Distended abdomen after eating. Major mistakes in eating. Advanced cases of dysbacteriosis

In our world it is difficult to find a person who does not like to eat tasty food. The use of favorite dishes and products delivers to a person one of the most pleasant pleasures. But often tasty food- not the most useful, and therefore, after eating such food, people often experience a feeling of overeating, and an unpleasant sensation and heaviness are accompanied by bloating after eating.

Causes of bloating

Scientists have conducted research and identified foods that most often cause these symptoms. These include:

  • dairy products (milk, ice cream with additives);
  • poorly digestible foods (corn, beans, soybeans);
  • hard nuts (peanuts, walnuts, pine nuts, cashews, pistachios);
  • some fruits and vegetables (pineapple, cabbage, radish).

In addition to the use of these products, bloating after eating may be the result of existing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (intestinal colitis, erosive bulbitis, intestinal infection, gallbladder deformity). It is a well-known truth that almost all organs are responsible for the process of digestion. abdominal cavity. The first organ where food enters is the stomach. Gastritis and ulcers can cause discomfort already on initial stage food intake.

Insufficient secretion of pancreatic enzymes(pancreatitis, enteritis) contributes to the disruption of the processes of digestion of food and increase the load on other organs. chronic diseases various parts of the intestine (polyps, irritable bowel syndrome, dysbacteriosis, intestinal obstruction) lead to the formation increased amount gases and stagnation of processed masses. When similar problem we advise you to first of all contact a specialist in order to find out more precisely your cause of bloating, and only then focus on ways to treat the disease.

How to eliminate bloating and rumbling in the stomach after eating

If bloating after eating is for you constant problem try following these simple guidelines.

The process of eating should be reasonable. You should not eat too hot and too cold food. Do not eat too much and quickly, remember: The feeling of fullness comes 15 minutes after eating! Minimize food intake causing fermentation in the stomach (pastries, beer, nutritional supplements containing yeast). Chew gum only after meals and for no more than 10 minutes to avoid large amounts of air entering the stomach. Limit the diet consisting of salty and spicy foods, it is generally better to forget about carbonated drinks.

After eating, especially heavy meals, or when overeating, take walks in the fresh air. If this is not possible, do light gymnastics: measured movements accompanied by even breathing (slow tilts to the side, raising bent legs, lying on the floor, etc.), which will speed up the work of the intestines, normalize digestion and gases are removed by themselves.

Also, to eliminate bloating after eating, drink a mug of freshly brewed herbal tea.(chamomile, mint) . This will give additional tone to the stomach and intestines and prevent bloating. It is worth limiting the use of coffee, milk, and increase the amount of fibrous foods. hard fibers plant origin(certain grains, vegetables and cereals) prevent intestinal cramps that accompany gas formation.

And finally, if simple ways do not help, you can take medications that directly reduce the amount of gas, reduce spasms and relieve heaviness in the stomach. If bloating after eating does not go away even after following all the recommendations, you should consult a specialist to identify the causes, diagnose and prescribe effective treatment.

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Bloating in people of different sex and age is a very common condition that occurs according to the most different reasons from malnutrition and the consumption of certain foods to serious illnesses requiring proper treatment. But regardless of specific reason bloating after eating requires mandatory attention and necessary treatment.

Causes of bloating after eating

Consider the reasons why bloating occurs after eating, and then find out how you can treat strong gas formation especially after a meal.

In most cases, the causes of bloating and gas formation after eating are a violation of the diet, its imbalance, the consumption of foods that provoke the active production of gases in the intestines during their digestion.

Bloating after eating happens if a person consumes a large amount of beans, peas, beans, various bakery products, yeast rich pastries, some types fresh fruit, cabbage of any type and in any form of cooking, potatoes, sweets, including chocolate.

Consumption also leads to an increase in gas formation alcoholic beverages , in particular, beer, kvass and other drinks containing yeast. Enhance the effect and carbonated sweet drinks, as well as coffee, black tea and a variety of dairy products.

Often, bloating is a sign that is a kind of disease in which the normal motility of the stomach is disturbed.

With dyspepsia, the stomach cannot fully digest food, which is why it lingers in it and causes a feeling of fullness, bloating, and heaviness. Today, many people suffer from this disease, but in most cases they themselves provoke its appearance, refusing to right image life, not following the diet and consuming unhealthy junk food.

Sometimes bloating is temporary and is caused by simple swallowing of air. in the process of drinking or eating, as well as chewing gum, smoking, talking while eating. Such swelling causes a person quite serious discomfort, but does not pose any significant health hazard. As a rule, if the air enters the stomach in this way, some of it quickly leaves it in the form of belching. The other part enters the intestines, causing a feeling of slight swelling, after which it is excreted from the body. naturally.

Another reason is the violation of the state intestinal microflora . For normal digestion and absorption of nutrients in the intestines, the presence of certain microorganisms and enzymes, as well as maintaining their correct balance, is necessary. Even a slight violation of this balance leads to the occurrence of dysbacteriosis, in which the number of bacteria most often increases, which in the course of their work emit hydrogen, carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide and methane. The accumulation of these gases, which occurs during their production, causes bloating, sometimes quite strong.

Often the cause of bloating is psychological factors, since the organs of the digestive system, like all the others, are under the control of the nervous system.

If a person experiences serious emotional stress, is in a state of stress, constantly overtired at work, without having enough rest, then the work of the organs is disrupted. Most often, it is the intestines and stomach that suffer first, which causes increased gas formation.

In women, pregnancy leads to bloating. During this period, the body produces hormones that have a relaxing effect on the walls of the intestine, due to which it is disturbed. normal work. In addition, as the fetus grows, the uterus begins to compress the intestines, which also makes it difficult to work and causes the accumulation of gases.

Lead to gas formation and some diseases of the digestive system, but at the same time, as a rule, other symptoms are also observed, which make it possible to determine the type of ailment and take precise measures to eliminate such a phenomenon.

An increase in gas formation is usually observed with pancreatitis, dysbacteriosis, the presence of tumors in the stomach or intestines, irritable bowel syndrome, the presence of food allergies, in particular, lactose intolerance.

Bloating after eating, in combination with other symptoms

Almost always, bloating is accompanied various symptoms, which allows you to determine the causes of this uncomfortable condition.

The most common combinations of symptoms are:

  • Heaviness and bloating after eating. Such sensations can occur due to overeating, since in this case the walls of the stomach are greatly stretched, which disrupts the functioning of the organ. Eating cold and frozen foods can also cause a feeling of heaviness and lead to flatulence, since this increases the motor function of the stomach and intestines. Irrational nutrition without any mode also leads to a frequent feeling of heaviness and bloating.
  • Pain and bloating. In women, the appearance of bloating with pain in the abdomen is observed not only after eating, but also with the approach of menstruation or ovulation. In this case, the pain can be both pulling and cramping in nature. Other causes of pain during bloating include constipation, in which large amounts of feces accumulate in the intestines and stretch it, because of which it increases in size and begins to put pressure on other organs, as well as on nerve endings, causing pain. Similar symptoms are accompanied by the development intestinal infection, inflammation of appendicitis, diseases of the genitourinary system.
  • Belching and bloating after eating. Such symptoms often occur when air is accidentally swallowed, for example, when eating food too quickly, when talking during this process, or chewing gum, sucking on candy. It also leads to the use of carbonated drinks, as well as drinking liquids through a straw. In this case, bloating usually occurs, since part of the trapped air enters the intestines, the rest is excreted from the stomach through belching. But, besides this, such symptoms often accompany people in the presence of stomach diseases, such as gastritis or peptic ulcer.
  • Nausea and bloating. These symptoms are usually accompanied food poisoning and food allergies.
  • Rumbling in the stomach and bloating. Similar symptoms occur when consuming foods that cause increased gas formation and fermentation.

The mechanism of flatulence after eating

In most cases, gas in the intestines accumulates as a result of active fermentation of food that has not been digested properly. The most common occurrence similar situation encourages food consumption high content coarse fiber and vegetable fibers.

Intensive gas formation can begin when the digestive system, in the process of processing consumed foods, could not completely break down some components, such as sugar or gluten.

Reasons for the formation of intestinal gases and their accumulation:

  • Remains undigested food located in the large intestine.
  • Changes in the balance of intestinal microflora caused by the intake of any medicines such as antibiotics.
  • Swallowing air in the process of eating, drinking or talking while chewing gum, in the event that it was not removed from the body through belching and moved to the large intestine.
  • Indigestion caused by malnutrition, its imbalance, excess quantity.
  • The presence of food allergies, lactose intolerance, irritable bowel syndrome.
  • The presence of constipation. The active formation of gases causes the presence of food waste in the colon, while the longer they are there, the longer they undergo fermentation, as a result of which the formation of gases occurs.

How to get rid of bloating

It is important to understand what exactly causes the appearance of bloating, since the first step is to eliminate or smooth out this factor. If fermentation in the intestines causes the consumption of certain foods, then it is best to refuse them or reduce their addition to the menu to a minimum.

If gas formation is caused by a violation of the microflora or a lack of enzymes, the doctor may prescribe special preparations to restore the correct environment in the intestines, for example, Bifidum-bacterin, and also prescribe additional reception lactobacilli and bifidobacteria.

For the treatment of flatulence, the doctor may prescribe and take special tablets, which are presented in an incredible variety on the pharmacological market today. Most of these drugs are adsorbents with high level surface activity. Such drugs, getting into the stomach and intestines, can collect the gases accumulated there, neutralizing them. But this will only temporarily eliminate flatulence, however, it will not solve the very problem that led to the occurrence of this condition.

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It is recommended to take pills only in combination with the prescribed symptomatic treatment . If the problem arose one-time due to consumption allergenic product, food that provokes gas formation, poisoning with any product, in the presence of lactose intolerance, then it is quite possible to eliminate unpleasant symptoms with the help of such tablets. Most known drug this category is Espumizan.

If flatulence is caused by the development of an infectious lesion in the intestines, the doctor may prescribe special antibiotics in combination with drugs that restore normal microflora. In any case, the treatment of flatulence should be carried out only after establishing the exact cause of this unpleasant and unaesthetic condition.

Among the means traditional medicine most commonly used various tinctures, as well as decoctions medicinal plants, which allow you to reduce the level of gas formation and eliminate discomfort.

The simplest of folk remedies is a water infusion of chamomile, for the preparation of which you should take 1 tablespoon of dried flowers, pour it hot water(1 cup) and boil for about 5 minutes, then leave for 4 hours. After straining, the infusion should be taken 2 tablespoons before meals.

An infusion of dill seeds is known as excellent tool from flatulence, which also has some diuretic effect. To prepare, you need to take 2 teaspoons of dry seeds of the plant, pour them with 400 ml of boiling water and insist for an hour. It is necessary to take the infusion in half a glass every hour. You can add 2 teaspoons of chopped parsley root to this infusion, but you will need to insist for at least 4 hours and take 2 tablespoons every half hour.

Food during gas formation

With bloating, the first thing to do is to review your diet, while not only making up your diet correctly, but also observing some principles.

Principles of nutrition during gas formation:

  • Eliminate foods that increase gas production in the intestines from your diet. These products include all legumes, including lentils, soybeans, beans, beans, peas. It is important to exclude all varieties of cabbage, because regardless of the type of their preparation, they provoke an active production of gases in the intestines. Also, the appearance of flatulence is facilitated by different kinds breads, especially yeast and whole grains, rich pastries, sweets, chocolate, dairy products, vegetable salads, eggplant, Bell pepper. Some fruits and berries should also be excluded, such as grapes, bananas, apricots, plums, apples, pears.
  • It is necessary to reduce the amount of fatty foods consumed, fried foods . Fat helps slow down digestion, so that food digested in the stomach and intestines gets much more time to ferment and form gases.
  • You should also reduce the number of products that contain a large number of fiber. Of course, fiber is useful and necessary for normal digestion, but at the same time, it is also a fairly active gas-forming factor. Reducing or eliminating such foods should be temporary, and after the problem is corrected, foods with fiber should be gradually added to the diet.
  • Don't eat on the go, because in a hurry it is impossible to fully chew food, and this significantly impairs digestion. Eating should be taken slowly, slowly and thoroughly chewing each bite.
  • It is important to keep fit, stay in motion. You can do some kind of sport or just do it more often. hiking. Walking after eating is very helpful as it improves digestion.

Consequences and risks of permanent bloating

If a person has persistent bloating after eating, this can lead to some unpleasant and quite serious consequences. The main one is the stretching of the intestinal walls, since the gases produced burst it and force it to stretch.

If the intestines increase in volume, this leads to disruption of its work, since the stretched walls do not have sufficient peristalsis and cannot move food normally.

When the intestinal walls are stretched, the absorption function is also disturbed. useful elements, as a result, the body does not receive essential substances for a normal and healthy existence.

In violation of the intestines in humans worsens general well-being . The person begins to feel constant fatigue, malaise, his mood changes, the level of working capacity drops. In addition, due to the fact that the body does not receive all the substances it needs from food, since they are not absorbed when the intestinal walls are stretched, many diseases can occur, including in the digestive system.

Many have encountered an unpleasant phenomenon when the stomach swells, a mass of gases forms in the intestines, and flatulence appears. Often, discomfort occurs after festive feasts or use certain products. If health is in order, the cause of bloating is simply explained: in the process of digestion of poorly combined foods, gases have formed, and now they are asking to come out. In more difficult cases bloating and other symptoms may signal a particular disease.

Common causes of bloating

The following are common causes of bloating in apparently healthy people:

  • The formation of a significant amount of gases is caused by the use of poorly combined products.
  • Fermentation and rumbling in the digestive system provokes the immoderate consumption of carbonated drinks. When they are taken into large quantities gases are naturally removed.
  • Habit to eliminate with soda. As you know, soda and acid gastric juice- antagonists. If you mix a small amount of baking soda with vinegar, chemical reaction with the release of carbon dioxide. When using soda, the resulting gases burst the stomach from the inside.
  • Rapid impatient eating of food, causing air to enter the stomach. It is difficult or impossible to get rid of it through belching.
  • Often the reason why the belly swollen after eating, associated with the habit of overeating.
  • Abuse of fatty foods that require considerable time for digestion. Fats create a feeling of fullness and provoke bloating.

Abdomen swollen with constipation and flatulence

As you know, with constipation, bowel movements occur quite rarely, with an interval of about 48 hours or longer, up to a week. feces very dense, which is why the process of defecation is accompanied by discomfort, pain.

It seems that the emptying is not complete, the stomach and intestines are constantly filled with contents, which causes bloating. There may be pain along the colon. The skin takes on an unhealthy earthy gray tone, and a rash appears on the face or back.

The main cause of constipation is malnutrition, excessive nervous and mental stress, alcohol.

In the case of flatulence, the abdomen and intestines swell due to the formation of a significant amount of gases. Appear pain caused by the movement of gases along the intestines.

Flatulence is quite common in young children. In this case, the stomach is tense, the behavior is restless. Treatment is performed with activated charcoal at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight up to 3 times a day.

Constipation and flatulence are frequent during. To prevent bloating, it is worth limiting or eliminating legumes, peas, cabbage, black bread, as well as grapes, plums, juices from them.

Intestinal bloating with dietary changes

With a sharp change habitual diet(for example, in the case of a complete rejection of meat), the body is not able to quickly rebuild and therefore reacts with bloating, fullness in the stomach and intestines, constipation, liquid stool, other signs. For this reason, changes in nutrition should be carried out with a certain gradualness.

Another possible reason why the stomach swells is food, due to the intake of allergen products. It can be citrus fruits (tangerine, orange,), peaches, strawberries, sweet, chicken eggs, honey and its derivatives, spices, even meat or fish.

Usually, allergic reaction manifested by a change skin, rashes, eczema. Frequent organ failure digestive system. The stomach begins to hurt, gases are formed, the intestines swell, belching, vomiting appear. Diarrhea or constipation may occur, as well as intestinal dysbacteriosis.

If in force various reasons a significant amount of harmful substances has accumulated in the digestive system, defensive forces body has to spend a lot of effort to neutralize them negative impact. The result is a rapid onset of fatigue, irritability, frequent ailments and a weak resistance to infections.

  • When severe constipation every other day eat a salad of grated cabbage and an apple seasoned cabbage juice. You can eat as much as you like.
    A contraindication for cabbage treatment is the presence of mustard oil glycosides in the plant, they can cause the formation of goiter. Cabbage should be excluded from the diet in case of pancreatitis. She is not treated for enteritis and colitis, exacerbation of gastritis, increased peristalsis, spasms of the stomach, intestines, and biliary tract.
  • Juice helps with constipation and bloating raw pumpkin, consumed 2-3 glasses during the day.
  • It is possible to cope with constipation with a glass of milk with 1 tsp. honey taken at night.
  • Weakens aloe juice mixed with honey in a ratio of 3 to 1. Take 1 tsp. on an empty stomach and at bedtime.
    Aloe should not be treated for diseases of the kidneys, liver, and gallbladder, if bile stagnation occurs. Aloe is contraindicated in hemorrhoids, pregnancy, because it causes a rush of blood to the pelvic organs.
  • Oranges are useful for treating constipation.
    Oranges are contraindicated in duodenum, gastritis with hyperacidity, exacerbation inflammatory diseases intestines, in case of allergies.

Treat various gastrointestinal diseases, relieve spasms of the stomach and intestines, eliminate fermentation and decay, the formation of gases. The plant stimulates appetite, eliminates bloating, expels helminths, weakens.

Thus, dill helps to cope with flatulence, bloating, improve digestion:

  • Brew 1s.l. dill seeds with a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour. Take equal portions throughout the day.
  • Chopped dill, used as a seasoning for food, eliminates increased gas formation.
  • Rub 1s.l. dill seeds in gruel, brew a glass of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 40 minutes, strain.

Be aware that dill seeds cause expansion blood vessels causing the pressure to drop. Therefore, you should not be treated with this method for hypotension.

With bloating and flatulence, an infusion prepared from a mixture of pharmacy flowers (2 parts), as well as leaves, rhizomes of valerian officinalis, officinalis flowers, taken in 1 part, helps.

  • Brew 1s.l. mixture with a glass of boiling water, leave overnight in a thermos. Drink a glass of infusion throughout the day, taking folk remedy one hour after eating.

Do not take valerian officinalis with increased blood pressure, in this case, it disrupts sleep. Valerian preparations increase blood clotting, which is especially undesirable in old age.

Folk recipes for bloating

Coltsfoot protects the intestinal walls, reduces inflammation, eliminates increased gas formation, bloating.

  • Brew 2s.l. leaves of coltsfoot with a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain.
    Take 1.s.l. half an hour before meals.
  • Brew 1s.l. dried leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for 4 hours, strain, add 1 tbsp. honey. Store the composition in a dark, cool place for no more than two days.
    Take 1s.l. immediately after a meal.
  • Brew 1s.l. dried fruits of bird cherry with a glass of boiling water, then simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. After 30 minutes, add 30 drops of 20% tincture.
    Take 100 ml half an hour before meals.

Remedy for giardiasis:

  • wash and peel 12-15 g of horseradish and pass through a meat grinder. Pour a glass of vodka, leave for 10 days, shaking every day, strain. Take 1s.l. half an hour before meals with water.

Recipes for cholecystitis:

  • Mix thoroughly in equal parts carrot and beet juice, cognac, honey. Store in a dark cool place.
    Take half a glass half an hour before meals
  • Brew 1s.l. plantain leaves with a glass of boiling water, leave for 10-15 minutes, strain.
    Drink within an hour in small sips.

Effectively treat the causes of bloating, gastric and duodenal ulcers with cabbage juice or leaf salad.

  • Fresh juice is taken in 1-2 s.l. half an hour before meals, gradually bringing the volume to 1/2 cup.
  • The optimal single serving of fresh cabbage salad is 100g. Leaves must be chewed thoroughly. When overeating occurs heartburn, bloating.

Regular course treatment cabbage juice for a month helps to get rid of belching, inflammation in the small and large intestines.

It has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect, therefore it is used in the treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines.

  • St. John's wort tea. Brew 1s.l. herbs with a glass of boiling water, strain after 5 minutes.
    Take 2-3 glasses a day for several weeks.
  • St. John's wort oil. Rub 1s.l. fresh flowers, pour 10s.l. and place in a clear glass container. Without closing, leave it for 5 days in a warm place to start fermentation. Shake contents periodically. Then close the container and put it in the sun so that the contents turn red (about 1.5 months). Strain the oil, store in a dark place.
    Take 1 tsp. 2 times a day for easy choleretic action, and also to normalize the activity of the stomach, excited due to nervous shocks.

Prolonged use of funds based on St. John's wort causes an exacerbation of gastritis. With a stomach ulcer, pain and spasms of the intestines can occur.

In addition, St. John's wort increases the skin's susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation, so after taking infusions, you do not need to be in the sun.

Modified: 02/18/2019

Bloating after eating occurs in almost every person, regardless of his state of health. This is due to stretching of the abdominal cavity, as well as the accumulation of gases and fermented food. Most often, the problem is faced by pregnant women, as well as people who have reached middle age (30+), however, even infants and adolescents can have certain manifestations of this condition. Why does the stomach swell, and how to deal with this scourge?

Usually, bloating has a number of symptoms, among which are abdominal pain, an increase in its size, a feeling of heaviness and overcrowding. This condition may also be accompanied by rumbling and gas. What are the causes of this problem? Why is this happening?

It happens that the cause of bloating is an obstruction in the intestines, as a result of which the stomach swells after eating. Rumbling, heaviness and gases are among the first symptoms indicating serious illnesses GI tract: tumors varicose veins veins and intestinal obstruction.

Bloating after a meal also appears in patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. Unfortunately, this disease has not been studied for certain, but it is known that most often it affects those who have an unstable psyche and constantly live on emotions. That is why, after eating, gases, an enlarged abdomen and its soreness, as well as rumbling and flatulence, can be noted.

Video “Bloating and gas”

How to eliminate

Having dealt with the main causes, we will talk about how you can get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of bloating. What can be done in this or that case?
If your baby suffers from a similar condition, try to put it in a “column” immediately after eating so that gases do not stagnate in the body and flatulence does not occur. In this position, the accumulated air comes out in the form of a burp, without causing the child a painful condition and constant pain in a stomach.

If main reason- malnutrition, then you need to completely reconsider your diet. Diet and suitable products eliminate bloating after eating.

  1. avoid spicy and fried foods, high-fiber ingredients, foods high in fat, preservatives and spices;
  2. try to eat small portions and do not overeat;
  3. stop eating sweets with trans fats, heavy foods that can cause fermentation, as well as gas and rumbling;
  4. drink as much as you can clean water and less - juices from packs to avoid heaviness in the stomach;
  5. arrange at least sometimes fasting days during which drink plenty of fluids and eat foods that are easy to digest and do not require unnecessary stress on the stomach and intestines. This will save you from discomfort, flatulence and flatulence;
  6. so that there is no heaviness in the stomach and rumbling, follow the diet. This means that you need to eat in a calm environment, at least five times a day, without making large gaps between meals.

What to do if dietary adjustments do not help? Perhaps the cause of your illness is poor digestibility. Well, in this case, you can not do without drugs that improve the processes of digestion in the intestines. These include Canadian yogurt, Laktovit, Creon, Festal. All of them are aimed at compensating for the lack of one or another enzyme in the body, which could facilitate the digestion of food and relieve you of the feeling of heaviness after eating.

If you periodically experience symptoms of bloating, sorbents will help you ( Activated carbon). It must be taken at the rate of body weight (about 5-10 pieces), after which relief will come. You can also take medications to reduce the symptoms of flatulence and bloating. Gastal, Smecta, Espumizan and other drugs will cope with this. True, it is worth remembering that this is not a treatment option, but only temporary way eliminate discomfort.

Often the cause of rumbling becomes sedentary image life. This affects motility and digestion of food, causing gas, so it is imperative to exercise at least 20-30 minutes a day. If you are limited in time, try to walk more, and in the summer - swim in ponds and lead active image life. This will help get rid of the feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

It happens that irregular bowel movements become the cause of bloating. So that gases do not accumulate and do not suffer from flatulence, take the issue of going to the toilet with all seriousness.

To solve the problem with heaviness in the stomach and rumbling, empty the intestines at least once a day.

For the treatment of bloating, you can also turn to the gifts of nature, on the basis of which folk recipes. If you suffer from gas and strong rumbling, use dill water. It is enough to pour a few seeds with 1 cup of boiling water and take the decoction an hour after infusion, two to three times a day.

With the treatment of flatulence, a decoction of parsley does an excellent job. It is enough to pour 20 g of fruits with a glass of water, cook for 30 minutes, then use 1 tbsp. spoon. This should be done 4-5 times a day.

Also try a decoction of wormwood if you have a problem with heaviness in the intestines. It is enough to pour 1 tsp. dry herbs with boiling water and leave for half an hour. After the product is filtered, it should be drunk 1 tablespoon before meals, 30 minutes before.

Please note that if the stomach swells, then this is not a disease, but a symptom. It may indicate some kind of disorder in the body, so it is very important to consult a doctor in time and carry out treatment. Only the help of a competent specialist can eliminate the problem of bloating and find the causes that caused this unpleasant condition.

Video “How to quickly get rid of bloating?”

In the video of the program "Live Healthy" you will learn how to get rid of bloating in the abdomen for adults and children.

Most of us have experienced such an unpleasant sensation as bloating. In most cases, this happens after heavy feasts or eating incompatible foods.

If everything is in order with health, then the cause of bloating is that the gases formed during the processing of food tend to go outside. The abdomen swells, the person feels discomfort.

If the stomach swells after eating, it is necessary to find the causes of this phenomenon.

Causes of bloating

Gas formation in the abdomen is possible for several reasons:

  • The use of products that are incompatible with each other;
  • Carbonated drinks cause a natural release of gases;
  • Drinking soda to get rid of heartburn. In this case, when gastric juice interacts with soda, a chemical reaction occurs, which leads to the formation of gases. They, trying to get out, cause bloating of the abdomen;
Bloating: with and without it
  • Very rapid consumption of food leads to the fact that the air, entering the stomach, is not always removed through belching;
  • Overeating provokes the formation of gases;
  • Eating fatty foods increases the digestion process, resulting in a feeling of bloating;
  • Constipation and flatulence are among the causes of bloating;
  • Rotavirus infection.

In people suffering from constipation, bowel movements occur rarely, once every two days or more. Therefore, there is a feeling that the stomach is not completely freed, one feels heaviness, bloating. The cause of such an unpleasant phenomenon can be malnutrition, alcohol, excessive nervous stress, as well as during pregnancy.

Babies may experience flatulence, while the stomach is tense, the child is worried.

One reason could be dietary changes.

For example, while following a diet, the body gradually gets used to new foods, so unpleasant symptoms are possible, including bloating.
In the event that the stomach swells after eating, try to establish the reasons why this happens.

Note! If the reason is simple overeating or malnutrition, so you don't have to worry. One of the reasons for this phenomenon may be the manifestation of some kind of disease.

Diseases accompanied by gas formation in the abdomen

Such diseases include the following violations in the work of the body.

food allergy

It can arise from the consumption of foods such as citrus fruits, strawberries, honey, chicken eggs, certain types of fish and meat. Except manifestation external signs on the skin, indigestion may occur, which manifests itself in the formation of gases.

food allergy may be on a number of products that are included in daily diet

Constipation, belching, and even vomiting may occur. All this can cause intestinal dysbacteriosis.

Infection with harmful microorganisms

Acute form of gastritis, other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

After long-term treatment antibiotics, as a result of a decrease protective function intestinal wall, dysbacteriosis may occur.

This disease is characterized by bloating of the abdomen, loose stools, in some cases the appearance of nausea, lack of appetite. During the period of exacerbation of gastritis, the walls of the stomach become inflamed, there is a feeling of fullness after eating, a problem with stools, and the stomach swells.

The reasons may lie in one of the diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, for example, gastric dyspepsia or "lazy stomach syndrome", when gastric motility is disturbed. At the same time, in addition to bloating, there is a feeling of fullness in the abdomen, in the mouth appears metallic taste and smell.

bad taste in the mouth - a reason to search possible cause digestive problems

Intestinal dyspepsia may be due to dysfunction of the pancreas, lack of bile secretion. If the stomach swells up two hours after eating, this may be due to intestinal disease.. Certain foods cause bloating in the lower abdomen.


This disease is also one of the causes of gas formation. This usually occurs with a sedentary lifestyle, constipation, pregnancy, physical activity. Bloating is observed with a protruding form of hemorrhoids.

celiac disease

It is expressed in the fact that the intestines do not digest foods containing gluten, so the food is not digested to the end, which also leads to bloating. In children, the first signs of the disease appear after the introduction of complementary foods.

The cause of celiac disease is the lack of an enzyme capable of breaking down gluten.

In this case, intestinal cells try to “destroy” it with the help of receptors, damage to the intestinal epithelium occurs, and the process of digestion and absorption is disrupted. Celiac disease can masquerade as various types of digestive system diseases. Its symptoms are usually treated.

Lactase deficiency

If the body does not have enough of this enzyme to break down lactose - the sugar found in dairy products, they are not absorbed in the body. One of the symptoms of the disease is bloating, colic.

Bloating in an infant frequent occurrence

In an infant, such processes begin to manifest themselves from the first days of life, since milk is the main food;

Psychological reason

Bloating can be possible in case of overexertion, when a person is trying to do something or prove something, but he does not succeed;

Rotavirus infection

It provokes the occurrence of unpleasant phenomena in the abdomen. She is also called " intestinal flu", which affects the elements of the gastrointestinal tract.

It's important to know! If the stomach constantly swells after eating, be sure to establish the causes of this phenomenon so as not to miss the onset of a serious illness.

Ways to treat gas formation

It happens that after eating, bloating is felt and this is not associated with a gastrointestinal disease. For removal unpleasant symptom you can take activated charcoal in the calculation - 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight 3 times a day.

You can use medications which help to remove gases from the body. These are tablets that help extinguish gases - Espumizan, enterosorbents that remove harmful substances- Smecta, activated charcoal, as well as drugs that improve intestinal motility - Motilium, Dufalac.

What to do so that bloating never bothers.

  • You should reconsider your lifestyle - move more.
  • Beans, cabbage, black bread, plums, grapes and their juices, carbonated drinks, products that cause the fermentation process should be excluded from the menu.

Products - provocateurs of flatulence
  • Gas in the abdomen can cause some foods to mix. For example, if you ate an apple, then other food can be consumed in 30-40 minutes, since the apple itself can cause fermentation.
  • It is necessary to eat 5-6 times a day in small quantities, chewing gum promotes the entry of air into the body, as a result of the appearance of gases and bloating.

Eat more easily digestible foods first

  • Do not overeat and consume in large quantities fatty foods, you can not rush while eating.
  • To eliminate discomfort in the abdomen associated with eating, you can do several things. simple exercises. It can be squats, tilts with raised arms, any movement of the arms and legs.

For elimination psychological reason bloating will help such settings:

  1. Everyone around me loves and respects me;
  2. I know that I'm doing everything right;
  3. I easily achieve my goals;
  4. I am happy with my successes, I know what I want.

In cases where the reasons that the stomach often swells after eating are associated with some kind of disease, you should consult a doctor. Identification of the disease early stage will help you recover faster.

Folk remedies and methods

  • thick cereals
  • Chocolate products;
  • Strong tea;
  • Coffee;
  • White bread, pasta.

Black tea can cause stomach 'fixation'

It is good to eat fiber-rich foods fresh vegetables, fruit.

A good effect on constipation is a salad of fresh cabbage with an apple, which you can eat as much as you like, 2-3 glasses of raw pumpkin juice a day, before going to bed you can drink a glass of milk, adding a little honey there.

Add honey to aloe juice in a ratio of 3/1. Take 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach at bedtime. This recipe should not be used for hemorrhoids, pregnancy, kidney and liver diseases.

If the reasons when the stomach swells after eating is not a consequence of the disease, then oranges help with constipation. But this is only if there are no deviations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract and there is no allergy to this fruit.

Dill infusion is useful for various diseases gastrointestinal tract. It improves appetite, eliminates spasms, fermentation, gas formation, and has a laxative effect. Brew a small amount of dill seeds with boiling water and wait an hour. Drink throughout the day 30 minutes before meals.

Dill seeds are known for their medicinal properties

Dill can be used as a seasoning for food, it helps to reduce the formation of gases. Dill seeds affect the pressure drop, so hypotension should be taken into account.

When swelling the abdomen, the following recipes will help:

  1. Chamomile and a mixture of valerian roots, mint and calendula flowers in a ratio of 2/1. Spoon this mixture to brew 200 ml of boiling water and hold in a warm place. Take during the day, half an hour after meals. This recipe is not recommended for people with high blood pressure and the elderly, as it increases blood clotting.
  2. Infusion of coltsfoot helps protect the intestinal walls, eliminates the process of gas formation. 2 tbsp. l. plants pour boiling water - 200 ml and insist, 1 tbsp. l. decoction taken 30 minutes before meals. Instead of leaves coltsfoot you can use dried plantain. Add a spoonful of honey to the broth.
  3. Another recipe: take 1 tbsp. dried bird cherry berries, pour 200 ml of boiling water and hold on low heat for 15 minutes. After half an hour, add propolis tincture to the broth - 30 drops. Drink 100 ml before meals.

In the case when the stomach swells after eating and the reasons are the presence of some kind of disease, then use folk methods to relieve an unpleasant symptom.

Remedy for getting rid of lamblia

Grind an equal amount of horseradish and garlic in a meat grinder, pour in 200 g of vodka. Keep for 10 days, shaking occasionally. The drug should be taken before meals with a glass of water.

With cholecystitis

A mixture of carrot and beet juice will help, add honey, cognac in a small amount. Store the product in the dark. Take half an hour before a meal.

Set of products for the treatment of cholecystitis folk method

With a disease of the duodenum, with a stomach ulcer

Cabbage juice will help. Take starting with 1-2 tbsp. before meals and bring to 100 ml.

Tea from dried leaves of St. John's wort has astringent and anti-inflammatory effect.. Such tea can be drunk up to 3 glasses a day for several weeks. Infusions and decoctions using St. John's wort can exacerbate gastritis, so they must be taken with caution.

At unpleasant phenomenon- when the stomach swells after eating, first of all the reasons must be established. You cannot self-medicate. It is necessary to find out why this is happening. Perhaps this is the beginning of some kind of disease. Therefore, only a specialist will help to correctly diagnose and prescribe medication.

Flatulence - as a symptom of diseases. Find out from the video what is its danger:

Bloating: causes, ways to get rid of. Watch the video consultation of a specialist:

How to get rid of bloating? Watch video tips: