to enter a state of lucid dreaming.

Sleep disorders and their causes

The trend towards deterioration of sleep and the normal process of falling asleep is observed in recent years for many people. First of all, this is due to the accelerated pace of life, many stress factors, as well as various somatic and mental illness. Sleep can be considered disturbed when it takes more than thirty minutes to fall asleep. Sleep disturbances are often observed in people living in big cities in a state of constant stress. It is before bed that fear and anxiety intensify, and heavy thoughts appear that are difficult to get rid of. Insomnia is often a consequence age-related changes. In any case, any sleep disorders signal that something is wrong in the body. Perhaps this is ordinary overwork or some more serious illness.

Difficulties falling asleep are often experienced by smokers who are accustomed to smoking a cigarette immediately before bed. The fact is that nicotine has a tonic effect, stimulating nervous system. As for older people, their delay in falling asleep is usually associated with deteriorating health. The development of insomnia is facilitated by diseases such as arthritis, spinal diseases and other ailments accompanied by pain syndrome. In women due to a disorder hormonal levels Sleep disturbances often occur during menopause.

Another factor that ensures strong and healthy sleep, is normal level physical activity. If a person leads sedentary lifestyle life, often sleeps during the day, it is likely that at night he will have difficulty falling asleep. Another cause of sleep problems is disruption biological rhythms. It should also be taken into account that some accepted medicines may cause insomnia as a side effect.

IN medical practice There is a disease such as narcolepsy or sudden falling asleep. A person suffering from it may experience bouts of drowsiness, during which muscle tone sharply decreases, and fall asleep at any time of the day and under any circumstances. There is a theory that this disease occurs due to damage to the part of the brain responsible for regulating the process of sleep and wakefulness. In some patients, narcolepsy appeared after a skull injury, in others - after severe stress or experienced psychological trauma. There are also cases where the disease manifested itself in women exclusively during pregnancy.

Remedies for insomnia

Due to the prevalence of the problem of insomnia, the question of how to improve sleep is acute for many people. How can you help normalize the process of falling asleep? medications, and special techniques, including non-traditional ones, for example, the so-called falling asleep technique, which may include the whole complex breathing and relaxation exercises.

If we're talking about about severe insomnia, treatment should be carried out under the supervision of an experienced specialist. Typically, patients are prescribed medications that are selected on a strictly individual basis. Non-drug correction of sleep disorders, first of all, should include the organization correct mode day and the process of going to bed. It is also important to show sufficient physical activity, eat rationally, try to avoid mental and physical fatigue. Experts recommend spending time relaxing before going to bed. fresh air, accept water procedures etc.

Treatment for insomnia may also include physical therapy. Good effect shows electrosleep, oxygen baths, ozone therapy, etc. If sleep disorders are associated with certain mental disorders, you may need the help of a psychotherapist to correct them.

If the cause of sleep disturbances does not lie in serious illnesses that require treatment from a doctor of appropriate specialization, in most cases a person can easily help himself cope with the problems and learn to quickly fall asleep so that the rest is truly complete. Below we will look at existing techniques that help you relax and fall asleep as quickly as possible.

Breathing methods

People who periodically have trouble sleeping can benefit from the technique of falling asleep faster, which is based on breathing exercises executing as follows:

  • it is necessary to place the tip of the tongue on the palate directly behind the upper front teeth;
  • with your mouth closed, inhale deeply through your nose four times;
  • hold your breath for seven seconds;
  • exhale loudly, mentally counting to eight;
  • repeat several times.

This technique of falling asleep helps the body to relax and, as a result, fall asleep faster. But this exercise can be very effective during waking hours, for example, in a stressful situation.

Other effective techniques

Falling asleep can be a quick and easy process if used before bed various techniques, as well as breathing exercises that help relax the body. Here are the most available methods that will help normalize sleep:

  • the most simple technique falling asleep faster is the count. You can count anything, for example, sheep or elephants. To ensure that the effect is not long in coming, it is recommended to mentally count with calm intonation and gradually slow down the counting speed;
  • another technique involves maximum relaxation facial muscles, as well as the muscles of the pharynx, while the eyes should be turned down and inward. If everything is done correctly, after a few minutes you can feel calm and relaxation;
  • Listening to calm music, nature sounds, and other soothing audio recordings will also help speed up the process of falling asleep. Many people prefer music white noise, listening to which gradually introduces you into a trance-like state.

After some time of constant practice, any person will be able to gain some independence from external unfavorable factors, preventing you from falling asleep. The above exercises are very simple, but their regular implementation will balance all internal processes in the body, significantly improving the quality of sleep.

Hello friends!

  • I've never been to OS, but I really want to try it. You may have heard about this from friends or read on the Internet, but you haven’t tried to go out yourself because you don’t know how to do it
  • I’ve never been to the OS, but I’ve already tried some exit methods, but they didn’t work
  • I accidentally got into the OS in a dream, and would like to learn how to do it by at will, intentionally.

This article may also be useful for those who already know how to enter such dreams and would like to increase the number of exits and make them more regular.

What are lucid dreams

In fact, this is a state when a person sleeps, dreams and at the same time understands that he is dreaming. A natural question arises: what are lucid dreams for? In them, a person can consciously do whatever he wants in a dream (for example, fly, change the environment, etc.) and receive various insights.

If you have never heard of this condition and are just becoming interested in the topic, I recommend you read my article. In it I talk about this amazing phenomenon and share my impressions of my first experience of such a journey, which happened when I was 17 years old.

So, let's talk about how to enter a lucid dream.

How to find yourself in a lucid dream

There are many options for getting into it, but in this post I will share with you only those that I use most often and which seem simplest to me. Over many years of my practice, they have formed intuitively, and you can try them for yourself today.

These methods are convenient in that they can be used without special training, such as long-term meditation or journaling. They are suitable for any person. If you're planning on going to bed tonight, these will suit you too.

You can perform them while half asleep. Do you remember this borderline state, half asleep, between sleep and wakefulness? Usually in it a person sees bizarre pictures-images, or he may have slightly “strange” thoughts, or he may hear some sounds. It is in this state that you can most quickly find yourself in a lucid dream.

And you can “catch” him in three cases:

  • Just before falling asleep.
  • At the moment of randomly waking up at night.
  • And finally, at the moment of waking up in the morning, when you have not yet fully awakened.

If you succeeded, then you can safely use the methods that I will give below. Personally, I most often manage to access OS in the morning, during early awakening, and also during awakening at night. When falling asleep in the evening this happens much less often.

All the techniques below are performed without opening your eyes. If you accidentally wake up and automatically open your eyes, you can use special mask for falling asleep.

It makes it possible not to wake up completely and not to interrupt the desired state by the influence of visual symbols. Thus, learning to exit will go faster.

I gave these methods figurative names that reflect the essence to make them easier to remember.

Method number 1 Imagine yourself walking

When you feel like you are half asleep, imagine that you are, for example, walking into the kitchen. Please note that in this method I do not focus on the process of getting out of bed - we omit it, we just immediately imagine ourselves in a specific place.

Be sure to mentally choose a goal. For example, walk to the stove or to the refrigerator. Mentally, slowly, walk along the corridor. Visualize your path in as much detail as possible, look at the objects around you, for example, a mirror or bedside table.

You might even be able to smell some smells or listen to sounds. Stop, then take a few more steps.

Usually, as a result of such internal playback, it is possible to return oneself from the beginning awakening to a state of sleep, but with awareness of one’s actions. Having “discovered” yourself, for example, in the kitchen at the stove, you will understand that you managed to get out of lucid dream. Then you can walk around the apartment and take some actions.

I will write about exploring the world of dreams and what to do in it and how to use this time more effectively. separate post. Our task now is the way out itself.

Method #2 Pretend to get up

It differs from the previous one in that here we will focus on the very moment of “separation from the body.” If you find yourself half asleep, try to pretend that you are waking up. own body. Make a mental movement, for example, imagine lifting your head from the pillow, moving your arm and slowly rising.

You don't have to really get up, otherwise you might wake up completely. So, you are lying down, but imagine that you are getting up and sitting on the bed, then touching the blanket with your hands, throwing it back and lowering your feet to the floor...

At the same time, you need to not just imagine a picture, as you do when looking at yourself “from the outside,” no. In this method, it is necessary to participate in the process, as if starting from your real body.

Those. if you raise your head, the actual muscles of the neck are involved, they tense a little, but you don’t actually need to move your neck and head, otherwise you may be “yanked” out of sleep.

It's a little like the feeling when you scream "to yourself" - in a situation where you would like to shout, but you can't. Even though there is no screaming, your vocal muscles are being used.

There was a case in my life when I told a friend about this technique, and a few days later we went to the dacha. During the day, my friend lay down to sleep, and at the moment of awakening she managed to leave her body in this way. However, she was so impressed by this state that she got a little scared and did not continue the exit, but “entered” back into the body and woke up.

Method No. 3 Visualization of the subject

This technique works especially well if, in a state of half-asleep, you see some images, pictures, and so on. When images begin to float before your eyes, select one object in it and try to look at it in more detail.

When the object takes on a fairly clear outline and becomes very believable, as if in reality, you can try to touch it. If this succeeds, you are already in a lucid dream.

If there are no pictures, just peer into the darkness and try to see any simple object there. For example, a pen, cup or book. If nothing appears there, keep looking.

The state should not be tense, but concentrated. When the outlines of an object appear, try to mentally touch it, imagine how you do it. If it works, then you have achieved your goal.

Method number 4 Noise in the head

I use it less often, and it differs from the previous three in that here we will focus only on bodily sensations in the head and eyes. We will not visualize or imagine anything.

Having caught yourself in a state of half-sleep, without opening your eyes, focus on the top of your head. Try to create tension inside your head, as if something is compressing there. The sensation should be similar to what you feel when you close your eyes tightly. There is no need to close your eyes, just recreate this feeling.

Some may have questions about how to do this. For me personally this method It’s easy, because before using it consciously, several times, upon awakening, I quite accidentally caught myself in these sensations, after which I involuntarily went into the OS.

However, I understand that it may be difficult for people who have never felt this way to reproduce these sensations. How can you reproduce something you have never felt? Still, it's worth a try. To practice beforehand, close your eyes and try to create tension in your head.

Usually, if you manage to evoke it in a state of half-asleep, then a slight noise appears in your head after a few seconds. You can increase the noise intentionally. Subsequent sensations vary.

You may feel as if you are being pulled into a funnel, starting to spin, or being pulled somewhere upward. You may feel as if you are leaving your body through the top of your head or flying into the sky.

In fact, for an unprepared person, these sensations may not be very pleasant, especially since they are quite intense and bright. If this happens for the first time and by accident, you might get scared. However, now you know about them, which means you are prepared.

What affects the output

Some people manage to get into the lucid dream the first time, but there are also those who have been trying to get into a lucid dream for years, and without success. The question arises: perhaps some people have something that others don’t? And does anything affect the output to the OS?

According to my personal observations, the type of person influences the output. A type is not a label, and again, anyone can find themselves in a lucid dream, however, some find it a little easier than others.

Type is just a person’s way of perceiving the world. Psychologist Carl Gustav Jung identified so-called intuitive and sensing people. I will write a separate article about types of people in the psychology section, but here I will only give brief description these two types, so that it is clear what we are talking about.

“Intuitive” people perceive and comprehend the world through ideas, imagination, insights, and intuitive premonitions. They do not have very good contact with the body and are not immediately aware of their physical needs. These people are a little absent-minded, and it often seems as if they are somewhere far away in their thoughts.

“Sentients,” on the other hand, stand firmly on their feet; they are usually more strongly built. They say about such people: “realists.” They quickly respond to physical stimuli - smells, colors, temperature. These people do not have their head in the clouds; they think concretely and know how to enjoy the present moment.

It is somewhat easier for intuitive people to immerse themselves in lucid dreams, however, this does not mean that sensing people are not capable of this. They just take a little longer. This is due to the fact that it is generally more difficult for sensers, as people who are more “earthly”, to allow the thought of such things into their consciousness, and often subconsciously they have a block to the very possibility of this phenomenon.

But if the perceiver has already entered the OS, then there he can, as they say, turn around to the fullest) A lucid dream will provide him with the whole gamut of imaginable and inconceivable sensations. Moreover, these sensations will be clearer and more vivid than those of intuitive ones.

If we talk about some special conditions entry into this state, then I believe that they do not exist. In my experience, I did not notice that the diet, for example, had any effect on the outputs. When I started lucid dreaming, I ate meat. Now I practically don’t eat meat, but this has not affected the number of times I go out. You should probably just avoid excesses in everything - don’t eat a lot at night, for example.

Also, my occurrences were not affected by either keeping dream diaries or falling asleep earlier or later. The only thing is that I am always “thrown out” into the OS when I sleep for the first day in a new place, for example, at the dacha or at a party.

By the way, dreams in nature also provoke me to go out. Otherwise, I did not identify a direct relationship.


If you notice that under some conditions you are able to log into the OS more often and faster, share your experience in the comments - I think it will be interesting and useful for blog readers to learn more about this.

I'm planning another one in which I'll talk about other ways to exit. I either use them extremely rarely or have not used them at all, but, nevertheless, I will give them for informational purposes - perhaps it will be useful to someone.

Well, this is where I will conclude my post. I hope it was interesting and useful for you. Share your experience in the comments, and I don’t say goodbye to you - see you in the next post!

With warmth to you,

P.S. In this video, a lucid dream, in my opinion, is shown very truthfully in terms of sensations, dynamics, and events. A little embellished in places where there is surrealism, but in general everything is like this: