What goes into breast milk from mom's food?

Young mothers often wonder how long does it take for what they eat to enter the milk? You may not be able to wait for an exact answer to this question, because each product is absorbed differently and requires less or in some cases more time for absorption. One thing is for sure - all products that enter the stomach are deposited in breast milk.

The connection between food and baby feeding

If the food was eaten at lunch, and the mother decided to feed the baby immediately after eating, then the new product eaten by the mother will not have any effect on the child.

Milk is renewed every 2-3 hours when the mother feeds the baby. The question is still relevant today, because different products have different times of absorption and processing. As soon as food enters the intestines, raw materials are formed from which the body receives substances, minerals, vitamins, etc. The blood carries all the macroelements of the digestive system throughout the body, after which they are absorbed into milk. Liquid that gets into mammary gland, remains there until required - until you need to produce a new portion of the milk treat for the child.

If there were growth hormones in the meat (introduced during production and processing of products), then they enter the mother's milk along with the liquid. The child receives these hormones through food.

Liquid, proteins, carbohydrates and dense fats are absorbed into the glands and remain there for several hours. As milk forms, a woman may feel tingling and firmness in her breasts.

When the milk is ready to be released to feed the baby, a open channel, through which food flows. Some mothers try to express after drinking a glass of alcohol or eating a piece of smoked fish or other product.

Duration of absorption of fresh foods

Some mothers love to eat, and this is not a crime. To have a lot of milk, you should eat carefully; foods should contain vitamins. If a nursing mother lacks something summer and light, or is tired of fried and steamed food, then she can eat a few raw green apples, exotic fruits, a few raw vegetables, fresh rolls and delicious hot bread; wash it all down with cherry compote or cherry juice.
All products will definitely get into the intestines, and, therefore, into the blood and through breast milk to your child.

In order not to deprive yourself of this opportunity (after all, cherries grow only 2 months a year), before or after taking these products you need to drink activated carbon or polyphepan. The tablets do not enter the bloodstream and are not transmitted to the baby. For this purpose, the child must also take childish look adsorbent. It's enough low dose so that only bad minerals leave the body, while the good ones remain and have a beneficial effect on the intestinal flora.

It will get into the milk in 60-70 minutes. If the mother immediately began to express, the hit rate increases significantly. The duration of absorption after entering the glands is 3-4 hours.

Nutrients and soluble vitamins in the composition of products - they also affect the composition of milk. If a nursing mother needs vitamins such as parsley, beets, citrus fruits, cranberry juices, cabbage fresh, rose hips and products containing them are not included in milk. The mother must consume the ingredients herself in order to pass them on to the baby. There is also no cumulative effect in:

The list of products is very large, and the more of them on the plate, the better it will be for mother and child. As soon as the mother needs to introduce complementary foods, the doctor should prescribe vitamins for the child in the form of syrup so that the baby receives the dose to which he is accustomed. At the same time, the woman herself should try to ensure that her food includes a portion of fish or cheese every day.

The transition to milk occurs after 2 hours. The duration of absorption is 3 hours after the breakdown of products.

Duration of absorption of allergic products

If the mother has the habit of pampering herself with various juices, citrus fruits, berries, red fruits, smoked meats, sausages, sodas when she is breastfeeding, she should remember that all these ingredients will pass into breast milk very quickly. The child may develop rashes in the form of red dots. This is not diathesis, but an obvious allergic reaction. It occurs due to the release of histamine and glutamate. Below is a table showing which foods contain these substances.


Products containing histamine

Products containing aspirin

Products containing cyclamates


sausages, sauerkraut, frozen ingredients, herbs.


chips, crackers.

milk with a long shelf life, sweet sodas.


saccharins, chewy sweets.

All these ingredients and products can be absorbed into the blood and enter the milk very quickly. Before taking it, you must eat the sorbent if it is impossible to refuse. Absorption rate into breast milk is 20 minutes!

If you continue to eat these products, then the substances will remain in the mother’s body all the time - when consumed with vegetables - up to 6 hours, with milk - 3.5 hours, with bakery products- up to half a day, food additives(E) – up to 1 week.

Fats, drugs, alcohol

These products are not combined into one category beneficial properties, and the degree of importance for women and child's body. Fats will enter a woman’s bloodstream 15 minutes after eating the product. Fats enter breast milk and remain there in the quantities required by the baby. True, no matter how much mom eats, sweets and fats will continue to enter the bloodstream for another 20 minutes, no more.
If your child needs to gain weight, you should not eat sweets. The mother will recover, and the child will receive as much fat as is not enough for the body to absorb.

Medications are prohibited for nursing mothers, but there is a list of medications that are allowed to be taken. Before taking it, you should always read the instructions, which tell you how long it takes for the substance to enter the bloodstream and how it is eliminated. Some manufacturers cannot indicate what the absorption time of a particular substance is, and how long you need to wait for it to reach the milk. All this is done for ethical reasons, since no one will experiment on infants.

Alcohol - it is absorbed into the blood at the moment of feeling slightly dizzy and intoxicated. The degree of absorption depends directly on the amount of alcohol consumed. Also greatly influenced by a person’s body weight, metabolic rate, and strength of the drink. Alcohol will enter the milk after 2 minutes. It will remain in the body for up to several days.

Therefore, in order not to risk the health of the most important person in life, you should not try to conduct experiments, even if you really want a sip of champagne for your anniversary.

Hello, dear readers! While still in the maternity hospital, I received a thousand and one recommendations about what a nursing mother’s diet should be. I received one list of prohibited products from a neonatologist, another from a midwife, and the lists differed significantly.

At home, during a routine visit to the pediatrician, I received the third list, which completely plunged me into despair.

After combining all three lists, it became clear that you can’t eat ANYTHING! No, not exactly like that... You can semolina porridge, but it interferes with the absorption of calcium, a little baked apples(already better) and rarely, rarely a piece chicken fillet... This categorically did not suit me and I began real scientific research.

As you know, a young mother needs to get energy from somewhere to restore and produce milk. Semolina porridge, of course, has a lot of energy, but the problem is with vitamins...

In general, the article describes the results of this study - recommendations for nutrition for a nursing mother.

A nursing mother, as well as a pregnant mother, does not necessarily have to eat for two and fill up her cheeks. It’s worth finding a place in your diet for healthy foods rich in vitamins and minerals.

Milk production requires approximately 800 kcal per day. By arranging your diet so that 500 additional kilocalories come from food, and the remaining 300 kcal from fat stores, you can safely lose weight.

Losing weight at a rate of more than 500 grams per week can be detrimental to the health of both mother and baby. Toxic products can accumulate in adipose tissue, for example, heavy metals. Intensive weight loss can provoke an increase in the level of these toxins in the blood, and, therefore, in milk.

Calcium and calciferols. We produce vitamin D in the skin, under the influence sun rays, we get it with food from eggs, oily fish, butter and other food. As a rule, if all of the listed foods are included in your diet, and there are daily walks, then calciferols enter the body in sufficient quantities.

Calcium - from dairy, seafood and green leafy vegetables (except spinach - it contains a lot of oxalic acid, which interferes with the absorption of calcium). Physical activity improve the absorption of dietary calcium.

Folic acid recommended for all women reproductive age. It prevents the development of megaloblastic anemia, and during pregnancy - a defect in the development of the neural tube. It is better to take folic acid as a single drug.

Ascorbic acid extremely important for collagen production. Collagen prevents the development of stretch marks, prevents early skin aging, and ensures healthy joints. Daily norm Vitamin C is found in one orange or bell pepper.

Please note that ascorbic acid breaks down when heated.

The issue of vitamin A overdose in nutrition is still relevant. When there are sufficient sources of retinol in the mother's diet, retinol preparations should be taken with caution. Such sources are eggs, dairy products, liver and others.

Carotenoids, precursors of vitamin A, are found in many vegetables; their overdose is relatively safe. An overdose of vitamin A is toxic to the fetus and may harm the nursing baby.

2. Dietary allergens

There are the so-called “big eight” allergens:

  1. milk and dairy products
  2. gluten (wheat)
  3. nuts
  4. seafood
  5. peanuts and legumes

It is to this food that allergic reactions most often occur.

Also, allergies and/or food intolerances may occur when consuming honey, strawberries, chocolate, cocoa, red cherries or raspberries.

All these products should be introduced into the mother’s diet little by little and one item per day.

If the mother has an allergy and/or food intolerance to any type of food, it should be completely excluded from the diet.

3. Mom’s diet and baby colic

One of the biggest misconceptions about the nutrition of nursing mothers is that you cannot eat cabbage, fresh vegetables and fruits - the baby will have colic.

The cause of colic in babies is unknown to science. But studies have been conducted on the effect of a mother's diet on children's crying. The results are as follows: if a nursing mother tolerates these products well, they do not cause her increased gas formation and do not aggravate chronic diseases in the digestive organs, then this food will benefit both.

The fact is that when the mother begins to react to food, certain substances enter the blood - markers of inflammation. They pass into breast milk, and with milk to the baby. These markers can launch inflammatory reaction and in a child - accordingly, he begins to cry.

It also happens that the mother does not react to a specific food, and the child begins to cry more. This happened to me with baked zucchini and cauliflower. It would seem like the most harmless food, but my son cried a lot after it.

Such foods are relatively easy to identify and temporarily eliminate from the diet.

If you suspect your child has an allergic reaction to food you have eaten, consult a doctor. A hypoallergenic diet should be prescribed to a nursing mother with caution. The tactics for excluding dishes from the mother’s menu will depend on many factors - it is better to shift this concern onto the shoulders of a competent doctor.

Contact several specialists. If the doctor’s prescriptions seem inadequate to you, immediately go for a consultation with another! In the case of allergies, there is not a minute to lose.

Trust, but verify! Always read the instructions for medications and the ingredients of products recommended by your doctor. This is how it was with us, for example. The doctor, after listening to our menu, which included children's bagels (unsweetened, without vanilla), advised replacing them with sweet children's cookies, with milk in them.

4. How quickly do substances from maternal food enter milk?

The rate at which substances from food pass into breast milk depends on how quickly the product can be absorbed. Liquid products (coffee, alcohol, juice, broth) enter the blood very quickly - up to half an hour. denser foods that require more time to digest may be delayed:

  • 30 minutes - drinks
  • 4 hours - dairy
  • 12-13 – vegetables
  • 16-18 hours - flour
  • 24 hour - meat

The speed of absorption is also affected by the method of processing the product. For example, carrots simply chewed with teeth are digested much longer than carrots chopped into a paste in a blender. Boiled carrots absorbed faster raw, etc.

Accordingly, the child’s reaction to the food eaten can be expected from 30 minutes to 24 hours. Most often - 4-6 hours.

Allergens are removed from the body within 48 hours to 2 weeks.


The diet of a nursing mother should be balanced in proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and include 500 additional kilocalories per day (before the introduction of complementary foods). Diversity is welcome, as is abundance fresh vegetables and fruits. Products must be healthy and safe.

Representatives of the eight allergens should be administered with caution and in moderation. It is irrational to completely remove them from your menu.

Alcohol, tobacco and others bad habits It is advisable to exclude it from the mother's diet.

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Myth No. 1. You need to eat a lot

“The quantity of breast milk and its quality depend on many factors, the main one being the nutrition of the nursing mother.”

The amount of production from the mother’s “dairy” has nothing to do with malnutrition, since the milk is not obtained from products consumed by the woman. Fats and proteins are secreted by the breast cells themselves. A- and p-casein, lactoalbumin and P-lactoglobulin are formed from proteins in the mammary gland. Only immune globulins and serum albumin enter milk in preformed form from the blood. But the energy costs that the nursing body undergoes must be compensated good nutrition. Therefore, the quantity and even quality of milk, even with a meager diet, may be sufficient for the child’s needs, but female body may not be able to withstand the load, because the breasts will “take” the resources needed to produce milk from all the reserves and reserves of the body.

Myth No. 2. About the impact of products on a child and “allergy to hepatitis B”

“A nursing mother should monitor her diet very carefully; at first, everything potentially allergenic products. New foods should be introduced one per week and the child’s reaction should be closely monitored.”

There is a myth that some foods can cause a reaction in a child: from gas formation to allergic reactions.

Firstly, two concepts are often confused: allergies and food intolerances; these are two different things. In one case this is systemic disease With hereditary factor, in the other, this is a consequence of inadequate feeding: too frequent shifting from one breast to another, supplementing and feeding. The cause of food intolerance in the form of bloating, changes in stool character, dysbiosis and dermatitis must be sought, first of all, in the method of breastfeeding, and not in the foods consumed by the mother. In the third case, the allergy - a consequence of infection of the mother's milk - is no longer food, but bacterial allergy, it cannot be treated by adjusting the diet.

Food products themselves cannot become aggressive for a child in a mother who knows for sure that she tolerates them well; the product simply does not have any ways through which it will become an aggressor in mother’s milk. But the mother’s negative reaction to the product will immediately affect itself in the form food intolerance at the child.

Factors contributing to the development of food sensitization (allergization) in children:

Hereditary predisposition;
. gastrointestinal pathology in the mother, leading to permeability of the intestinal barrier, as a result of which food allergens circulating in the mother’s blood pass through the placenta to the child during fetal development
. late breastfeeding after childbirth
. supplementary feeding with formulas in the first days of life
. supplementary feeding with formulas at 2-3 months of age if hypolactia (lack of milk) is suspected
. consumption of highly allergenic foods by mothers prone to allergies large quantities(non-compliance with a hyposensitizing diet)
. It is of no small importance that the father of the unborn child follows diets if the father has allergies or is prone to allergies
. maternal consumption large quantity preservatives and dyes that strongly irritate the mucous membrane gastrointestinal tract and increasing the absorption of allergenic substances into the blood
. Various foods can change the color and consistency of a baby's stool if they contain substances that can pass through the blood into breast milk.

K potentially dangerous products still include alcohol and caffeine in excessive doses. For alcohol - over 1 ppm per day (this is 1 glass of wine or 1 bottle of beer). For caffeine - over 200 mg per day (that's about 2 cups of coffee).

Myth No. 3. You need to drink a lot

“It should also be taken into account that during lactation a woman needs significantly more water. It is no coincidence that mothers are recommended to drink a glass of tea with milk before each feeding of the baby.”

Does milk tea actually increase breast milk production? This is one of the “favorite” myths among nursing mothers. But let's figure out what affects the amount of milk. In the body of a nursing woman, milk is formed not from drunk milk, but from blood and lymph under the influence of the hormone prolactin. That is, the amount of milk is regulated not by the amount of fluid in the stomach, but by hormones in the pituitary gland. The amount of the latter mainly depends on how often and correctly the baby sucks and on the presence of a sufficient number of day and night feedings. Therefore, tea with milk is not involved here. And yet, the “magic drink” really helped many mothers. How is this possible? The fact is that the baby cannot get enough milk from the breast simply by sucking. The hormone oxytocin helps him in this, which contracts the muscle cells around the mammary gland and ducts. This results in increased secretion (rather than production) of milk from the nipples. At the same time, mothers note distension, tingling, warming in the chest and sometimes leakage of milk through the nipple.

There is one trick: when the tongue receptors are irritated by a pleasantly hot drink, the release of oxytocin increases. This is what is observed when drinking tea with milk. But the same effect can be obtained by drinking any other liquid of the same temperature.
There is also a myth that the amount of fluid consumed affects the amount of milk produced. Increasing the amount of fluid consumed does not affect the increase in milk supply. But drinking too much liquid puts a strain on the kidneys, which is a stress factor for the body, and any stress blocks the release of hormones necessary for lactation. It turns out the other way around - overuse liquid can lead to a decrease in milk production, just as thirst also creates discomfort and interferes with relaxation and blocks the release of hormones. Therefore, it is rational to consume the amount of liquid that the body requires and drink as much as you want, and not through force, and without limiting yourself in taking liquid.

For nursing mothers to better absorb any liquid, it is better not to drink mixed drinks, such as tea and coffee with milk. Since it is believed that nursing mothers need to be supported required level calcium in the body, then alongside this myth coexists the myth that the foods richest in calcium are dairy products. This is not entirely true, firstly, calcium from milk is the most difficult to digest, and secondly, milk is an allergen and should be consumed with caution. If you suspect allergic reactions or intolerances. And to increase the calcium content in the body, it is better to use other foods high in calcium instead of milk: sesame seeds, almonds, sardines, hazelnuts, watercress, hard cheeses, broccoli, white cabbage, black bread, leeks, bananas. Teas, as a rule, are recommended not for black teas, but for herbal and fruit and fruit and berry drinks. High content calcium, for example, is observed in a drink made from rose hips and nettles.

Myths No. 4. About harmful products

“Citrus fruits, berries, chocolate are especially dangerous in this regard...”

Breast milk contains maximum quantity antibodies to all types of aggressive elements that a person can receive throughout his life. Substances passed through breast milk form stable food tolerance - the ability to digest any food. Excluding certain foods from the diet means depriving the child of the opportunity to form his own defense against harmful factors environment, including allergens. An exclusive “Anti-allergenic diet” without indications from the mother is a direct way to make a child potentially susceptible to allergic reactions in the future. Allergy prevention can be achieved through exceptional breast-feeding up to 6 months, as well as the introduction of complementary feeding according to the principle of pedagogical complementary feeding, when the mother’s food products and those used for complementary feeding are identical, the body itself will be able to recognize the allergen and produce the necessary antibodies to it. A nursing mother should better listen to the work of her own body, the so-called atopic dermatitis may begin in children whose mothers themselves do not digest certain foods well, but continue to eat them.

Myths No. 5. Products “specially for lactation”

“There are specialized products for nursing mothers. These include: drinks and juices for pregnant women and nursing mothers, teas for pregnant and nursing mothers; porridge instant cooking for pregnant and lactating women; dry protein-vitamin-mineral complexes for nursing mothers; vitamins for pregnant and lactating women.”

The vast majority of all these products “for nursing” are nothing more than a commercial move and the products offered are the most ordinary products, they are simply offered under the guise of “special”. It is cheaper and more reliable to eat and drink home-cooked herbal teas, herbs for which you will buy at the pharmacy, or in the departments " traditional medicine" You can also choose cereals in any department in the supermarket, and if you want a twist, or you don’t trust to ordinary manufacturers, again, take advantage of the departments of environmental and dietary products. It is not recommended to take artificial vitamin supplements without the specific recommendation of your doctor.
author Alexandra Kudimova

A balanced diet is the most reasonable type of nutrition today. By the term “digestion,” medicine refers to the time that food spends in our stomach. This time is enough to digest proteins and fats, since their breakdown time is equal to the time of digestion in the stomach.

With carbohydrates, things are more complicated. Here two concepts are required: “digestion”, “assimilation”. But they form the basis of the diet for a raw food diet, so clarity on this issue is important. It is when a person decides to switch to a raw food diet that the question arises, what is the rate of absorption of foods.

Unfortunately, little attention is paid to this issue, despite the fact that it is fundamental in such a food system. Separate intake does not simply mean sequential consumption of food, which is separated in time, but the intake of one class of food after digestion (assimilation) of another. It is worth saying that the time and speed of assimilation various products may vary significantly.

Let's talk now about digestion and assimilation of food.

Food is vital for our body; it receives from it the substances necessary for life: nutritious and biologically valuable. But in order to get them, you must first digest the food, first breaking it down into chemical components, and then assimilate it.

The digestion process takes a long time, it begins with enzymatic and machining in the oral cavity of food and ends in the last sections of the intestine. This time travel of food in the body looks like this: as follows: food is digested in the stomach from 30 minutes to 6 hours, and continues to travel further into the stomach for up to 7-8 hours small intestine, continuing to be broken down and absorbed along the way, and only then everything that has not had time to be digested ends up in the large intestine and can remain there for up to 20 hours.

Now let's move on to the time of digestion and assimilation of foods. This time is also commonly called the speed of digestion (assimilation) of products. But in fact, at this time, food is processed only in the stomach. So.


  1. Tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, peppers, herbs - 30-40 minutes (vegetables seasoned with oil - up to 1.5 hours).
  2. Zucchini, green beans, cauliflower, broccoli, corn - boiled ones are digested for 40 minutes, seasoned with oil - 50.
  3. Parsnips, beets, carrots, turnips - will be digested within 50-60 minutes.
  4. Potatoes, sweet potatoes, Jerusalem artichokes, chestnuts, pumpkin, yams - in 60 minutes.

Berries and fruits:

  1. Berries and watermelon are digested in 20 minutes.
  2. Melon, grapes, citrus fruits and other juicy fruits - 30 minutes.
  3. Apples, pears, cherries, peaches, apricots and other fruits are digested for 40 minutes.
  4. Fruit, fruit and vegetable salads - 30 - 50 minutes.


  1. Water is absorbed almost instantly if there is no other food in the stomach. In this case, it immediately enters the intestines.
  2. Fruit, vegetable juices are absorbed within 10-30 minutes.
  3. Broths of varying strengths - 20-40 minutes.
  4. Milk - up to 2 hours.

Cereals, cereals, legumes:

  1. Buckwheat, polished rice, millet are digested in 60-80 minutes.
  2. Barley, oatmeal, corn flour - 1-1.5 hours.
  3. Peas, chickpeas, lentils, beans (red, white, black) - in 1.5 hours.
  4. Soy - 2 hours.

Nuts and seeds:

  1. Sunflower, pumpkin, sesame, and melon pear seeds are digested on average in about 120 minutes.
  2. Hazelnuts, peanuts, pecans, almonds, walnut- digest 150 - 180 minutes.


  1. Protein is absorbed in 30 minutes.
  2. Yolk - 45 minutes.

Dairy products:

  1. Any fermented milk drinks- 60 minutes.
  2. Cheese cheese, cottage cheese and low-fat homemade cheese - 90 minutes.
  3. Milk, full-fat cottage cheese - 120 minutes.
  4. Hard fatty cheeses such as Swiss and Dutch require 4-5 hours to digest.

Fish and seafood:

  1. small, lean fish will take 30 minutes to digest.
  2. Oily - 50-80 minutes.
  3. Protein from seafood is absorbed in 2-3 hours.


  1. Chicken, skinless chicken - 90-120 minutes.
  2. Turkey without skin - a little over 2 hours.


  1. The beef will take 3-4 hours to digest.
  2. Lamb - 3 hours.
  3. Pork is digested in about 5 hours.

We looked at the speed of digestion of food in the stomach, as well as the processes that affect this speed. Now you know what is digested faster and what is slower, and you can use this knowledge in the fight against extra pounds.

Ideas about anatomy human body changed in different times, because the information to create the right image there was little. Moreover, such intimate moments as sexual differences between men and women, the process of feeding a child, and others were kept under seven seals. For example, almost until the seventeenth century, people thought that milk was altered menstrual blood, since they could not explain the process of milk formation in a nursing mother. In the last century, breakthroughs in medical science have eliminated ignorance, and now we understand the process of milk production, we know the basic rules of feeding newborns and much other information in this area. In order to understand how the composition of breast milk changes depending on the food eaten, let us turn to the anatomy of the mammary glands.

Breast development begins in the womb, from approximately the fourth to the seventh week, when thickening is noticeable skin V armpit embryo. From the sixteenth to the twenty-fourth week, such folds will disappear, leaving behind the rudiments of the mammary glands. Subsequently, they are transformed into milk ducts and alveoli, which store milk. Rapid changes in the mammary glands are observed during puberty, but doctors consider full maturation only after childbirth and full production of breast milk.
The chest consists mainly of glandular tissue, the main purpose of which is the production and transportation of milk. Connective tissue performs a support function, and the delivery of nutrients is provided by the blood. Spent elements are output via lymphatic system. Also directly involved are nerve endings that transmit and receive impulses, and fat that protects the mammary glands from damage.
Glandular tissue contains many alveoli. Their function is to store and “dispense” milk. Milk is expelled by squeezing small muscle cells around the alveoli. The alveolar ducts connect into larger structures that carry milk out through small holes in the nipples.

Changes in breastfeeding

Breasts begin to change already during pregnancy, when they are preparing for full feeding of the baby. At this time, it is influenced by progesterone, as well as prolactin and estrogen. Under their influence, the breasts begin to increase in size and become more sensitive.
Three months before giving birth, the breasts secrete colostrum. For some women, it may remain on the bra, while others do not notice the discharge. Because of high level progesterone, the lactation process does not start completely, but after the birth of the child hormonal background is changing.
The production of full-fledged milk begins only after some time, when the colostrum is gone. At this time, the baby receives the most rational nutrition, balanced by nature itself.

Nutrient penetration

Absorption into the blood useful substances which he receives human body during nutrition, occurs in the small intestine. The villi located on the mucous membrane of the small intestine are enriched blood vessels, receiving necessary for the body nutrients, and then carry them with the bloodstream throughout the body to in the right places. Exactly the same principle is used to get nutrients into breast milk.

Absorption into the blood

The absorption process is not instantaneous. For example, if a nursing mother ate a piece of meat, this does not mean that for a baby attached to the breast at the same hour, the composition of the milk will already change. The food has not yet been digested in the stomach. After all, the process of digesting meat takes about three to four hours, and if the food is fatty, then even more - up to five to six hours. Rough meat, whose fibers are dense, takes the same amount of time to digest. And only after three to five hours does the meat enter the small intestine, where it begins to be actively absorbed into the blood. Blood “shares” fluid, protein, fats, vitamins, hormones, amino acids with the mammary glands, minerals. All this affects the growth and development of the baby. In each specific case, a certain part of these components is given. Thus, the blood will receive nutrients as long as the food is digested.

Application of sorbents

If a nursing mother has eaten raw vegetables, fresh baked goods, milk or fruits, then excessive gas formation is inevitable when digesting these foods. There is a familiar feeling of heaviness in the stomach, bloating, and belching. Gas bubbles partially escape during peristaltic movements of the intestine, but the most “persistent” bubbles still end up in the blood. They travel through the bloodstream in the body, reaching the mammary glands. The passage of gases from milk to the baby is also inevitable, since they do not dissolve in breast milk due to its fat content. If the mother does not want to harm the baby, after such food you can take a sorbent - polyphepan, smecta or activated carbon, which will help avoid excessive gas formation.

Thus, we can conclude that most products enter milk on average two to three hours after entering the mother’s body (with the exception of meat products).

Absorption of nutrients

Vitamins are essential components in infant nutrition. The mother's food should contain them required quantity so that the child is provided with them. Very important for the baby are:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • nicotinic acid;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • pyridoxine.

Vitamins do not tend to accumulate in the body, so the child must be provided with them constantly. Iron and calcium are easily provided by the resources of the mother's body, so there is no need to replenish their supply. But the inability to absorb iron and calcium will have to be combated with the help of medications. Vitamins and nutrients that enter the mother’s body are transferred through breast milk within one to two hours and continue to be released from the body for the same amount of time.

Intake of allergens

Allergens are substances that accompany us throughout our lives. The body's reaction to allergens is individual, so the mother may not even suspect that feeding could result in a rash or other allergic reactions. Allergies are triggered by foods that release histamine - eggs, red vegetables and fruits, citrus fruits, chocolate, mushrooms, honey and others. This food, while not causing problems for the mother, can have a negative impact on the child. You need to be very careful when eating foods.
Products containing monosodium glutamate, aspirin, phenylalanine, cyclamates, saccharin and other synthetic substances are dangerous.
The allergen gets into the body very quickly mother's milk- in approximately forty to fifty minutes, but their arrival does not end there. Allergens will be absorbed for another eight hours with vegetables, another four hours with milk, and twelve hours with baked goods. Harmful additives remain in the woman’s body for about a week.

Receipt of medicines and alcohol

The use of medications is extremely undesirable during lactation. However, in some cases, taking medications is a necessary and justifiable risk. Naturally, the components medicine will also be absorbed small intestine and spread by blood throughout the body. In order to protect your baby from the effects of drugs, you must:

  1. Consult with a pediatrician on the choice of drug - you cannot prescribe which medicine to take on your own.
  2. When visiting a doctor, clarify that you are a nursing mother - this significantly influences the choice of drug.
  3. Read the instructions for the drug and pay attention to: what is the time of entry of the drug into the blood, features of use in pregnant and nursing mothers, what is the elimination time medicinal substance from the body.

Alcohol passes into breast milk quickly – within two minutes after consumption.

This is due to the fact that alcohol molecules are much smaller than other components, and they easily penetrate membranes. Harmful influence drinking alcohol lasts from two hours to several days, depending on how much alcohol was drunk and what strength it was.