Funny husky raised by cats. The cat, who was rescued and raised by a husky, now thinks that she is a big and brave dog! Kitten who thinks he's a husky

Everyone knows the story of Mowgli, who grew up in the jungle and was raised by wolves, but this story is a little more exotic. User Dong_of_justice gained popularity overnight after he told an unusual story about his husky named Tully, who was raised by cats and seriously believes that he is a cat. Just like a cat, he likes to sit with his paws tucked under him, and he is also used to urinating in the house, in the worst places for that. Unfortunately, the user did not provide photos of the cats that Tully was raised with. He has no direct evidence that she considers herself a cat, when you look at the following photos, you will understand that no evidence is needed here.

The owners adopted Tally when she was 2 years old

She was raised by cats from her previous owners

Funny husky Tully, raised by cats, lies with her paws tucked under her, she really thinks that she is a cat herself and behaves appropriately

Look how cute she tucked her paws

Tully also loves to sit in boxes.

She could sit there all day


She, like any cat, loves to sit silently on the windowsill and watch everything that happens outside from the window.

Damn loves boxes

Why not a cat?

She loves to bask in the sun like a cat

Not a day goes by that she doesn't do some mischief

Every day

She loves to lie like this, if you thought that she was waiting for her belly to be scratched, then you are mistaken, if you do this, then she will sigh heavily, looking angrily at you, and wait until you finish

“People often stop me on the street to admire Tally and tell me how pretty she is,” the owner said

She's funny

She is lazy, but very flexible and if she hears a strange sound, instead of jumping up and checking like any other dog, she will turn her head from side to side like a cat.

Bye everyone, I hope you enjoyed it!

Wonderful family!

An unusual incident occurred in the city of San Jose, where a small kitten was raised and raised by three Siberian huskies. News of the unusual family spread throughout the world news, and a separate page of huskies Miko, Lilo, Infinity and a cat named Rosie became almost the most viewed on the social network Instagram.

This story of an abandoned three-month-old cat began when she was severely malnourished.

The owners decided to somehow help the animal and placed the baby next to the husky Lilo. She never had and never will have puppies, but she immediately felt a kindred spirit in the little one and began to take care of her.

Lilo protected Rosie as if she were her own puppy.

Care, affection and constant attention literally pulled the cat out of the other world. Now all her habits are very similar to those of her rescuers: she walks on a leash, plays with her older friends and even eats from the same bowl with them.

The owners of the unusual pets said that Rosie managed to adopt dog habits. For example, she “guards” the house and is not at all afraid of water.

From now on, the cat is considered a full member of the family; its owners and “adoptive parents” love it.

“Whoever you mess with, you’ll gain from,” says popular wisdom. The story of an incredible friendship between a kitten and three brave huskies wins the hearts of Internet users. The kid, raised by dogs, has grown up to be brave like a cat and is now in no way behind his older friends.

Now the already grown-up cat thinks that she is a big and brave dog, capable of various feats, and has long become a star of social networks!

Such transformations in the lives of animals are not uncommon. Owners who have cats and dogs living under the same roof often say that their pets adopt each other’s habits. So the story of Rosie the kitten is no exception. Once upon a time, the baby was abandoned to the mercy of fate, and the owner of these three huskies could not pass by and sheltered the baby.

The dogs accepted the kitten as their own, and from then on they raised it according to their canine laws. The result was predictable: Rosie is sure that she is a dog. She accompanies her new family everywhere and is not afraid of heat, snow, or water. These four do everything together: sleep, eat, walk, go to training classes.

We decided to take a trip to lie on the shore of an icy lake.

Agree that these are simply adorable pets that break all stereotypes about the structure of our nature!