The child cries while falling asleep. Had a terrible dream. The child screams in a dream - what to do

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 4 minutes


Article last updated: 03/17/2019

Strong healthy sleep- this is a kind of cure for all diseases and stress. And it is necessary for every adult, not to mention the baby. And it often happens that new parents spend all night long near the baby's bed. And the thing is that the child screams and cries in a dream. This is especially true at night. And sometimes mom and dad just can’t find an explanation for this and wonder: why is their baby crying and screaming in a dream at night?

The famous children's doctor Komarovsky claims that sleep plays essential role v human life. And sometimes the baby’s sleep process is surrounded by many problems that parents must solve, otherwise the baby will not get enough sleep, and his nervous system will seriously weaken.

Baby's dream according to Komarovsky

It is not a secret for any of us that a child usually spends most of the day in a dream. But before he is covered by sleep, the baby needs food. From here it is possible to trace the close relationship between the mode of feeding and sleep. Mom should build a nutrition system in such a way that she fully determines when and how much time the baby sleeps.

Today, many pediatricians come to the conclusion that a child should not be fed by the clock, but precisely when he himself wishes it. Therefore, we can draw the following conclusion: the baby will sleep until he gets hungry. And if he is fed, but does not sleep, then something is wrong. The reason may lie in the child's well-being, or in the room where he lives (it can be cold, hot, stuffy, etc.). Gradually, the little one grows and his period of wakefulness increases. And it's quite natural natural process. But the important thing is that this very process should not be accompanied by crying and screaming. Otherwise, you need to look for the cause.

What should be the children's room

The highly qualified doctor Komarovsky believes that if the baby often wakes up, screams or cries in his sleep at night, then the reason may lie in his environment. And no matter how much mom and dad try to calm the baby, everything will be unsuccessful. Initially, you need to figure out what needs to be changed in the child's room.

The first thing to do is to understand whether the baby lives in his room or still shares the room with his parents. There are a number of basic requirements that are the key to a healthy and sound sleep of the baby, as well as his mom and dad.

There is nothing more harmful for a newborn than warm and dry air. The optimum temperature should vary between 18-21 degrees. And more low temperature much better than the higher one. It will be more correct to dress the child warmer than to put some kind of heater.

In addition, in the room where the baby lives, in no case should there be any dust collectors: carpets, upholstered furniture, toys, etc. It is better that the crib is made of wood, it contains enough hard mattress and there were no pillows at all.

It is more correct if the children's room is designed for sleeping at night. V daytime with a newborn it is better to walk on fresh air. It will be good if he will sleep at this time on the street. For babies, sleeping in the open air is commensurate with walking. Therefore, during the day, the child should walk as much as the strength and capabilities of the parents allow.

Causes of poor sleep in babies

  • Colic is the most common cause of poor sleep in babies at night. Moreover, this is not a disease or pathology, it is impossible to cure it. You just need to wait as long as the functioning will be adjusted gastrointestinal tract. In newborns, this process lasts up to about three to four months. You should try to massage the tummy before going to bed, thereby facilitating intestinal spasm. Gradually, you will begin to notice that the child wakes up at night much less frequently.
  • The reason for crying in a dream can be hunger. But this problem is easily corrected by offering the baby breast or formula.
  • The absence of a regime can also lead to whims. Often a newborn before going to bed does not distinguish between the time of day, so he can wake up at night and find himself in the dark, get scared and start crying. In this case, Dr. Komarovsky advises gradually instilling a regimen in the child. However, it must be remembered that all children are different, some sleep problems disappear by 6 months, and others only by 2 years.
  • Loss of contact with the mother is also a popular reason why the baby screams in his sleep. The child has a strong connection with his mother, therefore, at night, waking up in the crib and not feeling it, but may begin to cry a lot, calling for himself native person.
  • When the baby experiences some discomfort, he begins to cry. Sometimes parents don't understand why this happens. And the answer is actually simple. The child most likely pooped, or his diaper is wet. A stuffy room can also give the baby some inconvenience. You need to see how many degrees the air temperature is, and depending on this, ventilate the rooms, or dress the baby warmer.
  • Restless sleep often occurs in infants even when he is ill. Usually gets in the way heat, nasal congestion, sore throat or cough. Therefore, before going to bed, it is necessary for the baby to drip into the nose, give the pills prescribed by the pediatrician, and lower the temperature.
  • After five months, the baby's teeth begin to erupt. And this period can also adversely affect the sleep of the baby, especially at night. The child experiences itching in the gums and pain, constantly wakes up, a high temperature can jump against the background of all this. Therefore, before going to bed, it is recommended to lubricate the gums with a special anesthetic gel. How long this condition will last will depend on the period of teething.
  • A child at this age may experience the so-called child stress. And he may well be the reason why the baby wakes up in a dream and starts to cry. A simple trip to visit can cause stress, abrupt change environments, strangers, etc. That is why Dr. Komarovsky recommends gradually introducing the child to relatives, friends, etc.
  1. The first rule says that the child, first of all, needs healthy and rested parents. Any lack of sleep, stress unsettle us, making us angry and swear. But in a house where there are children, harmony and comfort should reign. Therefore, before any important business, the main thing is to get enough sleep.
  2. Sleep mode needs to be set. He must be completely subordinate to the family routine. It's good if everyone goes to bed together. Scientists have proven that in this case, the baby wakes up much less often.
  3. You need to decide where, when and with whom the baby will sleep. there are several options: in your own crib, but in the parents' bedroom - a valid option up to the age of three; in his crib in the children's room - ideal, but for slightly older children; together with parents favorable option, which has nothing to do with a healthy and sound sleep of the baby.
  4. Children should not be allowed to sleep more than normal. Otherwise night sleep will be very restless. In addition, parents will constantly watch their baby wake up and start crying.
  5. Gradually, it is necessary to establish a feeding regimen, and before that, find out a few important issues: is it possible to use the breast not for feeding, but to satisfy the sucking reflex, is it possible for parents to rock their child all night long, and in the morning go to work or continue to do other household chores, etc. in other words, don't indulge a baby. When all the main aspects are explained, then it will be possible to take the first step towards proper and healthy sleep.
  6. The day of the crumbs should be active. Then the child will sleep soundly, he simply will not have the strength for other actions and problems with sleep will fade into the background.
  7. Ventilate your bedroom more often.
  8. Before going to bed, practice bathing in a large bath, they contribute to the accumulation of fatigue.
  9. The mattress in the crib of the baby should be hard, there should not be a pillow. If the situation in the crib is uncomfortable, then you will probably hear your baby crying at night.
  10. Comfortable diaper.

Watch the video: Dr. Komarovsky talks about the causes of children's crying

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 5 minutes


Article last updated: 09/18/2018

Sleeps like a baby. familiar to all of us catchphrase, which means - strong, sweet, full. But any mother knows that almost no baby sleeps like that. Newborns suffer from colic, babies teething, they are overwhelmed by a flood of new knowledge and impressions. And about restful sleep It's not for both the baby and the mother.

If babies often cry, grandmothers say "outgrow". Of course, the child will grow up, a number of problems will go away, but is it worth waiting until the problem with unknown consequences ceases to be obvious? Probably, it is better to understand it in a timely manner, and help the child adapt. Why do 4 month old babies cry?

When does a baby cry?

The question is precisely when does a 4-month-old baby cry? And how does he cry, and how much? Does he sleep with his mother or in his own bed?

For example, babies may cry or laugh during REM sleep. This is absolutely normal. After 3 months, babies begin to dream, some of them can cause crying. This is physiological crying - quite normal phenomena. It will pass with time.

Moreover, the crumbs still do not know how to laugh like adults, and they make sounds that are not associated with laughter in a sleepy mother, it may even seem that the child is sobbing and feeling bad. But it's not.

The main reasons for crying at bedtime, during sleep and during awakening are:

  • increased excitability of the nervous system;
  • overwork;
  • nervous disorders;
  • the onset of the disease;
  • overheated, dry air, stuffiness;
  • hunger and thirst;
  • discomfort (uncomfortable bed, tight or rough clothes, wet diaper);
  • teething;
  • weather anomalies ( magnetic storms, change in atmospheric pressure);
  • feeling unwell.

Night crying associated with the state of the nervous system

If a child cries before going to sleep, or wakes up with a roar and cannot calm down, his nervous system may be overloaded. He overworks himself during his waking hours, and does not rest during his sleep. In this situation, the little man needs help. If your child goes to bed with tears and fighting, the night's sleep will be interrupted and restless. This is indeed a problem that needs to be addressed. For example, rational physical and mental stress (at this age, games with new objects are emotional, intellectual, and physical labor, for little man pretty heavy). As well as the formation of sleep and wakefulness.

The reason for constant crying at bedtime and in a dream can be neurological problems. This will help clarify neurosonography (if it was not performed in the maternity hospital) and an experienced neurologist.

The nervous system of the baby can be arranged in such a way that the processes of inhibition in him prevail over the processes of inhibition (you have a growing choleric). This means that “it starts up with half a turn”, and under heavy load it “goes into overdrive”, because it is difficult for it to stop and “cool down”, this is how it works. He needs to be helped by carefully observing the behavior, and at the first sign of fatigue, calm down and try to sleep. All children after 3 months are more interested in the world around them and struggle with drowsiness with all their strength, but excitable children are a special category. These will try especially zealously.

Four-month-old babies acutely feel the absence of their mother, they do not wake up immediately after her departure, but in the fast phase of sleep, when they begin to toss and turn, they react more sharply to stimuli. That's when they feel that they are left alone, and can cry in their sleep and even wake up. You can rock the baby and try to put him down again, you can be with him during the REM phase of his sleep, or teach the baby to sleep on his own.

Regarding the latter, there is still debate among pediatricians with experience and those involved in scientific work. Some for independent sleep baby, some feel necessary co-sleeping mother and her children.

Crying caused by physical factors external and internal

The set of reasons why a child up to a year old can cry does not depend on the length of his life. This applies to reasons related to environmental conditions:

  • temperature;
  • humidity;
  • dustiness;
  • noise and light stimuli.

Internal causes cause increased nervousness in children, no less than heat or loud sounds, for example:

  • hunger and thirst;
  • teething;
  • discomfort from wet diapers or tight and rough clothes;
  • weather factors.

If the child is hot, stuffy, his bed is near the battery, he will not fully rest. Experts recommend even in winter, when putting the child to sleep, leave the window open until the temperature drops. environment up to -15-18 ° C. It is necessary to ventilate the room well before going to bed, the exception may be the situation when the child has seasonal hay fever. In this case, it will be necessary to cool, refresh and humidify the room with the help of devices for maintaining the microclimate in the room (split systems).

The feeling of hunger quite often wakes up children up to a year in the middle of the night. At first, they whimper in their sleep, if they are given milk or water - this calms them down, if they do not get what they want, then they wake up crying. If an infant does not get enough calories during the day, he will demand food more than once at night. This will disturb the sleep of both the child and the mother. Therefore, it is better to feed him in sufficient quantities during the daytime. If the child is on breastfeeding and feed on demand, mom should think about the quality of her milk. And look at how the baby eats. Some babies do not suck their breasts to the end, receive only liquid surface milk and therefore look constantly hungry.

Teeth, or rather the process of their eruption, goes unnoticed by few. This is usually quite painful for the baby and very exhausting for his mother. Sometimes the teeth erupt in pairs, and there are times when they are in no hurry to appear, and then appear 4 teeth at a time. This is very painful for the child. Discomfort in the mouth, especially in the evening, leads to the fact that the little man tries to gnaw everything that comes to hand, is naughty, falls asleep badly, and cries before going to bed. He also sleeps restlessly, crying in his sleep and on waking.

It is sad to admit it, but today many modern children are weather sensitive. They respond to the activity of the sun, to changes in environmental parameters during windy weather, or during the transition from sunny day to cloudy. They feel especially bad with a sharp change in conditions and a heavy downpour (snowfall, hail). More often than not, babies suffer from such an addiction after caesarean section, difficult childbirth, transferred intrauterine infections. Especially goes to the baby with increased intracranial pressure. These children may suddenly have a headache attack, which will cause crying at bedtime or during a night's rest. It is not yet possible to find out what is wrong with the crumbs, and it is difficult to predict the development of this condition. Most often, parents who recognize the presence of such a problem in their son or daughter, only after the fact can understand why their child behaved so excited and capricious. In this case, consultation with a neurologist is indispensable.

What to do if the child is crying?

Try to find out the cause and eliminate it. If a child cries constantly, there is obviously no reason, he is definitely needed by a specialist (neurologist, psychologist, pediatrician).

Over time, parents learn to recognize the cause of crying. When children are unhappy and scream, trying to squeeze out a tear to show their disagreement, when they are hungry, or they are in pain, or when they are just very tired.

To reduce the number of complaints of the baby (before going to bed or immediately after it), you need to prepare a crib in which he will sleep, preferably with an orthopedic mattress. Or a place on your bed, comfortable and warm. Create a comfortable environment for sleeping crumbs: ventilate and wash the room. Don't wrap it too tightly. Change diapers, make sure he's full. If teeth are cut, the child can be capricious for a long time before going to bed, and sleep restlessly. In such a situation, it is better to consult a pediatrician and select suitable drops or gel to relieve swelling and inflammation of the gums.

Sometimes parents cannot find a reason, understand why their child cries so bitterly, and it seems to them that it does not exist at all. Perhaps the baby is just very excitable, and easily goes from violent joy to indefatigable crying. Such a baby is shown long and calm walks, followed by active physical actions. It is especially good to put 4-month-old crumbs to sleep on the street. Often they fall asleep sweetly, but not for long, for 40-50 minutes. Although some lucky women manage to "persuade" them to sleep longer.

Loud music, television programs in the presence of such children is unacceptable. Even a raised voice between parents can provoke him to overload the nervous system and disturb sleep. Irritating and exciting factors must be strictly normalized and the baby should be accustomed to them gradually, then he will be less whiny. Even funny Games, squeezing by dad, whom the baby rarely sees and is very happy to communicate, needs to be dosed. Excitation and delight can very quickly develop into overexcitation and roar.

It doesn't matter if your son or daughter is aroused, why he (she) is crying, and whether it happens before bed or after waking up, there are a few rules that are best followed:

  • if the baby is crying, you need to eliminate the cause as quickly as possible or distract from the problem (sing a song, make a face);
  • if the baby cried, it cannot be ignored;
  • it is necessary to remain calm in the presence of a child, the nervousness of adults is transmitted to their child very quickly.

Some mothers and fathers, adherents of strict parenting, believe that it is not worth responding to children's crying in pedagogical purposes otherwise the child will grow up spoiled and capricious. It is always necessary to react, how to do it is another matter. You should not feel sorry for the baby too much, even if it hurts. You can pat on the head, kiss and try to switch the child to something interesting as quickly as possible. In children, the pain passes faster than in adults. If parents ignore children's complaints expressed in crying, children objectively cry less. "What's the point of calling or complaining if you won't come anyway." Such children grow up, if not closed, then with a sharp distrust of the world and people.

If the child is “weak to a tear”, try to make contact with him, talk and play more often, if, despite all efforts, nothing works out, consult a specialist: a psychologist (he will help establish contact with the child) or a neurologist (he, if he deems it necessary prescribe a mild sedative).

baby crying in sleep

If your beloved child whimpers in a dream, there is no need to rush to pick him up and rock him. Maybe it's just fast phase sleep. If the crying becomes more insistent, but the baby has not woken up, you can put your hand on his tummy, or gently turn the baby on the side, hug, gently stroking the back, talk to him in a low voice, suggesting that mom is nearby and there is no danger. Perhaps he simply lacks his mother's warmth, and physical contact will correct the situation. If this does not help, then the baby is probably hungry, thirsty, or has a wet diaper.

If the night whims began at the same time that the parents decided to teach the maturing child to sleep on their own, this is probably the reason. In this case, the baby can cry before going to bed and at night. Babies don't take change very well, and changing beds is rarely easy for them. If after 3-4 nights the situation has not changed, it must be returned to the parental bed, and try again a little later. Pre-laying to sleep in his crib during the daytime. First, shifting after falling asleep, and then initially putting the baby in the arena.

Strong children's sleep is an essential part of a child's healthy development. Often, young parents in the first year of a baby's life are faced with problems sleeping at night. The baby can go on crying and screaming for the most elementary reasons, whether it be hunger, abdominal cramps or a full diaper. But there are times when mothers and fathers notice that the child cries in his sleep and does not wake up. What to do in such a situation, how to understand and eliminate the cause of crying in a baby? Let's try to figure it out.

Crying during sleep: possible causes

If parents began to worry about this behavior of a child in a dream, then this was probably not an isolated case. But there is no need to sound the alarm in advance. If the baby cries in a dream, you can find a completely understandable reason for this.

Children under the age of one.

In infants, the causes of crying can be caused by the most harmless factors. If parents carefully monitor the baby, then the picture of the appearance of crying will clear up very quickly. So why do babies cry in their sleep:

  • colic/gas in the abdomen- Babies 3-4 months old have digestive problems due to swallowing air when feeding. Bloating causes discomfort in the baby, which he will certainly declare by crying or moaning in a dream;
  • teething- Children aged 6, 7, 8 and 9 months may experience pain in the mouth. It's all about swollen and itchy gums. Not everyone has an easy eruption. inflamed gums itchy a lot. Because of these unpleasant symptoms the baby cries in a dream without waking up;
  • separate sleep- some babies feel uncomfortable if their mother is not around 24 hours a day, including in a dream. Even if the mother taught the newborn to sleep separately from the first days, at the age of 10-11 months the child may cry and toss and turn due to the lack of maternal intimacy in a dream.

Children 1-3 years old.

In older babies, the above causes of anxiety and crying at night may appear, but with a rarer frequency. However, at this age, other factors appear that can provoke disturbing sleep:

  • disruption of the day- the sleep of a child of 1-1.5 years old can suddenly become restless if there is a failure in the usual daily routine. Unexpected guests, an unscheduled trip, or you're just celebrating New Year- the body of a child who is 2 or 3 years old will react with a mini-stress;
  • big meal before bed- in an overfed baby, the stomach will be forced to work all night. During the night digestion of food, there may be discomfort and the baby will cry in his sleep.

Children 4+ years old.

Even those who came out infancy children may cry in their sleep. If you notice crying in your child who is already 4 or 5 years old, look for the following reasons:

  • fear of the dark- at this age, the first fears appear in children, which can cause nightmares and bad dreams. At the age of 5, a child screams in a dream after watching gloomy cartoons, films, so it is necessary to protect the still fragile psyche of the baby from them;
  • active evening games- before going to bed, there is absolutely no need to excite the nursery nervous system. A very tired child cries in a dream without waking up. There should be no tossing above the head, dancing and jumping after 19.00.

Crying in a dream. The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

According to E.O. Komarovsky, most probable cause crying in babies, if it occurs several times during the night, is increased tone nervous system. At five or six months old babies, active growth of bones and milk teeth begins. Calcium supplied with food may not be enough, and in this case, increased nervous excitability occurs. The solution to the problem will be the intake of calcium gluconate to fill the need child's body in calcium.

The child screams in a dream - what to do

The sudden cry of a baby in a dream can seriously scare parents. But, according to the observations of pediatricians, such cases are not at all uncommon. A child may cry at night for reasons:

- increased nervous excitability;

- after suffering stress or an event that excited him during the day;

– many hours computer games or games with gadgets.

If the child periodically cries out at night, parents should seek the advice of a neurologist to determine the cause of the night's sleep disturbance.

How to make your baby sleep better

When a child cries in a dream at night, the anxiety of young parents is understandable. Something disturbs the baby, but he continues to sleep. In such situations, you can try the following options:

Don't wake up a whimpering baby. See if there is visible reasons for crying: a dropped pacifier, a wet diaper, and if possible eliminate them;

- sometimes the baby cries at night if it is open. A blanket, a plaid give small children a feeling of comfort and security. Try to cover a crying baby, and in case of constant disclosure, get a sleeping bag and the baby’s sleep will become less disturbing;

- if in terms of comfort the child is doing well, and he cries a lot in his sleep, then stroke him gently on the back and console him in a whisper. A few minutes, and the child will further plunge into a restful sleep.

When children sleep, they grow. And it's so nice to look at a calm baby face, on which a smile can suddenly appear or, on the contrary, for a long time maintains an expression of serene calmness. But sometimes it happens that the baby cries in a dream. Starts crying suddenly, but very loudly, and often wakes up from this as a result.

The task of the mother is to immediately calm the baby so that the baby continues to sleep. After all, such an interruption of sleep is not natural, and upon awakening the child will be sleepy, capricious. To calm him down, you need to understand why the baby is crying. He himself will not tell yet - he is too small to share his troubles, so mom has to guess what could upset the baby.

It is known that infant can cry from pain, fear, despair and even boredom. In the first months of life, it is difficult for him to express his emotions in any other way than crying and - sometimes - smiling. But why does it turn out that the baby cries a lot during sleep?

The reasons for crying can be different. The main thing is to remember: a child who is not disturbed by anything will not cry. Newborns do not yet have the skill of manipulation, so they will not cry just to get their mother's attention.

What can cause children's anxiety?

Living for a long 9 months in his mother's tummy, the baby gets used to tightness and a feeling of warmth. And having been born, he may experience discomfort from excessive freedom. Many mothers notice that if the baby is tightly swaddled before going to bed, he sleeps better - precisely because he finds himself in familiar, comfortable conditions for him.

If the baby sleeps in a free position, he can sharply pull the handle (babies often shudder in their sleep) - and thereby frighten themselves. Or just suddenly feel lonely - and this will also frighten him. Even in adults natural reaction in fear - crying. What can we say about babies!

As soon as mom takes it in her arms, the baby will smell her, hear her voice, feel "in a cocoon" - and fall asleep again sound sleep. And sometimes it’s enough just to lie down next to the baby - and mother’s smell, mother’s presence will give him peace.


How else to tell the world what you want to eat or you are thirsty? If you still do not know how to speak and explain with gestures, you can only rely on crying - it will force you to quickly come to you. Actually, it is precisely this consideration that the baby is subconsciously guided by when he wants to eat.

This is especially true for children whose parents feed on demand: in the first months it is difficult to calculate when the baby wants to eat next time. But after 3 months, he will begin to develop his own regimen.

By the way, if the baby cries during feeding, this is no longer from hunger, but from the fact that something is bothering him. For example, cutting teeth.

This will be next reason which we will consider.


It is known that teeth can begin to disturb the baby long before they become visible: moving in the gums, they sometimes cause very unpleasant sensations.

Sometimes you can notice that the baby sleeps soundly during the day, but constantly cries at night. It's a matter of human physiology: at night, all painful sensations are much sharper, that's why toothache also felt sharper just when a tired mom wants to rest.

To help your child, you can:

If the baby constantly interrupts a night's sleep by crying, it makes sense - but only after consulting a pediatrician - to give him an anesthetic course before going to bed at night. Thanks to this, the rest will be calm and longer.


“Toilet affairs” can also serve as a reason for crying. And specific reasons there are several at once:

  1. Full diaper - lying in it is quite uncomfortable for the baby, and thus he notifies that it is time to change the diaper to a new, empty one.
  2. Fear of urination - often this process frightens babies. Something wet flows down the legs, but they do not understand what is happening and are afraid of the unknown. As soon as the baby pee (this can be understood by the fact that the diaper below becomes warm), he will continue to sleep peacefully.
  3. Constipation - if the baby is worried stool, he pushes, grunts, but cannot achieve desired result he will cry. However, in this case, defecation will be accompanied by crying babies only during sleep, but also during wakefulness.


This, unfortunately, is a necessary stage in the development of every child. After the baby is born, microorganisms are colonized in the gastrointestinal tract, and their justification in the intestines is accompanied by colic. This is a painful process, but it is important for the formation of certain microflora.

Gaziki begin to disturb the baby suddenly, which is why crying happens sharp, loud, with tears. The baby will cry until the attack passes - and this can be up to several tens of minutes.

To make you feel better, you can give the baby anti-colic drugs (Bebinos, Espumizan L, etc.), but only if the pediatrician has approved the choice of medications.


Sometimes the fact that the baby is constantly crying through a dream can also have psychological reason. If the baby is physically tired, but his nervous system remains in a state of excitement, he will sleep restlessly: the brain simply cannot rest. That is why it is recommended to take care of a quiet pastime two hours before bedtime - without active games, noisy cartoons, new faces in the house.

And just before going to bed, the baby should be bathed, give him a relaxing massage, put him to bed in a pre-ventilated room and sing a calm lullaby (or turn on classical music, sounds of nature or another " White noise"). This will calm the nervous system, and you will not have to watch the baby crying through a dream.

Heat or vice versa cold

Some children do not like to be tightly wrapped up or, for example, to be covered with a blanket. Others don't like being cold. At the same time, it is also important that the process of heat transfer in a newborn differs from the same process in an adult organism. And if it may seem to the mother that the baby is quite comfortable, this does not mean at all that it is. Perhaps the baby is cold or, conversely, he is too warm.

To determine what the baby feels, you can use a simple touch on his wrist: it is an excellent indicator. If the wrist is cold, it means that the child is cool, and it is better to wrap him up warmer. But if it is hot or even damp (most likely from sweat), the baby can be safely opened - and then he can continue to sleep peacefully.

Discomfort in bed

If the baby lay down on a hard toy, if hard folds formed under him, if he lay across the crib and, accordingly, there is not enough space for him - of course, he will not keep everything in himself, but will voice his problem - crying. In this case, it is enough just to straighten the sheet under it, remove all items from the crib and put the baby in the right place.

Being parents is not easy. It is necessary to understand the signals that the newborn gives, to understand why he cries in his sleep or cries during feeding. When the baby learns to explain, it will be easier. Well, for now, it remains only to guess, come to the answers empirically. But this time will pass- and it will pass quickly. And only pleasant memories will remain in the memory of how sweetly the baby smiled in a dream, and sometimes even laughed, sucking the thumb of his little hand.

There are many factors causing night crying. What causes tears in the crumbs, how to help him - this and other things will now be discussed.

The tears of a child are a request for help. They testify to the discomfort, pain, inconvenience experienced by the baby.

A newly born baby cries at night for many reasons. What are they and how to help a little person.

  • newborn babies
  • The infant cries in its sleep.
  • Examples:
  • Children over one year old
  • Causes of crying at night in children older than a year
  • Examples:
  • Anxiety and fears
  • Types of fears:
  • What to do if a child cries in a dream
  • How can you improve sleep

newborn babies

These babies need constant attention and care. Their crying indicates that the babies are uncomfortable, they should be helped.


  • Intestinal colic is accompanied by incessant crying. The baby presses the legs to the tummy, squeezes the palms, actively behaves. Eating, he falls asleep, then wakes up, continues to scream;
  • Strong sweating, crying becomes stronger on the hands. The reason for this condition is overheating. In a toddler, heat exchange is not developed, body temperature is regulated through breathing;
  • The crying of the child is louder every minute. In his arms, he is looking for his mother's breast or bottle. This state is called hungry crying;
  • The kid rubs his ears, eyes, face with his hands, sobs a lot. Pressing on the gum causes an increase in crying - teeth erupt. At night the pain becomes more sensitive.
  • Intermittent sobbing. Such crying can be stopped by taking the crumbs in your arms. It is called conscription;
  • A cry may indicate that a pacifier is lost. Having received it, the little one calms down, continues to sleep.

Children over one year old

Crying children who crossed the line - one year. They get older, there are more reasons for crying.

Baby crying in sleep

  1. Intestinal colic. getting used to mother's milk or to the mixture goes gradually. This period is characterized by frequent painful sensations in the tummy, colic appears in the intestines.
  2. Painful sensations. During the night's rest, the child sleeps in a horizontal position. This is the cause of exacerbation of diseases such as inflammation in the ear canal, runny nose, cough.
  3. Mother's absence. To the smell of a loved one, his breath, warmth, heartbeat, kids get used quickly. The absence of these can cause anxiety in the baby.
  4. First teeth. From 5-6 months, the gums begin to itch, hurt, which causes discomfort in the crumbs, a painful condition.
  5. Hunger. The peanut should eat regularly, but to feed him on demand or on time - the parents decide for themselves.
  6. Drink. The child's body needs to replenish fluids.
  7. Air in the children's room. The room where the baby sleeps should be ventilated and the temperature maintained - no higher than 20 degrees.

Children's tears are not only bad, there are also positive points such a state. At crying baby well developed lungs. Fifteen minutes of sobbing is useful as a prophylactic. Tears contain lysozyme, flowing down the cheeks, they irrigate the lacrimal - nasal canal, which is a good antibacterial therapy.

Causes of crying at night in children older than a year

  1. Before a night's rest, food was consumed more than normal. The peanut was pleased that he ate a fatty delicacy, at night the overflowing ventricle began to give "signs". In this state, the child will often wake up.
  2. The mode is not supported. There is a failure in the system of the child's body, there are difficulties during falling asleep, night sleep.
  3. Gadgets. The abuse of these devices in the evening causes the occurrence of terrible dreams that make the baby suffer, cry.
  4. Susceptibility. A small quarrel between parents causes worries, the baby cries, not only awake, but also during sleep. Punishment is also one of the reasons for the roar at night.
  5. Fear of the dark. Can't sleep without a night light on.
  6. Activity in the evening provokes overexcitation, which guarantees a restless night.


  • A favorite sandwich before rest often causes nighttime tears.
  • Playing on the computer or watching a cartoon, the child received information that will make sleep restless.
  • Movement during a night's rest can lead to the fact that the baby hit, tangled in a blanket, sheet, opened up. He expresses his pain and emotions with tears.
  • Anxiety is manifested if the child witnessed a quarrel between parents, he himself was punished. Memories, experiences prevent him from sleeping.
  • Fun (dancing, singing, active games) contributes to the overexcitation of the child's psyche. The baby is difficult to put to sleep and calm at night.
  • Violation of the regime of night rest. If the little one is put to sleep in different time, his body will not understand what to do. He will resist, the night will be broken.

Anxiety and fears

Anxiety is a feeling of constant fear, anxiety.

Fear is the appearance of anxiety caused by an imagined or real threat.

Children who experience these two emotions are restless day and night. Their sleep is disturbed, they cry a lot, sometimes at night, they scream. The heartbeat, pulse, breathing of the child is rapid. pressure increased, heavy sweating. During this state, it is difficult to wake the baby.

Types of fears:

  1. Visual. The baby represents non-existent objects;
  2. Changing images. Usually this condition appears during illness. A variety of simple pictures appear in a dream;
  3. One scenario. Night rest the child is accompanied by the same state. The kid speaks, moves, writes;
  4. Emotional. After an emotional shock, the little one experiences everything anew, but in a dream. He cries, screams.

For children with a sense of fear, anxiety, a calm environment is created at home. Before going to bed, try to give your baby enough attention. It is advisable to read a child, talk to him, sing a lullaby, stroke him, hold his hand. This will make him feel safe and secure.

What to do if a child cries in a dream

We take the baby in our arms, we talk to him. If he does not respond to the voice, look at the diaper, feed the baby, give a pacifier. Crying continues - we check whether the clothes are in order, the bed is well made, we measure the temperature. The peanut still gives an alarm - something is bothering him. Most likely, he has bloating, otitis media, etc. Only a pediatrician can make a diagnosis.

How can you improve sleep

  1. Lay the little one at the same time, observe the regimen. His body gets used to it, it itself requires sleep;
  2. You should immediately determine the place where the child will sleep;
  3. In the evening, let the baby eat a little;
  4. Happy baby leads active image life, before going to bed - calm;
  5. The room temperature is not more than 20 degrees, not less than 18. Ventilate the children's room;
  6. Fresh bed, quality diaper;
  7. Daily water procedures, massage or gymnastics;
  8. Observe the mode of daytime, nighttime rest.

Children often cry at night. It will help the kids, soothe their confident voice of their parents. When they hear it, they stop crying and fall asleep. Attentiveness to the child is a quiet rest at night as a reward.

List of used literature:

  • Giedd JN, Rapoport JL; Rapoport (September 2010). “Structural MRI of pediatric brain development: what have we learned and where are we going?”. Neuron
  • Poulin-Dubois D, Brooker I, Chow V; Brooker; Chow (2009). “The developmental origins of naïve psychology in infancy.” Advances in Child Development and Behavior. Advances in Child Development and Behavior.
  • Stiles J, Jernigan TL; Jernigan (2010). "The basics of brain development". Neuropsychology Review