How correctly and at what age can you train a dog puppy at home? Teaching a dog puppy basic commands: initial training course, list of commands, description of gestures, videos, tips. What treat should you give your dog puppy when training?

You have become the owner of a puppy and have no idea where to start raising your pet? Do you want to teach your older dog proper manners? After reading the tips experienced dog breeders, you will learn how to properly train a dog at home and not involve expensive dog handlers.

At what age are dogs usually trained?

Raising a dog should begin from the first day of your pet’s stay in your home. Waiting until the puppy reaches six months of age is a common mistake of novice dog breeders.

For positive result should be adhered to three basic rules:

  1. Motivation. The training process should be encouraged. After execution new team, the pet receives a reward - a granule of dry food or a piece of hard cheese;
  2. Duration. Intensive exercises can quickly tire a puppy - short periods of training should alternate with rest;
  3. Positive. Learning new commands should take place in game form. In case of failures, and in the first lessons they can appear constantly, on the puppy You can’t shout, much less hit .

Within a short period of time, depending on the breed of dog and the intensity of training, the puppy will quickly learn basic commands.

And remember: a trusting and friendly relationship between the owner and the dog is the main condition for quickly achieving the desired result.

In this video, professional dog trainer Elena Voronina will talk about the intricacies of training dogs at home, how to achieve complete obedience:

Where to start: first commands

Let's start by recognizing an axiom that has been proven over the years - there are no stupid dogs. The owner’s desire to teach his pet new things, regularity of training and a positive atmosphere in classes will sooner or later yield results.

Here's where to start, and which commands you should master first:

  • Nickname. You should come up with a nickname right away. When training, you should not decline the puppy's nickname. If it's Ben, then call the pet Benchik, Benyunya or Benechka not acceptable. When the dog runs up to you, pet him. The second way is to use a nickname and invite the puppy to eat;
  • "Ugh!". Once outside for the first time, the puppy will begin to explore a previously unknown environment and pick up trash. Using a leash, pull the dog away from unwanted objects while saying the command Ugh. Having heard the stern tone of the owner, and we remember that in everyday life you communicate with your pet affectionately, the puppy will understand that this is not worth doing and will stop “vacuuming” the sidewalks;
  • “Come to me!” The owner shows the treat and says - to me! After the dog runs up, you need to give the food and repeat while petting him: to me. After 2-3 days of training, you should switch to the following scheme: start with pronouncing the nickname (attracting attention), and then comes the command - to me!

The above commands are considered basic, and every dog ​​should know them. Failure to comply with the owner's request on the street may result in negative consequences threatening the puppy's health.

How to train an adult dog?

A puppy is like a piece of clay - the way its owner raises it, that’s how it will be in the future. Problems arise when training adult dogs.

What nuances should you pay attention to:

  • Command complexity. Work with an adult should begin according to the principle “from simple to complex.” After easy commands “sit” and “lie down”, you can move to a higher level;
  • Promotion. By feeding your pet after each successful action, the dog develops conditioned reflex. After fixing the final result, the dog will fulfill the owner’s request not for food, but for praise and affection;
  • Relationship. Under no circumstances should you scold or hit your dog. Classes should be conducted at ease.

An important point: the main thing is not to overdo it in your impulse. An adult dog, whose life had previously gone without special responsibilities, will be completely unaware of what is happening. The dog’s formed personality will protest the new demands, and training will require special patience from the owner.

How to train a husky dog

The Husky breed should not be considered a service dog. Yes, they are obedient and build relationships with their owner based on emotional contact with a person, but we will still note some features of their training:

  • Thinker. In general, huskies are easy to train. But they will obey only the “leader of the pack” - the head of the family. If you are not an authority for the people close to you, don’t expect understanding from the dog either;
  • Strictness. The command must be pronounced in a firm and confident voice. However, rigor should not be confused with rigidity.

Otherwise, training is no different from raising other breeds. To successfully train a husky, you need to find the right approach to the dog. Having reached this condition, the owner will be surprised at how quickly the dog has learned the commands and, as if playfully, happily carries them out.

Parenting: basic mistakes

Even if you are not going to participate in exhibitions or competitions, the dog should be trained.

Let's call three main parenting mistakes, often made by inexperienced dog breeders:

  1. Aggression. Aggressive actions towards another person or dog are unacceptable. Solution: take her by the withers and press her firmly to the ground - make it clear that you are stronger and she needs to obey. In any case, you should not hit the dog;
  2. Communication. The dog must be socially educated. Communication with other dogs - prerequisite to form correct perception reality;
  3. Training. Without visible reasons, the dog, for the sake of the owner’s amusement, will not perform the same action repeatedly. Remember: a dog is a friend, not a servant.

Particular attention should be paid to your pet’s behavior at home: chewing shoes, jumping on curtains, sleeping on the owner’s pillow, etc. things are unacceptable.

Did you know that:

  • The dog is able to remember and carry out more than a hundred commands;
  • Intelligence individual breeds can be equated with the intelligence of a two-year-old child;
  • The most tall dog- Great Dane;
  • The smallest dog is the Chihuahua;
  • The first dog to be in space is a two-year-old mongrel Laika;
  • Dogs do not have sweat glands; body temperature is regulated by sticking out their tongue;
  • As a self-medication in the summer, dogs may not eat for several days;
  • Using an electric collar for training is illegal in some countries.

Having learned how to properly train a dog at home, you can begin to raise your pet yourself: a friendly voice and emotional contact, regularity of tasks and “tasty motivation” will do their job.

By treating your pet as an equal, you can ensure that the animal will carry out the owner’s commands cheerfully and at ease.

Puppy training video

In this video, dog handler Artem Ronin will give a lesson in which he will show how the initial training of puppies is carried out, the first steps to training:

It doesn’t matter that the puppy appeared in the house not so long ago, but just the sight of it causes tenderness. Emotions should not distract from the main thing - raising a pet from the first moments of meeting him. Not all inexperienced dog breeders know how to train a dog at home correctly. The dog handlers' recommendations offered below will help you understand the basics of a broad issue.

Dog training carried out by owners usually pursues several goals. When starting a lesson, the owner must set himself specific goal which he intends to obtain in the end. IN general view any training of a four-legged friend is based on the following “pillars” of training:

During the learning process, motivational means are used, playing the role of a kind of gratitude for work. The maximum return from a four-legged animal is achieved if it is immediately rewarded following the action performed as ordered. Since training a dog correctly means not making excessive delays in actions, all attributes involved in training are prepared in advance.

Deterrent methods are objects that attract attention. What are things used for that produce a sharp sound - whistles, rattles made from tin cans with stones, a bunch of keys. If the pet does not follow the owner's orders, it is excluded from deserved attention - praise, stroking. They send him to his place, pronouncing the order in a stern voice.

When punishing a puppy, it is better to use the ignoring method, which is recognized as more effective than punishing with physical force. Spanking is regarded by the dog as a play signal.

Since training a dog is considered a rather labor-intensive task, the owner can also motivate himself to the training process. It is important to realize that teaching a dog to behave properly is always easier than correcting behavioral deviations in the future.

Preparing for training

For the first lesson, prepare a collar with a leash and the four-legged dog’s favorite treat. In no case can food from the master's plate be considered as such. It may be appropriate for this. For picky eaters, you can purchase “sweets” at pet stores that are intended for training classes.

At first, it is advisable to conduct classes in an area that is thoroughly familiar to the pet. But there should be no objects that distract attention. In unfamiliar territory, the puppy is given time to get comfortable.

An important principle of training is the absence strangers and animals during educational lessons. This makes the task easier and allows the puppy to concentrate better.

Commands for initial familiarization

Training from the first minutes of mutual residence between the puppy and the owner is extremely necessary.

With a well-mannered puppy, it is easier to organize walks and you don’t have to be upset by his pranks at home. First of all, it is important to teach your pet to know and respond to its name, to respond not to the order “Come to me!”, to know the place.

Before accustoming a dog to a nickname, they try to pronounce the name of the four-legged dog out loud more often in a tone in which favorable emotions can be heard. Regularly naming a nickname should serve as an incentive to develop a response to one’s own name. After the appearance of such a reflex, the pet must be thanked in the initial stages.

Primary orders for training

"Near". Since teaching a dog to walk nearby on a leash is just as important as the previous command, this is trained systematically, conducting 4-5 sessions.

"Ugh". Means an order given to a dog when it needs to be distracted from picking up garbage. Implementation of the formulation allows you to protect the four-legged health and weight nerve cells to the owner.

They begin to train endurance from the age of four months. This quality It will be useful at all training events with your pet and helps control the dog and develop its obedience.

In addition, important commands in the first training lessons are the following, which they always try to get from the puppy: give, sit and lie down, stand, fetch, place, face.

"Give it." The command turns out to be useful for anyone trained dog. This technique is of particular importance for service guards, whose purpose in life is solely to protect their master.

This team achieves not so much the ability to neutralize the attacker, but to release him upon arrest.

"Place". The dog must know about the existence of its own corner in the home. And on the orders of the dog breeder, the obedient dog must immediately go there. The puppy can fall asleep anywhere, but he must know his own.

"Aport." With the wording, service pets are sent to search the area. This allows them to make their walk more active.

"Fas." This is a dangerous formulation; teaching it to a disobedient animal is strictly not recommended. Before you train adult dog through this command, she must diligently execute the commands noted before.

These orders reflect the list of commands for the basic four-legged pet training course.

Introduction to the elements of ammunition

Since it is recommended to accustom a dog to a leash and collar when it reaches 1.5-2 months of life, taking the puppy home immediately starts the educational process. It is much easier for the pet to adapt to unusual objects of ammunition at this time. They are put on the baby after initial familiarization and after interest in them wanes.

First, ammunition for small pet leave for a few minutes. At the same time, they try to distract the baby with a playful maneuver. Teaching moments are kept short but regular.

Before you train your dog to use a leash, the animal should already be familiar with the collar. When the baby gets used to the idea of ​​wearing the first one, you can move on to attaching another element - a leash. It is necessary to ensure that it hangs freely, trying to distract the four-legged one.

Introducing to the place and booth

Some people are interested in whether it is possible to train an adult dog and how to do it correctly. You can teach something, but not everything. But you will have to stock up on a lot of time and remarkable patience. Therefore, it is recommended to introduce your pet to the place from an early age. The main thing is to constantly keep the puppy’s behavior under control and not allow him to be in the house wherever he likes.

The owner’s task in this situation is to organize the place. You can place anything you like here - a pillow, rug, blanket or a special soft house. The puppy is familiarized with the place in advance. After falling asleep, the baby is transferred there every time. In this place, it is prohibited to perform manipulations that provoke and leave unpleasant memories in the pet’s memory - cleaning ears, combing, for example, if he is not a fan of these actions. After games, all toys are returned back to this corner. We must try to inspire four-legged friend that this space is the most comfortable and safe of all in the apartment, belonging to him alone.

If you plan to keep it outdoors, you need to know how to train your dog to use a kennel in the yard.

You should not immediately put the dog on a chain. It is necessary to provide him with the opportunity to experience new living conditions himself and get used to them.

You cannot immediately lock a puppy or an adult dog inside the kennel. This is how the animal may develop a phobia of dark spaces.

It is necessary to select suitable weather conditions before accustoming an adult dog to a kennel or crate near the entrance to the home. For example, pouring rain will help teach your dog to go inside on his own.
Whereas in the heat nothing will force the animal to do this.

The question of how to train a dog worries many pet lovers. The main thing in this matter is to be patient and strictly follow the recommendations. Additionally, training dogs at home involves working with your own pet, which can make things more challenging. After all, an owner is to a dog like a mother is to a child—you can be naughty with her. But if a person copes with this and shows not only tolerance, but also toughness, then he will be able to train a dog of any breed in the future.

The question of how to train a dog worries many pet lovers.

All animals, like people, have their own individual character, so if you decide to train a dog at home, it is best to start with a breed whose representatives are distinguished by their flexible character and diligence.

The best ones to train are:

  1. German bearish- She has a good-natured, calm character, but you need to start working with her from a very young age, otherwise she will grow up uncontrollable.
  2. Italian Canne Corso- there will be no problems with him either - he has an excellent memory, but does not communicate well with other breeds.
  3. Basset Hound- a cheerful hunter, quickly finds a common language with children. In addition, the animal is strong and resilient.
  4. — only a strong, strong-willed person can work with him; the animal has a corresponding character. But if such a specialist is found, then the dog will carry out all his commands with ease.
  5. WITH Maltese dog there will be no problems either, he studies easily and willingly, but due to his short stature and weak body he gets tired quickly.
  6. more loyal than a dog not to be found, the character is seasoned, Nordic, but at the same time wonderful nanny. He carries out commands easily, and most importantly, with pleasure, because the “German” loves to work.

Commands for a general training course

Dog training starts from the very beginning. early childhood- from 1 month. How to train a puppy from 3 months and up we'll talk further.

All of the commands listed are very important, you should not skip a single one. And they must be pronounced exactly as written in the manual.

The main thing in this matter is to be patient and strictly follow the recommendations

A little later, after the dog will pass all course of mandatory commands, you can train it with any other, but the base must remain unchanged:

  1. "To me"- this command will be with the animal throughout its life.
  2. "Ugh"- sometimes this command will help save not only your slipper, but also the life of the dog itself. After all, it is unknown what the pet is going to pick up on the street; it could be a poisoned piece of bait.
  3. "Near"- this command will sound every day while walking.
  4. "Excerpt"- this command is often skipped, but, nevertheless, it is the basis on which the rest of the orders are based.
  5. "Sit"— a team is needed every day in a variety of situations.
  6. "Lie"- the command is not very popular, but is performed by the pet with pleasure.
  7. "Stand"- this command is difficult to teach, but necessary.
  8. "Give"- an important command for any dog, but especially for service dogs. Small breeds will give you a stick or ball at this command, and service dogs will release the captured criminal on this command.
  9. "Aport"- a team is needed for service dogs, using it she begins to search the premises. With the help of this command, ordinary breeds of animals are forced to simply run.
  10. "Place"- this command is more likely to maintain the authority of the owner, and not to ensure that the dog goes to his place. The fact is that the “place” is where the owner indicated, and not where the animal likes to sleep.
  11. "Face"- command for service breeds. But it cannot be used until the pet learns to unquestioningly follow the rest of the owner’s instructions. A service dog is a kind of weapon, and if a person does not know how to use it, then it becomes dangerous. So no “fas” until the dog learns complete obedience.

In order for your pet to better absorb material, You can use treats as a stimulus during training.

Dog training: first steps (video)

Obedience training

How to teach a dog commands? The learning process can be divided into several stages. Firstly, commands at home should be taught at home, in a calm environment. When you are sure that the puppy being trained has mastered all the material, you can move the classes outside.

It will be a surprise for the owner that open place, where there are a lot of irritants that distract the dog, it does not follow a single instruction. So you will have to start all over again. But the point is will go faster— the base is already there!

On the street, before training, which should last 30-40 minutes, let the animal run. A slightly tired dog will obey better. You need to exercise at least 3 times a week.

Before pronouncing the command, you need to draw the dog’s attention to yourself by calling it by name. All commands must be duplicated with gestures. This is important so that in the future, instructions can only be given by gestures.

Teaching your dog to follow commands

To teach your dog to follow directions, you first need to guide him with your hands and a leash. You should not try to teach your dog several commands in one training session. Having achieved the completion of one, you can teach the next one in the next lesson. In the future, the commands are combined, but in random order. That is, you cannot train an animal to perform a certain sequence - mix them up. Commands must be pronounced in a firm, loud voice.

Be sure to ensure that the dog complies with the order on the second repetition at most. If this doesn't work, you need to pause and try again. You cannot repeat the instructions 3-4 or more times.


  1. "To me." Position yourself so that the dog can see you. You need to attract attention by calling her by name. Show the treat in your hand and say “come to me!” When the animal approaches, give it a treat and praise it with your voice, making its timbre softer. Repeat the exercise, gradually moving further away from the animal.
  2. "Ugh". To do this you need to take a treat. Place it in front of the dog and say “ugh!” If the puppy tries to pick up the food, say “ugh” again and slap him in the face with your palm. There is no need to hit him hard; the main thing is to emphasize your disapproval of your pet’s behavior. You can hit with a fly swatter or a rolled-up newspaper, but there is a danger of teaching the dog to be afraid of this particular object. Repeat the command until the dog learns to ignore the treat when you direct it. After he has ignored the treat, you can pick it up and give it to the dog from the palm of your hand. Having learned this trick, your pet will never eat anything on the street and, on your command, will release any object from its mouth.
  3. In order to teach your dog the “near” command, you will need to put a collar and leash on him. Having said “near!”, use a leash to bring the animal to your left leg, simultaneously slapping it with your left palm, and position it so that its head touches your leg. When he gets into this position, give the puppy a treat. For a service dog, it is critical to carry out this command by walking around the owner in a circle clockwise, this will make it easier for him to occupy the position. right place. Help the dog with this with a leash. The mongrel does not need to be taught to walk around its owner in a circle. She should just come and stand on the left side.
  4. Team training "sit" is also duplicated by a gesture - the palm rises to the level of the chest away from you, at the same time the command “sit!” is given. There is no need to hit the dog on the rump. To give it the desired position, you just need to press two fingers on the base of the pelvic bones where the spine extends from them; in humans this place is called the lower back. The dog will feel uncomfortable with this pressure and will instinctively sit down. After the command is completed, give the treat while rewarding the dog with your voice.
  5. On command "lie!" The palm falls parallel to the ground. For the dog to take the correct position, press your finger between his shoulder blades, moving away from painful pressure, he will lie down. Give him a treat and praise him.
  6. "Excerpt" at its core, it is the dog’s ability to remain in the position indicated to it by its owner. This can be a sitting, standing, lying position. Force the animal to perform one of these commands and try to get it to maintain this position for 5-10 seconds. Some trainers add the command “wait!” Or they simply duplicate the executed command. Alternate “exposure” with other commands, gradually increasing the interval. After the dog has spent the allotted time in the indicated position, give him a treat and praise. Ideally, the pet should remain in this position for up to 30 minutes. Without “restraint” the dog will leave the specified position at its own discretion, and this is wrong.
  7. "Give" It is performed in combination with the “fetch” exercise, but to begin with it can be done without it. You can train with your favorite toy, let the dog take it in its teeth. After that, extend your hand to her and command “Give!” To get the puppy to release the object and give it back, distract the animal with a treat. After following the instructions, praise your dog. In order to strengthen the skill, while your pet is eating, say “give!” take the bowl from him. He should allow you to do this without complaint. If he growls and shows aggression, suppress this urge by pressing your hand on his back in the area of ​​​​the shoulder blades. Press the dog down to the floor and hold it there until he stops resisting. This must be done so that the dog understands who is boss in the house. This knowledge will remain with him for the rest of his life; such understanding is especially important if the dog is a large breed.
  8. Dog training for the “fetch” command should take place outside. To do this, take a special toy or a stick made of hard wood and throw it forward with the words “fetch!” The animal's instinct will tell you to grab the toy. When this happens, call the dog to you and with the command “give!” make him release the object from his mouth. Give a treat and praise. Training of service dogs follows approximately the same algorithm, only they are looking for a specific object. Small dogs are not usually taught the fetch command.
  9. "Place". The command is necessary in order to indicate the dog to its place in a particular case. This can be in any room or outside. “Place” is the area where she should wait for her owner. This exercise is taught in combination with the “exposure” command. If the dog leaves the specified place, punish him without permission. There is no need to hit with your hands, as dog handlers say, you will beat your hands off, because a dog’s body is less sensitive to pain than a human’s. It’s better to order “place!” in a stern voice. and reinforce your words with a blow from the leash. After following the instructions, praise and give a treat.
  10. "Fas!" This command is best taught to the dog after you have achieved complete obedience from him, and it is best to do this in a special training center. There is usually necessary equipment— protective suits and bandages. In addition, in this case you will need the help of a volunteer assistant. Training should begin when the dog has grown and become physically stronger. Around 10-12 months.

When people get a puppy, the question arises about her. Where should this preparatory process begin so that a puppy grows into an obedient and well-mannered dog?

The main answer to the question is about training a puppy at home, is that you need to do it from the very first day she appeared in the house.

It is necessary to understand that little puppy 3-4 months old, will not follow commands “Fetch!” and “Fas!”, but it is quite possible to accustom him to a leash, his place, order and cleanliness.

Also another important point: must take place in stages, you need to know how and what commands the previous owner taught the puppy.

At the same time, punishment (training without punishment will not work) must be done immediately, and not after some time, otherwise the dog will not understand what its fault is and will eventually be offended.

How to toilet train a dog.

Buying a puppy Most people think not about that, but about how to toilet train. So that the puppy does not have the opportunity go to the toilet at home, you need to walk with him as often as possible. The dog must get used to fulfilling its physiological needs during street walks.

Experienced experts recommend walking after the puppy has eaten, played or slept. While the puppy is small, you can train him to use the toilet in the house. To do this, you need to wet the puddle with newspaper and put it in the tray. As soon as he is ready to go to the toilet again, take him to the litter box.

How to train a puppy to sit.

The easiest thing is to go to the “bedroom”, when he has eaten or is tired after playing.

It is necessary to move it to the place designated for it, put it down and say: “Place!”

How to teach a puppy the command “Fu!”

It is worth repeating the command strictly every time the puppy takes something that he is not allowed to take. When picking up loudly, you need to tell the puppy

How to accustom a puppy to a nickname.

In order for the dog to respond by name, you should call him by name before starting feeding. The reflex will connect these two events in the dog's head, and the puppy will respond to the name even when he is busy playing.

How to train a puppy to use a leash.

To do this, you need to choose a harness or leash with a collar according to the size of the dog; it should be put on quickly.

You can also reward your puppy with treats.

Thus, it is up to the owner to decide how to raise his puppy, but one should not forget that people, looking at a dog, form an impression of its owner. Training a puppy at home

We wish you good luck!

It's no secret that dogs are smart animals. They are easy to train, so you can teach your dog to follow commands even at home. You just need to know the basics of training psychology.

Where to start

In order to prepare for the first lesson, you will need to stock up on a collar, leash and treats for your dog. Treats during training are mandatory and necessary for additional motivation animal. After all, how else can you show your pet that he is doing the right thing?

Where are dogs trained? The location must be chosen based on whether the dog knows the area. If the place is unfamiliar, then before starting you should give the animal the opportunity to sniff it to make sure it is safe and there is no threat. This is important because it will be difficult for the dog to train in an unknown place.

During training, you need to be alone with the dog. This condition must be observed so that the animal is not distracted from following commands.


You can use dry food as a treat. It transports well and does not stain your hands. But if your dog does not want food, then you can use any other treat that your pet prefers. Now you can even buy special cookies for training.


To prepare your dog for the training process, run him a few laps around the stadium and give him a good walk. But as for time, it’s better to choose it for yourself. During the summer in daytime It’s better not to carry out training, but if that’s when you have free time, stock up on water.

Basic principles of training

The total training time should not exceed an hour, but it is better to split it into several small approaches. For example: give her a command, after completing it, let her run, and then continue what she started. During the entire training period, the dog must follow all your commands.

The main commands that are included in the basic training complex include:

  • Team to me. This is the first task that a dog must perform. She studies in conjunction with a nickname. Call the dog by name and lure it with a treat; after completing it, be sure to praise the animal.
  • The team is nearby. For this task you will need a collar.
  • Command to sit. Can be learned in conjunction with the previous task.
  • The command is to lie down. Be sure to teach this to your dog only after teaching it to sit, a treat will help.
  • Aport. This is a more complex command, along with it you can teach the dog to guard a place.
  • Excerpt for a dog. This is the main thing an animal needs to learn. After all, your dog will need endurance to complete your other tasks.
  • The commands are fu and dai. The first is needed to prohibit the dog from doing anything, and the second to wean him from picking up unnecessary things from the ground.

At what age are dogs trained?

If your dog is still a puppy, then you need to train him from the first days of being in the house. But you should take into account the age of the dog. Training should begin at three months; before this time, teach him to walk with a collar, respond to a nickname, follow the command to come to me, and toilet train him.

After the dog has mastered the initial commands, move on to the next stage, but repeat what you have learned. As a new task, teach your puppy the give command. This can be useful after he picks up something from the floor or ground.

After reaching the age of three, repeat everything previously learned. At this age, the dog is easy to train in a playful way.

Training small dogs

If you have a small dog, it will be easier to train than a large one. Since small dogs love to run at any age, the very first command may be “come to me.” This will definitely come in handy if your pet runs too far.

Usually small breeds become real members of the family. And so the next command should be "place". It is this that will allow you to teach your dog not to run on beds or sleep with its owners in the future.

You can also teach your dog the following commands: fu, next, and restraint. These are the main tasks that a small breed dog should face.

Should I train an adult dog?

It often happens that it is not a puppy that is taken into the house, but an adult dog. Is it possible to train an adult dog? It is possible, but it will take more time than usual. If the dog is old, this means that you will first need to eradicate its old habits, and only then accustom it to new ones.

How to train an adult dog:

  • All commands are pronounced in a clear and calm tone.
  • For correct execution tasks, praise her, pet her or treat her with something tasty.
  • Pay attention to gestures. The dog must understand more than just voice commands.
  • During training, never use aggression towards the animal. Don't scold or hit your dog. This can lead to the development of fear.

How to train a hunting dog

Regarding training hunting dogs, then you have to work here. In such breeds, some manifestations of character should be suppressed. A hunting breed dog will not work without proper training and education.

The basics should be devoted to 6 to 9 months. During this period, dogs need to be trained to obey, taught clearly, not to follow commands and quit, and also trained to command me using a whistle or horn.

You can start learning as early as 10 months special teams. That is, to accustom the dog to hunting. The connection between dog and hunter is important here. On the one hand, she should not be afraid of her owner, and on the other hand, she should be obedient and not get lost in different situations.

Hunting dogs have the ability to accumulate experience and compare behavior, so such an animal should not be treated as a collection of reflexes. Hunting breeds are characterized by the presence of powerful intelligence.

The most trainable dogs

Everyone knows that each type of dog is characterized by certain character traits, behavior and learning ability. To the very best breeds Dogs that are easy to train include:

  • German bearish. Good-natured and calm. You need to train from the very beginning early age, in order to avoid the manifestation of a difficult character in the future.
  • Italian Cane Corso. Ideal watchman, remembers large number teams, but may have difficulty communicating with other breeds.
  • Basset Hound. Agile, agile and resilient. They love children.
  • German shepherd. Balanced and loyal.
  • Black Russian Terrier. Aggressive and distrustful. It is easy to train, but it must be trained by a strong-willed person who is able to show the dog a place.
  • Maltese dog. They are easy to train, but are classified as decorative breeds.

General rules for self-training

With the right approach, any breed of dog can be trained, regardless of age. To learn commands correctly, you must follow the following rules:

  • Carry out training in stages.
  • Encourage the dog.
  • Show strength of character towards the animal, but not aggression.
  • Understand your pet's personality.

If you are persistent and devote a lot of time and attention to your four-legged friend, teaching him commands and rules of behavior, then he will definitely become your best companion. life path. Remember, it's never too late to start training! In addition, you can teach your pet all the necessary skills yourself if you listen to our recommendations.

A story about dog training at home.