Foods containing vitamin e. The amount of vitamin e in various foods

Vitamin E or as it is also called by the people: "elixir of youth and fertility"

What is vitamin E like: it is fat-soluble, it is not formed in the human body and is not stored for a long time, it is not dangerous in large doses.

The value and role of vitamin E

Vitamin E is the main antioxidant (antioxidant substances), fighting free radicals that adversely affect the cells of the body. Scientists have found that each cell is attacked by free radicals about 10 thousand times a day. Special attention To replenish the reserves of this vitamin, you need to pay: people leading an active and sports lifestyle, people who want to have children.

Vitamin E: prevents or eliminates circulatory disorders, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and therefore prevents blood clots from forming, reduces the possibility of scarring, reduces blood pressure. beneficial effect vitamin has on sore eyes, very well provides metabolism in skeletal muscles, heart muscles, liver and nervous systems e, delays the development of heart failure. Properly ensures the functioning of the gonads (in the absence of the vitamin, a woman cannot become pregnant, and a man cannot have offspring). Also vitamin in the best way slows down the aging process, prevents the formation of muscle weakness and fatigue. Vitamin E is widely used in the prevention of atherosclerosis.

Daily requirement of vitamin E

Recommended daily rate vitamin E is:
  • children under 1 year - 0.5 mg / kg;
  • adults - 0.3 mg / kg.

Pregnant, lactating mothers, athletes, this dose is recommended to be increased.
Please note that the calculation is based on the weight of the person.

What foods contain vitamin E (sources)

Herbal products containing vitamin E:

Sunflower oil, sunflower seeds, soybean oil, almonds, margarine, cereals and legumes, walnuts, peanuts, butter, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, green leafy vegetables, sea buckthorn, mountain ash, rose hips, apple and pear seeds.

Vitamin E is found in animal products:

Chicken eggs, milk and dairy products, beef, lard, liver.

Interaction and compatibility (contraindications) of vitamin E

In the organization of protection against free radicals, vitamin E works closely with selenium, so they should be taken in combination. Iron and vitamin E trace elements should not be taken together. B various bodies, especially in the retina, thanks to electrons, oxidized and degraded vitamin E molecules can be restored. Tocopherol deficiency can lead to low levels of magnesium in the body. Zinc deficiency also exacerbates the symptoms of vitamin E deficiency.

Vitamin E deficiency symptoms

Possible symptoms of vitamin E deficiency:
  • dry skin;
  • weakening of visual acuity;
  • increased fatigue;
  • nervousness, irritability;
  • distraction;
  • fragility of nails;
  • muscular dystrophy;
  • violation of sexual function;
  • sexual apathy;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • anemia;
  • infertility;
  • fat deposits on the muscles;
  • heart diseases;
  • age spots on the skin.

Overdose symptoms E

Possible symptoms of vitamin E overdose:

Vitamin E is practically safe and non-toxic, but in large doses it can cause side effects: nausea, indigestion, diarrhea, blood pressure.

Various varieties of tocopherols (from the Greek toko - "offspring" and the Latin ferre - "bring"), similar in chemical composition and effect on the body, are called vitamin E. It is necessary for women to proper development fetus, men for sexual function. The intake of products containing vitamin E is necessary for protein metabolism, muscle activity, and the nervous system.

Useful properties of tocopherols

One of the causes of aging is free radicals that destroy cell membranes. The use of foods rich in vitamin E improves the absorption of oxygen in tissues, reduces blood clotting and the risk of blood clots, and expands capillaries.

Recent studies have found that if a blood clot forms in a vessel, vitamin E helps create a new vessel nearby.

When intracellular fats (lipids) are oxidized, toxic substances, which in certain cases lead to cell death, and also inhibit the action of other vitamins and enzymes. Tocopherols neutralize the resulting.

Inclusion in the diet of foods containing vitamin E is necessary for optimal function endocrine system, thyroid gland, pituitary gland, adrenal glands. It stimulates the activity of the heart, improves oxygen metabolism in cells.

This nutrition is necessary for the exchange, which athletes use to quickly build up a significant volume muscle mass, avoid overwork, increase endurance.

The presence of tocopherols in the diet improves the absorption and accumulation of fat-soluble vitamins in the body - primarily.

Vitamin E is soluble in fats, but its content in foods decreases rapidly under the influence of ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

For therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, tocopherols are used to:

  • increase the level of red blood cells;
  • prevent diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • reduce the risk of developing cataracts;
  • improve skin condition;
  • quickly get rid of seams, scars,;
  • protect the oral cavity;
  • reduce the risk of neoplasms of the prostate and breast;
  • slow down the aging process.

Tocopherols help with chronic diseases liver, gallbladder, pancreas, with strong emotional stress. They are practically not excreted from the body through the kidneys and with feces.

Daily rate

Vitamin E is not synthesized in the human body, so it must come from food.

The daily intake of tocopherols is measured in international units (IU), while 100 mg equals 140 IU.

Adults need to get up to 20 mg of vitamin E from food every day. This quantity contained in 2s.l. vegetable oil or 50g almonds.

With a significant physical activity the dose can be increased at the rate of 8 mg for every 1000 kcal of diet.

The intake of vitamin E with food must be increased during the period breastfeeding, athletes, as well as those engaged in heavy physical labor.

Signs of deficiency

With a lack of tocopherols, fats in the body begin to break down, senile spots appear on the hands - compounds of proteins and fat-like substances.

The condition of the skin worsens female cycle, pregnancy can end in miscarriage, lactation stops in nursing mothers.

Decrease, causeless weakness and fatigue, muscular dystrophy, decreased sharpness, inability to concentrate, decreased levels, nervousness and irritability also signal vitamin E deficiency.

When taken with food, vitamin E accumulates in adipose tissue, and prolonged deficiency is rare. As a rule, this happens when digestion and absorption of fats are disturbed. The cause of inadequate absorption may be surgical removal parts small intestine.

Reduces the level of tocopherols too long exposure to the sun.

The predominance in the diet of foods with saturated fat violates cholesterol metabolism, which also requires an increase in the intake of vitamin E.

V large quantities tocopherols are not toxic, but can thin the blood and increase arterial pressure. Their excess is excreted in the bile.

Vitamin E during pregnancy

Tocopherols are essential for normal pregnancy and fetal development. In case of their deficiency, the unborn child may develop congenital deformities, joint anomalies, and mental disability.

With sufficient intake of tocopherols in a child, the risk of developing on animal hair is reduced, flower pollen.

Foods that contain vitamin E reduce the risk of miscarriage, are necessary for the formation of milk, their deficiency causes the cessation of lactation.

In order not to form stretch marks on the abdomen, thighs, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe mammary glands, you can rub creams with oil vitamin E (first you need to check individual sensitivity on a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin).

List and table of foods containing vitamin E

Tocopherol in a significant amount contains green parts of plants, lettuce, parsley, legumes, green bean, cabbage leaves, corn, grains of rye, wheat, buckwheat, millet, barley, brown rice, almonds, peanuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds, buckwheat, corn, sunflower, olive, linseed, sea buckthorn vegetable oils.

Vitamin E is rich in oats, raspberry leaves, fruits and oil from its seeds.

A cup of fresh raspberries tops daily requirement in tocopherols by 50%.

Due to the significant content of vitamin E, it is especially useful for men.

To increase the content of vitamin E in wheat grains, they are germinated:

  • sort the grains, wash, dry with a dry soft cloth;
  • pour into a glass dish, moisten with water at room temperature, cover with a damp cloth;
  • when the sprouts become 1-2mm, rinse the grains - they are ready for eating.

Oil from germinated wheat seeds contains the maximum amount of vitamin E. Less tocopherols in meat and dairy products, eggs, fish:

Table. Foods Containing Vitamin E
Product (100 g)Vitamin E content, mg
Wheat germ oil215,4
Cottonseed oil99
Corn oil93
Sunflower oil67
Linseed oil57
Fresh needles of pine or spruce35
Sunflower seeds21,8
Flour, cereals, bread3
Green peas2,5
Buckwheat flour2,1
Green onions, apricots, peaches1,2
A fish0,6
Vegetables, fruits, berries0,5
Milk products0,3

Steam cooking contributes to the preservation of vitamin E, it is lost up to 10%. Roasting, using the grill completely destroys it.

Tocopherols are best combined with butter, cream, egg yolks, potatoes, cabbage, lettuce, green parts of plants that are rich in vitamins A and C.

Potential harms of multivitamins

Recently, publications have appeared in foreign publications on the effect of multivitamin intake on the prevention of neoplasms of the digestive system.

According to the results obtained, antioxidant vitamins not only do not prevent the development of neoplasms, but, on the contrary, increase mortality - for example, the use of a complex of vitamins A and E increased mortality by a third.

A reliable explanation for this discouraging result has not yet been obtained. But, obviously, it is also impossible to ignore the excessive passion for multivitamins.

Modified: 02/13/2019

Without vitamins human body will not be able to function correctly. These biologically active substances come only with food. As part of the 13 most important for the life of low molecular weight organic matter there is a unique vitamin.

It is vitamin E or tocopherol. It is responsible for our youth and sexual function.

What foods contain vitamin E, where is it more, a reliable table with specific gravity daily dose You will find in our article.

Tocopherol is included in the group of fat-soluble vitamins. It's kind of external hormone, Courier important information between cells and tissues. Absorbed from the small intestine, it is transported in the body by lipoproteins - complexes of proteins and lipids. Is an powerful antioxidant, antihypoxant and immunomodulator.

Vitamin E inactivates toxic products released as a result metabolic processes in a cage. Tocopherol protects against them:

  • Molecular bonds of keratin and retinol,
  • phospholipids cell membranes,
  • hormones produced by the endocrine and gonads
  • red blood cells from hemolysis, preventing thrombosis.

Tocopherol saves oxygen consumption by cells by controlling the synthesis of ubiquinone (coenzyme Q), important component tissue respiration. Strengthens the body's immune defenses.

Daily intake of tocopherol

Norm physiological need in tocopherol depends on the age of the person. In newborns up to 6 months of age, the daily intake is 3 mg. Preschoolers should get 4 to 7 mg of the vitamin daily. Schoolchildren (under 14 years old) - from 7 to 10 mg.

Young generation under 18 and adults healthy people an adequate level of consumption of tocopherol is set at 15 mg.

Tocopherol Deficiency Symptoms

Tocopherol deficiency develops due to congenital disorders metabolism, aggression environment, nutritional deficiency.

Its deficiency manifests itself:

  • violation of reproductive ability - a decrease in potency in men, miscarriage in pregnant women;
  • hemolytic anemia in newborns;
  • edema, vomiting, increased pressure on early dates pregnancy;
  • violation of muscle tone,
  • retinal degeneration,
  • liver necrosis,
  • loss of coordination, decreased reflexes, impaired speech, loss of skin sensitivity due to disorders of the nervous system.

What foods are high in vitamin E

There are many sources on the Internet where vitamin E is located, in which foods it contains the most. What resources contain reliable data? You can refer to the reference table of chemical composition food products which includes vitamins. It was compiled by domestic scientists of the 90s of the XX century.

The composition of the products was determined by unified physical and chemical methods alkaline hydrolysis, extraction of unsaponifiable residue, chromatography.

Cooked foods containing vitamin E in large quantities:

  • wheat and Rye bread prepared according to old traditional recipes;
  • pasta premium;
  • cereals;
  • butter;
  • tahini halvah;
  • mackerel in oil;
  • Atlantic horse mackerel

Herbal products

Vegetable oils are foods that contain the most vitamin E. But they must be fresh, obtained by cold pressing. The process of refining vegetable oils goes through 8 processing stages. The result is butter or margarine without useful ingredients. fatty acids and tocopherol.

IMPORTANT! Consumption of food cooked in refined oil can provoke hypovitaminosis!

An excess of vegetable oils in the diet intensifies the consumption of tocopherol for the processing of unsaturated fatty acids and prevents the accumulation of lipid peroxidation products.

An analysis of the table shows what contains the most vitamin E, except for oils. Nuts, sea buckthorn, carrots, peaches, chokeberry, leek have a pronounced antioxidant property.

Animal products

The table shows that animal-derived foods rich in vitamin E do not provide the body with such nutrition. high content tocopherol, which is found in vegetable oil. Seafood contains more vitamin than meat and milk. The list below confirms this. Its source is Chemical composition Food Products, Volume 2, 1987. Edited by I. M. Skurikhin and M. N. Volgarev.

Table of vitamin E content in products

The product's name Vitamin content in 100 g, mg % of daily dose (15 mg)
semolina 2,55 17,0
buckwheat kernel 6,65 44,3
rice 0,45 3,0
millet 2,60 17,3
oatmeal 3,40 22,7
oat flakes"Hercules" 3,20 21,3
barley 3,70 24,7
corn 2,70 18,0
Peas shelled 9,10 60,7
rye 2,20 14,7
hearth 2,68 17,9
whole grain wheat 3,80 25,3
wheat hearth 3,30 22,0
wheat 1 grade 1,96 13,1
premium wheat 1,68 11,2
sliced ​​loaf 2,50 16,7
Pasta premium 2,10 14,0
almond 30,90 206,0
hazelnut 25,50 170,0
Walnut 23,0 153,3
milk chocolate 0,78 5,2
cocoa powder 3,0 20,0
Milk sweets unglazed 0,22 1,5
Iris 0,38 2,5
Halva tahini 20,0 133,3
cow 0,09 0,6
mare 0,07 0,5
Goat 0,09 0,6
Whole milk products
fat cottage cheese 0,38 2,5
cream 20% 0,52 3,5
cream 30% 0,55 3,7
fat kefir 0,07 0,5
koumiss 0,03 0,2
Whole milk powder 0,45 3,0
Condensed milk with sugar 0,23 1,5
Sterilized condensed milk without sugar 0,15 1,0
Cream sterilized 25% 0,56 3,7
Hard cheeses:
Dutch 0,31 2,1
Kostroma 0,34 2,3
Russian 0,30 2,0
Soft cheeses:
Roquefort 0,45 3,0
Camembert 0,34 2,3
Processed cheese "Russian" 0,35 2,3
Butter unsalted 2,20 14,7
Creamy ice cream 0,30 2,0
Vegetable oils:
corn 93 620,0
olive 13 86,7
sunflower 56 373,3
soy 114 760,0
cotton 99 660,0
creamy 20 133,3
lactic 25 166,7
green peas 2,60 17,3
early white cabbage 0,10 0,67
late cabbage 0,06 4,0
Brussels sprouts 1,0 6,7
cauliflower 0,15 1,0
potato 0,10 0,7
bow - feather 1,0 6,7
leek 1,50 10,0
Onion 0,20 1,3
carrot 5,0 33,3
cucumbers 0,10 0,67
sweet green pepper 0,67 4,5
sweet red sweet pepper 0,67 4,5
rhubarb 0,20 1,3
salad 0,66 4,4
beet 0,14 0,9
celery (greens) 0,50 3,3
ground tomatoes 0,39 2,6
beans 0,10 0,7
garlic 0,10 0,7
spinach 2,5 16,7
Melon 0,10 0,7
apricot 0,95 6,3
banana 0,40 26,7
Cherry 0,32 2,1
pear 0,36 2,4
peaches 1,50 10,0
chokeberry 1,50 10,0
plum 0,63 4,2
cherries 0,30 2,0
winter apples 0,63 4,2
Orange 0,22 1,5
mandarin 0,20 1,3
garden strawberry 0,54 3,6
gooseberry 0,56 3,7
raspberries 0,58 3,9
sea ​​buckthorn 10,30 68,7
Red currants 0,20 1,3
black currant 0,72 4,8
rosehip fresh 1,71 11,4
fresh porcini mushrooms 0,63 4,2
Meat and meat products:
beef 0,57 3,8
mutton 0,70 4,7
bacon pork 0,54 3,6
veal 0,15 1,0
rabbit meat 0,50 3,3
Offal beef:
liver 1,28 8,5
heart 0,75 5,0
Pork by-products:
lung 0,50 3,3
liver 0,44 2,9
Boiled sausages:
dietary 0,28 1,9
doctoral 0,30 2,0
Dairy 0,43 2,9
Raw smoked loin 1,11 7,4
Pork fat 1,7 11,3
Beef fat 1,30 8,7
Lamb fat 0,5 3,3
broiler category I 0,30 2,0
turkeys I category 0,34 2,3
chickens 0,01 0,07
Whole chicken egg (melange) 2,0 13,3
Fish, fresh, chilled, frozen
Far Eastern flounder 1,2 8,0
carp 0,48 3,2
pollock 0,26 1,7
white sea saffron cod 0,57 3,8
sea ​​bass 0,42 2,8
halibut 0,65 4,3
herring 0,70 4,7
sardine 0,48 3,2
atlantic oily herring 1,20 8,0
mackerel atlantic oily 1,60 10,7
catfish 0,96 6,4
zander 1,80 12,0
cod 0,92 6,1
tuna 0,24 1,6
hake silver 0,37 2,5
Pike 0,20 1,3
Non-fish objects of fishing:
squid (fillet) 2,20 14,7
shrimp 2,27 15,1
krill 0,59 3,9
Pollack caviar 1,6 10,7
Salted Atlantic herring 0,75 5,0
Canned fish natural
Cod liver 8,8 58,7
krill 0,32 2,1
Canned fish in oil:
blanched Atlantic mackerel 2,76 18,4
Atlantic horse mackerel in tomato 0,72 4,8
Canned fruits and vegetables:
green pea 1,2 8,0
tomato paste 1,0 6,7

Vitamin E capsules

Synthetic tocopherol is obtained by synthesis from wheat germ seed oil, pumpkin seeds, and milk thistle. The substance is available in capsules, chewable lozenges. Tocopherol acetate 100, 200 and 400 mg - a kind of remedy.

Aevit - complex drug, which includes 100 mg of tocopherol. Component preparations Leciton, Essentiale. Contained in the multivitamins Triovit, Undevit, Decamevit, Complivit, Vitamax.

Vitamin E tablets

Tocopherol tablets are unpopular. Dissolving, it produces an irritating effect on the digestive system.

REFERENCE. Vitamin C saves stocks of tocopherol. Vitamin C is prescribed to enhance its antioxidant effect.

Manifestations of an overdose

REFERENCE. If you increase the intake of tocopherol by 100 times, it ceases to be a vitamin. Becomes a medicine to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. Prevents blood clotting.

A megadose of tocopherol (more than 1 g per day) can cause hypertriglyceridemia and an increase in blood pressure.

Manifestations of hypervitaminosis:

  • thrombocytopenia, poor clotting blood;
  • weakening of twilight vision;
  • dyspeptic phenomena;
  • headache, muscle cramps, weakness;
  • decrease in potency.

Contraindications for use

Contraindications to taking tocopherol are not absolute.

Vitamin E enhances the action of insulin. In diabetic patients taking it, the consumption of tocopherol is excluded.

Vitamin E aggravates the action of the anticoagulant, and reduces the level of clotting factors. In patients taking heparin, warfarin should stop taking tocopherol to prevent bleeding.

The functioning of vitamin E in the body will be effective with a properly composed diet, taking into account the interaction with other organic substances.
Expended tocopherol must be reimbursed in a timely manner.

Greetings, my wonderful readers. I have been preparing this material for a long time. Thought it would be easy. Well, what is there to write - very useful vitamin, about which everything has already been said for a long time. But it so happened that I recently bought a book Transcend where are described latest research in medicine. I discovered a lot of new things for myself, something even shocked me. Vitamin E was especially striking. I will tell you about it today.

By the way, I highly recommend this book to anyone who wants to “pump” their health. It gives specific recommendations - which vitamin supplements are best taken and at what age. No advertising - only research, conclusions and what to do.

Numerous studies confirm positive use this element on our body. For example, one of the largest was a study that lasted for 9 years. 11,000 elderly people aged 67 to 105 participated. The result was a shocking discovery. It turns out that with the joint intake of vitamins E + C, total mortality by 34%. Decreased number of diseases coronary disease hearts by 47% ( 1 ).

Vitamin E is 8 similar, but at the same time different compounds. They are divided into 2 classes of components: tocopherols and tocotrienols. Each class has 4 different compounds, for a total of 8.

A good diet or supplement contains all 8 compounds. But we will focus on only two of them: alpha-tocopherol and gamma-tocopherol. The other six compounds are beta-tocopherol, delta-tocopherol, alpha-tocotrienol, beta-tocotrienol, gamma-tocotrienol, and delta-tocotrienol.

The figure shows the structure of alpha and gamma tocopherol molecules. I think you noticed that the only real difference is in the "head" (on the left side). It protects against free radicals and oxidation. The structural difference between the molecules is small. But it determines how substances behave in the body.

Antioxidant activity of D-Alpha-tocopherol - 100, and D-gamma tocopherol - 130

Pharmaceutical companies pay more attention to the extraction of alpha-tocopherol. The reason for its popularity is that it is more easily isolated and synthesized compared to other constituents. Therefore, almost all pharmacy supplements called "vitamin E" contain only alpha tocopherol acetate.

How does it work

Vitamin E is still the main antioxidant that protects our body from the effects of free radicals. So, free radicals are "cell renegades". They cause serious damage by changing the biochemical structure of cells. These "pests" can even damage DNA.

Scientists believe that due to the molecular chaos created by free radicals, various diseases. Many researchers are convinced that the cumulative effect of free radicals is hallmark aging people.

Remember initial course Chemistry: Molecules are made up of atoms. Every atom is made up of a nucleus at the center and electrons that travel around it. The main thing here is that the electrons are in pairs. Free radicals are missing one electron in their outer shell.

The molecule does not like to be in this state. As a result, she frantically searches for a way to bring herself to a stable state. Unable to withstand such a situation, a free radical steals an electron from its own kind. As a result, it starts chain reaction. One free radical steals an electron from another molecule, turning it into a free radical. And he again steals from the other, and so on.

When a free radical damages DNA, genetic mutation passed on to other cells. Sadly, this situation provokes the appearance cancerous tumors. Imagine what would happen if free radicals formed freely. They would accumulate, accumulate, and then they would simply kill us.

But here, under the pleas of good molecules, “superheroes” appear 🙂 These are antioxidants. They donate their electrons so that free radicals don't steal them from molecules that perform important functions.

What does the body need

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble element that acts as an antioxidant. He is the protector of our cells from the effects of carcinogens and toxins. Found in many foods, including some oils, nuts, poultry, eggs, and fruits. Also available as a supplement in the form of supplements.

And this element is also a vitamin of "reproduction". By the way, this corresponds to its second name "tocopherol". Translated from Greek toсos - "offspring", phero - "to give birth". Therefore, "tocopherol" literally translates as "bearing offspring." It is important during pregnancy full development fetus and miscarriage prevention. It is also prescribed for conception.

In addition, this element is used for:

  • prevention of thrombophlebitis;
  • prevention of angina pectoris;
  • prevention of arteriosclerosis;
  • lowering the level of total cholesterol;
  • maintaining blood levels;
  • improve blood circulation in the limbs;
  • stroke prevention;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • well-coordinated work of the muscular system;
  • protection of the thymus, hypothalamus and adrenal cortex from destruction;
  • reducing the symptoms of menopause (prescribed and with a delay in menstruation);
  • fight against inflammatory processes;
  • prevent the development of cataracts.

And it is very important for the skin. Therefore, vitamin E for the face is often prescribed. Tocopherol is also actively used.

What does it contain

The best way to get vitamin E is to eat foods high in this element. Such sources are a balanced combination of the necessary components. They provide complete protection against free radicals.

Whole grains, nuts, dark green vegetables and some fruits are good sources given element. Rich in tocopherol and vegetable oils. However, refined oils contain 2/3 less vitamin E than cold-pressed products.

The table below presents to your attention products containing tocopherol in large quantities. The data are given at a consumption rate of 15 mg (the indicator is taken as 100%).

Tocopherol contained in food products is resistant to acids and alkalis. It practically does not collapse at a temperature of 170-200 degrees. With such methods of heat treatment at home as cooking, preservation, sterilization, the content of vitamin E almost does not change.

However (paradoxically) when frying in a pan, most of the tocopherol is lost. disastrous for this vitamin and ultra-violet rays- the lion's share of the element is destroyed.

Deficiency symptoms

Serious tocopherol deficiency is rare. However, the possibility of its occurrence should not be ruled out. A serious shortage of this element is manifested as follows:

  • Decreased sexual activity. The production of hormones decreases, resulting in dysfunction of the uterus. This often leads to infertility.
  • Premature newborns (weighing less than 3.5 kg). For children, the deficiency is extremely dangerous - they have not formed the process of assimilation of fats. In such babies, tocopherol deficiency manifests itself in damage to the retina or infectious diseases.
  • Dystrophy of the heart muscle with premature death of red blood cells.
  • Softening of the brain (the cerebellum suffers the most).
  • "Goosebumps" on the skin, numbness of the limbs, impaired coordination of movement. In addition, against the background of these symptoms, muscular dystrophy can occur.
  • The appearance of age spots on the skin.
  • Damage to liver cells.
  • Nervousness, depression, insomnia and other signs of a neurological disorder.

Benefits of drinking

By consuming foods rich in this vitamin, you will get great benefits for your health. Let me tell you about the main ones:

  • Cholesterol balance. Cholesterol is a substance produced in the liver. When its level is in balance, the body is healthy. When oxidized, cholesterol becomes dangerous. Studies have shown that vitamin E serves as a protective antioxidant that combats this factor ( 1 ).
  • Skin youth. Vitamin E helps to strengthen the walls of capillaries, and also accelerates their regeneration. The skin becomes more hydrated and firm. Studies have shown that tocopherol helps reduce inflammation on the body and on the skin. And for the face, it is incredibly useful. Tocopherol contributes to the maintenance of healthy and youthful skin ( 2 ). Also joint reception vitamins E + C can be helpful in reducing the signs of acne and eczema.
  • Hormone balance. This element plays important role in the balance of the endocrine and nervous systems ( 3 ). Symptoms hormonal imbalance may include PMS, overweight, allergies, infections urinary tract, skin changes. They also include anxiety and fatigue. By keeping your hormones in balance, it will be easier for you to maintain a healthy weight and regular menstrual cycle. Taking tocopherol 2-3 days before and 2-3 days after menstruation can reduce PMS symptoms. are minimized pain and duration of bleeding. And, of course, you will feel more energetic 🙂

  • Improves eyesight. Vitamin E may help reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration, which is common cause blindness. Keep in mind that E must be taken in conjunction with other elements to be effective. You need to absorb it with vitamin C, and zinc. In addition, it has been found to be very useful high doses vitamin E and vitamin A. This duo accelerates regeneration and improves vision in people who have undergone laser eye surgery.
  • Helps people with Alzheimer's disease. Tocopherol slows the deterioration of memory loss and functional disorders in people with moderate Alzheimer's disease. Taking E + C in tandem can reduce the risk of developing some forms of dementia ( 4 ).

Daily rate

Daily intake is measured in milligrams (mg) and international units (IU). How much to take depends on age. officially recognized in Russia various dosages according to gender and age:

For kids:

For adults:

Tocopherol obtained from food is absorbed only by 20% - 50%. And even then, if the products did not lie on the shelves of the store for a long time. This is especially true for fruits and vegetables.

An additional amount of tocopherol is needed for:

  • hypovitaminosis;
  • muscular dystrophy;
  • selenium deficiency;
  • excessive stress;
  • taking contraceptive and hormonal drugs;
  • recovery of the body after surgery;
  • presence in the diet a large number food rich ;
  • epilepsy;
  • scleroderma and malnutrition (in pediatrics);
  • violation of the menstrual cycle;
  • diseases of the tendon-ligament apparatus.

also in additional reception Vitamin E is needed by people who are regularly exposed to dangerous toxic substances.

Instructions for use

If the body is not getting enough vitamin E from food, supplements that you can buy at the pharmacy can be of help. They produce liquid tocopherol (in ampoules or bottles), in capsules or tablets. The price of the drug depends on the form of its release, dosage and other factors.

But as I wrote above, in most cases it's all alpha-tocopherol. Therefore, when buying supplements, make sure that alpha and gamma tocopherols are indicated in the ingredients. Or else they write all forms of tocopherols are present ».

I confess that so far in our pharmacies I have not been able to find such vitamin complexes. Could only find iherb. And even there it was not easy to choose a good option. I bought these vitamins:

The bank indicates how to take and the composition is detailed. It contains full complex tocopherols. A plus .

Side effects

Knowing what vitamin E is good for can greatly alleviate your condition and speed up the healing process. But it's important to stick to the rules. In most cases side effects not tested at the recommended dose. However, when taking 10-20 daily norms, an overdose occurs. At risk are those with diabetes, those who suffer from heart disease, and are also deficient in potassium.

An excess of tocopherol is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • sexual dysfunction;
  • visual impairment;
  • diarrhea
  • pressure jump;
  • rash;
  • bleeding;
  • bruises, etc.

Interaction with other drugs

Additional intake of tocopherol can slow down blood clotting. Therefore, by using medications that also slow clotting, you may increase your chances of bleeding. These medications include aspirin, clopidogrel, ibuprofen, and warfarin.

Vitamin E is closely related to selenium. Their intake into the body should be directly proportional. Otherwise, there will be a shortage of the first or second element. In addition, selenium is useful for tocopherol - it "heals" its damaged molecules.

Deficiency of this vitamin often leads to poor absorption zinc and magnesium. In addition, drugs that are used to lower cholesterol levels can interact with vitamin E.

Additional consumption of tocopherol reduces the body's need for insulin. However, it is important for diabetics to control their glucose levels and take E only under medical supervision.

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Discovered in 1922, the vitally important fat-soluble vitamin E (by the way, this compound was found fifth among vitamins after a, c, c and e) was named tocopherol, which in Greek means birth-bearing (“tokos” - birth, and “ ferro" - to carry).

Without the magic molecules of vitamin E on planet Earth, the reproductive function of all living organisms would simply die out, since this compound is responsible for the health of the pelvic organs.

  • Fat-soluble vitamin E is not synthesized in the human body, it can only be obtained from food, usually saturated with fats.

Having information about which products the largest number vitamin E is present, and how to properly compose a daily menu - you can prevent the occurrence of a deficiency in the body of this substance and the related failures in the smooth operation of all systems. Therefore, today we publish the most interesting and useful information about tocopherol.

Source of beauty and health!

The main functions of vitamin E in the human body:

  • Tissue regeneration;
  • Takes part in protein metabolism;
  • Maintaining the functions of the thymus gland, which produces immune cells;
  • Harmonization of the sex glands, maintenance reproductive function male and female body;
  • Proper development and growth of the fetus during pregnancy;
  • Protecting the body from radiological and electromagnetic radiation;
  • Renewal of liver cells;
  • Neutralization of free radicals due to the penetration of vitamin E molecules into cell membranes;
  • Blood circulation in large and small vessels, activation of the access of oxygen molecules to all organs and tissues;
  • Ensuring normal blood clotting;
  • Nutrition of the organs of vision;
  • Normalization of blood pressure;
  • Nutrition and maintenance of elasticity skin(tocopherol is present in elastic and collagen fibers, which are the framework of our skin);
  • strengthening vascular walls, increasing their elasticity;
  • Improving the processes of hematopoiesis, protection of red blood cells and absorption of iron;
  • Nutrition of the brain and maintenance of its cognitive functions are normal.

Higher doses of tocopherol are required for fibrous pathologies mammary glands, premenstrual syndrome, the threat of developing cataracts and the formation of blood clots, Alzheimer's disease, diabetes, injuries of bones and skin, the formation of scar tissue during the healing of wound surfaces, senile pigmentation, hypertension, cramps of the calf muscles.

Foods rich in vitamin E are recommended by nutritionists to be consumed regularly to protect the body from oxidative stress caused by the damaging effects of free radicals on cells (tocopherol is a universal protector of cell membranes from oxidative effects), respectively, the substance is indispensable for prolonging youth and active longevity.

Many cosmetologists and dermatologists call tocopherol the vitamin of youth and beauty. This is true, since a sufficient intake of this compound with food provides nourishment to the skin and appendages from the inside, preventing the premature appearance of large folds and fine wrinkles.

How much vitamin E does a person need?

The amount of tocopherol in food is measured in international units (IU) or milligrams (mg). At the same time, for vitamin E, 1 IU is approximately 0.7 mg.

  • The daily dosage ranges from 3 to 28 IU, depending on the age, gender, characteristics and health of the person.

So, for newborns, 3-4 IU / day is enough (the intake is provided by breast milk), for children (3-10 years old) - from 6 to 8 IU, for adolescents (10-16 years old) - from 8 to 18 IU, for women - 22 IU, for men - 24 IU, for women carrying a child - 24 IU, for women during lactation - from 24 to 28 IU. That is, the maximum daily dosage for an adult is about 20 mg of tocopherol.

Where to find the required element?

It is well known that the most vitamin E in foods is found in unrefined vegetable oils obtained by cold pressing and pressing from seeds and nuts. Other sources of tocopherol include unroasted nuts, seeds, and whole grains. A visual representation of vitamin E (which foods contain the most) is given by the following tables.

Vegetable oils containing tocopherol Number of mg per 100 g of product
Wheat germ oil149,5
Sunflower oil44
Almond oil39,2
safflower oil34,1
Palm oil33,1
Corn oil18,6
Soybean oil17,1
Peanut butter16,7
Olive oil12,1
poppy oil11,4
Sesame oil8,1
cottonseed oil8,1
Apricot Kernel Oil4
Linseed oil2,1
Peanut butter0,4

It should be noted that tocopherols are destroyed when heated, so it is advisable to use unrefined vegetable oils of the first cold pressing in the form of salad dressings from fresh and boiled fruits, as well as gravy to slightly chilled cereal dishes.

Foods containing vitamin E Tocopherol content per 100 gr
Sunflower seeds31,2
Dry breakfast wheat germ15,99
Wheat bran10,4
Cod liver, fish, canned food8,8
Brazilian nut5,69
Cashew nuts5,7
Olive pulp5
Beluga game4
Dried rose hips3,8
Wheat, grain, durum varieties3,4
Caviar caviar3
dried pumpkin seeds2,18
Chicken egg2
Oysters boiled1,7
Oats, grain, food1,4
Atlantic herring oily1,2
Stewed beef liver0,51

As can be seen from the tables, the main suppliers of tocopherols are products plant origin, primarily seeds, nuts and cereals. Therefore, it is worth enriching daily diet just such food, and in small quantities. It is enough to eat a handful of peeled dried sunflower or almond seeds per day to provide the body with complete fat-soluble vitamins.

Vitamin E - harm in excess!

An excessive concentration of tocopherol in the body prevents the full absorption of other vitamin-like compounds. An overdose of vitamin E provokes malfunctions of organs and systems and can cause apathy, depression, allergic reactions, visual impairment, fatigue, loss of working capacity, weakness, drowsiness, problems with digestion.

Experienced cardiologists and neurologists argue that an overdose of tocopherol in smokers (a combination of vitamin and nicotine) can lead to a stroke.

Vitamin E deficiency - deficiency symptoms

Systematic lack of vitamin e can lead to the development of the following pathological conditions:

  • Cerebellar atoxia;
  • Decreased immunity;
  • Anemia caused by the destruction of red blood cells;
  • Peripheral neuropathy;
  • Diseases of internal organs (liver, pancreas);
  • muscular dystrophy;
  • Migraine;
  • Activation of aging processes;
  • Deterioration of assimilation nutrients in the intestines;
  • Drying of the skin, peeling, the appearance of premature wrinkles;
  • Slowdown of metabolic processes and all the ensuing consequences (obesity, malfunction of the endocrine and reproductive systems etc.).

9 signs of vitamin E deficiency:

  1. Fragility of the nail plates;
  2. Dryness of the skin;
  3. muscle weakness;
  4. Stratification and dryness of hair;
  5. Violation of coordination of movement;
  6. Decreased sex drive;
  7. Low levels of hemoglobin in the blood;
  8. Failures in the work of the myocardium;
  9. , an increase in the volume of subcutaneous fat.

Vitamin E preparations - an alternative to products?

It should be borne in mind that natural tocopherol is much more active than its synthetic analogues. Since an overdose of vitamin E carries much more negative consequences for the body than its deficiency, then take it biologically active additives, pharmaceuticals, capsules and others dosage forms with him it is possible only after consultation with an experienced doctor.

Vitamin E domestic and imported production sold in capsules as pure form(soft vitamin E capsules, vitamin E Zentiva, Evitol, Doppelgerg vitamin E forte, Biovital vitamin E, Enat 400, etc.), and in combination with fat-soluble vitamins, for example, Aevit (retinol + tocopherol).

There are many multivitamin complexes containing various doses of tocopherol. The amount, as a rule, is small, of this compound in IU is indicated on each package of the medication.

Indications for prescribing vitamin E preparations:

  • avitaminosis;
  • reproductive disorders (male and female infertility);
  • high sports loads and hard physical labor
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • neurasthenia, which developed as a result of overwork;
  • climacteric disorders;
  • pathology of ligaments and muscles;
  • old age;
  • epilepsy;
  • , dermatoses;
  • spasm of peripheral vessels;
  • as an antioxidant.

Knowing what foods contain vitamin e, you can easily adjust your diet to provide the body with this valuable compound in a natural and easily digestible form.

Good health to you!