Japanese crosswords online training. How to solve Japanese crosswords? Instructions. Solving black and white crossword puzzles

Japanese crosswords are picture logic puzzles, also sometimes called Griddler, Nonogram, Pic-A-Pix, Picross or Color in numbers, as well as several other less common names.
Solving the riddle correctly reveals a hidden piece of art that you can use to help confirm you are on the site website as you decide.

How to solve Japanese crossword puzzle?

This type of puzzle consists of a rectangular grid with one or more clues for each row and column of the puzzle. The key for each line is on the left side of the puzzle; the keys for the columns are at the top. Each set of clues tells you about the shady public gardens in its own row or column. These key sets are all you need to solve all the puzzles. For example, solving the puzzle on the left shows how the keys work. Rows or columns with only one clue number, such as "1" or "5" in the puzzle on the left side, show that there are many consecutive shaded squares somewhere in that row/column. Other squares in the row/column must be empty.

When there are multiple numbers in a key, there are several groups of consecutive shaded squares with at least one unshaded area between each set. For example, "2 1" means that there are 2 consecutive shaded squares, break one or more empty squares, then 1 more shaded square. Any other squares in the row/column are unshaded. The order of the numbers tells you the order of the shaded sets.

Every Japanese crossword has only one possible solution, and you can reach this solution using reasonable inference. Fortune telling is never required. It's not necessary to use a picture to help you solve the puzzle, although it can certainly give you a good hint that you might be making a mistake if it doesn't seem to come out right!

Japanese crosswords appear in a wide range of sizes and difficulties.

Let's look at an example of how to correctly solve Japanese crosswords.

What needs to be done?

Note- In nonogram, two chains of black squares are separated by an X.

Why these numbers?

Each number indicates the number of black squares in each row/column chain.

What is not allowed?

Where to start?

Think logically. Look at this example:

If the chain started at the beginning of the line, it will end in the third field:

If the line ends at the end of the line, starting from the third window:

In both cases the third block must be black:

How to solve Japanese Crossword (Hanjie, Nonogram)

Hanjie is an elegant and rewarding puzzle game where solving the puzzle correctly will reveal a hidden picture.

Puzzle Japanese Crossword consists of a rectangular grid with one or more clues for each row and column of the puzzle. On the puzzle they are shown on the left and top of the puzzle respectively. Each set of clues tells you the number of shaded squares that are in that row or column.

A row or column with a single number clue, such as "4", means that there are 4 consecutive shaded squares and that the rest of the row/column is empty. If there are multiple numbers, such as "2 3 1", this tells you there are several sets of consecutive shaded squares. "2 3 1" means, for example, that there are 2 consecutive shaded squares, a gap of one or more empty squares, 3 consecutive shaded squares, a gap of one or more empty squares, and then 1 shaded square. In other words, the order of the numbers tells you the order in which they are various groups consecutive shaded squares.

Initially, all squares are a dirty orange color. This indicates that the squares are in an "unknown" state - they are not shaded or transparent. You can shade the squares by clicking on them, or drag across the puzzle to shade multiple squares easily. Right-click or ALT-click to mark the squares as blank.

Two columns and one row with the "10" clue can be shaded at once because there is no choice about where those 10 shaded squares go - there are only 10 squares in each row and column.

Now let's look at the line with the hint "3 2 3". This is the only possible solution because there must be a gap of at least one square between different sets of successive shaded squares. So we can label this and identify the empty squares. It's useful to keep track of empty squares because it gives you useful information about where the shaded squares can fit when cross-referencing horizontal and vertical keys. However, they do not need to be marked on the puzzle to be considered a correctly solved puzzle.

It is also useful to keep track of which clues or parts of the clue you have solved. On puzzlemix you can shade the clues if you like (or mark them if you want) the same way you can mark any of the squares.

There are various ways moving forward from here, but let's look at the fourth and seventh columns, which both have the key "3 1 2". By counting squares, you can determine where some, but not all, of the shaded squares should be. "3" consecutive squares must go in the top half of the puzzle so that we can mark two of them. At the bottom of the puzzle we know where one of the squares from the “2” part of the clue should be. We can also mark the squares around the "1" in the center of the column:

This is useful because we can now see that we have completely solved the second, third and ninth lines, and can then check the empty boxes to indicate this:

We can also mark the many empty squares in most columns based on the clues we have:

On at the moment it's a simple case of working through the remaining unused clues to solve the puzzle. The end result looks like as follows:

Japanese crosswords or Hanjie

Here's something new, well, for this site anyway: puzzles Hanjie, were formerly known under the name "Tsunami".

This type of crossword puzzle is not related to Sudoku. This logic puzzle with its own rules, which are quite simple:
1. You start with a blank grid and you have to draw it so that the number sequences on the left and top are satisfied.
2. If there is only one number for a row/column, it means that there is only one "stroke" of black cells in that row/column. Of course, the number indicates how many black cells are in that stroke.
3. If there are more numbers, they will tell you how many strokes of black cells there are. Two patches of black cells MUST be separated by at least one white cell.
4. Each row or column can begin and end with any number of white cells, including zero.

The tricky part is that you don't know how many white cells separate the two sections of black cells. However, each Japanese crossword puzzle can only be solved using deductive logic! You have to do a little math and add a few numbers, that's where the difficulty ends.

When you complete a puzzle, you get a picture of something. This is usually a portrait of a person or a silhouette of an animal or some kind of sign. That's why these riddles are so attractive.

Hanjie Puzzles are becoming quite popular these days. Okay, after all this talk, here are our samples Japanese crosswords online (Hanjie) for you!

In a Japanese crossword, the picture is encrypted using numbers located to the left and top of the grid. Each number indicates how many cells in a row need to be shaded in that row or column. Let's consider concrete example Japanese crossword solutions:

First you need to find the most big numbers, which are more than half the length of the row or column in which this figure is located. IN in this example these are 8 and 10 (first and second row) and 7 (second and ninth column). The second line is filled in completely, since the number 10 corresponds to the length of the line. For convenience, you can mark this line as guessed; to do this, click on the number 10 and it will turn gray. The first line contains the number 8, which means that in any case 6 cells in the center of the line will be filled in. This statement is verified as follows: suppose that 8 cells are located at the beginning of the line, then at the end of the line there will be 2 unshaded cells, and now suppose that these 8 cells are located at the end of the line, then the first 2 cells will remain unshaded. This means that by leaving 2 unshaded cells at the beginning and end of the line, we take both cases into account and boldly paint over the remaining cells. We do the same with the second and ninth columns, only here we know that the second cell is filled in. i5; Therefore, at the bottom of the column we leave 3 cells unpainted, and at the top we paint over all the cells up to the already known second cell. Now let's mark the last two cells in the second and ninth columns with crosses, since they cannot be painted over. Look for yourself, 6 out of 7 cells are shaded, which means the remaining cell will be either at the beginning or at the end of these 6 shaded cells.

Now let's color the cells in 3-8 columns. The first cells in them are painted over, which means that all that remains is to paint over the remaining cells, in accordance with the topmost number, and put a cross at the end, as shown in the figure below.

In the third and fourth lines everything is clear, we paint over the first and last cells. In the first and ninth columns, cross out the 5 bottom cells, since there cannot be filled cells there. In the sixth and seventh lines, all that remains is to limit the second and ninth cells with crosses. In the tenth line we paint over the 2 central cells and limit them at the top with crosses.

Let's pay attention to the third and eighth columns. It remains to paint a block of two cells, so we mark the fifth cells with a cross. Then in the fifth line we paint over the first and last cells. Now let's look at the first and last columns, they have blocks of four filled cells, so we cross out the first cells in these columns. In the first line we paint over the remaining cells. In the second and ninth columns, blocks of seven filled cells have formed, so we put crosses in the remaining cells.

In the third and eighth columns we paint over the ninth cells. Then in the ninth line we got two blocks of one cell each, which means we mark the remaining cells with crosses. In the eighth line there is only one option for the location of the blocks, so we simply paint them in order. The third and eighth columns have been solved, so we put crosses in the last cells. And now in the last 77th line there is nothing left to do but paint over the remaining cells. In the fifth and sixth columns, color in the fifth cells. Then the fifth line will be solved completely.

Hello, dear readers of the site. Japanese crosswords They differ from ordinary ones in that solving them does not require racking your brain to guess a variety of intricate words. The Japanese crossword puzzle contains an encrypted picture that needs to be unravel by painting the cells.

A crossword puzzle is a field consisting of a certain number of empty cells, which are colored in during the solving process. required sequence, indicated by numbered hints.

The clue numbers indicate the number of shaded cells in the vertical and horizontal lines of the crossword puzzle, and each number forms a group of closely shaded cells, between which there is a gap of one or more empty cells.

For ease of counting, cells are combined into squares of 5 cells, and the squares themselves are highlighted with thick lines, which allows you to count five cells at once.

Groups of cells are painted in the sequence in which the clue numbers are located: for a horizontal line, counting starts from left border fields, and for a vertical line from upper limit. But it is necessary to take into account that, depending on the pattern, there may be several empty cells between the first cell of the group and the border of the field.

For example.
Horizontal line with numbers 5 , 3 , 1 five cells -> pass -> group of three cells -> pass -> one cell.

Vertical line with numbers 4 , 1 , 1 can be painted like this: a group of four cells -> pass -> one cell -> pass -> one cell.

They begin to solve the crossword puzzle by searching for the largest clue numbers located in the vertical and horizontal lines, because these are the numbers with a large number merged cells are painted first, and then these painted cells are used as a starting point for further solving the crossword puzzle.

When solving Japanese crossword puzzles, learn a few rules:

1. Use a simple pencil, as this gives you a chance in case of an error to erase the wrong solution and continue solving the crossword puzzle. In case of an error, I recommend not to waste time searching for the error, but to clear the field completely and start solving the crossword puzzle all over again.

2. When solving a crossword puzzle, you need to mark empty cells that cannot contain a picture. This reduces the search area and makes it easier to solve the pattern.
As a rule, empty cells are crossed out with a cross or marked with a dot. If you mark with dots, the drawing turns out to be more expressive.

3 . Each group of colored cells found is separated on both sides by a dot or a cross. Let's say that we have identified a group of five cells in the horizontal line 5, 3, 1. This means that we put a dot before the first and after the last cell.

When all groups of cells 5, 3, 1 are found in a horizontal line, then each is separated on both sides.

Well, now, when all three groups of cells are finally found in the horizontal line 5, 3, 1, but there are still empty cells left, then we fill these empty cells with dots, since there should be no more filled cells in this line.

We do the same with the vertical line.

4 . It is advisable to cross out the hint numbers, the lines of which will be completely filled with dots and groups. The crossed out number will indicate that the line is finished and you should no longer pay attention to this number.

5 . There are no approximate solutions to the Japanese crossword - only exact calculation. You cannot approximately paint over a cell or select an empty one.

The process itself solving a Japanese crossword puzzle It is very difficult to describe, because when solving it, many “ifs” arise that cannot be explained within one page. Take at least one cell, when painted over, several options with “if” may arise.

I suggest you watch videos where, in the process of solving crossword puzzles, I tried to tell the main points, possible nuances and little tricks. In the first video, an easy crossword puzzle is solved, designed for beginners, and in the second, a complex one is solved, but the explanation is also given with beginners in mind.

This article is for fans of various puzzles. It will discuss how to correctly solve a Japanese crossword puzzle, and where you can find a huge selection of interesting tasks for free.

History of appearance

The birthplace of the puzzle, as the name suggests, is Land of the Rising Sun. The authorship is still disputed by two representatives of this country. But whoever comes "inventor" this crossword puzzle, puzzle fans all over the world enjoy spending time solving these interesting tasks.

Later, another name for the puzzle appeared - NONOGRAM, on behalf of one of the inventors, a Japanese artist and designer Non Isis. Since the beginning of the 90s, the puzzle began to conquer the European continent, and later - both Americas, Australia and Africa.

In less than a decade nonorgammas are conquering the whole world, Russia does not stand aside either. Puzzles are published in various newspapers and magazines, published as separate brochures and, of course, published on gaming sites on the Internet.

How to solve

The puzzle is a grid of squares. Outside the border of the playing field, horizontally and vertically, there are rows of numbers indicating how many cells in a given line should be painted over. There are two types of puzzles– black and white and color. The algorithm is almost identical for all variations of the crossword puzzle, with minor differences. Let's look at the basic principles of working with nonograms.

Basic principles of the solution

For example, let's take a crossword puzzle with a small picture. (size 13x12 cells), which we will solve later.

So, the solution algorithm:

Rule 1

Between filled cells of the same color there must be at least one empty cell. Explanation for color crosswords – if cells different colors there may not be a gap.

Rule 2

For convenience, it is advisable to put a “cross”, “dot” or other small sign in the cells that remain empty (not colored).

Rule 3

It is recommended to cross out the numbers that have already been used to create the drawing. Before we begin the solution, let's carefully study the numbers located on the sides of the field.

Important rules for solving crossword puzzles

Rule 4

If there are values ​​that coincide with the width or height of the field, we begin to paint over them.

In our example, this is the first vertical column (value 12 coincides with the number of cells in height) and the last horizontal line (value 13 is equal to the number of cells in width). Thus, it is necessary to start filling out the drawing with these lines.

Rule 5

If there is no number equal to the number of cells in length or width, you need to find a sequence of numbers whose sum is equal to the length/width of the playing field.

In our example, the first horizontal line falls under this standard: 8 + space + 1 + space + 2 = 13.

If the previous 2 options did not work, then move on to the next option. Let's call it "overlap". The point is this.

Rule 6

We are looking for a sequence whose sum is as close as possible to the number of uncolored cells. We try to virtually draw it first from left to right (or from top to bottom), and then vice versa. Cells that fall into the intersection will be unambiguously shaded. Let's give an example on the penultimate vertical row with the sequence “2;7”. This is not the largest sequence, but it is an option.

Lines 6 to 9 fell into the overlap area - they will be painted over.

Pay attention to the pattern: 2 + space + 7 = 10. The total length of the row is 13 cells. Total 13 – 10 = 3. This indicates that the block of cells is more than 3 pieces. will have an overlap. In example 7 – 3 = 4. We have I got 4 shaded cells.

Rule 7

If there are shaded cells around the perimeter of the field, shade the boundary values.

For our example, let's take a vertical column and fill in all the extreme positions as shown on the slide.

Five more important rules

Rule 8

If there are more empty cells than the length of the last block to be painted, then in the cells that are clearly not painted, we put an empty cell sign (remember about the crosses and dots?).

For clarity, look at the following figure. The shaded sequence must contain 5 elements of which 4 are already shaded. Therefore, on one side You need to paint 1 cell. There are 2 empty fields on the left, 1 on the right. Based on this requirement, the leftmost cell is marked as empty.

Rule 9

If it is impossible to fit a block of cells into an unshaded gap due to length, such a gap will remain empty.

In our example there are two unpainted areas. The length of the first is 4, the second is 2. Only the number 4 remains on the left panel. Therefore, a block of 4 squares will not fit into the second gap. We mark it as the one that will remain empty.

Rule 10

If there is a gap between two nearby cells, filling which will result in a contradiction with the condition of the task, then such a gap should remain unfilled.

In our case, there are two figures of 1 and 2 squares. Between them there is a section that is unknown whether or not to fill. If we color this cell we get a block of 4 cells. But according to the condition, only blocks 1-1-3-1 are possible in this line. Therefore, the available the interval is marked as “empty”.

Rule 11

For multi-colored crosswords, in addition to the above, color matching must be observed at the intersection of horizontal and vertical rows.

The example is simple. The extreme color conditions of the first 3 (color green) and last 4 (color blue) columns do not match the color sequence of the block of the last horizontal row. Thus, these cells will be marked as “empty”.

Final Rule

Rule 12

The most main norm. The process of solving a puzzle doesn't have to be a chore. It must provide moral satisfaction.

By following this simple instruction, you can fully enjoy beautiful world hand-drawn crosswords.

This concludes the theoretical part of the article. Let's move on to practical tasks.

Knowing basic principles Japanese crossword solutions by combining them, You can solve nonograms of almost any complexity. As you gain experience, you will develop your own style and methods of solution. Each subsequent puzzle will be solved faster and easier than the previous one. But it’s still advisable to start from simple drawings.

Solving black and white crosswords

To consider the main canons of the crossword puzzle solutions were chosen 2 easy tasks: one is black and white, the other is color. Let's solve them by applying 12 golden rules for solving.

We start with a mono-color crossword puzzle. The first step consists of applying Rules No. 4(the length of the block is equal to the width or length of the field). At the same time, do not forget to cross out the numbers corresponding to the drawn blocks (Rule No. 3). Look at the slide below.

The next step is to draw blocks around the perimeter of the field (Rule #7). We draw blocks of 8, 2, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1 and 2 cells horizontally on the left. Vertically fill the bottom cells at 2, 1, 1, 3, 4, 4, 4, 2, 1, 1, 7, 8 squares. Don't forget to mark the end of the blocks.

Please note important detail. In vertical rows No. 3 and 9 (counting from the left edge) All the necessary cells have been drawn. Therefore, we mark the remaining ones with a cross, they will be without filling.

Having drawn the indicated sequences, we see that 2 sides have the opportunity to fill boundary blocks. This is the top side and the side right. Let's complete the necessary drawings.

Just a few touches left to do complete solution assignments. Please note that On the upper horizontal line, 4 cells remain unpainted. According to the task, there should be blocks with 1 and 2 cells 1 + 2 = 3. But we remember that between blocks of the same color there must be at least one empty cell. Total 3 +1 = 4!!!

We finish filling out the field and get the desired image.

Colored nonograms

A distinctive feature of such puzzles is multicolor. When solving it, it is necessary not only to correctly arrange the sequence of cells, but also to color them in the colors required, according to the conditions. The wrong color will ruin all your efforts. You should also remember the first condition - Between shaded cells one There must be at least one empty color; if the cells are of different colors, there may be no gap.

All of the above influences appearance crossword– not just numbers are written along the edge of the field, these cells also contain the color that should be used when drawing.

As in the case of a black and white nonogram, let's look at filling out a color puzzle step by step. Original size The field is 14x14, contains 8 colors.

The algorithm for solving such a puzzle is identical to that used in black and white. Conducting description of Rule No. 11, One of the options for starting the task was given. Using the same norm as well as the property "overlap" Let's start solving it in a different way.

In the 12th line horizontally the values ​​of the numbers are 4 + 2 + 1 + 4 = 11. The field length is 14. Thus, a sequence of more than 3 (14 – 11) can be reflected on the field. Draw a blue cube. Since this is the only figure in the vertical row, we mark the remaining cells of the 11th row vertically with “x”.

As you already understand, you can start drawing in several ways. The result does not change, only the duration of the procedure and its complexity change. Agree, it is easier to determine the boundaries of color sequences than to calculate areas of overlap. But, we repeat, everything comes with experience.

Continuation of the crossword puzzle

Draw on the bottom horizontal row block of 6 squares. Next, let's draw the boundary blocks. Let us mark with the symbol “x” those positions where there will be no drawing.

At the next stage, let's pay attention to the 7th vertical row. Taking into account already colored positions 12 cells remain. We check the initial condition 1 + 5 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 12. Feel free to paint the whole row in the colors specified by the condition.

Consistently fill in the boundary values, not forgetting to cross out the ones used. numeric values and placing an “x” in the identified places. We apply the learned habits and combine them We use it to solve the nonogram.

As a result, we will get a wonderful parrot and a lot of positive emotions. It took just under 3 minutes.

Now you can safely start solving Japanese puzzles on your own. Below is an overview of the most popular resources containing free crossword puzzles.

Top services with crosswords

For fans of nonograms, as well as those who decided to try their hand at solving Japanese puzzles, here is our rating of sites on a given topic that provide a large selection of puzzles.

Crosswords are mind games. By solving a crossword puzzle, you can not only pass the time, but also train your memory, force yourself to think, and learn something new for yourself.

Variety of crosswords

Crosswords come in a variety of varieties: numerical, alphabetic, black and white or multi-colored. Whatever they are, they are built on the same principle - they all represent a logical grid.

Japanese scanwords and their features

Thus, Japanese differs from a regular letter crossword in that it contains an image, and can be solved using numbers. Next will be given whole instructions about how to solve Japanese crosswords.

They are divided into black and white and multi-colored. This means that in a black and white scanword, one color is used for shading, and all other empty cells remain unchanged. In the color crossword the author encrypted color image on a pristine white background of empty cells. The most popular publication for many years has been “Mole”. The publishers did not stop there and released computer program, so that you can solve the Japanese crossword “Mole” for free.

Checkered picture

The area of ​​a Japanese crossword looks like a box with lines drawn perpendicularly. There is a frame around the field with wider lines, behind which are numbers. In the central part there is a field for the image. The area of ​​the picture looks like a squared field, each of which is also divided into even smaller cells. Thus, it turns out that in one group there are five cells horizontally and vertically. Thanks to the group application of cells, it is more convenient to count, because the images can be very large.

How to solve a Japanese puzzle

Now everything is clear with the description of the crossword puzzle, the question remains: how to solve Japanese crossword puzzles? A picture in a Japanese crossword puzzle is made by painting the cells in the central area of ​​the field with the appropriate color. Cells that remain unfilled create a background and are considered white.

It is usually customary to indicate the numbers on the left side of the crossword and at the top. They determine the number of cells that must be painted in a row, and there should be no gaps between them. So, on the left side the written numbers indicate how many shaded cells there should be horizontally, and on the top - their number vertically.

When solving, it is necessary to take into account not only the numbers, but also the order in which they are located. This means that the position of the groups must be determined in the same order as they are indicated. True, where the beginning and end of these groups is is unknown - this is the essence of the puzzle, to find their exact location.

Each number corresponds to the number of shaded cells. So, for example, the number “6” means that a group of six cells is painted in a row, and the number “2” means two cells, and so on.

Online games are built in the same way, that is, Japanese black-and-white crosswords must be solved for free on the World Wide Web according to exactly the same principle.

Colored crosswords

If you solve a crossword in black and white, then you need to choose one color with which to paint the picture, and in color you need to exactly match the numbers indicated by color. So, for example, there are numbers behind the field: “2” yellow, "6" - blue and "3" - red. This means that it is necessary to paint over groups of the same number of cells of the corresponding colors in the same order.

It is accepted that between groups of cells of the same color that are painted over in a black and white crossword puzzle, in any case, at least one cell must remain empty. But this rule is only suitable for a one-color crossword puzzle; it does not apply to colored Japanese crosswords. Thus, in multi-colored puzzles, there may not be empty cells between groups of colored cells.

So we have looked at the main features of how to solve Japanese crosswords in color and black and white. The main thing, when solving the puzzle, you need to remember and understand that filled groups and empty cells must correspond to numbers and gaps both horizontally and vertically at the same time. This is the only way to accurately unravel the encrypted image; it is impossible to solve a crossword puzzle at random.

Printed publications

There are crossword puzzles on sale that contain several solutions at once or where the puzzle cannot be solved simply analytical method. It is worth paying attention to the publication of Japanese crossword puzzles "Mole", which has proven itself for many years, which any beginner can solve and will only enjoy the process. There are also crossword puzzles with typos. Because of this error, they cannot be solved. For this reason, beginners do not need to buy Japanese crossword puzzles at a low price. And you shouldn’t waste time solving them in newspapers that don’t specialize in Japanese crosswords. They may contain errors.

And there are also many smartphone applications that allow you to solve Japanese crossword puzzles for free.

Instructions for solving Japanese crossword puzzles

As mentioned above, black and white crossword puzzles use only one color to solve, which greatly simplifies the task. Therefore, it is better to start learning with simpler puzzles, so we'll talk This is exactly what crossword puzzles are about. When solving a Japanese crossword, you need to look at each row and column in turn. Do this very carefully. Here are the basic rules on how to solve Japanese crosswords. They are the same for beginners and experts.

You need to find out by looking at the horizontal and vertical columns:

  • Calculate those cells that must be painted over accurately, having thought everything through possible options arrangement of groups of cells.
  • To calculate those cells that cannot be shaded under any conditions, usually either a dot or a cross is placed to indicate empty cells.
  • To make the solution easier, you can cross out those numbers whose position has already been determined.

If you solve this method, then more and more filled cells and marked empty cells will appear on the field. You need to continue this until not a single free cell remains, which means the crossword puzzle will be solved. It is very important to avoid making erroneous marks, otherwise even one incorrectly placed point or shaded cell can lead to an incorrect decision. If at the very beginning the error can still be corrected, then without noticing it, later, when solving a crossword puzzle, it will be very difficult to find and correct it. To learn how to solve well and quickly, you need to practice more often, then each time you will be able to paint more and more pictures faster. Otherwise, you won’t be able to figure out how to solve Japanese crosswords.

When starting to solve any Japanese crossword puzzle, you need to be careful and not rush to sketch the cells without making sure that the actions are correct. At the very beginning, you need to mark the largest numbers both horizontally and vertically. It is possible that there are already rows or columns that are completely painted over. For example, the size of the field is 28 cells, and there is such a number in the left or upper part. Then you need to move on to smaller numbers in descending order. If the number is slightly smaller than the crossword puzzle field, then it is worth counting a group of cells in one direction and the other. The part that in any case falls into the cells when counting must be painted over. When groups of cells are defined, empty cells must be marked between them.

So, if one group of painted cells is defined in a line and there is a dot, then you can go further and in the same way count those that will be painted from the remaining empty cells.

Pay attention and recheck yourself from top to bottom and horizontally more often.

Beginners should start learning how to solve with a simple pencil so that if an error occurs, it can be corrected.