The ten most loyal dog breeds. The most loyal and devoted dogs Top most loyal dog breeds

Almost every family today has some kind of pet. Owners are guided by completely different criteria when choosing a future family member, but they always expect devotion and fidelity from the dog. Most become attached to their owners and therefore it is difficult to say which breed is the most loyal and which is not. Each animal has its own character and characteristics. But experts distinguish some breeds from all that exist today.

So, the top most loyal pets:

  • Border Collie;
  • Labrador;
  • German shepherd;
  • Beagle;
  • Epagnol Breton;
  • Japanese Akita;
  • Saint Bernard;
  • Boxer;
  • Dachshund;
  • Bulldog.

Border Collie

The first to make it into the top 10 most loyal dog breeds is man’s wonderful friend – the border collie dog. The progenitor of the breed was the English dog Old Hamp, who was distinguished by his quiet and calm disposition. His descendants are today considered the smartest among other representatives of the canine family.

They become attached to the whole family at once, and not specifically to one member of it, and are incredibly sad if there is no opportunity to communicate or play with someone.

They are easy to train and learn, and with strangers they are neutral and do not show aggression. It takes a lot of effort to make this dog angry.

She prefers a bad peace to a good quarrel, but on her territory she is quite capable of protecting her owner from the offender.


The Labrador was bred for hunting, but the dog's unique mix of character traits such as enthusiasm, playfulness, all-encompassing love and true, pure friendship has ensured the dog's popularity as a family friend around the world.

The retriever can play the role of a children's nanny for all small family members. Nobody loves babies more than representatives of this dog breed.

The dog is easygoing, learns commands well and can be an excellent sports companion.

She has a high need for activity, so if you have your own house with an area where she can freely frolic, then you will not find a better friend.

German shepherd

The German Shepherd is also one of the most loyal dog breeds. And this is understandable, only this dog chooses one owner and remains devoted to him until the end of his life.

The dog is so multifunctional that it is difficult to name a task that it cannot cope with.

And if initially she helped a person graze cattle, she later established herself as an indispensable orderly, patrolman, signalman, scout, security guard and bloodhound.

Purebred "Germans" do not have negative traits character, but only positive ones. They live to serve their master and rejoice at any opportunity to be useful.


What other dog breed is the most loyal? The most intelligent and loyal dog of the Beagle breed. She was also originally bred for hunting, but later her attitude towards people was appreciated. The dog, one might say, is in love with his owner and is ready to be with him day and night, to keep him company in any business. He gets along well in a family with small children and is happy to take part in various children's fun and pranks. These animals are extremely friendly, but require a firm hand and training.

Epagnol Breton

Who else should you pay attention to when choosing a devoted friend? For a dog from the Epaniol family

She easily adapts to any environment, is sociable, intelligent and attentive, and most importantly, mentally balanced. The dog is energetic when walking, loves hunting and easily adapts to the mood and desires of his two-legged friend.

The main advantages of the breed include hunting passion, instincts and intelligence.

And if you are interested in which dog breed is the smartest and most loyal, then pay attention to the Epagnol Breton.

Japanese Akita

In Japan, Akita Inu is considered a symbol of devotion. Representatives of this breed have an independent, proud and independent character, but at the same time they are so attached to their owner that they cannot imagine life without him.

And if you are looking for a faithful and reliable life partner, then the Japanese Akita will be the right choice. This dog is incredibly lively and playful and is able to retain these character traits into old age.

It definitely requires training and easily senses weakness in its owner. Therefore, you need to be persistent, demanding and self-confident in order to get a puppy of this breed, otherwise the grown-up dog will simply "sits on his head".

Saint Bernard

What other breed meets the requirements stated above? Saint Bernard These are the calmest and most phlegmatic animals, expressing their attitude towards the owner by leisurely wagging their tail and lying relaxed at their feet. Having earned the love of a dog, the owner can receive a friend who is gentle and devoted until death.

An adult dog can become an excellent nanny for a baby, and puppies will not fail to take advantage of the opportunity to take part in children's fun.

Without exaggeration, St. Bernard can be called the most intelligent animal of the canine family.

He understands all commands, but when executing them, he evaluates the situation and makes an independent decision.


A boxer is also in the top 10 of our list - he is smart, loyal and has a good character. He adores his owner and tries never to lose sight of him. Sometimes it can create a lot of noise, but experts recommend combating this through training. It is easy to train and can become a good watchman or guide.

In this article I will tell you what a dog’s loyalty depends on. I will present the top most loyal dog breeds in the world. I will talk about the pros and cons of breeds such as: border collie, Akita Inu, German shepherd, Doberman, Rottweiler, collie, Labrador, German boxer, terrier, pit bull, I will reveal the secrets of their maintenance and help you understand which type is right for you.

Dogs are rightfully considered the most loyal animals; a close emotional connection develops between the owner and his pet. Fans certain breeds They believe that their favorite dogs are the standard of devotion, but nevertheless there is a rating of the most loyal breeds.

Border Collie

Belongs to medium-sized breeds, has a pointed muzzle, brown eyes small size and low set ears. The sizes of the female and male do not differ much, weight is 12–20 kg, and height is 46–54 cm.

Border collie puppies can be purchased in nurseries for prices ranging from 45,000 to 100,000 rubles.

Caring for this breed is not very difficult; it is enough to comb the coat with a stiff brush once every few weeks and bathe it in warm water with abundance soap suds. After a walk, the animal's fur should be inspected for the presence of fleas and ticks.

Once a month you should trim your animal's claws. special attention pay attention to the claw on the fifth finger. This claw is hard and does not wear down when walking, which brings significant discomfort to the animal.

Border collies are so loyal that they are ready not to leave their owner’s side and spend all their time with him.

Pros of the Border Collie:

  • The highest intelligence, the ability to understand the commands of its owner at a glance.
  • The breed can be owned by families with small children.
  • Border collies are affectionate and cheerful, and do not show aggression towards other animals.

Cons of the Border Collie:

  • The breed is highly active and requires constant intellectual and physical activity, otherwise damage to the owner’s property and escape from the house are possible.
  • During active games they tend to pinch the owner's legs.

A Border Collie dog is suitable for active, athletic people with a large number free time and love for training.

The Border Collie is intelligence, understanding, a sense of comfort and joy in the home

Akita Inu

In second place in the ranking is the one that is amazing in its devotion. Akita Inu- medium size with strong body and a large head with small triangular eyes and small raised ears. Akita Inu dogs weigh from 20 to 40 kg with a height of 58-70 cm.

Akita Inu puppies can be purchased in Russian nurseries at a price of 40,000 - 70,000 rubles.

Representatives of this breed are ready to sit for hours waiting for their owner to get home from work or for him to wake up. The dog is very attached to its owner and is faithful to him, ready to guard its owner and fight any rivals.

  • Easy to learn.
  • They are unpretentious in caring for their coat; they need to be washed no more than twice a year so as not to wash off the protective layer of the skin.

Disadvantages of the breed:

  • Akita Inus often bark and are aggressive when meeting unfamiliar dogs and people and in new circumstances.
  • The fear of confined spaces makes it problematic to keep the breed in a small apartment.

Akita Inu is suitable for families without small children and middle-aged people.

The owner of these Japanese beauties does not have to lead active image life.

Akita - Inu is a Japanese song among all the dogs in the world

German shepherd

Third place in the ranking goes to the German Shepherd breed. A medium-sized breed, weighing 20-40 kg and height 55-70 cm. These dogs become attached to their owner, guard and protect him from ill-wishers. German Shepherds are companion dogs that are completely devoted to serving their owner. By purchasing a German Shepherd, the future owner will receive a reliable friend who gets along well with children.

You can purchase puppies with a good pedigree for prices ranging from 25,000 to 65,000 rubles.

Pros German Shepherd:

  • Determination, self-confidence, non-conflict and endurance.
  • German Shepherd hair does not require daily care, it is enough to comb it 2 times a week with a brush with dense bristles, and wash it no more than twice a year.
  • A high level of intelligence facilitates the training process.

Cons of a German Shepherd:

  • The German Shepherd needs daily physical and mental exercise.
  • Living in a city apartment is not suitable.

Dogs of the German Shepherd breed are suitable only active people who will be able to devote time to daily long walks and exercise.

The German Shepherd is a loyal friend and has a balanced temperament.


The Doberman breed is in fourth place in the ranking. These are dogs with relief athletic body, pronounced muscles and a strong skull. Their weight is 32-45 kg with a height of 63-72 cm. It is recommended to brush the Doberman once a week and wipe it once every 2 weeks. wet towel, wash with shampoo once every 2-3 months.

You can buy a Doberman puppy for a price ranging from 15,000 to 45,000 rubles.

Dobermans are ideal protectors, they are gentle and actively show love to their owner, and are faithful to him throughout their lives.

Pros of Dobermans:

  • Representatives of this breed bark very rarely.
  • Dobermans practically do not shed.
  • They treat children very well.

Cons of Dobermans:

  • They do not get along well with other animals.
  • They are wary of to strangers, you should walk with a muzzle.
  • Dobermans are not recommended for inexperienced dog breeders.

Suitable for active people who have a lot of free time, this dog needs to be given large number attention, train her regularly.

Nobility, majesty, pride - qualities inherent in the Doberman breed


It occupies fifth place in the ranking. This is a brave protector who will never betray his master or give him offense. Despite its impressive size, the Rottweiler loves to receive affection from its owner and give it in return. These dogs are very attached to their owner. If you need a friend who will remain faithful until the very end, then the Rottweiler will be the ideal option.

In nurseries you can buy a Rottweiler puppy at a price from 6,000 to 15,000 rubles.

The Rottweiler's coat must be combed once a day with a brush, and during the shedding period (spring and autumn) 2-3 times a day. It is recommended to wash your Rottweiler once every 3-4 months.

The breed is prone to breaking off its nails, so your Rottweiler's nails need to be trimmed every 2 weeks.

Pros of the Rottweiler:

  • High level of intelligence and ease of training.
  • Gets along well with children.

Cons of Rottweilers:

  • The dog is lazy and prone to weight gain.
  • You will have to spend significant amounts of money on food for your Rottweiler.

The Rottweiler is suitable for middle-aged people with a calm, balanced character, owners of private houses who need reliable security.

The Rottweiler can give a lot more to a person than devotion


The sixth place in the ranking of the most devoted is occupied by. Collie, another name for the Scottish Sheepdog, is a very gentle and sensitive creature, distinguished by its extraordinary devotion to its owner. The collie is large, weight ranges from 25 to 35 kg with a height of 60-65 cm.

In the nursery a collie puppy as pet can be purchased at a price from 15,000 to 20,000 rubles.

Pros of collies:

  • Complete absence of aggression, goodwill and love for children.
  • Collies are not picky eaters.
  • It is enough to comb the collie's coat once a week with a metal comb with long teeth and massage brushes, it is necessary to wash only in case of severe contamination.
  • It is difficult to maintain in a small apartment.
  • They have a hard time being separated from their owner and can bark loudly when alone.

A collie dog is suitable for friendly and open people, ready to spend maximum of their free time next to them.

Suitable for families with small children and other animals.

Collie - aristocratic stature, high intelligence, friendliness and loyalty


Labrador is in seventh place in the ranking. This is a friendly dog ​​with a very docile character and pleasant appearance, an excellent companion for its owner. From the very early age Labradors amaze with their devotion and willingness to spend all the time next to their owner.

A medium-sized Labrador with an athletic build and thick, short hair. Weight reaches 25-35 kg. with a height of 54-57 cm.

In nurseries, prices for puppies range from 35,000 to 75,000 rubles.

Labrador dogs are prone to obesity, you need to pay attention close attention your pet's diet.

  • Labrador wool does not require special care It is enough to comb it out during the molting period; you only need to wash it when it is heavily soiled.
  • Labradors do not bark for no reason.
  • They have high intelligence.
  • This breed is completely unsuitable for protection.
  • Labradors often make a mess in the house.
  • Tend to overeat.

A Labrador dog is suitable for cheerful and patient people and large families.

A Labrador's devotion to its owner is truly limitless and it is very difficult to tolerate separation.

German boxer

German Boxers are well built, muscular and powerful with a funny wide muzzle. Weight ranges from 25 to 32 kg. with a height of 53-63 cm.

German boxer puppies can be purchased at prices ranging from 10,000 to 35,000 rubles.

Advantages of a German boxer:

  • The boxer's flexible character and cheerful disposition leaves no one indifferent.
  • Boxers are smart and resilient and can be used as service dogs.
  • Due to the special structure of the skull, Boxers snore as loudly as an adult man.
  • Boxers are subject to shedding almost all year round; their coat must be wiped with a thick cloth.

The German Boxer dog breed is suitable even for inexperienced breeders; almost everyone can find an approach to them.

The Boxer is a loyal and balanced dog


It occupies ninth place in the ranking. These are dogs with a cheerful disposition, good health and great devotion to his master. There are 35 varieties of the terrier breed. Dimensions range from 20-28 cm at the withers and 3 kg of weight for the Russian Toy Terrier to 60 cm at the withers and 20-30 kg of weight for the Airedale Terrier.

Pros of dogs:

  • All terriers are active and playful, this is due to the hunter's instinct.
  • Most types of terriers can be kept even in small apartments.
  • Even the smallest representatives of terriers stand up to protect their owner.
  • Unfriendly with other pets.
  • Some species require increased care.
  • Small varieties of terriers mark their home territory.

Everyone will be able to choose from 35 types of terriers the one that suits their temperament. You can find both sofa dogs and real defenders and guards.

All representatives of the breed are distinguished by a high degree of devotion.

All terriers have one common specific feature - this is extraordinary courage and devotion.


The cost of pit bull puppies ranges from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles.

Pros of a pit bull:

  • Good health.
  • The pit bull's diet is simple and affordable, the pit bull's coat does not require special care, is not prone to shedding, and only needs to be washed when it is very dirty.
  • They learn quickly.
  • If brought up incorrectly, she will be aggressive and dangerous to others.
  • When walking, you must be especially careful and keep your dog muzzled.
  • Pit bulls are wary of unfamiliar people and animals.

Pitbull is suitable for strong, active and calm people.

The kindness and devotion of a pit bull concerns only the owner and his family

What determines a dog's loyalty?

Loyalty does not always depend on the breed of dog, what is more important is correct and regular training and the warmth of the relationship established between the dog and the owner. It is permissible to speak to a dog only in a calm tone. In order for a dog to be loyal, you need to raise it with great patience and without the use of physical punishment.

The owner must be a leader in his relationship with the dog. The learning process should begin from a very early age.

The rating I have given shows that every person can choose a dog based on their preferences and character. But these animals need to be given a lot of free time and give your warmth. Dogs make you fall in love; when you buy a dog, you get a companion and best friend. Your love, tenderness and attention will make a dog of any breed loyal.

There are many stories about the loyalty of dogs. It is no coincidence that these animals are called “man’s friend,” because dogs are capable of sincere expressions of love and affection. They help people even when they are in danger, they are always happy to see their owner and do not leave him in difficult times. Japanese dog Hachiko, a symbol of loyalty and devotion, has a monument erected that could symbolize people's appreciation for all dogs.

What determines a dog's loyalty?

It happens that dogs of the same breed express their devotion to their owner in different ways. And this depends, first of all, on what kind of relationship has formed between the pet and the person.

Raising a dog does not involve spoiling and permissiveness. If the owner takes care of his pet, then he becomes not only trained in various commands, but also able to understand and feel.

Important! Dogs understand your condition perfectly and always try to help their owner if they see that he is not feeling well. But they also know how to subtly grasp the attitude towards themselves. If the owner shows care and understanding, the dog will always reciprocate.

The most loyal dogs are those who are ready to be close to their owner at any time, without demanding rewards or gratitude for their actions.

The most loyal dog breeds: top 10

Stories about the most loyal dogs cover many breeds. Every owner is convinced that it is his pet that is particularly loyal. We will present a rating of dog breeds whose selfless loyalty is most often described.

1. German Shepherds

German Shepherds are extremely intelligent animals, but their main quality is devotion to their owner. They were originally bred for security purposes. farms, but later it turned out that dogs of this breed are capable of protecting people and performing the duties of a search engine and rescuer.

German Shepherds are easy to train and can remember many commands. At the same time, they are sincerely devoted to their owner and can extreme situation react independently, showing incredible courage and bravery. There are many cases where German shepherds saved people's lives, sometimes even risking their own.

The natural intelligence of this breed makes them very sensitive animals. They will always sense something is wrong and will never leave their owner in trouble.

2. Dobermans

The rugged looking Doberman has earned the title of “the most loyal dog breed in the world.” For more than a century and a half, these animals have been in the service of humans. Their main duty is protection, and they cope with it brilliantly. Strong and brave dogs They will never allow you to offend the owner or his family members.

Dobermans will always obey all commands exactly and will not show aggression not only towards a person, but even towards other pets who live in the same house with him. Obviously, feeling their strength, they know how to control themselves. But when it comes to their direct duties, Dobermans would rather sacrifice themselves than leave their human friend in trouble.

Important! Dobermans are very loyal dogs, and they will protect their owner in any situation. Even if someone in their presence raised their voice at the owner, Dobermans will warn the offender by growling. You should not test the loyalty of dogs of this breed.

3. Collie

Dogs of this breed are excellent companions who will happily play with children and calm the household in their own way, if necessary. At the same time, the animal will never chicken out or hide if it needs to be protected.

4. St. Bernard

Saint Bernards are distinguished by incredible devotion to their owner. Naturally calm, these animals always know that protection is required from them, so they will never offend anyone and will always come to the rescue.

For St. Bernards, the owner is, first of all, a friend, so they sincerely express their devotion. They can for a long time stand on the road and listen, but as soon as they recognize the steps of their master, they will rush to meet him.

If a St. Bernard lives in the house, you can safely leave small children with him. He, like a huge warm nanny, will watch over them, since loyalty is very important to him.

5. Akita Inu

Dogs of this breed are restrained in their displays of emotions, like real Japanese, but they have an incredibly loyal character. For them, the owner becomes a faithful friend, whom they take care of in their own way, protecting them from strangers, showing concern and readiness to help.

Akita Inu have a calm, reserved character and a natural mind. They are obedient and caring, and will never allow their owner to be offended.

Important! The famous Hachiko, an Akita Inu dog, is recognized throughout the world as man's most faithful and devoted friend.

6. Rottweiler

Rottweilers have been in the service of humans for a long time, and this has instilled in them such a quality as loyalty. Dogs of this breed are very trainable and upbringing. If he is taught to protect his family, he will never allow anyone who lives in his house to be offended.

Despite their external aggressiveness, Rottweilers are capable of displaying the most tender feelings towards those who live with them. They are very sad if one of their household members is not around for a long time. And they are very happy to meet.

7. Poodles

Poodles are reliable companions and loyal pets. They are not intended for protection, but they can always be nearby, supporting and helping with their participation.

Many owners of these dogs believe that their pets understand what they are talking about with them, since the expression in their eyes always matches the tone and topic of the conversation. If someone in the family gets sick, poodles will never leave his side and, if necessary, will call for help. They always show good attitude and devotion to their masters.

8. Labradors

Cheerful Labradors are loved by many. No wonder it is considered to be the most loyal dog in the world. Animals have incredible intuition, courageous character and loyalty. They are sensitive to the condition of their household members and always express their readiness to support.

Labradors are very sociable, so they have difficulty withstanding separation. The emotional expression of their feelings speaks of sincere devotion to their owner.

9. West Siberian Laikas

Dogs of this breed were originally raised to serve humans, so loyalty is inherent in them at the genetic level. Nowadays, when dogs of this breed live in apartments, they still remain faithful helpers. They can be entrusted with home security; they will be happy to play with children, protect and support them.

10. Bichon Frize

Little Bichons are loyal companion dogs. It is not worth assigning security duties to them; they are rather cowardly, and in case of danger they will try to hide. But many owners of these pets talk about their spiritual qualities. They get very bored in the absence of their family members, worry when someone is sad, and always try to cheer them up with tricks or games.

Important! A dog's loyalty depends on its upbringing. Most often, they reciprocate the person’s attitude towards them.

A dog, as everyone knows, is man's best friend. Some prefer, of course, cats, but if you want a pet to always be loyal and be by your side through thick and thin, you should get a dog. There are no more faithful creatures in the world than dogs. Their feelings are so strong that they persist even after the death of their beloved owner. In this article you will find 10 stories about the most loyal dogs, after reading which you will probably want to hug your four-legged friend tightly.

The most loyal dogs in the world: Shep

This story took place in the 1930s in Montana (USA). A local farmer was hospitalized at Fort Benton Hospital straight from his pasture. The farmer's name has long been forgotten, but everyone remembers his name faithful dog- Shep. Shep sat at the door of the hospital and waited for his owner to come out. Unfortunately, it never came out.

The dog followed his master as the farmer's body was taken to the nearest station to be sent back to his home. Later, station workers recalled how the dog whined pitifully when the coffin was loaded into the carriage and taken away forever from the devoted animal.

Five years have passed. And Shep was still waiting for his master. It became animated only with the approach of a train (an average of four passenger trains arrived at the station per day). The dog carefully studied all the passengers leaving the carriages, but, in once again Without seeing a familiar face, I lost interest in what was happening. The faithful animal has become a local celebrity. Over time, Shep grew very old and almost lost his hearing. One day, the dog did not hear the approaching train and died under the wheels.

In 1995, a bronze statue of the faithful dog was erected at the Fort Benton train station. Bronze Shep looks at the rails and waits for his owner to finally return.


When Miguel Guzman died in 2006, his beloved dog Captain disappeared somewhere. The Captain disappeared somewhere for a whole week, after which he showed up at his owner’s grave. The relatives of the deceased could not understand how the dog managed to find the burial place.

Sometimes the dog dropped in to visit the family, but in the evening he always returned to his owner’s grave

Every Sunday, Guzman's family came to the cemetery. And every time a dog met them at the grave. Relatives brought food to the animal and from time to time tried to take it home, but the animal ran away and ended up back in the cemetery.

Sometimes the dog dropped in to visit the family, but in the evening he always returned to his owner’s grave. The cemetery workers said that during the day the Captain could go somewhere, but by exactly six o’clock in the evening he would always come back. In 2016, the devoted dog died at the grave of his owner.


As legend has it, the ruler of the kingdom of Gwynedd, Llywelyn the Great, who lived in the 13th century, had a favorite dog, Gellert. One day, getting ready to go hunting, Llywelyn blew his horn, calling the dogs. Everyone came except Gellert.

Llywelyn went hunting without waiting for the dog. Upon his return, Gellert, cheerfully wagging his tail, greeted his owner, but something was wrong with him... The dog was covered in blood. Llywelyn immediately thought of his little son and rushed to the chambers.

Something unimaginable was happening in the castle. The baby's cradle was overturned and empty, and the floor was stained with blood. Assuming the worst, the king drew his sword and hacked Gellert to death.

Oddly enough, the French have a very similar legend

And suddenly he heard a baby crying. The child was lying on the floor, and a huge dead wolf was lying next to him. It turned out that Gellert saved the baby from terrible death from wolf fangs, killing the dangerous animal that attacked him. The prince buried his beloved dog with full honors.

Oddly enough, the French have a very similar legend. In their version, the dog's name was Ginfort, and she saved the child not from a wolf, but from a snake. And Ginfort, unlike Gellert, received more than just a magnificent funeral. For several centuries, the faithful dog was considered a local saint, despite the opposition of the official church.


In the 17th century, the great warrior Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj, or simply Shivaji, lived in India. He declared himself a defender of the oppressed and took the path of fighting the invaders. Shivaji is still known today as the founder of the Maratha Empire and the national hero of India. But, as legends say, the warrior did not perform great deeds alone.

Until 2012, the Wagha monument was very popular among most of the community

Shivaji had his dog Vagha by his side for many years. When the Maratha ruler died, he was burned at the stake, according to local tradition. But Wagha could not survive parting with her master and jumped after his body into the flames. Subsequently, many monuments were erected in honor of Shivaji. And one of the memorials is dedicated to a faithful dog national hero countries.

Until 2012, the Wagha monument was very popular among most of the community. However, he also had opponents. They argued that the story about the dog was just a legend and that the monument to the animal was an insult to the memory of the national hero. One not very wonderful day, a group of opponents of the monument smashed the pedestal and threw the bronze figure of the animal from the pedestal. 73 people were arrested in connection with the vandalism, but the monument has not been restored to this day.


Many dogs remain loyal to their deceased owners. Unfortunately, this becomes clear only after the death of the latter. Even more unfortunately, faithful dogs usually receive recognition after death. The Italian dog Fido, whose name translates to “Faithful,” is one of the few exceptions to this rule. A bronze statue was erected in honor of the dog during her lifetime.

Fido was stray dog until 1941, when he was picked up from the street by Carlo Soriani. Carlo found the puppy in a roadside ditch, from which the baby could not get out on his own. Fido lived up to his name. Every morning the faithful dog accompanied Carlo to the bus stop, from where Soriani went to his factory. In the evening, the dog came to the bus stop again and waited there until the owner arrived from work.

The city awarded Fido a gold medal for his dedication.

It all ended in December 1943, when Carlo Soriani was killed by an Allied bomb that fell on his factory. That evening, the faithful dog was also waiting for his owner, but he still did not appear... Fido lived with the widow Soriani, but every evening he came to the bus stop and waited for the man who would never return. This went on for 14 years, until the death of the dog himself.

For his devotion, the city awarded Fido a gold medal, exempted his owner from paying taxes and installed a bronze statue of the faithful dog at that very bus stop.

Lapdog of Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots and France

Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots, had an adventurous life. She became Queen of Scotland in infancy. A few years later, she managed to spend some time as Queen of France, lost the French crown, almost lost her life and was forced to return to Scotland. Later, she had to flee to England, where, after numerous intrigues and conspiracies, Mary was beheaded by order of the queen, who saw her cousin as a threat to the English throne.

Mary Stuart's life was characterized by inconstancy and changeability, but there was something constant in it - a flock of lapdogs given to her by French subjects in 1559. IN recent years Life, while imprisoned in Sheffield Castle, Maria talked with her dogs so as not to go crazy from loneliness.

They say that when Mary's head rolled off the block, a tiny dog ​​crawled out from under the executed woman's dress.

And so the trial of Mary Stuart came to an end and Elizabeth I signed the death warrant for her sister, accusing her of plotting to seize the throne. The condemned woman was led to the scaffold, but at first no one noticed that the woman sentenced to death was not alone. Under the lush robe of the unlucky queen was a small lapdog, one of Mary Stuart's favorites.

When Maria's head rolled off the block, a tiny dog ​​crawled out from under the executed woman's dress. Covered in fresh blood, the animal lay down next to the body of its dead owner. They say it took a lot of work to drag the dog away. The poor animal later died of exhaustion.


One day, Graham Nuttall did not return from his daily walk in the mountains of Wales and his relatives and friends sounded the alarm. The New Year 1990 was beginning, the weather was disgusting. The search went on in the mountains for a whole week, but nowhere was there a trace of Nuttell and his dog Ruswarp.

For eleven weeks, in snowstorms and downpours, a devoted dog guarded his dead owner.

Over time, the search stopped. Almost three months later, a traveler accidentally stumbled upon Nuttall's body. Dead man lay on the bank of a mountain stream, and near him the traveler saw an exhausted and weakened dog. For eleven weeks, in snowstorms and downpours, the devoted dog guarded his dead master. Ruswarp became so weak that he had to be carried down from the mountains by hand; the animal was no longer able to move independently. The dog lived to see Nuttall's burial, but died almost immediately after the funeral.

19 years after the events described above, a bronze figure of Ruswarp was erected near the railway station, in the reconstruction of which Graham Nuttall took an active part. Previously, the owner and his dog saved the station from closure. When local residents put together a petition to save the station, Graham signed the paper, and next to hundreds of human signatures, his faithful dog Ruswarp put a paw print.


This story happened in Russian city Tolyatti. People constantly saw a dog sitting on the side of a busy road all day long, seemingly waiting for someone. Local residents have repeatedly tried to find the dog new home, but the dog kept returning to the place where it was taken from. It later turned out that the animal’s past hides a very tragic story.

Until his death, Kostya sat on the side of the road and waited for his owners.

It turned out that the dog was sitting at the scene of a terrible accident that claimed the lives of two people. The girl died immediately during an accident, and her father died from his injuries a little later, in the hospital. Only their dog survived. From then until his death, he sat on the side of the road and waited for his owners, who would never return. For his devotion, the residents of Tolyatti called the dog “Faithful” or simply “Kostya” (“Konstantin” is translated from Greek as “Constant” and “Faithful”).

Kostya kept his watch for seven whole years. Local residents were very sad when the dog died. And a little later, the city erected a monument to Kostya and called it “Loyalty.” Since then, the monument to the devoted animal has become a place of pilgrimage for newlyweds. Brides and grooms of Tolyatti touch the tip of the nose of the bronze dog - it is believed that after performing this simple ritual, the marriage bond will be as strong as Kostya was faithful to his family.


Tokyo University professor Hidesaburo Ueno taught at the Department of Agriculture and dreamed of an Akita dog. One fine day, his dream came true: in 1924, Ueno adopted a dog and named it Hachiko. Since then the man and his faithful four-legged friend steel does not spill.

Every day, Hachiko accompanied her friend to the station. And every evening she came to the station to meet the professor. Only a year had passed since their first meeting and, one not so wonderful day, Hidesaburo died right at the lecture. And Hachiko was still waiting at the station...

This dog became famous thanks to the film “Hachiko: The Most Faithful Friend”

Soon people began to recognize the loyal dog. They brought her food and gave her treats as a reward for her devotion. The story of Hachiko thundered throughout the country rising sun, and then all over the world. In 1934, a monument in the form of a statue was erected in honor of the faithful dog.

When the animal died in 1935, national mourning was declared in Hachiko's honor. In the yellowed photographs of those times you can see how many people came to say goodbye to the amazing dog. A stuffed animal of Hachiko is exhibited in one of the halls of the Tokyo Museum of Natural History.

Greyfriars Bobby

There are always a lot of tourists in one of the corners of Edinburgh. Locals and visitors constantly crowd around the small bronze statue of a dog. People look at the monument and take pictures against its background. Across the road from the monument is Greyfriars Cemetery, which became famous thanks to the dog who went down in history under the name “Greyfriars Bobby.”

The story tells of Edinburgh policeman John Gray and his Skye terrier Bobby, who helped his owner patrol the streets of the Scottish capital during night patrols. When Gray died, he was buried in Greyfriars Cemetery. But Bobby was never able to part with his master.

Bobby was always in the cemetery, next to the grave of his deceased owner.

The cemetery watchman repeatedly tried to drive the dog away, but each time the dog returned to its owner's grave. Local residents appreciated the animal's devotion and even paid for a license so that the dog could officially keep watch at the tombstone of his deceased friend. 14 years later Bobby died and a monument was erected to him with an inscription that reads: “Greyfriars Bobby: died 14 January 1872, aged 16 years. Let his devotion and loyalty be a lesson to us all."

There are people who question the authenticity of this story. One of them claimed that caretakers deliberately lured the dog into the cemetery with treats in order to attract more customers to the surrounding pubs.

Another "researcher" suggested that the real Bobby actually died earlier, but was replaced with a double in order to continue to make business on the legend. However, most people prefer to believe in the story of a devoted and faithful dog.

There are still a great many legends and stories about faithful dogs. And this is not surprising, because dogs are actually very loyal creatures. Do you have your own favorite story about dog loyalty?

1. German Shepherd

This breed rightfully takes first place in the ranking of the most loyal dogs. German Shepherds are incredibly smart, easy to train, and will follow their owner through thick and thin. No wonder this detection dogs who successfully help police officers, customs officers and the military.

German Shepherds rarely become attached to all family members; they choose one owner and serve him faithfully until death.

2. Labrador

This is an excellent family dog. Labradors are extremely smart, they love their owners madly, but they cannot be raised to be protectors; this breed is distinguished by its exceptional good nature. Labradors make excellent companions, guide dogs, and children best friends. They have a cheerful disposition and will willingly play with the baby.

Labradors require minimal grooming and shed moderately, making them hassle-free to keep. The Labrador's sense of smell is 25% better than the German Shepherd's, making him an excellent detective.

3. Dachshund

These long dogs follow their beloved owner everywhere with their tail. They are easy to train: it only takes them a few minutes to remember a command. Dachshunds cannot be forced into anything, otherwise they can become stubborn, but it is very easy to get them interested in playing.

Dachshunds love their owner so much that they absolutely cannot bear to let him go to work even for a few hours. They are ready not to part with their owner even for a minute.

4. Rottweiler

These dogs are incredibly loyal to their owner. They are distinguished by obedience and intelligence, have a stable psyche and are perfectly trainable. The Rottweiler is one of the best protectors; it’s not scary to let your child go for a walk with him in the evening. A Rottweiler will never offend its owner.

Despite his remarkable strength, the Rottweiler is affectionate and loving. He constantly needs his owner's attention, affection and care. The only negative is that the Rottweiler can accidentally injure the owner during games because it weighs adult dog He doesn’t know how to count a lot of strength. Therefore, before getting a Rottweiler, you need to wait until your children grow up.

5. Doberman

This is great guard dog. Mental abilities The Doberman is tall and can be taught a lot. Unfortunately, the image of the Doberman has been greatly damaged by films about the use of these dogs in the police and in war; it is considered one of the most evil breeds. It cannot be said that the Doberman is not at all aggressive, but he has a balanced psyche and is well trained, is strongly attached to the children in the family and will never offend them, but will always defend himself. Faithful friend and a reliable security guard rolled into one.

6. Collie

Collies or Scottish Shepherds are friendly and get along well not only with household members, but also with other animals in the house. They are loyal to their owner and critical situation ready to stand up for him. They treat strangers with suspicion, but once they fall in love with a person, they will never forget him.

The only minus of the collie is the labor-intensive process of caring for the coat; the dog must be constantly combed, to prevent tangles from appearing, and, of course, it will have to be vacuumed more often than usual.

7. Boxer

Boxers are considered stupid, but in fact you just need to find an approach to them. They are extremely loyal to their masters and will give their lives for them without hesitation if necessary. They willingly join in any game, need the constant presence of their beloved owner, and can even be obsessive in the fight for his undivided attention. Therefore, dogs need to be raised from childhood if you do not want to be endlessly licked and loved for the next 15–20 years.

8. Terrier

All representatives of terriers love their owners more than is possible to imagine, regardless of the size and characteristics of a particular breed. Although some terriers can have a rather difficult character, this problem can easily be resolved with the help of proper education and training.