We remove swelling after a bruise at home. How to relieve swelling in the legs: causes and treatment, simple exercises and prevention

Bruising is certainly one of the most common types of injuries. Varying in severity and location, it is always accompanied by unpleasant symptoms such as swelling and swelling.

But you don’t have to wait for them to go away on their own. There are a number of simple measures you can take to help reduce swelling at the site of the impact.

First aid for bruises

The first symptoms after an impact are caused by rupture of small vessels, blood from which seeps into the soft tissues and accumulates in them. Helps significantly relieve pain and reduce swelling at the site of injury cold compress. It reduces the amount of blood entering the injured area and prevents the development of severe swelling.

It is optimal to apply ice wrapped in a rag or bag, or a cold heating pad to the affected part of the body. If this is not possible, you can moisten a small towel or handkerchief in ice water, but in this case the compress will have to be cooled quite often.

If a joint of an arm or leg is bruised, an iodine mesh applied directly to the site of the blow helps to reduce swelling. And in case of significant injury with a pronounced hematoma, doctors recommend using a mixture of iodine as a lotion, apple cider vinegar and salts diluted in water. The resulting composition is soaked in a compress applied to the affected area.

From medicinal methods First aid can be divided into drugs whose active ingredients are natural oils and herbs: Bodyaga, Traumeel, Troxevasin, etc.

Traditional healers recommend using it as an impregnation for lotions. herbal infusions from plantain, yarrow, St. John's wort, wormwood or ordinary heather. You can choose any plant from those listed, available in home medicine cabinet, or use several at once.

To prepare the impregnation, a couple of tablespoons of crushed dry collection are steamed in 200-220g of boiling water, kept for two hours and cooled. Important: these methods will be less effective if used long after the injury.

Treatment of bruises in different areas

We get bruises and abrasions every day, but their treatment can vary greatly depending on the location of the injury.


The knees most often affected, especially in people who drive active image life and regularly engage in sports. In this case, standard cooling as emergency care must be accompanied by immobilization of the victim. If you are indoors, try to lie down and put a high pillow under your thigh.

When arriving on the street, after hitting your knee, be sure to sit down on a bench or parapet and raise your leg so that your shin is higher than hip level. From drugs after a bruise knee joint Doctors recommend using Collagen Ultra cream. It has chondroprotective properties, reduces swelling and accelerates the recovery of damaged parts of the joint.


Injury to the lower leg in areas where the muscles are most adjacent to bone tissue, is considered one of the most dangerous. In the periosteum of this area, as in the elbow joint, there are special pain receptors, therefore swipe in addition to swelling, it can cause painful shock.

In addition, the swelling of this part of the leg is characterized by an increase in symptoms: over time, a slight swelling, which you did not pay due attention to, turns into serious problem. Applying a special cream after a cold compress will help relieve swelling.

You can choose pharmaceutical drug or make the ointment yourself. For bruises of the periosteum of the elbow and shin, the optimal effect on the tumor is the juice or freshly squeezed puree of an aloe leaf mixed with honey, which allows active ingredients penetrate quickly and deeply into tissues, relieving swelling.


Features of a foot bruise frequent fractures small bones accompanying him. To eliminate their likelihood, after the blow you should carefully palpate the affected area. The presence of sharp pain in one specific point is a good reason to take an x-ray to prevent complications. Cooling bandages on the first day and warming ones on the second to fifth day, as well as the use of pain-relieving ointments and immobilization of small joints will help relieve foot swelling.


A long massage with an ice cube immediately after the injury will help reduce swelling on the finger if the blow falls on it. complete absence loads for the next few days. A bruised finger is much easier to treat, but if your leg is injured, it is better to temporarily give up walking and tight closed shoes.

People suffering from diabetes should pay special attention to such injury. They should not resort to cooling the affected area, and special medicinal ointments will help relieve swelling.


With a hand injury light form Protozoa will help you avoid tumors medical supplies over-the-counter and folk remedies: vinegar compresses, a bandage with crushed beans (for 2-5 days), taped to the arm cabbage leaf, which has a cooling and anti-inflammatory effect.

If after 40-60 minutes of applying cold to the injured part of the wrist, the pain does not subside, a dislocation or fracture is possible and you should definitely visit a doctor.

Face area

The most acute problem is eliminating swelling in the case of a bruise of the face. Applying alternately Traumeel and Troxevasin ointments at intervals of 2-3 hours will help get rid of swelling and bruising in the area of ​​the nose or eye as quickly as possible. For lovely ladies, there are also a number of gels containing a toning enzyme (for example, Sinyakoff). They not only combat the unpleasant consequences of a blow, but also make them temporarily less noticeable.

When choosing a method for treating edema, remember: a bruise of any part of the face can be accompanied by visually invisible, but very serious consequences, such as concussions of varying severity or internal bleeding.

How to speed up recovery?

You can significantly reduce the time required to rehabilitate the area affected by the impact using special medications.

  1. If the bruise is severe, you may need anti-inflammatory medication. non-steroidal medicine. Diclofenac, Analgin and Ketanov are considered the optimal representatives of this category of medicines.
  2. It is worth using ointments and creams with a pronounced restorative function: Fastum gel, Traumeel, Lyoton and a number of others.
  3. The affected area needs rest. To do this, you should apply a fixing bandage, especially if you have injured the joints of the foot, and temporarily minimize physical activity.

Folk remedies for bruises and swelling

Among the abundance of recipes traditional medicine, promising quick healing from swelling after a blow, the most popular are:

  • Tea brewing. After steaming, it should be squeezed out a little and cooled, wrapped in a gauze compress and applied to the affected area.
  • Onion juice. It helps not only reduce swelling, but also reduce painful sensations from a bruise.
  • Cottage cheese. A compress is formed from it, spread on thick fabric, and put in the freezer for 5-7 minutes. Then apply it to the bruise. Cottage cheese retains cold perfectly long time, and lactic acid components lighten the skin, eliminating bruises, and relieve swelling.
  • Bandages made from ground plants. The most commonly used are plantain and wild garlic roots, which are crushed and applied to the area of ​​injury, leaving for a long time.

And finally: maximum duration swelling of the injury site is 3 weeks. If after this time the tumor continues to bother you, be sure to visit a traumatologist!

Injuries follow a person throughout his life, and most often the legs suffer from impacts. These are bruises, fractures, dislocations of joints. Main characteristics bruised leg - no or very slight damage skin. From our article you will learn the main manifestations of this type of injury, differences from a fracture, severity and conditions immediate appeal for medical assistance.

Shulepin Ivan Vladimirovich, traumatologist-orthopedist, highest qualification category

Total work experience over 25 years. In 1994 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Medical and Social Rehabilitation, in 1997 he completed a residency in the specialty “Traumatology and Orthopedics” at the Central Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after. N.N. Prifova.

A person’s legs are injured more often, as they experience the most heavy load. The main reasons are related to everyday situations:

  • Falling at home or outside (often on ice).
  • Impact on blunt objects (furniture in the interior, steps of stairs).
  • As a result of impacts during sports activities.
  • A car accident is never complete without bruising the soft tissues of the legs.

Sometimes injuries occur at work, especially among people whose activities involve risk (builders, pilots, taxi drivers and others).


Leg injuries are classified according to location. Each species has its own flow characteristics. Let's look at the most common of them.

Foot bruise

It haunts all people leading an active lifestyle - children, athletes, outdoor enthusiasts. The tissues of the foot are often damaged when a heavy object falls, and the toes suffer. A heel bruise is insidious in that it manifests itself in the same way as a cracked heel bone. This is a serious injury that requires longer and more thorough treatment.

In this part the legs are localized tendons, nerves, blood vessels and many small bones. It is always important to make sure they are not harmed. This can only be done if you seek specialized help. A foot bruise always requires consultation with a traumatologist.

Shin bruise

It is characterized by severe pain, as nerve fibers pass along the front surface of the lower leg. The periosteum, which has a huge number of nerve endings, is located very close to the surface, so even minor blows are very sensitive to the victim. A severe injury to this part of the body can cause painful shock with loss of consciousness.

This type of injury should be distinguished from a fracture. tibia, which is initially characterized by pain and swelling of greater intensity, deformation of the lower leg and complete violation functions (a person cannot step on the injured leg at all).

Soft tissue bruise of the leg

The leg contains some of the most strong muscles human body: quadriceps femoris and gastrocnemius. Impacts lead to damage to blood vessels and hemorrhage into muscle tissue. If injured small vessels and capillaries, the intensity of symptoms quickly decreases, the prognosis is always favorable.

The danger is posed by bruises of the soft tissues of the leg with rupture of large vessels. Usually these are severe blows or prolonged compression, leading to necrosis of the muscle area and thrombosis of blood vessels. The consequences for the patient are more serious: they require long-term treatment and often cause complications. The severity of the condition cannot always be judged by the size of the hematoma, since major arteries and the veins are located in deep layers, and hemorrhage does not appear on the skin.

Bruise accompanied by swelling

Any injury is accompanied by swelling. But sometimes after a bruise the leg swells very much. Tissue swelling comes to the fore and greatly worries the patient. In case of leg bruises with swelling, be sure to exclude more serious damage: fracture and dislocation.

Manifestations of Trauma

Most people have experienced the symptoms of a bruised foot themselves. Depending on the severity, they are either bright or, conversely, insignificant.

  • Pain . Any bruise is accompanied by pain. It is especially pronounced when striking with the front side of the shin. Often such injuries are combined with bone bruise, involvement of the periosteum and prolonged severe pain. At first, this may lead to painful shock with loss of consciousness. Subsequently, the intensity of the symptom decreases. This is distinctive features from a broken leg bone.
  • Redness. Sign of local inflammatory reaction which occurs in response to cell damage. In the first moments, the skin, on the contrary, may turn pale due to a reflex spasm of blood vessels. The red color appears a little later. At the same time, the person discovers that the bruised area becomes hot.
  • Hematoma. When blood vessels are injured, some of the blood spills into the tissue, forming areas of “bruising.” Their appearance and the gradual change in color from blue to pale yellow is known to every person. Typically, small superficial hematomas do not pose a health hazard and resolve on their own. Severe bruises lead to rupture of deep vessels and hemorrhages not only into the muscles, but also into the joint cavity. Such hematomas may be invisible during a simple examination, but require serious treatment, including surgery.
  • Edema. The severity of the patient's condition is assessed by the severity of this symptom. This may be a slight swelling that does not cause discomfort. Severe swelling accompanies extensive tissue damage. If it affects the joint area, then their mobility is completely or partially impaired. Swelling compresses surrounding tissues, increasing pain. Based on the dynamics of swelling reduction, the effectiveness of treatment is judged and a forecast of the consequences of the injury is made.
  • Dysfunction. Depends on the severity. With minor leg bruises, the person only limps a little. After severe ones, he cannot step on his foot at all.

In case of severe injuries, it is disrupted general condition patient. Weakness appears, body temperature may rise with massive crushing of soft tissues.


Define this type injuries are quite simple. This is usually done by the patient himself. The doctor needs to assess the severity of the injury and rule out bone fractures or joint dislocations, which require different treatment tactics. Clinical criteria severity are:

  • The intensity of the pain symptom.
  • Severity of soft tissue swelling.
  • Involvement of the joints, which always delays recovery.
  • A bluish color of the skin not only at the site of injury, but throughout the entire limb (occurs when there is pressure from a hematoma or swelling of large vessels).
  • Change in skin temperature: cold, or, conversely, very hot.

The final point in diagnosis is X-ray examination. It is prescribed to all patients with a leg bruise and shows the integrity or damage of the bones and tendons (even the slightest cracks in the periosteum or rupture of the articular ligaments are visible in the picture, which takes the injury to a completely different level of severity). In the table, we have collected criteria for distinguishing a leg bruise from a fracture, which will help patients decide to urgently go to the emergency room.

Sign Injury Fracture
Pain Strong usually in the first hours after injury, then gradually decreases Immediately strong, does not decrease, but increases over time
Edema Small at first, grows gradually Instantly formed severe swelling visible to the naked eye
Hematoma The dynamics are similar to edema Immediately extensive
Dysfunction Does not always accompany a bruise; it may not worsen immediately, but as swelling increases Complete loss immediately after injury
Limb deformity No In a displaced fracture, painful fragments protrude under the skin and the leg may be twisted unnaturally. On palpation, crepitus of bone fragments is felt
Symptom of longitudinal load (to determine it, the patient is asked to lean on the injured leg) The pain does not change, the patient stands independently on the injured leg The pain intensifies sharply, the person cannot lean on his leg
Changes during X-ray examination No Typical for fractures

Treatment of bruises of varying severity

The success of foot treatment largely depends on right actions in the first minutes after injury. We will tell you what first aid should be provided to an injured person at home.

  • The victim lay in a horizontal position, the injured leg is slightly raised. This helps reduce tissue swelling.
  • On the area of ​​the bruise it is necessary apply a tight bandage. It will fix the leg, which is especially important if a fracture or dislocation is suspected. To do this, use a regular or elastic bandage. The main thing is not to disrupt microcirculation by wrapping it too tightly. If after a few minutes the areas of the leg below the bandage turn blue, it is immediately removed and loosened.
  • In case of minor damage to the skin (abrasions, scratches, shallow cuts), they process disinfectant and cover with a bactericidal plaster.
  • Help relieve pain and swelling, reduce hematoma cold compresses. Ice cubes, a bottle with cold water from the refrigerator, you can apply any cold objects that come to hand. It is important to do this in the first minutes after the injury in order to stimulate vascular spasm and prevent the hematoma and swelling from spreading. The cold is kept on the leg for no more than 15 minutes. After two hours, repeat the procedure.
  • If the patient is experiencing severe pain, it is permissible to use light painkillers(analgin, paracetamol, ibuprofen). The decision to prescribe analgesic injections is made by the doctor after full diagnostics and exclusion of fracture and dislocation.

Compliance with the described algorithm of actions helps to heal a bruise faster and avoid serious consequences.

Traditional treatment of bruises

Only minor bruises that show minor symptoms do not require medical consultation. In other cases, the victim should go to the emergency room.

Injuries in a child of any severity require consultation with a professional.

Treatment consists of the following measures:

  • For the whole acute period sick rest is prescribed- walk less, rely on a cane. For severe bruises, especially on back side feet, apply a splint.
  • For treatment pain syndrome and manifestations of inflammation are used NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). For minor bruises and medium degree severity, they are used topically in the form of ointments. For severe injuries, systemic medications are prescribed. The most popular modern selective NSAIDs are: "Movalis", "Celebrex", "Nise", "Arcoxia". They have minimal side effects.
  • Thermal impact. After three days from the moment of injury when the risk of bleeding disappears, they are prescribed thermal procedures to accelerate healing and resorption of hematoma. Dry heat used for bruises with swelling and extensive hematoma. Use a warm heating pad, paraffin applications, blue lamp. The duration of the procedure is 40 minutes, once a day (twice is allowed for large hematomas).
  • Gymnastics is required, starting 2-3 days after injury. The exercises are first done in a gentle mode, increasing the intensity as you recover. Gymnastics helps to avoid contractures in the joints, improves microcirculation and restoration of leg function after injury.
  • Physiotherapy. Very effective in treating bruises. They allow you to quickly remove soft tissue swelling and reduce pain. The bruise goes away much faster and causes complications less often. Apply magnetic therapy, UHF, electrophoresis, laser therapy, amplipulse.
  • Massage. Prescribed after 7-10 days. Lymphatic drainage technique is prescribed if swelling and large hematomas do not resolve on their own.

If the patient feels unpleasant symptoms(pain, limited movement) or a lump remains on the leg, you can think about complications.

Self-treatment at home

Most bruises can be treated at home on your own, following recommendations from your doctor. Only physiotherapy and special massage require specialized assistance. Let's dwell on Common mistakes that patients with leg bruises make:

  • Strong rubbing of the sore spot. Such an impact only worsens the bruise and can provoke thrombophlebitis.
  • A bandage that is too tight, which reduces blood circulation and can lead to partial cell death.
  • Rapid expansion motor activity. It is better to take sick leave while recovering from an injury. If a person actively steps on the foot, it is advisable to apply a splint to limit as much as possible the contraction of the injured muscles and movement in the joints.
  • Excessive use of painkillers. They all have serious side effects, which occur with uncontrolled use of drugs.
  • Active treatment with traditional methods without consulting a doctor. Thus, many note the positive effect of alcohol compresses, which have a warming effect and resolve the hematoma faster. But it is important to remember the concentration and time of continuous exposure. Otherwise, you may get a skin burn.

Any folk way treatment of leg bruises should first be “checked” in consultation with a traumatologist.

Treatment of compaction after a bruise

If, after treatment of a bruise, a lump remains on the leg or a lump has formed inside the soft tissues that does not go away, you should immediately consult a doctor to identify the causes.

Most often, such residual effects are caused by complications of a bruise. Treatment is carried out only in a hospital, as it is often required surgery and constant medical supervision.

Complications of leg bruises

Occurs with very severe injuries, improper treatment or concomitant diseases in humans, leading to a decrease in immunity and the ability of tissues to regenerate.

Calcification of hematoma

This is traumatic myositis ossificans, when at the site of an extensive hematoma part of the cells muscle tissue is not restored, but turns into bone. Then in soft tissues a compaction is palpable. If it compresses the nerve endings, then this area can become very painful.


At severe bruise veins in the leg, its elasticity is impaired, the wall is injured, which creates the preconditions for the formation of a blood clot. This is very dangerous complication, which can result in thromboembolism and death. The patient notes a slight painful lump in the area of ​​injury. In such cases, you need to urgently contact a traumatologist or vascular surgeon, who will decide on the advisability of conservative resorption of the blood clot or surgical treatment.


With a decrease in immunity, large hematomas in the muscles can become infected with their own microflora, leading to the formation of abscesses. Most often they are localized on the calves or thigh. The person notes an increase in body temperature, severe pain, and symptoms of intoxication. Treatment is carried out with antibiotics, surgical excision damaged tissues with the creation of drainage, ensuring the outflow of pus.


Inflammation of the periosteum, which is often aseptic (without an infectious pathogen). Occurs on the front surface of the lower leg. Characterized by severe pain, increased body temperature. On x-ray a small bump is visible on the bone at the site of the bruise.

Long-term persistence of pain syndrome

This condition occurs when a person refuses rehabilitation activities. If a person does not step on his foot for a long time, metabolism in all tissues (muscle, cartilage, bone) goes to a slower pace. After resuming exercise, the cells in the leg cannot cope with their function and begin to experience hypoxia. This causes pain in an already healthy leg. This is how old bruises or fractures behave. The main way to get rid of unpleasant sensations is to constantly increase the load.

The described complications with bruises are much less common than with fractures or dislocations. The prognosis for such an injury is more favorable. But this does not mean that a person can take bruised legs lightly. Failure to comply with medical recommendations or repeated injury can lead to serious conditions and exclude a person from active life for a long time.

A set of exercises that will help you quickly recover from a leg injury


Swelling of soft tissues can occur as a result of a bruise, fracture or other injury. If it is of impressive size, it is, of course, better to immediately consult a doctor. But if it is not possible to get to the emergency room in as soon as possible, you can try to eliminate the swelling with something that is available in almost every home.

Apply a cloth soaked in cold water to the tumor as quickly as possible. This will soothe the pain and relieve swelling, as a result of which the swelling, if it does not begin to subside, will not increase in size. If there is ice in the freezer, it is better to use it. Wrap the ice in gauze or a towel and press against the tumor for 10-15 minutes.

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Please note

If swelling does not subside within 24 hours, go to the emergency room. You may have an injury that cannot be cured without the help of specialists.

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Appearance bruises(or hematoma) is associated in most cases with a blow or bruise, as a result of which blood vessels burst, and the blood remains under the skin, changes color and causes swelling. The same result can be achieved by taking certain medicines(drugs that “thin” the blood) or simply too much exposure to the sun.


Thanks to doctors or experience, many people know that ordinary bruises can disappear on their own over time (in a couple of weeks, sometimes more). As they heal, they change color from blue to darker, almost black, and then to yellow-green. It is worth noting that the lower the hematoma is, the slower it will heal. On the face, for example, it will last a week, on the leg - up to a month, and on the torso - a week or two. The reason is that the legs are higher, and therefore they bleed more strongly than the vessels or face.

You can prevent the bruise from increasing in size and relieve pain by applying ice immediately after the bruise. The cold will cause the blood vessels to contract, and accordingly, it will get into the surrounding tissues. less blood. Ice can be wrapped in and applied to the damaged area for 15-20 minutes, and then take a break. Repeat this procedure maybe every 2 hours.

The injured area of ​​the body can be re-stretched elastic bandage(especially if the hematoma is on the leg). This will also put pressure on damaged vessels, preventing the appearance of large quantity blood and will make the hematoma not so large.

Once approximately 24 hours have passed since the bruise began, heat can be applied. It is necessary precisely at this stage, since dilated blood vessels will be able to quickly disperse the fluid accumulated at the site of the bruise. Accept hot bath or, for example, apply a heating pad for 2-25 minutes. This must be done 2-3 times a day until the bruise goes away. Most importantly, do not apply heat immediately after the impact, as this will only cause swelling and increase bleeding.

In pharmacies you can buy special creams with vitamin K, which are aimed at getting rid of swelling and hematomas. It is recommended to rub the cream in immediately after the bruise, and then two or three times a day until the bruise completely disappears.

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Many women face the problem of puffy eyes. Basically, the sight of a sick face in the mirror makes you want to stay at home and skip work/school. In this case, you need to pull yourself together and help your eyes acquire healthy looking. The tools that are always at hand will help you do this.


More fluid

In general, swelling of the eyes is an accumulation of excess water. In order to get rid of the problem, you need to get rid of these excesses as quickly as possible. Watermelon, green tea and some herbs that have a diuretic effect will help cope with this.


Swelling can also be removed using your hands. Use your fingertips to press down on the skin around your eyes, grabbing the corners of your eyes and eyelids. Massage your skin with circular movements. Tap the lower eyelid and outer corner of the eye with your fingertips.

Water procedures

Wash your face with cold and hot water alternately. This will improve blood circulation and the swelling of your eyes will become much less. Instead of water, you can use ice cubes.

Swelling can be removed by accessible means- tea. Soak a cotton pad with cold, strong tea leaves and wipe your eyes with it. Better tea generally freeze, and if necessary, apply frozen pieces to sore eyes.

In addition to tea, you can use the herb eyebright, chamomile, parsley, decoctions of which help quick withdrawal edema and swelling.

If eyes are not uncommon for you, you should get a special cream or cooling gel that should be applied every morning to your eyes. problem areas. Thanks to the special composition, such cosmetics will maintain the balance of the skin around the eyes and activate the cells, thereby eliminating swelling.

Daily routine

Watch your daily routine. This will let you know that your eyes don’t have time to rest at night and the next morning they don’t give you the most aesthetically pleasing appearance in the mirror. This may mean that you are simply not getting enough sleep. Make sure that your head does not fall back or assume a horizontal position during sleep.

Excess salt leads to fluid retention in the body. If this is the case, stop using the spice or at least reduce its amount. Eat more foods that make it easier for you to lose fluid. These include bananas, raisins, and watermelons.

Video on the topic

Useful advice

Consume less caffeine: not only will it ruin your sleep, but it will also bring back bloating.

Do not apply ice or very cold water to the skin around your eyes for more than a couple of seconds.

Drink before bed less water.

The skin of the eyelids is sensitive and delicate, it reacts very sensitively to low-quality cosmetic compositions, poor lifestyle, etc. Puffy eyelids are also characteristic of a number of diseases internal organs, therefore it is necessary to eliminate the cause of swelling.

How to remove swelling in the legs? This question is more often of interest to women than to representatives of the stronger sex. After all, women suffer more from excessive accumulation of fluid in the lower extremities, in particular during the period of an “interesting” situation. But besides pregnancy, it also occurs for other reasons. In any case, such a manifestation should alert a person quite strongly. In this case, you should definitely consult with a doctor, who, after a personal examination and a series of tests, must tell the patient the real reason this unpleasant phenomenon.

But how can you remove swelling in your legs on your own if there is no way to visit a doctor in the near future? For such cases, there are several medical and traditional methods, allowing you to quickly eliminate this problem. Let's look at some of them in more detail.

How to remove swelling in the legs using pharmaceutical drugs

1. Such tablets can be found in almost every pharmacy. If you do not want to take medications and consult a doctor about this, then instead of pills you can use natural remedies in the form of a self-made decoction of lingonberries or cranberries (if desired, they can be consumed fresh). In addition, drinks such as hibiscus or green tea.

2. It is also worth noting that the answer to the question of whether on the legs may well be the use of pharmaceutical ointments, which quickly eliminate such a problem. It is advisable to apply the purchased cream in small quantities to the swollen area with light massaging movements every evening before bed. As a rule, such ointments contain menthol, which not only significantly reduces swelling, but also improves blood flow.

How to remove swelling in the legs using folk remedies

1. To fix this problem, many people use water procedures. To do this, you need to take a polyethylene basin, pour into it cool water, (the temperature should not be below 25 degrees, otherwise the person may catch a cold), and then lower your legs there and keep them there for a quarter of an hour (a little more is possible). After such activities, the swelling of the lower extremities will subside slightly. By the way, instead of a basin of water, you can simply take a contrast shower.

2. To get rid of swelling of the legs, it is also recommended to use lotions. To do this, you need to dilute one large spoon of apple cider vinegar in regular drinking water. Then moisten a cloth in the resulting liquid, which should then be used to thoroughly wipe your feet. However, this method is only allowed to be used by those who are not inclined to allergic reactions. In addition, it is not advisable to use this lotion to create it since it will have no effect anyway.

Before you quickly remove leg swelling with traditional medicine or folk remedies, it is still recommended to visit a doctor (especially pregnant women). After all, such a deviation may be a symptom of dysfunction of the kidneys or other organs.

Who hasn’t encountered such a problem as swollen feet after a hard day at work? Leg swelling is not just a cosmetic problem. Obvious, constant and regular swelling may indicate serious problems in the body. Fluid accumulates in the soft tissues of the lower extremities for various reasons.

Why do my feet swell?

  1. Often the legs swell in people who are forced to spend the whole day in a standing position. Hairdressers, chefs and salespeople know first-hand the problem of swollen feet.
  2. Legs can also swell from immobile work. If you sit in front of a computer in the office all day, your legs will swell from lack of movement.
  3. Swelling of the legs and arms often accompanies pregnant women.
  4. Your feet may swell when you put too much weight on your feet if you are overweight.
  5. Incorrect and tight shoes, high heels, uncomfortable instep - all this can cause swelling of the feet.
  6. Swelling of the legs may be a symptom cardiovascular diseases. When the heart, for some reason, cannot fully pump blood throughout the body, excess fluid accumulates in the legs.
  7. During the summer extreme heat legs can swell even in those who have never encountered such a problem.
  8. If swelling is excessive, you may need to have your kidney function checked.
  9. Legs swell in people who are sick varicose veins veins
  10. Your feet may swell if you drink a lot of fluids at night or eat excessively salty foods. Alcohol can also cause swelling in your feet.

Warm, cold and contrast baths based on various decoctions and salts is a quick and high-quality solution to the problem. If you come home from work and feel like there are pillars instead of legs, you should immediately use one of the following recipes.

  1. There is nothing better and more useful for foot bath, how sea ​​water. You can prepare it at home yourself. Boil 5 liters of water and cool the liquid to a comfortable temperature. Add a tablespoon of baking soda and three tablespoons of salt. Add two teaspoons of iodine. Mix the mixture and dip your feet into it. The bath should be taken for at least 30 minutes. Daily baths with sea ​​salt will not only relieve swelling, but also strengthen blood vessels, and also prevent the recurrence of swelling.
  2. Birch leaves are excellent excess liquid from the body. You can make a compress on your feet from steamed birch leaves. To do this, pour boiling water over birch leaves, apply the softened leaves to your feet and wrap them with plastic wrap. You can prepare a decoction from the leaves - pour boiling water over the leaves and let the decoction steep for an hour. Immerse your feet in the cooled liquid for 40 minutes so that no trace of swelling remains. Birch relieves swelling well, so if you want to remove fluid from the body, you need to take birch brooms to the bathhouse.
  3. Herbal decoctions have a positive effect on blood circulation. Prepare strong decoction from chamomile, yarrow, sage, string, coltsfoot. Make a bath based on the decoction to get rid of heaviness in your legs and relieve fatigue.
  4. To improve blood circulation, you can make contrast baths. Prepare two small bowls of moderately hot and very cold water. Dip your feet alternately into one cup and the other until they begin to burn. After some time, the feet will be bright red. This means that you managed to increase blood circulation.

How to get rid of swelling

If you often suffer from edema, you need to see a doctor - some heart diseases are practically asymptomatic. If after examination it turns out that obvious reasons there is no swelling, but your legs continue to swell - it’s worth reconsidering your lifestyle. Eating large meals and eating salty foods can retain water in the body. Eat more cereals, boiled meat, raw vegetables and fruits.

Swelling of the lower extremities can be a consequence of slagging in the body. Perhaps you need to cleanse your intestines? Review your operating hours. If you spend a lot of time on your feet, take breaks, arrange a chair at your place of work, and, if possible, sit down to rest. If, on the contrary, you are forced to study all day sedentary work– raise your legs under the table, do light gymnastics. Take a walk during your lunch break.

If your feet are swollen, it is advisable to choose comfortable and soft shoes so that your feet are not cramped. Don't wear compression stockings with a tight elastic band. When you get home, try to lie down with your feet raised above the level of your body. It is very good if someone close to you gives you a massage. Stretch your feet along the path of the blood - from the toes to the heel. Massage the shin and calf thoroughly. You need to pinch the entire length of the foot and knead it with your fist. Spend at least 5 minutes massaging each leg.

Recipes home medicine against swelling of the legs are based on taking diuretics. It is very important to use herbs to improve blood circulation and restore healthy fluid circulation in the body.

  1. An infusion of parsley root removes excess water from tissues. A tablespoon of clean and chopped parsley roots should be poured with a liter of boiling water. Let the broth brew in a thermos for several hours. Then you need to strain the broth and drink a tablespoon before each meal.
  2. Take lingonberry and bearberry leaves in equal quantities. Pour two cups of boiling water over the leaves. Boil the mixture in a water bath, then let the broth cool. You need to drink this composition during the day to prevent swelling.
  3. Potatoes, which contain a lot of starch, are an excellent remedy against fatigue and swelling of the legs. Boil the potatoes and mash them in your own broth. Then wait until the water temperature is tolerable to put your feet in it. Keep your feet warm potato broth to quickly and effectively relieve swelling. The procedure is contraindicated for people suffering from varicose veins.
  4. Watermelon will help cleanse blood vessels and remove excess water from the body. Make a fasting day on this berry. This experiment is best carried out during the natural ripening period of watermelon, that is, in September or August. Eat unlimited amounts of watermelon pulp throughout the day to improve kidney function.
  5. Flaxseed strengthens blood vessels and improves blood flow throughout the body. Pour a tablespoon of seeds into two glasses of boiling water and cook over low heat for about half an hour. Then cover with a lid and let the seeds steam. When the broth becomes warm, you need to strain it and take half a glass 3-4 times a day. For taste, you can add lemon or honey to the broth.
  6. You can improve blood circulation with the help of leeches. If you prefer to do without them, you can use pharmacy creams based on leech extract. These products perfectly relieve fatigue, swelling and heaviness from the legs.

Swelling of the legs can be eliminated by regularly taking decoctions of diuretic herbs - corn silk, linden, horsetail, birch buds. They will help you eliminate existing swelling and prevent its reappearance.

Video: swelling of the legs in the heat