Positive emotions, how to evoke them. How positive emotions and positive states help solve problems. Recommendations from a psychologist

During the day, a person experiences a lot of emotions, which, mixing with each other, create a bizarre bouquet. This bouquet colors a person’s perception, making a day “bad” or “good.”

Surely every person wants to wake up every morning with a smile and spend the day in a positive mood. Living every day happily, filling your life with joyful emotions - this task may turn out to be impossible until a person learns to manage his emotions.

We can change our mood as we want, we don’t have to be dependent on circumstances. In order to feel the emotion of joy, it is not necessary to wait for the right moment when someone or something makes us laugh.

In order to rejoice, you just need to rejoice. To be happy, you don’t have to look for a reason: money, health, a soulmate, recognition, and so on. You can be happy just like that. After all, all we need already is our emotions.

All that remains is to understand the art of managing your emotions. To do this, first of all, you need to know the types of human emotions in order to learn to distinguish and separate emotions from each other, because they rarely appear in their pure form.

Every person has four pure emotions:
  • anger
  • fear
  • joy
  • despondency

These types of emotions create a combination of other feelings and emotions that each of us may experience on a daily basis.

Watch this short video, it shows the faces of different people experiencing the same emotions: from joy to fear.

Conventionally, the types of human emotions can be divided into three main categories: negative, positive and neutral.

List of basic human emotions and feelings


1. Pleasure

2. Joy.

3. Rejoicing.

4. Delight.

5. Pride.

6. Confidence.

7. Trust.

8. Sympathy.

9. Admiration.

10. Love (sexual).

11. Love (affection).

12. Respect.

13. Tenderness.

14. Gratitude (appreciation).

15. Tenderness.

16. Complacency.

17. Bliss

18. Schadenfreude.

19. Feeling of satisfied revenge.

20. Peace of mind.

21. Feeling of relief.

22. Feeling satisfied with yourself.

23. Feeling of security.

24. Anticipation.


25. Curiosity.

26. Surprise.

27. Amazement.

28. Indifference.

29. Calm and contemplative mood.


30. Displeasure.

31. Grief (sorrow).

33. Sadness (sadness).

34. Despair.

35. Chagrin.

36. Anxiety.

38. Fear.

41. Pity.

42. Sympathy (compassion).

43. Regret.

44. Annoyance.

46. ​​Feeling insulted.

47. Indignation (indignation).

48. Hatred.

49. Dislike.

50. Envy.

52. Anger.

53. Dejection.

55. Jealousy.

57. Uncertainty (doubt).

58. Mistrust.

60. Confusion.

61. Rage.

62. Contempt.

63. Disgust.

64. Disappointment.

65. Disgust.

66. Dissatisfaction with oneself.

67. Repentance.

68. Remorse.

69. Impatience.

70. Bitterness.

Perhaps some of the readers will not agree with this division of feelings. Feelings are divided not from the position of ethics, but from the position of pleasure or displeasure.

A person invests a colossal amount of energy in his emotions. In essence, this energy is neutral, only emotion can give it a positive or negative character, direct it towards creation or destruction.

Take a closer look at this list, determine for yourself in which emotions do you invest your strength more, in the emotions of destruction or creation?

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Emotions and mood are close concepts and interrelated mental processes. Good mood and positive emotions go hand in hand. How to make sure that your mood is always excellent and your emotions are only positive?

Emotions– these are psychophysiological processes and states of the individual associated with instincts, needs and motives. Emotions regulate a person’s activities, tell him the correct reaction and method of action in a particular situation. Emotions also contribute to the acquisition of useful and elimination of unnecessary habits, as they can serve as both positive and negative reinforcement.

Emotions allow us to evaluate not only a real or developing situation, but also a possible situation. Emotions caused by one or another event, signaling future life changes, provoke lasting changes in the general emotional background, in other words, emotions predetermine mood. This is why emotions and mood are interconnected.

Both emotions and mood are divided into positive and negative according to their emotional tone. Positive emotions determine a good, that is, cheerful, cheerful, high mood; negative – bad, sad, depressed, low mood.

Intense but short-lived emotional outbursts determine long-lasting and less intense moods.

Mood– this is the form of an individual’s emotional life; a stable, long-lasting, relatively even emotional state that colors all the individual’s experiences in a certain tone for some time.

Mood leaves an emotional imprint on everything a person does, that is, it directly influences and to some extent shapes the thoughts, words and actions of an individual.

Mood, like emotions, can be predetermined not only mentally, but also physiologically. For example, a change in hormonal levels can significantly change your mood.

Despite the fact that emotions are intended to signal satisfactory or unsatisfactory living conditions, they are not always simple and unambiguous, many of them ambivalent, contain both positive and negative connotations.

The range of emotions is extremely diverse. In total, approximately seventy five human emotions combined with feelings. In this regard it is interesting Kellerman-Plutchik theory of emotions. It visually presents the variety of emotions in the form of a three-dimensional structural model.

A variety of emotions predetermines diversity types of moods. It can be irritable, sad, working (active), neutral, contemplative, inspired, joyful, and so on.

What are the benefits of negative emotions and mood?

A good mood and positive emotions are the key success any activity, good health and general satisfaction with life, and negative emotions and bad mood largely “spoil” life.

For this and a number of other reasons, you always want to maintain an upbeat mood and be fueled by positive emotions. But nature has endowed humans with both positive and negative emotions for a reason. Both help to survive and adapt in a social environment.

No negative emotions there would be no positive ones. If a person were in high spirits all the time, he would not survive in the far from heavenly conditions of life on Earth and would behave inappropriately in many life situations.

There are events that cause natural emotions and feelings of sadness, melancholy, resentment, fear, anger, guilt, grief, despair and other negative experiences. Such emotions require expression and outlet. They signal that something bad has happened or may happen, the task is to survive it.

The two most primitive, basic, instinctive ways express emotions - laughter and tears. They are unnecessary and sometimes simply impossible to contain.

Adequate, moderate negative emotions do not need to be hidden behind a mask of indifference, suppressed or “drown out” by various means, they need to be lived and experienced to maintain mental and physical health.

It is no secret that most often it is negative emotions that push a person to development and achievement, although, of course, it is much better when this happens simply at the request of the individual, without a sad backstory. Often, when only a bad mood makes you think about life, meaning, goals, purpose, the need for self-knowledge and personal growth.

Problems and difficulties arise when negative emotions and bad mood are too long-lasting, intense and/or inadequate situations. In this case, you need to deal with the problem of bad mood and negative emotions on your own, and in especially difficult situations, contact a psychologist or doctor.

For example, a too prolonged, inappropriate and unreasonable mood under other unfavorable conditions can provoke the occurrence of affective mental disorder. Thus, too long a depressed mood can provoke depression.

Interestingly, mental disorders can provoke not only negative, but also positive inappropriate emotions, such as delight or ecstasy.

So, if negative emotions and moods are not unreasonable, excessive or too long, they do not pose a significant threat to health, unless the person himself begins to aggravate his situation and dwell on troubles.

How to maintain a good mood

Positive emotions such as joy, interest, admiration, calmness and others are caused by simple and everyday activities and things, the main thing is to be able to notice the good, enjoy life and create a positive atmosphere.

Cause positive emotions and lift your spirits:

If no ways to cheer yourself up work, it means that the reason that caused apathy, despondency, sadness and other negative emotions is so significant that without it elimination You won't be able to lift your spirits.

In this case, the action algorithm is as follows:

  1. Find out the cause of your bad mood. Whether it is a matter of physical ill health, an uncomfortable environment, a conflict or some other event, you need to try to eliminate the cause (to improve your well-being, change the environment, resolve a conflict, etc.), if this is not possible, change your view and attitude towards what is happening.
  2. Express negative emotions. Until negative emotions are expressed, there will be no place for positive ones, and you will get a kind of “iceberg”: a small part of positive emotions is visible above the surface of the water, and under it a huge layer of negativity. It is known that when negative emotions are suppressed into the depths of the unconscious, various kinds of problems often arise.

If it is not possible to express emotions directly and momentarily, they resort to special techniques and exercises to get rid of negative emotions and stress. For example, if there was no way to express anger in a way that would not harm anyone, you could hit a punching bag or a pillow at home in the safe environment of the gym.

  1. Understand yourself. It is often difficult for people to find the reason for their bad mood - “everything is just bad,” “I’m completely confused,” “I don’t know what to do.” This happens when a person does not see the meaning and purpose in life or his internal conflicts are too complex and unconscious.

Taking a step towards meeting yourself is not difficult. It’s enough to ask the question “What do I want from life, what do I need to be happy?” and try to find an answer to it. Either you need to get rid of something, or you need to bring something into your life, or maybe both.

With the problem of bad mood and the predominance of negative emotions, it is recommended to contact a consultant psychologist or psychotherapist.

What mood do you most often observe in yourself?

What are they, positive emotions?This is a pleasant feeling of happiness, satisfaction, trust and expectation of success. These are feelings of compassion, love, tolerance and understandingWhy do you need positive emotions?

Positive emotions make you feel good, energetic, happy, capable and ready to take action to continue what you want to achieve and accomplish. Positive emotions will also make life happier and easier, make you more likable, and improve your relationships.

How can you create positive emotions?

Below are some tips and suggestions to help create positive emotions.

1. Understand the importance of positive emotions and how they can improve your life.

2. Stop being associated with negative thoughts and feelings.

3. After waking up in the morning, smile and say to yourself silently or out loud: “I will have a wonderful day today, it will be happy and successful. I will remain patient and positive in any situation.”

4. Sometimes during the day, for a few minutes visualize some happy moments and situations in life, a place you visited that you liked or communication with loved ones.

5. When something makes you angry, wait a few seconds before reacting.

6. When you feel some despair, anger, unhappiness or disappointment, do not give in to these feelings and let them grow. Visualize what makes you happy, read what makes you happy, repeat positive affirmations or just try to create some happy feelings within you.

This may not be easy, as the negative feelings may be too strong, however, you must do your best, no matter how many times you may not have generated positive feelings. But if you keep chanting, you can change your attitude and feelings.

7. Understand that you cannot always control the situation in your life, but you can control and change your attitude and reaction. A negative attitude and anger will lead to negative emotions, a positive attitude and positive emotions will make the situation better.

8. Try to show some positive emotions towards people you don't like. You don't have to be their friend, but you can stop being negative and allow some feelings of warmth and understanding to emerge. You may be surprised at how your attitude and reactions to you change.

9. Read some inspirational quotes every day.

10. Repeat statements such as:

"I feel happy and confident."

“I get more happiness and more positivity every day.”

11. Stay away from negative people, and if you must be around and work with them, don't let their state of mind affect you. Try to be detached to them. Fill your mind with positive emotions and thoughts so that there is no room for negative thoughts in your mind.

12. When you feel depressed, listen to music.

13. Allow yourself to smile more often, even in difficult situations. Smiling tends to clear your mind of worries, even if temporarily, and wins you sympathy and support from those around you.

14. Watch comedies, read and watch happy news.

15. Find time to meditate. Among its benefits is the ability to filter the feelings and thoughts that enter your mind. This will help avoid negative emotions and allow positive emotions to appear.

16. While lying in bed at night, say to yourself silently or out loud: “I will have a wonderful day tomorrow, it will be happy and successful, I will be patient and positive all day in any situation.”

Now that you know how to create positive emotions, you can get creatively inspired and find new ideas for creating positive emotions in your life.

Endless, identical gray everyday life, creeping one after another, can bring anyone to a depressed state. But you can add color to your life with positive emotions. There are many types of positive emotions, each of them will bring its own positive charge into your world.

List of positive emotions:

  1. Interest, interest, curiosity– the most frequently occurring emotion that motivates the development of thinking, knowledge, and skills. Interest is the only motivation that supports routine work. An interested person has a desire to expand his experience and explore something new. With strong interest, a person feels revitalized and inspired.
  2. Astonishment is a transitory emotion: it appears quickly and disappears just as quickly. Its function is to prepare a person for sudden or new events and successful actions.
  3. Joy– refers to a person’s positive emotions, characterized by a feeling of confidence, significance, the ability to overcome difficulties and enjoy life. It is accompanied by satisfaction with oneself, the world and the people around, a feeling of energy and personal strength. Joy awakens when a person realizes his potential. Obstacles on the path to self-realization prevent joy from arising.
  4. Happiness– the most powerful positive emotion. It occurs when a person reaches a goal or when this moment approaches. The road to happiness lies in ideals, dreams, goals. They anticipate the outcome, contributing to the emergence of pleasant feelings. The more accessible and closer the goal, the less happiness you feel. A person who wants to experience happiness to the fullest must determine his abilities and achieve difficult, distant goals.
  5. Gratitude- originates when a person feels gratitude and understands that he has received some benefit.
  6. Hope– this is optimism, the belief that everything will be fine in the end result. Problems do not seem unresolved, a person sees the future as bright and believes that his wishes will come true, no matter what.
  7. Serenity- appears when everything is going as it should, you feel relaxed and calm. Your mind is not burdened with worries. Peace comes in a moment of calm and calm when you can simply enjoy the present.
  8. Trembling we feel when awe and curiosity flare up about something incredibly delightful. These can be amazing natural phenomena, works of art, technological achievements. At such moments, the understanding comes that we are just a grain in a huge world.

How to get positive emotions?

The world of emotions permeates all human life: communication, interaction with people, activity and cognition. The effect of positive emotions is enormous: they allow us to expand our usual actions and thinking, create personal resources, make us cheerful, and improve health and well-being over time.