How to take "Ascorutin" to strengthen the walls of blood vessels: instructions for use, reviews and analogues. What does Ascorutin help with, how to use it for blood vessels, skin health and other purposes? Ascorutin in ampoules instructions for use

Ascorutin is a drug belonging to the group of vitamins and vitamin-like drugs in combinations. The main components of the drug are Vitamin C (50 mg) and rutoside trihydrate (50 mg). Ascorutin is produced in tablet form. Manufacturers: Pharmstandard-Ufavita, Altaivitamins, Marbiopharm.

Ascorutin is a combination pharmacological drug, the effect of which is determined by the effectiveness of the components included in its composition.

Rutin (vitamin P) is an activator of the transition of vitamin C to dehydroascorbic acid and an inhibitor of the conversion of the latter to diketugulonic acid. Therefore, many of the effects of rutin are mediated by the presence of ascorbic acid in the drug.

The main effects of the collaboration of rutin and ascorbic acid are:

  • decreased permeability and fragility of blood vessels;
  • strengthening the vascular wall;
  • decreased intensity of platelet aggregation;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • antioxidant effect;
  • normalization of the flow and speed of redox processes.

What else is rutin useful for: in addition, it can prevent increased exudation of the liquid part of the blood and diapedesis shaped elements blood through the vascular wall, helps reduce blood pressure.

In patients with a history of venous insufficiency (), the drug helps reduce swelling, pain, normalize trophism, reduce the intensity or completely eliminate cramps and paresthesias in lower limbs. Positive effect this tool also observed when side effects radiation therapy and the development of complications of diabetes in the form of retinopathy.

What is it used for?

Indications for use of Ascorutin:

  • with deficiency of ascorbic acid and rutin;
  • for carrying out complex therapy, which is aimed at increasing vascular permeability;
  • as a prevention of viral diseases;
  • to improve the body's protective properties


  1. Hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, which manifested itself in the form of allergic reactions during previous uses;
  2. Increased activity of the blood coagulation system, tendency to;
  3. Diseases endocrine system, namely diabetes mellitus;
  4. Gout;
  5. Presence of stones in the kidneys;
  6. Cross-use with sulfonamides or aminoglycosides;
  7. Insufficient potassium content in the blood;
  8. Excessive calcium content;
  9. Severe kidney and urinary tract diseases.

Combined use

  1. At sharing Ascorutin with heparin, indirect anticoagulants, sulfonamides, aminoglycosides, phenothiazines, a decrease in the activity of the latter is observed;
  2. With parallel use of Cyclosporine, its bioavailability may decrease;
  3. The combined use of ascorbic acid and disulfiramine preparations can inhibit the onset of intoxication and the excretion of ethanol metabolites. Therefore, during such treatment it is necessary to completely eliminate the use of alcoholic beverages;

With simultaneous use of Ascorutin and Deferoxamine Iron absorption and excretion in urine may increase. Its tissue toxicity also increases, (especially to the myocardium) in some situations leading to decompensation of the circulatory system. Previously it was reported about possible disturbances in the functioning of the heart, which disappear after discontinuation of ascorbic acid.

Therefore, the combination of these drugs requires special caution in patients with cardiovascular diseases. It is also necessary to systematically monitor the work of the heart muscle. Ascorutin can be used only 2-3 hours after injection Deferoxamine.

When used for more than 4 weeks, you should exclude the use of Ascorutin or other drugs (cardiac glycosides, antihypertensive drugs, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), as it enhances them therapeutic effect, which is not always appropriate. Vitamin C promotes more intense excretion of oxalates during urination, which increases the risk of developing stones in the renal pelvis.

Bad habits(smoking and alcohol abuse) reduce the concentration of ascorbic acid and vitamin P in the blood plasma.

With the systematic use (daily) of more than 2 grams of ascorbic acid, the biochemical results of the studies, in particular the level of creatinine, urea and glucose, may be distorted.

Photo of packaging

Features of application

It is worth noting that During the use of the drug, you should avoid drinking alkaline drinks, fresh fruit or vegetable juices, as they may reduce absorption active ingredients. The absorption of ascorbic acid may also be impaired when intestinal dyskinesia, enteritis and achylia occur.

Preparations containing ascorbic acid should be used with caution in patients with hemochromatosis, thalassemia and sideroblastic anemia. The fact is that vitamin C promotes enhanced absorption of iron, which negatively affects the course of these diseases. When the limit increases permissible level iron in the blood, it is necessary to reduce the dosage of Ascorutin or completely abandon its use.

Ascorutin should be used with caution in patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency and kidney disease. At long-term use preventive diagnostics of the drug should be carried out urinary system, a study of blood pressure levels and the functional capacity of the pancreas.

The drug Ascorutin, according to clinical studies, does not affect the ability to drive a vehicle.

Ascorutin: instructions for use

Tablets are the release form of Ascorutin, which is considered an over-the-counter drug. However, you should not take it without a doctor’s prescription, as it can negatively affect the body’s condition and at the same time not provide the necessary therapeutic effect.

The main indication for prescribing the drug is considered to be a deficiency of ascorbic acid and vitamin P in the body.

What helps: as a rule, Ascorutin is an indispensable tool in the treatment of hemorrhagic diathesis, the main symptom of which is a violation of the permeability of small vessels and blood clotting. The main symptom of this disease is small, medium and large hemorrhages on the surface of the body.

Violations of the structure of the capillary wall are also inherent in other diseases. For example, consequences of radiation therapy oncological diseases, various pathologies infectious-allergic nature, arterial hypertension This symptom may also be present. Ascorutin, which is used for complex therapy with other drugs, can have a significant impact on the effectiveness of treatment.

In some situations, the appointment of Ascorutin is advisable for prophylaxis in combination with other drugs that may have negative impact on the condition of the wall blood vessels or affect the functioning of the blood coagulation system.

Directions for use

How to take Ascorutin, dissolve or drink: it is recommended after meals with water. The dosage of this drug is individually selected by a specialist, since it directly depends on the purpose of using the drug. How to drink, for example, as a prophylactic? Ascorutin is used 1-2 tablets per day, and for the treatment of hypovitaminosis 2-3. How much to take: the duration of treatment is also determined by a specialist, but, as a rule, it lasts no more than 3-4 weeks.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the product should be used only after consulting a doctor. The manufacturer's instructions indicate that Ascorutin is not recommended for use on early stages in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.

In the 2nd and 3rd trimesters, the prescription of a drug will be justified only after assessing the balance of benefit and harm for both the woman and the fetus. In this case, both the dosage of the prescribed drug and the duration of the course of treatment should be taken into account.

After a lot of clinical studies, information about No toxicity of the drug through its transmission through breast milk was detected. Ascorbic acid is excreted from breast milk, however, its dose does not exceed a tenth of that required for daily use. Therefore, during breastfeeding, only a small amount of vitamin C can enter the baby’s body.


The main manifestations of overdose are: epigastric pain, dyspeptic disorders, urticaria and itching skin, excessive reactivity of the central nervous system, headache, increased blood pressure, increased thrombus formation. It is also possible to deposit stones in the kidneys, develop acidosis or hemolytic anemia.

To eliminate unwanted reactions, you need to stop taking the drug, perform gastric lavage, use sorbents and prescribe further symptomatic treatment.

Adverse reactions

According to clinical studies conducted in in rare cases The following side effects may occur:

  • from the central nervous system: headache, unreasonable fatigue, sleep disturbance, excessive excitability of the central nervous system. Complications arise with long-term use of large doses of the drug;
  • kidneys and urinary tract: increased acidity urine, increased concentration oxalates, with prolonged use of the drug, damage to the glomerular apparatus and the formation of stones may occur. The most dangerous side effect is the development renal failure. When using more than 12 tablets (600 mg of ascorbic acid) of Ascorutin per day, a significant diuretic effect will be observed;
  • blood system: increased platelet levels in the blood, increased thrombus formation, lymphocytic shift to the left; in patients with 6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, the development of hemolytic anemia may occur;
  • from the outside metabolic processes Oversaturation of the body with ascorbic acid, deterioration of trophism, dysfunction of the pancreas (insular apparatus), edema and sodium retention may be observed;
  • impact on work cardiovascular system will manifest itself in the following: a feeling of heat, with long-term use- thinning of the muscular layer of the heart, development of microangiopathies and increased blood pressure;
  • with prolonged use of Ascorutin, irritation of the mucous membrane may occur gastrointestinal tract, spasms and dyspeptic disorders: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • the development of allergic reactions indicates an increase in the body’s sensitivity to the components of the drug. The main manifestations of this reaction are: itching of the skin, burning, redness, urticaria, Quincke's edema, etc.

What is the price

Price of ascorutin in various pharmacies for different forms and dosages from 30 to 100 rubles.


What to replace it with? Among the most common analogues of Ascorutin are:

  • Avenue tablets;
  • Venorin;
  • Venosmin;
  • Juantal;
  • Diophnal;
  • Nostalex.

Before using the drug or its analogues, you should consult your doctor and only then make adjustments to your existing treatment plan.

An amazing drug with a very modest composition, but a large and varied list of indications. If you don’t drink Ascorutin at random, there’s practically no benefit from it. unwanted effects. Removes vascular network on the face and strengthens the body's immune forces in the autumn-winter period.

Composition of the drug Ascorutin and its therapeutic effect

The drug consists of only two substances - 0.05 g of ascorbic acid and the same amount of rutoside. is an antioxidant. Rutin is a substance that preserves the natural elasticity of capillaries and vascular walls. Their combination is very successful, because they multiply the therapeutic effect of each other. Vitamin P allows ascorbic acid to accumulate in tissues and protect them from the harmful effects of free radicals.

People with diabetes and allergy sufferers should carefully review the composition before use, as substances that are undesirable for use may be present.

The big plus is that there are no dyes, flavoring additives or preservatives. It is because of them that they appear individual intolerance and, as a result, allergic rashes.

Release form

The drug is produced only in the form of tablets for oral administration. The surface color varies from yellowish to light green.

Scheme for using Ascorutin

Mostly accepted according to the standard scheme. If the prescription is unauthorized, then 1 tablet is taken up to 3 times a day. The doctor may offer his own method, then the number of appointments and their duration may be different. The medicine is harmless and can be purchased at your nearest pharmacy without a prescription or prescription from a specialist.

Indications for use

As a rule, it is prescribed as a source of certain vitamins. They are also used in rather difficult situations, combined with other means.

  1. Limited availability or complete absence in the diet of foods rich in ascorbic acid and rutoside.
  2. Proper combination with other drugs allows it to be used for the treatment of pathologically dilated veins, impaired blood and lymph exchange, long-term non-healing ulcers, and venous insufficiency.
  3. Hemorrhages inside and outside the skin, occurring both when pressing on the surface of the skin and spontaneously.
  4. Vitamin C helps strengthen the immune system and alleviate the painful condition after hypothermia.
  5. Rutoside makes the walls of blood vessels and capillaries stronger and more elastic, reducing their permeability, which reduces inflammatory processes during ARVI.


There are not very many of them, and most of them are standard for other drugs:

  • allergy to contained vitamins and formative components;
  • first 12 weeks of pregnancy;
  • children under 3 years of age;
  • period of exacerbation of ulcers or duodenum;
  • urolithiasis;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • severe forms of heart, kidney and liver failure;
  • diabetes mellitus type I and II (sucrose present);
  • hereditary malabsorption simple shapes saccharides in the gastrointestinal tract.

Side effects

Due to the poor composition, unwanted reactions practically do not appear. The following may occur: headaches, disturbances in the functioning of the stomach and intestines, allergies. If you take Ascorutin before meals, the frequency of side effects increases, because it can irritate the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach.

There is evidence that when chewing tablets, tooth enamel suffers. Cracks and chips may appear on it. Therefore, the medicine is washed down with water so that contact of teeth with it is minimized.

If undesirable effects occur, the drug is temporarily discontinued. After 2 weeks, the course is resumed again, carefully starting with half or a whole tablet per day.

Treatment with Ascorutin

It would seem that the drug has such a modest composition, but with its help many diseases are treated that are strikingly different from one another. It works equally well both for common colds and for varicose veins as a auxiliary component. IN different cases Treatment regimens are individual.

Doctors are very fond of these vitamins, because they are water-soluble and cannot accumulate in toxic doses in the body if their use was incorrect. They also support the health of adults and children well during periods of increased morbidity, are combined with most drugs, and have virtually no adverse effects.

How to take Ascorutin?

The tablets are produced specifically for oral use, i.e. they are not cracked and chewed, but washed down entirely with water. You should not use tea, juices or other liquids; they contribute to the destruction of the structure of vitamins and interfere with their absorption. It is more correct to take it directly during meals or immediately after it to avoid negative effects on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract.


Ascorutin treatment regimen

Standard treatment regimen: 1 tablet 2-3 times a day. The course of therapy lasts up to 3 weeks, but may vary as prescribed by the doctor. The maximum doses are not indicated in the instructions, but knowing that the daily amount of vitamin C should not exceed 1000 mg in adults, and rutoside - 400 mg, we can conclude that no more than 20 tablets of the drug can be taken per day. But it’s not worth risking your health and experimenting. This amount in 99% of cases causes allergies and abdominal pain, and the therapeutic effect will remain at the same level, if not decrease at all.


After prolonged excess of adequate doses, nausea, vomiting, loose stool, headaches. The manifestations are easily confused with the usual side effects of the drug. There is no special antidote; treatment is based on eliminating disturbing symptoms. For dyspeptic manifestations, take Smecta; if allergic reactions occur, take Cetrin or an age-appropriate antihistamine.

Excess vitamins are excreted in the urine, since they are water soluble.

Interaction with other substances

Concentrated vegetable and fruit juices cause trouble. They may reduce the absorption of the drug. Therefore, they are excluded from meals when the medicine is used.

The effect of combination with other drugs can be unpredictable if you do not pay attention to this point in the instructions:

  1. Combined oral contraceptives reduce drug absorption in the intestine.
  2. The risks of side effects for some groups increase antibacterial agents(Bicillin, Tetracycline).
  3. Preparations of various iron salts increase the absorption of vitamins C and P.
  4. The use of Aspirin and the like inhibits the absorption and breakdown of the drug.
  5. The therapeutic effect of the drug is reduced by indirect anticoagulants (Heparin).
  6. B vitamins weaken its results.

If the prescription contains drugs that are not listed on the list, you should talk to your doctor before using them with ascorbic acid and rutin.

Instructions for use of Ascorutin

The drug can be used for different purposes. Each case requires a special approach.


As a means of supporting immunity during acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, children from 3 to 12 years old are prescribed half or a whole tablet once a day. For treatment, the same dose is given up to 3 times a day. The course of treatment does not exceed 2 weeks.

For young children, the drug can only be prescribed by a pediatrician with extensive experience. medical practice at your own responsibility, since there have been no studies of the medicine on children under 3 years of age and its safety has not been proven.

Pregnancy period

The drug is used by pregnant women only as prescribed by a doctor. Up to 3 months, use is prohibited due to the content of rutoside in the composition, since during this time there are important processes the origin of systems and organs of the future organism. During breastfeeding, the course and dosage are also prescribed by a specialist.

Strengthening blood vessels

One of the components, rutoside, reduces the adhesion of platelets to each other and prevents the process of thrombus formation. It also reduces the permeability of blood vessels, they become less fragile, and the walls are strengthened by stimulating the production of natural collagen.

Applicable as prophylactic. For long-term diseases, it is useless as the only drug.

Varicose veins

The substances of the drug reduce the fragility of capillaries, strengthen the walls of blood vessels and restore their elasticity, normalize blood circulation in problem areas, and slightly dissolve varicose nodes.

In this case, it is taken according to the following regimen: 1 tablet up to 3 times a day, duration of administration is 3 weeks. Next course is prescribed after 2 weeks, there can be 3-4 in total, depending on the severity.

When properly combined with other drugs for the treatment of varicose veins, the effect occurs noticeably faster. In advanced stages, the remedy may be useless.


If taken orally, a standard therapy regimen is used. But more often it is used in the form of masks or lotions for the skin. 2 crushed tablets are mixed with a decoction of chamomile or calendula, the resulting mixture is applied to red areas of the skin and left for 10 minutes. You can simply wipe it off as a lotion.

If you suddenly experience redness and a burning sensation, you do not need to endure it. Most likely, this means that some component of the mask triggered an allergy.

Do not apply the mixture to the thin skin around the eyes. Dark circles and it will not relieve swelling, and local side effects will not add beauty.


Indications for taking Ascorutin tablets

The use of the drug is advisable when bleeding is caused by taking certain specific medications (Warfarin) or salts salicylic acid(Aspirin). But in this case, a doctor should prescribe it, because it is not always possible to combat increased bleeding with the help of this remedy.

In cases where there is constant bleeding from the nose and this is due to the fragility of the capillaries, the medicine is given according to the standard regimen. This often manifests itself in spring and autumn, during periods of scarcity and changes in weather. Reception begins in the last month of winter or summer.

Heavy menstruation

With abundant critical days the medicine is taken in combination with calcium gluconate. Taking them 2-3 weeks before the start of the cycle helps reduce blood loss during this period and shorten the duration. Before self-prescribing, you need to make sure that there are no deviations from the norm in gynecology.

It is forbidden to take it when bleeding suddenly begins in the middle of the cycle, has a bright scarlet color and is accompanied by pain. In this case, you need to consult a doctor!


There are no similar funds in Russia. But in Ukraine a drug with the same composition is produced under the name Immunovit S. The difference is only in the dosages of the active substances. Due to the high concentration of ascorbic acid, it is often prescribed during viral diseases, as well as to prevent them. The daily dose is only 2 tablets, the duration of the course of therapy is a month.

Ascorutin is complex drug, which contains vitamin C and vitamin P. This combination is ideal for strengthening the walls of small vessels. You probably have the question “why?” If you understand the mechanisms of action of each of the above vitamins, everything becomes clear.

Vitamin C is a well-known ascorbic acid. This vitamin plays a key role in maintaining normal functioning connective tissue, and blood vessels are derivatives of the latter. Among the immediate effects of ascorbic acid:

Therefore, this vitamin has wide range valuable effects, each of which helps strengthen the vascular walls. But in combination with vitamin P (rutin), which is classified as a bioflavonoid, it is realized additional effect– the activity of hyaluronidase (an enzyme that destroys hyaluronic acid molecules) decreases.

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As a result, the vessels of the microvasculature become significantly less fragile. It's about about arterioles, capillaries and venules, that is, about the smallest vessels. But it is they who suffer primarily from a lack of vitamins C and P, which is additional confirmation of the effectiveness of this combination.

Indications and contraindications for the use of the complex

Ascorutin, like any other drug from the pharmacy chain, has clear indications for use. The established list of indications includes:

In addition, the drug is actively used in modern cosmetology. After all, bursting small vessels on the face (rosacea) - these are fragile capillaries that need strengthening. Therefore, another indication for the use of these vitamins is rosacea.

Before starting to use the drug according to indications, it is important to exclude relevant contraindications.

Who should not use the vitamin complex?

In addition to clear indications for the use of Ascorutin, there are also established contraindications to the use of the drug. These include:

The latter condition is currently extremely rare, however, you should always remember about its possibility.

There are also a number of pathologies that, while not being direct contraindications to the use of of this medication, significantly limit the possibilities of its application. These include:

  • diabetes mellitus (type 1, type 2);
  • deep vein thrombosis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • violations of the coagulogram in the direction of hypercoagulation;
  • the patient has risk factors for thrombosis;
  • gout;
  • urolithiasis.

That is, the vitamin complex is not recommended for people suffering from any of the above diseases. But if there is a need to take this complex, then the issue is resolved individually, with the obligatory participation of a doctor. In general, taking the drug is possible, but it requires careful monitoring of individual laboratory parameters and, as a rule, adjustment of dosages of other medications taken.

Undesirable manifestations when taking the drug

Possible side effects include gastrointestinal disorders, allergic reactions, and general disorders. They appear, as a rule, only when the established rules for taking the medication are violated.

General disorders may manifest themselves as:

Among possible violations from the gastrointestinal tract:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • diarrhea.

If as side effect Allergy develops, it most often manifests itself in the form of skin rash, urticaria.

Dosage and regimen of medication

Ascorutin is available in tablet form, with each tablet containing 50 mg of ascorbic acid and rutin. The standard regimen for using the drug requires taking the complex 1 tablet 2-3 times a day.

To clean VESSELS, prevent blood clots and get rid of CHOLESTEROL - our readers use the new natural preparation, which is recommended by Elena Malysheva. The product contains blueberry juice, clover flowers, native garlic concentrate, rock oil, and wild garlic juice.

Tablets should be taken after meals, swallowed and washed down with a sufficient amount of plain drinking water. There are two points worth paying attention to here.

The standard course of treatment is 3-4 weeks, but it can be either shortened or extended based on individual characteristics patient.

Alternative methods of using the vitamin complex

In conclusion, we would like to talk about alternative methods of use vitamin complex. These methods will be of interest to those who suffer from rosacea and want to get rid of it. Using Ascorutin, you can make various masks and tonics for the face, which are not inferior in their effectiveness to branded cosmetics.

There are many ways to use Ascorutin. This is a fairly powerful vitamin complex, which, if taken as indicated, gives excellent results. It strengthens capillaries, eliminates increased fragility vessels, as well as its main manifestation – rosacea.

Many of our readers actively use the well-known method based on Amaranth seeds and juice, discovered by Elena Malysheva, to CLEAN VESSELS and reduce the level of CHOLESTEROL in the body. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with this technique.

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Have you ever tried to restore the functioning of your heart, brain or other organs after suffering pathologies and injuries? Judging by the fact that you are reading this article, you know firsthand what it is:

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Latin name: Ascorutinum ®
ATX code: C05CA51
Active ingredient: acid ascorbic, rutoside
Manufacturer: ValentaPharmaceuticals (Russia)
Conditions for dispensing from a pharmacy: Over the counter

Combined vitamin preparations designed to eliminate shortages necessary substances. Despite the fact that they are sold without a prescription and contain an annotation, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is required, who will tell you, for example, what Ascorutin is used for and how to drink it for an adult patient and a child. This drug affects metabolism and digestion and contains rutazide and ascorbic acid. But its main purpose is to strengthen the capillary walls. It takes part in oxidation and reduction, has antioxidant and radioprotective properties, and copes well with colds. Ascorutin is often prescribed during pregnancy, but not in the first months. This is due to the fact that on initial stages Enhanced vitamin nutrition is not recommended for fetal development.


The complex is suitable for the treatment and prevention of the following diseases and conditions:

  • Vitamin C deficiency
  • Hypovitaminosis of quercetin and vitamin P
  • Prevention during ARVI epidemics
  • During and after long-term use anticoagulants or salicylates
  • Infectious pathologists, including those with cough (scarlet fever, measles, influenza)
  • Hemorrhagic vasculitis
  • Ascorutin is effective for varicose veins
  • Capillary toxicosis
  • Cuperosis
  • Rheumatism
  • Radiation exposure
  • Nosebleeds
  • Retinal damage
  • In gynecological practice, Ascorutin is prescribed for menstruation
  • Endocarditis
  • Damage to the renal glomeruli
  • Allergies
  • Serous inflammation arachnoid brain
  • Hematological pathologies with platelet deficiency.


The drug is available in only one form - tablets. The medicine contains two effectively interacting main active elements: ascorbic acid and rutazide. In addition, it includes additional components. These are starch, calcium stearate, talc and sugar. Each of them is intended for the production of Ascorutin vitamins and giving tablets shape. Substances act as preservatives, stabilizers and emulsifiers.

Pharmacological properties

The vitamin complex is combination remedy. If you are interested in the question of what Ascorutin tablets help with, you should find out information about their composition. First of all, it is ascorbic acid, which is one of the most important elements required for normal condition connecting and bone tissue. The substance looks like a white powder, highly soluble in water and alcohol.

It takes part in the synthesis of collagen and is responsible for the production of serotonin from tryptamine. The production of thyroid hormones and the supply of glucose for cellular nutrition depend on it. Also, the drug Ascorutin affects the production of catecholamines and the conversion of cholesterol into bile acids. The vitamin, with the participation of cytoquines, is required for detoxification in parenchymal cells. The use of Ascorutin during pregnancy allows the fact that it inhibits the release of histamine components, inhibits the formation of inflammatory mediators and allergic reactions.

After oxygen enters the blood, free radical compounds are formed, the action of which is inhibited by ascorbic acid, thereby stopping the aging process. In low doses, its use for coughs and colds is not justified, but since the substance synthesizes interferon, it acts as an immunomodulator. What is important in for preventive purposes. The element improves the absorption of iron ions, so it is advisable to prescribe Ascorutin for adults and children.

Patients taking the complex showed resistance to infections, a decrease in the need for pantothene and folic acid. Since the vitamin maintains normal capillary permeability and the keloid state of the intercellular substance, the production of hyaluronidase is reduced. Therefore, Ascorutin plays a role in strengthening blood vessels important role. It activates proteolytic functions, metabolizes amino acids and pigments, and is responsible for the accumulation of glycogen compounds in the liver.

Another active element of the drug is rutoside. It is a glycosidic flavonoid derivative of quercetin with antioxidant properties. Thanks to its lipophilic action, it penetrates freely through cell membranes, contributes to their stability. It prevents wall permeability by inhibiting lipoxygenase. This mechanism is aimed at preventing premature aging and tissue death. Usually, in the hot season, the heart works harder, pumping blood faster, so when weak vessels Nosebleeds may occur. To prevent this phenomenon, it is important to take the product in the summer.

The vitamin penetrates nerve fibers, where it affects receptor reactions, thereby reducing the release of inflammatory mediators. Ascorutin is prescribed to children and adults for the purpose of accelerated cell regeneration, as a sedative, analgesic and antiallergic agent. Rutin provides the following effect:

  • Helps control hormonal levels
  • Improves the condition of vascular walls
  • Has anti-inflammatory activity
  • Prevents blood clots
  • Suspends the aging process

Because active substances are capable of accumulating in the body, especially with a long course, it is necessary to check with a therapist or pediatrician how to take Ascorutin during pregnancy and children. The drug is well absorbed and penetrates into all tissues and fluids. Excreted through the kidneys. Its use allows you to quickly replenish increased consumption nutrients. Studies have shown that, by strengthening capillary walls, Ascorutin during pregnancy reduces the risk of developing hemorrhages and oxygen starvation fetus But it is prescribed only if indicated. The use of any vitamin complex must be discussed with a doctor in advance.

Because circulatory system The placenta is characterized by weakness and low elasticity. Ascorutin during pregnancy reduces the risk of developing hemorrhages.

Release forms

The drug is produced in the form of small tablets of a yellowish-green hue, with a dividing line in the center. They are packaged in 10 units in aluminized blisters with a transparent propylene surface or in plastic bottles. They have no smell, have a pleasant taste, so they can be sucked. A cardboard pack includes one can or 3-6 plates and Ascorutin instructions for use. A small but significant bonus is their low price.

Methods of application

Cost: tab. 50 mg No. 30 – 35-45 rub. No. 50 – 55-65 rub.

Before starting treatment, you need to consult a doctor who will tell you how to take Ascorutin for different conditions and depending on age. The tablets need to be swallowed after meals, the dose for adults is 1-2 units per day for prevention, for therapeutic purposes, 2 pieces are prescribed three times a day. The average course duration is 3-4 weeks. If necessary, treatment can be continued after a month's break.

Dosage of Ascorutin and method of application in childhood consists of using half a tablet once every 24 hours to prevent the development of diseases and deficiency conditions. Children over 3 years of age are prescribed one piece for therapy 2-3 times a day. But constant monitoring and control of the functioning of all systems is required. It is not recommended to drink liquids with alkaline content, as the absorption of the composition is reduced.

Use during pregnancy

The drug is not prescribed in the 1st trimester, as the risk of vitamin oversaturation increases. The rest of the time and during lactation, the intake is standard.


The vitamin complex is prohibited for use for the following diseases and conditions:

  • High susceptibility to the components of the composition
  • Impaired blood clotting
  • Thrombophlebitis and existing blockages
  • Diabetes
  • Severe kidney damage
  • Gout
  • Presence of oxalate stones in the kidneys
  • Tubulopathies
  • Reduced concentration of potassium ions
  • Disturbance in the process of breaking down food
  • Fructose intolerance.

Combination with other medications

Before taking the drug, you need to obtain information about its interaction with various medications:

  • Reduced absorption occurs due to simultaneous use with alkaline solutions and acetylsalicylic acid
  • Combines well with penicillin and iron-containing medications
  • Functions decrease when using anticoagulants, heparin, aminoglycoside, sulfonamide antibiotics
  • The risk of side effects increases with the simultaneous administration of salicylates and tetracyclines
  • With a long course, the concentration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory compounds and glycosides increases, which should be taken into account.

Adverse reactions

Since the main active ingredients of the drug are similar to natural metabolites, negative consequences are rarely observed. In some cases, the following effects may occur:

  • On the part of digestion - dyspeptic disorders, irritation of the mucous membrane, heartburn.
  • Heart and vascular system– increased blood pressure, microangiopathy, muscular dystrophy. Hypertensive crises.
  • Nervous system – increased excitability, sleep disturbance, irritability.
  • Hematopoiesis – thrombocytosis, leukocytosis.
  • Metabolic processes: hyperglycemia, fluid and sodium retention in the body.
  • The consumption of alcoholic beverages does not have a particular effect on the therapeutic properties of the complex, but it can provoke a number of adverse reactions Maybe that’s why Askoriutin and alcohol are incompatible.


Exceeding the recommended amount of the drug is fraught with inhibition of pancreatic gland function and disruption of the insular mechanism. Itching and rashes may appear on the skin and develop symptomatic hypertension. Treatment in such cases is based on clinical signs. The patient undergoes sanitation and gastric lavage. Sorbents are prescribed for it and measures are taken to reduce the concentration of vitamins.

Storage rules

The drug can be used for three years. It must be kept in a place inaccessible to light and moisture. Access for children should be limited.


There are a number of drugs whose action is identical to the activity of Ascorutin:


Manufacturer: BalkanFarma (Bulgaria)

Price: caps 300 mg No. 100 – 600-650 rub.

Angioprotector, the main substance of which is troxerutin. Despite the difference in active ingredients, there is an important similarity between Ascorutin and Troxevasin: both drugs are responsible for the condition of the walls of blood vessels. The latter medication is capable of narrowing the gaps between endothelial cells by changing their matrix. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces trophism and reduces swelling. With varicose veins, discomfort and stiffness are eliminated. With hemorrhoids - pain and bleeding.

The product is produced in the form of bright yellow gelatin capsules, enclosed in translucent blisters. The pack is white, with lilac cubes as decoration. It includes 10 plates. The manufacturer also offers a composition for external use in the form of a light gel.


  • Available in two forms
  • Well relieves pain from varicose veins and hemorrhoids.


  • High price
  • May cause a number of adverse reactions.


Manufacturer: Thompson (USA)

Price: tab. 500 mg No. 60 – 800-900 rub.

The drug contains only one main active ingredient - rutazide. It is effective for hypovitaminosis, vascular permeability, hemorrhagic diathesis. It is also prescribed for rheumatism, endocarditis, and hemorrhages. It acts as an angioprotector, reduces swelling, improves hematopoietic functions and rheology. As a rule, it is recommended to drink it together with vitamin C, since the combination of these compounds restores the concentration of nutrients as much as possible and promotes cell regeneration. The flavonide increases the production of hyaluronic acid and simultaneously inhibits the synthesis of hyaluronidase.

The manufacturer offers the medication in tablet form. The medicine is packaged in dark brown glass bottles with an aluminum crimp cap and a polypropylene stopper. It has a bright yellow hue and a pleasant taste. Has no smell. The drug is contraindicated in the 1st trimester of pregnancy and during hypersensitivity to vitamin C.


  • Adverse reactions are very rare
  • Slows down the aging process.


  • Sold in one form only
  • High price.

The drug Ascorutin is a combination medicine group of vitamins - ascorbic acid and rutin.

Release form and composition

The drug contains active ingredients - these are two vitamins: ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and rutin (vitamin P). 1 tablet contains 0.05 g of each active ingredient. TO excipients include: sugar, potato starch, calcium stearate, talc. You can find this product in online pharmacies in the form of light yellow-green tablets.

Ascorutin is produced in 10 tablets in currency (blister packaging). In the pharmacy chain you can find packages of 10, 50 and 100 tablets. Ascorutin tablets can be packaged in plastic or glass jars containing 30 and 50 pieces.

Pharmacological action

The ideal compatibility of ascorbic acid and rutin is the main feature of this drug. These two vitamins help each other. In particular, rutin promotes the transport of vitamin C to body tissues. Ascorutin has a pronounced antioxidant property, suppressing the adverse effects of free radicals that cause cell aging. Both active ingredients of the drug have a beneficial effect on blood vessels.

Rutin (vitamin P), which is part of the drug, belongs to bioflavonoids, it effectively relieves inflammatory process, reduces the permeability and fragility of small blood vessels, eliminates swelling, and prevents thrombus formation. As a result of the action of rutin, blood circulation improves in the capillaries, which prevents the development of thromboembolism.

Protein, fat, carbohydrate and hormonal metabolism in the body cannot do without ascorbic acid. Taking an active part in redox reactions, vitamin C strengthens the immune system, which allows the body to resist various infections and viruses. In addition, ascorbic acid is involved in the synthesis steroid hormones, as well as in the formation and regeneration of connective tissue, promotes the absorption of iron. No wonder they contain iron medicines prescribed together with vitamin C.

In addition, the vitamin complex Ascorutin has radioprotective properties (the ability to reduce the effects of radiation). Excess vitamins are excreted from the body with bile and urine.

Indications for use of Ascorutin

For monotherapy, this drug is used in the following cases:

  • deficiency of vitamins C and P in the body (hypo- and avitaminosis);
  • capillary damage due to ingestion indirect anticoagulants and salicylates;
  • nosebleeds, uterine bleeding.

In combination with other drugs, this vitamin complex is used to treat diseases such as:

  • radiation sickness;
  • septic endocarditis;
  • hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • thrombocytopenic purpura;
  • retinal hemorrhage;
  • capillary toxicosis;
  • inflammatory disease of the arachnoid membrane of the brain (arachnoiditis),
  • infectious kidney damage (glomerulonephritis);
  • rheumatism.

Positive reviews from patients indicate the effectiveness of Ascorutin in the fight against such ailments as scarlet fever, typhus, measles and some allergic diseases. It also uses a vitamin complex for the prevention of viral diseases and vascular diseases.

Read also:

Analogues of Ascorutin

TO structural analogues This vitamin complex includes the following drugs: Ascorutin-UBF and Profilaktin C. As for drugs with similar effects (angioprotectors), this vitamin complex can be replaced with medications: Venarus, Angiovit, Procto-Glivenol and Aescusan.

Instructions for use of Ascorutin

These tablets are taken after meals, orally, with a sufficient amount of water. Mineral alkaline water The drug should not be taken with water, since the effect of alkali neutralizes the effect of ascorbic acid.

Ascorutin is usually prescribed to prevent influenza and strengthen the immune system. For preventive purposes, adults and children over 12 years of age are recommended to take 1 tablet 1-2 times a day. For children from 3 to 12 years old, the recommended dose is 0.5-1 tablet per day. The course is determined individually, in agreement with the doctor.

When treating diseases, adults and adolescents over 12 years of age take 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. Children from 3 to 12 years old take 0.5-1 tablets 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is usually a month.

Instructions for use of Ascorutin during pregnancy

The drug is contraindicated and is not prescribed in the first trimester of pregnancy, due to the fact that Ascorutin contains vitamin C, which increases the tone of the uterus.

For more later the drug can be prescribed by your doctor for the prevention or treatment of viral diseases or vascular diseases. It is not recommended to take the drug on your own without the consent of the doctor monitoring the progress of pregnancy.

Instructions for use during menstruation

Ascorutin is usually prescribed for heavy and prolonged menstruation, but the drug is only auxiliary. To prevent excessive uterine bleeding Ascorutin and calcium gluconate are usually prescribed.

For heavy periods, Ascorutin should be taken 3-4 days before the start of menstruation. The course of administration is usually 10 days, take 1 tablet 3 times a day.

You should not use this drug on your own; you need to find out the cause of intense bleeding and determine the diagnosis; only a doctor can do this.

Ascorutin for varicose veins

With this disease, Ascorutin is used more as a prophylactic agent. In the treatment of varicose veins, Ascorutin is used in combination with other medications. Prescribed by a doctor.

Ascorutin for rosacea (vascular network on the face)

The use of a vitamin complex for rosacea gives good results even in fairly advanced cases. Usually the doctor prescribes Ascorutin for 2-4 weeks, 1 tablet three times a day. The course of treatment is repeated after six months. Between courses, maintenance therapy is carried out and they drink 1-2 tablets per day.

Simultaneously with taking the drug orally, make a tonic with the addition of Ascorutin to wipe the facial skin. To prepare tonic you will need: pharmaceutical chamomile– 1 tbsp, 1 glass of boiling water and 1 tablet of Ascorutin. Pour boiling water over chamomile, let it brew, strain and add a tablet of the drug. Stir until completely dissolved and wipe your face 1-2 times a day. Keep refrigerated.

Contraindications of the drug

Considering that the instructions for use classify Ascorutin as a group of vitamins, there are few contraindications to its use. Cannot be used this drug with increased individual sensitivity to its components, allergies to the components of the drug, women in the first trimester of pregnancy and children under 3 years of age. Caution is required when taking Ascorutin to people suffering from kidney stones, gout, diabetes mellitus, as well as increased coagulability blood, with hypokalemia, tendency to thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.

Side effects

Most reviews about taking this vitamin complex indicate its excellent tolerability. However, in rare cases, Ascorutin can cause such unpleasant reactions of the body as: nausea and vomiting, stomach cramps, increased blood pressure, insomnia and some allergic manifestations. In case similar manifestations You should stop taking the vitamin complex Ascorutin and consult a doctor. In addition, you should not take this remedy without a doctor’s prescription, because with long-term use there is a risk of stones forming in the bladder.

Interaction of Ascorutin with other drugs

Vitamin C reduces the effectiveness of sulfonamide drugs and antibiotics of the eminoglycoside group, reduces therapeutic effect heparin and indirect anticoagulants, helps the absorption of iron, improves the absorption of the antibiotic penicillin.

When using the drug for more than 1 month, it should not be prescribed together with cardiac glycosides, antihypertensive or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, since Ascorutin may enhance their effect.