The true reasons for the existence of IBD

Whether you are a boss or a subordinate, you probably have to deal with imitation of hectic activity. Do we need to fight this? There are things that are not customary to talk about. We know that it exists, but we pretend that it is not there. Imitation of violent activity, or IBD, as we will call it in the future, is just a phenomenon of this order.

A nasty need arises in our souls even in “ school years wonderful”, when cute children sit at their desks and diligently do their homework, but as soon as the teacher leaves the classroom, decent-looking schoolchildren show their true colors! The classroom is turned upside down: fighting, running, screaming and cheating. But as soon as the teacher returns, the students again quietly and diligently work on their mistakes.

People tend to want to look better in the eyes of others than they really are. Therefore, we successfully continue to apply the skills learned from childhood in adult life. Agree, aren’t you familiar with this expression: “The boss is on vacation - everyone is on vacation”?

Under the strict supervision of management, we work righteously by the sweat of our brow, but as soon as the boss leaves the office, we immediately relax, start playing solitaire, chatting on forums on the Internet and drinking tea. Alas, not each of us has the consciousness to work equally conscientiously both under supervision " all seeing eye", and without it.

But as fate would have it real life we can find ourselves in the humble role of a subordinate, and take a more advantageous position as a leader. How, in both cases, should we treat the controversial production phenomenon - the depiction of hectic activity?

What is a private capable of?

If you are a simple production soldier, you should not forget that everything secret sooner or later becomes clear. Excessive abuse of the fact that the boss is not over your soul every minute can lead to sad consequences for you, including dismissal. One fine day, the boss will realize that plans have not been fulfilled, deadlines have been missed, and the overall results of the work will not be as impressive as he expected.

It will become obvious to the manager that your sparkling gaze, active participation in team meetings, as well as waving your arms and “slapping your ears on your cheeks,” as the unforgettable Ostap Bender said, is nothing more than demonstrative work for the public.

So people who are determined to make a brilliant career are unlikely to resort to such banal methods as deceiving management. In the end he's a hack with his own with my own hands chops the branch on which he sits: professionalism does not grow, experience does not increase.

Anyone who wants to achieve real success in business has their own internal censor and controller inside. A rule that has been tested for years: “If you want to become a leader, first learn to obey!” - written in golden letters in all career manuals. That is why an employee who thinks about long-term prospects does not need a supervisor.

Simulation of vigorous activity.

However, there are situations in life when it is still necessary to depict active work activity. Vital! For example, you need to play out time, waiting for the end of the inspection commission or the departure of the hated boss to another place of work and the arrival of new management. Or you don’t feel well, but they don’t give you sick leave because your temperature is normal. After all, you have the right to just be tired! Sometimes you can allow yourself to relax.

You don’t have to bear responsibility for all the team’s problems on your shoulders. Or you felt that you have been stuck in a hopeless position and it’s time to move up to a higher level in your career. It’s better, of course, not to quit, but to go in search of a field of activity that is more interesting to you. But it is impossible to do this in parallel with current affairs...

In a word, in all these cases it is necessary to apply, in moderation, ... old school experience. It’s good if your working conditions contribute to this: say, the location of a computer monitor in an office space. If it is turned with the screen towards the wall, then you can safely send out resumes to other companies, correspond with friends and explore any sites not related to work, without fear of being taken by surprise.

By the way, when starting secret activities in the workplace, you need to be absolutely confident in the reliability of your colleagues: will they run to tell their boss? If you are not sure, it is better to act secretly, without telling others about what you are doing at work. Otherwise, IBD can become a very risky endeavor.

In addition, if you intend to imitate a purposeful employee from time to time, it will be extremely necessary for you to study the boss’s habits: what time does he come to work, when does he have lunch, does he have a habit of suddenly entering the department? Knowing the boss’s character well enough, you will be sure that you will not be caught in the act and will not be caught red-handed.

And the last thing is very great value for successful simulation of active labor activity, is artistry. Do you know how to frown and make a smart and concentrated face if the situation requires it? Your deathly frightened appearance won't give you away if your boss suddenly walks into the department? Then you can use IBD without fear.

And yet here, as in everything else, know when to stop! Avid IBD students have never been able to achieve success in their work. You know the saying: “The bad soldier is the one who doesn’t dream of becoming a general.” What should an all-powerful boss know?

So, years have passed, and you, skillfully using the imitation of vigorous activity, but without abusing it too much, deservedly took the chair of the leader. Of course, in this position you need to be not only an excellent administrator, but also a psychologist.

Do not forget about your habits and weaknesses that were characteristic of you when you were a subordinate. Do you think the people you lead think differently than you did a few years ago? Take off your rose-colored glasses! You enter the office, and employees immediately start tapping on the keyboard, calling clients on business issues and writing emails. Otherwise, not a single extraneous sound, not a single anecdote - God forbid!

There is a ringing silence of the working atmosphere above the tables. Don’t you think that every minute the atmosphere here is the same as in your presence? Of course not - you are a trusting person, but not naive... Therefore, if you want to become a good boss, you simply must take action: stop the appearance of active activity before your eyes and ensure a systematic work process.

Methods of dealing with cunning people.

It is necessary to apply several constructive ways to control the hardened IBD.

  1. Do not leave your subordinates alone for a long time - your week-long absences on business trips will inevitably affect overall results work. Alas, most people are lazy and weak. They simply don’t want to work, so you, by virtue of your position, will have to spur them on.
  2. In case of your absence, appoint a deputy in whom you are confident. He should be one of those privates who dreams of becoming a general, not prone to familiarity with colleagues and not wanting to hide their “exploits” from you.
  3. If you yourself are absent from work on personal matters, do not advertise it! This behavior shows disdain for subordinates.
  4. When giving employees a task, formulate the task clearly and indicate specific deadlines for completion, for example: “Look through the archive for last year and report tomorrow what documents are missing in it.”
  5. Allow you to go home early if the job is done.
  6. Praise people and reward them for good job bonuses. Then they have an incentive to work hard

You will have to show extraordinary instincts and psychological subtlety to catch the cunning ones. But - attention! - do not slip into total suspicion and surveillance: this is a trait of tyrants. You don't want to become one, do you?

● Never walk without a document in your hands: People with documents in their hands look like the hardest working employees. Empty-handed people look like they're going to a café or hanging around. In addition, be sure to take documents home overnight, thus creating the impression that you are working more than you actually are. ● Use your computer to appear busy: When you sit down at your computer, whine about something that's broken or inconvenient (new) software- it looks like "work" to the casual observer. At the same time, you can do anything, even remotely unrelated to work activities. If you get caught by your boss - and he definitely will - your best defense is to claim that you are learning new software/manual, thereby saving the money that would have been spent on your training.
● A messy desk: A messy desk looks like we're not working hard enough. Build piles of paperwork around your workspace. To the observer, last year's work looks the same as the current one, only the volume matters. Pile them wide and high, so that they stick out in all directions. If someone is coming to see you, bury the document you need in the middle of the pile, and only look for it intensely during the visitor's visit. ● Autoresponder: Never answer phone calls, if you have an answering machine. People call you not to give you something for nothing, but so that YOU do work for THEM. Let all calls go through an answering machine. If someone leaves a message for you and it's a job threat, respond to it during your lunch break when you know the person is out - it gives the impression that you are very responsible and conscientious.
● Appear nervous and irritable: You should try to appear nervous and irritable at all times so that your bosses get the impression that you are busy all the time. ● Leave work late: Always leave work late, especially if the boss is still there. You can read magazines and books that you always don't have time for at home. Make sure your exit path is past the boss doors. Send important messages after hours (21:35, 7:05, etc.) and during public holidays. ● Creative sigh: Sigh loudly when there are a lot of people around to give the impression that you are under terrible pressure. That's right, you've already succeeded. ● Legendary Man: It is not enough to pile a bunch of documents on the table. Place more books on the floor. Thick manuals, encyclopedias and serious periodicals- this will create a legend about you as a professional who has encyclopedic knowledge and keeps up with all the new products in your industry.
● Vocabulary building: Look through a couple of serious journals in your specialty and memorize smart concepts. Use them freely in conversations with bosses. Remember: it is not necessary to be understood, the main thing is that it will sound impressive! ● Second jacket: If you work in a large office, always leave a spare jacket on the back of your chair. It gives the impression that you are somewhere here and have stepped away for a moment. Wear a second jacket when you are walking or solving personal problems during work hours.

To create the appearance of vigorous activity, some employees resort to very cunning techniques. Other slackers manage to remain in good standing with their superiors for years and even climb the career ladder without doing anything really. How to expose such a person? Most effective ways Job simulations are discussed by users of the discussion service Quora, popular among residents of Silicon Valley. We have translated the most interesting sayings.

Night letters

Bernard Yu, co-founder of

These idle skills were honed by analysts at one bank over several years. To look busy, they walked through the corridors quickly and swiftly, as if they had some kind of purpose, almost crashing into corners. So they created the appearance that they did not even have time to calmly turn.

They also used the Outlook service, which sent emails on their behalf at 4 am. They tried to make sure that these were some meaningful messages, and not just links to interesting articles: no one will believe that you read Bloomberg all night long.

They often sighed tiredly, puffing out their cheeks, carrying a pen behind their ear, supposedly because they did not have time to run to the table. And so that no one would notice that they were aimlessly surfing the Internet, they typed some kind of gibberish while surfing online.

Tablet in hands

Russ Davis

One time, when I was a medic in the Army in the 70s, I was transferred to another base. I was assigned to one of the artillery units. There was another doctor there who liked to imitate vigorous activity. For example, he never walked through the corridors without a tablet with several sheets of paper on it. He explained this by saying that when you have something in your hands, it seems that you are busy with something. And it really worked: when we walked around the base, he was with a tablet, I was without, everyone gave me tasks, and he just walked by with a busy look.

Electronic media

Anonymous user

At my previous job, I used working time to write coursework, since I was still a student at that time. To hide the true nature of my studies, I never laid out books unrelated to my work on the table, and read all the necessary literature in PDF. Since I also needed him for work, I did not arouse the suspicion of my superiors. Moreover, they praised me for working diligently - despite the fact that I was doing 10-20 hours a week doing the wrong thing.

Serious look

John Mixon

When I talk to someone at work, I never smile. And it's not that I'm very concerned about business. When you smile, people think you have nothing better to do.

Sheet of paper

Ajay Murali

To create the appearance of work, an employee can put a piece of paper on the table and constantly write something on it, looking intently at the computer screen. In fact, there are some scribbles there.

Lunch at work

Kim Moser

If you say a few words before answering the call business phrases supposedly to someone in the office and only after that say hello, the person on the other end of the line will think that you are terribly busy.

Imitation of activity is also facilitated by the absence of a screensaver on the computer: those around you always see some documents on the screen and think that someone is working hard. Idlers may also eat at their desks, making it appear that they don't even have time to go to the cafeteria.

Knocking keys

Anonymous user

One day at work I wrote a novel. No one suspected me of being a slacker, and all because I was constantly tapping on the keyboard, and everyone thought that I was very busy.

It is quite easy to recognize someone who is deliberately engaged in imitation of vigorous activity in the workplace if we're talking about about a newcomer to his business. However, experienced malingerers often give themselves away with a certain set of behavioral patterns.

The desktop of such an employee is constantly littered with papers, folders and individual files. Colorful stickers pasted on the monitor and walls inform about fifty urgent tasks that need to be completed in as soon as possible. If you look at workplace person, then the thought of being very busy suggests itself, but this is exactly what he wants to achieve. It is quite problematic to work in a cluttered workspace, but it also perfectly hides frankly low levels of personal effectiveness.

To others hallmark A skilled imitator is a duty folder with documents in his hands. Wherever he goes, his papers, as well as his constantly busy appearance, are always with him. Moreover, some experienced malingerers take this “accessory” home, so that their colleagues and, most importantly, their management will notice.

Various meetings rarely take place without the active participation of such an employee. He considers it important to speak out on almost every point, actively asks questions, puts forward his ideas about what is happening and in every possible way creates the impression that he cares about every little thing related to the production process.

Working hours The imitator often goes beyond the established hours. Arriving earlier than others and leaving later is a simple technique with which the manager should form an opinion about the exceptional performance of such an employee. The main goal is not to remain in the shadows and bring this to the attention of your boss.

Almost everyone has encountered a similar category of colleagues or from time to time resorted to some of the techniques mentioned above. Even a cursory listing of the most common signs of imitation of vigorous activity suggests that this phenomenon is quite common. Colleagues often mistake such people for workaholics who are sincerely devoted to their work, but in reality this is not entirely true.

Where do they come from?

Imitation of active labor activity is especially relevant in large companies, where it is sometimes quite difficult to track the true effectiveness of each individual employee, and there are also a large number of duplicate or redundant positions.

But if this phenomenon is so global, then there must be reasons that cause it. The most common factors identified by HR management experts are:

1. Low level motivation. This is the most popular explanation for the fact that some employees, instead of direct professional responsibilities They begin to look very busy.

In any case there must be a certain driving force, incentives. If an employee is confident that high-quality work will bring him financial rewards, real prospects career growth and increased professionalism, then the return will be appropriate. But when all these bonuses do not have a direct connection with his activities, simple logic will suggest the path of least resistance.

If hopes for a promotion are very vague, and the bonus system does not have clear rules, then such an employee simply will not have reasons to take on additional work, as well as reasons to perform his immediate duties efficiently.

2. Uninteresting work or inconsistency with professional preferences. The most problematic part of malingerers are those who are forced to do something they don’t like. The reasons can be very different - from dissatisfaction with a particular place of work to a mistake in choosing a profession.

If an employee is engaged in a job that is uninteresting to him or some duties irritate him, he will take every opportunity to reduce the intensity of his activity. As a result of such maneuvers, you will be able to find some free time - it will be used for personal purposes (at the expense of the company, of course).

An employee who is unable to satisfy his need for a certain form work or realize professional ambitions in a given organization, and at the same time not wanting to lose a lucrative salary, will certainly imitate active work.

3. Large quantity additional responsibilities not related to the functionality of the position. Getting started with your job responsibilities, most workers have a clear idea of ​​what exactly their activities are paid for and what is not. And if the flow of “voluntary-obligatory” cases increases, and no material or other compensation follows, then sooner or later people begin to imitate. The logic is simple: if they don’t appreciate it, then why give it your all?

Moreover, we are not always talking about financial compensation. The prospect of career growth, the possibility of internships abroad or family holidays at the expense of the company are also assessed quite positively as a compensation package.

4. Inconsistency between working hours and volume of tasks. One of the reasons for pretending is a large amount of free time and its discrepancy with the amount of work performed. If an employee manages to do everything in the first half of the day, then for the rest of the day he simply has nothing to do.

Leafing through a magazine in the workplace is fraught with a reprimand, fine or dismissal, but spending these hours without catching the eye of management is somehow necessary. And here the duty folders with documents, feverish tapping on the computer keyboard and other tricks come to the rescue.

As a rule, office simulators do not have the most high motivation To effective work, and their salary does not directly depend on the amount of work performed.

5. Excessive bureaucratization in the team. Traditions and corporate norms also have an impact on those who have chosen the difficult path of pretending to be active. As practice shows, companies often have entire departments whose personnel are constantly engaged in demonstrative work. This is especially true for large budgetary institutions, With a large number paper reporting. But situations of this kind often arise when employees are confident that management expects just such actions from them.

If an employee’s salary is formed directly from indicators of his personal effectiveness, then imitation of work activity in such conditions is the shortest path to a low salary. It is easy to track the personal productivity of each employee if he is paid for increasing sales volume or the number of new clients attracted. These indicators do not depend on ostentatious efficiency and reflect the actual results of work.

When a team values ​​most of all the way a person shows his attitude towards work, the inevitable deliberate demonstration of this can become the source of many problems. A large number of all kinds of interim reports, memos and explanatory notes, as well as unnecessary planning sessions, briefings and meetings make employees want to achieve “high” results on paper, and not in reality.

How to fight?

Imitators steal company time, a resource that has a clearly defined material equivalent. But at the same time, many organizations have developed a kind of immunity that allows them to identify the pest in time and resist its tricks.

1. Increasing employee motivation, attention to their needs. Sometimes management gets too carried away with the originality of motivational techniques and forgets to pay attention to the true needs of their employees. Non-standard forms of conducting

team building are not as effective as bonuses for a specific increase in sales volume. Indeed, what is more pleasant for most: falling from eyes closed into the arms of your colleague during training or receiving a family voucher to a recreation center?

Paying attention to what is a significant motivating factor for a person can solve many problems, and stimulation in this case is the best way to combat malingering.

2. Correct positioning tasks. Agree that tasks formulated vaguely are quite difficult to complete. In addition, if the deadlines for completion are not clearly defined and specific quantitative indicators are not indicated, the case may completely freeze. The system of verbal orders also quite often provides a convenient loophole for imitators.

But excuses like “you didn’t say so” do not work if the task was formulated in writing, indicating the responsible persons, the deadlines for the work and the expected final result. If you put in front of the simulator specific task in this format, the number of bright stickers around the monitor will be of little use, which means you will still have to work.

3. Monitoring the performance of work. Often, the first reaction of an employer after identifying an imitator of active activity is the decision to fire him. However, he is not always evil for the company; perhaps its activity is simply being misused.

If you analyze the behavior of the malingerer, it may well turn out that it was not characteristic of him initially. This style of work can arise from a certain period, often coinciding with changes in the team, innovations in job descriptions or underestimation on the part of management. If this is confirmed, the problem will be eliminated by increasing the level of motivation: a transfer to a position that is more consistent with his personal qualities, or a bonus will have a beneficial effect on the person’s real effectiveness.

But if we are talking about a “natural” imitator of vigorous activity, then we will have to accept tough measures. Greatest effect give a clear time frame within which the employee must achieve certain quantitative indicators. Of course, this should not resemble punitive sanctions: his personal work plan should not differ from similar indicators of his colleagues.

Imitation of vigorous activity in the workplace is a common phenomenon, especially in large companies, mainly arising in response to an increase in the volume of professional responsibilities. It should be remembered that an employee who is too involved in such a role sooner or later begins to lose his key skills. The time spent simulating work could be successfully spent on self-development and conquering new professional heights.

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Imitation of activity (IA) is a behavioral stereotype consisting of numerous empty actions aimed solely at justifying inaction, and not at achieving a set goal.

Why imitate work?

It would seem that what is incomprehensible here? A person imitates vigorous activity in order to receive wages without straining. This is partly true. However, it is also worth thinking about the fact that by posing as a Stakhanovite and creating the image of a constantly busy worker, an employee spends a lot of energy and effort that he could direct to the implementation of the tasks assigned to him.

The purpose of simulating an activity is to show the importance and necessity of the work done, and especially the gigantic volume of this very work done.

The main driving force when simulating activities is the ineradicable belief that sooner or later management will notice the hero and increase the salary / pay a bonus / promote or otherwise reward the employee. However, knowledge of this fact in no way stops the adherent of imitation of activity, but only instills in him the idea that “he should have worked harder and better.”

1. Types of imitators

In almost every team you can meet representatives of this category of employees. Colleagues often mistake such people for workaholics who are sincerely devoted to their work. Although the goals of imitators are similar, according to their methods of behavior they can be divided into several types, while main characteristic-- absence real results work - will be inherent in all types.

A) Processor.

Such an employee is constantly busy, and exclusively with his work. Carefully studies every little detail, draws up plans, projects, writes letters, coordinates tasks, ponders possible options. He can talk for a long time about what should be done and how and why it is impossible to do it now. All energy and time are spent on theoretical calculations, but all efforts, conversations and mental storming do not bring results.

Employees of this type masterfully imitate highest level competence and manage to sow disbelief at all levels in the possibility of changing anything. The company's management is forced to put up with chronic "impossibilities" and is slowly beginning to believe that this is truly impossible.

Often these people create for themselves the aura of being irreplaceable, and it can be very difficult for a manager to believe that the work of such a “specialist” is unproductive. But if a practitioner (who is often unable to reason as smoothly as his predecessor) takes the place of the theorist-imitator and does what he could not do for many years, then the essence of the simulator will become obvious.

How to identify a process simulator?

The employee is good at what he does. He constantly offers new and new options, plans for improvement and improvement of the process in which he is engaged. Often and for a long time talks about problems that impede the achievement of results. But, despite all the “efforts,” he chronically fails to achieve results.

B) Schemer.

A representative of this type is a good communicator and continuously communicates with all key employees of the company. He is not interested in the results of his work. The main goal is to achieve maximum personal influence within the company, to always be in sight of management. The schemer needs personal power. As a result of the activities of the imitator-schemer, some employees sincerely believe in his good intentions. The other part, which understands the true state of affairs, is sometimes unable to resist it. The schemer is “covered” from all sides by very correct words and the trust of management. His behavior provokes scandals, revelations, personnel changes, etc. As a result, truly functional people begin to leave the company, which leads to negative consequences for the team as a whole.

How to diagnose a copycat schemer?

There are always double standards in relation to such a person. Such people are demonstratively loyal and talk not about what actually is, but about how it should be. They gather plankton and non-functional people around them, while functional employees, on the contrary, avoid such companies.

B) A lover of truth.

The main feature of this type of imitator is high emotionality and demonstrativeness. They “support the cause with all their hearts.” They consider themselves guardians of corporate traditions. Only they know “what’s right.” They see all the shortcomings, voice them loudly and fight them fiercely. These people are best described by the famous saying: “The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

The result of their activities is the constant distraction of colleagues and managers from their work. It is very important for them to prove themselves at every specific moment, but they essentially don’t give a damn about the matter. The business and interests of the company are just a reason for self-expression. Unlike an intriguer, a truth-seeking imitator most often does not pursue any specific egoistic goals. His job is to be the center of attention.

How to identify a truth-seeking imitator?

Increased emotionality when discussing problems and any work issues. A high degree of emotional reaction to problems and an inability to restrain oneself. Concentration on finding flaws and criticism to the detriment of finding solutions and achieving results.

2. Reasons for the occurrence of imitation of activity

Let's consider a number of reasons:

· Imitation due to laziness - the employee simply does not want to work

An employee’s salary does not depend on how well or poorly, productively or unproductively he performs his duties. Therefore, there is no point in trying too hard.

Lack of enough work

The issue of prestige to have a personal secretary, a separate accountant and a personal consultant forces one to hire employees who are superfluous for production process, who have to imitate work enthusiasm. They simply have nothing else to do, because useful work Others are busy, but I don’t want to lose my place. An employee cannot satisfy his ambitions and be realized in his work. This leads to a depressing feeling of discomfort, which provokes the employee to imitate the activity and subsequent departure from the company.

· Distrust of a subordinate on the part of the manager

Even if you promote trust as an element corporate culture company, but at the same time treat subordinates as thieves and deceivers, employees will get tired of proving the opposite and will actually begin to steal and deceive. And it’s easier to start by stealing working time, imitating doing your own work.

· The employee’s work is assessed inadequately

Without receiving feedback from management about their work, many think about their importance and try to stand out in any way: from frantically improving the quality of work to sabotage (if you don’t notice, okay, I’ll pretend that I’m working).

· Fatigue

Another reason why a person pretends more than he works may be that he is simply tired. Send him on vacation. This often helps.

3. Signs of imitation of vigorous activity

Signs of imitation of activity include:

1. Excessive fuss. You have never seen an employee at rest. If he is heading somewhere, he moves either at a fast pace or even runs.

2. Excessive activity. The person speaks quickly, bursts with ideas, fusses, gives advice to colleagues left and right, and shows full awareness of everything that happens in the company.

3. The employee’s workplace is either a complete mess or strange. organized system. On the one hand, a lot of papers are scattered on the table, in which the employee tirelessly rummages. On the other hand, the computer monitor is slightly less than completely covered with colored sticky notes that list upcoming tasks. This makes the workplace more solid. You can see with the naked eye: the man is all about business. There is no time to even tidy up the table.

4. The person always looks very tired and irritated. His slightly sloppy appearance will eloquently tell you that the employee has absolutely no time to do his appearance, as he is completely absorbed in work.

5. An employee can look at the monitor with a pensive look for half a day, but as soon as the boss passes nearby, he frantically begins to minimize the browser windows.

6. A person comes to work early and is the last to leave.

7. An employee almost constantly takes work home, leaving the office with an impressive stack of papers.

8. The employee does his best to make his colleagues understand that he works at odd hours: he asks professional questions at night, on weekends and on holidays, thereby making it clear that 8 hours of work is not the limit for him.

Naturally, all of the above signs can reveal not only an imitator, but also a real workaholic who really works day and night. However, the described behavior of a workaholic is accompanied by more than specific professional achievements.

In addition, if you really ask a working person what he is doing right now, he will answer more than specifically. The one who only imitates vigorous activity, despite apparent diligence, cannot boast of outstanding labor indicators, and answers vaguely when asked about current work, tries to change the topic or divert attention to other issues.

4. Methods for dealing with imitators in your team

If you find that one or even more of your employees are faking activity, you have several options. The first thing you want to do is, of course, deal with the quitter, fine or even fire him. This is one of the most obvious options. However, is it worth doing? Try to analyze how useful an employee is to your company. Also remember whether this behavior has always characterized him.

If from the day he joined the company a person has done nothing but fuss, and there is not much real success in his work, you can think about quitting. Call the employee for a conversation. Give him a list of his real merits and compare with the number of tasks assigned. Find out why your orders are not being carried out and give 2-3 months to correct the situation. If nothing changes at the end of this period, fire. imitator motivation leader schemer

If the situation is such that initially a promising and talented employee came to work for you, ready to work and develop, and after some time the enthusiasm subsided, you will have to find out what is the reason for such a decline. Perhaps the employee is dissatisfied with the working conditions, poorly motivated or not provided with the required amount of work. A frank conversation will likely help resolve disagreements and restore the person's confidence that their work is valued. And if this conversation is supported by actions on your part aimed at improving conditions, you will soon again have a loyal employee who shows high results.

1. Don't forget to motivate employees.

2. Clearly define the scope of authority of each employee.

3. Clearly formulate goals, objectives, results and deadlines for completing a particular task. Also, do not forget to mention what reward awaits the employee if he successfully copes (bonus, increase, etc.)

4. Don't leave employees' successes unattended. Encourage them.

5. Formulate the tasks and deadlines for completing the work in writing (according to email or in Internet instant messengers.) This will eliminate such reasons for non-fulfillment of your instructions as “I forgot” or “you didn’t tell.”

6. Take an interest in the affairs and current mood of your subordinates. This will allow you to respond to their needs in a timely manner.

7. Monitor the execution of your orders. Arrange periodic summaries of the work of departments and each individual employee. But don't go overboard with reporting. If instead of working, an employee is forced to fill out lengthy reports every day, this will lead him to think that you do not trust him. Besides, excessive documentation has never made anyone happy.

In general, if imitation of vigorous activity has become a general phenomenon in your organization, then it’s time to reconsider your views on personnel policy and enterprise management.

5. 9 rules for simulating activities at work

1. Never walk without a document in your hands.

People with documents in their hands look like the hardest working employees. Empty-handed people look like they're going to a café or hanging around. In addition, be sure to take documents home overnight, thus creating the impression that you are working more than you actually are.

2. Use your computer to look busy.

Sitting down at the computer, whining about the malfunction or inconvenience of the (new) software - it looks like “work” to the casual observer. At the same time, you can do anything, even remotely unrelated to work activities. If you get caught by your boss - and he definitely will - your best defense is to claim that you are learning new software/manual, thereby saving the money that would have been spent on training you.

3. A mess on the table.

A tidy desk looks like we're not working hard enough. Build piles of paperwork around your workspace. To the observer, last year's work looks the same as the current one, only the volume matters. Pile them wide and high, so that they stick out in all directions. If someone is coming to see you, bury the document you need in the middle of the pile, and only look for it intensely during the visitor's visit.

4. Autoresponder.

Never answer the phone if you have an answering machine. People call you not to give you something for nothing, but so that YOU do work for THEM. Let all calls go through an answering machine. If someone leaves a message for you and it threatens your job, respond to it during your lunch break when you know the person is out—this will make you appear to be very responsible and conscientious.

5. Look nervous and irritable.

You should try to appear nervous and irritated at all times, so that your bosses get the impression that you are always busy.

6. Leave work late.

Always leave work late, especially if the boss is still there. You can read magazines and books that you always don't have time for at home. Make sure your exit path is past the boss doors. Send important messages after hours (21:35, 7:05, etc.) and during public holidays.

7. Creative sigh.

Sigh loudly when there are a lot of people around to give the impression that you are under terrible pressure.

8. The man is a legend.

It's not enough to pile a bunch of documents on your desk. Place more books on the floor. Thick manuals, encyclopedias and serious periodicals are best - this will create a legend about you as a professional who has encyclopedic knowledge and keeps up with all the new products in your industry.

9. Building a dictionary.

Look through a couple of serious journals in your specialty and memorize smart concepts. Use them freely in conversations with bosses. Remember: it is not necessary to be understood, the main thing is that it will sound impressive!


There are several constructive ways to control habitual imitators.

You will have to show extraordinary instincts and psychological subtlety to catch the cunning ones. But - attention! - do not slip into total suspicion and surveillance: this is a trait of tyrants.

Do not leave your subordinates alone for a long time - your weekly absences on business trips will inevitably affect the overall results of work. Alas, most people are lazy and weak. They simply don’t want to work, so you, by virtue of your position, will have to spur them on.

In case of your absence, appoint a deputy in whom you are confident. He should be one of those privates who dreams of becoming a general, not prone to familiarity with colleagues and not wanting to hide their “exploits” from you.

If you yourself are absent from work on personal matters, do not advertise it! This behavior shows disdain for subordinates.

When giving employees a task, formulate the task clearly and indicate specific deadlines for completion, for example: “Look through the archive for last year and report tomorrow what documents are missing in it.”

Allow you to go home early if the job is done.

Praise people and reward them for good work with bonuses. Then they have an incentive to work hard

Imitation of work can only bring tangible losses modern companies, both global giants and regional-scale companies. All organizations have something in common - their employees are very busy with everything but working for the company that pays them a salary. Whatever you say, the company, and even the state, loses money every minute that the employee spends on himself during working hours.


1. Odegov Yu.G, Zhuravlev P.V. Personnel management: Textbook for universities. - M.: Finstatinform, 2007.

2. Meskon M.H., Albert M., Khedouri F. Fundamentals of management: Trans. from English-M.: “Delo”, 2002.

3. Kruglov M.I. Company management. - M.: Business literature, 2002. - 758 p.

4. Utkin E.A. Management course. M.: Mirror, 2002.- 340 p.

5. Parkinson S. The Art of Management. - M., 2000.

6. Siegert W., Lang L. Lead without conflict. - M., 2010.

7. Drucker P. Effective manager. - M., 2004.

Posted on


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